LASER COM COVER SHEET ST. THERESE - 513863 Alhambra, CA DENISE MCMASTER - 626-282-2744 MS Pub 2002 Adobe 6.0 Comments & Requests— November 25, 2012 Ministered by the Discalced Carmelite Friars This portrait of St. Thérèse was painted by Miss Christina Yang, a 17-year-old altar server at St. Therese Church. Saint Therese Church Established 1924 Visit us on our website! Masses & Services: Monday-Saturday: 6:00 & 8:00 am Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 am & 5:00 pm Latin High Mass: Sundays at 1:00 pm Holy Days: 6:00, 8:00, 10:00 am and 7:30 pm Devotions: Rosary: Following the Mon-Sat 8:00 am Mass Exposition/Benediction: Thursdays, 7:00-8:00 pm Warrior-Intercessors for Priests: Thursdays, 8:00 pm St. Joseph Devotion: Wednesdays, 6:15-7:00 pm Fatima Pilgrimage: 13th of the month (May-Oct.) Sacramental Programs: Sacrament of Reconciliation: Wed, 7:00 - 8:30 pm; and Sat., 3:30 - 5:00 pm Baptism: Call 284-0020, ext. 225, for schedule Marriage: Contact priest at least six months before RCIA (Sac. for adults) Rhonda Storey 284-0020, Ext. 225 Other Ministries / Programs: Bible Study: Victoria Sandoval 323-343-9064. Detention Ministry: Sonia Macias 323-724-6443 Legion of Mary: Mon., 7:00 pm - Fr. David Guzman X 337 First Friday Mass/All-Night Prayer Vigil, 7:30 pm-6:00 am King’s Men: Sun., 6:30-8:30 pm, Brian Lasky, 860-861-4962 Respect Life Ministry: Catherine Contreras, 213-435-3942 Rosary Makers: Tuesdays from 7:00-9:00 pm Edward William 768-0758 / [email protected] St. Joseph Devotion Prayer Ministry: Wednesdays at 6:15 PM - Edward William 768-0758 Pastor: Fr. Philip Sullivan, OCD (Ext. 226) Associate Pastors: Fr. David Guzman, OCD (X337) and Fr. Bernard Perkins, OCD (Ext. 232) Associate Carmelite Friar: Fr. Jerome Lantry, OCD Deacon Couple: Deacon Joe & Lorraine Mizerski (X221) Vocations: Parish: Fr. David Guzman OCD (X 337); Regional: 909-629-9495; Archdiocesan: 213-637-7515 Parish Secretary: Denise McMaster-Holguin (Ext. 223) Finances/Donations: Noralyn Cailan (Ext. 228) Christian Services: Bridie McDermott (Ext. 224) Choir Directors/Organist: George and Barbara Klump (818) 249-8472 9:00 a.m.: Marcia Martinez-Bateman (775) 771-4992 Liturgical Coordinators: Lectors & Eucharistic Ministers of the Altar: Deacon Joseph & Lorraine Mizerski (Ext. 221) Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick: Fred & Margaret Padilla, 282-0943 St. Therese Religious Education: Rhonda Storey 284-0020 (Ext. 225) * Pre K through 8th Grade * Adult Religious Ed Youth Ministry: Adam Orozco, 284-0020, Ext. 235; Email: [email protected] Youth/Adult Confirmation Program: Ruben Beltran, 284-0020, Ext. 235; Email: [email protected] St. Therese Catholic School: 289-3364, Ext. 660 Principal: Carmela Lovano, E-mail: [email protected] 510 North El Molino Street . Alhambra, California 91801 . 282-2744 . FAX 282-7560 (Unless otherwise indicated, all telephone numbers in the bulletin are in the (626) area code.) New Parishioners: WELCOME TO ST. THERESE! Please come to the Parish office to register. Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm; 2:00 to 5:00 pm; 6:00 to 8:00 pm— closed from 1:00 to 2:00 pm & 5:00 to 6:00 pm; Eucharistic Adoration - Continuous, day and night. Sign up for an hour of adoration and pray for vocations. Coordinators: Carlos & Carla Johnson – 289-0388 Page Two OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE N o v e m b e r 2 5, 2 0 1 2 Jesus Christ is the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and ruler of the kings of the earth. —Rev 1:5 Disjtu!uif!Ljoh! The selection from the book of Daniel presented in today’s first reading was part of an attempt to weave a vision of ultimate success for the Jews under persecution. Exactly whom the author had in mind when he refers to “one like a Son of Man” is hotly disputed by scholars today. The fact is, we simply do not know if the author meant anyone in particular or if this is a collective, figurative image of Israel’s triumph. What we do know is that the early Christian community seized upon this passage and recognized it as a messianic prophecy, a foretelling of the ultimate triumph of Jesus as the Christ of God. The Lectionary’s juxtaposition of this text with today’s Gospel narrative of Jesus before Pilate is a wonderful example of how the liturgy “layers” passages with new meaning by inserting them in a particular context. The celebration of Christ the King allows us to hear these passages with a new depth of meaning in light of our contemporary understanding of how, in Jesus and his resurrection and ascension, we have seen the fulfillment of Daniel’s vision of ultimate deliverance. The veiled admission of Jesus before Pilate that he did indeed have a kingdom “not here” takes on new meaning against the cosmic vision of Daniel, who allows us to glimpse the “Ancient One” on his heavenly throne. St. Therese School hopes you had a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Please consider joining us for these upcoming events: • Family Mass on Sunday, December 9, at 9:00 a.m. • All School Mass Celebrating Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 12 at 10:00 a.m. • Transitional-Kindergarten & Kindergarten Open House on December 12 & 13 from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. • School Christmas Program on December 18 at 6:30 p.m. Please visit the school office to purchase retail gift cards, to turn in Fresh & Easy receipts, and to purchase AVON! We also encourage you to visit our website at for important information and updates. Please feel free to contact our Principal, Mrs. Lovano, by phone at 289-3364 or by email at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you! November 25, 2012 Page Three FIRST FRIDAY DEVOTION THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Please join us Friday, December 7, for First Friday Mass at 7:30 p.m., followed by an all-night prayer vigil. After Mass there will be led meditations, the Rosary, prayers of recollection, and a conference at 9:00 p.m. The devotion will conclude with the Divine Praises and Benediction at 5:30 a.m. The Feast of the Immaculate Conception is on Saturday, December 8, and is a holy day of obligation (Masses are at 6:00, 8:00 and 10:00 a.m.). The Immaculate Conception means that Mary, whose conception was brought about in the normal way, was conceived without original sin or its stain. The essence of original sin consists in the deprivation of sanctifying grace, and its stain is a corrupt nature. Mary was preserved from these defects by God’s grace; from the first instant of her existence she was in the state of sanctifying grace and was free from the corrupt nature original sin brings. FINGERPRINTING: St. Therese will host a Fingerprinting session in the school Kindergarten room on Saturday, December 8, between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. All those who volunteer in our parish and school ministries are required by the Archdiocese to have their fingerprints taken. This session is open to people throughout the Archdiocese—so appointments will fill up fast! To make an appointment, please call Rhonda Storey at 284-0020, ext. 225. DETENTION MINISTRY CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION: Come bring God's love to incarcerated youth by attending a Christmas Celebration for them at Central Juvenile Hall! It will be on Saturday, December 15, from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. For volunteer sign up/information, please contact Sonia Macias at (323) 724-6443, [email protected], or Miriam Lopez at [email protected]. Deadline to sign up is November 26; volunteers must be 21 years and older. "For I was in prison and you visited me." Matthew 25:36, "Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me." Mathew 25:40 THE YEAR OF FAITH Sat., Dec. 15, 2-5 pm (October 11, 2012, to November 24, 2013) At the invitation of Pope Benedict XVI, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, with the contribution of the Committee for the Preparation of the Year of Faith, has drawn up some recommendations for living this time of grace, without precluding other initiatives which the Holy Spirit will inspire. These proposals are intended as examples to encourage a ready response to the invitation of the Holy Father to live fully this Year as a special time of grace. The joyous rediscovery of faith can also contribute to consolidate the unity and communion among the different bodies that make up the wider family of the Church. The first three are as follows: 1. Pilgrimages of the faithful to the See of Peter are encouraged, as well as pilgrimages to the Holy Land, the place which first saw the presence of Jesus, the Savior, and Mary, his Mother. 2. The faithful are urged to turn with particular devotion to Mary, model of the Church, who shines forth to the whole community of the elect as the model of virtues. It is important to recognize the special role of Mary in the mystery of salvation, and to love and follow her as a model of faith and virtue. 3. The next World Youth Day (Rio de Janeiro, July 2013), will offer a special occasion for the young to experience the joy which comes from faith in the Lord Jesus and communion with the Holy Father, in the greater family of the Church. Youth should take advantage of this spiritual opportunity. (Note: These recommendations will continue in the December 2nd bulletin). For more information, check out the following WEBSITES: US Bishops (; the Vatican’s official Year of Faith site (; and our own website. ( Page Four ST. THERESE RELIGIOUS ED Rhonda Storey, 284-0020 X225; [email protected]— STRE (St. Therese Religious Education) STRE Next upcoming classes are Sunday, December 2 and 16, from 9:00 a.m. to Noon, followed by attendance at the 11:00 a.m. Mass. FUNDRAISER: STRE is selling See’s Candy to help support the program. Order your favorites for yourself or as a Christmas gift! Order forms can be found in the church vestibule now through December 2. Delivery will be the third week of December. R.C.I.A.: Please pray for those in the RCIA classes as they journey towards the Sacrament of First Eucharist or full initiation into the Church. The next class is Thursday, November 29, in the Parish Meeting Room; next group-attendance at Mass is Sunday, December 9, at 11:00 a.m. Please contact Rhonda Storey for more info. November 25, 2012 CONFIRMATION— Ruben Beltran, 284-0020 X235 ...for Youth: The next classes are Sundays, December 2, 9 and 16, from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m., which includes the 5:00 p.m. Mass and Lector training. NOTICE: Beginning December 16 and then continuing for the first class of each following month (i.e., January 6), Year One Sponsors are to begin attending class with the student, as well as the 5:00 p.m. Mass that follows. …for Adults: All baptized Catholics who have received their First Communion but NOT the Sacrament of Confirmation, are invited to attend these Adult Confirmation classes, held on Wednesdays twice a month now through May. Y O U T H M I N I S T R Y: Adam Orozco (email: [email protected]) CHRISTMAS MOVIE NIGHT! Teens! Join us in the Parish Hall on Saturday, December 8, from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m., for a holiday movie night (movie T/B/A). BAPTISM MINISTRY: Rhonda Storey, 284-0020, X 225 ~ In order to take part in our Baptism Program, PARENTS & GODPARENTS are required to: 1) Have an interview the month before the Baptism; 2) Attend a class (next are Dec. 3/Jan. 7) from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., in the Library); And 3) Attend a Presentation Sunday Mass (next are Dec. 9/Jan . 20) at 9:00 a.m. Your child will then be baptized on a Saturday (next OPEN Baptisms are on December 15 and January 26). SELECTING THE GODPARENTS: Canon Law requires you to have at least one godparent (may have two) who: 1) is at least 16; 2) has been Confirmed; and 3) is a practicing Catholic. A form attesting to this will need to be signed by a priest from the parish of each prospective godparent. PEACE & JUSTICE MINISTRY Edward William, 768-0758 / [email protected] (Prayer with Action: Strengthening of Families, Conversion of Sinners, and Peace in the World) - St. Joseph Prayer Devotion: Join us Wednesdays at 6:15 p.m. by the St. Joseph statue in the church. The Rosary Makers: Help us make Rosaries in order to distribute them locally, nationally, and internationally. Don't know how to make a Rosary? We’ll teach you! We meet Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Meeting Room. Donations to purchase Rosary supplies and shipping fees are always in need and appreciated (make checks to St. Therese Church and mail to Rosary Makers, 510 N. El Molino St., Alhambra 91801. For more info, contact Edward William at [email protected]. THE KING’S MEN: Brian Lasky, 860-861-4962 / [email protected] All men of the parish are invited to join The King’s Men, a Catholic Men’s formation group. Their goal is “to challenge and empower men to live virtuous lives, through education, formation, action, and healing.” The group meets on Sundays from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., in the Parish Meeting Room. For more information, contact the coordinator (number above) or see the national website at RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY: Catherine Contreras, 213-435-3942 - RESPECT LIFE QUOTE: Abortion is the most selfish and abhorrent crime committed by man for two reasons: (1) Its victims are so innocent and defenseless, and (2) The crime is so terribly brutal. What's more, there is no more callous denial of God's Being than abortion. In abortion, man sets himself up as God to decide who shall live and who shall die. But man deserves no such power, for the simple reason that man does not create himself. To think otherwise is to deny God His true Being as the Author of Life. November 25, 2012 Page Five PARISH MINISTRIES / NEWS: PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION "This Sacrament really contains You, O my God, You whom the Angels adore, in whose presence the Spirits and mighty Powers tremble. Oh! if we could only see You clearly as they do, with what reverence would we approach this Sacrament, with what humility would we receive You." - St. Angela of Foligno To sign up for an hour each week, please call Carlos or Carla Johnson at 289-0388. CATHOLIC CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT (CCHD): Over forty-six million Americans lived at or below the poverty line in 2011— an increase of over 2 million people since 2010. To help combat this statistic, the CCHD funds programs in communities across the United Sates where people living in poverty join together to identify problems, make decisions, and find ways to improve their lives and neighborhoods. Your financial support THIS WEEKEND will help end poverty one community at a time. Visit to read more about the efforts to spread Christ’s love by breaking the cycle of poverty. Envelopes are in the pews. SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN: “DID YOU KNOW?” Teach kids to protect themselves at home: We consider our homes to be safe places for our children. But being home alone can pose risks for children. Here are a few tips to teach kids that will help keep them safe when you are not with them: Never answer the door if alone or invite anyone in without the permission of a parent or babysitter. Don’t tell anyone on the phone that your parents aren’t home. Instead tell them that your parents can’t come to the phone and take a message. For more tips, please visit: For particular help, you may call Assistance Ministry at 213-637-7650. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION T H A N K Y O U ! FOR YOUR DONATIONS! Because of the bulletin’s advanced printing schedule for Thanksgiving, the collection totals for the last two weekends (November 10/11 and 17/18) will not be published in the bulletin until December 2. Below are the collection totals for the previous month: October 13/ 14, 2012……...……… .$15,937.00 October 20/ 21, 2012……...……… .$10,488.00 October 27 / 28, 2012………………..$12,034.00 November 3 / 4, 2012………………..$19,987.00 As a friendly suggestion for those who are employed, we propose a realistic donation of at least one hour of pay per week. 2012 TOGETHER IN MISSION U R G E N T ! Amount of 2012 Goal: $63,805.00 Donations received as of 11/6/12: $40,870.00 *Donations Needed: $22,935.00 As you can see, we owe nearly $23,000, which is due in the Archdiocesan offices by the end of December. Please donate! NEW BIBLE STUDY IN JANUARY Starting mid-January, “The Bible Timeline: The Story of Salvation” begins. This 24-part Bible study will take you through the entire Bible. You will learn how events in the Bible fit together to reveal God’s Plan for humanity; see how the events in the Old Testament are fulfilled in the New; and gain a greater appreciation for the Scriptures heard during Mass. Details on registering will be posted. For more information, contact Victoria Sandoval at [email protected] or (323) 343-9064. Despite the fact that the feast of Christ the King was established less than a century ago, it’s already undergone a shift in focus. When Pope Pius XI established it in 1925, nationalism and fascism were on the rise; he intended that it be a “vehicle for spiritual teaching,” one that would recognize the ultimate authority of Christ over all political and social scheming. The last Sunday of October was chosen as the date for the feast because of its proximity to the feast of All Saints, those men and women who bore witness to Christ’s. The calendar reforms of 1969 moved the feast to the last Sunday of the liturgical year. There, in the context of November’s focus on the end times, Christ’s second coming is highlighted. In this year’s Gospel, Christ stands before Pilate, whose own power blinds him to the truth of the Lord’s kingdom. In a world where oppression still holds sway over too many people, this feast is somehow still as timely as when Pope Pius XI first established it. Page Six November 25, 2012 Mass Intentions For the Week of 11/24/12 to 12/1/12 Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Aurora Go RIP Sunday: *7:30 a.m. Dioscoro & Caridad Mancao RIP 7:30 a.m.: Dieuthu Nguyen INT 9:00 a.m.: Ana Truong RIP 11:00 a.m.: Piedad Lakindanum RIP 1:00 p.m.: Laureano & Maria Herrera RIP 5:00 pm: Parishioners Monday: 6:00 a.m.: Nathan S. Edusma-Pulido INT *7:30 a.m.: Rui-Yu Dong & Family INT 8:00 a.m.: Lucille Moore RIP Tuesday: 6:00 a.m.: Patricia Rouch RIP Feast of St. Andrew, *7:30 a.m.: Dorothy Arredondo RIP Apostle of Jesus 8:00 a.m.: Peter Ha RIP (November 30) Wednesday: 6:00 a.m.: Cesar F. Estorninos RIP *7:30 a.m.: Peter Dong RIP 8:00 a.m.: Sr. Ignatia May OP RIP Thursday: 6:00 a.m: Rema Samaha RIP *7:30 a.m: Jerry Frumento INT 8:00 a.m.: Peter Dong RIP Friday: 6:00 a.m.: Andrea Yoon RIP *7:30 a.m.: Peter Dong RIP 8:00 a.m.: Josua Joseph Ribaya INT Saturday: 6:00 a.m.: Aurelio Villagracia INT *7:30 a.m.: Carmelite Community 8:00 a.m.: Ioannis Gkatizmas INT Held in the Cloistered Carmelite Chapel, 215 E. Alhambra Road— open to the public every day except on Sundays, Vigils and major holy days and holidays. Intentions of our Holy Father for November 2012: 1) That the pilgrim Church on earth may shine as a light to the nations; and 2) That bishops, priests, and all ministers of the Gospel may bear the courageous witness of fidelity to the crucified and risen Lord. Floral Dedication This week’s floral dedication is: ♥ In honor of Mom and Dad ~ With love from A. Gomez To dedicate a Floral Arrangement in someone’s honor, for a special occasion, or in memory of a loved one, contact Giovanna Setiady at 281-9049. Each bouquet is $40 (two for $80). O u t s i d e the P a r i s h Please join Fr. Jose Parathanl on a pilgrimage to Egypt, Israel & Jordan from 1/27/13 to 2/9/13; to Guadalupe, Mexico from 5/20/13 to 5/25/13; and a “Journey with St. Paul” to Turkey & Greece 9/19/13 to 10/1/13. For more information, please contact: Bernadette Corpuz at [email protected] / tel: 323-344-1548. & 323-547-6618. EL CARMELO RETREAT HOUSE, operated by the Discalced Carmelite Friars, will receive a portion of the commission on any travel you book through their site: Same low rates as other travel websites—but helps maintain the retreat house. Also book hotels, cars, cruises, and concert, sports and show tickets. YOU CAN SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE! Feel alone? Frustrated or angry with your spouse? Have you stopped speaking to each other? Does talking only make it worse? Retrouvaille (retro-vee) has helped 1000’s of couples experiencing problems. To register, call Jane and Pete Lauder at 714-871-5953 or email: [email protected]. If you have a relative with Alzheimer’s, join our Family Support Group every 1st Friday at 6 p.m. at Vista Cove, 901 W. Santa Anita, SG. Call 289-8889 for more info. L e c t o r s: Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Marta Timar / Franklin Teng Sunday: 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Thu Nguyen / Ron Sandoval Antoniette Sandoval / Rylin Bencenti Lorraine Mizerski / Ignacio Verduzco Heinrich Ranches / Gil Vargas EAST L.A. PREGNANCY CENTER (2342 S. Atlantic Blvd) is in urgent need of mature, compassionate, responsible pro-life volunteers. Male or female. Training is provided. Call 323-838-0204. SACRED HEART RETREAT HOUSE (next door to us) has openings for women’s silent retreats. Please call 8400955 for more info. MERCY VOLUNTEER CORPS, a lay volunteer program for women and men provides opportunities for those over 21 to give a year of service. . For more info, call the main office at 215-641-5535 or Sr. Sheila at 415-751-9574. INFORMATION PAGE Bulletin Number: 513863 CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS ST. THERESE 510 N. El Molino St. Alhambra, CA 91801 Telephone: (626) 282-2744 Contact Person: DENISE MCMASTER - 626-282-2744 email: [email protected] SOFTWARE MS Pub 2002 Adobe 6.0 Windows XP PRINTER HP Office Jet K60 TRANSMISSION TIME Tuesday, 11/9/12 — 2:00 PM BULLETIN FOR SUNDAY: 11/25/12 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 Through 8 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS:
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