GCE Media Studies OCR Advanced GCE H540 Advanced Portfolio in Media Unit G324 Coursework Cover Sheet Please read the instructions printed overleaf before completing this form. One of these cover sheets, suitably completed, should be attached to the assessed work of each candidate in the moderation sample. Examination session Centre name June Year 2013 St. Paul's Catholic College, Sunbury Centre number 64770 Candidate name Lucy Boylett Candidate number Teacher name Mr Nicholas Crafts Teacher Email [email protected] Blog/Web Address (if applicable) 5900 N/A Chosen Set Brief and Ancillary Tasks (please indicate brief from the specification as well as describing the brief). 5. Promotion Package for a new soap opera, to include a TV trailer (Main Product), together with a listings magazine front cover featuring the new soap (Ancillary Task) and a poster for the soap (Ancillary Task). Resubmission: No Group work If working in a group please indicate candidate numbers of other group members below: 5877 Skill Area Planning (max 20) Mark 18 Construction Main Task (max 40) 35 Ancillary 1 (max 10) 9 Ancillary 2 (max 10) 9 Evaluation (max 20) Total (max 100) CCS334i Revised August 2012 Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations 18 89 CCS/G324 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION OF COURSEWORK COVER SHEET – UNIT G324: ADVANCED PORTFOLIO IN MEDIA Teachers are reminded that all coursework marking and internal standardisation must be completed before external moderation can take place. Internal Standardisation Where more than one teacher in the Centre has marked the work for a particular coursework unit, the Centre must standardise the marking in order to ensure that candidates who have demonstrated the same level of attainment receive the same mark and that the rank order of the coursework marks for the Centre as a whole is appropriate. One Coursework Cover Sheet must be completed for each candidate. Please ensure that all the boxes on the front of the form are completed. Comments on each skill (Planning, Construction, Evaluation) together with the marks awarded for each skill should be recorded in the boxes on the back of the Coursework Cover Sheet. The marks awarded for each skill should be recorded in the appropriate small box on the front of the Coursework Cover Sheet. The marks for each skill should be added together to give a total coursework mark out of 100. The total mark should be entered in the Total box on the front of the Coursework Cover Sheet. Internal Assessment Mark Sheet (MS1) The total marks awarded to each candidate must be transferred to the computer printed Internal Assessment Mark Sheet (MS1) which will be sent to Centres by OCR. Care must be taken to ensure that all mark calculations and transfers are correct. OCR cannot accept responsibility for the submission of incorrect total marks on form MS1. Once complete, the Board Copy of form MS1 should be despatched to OCR no later than 10th January (for the January assessment session) or 15th May (for the June assessment session). The Moderator Copy should be despatched to the Moderator using the Moderator’s address label supplied by OCR by 10th January (for the January assessment session) or 15th May (for the June assessment session). The completed CCS160 must accompany the MS1 when it is sent to the moderator. The Centre Copy should be retained at the Centre. Samples of Work If the Centre has entered ten or fewer candidates for the unit in an assessment session, the coursework for all candidates should be sent to the Moderator (along with the Moderator Copy of the MS1 and CCS160 form) by the appropriate deadline (10th January for January session or 15th May for the June assessment session). Where there are more than ten candidates entered for the unit, the Centre should despatch the Moderator’s Copy of the MS1 and CCS160 form to the Moderator, but should retain all coursework within the Centre. The centre will receive email instructions from OCR [email protected] requesting sample of work. Centres should respond promptly to requests for work. Please note that when submitting work to the Moderator, it is essential that a Coursework Cover Sheet be attached to the work of each candidate. In order to aid identification, it is useful if every piece of work that comprises the candidate’s submission is marked with the Centre’s name and CCS334i Revised August 2012 Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations CCS/G324 number, the candidate’s name and number and the unit number and title (i.e. G324 Advanced Portfolio in Media). Samples of work should be packed securely to ensure safe delivery. Bulky covers should be removed as they will increase significantly the cost of postage. Please note the acceptable formats for coursework set out in the GCE AS/A Level Media Studies specification (4th edition). Centres are advised to obtain a Certificate of Posting for samples sent to the Moderator. Should the Moderator request further samples of work, Centres should respond with the minimum of delay. Centres are strongly advised to make copies of any coursework submitted to the Moderator as part of the sample, since some material may be retained by OCR. Teachers are recommended to retain coursework in the Centre until after the results of the unit have been issued. A report on the outcome of the external moderation process will be sent to Centres at the time that the results are issued. General Coursework Regulations and Procedures General coursework regulations and procedures, including those concerning lost or incomplete coursework, are detailed in the OCR Administrative Guide and Entry Procedures Folder. Coursework Enquires Coursework enquires for Media Studies should be sent to OCR at the following address: Administrative Officer for Art, Media, Life And Work Team OCR Progress House Westwood Way COVENTRY CV4 8JQ Correspondence should be marked ‘Coursework Enquiry’. This form may be photocopied and used as required. CCS334i Revised August 2012 Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations CCS/G324 Planning – comments and mark out of 20 The candidate has produced excellent and detailed research into the genre of focus in preparattion for producing both the main and ancillary products that promote a new soap opera entitled 'Sunbury Cross'. The planning is extensive and is consistent in presentation and organisation, in particular with the pre-production materials such as the storyboard being very fit for purpose. All planning and research is excellently presented using appropriate ICT skills, with written work such as the research into existing and similar media products from the genre demonstrating the candidate's excellent communication skills, as well as their willingness to ensure they compete with existing media to a high standard.Finally, the extensive evidence of planning that has gone into the main and ancillary products is further supported by evidence of well presented and appropriate drafts, brainstorming mind maps and meeting notes that demonstrate their strong consideration for the needs to manage their time effectively with their other group member. 18 /20 Construction – Main Task – comments and mark out of 40 The trailer for a new soap-opera to be exhibited on BBC 3 entitled 'Sunbury Cross' demonstrates excellence in the use of camera, with a variety of shot types and camera angles skillfully deployed to introduce some important and recognisable narrative themes from the genre. The close attention to aspects associated to mise-en-scene are well executed, in particular the close-up shots of signs such as 'warning' and the wide angle shot of the baby on the wall providing thought provoking enigma clues that help sell the product to the intended target audience. The recording and editing of sound is well executed as well, in particular the consideration of synchronous sound with the cars at the beginning of the trailer, as well as the heavy manipulation post-production of non-diegetic music, with the lyrics clearly signifying strong meanings as intended. The use of voice over at the end of the trailer is well chosen and conventional to the genre, along with all aspects of sound. The candidates individual role within the group production was as a Director, where they played a major role in the success of the trailer during and post-production where they planned and executed the decision made pre-prodcution to full effect and stretched themsleves in their application to editing the trailer by managing and delegating responsibilities very well. 35 /40 Construction – Ancillary Task 1 – comments and mark out of 10 (please name ancillary task) Magazine Front Cover - 'TeleSoap' The front cover is an excellent example of the candidates understanding of the conventional layout associated to this genre of magazine, with textual features such as the masthead and cover lines demonstrating variety in font style and sizes. The use of imagery is original throughout the page and manipulated to a very high standard in meeting the requirements of the task. The use of colour and the consideration of other elements associated to mise-en-scene is also excellent, especially in the representation of social media idents that, along with the presence of a convergence link in the form ot an institution web address, clearly demonstrates the candidates awareness of promoting 'Sunbury Cross' across the media platforms. 9 /10 Construction – Ancillary Task 2 – comments and mark out of 10 (please name ancillary task) Promotional Poster for 'Sunbury Cross' This promotional print media text is an excellent example of the candidates understanding of necessities associated to promoting to a pass along audience, with the slogan and point of call information clearly presented. The language used across the poster is well chosen and excellently integrated into the poster. The use of original imagery is excellently presented, with particular consideration towards the connotative meanings behind certain non-verbal codes such as the 'way out sign' providing clues to the narrative themes presented in the main task trailer. The use of post-production methods in the chosen software are very well chosen and make a significant contribution to the effectiveness of the poster. 9 /10 Evaluation – comments and mark out of 20 The candidiate has chosen an appropriate digital format to present an excellent and thoroughly detailed evaluation of the main and ancillary products produced both collectively and individually for a new soap opera 'Sunbury Cross'.There is excellent recognition towards the forms and conventions associated to the genre. This is evident through the application of theory such as Steve Neale and his ideology is applicable to existing media products from the genre that helped shape the production of the main and ancillary products.There is consistent and excellent reference to the effectiveness of the combination of all three media products produced. There is also very strong evidence of the how audience theories from the planning and research apply to the products, as well as the significance of audience feedback supporting their own views on the obvious successes of the whole production. The evaluation is excellently presented and communicated with clear references to their own production work, as well as the role of media software in producing the work across all three production stages. CCS334i Revised August 2012 Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations 18 /20 CCS/G324
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