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RESEARCH (SGER) (GPG II.D.12) FACILITATION FOR SCIENTISTS/ENGINEERS WITH DISABILITIES (GPG V.G.) RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY AWARD (GPG V.H) PI/PD DEPARTMENT PI/PD POSTAL ADDRESS Zoology PI/PD FAX NUMBER 611A Bartram Hall, Dept. of Zoology, University of Florida P.O. Box 118525 Gainesville, FL 32611-8525 NAMES (TYPED) High Degree Yr of Degree Telephone Number Electronic Mail Address MA 1990 352-443-9684 [email protected] PI/PD NAME Carol L. Chaffee CO-PI/PD CO-PI/PD CO-PI/PD CO-PI/PD NSF Form 1207 (10/99) Page 1 of 2 1 CERTIFICATION PAGE Certification for Principal Investigators and Co-Principal Investigators I certify to the best of my knowledge that: (1) the statements herein (excluding scientific hypotheses and scientific opinions) are true and complete, and (2) the text and graphics herein as well as any accompanying publications or other documents, unless otherwise indicated, are the original work of the signatories or individuals working under their supervision. I agree to accept responsibility for the scientific conduct of the project and to provide the required project reports if an award is made as a result of this proposal. I understand that the willful provision of false information or concealing a material fact in this proposal or any other communication submitted to NSF is a criminal offense (U.S.Code, Title 18, Section 1001). Name (Typed) PI/PD Signature Social Security No.* Carol L. Chaffee Date 3/7/2008 Co-PI/PD Co-PI/PD Co-PI/PD Co-PI/PD Certification for Authorized Organizational Representative or Individual Applicant By signing and submitting this proposal, the individual applicant or the authorized official of the applicant institution is: (1) certifying that statements made herein are true and complete to the best of his/her knowledge; and (2) agreeing to accept the obligation to comply with NSF award terms and conditions if an award is made as a result of this application. 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(2) If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, and officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form LLL, “Disclosure of Lobbying Activities,” in accordance with its instructions. (3) The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all subawards at all tiers including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by Section 1352, Title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. AUTHORIZED ORGANIZATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE NAME/TITLE (TYPED) TELEPHONE NUMBER SIGNATURE ELECTRONIC MAIL ADDRESS DATE FAX NUMBER *SUBMISSION OF SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS IS VOLUNTARY AND WILL NOT AFFECT THE ORGANIZATION’S ELIGIBILITY FOR AN AWARD. HOWEVER, THEY ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE NSF INFORMATION SYSTEM AND ASSIST IN PROCESSING THE PROPOSAL. SSN SOLICITED UNDER NSF ACT OF 1950, AS AMENDED. Page 2 of 2 2 Carol Chaffee Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant 2008 Project Summary Stress has been an omnipresent evolutionary force, but human development has altered both the nature and level of stress that many organisms face in their environments. Changes in temperatures, nutrient spikes due to agricultural runoff and acidification of the oceans due to changes in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are a few examples of how development has altered the levels of stress in many ecosystems. The coral reef system is one that is both particularly valuable and particularly fragile, although susceptibility to stress-related damage appears to be variable. This project will explore how interactions between corals and the microbial organisms that exist in close proximity to them influence this variability. Two broad questions drive this project: 1. What characteristics of microbial assemblages do corals that are more resistant to a particular stressor share? 2. Are there particular microbial markers that indicate resistance or susceptibility? To explore these questions, I will use a combination of field experiments and molecular techniques to explore different stress responses of corals found in Moorea, French Polynesia. The study will examine variable responses to four stressors that span a range of human-influenced factors: 1. Turf and macro-algae appear to vary considerably based on a number of factors, including nutrient availability. 2. Vermetid gastropods have been observed to adversely affect the growth of massive corals, which are key reef-builders. 3. Temperature has a strong influence on corals, with many able to function in only a narrow range. 4. Acidity affects how well corals are able to deposit the calcium carbonate that forms their skeletons. Samples will be collected in Moorea during different seasons and at different levels of stressor exposure, then molecular genotyping techniques will be used to characterize both the symbiotic algae and bacterial communities. Three initiatives are included in this project to address broader impacts: 1. Undergraduates will be integral members of the project team, and will be involved with both field collection and molecular analysis. 2. Screening tools designed to identify the presence or absence of key microbial markers will also be developed, with the goal of disseminating these for use in managing coral reef ecosystems. 3. Production of a “virtual experiment” web site aimed at middle to high school students that will expose them to both the process and results of this study. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS For font-size and page-formatting specifications, see GPG Section II.C. Total No. of Pages in Section Section Page No.* (Optional)* Cover Sheet (NSF Form 1207) (Submit Page 2 with original proposal only) A Project Summary (not to exceed 1 page) 1 3 B Table of Contents (NSF Form 1359) 1 4 C Project Description (including Results from Prior NSF Support) (not to exceed 15 pages) (Exceed only if allowed by a specific program announcement/solicitation or if approved in advance by the appropriate NSF Assistant Director or designee) 7 5 D References Cited 2 12 E Biographical Sketches (Not to exceed 2 pages each) 1 14 F Budget (NSF Form 1030, plus up to 3 pages of budget justification) 2 15 G Current and Pending Support (NSF Form 1239) 1 16 H Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources (NSF Form 1363) 1 17 I Special Information/Supplementary Documentation 0 J Appendix (List below) Include only if allowed by a specific program announcement/ solicitation or if approved in advance by the appropriate NSF Assistant Director or designee) 0 Appendix Items: *Proposers may select any numbering mechanism for the proposal. The entire proposal, however, must be paginated. Complete both columns only if the proposal is numbered consecutively. NSF Form 1359 (10/99) 46 4 Carol Chaffee Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant 2008 Small things matter: Corals, microbes & environmental stress Introduction Stress is a daily part of life for many, if not most, organisms. Stress may be chronic, such as the daily fluctuations in temperature and salinity faced by intertidal organisms (Gilman et al. 2006) or it may be acute, such as the disturbance caused by a hurricane. As such, stress has been an evolutionary force throughout history. In recent years, however, human development has increased both the nature and the level of stress that organisms face in their environments. The latest report (2007) issued by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) details a wide variety of environmental stressors that are attributable to anthropogenic impacts, including increased temperatures, eutrophication and acidification of the oceans due to changes in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Recent reports on the effects of these factors (Coelho and Manfrino 2007; Millar et al. 2007; Gillespie et al. 2008; Jin 2008) show that a diverse array of ecosystems is threatened. Among the ecosystems affected by these anthropogenically-driven stressors, coral reefs are one of the most biologically diverse (Sebens 1994). Coral reefs are also economically important (van Oppen and Gates 2006; Rosenberg et al. 2007), with annual global economic contributions exceeding US$30 billion (Rosenberg et al. 2007). These systems, however, are highly susceptible to damage from a wide range of stressors, both natural and anthropogenic. For example, crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci) outbreaks linked to nutrient spikes (Brodie et al. 2005), coral bleaching caused by elevated temperatures (Penin et al. 2007) and disease outbreaks linked to a variety of environmental changes (Ainsworth et al. 2007; Hall-Spencer et al. 2007; Luna et al. 2007; Toledo-Hernandez et al. 2007; Yarden et al. 2007) also appear to have been increasing in recent years. Some studies have shown, however, that certain corals, even different representatives of the same species, are more resilient in the face of various stressors (van Oppen and Gates 2006). Because corals have unique relationships with various microbial species, especially their endosymbiotic dinoflagellate algae, Symbiodinium sp., exploration of how variation in coral-associated microbial species may help explain some of the variability in this resilience. For example, there is evidence, as reviewed by Baker (2003), indicating that the same coral species may harbor different Symbiodinium clades under different environmental conditions. Given that certain clades have been shown to provide thermal resilience to their hosts (Berkelmans and van Oppen 2006), a detailed study of algal symbiont variation in relation to resistance to environmental stressors will indicate if certain symbiont clades generally improve the resilience of their hosts. Alternatively, some clades may improve responses to one type of stressor, whereas other clades improve responses to a different type of stressor. Bacteria that are closely associated with corals have also been shown to mediate coral interactions with the surrounding environment and with other organisms. Bacterial have been shown to play both beneficial and detrimental roles in their associations with 5 Carol Chaffee Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant 2008 corals, but a detailed understanding of the specific mechanisms involved is generally lacking. Are microbes altering nutrient cycling? Changing the micro-scale environmental conditions, such as pH or oxygen concentration? Preventing or promoting growth of other organisms, which, in turn, may be either beneficial or harmful? In order to uncover the answers to questions such as these, however, the types of microbes present under a variety conditions (healthy and stressed) must first be identified. The composition of microbial biofilms covering substrates has been shown as factor in the settlement and metamorphosis of coral larvae (Negri et al. 2001; Webster et al. 2004). Bacterial communities may also mediate interactions with possible coral competitors, as it has been demonstrated that surface microbes on some corals may prevent settlement of larvae of other invertebrate species (Dobretsov and Qian 2004). As with the zooxanthellae, the range of interactions that may be mediated by these bacterial communities make them an appropriate target for the study of variation in the resilience of corals to environmental stressors. Study System Field collection sites are located in Moorea, French Polynesia (Figure 1). I will be working out of UC Berkeley’s Richard B. Gump South Pacific Research Station, where my lab group at the University of Florida, the St.Mary-Osenberg-Bolker lab, has several ongoing research projects. Adrian Stier and Jada-Simone White, who are fellow graduate students in this lab group, have performed preliminary work showing some of the effects of environmental stress on corals in this area. Both Adrian and Jada are studying different aspects of the reef system that pair with my study. As such, we are collaborating to develop a more complete picture of the interactions occurring in this system than any one of our projects could provide. Figure 1. Map of Moorea, French Polynesia, showing location of study site in lagoon near Gump Station. 6 Carol Chaffee Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant 2008 Research Questions 1. Is there variation in the response of corals to environmental stressors that is related to the identity of associated bacteria or zooxanthellae? The fundamental biological process on which this research aims to shed light is the response of corals to environmental stress. In particular, I will examine how two types of coral-associated microbes (symbiotic algae and coral-mucus bacterial communities) differ between unstressed conditions and several types of environmental stress. There are two possible scenarios that may explain observed differences in the microbial communities: 1) the community structure actually changed, but the corals did not, or 2) corals associated with certain microbial strains survived either better or worse than other corals, which thus changed the observed community composition. By testing how the microbial communities change when stressors are introduced or removed, I hypothesize that it will be possible to determine which of these two scenarios applies. 2. Are there particular microbial markers that indicate resistance or susceptibility? A secondary goal of this project is to use the genetic data collected to identify particular microbial species, either algae, bacteria, or both, that are correlated with the coral response. If such markers can be identified, then diagnostic tools may be developed that would allow Figure 2. Bleaching front associated with turf algae on stakeholders such as Porites in the lagoon of Moorea, French Polynesia. managers of marine Photo provided by Jada-Simone White. protected areas to identify areas where adverse responses appear likely. This information could then be used to help develop plans to mitigate the response. Three particular environmental stressors will be evaluated: 1. Turf and macro-algae. As shown in Figure 2, massive Porites sp. exhibit a bleaching front where they come in contact with turf algae. Based on initial evidence that both flow rate and the presence of sediment influence this response (J.-S. White, pers. 7 Carol Chaffee Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant 2008 com.), I hypothesize that the mucus of corals adjacent to turf algae will harbor pathogenic bacterial strains. 2. Vermetid gastropods. Some massive Porites sp. show significantly reduced growth in the presence of Dendropoma maxima (A. Stier, pers. com.). Because this pattern does not hold for all Porites colonies that have been observed, I will compare resistant with susceptible colonies to determine if any consistent patterns in the microbial assemblages occur. 3. Temperature. Corals are particularly susceptible to temperature stress (HoeghGuldberg et al. 2007), but sensitivity to temperature fluctions has been shown to vary at both the individual and the population level (Smith-Keune and van Oppen 2006). Certain Symbiodinium clades have also been shown to reduce the susceptibility of their coral hosts to bleaching (van Oppen et al. 2005). Thus, I hypothesize that Symbiodinium clades will exhibit a predictable pattern in resistant versus susceptible corals. In addition, I will determine how the bacterial community composition varies with resistance to these stressors. Research Activities The following series of studies will be performed for each of the above stressors. Both the field and laboratory experiments will be conducted for a period of four weeks, so that bacterial communities have adequate time to form and mature into a relatively steady-state. 1. Field Survey. I will sample sites that naturally vary in their response to the stressor being evaluated, then analyze both the algal symbionts and mucus-associated bacterial communities as described below. The goal of these surveys will be to determine the broad patterns that are observable on the colony level. Sites will be selected to reduce the variability of other environmental factors as much as possible, e.g., samples will be taken from both stressed and unstressed locations on the same coral head as a control for genetic variability of the corals. 2. Field Experiment. Coral nubbins (juveniles) will be used to perform manipulative experiments in the field. These experiments are designed to evaluate microbial changes that occur at the time a stressor is introduced or removed. Nubbins will be prepared, then allowed to acclimate in situ for a period of two weeks. After acclimation, nubbins will be moved to the experimental sites, and the algal symbionts and bacterial communities will be analyzed as described below. 3. Laboratory Experiment. To provide a means for detailed manipulations that are either not practical or not ethical to perform in the field, I will also manipulate coral nubbins in laboratory tanks with flow-through seawater. In each case, nubbins will be introduced into the tanks, allowed to acclimate for two weeks, then the stressor will be applied, and the algal symbionts and bacterial communities will be analyzed as described below. 8 Carol Chaffee Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant 2008 Two basic sets of activities will be performed for each study described above: analysis of the algal symbionts and characterization of the microbial community found in the coral mucus. 1. Algal Symbiont Analysis. To assess how genetic variation of the symbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium sp.) affects the interaction of corals with each of the environmental stressors, the phylotype of these zooxanthellae will be determined. The psbA gene of the chloroplast will be used, based on previous work (Barbrook et al. 2006) that has shown this gene as a reliable indicator of Symbiodinium phylotypes. A particular benefit of using a chloroplast marker is that corals themselves do not have chloroplasts, so there is no need to perform special steps to isolate the dinoflagellate DNA from the coral DNA. If any coral DNA is included in the PCR reaction mixture, it will not be amplified, so it will not affect the downstream sequencing and analysis. At the conclusion of each study described above, small coral samples will be collected from coral colonies that show resistance to a stressor, those that show susceptibility to that stressor, and control colonies that are not exposed to the stressor. Symbiodinium will be separated from coral samples using centrifugation and washes with filtered seawater. The algal DNA will extracted, and an approximately 400 base pair fragment of the psbA chloroplast gene will be amplified using the IA2F/IA2R primer pair and thermocycler conditions described by Barbrook and colleagues (2006). After purification, these amplicons will be sequenced using the automated sequencers at the University of Florida’s Interdisciplinary Center for Biotechnology Research (ICBR). All sequences produced will be submitted to NCBI’s GenBank (Benson et al. 2007), NCBI BLAST (Altschul et al. 1997) queries for all sequences will be performed to determine the phylotypes present in the sampled corals. Sequences (including the dinoflagellate alga Gymnodinium simplex (Acc. no. AB096158) as an outgroup) will be aligned using ClustalX (Thompson et al. 1997), then manually adjusted as necessary in MacClade (Maddison and Maddison 2003). The most appropriate model of nucleotide evolution will be determined using ModelTest (Posada and Crandall 1998). Maximum-likelihood trees, including a 1000-replicate bootstrap, will be built using GARLI (Zwickl 2006). The pattern of phylotypes associated with either resistance or susceptibility will then be analyzed with MacClade by treating this as a character with two possible states. 2. Microbial Community Characterization. The microbial communities inhabiting the mucus covering the corals included in this project will be characterized to determine what, if any, alterations occur under the conditions of environmental stress being studied. Because of the significant biases that may be introduced by using culturedependent methods to identify the bacteria and archaea present in marine samples (Amann et al. 1995), identification will be performed using a fragment of 16S rRNA gene. For manipulative field experiments, where the stressor will be introduced to the study corals, mucus samples will be collected using disposable plastic pipets prior to application of the stressor, then every three days for the first two weeks of 9 Carol Chaffee Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant 2008 the study, so that the alterations of the microbial community in relation to the onset of a disturbance may be detected. Following this initial period, samples will be collected weekly for the remainder of the four-week study. DNA will be extracted, and an internal fragment of the 16S rRNA gene will be amplified using the universal bacterial primers 517F and 1492R, then cloned and prepared for sequencing as described by Uthicke and McGuire (2007). The purified PCR products after cloning will be sequenced using the automated sequencers at the University of Florida’s ICBR. All sequences produced will be submitted to NCBI’s GenBank. NCBI BLAST queries for all sequences will be performed to determine the nearest matches. Sequences (including the α-proteobacterium Defluvicoccus vanus (Acc. no AF179678) as an outgroup) will be aligned using ClustalX, then manually adjusted as necessary using MacClade. The most appropriate model of nucleotide evolution will be determined using Model Test. Maximum-likelihood trees, including a 1000replicate bootstrap, will be built using GARLI. Comparisons between the communities found will be compared (resistant versus susceptible) using PRIMER 6 for Windows (PRIMER-E Ltd., Plymouth, UK), as described by Uthicke and McGuire (2007). Longitudinal patterns based on the time series data will also be evaluated. Broader Impacts Beyond dissemination of my results to the scientific community, I will include two particular activities aimed at involve a broader audience in understanding both this study’s results and the process used to obtain them. 1. Undergraduate research mentoring. Because the volume of lab work will be extensive, undergraduate research assistants will be involved in all laboratory phases performed at the University of Florida in Gainesville. I anticipate that additional side projects for these undergraduates will be developed as they learn the skills required to perform molecular analyses on projects of their own design, so time for mentoring will be built into the project plans. An undergraduate field assistant will also participate in at least one field experiment in Moorea, so that s/he will have an opportunity to participate in the complete set of activities that are included in this project. 2. Production of a “virtual experiment” web site. By the time students reach the university level, many have already decided whether or not to pursue study in the sciences. Thus, exposing middle and high school students to cutting-edge scientific techniques is one method of increasing the number of students who enter college with a positive view of scientific study. I will use this project to develop a web site designed to walk students in grades 6-12 through the steps involved in exploring an ecological question. Santa Fe Community College in Gainesville has an associate of applied arts program in web design. One requirement of this program is development of a professional portfolio, so I will partner with a student in this program to implement this web project. Because of its popular appeal, the coral reef ecosystem provides a platform on which some of the more advanced scientific 10 Carol Chaffee Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant 2008 techniques may be presented in a way that is interesting and fun for students in this age range. This web tool will be presented at forums aimed at middle and high school teachers, so that they may incorporate it into classroom activities. 3. Involvement of stakeholders in tool development. The high number of DNA sequences that will be generated over the course of this project, as well as the assessment of whether those sequences were taken from “resistant” or “susceptible” corals, means that it will be possible to develop a screening tool. For this tool to provide the maximum benefit to those responsible for managing coral reefs, stakeholders, such as managers of marine protected areas, will be actively included in the development process. It is anticipated that development of this tool will be in concert with a nongovernmental organization that is involved in protection and management of coral reefs. Identification of possible partner organizations is a current priority. 11 Carol Chaffee Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant 2008 Literature Cited Ainsworth TD, Kramasky-Winter E, Loya Y, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Fine M (2007) Coral disease diagnostics: What's between a plague and a band? Applied and Environmental Microbiology 73:981-992 Altschul SF, Madden TL, Schaffer AA, Zhang JH, Zhang Z, Miller W, Lipman DJ (1997) Gapped BLAST and PSIBLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs. Nucleic Acids Research 25:3389-3402 Amann RI, Ludwig W, Schleifer KH (1995) Phylogenetic identification and in-situ detection of individual microbial cells without cultivation. Microbiological Reviews 59:143-169 Baker AC (2003) Flexibility and specificity in coral-algal symbiosis: Diversity, ecology, and biogeography of Symbiodinium. Annual Review of Ecology Evolution and Systematics 34:661-689 Barbrook AC, Visram S, Douglas AE, Howe CJ (2006) Molecular diversity of dinoflagellate symbionts of Cnidaria: The psbA minicircle of Symbiodinium. Protist 157:159-171 Benson D, Karsch-Mizrachi I, Lipman D, Ostell J, Wheeler D (2007) GenBank. Nucleic Acids Res 35:D21-25 Berkelmans R, van Oppen M (2006) The role of zooxanthellae in the thermal tolerance of corals: a 'nugget of hope' for coral reefs in an era of climate change. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 273:2305-2312 Brodie J, Fabricius K, De'ath G, Okaji K (2005) Are increased nutrient inputs responsible for more outbreaks of crown-of-thorns starfish? An appraisal of the evidence. Marine Pollution Bulletin 51:266-278 Change IPoC (2007) Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability: Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC. Cambridge University Press, New York, NY Coelho VR, Manfrino C (2007) Coral community decline at a remote Caribhean island: Marine no-take reserves are not enough. Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 17:666-685 Dobretsov S, Qian PY (2004) The role of epibotic bacteria from the surface of the soft coral Dendronephthya sp in the inhibition of larval settlement. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 299:35-50 Gillespie RG, Claridge EM, Roderick GK (2008) Biodiversity dynamics in isolated island communities: interaction between natural and human-mediated processes. Mol Ecol 17:45-57 Gilman SE, Harley CDG, Strickland DC, Vanderstraeten O, O'Donnell MJ, Helmuth B (2006) Evaluation of effective shore level as a method of characterizing intertidal wave exposure regimes. Limnology and Oceanography-Methods 4:448-457 Hall-Spencer JM, Pike J, Munn CB (2007) Diseases affect cold-water corals too: Eunicella verrucosa (Cnidaria : Gorgonacea) necrosis in SW England. Dis Aquat Org 76:87-97 Hoegh-Guldberg O, Mumby PJ, Hooten AJ, Steneck RS, Greenfield P, Gomez E, Harvell CD, Sale PF, Edwards AJ, Caldeira K, Knowlton N, Eakin CM, Iglesias-Prieto R, Muthiga N, Bradbury RH, Dubi A, Hatziolos ME (2007) Coral reefs under rapid climate change and ocean acidification. Science 318:1737-1742 Jin CH (2008) Biodiversity dynamics of freshwater wetland ecosystems affected by secondary salinisation and seasonal hydrology variation: a model-based study. Hydrobiologia 598:257-270 Luna GM, Biavasco F, Danovaro R (2007) Bacteria associated with the rapid tissue necrosis of stony corals. Environmental Microbiology 9:1851-1857 Maddison D, Maddison W (2003) MacClade 4: Analysis of phylogeny and character evolution. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA Millar CI, Stephenson NL, Stephens SL (2007) Climate change and forests of the future: Managing in the face of uncertainty. Ecological Applications 17:2145-2151 Negri AP, Webster NS, Hill RT, Heyward AJ (2001) Metamorphosis of broadcast spawning corals in response to bacteria isolated from crustose algae. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 223:121-131 Penin L, Adjeroud M, Schrimm M, Lenihan HS (2007) High spatial variability in coral bleaching around Moorea (French Polynesia): patterns across locations and water depths. Comptes Rendus Biologies 330:171-181 Posada D, Crandall K (1998) MODELTEST: testing the model of DNA substitution. Bioinformatics 14:817-818 Rosenberg E, Koren O, Reshef L, Efrony R, Zilber-Rosenberg I (2007) The role of microorganisms in coral health, disease and evolution. Nature Reviews Microbiology 5:355-362 Sebens KP (1994) Biodiversity of coral reefs: What are we losing and why? Am Zool 34:115-133 Smith-Keune C, van Oppen M (2006) Genetic structure of a reef-building coral from thermally distinct environments on the Great Barrier Reef. Coral Reefs 25:493-502 Thompson J, Gibson T, Plewniak F, Jeanmougin F, Higgins D (1997) The CLUSTAL_X windows interface: flexible strategies for multiple sequence alignment aided by quality analysis tools. Nucleic Acids Research 25:4876-4882 12 Carol Chaffee Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant 2008 Toledo-Hernandez C, Bones-Gonzalez A, Ortiz-Vazquez OE, Sabat AM, Bayman P (2007) Fungi in the sea fan Gorgonia ventalina: diversity and sampling strategies. Coral Reefs 26:725-730 Uthicke S, McGuire K (2007) Bacterial communities in Great Barrier Reef calcareous sediments: Contrasting 16S rDNA libraries from nearshore and outer shelf reefs. Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 72:188-200 van Oppen M, Gates R (2006) Conservation genetics and the resilience of reef-building corals. Mol Ecol 15:38633883 van Oppen M, Mahiny A, Done T (2005) Geographic distribution of zooxanthella types in three coral species on the Great Barrier Reef sampled after the 2002 bleaching event. Coral Reefs 24:482-487 Webster NS, Smith LD, Heyward AJ, Watts JEM, Webb RI, Blackall LL, Negri AP (2004) Metamorphosis of a scleractinian coral in response to microbial biofilms. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 70:12131221 Yarden O, Ainsworth TD, Roff G, Leggat W, Fine M, Hoegh-Guldberg O (2007) Increased prevalence of ubiquitous ascomycetes in an acropoid coral (Acropora formosa) exhibiting symptoms of brown band syndrome and skeletal eroding band disease. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 73:2755-2757 Zwickl D (2006) Genetic algorithm approaches for the phylogenetic analysis of large biological sequence datasets under the maximum likelihood criterion. Ph.D. dissertation. The University of Texas at Austin 13 Biographical Sketch Carol L. Chaffee Professional Preparation University of California, Berkeley San Jose State University University of Southern California University of Florida Social Science Molecular Biology Communications Management Zoology BA 1989 BS 2007 MA 1990 PhD in progress Appointments 2007 – present Spring 2008 Fall 2007 2006 – 2007 2003 – 2007 Summer, 2006 PhD student, University of Florida Lab Instructor, Introduction to Biology, University of Florida Graduate Assistant, R/V Bellows, University of Florida Research Assistant, Ouverney Lab, San Jose State University Volunteer Naturalist, Fitzgerald Marine Life Reserve, Moss Beach, CA Student (MARS 3102), Marine Microscopy, University of Queensland Synergistic Activities (i) Ouverney Lab. Because Dr. Ouverney was in the process of establishing his lab when I began working with him, I had the opportunity to assist in developing the day-today lab operations protocols in consultation with Dr. Ouverney and the two other initial undergraduate researchers. Our lab participated in RUMBA (Research by Undergraduates using Molecular Biology Applications), San Jose State’s NSF-REU program. My role in this effort was to train the participants in how quantitative PCR could be used in their research projects, and to assist those who chose to use this tool to accomplish their goals within the short time available in the summer program. (ii) Fitzgerald Marine Life Reserve. As a volunteer naturalist at this intertidal marine reserve, I worked with elementary school teachers to tailor our guided tours of the reserve to fit with their classroom activities. Tours were given to groups of students ranging from first grade through high school. In addition to interpreting the various sub-habitats of the intertidal, we also worked to give a broader understanding of this coastal area, by discussing how native Ohlone people used the reserve area in a sustainable manner for thousands of years, but how modern development has severely impacted this area within 100 years. Collaborators & Other Affiliations Collaborators Adrien Stier, University of Florida Jada-Simone White, University of Florida Doctoral Advisor Craig W. Osenberg, University of Florida 14 FOR NSF USE ONLY 5 4 SUMMARY PROPOSAL BUDGET ORGANIZATION PROPOSAL NO. DURATION (MONTHS) University of Florida Proposed PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT DIRECTOR Granted AWARD NO. Carol L. Chaffee A. SENIOR PERSONNEL: PI/PD, Co-PIs, Faculty and Other Senior Associates NSF-Funded List each separately with name and title. (A.7. Show number in brackets) Person-months CAL ACAD SUMR 1. Carol L. Chaffee 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ( ) OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET EXPLANATION PAGE) 7. (1) TOTAL SENIOR PERSONNEL (1-6) B. OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) 1. ( ) POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATES 2. ( ) OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) 3. ( ) GRADUATE STUDENTS 4. (2) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 5. ( ) SECRETARIAL - CLERICAL (IF CHARGED DIRECTLY) 6. ( ) OTHER TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A + B) C. FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS (A + B + C) D. EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACH ITEM EXCEEDING $5,000.) Funds Granted by NSF Proposer $0 (If Different) $ 0 10,400 10,400 10,400 TOTAL EQUIPMENT E. TRAVEL 1. DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA, MEXICO AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) 2. FOREIGN F. PARTICIPANT SUPPORT 1. STIPENDS $ 2. TRAVEL 3. SUBSISTENCE 4. OTHER TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS ( ) COSTS G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION/DOCUMENTATION/DISSEMINATION 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES 4. COMPUTER SERVICES 5. SUBAWARDS Funds Requested By 14,560 TOTAL PARTICIPANT 12,000 4,800 30,000 6. OTHER TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) I. INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) (SPECIFY RATE AND BASE) 71,760 TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (H + I) K. RESIDUAL FUNDS (IF FOR FURTHER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECT SEE GPG II.D.7.j.) L. AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR (J MINUS K) 0 $71,760 $ M. COST SHARING: PROPOSED LEVEL $ PI/PD TYPED NAME AND SIGNATURE* AGREED LEVEL IF DIFFERENT: $ DATE FOR NSF USE ONLY Carol L. Chaffee 3/7/2008 NSF Form 1030 (10/99) Supersedes All Previous Editions *SIGNATURES REQUIRED ONLY FOR REVISED BUDGET (GPG III.C) ORG. REP. TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE* DATE INDIRECT COST RATE VERIFICATION Date Checked Date of Rate Sheet Initials-ORG 15 Item # B4 E2 G1 G2 G3 Description Justification Undergraduate funding Two undergraduate assistants at $6.50/hour, 10 hours/week for 40 weeks (16 week fall & spring semesters & 8 week summer) for 2 years. Round-trip travel to Three field seasons for PI, and one field season for Moorea, French an undergraduate assistant. Polynesia from Gainesville, FL Field station fees at $40/day for three 8-week field seasons for PI, and Gump Marine Station, one 8-week field season for an undergraduate Moorea. assistant. DNA collection & Pipets, eppendorf tubes and FTA cards for extraction collecting and extracting DNA from both symbionts (3 stressors x 3 experiments x 5 replicates = 45 samples) and coral mucus bacterial communities (3 stressors x 3 experiments x 5 replicates x 5 samples = 225 samples). PCR, cloning & preparation for sequencing Presentations at $800 in conference fees and travel to two conferences conferences per year for PI, and one conference for each of the undergraduate assistants. DNA sequencing Sequencing of samples at the University of Florida’s ICBR facility. Includes sequencing psbA fragment for each symbiont sample (3 stressors x 3 experiments x 5 replicates = 45 samples), and sequencing 48 clones for each bacterial community sample (3 stressors x 3 experiments x 5 replicates x 5 samples = 225 samples). 16 Current and Pending Support (See GPG Section II.D.8 for guidance on information to include on this form.) The following information should be provided for each investigator and other senior personnel. Failure to provide this information may delay consideration of this proposal. Other agencies (including NSF) to which this proposal has been/will be submitted. Investigator: Carol L. Chaffee Support: Current Pending Submission Planned in Near Future *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: Corals, algae and microbes: using molecular tools to illuminate an ecological interaction Source of Support: Sigma Xi Total Award Amount: $1,000 Total Award Period Covered: 2008 Location of Project: Moorea, French Polynesia & Gainesville, FL Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Support: Current Pending Cal: 5.5 Acad:4 Submission Planned in Near Future Sumr: 1.5 *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: No specific project, funds awarded to support general doctoral research. Source of Support: University of Florida Frank Maturo Excellence Fund Total Award Amount: $2,750 Total Award Period Covered: 2007-2008 Location of Project: Moorea, French Polynesia & Gainesville, FL Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Support: Current Pending Cal: Acad: Submission Planned in Near Future Sumr: *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ Total Award Period Covered: Location of Project: Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Support: Current Pending Cal: Acad: Submission Planned in Near Future Sumr: *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ Total Award Period Covered: Location of Project: Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Support: Current Pending Cal: Acad: Submission Planned in Near Future Sumr: *Transfer of Support Project/Proposal Title: Source of Support: Total Award Amount: $ Total Award Period Covered: Location of Project: Person-Months Per Year Committed to the Project. Cal: Acad: Sumr: *If this project has previously been funded by another agency, please list and furnish information for immediately preceding funding period. NSF Form 1239 (10/99) USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS NECESSARY 5 5 17 FACILITIES, EQUIPMENT & OTHER RESOURCES FACILITIES: Identify the facilities to be used at each performance site listed and, as appropriate, indicate their capacities, pertinent capabilities, relative proximity, and extent of availability to the project. Use “Other” to describe the facilities at any other performance sites listed and at sites for field studies. Use additional pages if necessary. Laboratory: Kimball Lab, Dept. of Zoology, University of Florida Molecular genetics laboratory with full capabilities for performing DNA extraction, PCR, cloning and preparation for bulk sequencing at ICBR. Clinical: Animal: Computer: Office: Other: Gump Marine Station, Moorea, French Polynesida Interdisciplinary Center for Biotechnology Research (ICBR), University of Florida MAJOR EQUIPMENT: List the most important items available for this project and, as appropriate, identify the location and pertinent capabilities of each. OTHER RESOURCES: Provide any information describing the other resources available for the project. Identify support services such as consultant, secretarial, machine shop, and electronics shop, and the extent to which they will be available for the project. Include an explanation of any consortium/contractual/subaward arrangements with other organizations. 5 6 NSF Form 1363 (10/99) 18
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