COVER SHEET 1 0 2 4 1 5 SEC Registration Number Z E U S H O L D I N G S , I N C . (Company’s Full Name) 2 0 / F L K G M A K A T I T OW E R 6 8 0 1 A Y A L A A V E N U E C I T Y (Business Address: No. Street City/Town/Province) ATTY. DAISY L. PARKER 884-1106 (Contact Person) (Company Telephone Number) 1 2 3 1 1 7 - C Month Day (Form Type) Month (Fiscal Year) Day (Annual Meeting) (Secondary License Type, If Applicable) Dept. Requiring this Doc. Amended Articles Number/Section Total Amount of Borrowings Total No. of Stockholders Domestic Foreign To be accomplished by SEC Personnel concerned File Number LCU Document ID Cashier STAMPS Remarks: Please use BLACK ink for scanning purposes. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMlsSloiI sEc FoRir {7-c CURRENT REPORT UNDER SECTION ,l7 OF THE SECURITIES REGULANON CODE AND SRC RULE 17.2(cl THEREUNDER 1. 19 February 2013 Date of Report {Date of earliest event reported) 2- SEC ldentification Number 4. ZEUS HOLDINGS,INC. 1A2115 3. BIR Tax ldentification No. 000{156-514 Exact name of issuer as specified in its charter 5. 7. 8. Metro Manila, Philippines G. Province, country or other jurisdiction incorporation of 20rF, LKG Tower,680l Ayala Ave., Address of principal office ilakati Gity tl :-l {sEC use onty} lndustry Classification Code: 1226 Po'stalCode (8321 884-1106 lssueds telephone number, including area code 9. NIA Former name or former address, if changed since last report 10. $ecurities registered pursuant to Sections Title of Each Glass I and 12 of the SRC or Sections 4 and g of the RSA Number of Shares of Common Stock Outstanding and Amount of Debt Outstanding {As of 31 January 2013) Common Outstanding loans 2,733,463,907 Nil 11. lndicate the item numbers reported herein: ltem 9 Please be advised that Atty. Lynneth T. Lundang, who was elected as an lndependent Director of Zeus Holdings, lnc. fZHl') on 5 February 2013, attended and completed the Corporate Govemance & Anti-Money Laundering Act Seminar conducted by Philippine Securities Consultancy Corporation on 15 February 2013, at DusitThaniHotel, Ayala Center, MakatiCity. The topics discussed in the seminar were the following: . Corporate Govemance (Background, Principles, Globat DevelopmentstLocat Perspectives - Philippine Regulatary Regime/Statutury AveruiewlSEC Frameworkof Corqrations0irectors/Afficers re: lnsider Trading, Canfldentiality & Dr.sclosune, Conflict af lnterest Transactions, Manipulative & Deceptive Devices/tJnethicat Selting Pnctices, Abuse/Prctection of Minarity Snarenadere)Uftyy6 Focus: lllegal Activities . r . Corporate Governance (RoIe of fuard of DircctoV@lfficers in Companies lmbued with Public lntarest, Cotporate Risk Management, Corporate WasuremenblAssessrnenf of Compliance with Gavemance Sfandards and principtes) Anti-Money Laundering Act (Salient features, wve@ge, responsibilities/liabilities of cor@rate officers, requircd regulatory reports, campliance, enforcement, violations and penafties) The Corporation received yesterday, 18 February 2013, Atty. Lundang's Certificate of Attendance in the said Seminar, a copy of which is attached hereto for your reference and ftle. SIGNATURES Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Regulation Code, the issuer has dqly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized. zEus HoLD|NGS, gAISY L. P tNC. /-/*4' 2013 SEC Form l7-C Instructions . :' PHILIPPTH E SECURME$ COf.I$ULTANCY CORPORANON tPHtLSECC) Unit D" Yrryangco Bldg., Flcida St", Grcenhills, Mandalrryong Crty Tel No. 697{316 - Tcle.Fcr No. 727-0993 Email : [email protected] CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE LYNNETH T. LUNDANG (Nane atParticiptt) Zeus Holdings,Inc. (Nawaf Ca*ry*ry) This is to ccrtify that of Independent Ilirector (ksigffiier) has attended the CORFORATE GOVERiIAI{CE & AllThltgt{EY I-AUHOERIiIG ACT SEIIIHAR Seuiw) (Tltle of held at Dusit Thani Hotel Ayala Ccrrer, Msksti City, Philippines, on February 15, 2013, with the following pa*ianlars: SUBJECTS SPE A KE RS CORPiORATE G'OVERNANCT (Bachgrumd, Prtndples, Global Metapnenxl Incal Perspecttws - Philtpptne Regulaary Regime / Santary &ervteil SEC Framework Focas: Illegal Actidties of Corpratons Direenrr / Aficen re: kstder / - MNS. CATHERINE N. SAPI,AI,A Farmer Dtrector Invest rren* & Research hpamrcnt kcurities & Erehange Canmtsstut (SEC) Tradtng, Conffunttaltty &. Disclosure, Can$ict af Interett Mdn@attw & fueepttve fuvtces/ Unethtcal Selltng Practtces, Abuse/Protection af Tradsdcttons, Mtnartty &rarehol&n) CORFORATE GOVERNANCE (Role af Board of Drecnn / Aficen tn Comparl* Inbued *tth Pabltc Interest, Corporau Risk Mougerttent, Corpcrate Measvrenent / Astessment af Conpltance wlth Gqvernance Sadare aad Princtples) ANTI-MONEY Ld,[Ir{I}[RING ACT (sali ent featws, cwetagq resplrnsibilttiev/ liabtltties of corporate afieers, reqtired rcgulatory rqpar*, conpltonee, enforeement, violattons and Gven this 156 day Atty. FIO of February, 2At3, ^tlr{akdi MRS" MERCEDES B. SULEIK B.S.C, CPL PE.D" (cand-) Fellow, lnstttute of Corparate Drectors AITY. RICEARD I'AYID hputyDircaor C. FtINKtr Ilead, Conplianee and Investigatton Group lnti-trdon ey Law dertq Cot*rct I Burgb &ntral ng Pilipinas {BSP) City, philippines. UIERES Corporate Seretary
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