OOI RFA Cover Sheet LOI Full Addendum Above For Office Use Only Please fill out requested information in all gray boxes Fluxes of pelagic nekton: Using temporally indexed movements of fish and marine mammals to understand ecosystem processes Title: Proponent(s): John K. Horne, David K. Mellinger, Sue E. Moore, Kate M. Stafford Keywords: (5 or less) acoustics, biomass flux, fish, marine mammals Area: Contact Information: Contact Person: John K. Horne Department: School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences Organization: University of Washington Address Box 355020, Seattle, WA 98195 Tel.: 206 221-6890 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 206 221-6939 Permission to post abstract on ORION Web site: ✔ Yes No Abstract: (400 words or less) The fundamental difference between conventional biological surveys and stationary observing systems is the potential for wide-area spatial and long-term temporal sampling from a suite of sensors in real time. This unprecedented sampling provides both opportunities and logistic challenges to the fisheries and marine mammal science communities. Strategic choice and placement of sensors should enable a suite of organisms to be continuously monitored over a broad range of spatial and temporal scales. Fisheries (i.e. fishes and invertebrates) research opportunities include examining spatial and temporal fluxes of biomass; resource assessment with extended temporal sampling; quantifying distribution variability in space and time; and species-specific habitat use. Marine mammal research opportunities include quantifying spatiotemporal distributions of animals; investigating biological responses to oceanographic variability; and monitoring behavioural responses to anthropogenic noise sources. Elements common to both groups include opportunities to monitor changes in densities, distributions, and fluxes of aquatic organisms over annual cycles and in response to episodic variability and longer trends in the ecosystem. Observing systems also offer the opportunity to concurrently examine ecosystem processes ranging from physical oceanography (wind stress, currents, mixing), through primary and secondary production, to feeding ecology of top predators. The major challenge to both groups is processing voluminous data streams and the subsequent conversion of data to useable products. Despite the collection of many ‘empty’ data cells, observatories facilitate spatially and temporally scale-dependent observations of aquatic organisms that have not been possible using mobile platforms. Acoustic systems will be deployed in association with other project infrastructure. Since most pelagic biomass is located over continental shelves and slopes, highest priority sites are associated with spur lines from the NEPTUNE observatory. Inshore buoy platforms will provide additional shelf locations associated with specific physical features. Offshore buoy locations provide an opportunity to monitor vertical and horizontal movements of mesopelagic fish and invertebrate species that comprise deep scattering layers and are a major food source for deep-diving marine mammals. Please describe below key non-standard measurement technology needed to achieve the proposed scientific objectives: (250 words or less) Active and passive acoustic recording systems. Splitbeam or multibeam sonars will be used to transmit and then receive echoes from macroscopic, pelagic organisms. Passive acoustic systems are comprised of hydrophone arrays, amplifiers, digitizers, and data transmission/recording components. The arrays receive ambient ocean noise and biologically produced sounds. AUVs are used to investigate the oceanography, biological and physical, of concentration areas of marine mammals and fishes. Proposed Sites: Site Name Position Water Depth (m) Continental Shelf Shelf Slope <200 m 2001000 m Basin Deep Start Date Proposed Duration Revisits Deploy during (months) deployment List of Project Participants Bruce M. Howe, University of Washington Suggested Reviewers D. Van Holliday (BAE Systems, San Diego) Olav Rune Godo (Institute for Marine Research, Bergen) Whitlow Au (Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, Kailua) John Hildebrand (Scripps Institution of Oceanography, San Diego) Donald Croll (University of California, Santa Cruz) Site-specific Comments 1. PROGRAM RATIONALE Until recently, spatial and temporal sampling of the water column by acoustic and other remote sensing technologies was limited in range and duration. The combination of continuous power, data transmission, and long term deployments associated with ocean observatories provides both opportunities and logistic challenges to the fisheries and marine mammal science communities. Unlike other groups involved in planning ocean observatory experiments, fisheries and marine mammal science communities focus on mobile, apex predators that are located primarily over continental shelves. Predator-prey interactions among organisms that move independent of water motion (i.e. nekton) influence the structure of ecosystems from the top down to other trophic levels. This perspective differs from the oceanographic view of ‘bottom up’ structuring where biological-physical coupling facilitates the transfer of energy from physical structures such as upwelling that supplies nutrients to phytoplankton and the subsequent consumption by zooplankton, fish, and then marine mammals. Primary science themes common to marine mammal and fisheries research include biomass fluxes, population monitoring, and episodic physical events that initiate a biological response. Specific marine mammal science themes that can be exploited using an ocean observatory include seasonal distributions, ocean dynamics, and anthropogenic influences. Seasonal distribution research will map and monitor the timing and spatial variability of migration routes, feeding assemblages, and spawning aggregation areas. Ocean dynamics is characterized as the reaction of individual and groups of animals to environmental variability at small (e.g. fronts) and large (e.g. El Niño) scales. A fixed grid fitted with sensors provides the advantage of a large region simultaneously monitored over a wide range of spatial scales. Anthropogenic influences include the response by animals to noise (e.g. vessels, seismic airguns), and potential conflicts with shipping traffic and commercial fishing. Dominant fisheries science themes include biomass fluxes, resource assessment with extended temporal sampling, distribution variability in space and time, and habitat use. The flux of biomass through space over time has not been traditionally quantified over large spatial and temporal scales (Haury et al. 1978; Horne et al. 1999). Long-term sensor deployments would facilitate investigations into the kinematic processes of migration, dispersal, and the coupling of biomass flux to environmental gradients. Assessment surveys of pelagic and demersal fish species are traditionally conducted using research vessels. Sample synopticity, resolution, and range of these Eulerian (i.e. stationary grid) surveys are limited by vessel speed, time available, vessel manoeuvrability, gear restrictions, and surface conditions. Temporal surveys from a single location or surveys conducted by a suite of sensors have not been used in the management of harvestable resources. Tracking variability in fish distributions over time facilitates demographic (e.g. births, survival) investigations at the temporal scale of a generation and the spatial scale of a population. Habitat use by pelagic and demersal fish species is an emerging topic in resource management. Challenges associated with this theme are defining essential habitat, and quantifying the impacts of loss or damage to essential fish habitat. The marine mammal and fisheries research communities will benefit from the opportunity to monitor changes in densities and distributions of aquatic organisms in response to ecosystem variability. Many life history characteristics (e.g. timing and path of annual migrations) are not known for fish and mammal species. A continuous suite of sensors can provide a network to quantify and understand aquatic life cycles and over longer temporal scales, may be used to monitor biologic responses to climate change. A combination of Eulerian (i.e. fixed grid) and Lagrangian (i.e. mobile) sampling strategies are required to adequately sample fish and marine mammals through the range of spatial and temporal scales encompassed by an ocean observatory. Detection ranges of most active and passive sensors limit the feasibility of relying solely on a grid sampling design. Strategic choice and placement of sensors should enable a suite of organisms to be continuously monitored. This combined sampling approach can be used to detect high concentrations and strong gradients as indicators of biological or physical significant events. Detected changes in static or dynamic quantities such as biomass flux or temperature gradients can be used to trigger intensive sampling aimed at quantifying dominant processes that produced observed patterns. Given that the bulk of nektonic biomass is located on continental shelves, the availability of sampling platforms on the continental slope is imperative for a successful nekton sampling program. Location of sensor arrays should be oriented relative to species’ migration routes and/or habitat types that exist within any region of interest. Acoustic examination of fish and invertebrates has evolved from qualitatively describing spatial and temporal distributions to quantifying and identifying species-specific abundances. Early studies investigated relations between echo returns from deep scattering layers and the presence of mesopelagic nekton (Holliday 1972). Tools used to gather acoustic data range 2 from broadband, low frequency explosions to discrete, high frequency (i.e. > 10 kHz) echosounders. Advances in digital electronics and data processing have lead to quantitative descriptions of fish aggregation shapes (e.g. Smith 1970; Hewitt 1975; Hewitt et al. 1976; Gerlotto et al. 1999), characteristics (e.g. Nero and Magnuson 1989), and densities (e.g. Misund 1993). Identification of constituent species within an aggregation uses statistical properties of echoes or imaging analysis techniques. Statistical descriptors have been used to form discriminant functions (e.g. Rose and Leggett 1988; Simmonds and Armstrong 1990; Scalabrin et al. 1996), and as input to neural networks (e.g. Haralabous and Georgakarakos 1996; Simmonds et al. 1996; Zakharia et al. 1996) but the efficacy of knowledge-based techniques remains constrained by the reference data used to categorize groups. In a parallel approach, metrics characterizing registrations on an echogram are used to discriminate and identify fish species (e.g. Kloser et al. 2002) but no current universal metric is available to acoustically identify fish species (see Horne 2000 for a review). Marine mammal populations have traditionally been monitored using observers on vessels. These surveys suffer similar constraints to fisheries surveys described above. In the past decade, passive acoustic monitoring of vocal marine mammals has become more common but is typically conducted at coarse resolution (i.e. 100’s of kilometres between instruments) over broad geographic areas, or at high resolution (i.e. 1-2 kilometres between instruments) over restricted ranges. Instrumenting observatory platforms with broadband hydrophones, facilitates coarse and fine resolution surveys of inter-seasonal and inter-annual residence times, and the tracking of individual animals though time and space. These data enable investigations on marine mammal responses to changing oceanographic, ambient noise, and climate conditions over a wide range of temporal scales. This document provides background on the types of investigations that can be conducted, types and configurations of hardware and software currently available, and expected instrumentation costs. Specific locations for experiments are not included as it is assumed that instruments will be mounted on available platforms within the regional cabled observatory (e.g. coastal nodes within NEPTUNE), the Global Array (e.g. surface moorings), and the Coastal Array (e.g. Endurance and Pioneer arrays). 2. SCIENTIFIC OBJECTIVES Macroscopic biomass in pelagic, marine ecosystems is composed of mammal, fish, and invertebrate aggregations. High-density aggregations of any species are biologically 3 important as animals may be concentrating to forage, spawn, or to avoid predators. Describing and understanding distributions, abundances, fluxes, and the community structure of biological aggregations is a common goal of aquatic researchers and of resource managers. Acoustic technologies are increasingly used to map, count, and identify biological constituents due to the long propagation ranges of acoustic relative to optic technologies. Marine mammal studies, and a smaller proportion of invertebrate investigations, are utilizing relatively short-term deployments (i.e. months) of autonomous recording systems to increase encounter probabilities with animals of interest. This approach is not common in the fisheries research (but see Benoit-Bird et al. 2001) or management communities due, in part, to the need to categorize and discriminate target from non-target species when estimating abundance or biomass. Continuous power, control, and data offload capabilities facilitate new types of nekton research. Two themes common to the fisheries and marine mammal communities include distribution and density observations of aquatic organisms over a broad range of temporal scales, and biological responses to physical episodic events and longer-term trends. Regional Cabled Observatories (RCOs), coastal buoy systems, and an oceanic global network of buoys will enable the tracking of mammal, fish, and invertebrate fluxes as a function of time (migrations, episodic fluxes, diel migrations), stationary assessment of biological resources, species-specific habitat preferences, biological responses to physical events (e.g. upwelling, tidal fluxes), and temporally scale-dependent distribution patterns. Specific objectives include: - determining variability in timing and route of marine mammal migrationsunderstanding lower-trophic-level factors and physical forcing that influence distributions of feeding marine mammals - quantifying distributions and fluxes of fish relative to environmental conditions - understanding the intensity of biological-physical coupling across trophic levels in response to episodic physical events 3. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN AND OBSERVING REQUIREMENTS Passive Acoustic Systems Four types of passive acoustic packages will be used: (1) The simplest package will consist of a low-frequency omni-directional hydrophone that will be used to continuously sample ambient sound in basin areas (where long-distance sound 4 transmission is possible). Hydrophones at sites deeper than about 800 m should be deployed in or above the deep sound channel axis (ranges between ~600 to 900 m) to increase the reception range. The sampling rate for these hydrophones is 2 kHz, which will capture sounds up to 1 kHz. This frequency band will allow detection of cetacean species that produce low-frequency sounds, including blue (Balaenoptera musculus), fin (Balaenoptera physalus), humpback (Balaenoptera musculus), right (Eubalaena japonica), and sperm (Physeter macrocephalus) whales. The basic biology and seasonal distributions of these species are poorly understood. All of these species are listed as endangered species (NMFS 2005). (2) Hydrophones at sites near the continental shelf break and slope will be configured to study ziphiid species (i.e. beaked whales), which feed in these areas. To capture echolocation sounds of these species, hydrophone arrays will sample up to a maximum rate of 200 kHz. Recent research has revealed that some of these species make echolocation sounds above 48 kHz (Johnson et al. 2004; Madsen et al. 2005) and perhaps as high as 100 kHz (J. Hildebrand, pers. comm.). Due to this very high sample rate, a suite of detection triggers will be used to detect and then record high frequency sounds. Suites of triggers have been developed at Scripps Institute of Oceanography (J. Hildebrand) and at the Applied Physics Laboratory (J. Nystuen). (3) Some instruments will be set to sample at a rate of 48 kHz which will capture and communication sounds of delphinids (e.g., Ford 1989, Oswald et al. 2004), large whales, and most pinnipeds. This rate should be used for hydrophone packages installed on the continental shelf. (4) Studies of marine mammal feeding ecology and prey-patch dynamics will use Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) equipped with hydrophones sampling at 48 kHz, optical plankton counters, active acoustics, and CTD sensors. An AUV will be launched when a concentration of feeding cetaceans is detected in real time. The AUV will survey the region to sample prey patch characteristics: depth- and distance-dependent density of prey, species composition, and evolution prey distributions over time, as well as the diving and feeding behavior of cetaceans. Active Acoustic Systems Two limitations of current active acoustic assessments are the lack of extended temporal range and minimal spatial synopticity. Spatial and temporal sampling coverage by an echosounder is constrained by beam geometry, pulse repetition rate, and vessel speed. Transducer beam widths (i.e. angle between half power points) are relatively narrow. On 5 continental shelves where depths may average 200m, the sampling swath (i.e. diameter) of a 10o transducer is 35 m. This conical shaped cone will sample one-third the volume of an equivalent cylinder (64,118.9 m3 of 192,356.6 m3). The resulting fish density estimates are standardized per unit volume through the entire water column. A combination of the vessel speed and pulse repetition rate determines the amount of overlap between successive echoes. The sample volumes from two successive pings at a one second interval and a vessel speed of 10 knots (i.e. 5.14 ms-1) will start to overlap at a depth of 29.4 m and result in a 62% overlap relative to the volume of one pulse. Fish density estimates within arbitrarily set data bins are then averaged along the survey track. Linear interpolation is used to derive final abundance estimates. Survey transects are typically laid out in parallel lines to cover the entire geographic area of interest. The resolution of transect sampling is a function of area to be covered, vessel speed, and the time available for a survey. Transect spacing may range from 1 km to over 35 km depending on the location and available time. Measured fish densities are vertically integrated and assumed to be representative of the area midway between any two adjacent transects. If inter-transect distance is 10 nautical miles (i.e. 18.52 km) and the swath of a 10o transducer at 100m is 17.5 m, then the proportion of the area sampled relative to the interpolation area is 0.009%. The range ensonified by a transducer is a function of frequency, transmit power, and beam angle. Sound intensity is lost as a function of range due to sound spreading and absorption. Fixed location sensors extend the temporal sampling range, can be used to measure flux through a volume, and depending on instrument number and placement, synoptically monitor a large geographic area (Fig. 1). 6 Figure 1. Conceptual schematic of an acoustic monitoring system for herring movements into, within, and out of a fjord entrance in coastal Norway. Bottom mounted echosounder transducers and a moored ADCP sample from the bottom to the surface. An AUV patrols the entire fjord sampling with a downward looking echosounder. Data is transmitted from the surface to a shore station (line of sight) and then to the Internet. Figure courtesy of O.R. Godo, Institute for Marine Research. Beam angles from standard transducers will not change, so the same range-dependent sampling constraints apply to fixed-location deployments. Echosounders can be mounted near surface looking down, in the water column looking in any direction, or near bottom looking toward the surface. Frequency choice will influence target resolution, range, and sensitivity to animal orientation. Lower frequency systems (e.g. 38 kHz) have longer ranges and are less sensitive to animal orientations than higher frequency systems. Due to shorter wavelengths, higher frequency systems are able to resolve smaller targets. A 38 kHz or 70 kHz frequency is recommended for Ocean Observatories. These frequencies will detect and resolve small targets and provide a suitable range to collect total reflected energy (i.e. backscatter) from fish and invertebrates as they pass through the acoustic beam. Commercial systems are available for immediate deployment and continue to evolve. Multibeam sonars are an attractive option for fixed location deployments as they increase the volume of water ensonified. Multibeam systems have traditionally been used for bottom mapping and are recently available to collect water column data. It is prudent to wait until the design and data processing matures before these systems are routinely deployed within ocean observatories. Current research and commercial hardware and software projects are predicted to provide useable packages within the next two to five years. 3.1. Adapting experiments to platforms Acoustic systems can be adapted to any sampling platform, require minimal maintenance, and can be applied to multiple tasks. We envision a combined passive/active package on numerous platforms. Assuming a cabled grid, inshore buoy, and offshore buoy systems, we briefly mention the advantages of each platform system. The regional cabled observatory, NEPTUNE, will include trunk and spur lines that will cross the continental shelf. Acoustic packages deployed across the shelf will provide regional 7 scale measurements of biomass flux north-south along the continental margin, east-west following strong cross-shelf physical gradients, up-down through diel migrations, and potentially mixed paths as some organisms track episodic, propagating events. Acoustic systems mounted in AUVs may be deployed on regular sampling routes to increase areas covered or to track bio-physical events as they propagate. The Endurance and Pioneer Arrays in the coastal system proposed by Barth and colleagues will enable high density observations in dynamic coastal areas that emphasize strong, flow-topography interaction along the Oregon coast and strong river-influenced dynamics along the Washington coast. Priority locations include traditional high biomass areas and areas intersecting marine mammal migration routes. The moored surface sensor Global network proposed by Daley and colleagues facilitates long-term investigations of mesopelagic fish and invertebrate species, monitoring marine mammal migration routes, and assessing the response of nekton to short term variability and longer trends in the physical environment. 3.2. Example community experiments To illustrate the potential for fisheries and marine mammal applications within an ocean observatory, two sampling approaches are described that address the question, “What is the distribution, relative abundance and movements of nekton within the monitored volume and how do these parameters vary with environmental conditions?” Nekton can be divided into three size categories: large pelagics (e.g. large whales, tunas), middle pelagics (e.g. dolphins, Pacific hake), and small pelagics (e.g. herring, sardines, shrimp, small squid). Monitoring each category requires different sampling technologies. 3.2.1. Physical-biological coupling An experiment that combines physical-biological coupling across many trophic levels is the entrainment by and exploitation of dynamic features (e.g. eddies, jets, seasonal upwelling) by aquatic organisms. The purpose is to examine the role of dynamic physical structures in the trophic organization, dynamics, and distribution of aquatic organisms. There are many examples of predators attracted to or keying on concentrations of prey items at high gradient areas (e.g. fronts, upwellings). The survival and recruitment of zooplankton, some invertebrates, and larval fish species are influenced by the availability of food and conditions within water masses during transport to nursery areas (Lasker 1981). Marine mammals, fish, 8 and macro-zooplankton exploit patches of prey that are concentrated within or at boundaries of physical structures. These structures may be permanent (e.g. boundary currents, river plumes) or ephemeral (e.g. wind-induced upwelling) features of an area. One recent example (Croll et al. 2005) describes physical-biological coupling that extends from physical forces to apex predators. In Monterey Bay, seasonal wind stress led to seasonal upwelling of nutrient-rich waters; primary production, as measured by chlorophyll-a concentration, increased followed by an increase in zooplankton density. Whale occurrence, measured during sighting surveys, increased with the zooplankton bloom. A set of buoy platforms or a cabled observatory in the Pacific Northwest would enable a similar experiment over larger space and time scales and increase the monitoring of complex physical processes including the bifurcation of the West Wind Drift, the Columbia River plume, and seasonal or longer-term variations in the California Current and Undercurrent. Several shelf locations are appropriate for fisheries and marine mammal sensor arrays: Cape Blanco, Heceta Bank, the Columbia River plume, and southern Vancouver Island. Sensor arrays would be attached to buoy platforms or spur lines running from junction nodes onto the continental shelf. Sensor arrays would be spaced at sufficient resolution to detect eddy movements. Satellite detection of sea surface temperature, ocean color, and altimetry would be used in combination with acoustic tomography, local arrays and physical models to detect the formation and track movement of eddies as they propagate. Relevant data from other instruments would potentially include winched CTDs, video plankton recorders (VPR), fluormeters, ADCP, and dissolved oxygen. Passive hydrophone arrays would be used to detect the presence of vocalizing marine mammals and could be used to detect acoustically tagged mammals or fish. Additional active acoustic systems would be used to monitor fluxes of fish. As a propagating event approached or passed one of the spur lines or buoys, mobile samplers such as AUVs, gliders, or robotic fish would be deployed to run transects across the feature to map its boundaries, water properties, and its velocity. Sensors on these mobile platforms would include active and passive acoustics, optics, and collection systems to sample phytoplankton (e.g. fluorometry, optical plankton counter), zooplankton (e.g. video plankton recorder), and fish (e.g. nets or biosensors). Sampling would be used to assess biological constituents, collect samples for trophic transfer studies, and behavioral observations including predator-prey interactions. 3.2.2. Marine mammal and fisheries long term observations 9 Monitoring distributions and movements of cetaceans and some fish populations would greatly improve the biological and ecological understanding of many species. The relevant science question is, “What are the movements of nekton within the monitored volume and their relationship to environmental conditions during those movements?” This question addresses the biological processes of migration and interaction with the environment. If animals can be identified, then species-specific census counts can be used for population monitoring and stock assessment. Specific studies that could be conducted during this monitoring include: distribution and migration patterns in relation to environmental variability and climate change, trophic dynamics, and comparing contributions by exploited and habitat reserves to density distributions and recruitment of aquatic populations. A monitoring system at the scale of a tectonic plate (e.g. Neptune) is particularly appropriate for studying vocalizing cetaceans. Cetaceans produce sounds ranging from infrasonic to supersonic frequencies, the widest range of any group of organisms (Fig. 2). 10 B lu e Fi n G ra y B ry d H e's um M pb in ac k k R e ig h P y t (3 gm ) B y ow ri g Se hea ht d i Sp er M m on w h B odo ale ea n k t C ed s ( 2 ep w ) h h R alo ale iv er ryh s ( N do nc 3) .R l hi t p St . w hin nae en ha s ( (2 D ina le d 3) ) el e o p lp ( hi Pi hin 3) n lo in t w ae Po h ( rp al 14) K ois es ( ill er es 2) w (3) ha le s (2 ) Dolphins Mysticete whales 100000 Frequency, Hz ? 10000 ? 1000 ? 100 10 Figure 2. Vocal ranges of cetacean species. To illustrate by example, a large-scale monitoring system was deployed using autonomous hydrophone arrays in the Gulf of Alaska from October 1999 until June 2002 (Stafford 2003; Mellinger et al. 2004a, b). The instruments recorded data that were used to document the seasonal use of the Gulf of Alaska by two acoustic populations of blue whales, the year-round use by sperm whales (Stafford 2003; Mellinger et al. 2004a), and sporadic use by highly endangered North Pacific right whales (Mellinger et al. 2004b). But, these buoys contained recording systems that were limited in power and data storage, and had to be retrieved before any data could be accessed. Power and data storage constraints restricted the frequency bandwidth monitored (1-470 Hz), and each instrument had to be retrieved annually. Unfortunately, a full year’s data was lost when an instrument malfunctioned and was not being monitored in real time. Cabled, broadband instruments would remedy many of the deficiencies inherent in such standalone systems. Many strategies could be used to locate sensor arrays within an ocean observatory. For cetaceans, an ideal design would place vertical and horizontal hydrophone arrays on every buoy platform and on every spur line that crosses the continental shelf. Regional coverage would 11 ensure detection of all vocalizing animals because there are offshore (e.g. blue, fin, sperm, beaked whales) and nearshore (e.g. gray, humpback whales, many dolphins) forage areas and migration routes used by different species. Vocalizing cetaceans are best detected using arrays of multiple hydrophones (e.g. 20 to 40). Multiple, vertical hydrophone arrays permit beamforming and matched field processing, which increases the detection and three-dimensional tracking range of individual animals. A more restricted approach would place pairs of hydrophones and a compass in sound corridors along offshore and nearshore migration routes. A pair of directional horizontal hydrophones can be used to determine the bearing from which calls arrive. A pair of vertical hydrophones allows the study of diving behavior of vocalizing animals. Satellite tags on individual animals could be used to augment identification and tracking movements of individuals or groups of whales. Additionally, passive tags could be placed on animals for tracking, using acoustic signals from tomography or navigational sources. Hydrophones encompassing two frequency ranges would receive sound from a variety of cetacean species. The first group is targeted to receive signals from dolphins (including killer whales) that produce whistles in the 10s of kHz range and echolocation clicks into the 100s of kHz. Since high frequency sounds attenuate quickly in water, and these species spend most of their time in the upper water column, some of these hydrophones should be located near the surface. To detect deep diving species that produce high-frequency sounds such as sperm and beaked whales, canyons or sharp slopes should be instrumented with vertical arrays of high frequency hydrophones. Hydrophones targeted to receive vocalizations from large whales do not need comparable bandwidth due to the lower frequencies of these animals’ calls. Hydrophones that capture sounds up to 5 kHz combined with signal sampling at 10kHz is sufficient to characterize low frequencies. Large volume, long term passive monitoring is also appropriate for pelagic fish species. As an example, oceanic distributions, movements, and survival of anadromous salmon are not well known. In a demonstration project, horizontal arrays of hydrophones have been deployed straits surrounding Vancouver Island to detect acoustically tagged fish as they migrate from river mouths to marine habitats (see http://www.postcoml.org/intro.php). Acoustically tagged fish are detected as they pass within the range of hydrophones in an array. Migration and survival rates as fish return to natal rivers and streams can be estimated for different species and populations. This approach has been successfully used to track salmon species, sturgeon, rockfish, and 12 herring. A permanent deployment of hydrophone ‘fences’ placed orthogonal to the coastline is envisioned to run from the Aleutian Islands in the Gulf of Alaska to southern Washington State (www.postcoml.org). Active acoustic systems could be used to examine seasonal fluxes of fish along continental shelves (e.g. annual Pacific hake migration in North America) and diel movements within the water column. Echosounders or multibeam sonar systems could be mounted on bottom or on platforms suspended in the water column. Mobile platforms such as AUVs could be used to survey transects along fixed paths from a single node or transit among regularly spaced docking stations. Once transects are completed, the AUV would dock to recharge batteries, download data, and receive instructions for the next deployment. A variety of sensors could be installed on the mobile platform depending on the fish species being tracked, and ancillary data needs. In contrast to these Eulerian sampling strategies, Lagrangian methods could be used to monitor specific fish populations or biological responses to physical events. Tracking platforms such as AUVs could be used to follow populations by focusing on a few tagged individuals during the migration. When an AUV is close to a satellite node, it could dock to recharge batteries and download data. A second AUV would assume tracking or once the original AUV was recharged, it would resume tracking. Recent developments in material science and robot kinematics potentially make the tracking platform less obtrusive to fish within an aggregation. The greatest challenge to Lagrangian tracking by mobile platforms is the ability to navigate and accurately log position while underwater. The capability to detect other acoustic signals broadcast for acoustic tomography will increase navigational accuracy. Two additional challenges are associated with active acoustic sampling of fish populations. At this time, with the minor exception of high latitude ecosystems containing limited species diversity, acoustically identifying targets to species is not routinely possible based on acoustic signals alone. Two current solutions are available. Ship-based surveys using scientific echosounders and trawling can be used to identify constituent fish species, to sample length frequencies, and to compare temporal distribution patterns at any fixed location to those within the region. As a second option, fish tagged within large aggregations could be detected with hydrophones at fixed locations while fluxes of animals are monitored using active sonar systems. Since similar fish tend to travel together, the combination of passive and active acoustics could be used to monitor fish populations. The second challenge to using active acoustic systems in 13 cabled observatories is data processing and management. Current data processing techniques are not automated. A person is still required to examine data for quality control and to discriminate acoustic target categories. Efforts are underway in several countries to automatic target recognition and to reduce non-informative data volumes. Active acoustic systems are notorious for producing large data volumes. A single system may acquire megabytes to gigabytes of raw data per minute depending on the sampling rate and range. The challenge of managing large data volumes will continue to diminish as data handling and storage clients continue to evolve. 4. PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS Acoustic systems are essential components of ocean observatories. Integration of instruments within and among platforms increases data acquisition efficiency, improves cost effectiveness, and should reduce logistic challenges of installation and maintenance. Sensors targeting fish and marine mammal populations can be used or integrated with other instruments to measure chemical, physical, and geological properties of the water column and substrate. A current challenge is to integrate existing or develop new acoustic sensors that are robust, long-lived, easily calibrated, and can provide data streams for multiple users. The potential for synergistic acoustic-based research exists within the ocean observatory community. Marine mammal and fisheries biologists are interested in how animals respond to and interact with their environment. The evolution of the ‘ecosystem approach’ to resource management will encourage and ultimately force additional linkages between physically and biologically oriented investigators. Our approach in this document has been to outline the types of instruments and experiments that are possible within an observatory infrastructure and indicate how they differ from applications using conventional platforms. We expect that passive and active acoustic systems will be included on a variety of platforms under the umbrella of core infrastructure and/or specific projects. The ubiquitous distribution of nekton over continental shelves, slopes, and even abyssal plains does not restrict the placement of these systems. If general priority were assigned proportional to abundance or biomass, then areas would be ranked shelves, slopes, and plains. Specific placement of instruments will be prioritised relative to annual migration routes and dynamic flow structures that may or may not be associated with bathymetric features. 14 Natural synergies exist among investigators interested in nekton populations and existing or proposed institutions and programs. The planning and implementation of NEPTUNE is underway. To be relevant to nekton species, the NEPTUNE backbone must provide spur lines and instrument nodes on the continental shelf. This point was emphasized and is now incorporated in the compilation of experimental sites proposed by workshop participants at the NEPTUNE Pacific Northwest Workshop (see Fig. 2, Howe et al. 2003). The NOAA Alaska and Northwest Fisheries Science Centers (in conjunction with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada) are responsible for the assessment and management of all marine mammal, commercial fish, and invertebrate resources off the west coast of North America. Anadromous fish species, comprised mainly of salmon, are included within this mandate. Current marine fish assessments are conducted using vessels equipped with acoustic and net sampling technologies to provide data for population abundance and biomass estimates. The used of data from stationary platforms has not been included in recent management plans. The National Marine Mammal Laboratory based at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center has responsibility for research on and the management of marine mammals off the coasts of California, Oregon, Washington and Alaska. This work includes stock assessments, life history determinations, and status and trends of populations. Several regional ocean observing system associations currently exist for waters off the west coast of North America. In the north, NEPTUNE-CANADA and VENUS are finalizing plans to lay cable in Saanich Inlet. Reviews and recommendations are being finalized for community science projects and revised plans for final bids of the cable and node infrastructure are underway. A final memorandum establishing the Northwest Association of Ocean Observing Systems (NANOOS) was signed in March 2005 to “coordinate and support the development, implementation, and operation of a regional coastal ocean observing system (RCOOS), as part of the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS), and to provide data and data products regarding the ocean to a diversity of end users in a timely fashion, on spatial and temporal scales appropriate for their needs.” This association includes: the Alaska Ocean Observing System (AOOS), Central and Northern California Ocean Observing System (CeNCOOS), and Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System (SCCOOS). The Pacific Coast Ocean Observing System (PacCOOS) has been established to “provide information for the sustained use of the 15 California Current Large Marine Ecosystem under a changing climate.” The ability for these associations to coordinate goals, activities, and data reporting will depend on the member agencies and participating individuals and is expected to evolve with experience. 5. DATA MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS Acoustic data associated with tracking and monitoring marine mammal and fish populations are voluminous. As an example, twenty passive hydrophone sensors sampling a frequency range of 0-10 kHz at a rate of 20 kHz will require ~25 terabytes/year data storage. Storage requirements increase at higher sampling rates. At this time, commercially available archive media, such as digital linear tape or optical disks, can accommodate these volumes, but data management remains cumbersome. Digital linear tape costs the least of these two solutions, roughly $60/day, but does not provide random access to the data. Although continuous recording is desirable, these large data volumes may necessitate sub-sampling (e.g. one hour out of every 10), with the time of sampling rotating from day to day to capture diel effects. Active acoustic systems also record large data volumes. A splitbeam echosounder will log 1 megabyte per minute if collecting raw data though the water column. Multibeam sonar systems, with increased beam diameters, typically record 1 gigabyte of data per minute. To adequately monitor a sample water volume over long temporal periods, duty cycles of active systems can be limited to pulse rates of once per second for a few minutes per hour. If a biological threshold is reached or environmental conditions radically change (e.g. upwelling event indicated by a drop in water temperature), a system could be triggered to continuously record data for the duration of the event. Analyzing large volumes of acoustic data remains a challenge. For hydrophone data, automated methods for detecting calls of many marine mammal species currently exist (Mellinger and Clark 1997; Gillespie and Chappell 2002; Mellinger et al. 2004a, b, c). These algorithms would form the first step in any large-scale investigation of marine mammal distributions, movements, and behaviors. Detectors exist for blue, fin, sperm, and right whale vocalizations, and for tonal whistles produced by most delphinids. Further development of automated detectors is needed for classifying delphinid whistles to species. Increasing the automation of echosounder data processing is under development. Algorithms are being 16 developed to recognize unusual data segments, bad echo returns, and lost bottoms. When completed, operators will only have to examine extra ordinary data as part of routine postprocessing prior to echo integration or target strength analyses. REFERENCES Benoit-Bird, K.J., W.W.L. Au, R.E. Brainard, and M.O. Lammers. 2001. Diel horizontal migration of the Hawaiian mesopelagic boundary community observed acoustically. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 217: 1-14 Croll, D.A., B. Marinovic, S. Benson, F.P. Chavez, N. Black, R. Ternullo, and B.R. Tershy. 2005. From wind to whales: trophic links in a coastal upwelling system. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 289: 117-130. Ford, J.K.B. 1989. Acoustic behaviour of resident killer whales (Orcinus orca) off Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Can. J. Zool. 67:727-745. Gerlotto, F., Soria, M., and Freon, P. 1999. From two dimensions to three: the use of multibeam sonar for a new approach in fisheries acoustics. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 56: 6-12. Gillespie, D., and O. Chappell. 2002. An automatic system for detecting and classifying the vocalisations of harbour porpoises. Bioacoustics 13: 37-62. Haralabous, J. and Georgakarakos, S. 1996. Artificial neural networks as a tool for species identification of fish schools. ICES J. mar. Sci. 53: 173-180. Haury, L.R., J.A. McGowan, and P.H. Wiebe. 1978. Patterns and processes in the time-space scales of plankton distributions, In Spatial Pattern in Plankton Communities, J.H. Steele Editor, pp. 277-327. Hewitt, R.P. 1975. Sonar mapping in the California Current area: a review of recent developments. Calif. Coop. Oceanic Fish Invest. Rep. 18:149-154. Hewitt, R.P., Smith, P.E. and Brown, J.C. 1976. Developments and use of sonar mapping for pelagic stock assessment in the California current. Fish. Bull. US 74:281-230 Holliday, D.V. 1972. Resonance structure in echoes from schooled pelagic fish. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 51: 1322-1332. Horne, J.K. 2000. Acoustic approaches to remote species identification. Fish. Oceanogr. 9: 356371. 17 Horne, J.K., P.E. Smith, and D.C. Schneider. 1999. Comparative examination of scale-explicit biological and physical processes: recruitment of Pacific hake. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 56: 170-179. Howe, B.M., A.M. Baptista, J.A. Barth, E.E. Davis, J.K. Horne, S.K. Junipe, R.M. Letelier, S.E. Moore, J.D. Parsons, D.R. Toomey, A.M. Tréhu, M.E. Torres, an dN.L. Penrose, 2003. Science Planning for the NEPTUNE Regional Cabled Obseratoy in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. Report of the NEPTUNE Pacific Northwest Wrokshop, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon, 72 pp. http://www.Neptune.Washington.edu/documents. Johnson, M., P.T. Madsen, W.M.X. Zimmer, N.A. de Soto, and P.L. Tyack. 2004. Beaked whales echolocate on prey. Proc. Royal Soc. London B (Supplement 6):S383-S386, DOI 10.1098/rsbl.2004.0208. Kloser, R.J., Ryan, T., Sakov, P., Williams, A., and Koslow, J.A. 2002. Species identification in deep water using multiple frequencies. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 59: 1065-1077. Lasker, R. 1981. The relationship between oceanographic conditions and larval anchovy food in the California Current: Identification of factors contributing to recruitment failure. Rapp. P.v. Réun. int. Explor. Mer 173: 212-230. Madsen, P.T., M. Johnson, N.A. de Soto, W.M.X. Zimmer, and P. Tyack. 2005. Biosonar performance of foraging beaked whales (Mesoplodon densirostris). J. Exper. Biol. 208:181194. Mellinger, D.K., and C.W. Clark. 1997. Methods for automatic detection of mysticete sounds. Mar. Freshwater Beh. Physiol. 29: 163-181. Mellinger, D.K., K.M. Stafford, and C.G. Fox. 2004a. Seasonal occurrence of sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) sounds in the Gulf of Alaska, 1999-2001, Mar. Mamm. Sci. 20: 48-62. Mellinger, D.K., K.M. Stafford, S.E. Moore, L. Munger and C. G. Fox. 2004b. Detection of North Pacific right whale (Eubalaena japonica) calls in the Gulf of Alaska. Mar. Mamm. Sci. 20: 872-879. Mellinger, D.K., S. Heimlich, and S. Nieukirk. 2004c. A comparison of optimized methods for detecting blue whale calls. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 116: 2587. 18 Misund, O.A. 1993. Dynamics of moving masses: variability in packing density, shape, and size among herring, sprat, and saithe schools. ICES J. Mar Sci. 50: 145-160. Nero, R.W. and Magnuson, J.J. 1989. Characterization of patches along transects using highresolution 70-kHz integrated acoustic data. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 46: 2056-2064. Oswald, J.N., S. Rankin, and J. Barlow. 2004. The effect of recording and analysis bandwidth on acoustic identification of delphinid species. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 116:3178-3185. Rose, G.A. and Leggett, W.C. 1988. Hydroacoustic signal classification of fish schools by species. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 45: 597-604. Scalabrin, C., Diner, N. Weill, A., Hillion, A. and Mouchot, M.-C. 1996. Narrowband acoustic identification of monospecific fish shoals. ICES J. mar. Sci. 53: 181-188. Simmonds, E.J. and Armstrong, F. 1990. A wideband echosounder: measurements of cod, saithe, herring, and mackerel from 27 to 54 kHz. Rapp. P.-v. Réun. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 189: 381-387. Simmonds, E.J., Armstrong, F., and Copland, P.J. 1996. Species identification using wideband backscatter with neural network and discriminant analysis. ICES J. mar. Sci. 53: 189-195. Smith, P.E. 1970. The horizontal dimensions and abundance of fish schools in the upper mixed layer as measured by sonar, p. 563-591 in G.B. Farquhar (ed.), Proceedings from the International Symposium on the Biological Sound Scattering in the Ocean, Maury Center for Ocean Science, Dep. Navy, Washington, D.C. Stafford, K.M. 2003. Two types of blue whale calls recorded in the Gulf of Alaska. Mar. Mamm. Sci. 19: 682-693. Zakharia, M.E., Magand, F., Hetroit, F., and Diner, N. 1996. Wideband sounder for fish species identification at sea. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 53: 203-209. 19 FOR ORION USE ONLY SUMMARY PROPOSAL BUDGET Year I ORGANIZATION PROPOSAL NO. DURATION (MONTHS) University of Washington & Oregon State University Proposed PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT DIRECTOR Granted AWARD NO. John K. Horne A. SENIOR PERSONNEL: PI/PD, Co-PIs, Faculty and Other Senior Associates Funded List each separately with name and title. (A.7. Show number in brackets) 1. J. Horne 2. D. Mellinger 3. K. Stafford 4. S. Moore 5. _3_ _4_ _4_ _2_ __ __ 13 6. (___) OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET EXPLANATION PAGE) 7. (5) TOTAL SENIOR PERSONNEL (1-6) B. OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) 1. (2) POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATES 24 2. (7) OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) 63 3. (3) GRADUATE STUDENTS 4. (1) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 5. (___) SECRETARIAL - CLERICAL (IF CHARGED DIRECTLY) 6. (___) OTHER TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A + B) C. FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS (A + B + C) D. EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACH ITEM EXCEEDING $5,000.) (If Different) 24000 22000 19200 0 _____ _____ 65200 $_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __ __ __ __ 87600 242520 94800 960 _____ _____ 491080 137376 628456 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS 26% of (direct – tuition – [equipment > 2k]) _____ Granted Proposer __ __ __ __ __ __ __ TOTAL EQUIPMENT E. TRAVEL 1. DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA, MEXICO AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) 2. FOREIGN F. PARTICIPANT SUPPORT 1. STIPENDS $ 0 2. TRAVEL 0 3. SUBSISTENCE 0 4. OTHER 0 6. OTHER Student Tuition TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) I. INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) (SPECIFY RATE AND BASE) Funds Requested By __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Hydrophones & receivers (30 x 10000) Echosounders (15 shallow =770550; 15 deep=1331100) Data Storage System Analytic Software TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS (1) G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION/DOCUMENTATION/DISSEMINATION 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES 4. COMPUTER SERVICES 5. SUBAWARDS Funds Person-months CAL ACAD SUMR 300000 2101650 10000 25000 2436650 24500 13500 _____ _____ _____ 0 _____ 32200 2500 _____ _____ _____ 10156 44856 3147962 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 258221 TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (H + I) K. RESIDUAL FUNDS (IF FOR FURTHER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECT SEE GPG II.D.7.j.) L. AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR (J MINUS K) 258221 3406183 _____ $3,406,183 _____ _____ _____ $_____ M. COST SHARING: PROPOSED LEVEL $ PI/PD TYPED NAME AND SIGNATURE* AGREED LEVEL IF DIFFERENT: $ DATE FOR ORION USE ONLY ORG. REP. TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE* DATE _____ _____ OOI Form 1030 (10/99) Supersedes All Previous Editions *SIGNATURES REQUIRED ONLY FOR REVISED BUDGET (GPG III.C) INDIRECT COST RATE VERIFICATION Date Checked Date of Rate Sheet Initials-ORG 20 FOR ORION USE ONLY SUMMARY PROPOSAL BUDGET Year II ORGANIZATION PROPOSAL NO. DURATION (MONTHS) University of Washington & Oregon State University Proposed PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT DIRECTOR Granted AWARD NO. John K. Horne A. SENIOR PERSONNEL: PI/PD, Co-PIs, Faculty and Other Senior Associates Funded List each separately with name and title. (A.7. Show number in brackets) 1. J. Horne 2. D. Mellinger 3. K. Stafford 4. S. Moore 5. _3_ _4_ _4_ _2_ 6. (___) OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET EXPLANATION PAGE) __ 7. (5) TOTAL SENIOR PERSONNEL (1-6) 11 B. OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) 1. (3) POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATES 36 2. (7) OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) 48 3. (3) GRADUATE STUDENTS 4. (1) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 5. (___) SECRETARIAL - CLERICAL (IF CHARGED DIRECTLY) 6. (___) OTHER TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A + B) C. FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS (A + B + C) D. EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACH ITEM EXCEEDING $5,000.) Funds Requested By Granted Proposer (If Different) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ $24960 22880 19968 0 _____ _____ 67808 $_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __ __ __ __ 138528 175677 98592 1040 _____ _____ 481645 135918 617563 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Analytic software upgrade 5000 TOTAL EQUIPMENT E. TRAVEL 1. DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA, MEXICO AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) 2. FOREIGN F. PARTICIPANT SUPPORT 1. STIPENDS $ 0 2. TRAVEL 0 3. SUBSISTENCE 0 4. OTHER 0 TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS (1) G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION/DOCUMENTATION/DISSEMINATION 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES 4. COMPUTER SERVICES 5. SUBAWARDS Funds Person-months CAL ACAD SUMR 5000 22500 13500 TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS 6. OTHER Student Tuition TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) I. INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) (SPECIFY RATE AND BASE) 0 _____ 12150 4000 _____ _____ _____ 10562 26712 685275 26% of (direct – tuition – [equipment > 2k]) _____ 174125 TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (H + I) K. RESIDUAL FUNDS (IF FOR FURTHER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECT SEE GPG II.D.7.j.) L. AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR (J MINUS K) 174125 859400 _____ $859,400 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ $_____ M. COST SHARING: PROPOSED LEVEL $ PI/PD TYPED NAME AND SIGNATURE* AGREED LEVEL IF DIFFERENT: $ DATE FOR ORION USE ONLY ORG. REP. TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE* DATE _____ _____ OOI Form 1030 (10/99) Supersedes All Previous Editions *SIGNATURES REQUIRED ONLY FOR REVISED BUDGET (GPG III.C) INDIRECT COST RATE VERIFICATION Date Checked Date of Rate Sheet Initials-ORG 21 FOR ORION USE ONLY SUMMARY PROPOSAL BUDGET Year III ORGANIZATION PROPOSAL NO. DURATION (MONTHS) University of Washington & Oregon State University Proposed PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT DIRECTOR Granted AWARD NO. John K. Horne A. SENIOR PERSONNEL: PI/PD, Co-PIs, Faculty and Other Senior Associates Funded List each separately with name and title. (A.7. Show number in brackets) 1. J. Horne 2. D. Mellinger 3. K. Stafford 4. S. Moore 5. _3_ _4_ _4_ _2_ 6. (___) OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET EXPLANATION PAGE) __ 7. (5) TOTAL SENIOR PERSONNEL (1-6) 11 B. OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) 1. (3) POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATES 36 2. (7) OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) 48 3. (3) GRADUATE STUDENTS 4. (1) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 5. (___) SECRETARIAL - CLERICAL (IF CHARGED DIRECTLY) 6. (___) OTHER TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A + B) C. FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS (A + B + C) D. EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACH ITEM EXCEEDING $5,000.) Funds Requested By Granted Proposer (If Different) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ $25958 23795 20767 0 _____ _____ 70520 $_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __ __ __ __ 144069 182705 102536 1200 _____ _____ 501029 141366 642395 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Analytic software upgrade 5000 TOTAL EQUIPMENT E. TRAVEL 1. DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA, MEXICO AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) 2. FOREIGN F. PARTICIPANT SUPPORT 1. STIPENDS $ 0 2. TRAVEL 0 3. SUBSISTENCE 0 4. OTHER 0 TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS (1) G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION/DOCUMENTATION/DISSEMINATION 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES 4. COMPUTER SERVICES 5. SUBAWARDS Funds Person-months CAL ACAD SUMR TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS 6. OTHER Student Tuition TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) I. INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) (SPECIFY RATE AND BASE) 5000 22500 13500 _____ _____ _____ 0 _____ 4150 4000 _____ _____ _____ 10985 19135 702531 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 26% of (direct – tuition – [equipment > 2k]) _____ 178502 TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (H + I) K. RESIDUAL FUNDS (IF FOR FURTHER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECT SEE GPG II.D.7.j.) L. AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR (J MINUS K) 178502 881032 _____ $881,032 _____ _____ _____ $_____ M. COST SHARING: PROPOSED LEVEL $ PI/PD TYPED NAME AND SIGNATURE* AGREED LEVEL IF DIFFERENT: $ DATE FOR ORION USE ONLY ORG. REP. TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE* DATE _____ _____ OOI Form 1030 (10/99) Supersedes All Previous Editions *SIGNATURES REQUIRED ONLY FOR REVISED BUDGET (GPG III.C) INDIRECT COST RATE VERIFICATION Date Checked Date of Rate Sheet Initials-ORG 22 FOR ORION USE ONLY SUMMARY PROPOSAL BUDGET Year IV ORGANIZATION PROPOSAL NO. DURATION (MONTHS) University of Washington & Oregon State University Proposed PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT DIRECTOR Granted AWARD NO. John K. Horne A. SENIOR PERSONNEL: PI/PD, Co-PIs, Faculty and Other Senior Associates Funded List each separately with name and title. (A.7. Show number in brackets) Funds Person-months CAL ACAD SUMR 1. J. Horne 2. D. Mellinger 3. K. Stafford 4. S. Moore 5. _3_ _4_ _4_ _2_ 6. (___) OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET EXPLANATION PAGE) __ 7. (5) TOTAL SENIOR PERSONNEL (1-6) 11 B. OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) 1. (3) POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATES 36 2. (7) OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) 48 3. (3) GRADUATE STUDENTS 4. (1) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 5. (___) SECRETARIAL - CLERICAL (IF CHARGED DIRECTLY) 6. (___) OTHER TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A + B) C. FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS (A + B + C) D. EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACH ITEM EXCEEDING $5,000.) Funds Requested By Granted Proposer (If Different) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ $26997 24747 21597 0 _____ _____ 73341 $_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __ __ __ __ 149832 190012 106638 1248 _____ _____ 521071 147021 668092 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Analytic software upgrade Echosounder (1 shallow, 1 deep) 5000 140110 TOTAL EQUIPMENT E. TRAVEL 1. DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA, MEXICO AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) 2. FOREIGN F. PARTICIPANT SUPPORT 1. STIPENDS $ 0 2. TRAVEL 0 3. SUBSISTENCE 0 4. OTHER 0 145110 22500 13500 _____ _____ _____ TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS (1) G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION/DOCUMENTATION/DISSEMINATION 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES 4. COMPUTER SERVICES 5. SUBAWARDS 0 _____ 12150 4000 _____ _____ _____ 11424 27574 876776 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS 6. OTHER Student Tuition TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) I. INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) (SPECIFY RATE AND BASE) 26% of (direct – tuition – [equipment > 2k]) _____ 185183 TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (H + I) K. RESIDUAL FUNDS (IF FOR FURTHER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECT SEE GPG II.D.7.j.) L. AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR (J MINUS K) 185183 1061959 _____ $1,061,959 _____ _____ _____ $_____ M. COST SHARING: PROPOSED LEVEL $ PI/PD TYPED NAME AND SIGNATURE* AGREED LEVEL IF DIFFERENT: $ DATE FOR ORION USE ONLY ORG. REP. TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE* DATE _____ _____ OOI Form 1030 (10/99) Supersedes All Previous Editions *SIGNATURES REQUIRED ONLY FOR REVISED BUDGET (GPG III.C) INDIRECT COST RATE VERIFICATION Date Checked Date of Rate Sheet Initials-ORG 23 FOR ORION USE ONLY SUMMARY PROPOSAL BUDGET Year V ORGANIZATION PROPOSAL NO. DURATION (MONTHS) University of Washington & Oregon State University Proposed PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT DIRECTOR Granted AWARD NO. John K. Horne A. SENIOR PERSONNEL: PI/PD, Co-PIs, Faculty and Other Senior Associates Funded List each separately with name and title. (A.7. Show number in brackets) 1. J. Horne 2. D. Mellinger 3. K. Stafford 4. S. Moore 5. _3_ _4_ _4_ _2_ 6. (___) OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET EXPLANATION PAGE) __ 7. (5) TOTAL SENIOR PERSONNEL (1-6) 11 B. OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) 1. (3) POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATES 36 2. (7) OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) 48 3. (3) GRADUATE STUDENTS 4. (1) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 5. (___) SECRETARIAL - CLERICAL (IF CHARGED DIRECTLY) 6. (___) OTHER TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A + B) C. FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS (A + B + C) D. EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACH ITEM EXCEEDING $5,000.) Funds Requested By Granted Proposer (If Different) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ $28077 25737 22461 0 _____ _____ 76275 $_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __ __ __ __ 155825 197614 110902 1298 _____ _____ 541914 152902 694816 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Analytic software upgrade 5000 TOTAL EQUIPMENT E. TRAVEL 1. DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA, MEXICO AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) 2. FOREIGN F. PARTICIPANT SUPPORT 1. STIPENDS $ 0 2. TRAVEL 0 3. SUBSISTENCE 0 4. OTHER 0 TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS (1) G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION/DOCUMENTATION/DISSEMINATION 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES 4. COMPUTER SERVICES 5. SUBAWARDS Funds Person-months CAL ACAD SUMR TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS 6. OTHER Student Tuition TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) I. INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) (SPECIFY RATE AND BASE) 5000 22500 13500 _____ _____ _____ 0 _____ 12150 4000 _____ _____ _____ 11881 28031 763847 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 26% of (direct – tuition – [equipment > 2k]) _____ 194211 TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (H + I) K. RESIDUAL FUNDS (IF FOR FURTHER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECT SEE GPG II.D.7.j.) L. AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR (J MINUS K) 194211 958058 _____ $958,058 _____ _____ _____ $_____ M. COST SHARING: PROPOSED LEVEL $ PI/PD TYPED NAME AND SIGNATURE* AGREED LEVEL IF DIFFERENT: $ DATE FOR ORION USE ONLY ORG. REP. TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE* DATE _____ _____ OOI Form 1030 (10/99) Supersedes All Previous Editions *SIGNATURES REQUIRED ONLY FOR REVISED BUDGET (GPG III.C) INDIRECT COST RATE VERIFICATION Date Checked Date of Rate Sheet Initials-ORG 24 FOR ORION USE ONLY SUMMARY PROPOSAL BUDGET Year VI ORGANIZATION PROPOSAL NO. DURATION (MONTHS) University of Washington & Oregon State University Proposed PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT DIRECTOR Granted AWARD NO. John K. Horne A. SENIOR PERSONNEL: PI/PD, Co-PIs, Faculty and Other Senior Associates Funded List each separately with name and title. (A.7. Show number in brackets) 1. J. Horne 2. D. Mellinger 3. K. Stafford 4. S. Moore 5. _3_ _4_ _4_ _2_ 6. (___) OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET EXPLANATION PAGE) __ 7. (5) TOTAL SENIOR PERSONNEL (1-6) 11 B. OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) 1. (2) POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATES 24 2. (7) OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) 48 3. (3) GRADUATE STUDENTS 4. (1) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 5. (___) SECRETARIAL - CLERICAL (IF CHARGED DIRECTLY) 6. (___) OTHER TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A + B) C. FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS (A + B + C) D. EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACH ITEM EXCEEDING $5,000.) Funds Requested By Granted Proposer (If Different) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ $29200 26766 23360 0 _____ _____ 79326 $_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __ __ __ __ 106578 205517 115339 1350 _____ _____ 508110 134053 642163 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Analytic software upgrade 5000 TOTAL EQUIPMENT E. TRAVEL 1. DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA, MEXICO AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) 2. FOREIGN F. PARTICIPANT SUPPORT 1. STIPENDS $ 0 2. TRAVEL 0 3. SUBSISTENCE 0 4. OTHER 0 TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS (1) G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION/DOCUMENTATION/DISSEMINATION 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES 4. COMPUTER SERVICES 5. SUBAWARDS Funds Person-months CAL ACAD SUMR TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS 6. OTHER Student Tuition TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) I. INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) (SPECIFY RATE AND BASE) 5000 22500 13500 _____ _____ _____ 0 _____ 4150 4000 _____ _____ _____ 12356 20506 703669 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 26% of (direct – tuition – [equipment > 2k]) _____ 178441 TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (H + I) K. RESIDUAL FUNDS (IF FOR FURTHER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECT SEE GPG II.D.7.j.) L. AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR (J MINUS K) 178441 882110 _____ $882,110 _____ _____ _____ $_____ M. COST SHARING: PROPOSED LEVEL $ PI/PD TYPED NAME AND SIGNATURE* AGREED LEVEL IF DIFFERENT: $ DATE FOR ORION USE ONLY ORG. REP. TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE* DATE _____ _____ OOI Form 1030 (10/99) Supersedes All Previous Editions *SIGNATURES REQUIRED ONLY FOR REVISED BUDGET (GPG III.C) INDIRECT COST RATE VERIFICATION Date Checked Date of Rate Sheet Initials-ORG 25 FOR ORION USE ONLY CUMULATIVE PROPOSAL BUDGET ORGANIZATION PROPOSAL NO. DURATION (MONTHS) University of Washington & Oregon State University Proposed PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT DIRECTOR Granted AWARD NO. John K. Horne A. SENIOR PERSONNEL: PI/PD, Co-PIs, Faculty and Other Senior Associates Funded List each separately with name and title. (A.7. Show number in brackets) Funds Person-months CAL ACAD SUMR 1. J. Horne, PI 18 2. D. Mellinger, PI 24 3. K. Stafford, PI 24 4. S. Moore, PI 12 5. _____ __ 6. (___) OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET EXPLANATION PAGE) __ 7. (4) TOTAL SENIOR PERSONNEL (1-6) 78 B. OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) 1. (2-3) POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATES 192 2. (7) OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) 183 3. (3) GRADUATE STUDENTS 4. (1) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 5. (___) SECRETARIAL - CLERICAL (IF CHARGED DIRECTLY) 6. (___) OTHER TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A + B) C. FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS (A + B + C) D. EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACH ITEM EXCEEDING $5,000.) (If Different) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ $159,192 145,925 127,353 0 _____ _____ 432,470 $_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __ __ __ __ 782,432 1,194,045 628,807 7,096 _____ _____ 3,044,850 848 636 3,893,486 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 300,000 2,241,760 10,000 50,000 2,601,760 137,000 81,000 TOTAL EQUIPMENT E. TRAVEL 1. DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA, MEXICO AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) 2. FOREIGN F. PARTICIPANT SUPPORT 1. STIPENDS $ _____ 2. TRAVEL _____ 3. SUBSISTENCE _____ 4. OTHER _____ TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS 6. OTHER student tuition TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) I. INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) (SPECIFY RATE AND BASE) Granted Proposer __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Hydrophones & receivers (30 x 10000) Echosounders (16 shallow, 16 deep) Data Storage System Analytic Software + Maintenance TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS (_____) G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION/DOCUMENTATION/DISSEMINATION 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES 4. COMPUTER SERVICES 5. SUBAWARDS Funds Requested By _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 76,950 22,500 _____ _____ _____ 67,364 166,814 6,880,060 1,094,843 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 1,094,843 7,974,903 _____ $7,974,903 _____ _____ _____ 26% of (direct – tuition – [equipment > 2k]) _____ TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (H + I) K. RESIDUAL FUNDS (IF FOR FURTHER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECT SEE GPG II.D.7.j.) L. AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR (J MINUS K) $_____ M. COST SHARING: PROPOSED LEVEL $ PI/PD TYPED NAME AND SIGNATURE* AGREED LEVEL IF DIFFERENT: $ DATE FOR ORION USE ONLY ORG. REP. TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE* DATE _____ _____ OOI Form 1030 (10/99) Supersedes All Previous Editions *SIGNATURES REQUIRED ONLY FOR REVISED BUDGET (GPG III.C) INDIRECT COST RATE VERIFICATION Date Checked Date of Rate Sheet Initials-ORG 26 Budget Justification A single budget combines a marine mammal group, centered at Oregon State University, and a fisheries acoustics group at the University of Washington. Research Salaries, Wages, Tuition, and Fringe Benefits Funds are requested to support a marine mammal research group consisting of Mellinger (4 months/year), Moore (2 months/year, no cost), Stafford (4 months/year), two PostDocs (full time), and two graduate students for the duration of the project. The PIs (Mellinger, Stafford, Moore) will oversee the project, including the hardware engineering, automated detection development, data processing, and ecosystem analysis; advise the students and postdocs involved; and direct the research assistants as needed. Funding is included for two students, one to study low-frequency marine mammals, principally baleen whales, and the other for the higherfrequency odontocetes. Funding for two postdoc positions is included: one (with funding from year 1 and to the second-to-last year) for studying automatic detection of marine mammal calls, which will comprise the first stage of acoustic analysis of incoming data, and one (with funding from year 2 through project end) for analysis of interactions between marine mammals and the wider ecosystem, including physical processes and lower trophic levels. Each of these postdocs positions is expected to be filled by 2-3 different people. Engineering time at the start of the project is needed for designing the hydrophone/data acquisition/interface system to collect acoustic data and get it into the format needed by the ORION node infrastructure. Additional engineering time is budgeted throughout the project to handle unforeseen events. An instrument technician is needed for assembly and deployment of the hardware, and 1.5 FTE research technicians are budgeted for data management, data processing, and other support services. No ship time is included, on the assumption that ORION cruises will be budgeted elsewhere. The fisheries acoustics group will be composed of Horne (3 months/year), a PostDoc (full time), a Research Technician (full time), and a graduate student. Howe will participate in the program at no cost. Horne will oversee the entire project and direct research activities for the fisheries acoustics group. Research activities by the fisheries PostDoc will focus on temporal distribution patterns of nekton while the graduate student project will concentrate on spatial fluxes of stocks over annual migrations. The marine mammal and fisheries acoustics groups will share a Programmer/Data Manager (full time) to manage local data, and an hourly employee 27 (half time) to help with logistics and data cleaning. Tuition fees for the UW graduate student are included in each year of the project. All salaries and tuition fees include a 4% cost of living increase in each year of the project. Fringe benefits and tuition are those in place at the University of Washington and Oregon State University in 2005. Equipment This budget includes costs for the marine mammal hydrophone and fisheries acoustics equipment packages. The cost of the completed hydrophone system and interface is not known, but is estimated at $10k/phone. Each active acoustics package consists of a Simrad EK-60 splitbeam echosounder operating at 38 KHz. A total of 30 passive and active acoustic packages are planned, 15 to be mounted on moorings (shallow) and 15 to be mounted on moorings or on bottom (deep). The shallow transducer for the active package is a 12o x 12o beam rated to 50 m. The deep transducer is a 7 o x 7 o beam rated to 1500 m. A titanium pressure housing and connectors is included in the deep echosounder package to house the transceiver unit. An additional shallow and deep system is budgeted in year four of the project to provide a replacement or a spare for servicing the equipment. A data storage system including a gigabit ethernet switch, a VPN router, a network attached disk storage system, and a data archive system (2 terabytes) is included in the budget. This capability will enable us to work with large data sets over our laboratory network. The Echoview software package will be used for processing the data. Continued developments and refinements in acoustic processing make batch processing and bad data recognition more automated. Costs are included for an initial license in the first year with upgrades and support in subsequent years. Travel Within the marine mammal group, funds are requested to support travel for deployment of instruments in the first year, project meetings, domestic conferences (1 trip/person/year), and foreign scientific conferences (3 people/year). Costs for two people to participate in an instrument package field-servicing trip are included in each year of the fisheries acoustics budget. It is assumed that this trip will be made in conjunction with ORION infrastructure or other maintenance cruises. Attendance at a national scientific conference for all science personnel is included in each year of the budget. An additional two trips to international conferences are included in each year of the budget. 28 Other Direct Costs Funds are requested to purchase computer peripherals, software upgrades, and data storeage media. Shipping costs of equipment are included in the budget. Publication costs for color plates and graphics are included. PC computers are requested to support the PostDoc, students, and the network. 29 JOHN K. HORNE University of Washington, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences Box 355020 Seattle, WA 98195-5020 USA Phone: (206) 221-6890 Fax: (206) 221-6939 E-mail: [email protected] Professional Preparation Dalhousie University Dalhousie University Memorial University of Newfoundland SUNY Buffalo State College Marine Biology Fisheries Ecology Fisheries Ecology Fisheries Acoustics B.Sc. (Honours), 1985 M.Sc., 1988 Ph.D, 1995 1995-1997 Appointments 2004Research Associate Professor -- University of Washington, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences. Affiliated with the Quantitative Ecology and Resource Management Program. 2001-2004 Research Assistant Professor – University of Washington, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences. Affiliated with the Quantitative Ecology and Resource Management Program. 1999-2000 Research Scientist – NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center and University of Washington, Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean. 1997-1999 Research Scientist - NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory. Adjunct Assistant Professor - School of Natural Resources and Environment and College of Engineering, University of Michigan. 1996-1997 Adjunct Assistant Professor - Geography and National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis. State University of New York, University at Buffalo. Relevant Publications Gauthier, S. and J.K. Horne. 2004. Potential acoustic discrimination of boreal fish assemblages. ICES Journal of Marine Science 61: 836-845. Horne, J.K. 2003. Influence of ontogeny, physiology, and behaviour on target strength of Walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma). ICES Journal of Marine Science 60: 1063-1074. Horne, J.K. 2000. Acoustic approaches to remote species identification: a review. Fisheries Oceanography 9: 356-371. Horne, J.K. and C.S. Clay. 1998. Sonar systems and aquatic organisms: matching equipment and model parameters. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55: 1296-1306. Horne, J.K. and D.C. Schneider. 1997. Spatial variance of mobile marine organisms: capelin and cod in Newfoundland coastal waters. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, London B 352: 633642. Other Publications Gauthier, S. and J.K. Horne. 2004. Acoustic characteristics of forage fish species in the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea. Canadian Journal of Aquatic and Fishery Science 61: 1839-1850. Jech, J.M. and J.K. Horne. 2001. Effects of in situ target spatial distributions on acoustic density estimates. ICES Journal of marine Science 58: 123-136. 30 Horne, J.K., P.E. Smith, and D.C. Schneider. 1999. Comparative examination of scale-explicit biological and physical processes: recruitment of Pacific hake. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 56: 170-179. Horne, J.K. and D.C. Schneider. 1995. Spatial variance in ecology. Oikos 74: 18-26. Clay, C.S. and J.K. Horne. 1994. Acoustic models of fish: the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 96: 1661-1668. Synergistic Activities Member of Acoustical Oceanography Technical Committee, Acoustical Society of America. Founder and coordinator of the NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center and University of Washington, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences Undergraduate Summer Intern Program. Developer of web-based simulcast of Fisheries Acoustics course lecture content. University of Washington’s research committee member of the North Pacific Universities Marine Mammal Consortium. Co-coordinator of University of Washington and University of Alaska multicast of Acoustics Seminar course using Internet II. Collaborators & Other Affiliations Kelly A. Allman Whitlow L. A. Elizabeth L. Connors Don J. Deegan John K.B. Ford Stephane Gauthier R. Scott Hale Elliott L. Hazen Sarah Hinckley J. Michael Jech Rudy J. Kloser Richard Towler Paul D. Walline Marine Mammal Center, California University of Hawaii NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center Aquacoustics Inc., Alaska Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada University of Washington Ohio Department of Natural Resources Duke University NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center CSIRO, Australia NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center Graduate and Postdoc Advisors Stephen B. Brandt David C. Schneider Steven E. Campana NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory Memorial University of Newfoundland Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada Thesis Advisor (total: 13) and Postgraduate-Scholar Sponsor (total: 4) Carlos Alvarez-Flores Stephen Barbeaux Julian Burgos Stephane Gauthier Elliott Hazen Mark Henderson Patrick Nealson Sandra Parker-Stetter Carolina Parada Alaska Fisheries Science Center University of Washington University of Washington University of Washington University of Washington University of Washington University of Washington University of Washington Alaska Fisheries Science Center 31 Bruce M. Howe Professional Preparation Stanford University University of California, San Diego Mechanical Engineering, Fluid Mechanics B.Sc. 1978 Engineering Science, Fluid Dynamics M.Sc. 1978 Oceanography, Ocean Acoustic Tomography Ph.D. 1986 Appointments University of Washington Applied Physics Laboratory, College of Ocean and Fishery Sciences 1998 – Principal Oceanographer 1992 – 1998 Senior Oceanographer 1987 – 1992 Oceanographer School of Oceanography, College of Ocean and Fishery Sciences 1994 – Research Associate Professor 1988 – 1992 Research Assistant Professor Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering 2004 – Adjunct Research Associate Professor University of California, San Diego 1986 – 1987 Postgraduate Researcher, Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics 1981 – 1986 Research Assistant, Scripps Institution of Oceanography Universität Karlsruhe 1979 – 1981 Research Associate, Institut für Hydromechanik Stanford University 1976 – 1979 Research Assistant, Department of Civil Engineering Scientific Expeditions Participant in 30 cruises with 400 days at sea, 14 cruises as Chief Scientist, one each using DSV SeaCliff, the ATV ROV, and R/P FLIP. Publications - Author or co-author of 43 refereed papers and 160 other works. Selected Publications Howe, B. M., and J. H. Miller, Acoustic sensing for ocean research, J. Mar. Tech. Soc., 38, 144–154, 2004. Andrew, R. K., B. M. Howe, J. A. Mercer, and M. A. Dzieciuch, Ocean ambient sound: Comparing the 1960s with the 1990s for a receiver off the California coast, Acoust. Res. Lett. On-line, 3(2), 65–70, 2002. Dushaw, B. D. et al., Observing the ocean in the 2000’s: A strategy for the role of acoustic tomography in ocean climate observation, Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Ocean Observing System, San Rafael, France, 18-22 October 1999, in: Observing the Oceans in the 21st Century, C.J. Koblinsky and N.R. Smith (eds), Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Australia, 2001. Delaney, J. R., G. R. Heath, A. D. Chave, B. M. Howe, and H. Kirkham, NEPTUNE: Real-time ocean and earth sciences at the scale of a tectonic plate, Oceanography, 13, 71–83, 2000. Curtis, K. R., B. M. Howe, and J. A. Mercer, Low frequency ambient sound in the North Pacific: Long time series observations, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 106, 3189–3200, 1999. Other Publications Howe, B. M., H. Kirkham, and V. Vorpérian, Power system considerations for undersea observatories, IEEE J. Oceanic Engr., 27, 267–274, 2002. 32 Howe, B. M., K. Runciman, and J. A. Secan, Tomography of the ionosphere: Four-dimensional simulations, Radio Science, 33, 109–128, 1998. ATOC Consortium: A. B. Baggeroer, T. G. Birdsall, C. Clark, J. A. Colosi, B. D. Cornuelle, D. Costa, B. D. Dushaw, M. Dzieciuch, A. M. G. Forbes, C. Hill, B. M. Howe, J. Marshall, D. Menemenlis, J. A. Mercer, K. Metzger, W. Munk, R. C. Spindel, D. Stammer, P. F. Worcester, and C. Wunsch, Observing ocean climate change: Comparison of acoustic tomography, satellite altimetry, and modeling, Science, 281, 1327–1332, 1998. ATOC Instrumentation Group: B. M. Howe, S. G. Anderson, A. Baggeroer, J. A. Colosi, K.R. Hardy, D. Horwitt, F. Karig, S. Leach, J. A. Mercer, K. Metzger, Jr., L. O. Olson, D. A. Peckham, D. A. Reddaway, R. R. Ryan, R. P. Stein, K. von der Heydt, J. D. Watson, S. L. Weslander, and P. F. Worcester, Instrumentation for the Acoustic Thermometry of Ocean Climate (ATOC) prototype Pacific Ocean array, Proc. Oceans '95 MTS/IEEE, San Diego, California, 1483–1500, 1995. Worcester, P. F., B. D. Cornuelle, J. H. Hildebrand, W. S. Hodgekiss, Jr., T. F. Duda, J. Boyd, B. M. Howe, J. A. Mercer, and R. C. Spindel, A comparison of measured and predicted broadband arrival patterns in travel time-depth coordinates at 1000-km range, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 95, 16,365– 16,378, 1994. Synergistic Activities 2005 NEPTUNE Canada RFP Team, Member 2004 – Global Class Science Mission Requirements, Chair of UNOLS Committee 2003 – 2004 AGU Oceans Sciences 2004 Meeting, Member of Program Committee 2003 – Integrated Acoustics Systems for Ocean Observatories, Co-chair of ASA Committee 2003 – Current Measurement Technology Committee, Member 2000 – 2003 Acoustical Oceanography Technical Committee, ASA, Member 1999 Fellowship, Science and Technology Agency, Japan 1997 – NEPTUNE planning and technical activities 1992 – 2002 Scientific Use of Undersea Cables, Member of IRIS Steering Committee 1991 – 1995 Tomographic Data in Ocean Models, Chair of ONR Committee Professional Societies American Geophysical Union American Meteorological Society The Oceanography Society (charter life member) Acoustical Society of America American Association for the Advancement of Science Sigma Xi Collaborators and Other Affiliations Collaborators and Co-Editors R. Andrew (UW), P. Beauchamp (JPL), E. Boss (UMaine), A. Chave (WHOI), J. Colosi (WHOI), B. Cornuelle (SIO), J. Delaney (UW), B. Dushaw (UW), M. Dzieciuch (SIO), M. El-Sharkawi (UW), R. Heath (UW), H. Kirkham (JPL), C-C. Liu (UW), R. Lukas, T. McGinnis (UW), J. Mercer (UW), W. Munk (SIO), R. Spindel (UW), L. Scherliess (USU), R. Schunk (USU), V. Vorperian (JPL), W. Wilcock (UW), P. Worcester (SIO) Graduate and Postdoctoral Advisors Graduate Advisors: MSc: Robert Street (Stanford). PhD: Walter Munk (SIO) and Peter Worcester (SIO). Postdoctoral: Peter Worcester (SIO) Thesis Advisor and Postgraduate-Scholar Sponsor PhD: Michael Zarnetske (current), Chris Walter (1999). MSc: Keith Curtis (1998) Postgraduate: Brian Dushaw (UW). 33 David K. Mellinger Cooperative Institute for Marine Resources Studies 2030 SE Marine Science Dr. Newport, OR 97365 [email protected] +1-541-867-0372 fax +1-541-867-3907 Goals To lead a research and teaching program in marine bioacoustics. To develop algorithms and tools for studying natural sounds. To build perceptually-based signal processing systems. To apply results to biological and conservation research problems. Work and Education History 2000–present. Oregon State University. Assistant Professor, Senior Research. Conducting research in marine mammal acoustics and developing software for digital acoustic signal processing. 1997–1999. Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, Moss Landing, CA. Postdoctoral research fellow. Research on signal processing and on the acoustic behavior of harbor seals. Developed methods for long-term continuous acoustic monitoring, studied harbor seal behavior, and implemented algorithms for automatic call recognition. 1992–1996. Bioacoustics Research Program, Cornell University. Postdoctoral research associate. Research in signal processing methods for automatic detection and classification of animal sounds, and in acoustic methods for studying the behavior of marine mammals. Lab director: Prof. Christopher W. Clark. 1986–91. Stanford University. Ph.D., Computer Science. Research in computational auditory models and signal processing systems. Thesis: Event Formation and Separation in Musical Sound. Advisor: Prof. Bernard M. Mont-Reynaud. 1984–1986. Interleaf, Inc., Cambridge, MA. Senior Software Engineer. 1979–83. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Bachelors of Science (2) in Mathematics and in Philosophy. Selected Publications Mellinger, D. K., G. E. Garnett, and B. Mont-Reynaud. 1989. Virtual digital signal processing in an object-oriented system. Comp. Mus. J. 13(2): 71–76. Potter, J. R., D. K. Mellinger, and C. W. Clark. 1994. Marine mammal call classification using artificial neural networks. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 96(3): 1255–1262. Mellinger, D. K., and C. W. Clark. 1996. Methods for automatic detection of mysticete sounds. Mar. Freshwater Beh. Physiol. 29(1): 163–181. Mellinger, David K. 1997. A low-cost, high-performance sound capture and archiving system for the subtidal zone. Proc. Inst. Acoust. 19(9): 115–121. Evans, W. R., and D. K. Mellinger. 1999. Monitoring grassland birds in nocturnal migration. Studies Avian Biol. 19:219–229. Mellinger, D. K., and C. W. Clark. 2000. Recognizing transient low-frequency whale sounds by spectrogram correlation. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 107(6): 3518–3529. Mellinger, D. K., Carol D. Carson, and Christopher W. Clark. Characteristics of minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) pulse trains recorded near Puerto Rico. Mar. Mamm. Sci. 16(4): 739–756. 34 Hayes, S. A., D. K. Mellinger, J. F. Borsani, D. P. Costa, and D. A. Croll. 2000. An inexpensive passive acoustic system for recording and tracking wild animals. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 107(6): 3552–3555. Mellinger, D. K. 2001. Ishmael 1.0 User’s Guide. NOAA Tech. Memo. OAR–PMEL–120 (NOAA PMEL, Seattle). 30 pp. Charif, R. A., D. K. Mellinger, K. J. Dunsmore, and C. W. Clark. 2002. Estimated source levels of fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) vocalizations: Adjustments for surface interference. Mar. Mamm. Sci. 18(1): 81–98. Mellinger, D. K., A. Thode, and A. Martinez. 2003. Passive acoustic monitoring of sperm whales in the Gulf of Mexico, with a model of acoustic detection distance. Proc. Twenty-first Annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, January 2002, pp. 493-501. U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, New Orleans. Mellinger, D. K., and J. Barlow. 2003. Future Directions for Marine Mammal Acoustic Surveys: Stock Assessment and Habitat Use. Report of a workshop held in La Jolla, CA, 20-22 November 2002. NOAA/PMEL Contribution No. 2557, NOAA PMEL, Seattle. 45 pp. Waite, J. M., K. Wynne, and D. K. Mellinger. 2003. Documented sighting of a North Pacific right whale in the Gulf of Alaska and post-sighting acoustic monitoring. Northwest. Natur. 84(1): 38-43. Van Parijs, S. M., P. J. Corkeron, J. Harvey, S. Hayes, D. K. Mellinger, P. Rouget, P. M. Thompson, M. Wahlberg, and K. M. Kovacs. 2003. Global patterns in vocalizations of male harbor seals. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 113(6): 3403-3410. Mellinger, D. K., and C. W. Clark. 2003. Blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) sounds from the North Atlantic. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 114(2): 1108-1119. Mellinger, D. K., K. M. Stafford, and C. G. Fox. 2004. Seasonal occurrence of sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) sounds in the Gulf of Alaska, 1999-2001. Mar. Mamm. Sci. 20(1):48-62. Nieukirk, S. L., K. M. Stafford, D. K. Mellinger, and C. G. Fox. 2004. Low-frequency whale and airgun sounds recorded from the mid-Atlantic Ocean. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 115(4):1832-1843. Hayes, S. A., A. Kumar, D. P. Costa, D. K. Mellinger, J. Harvey, B. Southall, B. LeBoeuf. 2004. Evaluating the function of the male harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) roar through playback experiments. Anim. Behav. 67(6):1133-1139. Mellinger, D. K. A comparison of methods for detecting right whale calls. 2004. Canad. Acoust. 32(2):55-65. Stafford, K. M., D. R. Bohnenstiehl, M. Tolstoy, E. Chapp, D. K. Mellinger, and S. E. Moore. 2004. Antarctic-type blue whale calls recorded at low latitudes in the Indian and the eastern Pacific Oceans. Deep-Sea Res. I 51(10):1337-1346. Mellinger, D. K., K. M. Stafford, S. E. Moore, L. Munger, and C. G. Fox. 2004. Detection of North Pacific right whale (Eubalaena japonica) calls in the Gulf of Alaska. Mar. Mamm. Sci. 20(4): 872-879. Munger, L. M., D. K. Mellinger, S. M. Wiggins, S. E. Moore, and J. A. Hildebrand. 2005. Performance of spectrogram correlation in detecting right whale calls in long-term recordings from the Bering Sea. To appear, Canad. Acoust. 33(2). 35 SUE E. MOORE, Ph.D. AFFILIATION NOAA/NMFS/Alaska Fisheries Science Center Applied Physics Laboratory – University of Washington 1013 NE 40th Street Seattle, WA 98105 [email protected] [email protected] POSITION Principal Oceanographer/Senior Scientist Director, National Marine Mammal Laboratory Cetacean Assessment and Ecology Program Leader 2004 2002 1998 EDUCATION Ph.D. UCSD/Scripps Institution of Oceanography M.S. San Diego State University B.A. UCSD/Third College 1997 1979 1976 Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) Principal Investigator/Program Manager: Aerial Surveys for Arctic Whales offshore Alaska Marine Mammal Visual and Acoustic Assessments Prototype Navy/LMRIS Marine Animal Database MMS/Aerial Surveys for Whales offshore Alaska 1988-98 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE SEACO, Incorporated 1978-88 Program Manager/Field Team Leader: MMS/Aerial Surveys for Whales offshore Alaska Research Assistant- Navy/Marine Mammal Program Scripps Institution of Oceanography Research Technician – Marine Ecology PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES 1975-78 Society for Marine Mammalogy (Charter Member) Acoustical Society of America Society for Conservation Biology Association of Women in Science RESEARCH INTERSTS Polar marine ecology; marine mammal habitat selection and bio-acoustics; oceanographic correlates of cetacean habitats SYNERGISTIC ACTIVITIES In April 2004, I began a 2-year detail from the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC) to the Applied Physics Laboratory-University of Washington (APL-UW), in part to further develop NOAA/Fisheries capabilities to: (1) detect marine mammals using passive acoustic tools, and (2) assess the potential risk to marine mammals posed by anthropogenic noise. As Director of the 36 Marine Mammal Laboratory (NMML), I was the AFSC representative to NOAA/Anthropogenic Noise Workshop (August 2003) and NOAA/Acoustic Research Planning Meetings (November 2002; March 2004). In addition, I was an invited panelist at the Marine Mammal Commission (MMC) Beaked Whale Workshop (April 2004), and prepared the focus paper on ‘Effects of Long-Term Environmental Change on Marine Mammals’ for the MMC Consultation on the Future Directions in Marine Mammal Research (August 2003). Since initiating my APL-UW detail, I have contributed to research coordination between NOAA/AFSC and NOAA/PMEL regarding future ecosystem investigations in the Bering Sea (NPCREP Workshop, October 2004) and in the Bering and Chukchi Sea during the International Polar Year. I recently Chaired a session on seabirds and marine mammals at the GLOBEC/ESSAS Open Science meeting in Victoria Canada (May 2005) and will co-chair a special Symposium on Sea Ice and Polar Cetaceans at the International Whaling Commission, Scientific Committee meeting in Ulsan, Korea (June 2005). RELEVANT PUBLICATIONS Moore, S.E. 2005. Long-term environmental change and marine mammals. pp.: in press. In J.E. Reynolds et al. (eds.), Marine Mammal Research: Conservation Beyond Crisis. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland. Shelden, K.E.W., S.E. Moore, J.M. Waite, P.R. Wade and D.J. Rugh. 2005. Historic and current habitat use by North Pacific right whales Eubalaena japonica in the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska. Mammal Review 35(2): 129-155. Stafford, K.M. and S.E. Moore. 2005. Atypical calling by a blue whale in the Gulf of Alaska. Journal Acoustical Society of America 117 (5): 2724-2727. Stafford, K.M., S.E. Moore and C.G. Fox. 2005. Diel variation in blue whale calls recorded in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. Animal Behavior 69: 951-958. Mellinger, D.K., K.M. Stafford, S.E. Moore, L. Munger and C.G. Fox. 2004. Detection of North Pacific right whale (Eubalaena japonica) calls in the Gulf of Alaska. Marine Mammal Science 20(4): 872-879. Širovic, A. J.A. Hildebrand, S.M. Wiggins, M.A. McDonald, S.E. Moore and D. Thiele. 2004. Seasonality of blue and fin whale calls and the influence of sea ice in the Western Antarctic Peninsula. Deep-Sea Research II 51: 2327-2344. Stafford, K.M., D.R. Bohnenstiehl, M. Tolstoy, E. Chapp, D.K. Mellinger and S.E. Moore. 2004. Antarctic-type blue whale calls recorded at low latitudes in the Indian and eastern Pacific Oceans. Deep-Sea Research I 51(1): 1337-1346. Moore, S.E., J.M. Grebmeier and J.R. Davies. 2003. Gray whale distribution relative to forage habitat in the northern Bering Sea: current conditions and retrospective summary. Canadian Journal of Zoology 81: 734-742. Moore, S.E. and J.T. Clarke. 2002. Potential impact of offshore human activities on gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus). Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 4(1): 19-25. Moore, S.E., W.A. Watkins, M.A. Daher, J.R. Davies, M.E. Dahlheim. 2002. Blue whale habitat associations in the Northwest Pacific: analysis of remotely-sensed data using a Geographic Information System. Oceanography 15 (3): 20-25. Moore, S.E., J.M. Waite, N.A. Friday and T. Honkahehto. 2002. Cetacean distribution and relative abundance on the central-eastern and the southeastern Bering Sea shelf with reference to oceanographic domains. Progress in Oceanography 55: 249-261. Moore, S.E., J Urban, W.L. Perryman, H. Perez-Cortes, P.R. Wade, L. Rojas-Bracho and T. Rowles. 2001. Are gray whales hitting ‘K’ hard? Marine Mammal Science 17(4): 954-958. Moore, S.E. 2000. Cetacean habitat selection in the Alaskan Arctic during summer and autumn. Arctic 53(4): 432-447. 37 Kathleen M. Stafford, PhD 9503 48th Ave NE Seattle WA 98115 USA 206-524-3599 (h) Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington 206-526-8617 (o) 206-526-6615 (f) [email protected] PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION University of California, Santa Cruz Oregon State University National Research Council Biology and French Literature (honors) Wildlife Science Oceanography Animal Bioacoustics BA 1989 MSc. 1995 PhD 2001 10/01-9/04 APPOINTMENTS University of Washington, Applied Physics Laboratory, College of Ocean and Fishery Sciences Oceanographer 10/04-, National Marine Mammal Laboratory, Alaska Fisheries Science Center Research Associate 10/01-9/04 Oregon State University, Cooperative Institute for Marine Resource Studies, Senior Research Assistant 1/95 –6/01. RECENT PUBLICATIONS Stafford, K.M. and Moore, S.E. 2005. Atypical calling by a blue whale in the Gulf of Alaska. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 117(5):2724-2727. Stafford, K.M., Moore, S.E. and Fox, C.G. 2005. Diel variation in blue whale calls recorded in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. Animal Behaviour 69:951-958. Mellinger, D.K., Stafford, K.M., Moore, S.E., Munger, L. and Fox, C.G. 2004. Detection of North Pacific right whale (Eubalaena japonica) calls in the Gulf of Alaska. Marine Mammal Science 20: 872-879. Stafford, K.M., Bohnenstiel, D., Tolstoy, M., Chapp, E., Mellinger, D.K. and Moore, S.E. 2004. Antarctic-type blue whale calls recorded at low latitudes in two oceans. DeepSea Research I 51(10):1337-1346. Nieukirk, S.L., Stafford, K.M., Mellinger, D.K., and Fox, C.G. 2004. Low-frequency whale sounds recorded from the mid-Atlantic Ocean. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 115(4):1832-1843. 38 Mellinger, D.K., Stafford, K.M. and Fox, C.G. 2004. Seasonal occurrence of sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) sounds in the Gulf of Alaska, 1999-2001. Marine Mammal Science 20:48-62 Stafford, K.M. 2003. Two types of blue whale calls recorded in the Gulf of Alaska. Marine Mammal Science 19:682-693. Stafford, K.M., Nieukirk, S.L. and Fox, C.G. 2001. Geographic and seasonal variation of blue whale calls in the North Pacific. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 3:65-76. Stafford, K.M., Nieukirk, S.L. and Fox, C.G. 1999. Low-frequency whale sounds recorded on hydrophones moored in the eastern tropical Pacific. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 106:3687-3698. Stafford, K.M., Nieukirk, S.L. and Fox, C.G. 1999. An acoustic link between blue whales in the northeast Pacific and the eastern tropical Pacific. Marine Mammal Science 15:1258-1268. PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society Society for Marine Mammalogy Acoustical Society of America SYNERGISTIC ACTIVITIES Animal Bioacoustics subcommittee representative at the Technical Program Organizing Meeting for the Acoustical Society of America, Vancouver, B.C. January 2005. Invited speaker at the National Educational Lecture Series on marine mammal acoustic communication and the potential impacts of natural and human-made sources of underwater sound. Seattle Aquarium 30 September 2004. 39
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