ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Air-Conditioning Conditioning Engineers Inc. 1791 Tullie Circle, NE • Atlanta, Georgia 30329 30329-2305 404-636-8400 • Fax 404-321 321-5478 TC/TG/TRG MINUTES COVER SHEET (Minutes of all TC/TG/TRG Meetings are to be distributed to all persons listed below within 60 days following the meeting.) TC/TG/TRG NO.: TC 9.01 ISSUE DATE: TC/TG/TRG TITLE: Large Building Air-Cond Conditioning Systems DATE OF MEETING: June 23, 2009 MEMBERS PRESENT TERM END Members: Stephen W Duda, V. Chair Kelley P Cramm, Sec Kenneth E. Gill K Quinn Hart Charles E. Henck John L Kuempel Jr Howard J McKew Ronald Millies, Jr. Gene R Strehlow Jeff Traylor John I Vucci Dennis Wessel June 30 of 2012 2010 2011 2009 2009 2009 2009 2012 2009 2011 2010 2012 January 18, 2010 LOCATION: Louisville, KY MEMBERS ABSENT TERM END Members Members: Phil Trafton Charles G Arnold Alonzo B. Blalock Harvey Brickman Rodney H. Lewis June 30 of 2009 2011 2011 2012 2010 ADDITIONAL ONAL ATTENDANCE Corresponding Members: Members Warren G. Hahn Mark Fly Douglas Cochrane John Wolfert Hollace Bailey Jay Eldridge Lynn Werman Liaisons / Staff / Ex-Officio Ex Members: Guests: Bob Rybka International Members: none present DISTRIBUTION ALL MEMBERS OF TC/TG/TRG TAC COMMITTEE CHAIR: Brian Becker TAC SECTION HEAD: Van Baxter LIAISONS: CEC: Dennis Wessel Pub Publications: Kelley Cramm Handbook: Walter T Grondzik Research Research: Carl Lawson Professional Development: Tim McGinn CTTC: Melvin Glass Staff Liaison/Research/Technical Services: Michael R Vaughn Standards Liaison: Staff Liaison (Standards): Claire B Ramspeck Merle McBride NOTICE: These Draft Minutes have not been approved and are not the official, approved record until approved by this committee. com January 16, 2010 1 ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Air-Conditioning Engineers Inc. 1791 Tullie Circle, NE • Atlanta, Georgia 30329 30329-2305 404-636-8400 • Fax 404-321-5478 ASHRAE TC/TG/TRG ACTIVITIES IES SHEET ATTACHMENT ISSUE DATE: June 23, 2009 TC/TG/TRG NO.: T.C. 9.01 CHAIR: Phil Trafton TC/TG/TRG TITLE: VICE-CHAIR: Steve Duda Large Building Air-Conditioning Conditioning Systems SECRETARY: Kelley Cramm TC/TG/TRG MEETING SCHEDULE Location - Past 48 Months Chicago, IL Quebec, PQ (Canada) Dallas, TX Long Beach, CA New York, NY Salt Lake City, UT Chicago, IL Louisville, KY Date 1.24.2006 6.27.2006 1.30.2007 6.26.2007 1.22.2008 6.24.2008 1.27.2009 6.23.2009 Location - Planned Next 36 Months Orlando, FL Albuquerque, NM Las Vegas, NV Montreal, PQ (Canada) Chicago, IL San Antonio, TX Date 1.26.2010 6.29.2010 2.01.2011 6.28.2011 1.24.2012 6.26.2012 TC/TG/TRG SUBCOMMITTEES Function Subcommittee Chair ALI Coordinator Handbook Honors and Awards Journal / Insights Membership Program Research Standards Standards Issues Webmaster Gene Strehlow & Bryan Sherman Jeff Traylor Rodney Lewis Warren Hahn Lynn Werman Chuck Arnold William Klock Charlie Henck Phil Trafton Mark Fly RESEARCH PROJECTS – CURRENT Project Title RP-1395 – Heat Gains from Industrial and Control Equipment in Industrial Plants, Part 2. Contractor Kansas State University Monitoring Comm. Chairperson Wayne Lawson Report Made At Mtg. Yes W/S Written Approved To RAC LONG RANGE RESEARCH PLAN Rank Title HANDBOOK RESPONSIBILITIES NOTICE: These Draft Minutes have not been approved and are not the official, approved record until approved by this committee. com January 16, 2010 2 Year & Volume 2012 Systems & Equip 2012 Systems & Equip 2012 Systems & Equip 2012 Systems & Equip 2012 Systems & Equip Chapter Title HVAC System Analysis and Selection Decentralized Cooling and Heating Centralized Cooling and Heating Air-Handing and Distribution In-Room Units and Distribution Chapter No 1 2 3 4 5 Deadline TBA 2011 TBA 2011 TBA 2011 TBA 2011 TBA 2011 Lead Reviser / Reviewer D. Wessel / Brickman & Fly J. Kuempel / Vucci & Duda W. Klock / Werman & Hart R. Lewis / Trafton & Cramm H. Bailey / Strehlow & Hahn STANDARDS ACTIVITIES - List and Describe Subjects STD 15-2004 Safety Standard for Refrigeration Systems – Continuous Maintenance, Cognizant TC is 9.01, Steve Duda is liaison. Guideline 0-2005 The Commissioning Process – TC 9.01 is co-cognizant. Guideline 16-2003 Selecting Outdoor, Return, and Relief Dampers for Air-Side Economizer Systems – Cognizant TC is 9.01. TECHNICAL PAPERS from Sponsored Research – Title, when presented (past 3 yrs. present & planned) 1. None. TC/TG SPONSORED TRANSACTION SESSIONS – Title, when presented (past 3 yrs. present & planned) & Chair 2. None. TC SPONSORED SEMINARS – Title, when presented (past 3 years, present, & planned) & Chair; Speaker, Speaker, Speaker 1. Back-to-Basics: HVAC System Selection (2006 Annual – Quebec) / Wessel; Duda, McKew, Kuempel 2. Case Studies in Humidity Control Pt. 1 / (2007 Winter – Dallas) / Trafton; Gill, Duda, Kuempel 3. Case Studies in Humidity Control Pt. 2 / (2007 Winter – Dallas) / E Sterling; S Brown, J Murphy, Lewis 4. Case Studies in Retrofit of Existing Systems Part I (2007 Annual – Long Beach) / Arnold; Cramm, Kuempel, Lewis. 5. Underfloor Air Distribution: Case Studies & Lessons Learned (2008 Winter) Brickman; Cooper, Mass, Frank, Morrissey. 6. Introduction to 2008 Handbook (2008 Annual – Salt Lake City) / McKew; Duda & Maston. 7. Case Studies in Sustainable Retrofits to Reduce Energy Use of Existing Buildings (2009 Winter – Chicago) / Trafton; Kuempel, McKew, Traylor. 8. Design and Case Studies for Indoor Sports Facilities (2009 Annual – Louisville) / Trafton; Duda, R. Towell, Cramm. 9. Design Challenges & Solutions for Entertainment Venues (2009 Annual – Louisville) / Millies; Kuempel, S. Braden, McKew. 10. PROPOSED: Retrofit for Humidity Control (2010 Winter – Orlando) / Gill; Fly, McKew 11. PROPOSED: Retrofitting HVAC in Older Buildings Sustainably (2010 Winter) / Traylor; Duda, Cramm, Kuempel. 12. FUTURE: System Selection Based Upon Energy Modeling. 13. FUTURE: High Efficiency Retrofit Case Studies. TC/TG SPONSORED FORUMS - Title, when presented (past 3 years, present, & planned) & Moderator 1. None. JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS, when published (past 3 years, present, & planned) & Author 1. Reducing Energy Costs With Condensing Boilers & Heat Recovery Chillers (2007-03) / J. Rishel 2. Connecting Buildings To Central Chilled Water Plants (2007-11) / J. Rishel Respectfully submitted by: Stephen W. Duda, Vice-Chair NOTICE: These Draft Minutes have not been approved and are not the official, approved record until approved by this committee. January 16, 2010 3 ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Air-Conditioning Conditioning Engineers Inc. 1791 Tullie Circle, NE • Atlanta, Georgia 30329 30329-2305 404-636-8400 • Fax 404-321 321-5478 TC 9.01 Large Building Air Air-Conditioning Systems Meeting Minutes Meeting Date: June 23, 2009 Louisville, KY I. Call to Order a) Vice Chair Duda called led the meeting to order at 1: 1:00 PM local time. II. Introduction of Members And Guests a) Self-introductions introductions of members and guests were made around the ta table ble as the attendance roster was circulated. Vice Chair Duda welcomed all members and visitors. A quorum was verified. Voting Members: 12 Present, 5 Absent, Quorum achieved. International Members: 0 Present Corresponding Members: 7 Present Society Liaisons: 0 Present Staff Liaisons: 0 Present Guests: 1 Present Note: International members are voting members if present, but do not count against quorum if absent. III. Minutes from Chicago, January 22009 Meeting ng minutes be approved and Jeff Traylor seconded. Motion carried carri (12-0-0-5). a) Ken Gill moved that the meeting Secretary’s Note: All votes recorded herein are formatted as (Aye (Aye-Nay-Abstain-Absent). Absent). IV. Agenda Comments / Updates (S. Duda Duda) a) No agenda changes were noted. V. Chairman’s Comments and Section 9 Report ((S. Duda) a) No outstanding information is needed from TC9.1. There is money available for research remaining in the budget. b) CTTC will recruit members for us from chapters if we ask. They will also recruit peer reviewers, etc. etc c) Excel formatted rosters will be e-mailed mailed next week. Steve D. will forward this to the committee d) TAC is working on a web-based based application for updating rosters interactively interactively. e) CEC is adding a new program type starting in Albuquerque called “Conference Papers”. Papers” f) CEC is establishing ablishing tracks for all future meetings meetings. g) Orlando Seminar proposals are due July 10th. NOTICE: These Draft Minutes have not been approved and are not the official, approved record until approved by this committee. com January 16, 2010 4 h) Thank you letters to employers are now requested via a website link i) Hightower award nominations are due Sept. 1st. This will now be based on a 4 year time frame for service to technical committees. j) Consideration is being given to expand the international rule to allow anyone of any residency to be a “nonquorum voting member”. This would allow domestic members to fill this role. k) Orlando meeting in January 2010 tracks are as follows: 1) 2) 3) Humidity Control Load Calculations Energy Conservation and alternative Energy Sources/Solutions Charlie Henck noted that the committee can suggest tracks for future meetings a year in advance VI. ASHRAE Liaison Reports a) No liaisons were present to give reports. VII. TC 9.01 Subcommittee Reports a) Membership (L. Werman): Six members will be rolling off as voting members of the committee as of 6/30/09: Phil Trafton, Charlie Henck, Gene Strehlow, Quinn Hart, John Kuempel, and Howard McKew. We have added 5 voting members and the July, 2009 roster is available. Effective July 1st, 2009, the roster will be as follows: Chair – Steve Duda, Vice Chair – Kelley Cramm, Secretary – John Kuempel, (non-voting) Voting Members: Jeff Traylor, Bill Klock, Warren Hahn, Mark Fly, Holly Bailey, Al Blalock, Harvey Brickman, Doug Cochrane, Ken Gill, Lee Millies, John Vucci, Lynn Werman, Dennis Wessel, and John Wolfert. b) Handbook (J. Traylor): Jeff indicated that the chapter reviews are getting started. Revisers and reviewers are: TC-9.1 Handbook Reviewers: Reviser Reviewer • Chapter 1 Wessel • Chapter 2 Kuempel Vucci, Duda • Chapter 3 Klock Werman, Hart • Chapter 4 Lewis Trafton, Cramm • Chapter 5 Bailey Strehlow, Hahn Brickman, Fly 2012 revisers must be substantially complete by the Orlando meeting. c) Standards (C. Henck):– Charlie reported that the Standards committee does not need Guideline 16 “Selecting Outdoor Return and Relief Dampers for Air-Side Economizer Systems” reaffirmed. There are no other standards outstanding. d) Research (Klock): Bill Klock was not present to give a report. RP-1395 – Heat Gains from Industrial and Control Equipment in Industrial Plants, Part 2, (Wessel). This project looks at additional equipment that was not included previously. Dennis distributed a spreadsheet that shows what the work scope called for compared to what was actually included (see attachment). The TC needs to vote on the approach. Dennis Wessel put forth the following motion –“I move that the committee accept the test method performed by the researcher on RP-1395 for the completion of the research project.” Ken Gill seconded. Discussion: Jeff Traylor expressed concern that the research paid for was not performed per the statement of work and that the researchers did not do as much work as was contracted. Dennis noted that the PMS is NOTICE: These Draft Minutes have not been approved and are not the official, approved record until approved by this committee. January 16, 2010 5 recommending that it be accepted. Dennis talked with the researcher at length yesterday and is comfortable with the results. Per the spreadsheet Dennis provided, many of the research requirements were met by using a literature search for existing data or by performing calculations in lieu of actual testing. Chair called the vote. Motion passed (10-0-1-6) (Author’s Note: One voting member had stepped out temporarily when this motion came to a vote.) RTAR-1448 – Chiller Room Ventilation, PMS: S. Taylor, S. Duda, J. Vucci. This is not a TRP (temporary research project). TC 9.1 is not involved however Steve reported that this is a project to determine the proper ventilation rate for emergency ventilation for chiller rooms considering the science behind the refrigerant dispersion and the history of actual practice. The result needs to be defendable and must be able to be practically applied. The work statement has been written and the bids have been received. They range from $75,000 to $100,000. Ken Gill noted that there is a current research project in heat gain from health care committee. ASHRAE should somehow consider consolidating all this research that is being done independently. The committee expressed agreement. e) Program (C. Arnold / K. Cramm): Kelley Cramm presented the program recommendations for Orlando (see attached minutes). Kelley Cramm moved and Jeff Traylor seconded that the committee approve the program recommendations for Orlando. Motion passed (10-0-1-6) (Author’s Note: One voting member had stepped out temporarily when this motion came to a vote.) Dennis Wessel described the new process for conference papers. Abstracts for conference papers for Albuquerque must be submitted by September 25, 2009. Program submissions for Orlando are due July 10, 2009. Orlando Programs: Dennis Wessel chaired a forum this morning and the following programs were requested: - Chilled beam applications Design issues Long term maintenance Under floor air distribution (UFAD) Design/installation success stories Design comparison for a common building in different parts of the country/world Case studies around the world Variable refrigerant flow (VRF) designs for large buildings Energy modeling Modeling vs. actual performance f) Professional Development (G. Strehlow): Two full day and four half day professional development sessions were presented in Louisville. Anyone who wants to teach a future class should let Gene know. Mark Fly is on the E-Learning committee. Many of these courses are on the web. g) Honors & Awards (R. Lewis): Rodney was not present. No report given. h) Journal/Insights (W. Hahn): No one from the committee had any Journal articles in the past 6 months Warren will submit an Insights article stating that the results from the RP on heat gain from electrical equipment will be out soon and that this information should be placed in the Handbook. NOTICE: These Draft Minutes have not been approved and are not the official, approved record until approved by this committee. January 16, 2010 6 i) Website Report (M. Fly): Mark Fly said the minutes are on the website but he has not been supplied with any other content. We had two seminars at this meeting. Steve asked if he could put our slides on the website. Speakers from this meeting could put their slides on the web. Send them to Mark for posting j) Standards Issues (R. Lewis): This committee did not meet since Rodney and Phil are not at the meeting. Holly Bailey and Jay Eldridge met briefly but had no report. VIII. Sustainable Design Issues (D. Wessel) a) No discussion. This will be removed from future agendas. IX. TC/PC Liaison Reports a) TC 1.04 – Control Theory & Application (H. McKew): No report. Remove Howie from this committee liaison position. b) TC 1.12 – Moisture Management in Buildings (Lawson): Holly Bailey and Jeff Traylor attended. The committee is under new management. There may be more activity and it will be more regimented. The TC has no handbook chapter yet. Need to figure out what handbook chapters the TC needs to give input on. c) TC 4.03 – Ventilation and Infiltration (S. Duda): Steve reported on RP1448 which is sponsored by TC 4.03. They also have a work statement approved – 1547. It has to do with applying a CO2 based demand controlled ventilation system in a multi-zone system. This work statement has been approved and is going forward. d) TC 5.06 – Control of Fire & Smoke (R. Lewis): No Report. e) TC 6.01 – Hydronic & Steam Heating Equipment & Systems (J. Kuempel): This committee is meeting now. The central chilled water plant subcommittee is planning a program in Orlando on central chilled water. f) TC 7.04 – Building Operation Dynamics (G. Strehlow): Gene said this TC has merged with TC7.5, Smart Building Systems. They are research driven. Have a lot of interaction with the utilities. Fault detection and diagnostics are also a current topic. g) TC 7.07 – Testing & Balancing (H Brickman): No Report. h) TC 7.09 – Building Commissioning (J. Traylor): Jeff Traylor attended this TC meeting but had no substantial items to report. i) TC 9.06 – Health Care Facilities (D. Wessel): The Advanced Energy Design Guide for Small Health Care Facilities will be published in November and will be available for free download. The AIA Healthcare design guide will now be published by ASHE. Ventilation requirements will be included. The FGI (Facilities Group Institute) will also be involved j) TC 9.08 – Large Building Air-Conditioning Applications (C. Lawson): Carl Lawson was not present. Jeff Traylor indicated he attended the meeting but had no report. k) TC 9.10 – Laboratory Systems (Sestak/Lawson): No report, they have not met yet. l) TC 9.12 – Tall Buildings (L. Werman): Lynn said they met in Chicago and will be meeting today here in Louisville. They have a lot of program ideas. m) GPC 16 – Selecting Outdoor, Return, and Relief Dampers for Air-Side Economizer Systems (Kuempel): Since this does not need to be reaffirmed it should be dropped from the agenda. n) GPC 22 – Instrumentation for Monitoring Central Chilled Water Plant Efficiency (Arnold): This has been published so it should be dropped from the agenda. o) SSPC 62- Indoor Air Quality: Phil had been attending these meetings but he is not here. Steve will check with Phil to see if he will continue to attend these meetings NOTICE: These Draft Minutes have not been approved and are not the official, approved record until approved by this committee. January 16, 2010 7 p) SSPC 15 – Mechanical Refrigeration Safety (Duda): This committee is also interested in RP-1448. This committee met on Sunday. There is a change proposal that was approved for public review that grants some exceptions to the rules on discharging a refrigerating system’s pressure relief device. Ken Gill suggested that a change proposal be submitted to require pressure relief valves on chillers, not rupture disks. He will pursue this. q) TG7 – Under-Floor Air (H. Brickman): Harvey was not present. No report. r) Guideline 29 - Guideline for Risk Management of Public Health and Safety in Buildings (Brickman): This guideline should be added to our list. s) If there’s any interest in ARI standards, they are negotiating with ANSI to co-sponsor their standards. Once this agreement is in place, ARI standards will not be available for free download. t) Mark Fly stated that the ASHRAE Bookstore will soon become a separate website. This should improve functionality. u) TG3 – HVAC&R Contractors and Design Build Firms: John Kuempel attended this meeting. Of the 60,000 ASHRAE members, 10 to 12,000 are contractors. ASHRAE conducted a survey to ask about contractors’ participation. John reviewed the results of the survey. v) Steve will update the list of TC liaisons to be sure the liaison is a corresponding member of the TC they report on. They can then report on the minutes from the previous meeting X. Old Business a) Rodney is still reviewing the mold position document. His review is generally not favorable XI. New Business a) For the good and well being, each member shared something about themselves. XII. Adjournment a) Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 26, 2009 at 1:00 pm in Orlando, FL. b) Meeting adjourned at 3:20 PM. Moved by Ken Gill and seconded by Dennis Wessel. XIII. A: B: C: D: Attachments: Summary of Motions Summary of Action Items TC9.1 Program Subcommittee Minutes RP 1395 Summary End of Minutes Respectfully submitted by: Kelley P. Cramm, Secretary NOTICE: These Draft Minutes have not been approved and are not the official, approved record until approved by this committee. January 16, 2010 8 ATTACHMENT “A” SUMMARY OF MOTIONS: Secretary’s Note: All votes recorded herein are formatted as Aye-Nay-Abstain-Absent. Chair voted unless noted otherwise. Text: Text: Motion: Ken Gill Second: Jeff Traylor Approve the Chicago January, 2009 Winter Meeting Minutes. Vote: Motion Carried 12-0-0-5 Motion: Dennis Wessel Second: Ken Gill The committee accept the test method performed by the researcher on RP-1395 for the completion of the research project Vote: Text: Motion Carried 10-0-1-6 Motion: Kelley Cramm Second: Jeff Traylor Approve the program slate for Orlando meeting Vote: Motion Carried 10-0-1-6 Motion: Ken Gill Second: Dennis Wessel Text: Adjourn the meeting. Vote: Motion Carried 11-0-1-5 NOTICE: These Draft Minutes have not been approved and are not the official, approved record until approved by this committee. January 16, 2010 9 ATTACHMENT “B” SUMMARY OF ACTION ITEMS: Responsible Party: Steve Duda Action: Update list of TC Liaisons to insure all are corresponding members of the TC they report on Due Date: Orlando meeting. Responsible Party: Steve Duda Action: . Check to see if Phil Trafton plans to continue attending SSPC 62. Due Date: Orlando meeting Responsible Party: Warren Hahn Action: . Submit item to Insights on results from the RP on heat gain from electrical equipment Due Date: No date specified Responsible Party: Jeff Traylor/Handbook Revisers Action: . Complete 2012 Handbook revisions Due Date: Orlando Meeting Responsible Party: Ken Gill Action: . Pursue submitting a change proposal for RP-1448 to require pressure relief valves on chillers in lieu of rupture disks. Due Date: No date specified NOTICE: These Draft Minutes have not been approved and are not the official, approved record until approved by this committee. January 16, 2010 10 ATTACHMENT “C” Program Subcommittee Minutes AMERICAN SOCIETY OF HEATING, REFRIGERATING AND AIR CONDITIONING ENGINEERS, INC. 1791 Tullie Circle, N.E./Atlanta, GA 30329 TC PROGRAM SUBCOMMITTEE MINUTES TC9.l1 – Large Building Air Conditioning Systems June 23, 2009 12:00 PM, Louisville Convention Center, Room 209 In Attendance: Kelley Cramm Jay Eldridge John Kuempel The tracks for Orlando were reviewed and the following programs suggested: • Retrofits for Humidity Control (Humidity Control track)– Ken Gill chair o Howard McKew (speaker) o Mark Fly (speaker) • Controlling Humidity Sustainably • Designing for Humidity Control Using DOAS • Case Studies for Buildings Using Unitary Equipment for Optimal Air Quality • Retrofitting HVAC in Older Buildings Sustainably (Green Building/Sustainability track) – Jeff Traylor chair o John Kuempel o Steve Duda o Kelley Cramm Albuquerque • System Selection Based Upon Energy Modeling (Track 2 – Energy Facts vs. Simulations) o Kelley to recruit a speaker o Sara Maston (Howard to recruit) • High Efficiency Retrofit Case Studies o John Kuempel – K12 o Kelley Cramm – Restaurant (?) o Steve Duda (tentative) NOTICE: These Draft Minutes have not been approved and are not the official, approved record until approved by this committee. January 16, 2010 11
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