COVER IN KELLY THE SUPREME MENDENHALL, SHEET COURT OF THE CASE et al, STATE OF OHIO NO. 2006-2265 V. THE CITY OF AKRON, et al. CERTIFIED AMICUS BRIEF QUESTION OF DAN OF STATE MOADUS et al, IN SUPPORT MENDENHALL, Reg. A. Denney 1631 South Girard, No. 0028205 Atty. Antoni Dalayanis Atty. Jacquenette St. Building 5 _hFI. Ohio 44308 190 N. Union Akron, No. 0070165 Daniel Moadus, et al Wayne JoAnne H. Burger L. Lattur 44420 12 E. Exchange Akron, WarnerMendenhall Street 545-4250 Exchange Reg. No. 0068595 Reg. REPRESENTING State Ohio (330) Atty. LIST ADDRESS/PHONE Atty. James OF KELLY et al COUNSEL NAME LAW Janice St., Suite 201 Kelly A. Sipe Mendenhall Ohio 44304 S. Corgan Reg. No. 0072778 Atty. Donald W. Herbe 4900 Nestor Key Tower Reg. No. 0076500 127 Public Square Atty. Heather Cleveland, Ohio 44114 Reg. No. 0069606 Atty. Richard L. Tonsing Traffic Systems, Inc. S. Gurbst Reg. No. 0017672 Atty. Stephen A. Fallis 161 S. High Reg. No. 0021568 Atty. Michael J. Defibaugh Akron, Reg. No. 0072683 Akron, Atty. 4900 Richard S. Gurbst Reg. No. 0017672 St., Suite 202 The r f n, 2ityo AL_r_AL _ i_ Ohio 44308 217 S. High Street HAR 1 g 2007 Ohio 44308 Key Tower, Cleveland, Ohio 127 Public 44114 Squa MARCIA J. MENGEL, CLERK SUPREME COUR1 OF OHIO TABLE INTRODUCTION LAW AND .................................................................................. ARGUMENT ORDINANCES 3 OF THE CONSTITUTION IN CONFLICT WITH THE TRAFFIC II. 1 ......................................................................... THE CAMERA I° OF CONTENTS IN TITLE THE ORDINANCE VIOLATE 4 ARTICLE XVIII SECTION OF THE STATE OF OHIO, BY BEING GENERAL LAWS OF OHIO GOVERNING 45 OF THE OHIO VIOLATES REVISED PROCEDURAL CODE DUE ................ PROCESS GUARANTEED UNDER THE OHIO AND U.S. CONSTITUTIONS, AND IS THEREFORE UNCONSTITUTIONAL ON ITS FACE AND IN ITS ENFORCEMENT ...................................................... CERTIFICATE TABLE OF SERVICE OF CASES ................................................................... ................................................................................ APPENDIX A. DAN MOADUS ETAL V. THE CITY OF GIRARD, TRUMBULL COUNTY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, CASE NO. 05-CV1927 B. JOINT C. GIRARD STIPULATIONS SPEED OF FACT CAMERA ORDINANCE ii 4 15 21 22 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE ) Kelly Mendenhali, CASE OF NO. OHIO 2006-2265 ) et al, ) Certified Question of State Law ) V. ) The City STATE of Akron, AMICUS BRIEF OF DAN et ai_ IN SUPPORT et ai. MOADUS OF KELLY MENDENHALL_ et al INTRODUCTION Dan Moadus Trumbull County class certification 2006 (copy Court of Common as appendix Article Section XVIII, Ordinance conflicts As a matter County with these challenge of the position Our country their golden realized that there in Plaintiffs' statutes were "B", "C", are the Joint Girard Ordinance of the State of Ohio contained laws" within the meaning granted favor on July 6, as appendix case, and at Appendix Constitution, counsel to Girard has long been in Title of the term as used and that the Girard will state Speed Camera the essence 7404-05 and motivation and the reasons for their in this case. of freedom, discovered age, 550 B. C. to 300 B.C. types briefly City Ordinance a beacon originally are different Plaintiffs laws. of the Plaintiffs and principals during are "general 3, of the Ohio of introduction, of the Plaintiffs' philosophy code decided Also attached, That Court ruled that the speeding Revised et al v The City of Girard, Pleas, ease no. 05-CV-1927. "A'). of Fact in the Trumbull 45 of the Ohio support in Dan Moadus by the Court, and the case was attached Stipulations 7404-5. et al are the Plaintiffs of freedom: having and described Even these political been founded by the ancient early proponents and personal. on the Greeks of freedom in Political freedomdealswith issuessuchas of religion, speech, government. assembly, Personal freedom, we enjoy in our day-to-clay freedom of choice, only in certain permitted it by default, written were conjoined, Herodotus society Herodotus protect 5.78, personal meaningless. our political statutes, calling in the world." translation-de freedom, under a despotic and personal freedoms. law, should Ways, to take it away. co-existed, based and personal on freedom for the first time in history. are the elements a "...noble that make thing"..., government, a for "...while they had no better by Bruce Thornton, In essence, personal scheme organization yet, once the yoke was flung off, they proved selincourt]). The speed camera freedom that freedom (See Greek for without of citizens that and it existed in existence freedom our of movement, political There, for a time, political and personal were oppressed freedom rudimentary and personal by a large number that political and common when political at war than any of their neighbors, the finest fighters can influence It is a natural freedom, I.E., there was no strong government strong and able to survive, success of privacy, etc. prior to the Greeks, and exercised they [The Athenians] fiscal lives, such as freedom and philosophy. recognized freedom on the other hand, deals more with the freedom under the Greeks, law, tradition, our representatives, in which we as citizens the right to own property, situations However, that is, the ways electing freedom, at issue political P. 166 [From freedom political freedom in this case strikes can and should becomes at the heart of both The rule of law, as set out in our constitutions, not be ignored or subverted for expediency and for purposes. Our political institutions, freedom, the Courts being and therefore our personal of vital importance freedom, in this regard. are protected by our Today, financial with the advent problems Rather methods faced than such as Girard, These funds Akron, schemes to keep police camera officers, by more that generate been adopted officers Less freedom, ordinances is to short-cut because because more revenue is taking a beating. conventional municipalities by exploiting instituted process, budgets have human nature, by municipalities of these burden Therefore, and less freedom speed statutes, of proof, sufficient fewer become and red light the duly constituted doubt, do not have law enforcement. and the state criminal outside of reasonable the cities' revenue, the nature due process "hearing" of the concepts some ordinances on duty for serious less law enforcement, administrative problems with the and others. of the day. devoid schemes combined freedom development, and red light camera have police or economic technology, our personal deal with fiscal and budgetary to the easy solution: such as the speed electronic by local governments, such as tax increases resorted of modern camera and create courts, the order a "hearing" instead process and the right of confrontation. Some freedom of today's include and vehicles), chips codes widespread the massive in personal information embedded is slowly high-tech video DNA computers, into magnetic and the burgeoning intent, other surveillance, databases random strips, in everything, and non-high replacing searches, the proposed bureaucratic/administrative our democratic "locator" institutions. chips (in cell phones tracking/memory detectors, loading I.D. card, computer-read record apparatus on our personal accumulated, metal national credit infringements computer that are being airport the extensive tech dossiers which, personal bar kept on most citizens, through inertia if not an Of course,mostof thesedo not run directlyafoulof the law, althoughmost peoplewould agreethattheir cumulativeeffectis detrimentalto our personaland political freedom. The subjectSpeedCameraandRedLight CameraOrdinances,in additionto beingrepugnantto personalfreedomdo in factrun afoul of the law, in severalrespects: (1) Theyviolate Article XVIII and3 of the Constitutionof the Stateof Ohio; (2) Theyviolate the dueprocessrightsof allegedviolators; ARGUMENT 1. THE CAMERA ORDINANCES VIOLATE SECTION 3 OF THE CONSTITUTION IN CONFLICT WITH THE GENERAL TRAFFIC IN ARTICLE TITLE XVIII XVIII OF THE STATE OF OHIO, BY BEING LAWS OF OHIO GOVERNING 45 OF THE OHIO SECTION ARTICLE REVISED 3 OF THE OHIO CODE. CONSTITUTION READS AS FOLLOWS: Municipalities government sanitary A point is a grant a grant, shall have authority and to adopt and other similar that is both obvious, of authority municipalities Our federal originating would system together by the Constitution United States. The U.S. Constitution or authority for example, these local entities much the State of Ohio, no authority whatsoever States, does not grant whether of the time, of local to exercise municipal, only exist as creations with general is that this section Without such any powers. State. governments, i.e., the several or recognize self- such local police, to municipalities. of fifty independent of the United of any local government, all powers their limits regulal_'ons, as are not in conflict laws. is a combination bound within and overlooked from have to exercise and enforce states created any independent county, of the Ohio or township. Constitution the status In Ohio, and Legislature,andwhatauthoritytheyhaveis not inherent,but grantedby the state. Articles "home 10, 18, and 8 of the Ohio rule" powers Constitution held by municipal make this clear. governments in Ohio In other words, the only exist by virtue of a grant from the State of Ohio. The Ohio throughout Code the state; Title 45. Constitution has created initially These Article In Linndale discussion Legislature under the General state statutes XVIII, v. State, as to what are general section of uniform Code, laws, traffic laws for application and currently under Ohio Revised as the term is used in Ohio 3. 85 O.S. 3 rd 52 (1999), constitutes General a system a "general laws are those the Court said the following in its law": enacted by the General Assembly to safeguard the peace, health, morals, and safety and to protect the property of the people of the state. Schneiderman v. Sesantein (1929), 121 Ohio St. 80, 82-83, 167 N.E. 158, 159. General laws "apply to all parts of the state alike." at 83, 167 N.E. at 159. This court held in W. Jefferson v. Robinson (1965), 1 Ohio St.2d three of the syllabus, Section setting 113, 30 O.O.2d 474, 205 N.E.2d that "[t]he words 'general laws' 3 of Article forth police, XVIII of the Ohio sanitary or simila Constitution regulations Id. 382, paragraph as set forth in means [sic] statutes and not statutes which purport only to grant or to limit the legislative powers of a municipal corporation to adopt or enforce police, sanitary or other similar regulations." (Emphasis added.) This those operating uniformly throughout conduct on citizens application conditions. Garcia 271, 17 O.O.3d Schneiderman, interest generally, throughout and operating the state under v. Siffrin that it is necessary Detective 244, 602 N.E.2d (1962), with general uniform the same circumstances Residential Assn. (1980), as and 63 Ohio St.2d 259, 167, 174, 407 N.E.2d 1369, 1377-1378 (citing supra). " 'Once a matter has become of such general to make require uniform statewide regulation, legislate in the field so as to conflict Private court also defmed general laws the state, prescribing a rule of 173 Ohio Agencies, 1147, it subject Inc. v. N. Olmsted 1149, quoting to statewide control so as to the municipality can no longer with the state.' "Ohio Assn. of (1992), 65 Ohio State ex rel. McElroy St. 189, 194, 19 O.O.2d 3, 6, 181 N.E.2d St.3d v. Akron 26, 30. 242, In City ruled ofNiles v. Howard, that the drug statutes stating on page 'General in Ohio 164 of its opinion: 12 O. St. 3 rd 162 (1984), Revised "The Code the Supreme Court Title 2925 et. seq., were drug laws of the State of Ohio general laws, of Ohio are, therefore, Laws'. That amounts case involved of marijuana The Ohio Statute 29, the Ohio Ordinance, conflict enacted which misdemeanor, for the same violation a minor Court under rule authority became, therefore, granted drug law in the state statute. was not in conflict, and upheld possession of small by up to six months misdemeanor, in jail. under title jail sentence. for the Howard the home made punishable was deemed Code, with no possible with the general Ordinance City Ordinance a first degree Criminal The question a Niles it, citing whether the Niles in Article The Howard Struthers XVIII Court 8, was in found that the v. Sok__q__Lol 108 O. St. 263 (1923). The Court Struthers Ordinance Ordinance licenses in Sokol was not in conflict is in 'conflict' that which A newer used the following with general the statute forbids, test is two part (found part is to determine ifa state statute test in reaching with state law: laws, its determination "In determining the test is whether that the whether the Ordinance an permits or and vice versa." in Canton is indeed v. State, 98 O. St. 3ra. 149), the first a "general law", and to be a "general law", it must: (1) be part of a statewide (2) apply to all parts the state, (3) set forth police, only to grant and comprehensive sanitary, or similar or limit legislative set forth police, legislative of the state alike and operate sanitary, regulations, power or similar rather of a municipal regulations; enactment, uniformly throughout than purport corporation to (4) prescribea rule of conductupon citizensgenerally; Thesecondpart of thenewtest is to determineifa statestatutetakesprecedence overthe local ordinance,which occursif: (1) the ordinanceis in conflict with the statute, (2) the ordinanceis an exerciseof the policepower,ratherthanof local self-government,and (3) the statuteis a generallaw. This the simple decision Court Sokol has ruled that there test. written In Cleveland by Justice v. Betts, Zimmerman From what Also, is more has been 168 O. St. 386 (1958), (at page said, it would on point, conflicted Justice Zimmerman a municipality with the general the statute and "home civil matter of can make what is there case, rule" Justice the felony to prevent of carrying concealed it from treating armed [*390] grand larceny or even murder in the of such offenses in the Municipal Court. ruled in Betts state statute, even with the statute to though O.R.C. the that Cleveland Section conduct 2923.01, in question ordinance by making was the prohibited the ordinance. a misdemeanor is transformed again_paraphrase Ohio that the offense continues: and his six colleagues into a misdemeanor, 1 year, seem obvious only as such, conflicts a misdemeanor, Zimmerman In the present within stated: and is punishable robbery, arson, rape, burglary, same way, and finally dispose by both in a unanimous misdemeanor, invalid. weapons state felony 22), the Court issue than relating If by ordinance 11.2314 of the conflict carrying concealed weapons is a felony under the [State] statute that subject, and an ordinance which makes the same offense a exactly Justice to an analysis into a civil matter Zimmerman, subdivision) if these camera speed under what is there from making ordinances offense, DUI, are allowed jailable Girard to prevent assault, on a second ordinance it (Girard or domestic to stand? 7404-5. offense To once or any other violence into a Threeyearsafter Betts, St. 371 (1961). DUI conflicted The sole question above), Court decided Toledo the Court was whether with the state law banning the same conduct. in another unanimous Taft, Weygandt, Matthias, this time found identical Supreme before The Court, Zimmerman, the Ohio no conflict (6 Justices) decision a Toledo (including and Bell, who all concurred with the state law, because to the state law in all respects, including conduct vs. Best, 172 O. ordinance Justices in Cleveland the ordinance prohibited, on v. Bats was degree of offense, and punishment. In distinguishing Betts, the Court in Toledo v. Best stated: We feel that the pronouncement of this court in the case of City of Cleveland v. Betts, 168 Ohio St., 386, has no application to the cause factual situation question about we are now considering. the conflict. In Betts It was obvious case there and apparent. or was no In the instant case, there is no conflict, especially in view of the two aforequoted sections of Title XXIX of the [***8] Revised Code, and the final clinching argument is the result reached in the Municipal Court. The sentence imposed by the Municipal Court was imprisonment for three days, assessment of the costs of $ 81 and suspension of driving rights. Had the defendant been charged under the state statute have received the identical sentence under the municipal ordinance. Clearly, state in the present laws into a civil matters, "obvious and apparent" Statutes, which Both provided some case, the camers Sokol conduct that these are "general and Howard for different fit directly laws", involved penalties was prohibited imposed ordinances, and should ordinances of Cleveland are in direct be ruled conflict by the City Ordinance he could Court criminal v. Betts, and it is with the State invalid. (Sokol-liquor, than the state statute; form, by the Municipal by transforming into the facts ordinances in its present Howard-drugs) in How__d,d more which severe, that was not prohibited in Sokol, by the state statute.Neither theSokol Court and the City Ordinances These Girard two cases Traffic doubt Traffic driving disappears; Section points assessments This point assessment reads (C) A Court are accumulated for traffic ... when a criminal an offender the matter to guilty beyond a off the road by suspending 24 months violations is found the following the speed miles their also magically in Ohio Revised Code points for an offense based on the exceeds exceeds pertaining the lawful to speed: speed limit by thirty .... 4 points. the lawful per hour by more speed limit of less than than five miles per hour 2 points. offenders citations Court. convert within per hour or more ............ duly constituted case regarding portion: the speed fifty-five and red light camera the present of any law or Ordinance (c) When repeat laws, formula: miles Dangerous from take bad drivers in relevant (11) A violation (a) with the general as does the right of confrontation. shall assess following a conflict the Ordinances which 12 points which found on the state to prove disappears, after 4510.036, Here, of proof magically privileges distinguished Ordinance. The burden Court upheld. are easily Camera civil matters. reasonable were or Howard may continue they receive. The Court system Also to drive, no matter disappearing is bypassed from completely how many speed the process is the under these Ordinances. Also radically matters, altered is the enhancement misdemeanor upon a second by this attempt under to convert state law from moving violation a state criminal a minor within misdemeanor a 12 month period: statues city civil to a fourth degree This law, duly enactedby the Ohio legislatureandsignedby the governor,asall the statutescited herein,is Ohio RevisedCode violations minor Section misdemeanors, (B) If, within This penalty light violators one year of the offense, camera violations of or plead guilty a misdemeanor enhancement within (B), which makes most moving traffic except: convicted offense, 4511.99 city limits of the fourth of course and never previously motor has been vehicle or traffic degree. also magically subject cities. of the as they please, the offender to one predicate disappears Offenders face the prospect for speeders may receive of jail, points, an red as many or license suspension. These Howard. under the same make Revised cases, alterations respective In the present case, conduct disappear state statutory and in fact in some by the legislature altogether, guilt beyond These create Code, specifically, under that was once the state to prove differences law did not exist in Sokol or law remained instances, the penalties for were enhanced. and intended safer, criminal City Ordinances, conduct designed of state statutory acts deemed prohibited our roads require of radical In those criminal penalties types criminal (points, along Section 4511.21 - Speed Section 4511.12 - Traffic Section 4511.06 - Uniform Section 4511.07 - Local doubt and direct but not necessarily t0 in a duly constituted to conflicts of Traffic Regulations civil; offense) to offender Court. to with Title 45 of the Ohio with the following: Devices Application Traffic becomes jail on subsequent conflict limited Control statute with the fight of an alleged a reasonable an obvious under Laws Section 4511.036 - Point Section 4511.99 - Penalties In addition, offender to attack definition trader various the accuracy control device", Traffic control devices Ohio Revised of a camera. in Ohio mean there Revised is no way for an alleged These Code all ...... devices cameras Section fit the 4511.01 ...for the purpose (QQ): of ...... traffic,..." Code certification Civil Ordinances, or certification of a "traffic regulating uniform these System Sections system 4511.09and for such devices 4511.11 Code establish Section a uniform 4511.11 manual and (F) specifically states: No local authority that does The alleged to investigate hearing not conform "offender" or challenge schemes, administrative since heating These statutes Sokol_, within shall purchase or manufacture to the state manual of a speed with these no right of subpoena control device and specifications... or red light camera city compliance any traffic violation sections or confrontation has no opportunity vis-a-vis exists the camera in in the various scenarios. in Title 45 are all "general the meaning of the term laws" as defined as used in article XVIII out in Howard section and 3 of the Ohio Constitution. In State v. Rosa, Court ruled as an unconstitutional City Ordinance offense changing 128 O. App. under which attempted the ordinance. a misdemeanor 3 rd 556, (1998), violation to convert This Court offense of Article XVIII a civil offense stated, to a felony, out of the 7 th Appellate on page or vice 11 section under 561: versa, district, 3, A Youngstown state law, to a criminal "Comparatively, is in conflict if with general the statelaw, changingthe classificationof anactfrom a civil to a criminal violationwould alsobe in conflict." TheRosa syllabus stated Court refers the following Where to Toledo on the "conflict" the only distinction ordinance, proscribing is as to the Penalty found Statute creating general and a municipal and providing punishment therefor, is Cleveland (O.R.C. vs. Betts, 168 O. St. 386 (1958), to be unconstitutional Section 2923.01) because governing in it conflicted the same conduct of 2923.01 created created an unconstitutional a misdemeanor a felony what offense for the same the state statute conflict for carrying conduct. prohibited, with article XVIII a concealed Even though the Court section the in Betts 3, and struck down. identical regulation under are the facts in a municipal of general cited above conduct was found did not permit that it crated enactment Court ordinance O.R.C. Nearly police certain a state statute weapon. ordinance the ordinance between only but not to the Degree City Ordinance The Cleveland Cleveland issue: laws of the a concealed while the the offense, the ordinance is not in conflict with the general state." (Syllabus Page 24) (Emphasis Added). with the State of Ohio weapon, where or Felony) a Cleveland carrying 172 06 St. 371 (1961), (Misdemeanor •Also cited by the Rosa which v. Best, a civil offense ordinance application O.R.C. in the present throughout 45 are contravened for conduct which case. "It is therefore, may not validly contravene apparent a statutory the state ..." Be(_Bg_Page 21). by City of Girard is a criminal law. 12 ordinance misdemeanor that a under The statutes 7404-5, by the state of | I This penalty: Girard They eliminate change the burden and eliminate entitled ordinance and Akron the degree proof, ordinance and type of offense, and eliminate Head speeding it a non-offense, of jail and license due process protections the suspension, alleged offenders are and red light cases. note four in Betts Constitutional more than change and in fact, make the possibility the level of the constitutional to in criminal do much states Law as follows: > Procedural Due Process > Grand Jury Requirement i Criminal Law & Procedure > Factors > Sentencing > Imposition A presentment or indictment by a grand jury is essential in the prosecution of an "infamous crime," and a prosecution in any other manner is authorized and a nullity 1901.20 gives committed for want of jurisdiction. a municipal within court jurisdiction its territory Ohio Rev. Code to hear felony and to discharge, Ann. cases recognize, or commit the accused. The offense of carrying concealed weapons is a felony under the statute relating to that subject, and an ordinance which makes the same offense a misdemeanor, and is invalid. punishable In determining only as such, conflicts whether a conflict exists with the statute between a statutory enactment and a municipal ordinance the test is whether the ordinance permits or licenses that which the statute forbids and prohibits and vice versa. misdemeanor commission character. The same attempting degree to replace But this test is not exclusive. entails relatively minor of a felony carries (Emphasis Added) of difference a felony exists Conviction consequences, with it penalties in the present with a misdemeanor, Girard of a whereas of a severe case, except attempts the and lasting that instead to replace of a crime with a civil offense. The Betts case is cited and followed District, made in State v. Barr, the act of assisting 153 O. App. a minor by the Court 3ra. 193 (2003). in a curfew violation 13 of Appeals of the Second In Barr, an Urbana a minor misdemeanor, ordinance in contrast to OhioRevisedCodeSection2919.24(A)(1), which makesthe sameacta first degree misdemeanor.The Barr Court, on page 196 & 197, stated We agree with the state that the principle supra, is applicable to conflicts between Revised Revised the following: espoused in State v. Volpe, different provisions of the Ohio Code, but not to conflicts between Code and provisions in municipal are controlled 151,154 by Cleveland N.E.2d the Constitution v. Betts 917, in which of Ohio, general provisions in the Ohio ordinances. The latter conflicts (1958), 168 Ohio St. 386, 7 O.O.2d it is held that "Section authorizes mtmicipalities within their limits only such local police with general laws." Id. At syllabus. 3, Article to adopt regulations XVIII of and enforce as are not in conflict In the case before us, by contrast, the Urbana ordinance purports to make the act of assisting a minor in a curfew violation a minor misdemeanor, punishable at most by $100 fine, while the statute makes the identical conduct a first-degree misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment for up to six months. This is a significant conflict. We agree with the state that, pursuant to Cleveland ordinance. In distinguishing Barr Court stated a contrary on pages v. Betts, supra, ruling in Toledo the statute vs. Best, prevails over the 172 O. ST. 371 (1958), the 196 and 197: To be sure, the holding in Cleveland v. Betts, supra, has been modified by the holding in Toledo v. Best (1961), 172 Ohio St. 371, 16 O.O.2d 220, 176 N.E.2d 520. However, we conclude that the holding in the latter case was based upon the fact that the difference between the ordinance and the statue in that case was slight, pertaining as it did to whether the first three days of any sentence imposed could be suspended, and the fact that the sentence actually imposed in violation of the ordinance was one that could have been imposed for a violation of the statute. Under circumstances, the Supreme Court, which was evidently of the statute, held that: "In the present case, although those somewhat critical the city of Toledo has remained constant and the General Assembly has vacillated, we feel this vacillation is not to a degree which causes a conflict between the statute 375, and ordinance 16 O.O.2d In other words, and the "general The Toledo law" ordinance there 220, herein involved." 176 N.E.2d was not a sufficient (In that case, Ohio and the state statute revised v. Best, 172 Ohio St. at 520. conflict between code section were nearly 14 Toledo the Toledo 4511.19, identical, ordinance, the DUI statute. and the same result was reached after conviction 2. THE under the ordinance ORDINANCE GUARANTEED VIOLATES UNDER IS THEREFORE in the case being THE reviewed. PROCEDUAL OHIO AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL DUE PROCESS U.S. CONSTITUTIONS, ON ITS FACE AND AND IN ITS ENFORCEMENT. The due process Constitution protections for citizens of the State of Ohio, Article In any trial, in any court, of the State I Section of Ohio 10 (reproduced the party accused shall are found in the here in part): be allowed to appear and defend in person and with counsel; to demand the nature and cause the accusation against him, and to have a copy thereof" to meet the of witness face to face, and to have compulsory process to procure the attendance of witnesses in his behalf and a speedy public trial by an impartial jury committed," witness Also, are accorded of the county No person against in which the offense shall be compelled, is alleged to have in any criminal been case, to be a himself. in the Constitution of the State the right to redress in Courts: of Ohio, Article I Section 16, Ohio citizens All courts shall be open, and every person, for an injury done him in his land, goods, person, or reputation, shah have remedy by due course of law, and shall have justice administered without denial or delay. The due process the citizens of Ohio, rights are found of Citizens of these United in Amendments V, VI, and )[IV, AMENDMENT No person States, shall be held to answer applicable restated of course to here in part: V for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger," be twice put in jeopardy case to be a witness nor shall any person be subject for the same of life or limb," nor shall be compelled against himself nor be deprived 15 offence in any criminal of life, liber_ or property, to without due process without just oflaw; nor shall private property AMENDMENT In all criminal and public trial, prosecutions, by an impartial shall have been committed, by law, and to be informed confronted obtaining defense. the accused jury of the State against in his favor, ... nor shall by a hearing any State who earns review on substance judicial review persons or property. $7.00 of a decision A municipal Stanton ordinance the right to both investigate further right of review any person 64 Ohio Consumer between App. Due process made consumers Agency Traffic of law is violated and adjudicate a Toledo whether ordinance both investigatory Id. at 54. his for the City that issued the is no right to further there is no provision the rights purported department was violated, Burke of v. Fought with no (1978), to give the Toledo powers was based for St. 658. of city regulatory due process. the is the ordinance The ordinance or property, its jurisdiction 114 Ohio and enforcement 16 for body affecting the employees of law, violates of Counsel ordinance when (1926), gives for Enforcement is final, and there by an administrative which and suppliers. within case, works v. Tax 2d 50. In _ Protection His decision the crime ascertained to be process of life, liberty, to any person who in the Girard by a court wherein XIV by the Automated per hour. issues. and district and to have the Assistance deprive provided officer, the right to a speedy him; to have compulsory without due process oflaw," nor deny equal protection of the laws. The only "hearing" shall enjoy which district shall have been previously of the nature and cause of the accusation; with the witnesses witnesses citation, use, VI AMENDMENT conducted be taken for public compensation. over disputes upon the Consumer Sales Practices Commerce and enforcement of those matter two powers which power that violated vests investigatory power with the Attorney due process with the Director General. in Burke Id. of It is the consolidation and violates due process in the subjudice. The Ordinance Section and their Ten of the Ohio not witnessed officer cannot citations cannot the right to confront challenge the calibration subpoenas observing the burden This denial accuser before as stated the offense and being of proof on the alleged State does not require and asked the camera concerning or to view above. available to testify. the Ordinance they are not guilty of our fight to face our accusers in court is contrary system; by attempting At the moment The Ordinances require The municipalities to convert the camera cannot the offenses takes that the accused 17 of to logs, officer places of the offense. to the principals be permitted those their accused of our to eliminate innocence. are presumed of As a result, these to a civil matters. a picture, prove Recipients impermissibly to prove justice 84, of law enforcement violators criminal St.2d in place or repair of the is a denial the violation. its calibration to testify, the vehicle 54 Ohio are no procedures In the absence are "Any abrogation (1978), I, that a law of such witnesses v. Hannah There in Article was operating limit. the court is violated. of the machine are not permitted speed clause and red light violations that a defendant cross-examination cross-examine one's speeding of the posted to a fair trial." be brought the confrontation and the ordinance to establish was in violation right essential 88. The camera protections officer in order violate The alleged right to a full and complete a fundamental speeding Constitution. testify and that said operation defendant's enforcement by law enforcement enforcement entire Act, guilty. It is up to the owner of the vehicleto provehewasn't driving whenthe ticket wasissued.To avoid responsibilityfor a violation underthe Ordinances,the ownerof the vehicleis requiredin the Girardscheme,to furnish the hearingofficer an affidavit statingthenameandaddress of the personwho hadthe care,custody,andcontrol of thevehicleat thetime of the violation. TheG'trardOrdinancealsostates:"It is primafacieevidencethat the person registeredasthe ownerof the vehiclewith the Ohio Bureauof Motor Vehicles....was operatingthe vehicleatthe time of theoffense". This shifting of the burdenof proof violatesthe dueprocessrequirementsof U.S. ConstitutionalAmendment Section 1, which property, without cornerstones violate states: "...nor due process of our criminal this important a hearing which an official one partisan .Ward reads justice Court procedure v. City of Monroeville of law". deprive any person The presumption system. of life, liberty, of innocence The Ordinance or is one of the and the use of traffic cameras principle. The U.S. Supreme to allow shall any State Fourteen, in which (1972), perforce has recognized the factfinder 409 U.S. 57. occupies and the other judicial," that it is not constitutionally has an "incentive In Ward, the Court two practically is a denial to convict." Ward held that a "situation and seriously of due process. permissible inconsistent Id. At 60. in positions, Headnote 1 of as follows: Constitutional Law > Procedural Due Process > Scope of Protection Criminal Law & Procedure > Trials Rights > Right to Fair Trial [HN1] It certainly violates U.S. Const. > Defendant's amend. IV, [Sic?] and deprives defendant in a criminal case of due process of law, to subject his liberty property to the judgment of a court the judge of which has a direct, personal, substantial, him in his case. pecuniary interest 18 in reaching a conclusion against a or Even in an administrative to be heard, and a fair hearing examine witnesses tribunal bases these basic show. App. No evidence or even authenticate itself. administrative hear evidence. conjecture. many Fundamental A speed be competent and photograph obtained evidence a red light without testimony tribunals can take judicial App.3d Girard 657. case has never The due process the procedures 4521. Hearings from notice required been purports device to was properly cannot a machine. rules none of other that a A photograph While an of evidence, be based it still has to on facts, box, or a red light violation that the device and accuracy can accurately of a new radar evidentiary of its accuracy. and accuracy addressed defects by expert violations form, not photo measure speed offenses must be conducted 19 used be established before (2004), other 158 Ohio by Traffipax in the in any tribunal. are strikingly civil parking must v. Levine device testimony device somewhere, Cincinnati of the radar these ordinances for prosecuting for parking provide that photograph or other the of Zoning however, that a decision a metal proof at least once, in some The reliability what particular requires Board any evidence cross-examine to follow facts on which violation. In Ohio, the construction by expert to produce or accurate. effectively due process reading the fight to cross ordinances, that the camera is reliable not have testimony, Township to authenticate to establish One cannot tribunal These do not have that the device a fair opportunity of the evidentiary lnc. v. Jerusalem is required is required still requires the fight to produce 2d 31 at 38. The police and no witness calibrated, cannot Cicerella, 59 Ohio safeguards. photograph, includes due process and the right to be informed its decision. (1978), proceeding, clear when under compared O.R.C. by an administrative Chapter body to established officer by a court must be either 4521.05(A). violation; and the person Finally, O.R.C. (6 th Cir. 1988). These None nonmoving violations because a moving due process simply there who possesses tolerate be under such officer's fail to provide would argument reason be greater oath; fail to provide is no right of crossboth investigatory officer. decision the parking ticket. can be appealed procedural safeguards in Gardner exist under to conclude afforded to properly or red light violation. to be heard and to contest opportunity powers. 841 F.2d to persons 1272 for and fairly At the heart of These the tickets is conducted Our system cited requirements the allegations. to contest and the hearing and enforcement to save a Columbus ordinance. that the due process that that necessary the O.R.C. v. Columbus, the Girard the to the municipal helped any of the safeguards examination of proving has the right to demand who issued any meaningful The hearing O.R.C. the city has the burden such as a speeding is the ability 4521.04(A(1). law enforcement challenge of these protections violation an unjust officer a due process It strains O.R.C. with the violation All of these ordinances violations. ordinances the hearing from for parking every charged 4521.08(D). ordinance adjudicate must jurisdiction. or a former of the law enforcement 4521.08(A). parking territorial an attorney All testimony appearance court. having by a person of justice cannot system. 1631 South State Street Girard, Ohio 44420 20 // L/ (330)545-4250Q___.__ C_-$7_nt44 (330) CERTIFICATION This is to certify Dalayanis, 1541, Warner Jacquenette Street, Mendenhall, S. Corgan, Exchange 190 North Sandier Gurbst, 4900 Donald Willaim Herbe, 4900 Key Tower, Lynn Tonsing, 4900 Public Heather 1304, Stephen Michael Gurbst, day of Key Tower, Alan Fallis, John Defibaugh, 4900 Key Tower, Street, Street, 127 Public 161 South High 127 Public Suite upon Tony Cleveland, 127 Public Street, Square, ,2006. 21 Square, Ohio Ohio Cleveland, Ohio 44304, Richard 44114-1304, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio 44308, 44308- 44304, Cleveland, Suite 202, Akron, Akron, Ohio 201, Akron, Ohio Suite 201, Akron, Square, Street, served 5 th Floor, Akron, 127 Public Square, square, 217 South High / 702-1747 has been Building, Union 190 North Union D6_ OF SERVICE that a copy of the foregoing 12 E. Exchange /// 44114, Ohio 44114- Ohio 44308-1655, Richard 44114-1304,this Sandier _ ,':"_ TABLE Burke v. Fought (1978), Canton 98 O. St. 3 rd. 149 (2002) ...................................................... v. State, 64 Ohio App. OF CASES 2d 50 ................................................. Cicerella, Inc. v. Jerusalem Township Board of Zoning _ App. 2d 31 at38 ................................................................................... Cincinnati v. Levine CityofNilesv. (2004), Howard, Clevelandv. Betts, v. Columbus, Linndale v. State, v_ Barr, State v. Hannah State v. Rosa, Stanton Toledo Ward 841 F.2d ...................................... 1272 (6 th Cir. 1988) ........................................ 85 O.S. 3 rd 52 (1999) ........................................................ 153 O. App. (1978), 3 rd. 193 (2003) 54 Ohio 128 O. App. Sokol, v. Best, 657 .......................................... 12 O. St. 3rd 162 (1984) ................................. v. Tax Commissioner Struthersv. App.3d 168 O. St. 386 (1958) Gardner State 158 Ohio (1978), St.2d 84, 88 ................................................ 3 rd 556 (1998) (1926) .................................................. ll4 v. City of Monroeville (1972), 6 59 Ohio 19 19 6, 9, 10, 11 7, 8, 12, 13, 14 20 5 .. 14 17 ..................................................... 12 Ohio 16 St. 658 ..................................... 108 O. St. 263 (1923) .......................................... 172 O. St. 371 (1961) 17 .................................................. 409 U.S. 57 ............................................. ii 6, 9, 10, 11 8, 12, 14 18 :Pt_il •O_-nance :fort_ No. hexe_n,, 74:0 _05_ :(.th_ "..O.._na_")i, the" Court._ :c:on_Zudes ,.:. ;: , - .'. , ..... . ' _n3un_t,_-Ye rel'ief-requested. :.WhiCh • ! _hat _he _.l _a't,es'i .O_di?nance. V_ I _, ) _ .*d _'in ghe,: 'class:.a're: ati exclusion .... c_e_ted!::_ pard£'es | n_t. 'se wh_:ha_ t _._whohave. :tmderthe fail, ;d go pay noti'ce-i )rov£sion eST Filyd the. fJzies :_f the APPENDIX "A" .assesse O_di',nance. .:againSt _I lean: ! i_'IO_W':J_E£ _1, :,l_I 6_;-_'ZI900E'90 i _he ' per_i'ne_ i .I iO'. l_V,:_S'ed all powers c f loca_ • . ._"_ .... 'enforce wl_h }J_! _heir a ita CO_e.. } ihe.' self-goye,_en:6 andi.t_, _adop_' g_ :'", " ., " ...... ' -' .... _'"7 ".: • ...... _" -' ':.lir_ts: Spcl_ ._oea_- 9olice, ): gen_ra_l_ _a_s..- - :P_ :1. ,v;. ! State,, i_ teSt.,i_or dete ) Ii ...... Canton , anO h_-the In eOn@t-_eut,!'_na:I _ ' ._i'_i:ng: .. 1'49; _:20'02--0h_o.005_ ...........![_':......... i.................... 95 Ohib Whether S_; _ a pro_s_on iof':i :a state ( ,_olIbwS_ batute _akes p_e_edence over: :a.J_OC_;JLi A state ordinance,wh _n :(iF)",the 6rd_:'n_Ce is/in c(_tLfi, iCE wi_h _he ,_t_ hute; (2,}"i_he or_hariee i_-i_,exe_-a_:se of the po!ic government; POWer, _nd (31the rathe_.r: tha_ Statu_e is ,i of lq¢_! sei_ "a gen_ra]_ law.. qO_ ! ! a. al .,Defenda ht_S 'e'S'sefit_a'_l_ : N_l_o_l,i_dg_ ,_urther,.,,Defendant_ Lr-epresents. ,finds ,_an e_ez Ehe no i """ ........... _n. :,Gant_n', .e_dte6 it_Nt I _ " '';_ : ozse: _o_ self- i_gove_en_-, _ . :i-._ _-...,-The .:y Ci .Qrdina _.ce _0. ,gove._n how_-t_he c_y-. ',.t.rea_s. ';t-i_af-_e" c_'£-f._cu£_ ,V_rIOSS .'tNe _urs0r.y .asse'ct._n. '_hat. t:h=. . O,rdinahce in eonclud_ng _a.t.-:the :'second ,p,a.r,_ o.= :_he, • ,ith,. : Ocher _1: ,laWS. of .and .in p articularw. 'e_th I ,the .st.'_t.e. ,_re_at-ing..s_e_,J R.-C. :se.c.t£_S d[5!_2!._p:),, and ordina'hCe p_.r_.0r_s _5 .1:99,. 451i.o.2!:{(;.1:... 45!0_CQ'31_b 7 g,,. _, " | the -:T.hemose-;_asic...con_£:_:1Ct is. _3ia go, deerimlna_li, ze I a i t_ of iconduct '('g , t _Vd NIINIVd Olr_' mVV_I _!eZg_S_EE 9.__E! _O0.g]90//-8, _:.,_:!T ._r)o_9o.,_zr_ •_n _,_-_-y;..of_ c,.le_eiand(.,v., "_ " '_ "_Ob-_' S_.,,-386," 154 N. ,_01_r-.t :£nya l:_da £ed: ,We are: 'a_a_e-:._ha_ _.. :the_'._se p.f v,i]aiage_ .of ic_: 0'_"_'_e_eS _ut_ :_'.a_ :,Whence. _e.,st:_.'tute p_oh_ ,crime_. :by bitS, an_ deI _erately -fozbi_S' and ,prom _iCe! ..versa, :-it.dO_s eher_gii_kj _contra.v._ aln .act wh:kch cbnSt,:f.::u_es -a,: felb_y:.'unae Conv:i'et:con ao_ £es, ,_i_ _he:e, '0£ _a__ _,s:demeangr qqnsequence.s_ _!_ereas _e, eon'eeaied _ee_$i_)hS: a _s_ei_: :entail, s.. comm_S_: in_of _] it, _te p 'Her;_'tlie. cbn_ , t ! iWl_,_ithe state has "" ef:£ned ._Ivll W_o_g. " _ i a's,crith_a_ .In C._ :y o_ Nlles v. " : '" ),; ,_e ........ conduct H_ward l._nt.o:mezely_ a .(._984)', _2' :Oh_S£ I _3d ') .... " Co.u_,: dreW, .a .clear i" ._stlnct_on_ " I | ) I@: L , ! L t _,ow_: a.__6s:._ :_e.C_ _. _e_ _a_ _t w_th,,genera1_ laws,. _ere, _ti_ .O_d_ _,: ! I :has _p!em_'_ed "_¢R_e, sB !oUgh dr.ivO_S Ehe ) ,_ : l po£-n£. _s,y.stem_to _ !_-_he .z_ads. _:a_e ca!_._!_sls :or. :Tk_ _i.!e s o.rc Lnan_e :h'aS *O! . Def_ndant_ .;J_n'±tsi'Supplement ,_2£t_ an, .fnterZocu_J'_ory-open.ion, by ' 5".'i06_"V_139; .. T_is _he; _Opinion; _, ,its,-Tri_ U_;ited-I_-striCt: _.h,e i'_Ise l.s.not ,.R.C. _NIJJ_I_d DI_ .C_, c_:,, ; b_ndl'ng' taw on ,uses tire stat_tor..y _sch.e_e .adOpted I__gisl,-'ature under 'Membra_i'du_' chapter 00W_, .45 i. OnSet t_S,'CoU_I;, by :tU_ the!, 0_0 this ,stat_ _y_ •tD,+_o + _iit-el Sas a_t_r,i:_e_: • - . nc_n-_cr_na_ " ,-.-,.. '_.ola_-_On-'Of St-i'On gb_ ,_e: _ less _V_-_, d6ne._ s'o_ _d_r the. al/y fines ,xvI_-i_, ::genez_aI: cr:_m_ w t Cla_ed ra:_ted, by _sa_d +., ,_:._ele ., q! -. by, ,sa_d ei_-_ under :_e' c_tY. i. ndant_, h_t::,_auNe' i for Ue_ay:o_f: + i____:6+ 4 -appel ,= , ...... _a.,ooi_.G_. _m STUi II :t_1 BOZlgmI.EB L IN THE COURT OF COMMON TRUMBULL COUNTY, PLEAS OHIO "z DANIEL MOADUS, JR., et al., Case No. 2005 ) CV 1927 -•-' • ' ) Plaintiffs, ) JUDGE STUARD JOINT STATEMENT ) v. CITY ) OF GIRARD, et al., )) Defendants. (1) OF FACTS ) ) ) On or about June, 2005, the City of Girard, ") passed ordinance 7404-0_5. ¢:_ ("Ordinance"), which utilizes a camera the rear of, passing motor speeding ("System"). Exhibit violations A. Under vehicles. "notices the Ordinance and creating this matter on January (2) contract The Ordinance creates for speeding the System • . _ a civil enforcement to detect vehicles violations. is set forth in the testimony _ •system is, attached that e_e_the The City's C2' S.'-._ _ _ .r'Zc-_: 6i r, and ph_ogr'_l_: the speed copy of the Ordinance the City is permitted of liability" rationale of Jerome :. - ;2_3 fox_ _5.__"-'- h_reto aS2 c-. leg_pee'_ June 29, 2005, the City of Girard and Traffipax F. Lambert taken Inc. entered into a ("Contract"). The Ordinance Inc. would install that Traffipax are divided Traffipax and maintain would receive in the following Inc. 29%, (4) since Over and Contract except 3,000 the inception radar $25.00 speed "speed control per notice approximate for "late established fees," camera" of the System. a procedure cameras of liability proportions which notices in the City. issued. on an $85.00 are divided APPENDIX 2006, "B" Defendant The Contract As a result, citation: 50% - 50%. of liability/speed As of January wherein violation approximately _< for adopting 20, 2006. On or about (3) issued device A true and accurate this System, limit and issue and radar • to measure revenues Traffipax, provided collected City of Girard 71%, citations have 50% of these been in notices payer of liability/speed violation citations of the City and an individual had not been paid. Plaintiff who has not paid his notice Russel of liability, Hippo is a tax and is representative of said class. (5) Speed The City issues Enforcement System not the operators citation documents were After the photographs City's photographs Maryland. The registered increases on the Motion would the Automated of motor violation and an initial if not paid in a "timely" that the matter under owners of liability/speed of the rear of said vehicle, are taken go electronically of liability. agent a notice citations basis. citation penalty Some be sent for "collection" by regular in the amount second for Preliminary vehicles, notice Injunction if not paid. No ever sent for "collection." (6) notices indicating violation has civil penalties. sent out prior to the hearing language citations payable of liability/speed receive a photograph the amount contained which of said vehicles, U.S. mail containing of $85.00; notices The notices or designee, The sender Enforcement they are sent to Traffipax to the Girard of liability/speed to the individual is designated Division." Police Traffipax these citations Police notices Then to be sent as are sent by Traffipax, of Traffipax Department of liability processing. for approval from the office as the "Girard sends Department camera violators for initial as the in the state of Automated Traffic only with prior permission from the City. (7) answered Girard, The toll free telephone by an agent Ohio. (8) or employee Recipients The notices is not a traffic ticket, typical of violation notice of citations number of Defendant is attached Traffipax, can also call the Girard of liability/speed but is instead listed on the "citation" a "civil hereto is (866) Inc. at a location the City of for assistance. contain language that the_ "citation" citation" and is not a "moving -2- outside Department citations B. and is Police violation as Exhibit 358-3660, violation." A copy of a (9) The noticesof liability/speedviolationcitationsalsoincludelanguageindicating that the individual cancontestthe noticeof liability/speedviolationcitationby signingthe hearingrequestform on the "citation" andsendingit to a GirardP.O.Box. Underthe Ordinance, an additional$20.00canbe chargedif the violator is "found guilty" althoughto dateno such chargeshavebeenimposed. The"hearing" consistsof anappearance beforea non-lawyer retiredpolice officer hired by the City. An employeeof DefendantTraffipax, Inc. assistsin the hearingprocessby schedulingthe hearingsand,until January20, 2006,by answeringtechnical questionsaboutthe speedcamera.SinceJanuary20, 2006,no employeeof Traffipax has attendedthe hearings.An allegedviolator canpresentwhateverevidenceor discusswith the hearingofficer anythinghe or No standard: for burdenof proof is setoutby the ' Ordinance.To avoid responsibilityfor a citation,a personmustsatisfySectionI (C)(4) or otherwiseestablishnon-liability. The evidenceat thehearingincludesa pieceof paperwith a photographtakenby a machine,andswornto or affirmedby thepolice chief who did not witness thephotographbeingtaken. (10) T.heactualduly constitutedcourt in the subjectjurisdiction is the Girard Municipal Court. No noticesof liability/speedcameracitationshavebeenprocessedby saidcourt. No effortshavebeenmadeby the City to obtainajudgmentarisingout of a citation in that or any othercourt. (11) The speedcamera/radardeviceis setto capturephotographsof vehiclestravelingin excessof the postedspeedlimit, with a setcushion,for example40 mphin a 25 mphzone,and 50mph in a 35 mph zone. (12) Citationsareissuedalsobasedon a setcushion,40 mph in a 25 mphzone,and50 mph in a 35 mph zone. The existenceof thecushionhasbeenmadepublic by DefendantCity of Girard,andpublicizedin the local media. This conformswith the generalpracticeof police officers in the City of Girard. -3- r (13) James The cushion is determined by the Mayor of the City, Melfi. (14) have set out in 11 and 12 above Speeding occurred whether is a serious health and safety in the City in recent years, particularly the number of serious accidents problem in the City. in the State had increased within Street the three Many serious corridor. years accidents It is unclear prior to enactment of the Ordinance. (15) Generally, The City employs only 2 of these police 12 police officers, officers are available Respectfully tats Street (330) hio 44420 545-4250 Chief, and three dispatchers. for duty at any one shift. submitted, / \ / one police John ,_n_on_)_"_"06") - ) Akron, {_/ Ohio 44308 Telephone:(330).208-1000. Facsimile: (330) 208-1001 , -. Kimberly K_i (0078777) 3680 Starr Center Drive Canfield, Ohio (330) 702-1747 Attorneys 44406 Carrie M. Dunn (0076_52) SATER, SEYMOUR VORYS, 2100 One Cleveland Center 1375 East Ninth Street for Plaintiffs cleveland, Telephone: Ohio 44114-1724 (216) 479-6100 Facsimile: (216) Attorneys -4- for 479-6060 Defendants AND PEASE LLP ! _ACT_o X _¢_W_C CIVIL P_fl.4.1._+ VlOLAT/ONB._ ,_D._E NOw, _mmvR_ S_CTION h C|_t PION -]7 _n A_o_ Jm_IT OP _ ORDAII_D pcu_Itl s for automated (.),+mom,med rmll t MUNIC_AL _ LIGHT CO_'_"IWL_, AND S'I'K,_)I'_ by the _orty-Seomx_'Counofl r_ light sud _peedlng !hi arts slm_llng r_llem/e_l VIDIA_0n- 0_. oftI_ _n,_m _ vlolmlo._. I of hL3/4 t ( Amc_dJncnts to ORD#. 42-I 19 . , . a ills r: R :: County A'ri'Es> (J APPROVAL DATE: • FIRST READING: SECOND READING: THIRD [.. -&/j _4/- /1 - o_" SECONDED I hereby certify that t!m foregoing Ordinance Legal News on the dates herein below set forth °Bulletin Board DATES on the day hereh_ below , 2005 OF _, 2005 CLERK OF COUNCIL _'_ MARK INSTRUMENT STANDOHAR, _/£8/o was published m_d was posted d'... _" in tile Trumbull on the Girard City POSTED: .._,-___DAY •THIS /__ ,_._I/1{ Ce_ set forth. OI} PUBLICATION: •..2/s._)a_( oF ,Tb,,. BY: DATe: KEAD1NG: PREPARED LAW /c/_'_DAYOF_ _e-,2oo5 BY: DIRECTOR ,.._ ...... _i_._-,-- 7 . . ":,. " :.55x_.'::.,,-:-;_._i55L 1
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