! Welcome Meeting Forms and Permissions Greetings from Success Academy! We are excited to have you here. We will need some important information and permissions from you regarding your child prior to the start of school. Please carefully read, sign, and date each form and return them by mail, email, or by bringing them to your next scheduled meeting. Below are brief descriptions of each required form. Department of Education Student Ethnic and Race identification Federal law requires the New York City Department of Education to collect and record the ethnic identity and race of public school students. This form requires that you check off the ethnicity and race with which your child identifies. 1. Only complete your child’s name and date of birth in the top section designated for school staff. 2. In the ethnic identity boxes, if you select “Yes” to question 1 you do not need to complete question 2. If you select “No” to question 1, you must check one of the 5 options in question 2. 3. Please sign and date at the bottom of the page and select your appropriate relationship to the student. Success Academy Media Release Form Success Academy often takes photos and video of scholars during the school day that might be used on our website or in other media. If you consent to your child being featured in such media, please indicate your permission on this form. If you do not wish for your child to be featured in these materials, please write a note on the form indicating that you do not give consent. Success Academy Field Study Permission Form Success Academy scholars make frequent field study trips around the city as part of our curriculum. Instead of sending forms home before each field study, we provide one form that grants permission to take your scholar on field studies throughout the year. You will be reminded of these field studies by your school’s staff as they arise, so you will always know when your scholar is leaving school grounds. Proof of Address We have also included our guidelines for supplying Success Academy with a proof of address. All Success Academy scholars must be legal New York State residents. These guidelines will help you know what is an acceptable proof of residency. Uniform Financial Assistance Request Please only fill out this form if your family is experiencing a hardship that would qualify you for financial assistance to help pay for your child’s uniform. Refer to the “Uniform Requirements and Cost” page of this package for 2013-2014 uniform costs. Health Exam Form Each scholar must have a health exam form completed by a licensed health care provider in order to attend school. You will want to make an appointment with a doctor soon so that you may have your child’s physical completed. Immunization Guideline All children attending public schools must be up-to-date on required vaccinations. This guideline will list vaccines and doses required. Medical Administration Form If your child requires a medication that would need to be administered by a Success Academy staff member during a school day, this form gives consent for us to be able to do so. Thank you in advance for completing these forms. Please complete them as timely as possible and submit by mail, email or by bringing them to your next scheduled Success Academy meeting. 2013 – 2014 IMPORTANT DATES We have provided the school start dates and vacation calendar so that you can begin planning. Please note that we begin earlier than traditional district schools and we have a different vacation calendar. The first few days of school are exceptionally important and we cannot excuse absences on those days. Please plan accordingly. August 2013 First Day of School………………………………........................................................................Monday, August 19 Kindergarten: Harlem 1 – 5, Bronx 1 & 2, Upper West, Bed-Stuy 1 & 2, Cobble Hill, Williamsburg Gr 3: Harlem 1 – 5, Bronx 1 & 2, Upper West, Bed-Stuy 1 First Day of School………………….………......................................…....……………………...Thursday, August 22 Gr 1 & 2: : Harlem 1 – 5, Bronx 1 & 2, Upper West, Bed-Stuy 1 & 2, Cobble Hill, Williamsburg First Day of School……………………….……….................................................................…..Monday, August 26 Kindergarten: Hell’s Kitchen, Union Square, Bronx 3, Fort Greene, Prospect Heights, Crown Heights First Day of School……………….…………………………………….…………………………….Thursday, August 29 Gr 1: Hell’s Kitchen, Union Square, Bronx 3, Fort Greene, Prospect Heights, Crown Heights September 2013 Labor Day (no school)…………....……………………………….........................................Monday, September 2 October 2013 Columbus Day (no school)…………...............................................................................…Monday, October 14 November 2013 Thanksgiving Break (no school)……………………………………….…………………………....November 25 – 29 December 2013 Winter Break (no school)………...............................................................................................December 23 – 31 January 2014 Winter Break (no school)………………………………………..………………………...…….………….January 1 – 3 MLK Day (no school)……………………………………………….……………………………....Monday, January 20 February 2014 President’s Day (no school)………………………………………….……………………….….Monday, February 17 No School………………………………………………………………………………………....…Tuesday, February 18 April 2014 K – Gr 2 Spring Break (no school)…………….…..……………………………………………………..…April 14 – 18 May 2014 Gr 3 Spring Break (no school)………………………………………………………………….….……….…..May 5 – 9 Memorial Day (no school)…………………………………………..............................…………....Monday, May 26 June 2013 Last Day of School………………………………………………………………..…...……………….…..Friday, June 13 ! ! Forms and Permissions Packet The forms in this packet must be filled out in order to continue in the enrollment process. Please return these forms with this attached cover sheet. After you have filled them out, you may return them by: • Mailing them to: Success Academy Attn: Enrollment 310 Lenox Ave, 2nd Floor New York, NY 10027 • Emailing completed and scanned copies to: [email protected] • Bringing them to your next scheduled meeting Complete the following information and return with your forms: Child’s Name: Child’s Date of Birth: Grade Entering Next Year: Parent/Guardian Name: Phone Number of Parent/Guardian: Email of Parent/Guardian: Please Remember: You must submit the following for each child: The forms in this packet A New York State Proof of Residency (guidelines included in this packet) A photocopy of the child’s birth certificate A completed health form packet THE New York City DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FORM PSE! FEDERAL PARENT/GUARDIAN STUDENT ETHNIC & RACE IDENTIFICATION! To the Parent/Guardian: Federal law requires the New York City Department of Education to collect and record the ethnic identity and race of public school students. This information is used to determine funding for your school, among other things, and is kept secure and confidential. We need your help to accomplish this task. Please respond to the ethnicity and race identification questions on the back of this page. The first question provides an opportunity for you to indicate whether your child is of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin; the second question provides an opportunity for you to indicate your child’s race(s). Please be sure to respond to both questions. Students identified with more than race will be counted in the “two or more races” category. Hispanic students of all races will be counted in the Hispanic category. The New York City Department of Education understands the sensitive nature of this process. The options provided by the federal government may not represent an accurate or complete portrayal of your family’s own ethnic or race identification. We encourage you to provide responses using your best judgment. If you decline to respond to either question, federal guidelines require New York City Department of Education school staff to make an identification of your child on your behalf. Race and ethnicity information for students is protected by the confidentiality regulations cited at the bottom of this page. Thank you for your cooperation. Parents and Guardians: Please complete the form on the reverse side of this page and return it to your child’s school. School staff: File the completed form in the student’s Cumulative Record folder as confidential information. Confidentiality Procedures and Regulations The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (1974) and Regulations of the Chancellor A-820 prohibit unauthorized access to student records and unauthorized release of any student record information identifiable by either student name or student identification number. 1 Race may be considered as a factor in school enrollment only where required by court order; gender is a factor only in single-gender schools. PSE FORM 08252010 FORM THE New York City DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PSE! FEDERAL PARENT/GUARDIAN STUDENT ETHNIC & RACE IDENTIFICATION! ! - All students between 5 and 21 years of age have the right to a free public education. - Federal law requires the New York City Department of Education to collect and record the ethnic identity and race(s) of public school students. - Children may not be refused admission to a public school because of race, color, creed, national origin, gender, gender identity, pregnancy, immigration/citizenship status, disability, sexual orientation, religion, or ethnicity.1 SCHOOL STAFF: PLEASE COMPLETE THIS SECTION Borough District ! Grade Code ! ! ! ! School ! Class Code ! ! ! ! ! ! ! English Only! Name of High School/ Mini School /Annex NYC Student Identification Number (HIGH SCHOOL ONLY 4-DIGIT) ! ! Date of Birth (Month/Day/Year) ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Student Name: Last, First, Middle Initial PARENT/GUARDIAN: PLEASE COMPLETE THIS SECTION PLEASE ANSWER BOTH QUESTIONS (1) AND (2). PLEASE READ THEM BEFORE YOU RESPOND. For Question (1), check (√) the box that best describes your child. 1. Is the student Hispanic, Latino, or of Spanish origin? Hispanic, Latino, or of Spanish origin means a person of Cuban, Dominican, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Central or South American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. ! ! ! ! YES, Hispanic NO, not Hispanic For Question (2), check (√) all boxes that apply to your child. 2. Select one or more races from the following five racial groups. ! ! AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKAN NATIVE: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North America and South America (including Central America. (ATS Code: B)! ! ! ASIAN: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian Sub-Continent including for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam. (ATS Code: C)! ! ! NATIVE HAWAIIAN OR OTHER PACIFIC ISLANDER: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, or other Pacific Islands. (ATS Code: D)! ! ! BLACK: A person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa. (ATS Code: E)! ! ! WHITE: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa, or the Middle East. (ATS Code: F)! Signature of Parent/Guardian/Other/School Staff Observer:! Date:! Relationship to Student:! ! Parent! ! Guardian! ! Other (Specify):! ! School Staff Observer (Name):! See reverse side for an important message to parents/guardians and for confidentiality procedures and regulations! ! ! Permission and Consent/Release I, , hereby grant to Success Academy Charter Schools, Inc. (“Success Academy”), any schools it operates and/or manages, and any third parties to which Success Academy grants permission to produce and/or use the Work (as defined below)(collectively, the “Success Academy Parties”) the absolute permission and rights to use any videotape, motion picture film, still photographs, digital image, and/or voice of my son/daughter/ward, myself, and my son’s/daughter’s/ward’s other parent(s)/guardian(s) in connection with any and all program(s) produced by, on behalf of, or with the permission of Success Academy (the “Work”). My consent allows the Success Academy Parties to use these likenesses in any form in the editing, production, copyright, copying, broadcast, publication, or distribution of such Work, or in any manner related to the advertising and promotion of such Work, throughout the world forever in any and all media now known or hereafter devised. I hereby grant my full permission to the Success Academy Parties and discharge the Success Academy Parties and each and all of their trustees, officers, employees, agents, successors, and assigns, from any and all causes of action and claims that may result from the use of the likeness or voice of myself, my son/daughter/ward, and/or my son’s/daughter’s/ward’s other parent(s)/guardian(s) in connection with the result of photographing, videotaping, or recording said likeness and/or voice. I also hereby waive any right to inspect and/or approve any use of said likeness or voice in any draft, finished product, or advertising copy that may be used in connection with production, copyright, copying, advertising, or broadcast via cable, broadcast television, satellite, Internet, or other media of said videotape or recording and that said permission allows the Success Academy Parties’ contracted video producers full rights to use any portion of this videotape or recording in any format as described above in the editing and production of any videotape recording. Child’s Name Date Parent/Guardian Signature Phone Number Street Address City, State, Zip ! ! Field Studies Field Study Consent Form for the 2013-2014 School Year Dear Success Academy Families, At Success Academy Charter Schools (“Success Academy”) we believe that field trips (which we refer to as “field studies”), cultural outings, sports competitions, and other school-related trips that take place outside of the classroom are an important part of our school design. We are lucky to live in New York City, where there are many opportunities to visit museums, parks, performance art institutions, and much more. During the 2013-2014 school year, we plan to take all scholars on many school-related trips that will reinforce what they study and do at school, and provide a meaningful learning experience. These trips may take place during the school day and/or before or after school hours, and they may also occur on weekends. Some trips may require off-campus pickup by an approved adult. When a school-related trip is scheduled for your scholar, you will receive a notification flyer detailing the date and location of the trip. To provide consent for your scholar to participate in all school-related trips for the 2013-2014 school year, please fill in the blanks with the appropriate information, sign and date, and return this completed Consent Form to your scholar’s school. My name is __________________________________, and I am the parent/guardian of __________________________________ [Scholar’s Name]. I consent to the full participation of my scholar in all school-related trips that are planned, sponsored, and/or supervised by Success Academy and/or one of its Schools. In consideration for my scholar being able to participate in these school-related trips, I agree to release, indemnify, and hold harmless Success Academy and the schools that it operates, and any of their employees, contractors, board members, agents, volunteers, and representatives, from any or all claims of liability, injury, or damage occurring in connection with such trips. Date: ___________________ Scholar Name (please print): _______________________________________ Parent / Guardian Name (please print): ________________________________ Parent / Guardian Signature: ________________________________________ ! ! Guide to Proofs of Residency Acceptable Proofs: • A utility bill (cable, gas, landline phone, electric) in the resident’s name: o Issued by National Grid, Con Edison, or the Long Island Power Authority, etc. • Documentation or letter on letterhead from a federal, state, or local government agency showing the resident’s name and address: o This includes the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), City Housing Authority, Human Resources Administration (HRA), The Administration for Children’s Services (ACS), Medicaid, Medicare, Child Health Plus, etc. • An original lease agreement, rent statement, deed or mortgage statement showing the name and address • A current property tax bill for the residence • A water bill for the residence • Official payroll documentation from an employer o This includes forms submitted for tax withholding purposes or payroll receipt, W-2, paystubs showing name and address. Unacceptable Proofs*: • A letter on the employer’s letterhead in place of payroll documents • Driver's License • Bank statements or documents • Hospital or clinic forms • Private health insurance mail (vs. public health insurance listed above, such as Medicaid) • Non-utility bills (Cell phone, furniture deliveries, etc.) • Social Security Card * Proofs from the unacceptable list cannot be accepted, even if notarized. Note: Students in transitional housing or who are homeless do not need to provide proof of address. ! ! Residency Questionnaire ENROLLMENT(FORM(*(RESIDENCY(QUESTIONNAIRE( ! Name!of!School:! ! Name!of!Scholar:!! ! ! Gender:! ! !!!!! & ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Last!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! First! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Middle! Male!! Date!of!Birth:!! !/! Female! ! ! Month& &Day& !/! !!!!Grade:!! &Year& & ! Phone:!! !!!!!! ! ! (preschool212)& & ( Address:! ( ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ( The(answer(you(give(below(will(help(the(school(determine(what(services(you(or( your(child(may(be(able(to(receive.((Your(child(may(be(entitled(to(immediate( enrollment(in(school(even(if(he(or(she(does(not(have(the(documents(normally( needed,(such(as(proof(of(residency,(school(records,(immunization(records,(or( birth(certificate.((Your(child(may(also(be(entitled(to(free(transportation(and( other(services(depending(on(his(or(her(housing(status.( ( ! Where(is(the(scholar(currently(living?!(Please&check&one&box.)! ((In!a!shelter! ((Temporarily!with!another!family!or!other!person!because!of!loss!of! ! ! ! housing!or!as!a!result!of!economic!hardship!! ((In!a!hotel/motel! ((In!a!car,!park,!bus,!train,!or!campsite! ( Other!temporary!living!situation!(Please!describe):!! ! ! ! !!!!!!! _________________________________________________________________________________________! ( In!permanent!housing! ! ! ! ! ! Print!name!of!Parent,!Legal!Guardian,!or! Scholar!(for!unaccompanied! ! ! homeless!youth)! ! ! ! ! ( ( ! ! ! ! ! Signature!of!Parent,!Legal!Guardian,!or! Scholar!(for!unaccompanied!!!!!!! homeless!youth)( ( Date ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Uniform Financial Assistance Request If your family is experiencing a hardship that would qualify you for financial assistance to help pay for your child’s uniform, please fill out Option 1 or Option 2 below. Remember that a uniform is the only financial contribution we ask you to make toward your child’s education. Success Academy Charter Schools provides all field studies, school supplies, and every breakfast and lunch for FREE every school day for every child. If at all possible, please make every effort to pay for your child’s uniform. Parent/Guardian Name: Child’s Name: Address: Phone Number: Address: Please complete Option 1 or Option 2 below. OPTION 1 List the current Food Stamp case number or TANF/FDPIR number from your benefit letter. Food Stamp Case Number TANF/FDPIR Case Number ________________________________________ _______________________________________ OPTION 2 List your current household income. Adult Name Gross Income _________________ _____________ Weekly Monthly Yearly _________________ _____________ Weekly Monthly Yearly Total number of people living in household: ___________ Name of Employer: __________________________________________________ Employer phone number: The foregoing information is true and accurate and based upon my own personal knowledge. Print Name: _________________________ Signature: ___________________________ Date: _______________________________ Please CHILD & ADOLESCENT HEALTH EXAMINATION FORM Print Clearly NYC DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & MENTAL HYGIENE — DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Press Hard STUDENT ID NUMBER OSIS TO BE COMPLETED BY PARENT OR GUARDIAN Child’s Last Name First Name ! Female ! Male Date of Birth (Month/Day/Year ) __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ ___ ___ Hispanic/Latino? Race (Check ALL that apply) ! American Indian ! Asian ! Black ! White ! Yes ! No ! Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander ! Other ____________________________ Child’s Address City/Borough State Zip Code District __ __ Phone Numbers Number __ __ __ Home _____________________ School/Center/Camp Name Health insurance ! Yes ! Parent/Guardian Last Name (including Medicaid)? ! No ! Foster Parent ! Uncomplicated ! Premature: ________ weeks gestation ! Complicated by _______________________________ Allergies ! None ! Epi pen prescribed ! Drugs (list) ! Foods (list) Cell ______________________ First Name Work ______________________ TO BE COMPLETED BY HEALTH CARE PROVIDER Birth history (age 0-6 yrs) If “yes” to any item, please explain (attach addendum, if needed) Does the child/adolescent have a past or present medical history of the following? ! Asthma (check severity and attach MAF/Asthma Action Plan): ! Intermittent ! Mild Persistent ! Moderate Persistent ! Severe Persistent If persistent, check all current medication(s): ! Inhaled corticosteriod ! Other controller ! Quick relief med ! Oral steroid ! None ! ! ! ! ! Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Chronic or recurrent otitis media Congenital or acquired heart disorder Developmental/learning problem Diabetes (attach MAF) ! ! ! ! ! Orthopedic injury/disability Seizure disorder Speech, hearing, or visual impairment Tuberculosis (latent infection or disease) Other (specify) ___________________ Medications (attach MAF if in-school medication needed) ! None ! Yes (list below) Dietary Restrictions ! None ! Yes (list below) ! Other (list) Explain all checked items above or on addendum PHYSICAL EXAMINATION General Appearance: Height ____________________ cm ( ___ ___ %ile) Weight ____________________ kg ( ___ ___ %ile) ____________________ kg/m2 BMI Sex Middle Name ( ___ ___ %ile) Head Circumference (age ≤2 yrs) ______________ cm ( ___ ___ %ile) Blood Pressure (age ≥3 yrs) Nl Abnl Nl Abnl Nl Abnl ! ! HEENT ! ! Lymph nodes ! ! Dental ! ! Lungs ! ! Neck ! ! Cardiovascular Describe abnormalities: ! ! ! ! ! ! Nl Abnl Abdomen Genitourinary Extremities Nl Abnl Skin Neurological Back/spine ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Psychosocial Development ! ! Language ! ! Behavioral _________ / __________ DEVELOPMENTAL (age 0-6 yrs) ! Within normal limits SCREENING TESTS Date Done If delay suspected, specify below Blood Lead Level (BLL) ! Cognitive (e.g., play skills) ____________________________ (required at age 1 yr and 2 yrs and for those at risk) __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ _________ µg/dL __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ _________ µg/dL __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ ! At risk (do BLL) ! Not at risk __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ ! Normal ! Abnormal Lead Risk Assessment ! Communication/Language _________________________ (annually, age 6 mo-6 yrs) ! Social/Emotional __________________________________ Hearing ! Pure tone audiometry ! OAE ! Adaptive/Self-Help ________________________________ ! Motor ___________________________________________ IMMUNIZATIONS – DATES Date Done Results Tuberculosis Only required for students entering intermediate/middle/junior or high school who have not previously attended any NYC public or private school PPD/Mantoux placed __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ Induration ______mm PPD/Mantoux read __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ ! Neg ! Pos Interferon Test __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ ! Neg ! Pos Chest x-ray (if PPD or Interferon positive) __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ —— Head Start Only —— Hemoglobin or Hematocrit (age 9–12 mo) __________ g/dL __________ % __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ CIR Number of Child Results Vision (required for new school entrants __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ and children age 4–7 yrs) ! with glasses ! Nl ! Abnl ! Not Indicated Acuity Right ___ / ___ Left ___ / ___ Strabismus ! No ! Yes Influenza __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ MMR __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ Rotavirus __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ Varicella __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ DTP/DTaP/DT __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ Td __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ Tdap Hep A __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ Hep B __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ Hib __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ Meningococcal __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ PCV __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ HPV __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ Polio __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ Other, specify: ____________ __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ ; _______________ __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ RECOMMENDATIONS ! Full physical activity ASSESSMENT ! Full diet ! Restrictions (specify) ___________________________________________________________________________ Follow-up Needed Referral(s): ! Other ! No ! None ! Yes, for _________________________ Appt. date: ! Early Intervention ! Special Education ! Dental Telephone ! Vision CH-205 (5/08) _____________________________________________________________ __ __ __ __ __ _____________________________________________________________ __ __ __ __ __ DOHMH PROVIDER ONLY I.D. Fax State TYPE OF EXAM: NAE Current NAE Prior Year(s) Comments National Provider Identifier (NPI) City ( __ __ __ ) ___ ___ ___ – ___ ___ ___ ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ Provider License No. and State Facility Name ICD-9 Code _____________________________________________________________ Date Health Care Provider Name and Degree (print) Address ! Diagnoses/Problems (list) __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ ________________________________________________________________________ Health Care Provider Signature ! Well Child (V20.2) Zip Date Reviewed: ( __ __ __ ) ___ ___ ___ – ___ ___ ___ ___ Copies: White School/Child Care/Early Intervention/Camp, Canary Health Care Provider, Pink Parent/Guardian I.D. NUMBER __ __ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ REVIEWER: ! ! Guide to Immunizations IMMUNIZATION REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL STUDENTS 2013-2014 Children cannot attend school if they do not meet the immunization requirements below, as mandated by law. Your child’s immunization records must be submitted to Success Academy. There are three ways to submit vaccination information from your health care provider: 1) In the Physical Health Examination Form 2) In the health department vaccination card 3) On a print out from your health care provider’s office Immunization Doses Required Diptheria, Tetanus, Pertussis/ Whooping Cough (DTap) 4 Polio (IPV) 3 Measles, Mumps, Rubella/ German Measles (MMR) 2 Hepatitis B (HB, Hep B) 3 Varicella (Chickenpox) 1 NOTE: Parent signature required on reverse side of this form. Current photograph of student MUST be attached to upper left corner of this form. MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION FORM Student’s Name (Last, First, Middle) Authorization for Administration of Medication to Students for School Year 2012–2013 DOE District 1. Diagnosis ASTHMA Choose Severity: ! Intermittent ! Mild Persistent* Male ! Female ! School (PS, IS, etc. and Name) Date of Birth I.D. Number Grade Class School Address ! Yes ! No ! Moderate Persistent* ! Severe Persistent* Borough Zip Code Instructions for lack of improvement or adverse reaction Choose all that apply Choose all that are appropriate ! Standard order. 2 puffs q 4 hrs. via MDI and If improved, but not enough ! Student may carry medication and may self-administer. to return to class, call parent. (PARENT MUST INITIAL REVERSE SIDE). If significant respiratory distress persists, call 911 ! Store medication in medical room and notify parent and PMD. and student to self-administer May provide additional puffs under observation. as needed until EMS ! Store medication in medical room and nurse to administer. URI sx can include: Itchy watery eyes, nasal drainage and/or arrives. spacer prn cough, wheeze, tightness in chest, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. May *National guidelines recommend inhaled corticosteroids repeat in 15 mins x 2 if no improvement (3 total). for children with persistent asthma. ! Pre exercise. 2 puffs via MDI with spacer 15-30 Stock supply only available for Ventolin HFA. (see back) minutes before exercise. Choose One: ! URI or recent asthma flare (within 3 days). ! Ventolin HFA (may be provided by school for 2 puffs @ noon via MDI inhaler and spacer for 3-5 days. shared usage). ! _________________ HFA (to be provided by parent). ADD MEDICATION NAME " May substitute stock ventolin " May not substitute stock ventolin INDICATE HOME MEDS IN BOTTOM LEFT BOX. 2. Diagnosis: Anaphylaxis Select One: ! EpiPen Auto-Injector: 0.3 mg/0.3 ml [1:1000] ! EpiPen Jr. Auto-Injector: 0.15 mg/0.3 ml [1:2000] Intramuscularly into anterolateral aspect of thigh 911 will be called immediately 3. congestion, sneezing, sore throat, cough, headache Asthma flare: sx can include: Shortness of breath, chest tightness or pain, coughing, wheezing Check one: ! prn Conditions under which medication should not be given: specific signs, symptoms or situations Dose/Route ! Diagnosis substantially controlled with medication. ! Diagnosis not substantially controlled with medication. List medication(s) student takes at home and at what time: Conditions under which medication should not be given: HCP/Clinic Tel. No. HCP Signature Medicaid No. HCP/Email ! Student may carry medication (includes epi pen and MDI) and may self-administer. (PARENT MUST INITIAL REVERSE SIDE). and student to self-administer under observation. ! Store medication in medical room and nurse to administer. FOR DOHMH USE: Revisions per DOHMH after consultation with prescribing provider FIRST NAME HCP/Clinic Fax No. (PARENT MUST INITIAL REVERSE SIDE). NOT FOR CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES. ICD9: ______________________ HCP/Clinic Address (includes epi pen and MDI) and may self-administer. ! Store medication in medical room Time interval: q ______ hours as needed Any repeats if no improvement? ! Yes, in _____ hr/mins, max _____ times LAST NAME ! Student may carry medication and student to self-administer under observation. ! Store medication in medical room and nurse to administer. specific signs, symptoms or situations Health Care Practitioner (HCP) Name (PLEASE PRINT) ! No ! Store medication in medical room ICD9: ______________________ ! prn ! Yes NOT FOR CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES. Any repeats if _____ mins, max _____ times no improvement? ! Yes, in AND/OR Medication/Preparation/Concentration their personal MDI on school trips. ICD9: ______________________ ! Standing daily dose. Specify time(s): ______________ Diagnosis ! Can this student self administer NPI No. ! IEP NYS Registration No. Date (Required) INCOMPLETE PROVIDER INFORMATION WILL DELAY IMPLEMENTATION OF MEDICATION ORDERS MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION FORM (MAF): PARENT/GUARDIAN'S CONSENT AND AUTHORIZATION 2012-2013 I hereby authorize the storage and administration of medication, as well as the storage and use of necessary equipment to administer the medication, in accordance with the instructions of my child's physician. I understand that I must provide the school with the medication and equipment necessary to administer medication, including non-Ventolin inhalers. Medication is to be provided in a properly labeled original container from the pharmacy (another such container should be obtained by me for my child's use outside of school); the label on the prescription medication must include the name of the student, name and telephone number of the pharmacy, licensed prescriber's name, date and number of refills, name of medication, dosage, frequency of administration, route of administration and/or other directions; over the counter medications and drug samples must be in the manufacturer's original container, with the student's name affixed to that container. I understand that if I provide an asthma inhaler, it must be supplied in its original and UNOPENED medication box. I further understand that I must immediately advise the principal and/or his/her designee(s) especially the school nurse of any change in the prescription or instructions stated above. I understand that no student will be allowed to carry or self-administer controlled substances. I understand that this Authorization is only valid until the earlier of: (1) June 28, 2013 (This prescription may be extended through August if the student is attending a New York City Department of Education (the “Department”) sponsored summer instruction program); or (2) such time that I deliver to the principal or his/her designee(s) and nurse a new prescription or instructions issued by my child's physician regarding the administration of the above-prescribed medication. By submitting this MAF, I am requesting that my child be provided with specific health services by the Department and the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (“DOHMH”) through the Office of School Health (“OSH”). I understand that part of these services may entail an assessment by an OSH physician as to how my child is responding to the prescribed medication. Full and complete instructions regarding the provision of the above-requested health service(s) are included in this MAF. I understand that the Department, DOHMH and their agents, and employees involved in the provision of the above-requested health service(s) are relying on the accuracy of the information provided in this form. It is my intention that my child will be provided with health service(s) according to the information and instructions that are provided in this MAF. I further understand that the Department, DOHMH and their agents are not responsible for any adverse reaction to this medication. I recognize that this form is not an agreement by the Department or DOHMH to provide the services requested, but, rather, my request, consent and authorization for such services. If it is determined that these services are necessary, a Student Accommodation Plan may also be necessary and will be completed by the school. I hereby authorize the Department, DOHMH and their employees and agents, to contact, consult with and obtain any further information they may deem appropriate relating to my child's medical condition, medication and/or treatment, from any health care provider and/or pharmacist that has provided medical or health services to my child. SELF-ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION: Initial this paragraph for use of an Epi-Pen, asthma inhaler and other approved self-administered medications): I hereby certify that my child has been fully instructed and is capable of self-administration of the prescribed medication. I further authorize my child's carrying, storage and self-administration of the above-prescribed medication in school. I acknowledge that I am responsible for providing my child with such medication in containers labeled as described above, for any and all monitoring of my child's use of such medication, as well as for any and all consequences of my child's use of such medication in school. I further hereby authorize the Department, DOHMH, their agents and employees; including the principal, his/her designee(s), school nurse and my child's teacher(s), to administer such medication in accordance with the instructions of my child's physician should my child be temporarily incapable of self-administering such medication. I understand that the school nurse will confirm my child’s ability to self carry and self administer in a responsible manner with the school. In addition, I agree to provide “back up” medication in a clearly labeled bottle to be kept in the medical room in the event my child does not have sufficient medication to self administer. ______ I also authorize the principal, his/her designee(s) and school nurse to store and/or administer to my child such medication in the event that my child is temporarily incapable of self-storage and self-administration of such medication. ______ I hereby certify that I have consulted with my child’s health care provider and that I authorize the Office of School Health to administer stock Ventolin in the event that my child’s asthma prescription medication is unavailable. You must send your child’s Personal Metered Dose Inhaler (MDI) with your child on a school trip day in order that he/she has it available. The stock Ventolin is only for use while your child is in the school building. Please Print Parent/Guardian’s Name & Address Below: _________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian's Signature _________________________________________________ Date Signed Daytime Telephone No. __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Home Telephone No. (DO NOT WRITE BELOW - FOR DOE AND DOHMH ONLY) Student’s Name:______________________________________ Received by: ___________________________ Name OSIS No: ________________________________________ ________ Date Reviewed by: _________________________ Name Referred to School 504 Coordinator Services provided by: MH Public Health Adv. Signature and Title: (RN OR MD) 12-13 Self-Administers/Self-Carries: Health Center _____________________________________________ (Date school notified and form forwarded to DOE Liaison) __________ Date ! ! Uniform Requirements and Cost Success Academy is a uniform school. We believe uniforms keep our scholars focused and eliminate distractions. Scholars are required to wear their uniform every day of school, beginning on the first day. Success Academy offers all our families free school supplies, free field studies, and free lunch, breakfast and snacks. Your child’s uniform is the only item we ask you to purchase*. Uniform costs are listed below by grade. Please factor the cost into your budget now. You will have the opportunity to have your child measured in late June by our uniform vendor, Flynn & O’Hara. Accepted Scholars: Uniform payment is due at the time of your Uniform Fitting in late June! Acceptable forms of payment are cash, credit, debit, and money order. Wait Listed Scholars: if you remain on the wait list at the time of Uniform Fitting, no payment will be required at that time. Please continue to factor uniform costs into your budget in the event your child is accepted at a Success Academy after Uniform Fitting. 2013 Flynn & O’Hara Uniform Packages and Prices Girls Kindergarten – 3rd grade ($210): • 2 jumpers • 2 short-sleeve polo shirts • 1 long-sleeve polo shirt • 1 cardigan • 2 pairs of lycra shorts • 1 pair of tights • 1 orange sport shirt • 1 Success Academy backpack Boys Kindergarten ($161): • 2 pairs of pull-on elastic pants • 2 short-sleeve polo shirts • 1 long-sleeve polo shirt • 1 v-neck pullover • 2 pairs of socks • 1 orange sport shirt • 1 Success Academy Backpack Boys 1st – 3rd grade ($200): • 2 pairs of navy twill pants • 2 short-sleeve oxford shirts • 1 long-sleeve oxford shirt • 2 orange ties • 1 v-neck pullover • 2 pairs of socks • 1 orange sport shirt • 1 black belt • 1 Success Academy Backpack * Assistance is available in cases of financial hardship. Please fill out and submit the Uniform Financial Assistance Request form found in your Welcome Meeting packet. You may email the completed form to [email protected] or mail to: Success Academy, Attn: Enrollment 310 Lenox Ave NY, NY 10027.
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