Water Resources LICENCE TO ABSTRACT WATER Environment Act 1995 Water Resources Act 1991 as amended by the Water Act 2003 Water Resources (Abstraction and Impounding) Regulations 2006 IMPORTANT NOTES Need for safekeeping This licence is an important document. The permission or right to abstract water may be valuable to your landholding. So • Keep the licence safe, preferably with your deeds etc. • Take careful note of the comments below about “transfer and apportionment” and “death and bankruptcy”. This is to ensure that the permission and any rights granted by the licence continue if you need to pass it on to someone else. If you want to: • revoke (cancel) the licence; • vary (change/amend) the licence in any way or • change your contact address (but you continue to hold the licence). Please write to WR Permitting Support, PO Box 4209, Sheffield, S9 9BS Details of this licence are placed on a register, kept by the Environment Agency and open for inspection by the public. The public may also obtain further details about it by virtue of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (see also Disclosure of Information) except in special cases (for advice please contact us at the address shown on the front page of the licence). Transfer and apportionment If you need to pass this licence or any part of it to someone else, you must contact the Environment Agency and obtain the appropriate application forms. Temporary licences cannot be transferred or apportioned. The licence holder remains responsible for compliance with the terms of the licence and any charges payable until the licence has been transferred or apportioned. Death or bankruptcy of the licence holder If a licence has been ‘vested’ in you, as a result of the death or bankruptcy of the licence holder, please contact the Environment Agency in writing, telling us the licence number(s) and the date that the licence vested in you as a personal representative or trustee of the licence holder. This is necessary in order to enable you to subsequently transfer the licence. ‘Vesting’ is the transfer of responsibility and ownership of a licence when an existing licence holder is no longer able to hold the licence either through death or bankruptcy. You do not have to complete a form, but you must notify us in writing within 15 months of the date of vesting, giving the full names of all personal representatives or trustees and a contact address. Time limits Your licence may be subject to a time limit (stated on the front of your licence). All new abstraction licences are legally required to include a time limit. For variations to licences, time limits are added in accordance with our policy. The duration of a time limit is determined in accordance with our time limiting policy. The time limit is linked to the next or subsequent review of water resources within a Catchment Abstraction Management Strategy (CAMS). There will be a presumption of renewal providing three tests are met: environmental sustainability is not in question; there is continued justification of need; and water is being used efficiently. Any application for renewal will still be subject to the normal statutory considerations. If your licence is time limited and you wish to renew it when it expires, you will need to apply for a new licence to replace the existing one. You are advised to submit this application at least three months before it expires. To allow you to give early consideration to this, we will send you a reminder approximately 18 months before the expiry date. If your licence cannot be renewed, we will endeavour to give at least six years notice. We will also endeavour to give at least six years notice where the licence is likely to be renewed on different terms and will significantly impact upon the use of the licence. In exceptional circumstances, for example where there are other overriding statutory duties such as the Habitats Regulations, it may not be possible to provide six years notice. Charges Unless specifically exempted, we may levy an annual CHARGE for water AUTHORISED to be abstracted by this licence, in accordance with our abstraction charges scheme in force at the time. The licence may be revoked if charges are not paid. Quantity and quality of water You must not abstract more than the quantity specified in the licence. The Environment Agency does not, by issue of this licence or otherwise, in any way guarantee that the source of supply will produce the quantity of water authorised to be abstracted by this licence, nor that the water is fit for its intended use. The quantity of water authorised for abstraction is given in cubic metres. One cubic metre is approximately 220 gallons. (The precise conversion is 1 cubic metres = 219.969 gallons). Source of supply and authorised point of abstraction You may abstract from the point(s) specified in the licence and from no other points. If you want to add or change the authorised point(s) of abstraction, you must apply to us to vary the licence. Land on which water is authorised to be used Where this condition applies, you may only use the water you abstract on the area specified in the licence. You must apply to us to vary the licence if you wish to extend or alter this area or remove it. Purpose for which water is authorised to be used You may only use the water for the purpose(s) specified in the licence. You must apply to us to vary the licence if you wish to add to or change the purpose(s). Offences Under the Water Resources Act 1991 it is an offence:• to abstract water, or cause or permit any other person to abstract water, unless the abstraction is authorised by and in accordance with an abstraction licence, or is subject to an exemption; • to do anything to enable abstraction, or to increase abstraction, except in accordance with an abstraction licence or exemption; • to fail to comply with the conditions of an abstraction licence. Note in particular that it may be a condition of the licence to maintain the meter or other measuring device etc. and failure to do so will be an offence; • to interfere with a meter or other device which measures quantities of water abstracted so as to prevent it from measuring correctly; • to fail to provide information which we have reasonably required for the purpose of carrying out any of the Environment Agency’s water resources functions; • to knowingly make false statements for the purpose of obtaining a licence or consent or in giving required information. The requirement for a licence is subject to some exemptions, set out in the Water Resources Act 1991 as amended. If in any doubt as to whether you need a licence, contact us at the address shown at the bottom of the front page of the licence. Right of appeal If you are dissatisfied with our decision on your licence application, you may appeal. If you are in England, you should write to the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, care of The Planning Inspectorate at: Room 4/19 Eagle Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN. If you are in Wales, you should write to The National Assembly for Wales care of The Planning Inspectorate at: Crown Buildings, Cathays Park, Cardiff, CF10 3NQ. You must serve notice of appeal within 28 days of the date of receipt of this licence (although the Secretary of State and The National Assembly have power to allow a longer period for serving notice of appeal). See Water Resources Act 1991, section 43. Disclosure of information Information about this licence is available in the public Register held by the Environment Agency. Members of the public are also entitled to ask us for other “environmental information” it holds, including any activities likely to affect “the state of any water” or any “activities or other measures designed to protect it”. That would include the information additional to the licence document e.g. any related agreement or abstraction returns. In certain restricted circumstances it is possible to claim that information should be kept confidential. If you require more information about keeping this information off the public register because it is confidential, please contact us by writing to the address shown on the front page of the licence within 28 days of receiving this licence. Licence Serial No: NW/072/0526/002 Please quote the serial number in all correspondence about this licence FULL LICENCE TO ABSTRACT WATER The Environment Agency (“the Agency”) grants this licence to:- Halton Lune Hydro Limited Rectory Cottages Foundry Lane Halton-On-Lune Lancaster LA2 6LT (“the Licence Holder”) Industrial and Provident Society registration number: 32233R This licence authorises the licence holder to abstract water from the source of supply described in the Schedules of Conditions to this licence and subject to the provisions of the Schedules. The licence commences from the effective date shown below and shall remain in force until the date of expiry shown below subject to condition 9.2.3. Date of issue ........................... 16 December 2013 Signed Date effective .......................... 16 December 2013 Matthew Wales Permitting Team Leader Date of expiry................................. 31 March 2029 Environment Agency Permitting and Support Centre Water Resources Team Quadrant 2 99 Parkway Avenue Parkway Business Park Sheffield S9 4WF The licence should be kept safe and its existence disclosed on any sale of the property to which it relates. Please read the ‘important notes’ on the cover to this licence. Note: References to "the map" are to Map A and Map B which form part of this licence. References to “the Agency” are to the Environment Agency or any successor body. Environment Act 1995 Water Resources Act 1991 as amended by the Water Act 2003 Water Resources (Abstraction and Impounding) Regulations 2006 Licence Serial No: NW/072/0526/002 SCHEDULE OF CONDITIONS A 1. SOURCE OF SUPPLY 1.1 Inland water known as the River Lune at Forge Bank Weir, Halton, Lancaster. 2. POINTS OF ABSTRACTION 2.1 At National Grid References SD 51262 64750 marked ‘Intake’ on Map A. 3. MEANS OF ABSTRACTION 3.1 Gravity flow to the hydropower scheme constructed in accordance with the conditions of this licence. 4. PURPOSE OF ABSTRACTION 4.1 Power production: hydroelectric. 5. PERIOD OF ABSTRACTION 5.1 All year. 6. MAXIMUM QUANTITY OF WATER TO BE ABSTRACTED 6.1 43,200 cubic metres per hour 1,036,800 cubic metres per day 249,765,120 cubic metres per year At an instantaneous rate not exceeding 12,000 litres per second. 7. MEANS OF MEASUREMENT OF WATER ABSTRACTED 7. For the 28 days following commissioning of the scheme, the Licence Holder shall determine the quantity of water abstracted using the method specified in condition 7.1. Thereafter, the Licence Holder shall determine the quantity of water abstracted using either the method specified in condition 7.1 or if agreed in writing by the Agency, the method specified in condition 7.3. 7.1 The Licence Holder shall determine the quantity of water abstracted by reference to the kilowatt-hours generated, as measured by a kilowatt-hours meter multiplied by the conversion factor calculated using the method specified in the Calculation Checklist in Schedule C of this licence. 7.2 (i) No abstraction shall take place unless the Licence Holder has completed the Calculation Checklist in Schedule C for the first turbine and submitted it in writing to the Agency and the Agency has approved that conversion factor in writing. (ii) Abstraction for the purpose of operating the second turbine shall not take place unless the Licence Holder has completed the Calculation Checklist in Schedule C for both turbines and submitted it in writing to the Agency and the Agency has approved that conversion factor in writing. (iii) The Licence Holder shall retain supporting documentation relating to details of the methodology and calculations used to convert electricity generated to the quantities abstracted and make them available to the Agency on request. Page 2 of 19 Licence Serial No: 7.3 NW/072/0526/002 (i) The Licence Holder shall use the straight section of the turbine tailrace structure to measure quantities of water abstracted. (ii) The Licence Holder shall measure the water level in the turbine tailrace channel using the water level sensor labelled LS4a&LS4b on drawing HLH 004 Issue H Final titled ‘Proposed plan and detail’ and specified in condition 9.3. (iii) The Licence Holder shall correlate the water level measurements with the abstraction rates using spot gaugings as specified in condition 9.6 and shall submit the calculation used to convert water level to abstraction rate to the Agency in writing. (iv) The Licence Holder shall not use this method of measuring the quantity of water abstracted unless the Agency has approved the calculation used to convert water level to abstraction rate in writing. 8. RECORDS 8.1 (i) The Licence Holder shall record readings of the quantity of water abstracted at the same time each day, as determined using the method specified in condition 7 or within such minor amendment to those intervals as may be approved by the Agency in writing. (ii) The Licence Holder shall record readings of the electrical output every 15 minutes or within such minor amendment to those intervals as may be approved by the Agency in writing. (iii) The Licence Holder shall send to the Agency a copy of the records required by (i) and (ii) above within 28 days after 31 March in each year, and also within 28 days of the Agency requiring it to do so in writing. (iv) The Licence Holder shall keep all records for at least 6 years, and shall allow the Agency to inspect them during all reasonable hours. 9. FURTHER CONDITIONS Definitions 9.1.1 For the purpose of this licence, references to “hydropower scheme” means all works that include: one or two axial flow propeller type turbines; associated intake works; intake sluice gates; intake fish screen and by-wash; fish pass, counter and fish trap structure; eel pass and trap; tailrace structure; and outfall fish screen. 9.1.2 For the purpose of this licence, references to “drawings” shall mean the following drawings appended to this licence: (i) drawing number HLH 004 Issue H Final titled Proposed plan and detail dated 11 October 2013; (ii) drawing number HLH005C titled Sectional Elevation revision C dated 17 June 2013; (iii) drawing number HLH006A titled N. E. Elevation revision A dated 27 February 2013. 9.1.3 For the purpose of this licence, references to “fish pass” shall mean the Larinier type fish pass, fish counter and fish trap structure outlined in the drawings. Page 3 of 19 Licence Serial No: NW/072/0526/002 Construction 9.2.1 The Licence Holder shall construct, operate and maintain the hydropower scheme in accordance with the drawings and in accordance with Map B titled Forge Weir submitted to the Agency on 8 February 2013 and appended to this licence, or such minor amendments to those documents that are accepted in writing by the Agency prior to the date of commencement of construction. 9.2.2 (i) Prior to construction of the hydropower scheme commencing, the Licence Holder shall give 14 inclusive calendar days notice in writing to the Agency at the address on this licence of its intention to commence the authorised works. (ii) The Licence Holder shall confirm to the Agency in writing that the hydropower scheme has been constructed in accordance with the drawings and Map B and the conditions of this licence. No abstraction shall take place until the Agency has approved the Licence Holder's written confirmation in writing. 9.2.3 This licence shall cease to be of any effect if the abstraction it authorises has not commenced by 16 December 2016 9.2.4 The Licence Holder shall only carry out hydraulic breaking, drilling and/or grinding of bedrock between 1 December and 28 February inclusive in any year, or within such minor amendment to that period that the Agency may agree in writing. Measurement of water levels, speeds and flows 9.3.1 No abstraction shall take place unless the Licence Holder has provided and installed water level sensors and backup duplicate sensors at the locations listed in the table below and marked on the drawings, with such minor variations as may be agreed in writing by the Agency: Label on drawing HLH 004 Issue H Final titled ‘Proposed plan and detail’ (i) LS1a LS1b duplicate (ii) LS2a&LS2b (ii) LS4a&LS4b Location River Lune immediately upstream of the abstraction point Immediately downstream of the intake fish screen Straight section of the turbine tailrace 9.3.2 The Licence Holder shall install the water level sensors to British Standard ISO748 or an equivalent standard so as to be capable of continuous measurement. 9.3.3 Each of the water level sensors specified in condition 9.3.1 shall be connected to a logger which accurately measures the water level every minute, and records the average water level every 15 minutes or within such minor amendments to those intervals as may be approved in writing by the Agency. Page 4 of 19 Licence Serial No: NW/072/0526/002 9.3.4 The Licence Holder shall send to the Agency a copy of the records required by 9.3.3 above within 28 days after 31 March in each year, and also within 28 days of the Agency requiring it to do so in writing. 9.3.5 The Licence Holder shall keep each record, and make the records available during all reasonable hours for inspection by the Agency for at least 6 years. 9.4.1 No abstraction shall take place unless the Licence Holder has installed to British Standard ISO4373 or an equivalent standard, a gauge board to measure the water level in the River Lune immediately upstream of the abstraction point. The gauge board shall be located such that readings of the water level are clearly visible from the river bank at a precise location to be approved in writing by the Agency. 9.4.2 Before abstraction commences the Licence Holder shall clearly mark on the gauge board the water level that corresponds to the hands off flow as determined using the method specified in condition 9.7. 9.5 The Licence Holder shall monitor and maintain the devices specified in conditions 9.3 and 9.4 in such a condition, and if necessary replace them, so as to ensure that accurate measurements are recorded at all times. 9.6.1 The Licence Holder shall take and record spot gaugings of the flow rate and velocity across a full range of abstraction rates. 9.6.2 The Licence Holder shall carry out the spot gaugings at the following locations: (i) Immediately upstream of the intake fish screen; (ii) In the turbine tailrace channel; (iii) In the channel immediately downstream of the outfall fish screen; (iv) In the hydropower scheme fish pass. 9.6.3 The Licence Holder shall correlate the water levels measured by the sensors specified in condition 9.3 with the abstraction rates gauged in the turbine tailrace channel. 9.6.4 The Licence Holder shall carry out the spot gauging and correlate the water level sensors within 28 days of: (i) the scheme being commissioned; and (ii) the second turbine being commissioned; and (iii) being so requested in writing by the Agency. 9.6.5 Each record shall be kept and be made available during all reasonable hours for inspection by the Agency for at least 6 years. Hands-off flow 9.7.1 No abstraction shall take place when the flow in the River Lune over Forge Bank Weir is equal to or less than 4.74 cubic metres per second and the abstraction shall not cause the flow over the weir to fall below that rate. 9.7.2 (i) The Licence Holder shall calculate the flow specified in condition 9.7.1 by means of a stage discharge formula. The stage discharge formula shall correlate water levels measured and recorded immediately upstream of the abstraction point as specified in condition 9.3 with flow data from the Agency’s gauging station on the River Lune at Caton. Page 5 of 19 Licence Serial No: NW/072/0526/002 (ii) No abstraction shall take place unless the Licence Holder has submitted the stage discharge formula to the Agency and the Agency has provided its written approval. (iii) Thereafter the Licence Holder shall review the stage discharge formula annually or when requested to do so by the Agency in writing. The Licence Holder shall submit these calculations to the Agency within 28 days after 31 March in each year, or within 28 days of the Agency requiring it to do so in writing. (iv) The Licence Holder shall keep all records for at least 6 years, and shall allow the Agency to inspect them during all reasonable hours. 9.7.3 The Licence Holder shall programme the hydropower scheme’s automated control system to ensure the operation of the turbines and intake sluice gates are in compliance with the hands-off flow and level specified in condition 9.7.1 and 9.7.2 and the quantities specified in condition 6.1. Operation of turbines 9.8.1 (i) In the event that the automated control system fails the Licence Holder shall cease abstraction immediately and notify the Agency of this fact. (ii) Abstraction shall not recommence unless the automated control system is fully operational and the Agency has been notified of this fact. 9.8.2 The Licence Holder shall, as far as is reasonably practicable, ensure that no water flows through the turbine if the Licence Holder is unable to generate power. 9.8.3 (i) The Licence Holder shall test the operation of the automated control system and intake sluice gates by simulating the following scenarios: (a) a rate of flow in the River Lune of equal to or less than 6.47 cubic metres per second; (b) a failure in the supply of power to the intake sluice gates; and (c) a failure in the supply of power to the automated control system. (ii) The Licence Holder shall perform this test in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer of the automated control system and intake sluice gates, or at any time when required by the Agency. (iii) The Licence Holder shall retain evidence of current certification of the automated control system and intake sluice gate for inspection by the Agency. Fish screens 9.9.1 (i) No abstraction shall take place unless the Licence Holder has installed a fish screen, and an automatic screen cleaner and a by-wash to prevent the entrapment, entrainment or impingement of salmon and sea trout smolts, silver eels and other fish at the point of abstraction, in accordance with the drawings. (ii) The fish screen shall consist of a permanent screen with vertical bars spaced no more than 10 millimetres apart. Page 6 of 19 Licence Serial No: NW/072/0526/002 (iii) If the results of the monitoring specified in condition 9.9.5 show that eels or elvers have been entrained and damaged by the turbine or turbines, and the Agency so directs in writing, the Licence Holder shall install an overlay screen with apertures no larger than 2 millimetres between May and July inclusive each year. 9.9.2 No abstraction shall take place unless the Licence Holder has installed a fish screen with apertures no larger than 30 millimetres to prevent the entrapment, entrainment or impingement of sea trout and other fish at the point of discharge specified in condition 9.17. 9.9.3 The Licence Holder shall maintain the fish screens, automatic screen cleaner and by-wash specified in conditions 9.9.1 and 9.9.2 in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and keep records of such maintenance available for inspection. The Licence Holder shall keep the screens and bywash free of debris at all times when abstraction is taking place. 9.9.4 The Licence Holder shall count and record the number of eels and elvers in the eel pass using the elver trap on a daily basis to determine when peak elver runs are occurring, on a daily basis from 1 May to 31 July in each year or until the Agency confirms in writing that counting and recording may cease, whichever is the earlier; for two consecutive years following commissioning of the first turbine and again following commissioning of the second turbine. 9.9.5 (i) The Licence Holder shall monitor the outflow of the turbines using fyke nets to ensure that the upstream screen and eel pass are effective in preventing eels and elvers from being entrained by the turbine. The Licence Holder shall mount the fyke nets on a frame installed across the turbine discharge channel such that the nets capture everything passing through the turbines. (ii) The Licence Holder shall carry out the monitoring in (i) above for two 14 day periods between May and July inclusive in each year, to coincide with peak elver runs, as determined in accordance with condition 9.9.4, when the turbine or turbines are operating; for two consecutive years following commissioning of the first turbine and again following commissioning of the second turbine. (iii) The Licence Holder shall remove any fish caught in the Fyke nets on a daily basis and examine them to determine whether they have been damaged by the turbines. (iv) The Licence Holder shall record the species, size and physical health of each fish found in the Fyke nets. (v) The licence Holder shall submit a report summarising the results of the monitoring within 28 days of the end of each 14 day monitoring period. Fish pass, counter and trap 9.10 The licence shall only take effect so as to authorise the abstraction of water provided that the Licence Holder has been granted provisional approval by the Agency under the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act 1975 for installation of a fish pass at Forge Bank Weir. 9.11 (i) No abstraction shall take place unless the fish pass is installed and operated in accordance with conditions 9.2.1, 9.10 and 9.13. Page 7 of 19 Licence Serial No: NW/072/0526/002 (ii) The Licence Holder shall maintain, repair or replace the fish pass to ensure that it remains effective at all times when abstraction is taking place. 9.12 (i) No abstraction shall take place if the flow in that fish pass is less than 1.5 cubic metres per second. (ii) The water level corresponding to a flow of 1.5 cubic metres per second down the fish pass shall be clearly marked adjacent to the fish pass crump weir at a precise location to be approved in writing by the Agency. 9.13 The Licence Holder shall operate and maintain the fish pass, fish counter and fish trap facility and collect and share data from the facility in accordance with Schedule B of this licence. Eel pass 9.14 (i) No abstraction shall take place until the Licence Holder has submitted plans and specifications for the construction of an eel pass and elver trap, showing the slope and length of each section of the eel pass so as to enable the upstream passage of elvers and eels at Forge Bank Weir, and the Agency has approved those plans and specifications in writing under the Eels (England and Wales) Regulations 2009. The submitted plans and specifications shall accord with the drawings referred to in condition 9.2.1. (ii) No abstraction shall take place until the Licence Holder has constructed an eel pass and elver trap in accordance with the approved plans and specifications in (i) above. (ii) The Licence Holder shall maintain, repair or replace the eel pass to ensure that it remains effective at all times when abstraction is taking place. (iii) The Licence Holder shall keep records of maintenance, repair or replacement of the eel pass for 6 years and shall make them available during all reasonable hours for inspection by the Agency. Monitoring (fish migration) 9.15.1 Throughout the first 36 months of abstraction commencing the Licence Holder shall collect data to quantify any delay experienced by upstream migrating adult salmon and sea trout under turbine-on and turbine-off conditions, and also on the passability of the weir to upstream migrating adult salmon and sea trout under turbine-on and turbine-off conditions. 9.15.2 The Licence Holder shall submit a report summarising the results of the monitoring and assessing the impact of the scheme on adult salmon and sea trout before the end of the 36 months. 9.15.3 The hydropower scheme must not cause demonstrable delay to the upstream passage of salmon and sea trout. Page 8 of 19 Licence Serial No: NW/072/0526/002 Access to riverbed for fishing 9.16 No abstraction shall take place until the Licence Holder has provided access for anglers to enter the river in order to fish the depleted reach from the foot of the weir to the outfall specified in condition 9.17 (excluding areas protected by the Environment Agency’s North West Fisheries Byelaw 22, namely within the fish pass and within a radius of 5 metres of the entrance and exit of the fish pass). Angling access proposals must be agreed in writing by the Environment Agency, and the access constructed in accordance with these agreed proposals, before abstraction can commence. Point water is returned 9.17 The Licence Holder shall return water abstracted in pursuance of this licence to the River Lune at National Grid Reference SD 51222 64724 marked ‘Outfall’ on Map A and Map B. Minimum value condition 9.18 The minimum value for the quantity of water authorised to be abstracted under this licence, as referred to in section 46(2A) Water Resources Act 1991, is 249,765,120 cubic metres per year. Page 9 of 19 Licence Serial No: NW/072/0526/002 SCHEDULE OF CONDITIONS B Operation and maintenance of, and collection and sharing of data from the fish pass, fish counter and fish trap facility 1. Fish Counter 1.1 Before the fish pass is commissioned, the Licence Holder shall install a resistivity fish counter on a crump weir in the fish pass designed so as to accurately record numbers of fish using the fish pass. 1.2 The Licence Holder shall operate and maintain the resistivity fish counter and associated equipment, and if necessary replace them so as to ensure that accurate numbers of the fish using the fish pass are recorded at all times. 1.3 The Licence Holder shall design and construct the fish pass and counter such that the crump weir provides sufficiently laminar flow over the fish counter to prevent false counts being generated by water turbulence. 1.4 The Licence Holder shall design and construct the crump weir so as to prevent the downstream standing wave encroaching over the counter electrodes at all flows. 1.5 Before the fish pass is commissioned, the Licence Holder shall install a conductivity probe and water temperature sensor to aid the interpretation of fish counter data. 1.6 Before the fish pass is commissioned, the Licence Holder shall install cameras, including mounting facilities and video recording equipment in order to validate the fish counter. 1.7 The Licence Holder shall minimise counter down-time, and shall install alarm and reporting systems to identify operational failures at all times when the fish pass is operating. 1.8 Before the fish pass is commissioned, the Licence Holder shall put in place a formal 3- or 4-month maintenance/servicing schedule and an ad hoc fault repair service. 1.9 Before the fish pass is commissioned, the Licence Holder shall install lightning protection to prevent damage to the counter from lightning strikes. 2. Data Collation and Storage 2.1 The Licence Holder shall continuously record fish counter data including separate signal trace data from the electrodes for each count at all times when the fish pass is operating. 2.2 Each count shall identify date, time, direction of passage and signal size, with separate recording of signal traces. 2.3 The Licence holder shall store the data using a robust and secure system, including back up storage and a remote alarm system to identify faults or other issues as they arise. 2.4 The Licence Holder shall provide remote telephone or telemetry access to the counter and data stores at all times. 2.5 The Licence Holder shall send a copy of the records to the Agency on a monthly basis or within 28 days of being so requested in writing by the Agency. 2.6 Each record shall be kept and be made available during all reasonable hours for inspection by the Agency for at least 6 years. Page 10 of 19 Licence Serial No: NW/072/0526/002 3. Fish Trapping 3.1 Before the fish pass is commissioned, the Licence Holder shall install an adult fish trap in the fish pass. 3.2 The Licence Holder shall operate and maintain the fish trap, and if necessary replace it, so as to ensure that it remains effective at all times. 3.3 The trap shall be designed to allow safe access, operation and egress of operatives including step access as opposed to ladder access. 3.4 The Licence holder shall operate the trap on average twice a week, or at such lesser frequency as the Agency may notify the Licence Holder in writing is necessary to capture 5% to 10% of the sea trout and salmon runs, during the main fish migration window running between 1 May and 31 October (or within such minor amendment to that period as may be agreed in writing by the Agency). 3.5 At all times when the fish pass is in operation, Licence Holder shall provide facilities for the safe handling, sampling and return of fish, including fish holding trough and sampling platform. 3.6 The Licence Holder shall record the following data for each trapping event: Date and time of trap operation, Number of fish trapped of each species, Length, weight and sex of each fish caught, Where feasible a scale sample shall be taken, Observations such as fish health, and sea lice count. 4. Initial Counter Validation 4.1 Within 12 months following installation of the counter the Licence Holder shall undertake a validation exercise using cameras in the fish pass (positioned either overhead, or underwater side-viewing, or a combination of both), viewing the crump weir face and fish counter electrodes to ensure that the counter is operating effectively. 4.2 Validation shall be undertaken 24hours a day during the main fish migration period in May to October inclusive, and over the full range of river flows. 4.3 Validation shall be undertaken in a manner to allow estimates of counter efficiency to be calculated for different sizes of fish and for different flow ranges. 5. Counter Data Verification 5.1 All counter data shall be verified using signal trace files to confirm that counter records are genuine fish movement events. Page 11 of 19 Licence Serial No: NW/072/0526/002 SCHEDULE OF CONDITIONS C Calculation Checklist This checklist shall be used to record the site data and calculate the Hydro Abstraction Factor for the site (HAFsite) to allow conversion of electrical output to quantities abstracted. Site Data Site name Address Licence serial No. Contact name Contact telephone Contact email Performance Data Parameter Value Net operating head of the system at maximum power output (Hn (Pmax)) Turbine/water wheel efficiency at maximum power output (eturbine/water wheel (Pmax)) Transmission system efficiency at maximum power output (etransmission (Pmax)) Generator efficiency at maximum power output (egenerator (Pmax)) How was the parameter determined? Calculation of overall system efficiency of the rotating parts of the hydro system, at maximum power output (esystem (Pmax)) esystem (Pmax) = eturbine/water wheel (Pmax) x etransmission (Pmax) x egenerator (Pmax) = x x = Calculation of HAFsite HAFsite = Hydro Abstraction Factor for the site in question = 366.972 / ( Hn (Pmax) x esystem (Pmax) ) = 366.972 / ( x ) = The abstracted volume for the period (Vperiod) can then be worked out using the formula: Vperiod = kWhperiod x HAFsite Page 12 of 19 Licence Serial No: NW/072/0526/002 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Note: the following information is provided for information only. It does not form part of the licence. REASONS FOR CONDITIONS The licence is time-limited to a date to reflect the timing of a future review of the catchment resources availability. The abstraction is required to be measured to demonstrate compliance with the terms of the licence and to provide information on actual water usage for water planning purposes. Conditions 9.2.1, 9.2.2, 9.3.1 to 9.6.5, 9.7.3 to 9.8.3 and 9.17 have been specified in order to ensure that the works are constructed and operated in accordance with the conditions of this licence. Condition 9.2.3 has been specified in order to secure the proper use of water resources and to avoid commitment of water resources to an abstraction right which cannot be exercised. The licence includes a hands-off flow condition and water flow and level monitoring to protect the environment and the interests of existing lawful users of water. Conditions 9.9.1 to 9.15 have been specified to protect fish and from being damaged by the hydropower scheme and allow them to pass upstream. Condition 9.16 has been specified to assist anglers in accessing the riverbed for the purpose of fishing. Condition 9.18 has been included as a requirement under section 46(2A) of the Water Resources Act 1991. The condition allows the Agency to put forward proposals to vary the licence so as to reduce the maximum authorised quantity which may be abstracted to the figure specified within the condition, without the Agency having to pay compensation to the Licence Holder, if the reduction is necessary to protect the availability of water in this source of supply. In this case we do not anticipate that a reduction will be necessary and have therefore set the quantity to match the maximum authorised annual volume. IMPORTANT NOTES Contact addresses Unless the Agency specifies otherwise, the contact address in relation to conditions of this licence is: Environment Agency, Environment Management Team, Lutra House, Dodd Way, Off Seedlee Road, Walton Summit, Bamber Bridge, Preston, Lancs, PR5 8BX. Impoundment licence This licence should be read in conjunction with impoundment licence serial number NW/072/0526/003. Water efficiency note The Licence Holder should use water abstracted under the terms of this licence in an efficient manner. The Agency may refer to its guidance on water efficiency (or equivalent guidance) in determining whether water is being used efficiently and may offer advice on any measures considered necessary to meet particular recommendations. Page 13 of 19 Licence Serial No: NW/072/0526/002 Abstraction period details Note: an hour means any period of 60 consecutive minutes, a day means any period of 24 consecutive hours and a year means the 12 month period beginning on 1 April and ending on 31 March. Screening The Agency may have regard to its best practice guide, the Eel Manual: Screening at intakes and outfalls: measures to protect eel (or equivalent guidance) in agreeing where, how and what type of eel screen should be installed and together with the results of any monitoring in determining whether the eel screen is properly effective and maintained, and in judging whether it is necessary to require repair or replacement of the eel screen. Eel pass The Agency may have regard to its best practice guide, the Eel Manual: Elver & eel Passes (or equivalent guidance) in agreeing where, how and what type of eel pass should be installed and together with the results of any monitoring in determining whether the eel pass is properly effective and maintained, and in judging whether it is necessary to require repair or replacement of the eel pass. Page 14 of 19 Page 15 of 19 Licence Serial No: NW/072/0526/002 MAP B Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database right 2013. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence number 100026380. © Environment Agency. Page 16 of 19 Licence serial no. NW/072/0526/002 Page 17 of 19 Licence serial no. NW/072/0526/002 Page 18 of 19 Licence serial no. NW/072/0526/002 Page 19 of 19 Would you like to find out more about us, or about your environment? Then call us on 08708 506 506 (Mon-Fri 8-6) email [email protected] or visit our website www.environment-agency.gov.uk incident hotline 0800 80 70 60 (24hrs) floodline 0845 988 1188 Environment first: This publication is printed on paper made from 100 per cent previously used waste. By-products from making the pulp and paper are used for composting and fertiliser, for making cement and for generating energy.
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