RESOURCE BOOKLET 2014 South Ayrshire Council RESOURCES 2014 In South Ayrshire a wide range of resources and specialist services is available to young people in the area and in addition to these there are ongoing plans to develop further services to support children and young people, therefore this list is open to changes and amendments. Last update: 14 November 2014 This Booklet was compiled by: Elaine Armour, Resource Officer, South Ayrshire Council, Burns House, Burns Statue Square, Ayr. Telephone: 01292 614320. Please contact the above for additional copies and if you wish any changes, insertions or deletions to the entries in this Booklet, thank you. i CONTENTS EXISTING SERVICES & PROGRAMMES SECTION 1 CARE, LEARNING AND: WELLBEING: CHILDREN‟S SERVICES PAGE Children & Families Management Team Criminal Justice Team Children & Families Disability Team Cunningham Place/Woodhead Road/ Glenriddel Road Children‟s Houses Family Centre Family Placement & Adoption Team Girvan Area Office Initial Response Team Intensive Outreach Team Whitletts Area Team Young People‟s Support & Transition Young People‟s Support & Transition – Throughcare Young People‟s Support & Transition – Mediation Young People‟s Support & Transition Youth Justice Diversion from Prosecution Social Work Offices 1 1 2 2 Anti Social Behaviour Team 7 Aberlour Child Care Trust Ayrshire Children‟s Contact Centre Barnardo‟s Children‟s Rights And Advocacy Service „Hear 4 U‟ Caris Ayrshire Children 1st South Ayrshire Supporting Children, Young People and Families affected by Substance Misuse Children 1st Girvan/Maybole Supporting Children and Families Rape & Sexual Abuse Outreach Service South Ayrshire Befriending Project South Ayrshire Women‟s Aid – Children And Young Persons Support Service Spark of Genius The Lighthouse Foundation The Princess Royal Trust – South Ayrshire Young Carers Service Who Cares? Scotland 8 8 Ayrshire Council on Alcohol Children 1st South Ayrshire Supporting Children, Young People and Families affected By Substance Misuse 14 14/9/28 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 SECTION 2 ANTI SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR: SECTION 3 CHILDREN‟S SUPPORT SERVICES 8 9 9/14/28 10/29 10/30 11 11 12 12/16/33 13 13 SECTION 4 DRUG & ALCOHOL MISUSE: ii Loudoun House Addiction Unit NHS Addiction Services South Ayrshire Alcohol & Drug Partnership The Lighthouse Foundation 15 15/34 16 16//12/33 Alpha Plus Autism Spectrum Support Care and Learning Team Central Peripatetic Support Services Complex Learning Needs Home Link Team Intensive Support Teaching Team Joint Assessment Teams (JST‟s) Learning Needs Lifelong Learning Nurture Groups Other ASN Services Psychological Service Rathbone UK Step Project The Prince‟s Trust – XL Clubs Young Scot South Ayrshire Campus Police Officers 17 17 17 18 18 18 19 19 20 21 21 21 22 22/25 22/26 23 23 23 Access to Employment Ayr John Pollock Centre Access to Employment Ayr Lochside Leisure Centre Rathbone UK Skills Development Scotland Spark of Genius Step Project Workable – New Deal for Disabled People 24 SECTION 5 EDUCATION/ COMMUNITY EDUCATION SECTION 6 EMPLOYMENT: 24 25/22 25 25 26/22 26 SECTION 7 FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES: Aberlour Family Service – South Ayrshire AdditUp Ayrshire Barnardo‟s South Ayrshire Family Resource Services Children 1st South Ayrshire Supporting Children, Young People and Families affected by Substance Misuse Children 1st Girvan/Maybole Supporting Children and Families Family Mediation West (Ayrshire) One Stop Shop Rape & Sexual Abuse Outreach Service The Spark South Ayrshire Autistic Society Stepping Stones for Families – Childcare Development Project The Lighthouse Foundation 27 27 28 28/14/9 29/10 29 30 30/10 31 32 32 33/11/16 iii SECTION 8 HEALTH: Letterbox Project NHS Ayrshire and Arran Addiction Services Public Health Facilitator for Homeless Clients Public Health Facilitator for LAAC Public Health Nurse for Schools Sexual health Nurse for Learning Disabilities Speech & Language Therapy Department 34 Ayr Housing Aid 38 Barnardo‟s South Ayrshire Families Services Family Support - Homelessness Youth Housing Support Group 38 38 Domain Youth Centre Girvan Youth Trust (Oasis) Kincaidston Youth Café Project RoomSixty Project Target Leisure – Girvan 39 39 40 40 41 Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) 42 Restorative Justice Conferencing 43 Adventure Centre for Education (A.C.E.) The Duke of Edinburgh Award New Start Project The Prince‟s Trust – Scotland Venture Trust 44 44 45 45 Community Policing 46 34/15 35 35 36 36 37 SECTION 9 HOUSING: SECTION 10 LEISURE & RECREATION: SECTION 11 MENTAL HEALTH: SECTION 12 OFFENDING PROGRAMMES: SECTION 13 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT: SECTION 14 POLICE SCOTLAND SECTION 15 SCOTTISH FIRE & RESCUE SERVICE 47 SECTION 16 VICTIM SUPPORT: South Ayrshire Victim Support Scheme 48 iv SECTION 17 NEW ENTRIES & PROGRAMMES 49 SECTION 18 CARE PROVIDERS 50 SECTION 19 CHILD PROTECTION COMMITTEE MEMEBERS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND WEBSITES 54 56 v SECTION 1 CARE, LEARNING & WELLBEING Hugh Carswell, Head of Children’s Services Care, Learning and Wellbeing County Buildings, Wellington Square, Ayr KA7 1DR [email protected] Telephone: Fax: 01292 612244 01292 612261 CHILDREN AND FAMILIES MANAGEMENT TEAM Lesley James, Manager, Children & Families Burns House, Burns Statue Square, Ayr KA7 1UT [email protected] Telephone: 01292 614321 Fiona MacDonald, Co-ordinator Telephone: 01292 612096 (Specialist Services) [email protected] Liz Christison, Acting Co-ordinator (Generic Services)Telephone: 01292 612074 [email protected] Bobby McDowall, Children’s Services Co-ordinatorTelephone: 01292 616237 [email protected] Fiona Dalziel, Quality Assurance Review Officer Telephone: 01292 559449 [email protected] Elaine McKay, Quality Assurance Review Officer Telephone: 01292 293834 [email protected] Angela Dorrans, Quality Assurance Review Officer Telephone: 01292 293841 [email protected] Management Support Office Telephone: 01292 612602 Fax: 01292 616338 CRIMINAL JUSTICE TEAM Nancy McNeil, Criminal Justice Manager, Burns House, Burns Statue Square, Ayr KA7 1UT [email protected] Telephone: 01292 612783 Contacts: Team Leader, responsibility for Unpaid Work - Helen Lavelle [email protected] Team Leader, responsibility for Court – Mark Gaffney [email protected] Team Leader, responsibility for Throughcare – Billy Taylor [email protected] Telephone: Address: Catchment area: 01292 289749 McAdam House, 34 Charlotte Street, Ayr KA7 1EA South Ayrshire Area The Ayrshire Criminal Justice Social Work Partnership will strive to develop and improve quality services for the people of Ayrshire which will increase community safety, whilst reducing unnecessary custody whenever possible. 1 CHILDREN AND FAMILIES DISABILITY TEAM Contacts: Telephone: Address: Catchment area: Alison Welshman, Acting Team Leader [email protected] 01292 559307 John Pollock Centre, Mainholm Community Campus, Mainholm Road, Ayr KA8 6QD South Ayrshire Area The team has been developed as a specialised team to offer support to children and families who are significantly affected by disability. Services are targeted in a way that promotes family life, individual needs and the rights of the child. The team works collaboratively with key partner agencies in health and education to reduce disadvantage and promote care and support. The team access a range of provision from both local authority and the private sector, which enables them to provide a flexible response to individual family needs. CUNNINGHAM PLACE/WOODHEAD ROAD/GLENRIDDEL ROAD CHILDREN‟S HOUSES Contact: Linda Given, Team Leader [email protected] Telephone: 01292 614336 Address: 28 Cunningham Place, Ayr Catchment area: South Ayrshire Area Age Group: Up to age 18 years Method of referral: Social Work Referral, GARF Cunningham Place, Woodhead Road and Glenriddel Road are the Council run residential services for children and young people who require to be accommodated. The service offers residential care for up to 6 children and young people at Cunningham Place and 6 places at Woodhead Road, Coylton, with two additional places in their satellite unit at Glenriddel Road. The Outreach Service (referred to elsewhere) is part of Initial Response Service. FAMILY CENTRE Contacts: Telephone: Address: Catchment area: Area Team Leaders 01292 288645 Wills Road, Ayr South Ayrshire Area The Family Centre‟s Aims and Objectives are to provide children and their families with early preventative therapeutic interventions that will seek to protect and promote the welfare of the most vulnerable children in our local community. The Family Centre will strive to work in a multi-agency manner and will encourage an integrated approach to the assessment of need of children referred. Early years intervention by the Family Centre and their partners will seek to put into place action plans that will, wherever possible, prevent a child becoming a child in need. 2 FAMILY PLACEMENT AND ADOPTION TEAM Contact: Telephone: Address: Catchment area: Andrew Craig, Team Leader [email protected] 01292 267675/01292 293847 181 Whitletts Road, Ayr South Ayrshire Area The Family Placement and Adoption Team have developed over the years to provide both Adopters and Foster Carers with support, advice and guidance. The Team undertake all assessments for Foster Carers and has a 2 weekly cycle of support in place for Foster Carers with a named worker. All assessments for Adoption are undertaken by the Team including applicants who are planning to adopt babies and are involved with Glasgow and West of Scotland Baby Adoption Service in Glasgow. Adoption support is also offered and we have links with voluntary agencies who can assist with searching for origins. A recent addition to the Team has been assessment for Kinship Carers and reviews. We recognise the benefit from children remaining with families whenever possible and a worker will engage with prospective Kinship Carers to ensure the well being and safety of the child is paramount. GIRVAN AREA OFFICE Contact: Telephone: Address: Catchment area: Anne Shanks, Team Leader - Girvan/Maybole Team [email protected] 01465 716123/ 712299 Fax: 01465 716101 17 Knockcushan Street, Girvan Girvan and South Carrick To promote children‟s social, emotional, physical health and well being. Working in partnership with families to promote “good enough” parenting and a quality of life, which enables children and young people to remain safely within their own homes/communities. INITIAL RESPONSE TEAM Contact: Telephone: Address: Catchment area: Dawn Swan, Team Leader [email protected] 01292 293872 181 Whitletts Road, Ayr All localities The Initial Response Service for Children and Families Services is a central point for which all concerns about children and young people are received and assessed. All Social Workers within South Ayrshire are part of a "Duty" Service to ensure a timeous and appropriate response to children who are at risk of harm and or neglect. The Children and Families Initial Response Service is committed to ensuring that children receive the help when they need it, and an immediate same day response will always be provided for children where there are Child Protection concerns. 3 INTENSIVE OUTREACH TEAM Contact: Dawn Swan, Team Leader [email protected] Telephone: 01292 293872 Address: 181 Whitletts Road, Ayr Catchment Area: South Ayrshire Area Age Group: 11 – 16 year olds Method of referral: Weekly Screening Resource Group The aims of the service are to provide in partnership with others, a flexible and responsive service to families in crisis, to prevent family breakdown and avoid the unnecessary accommodation of young people up to age of 16. Also to help with the transition from care, back into the family community. In partnership with social workers and other relevant others, the team can provide intensive support and input at times of particular stress and crisis, within the family. The Team can assist families to develop links with more appropriate longer-term supports, and assist families to participate in the formulation of mutually agreed support plans. WHITLETTS AREA TEAMS Contacts: Telephone: Address: Valerie Lawrence, TempTeam Leader – Ayr South Team [email protected] Pauline McPherson, Acting Team Leader – Ayr North Team [email protected] Liz Paterson, Team Leader – Prestwick/Troon Team [email protected] 01292 267675 Fax: 01292 284711 181 Whitletts Road, Ayr To promote children‟s social, emotional, physical health and well being. Working in partnership with families to promote “good enough” parenting and a quality of life, which enables children and young people to remain safely within their own homes/communities. YOUNG PEOPLE‟S SUPPORT & TRANSITIONS SERVICE Contact: Caroline Dempsey, Team Leader [email protected] Telephone: 01292 313668 Address: Holmston House, 3 Holmston Road, Ayr KA7 3BA Catchment area: South Ayrshire Age Group: 12 – 17-year olds Method of referral: Social Worker via the Whole Systems Approach Forum Specialist Social Workers (Youth Justice) to undertake the assessments, compile reports and case manage all referrals from the Reporter to persistent and serious offenders. 4 YOUNG PEOPLE‟S SUPPORT & TRANSITIONS SERVICE THROUGHCARE Contact: Mary Johnston, Acting Team Leader [email protected] Telephone: 01292 612721 Address: Holmston House, 3 Holmston Road, Ayr KA7 3BA Catchment Area: South Ayrshire Area Age Group: 15 – 21 year olds Method of referral: Social Worker, Whole Systems Approach Forum The Young People‟ Support and Transitions Service works with young people aged between 15 – 21 years who are/were looked after or accommodated by the local authority, and young homeless people requiring assistance. YPS&T offer individual support, group work opportunities and provide information on a range of issues. YOUNG PEOPLE‟S SUPPORT & TRANSITIONS SERVICE MEDIATION Contact: Ann Allan, Acting Mediation Co-ordinator [email protected] Telephone: 01292 614336 Address: Holmston House, 3 Holmston Road, Ayr KA7 3BA Catchment area: South Ayrshire Area Age Group: 15 – 21 year olds Method of referral: Open referral system Since February 2000 a dedicated Social Worker was appointed to the Young People‟s Support and Transitions Service to mediate between young people, parents, carers and extended family where homelessness exists. YOUNG PEOPLE‟S SUPPORT & TRANSITIONS SERVICE YOUTH JUSTICE DIVERSION FROM PROSECUTION SCHEME Contact: Fiona Berry, Diversion Co-ordinator [email protected] Telephone: 01292 660000 Address: Holmston House, 3 Holmston Road, Ayr KA7 3BA Catchment area: South Ayrshire Age Group: 16 – 17 year olds Method of referral: Procurator Fiscal The basis for the development of a Diversion from Prosecution Scheme rests on recognition that some offenders experience personal factors which contribute to their offending behaviour. Identifying these root causes and providing appropriate help, at an early stage, could enable them to move on to a more positive and responsible way of life and prevent recurrence of offending. 5 SOCIAL WORK OFFICES Care, Learning and Wellbeing – Children & Families Area Office Community Care Team Ayr South Area Office Community Care Team Ayr North Area Office Care, Learning and Wellbeing – Children & Families Girvan Area Office Maybole Area Office ADDRESS 181 Whitletts Road, Ayr KA8 0GU TELEPHONE 01292 267675 John Pollock Centre, Mainholm Road, Ayr KA8 0QD John Pollock Centre, Mainholm Road, Ayr KA8 0QD 17/19 Knockcushan Street, Girvan KA26 9AG 01292 281993 70c High Street, Maybole KA19 7BZ 01655 883293 Prestwick Area Office 12 Main Street, Prestwick KA9 1NX 01292 470099 Ayrshire Social Work Out of Hours Enquiry & Information Team Outside Office Hours Only 0800 328 7758 80/88 Kyle Street, Ayr KA7 1RZ 01292 268119 01292 612088 01465 712299 6 SECTION 2 ANTI SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR ANTI SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR TEAM Contact: Linda Warwick, Principal Community Safety Officer [email protected] Telephone: 01292 559403 Address: Economy, Neighbourhood & Environment, 1st Floor John Pollock Centre, Mainholm Road, Ayr KA8 0QD Catchment area: South Ayrshire Area Age Group: 12 + year olds Method of referral: Through Local Authority The Antisocial Behaviour Team is committed to tackling antisocial behaviour through a problem-solving multi-agency approach. The team works closely with Strathclyde Police, other Council Departments, Landlords and Voluntary Agencies to find local solutions to the local problems presented by antisocial behaviour. There are close links with the Community Support Officers in the areas where these are working. The Team will focus on using preventative and diversionary methods to resolve antisocial behaviour problems, but will take enforcement action where appropriate. The service provided extends across all housing tenures including home owners, council tenants, tenants of registered landlords and private tenants and includes access to a variety of resources, including mediation, victim and witness support services. 7 SECTION 3 CHILDREN‟S SUPPORT SERVICES ABERLOUR CHILD CARE TRUST Contact: Telephone: Address: Catchment area: Age Group: Method of referral: Kirsty Aitken, Manager 01292 671971 Ardfin Respite Unit, Prestwick South Ayrshire 0 – 19 year olds Social Work The Aberlour Child Care Trust is a national organisation. The Ardfin Respite unit is based in Prestwick and provides respite to children and young people with learning disabilities. Ardfin also offer Out of School and Outreach Community Support. AYRSHIRE CHILDREN‟S CONTACT CENTRE Contact: Carol Carbry, Contact Centre Manager [email protected] Telephone: 01563 572429 Address: 1st Floor Office, 28/30 Grange Street, Kilmarnock Catchment area: Whole Ayrshire Area Age Group: Babies to 10 year olds plus Method of referral: Telephone A place where young children of separated/divorced parents can spend time with the parent they do not live with, in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. BARNARDO‟S CHILDREN‟S RIGHTS AND ADVOCACY SERVICE „Hear 4 U‟ Selwyn McCausland, Children’s Services Manager Glynis Morris, Project Workers [email protected] Telephone: 01292 285372 (0141 884 7896) Address: John Pollock Centre, Mainholm Road, Ayr KA8 0QD Catchment area: South Ayrshire Age Group: under 19 years Method of referral: Telephone, write, visit office or e-mail Contact: Hear 4 U aims to provide an independent accessible community based advocacy service for children and young people under nineteen who are living in South Ayrshire. It promotes children‟s rights. Priority for advocacy is given to children and young people who are entering or involved in the children protection system. Those who are subject to the terms of the Mental Health (Care & Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003, are currently assessing support from the Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service or have been admitted to a mental health ward on a voluntary basis. The service gives children and young people the opportunity to work with an independent advocate who has no involvement in the decision making process affecting them and provides them with support to ensure that they are able to have a voice and participate in these processes. 8 CARIS AYRSHIRE Contact: Gordon McBain, Information Officer Victoria-Jayne McRobert, Development Officer [email protected] Telephone: 0845 351 3000 (local rate help line) Address: Springvale Resource Centre, Sannox Drive, Saltcoats KA21 6JG Catchment area: All Ayrshire Age Group: Birth – 16 year olds Method of referral: n/a The Childcare and Recreation Information Service (CARIS – Ayrshire) provides information on all registered childcare across North, South and East Ayrshire including childminders, nurseries, playgroups, out of school care and pre-school education establishments. The service also has an online directory with information on areas including parenting and family support, health & wellbeing, child protection and holiday/leisure, both locally and nationally. The helpline operates Monday to Thursday 9.00am – 4.45pm and 9.00am – 4.30pm on Friday. For more information visit the website at Twitter: @CARISAyrshire CHILDREN 1ST SOUTH AYRSHIRE SUPPORTING CHILDREN, YOUNG PEOPLE AND FAMILIES AFFECTED BY SUBSTANCE MISUSE Contact: Sarah Black, Children and Family Support Worker [email protected] Rachael Mullaney, Young Person’s Support Worker [email protected] Telephone: (Rachael) 07921 057573 (Sarah) 07894692637 Address: Family Centre, Wills Road, Ayr KA8 9NL Cathment Area: South Ayrshire Age Group: 0 – 11 / 12 -18 year olds Method of referral: Locality Forums/Whole Systems Approach Forum CHILDREN 1st Supporting Children, Young People and Families offers targeted interventions for Children affected by parental substance misuse (CAPSM) and Young People with significant substance misuse issues. Promoting a brighter future for South Ayrshire‟s vulnerable children, young people and families through individual resilience building, home / family support, group work and befriending or mentoring. Refer: Child‟s Assessment and Plan / Initial Assessment with clear detail around intended outcomes and timescale through: Child Protecting Meetings, Looked After Review, GARF (GIRFEC Advisory Resource Forum), Whole Systems Meeting, Youth Housing Support Groups, Locality Forums 9 CHILDREN 1st GIRVAN/MAYBOLE SUPPORTING CHILDREN & FAMILIES SERVICES Contact: Edie Scobie [email protected] Telephone: 01465 710161 Address: Girvan Primary School, 7 Wesley Road, Girvan KA26 9DD Cathment Area: Girvan and Maybole (KA26 and KA19) Age Group: 0 – 11 year olds Method of referral: Locality Forums; direct from Child Protection Service criteria Families with children pre-birth to 3 years who require targeted interventions Families with children aged 0-11 who require multi-agency intervention, specifically looked after children and children at risk Families with children age 0 - 11 where parents require parenting support Families with children age 0 - 5 who require childcare Support activities Focused family support – contributing to multi-agency initial assessment, agreed work plan and three-monthly Service User Outcome progress reviews Childcare service – Monday to Friday in Girvan Work with Children – includes therapeutic and life-story work Work with Parents – parenting skills and behaviour management using evidence based programmes Family play sessions – to support development of play “Communities Putting Children First” – community awareness raising sessions to promote the confidence of local people to support children and families RAPE AND SEXUAL ABUSE OUTREACH SERVICE Contact: Telephone: Address: Cathment Area: Age Group: Method of referral: Mary Ross 01563 541769 P O Box 23, Kilmarnock KA1 1DP People outside Ayr/Prestwick all age groups An appointment basis East Ayrshire Rape Crisis and Resource Centre now offer a rural outreach service for people outside Ayr/Prestwick. This service is able to provide support on an appointment basis within the rural areas and the Outreach Worker will also be able to give talks/training if requested. 10 SOUTH AYRSHIRE BEFRIENDING PROJECT Contact: Elaine Rennix, Senior Co-ordinator Fiona McKenzie and Lee Boyd, Co-ordinators [email protected] Telephone: 01292 264000 Address: 4A Citadel Place, Ayr KA7 1JN Catchment area: South Ayrshire Area Age Group: 8 – 18 years old Method of referral: Multi Agency/Local Forum or self-referral The South Ayrshire Befriending Project is a local charity which enables socially isolated and excluded young people (aged 8 – 18) across South Ayrshire who are often affected by other issues such as child protection procedures, drugs/alcohol, mental health problems and disabilities, to build their confidence and self-esteem, access activities in the community or develop a particular interest, by providing them with a 1 : 1 supportive relationship with a trained volunteer befriender, who acts as a positive role model meeting with them on a fortnightly basis . The Project also facilitates regular group activities to enable the young people to pursue and develop various interests in a safe environment. The project is funded through a variety of grants and trusts. More information – SOUTH AYRSHIRE WOMEN‟S AID CHILDREN AND YOUNG PERSONS SUPPORT SERVICE Contact: Sharon Grant. Children & Young Persons Support Worker [email protected] Maureen Dunlop, Children & Young Persons Support Worker [email protected] Telephone: 01292 267067 Address: 6 Miller Road, Ayr KA7 2AY Catchment Area: South Ayrshire Age Group: Up to age 18 years Method of referral: Open South Ayrshire Women‟s Aid have developed a successful Outreach and Follow-on Service to provide emotional and practical support to children and young people up to the age of 18 years across South Ayrshire who experience Domestic Abuse to enable them to make sense of their individual situation. The service offers support through 1-2-1 work, peer group sessions and drop in. Children and young people are able to contact workers at times that suit them via phone, text, e-mail. South Ayrshire Women‟s Aid work in partnership with other agencies maximising the support and service available to children and young people. More information: 11 SPARK OF GENIUS Contact: Zak McIlhargey, Director of Residential Services & Throughcare [email protected] Telephone: 0141 587 2710 Address: Trojan House, Phoenix Business Park, Paisley PA1 2BH Catchment area: Throughout Ayrshire and West/Central Scotland Age Group: 5 – 21 year olds Method of referral: Social Work Spark of Genius is a national provider of long and short term residential care including respite placement options for children and young people with complex needs, social emotional and behavioural difficulties and with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Spark also offers Housing Support options for young people transitioning into adult life. Spark have a standalone Primary School in Ayrshire offering a full and varied SQA accredited curriculum alongside several Secondary school provisions offering both academic and vocational courses accredited by the SQA. Finally, Spark of Genius offers a Get Ready for Work Scheme in Ayrshire for young people looking to gain qualifications and move into further education and employment. THE LIGHTHOUSE FOUNDATION Kathleen Bryson, Project Manager – [email protected] Telephone: 01563 521343 Address: 40a Portland Road, Kilmarnock KA1 2DJ Catchment area: Throughout Ayrshire Age Group: All ages Method of referral: Open door Contact: The Lighthouse Foundation is a Kilmarnock based organisation providing services throughout Ayrshire offering practical and emotional support to family members affected by a loved ones drug and alcohol misuse. It offers group meetings, children‟s activities, referrals, respite, advocacy, befriending, information and advice and a professional counsellor and bereavement counselling. A child‟s therapist is also available for children 311 and 12-18. More information: 12 THE PRINCESS ROYAL TRUST SOUTH AYRSHIRE YOUNG CARERS SERVICE Contact: David Roxburgh, Manager (Fiona MacKay, Young Carers Information & Development Officer) [email protected] ([email protected]) Telephone: 01292 263000 Address: 43 Sandgate, Ayr KA7 1DA Catchment area: South Ayrshire Age Group: 8 – 18 year olds Method of referral: Open door, telephone, post, fax or e-mail; Multi Agency A „young carer‟ worker‟s post has been established to identify needs of young carers aged 818. Groups are held fortnightly, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays for young carers and these are split into various age ranges. The groups allow the young carers to get some „time out‟ from their caring situation and to have some fun. Individual support is also available. Carers are offered confidential help, information, advice and support on a huge range of issues, which affect them. More information – WHO CARES? SCOTLAND Contact: Colin Smith (07738 195692), Denise McMillan (07932 101076), Jimmy McWilliam (07985 089947), Lorna McCrindle (07712 870390 ) - Young Persons’ Workers - [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Telephone: 01563 573015 Address: 28 – 30 Grange Street, Kilmarnock, KA1 2DD Catchment area: Ayrshire Age Group: 0 – 25 years Method of referral: Open referral Who Cares? Scotland provides an advocacy service to those who are or have been looked after and accommodated. Workers have direct contact with young people, ensuring their voice is heard on a wide variety of matters, and maintain links to professionals involved in the young people‟s care. More information – 13 SECTION 4 DRUG & ALCOHOL MISUSE AYRSHIRE COUNCIL ON ALCOHOL Contact: Ayleen McBride [email protected] Telephone: 01292 281238 Address: 24 Fullarton Street, Ayr KA7 1UB Catchment area: South Ayrshire Area Age Group: 16+ Method of referral: Self-referral and multi agency groups Ayrshire Council on Alcohol offers a confidential counselling/support/advice service for people who are affected by their own or someone else‟s drinking. This service is provided by trained counsellors and is available in various locations throughout South Ayrshire. The service is client led and we will work with you to achieve abstinence or controlled drinking. ACA follow the Recovery Model and encourage Service Users to find alternatives to alcohol and to link in to the local Recovery groups. CHILDREN 1ST SOUTH AYRSHIRE SUPPORTING CHILDREN, YOUNG PEOPLE AND FAMILIES AFFECTED BY SUBSTANCE MISUSE Contact: Sarah Black, Children and Family Support Worker [email protected] Rachael Mullaney, Young Person’s Support Worker [email protected] Telephone: (Sarah) 07894 692637 (Rachael 07921 057573 Address: Family Centre, Wills Road, Ayr KA8 9NL Cathment Area: South Ayrshire Age Group: 0 – 11 / 12 -18 year olds Method of referral: Locality Forums/Whole Systems Approach Forum/Youth Housing Support Groups/ GARF (GIRFEC Advisory Resource Forum) CHILDREN 1st Supporting Children, Young People and Families offers targeted interventions for Children affected by parental substance misuse (CAPSM) and Young People with significant substance misuse issues. Promoting a brighter future for South Ayrshire‟s vulnerable children, young people and families through individual resilience building, home / family support, group work and befriending or mentoring. Refer: Child‟s Assessment and Plan / Initial Assessment with clear detail around intended outcomes and timescale through: Child Protecting Meetings, Looked After Review, GARF (GIRFEC Advisory Resource Forum), Whole Systems Meeting, Youth Housing Support Groups, Locality Forums 14 LOUDOUN HOUSE ADDICTION UNIT Contact: Telephone: Address: Senga Boyd, Senior Charge Nurse 01292 513126/513124 Loudoun House, Ailsa Hospital, Dalmellington Road, Ayr KA6 6AB Catchment area: Ayrshire & Arran Health Authority Age Group: 16 + Method of referral: Written referral from NHS Addiction Community Services, NHS Mental Health Services, Social Work, Addaction, ACA and GP’s, no self referrals. Service users must be being seen by an Addiction or Mental Health Worker or GP Loudoun House is a residential rehabilitation unit, which offers a service to men, and women aged sixteen + for service users, who have identified substance use problems co-existing with mental health problems. The function of Loudoun House is to offer support and enable service users to build on their strengths, to work through difficulties with substance and mental health issues, enabling them to achieve stability in these areas and improved their quality of life. Through group and individual work, service users are enabled to identify positive coping strategies and help them recognise they can utilise these in their own environment. Follow on support is then provided by NHS Addiction Services Community Teams. NHS ADDICTION SERVICES Contact: Jamie McCaughie, Team Leader [email protected] Telephone: 01292 559800 Address: NHS Addiction Services, Ailsa Hospital, Dalmellington Road, Ayr KA6 6AB Catchment area: Ayrshire & Arran Health Authority Age Group: 16 + Method of referral: We have an open referral system. This means that you can be Referred by any agency you have been in contact with, or you can Refer yourself. Alcohol and drug misuse can affect physical and mental health, relationships, employment as well as a person‟s ability to cope with everyday life. Age, family support, lifestyle, personality and personal beliefs may also determine how drugs or alcohol affect someone. Recovery means different things to different people and no two people will have the same journey of recovery. NHS Addiction Services can help someone to move towards understanding how to promote, support and interpret their recovery from problematic substance use. Experience has shown that recovery is all about giving people the tools to become active in their own health care. It is about having the belief, drive and commitment that people can and do recover control of their lives. 15 Many factors will help in personal recovery. Our staff will work with an individual to support their recovery by offering a range of different treatment support packages: Mental health and addictions Physical and sexual health and addictions Prescribing of substitute medication and follow up support Naloxone training Detoxification from opiates and alcohol Alcohol relapse management Alcohol brief interventions Occupational Therapy interventions SOUTH AYRSHIRE ALCOHOL AND DRUG PARTNERSHIP Contact: Email: Address: Telephone: Catchment area: For Information: Faye Murfet, South Ayrshire ADP Coordinator [email protected] County Buildings, Wellington Square, Ayr, KA7 1DR 01292 612417 South Ayrshire The Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP) is a thematic group of South Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership. The ADP consists of senior members from organisations in South Ayrshire who coordinate strategic planning in order to reduce the harm rising from alcohol and drug misuse. THE LIGHTHOUSE FOUNDATION Contact: Kathleen Bryson, Project Manager [email protected] Telephone: 01563 521343 Address: 40a Portland Road, Kilmarnock KA1 2DJ Catchment area: Throughout Ayrshire Age Group: All ages Method of referral: Open door The Lighthouse Foundation is a Kilmarnock based organisation providing services throughout Ayrshire offering practical and emotional support to family members affected by a loved one‟s drug and alcohol misuse. It offers group meetings, children‟s activities, referrals, respite, advocacy, befriending, information and advice and a professional counsellor and bereavement counselling. A child‟s therapist is also available for children 311 and 12-18. More information: ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS (0845 769 7555) – AL-ANON (0207 4030 888) – DRINKLINE (0800 917 8282) COCAINE ANONYMOUS (0800 61202225) – NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS (0300 9991212) – 16 SECTION 5 EDUCATION/COMMUNITY EDUCATION ALPHA PLUS Contact: Liz Cameron, Principal Teacher (LAAC) [email protected] Telephone: 01292 292590 Address: The Domain, Glenmuir Place, Ayr KA8 9RP Catchment Area: South Ayrshire Age Group: 15 – 16 year olds Method of Referral: Central Admissions Group (CAG)/Locality Forums The Alpha Plus programme is based at The Domain, Ayr and offers a varied and innovative curriculum for S3 and S4 pupils. The programme includes English, Mathematics, Administration, Hospitality, Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, Career‟s Scotland, work experience opportunities, College tasters, Outward-bound Courses, Health Education and I.T. AUTISM SPECTRUM SUPPORT Contact: Janey Smith, Pupil Support Co-ordinator [email protected] Telephone: 01292 612784 Address: Burns House, Burns Statue Square, Ayr KA7 1UT Catchment Area: South Ayrshire Area Age Group: Primary Method of Referral: Central Admissions Group (CAG) Primary School age children with a diagnosis of Asperger‟s Syndrome or Autism can be considered for a place at the specialist provision base at Doonfoot Primary School CARE AND LEARNING TEAM Contact: Liz Cameron, Principal Teacher (LAAC) [email protected] Telephone: 01292 292590 Address: Braehead Primary School, Gould Street, Ayr KA8 9PJ Catchment Area: South Ayrshire Age Group: Nursery – Secondary School Age Method of Referral: Central Admissions Group (CAG)/Locality Forums Supports children with social, emotional and behavioural needs who may also be on the Looked After and Accommodated database. The aim of the Care and Learning Team‟s intervention is to support the inclusion of South Ayrshire‟s most vulnerable pupils and where appropriate to facilitate the re-integration of pupils into mainstream schools. 17 CENTRAL PERIPATETIC SUPPORT SERVICES Contact Jacqueline Ferguson, Principal Teacher [email protected] Telephone: 01292 294192 Address: Kincaidston Primary School, Cranesbill Court, Ayr KA7 3YP Catchment Area: South Ayrshire Age Group: Nursery – Secondary School Age Method of Referral: Open The Central Peripatetic Support Services (CPSS) consists of a number of specialist teachers who provide support to children and young people with additional support needs across the authority. The team consists of six disciplines offing specialist support in the following areas: Early Years Home Visiting (0-3yrs); English as an Additional Language (nursery & school age); Specific Language and Communication (preschool and early years); Visual Impairment (from birth to school leaving age); Gypsy/Traveller (primary & secondary) and ICT for Additional Support Needs (primary & secondary). (Hearing impairment support can be accessed at Crosshouse Education Centre, Playingfield Road, Crosshouse KA2 0JJ, telephone: 01563 536296) COMPLEX LEARNING NEEDS Contact: Janey Smith, Pupil Support Co-ordinator [email protected] Telephone: 01292 612784 Address: Burns House, Burns Statue Square, Ayr KA7 1UT Catchment Area: South Ayrshire Area Age Group: 3 – 19 year olds Method of Referral: Central Admissions Group (CAG) Southcraig and Invergarven School offers places to children between 3 and 19 years of age. To be considered for a place a child or young person must be in need of intense small group support. HOME LINK TEAM Contact: Telephone: Address: Catchment area: Age Group: Referral: Chris Rutter, Principal Teacher [email protected] 01292 612089 Braehead Primary School, Gould Street, Ayr KA8 9PJ South Ayrshire Area All children and young people Locality Forums/ASN Management Group Home Link Workers may support parents/carers/ children and schools when there are issues which are affecting the child‟s ability to cope. Type of support varies according to need but may involve home visits, supporting parents to improve communication with school, individual or group work with children/young people in school or in the community and putting parents/carers in touch with other support services. 18 The team are based in Braehead Primary School but work across the whole of South Ayrshire. There are six Home Link Workers at present, with allocation being by post code within clusters. INTENSIVE SUPPORT TEACHING TEAM Contact: Telephone: Address: Catchment area: Age Group: Referral: Jacquie Wright Acting Principal Teacher [email protected] 01292 292590 Braehead Primary School, Gould Street, Ayr KA8 9PJ South Ayrshire Area P3 – S4 Locality Forums/ASN Management Group For South Ayrshire pupils who are experiencing significant social, emotional and behavioural barriers to inclusion within a school environment. The intervention remit of the Intensive Support Team is to support and where appropriate to facilitate the re-integration of pupils back into mainstream schools. The IS Team works with pupils from mid primary up to S4 in secondary school. JOINT SUPPORT TEAMS (JST‟S) All Secondary Schools and many Primary Schools in South Ayrshire use Joint Support Teams as part of their staged intervention process to support pupils. A Joint Support Team has inter-agency core membership and will be convened for a pupil at Stage 3. The remit of Joint Support Teams is to develop strategies to meet the needs of individual pupils. Joint Support Teams are attended by the Educational Psychologist, School Nurse. SCHOOL CONTACT ADMINISTRATIVE TEAM LEADER TEL. NO Prestwick Academy New Dykes Road Prestwick KA9 2LB George Docherty Depute Head Vivien Rodgers (based at Marr College – 01292 311082) (01292) 477121 Queen Margaret Academy Dalmellington Road Ayr KA7 3TL Denis McFadden Depute Head Eddie Main (based at Kyle Academy - 01292 262234) (01292) 612020 Marr College Dundonald Road Troon KA10 7AB Graeme Hobson Assistant Depute Head Vivien Rodgers (based at Marr College – 01292 311082) (01292) 690022 Kyle Academy Overmills Road Ayr KA7 3LR Elaine Reilly Depute Head Eddie Main (based at Kyle Academy - 01292 262234) (01292) 262234 19 SCHOOL CONTACT ADMINISTRATIVE TEAM LEADER TEL. NO Girvan Academy The Avenue Girvan KA26 9DW Alex Scott Pupil Support Coordinator/Deputy Head Teacher Caroline Cuthbert (based at Carrick Academy – 01655 882389) (01465) 716816 Belmont Academy Belmont Road Ayr KA7 2PG John Dunlop Depute Head Evelyn Fairbairn (based at Ayr Academy - 01292 261562) (01292) 281733 Carrick Academy Kirkoswald Road Maybole KA19 8BP Jonathon Rusk Depute Head Caroline Cuthbert (based at Carrick Academy – 01655 882389) (01655) 882389 Ayr Academy Fort Street Ayr KA7 1HX Nick Quinn Depute Head Evelyn Fairbairn (based at Ayr Academy 01292 261562) (01292) 612028 LEARNING NEEDS Contact: Janey Smith, Pupil Support Co-ordinator [email protected] Telephone: 01292 612784 Address: Burns House, Burns Statue Square, Ayr KA7 1UT Catchment Area: South Ayrshire Area Age Group: Primary Method of Referral: Central Admissions Group (CAG) Primary and Secondary age children with learning needs such that they require small group specialist teaching can apply for a place at Dalmilling Primary, Queen Margaret Academy, Girvan Primary and Girvan Academy. 20 LIFELONG LEARNING Ronnie Sinclair – Area CLD Officer, South Team [email protected] Nicola Sykes – Area CLD Officer, North Team [email protected] Telephone: 01465 716600 / 01292 266171 Address: Opportunities Centre, Henrietta Street, Girvan / Community Learning & Development, John Pollock Centre, Ayr Catchment area: South Ayrshire Age Group: All age groups Method of referral: Self referral Contact: Community Education delivers non-formal; community based learning opportunities for both young people and adults. NURTURE GROUPS Contact: Jacqui Ward, Principal Educational Psychologist [email protected] Telephone: 01292 612819 Address: Queen Margaret Academy, Dalmellington Road, Ayr KA7 3TL Catchment area: South Ayrshire Area Age Group: 5-12 year olds Method of referral: Through school pupil support co-ordinators or Head Teachers, parent referral, referral through other services e.g. Health Four Primary Schools: Newton, Heathfield, Braehead and Girvan have Nurture Groups for children P1-P7. Nurture Groups are small group interventions that aim to help children to develop the emotional and social skills and confidence to be ready to learn. OTHER ASN SERVICES Contact: Ian Leishman, Co-ordinator (Pupil Support) [email protected] Telephone: 01292 612785 Address: Burns House, Burns Statue Square, Ayr KA7 1UT Catchment Area: South Ayrshire Area Age Group: All age groups Method of Referral: Central Admissions Group (CAG) Services are available to provide children with education whilst they are in hospital and home tuition if they are not able to attend school. Support is available for children who are also young carers and for families considering home education 21 PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICE Contact: Jacqui Ward, Principal Educational Psychologist [email protected] Telephone: 01292 612819 Address: Queen Margaret Academy, Dalmellington Road, Ayr KA7 3TL Catchment area: South Ayrshire Area Age Group: 0-24 year olds Method of referral: Through school and nursery pupil support co-ordinators or Head Teachers, parent referral, referral through other services e.g. Health The Service is a statutory part of the local council. It provides advice and support to Educational establishments, to families, children and other agencies in South Ayrshire about children and young people with additional support needs in the 0 – 24 age range. The Service applies psychological knowledge, skills and expertise to help bring about positive change, raise educational attainment and wider achievement and to support inclusion. Additional support needs can include social, emotional and behavioural, mental health and learning needs. Educational Psychologists generally work by supporting the adults closest to the child or young person. They work through consultation (joint-problem solving meetings) to develop strategies and contribute to the knowledge skills and expertise of teaching staff, parents and other agencies. The service also delivers interventions carries out research and delivers training on a wide range of topics. RATHBONE UK Contact: Margaret Bryson, Centre Manager [email protected] Telephone: 01563 555010 Address: 11-15 Old Irvine Road, Kilmarnock KA1 2BD Catchment area: Throughout Ayrshire Age Group: 16+ Method of referral: Self-referral; Multi agency Rathbone UK is a national organisation giving young people, who are experiencing significant disadvantages, the right opportunities to learn and achieve. For further information – STEP PROJECT Contact: Allan Swan, Co-ordinator [email protected] Telephone: 01292 612301 Address: McAdam House, 34 Charlotte Street, Ayr Catchment area: South Ayrshire Area Age Group: 16 – 21+ year olds Method of referral: Multi agency Build confidence in young people and help them to seek employment in the local community. 22 THE PRINCE‟S TRUST – XL CLUB Contact: Ayr Academy Belmont Academy Carrick Academy Girvan Academy Marr College Queen Margaret Academy Telephone: 01292 261562 Telephone: 01292 281733/4 Telephone: 01655 882389 Telephone: 01465 713008 Telephone: 01292 311082 Telephone: 01292 268379 Catchment area: South Ayrshire Area Age Group: 14 – 17 year olds Method of Referral: School Referral A team-based programme of personal development for S3 and S4 students who are facing a range of difficulties at schools, such as truanting, risk of exclusion and underachieving should benefit from the programme. YOUNG SCOT SOUTH AYRSHIRE Contact: Telephone: Address: Catchment area: Age Group: Laura Kerr, Youth Strategy Officer [email protected] Ann Shaw, Youth Information Assistant [email protected] Brian Borland, Senior Youth Worker [email protected] 01292 612421 (Laura); 01292 612788 (Ann); 01292 559390 (Brian) Young Scot South Ayrshire, John Pollock Centre, Mainholm Road, Ayr KA8 0QD South Ayrshire Area 12 – 26 year olds More information – ; Email: [email protected] CAMPUS POLICE OFFICERS Constable Peter Sykes Constable Stevie Gilmour Constable Ben Brizell Constable Holly Shivas Kyle Academy Belmont Academy Ayr Academy Marr College Tel: 01292 262234 Tel: 01292 281733 Tel: 01292 261562 Tel: 01292 311082 23 SECTION 6 EMPLOYMENT ACCESS TO EMPLOYMENT AYR – John Pollock Centre Contact: John Reid [email protected] Telephone: 01292 283935 Address: John Pollock Centre, Mainholm Road, Ayr KA8 0QD Catchment area: Throughout Ayrshire Age Group: All ages Method of referral: Self-referral; Multi agency Access To Employment is a charitable agency providing high quality training and employment opportunities. Unemployed clients can access a variety of certified training including – Administration, Childcare, Customers Services, Social Care and Customised training packages designed to meet the clients individual needs. We also offer an extensive I.T. facility, which can cater for every need from the basic to the advanced. Providing a comprehensive Job Search and Skills Development provision to help clients gain employment and a high quality childcare facility to support the client‟s needs. Website:; Facebook: To Employment Ayr Twitter: ACCESS TO EMPLOYMENT AYR – Lochside Learning Centre Contact: Samantha Brown [email protected] Telephone: 01292 267381 / mobile: 07724395278 Address: Lochside Learning Centre, Lochside Road, Ayr KA8 9LH Catchment Area: Ayrshire Age Group: 16+ Method of Referral: Self-referral; multi agency Opening Times: Mon – Thurs 9 a.m. – 3.45 pm; Frid – 9 a.m. – 2.45 pm Lochside Learning Centre provides a friendly, relaxed environment for individuals to access the facilities. Our I.T suite currently has 12 computers for use. We offer a wide range of courses and liaise with external agencies to create an information hub giving you help and advice on a range of subjects including employability, volunteering, finance, benefits, leisure and health. Working in partnership with Ayrshire College and Community Learning and Development we also offer courses in Care, Hospitality and Retail. We aim to equip our clients with the skills needed to sustain training, education and employment opportunities. Monday: Drop-in service/Youth Employability Hub Tuesday: Drop-in service Wednesday: Work Club/ Drop-in service Thursday: Intro to I.T/ ECDL/ Drop-in service Friday: Drop-in service For list of times for above services please contact Learning Centre Co-ordinator Samantha Brown. Website:; Facebook: To Employment Ayr Twitter: 24 RATHBONE UK Contact: Margaret Bryson, Centre Manager [email protected] Telephone: 01563 555010 Address: 11-15 Old Irvine Road, Kilmarnock KA1 2BD Catchment area: Throughout Ayrshire Age Group: 16+ Method of referral: Self-referral; Multi agency Rathbone UK is a national organisation giving young people, who are experiencing significant disadvantages, the right opportunities to learn and achieve. SKILLS DEVELOPMENT SCOTLAND Contact: Pat McPhee [email protected] Telephone: 01563 527165 Address: Kilmarnock SDS Centre, 55 John Finnie Street, Kilmarnock KA1 1BH Catchment area: East, North and South Ayrshire Age Group: 16 – 19 year olds Method of referral: Multi agency Specialist Work Coaches – this is an intensive support service provided by a Skills Development Scotland Work Coaches (WC), for those unemployed young people who require help to find and sustain a labour market opportunity. The WC will assist in development employability skills, and addressing the multi faceted barriers often faced by young people in the area. The aim is to prepare young people to take up and sustain employment, education and training. SPARK OF GENIUS Contact: Sharon Winning, Get Ready for Work Manager [email protected] Telephone: 0141 587 2710 Address: Trojan House, Phoenix Business Park, Paisley PA1 2BH Catchment area: Throughout Ayrshire Age Group: 16 – 21 year olds Method of referral: Through Skills Development Scotland Spark of Genius offers a Get Ready for Work Scheme in Ayrshire for people looking to gain qualifications and move into further education and employment. Clients are given access to both a Life Skills Programme, Get Ready for Work Programme or other variants of tailored learning to help engage the learner and improve employability prospects. 25 STEP PROJECT Contact: Allan Swan [email protected] Telephone: 01292 612301 Address: McAdam House, 34 Charlotte Street, Ayr Catchment area: South Ayrshire Area Age Group: 16 – 21+ year olds Method of referral: Multi agency Build confidence in young people and help them to seek employment in the local community. WORKABLE NEW DEAL FOR DISABLED PEOPLE PROJECT Contact: Audrey Scott [email protected] Telephone: 01563 532154 Address: 3a Portland Gate, Kilmarnock Catchment area: South Ayrshire Age Group: 16+ Method of referral: Open Complete service aimed at moving people from health related benefits into work, giving a one to one service. Looking at training and employers together with benefit advice. 26 SECTION 7 FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES ABERLOUR FAMILY SERVICE – SOUTH AYRSHIRE Contact: Alexa Duff, Service Manager [email protected] Telephone: 01465 712 589 Address: 17B Dalrymple Street, Girvan Catchment area: South Ayrshire Age Group: pre-birth to 12 years Method of referral: Social work / Locality forums Aberlour Child Care Trust is a national organisation. Aberlour family service is funded by Big Lottery to provided support to parents with learning disabilities throughout South Ayrshire. The service carries out parenting assessments over a number of weeks to identify the family‟s strengths and weaknesses .Teaching programmes are then tailored to meet the family‟s individual needs to improve the outcomes for the child. Support is offered within the family home or other suitable venue. A variety of groups are delivered within the service to meet the diverse needs of the families. ADDITUP AYRSHIRE Contact: Fiona Thomson [email protected] Telephone: 01294 542668 Address: Cranberry Moss Community Centre, Cambusdoon Place, Pennyburn, Kilwinning KA13 6SL Catchment area: Throughout Ayrshire Age Group: 4 and over Method of referral: Open door, telephone, post, fax or e-mail This is a support group set up to assist families, carers, professionals and people affected by Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, Conduct Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Pervasive Development Disorder or Behavioural Problems or any other hidden disability. They provide a drop-in facility for working parents, once a month, as well as offering a 24-hour help line and a home support service. More Information:;;; 27 BARNARDO‟S SOUTH AYRSHIRE FAMILY RESOURCE SERVICES Aileen McCusker, Children’s Services Manager [email protected] Telephone: 01292 610479 Address: 62 Viewfield Road, Ayr Catchment area: Prestwick, Troon and Ayr Age Group: Families with children under 12 Method of referral: Self referral/Social Work/Locality Forums Contact: We offer a range of flexible, community-based support services to children and families including – individual and group work support for children practical and emotional support for parents/carers support groups for parents/carers therapeutic services for children and parents/carers intensive support for families where this is required Specific support for Dads/male carers befriending service for children We work in partnership with families and with all partner agencies to support families to build on existing strengths and to develop the skills and resilience to respond to the challenges of family life, to feel part of the community and to meet the needs of children CHILDREN 1ST SOUTH AYRSHIRE SUPPORTING CHILDREN, YOUNG PEOPLE AND FAMILIES AFFECTED BY SUBSTANCE MISUSE Contact: Sarah Black, Children and Family Support Worker [email protected] Telephone: 07894 692637 Address: Family Centre, Wills Road, Ayr KA8 9NL Cathment Area: South Ayrshire Age Group: 0 – 11 / 12 -18 year olds Method of referral: Locality Forums/Whole Systems Approach Forum/Youth Housing Support Groups/GARF (GIRFEC Advisory Resource Form) CHILDREN 1st Supporting Children, Young People and Families offers targeted interventions for Children affected by parental substance misuse (CAPSM) and Young People with significant substance misuse issues. Promoting a brighter future for South Ayrshire‟s vulnerable children, young people and families through individual resilience building, home / family support, group work and befriending or mentoring. Refer: Child‟s Assessment and Plan / Initial Assessment with clear detail around intended outcomes and timescale through: Child Protecting Meetings, Looked After Review, GARF (GIRFEC Advisory Resource Forum), Whole Systems Meeting, Youth Housing Support Groups, Locality Forums 28 CHILDREN 1st GIRVAN/MAYBOLE SUPPORT CHILDREN & FAMILIES SERVICES Contact: Edie Scobie [email protected] Telephone: 01465 710161 Address: Girvan Primary School, 7 Wesley Road, Girvan KA26 9DD Cathment Area: Girvan and Maybole (KA26 and KA19) Age Group: 0 – 11 year olds Method of referral: Locality Forums; direct from Child Protection Service criteria Families with children pre-birth to 3 years who require targeted interventions Families with children aged 0-11 who require multi-agency intervention, specifically looked after children and children at risk Families with children age 0 - 11 where parents require parenting support Families with children age 0 - 5 who require childcare Support activities Focused family support – contributing to multi-agency initial assessment, agreed work plan and three-monthly Service User Outcome progress reviews Childcare service – Monday to Friday in Girvan Work with Children – includes therapeutic and life-story work Work with Parents – parenting skills and behaviour management using evidence based programmes Family play sessions – to support development of play “Communities Putting Children First” – community awareness raising sessions to promote the confidence of local people to support children and families FAMILY MEDIATION WEST (AYRSHIRE) Contact: Gillian Brown, Office Manager [email protected] Telephone: 01563 572429 Address: 28/30 Grange Street, Kilmarnock KA1 2DD Catchment area: Whole Ayrshire Area Age Group: 3 – 17 (for children's support) or from age 0 for Children's Contact Centre) Method of referral: Self-referral or multi agency Family Mediation Ayrshire provides a confidential and impartial service to separated and divorced parents. Support/counselling for children and young people is offered as part of this service. 29 ONE STOP SHOP Contact: Fiona Bain, Service Manager [email protected] Telephone: 01563 520317 Address: 22 Portland Road, Kilmarnock Catchment area: East, North and South Ayrshire Age Group: 8 – 25 year olds Method of referral: Self-referral or multi agency The Kilmarnock One Stop Shop offers a wide range of „all under one roof‟ autism support and information services from a single, local location, including: relevant local information for people with autism, their families and professionals within Ayrshire guidance for people with individual budgets, to help you decide and manage your own support links to NAS Prospects, a service supporting people on the autism spectrum into education and sustained employment an opportunity to meet like minded people links to advocacy support RAPE AND SEXUAL ABUSE OUTREACH SERVICE Contact: Telephone: Address: Catchment Area: Age Group: Method of referral: Mary Ross 01563 541769 P O Box 23, Kilmarnock KA1 1DP Throughout South Ayrshire 12+ An appointment basis East Ayrshire Rape Crisis and Resource Centre now offer a rural outreach service for people outside Ayr/Prestwick. This service is able to provide support on an appointment basis within the rural areas and the Outreach Worker will also be able to give talks/training if requested. 30 THE SPARK Contact: Paul Burnside, Relationship Support Manager [email protected] Telephone: 0141 222 7997 / National Appointment No. 0845 271 2711 Address: 72 Waterloo Street, Glasgow G2 7DA Catchment Area: Whole Community Method of referral: Appointment basis The Spark aims to enhance and sustain marriage, relationships and family life with lifelong learning. The Spark is a Voluntary organisation with 40 years experience in the specialist field of relationship counselling. A registered charity, they provide a professional relationship counselling service to the whole community, delivered in local centres Throughout Scotland. Research shows that relationship counselling helps unhappy marriages and relationships by reducing stress and changing negative behaviours. Counselling also impacts positively on children, the extended family, employers and the wider community. Research shows that good relationships between parents are crucial for children‟s development. Children do better at home and at school when their parents‟ relationship is healthy. This is true even though the parents may be separated. The Spark‟s marriage and relationship counselling for couples and individuals enables people to build and sustain healthy relationships. For local people wishing to access our service, they can attend counselling or FOCCUS at The Bungalow, 3A Holmston Road, AYR. The Relationship Helpline This free support service from The Spark is for anyone who is having a relationship difficulty but may not require Counselling. It may be a difficulty with a partner or it may be with a Son, Daughter, Mother, Father or other family member. The relationship Problem may be with a close personal friend a colleague or even a Boss or Manager at work. The help line is free for both Landlines and Mobiles. The number to call is 0808 802 2088 Service is confidential and will deal with all calls and sign post people on to other services if it is required. The Helpline is available Monday to Thursday 9am-8pm and Friday from 9am to 5pm. RELATE SCOTLAND, The Bungalow, 3A Holmston Road, AYR Telephone: 01292 265270 / E-mail: [email protected] Relate Scotland aims to promote a confidential counselling service for people in marriage and other intimate personal relationships. We are a voluntary organisation with over 50 years experience in the specialist field of relationship counselling. We deliver a professional relationship counselling service to the whole community, delivered in local centres throughout Scotland. Relate Scotland is established for the public benefit and its objectives are to: Promote, develop and coordinator a confidential counselling service throughout Scotland for people in marriage and other intimate relationships 31 Ensure the maintenance of high standards of practice and quality assurance of the couple counselling service as delivered by member organisations Provide and publish information and conduct research on aspects of family life Develop working relationships with persons and organisations concerned with marriage and family life There are fourteen Relate Services across Scotland and each is a member of Relate Scotland. SOUTH AYRSHIRE AUTISTIC SOCIETY Contact: Heather Buchanan-Locke (Chairperson) Sharon Stobbs (Vice-chairperson) [email protected] Telephone: 01292 270339 / 07915153850 Address: 14 Armour Drive, Ayr KA7 3JX Catchment area: Throughout Ayrshire Age Group: All ages Method of referral: Open door, telephone, post, fax or e-mail South Ayrshire Autistic Society (SAAS) is a voluntary organisation based in Alloway that provides information and support to families affected by Autism. It provides monthly play settings and activities for families. STEPPING STONES FOR FAMILIES - CHILDCARE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT Contact: Kelly Hodge, Sitter Service & Playzone Co-ordinator [email protected] Telephone: 01292 521055 / 07764826743 Address: Donald Hendrie Building, SAC, Auchincruive, Ayr KA6 5HW Catchment area: South Ayrshire Age Group: All ages Method of referral: Multi Agency, Self South Ayrshire Sitter Service provides childcare in your home 52 weeks a year, 7 days a week from 6am – 2am. Families who are looking to remain/obtain employment or training can access this service. The service also provides respite to families with children with additional support needs. The age range for this service is 0-19 yrs. Playzone is an outreach crèche providing childcare for events, training, group work, parties and conferences. We are regulated and inspected by the Care Inspectorate to look after children aged 0 – 19 years of age, 7 days a week, 52 weeks of the year. You identify the venue, we risk assess this in line with regulatory requirements. For further information email: [email protected] We recruit/sustain childminders in South Ayrshire through the provision of an 8 week pre registration training programme, support groups, information and guidance on all aspects of Care Commission Regulations and Inspections. On behalf of South Ayrshire Council we have responsibility for accessing training for childcare workers in the private and voluntary sector in South Ayrshire including Accredited and Continuing Professional Development training. www. / Find us on Facebook and Twitter 32 THE LIGHTHOUSE FOUNDATION Contact: Kathleen Bryson, Project Manager [email protected] Telephone: 01563 521343 Address: 40a Portland Road, Kilmarnock KA1 2DJ Catchment area: Throughout Ayrshire Age Group: All ages Method of referral: Open door The Lighthouse Foundation is a Kilmarnock based organisation providing services throughout Ayrshire offering practical and emotional support to family members affected by a loved ones drug and alcohol misuse. It offers group meetings, children‟s activities, referrals, respite, advocacy, befriending, information and advice and a professional counsellor and bereavement counselling. 33 SECTION 8 HEALTH LETTERBOX PROJECT Contact: Kenny Anderson, Senior Community Worker [email protected] Telephone: 01465 716600 Address: Carrick Opportunities Centre, Henrietta Street, Girvan Catchment area: South Carrick Age Group: 12 – 25 year olds Method of referral: Self referral The Letterbox project is open every Thursday evening, 6.30 – 9.00 p.m. in Z1 Youth Bar, 154 Dalrymple Street, Girvan KA26 9BQ and provides a confidential health clinic where no prior appointment is necessary to see the doctor. The friendly environment of the Letterbox offers access to information on a range of health issues, supported by youth work staff. NHS ADDICTION SERVICES Contact: Jamie McCaughie, Team Leader [email protected] Telephone: 01292 559800 Address: NHS Addiction Services, Ailsa Hospital, Dalmellington Road, Ayr KA6 6AB Catchment area: Ayrshire & Arran Health Authority Age Group: 16 + Method of referral: We have an open referral system. This means that you can be Referred by any agency you have been in contact with, or you can Refer yourself. Alcohol and drug misuse can affect physical and mental health, relationships, employment as well as a person‟s ability to cope with everyday life. Age, family support, lifestyle, personality and personal beliefs may also determine how drugs or alcohol affect someone. Recovery means different things to different people and no two people will have the same journey of recovery. NHS Addiction Services can help someone to move towards understanding how to promote, support and interpret their recovery from problematic substance use. Experience has shown that recovery is all about giving people the tools to become active in their own health care. It is about having the belief, drive and commitment that people can and do recover control of their lives. Many factors will help in personal recovery. Our staff will work with an individual to support their recovery by offering a range of different treatment support packages: Mental health and addictions Physical and sexual health and addictions Prescribing of substitute medication and follow up support Naloxone training 34 Detoxification from opiates and alcohol Alcohol relapse management Alcohol brief interventions Occupational Therapy interventions NHS AYRSHIRE AND ARRAN PUBLIC HEALTH FACILITATOR FOR HOMELESS CLIENTS Contact: Telephone: Address: Catchment Area: Age Group: Method of referral: Gail Ridge 01292 617284 / 07557083100 Ayr Hospital, Dalmellington Road, Ayr South Ayrshire n/a Open referral system The objective of this post is to facilitate mainstream services for people affected by homelessness or at risk of homelessness. NHS AYRSHIRE AND ARRAN PUBLIC HEALTH FACILITATOR FOR LOOKED AFTER AND ACCOMMODATED CHILDREN Contact: Telephone: Address: Catchment Area: Age Group: Method of referral: Jane Gibson 01292 665738 Room 22, First Floor, Biggart Hospital, Biggart Road, Prestwick South Ayrshire 5 – 18 year old Social Work, Open The aim of this post is to look at the holistic health needs of looked after and accommodated children. NHS AYRSHIRE AND ARRAN PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE FOR SCHOOLS Lorraine McQuaker Ayr Cluster (Annbank; Coylton; Newton) 32 Miller Road, Ayr Tel: 01292 293337 [email protected] Donna Hillis Belmont Cluster (Kincaidston; Tarbolton; Braehead; Doonfoot; Holmston; Alloway) NAHC, Glenmuir Place, Ayr Tel: 01292 885556 [email protected] Heather Membride Carrick Cluster (Cairn; Crosshill; Fisherton; Gardenrose; Kirkmichael; Maidens; Minishant; Straiton.) Maybole HC, Maybole Tel: 01655 884344 [email protected] Diane Irvine Girvan Cluster (Sacred Heart; Ballantrae; Barr; Barrhill; Colmonell; Dailly; Girvan, Invergarven; Pinwherry.) 35 Marion Brown Wendy Gordon Ann Mackay Jillian Dowds Dawn Gilmour Eileen Henderson Girvan Community Hospital, Girvan Tel: 01465 716455 [email protected] Kyle Cluster (Forehill; Grammar) 32 Miller Road, Ayr Tel: 01292 293179 [email protected] Marr Cluster (Barassie; Struthers; Troon; Dundonald; Muirhead) Troon Clinic, Barassie Street, Troon Tel: 01292 313455 [email protected] Prestwick Cluster (Glenburn; Heathfield; Kincase; Monkton; Symington) 1st Floor, Biggart Hospital, Prestwick Tel: 01292 665736 [email protected] Queen Margaret Cluster (St Patrick‟s; St John‟s; St Ninian‟s) NAHC Glenmuir Place, Ayr Tel: 01292 885527 [email protected] Wellington Cluster (Dalmilling; Wellington; Coylton) NAHC, Glenmuir Place, Ayr Tel: 01292 885554 [email protected] Southcraig Craigpark School, Belmont Road, Ayr Tel: 01292 268278 [email protected] Catchment Area: South Ayrshire Age Group: all school age children Method of Referral: Open There is a named school nurse for every Primary and Secondary school within South Ayrshire. NHS AYRSHIRE AND ARRAN SEXUAL HEALTH NURSE FOR LEARNING DISABILTIES Contact: Michelle Bell [email protected] Telephone: 01294 323485 Catchment Area: Pan Ayrshire Age Group: school age children through to adulthood Method of Referral: Open This is a joint funded post between learning disabilities and sexual health based at Ayrshire Central Hospital and covers the Ayrshire area. The range of people is wide and includes school aged, particularly transition years through to adulthood. The work is carried out within schools, colleges, day care centres and also on a one-to-one basis. Training staff is also part of the remit and a 2 day awareness session on sexual health and learning disabilities is open to Council staff, NHS staff, parents and carers. A clinic is opened at the Gatehouse for people with learning disabilities and covers all aspects of sexual health including family planning and sexually transmitted infection diagnosis and treatment. There is also now a specialist clinic in each area: Monday morning in Old Irvine Road, Kilmarnock; Monday afternoon in Gatehouse, Irvine and Thursday morning in North Ayr Health Centre, Ayr. 36 NHS AYRSHIRE AND ARRAN SPEECH & LANGUAGE THERAPY DEPARTMENT Contact: Ailsa Paterson, Head of Service [email protected] Telephone: 01292 571326 Address: Coylton Health Centre, 11 Hole Road, Coylton KA6 6JL Age Group: birth to adulthood Method of Referral: Locality Forums; self referral; direct to Department The Speech and Language Therapy Service aims to provide assessment, diagnosis and evidence based services that anticipate and respond to the needs of individuals who experience speech, language, communication and /or swallowing difficulties Therapists assess, diagnose, manage, treat, monitor and discharge patients while working closely with the multi-disciplinary team members, patients, carers, parents, teachers and the voluntary sector. The Department also provides appropriate guidance and training to relatives and carers and to other professionals on all aspects of communication. Speech and Language Therapists work in partnership with individuals and their families, other professionals and agencies to reduce the impact of these often isolating difficulties on an individual‟s wellbeing and their ability to participate in daily life. NHS Helpline 0845 24 2424 37 SECTION 9 HOUSING AYR HOUSING AID CENTRE Contact: Suzanne Slavin [email protected] Telephone: 01292 288111 Address: 1st Floor, 7 York Street, Ayr KA8 8AN Catchment area: South Ayrshire Age Group: 16+ Method of referral: Open Ayr Housing Aid Centre gives advice on housing rights. They can help appeal against a homeless decision and give advice on rights in any area of housing from all sectors. BARNARDO‟S SOUTH AYRSHIRE FAMILIES SERVICES FAMILY SUPPORT – HOMELESSNESS Aileen McCusker, Children’s Services Manager [email protected] Telephone: 01292 610479 Address: 62 Viewfield Road, Ayr Catchment area: South Ayrshire Age Group: Families with children under 16 Method of referral: Housing Options Team Contact: Support for families, children and young people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. To provide support to minimize the impact of homelessness, ensure access to mainstream services and support to access sustainable tenancies. YOUTH HOUSING SUPPORT GROUP Contact: Fiona McKay, Homeless Officer [email protected] Telephone: 01292 611600 Address: YPS&T, Holmston House, 3 Holmston Road, Ayr Catchment area: South Ayrshire Area Age Group: 16 – 21 year olds Method of referral: South Ayrshire Housing Department This is a steering group to find the most appropriate accommodation for individuals and guide and support them through housing, employment and welfare. 38 SECTION 10 LEISURE & RECREATION DOMAIN YOUTH CENTRE Contact: Brian Cooper [email protected] Telephone: 01292 262913 Address: Glenmuir Place, Ayr KA8 9RP Catchment area: Ayr North – KA8 Post Code Area Age Group: 8- 18 year olds Method of referral: Open door Social Education – The centre runs a variety of groups, drop in sessions and workshops. GIRVAN YOUTH TRUST (OASIS) Contact: Bill Logan, Girvan Youth Trust Project Manager [email protected] Telephone: 01465 714729 Address: Z1 Youth Bar, 154 Dalrymple Street, Girvan KA26 9BQ Catchment area: Girvan and South Carrick Age Group: 14 – 25 year olds Method of referral: Open door The Trust provides opportunities for young people in a social and educational dimension. The Project is currently involved in DJ Project, Duke of Edinburgh Award, informal drop-ins, one-to-one support and community involvement. Further information – ‘I can’ Initiative Contact: [email protected] Provides informal learning opportunities & employability support for young people. Young people not in employment or education in South Carrick. Age group: 16 - 24 years, Z1 Youth Bar Mondays 1.30 - 3.30pm. S1/S2 Club Contact: [email protected] To provide a safe environment for young people to meet and socialise. Age group: S1 & S2 pupils, Z1 Youth Bar Mondays 7.00 - 8.30pm. Z1 Girls Group Contact: [email protected] To provide opportunities for young women to participate in a broad range of activities in various settings, through mediums such as the arts, cookery, fashion design, dance and other workshops. Age group: Girls 13 to 18, Z1 Youth Bar Tuesdays 7.00 - 9.00pm Z1 Boys Group Contact: [email protected] To offer a safe environment for young males to interact with their peers and volunteers. Age group: S3 pupils 18, Z1 Youth Bar Wednesdays 7.00 - 10.00pm Operational Management Team Contact: terri or [email protected] Employ young people on a rolling contract to work behind the bar, organise wknd publicity, complete various training etc., upgrade skills + give valuable experience. Age group: 14 - 18 years, Z1 Youth Bar 39 Hand in Hand Contact: [email protected] To promote inclusion of all young people in the local community and to breaking down the barriers which exist to social opportunities for young people with Learning Disabilities through a peer buddying project within Z1 Youth Bar. Age group: S1 pupils - 18 years, Z1 Youth Bar Sundays 6.30 - 8.30pm Z1 Youth Bar – Weekend Programme Contact: [email protected] To offer a safe environment for young people to meet and socialise. Age group: S2 pupils -18 years, Z1 Youth Bar Fridays & Saturdays 7.00 - 11.00pm KINCAIDSTON YOUTH CAFÉ PROJECT Contact: Telephone: Address: Catchment area: Age Group: Method of referral: Marna Ferguson 01292 284283 Cornhill Square, Kincaidston, Ayr Kincaidston and Surrounding Area 12 – 25 year olds Drop-in Facility, self-referral Aim to foster positive life style choices and use of leisure time. To build confidence and self-esteem to enable young people to access formal and informal support and to promote participation and inclusion. ROOMSIXTY PROJECT Contact: Ross Clark [email protected] Telephone: 07809756501 Address: 60 Main Street, Ayr Catchment area: South Ayrshire Area Age Group: 9 – 18 year olds Method of referral: Drop-in Facility RoomSixty is a drop in youth centre which is open Mon-Wed 6:30pm-9:00pm for S1-S6 pupils and Thursday 3:30pm-5:00pm for P5-P7. The centre is free of charge and provides the following facilities pool table, snack bar, playstation 3, Xbox, Nintendo Wii, large screen TV, comfy seating area, numerous computers and Wi-Fi. Staff members and volunteers are friendly, trained and have a real passion for working with children and young people. We also provide an extensive summer programme. For further information please log on to our website or “Like” our Facebook 40 TARGET LEISURE - GIRVAN Contact: Kenny Anderson, Senior Community Worker [email protected] Telephone: 01465 716601 Address: Carrick Buildings, Henrietta Street, Girvan KA26 9AL Catchment area: Maybole, Girvan Age Group: 11 – 18 year olds Method of referral: Multi agency Target Leisure works to promote healthy lifestyles, reduce harm, promote community safety and reduce youth crime by offering a varied and responsive programme to meet the needs and interests of young people through a range of leisure, recreational, social and educational opportunities. Family orientated activities being developed with a range of issue based group work and residential weekends. 41 SECTION 11 MENTAL HEALTH CHILD AND ADOLESCENT MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES (CAMHS) Contact: Telephone: Address: Catchment area: Age Group: Method of referral: Duty Clinician 01292 615931 Arrol Park, Doonfoot Road, Ayr KA7 4DW South Ayrshire Area 0 – 18 (if still at school) GP, Consultant, Health Visitor, Social Worker and Education Psychologist The service provides assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental health problems in children. Treatments available include family therapy, individual therapy, behavioural therapy. 42 SECTION 12 OFFENDING PROGRAMMES RESTORATIVE JUSTICE SCHEME Contact: Shirley Findlay, Service Manager [email protected] Telephone: 01563 525815 Address: 2nd Floor, Belford Mill, 16 Brewery Road, Kilmarnock KA1 1HZ Catchment area: East, North and South Ayrshire Age Group: 8 – 17 year olds Method of referral: SCRA, Procurator Fiscal To divert young people who offend between the ages of 8 and 17 from the Children‟s Hearing and Criminal Justice Systems by providing restorative justice approaches between persons harmed or affected and their young offenders. The service offers a range of interventions to meet the needs of the service users, such as, Restorative Justice Conferencing, Face-to-Face meeting, Shuttle Mediation, Victim Awareness Programme and/or Reparative task. Where there has been a significant impact on the person harmed or affected a Restorative Justice Conferencing many be appropriate: a meeting for all those directly affected by crime, the person harmed or affected, the young person who committed the offence, the family of the young person and where applicable, supporters of the person harmed or affected, a school teacher, the young person‟s social worker, etc. In other cases it may be more appropriate for the young person to undertake an Awareness Programme that explores the impact on the person harmed or affected and aims to address the underlying issues which contributed towards the offending behaviour, for example peer pressure, impulsiveness, anger management, alcohol and substance misuse. 43 SECTION 13 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT ADVENTURE CENTRE FOR EDUCATION (A.C.E.) Contact: Address: Chris Saunders Adventure Centre for Education, 154 Dalrymple Street, Girvan KA26 9BQ 07920406982 South Ayrshire Telephone: Catchment area: Age Group: Method of referral: Open The Adventure Centre for Education is a community based outdoor environmental education project. The charity is based in Girvan offering outdoor activities, courses and tailor made programmes, including Duke of Edinburgh Award programme. ACE encourages young people to develop the social skills necessary for adulthood and provides opportunities to become confident, successful, responsible and effective contributors to society. For more information: DUKE OF EDINBURGH‟S AWARD “NEW START” Contact: Bruce Harris, Duke of Edinburgh Awards Officer [email protected] Telephone: 01292 266171 Address: Community Education Office, 9 Green Street Lane, Ayr Catchment area: South Ayrshire Age Group: 14-25 year olds Method of referral: Police, Education, Culture & Lifelong Learning, Youth Workers, Social Worker via the S.R.G Group and Y.O.R.G The Duke of Edinburgh‟s Award, “New Start Project”, aims to provide an enjoyable, challenging and rewarding programme of personal development for young people between the ages of 14 and 25, which is of the highest quality and the widest reach. Working with our partners, we provide opportunities for young people at risk of committing crime and young offenders, to participate in a range of informal accredited learning experiences, which increase their personal skills and contribute to active citizenship. 44 THE PRINCE‟S TRUST – SCOTLAND Contact: Robert Semple, Programme Executive [email protected] Telephone: 0141 204 4409 Address: The Guildhall, 1st Floor, 57 Queen Street, Glasgow G1 3EN Catchment area: Scotland Age Group: 16 – 25 year olds Method of referral: Multi agency groups The Volunteers Programme brings young people together in teams to work on a variety of projects, building their self-esteem and motivation, developing the inter-personal, leadership, team-working and problem-solving skills they will need to get a job. VENTURE TRUST Contact: Joe Connelly [email protected] Telephone: 0141 276 4108 Address: 1250 Wester House Road, Easterhouse, Glasgow G34 9EA Catchment area: Scotland Age Group: 16 – 25 year olds Method of referral: Criminal Justice Social Workers Venture Trust works to enable young people throughout South Ayrshire to grasp the responsibility and opportunities of a modern and complex society, by offering them a residential programme of opportunities that promotes increases in self-esteem, confidence and motivation, and develops personal, social and life skills. 45 SECTION 14 POLICE SCOTLAND Superintendent Davie Duncan [email protected] 10 St Marnock Street, Kilmarnock Chief Inspector Willie Ramsay, ‘U’ Division (Acting) [email protected] King Street, Ayr Tel: 01292 664051 / Fax: 01292 664030 Community Policing Inspector Annette Morrison [email protected] Partnership Inspector 10 St Marnock Street, Kilmarnock Tel: 01563 505130 / Fax: 01563 505107 Inspector Sean Mangan [email protected] Community Police King Street, Ayr Tel: 01292 664065 / Fax: 01292 664030 Inspector Stuart Greenwood (acting) [email protected] Community Police Troon 78 Portland Street, Troon Tel: 101 / Fax: 01292 317649 Inspector Derek McMurdo (Acting) [email protected] Community Police Girvan Montgomerie Street, Girvan Tel: 101 / Fax 01465 715806 Sergeant Mark Hornby [email protected] South Ayrshire Council, Local Authority Liaison Officer King Street, Ayr Tel: 01292 616616/mobile 07972 733752 Fax: 01292 664030 Constable Arlene McCreadie [email protected] Anti Social Behaviour Team Police Seconded Officer Development & Environment, Riverside House, River Street, Ayr Tel: 01292 616445 Campus Police Officers Constable Peter Sykes Constable Stevie Gilmour Constable Ben Brizell Constable Holly Shivas Kyle Academy Belmont Academy Ayr Academy Marr College Tel: 01292 262234 Tel: 01292 281733 Tel: 01292 261562 Tel: 01292 311082 Police Scotland - Ayrshire Division Public Protection Unit Tel: 01563 505142 Police Offices Ayr Police Office, 1 King Street, Ayr Girvan Police Office. Montgomerie Street, Girvan: Maybole Police Office. 44 Ladyland Road, Maybole Prestwick Police Office, 14 Main Street, Prestwick Troon Police Office, 78 Portland Street, Troon Telephone 101 101 101 101 101 Fax 01292 664030 01465 715806 01655 889665 01292 475494 01292 317649 46 SECTION 15 SCOTTISH FIRE & RESCUE SERVICE Area Commander: Jim Scott Ayrshire Area Headquarters 4 Barr Street, Ardrossan, KA22 8HD Group Manager: Jim McNeil Group Manager William Thomson Head of Response and Resilience 4 Barr Street, Ardrossan, KA22 8HD Tel: 01294 607000 Head of Prevention and Protection 4 Barr Street, Ardrossan, KA22 8HD Tel:- 01294 607000 Prevention and Protection Department Education and Engagement: For enquiries into home safety advice and visits, talks to adult and children‟s groups, firereach and work experience contact:- Community Safety Co-ordinator Mrs Liz Brady Ayr Fire Station, John Street, Ayr. Tel 01292 268013 Community Firefighters Ronnie McGinlay Ayr Fire Station, John Street, Ayr. Tel: 01292 268013 David Townsend Ayr Fire Station, John Street, Ayr. Tel: 01292 268013 Legislative Enforcement: For enquiries into fire safety advice and guidance within non domestic premises and fire safety audits contact:Legislative Office Manager Watch Commander: Neil Jackson Ayr Fire Station, John Street, Ayr. Tel: 01292 268013 Enforcement and Audit Officers Watch Commander: Donald McMaster/Watch Commander: Derek O’Rourke/Audit Officer: Alistair Belford All based at Ayr Fire Station, John Street, Ayr. Tel: 01292 269013 Fire Stations Telephone (non emergency) Ayr Fire Station, John Street, Ayr 01292 286888 (24hrs a day) Maybole Fire Station, Wellington St, Maybole 01655 882841 (Mon only between 7pm -10pm) Girvan Fire Station, Piedmont Rd, Girvan 01465 713120 (Thur only between 6:30-9:30pm) Colmonell Fire Station, 9 Kirkhill Cres, Colmonell 01465 881266 (Wed only between 7pm -10pm) Troon Fire Station, 106 Portland St, Troon 01292 317080 (Tue only between 6:30–9:30 pm) 47 SECTION 16 VICTIM SUPPORT VICTIM SUPPORT SOUTH AYRSHIRE Contact: Janie Mortimer, Area Co-ordinator Gloria Morrison, Anti Social Behaviour Co-ordinator [email protected] Telephone: 01292 266441 Address: McAdam House, 34 Charlotte Street, Ayr Catchment area: South Ayrshire Area Age Group: All age groups Method of referral: Open referral Provide practical help and emotional support to people affected by crime. Service is free and confidential and need not have been reported to the police. 48 SECTION 17 NEW ENTRIES & PROGRAMMES Aberlour Family Service – South Ayrshire - Page 27 Children 1st Girvan/Maybole Supporting Children and Families Service – Pages 10/29 One Stop Shop – Page 29 49 SECTION 18 CARE PROVIDERS This is a list of some of the external providers used by South Ayrshire Social Work and is open to changes, additions and amendments. CARE PROVIDERS A Wilderness Way Ltd Action for Children Active8 Care Ltd Applied Care & Development Service Ballikinrain School Barnardo‟s CAPS Project Care Vision Carolina House Trust Commom Thread Ltd Corseford School Cunningham Park Children‟s House Curo Salus Daldorch School Foster Care Association Foster Care Association T/A Wilderness, Manager House, Brisco, Carlisle, Cumbria CA4 0QS 17 Newton Place, Glasgow G3 7PY 32 St Albans Road, St Anne‟s on Sea, Lancashire FY8 1TH Studio 2, Kirkgunzeon Mill, Manager 01228 409 553 Brian Emmerson 0141 331 0584 Clare Houghton Director of Care 01253 640683 Nazia Jones Director 01387 760260 Fintry Road, Balfron, By Glasgow G63 0LL Paul Gilroy Head of Service 01360 440244 Unit 51, Festival Business Centre, 150 Brand Street, Glasgow G51 1DH (Action for Children) 17 Newton Place, Glasgow G3 7PY 45 High Street, Lockerbie DG11 2JL Dunsinane Avenue, Dunsinance Industrial Estate, Dundee DD2 3QN Newbridge DG2 9TR Ann-Marie Mercer, Team Leader 0141 427 3690/ 07919 520 984 Louise Ward Hunter, Director 0141 331 0584 Joanna McCreadie, Depute Chief Ex Joyce Clark 01576 2047777 Kirkgunzeon, DG2 8LA Howwood Road, Milliken Park, Kilbarchan PA10 2NT Mrs Susan Williams Head Teacher 28 Cunningham Park, Ayr Mark Dawid KA7 3HZ House Lead Wardhouse Farm, Forehouse Grace Malone Road, Kilbarchan PA10 2PU Senior Manager Sorn Road, Catrine KA5 Shona Pinkerton 6NA Principal Ladykirk Business Park, Pam McCarthy Skye Road, Shawfarm, Team Manager Prestwick KA9 2TA Head Office, Abbey Business Kathryn Wilson Centre, 20-23 Woodside Place, Glasgow G3 7QF 01382 817279 01387 720052 (Fax) 01505 702141 01292 287691 01475 568886 01290 551666 01292 692170 0141 331 4120/0800 587 2733 50 CARE PROVIDERS Fostering People Scotland Limited Fostering Relations Fostering Solutions (Northern) Limited Fosterplus Ltd Fosterplus Ltd Fosterplus Ltd Fostering Solutions Frontline Response Care Ltd Suite G2/3, Faraday Business Centre, 34 Faraday Street, Dundee DD2 3QQ West of Scotland Office, Suite 11, Merlin Business Centre, Merlin House, Hillington Park, Glasgow G52 4AX Lochside House, 3 L:ochside Way, Edinburgh EH12 9DT 1 Racecourse Road, Ayr KA7 2UP Mirren Court 3, 123 Renfrew Road, Paisley PA3 4EA Sam Underwood 01382 836806 David Scullion 0141 892 2078/ 07787 428 148 David Johnston 0131 452 2104 Sharon Telford, Team Leader Roslyn Khoosty, Team Manager 01292 288990 Rowan House, Quarry Court, Livingston Village, Livingston EH45 6ax Lochside House, 3 Lochside Way, Edinburgh Park, Edinburgh EH12 9DT 35 George Street, Dumfries, DG1 1EA Jeff Armstrong Team Manager Geilsland School Gateside Road, Beith, Ayrshire KA15 1HD Glenriddel Road Children‟s House Harmeny School 2 Glenriddel Road, Ayr KA7 3HA Mansfield Road, Balerno, Midlothian EH14 7JY 63-65 Whitletts Road, Ayr ISSC Unit (Action for Children) Jayne Moore Trust Kibble Education and Care Centre National Fostering Agency Quarriers Quarriers Sycamore Project (Aberlour) 1 Allen Road, Kirkton North, Livingston EH45 6TQ Goudie Street, Paisley PA3 2LG Springfield House, Laurelhill Business Park, Stiling FK7 9JQ 34 Chalmers Road, Ayr KA7 2JQ Quarriers Village, Bridge of Weir PA11 3SX West Bridge Mill, Bridge Street, Kirkcaldy KY1 1TE Amelia Morris Sarah Robertson Operations Manager Paul Gilroy Head of School Rosina McTear House Lead Neil Squires Chief Executive Elizabeth McIntyre, Project Manager Alex Jack Graham Bell Chief Executive Michael Stewart, Area Manager 0141 889 8481/07803 649 857 01506 443434 0131 452 2104/08451 303 132 01387 252254 01505 504044 01292 268025 0131 449 3938/5002 01292 288940 /07771 884 308 01506 407340/ 07974 252 849 0141 889 0044 George Nutman 01786 406404/07810 448 426 01292 288141 Sandra McFadyen 01505 616063 Guy Brewer, Assistant Head 01592 591500 51 CARE PROVIDERS Radical Services Ltd Rossie School No 2, Wyther Lane, Leeds LS5 3BT Montrose, Angus DD10 Seafield School 86 Eglinton Road, Ardrossan KA22 8NL Riverside House, Newmilns KA16 9BU Spark of Genius Spark of Genius Davidshill Farm, Dalry KA24 4JD Spark of Genius Foxhill Cottage, Stair KA5 5HW Spark of Genius Sunderland House, Dunoon PA23 8EE Spark of Genius Netherton Farm (with additional respite facility in grounds) Ochiltree KA18 2PU Spark of Genius Chestnut Cottage (Respite facility) Near Ayr KA6 5LB Spark of Genius Millholm, Near Kilwinning KA13 7RG Spark of Genius Old Mill, Balfron (deals predominantly with complex needs, children and young people with ASD) St Andrew‟s Children Society 7 St John‟s Place, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 7EL Simon Wright, Business Manager Brian Hooper Head of Education Linda Nisbet, Care Services Manager Zak McIlhargey, Director of Residential Services & Throughcare Zak McIlhargey, Director of Residential Services & Throughcare Zak McIlhargey, Director of Residential Services & Throughcare Zak McIlhargey, Director of Residential Services & Throughcare Zak McIlhargey, Director of Residential Services & Throughcare Zak McIlhargey, Director of Residential Services & Throughcare Zak McIlhargey, Director of Residential Services & Throughcare Zak McIlhargey, Director of Residential Services & Throughcare Stephen Small 01768 899998 01674 820206 01294 470355 0141 587 2710 0141 587 2710 0141 587 2710 0141 587 2710 0141 587 2710 0141 587 2710 0141 587 2710 0141 587 2710 0131 454 3370 52 CARE PROVIDERS St Mary‟s Kenmure St Mary‟s Road, Bishopbriggs, Glasgow G64 2EH St Philip‟s School Plains, Airdrie ML6 7SF (Secure) SWIIS Foster Care Glenelvan House, Enterprise Scotland Way, Carnegie Campus South, Dumfermline KY11 8PY The Adolescent The Courtyard, 303 Hither and Children‟s Green Lane, Hither Green, Trust (TACT) Lewisham, London SE13 6tj The Good Bishopton, Renfrewshire Shepherd Centre PA7 5PF (Secure) Up to Us Ltd Auchans Farm, Auchans Road, Johnstone PA6 7EE Mr Jim Crawford Head of Service 0141 586 1200 Jim Crawford Principal Tim Notchell 01236 439200 Andy Palias (local contact: Janet Dixon) Maria Harte Principal 0131 455 4488 Olive Arens 07870223500 Woodhead Road Children‟s House Maureen Lees House Lead 01292 570486 8 Woodhead Road, Coylton 0141 773 6730/ 07760 764 864 01505 864 500 53 SECTION 19 Contact: CHILD PROTECTION COMMITTEE Kevin Quinn, Co-ordinator, South Ayrshire CPC [email protected] Telephone: Fax: Address: 01292 886745 01292 616302 Burns House, Burns Statue Square, Ayr KA7 1UT For more information: Chair of Child Protection Committee: David Cumming, Independent Chair of South Ayrshire Adult and Child Protection Committee, [email protected] CHILD PROTECTION COMMITTEE MEMBERS CPC David Cumming, Independent Chair Kevin Quinn, Co-ordinator, South Ayrshire CPC CARE, LEARNING AND WELLBEING – CHILDREN’S SERVICES Hugh Carswell, Head of Children‟s Services Douglas Hutchison, Director of Educational Services (Vice Chair) Lesley James, Manager, Children and Families Nancy McNeil, Criminal Justice Manager Nicola Hunter. Manager, Inspection and Quality Assurance Dawn McGeachie, Community Sports Development Officer CARE, LEARNING AND WELLBEING - COMMUNITY CARE AND HOUSING Sandra Rae, Co-ordinator, South Ayrshire APC Michael Alexander, Housing Operations Manager 54 COMMUNITY SAFETY Linda Warwick, Co-ordinator Community Safety HEALTH Ann Gow – Associate Nurse Director (Vice Chair) Carol Fisher, Health Care Manager, Mental Health Services Maureen Bell, Nurse Consultant for Vulnerable Children Donna McKee, Community Clinical Nurse Manager – Early Years Linda Pettigrew, Child Protection Advisor Jackie Hood, Locality Manager, Addiction Services OTHER Faye Murfet, Co-ordinator, South Ayrshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership POLICE Davie Duncan, Superintendent, Police Scotland Scott McClelland, Detective Inspector, Public Protection Unit Police Scotland PROCURATOR FISCAL Catherine White, Principal Depute SCOTTISH CHILDREN’S REPORTER ADMINISTRATION Alan Mulrooney, Locality Reporter Manager VOLUNTARY SECTOR Leo McGrath, Service Manager, Children 1st Faye Murfet, Co-ordinator, South Ayrshire ADP 55 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND WEBSITES ADDACTION SOUTH AYRSHIRE (01292 430529) Addaction is a direct access for people concerned about their own or someone else‟s drug or alcohol use. Addaction provides advice, information, signposting and structured support. AYR SHERIFF COURT – County Buildings, Wellington Square, Ayr (01292 292200) Local Sheriffs: Snr Sheriffs: Sheriff J Montgomery and Sheriff D Leslie Sheriff N McFadyen and S Pattison Full Time Floating Sheriff – Sheriff Brown FRESH AIR-SHIRE (0800 783 9132) This is the Smoking Prevention and Cessation Service in Ayrshire & Arran. This service provides one to one support, group support, information and advice, access to treatments including nicotine replacement therapy. [email protected] NHS AYRSHIRE & ARRAN ADDICTION SERVICES – SOUTH AYRSHRIE SERVICE (01292 559800) NHS Addiction Services provides a variety of specialist treatment and support services in South Ayrshire for individuals aged 16+ with chaotic or problematic alcohol and drug use. The service operates an „open‟ referral system and has a single point of access. NHS AYRSHIRE & ARRAN SEXUAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT (01294 323228/6) Provides a free and confidential service. Clients can ring and make an appointment for themselves. Services provided include:Contraception – including emergency contraception and condoms (free of charge) Sexually transmitted infections – testing, treatment and information HIV information and testing Hepatitis B testing and vaccination Hepatitis C testing and information Sexual problems Information and/or advice about sexual health issues BREATHING SPACE (0800 83 85 87) A free and confidential phoneline service for any individual who is experiencing low mood or depression, or who is unusually worried and in need of someone to talk to. It is specifically, but not exclusively, aimed at young men who are experiencing difficulties and unhappiness in their lives. The focus is to provide skilled assistance at an early stage and prevent problems escalating. It is also aimed at those living with mental health problems and those experiencing emotional distress. They can also help family members, partners and friends who are concerned about their own well being and that of people they care about CHILDREN 1ST DIRECTIONS PROJECT (01292 288373) The Directions Project works in partnership with children, young people and their families to increase resilience, support positive family relationships, promote positive parenting, and improve outcomes for children and young people. The project provides support for children age 0-12 and their families, when needs have been identified which cannot currently be met through universal service provision. COPELINE (0800 056 8181) Copeline is a free, confidential emotional support, listening and information service. The telephone service is for anyone who is concerned about their own mental health or those of relatives or friends. 56 Copeline is operated by fully trained volunteers and is funded by NHS Ayrshire & Arran. It is an out of hours service and is available from 8 pm-12 midnight on Monday, Thursday and Friday, 9 pm-12 midnight on Tuesday and Wednesday and 12 noon-12 midnight on Saturday and Sunday. MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES Information on mental health and young people – RECOVERYAYR (01292 612147) RecoveryAyr have developed a local recovery cafe for individuals in recovery from alcohol and drug misuse, their friends, family and local communities. „Cafe Hope‟ takes place every Friday night from 5-7 pm at the Salvation Army Community Church, 59 John Street, Ayr KA8 0BS. The cafe is run by people in recovery and offers opportunities for people to volunteer, develop skills and become engaged in their local community. SCOTTISH FAMILIES AFFECTED BY DRUGS HELPLINE (08080 101 011) Provides information and support to anyone who is concerned about someone they care about who is misusing drugs. [email protected] / SCOTTISH CHILDREN’S REPORTER ADMINISTRATION Locality Reporter Manager, Ayrshire Locality: Alan J Mulrooney 36 Carrick Street, Ayr KA7 1NS Tel: 0300 200 1888 SUICIDAL THOUGHTS/SELF HARMING Penumbra provides information for all ages, including information specifically for young people on their website. National Children‟s Bureau: young people and self-harm information resource – TOUCHED BY SUICIDE We aim to provide a safe, confidential environment in which bereaved people can share their experiences and feelings, so giving and gaining support from each other. We strive to improve public awareness and work with many other statutory voluntary organisations. Support Group meets 1st Tuesday of the month, 7pm - 9pm, 27/29 Crown Street, Ayr KA8 8AG. Telephone Helpline: contact Linda - 01294 229087 (if answer machine on please leave name and number). WEBSITES Advisory Centre For Education Adoption Advice Alcoholism Support Alcohol and drugs – ADFAM Barnardos Behaviour Issues Benefits Agency BBC Schools online Bullying Online CAB for Children Chat Danger Childline – 0800 1111 Child Rights Information Network Children 1st Children in Care Child Support Agency Council for Disabled Children 57 Crime Reduction Government Site Crimestoppers Trust 0800 555 222 Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme Criminal Justice for Young People Dfes Drugscope Families Need Fathers Find your Local Education Authority Forensic Science Fostering Group Gay Issues Gingerbread Girls and Violence Kidscape LGBT National Association for Youth Justice National Children‟s Bureau National Drugs Helpline National Council for One parent Families National Council for Voluntary Organisations NSPCC – 0808 800 5000 Parenting Parenting Parentzone Police Oracle Prevention of Young Suicide – PAPYRUS Princess Royal Trust for Carers Prince‟s Trust Racial Justice Refugees Royal National College for the Blind Royal School for the Deaf Save The Children Samaritans – 08457 90 90 90 Scotland Scottish Council for Research in Education Shelter Strathclyde Police Surestart Suzy Lamplugh Trust Technology for Special Needs Children Trust for the Study of Adolescence Victim Support Wired Patrol – internet safety organisation Young Minds mental health charity Youth Advice Youth info Youth Justice Youth site HEALTH Alcohol Focus Scotland 58 Autism Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder British Dyslexia Association British Epilepsy Association British Heart Foundation British Psychological Society British Stammering Organisation Cancer Research Campaign Crew 2000 Cystic Fibrosis Trust Deaf Children Depression Alliance Depression in teenager‟s Domestic Abuse Downs Syndrome Association Dyslexia Institute Epilepsy Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths Health Education Authority‟s drugs website Hyperactive children‟s Support Group Imperial Cancer Research Fund Juvenile Diabetes Foundation Know the Score Mencap Meningitis Research Foundation MIND Muscular Dystrophy Campaign NHS Direct National Asthma Campaign National Blind Children‟s Society National Eczema Society Re-Solv Samaritans national number is 08457 90 90 90 Scope SHAYR Scottish Drugs Forum Tourettes Syndrome Wired for Health 59
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