Texas A&M University-Commerce All Services Agreements Routing and Approval Cover Sheet Instructions

Texas A&M University-Commerce
All Services Agreements
Routing and Approval Cover Sheet
A. Account Number – Enter the department’s account number followed by the
support account and user reference number (sequence number of 4 digits).
B. Services to be Performed – Provide a brief Definition/Scope of the Agreement to
be performed for the University and what department services are being provided for.
C. Submit one (1) original Routing & Approval Cover Sheet with (2) copies of the
Service Agreement to Contract Administration – the Approval signatures must be
obtained according to the order indicated on the application.
Purposes of Signature
To approve, sign or execute contracts/agreements (including modifications, extensions and renewal)
that in any way obligate Texas A&M University-Commerce to the performance of any act represents
the exercise of the administration’s fiduciary responsibility. The approval process is designed to
provide reasonable assurance that all such contracts/agreements have been reviewed for: economic
options, risk, compliance, and form and legal sufficiency, documentation of such a review requires
hierarchical signatory procedure. In the event, a written delegation of authority exists, the person
signing should indicate the position holder for whom they are authorized to sign (simply sign on
appropriate line and indicate “for” next to title).
Account Manager: Approval indicates agreement with the terms of the contract, its conditions, and the
intent to carry out the terms of the contract as they apply to Texas A&M University-Commerce.
Department Dean/Head: Approval indicates the contract content meets the Department’s goals and
objectives; all contract terms are acceptable and will be enforced; any funds required are available in the
Department budget.
Foundation/Grant Officer: Approval indicates compliance with all applicable foundation/grant
requirements and review of prior approvals.
Director of Contract Administration: Approval indicates appropriate documentation exists to provide
reasonable assurance that terms of the contract have had prior review for business risk,
compliance with all applicable contractual and fiscal requirements.
Vice President for Business and Administration: Approval indicates acceptance of all terms of the
contract and review of prior approvals, and recommends signature by the appropriate Texas A&M
University-Commerce contracting authority.
President: Approval constitutes execution of the agreement on behalf of the University and legally binds
the University to the terms and conditions as set forth therein.
This section is for the Contract Administration Department Use
Only. When completed the Encumbrance (Contract) Number will be communicated
to the Account Manager's account via FAMIS.