NHS Board Meeting Wednesday 28 March 2012

NHS Board Meeting
23 May 2012 Paper 13
NHS Board Meeting
Wednesday 28 March 2012
Minutes of the East Ayrshire Community Health
Partnership (CHP) Committee
To report to the Board
To receive the draft minutes of East Ayrshire
CHP Committee of 2 April 2012
Committees of the Board should submit approved and draft minutes to the Board.
Current situation
Attached are the draft minutes of 2 April 2012.
The Board is asked to receive the minutes.
Dr Allan Gunning
Pro tem Chair – East Ayrshire CHP Committee
27 April 2012
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East Ayrshire Community Health Partnership (CHP) Committee
3.00 pm Monday 2 April 2012
Room 1, Council HQ, Kilmarnock
Dr Allan Gunning, NHS Ayrshire and Arran – Pro tem Chair
Councillor John MacKay, East Ayrshire Council
Councillor Douglas Reid, East Ayrshire Council
In Attendance:
Mr Eddie Fraser, Chair Officer Locality Group (OLG) Adults
Mrs Shiona Johnston, East Ayrshire CHP Facilitator
Mrs Mandy Yule, Director, Integrated Care + Partner Services
Ms Pauline Sharp (Minutes)
The meeting was inquorate, therefore, it was agreed to proceed but
homologate all actions at the meeting on 11 June 2012.
Dr Gunning congratulated Councillor MacKay on his appointment as the
Non Executive Director on the NHS Ayrshire & Arran Board for East
Ayrshire Council. It had been agreed for Dr Gunning still to act as Pro
tem Chair for the current meeting and Councillor MacKay to Chair future
EA CHP Committee meetings.
Apologies for absence
Councillor Dinwoodie, Mrs Gilmour, Mrs Hendry, Mr McKie and Professor Masterton.
Minutes of the meeting held on 30 January 2012
The Committee agreed the minutes of the meeting held on 30 January
2012 were an accurate record of events.
Matters arising
Alcohol and Drugs Strategy – Mr Fraser provided a brief update on the
current position of the Strategy and advised it would come to the
Committee on 11 June 2012.
CHP Review – Dr Gunning advised the Local Authority and NHS Chief
Executives had agreed the review and that it should be available to be
considered at the 11 June 2012 meeting.
Early Years Change Fund – Mrs Johnston advised interim guidance had
been received from the Scottish Government. Partners should consider
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the guidance as a basis to reconsider the way the total resources spent by
the public sector each year on the early years (0-8) is invested. This
should be with a view to developing a local change programme which will
support the shift to evidence based, preventative approaches. This
guidance will be considered further at the Children and Young Peoples
OLG, and further updates will be brought back to this meeting.
Family Nurse Practitioner Pilot – NHS Ayrshire & Arran had been
unsuccessful with their Phase 1 submission but had been put forward for
consideration in Phase 2 and should know by May 2012 if they are to be
part of this pilot.
Integrated Resource Framework (IRF) – Dr Gunning had obtained
agreement to the IRF 2012-13 priorities from all three CHPs, with the
possible impact on Her Majesty’s Prison (HMP) Kilmarnock being added to
the issues. The Committee will be kept updated.
Community Planning Awards – These would not be held until March 2013.
New Farm Loch 12 March Event – Mrs Johnston advised this event had
been very successful and including those in attendance had been the 5 th
and 6th years from St Josephs Academy. Attendees had been split into
mixed groups. Mrs Noreen Caldwell, Scottish Health Council would be
providing an update and a formal report to the EA CHP Forum. The
Committee agreed this was a good model that could be used else where.
Local Development Plan (LDP) and Single Outcome Agreement (SOA)
Dr Gunning provided a brief update advising the LDP would be available
on NHS Ayrshire & Arran’s website and thanked all involved for their
efforts. The section covering Single Outcome Agreements had been well
received by Scottish Government. An update to come to the EA CHP
Committee on 11 June to allow the Committee to note the existing position
on the LDP and SOA.
Reshaping Care Plan 2012/13
The report provided the final draft submission for EA to the Scottish
Government signed off by all four partners. It advised on the investment
and implementation of the strategy in support of further progressing the
Reshaping Care agenda. The Scottish Government had asked for
additional detail relating to Carers. Mrs Johnston circulated the relating
template submitted for the information of the Committee.
Among the main points highlighted by Mr Fraser were:
The development of the 10 year Joint Commissioning Strategy on a
pan Ayrshire basis.
The delivery plan and the four workstreams.
Quarterly performance monitoring reports for CHP structure.
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The Committee approved the Reshaping Care Plan but expressed caution
on the time and effort spent by Officers in completing further templates
after submission of the original plan. .
East Ayrshire Child Protection Committee Business Plan
Discussion on the paper was deferred to the EA CHP Committee meeting
to be held on 11 June 2012.
East Ayrshire Carers Action Plan
The Carers Forum, as a subgroup of the EA CHP Forum, had developed
the Action Plan for 2011-15 and had included a Young Carers Action Plan.
Discussion was held on how the Carers Forum could be supported to take
forward and implement the actions within the plan. The Committee also
discussed self directed support and work being done internally around
resource allocation systems.
The Committee noted and supported the EA Carers Action Plan provided
clearer and more explicit links to the Change Fund were included.
Community Planning Update
Mrs Johnston provided an update on developments in relation to
Community Planning and asked the Committee to note:
The reporting arrangements from 1 April 2011 to 31 March 2012.
The revised National Performance Framework (NPF) and agree to
consider the requirements of the NPF as part of the review of the
Single Outcome Agreement.
The Scottish Government’s proposals for public sector reform,
including the review of Community Planning and SOAs.
The completion of the Residents’ Survey 2011 and progress in
respect of the refreshment of the Residents’ Panel.
The East Ayrshire by Numbers publication had been updated for
2012 and agree to review its content to inform future publications.
The Audit Scotland’s findings on the role of Community Planning
Partnerships in economic development published November 2011.
The Annual Report of the Chief Medical Officer (2010) published in
December 2011.
A key focus for the CHP was that of health and social care integration.
Guidance to be published in relation to this following the elections, for full
consulation. This guidance would be considered through each of the
OLGs and Forum, during the consultation period, and then by the
Committee at the 11 June meeting. Further discussions would also take
place internally, with Local Authority, NHS and community planning
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East Ayrshire Community Hospital (EACH)
Mrs Yule referred to and expanded on the position report she had
distributed to the Committee and Forum in the middle of March. The EA
CHP Committee noted the current situation relating to the development of
dental provision in East Ayrshire and the position on re-instatement of
EACH. The Committee fully supported the new dental service proposals.
East Ayrshire CHP Forum – 15 February 2012 draft minutes
10.1 Noted.
Officer Locality Group for adults and older people – 12 January and 8
March 2012 draft minutes
11.1 The 12 January 2012 minutes were noted. The 8 March 2012 minutes had
not been available.
Officer Locality Group for children and young people – 26 January
2012 draft minutes
12.1 Noted.
Any other business
13.1 There was no further business.
Date, time and venue of next meeting
Monday 11 June 2012 at 11.00 am, Seminar Room, East Ayrshire
Community Hospital
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