LASER COM COVER SHEET ST. THERESE - 513863 Alhambra, CA DENISE MCMASTER - 626-282-2744 MS Pub 2002 Adobe 6.0 Comments & Requests— Masses & Services: Monday-Saturday: 6:00 & 8:00 am Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 am & 5:00 pm Latin High Mass: Sundays at 1:00 pm Holy Days: 6:00, 8:00, 10:00 am and 7:00 pm Devotions: Rosary: Following the Mon-Sat 8:00 am Mass Exposition/Benediction: Thursdays, 7:00-8:00 pm Warrior-Intercessors: Thursdays, 8:00 pm St. Joseph Devotion: Tuesdays, 6:15-7:00 pm St. Joseph Project: 3rd Tues. (Nov.-Apr.) Mass, 7:00 pm Fatima Pilgrimage: 13th of the month (May-Oct.), 7:00 pm Sacramental Programs: Sacrament of Reconciliation: -Wednesdays from 7:00 - 8:30 pm -Saturdays from 3:30 - 5:00 pm Baptism: Call 284-0200, ext. 225, for schedule Marriage: Contact priest at least six months before RCIA (Sac. for adults) Rhonda Storey 284-0020, Ext. 225 Other Ministries / Programs: Legion of Mary: Wed., 7:00 pm - Michelle Mestas 755-0564 Mary of Mt. Carmel Prayer Ministry: First Fridays, 7:00 p.m. Peace & Justice Prayer Ministry: Tuesdays at 6:15 PM - Edward William 768-0758 Respect Life Ministry: Call the rectory at 282-2744 Rosary Makers: Tuesdays from 7:00-9:00 pm Edward William 768-0758 / [email protected] Page Two ASCENSION SUNDAY June 5, 2011 He was lifted up, and a cloud took Him from their sight. —Acts 1:9 Our annual Parish Picnic is TODAY, Sunday, June 5, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., at Garfield Park in South Pasadena (Mission & Marengo). It will begin with an Outdoor Mass at 11:00 a.m. (near the shelters), followed by LUNCH (at approximately Noon). BARBEQUE & POTLUCK: Grilled Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, and Buns will be provided by the parish. For your potluck item, please use the following as a guideline for what to bring, according to the first letter of your LAST NAME: AD: Desserts; E-I: Salads; J-P: Hot dishes; Q-T: Sodas/non-alcoholic beverages or ice; U-Z: Chips/dips, etc. Please bring enough for at least 10 people. CHAIRS/BLANKETS, ETC.: The shelter has concrete picnic table benches, but it’s recommended to bring your own chair to make sure you’re comfortable! SEE YOU THERE! APPLICATIONS FOR THE 2011-2012 SCHOOL YEAR are available in the office NOW for Grades K-8. Call 289-3364 or visit our website at Our Summer Enrichment Program, from June 20 to July 15, includes a variety of options for classes and extended day care. Please reserve your place by sending in a $150 non-refundable deposit by May 15. Applications are available on the website and in the school office. Our program is not limited to St. Therese students, so please help spread the word. June 5, 2011 Page Three SPECIA L MONTHLY FATIMA PILGRIMAGE: To commemorate the appearances of the Blessed Virgin to the children of Fatima in 1917, we hold a monthly Fatima pilgrimage every 13th of the month from May through October. The next one will be Monday, June 13. Each pilgrimage begins with Mass at 7:00 p.m., followed by a procession to the Missionaries of Charity convent. Once there, we will spend a short time in prayer and then process back to the church for benediction. Take advantage of this opportunity to honor our Blessed Mother and to pray for the world and the salvation of souls. INTERNATIONAL PILGRIM VIRGIN STATUE OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA Join us on Friday, June 17, when this special statue of Our Lady of Fatima will visit St. Therese for 23 hours, beginning at the 8:00 a.m. Mass. This world-famous International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima was sculpted in 1947 by Jose Thedim, and was blessed by the Bishop of Leiria at Fatima, Portugal, to be the Pilgrim, the Traveler. Many miracles and signal graces are reported wherever the statue travels. SCHEDULE: The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed for adoration beginning at Noon at Friday, June 17. During the day, the 2,000 Hail Mary’s will be prayed. At 7:00 p.m., the statue’s caretaker will speak about the meaning of Fatima. At 8:30 p.m., Mass will be celebrated, followed by an all-night vigil. After the 6:00 a.m. Mass on Saturday, the statue will be transported to another parish. (Note: For those staying all day, we suggest bringing a lunch or going to a nearby restaurant. Light refreshments will be available for those staying for the allnight vigil.) CELEBRATION FOR FR. JEROME LANTRY’S 65TH ANNIVERSARY OF ORDINATION Please join us on Sunday, June 19, to honor Fr. Jerome on the occasion of his 65th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. The celebration will begin with the 11:00 a.m. Mass, followed by a luncheon in the Hall. Congratulations, Fr. Jerome! CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR CONFIRMANDI We congratulate all our Confirmandi, both youth and adults, who received the Sacrament of Confirmation at the 5:00 p.m. Mass on Sunday, May 29. May the Holy Spirit continue to guide each of you as you persevere in your Christian journey. God bless each of you! MASTER CALENDAR PLANNING MEETING: Our annual meeting to plan the Master Calendar for all events taking place in the next ministry year (September 2011 through August 2012) will be on THURSDAY, JUNE 23, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., in the Library of the Parish Center. This meeting is mandatory for all groups wishing to schedule events in any room on the parish grounds. This includes the Parish Hall, all rooms in the Parish Center, the rooms in the church basement, and the parking lot. The meeting will begin promptly, so please make sure your group representative is on time. For further information, contact Rhonda Storey at 284-0020, ext. 225. BLOOD DRIVE ON JUNE 26: St. Therese will sponsor another Blood Drive on Sunday, June 26, from 7:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. in the Hall. Remember, you gift may save someone’s life! Contact Rhonda Storey at 284-0020, ext. 225, for an appointment. Page Four PARISH MINISTRIES June 5, 2011 ST. THERESE RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Rhonda Storey, 284-0020X 225 STRE: 1) VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL—July 25-29: The theme for this Summer’s Program is —Psalm 139. Participants must be in age from pre-school through 5th Grade, and the fee is $40 per participant. Also, we are looking for adult and teen volunteers to help with the program. The next Team meetings will be as follows: June 29: Adults only; July 6 and July 13: Adults from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.; teens from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. For more info and to register or volunteer, please contact Rhonda. 2) WE NEED VOLUNTEER TEACHERS: We are looking for adult volunteers to teach in our Baptismal and Adult Eucharist classes. If you like to teach, please contact Rhonda. “PANDA MANIA: Where God is Wild About You!” R.C.I.A.: Next classes are on June 9 and 16. Our final class on June 16 is also our end-of-year potluck celebration. ADULT CONFIRMATION is next Sunday, May 29. ALTAR SERVERS: Please remember to sign in (in the sacristy) before your Mass assignments! *All altar servers need to attend all FAMILY ALTAR SERVER TRAINING SESSIONS (from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the church). Our next session is June 7). (*This includes older servers and those who don’t attend St. Therese School). YOUTH MINISTRY Rocio Avila, 284-0020, X235 We are working on building a new Youth Ministry team at St. Therese. Please keep the team in your prayers as we look forward to an active youth group program once again. If you are interested in helping with the youth program, please contact Rocio at the above number. PEACE & JUSTICE MINISTRY Edward William, 768-0758 / [email protected] (Prayer with Action: Strengthening of Families, Conversion of Sinners, and Peace in the World) St. Joseph Prayer Devotion: Join us on Tuesdays at 6:15 p.m. in front of the St. Joseph statue in the church. Let us all join together in solidarity to pray for peace and justice in every aspect of life, with the help of St. Joseph, patron of the Universal Church; The Rosary Makers: We meet on Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m., in the Parish Meeting Room (following the St. Joseph Prayer Devotion). You are invited to help us make the rosaries (we’ll show you how!), which are then shipped to missions throughout the world. This is our action aspect of the Peace & Justice Ministry. BAPTISM MINISTRY : Rhonda Storey, 284-0020, X 225—In order to take part in our Baptism Program, BOTH PARENTS AND GODPARENTS are required to: 1) Have an interview (must be held the month BEFORE the Baptism); 2) Attend one class (next classes are June 6 and July 5) from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., in the Library); And 3) Be presented at Mass (the next Presentation Sundays are June 19 and July 17 at the 9:00 a.m. Mass). After completing these, your child will be baptized on a Saturday (next OPEN Baptisms are at Noon on June 25 and July 23. SELECTING THE GODPARENTS: Canon Law requires you to have at least one godparent (may have two) who: 1) is at least 16 years old; 2) has received the Sacrament of Confirmation; and 3) is a practicing Catholic. RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY: PRO-LIFE QUOTES: "The promotion of the culture of life should be the highest priority in our societies...If the right to life is not defended decisively as a condition for all other rights of the person, all other references to human rights remain deceitful and illusory." Pope John Paul II "The only differences between the Herod of old and the Herods of today are in the weapons used and the number of victims. Herod used swords and spears to kill the Holy Innocents. Today's Herods use abortion, "the Pill" and other chemical weapons. And whereas Herod killed a relatively small number of babies, today's Herods have butchered literally hundreds of millions ... with no end in sight!" --Msgr. Ignacio Barreiro-Carámbula ST. THERESE MISSION STATEMENT: St. Therese Church is an active and Eucharistic Parish Community dedicated in faith and service to a loving and merciful God under our Patroness, St. Therese of Lisieux. We are committed in our ministries to providing discipleship and fostering a contemplative life, resulting in Christian formation and spiritual growth of our members. June 5, 2011 Page Five PARISH MINISTRIES / NEWS: PERPETUAL ADO RATIO N "I will not allow myself to be so absorbed in the whirlwind of work as to forget about God. I will spend all my free moments at the feet of the Master hidden in the Blessed Sacrament. He has been tutoring me from my most tender years." --St. Faustina Kowlaska F I N A N C I A L: WEEKLY OFFERINGS: Below are the totals for the collections for last weekend and for the previous month. Collection for May 28 / 29, 2011 Unrestricted..……………....…$10,703.00 Restricted .….................$ 1,434.00 T O T A L……………………….….$12,137.00 April 30 / May 1, 2011: May 7 / 8, 2011: May 14 / 15, 2011: May 21 / 22, 2011: $14,159.00 $11,156.00 $11,777.00 $14,067.00 URGENT NEED FOR ADORERS: We need committed weekly adorers for the following day and times: Friday mornings from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m.; and Friday evenings from 10:00 to 11:00 p.m. As a friendly suggestion for those of you who are employed, may we propose a realistic donation to St. Therese Church of at least one hour of pay per week. SIGN UP! The Adoration Chapel is open day and night to adore Jesus in the exposed Blessed Sacrament. To sign up, call Carlos or Carla Johnson at 289-0388. MONTHLY COLLECTION FOR THE SCHOOL: Once a month we will have a second collection to help support St. Therese School. Please be generous—our children are our future! VIDEO NIGHT… presents “PROPHECY AND THE NEW TIMES” this Friday, June 10, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., in the Parish Meeting Room (2nd floor of the Parish Center). Recently, a group of Christians thought they knew the day that God’s end times would commence; they were wrong. They should have listened to the Blessed Mother. She has been commissioned by God to reveal much of His plan for our times. This is an excellent collection of our Blessed Mother’s revelations. SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN: “DID YOU KNOW?” Keeping Kids Safe After School - You can help keep your children safe by knowing where they spend their time after school. Get to know the adults who show up at the various locations in the community where children gather and where they play together. Be wary of any adult who seems more interested in creating a relationship with a child than with other adults. Pay attention when an adult seems to single out a child for a relationship or for special attention. Warning signs include treats, gifts, vacations, or other special favors offered only to one specific child. For more information, please call the Archdiocesan Safeguard the Children office: (213) 637-7227. TOGETHER IN MISSION 2011 “My Hope Comes From God” Psalm 62:6 Amount of 2011 Goal: $53,286.00 Donations received as of 5/8/11: $32,658.00 Donations received as of 5/15/11: $35,945.00 Donations received as of 5/22/11: $36,183.00 Donations received as of 5/29/11: $36,283.00 Donations Needed…………………..….. $17,003.00 WARRIOR-INTERCESSORS FOR PRIESTS: G O D, T H E H O LY S P I R I T, is always with us—loving, guiding, instructing, consoling, and inspiring us at every moment of our lives. He promised to be with us until the end of time. God NEVER fails—He always keeps His promise! The Holy Spirit has been with His Church for over 2,000 years; and He will be with us individually as well if we listen to Him in prayer! Join us every Thursday at 8:00 p.m. in the Church to pray for all priests and for all souls entrusted to them. You may call Blanca at 2822744, ext. 237, for more information. Page Six June 5, 2011 MASS INTENTIONS FLORAL DEDICATIONS For the Week of 6/4/11 to 6/11/11 Saturday: 5:00 p.m.: Anita McKeown RIP Sunday: *7:30 am: Jerry Leya & Family INT 7:30 am: Piedad Lakindanum RIP 9:00 am: Joseph Lan Tran RIP 11:00 a.m. Elide Ayuso RIP 1:00 pm: Parishioners 5:00 pm: Fung Tung RIP Monday: 6:00 am: Taylor Fieux INT *7:30 am: Beatriz Cappucci Ariano RIP 8:00 a.m.: Katherine Linnane RIP Tuesday: 6:00 am: Mary Rose Go INT *7:30 am: Srs. Frances & Marietta INT 8:00 am: Souls in Purgatory Wednesday: 6:00 am: Fr. Claver Liu INT *7:30 a.m.: Amy Jo Duell RIP 8:00 a.m.: Souls in Purgatory Thursday: 6:00 a.m.: Lucille Moore RIP *7:30 am: Jesus Garcia RIP 8:00 am: Souls in Purgatory Friday: 6:00 a.m.: Victoriano Seguerra RIP *7:30 am Linda Kay Hesse RIP 8:00 am: Souls in Purgatory Saturday: 6:00 a.m.: Souls in Purgaotry *7:30 am: Carmelite Community 8:00 am: Luis Figueroa RIP The Floral Dedications for this weekend are: ♥ In Thanksgiving to Fr. Jan Lundberg and Fr. Robert Barcelos ♥ In loving memory of Paul Tassi To dedicate a Floral Arrangement in someone’s honor, for a special occasion, or in memory of a loved one, please contact Giovanna Setiady at 281-9049. PERSONAL ADS Woman needs to find a 2-BR HOUSE IN THE SG VALLEY that is available for rent. Please call Jeanette at 2893364, ext. 660. 3 Held in the Cloistered Carmelite Chapel, 215 E. Alhambra Road— open to the public every day except on Sundays, Vigils and major holy days and holidays, including Holy Saturday & Easter. INTENTIONS OF OUR HOLY FATHER FOR JUNE 2011: 1) That priests, united to the Heart of Christ, may always be true witnesses to the caring and merciful love of God; 2) That the Holy Spirit may bring forth from our communities numerous missionary vocations, willing to fully consecrate themselves to spreading the Kingdom of God. Devout female Catholic has a ROOM FOR RENT in her home. Seeking mature female who would like to rent it. $500 per month, with $100 security deposit. Call Connie at 327-5053. LADY IN NEED SEEKS TO BUY an ELECTRIC room heater and a bathroom scale. Call 213-215-5103. OUTSIDE THE PARISH Join Fr. Robert Elias, OCD, on a 15-Day Spiritual Pilgrimage to FATIMA, HOLY LAND, MT. SINAI, in July 2012, featuring 5 nights at the Carmelite Convent in Mt. Carmel, Haifa. Join in the celebration of the Feasts of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and St. Elijah. For more information please call Beth Maddatu at (408) 903-6305 or e-mail her at: [email protected] or ask Fr. Robert or the parish for a flyer. All ladies are invited to the Women’s Silent Retreats at Sacred Heart Retreat House, 920 E. Alhambra Road, Alhambra. Saturday rate is $45, including three meals. Call the retreat captain, Mary, at 840-0955. LECTORS: Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Franklin Teng / Marta Timar Thu Nguyen / Aurora Dolores Lily Edusma / Rose Natividad Ignacio Verduzco / Andy Zepeda Sebastian Aguayo / Gil Vargas Alverno’s Middle School Summer Institute is offering 15 classes, including Algebra prep, Spanish prep, science, a multimedia Harry Potter class, acting, cooking, and more! Classes are co-ed and run from June 21 to July 21 at 200 N. Michillinda Ave. in Sierra Madre. [email protected] SANTA TERESITA HEALTHCARE COMMUNITY is seeking volunteers to help serve meals to the residents in the Manor. This is a wonderful opportunity to interact with residents and to give of yourself. Call Sr. Rosario Therese at 408-7825.
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