AMERICAN SOCIETY OF HEATING, REFRIGERATING AND AIR-CONDITIONING ENGINEERS, INC. 1791 Tullie Circle, N.E. Atlanta, GA 30329 404-636-8400 TC MINUTES COVER SHEET TC/TG/TRG NO TC 5.2 TC/TG/TRG TITLE Duct Design DATE OF MEETING July 1, 2014 MEMBERS PRESENT TERM TO Larry Smith 6/30/15 Herman Behls 6/30/17 Bill Stout 6/30/17 Craig Wray 6/30/17 Kevin Gebke Robert Reid 6/30/17 6/30/14 Vikram Murthy MEMBERS ABSENT DATE Later LOCATION Seattle, WA. YEAR APPTD EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS AND ADDITIONAL ATTENDANCE * Steve Idem 6/30/16 Mark Smith Wesley Davis Ralph Koerber Gary Miller 6/30/15 6/30/16 6/30/16 6/30/16 * Member Non-Quorum 1 DISTRIBUTION All Members of TC plus the following: TAC Section Head Ken Peet TAC Chair Walter Grondzik 2017 Handbook Liaison (Fundamentals) Larry Akers 2016 Handbook Liaison (Systems & Equipment) Annette Dwyer RAC Liaison Piotr Domanski Standards Liaison Rick Larson ALI/PDC Hugh McMillan Chapter Tech Transfer James Arnold Manager of Research & Technical Services Mike Vaughn 2 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF HEATING, REFRIGERATION AND AIR-CONDITIONIONG ENGINEERS 1791 Tullie Circle, N.E. Atlanta, GA 30329 ASHRAE Summer Conference, Seattle, WA. TC 5.2 Duct Design Tuesday, July 1, 2014 Time: 3:30-6:00 PM Location: Room 606, Washington State Convention Center 1) Call to order: Chairman Larry Smith called the meeting to order at 3:30 PM 2) Introductions and Attendance i. Introduction of people present ii. Attendance sign in sheet iii. Voting Members Present: iv. Voting Members Not Present: v. There is a quorum for the meeting (xx of xx voting members present). vi. Corresponding Members: refer to cover sheet for attendees vii. Provisional Corresponding Members: refer to cover sheet for attendee’s viii. YEA members present: ix. Guests: refer to cover sheet for attendee’s 3) NYC (Jan 2014) Meeting Minutes. i. Approval of Minutes from the NYC meeting 4) Special Announcements - Handouts i. TC 5.2 VISION Statement ii. Mini Seminar @ 5:00 PM (later) iii. Review agenda iv. Next meeting is later Subcommittee Reports i. Section Head Highlights (refer to handout) ii. TC 5.2 VISION (Larry Smith) iii. Honors and Awards (Steve Idem) iv. Handbook (Kevin Gebke) a. 2016 Systems and Equipment Handbook, Duct 5) 3|Page v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. Construction i. Review ii. Revision b. 2017 Fundamentals Handbook, Duct Design Membership (Cindy Bittel) Programs (Steve Idem) Duct Design Guide (Pat Brooks) Special Award (Steve Idem) ALI (Pat Brooks)…based on Duct Design Guide Webmaster (Mark Smith) Liaison Reports a. MTG.EAS (Larry Smith) b. 90.1 (Craig Wray) c. 189.1 (Scott Hobbs) Research (Herman Behls) a. RP 1606 – Lab Testing of Flat Oval Transitions (University of Illinois) b. RP 1682-“Study to Identify CFD Models to Determine HVAC Duct Fitting Loss Coefficients c. Future work statements i. MTG-EAS-005 Evaluate Heating & Cooling Delivery Systems (Larry Smith and Dr. Modera) 1. Evaluate alternate methods of delivering BTU’s to a space and associated energy use 2. Space, energy, maintenance as well as different building envelopes and geographic locations are to be considered 3. Include emerging technologies as well as current practices ii. MTG.EAS Idea 12 Terminal Unit Published Noise Ratings (Herman Behls / Jeff Boldt) Herman Behls discussed with Jeff Boldt and Herman will calculate using an AHRI Excel spreadsheet the octave band sound levels that can be expected from various arrangements of downstream ductwork without duct lining and flex duct, and in consultation with Jeff put the results into the Acoustics chapter of the ASHRAE Duct Design Guide. iii. MTG.EAS Idea 26: “Energy Impacts from Air Handler Casing Leakage” (Herman Behls/Julie Ferguson) iv. MTG.EAS Idea 27: “Determine Air Leakage of Duct Transverse Joints and Associated Energy Costs” (Bob Reid). v. MTG.EAS Idea 28: “Cost Effectiveness of HVAC System Air Leakage Tests During Operation” (Jeff Boldt). vi. MTG.EAS Idea 029. Air Leakage of Duct-Mounted Equipment Herman discussed with Jeff Boldt. Herman Behls will prepare a Work Statement with Jeff for leakage testing of VAV terminal units and other duct mounted equipment where leakage data is not available. Herman Behls will take the lead. vii. MTG.EAS Idea 037. Cost Effectiveness of HVAC System Air 4|Page Leakage Tests during Construction Herman discussed with Jeff Boldt. Herman Behls will prepare a Work Statement in consultation with Jeff for developing the economics (feasibility) of air leakage testing of entire HVAC systems with emphasis on systems 3 in. water and below. Jeff Bold will develop the scope. viii. MTG.EAS-038 Economics of Airtight Non-Fan-Powered Single-Duct Terminal Units (Jeff Boldt) xiii. Standards a. SMACNA/ASHRAE Co-sponsored Standard (BSR-SMACNA 023) (Mark Modera/Jeff Boldt) b. SPC 120-2008R (Kevin Gebke) c. SPC 126-2008R (Kevin Gebke) d. SPC 215P MOT to Determine Leakage Airflows and Fractional Leakage of Operating Air Handling Systems (Craig Wray) 9) Deadlines i. later 10) Old Business i. ASHRAE/ADI Duct Size Calculator (Chris VanRite) 11) New Business i. Form codes (IMC, IECC, IFC, IAPMO), and standards (e.g. SSPC 62.1, 90.1) interaction sub-committee at TC-level and coordinate with Codes Interactions Subcommittee (CIS) of Standards Committee. ii. How do we get more practicing engineers involved? iii. The final vote of ASHRAE TC5.2 Duct Design was recorded date by email vote 8/2/0 with the chair voting for the below motion: The Chair enters the following motion, second by Ralph Koerber, for a vote of ASHRAE TC5.2 (Duct Design) as follows: The ASHRAE 2009 Fundamentals Handbook (page 21.7 and 21.18) reads that “for commercial systems, flexible ducts should be… no more than 5 ft in length, full stretched.” This is also included in the more recent 2013 handbook; however, the limiting length recommendation was changed to 6 feet. This was intended to give design guidance to the engineer and was never intended to be included in code language such as "shall be limited to 5 feet." It is the recommendation of the ASHRAE technical committee TC5.2 duct design that any code language limiting the length of flexible duct or air connectors, due to language in the ASHRAE Handbook as referenced above, to 5 or 6 feet be stricken. The following voting members were present for the vote: 5|Page 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Herman Behles Wes Davis Kevin Gebke Ralph Koerber Gary Miller Vikram Murthy Mark Smith Bill Stout Craig Wray Larry Smith Voted in the negative: 1. Gary Miller 2. Mark Smith The following voting members were not present: 1. Dr. Idem 2. Bob Reid The following people were also in attendance: 1. John Hamilton 2. Tim Eorgan 12) Action Items TC 5.2 (Duct Design) Action Items Number 1 Description Investigate DFDB App (Staff Contact) 1. Person, who maintains, etc,) Staff Assigned to Kevin Gebke Status Completed Jan. 2014 Larry Smith Completed Jan 2014 Active Contact: Steve Comstock 2. Developed by Carmel Software 3. App not maintained by ASHRAE 4. TC 5.2 not consulted 2 Distribute TC 5.2 Vision Statement 3 Comparison of DFDB fittings vs. plasma machine libraries or current manufacture’s catalog 4 Submit “Air Diffusion System” seminar documentation for New York Seattle. 5 Submit “Matching Fan Selections with System requirements” seminar documentation for New York. Larry Smith, Herman Behls Steve Idem Completed Jan. 2014 Steve Idem Completed Jan. 2014 6|Page 6 Ad-hoc committee initiated for advocacy objectives for air distribution systems in existing and new buildings John Hamilton Erik Emblem Active (Initiated Jan 2014) 7 Submit proposal to ALI for Duct Design Guide Pat Brooks Active (Initiated Jan 2014) 8 Submit to Standards Committee Scott Hobbs as TC 5.2’s liaison to SSPC 189.1 Larry Smith 9 Change TC 5.2 Liaison to 90.1 from Larry Smith to Craig Wray Larry Smith Active (Initiated Jan 2014) Active (Initiated Jan 2014) 13) Adjournment at 5:00 PM 14) Seminar (Later) (5:00 – 6:00 PM) 7|Page Sub-Committee Meeting Sunday, June 29, 2014 (1:30 PM – 4:00 PM) Location: later a. TC5.2 VISION (Larry Smith) b. ASHRAE/ADI Duct Size Calculator (Chris VanRite/Herman Behls) c. Honors and Awards (Idem) d. Handbook (Gebke) e. Membership (Cindy) i. Mentorship ii. Leadership roles iii. Voting member transition f. Programs (Idem) g. Duct Design Guide (Pat Brooks) h. ALI (Pat Brooks) i. Webmaster (Mark Smith) j. Liaison Reports i. MTG.EAS (Larry Smith) ii. 90.1 (Craig Wray) iii. 189.1 (Scott Hobbs) k. Research (Herman Behls) i. RP 1606 – Lab Testing of Flat Oval Transitions (University of Illinois) ii. RP 1682-“Study to Identify CFD Models to Determine HVAC Duct Fitting Loss Coefficients iii. Future work statements. iv. Form codes (e.g., IMC, IECC, IFC, IAPMO) and standards (e.g., SSPCs 62.1, 90.1) interaction subcommittee at TC-level and coordinate with Codes Interactions Subcommittee (CIS) of Standards l. Form ASHRAE Standards, code action (IMC and IAPMO), and 90.1 interaction sub-committee m. Standards i. MTG-EAS-005 Evaluate Heating & Cooling Delivery Systems (Larry Smith and Dr. Modera) 1. Evaluate alternate methods of delivering BTU’s to a space and associated energy use 2. Space, energy, maintenance as well as different building envelopes and geographic locations are to be considered 3. Include emerging technologies as well as current practices ii. MTG.EAS Idea 12 Terminal Unit Published Noise Ratings (Herman Behls / Jeff Boldt) Herman Behls discussed with Jeff Boldt and Herman will calculate using an AHRI Excel spreadsheet the octave band sound levels that can be expected from various arrangements of downstream ductwork without duct lining and flex duct, and in consultation with Jeff put the results into the Acoustics chapter of the ASHRAE Duct Design Guide. ix. MTG.EAS Idea 26: “Energy Impacts from Air Handler Casing Leakage” (Herman Behls/Julie Ferguson) 8|Page x. xi. xii. xiii. MTG.EAS Idea 27: “Determine Air Leakage of Duct Transverse Joints and Associated Energy Costs” (Bob Reid). MTG.EAS Idea 28: “Cost Effectiveness of HVAC System Air Leakage Tests During Operation” (Jeff Boldt). MTG.EAS Idea 029. Air Leakage of Duct-Mounted Equipment Herman discussed with Jeff Boldt. Herman Behls will prepare a Work Statement with Jeff for leakage testing of VAV terminal units and other duct mounted equipment where leakage data is not available. Herman Behls will take the lead. MTG.EAS Idea 037. Cost Effectiveness of HVAC System Air Leakage Tests during Construction Herman discussed with Jeff Boldt. Herman Behls will prepare a Work Statement in consultation with Jeff for developing the economics (feasibility) of air leakage testing of entire HVAC systems with emphasis on systems 3 in. water and below. Jeff Bold will develop the scope. 9|Page Sub-Committee Meeting Monday, June 30, 2014 (8:00 AM –12:00 AM) Location: later a. 8:00 – 10:00 Duct Design Guide (Pat Brooks) b. 10:00 – 11:00 IF NEEDED…ASHRAE/ADI Duct Size Calculator (Chris VanRite/Herman Behls) c. 10:00 – 12:00 Flex duct systems and air duct connectors (John Hamilton & Ralph Koerber) 10 | P a g e ASHRAE TC5.2 Duct Design Panel Discuss Lined and Double Wall Ductwork July 1, 2014 – 5:00 – 6:00 PM Location to be announced (Same meeting room for TC5.2) Format 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. each panel member introducing themselves and which organization they represent I will act as the moderator and present questions to the panel for their response The response from the panel member(s) will need to be brief and to the point The goal is not to “solve the problem” but for the members present to gain knowledge and insight Follow-up questions will be entertained from the audience and/or other panel members I encourage you to bring samples for display and/or printed material for handouts TC5.2 will be meeting in the same room between 3:30 – 5:00 PM … PLEASE bring yourself and material into the room prior to 5 PM 8. We will start on time and we are limited to 60 minutes! Overview ASHRAE TC5.2 (duct design) committee is interested in providing relevant information to the Society regarding the use of double wall construction, internally lined or double wall construction ductwork, to meet the engineering design objectives as it relates to: 1. Material a. Elastomeric b. Fiberglass (0.75 – 1.5 pound per cubic foot density) c. Fiberglass board (>1.5 pound per cubic foot density) d. Others 2. Thermal characteristics 3. Antimicrobial requirements 4. Resistance to erosion 5. Noise attenuation 6. Absolute Roughness (e, ft) 7. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) 8. Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) 9. Constructability a. Rectangular duct & fittings b. Round duct & fittings 10. Costs 11. Installation issues 12. Reliability 13. VOC’s 14. Is it GREEN? 15. SMACNA Duct Cleanliness For New Construction Guidelines 11 | P a g e 16. Other requirements for duct cleanliness? 17. Future duct cleaning issues? 18. Impact on system leakage? 19. Issues with moisture laden air? The panel participants have agreed to develop a position paper which will be incorporated into the committees Duct Design Guide and relevant sections of the ASHRAE Handbooks. Panel Members 1. ASHRAE TC2.6 Sound and Vibration - Robert Hassler, PE ([email protected]) 2. McGill Airflow (manufacturer) - Pat Brooks, PE ([email protected]) 3. Knauf (manufacturer of fiberglass insulation) - Glenn Brower (to be confirmed) ([email protected]) 4. ARMACELL (manufacturer of elastomeric insulation) – Mike Restar ([email protected]) 5. 6. ASHRAE TC5.2 Duct Design (consulting engineer) - Herman Behls, PE ([email protected]) 7. ASHRAE TC1.8 Insulation - Charles Contrell ([email protected]) 8. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2013 - Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality ASHRAE 62.1 – Dr. Wayne R. Thompson ([email protected]) 9. ASTM-E477-13 (Standard Test Method for Laboratory Measurements of Acoustical and Airflow Performance of Duct Liner Materials and Prefabricated Silencers) - Jerry G. Lilly (to be confirmed) ([email protected]) 10. SMACNA – Eli Howard (to be confirmed) 11. Bob Reid – Technical Director, SPIDA (Spiral Duct Manufacturers Association) ([email protected]) 12. Owens Corning Fiberglass (Later) Bob Reid to make contact…… 12 | P a g e Question to TC5.2: What is ASHRAE's position on the use of internal duct lining? Source and date unknown to TC5.2 TC 5.2 (Duct Design) Response ASHRAE’s duct design technical committee duct encourages designers to design HVAC systems so as to avoid internal duct liners for acoustical reasons. For internally lined sheet metal ducts for thermal (heat transfer) purposes it is recommended that the lining material b polymer. More information on duct liners can be obtained from the following source: • “Guidance for Selecting New HVAC Ductwork” by UC Indoor Air Quality Work Group ( Response from Thomas Ponder (3/20/14) My input is that this is a guide and not a specification so we should not be deleting options but giving guidance on proper use/requirements. ASHRAE 62.1 discussed and resolved the duct liner IAQ issue years ago and the following text has been in the standard for a long time. There are also ASTM material standards that cover these materials and SMACNA and NAIMA have installation standards that are referenced in the codes. Maybe we just need to reference these documents in the guide. ASHRAE TC 2.6 currently has a large duct liner acoustics study going on at UNLV looking at multiple duct liners, larger duct sizes and longer duct lengths so they apparently feel that duct liners are an important tool for acoustics. Maybe some TC2.6 members would have good input for a seminar. 13 | P a g e Herman Behls received the following comment from Thomas Veijalainen (Lindab, Finland). Should I make this a recommendation in the ASHRAE Duct Design Guide? I think that in acoustical point of view internal lining is a bit old fashioning. Silencers are very good nowadays. If we use good primary silencer with fan and secondary silencer if needed we get very good end result. Here in Nordic countries, especially in Finland we try to avoid internal lining. Reason for this is price and loose fibers of wool (worse indoor air quality) and also cleaning of duct system. Perforated plate always collects more dust than sheet metal and is also more difficult to clean. I do understand point that we do thermal insulation and acoustic insulation at same time, but I can’t prefer it because of risk of low quality indoor air. From Herman Behls (1) Pat Brooks United McGill). There are liners that have an acrylic coating where erosion should be minimal or negligible with good installation practices. I would just say that any insulation should be installed such that fibers cannot erode into the air stream or something to that effect. His other point about Acoustics may be true, but liner can provide both acoustic and thermal values. Fiberglas fibers are generally considered to be too large to lodge in the lung. I would refer to NAIMA publications on this though. (2) Jeff Boldt (Consulting Engineer). It is becoming more common to do it as he describes, but silencers still always have more pressure drop and are more expensive than an amount of liner or double-wall duct with the same noise reduction. 14 | P a g e (3) Dan Int-Hout (Krueger). There is zero (zip, nada) data to support any idea that internal lining is in any way related to poor IAQ. (4) Larry Smith (Lindab). I am currently seeing an increased awareness for removing fiberglass from the airstream. Maybe we should reach out to several manufacturers for their input. 15 | P a g e
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