IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH - NATIONWIDE IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH is pleased to announce that its very popular FLATBUSH SUMMER NIGHT SHIURIM ! t shiurim s e t a l e h Get t NEW! dules via emstatoil! sched your reque e sen n a v i h s er@ye tapecent E: PLEASE NOT r group See & Hear ב’ פנחס ט’ תמוז KLAL YISROEL A LEGACY OF GEVURAH ∑ Yissocher Frand Shlita 9:00 Tues Evening July 8 9:00 Mon Evening July 14 ב’ מטות טז תמוז THE SCIENCE OF SIMPLICITY Rabbi Yonatan Rietti Shlita ג’ פנחס י’ תמוז BEING ON FIRE FINDING EXCITEMENT IN YIDDISHKEIT ∑ Rabbi Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshivas Ner Israel, Baltimore, Internationally Renowned Speaker מטות only fo BROADCAST e Brooklyn. tsid ou ns tio ca lo Your Community and camp can still join! For more information or to sponsor, call 718.853.3950 • 718.851.8651 or email to [email protected] FLATBUSH 9:00 Mon Evening July 7 פנחס Call Now Some of America’s most powerful & inspirational speakers ction WOMEN’S se ush open in Flatb Rabbi will be 9:00 Wed Evening July 9 EXPIRATION DATE OF INSPIRATION ∑ Zev Cohen Shlita Noted Author of Many Artscroll Books and Hamodia Columnist ג’ מטות יז תמוז שבעה עשר בתמוז ∑ Nachman Seltzer Shlita Rabbi Rav, Adas Yeshurun Anshei Knesses Yisroel Rosh Kollel, Choshen Mishpat, Chicago, Illinois Tues Evening July 15 9:00 Wed Evening July 16 מסעי ב’ מסעי כג תמוז ∑ Rabbi Elozer Boruch Bald Shlita Menahel, Irgun Shiurai Torah 9:00 Tues Evening July 22 WHAT DOES HASHEM WANT FROM US NOW? L'SHEM SHAMAYIM STAYING ABOVE THE FRAY ∑ Yaakov Hillel Shlita Rabbi דברים ב’ דברים א’ אב THE I IN INSPIRATON Rabbi Zecharya Wallerstein Shlita THE STRENGTH OF ואתחנן INCLUDING STORIES OF CHACHAM OVADIA YOSEF ZT"L ∑ IN HALACHA & HASHKAFA ∑ Shmuel Dishon Shlita ערב תשעה באב ד’ דברים ג’ אב TIMELY ISSUES Rabbi Menahel Mosdos Yad Yisroel, Karlin-Stolin Tues Evening Aug 5 Rav, Yad Yosef Torah Center 9:00 Wed Evening July 30 ∑ Rabbi Dovid Ozeri Shlita Rabbi TEFILLAH Menahel, Ohr Naavah ב’ ואתחנן ח’ אב ג’ דברים ב’ אב ד’ מסעי כה תמוז THE VALUE OF A MOMENT dovid Goldwasser Shlita 9:00 Tues Evening July 29 ∑ Mon Evening Aug 4 9:00 Wed Evening July 23 Rav, Khal Bnei Yitzchok, Noted International Speaker Rosh Yeshivas Ahavas Sholom, Jerusalem 9:00 Mon Evening July 28 ג’ מסעי כד תמוז MACHLOKES נסיונות החיים Rabbi ד’ מטות יח תמוז WORD POWER Unbelievable Story of Chaim Ben Tzipporah Senior Lecturer , Gateways Seminar 9:00 Mon Evening July 21 ד’ פנחס יא תמוז Yosef Viener Shlita Rav, Kehilas Shaar Hashomayim, Wesley Hills ג’ ואתחנן ט’ אב תשעה באב 9:00 Wed Evening Aug 6 ד’ ואתחנן י’ אב A FASCINATING Q & A SESSION Shalom Bayis•Shidduchim•Terrorism•Parnassa Chinuch Habbonim • and much more! ∑ Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss Shlita Rav, Agudas Yisroel of Staten Island עקב 9:00 Mon Evening Aug 11 ב’ עקב טו אב WORKING NON-STOP 9:00 Tues Evening Aug 12 BEST CONNECTION TO HASHEM FOR WHAT? Moshe Tuvia Lieff Shlita Rabbi ראה ב’ ראה כב אב אירגון שיעורי תורה Summer Dinner Event שופטים ב’ שופטים כט אב TECHNOLOGY! KEEPING UP TO DATE ∑ Rabbi Nechemia Gottlieb Shlita Founder, Tag Organization Noted Lecturer and Author of The “Maggid” Series ג’ ראה כג אב TESTS OF FAITH 9:00 Wed Evening Aug 20 ד’ ראה כד אב LIVING A LIFE OF ∑ אין עוד מלבדו Rabbi Shlomo Pearl Shlita Author of "Daily Emunah", and daily speaker on Chazak Line Rosh Kollel, Bostoner Night Kollel 9:00 Tues Eve Aug 26 ג’ שופטים א דר״ח אלול 9:00 Wed Eve Aug 27 ד’ שופטים ב דר״ח אלול GROWING IN אמונה ובטחוןTHROUGH CHALLENGES Rabbi at Young Israel of Avenue K 9:00 Mon Evening Aug 25 ∑ International Speaker 9:00 Tues Evening Aug 19 ד’ עקב יז אב REPAIRING OUR IMAGE Rabbi Paysach Krohn Shlita Yosef Mizrachi Shlita Rav, Agudas Yisroel Bais Binyamin 7:00 Mon Evening Aug 18 9:00 Wed Evening Aug 13 ∑ ∑ Rabbi ג’ עקב טז אב David Ashear Shlita ARE WE READY FOR CHODESH ELUL? Rabbi Simcha Bunim Cohen Shlita ASK THE RAV Q&A Forum in all of ד' חלקי שלחן ערוך Get answers to all contemporary questions on: Brochos • Shabbos • Kashrus • Business etc. ∑ email questions to [email protected] Rav, Khal Ateres Yeshaya, Lakewood Rabbi Rosh Yeshiva, Mesivta Torah Vodaath Shlita BOSTONER BAIS MEDRASH • AVE J & EAST 29 Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday Eves ∑ ∑ ST. 9:00-10:00 PM (Maariv at 10:00 PM) Yisroel Belsky To order CDs, please call Irgun Shiurai Torah Tape Center at (718) 851-8651 or e-mail: [email protected] This program is in conjunction with THE BOSTONER NIGHT KOLLEL and is broadcast in conJunction with TCN as PART OF AN IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH SUMMER PROGRAM FOR BORO PARK • FLATBUSH • WILIAMSBURG NEIGHBORHOODS. To SPONSOR A SHIUR , contact IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH at 718.853.3950 • 718.851.8651 or mail to: IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH • 1438-40th St • Bklyn, NY 11218 HELP SUPPORT TORAH - DONATE NOW! Mail your tax deductible contribution to IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH 1438 40th Street • Brooklyn, NY 11218 718.851.8651 • 718. 853.3950 • [email protected] RESERVE THE DATE! כ"ב אב,ב' ראה MONDAY, AUGUST 18TH, 7:00 PM • בהשתתפות גדולי ראשי ישיבות ורבנים שליט"א YIRGUN SHIURAI TORAH’S TNESS Show your ov Hakoras Hat TORAH to over 1000 a Roshei Yeshiv im n CTION! o and Rabb m בס"ד ou are cordially invited to attend who gave shiuri worldwide through AH R IRGUN SHIURAI TO THIRTEENTH ANNUAL SUMMER DINNER EVENT IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH’S ורבנים • שליט"א • ישיבותSUMMER • גדולי • ראשיDINNER • בהשתתפותEVENT THIRTEENTH ANNUAL Harbotzas by sponsoring more honor. eir HaTorah in th Journal which Place your ad in the at the Irgun will אי"הbe distributed er Event. mm Shiurai Torah Su Monday August• ראשי 18th,•2014 כ"ב אב תשע"ד שליט"אEvening, • ישיבות • ורבנים בהשתתפות •• גדולי •• Monday Evening FOR in the Grand Ballroom of th MEN August 18 , 2014 • תשע“ד אב כ“ב YOUNG ISRAEL OF AVENUE K Corner of Ave K & East 29th Street • Brooklyn, NY •• Catering Classic Caterers in theSponsored Grandby Ballroom of 7:00 pm:ISRAEL HOT BUFFET DINNER K YOUNG OF AVENUE Corner of Ave K & East 29th Street • Brooklyn, NY 7:30 pm: MINCHA & PROGRAM FOR 7:00 pm:Catering HOT BUFFET DINNER 7:30 pm: MINCHA & PROGRAM Sponsored by Mr.• & Mrs. Yanky Feuereisen of CLASSIC CATERERS in honor of the Flatbush Community C מרן הגאון ר' אהרן ליב שטי ome and be inspired with special chizuk for today’s times. Gaon R’ Aharon Yehuda Leib inman Shlita נואם הכבוד אחד מגדולי ראשי הישיבות בארה"ב מרן הגאון ר' אהרן ליב שטיינמאן שליט"א Maran HaGaon R’ Aharon Yehuda Leib HORAV Yerucham Olshin Steinman Shlita SHLITA Rosh Yeshivah, Beth Medrash Govoha, Lakewood הכנה לחודש אלול מי לה' אלי:חובת השעה A TIMELY MESSAGE מרן הגאון ר' ח HORAV Shmuel Dishon מרן הגאון ר' חיים קנייבסקי שליט"א Maran HaGaon R’ Chaim sky Shlita Kanievsky SPECIAL Shlita Shlita Menahel, Mosdos Yad Yisroel Karlin Stolin L Eanswered W by PECIAN S Q UESTIO W NS HADOR GEDOLEI N EFO S N IOR 5 of ERETZ YISROEL QUEST 4 774 by R 577 כל ישראל ערבים זה לזה CARING FOR EVERY JEW - KEYNOTE SPEAKER - FO HADOR CALL NOW! YISROEL CALL NOW! 718.853.3950 World-famous Maggid Shiur and inspirational speaker HORAV Fishel Schachter Shlita fax: 718.633.8362 718.853.3950 email: [email protected] 718.851.8651 OR MAIL TO: Magid Shiur, Yeshiva Mesivta Torah Vodaath Irgun Shiurai Torah fax: 718.633.8362 1438-40 St. • Brooklyn, NY 11218 st [email protected] Make your pledge, place an ad in the journal, or sponsor a shiur. We look forward to greeting you personally, Ari Parnes & Reuven Wolf Dinner Hosts OR MAIL TO: Irgun Shiurai Torah 1438-40st St. Brooklyn, NY 11218 Make your pledge, place an ad in the journal, or sponsor a shiur. Journal Dedications Founder Page ........... $18,000 Bonei Torah Page .....$10,000 Pillar Page ................. $5,000 Diamond Page ........... $3,600 Platinum Page ........... $2,500 Rabbi Daniel Chaim Alter Rabbi Chanoch D. Ashkenazy Rabbi Yitzchok Y. Bald Rabbi Bentzion Bamberger Rabbi Eliezer Baum Rabbi Shmuel Dovid Beck Rabbi Mordechai Becher Rabbi Yisroel Belsky Rabbi Eliyahu Ben-Haim Rabbi Shmuel Berenbaum zt”l Rabbi Avrohom Y. Bick Rabbi Eliezer Chaim Blum Rabbi Avrohom Blumenkrantz zt”l Rabbi Pinchas Breuer Rabbi Dov Brezak Rabbi Avrohom Brickman Rabbi Yisroel Tzvi Brody Rabbi Abba Bronspiegel Rabbi Eliyahu Brudny Rabbi Yigal Chaimoff Rabbi Avrohom Eliezer Citron Rabbi Simcha Bunim Cohen Rabbi Zev Cohen Rabbi Yosef M. Deutsch Rabbi Shmuel Dishon Rabbi Aharon Dovid Dunner Rabbi Usher A. Eckstein Rabbi Simcha B. Ehrenfeld Rabbi Dovid Eichenstein Rabbi Eliezer Eichler Rabbi Yosef Eisen Rabbi Shlomo Eisenblatt zt”l Rabbi Reuven Feinstein Rabbi Yaakov Feitman Rabbi Yaakov Feldberger Rabbi Meyer Feldbrand Rabbi Tzvi Mordechai Feldheim Rabbi Shimon Yehuda Fink Rabbi Elya Fisher Rabbi Menachem Fischer Rabbi Yaakov Forcheimer Rabbi Binyomin Forst Rabbi Yissocher Frand Rabbi Yitzchak Frankel Rabbi Yosef Frankel Rabbi Pesachya Fried Rabbi Sholom Yosef Fried Rabbi Chaim E. Friedman Rabbi Moshe Friedman Rabbi Yaakov Galinsky Rabbi Lipa Geldwerth Rabbi Nochum M. German Rabbi Eliezer Ginsburg Rabbi Meshulem F. Ginsberg Rabbi Arye Z. Ginzberg Rabbi Shlomo Gissinger Rabbi Yitzchok A. Goldberger Rabbi Aharon Goldmintzer Rabbi Tuvia Goldstein zt”l Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser Rabbi Yisroel P. Gornish Rabbi Moshe Green Rabbi Moshe Y. Greenfeld Rabbi Osher Greenfeld Rabbi Sholom Y. Greenstein Rabbi Yosef C. Greenwald Rabbi Shlomo Gross Rabbi Aharon Grunwald Rabbi Pinchas Chaim Grunwald Rabbi Shraga Hager Rabbi Shmuel Dovid Halberstam Rabbi Tzvi Halpern Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Harfenes Rabbi Moshe Heinemann Rabbi Dovid Heller Rabbi Yehoshua H. Hershberg Rabbi Yaakov Hillel Rabbi Boruch Hirschfeld Rabbi Pinchos Horowitz Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz Rabbi Y. I. Horowitz Rabbi Yitzchok Isbee zt”l Rabbi Pinchos Jung Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetzky Rabbi Chaim Leib Katz Rabbi Mendel Katz Rabbi Mordechai Avrohom Katz Rabbi Osher Anshel Katz Rabbi Shlomo Zalmen Katz Rabbi Shmuel Meir Katz Rabbi Yehoshua Katz Rabbi Yissochor Dov Katz Rabbi Yehoshua H. Katzburg Rabbi Yehuda Leibish Kenig Rabbi Menashe Klein Rabbi Yitzchok Kleinman Rabbi Chaim Kohn Rabbi Aryeh Malkiel Kotler Rabbi Chaim Kraus Rabbi Chaim Kreiswirth zt”l Rabbi Paysach Krohn Rabbi Dovid Kviat Rabbi Binyomin Z. Landau Rabbi Leibish Langer Rabbi Sholom P. Langsam Rabbi Yaakov B. Ledereich Rabbi Moshe Meir Lederman Rabbi Simcha Lefkowitz Rabbi Asher C. Leiberman Rabbi Elimelech Z. Leibowitz Rabbi Efraim Shimon Leichtag Rabbi Shmelka Leifer Rabbi Moshe Tuvia Leiff Rabbi Avrohom M. Lewanoni Rabbi Gedalya Machlis MEN Catering Sponsored by Classic Caterers R’ Chaim בס"ד Chai Page................... $1,800 Sarei Elef Page........... $1,000 Gold Page ..................... $500 Half Page ....................... $360 Quarter Page .................. $180 Dr. Robert Adler Leibel Berger Sruly Berger Moshe Bodner Yossie Brachfeld Pinchas Brody Abe Eisner Samuel D. Friedman Eli Goldbaum Mordechai Hager Hertzy Hasenfeld Yanky Herman Ralph Hertzka Sruly Issacs Reuven Kaufman Moshe Klein Eli Levitin Leibish Berkowitz & Abish Brodt Campaign Chairmen Sendy Liebhard Yonason Moller Avrohom S. Moshel Ari Neuberger Jerry Neuman Yossi Ostreicher Avrohom Rieder Shmulke Rubinstein Avi Shteierman A.B. Sprei Lazer Steinmetz Tully Teitelbaum Zecharya Wallerstein Lenny Wassner Yerucham Winkler Moshe Wolf Avrohom Wolfson Look to gr Following is a partial list of Rabbonim & ROSHEI YESHIVA who gave shiurim locally for IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH For lists in other locations, please call IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH. Dinn Rabbi Sinai Malowicki Rabbi Shlomo Mandel Rabbi Shimon Z. Meisels Rabbi Yaakov Shlomo Meisels Rabbi Dovid Tzvi Meyer Rabbi Yechiel Yaakov Miller Rabbi Yitzchok E. Moskowitz Rabbi Chaim Oberlander Rabbi Noach Isaac Oelbaum Rabbi Yeruchom Olshin Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky Rabbi Dovid Ozeri Rabbi Avrohom Pam zt”l Rabbi Nochum Meir Paneth Rabbi Shlomo Pearl Rabbi Yaakov Perlow Rabbi Zalmen Leib Philip Rabbi Meshulam Polatchek Rabbi Yeshaya Yaakov Portugal Rabbi Mordechai Potash Rabbi Shaul Yehuda Prizant Rabbi Eliezer D. Rappaport Rabbi Uren Reich Rabbi Yaakov Reisman Rabbi Yisroel Reisman Rabbi Yitzchok Reitport Rabbi Yontatan Rietti Rabbi Gershon Ribner Rabbi Sholom Rokeach Rabbi Efraim Rosen Rabbi Avrohom B. Rosenberg Rabbi Chaim B. Rosenberg Rabbi Yosef Rosenblum Rabbi Yosef Y. Rosenfeld Rabbi Yechezkel Roth Rabbi Chaim L. Rottenberg Rabbi Yaakov Y. Rottenberg Rabbi Yaakov Yisroel Rubin Rabbi Matisyahu Salomon Rabbi Chaim P. Scheinberg zt”l Rabbi Fishel Schachter Rabbi Hershel Schachter Rabbi Yechezkel Scharf Rabbi Moshe Scheinerman Rabbi Asher Anshel Scher Rabbi Nosson Scherman Rabbi Chaim F. Schneebalg Rabbi Moshe Schneebalg Rabbi Yitzchok E. Schneebalg Rabbi Avrohom Schorr Rabbi Dovid Schustal Rabbi Eliyahu S. Schustel Rabbi Shneur Z. Schwartz Rabbi Y. Koppel Schwartz Rabbi Don Segal Rabbi Mendel Shafran Rabbi Daniel Shaliehsaboo Rabbi Yisroel Shlomowitz Rabbi Shlomo Feivel Shustal Rabbi Nachman Siegal Rabbi Menachem Z. Silber Rabbi Mordechai Silber Rabbi Todros Silber Rabbi Moshe Silberberg Rabbi Aaron Silberstein Rabbi Yaakov Zev Smith Rabbi Yitzchok Sorotzkin Rabbi Avrohom Spitzer Rabbi Avrohom C. Spitzer zt”l Rabbi Moshe Dovid Stein Rabbi Yitzchok Stein Rabbi Yechiel Steinmetz Rabbi Yechiel M. Steinmetz Rabbi Avrohom C. Steinwurzel Rabbi Yitzchok Steinwurzel Rabbi Shloma Stern Rabbi Abba Chiya Tauber Rabbi Chaim Y. Tauber Rabbi Ezriel Tauber Rabbi Yechiel Tauber Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum Rabbi Chanoch Teller Rabbi Yaakov Elya Unsdorfer Rabbi Yisroel Unsdorfer Rabbi Yosef Viener Rabbi Ephraim Wachsman Rabbi Elya Ber Wachtfogel Rabbi Feivel Wagner Rabbi Chaim Wakslak Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein Rabbi Yisroel Dov Webster Rabbi Dovid Weinberger Rabbi Hillel Weinberger Rabbi Shlomo Y. Weinberger Rabbi Yaakov Tovia Weiser Rabbi Asher Weiss Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss Rabbi Moshe M. Weiss Rabbi Yaakov Weiss Rabbi M. M. Weissmandel Rabbi Tovia Wettenstein Rabbi Mordechai Willig Rabbi Moshe Wolfson Rabbi Chaim Boruch Wolpin Rabbi Avrohom Tzvi Wosner Rabbi BenZion Yaakov Wosner Rabbi Yochonon Wosner Rabbi Leibel Wulliger Rabbi Yaakov Zeide Rabbi Aaron Zilberstein Rabbi Shraga F. Zimmerman Rabbi Asher Zimmerman zt”l Rabbi Aharon Zuckerman Rabbi Gavriel Zinner Ari Reu Cam Leib Abis Dr. Ro Leibel Sruly Moshe Yossie Pincha Abe E Samu Frie Eli Go Morde Hertz Yanky Ralph Sruly Reuve Moshe Eli Le fo Fl IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH: Bringing Torah to Hundreds of Thousands of Jews Worldwide Taharas Hamishpacha & Sholom Bayis Shovavim Project • Yeshivas Bain Hazmanim • Summer Program • Sunday Morning Programs Daily Lunch Break Shiurim • Evening Baalei Batim Shiurim • Tape Center • Chinuch & Sholom Bayis Lectures • Chol Hamoed Shiurim Assistance to Hundreds of Batei Midrashim to start Torah Classes • Roster of Available speakers • Senior Citizen’s Program • Publications EVERYONE WILL BE THERE! DON’T MISS IT! HELP SUPPORT TORAH - DONATE NOW! Mail your tax deductible contribution to IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH 1438 40th Street • Brooklyn, NY 11218 718.851.8651 • 718. 853.3950 • [email protected] אירגון שיעורי תורה קיץ תשע"ד אירגון שיעורי תורה שמח להודיע שסדרנו בעזהשי"ת לימי הקיץ הבעל"ט בערבי ב' ג' ד' הרבים לתועלת • למעשה הלכה • כלליים שיעורים בבארא פארק וויליאמסבורג ופלעטבוש שיתקיימו ברבים וברוב עם ועדה לכל אברכי סידיס וועלען זיין צו באקומען גלייך נאך די שיעורים כולל ,בעלי בתים ,ותלמידי כלל הישיבות מכל הקהילות שיחיו ,ע"י רבנים ות"ח מופלגים. השיעורים בבארא פארק כדלהלן (וויליאמסבורג ופלעטבוש מתפרסם במודעה נפרדת) • שיעור ראשון בשעה 1:00בצהריים • פנחס מטות הרה"ג ר' יעקב אלי' אונסדארפער רב ור"מ מתיבתא ראשית חכמה ,מאנטריאל שליט"א 1:00 ב’ מסעי כג תמוז מסעי MON NOON JULY 21 רפואה בשבת ∑ הרה"ג ר' צבי זאב בערגער שליט"א מג"ש בקלויזנבורג וזמיגראד, 1:00 ב’ דברים א’ אב דברים ג’ מסעי כד תמוז TUES NOON JULY 22 1:00 מידת האמת ∑ ג’ דברים ב’ אב TUES NOON JULY 29 1:00 אליך הימל השיבנו ד׳ תפלתנו גודל כח מיר האבען א טאטע אין חדש ימינו כקדם ∑ הרה"ג ר' יצחק סורוצקין שליט"א ראש ישיבת טעלז ומתיבתא דלעיקוואוד 1:00 ב’ ואתחנן ח’ אב MON NOON AUG 4 ואתחנן הרה"ג ר' סיני מלוביצקי מחבר ספר מסורת סיני שליט"א הרה"ג ר' שאול שמחה פריעדמאן שליט"א רב דביהמ"ד שמן למנחה ,לייקוואוד ד’ מסעי כה תמוז WED NOON JULY 23 1:00 התעוררות המצרים לבין ∑ הרה"ג ר' יעקב ווייס הרה"ג ר' אליעזר שליט"א גינזבורג שליט"א ראש כולל דישיבת מיר ,ורב באגו"י בפלעטבוש מנהל רוחני מתיבתא תורה ויראה ,קרית יואל מרבני כולל היכל הוראה MON NOON JULY 28 ∑ מצות שבין לחבירו אדם ∑ ∑ הרה"ג ר' שלמה מאנדעל שליט"א ראש ישיבה דישיבה דברוקלין ג’ ואתחנן ט’ אב TUES NOON AUG 5 ד’ דברים ג’ אב WED NOON JULY 30 1:00 אחכה לו שיבוא בכל יום ∑ הרה"ג ר' שמואל דישון שליט"א מנהל מוסדות יד ישראל ,קארלין סטאלין 1:00 ד’ ואתחנן י’ אב WED NOON AUG 6 1:00 עקב הלכות בישול עכו"ם ∑ מו"צ בק' יטב לב סאטמאר ,ומג"ש בישיבת חתן סופר 1:00 ב’ ראה כב אב ראה כבוד הספרים ∑ מדידת העיירות לתחומין הנוגע ∑ מנהל ישיבה אור תורה דמאנסי ומחבר קונטרס מדריך לתחום שבת מרבני כולל ספינקא ג’ ראה כג אב TUES NOON AUG 19 1:00 ד’ ראה כד אב WED NOON AUG 20 1:00 הלכות חלה כוס של ברכה בהלכה ∑ ∑ הרה"ג ר' יצחק אייזיק שפיטצער שליט"א הרה"ג ר' לייבל וויליגער שליט"א הרה"ג ר' חיים יעקב טויבער שליט"א ∑ דומ"ץ בקהל אור חיים ,בארא פארק ראש כולל תורה ודעת ורב דקהל אור תורה הלכה ואגדה דומ"ץ דקהל שערי ציון דבאבוב 1:00ג’ שופטים א דר"ח אלול 1:00ד’ שופטים ב דר"ח אלול1:00 ב’ שופטים כט אב שופטים ג’ עקב טז אב TUES NOON AUG 12 1:00 ד’ עקב יז אב WED NOON AUG 13 1:00 הרה"ג ר' אהרן שמואל הרה"ג ר' בן ציון יהושע הרה"ג ר' יחזקאל פדווא שליט"א גיפס שליט"א שרגא ווייס שליט"א MON NOON AUG 18 MON NOON AUG 25 TUES NOON AUG 26 הכנה לחודש אלול ∑ הרה"ג ר' מאיר פעלדבראנד שליט"א רב דקהל מבקשי ה' הרה"ג ר' אברהם קלמן יהושע באבד שליט"א ה’ מסעי כו תמוז THURS NOON JULY 24 הלכה ואגדה ∑ 1:00 המזיק דיבור בהלכה ואגדה ∑ הרה"ג ר' שלום יעקב גרינשטיין שליט"א מרבני בית הוראה לעיקוואוד ה’ דברים ד’ אב THURS NOON JULY 31 1:00 הלכות אבילות ∑באב ותשעה הרה"ג ר' גבריאל ציננער שליט"א רב דביהמ"ד ומח"ס נטעי גבריאל ה’ ואתחנן יא אב THURS NOON AUG 7 WED NOON AUG 27 ∑ 1:00 הלכה ואגדה ∑ ∑ 9:30 נהנה ממלאכת עכו"ם בשבת ∑ שליט"אהיילפרין הרה"ג ר' צבי ראש ישיבה דישיבה דמאנסי ג’ מטות יז תמוז TUES EVENING JULY 15 9:30 שבעה עשר בתמוז 9:30 ב’ מסעי כג תמוז MON EVENING JULY 21 ג’ מסעי כד תמוז TUES EVENING JULY 22 9:30 ה’ עקב יח אב ∑ השכינה ∑של מקום להשתתף בצער להודיע חסדיו הרה"ג ר' משה מאיר לעדערמאן שליט"א ראש ישיבת טל תורה 9:30 ב’ דברים א’ אב MON EVENING JULY 28 הלכה ואגדה והתעוררות לאור המצב בארצנו הקדושה ∑ הרה"ג או רח מיו חד מא רץ י שר אל ווייס ר' אשר גאב"ד דרכי תורה ב’ ואתחנן ח’ אב MON EVENING AUG 4 ∑ הרה"ג ר' יצחק שטיינווארצעל שליט"א שליט"א 9:30 ערב תשעה באב ב’ עקב טו אב MON EVENING AUG 11 ה’ ראה כה אב הרה"ג ר' יעקב האראוויץ ראש ישיבת בית מאיר ורב דקהל טעלז ב"פ שליט"א ג’ דברים ב’ אב TUES EVENING JULY 29 9:30 אני מאמין שלמה באמונה חיים של אמונה ובטחון ∑ הרה"ג ר' שמחה בונם כהן שליט"א רב דקהל עטרת ישעי' ונכד הרה"ג ר' אביגדור מיללער זצ"ל ג’ ואתחנן ט’ אב TUES EVENING AUG 5 9:30 תשעה באב 1:00 יעקב זיידא הרה"ג ר' שליט"א ה’ שופטים ב אלול ואגדהעם ד׳ הלכה למעשה תהי׳ תמים הלכה ∑ הרה"ג ר' מנחם מענדל הרה"ג ר' יצחק ישראל הרה"ג ר' אשר אנשיל עקשטיין שליט"א כ"ץ שליט"א באלד שליט"א דומ"ץ בקהל מחזיקי הדת בעלזא מגיד שיעור אירגון שיעורי תורה רב דקהל ראסלאוויץ ∑ בביהמ"ד קארלין סטאלין כלים שאלות נחוצות בטבילת ( ALUMINUMוכלי הקייטערערס והאטעלס) ודברי התעוררות ∑ הרה"ג ר' בן ציון יעקב הלוי וואזנער שליט"א אב"ד ביד"ץ בית הוראה שבט הלוי ,מאנסי-בית שמש ד’ מסעי כה תמוז WED EVENING JULY 23 9:30 די חשיבות פון א איד ∑ הרה"ג ר' אליעזר זאב האגער שליט"א ד’ דברים ג’ אב WED EVENING JULY 30 9:30 אנא רחום ברחמיך הרבים שכינתך... השב ∑ הרה"ג ר' אברהם שארר שליט"א רב דקהל תפארת יעקב ד’ ואתחנן י’ אב WED EVENING AUG 6 9:30 משפט בדיני חושן הדרכים למנוע קנין דברים (בסי' ר"ז) ∑ חיים קאהן הרה"ג ר' שליט"א ג’ עקב טז אב TUES EVENING AUG 12 WED EVENING AUG 13 ∑ ח מ יו חד אאוררץ י שר אל∑ מ ב’ ראה כב אב MON EVENING AUG 18 שליט"א 7:00 דינער אירגון שיעורי תורה ∑ דומ"ץ דקהל צמח צדיק וויזניץ וויליאמסבורג 1:00 WED EVENING JULY 16 9:30 9:30ד’ עקבפוןיזוויאבנעמט מען חיזוק?9:30 מצב הכשרות דברי חיזוק והתעוררות למידות טובות בבדיקת תולעים מח"ס בדיקת המזון כהלכתה הלכות ומנהגים מילה בברית ∑ THURS NOON AUG 28 9:30 הרה"ג ר' משה וויא רב דקהל בית אפרים THURS NOON AUG 21 ד’ מטות יח תמוז רב דקהל חסידי גור פלעטבוש 1:00 הלכות נטילת ידים דומ"ץ תולדות יעקב יוסף דחסידי סקווירא ב.פ. נסיונות החיים עלי שמך אשר חלל התחזקות ומעלות יהודי דומ"ץ קהל יטב לב סאטמאר 15 ,עוו. THURS NOON AUG 14 שאלות ותשובות לקיץ ∑ ב’ מטות טז תמוז רב דקהל דראהביטש ד’ פנחס יא תמוז WED EVENING JULY 9 9:30 קנאות ומסירת נפש להתחזק בתפילה הרה"ג ר' שרגא ולעורר רחמי שמים הרה"ג ר' יחיאל מיכל האגער שליט"א הרה"ג ר' משה גרין שליט"א שטיינמעטץ שליט"א דומ"ץ דקהל עדת יראים ,וויען ב.פ. הרה"ג ר' חיים אלעזר הרה"ג ר' אפרים שמעון לייכטאג שליט"א פרידמאן שליט"א תשעה באב 1:00 ב’ עקב טו אב ∑ בירורי הלכה למעשה רב דקהל בני אשר טענקא MON NOON AUG 11 הלכות בין המצרים ∑ ערב תשעה באב 1:00 שיעור בדברים הנוגעים לנוסע לקאנטריס, האטעלס ,ולמרחקים ועוד MON EVENING JULY 14 פרטים יתפרסמו במודעה אחרת ב’ שופטים כט אב שופטים היום יום... ∑של יום עניני שיר סליחה לי"ז בתמוז השמדות באנגלי' וימי נושאי הצלב ד’ מטות יח תמוז WED NOON JULY 16 1:00 ה’ מטות יט תמוז THURS NOON JULY 17 TUES EVENING JULY 8 אדמו"ר מקאסוב ,ודומ"ץ וויזניץ ב.פ. ראה ב’ מטות טז תמוז MON NOON JULY 14 1:00 הרה"ג ר' שאול יחזקאל הרה"ג ר' יהושע העשיל שווארץ שליט"א קאצבורג שליט"א דומ"ץ דחסידי בעלזא ,ב.פ דומ"ץ דעברעצין עקב 1:00 ∑ הרה"ג ר' אברהם שפיטצער דומ"ץ קהל תי"י סקווירא ,לייקוואוד ג’ מטות יז תמוז קדושת סתם וחיוב גניזתם ודין התענית בהם שליט"א TUES NOON JULY 15 משא ומתן ואגדה בהלכה ∑ ואתחנן הרה"ג ר' יצחק אונסדארפער דומ"ץ שפע חיים צאנז ,וויליאמסבורג שליט"א דין צביעה בשבת באוכלין ∑ 1:00 נאכט ג’ פנחס י’ תמוז 9:30 9:30 ויעמוד פנחס ויפלל -ותעצר המגפה ב’ פנחס ט’ תמוז דברים על מה מפסיקין באמצע וברכות קש פסוקי דזמרה ∑ ג’ פנחס י’ תמוז TUES NOON JULY 8 ד’ פנחס יא תמוז WED NOON JULY 9 1:00 ה’ פנחס יב תמוז THURS NOON JULY 10 9:30 MON EVENING JULY 7 מסעי ב’ פנחס ט’ תמוז MON NOON JULY 7 1:00 שיעור מטות 1:00 1:00 טאג בארא פארק פנחס בארא פארק • שיעור שני בשעה 9:30בערב • MON EVENING AUG 25 הרה"ג ר' שמעלקא לייפער שליט"א אדמו"ר מחוסט ג’ ראה כג אב TUES EVENING AUG 19 9:30 התחדשות בעולם הכשרות וזכרת ∑לעשות חיל כי הוא הנתן לך כח הרה"ג ר' יעקב שלמה מייזליש שליט"א רב דקהל לימנוב ד’ ראה כד אב WED EVENING AUG 20 9:30 נושא בעול עם חבירו ואגדה הלכה ∑ הרה"ג ר' יהושע כ"ץ הרה"ג ר' אליעזר דוד שליט"א ראפפארט שליט"א רב דקהל זכרון אברהם יעקב רב דקהל מאגרוב ∑ 9:30ג’ שופטים א דר"ח אלול 9:30ד’ שופטים ב דר"ח אלול 9:30 TUES EVENING AUG 26 WED EVENING AUG 27 כהלכתה שאלות נחוצות התחזקות לימי מקואות (לגברים ,כלים ועוד) בהלכות מזוזה הרחמים והרצון ∑ ∑ אדמו"ר מתולדות צבי הרה"ג ר' מנחם פישער הרה"ג ר' חיים פייוויל שליט"א שנעעבאלג שליט"א רב דקהל אברכים מאנסי דומ"ץ וויען ,מאנסי ספינקא שליט"א ∑ בצהריים בשעה ( 1:00תפלת מנחה אחרי השיעורים בשעה )2:00 בערב בשעה ( 9:30תפלת מעריב 9:15ואחרי השיעורים בשעה )10:30 הרוצים עדיין להשתתף במצוה רבה זו ולהיות נדבן עבור אחד מן השיעורי ערב של ימי הקיץ, בבארא פארק • וויליאמסבורג • ופלעטבוש נא להתקשר בהקדם בטלפון עם :אירגון שיעורי תורה 718.853.3950 • 718.851.8651 צו באקומען א רשימה פון די לעצטע שיעורים דורך אי-מעיל [email protected] רבנים ,עסקנים ,וגבאים :נא לפרסם ולעודד חברי קהילתכם לנצל את לילי הקיץ הארוכים הבעל"ט ,ולהשתתף בשיעורי תורה הנ"ל כולנו לשיעורי תורה -ברבים וברוב עם To be notified of upcoming shiurim in your neighborhood, send an email specifying your location to [email protected] !HELP SUPPORT TORAH - DONATE NOW Mail your tax deductible contribution to IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH 1438 40th Street • Brooklyn, NY 11218 718.851.8651 • 718. 853.3950 • [email protected] אירגון שיעורי תורה קיץ תשע"ד אירגון שיעורי תורה שמח להודיע שסדרנו בעזהשי"ת לימי הקיץ הבעל"ט בערבי ב' ג' ד' הרבים לתועלת • למעשה הלכה • כלליים שיעורים בבארא פארק וויליאמסבורג ופלעטבוש שיתקיימו ברבים וברוב עם ועדה לכל אברכי סידיס וועלען זיין צו באקומען גלייך נאך די שיעורים כולל ,בעלי בתים ,ותלמידי כלל הישיבות מכל הקהילות שיחיו ,ע"י רבנים ות"ח מופלגים. השיעורים בוויליאמסבורג כדלהלן (בארא פארק ופלעטבוש מתפרסם במודעה נפרדת) פנחס וויליאמסבורג 9:30 ב’ פנחס ט’ תמוז מאנטאג נאכט JULY 7 9:30 הנני נותן לו את בריתי שלום בענינים העומדים על הפרק ∑ גינזבורג הרה"ג ר' משולם פייש אדמו"ר מחוסט ,ראש ישיבה בני אלעזר 9:30 ב’ מטות טז תמוז מאנטאג נאכט JULY 14 מטות שליט"א שיעור כללי בהלכות בין המצרים ∑ הרה"ג ר' יצחק אונסדארפער שליט"א ג’ פנחס י’ תמוז דינסטאג נאכט JULY 8 שיעור כללי 9:30 בהלכות יחוד אונסדארפער הרה"ג ר' צבי ראש כולל תולדות יוסף ∑ ג’ מטות יז תמוז דינסטאג נאכט JULY 15 מסעי עבודת ימי בין המצרים ∑ הרה"ג ר' ישעי' אשר אנשיל ווייס שליט"א 9:30 דברים ב’ דברים א’ אב מאנטאג נאכט שליט"א ישראל גודל חשיבות בעיקבתא דמשיחא שבעה עשר בתמוז הרה"ג ר' יעקב טובי'ה ווייזער ערב תשעה באב ב’ עקב טר אב מאנטאג נאכט עקב שליט"א 9:30 9:30 אוהב שלום ורודף שלום ליעף הרה"ג ר' משה טוביה רב דקהל אגודת ישראל בית בנימין ג’ דברים ב’ אב דינסטאג נאכט JULY 29 שליט"א 9:30 המתאבל על ירושלים זוכה ורואה בשמחתה -ווי אזוי? טויבער הרה"ג ר' עזריאל מיסד הכולל מכון להוראה ג’ ואתחנן ט’ אב דינסטאג נאכט AUG 5 שליט"א 9:30 ∑ 9:30 AUG 18 זהירות מאיסור תולעים וירקות ועוד בפירות ∑ ור מיוחד א ארחץ ישראל מ וויא הרה"ג ר' משה מח"ס בדיקת המזון כהלכתה ב’ שופטים כט אב מאנטאג נאכט AUG 25 התעוררות לימי הרחמים והרצון שליט"א 9:30 ∑ הרה"ג ר' שרגא האגער שליט"א אדמו"ר מקאסוב ,ודומ"ץ וויזניץ ב.פ. שליט"א 9:30 ד’ מטות יח תמוז מיטוואך נאכט JULY 16 ונשובה השיבנו ד׳ אליך חדש ימינו כקדם שליט"א ג’ עקב טז אב דינסטאג נאכט AUG 12 9:30 שליט"א 9:30 שארר הרה"ג ר' אברהם רב דקהל תפארת יעקב ד’ דברים ג’ אב מיטוואך נאכט שליט"א 9:30 JULY 30 הן עם לבדד ישכון היסוד לקיום יהדות החרדית שלנו וגם בענין טעראפיסט ∑ חיים בלום הרה"ג ר' אליעזר אדמו"ר מקאשוי ד’ ואתחנן י’ אב מיטוואך נאכט שליט"א 9:30 AUG 6 עמי נחמו נחמו במה להתנחם ולהתחזק? ד’ עקב יז אב מיטוואך נאכט הלכות ריבית-היתר עיסקא ∑ הרה"ג ר' דוד ליב פישער שליט"א ד’ ראה כד אב מיטוואך נאכט AUG 20 9:30 מצב הכשרות בזמן הזה הרה"ג ר' שמואל טייטלבוים שליט"א שליט"א יו"ר מערכת הכשרות ביד"ץ דקהל מנחת חינוך טרטיקוב 9:30 "ואני תפלה" קוה אל ד׳ -להתחזק ולעורר רחמי שמים ד’ שופטים ב דר״ח אלול מיטוואך נאכט AUG 27 שליט"א 9:30 שיעור כללי בהלכות ∑ שנעעבאלג הרה"ג ר' משה חיים ר"מ בישיבת וויזניץ AUG 13 9:30 ∑ ∑ ג’ שופטים א דר״ח אלול דינסטאג נאכט AUG 26 ∑ מו"ץ בקהילת יעקב פאפא מה ידידות מנוחתך את שבת המלכה מלוביצקי הרה"ג ר' סיני מחבר ספר מסורת סיני ווארטען?בתוכם ושכנתי ועשו לי מקדש ווי לאנג וועט מען ∑ דומ"ץ קהלת יעקב פאפא בארא פארק ג’ ראה כג אב דינסטאג נאכט ד’ מסעי כה תמוז מיטוואך נאכט JULY 23 הרה"ג ר' ארון רייך ראש ישיבת ישיבה גדולה דווידלייק ווילעדזש בלייקווד הרה"ג ר' משה מנחם ווייס AUG 19 9:30 שליט"א ∑ הרה"ג ר' משולם יודא דוב פאלאטשעק מח"ס שו"ת מגד יהודה ,וחבר ביד"צ התאחדות הרבנים ב’ ראה כב אב מאנטאג נאכט שופטים גודל מעלת החסיד טכנלוגי׳ה בהלכה סכנה דברים שיש בהם שידוכים ,מאכלים ,עקירת פירות האילן ,וצוואת ר' יהודה שליט"א ראה ג’ מסעי כד תמוז דינסטאג נאכט JULY 22 9:30 תשעה באב AUG 11 גאלדמינצער הרה"ג ר' אהרן מו"ץ בשיכון סקווירא הרה"ג ר' שמואל דישון ∑ ∑ ב’ ואתחנן ח’ אב מאנטאג נאכט ואתחנן 9:30 AUG 4 הדגים כשרות בזמן הזה ∑ ∑ מגי"ש בקהל יטב לב סאטמאר JULY 28 JULY 9 מנהל מוסדות יד ישראל ,קארלין סטאלין 9:30 ב’ מסעי כג תמוז מאנטאג נאכט 9:30 9:30 ∑ דומ"ץ שפע חיים צאנז ,וויליאמסבורג JULY 21 ד’ פנחס יא תמוז מיטוואך נאכט בערב ברכת המזון ∑ הרה"ג ר' לייבל וויליגער שליט"א ראש כולל תורה ודעת ורב דקהל אור תורה בביהמ"ד הגדול קהלת יעקב פאפא צו באקומען א רשימה פון די לעצטע שיעורים דורך אי-מעיל [email protected] הרוצים עדיין להשתתף במצוה רבה זו ולהיות נדבן עבור אחד מן השיעורי ערב של ימי הקיץ, בבארא פארק • וויליאמסבורג • ופלעטבוש נא להתקשר בהקדם בטלפון עם :אירגון שיעורי תורה רבנים ,עסקנים ,וגבאים :נא לפרסם ולעודד חברי קהילתכם לנצל את לילי הקיץ הארוכים הבעל"ט ,ולהשתתף בשיעורי תורה הנ"ל כולנו לשיעורי תורה -ברבים וברוב עם !HELP SUPPORT TORAH - DONATE NOW Mail your tax deductible contribution to IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH 1438 40th Street • Brooklyn, NY 11218 718.851.8651 • 718. 853.3950 • [email protected] Dear Friend, Boruch Hashem, Irgun Shiurai Torah’s Summer Torah Project has begun very successfully. In the Boro Park, Williamsburg and Flatbush communities, over one thousand people join every evening. In addition, our new project of broadcasting the Flatbush Summer Shiurim nationwide, has attracted thousands of listeners in dozens of communities across the country. These paprticipants have transformed their summer days into days of Torah and inspiration and a manifestation of great Kiddush Hashem! It is not too late to join! Come with your family and friends to receive some Chizuk. PLEASE HELP US BY SPONSORING THESE SHIURAI TORAH FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE THOUSANDS OF PARTICIPANTS! May the Zechus of all these tens of thousands of learning hours serve as a protection for our community and all of Klal Yisroel. With best wishes for a healthy & spiritually rich summer, Rabbi Elozer Bald Menahel, Irgun Shiurai Torah HELP SUPPORT TORAH - DONATE NOW! Mail your tax deductible contribution to IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH 1438 40th Street • Brooklyn, NY 11218 718.851.8651 • 718. 853.3950 • [email protected] SPONSOR A SHIUR TODAY! Please take part in the great Kiddush Hashem of Irgun Shiurai Torah’s summer shiurim. q SHIUR DEDICATION: (1 per shiur): Complete dedication of Shiur & tape/CD - $1000 q SHIUR SPONSOR: (two per Shiur): Sponsor a Shiur and tape/CD - $500 q SHIUR DONOR: Donation towards shiur - $250 Please choose one of the dedication opportunities q I would like to sponsor a shiur for $_______________ The shiur and tape/CD is dedicated: q Lilui Nishmas - in memory of a loved one. q As a Zechus for הצלחה q For a Refuah Shleima q In honor of a Simcha in the family q In honor of ___________________ Please specify date of the shiur you would like to sponsor ___________________ At the shiur I would like Irgun Shiurai Torah to announce: Sponsored By_______________________________________________________ For_________________________________________________________________ The sponsor can receive two free copies of the tape of the sponsored shiur upon request. q I cannot be a sponsor at this time; however, I do wish to be a part of Irgun Shiurai Torah’s worldwide projects with my tax deductible contribution of: q $180 q $100 q $72 q $54 q $36 q $18 Name _______________________________ Address ___________ City _________________________________ State___Zip__________ Day Telephone #: ____________________________ Eve. Telephone #_____________________________ q Check enclosed q Please charge my credit card C.C. # _______________________________ Exp ____/____ Signature:___________________________ HELP SUPPORT TORAH - DONATE NOW! Mail your tax deductible contribution to IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH 1438 40th Street • Brooklyn, NY 11218 718.851.8651 • 718. 853.3950 • [email protected] IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH 718.853.3950 • Tape Center: 718.851.8651 • Fax: 718.633.8362 • Email: [email protected] U.S.A • Israel • Europe • Canada • South America • Australia • South Africa U.S. Mailing Address: 1438-40th Street • Brooklyn NY 11218 • Tape Center: 4609-16th Ave • Brooklyn NY 11204 R’ Elozer B. Bald Founder & Menahel È Askonim (Partial List) R’ Yitzchak Y. Bald R’ Avrom M. Kugelman R’ Yosef Y. Rosenfeld R’ Mordechai Pam R’ Gavriel Fromowitz R’ Simcha Deutsch R’ Yochanon D. Bald R’ Chaim Dov Bald R’ Nochum Greenwald R’ Avrohom M. Goldberger R’ Y. Y. Weiss R’ Hershel Weber R’ Berel Klein R’ Moshe Greenfeld R’ Chaim Mayer Glick È Rabbinical Endorsements & Maggidei Shiur (Partial List) Rabbi Avrohom Pam zt”l Rabbi Chaim Kreiswirth zt”l Rabbi Tuvia Goldstein zt”l Rabbi Shmuel Berenbaum zt”l Rabbi Chaim P. Scheinberg zt”l Skulener Rebbe Pupa Rebbe Rabbi Moshe Wolfson Rabbi Yaakov Perlow Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetzky Rabbi Yechezkel Roth Rabbi Yosef Rosenblum Rabbi Moshe Green Rabbi Shmuel Dishon Rabbi Simcha B. Ehrenfeld Rabbi Reuven Feinstein Rabbi Elya Fisher Rabbi Yaakov Forcheimer Rabbi Yaakov Galinsky Rabbi Shlomo Gross Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz Rabbi Aryeh Malkiel Kotler Rabbi Yaakov Boruch Ledereich Rabbi Matisyahu Salomon Rabbi Avrohom Schorr Rabbi Eliyahu Simcha Schustel Rabbi Don Segal Rabbi Moshe Silberberg Rabbi Avrohom Chaim Spitzer Rabbi Yitzchok Stein Rabbi Yechiel Mechel Steinmetz Rabbi Avrohom Chaim Steinwurzel Rabbi Chaim Y. Tauber Rabbi Yosef Viener Rabbi Elya Ber Wachtfogel Rabbi BenZion Yaakov Wosner Rabbi Leibel Wulliger È Flatbush Rabbonim / Maggidei Shiur (Partial List) Rabbi Shmuel Dovid Beck Rabbi Yisroel Belsky Rabbi Eliyahu Brudny Rabbi Yosef Eisen Rabbi Shlomo Eisenblatt zt”l Rabbi Yosef Frankel Rabbi Lipa Geldwerth Rabbi Eliezer Ginsburg Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser Rabbi Yisroel P. Gornish Rabbi Pinchos Horowitz Rabbi Yitzchok Isbee zt”l Rabbi Elimelech Z. Leibowit Rabbi Moshe Tuvia Lieff Rabbi Shlomo Mandel Rabbi Shlomo Pearl Rabbi Eliezer Dovid Rappaport Rabbi Yisroel Reisman Rabbi Shmuel Feivel Shustel Rabbi Nachman Siegal Rabbi Yaakov Zev Smith Rabbi Yitzchok Steinwurzel Menachem Av, 5774 “What can I do to promote Torah and Judaism, in America, and the entire world?” בס”ד בס”ד Dear Friend, Twenty years ago, when Irgun Shiurai Torah first began, nobody could have known that the organization would galvanize Jewish life. Nobody could have foreseen that close to fifteen hundred men and women would attend just one evening’s summer classes. Or that tens of thousands of Jews would take upon themselves more mitzvos, even change their lifestyles, because of something they learned at an Irgun Shiurai Torah seminar. Today, Irgun Shiurai Torah is changing the face of Torah Judaism worldwide. How? By making Torah accessible to hundreds of thousands of Jews. Irgun Shiurai Torah organizes Torah lectures and seminars, featuring world-famous rabbis and lecturers. The classes attract inspiration-and-knowledge-hungry Jews, who come any time - even during vacation and holiday seasons; and anywhere, from Brooklyn to Australia, and just about everywhere in between. Irgun Shiurai Torah offers seminars on taharas hamishpacha, chinuch, and sholom bayis. Lectures on halacha and hashkafa. And classes that inspire and educate Jews, on virtually every Torah topic imaginable. Irgun Shiurai Torah reaches Jews of all ages with its live shiurim and seminars, and with CDs/tapes, from its comprehensive library. Irgun Shiurai Torah has become the Jewish community’s resource for Torah education. Clearly, the organization belongs to the community, and deserves its support. We are pleased to invite you to our 13th Annual Summer Dinner Event, to be held on Monday evening, August 18, at 7:00 pm. This year’s dinner will be held at Young Israel of Avenue K, in Brooklyn. Mr. Ari Parnes and Mr. Reuven Wolf will be our Dinner Hosts. Catering for the event is being sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Yanky Feuereisen of Classic Caterers in honor of the Flatbush Community. The dinner offers you a chance to both support this wonderful organization, and to delight in what is sure to be a memorable, inspiring evening. Many of our generation’s great rabbonim will grace the event. We will have the zechus of hearing Divrei Hisorerus from Hagaon Rav Yerucham Olshin, שליט”א, Rosh Yeshivah, Beth Medrash Govoha of Lakewood. Horav Shmuel Dishon, שליט”אwill deliver Divrei Chizuk as we approach the month of Elul. The keynote speaker will be world-famous Maggid Shiur and inspirational speaker, Horav Fishel Schachter, שליט”א, who will be speaking on the topic “Caring for every Jew”. As in years past, we will have the zechus of seeing and hearing Daas Torah of the Gedolei Eretz Yisroel - Hagaon R’ Aharon Leib Shteinman שליט”אand Hagaon R’ Chaim Kanievski שליט”אas they answer an all-new series of questions for the year 5774. Rabbonim and Gedolei Hador urge you to support Irgun Shiurai Torah, so that the organization can expand, and continue its wonderful work of bringing Torah and spirituality to every Jewish community, in America, and worldwide. Please send in your ad or contribution today. Or, sponsor a lecture, for $500, or part of a lecture, for just $180. You can even sponsor an entire day’s shiurim, for $1000. It is a most meaningful way to mark a yahrtzeit, simcha, or special occasion. Whatever you choose to send, please do not delay. Our continued existence depends on your support. Looking forward to greeting you personally, Ari Parnes and Reuven Wolf Leibish Berkowitz and Abish Brodt Dinner Hosts Dr. Robert Adler Leibel Berger Sruly Berger Moshe Bodner Yossie Brachfeld Pinchas Brody Abe Eisner Samuel D. Friedman Eli Goldbaum Mordechai Hager Hertzy Hasenfeld Yanky Herman Campaign Chairmen Ralph Hertzka Sruly Issacs Reuven Kaufman Moshe Klein Eli Levitin Sendy Liebhard Yonason Moller Avrohom S. Moshel Ari Neuberger Jerry Neuman Yossi Ostreicher Avrohom Rieder Shmulke Rubinstein Avi Shteierman A.B. Sprei Lazer Steinmetz Tully Teitelbaum Zecharya Wallerstein Lenny Wassner Yerucham Winkler Moshe Wolf Avrohom Wolfson IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH: Bringing Torah to Hundreds of Thousands of Jews Worldwide Taharas Hamishpacha & Sholom Bayis Worldwide Shovavim Project • Yeshivas Bain Hazmanim • Summer Programs • Sunday Morning Programs • Daily Lunch Break Shiurim • Evening Baalei Batim Shiurim Tape Center • Chinuch & Sholom Bayis Lectures • Chol Hamoed Shiurim • Assistance to Hundreds of Batei Midrashim to start Torah Classes • Roster of Available speakers • Senior Citizen’s Program • Publications HELP SUPPORT TORAH - DONATE NOW! Mail your tax deductible contribution to IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH 1438 40th Street • Brooklyn, NY 11218 718.851.8651 • 718. 853.3950 • [email protected] Submit your Dedication TODAY! S IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH 718.853.3950 • Tape Center: 718.851.8651 • Fax: 718.633.8362 • Email: [email protected] how your Hakoras Hatov to all or one of the following Roshei Yeshiva and Rabbonim who gave shiurim worldwide through IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH, by sponsoring more Harbotzas HaTorah in their honor. A Journal will אי"הbe published and distributed at the Irgun Shiurai Torah Summer Event Monday, August 18, ‘14 at the Grand Ballroom of Young Israel of Avenue K (corner E. 29th St. Brooklyn, N.Y.) Journal Dedications Founder Page ........... $18,000 Bonei Torah Page ..... $10,000 Pillar Page .................. $5,000 Diamond Page ............ $3,600 Platinum Page ............ $2,500 Chai Page ................... $1,800 Sarei Elef Page ........... $1,000 Gold Page ...................... $500 Half Page ........................ $360 Quarter Page................... $180 In your Journal Ad, Honor... • One of the hundreds of Rabbonim whose shiurim you’ve enjoyed • A friend or relative who attends the shiurim • One of Irgun Shiurai Torah’s Askonim or Board members for their work throughout the year • The memory of a loved one לעילוי נשמת JOURNAL Contract Yes! I would like to be part of the worldwide Kiddush Hashem of Irgun Shiurai Torah and sponsor a ____________ page for the amount of $_______________ In honor of _____________________________________ Your Name _____________________________________ Please print your message clearly in the space below, or attach a separate sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ c I am enclosing a check in the amount of $__________ c Please bill me (To save us time please enclose your check or c.c. info. Thank you!) Please charge my: c Mastercard c Visa c Discover c Amex Card# ____________________________________________ Exp.__________ Signature _______________________________________________________ We look forward to your participation. However, if you are unable to attend, your generous contribution will be appreciated! •• To place your ad, please call: 718.853.3950 • 718.851.8651 or fax: 718.633.8362 or email: [email protected] Please make checks payable to: IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH •1438-40th Street • Brooklyn, N.Y. 11218 Name _____________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip ______________________________________________________________ Daytime Phone # ____________________ Evening Phone # ______________________ FOLLOWING IS A PARTIAL LIST OF RABBONIM & ROSHEI YESHIVA WHO GAVE SHIURIM LOCALLY FOR IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH For lists in other locations, please call IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH. Rabbi Daniel Chaim Alter Rabbi Chanoch D. Ashkenazy Rabbi Yitzchok Y. Bald Rabbi Bentzion Bamberger Rabbi Eliezer Baum Rabbi Shmuel Dovid Beck Rabbi Mordechai Becher Rabbi Yisroel Belsky Rabbi Eliyahu Ben-Haim Rabbi Shmuel Berenbaum zt”l Rabbi Avrohom Y. Bick Rabbi Eliezer Chaim Blum Rabbi Avrohom Blumenkrantz zt”l Rabbi Pinchas Breuer Rabbi Dov Brezak Rabbi Avrohom Brickman Rabbi Yisroel Tzvi Brody Rabbi Abba Bronspiegel Rabbi Eliyahu Brudny Rabbi Yigal Chaimoff Rabbi Avrohom Eliezer Citron Rabbi Simcha Bunim Cohen Rabbi Zev Cohen Rabbi Yosef M. Deutsch Rabbi Shmuel Dishon Rabbi Aharon Dovid Dunner Rabbi Usher A. Eckstein Rabbi Simcha B. Ehrenfeld Rabbi Dovid Eichenstein Rabbi Eliezer Eichler Rabbi Yosef Eisen Rabbi Shlomo Eisenblatt zt”l Rabbi Reuven Feinstein Rabbi Yaakov Feitman Rabbi Yaakov Feldberger Rabbi Meyer Feldbrand Rabbi Tzvi Mordechai Feldheim Rabbi Shimon Yehuda Fink Rabbi Elya Fisher Rabbi Menachem Fischer Rabbi Yaakov Forcheimer Rabbi Binyomin Forst Rabbi Yissocher Frand Rabbi Yitzchak Frankel Rabbi Yosef Frankel Rabbi Pesachya Fried Rabbi Sholom Yosef Fried Rabbi Chaim E. Friedman Rabbi Moshe Friedman Rabbi Yaakov Galinsky Rabbi Lipa Geldwerth Rabbi Nochum M. German Rabbi Eliezer Ginsburg Rabbi Meshulem F. Ginsberg Rabbi Arye Z. Ginzberg Rabbi Shlomo Gissinger Rabbi Yitzchok A. Goldberger Rabbi Aharon Goldmintzer Rabbi Tuvia Goldstein zt”l Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser Rabbi Yisroel P. Gornish Rabbi Moshe Green Rabbi Moshe Y. Greenfeld Rabbi Osher Greenfeld Rabbi Sholom Y. Greenstein Rabbi Yosef C. Greenwald Rabbi Shlomo Gross Rabbi Aharon Grunwald Rabbi Pinchas Chaim Grunwald Rabbi Shraga Hager Rabbi Shmuel Dovid Halberstam Rabbi Tzvi Halpern Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Harfenes Rabbi Moshe Heinemann Rabbi Dovid Heller Rabbi Yehoshua H. Hershberg Rabbi Yaakov Hillel Rabbi Boruch Hirschfeld Rabbi Pinchos Horowitz Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz Rabbi Y. I. Horowitz Rabbi Yitzchok Isbee zt”l Rabbi Pinchos Jung Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetzky Rabbi Chaim Leib Katz Rabbi Mendel Katz Rabbi Mordechai Avrohom Katz Rabbi Osher Anshel Katz Rabbi Shlomo Zalmen Katz Rabbi Shmuel Meir Katz Rabbi Yehoshua Katz Rabbi Yissochor Dov Katz Rabbi Yehoshua H. Katzburg Rabbi Yehuda Leibish Kenig Rabbi Menashe Klein Rabbi Yitzchok Kleinman Rabbi Chaim Kohn Rabbi Aryeh Malkiel Kotler Rabbi Chaim Kraus Rabbi Chaim Kreiswirth zt”l Rabbi Paysach Krohn Rabbi Dovid Kviat Rabbi Binyomin Z. Landau Rabbi Leibish Langer Rabbi Sholom P. Langsam Rabbi Yaakov B. Ledereich Rabbi Moshe Meir Lederman Rabbi Simcha Lefkowitz Rabbi Asher C. Leiberman Rabbi Elimelech Z. Leibowitz Rabbi Efraim Shimon Leichtag Rabbi Shmelka Leifer Rabbi Moshe Tuvia Leiff Rabbi Avrohom M. Lewanoni Rabbi Gedalya Machlis Rabbi Sinai Malowicki Rabbi Shlomo Mandel Rabbi Shimon Z. Meisels Rabbi Yaakov Shlomo Meisels Rabbi Dovid Tzvi Meyer Rabbi Yechiel Yaakov Miller Rabbi Yitzchok E. Moskowitz Rabbi Chaim Oberlander Rabbi Noach Isaac Oelbaum Rabbi Yeruchom Olshin Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky Rabbi Dovid Ozeri Rabbi Avrohom Pam zt”l Rabbi Nochum Meir Paneth Rabbi Shlomo Pearl Rabbi Yaakov Perlow Rabbi Zalmen Leib Philip Rabbi Meshulam Polatchek Rabbi Yeshaya Yaakov Portugal Rabbi Mordechai Potash Rabbi Shaul Yehuda Prizant Rabbi Eliezer D. Rappaport Rabbi Uren Reich Rabbi Yaakov Reisman Rabbi Yisroel Reisman Rabbi Yitzchok Reitport Rabbi Yontatan Rietti Rabbi Gershon Ribner Rabbi Sholom Rokeach Rabbi Efraim Rosen Rabbi Avrohom B. Rosenberg Rabbi Chaim B. Rosenberg Rabbi Yosef Rosenblum Rabbi Yosef Y. Rosenfeld Rabbi Yechezkel Roth Rabbi Chaim L. Rottenberg Rabbi Yaakov Y. Rottenberg Rabbi Yaakov Yisroel Rubin Rabbi Matisyahu Salomon Rabbi Chaim P. Scheinberg zt"l Rabbi Fishel Schachter Rabbi Hershel Schachter Rabbi Yechezkel Scharf Rabbi Moshe Scheinerman Rabbi Asher Anshel Scher Rabbi Nosson Scherman Rabbi Chaim F. Schneebalg Rabbi Moshe Schneebalg Rabbi Yitzchok E. Schneebalg Rabbi Avrohom Schorr Rabbi Dovid Schustal Rabbi Eliyahu S. Schustel Rabbi Shneur Z. Schwartz Rabbi Y. Koppel Schwartz Rabbi Don Segal Rabbi Mendel Shafran Rabbi Daniel Shaliehsaboo Rabbi Yisroel Shlomowitz Rabbi Shlomo Feivel Shustal Rabbi Nachman Siegal Rabbi Menachem Z. Silber Rabbi Mordechai Silber Rabbi Todros Silber Rabbi Moshe Silberberg Rabbi Aaron Silberstein Rabbi Yaakov Zev Smith Rabbi Yitzchok Sorotzkin Rabbi Avrohom Spitzer Rabbi Avrohom C. Spitzer Rabbi Moshe Dovid Stein Rabbi Yitzchok Stein Rabbi Yechiel Steinmetz Rabbi Yechiel M. Steinmetz Rabbi Avrohom C. Steinwurzel Rabbi Yitzchok Steinwurzel Rabbi Shloma Stern Rabbi Abba Chiya Tauber Rabbi Chaim Y. Tauber Rabbi Ezriel Tauber Rabbi Yechiel Tauber Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum Rabbi Chanoch Teller Rabbi Yaakov Elya Unsdorfer Rabbi Yisroel Unsdorfer Rabbi Yosef Viener Rabbi Ephraim Wachsman Rabbi Elya Ber Wachtfogel Rabbi Feivel Wagner Rabbi Chaim Wakslak Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein Rabbi Yisroel Dov Webster Rabbi Dovid Weinberger Rabbi Hillel Weinberger Rabbi Shlomo Y. Weinberger Rabbi Yaakov Tovia Weiser Rabbi Asher Weiss Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss Rabbi Moshe M. Weiss Rabbi Yaakov Weiss Rabbi M. M. Weissmandel Rabbi Tovia Wettenstein Rabbi Mordechai Willig Rabbi Moshe Wolfson Rabbi Chaim Boruch Wolpin Rabbi AvrohomTzvi Wosner Rabbi BenZion Yaakov Wosner Rabbi Yochonon Wosner Rabbi Leibel Wulliger Rabbi Yaakov Zeide Rabbi Aaron Zilberstein Rabbi Shraga F. Zimmerman Rabbi Asher Zimmerman zt”l Rabbi Aharon Zuckerman Rabbi Gavriel Zinner HELP SUPPORT TORAH - DONATE NOW! Mail your tax deductible contribution to IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH 1438 40th Street • Brooklyn, NY 11218 718.851.8651 • 718. 853.3950 • [email protected] ORDER NOW! CDs or Tapes of the Nationally Broadcast Flatbush Summer Shiurim 5774 in the Bostoner Shul arranged by Irgun Shiurai Torah אירגון שיעורי תורה Quant Code Price Title The Great Torah CD/Tape Sale Special! EN CD’s or tapes Regula $75 TIRE SET r Pric e: $88 MP3 shipoNpCiDn g include d Amt. SF491 $4 Klal Yisroel-A Legacy Of Gevurah Rabbi Yissocher Frand Shlita $ SF492 $4 Being On Fire - Finding Excitement In Yiddishkeit Rabbi Zev Cohen Shlita $ SF493 $4 Expiration Date Of Inspiration Rabbi Nachman Seltzer Shlita $ SF494 $4 The Science Of Simplicity Rabbi Yonatan Rietti Shlita $ SF495 $4 Word Power - The Unbelievable Story Of Chaim Ben Tzipporah Rabbi Elozer Boruch Bald Shlita $ SF496 $4 נסיונות החייםWhat Does Hashem Want From Us Now? Rabbi Yaakov Hillel Shlita $ SF497 $4 Machlokes L’shem Shamayim - Staying Above The Fray Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser Shlita $ SF498 $4 The Value Of A Moment Including Stories Of Chacham Ovadia Yosef זצ״לRabbi Dovid Ozeri Shlita $ SF499 $4 The I In Inspiraton Rabbi Zecharya Wallerstein Shlita $ SF500 $4 The Strength of Tefillah Rabbi Shmuel Dishon Shlita $ SF501 $4 Timely Issues in Halacha & Hashkafa Rabbi Yosef Viener Shlita $ SF502 $4 Q & A: Shalom Bayis•Shidduchim•Terrorism•Parnassa Chinuch Habbonim! Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss Shlita $ SF503 $4 Tests Of Faith: Growing In אמונה ובטחוןThrough Challenges Rabbi David Ashear Shlita $ SF504 $4 Best Connection to Hashem Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi Shlita $ SF505 $4 Repairing Our Image Rabbi Paysach Krohn Shlita $ SF506/7 FREE Summer Dinner Event אירגון שיעורי תורה FREE SF508 $4 Working Non-Stop: For What? Rabbi Moshe Tuvia Lieff Shlita SF509 $4 Living A Life Of אין עוד מלבדוRabbi Shlomo Pearl Shlita $ SF510 $4 Technology! Keeping Up To Date Rabbi Nechemia Gottlieb Shlita $ SF511 $4 Are We Ready For Chodesh Elul? Rabbi Simcha Bunim Cohen Shlita $ SF512 $4 Ask The Rav: Q&A Forum in all of ד’ חלקי שלחן ערוךRabbi Yisroel Belsky Shlita MINIMUM ORDER $20 (+Shipping) SPECIAL: ENTIRE SET on CD or Tape (reg. $87, shipping included) S&H $ $7 $75 DONATION $ ________ Please Specify CDs Tapes TOTAL $ ________ Name _________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________ Apt. _________ City__________________________State____Zip __________________________ Call :718.851.8651 or Fax: 718.686.7713 or Mail: Daytime Phone__________________Evening Phone _______________________ Email________________________________________________________________ Check Enclosed (payable to IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH, US currency only) Check # ________ IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH 1438 40th Street Brooklyn, NY 11218 Credit Card #____________________________________Exp. Date _________ [email protected] Signature ____________________________________________________________ or email: C.C. Billing Address (if different)____________________________________________ HELP SUPPORT TORAH - DONATE NOW! Mail your tax deductible contribution to IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH 1438 40th Street • Brooklyn, NY 11218 718.851.8651 • 718. 853.3950 • [email protected] The SUBSCRIBE World of TODAY! Halacha You are cordially invited to join the Most Popular sunday morning ˛ halacha shiur CD/Tape In the u.s.a. Series without ever leaving your home!! שיעורי הלכה בכל יום ראשון Rabbi Yaakov Zev Smith’s weekly halacha CD’s/TAPES A FULL YEAR ()תשע"ה OF HALACHA SHIURIM TO ORDER CALL: IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH TAPE CENTER at 718.851-8651 with your Credit Card # or fax to: 718.686.7713 or mail to: IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH 1438 40th Street Brooklyn, N.Y.11218 CD’s for only 215 $ (approx. 43 CD’S/TAPES) Tapes $250 New CD’S/Tapes will be mailed to you (includes shipping) approximately every 2 - 4 weeks בל"נ. Each CD/Tape will focus on a different subject in Halacha FREE on a wide variety of important topics SAMPLE CD/TAPE including: Brochos • Shabbos • Kashrus AVAILABLE Business • Tefilla • Yomim Tovim, & much more. or email to: [email protected] Please Specify q CD q TAPE Name __________________________________________________ Address _____________________________ Apt. ______________ City_________________________State_____ Zip ______________ Phone __________________________________________________ qCheck Enclosed (payable to IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH, US currency only) Ck # ______ qCredit Card ___________________________Exp. Date _______ C.C. Billing Address ______________________________________ Signature _______________________________________________ q Please renew my subscription annually & bill my Credit Card GIFT SUBSCRIPTION TO: Please send Rabbi Smith CD’S/Tapes to: Name __________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________ City_____________________________State____Zip ___________ Phone __________________________________________________ Email __________________________________________________ These Shiurim deal with many contemporary applications as analyzed and clarified by the Gedolei HaPoskim, and are explained in an absorbing and engaging manner. Send a meaningful gift! Great Halacha CD’s/Tapes can be mailed to: • YOURSELF • YOUR SPOUSE • YOUR CHILDREN • YOUR FRIENDS • YOUR BUSINESS ASSOCIATES Join thousands of Ba’alei Batim, Bnei Torah, Bochurim, women, girls, and anyone else who really wants to benefit greatly & gain a thorough understanding of the P’sak Halacha. ˛ Try it just once, and you’ll see why so many enjoy being enlightened and inspired in the practical application of so many daily Halachos. HELP SUPPORT TORAH - DONATE NOW! Mail your tax deductible contribution to IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH 1438 40th Street • Brooklyn, NY 11218 718.851.8651 • 718. 853.3950 • [email protected] Irgun Shiurai Torah presents Summ Order n er Sale ow & sa ve up to CD/MP3 ALBUMS 20% PLUS SPE ND $200 in album s g e t $ 2 any addit 5 ional alb off um! (totals o ver 30 (sale pric e) and Shalom BayiS SympoSium halaChoS & haShkafoS foR the maRRieD woman t treaelF s r u yo for married people only for married people only with CDs of the world-renowned ReB. Zahahva BRaunStein ע"ה Our most popular album for married women, now on CD! A comprehensive review course of Halacha and Hashcc kafa on Sholom bayis, Marrr riage, taharas Hamishpacha & tznius. Women all over the world have benefited greatly from Rebbetzin Braunstein’s keen insight. Her ideas and suggestions on Shalom Baycc is have helped thousands rekindle the spark in their married life. 17 CDs • List $120 Sale Price $95 Listen to six hours of Questions & Answers on MARRIAGE in this album. featuring prominent guest speakers REb. VItEl KAlMAnowItz REb. noA FlAM REb. tEHIllA JAEGER REb. YEHUdIS SAMEt REb. SHAIndY blUMInG MRS. MIRIAM SwERdloV MRS. AtARA MAlAcH MRS. SHAIndY KlEInMAn MRS. RocHEl lEAH GElbMAn MRS. dEVoIRElE blAU Fir s t tim MRS. bAIlA FRIEdMAnn ever e ! MRS. SURI HAlbERStAM These recordings are from the MAJOR GATHERINGS everyone was raving about, held in the Atrium Plaza in Monsey, nY and in Ateres chynka in brooklyn, nY. the woRlD of halaCha % off) TOPICS INCLuDE: • Introduction to Sholom Bayis • Communicating Our Needs • Mothers-in-law, Daughters-in-law • Appreciating Our Partner • Respect • Strengthening Our Marriage; How? • Unmet Expectations • Tznius in Privacy • Happiness • Husband Declining in Ruchniyus • Judging Favorably • Parnassa Challenges • Husband Screaming • Is this my Bashert? • Differences • Giving or Taking • Communication in Marriage • A Husband Asks • Disagreements • Disappointments • Davening • Privacy; My Husband... • Growing • We Are the Foundation 6 CDs • List $55 Sale Price $45 for married people only Most Popular Sunday Morning Halacha Shiur in the U.S.A. These shiurim deal with a variety of important topics including: Brochos, Shabbos, Kashrus, Business, Tefilla, Yomim Tovim and much more. Join thousands of Ba’alei Batim, Bnei Torah, Bocc churim, women, girls and many others who have benefited greatly & gained a thorough understandcc ing of the P’sak Halacha. Over 700 Halacha tapes/cd's are available. To order, please request a list of all tapes/cd's: [email protected] Subscribe for a year of Halacha shiurim (approx. 43 tapes/ cd's) delivered every 2-4 weeks. List $215 Sale Price $180 what'S the halaCha? RaBBi yiSRoel BelSky anSweRS In this most compelcc ling series that afcc fects all Jewish Rabbi couples, Yosef Viener shares the podium with Ari Weinreb, MD in seven captivating Q&A forums. Medicc cal issues are examcc ined through the lens of the Torah perspeccc tive. The Rabbi and the Doctor answer a wide range of commonly asked questions on OB/GYN issues and more. Every couple is sure to benefit greatly from the wisdom and expertise that is offered. NEW! REb. EStHER HAlbERStAdt lakewood, nJ 6 CDs • List $35 Sale $25 ChinuCh ConCeptS A series of fascicc nating shiurim on practical chinuch including outstandcc ing parenting techcc niques that will help you lead your child along the path of Torah, by Rabbi Dov Brezak, famed Yated Chinuch colcc umnist. A must for every parrr ent. Guaranteed to ease parenting and help you raise better children. 10 CDs • List $65 Sale Price $50 RaBBi yiSRoel BelSky anSweRS vol. 2 alBumS 1-2 for married people only Over eighteen hours of questions and ancc swers on marriage and Taharas Hamishcc pacha. Includes halacha, hashkafa, medicc cal technology and much more. Over 750 questions answered with Torahctrue hashkk kafa, valuable insights and inspirational stories. 6 MP3 CDs • List $120 Sale Price $95 Rabbi Yisroel Belsky shlita provides sugcc gestions and recommendations along with these vital halachic decisions from which all Jewish couples can benefit greatly. 2 MP3 CDs • List $45 Sale Price $35 NEW! Over 750 Q&A • Over 70 Hours Over 225 Q&A • Approx. 12 Hours lakewood, nJ 4 CDs • List $25 Sale $20 REb. cIREl SEPtIMUS You'll hear as Rabbi Yisroel Belsky shlita draws freely from his encylopedic knowledge in all areas of Torah to answer our generation's most pressing questions. Approximately twelve hours of questions and answers on any topic including sholom bayis, chinuch, parnassah, shidduchim, emunah & bitachon, midos, Torah learning, Eretz Yiscc roel, tznius, the workplace, tefillah, evil eye & segulos, maaser money, diet & exercise, kiruv rechokim, anticSemitism and more. 2 MP3 CDs • List $45 Sale Price $35 REb. SoRAH MERMElStEIn what'S the halaCha? volume 1 alBumS 1-6 RaBBi Shmuel kamenetSky anSweRS Monsey, nY 4 CDs • List $25 Sale $20 Monsey, nY 4 CDs • List $25 Sale $20 7 CDs • List $45 Sale Price $35 what'S DaaS toRah? REb. YonInA GRUnER REb. EStHER GIttEl KRISHEVSKY Credit cards, mortgages and ribbis, successful chinuch, dina d'malchusa dina, modern shavers, lo yilbosh, estabcc lishing time for Torah study, and many, many more important topics. NEW! halaCha & haShkafa brooklyn, nY 4 CDs • List $25 Sale $20 the Rav & the DoCtoR RaBBi yaakov Zev Smith enhanCe youR maRRiaGe NEW! Over 200 Q&A • Over 18 Hours GReat ChilDRen'S StoRieS Vol. 1 AlbUM 1 exCitinG StoRieS Buy 3 get 4th Free! Vol. 2 AlbUM 1 yomim tovim Vol. 3 AlbUM 1 Vol. 4 AlbUM 1 paRSha yiRaS Shomayim & miDoS tovoS Approx. 10 hours each Each volume: 1 MP3 CD • List $25 Looking for wholesome entertainment? Your Sale Price $20 Buy 3 for $60, get 4th Free! children will delight in the stories; riveting, (equals to $15 each) rich and packed with Midrashim and geshmak. You'll delight in the yiras shomayim and Torah knowledge that will find a way into their neshamos. Delivered by master Rebbi and storyteller, Rabbi Yitzchok bald shlita. Add $7 for shipping & mail to: IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH 1438-40th Street • Brooklyn, NY 11218 718.853.3950••Tape CD Center: Center:718.851.8651 718.851.8651••[email protected] [email protected] Office: Office:718.853.3950 HELP SUPPORT TORAH - DONATE NOW! Mail your tax deductible contribution to IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH 1438 40th Street • Brooklyn, NY 11218 718.851.8651 • 718. 853.3950 • [email protected] IRGUN S THIRTE SUMME Read the Statistics.... continue to receive g the months of Nissan and Chizuk Tishrei from Irgun Shiurai Torah. Over 500,000 hours of Torah learned yearly through our Williamsburg, Monsey, Lakewood shiurim and tapes. Over 1,000,000 ,000 halachos learned through the shiurim rah learned annually through our of Irgun Shiurai Torah worldwide. day morning shiurim. anized worldwide. BECOME A SPONSOR Irgun Shiurai Torah’s Irgun Shiurai Torah’s Worldwide Harbotzas ticipate annually in the Worldwide Irgun BE Shiurai Torah... AND PART OF THIS GREAT UNDERTAKING! HaTorah Projects include: Worldwide Harbotzas HaTorah Projects include: olom Bayis Shovavim Project. Over 700 Roshei Yeshiva and Rabbonim delivered shiurim for Irgun Over 1000 Roshei Yeshiva Rabbonim delivered shiurim • Brings light of Torah to hundreds of thousands with a full andand varied program • Brings thethe light of Torah to hundreds of thousands of of• Provides ShiuraiBochurim Torah projects worldwide. ± oy Jews our shiurim live or on tape and worldwide through Seminars & Shiurim live live and on during for Irgun Shiurai Torah projects worldwide. Bein Hazmanim. Jews worldwide through seminars and shiurim Over 500 shuls were assisted in organizing seminars & shiurim which CD. k from Towere date, Irgun Shiurai Torah’s YeshivosinBein andIrgun on CD. Shiurai Torah. Over 700 shuls were assisted organizing seminars &Ho greatly enjoyed by their participants. • Introduces Taharas HaMishpacha to thousands of Hazmanim the largest such program shiurim is which were greatly enjoyedworldwide, by their participants. Torah learned through our • Introduces Taharasyearly HaMishpacha to thousands of Dinner Hosts: Ari Parnes and Reuven Wolf Catering Sponsored by Classic Caterers Corner of Ave K & East 29th Street • Brooklyn, NY ים שליט“א Irgun Shiurai Torah... YOUNG ISRAEL OF AVENUE K in the Grand Ballroom of at 7:00 pm Monday Evening August 18th, 2014 • כ"ב אב תשע"ד Yidden, bringing them back to Yiddishkeit. Over5,000 1,000 participants. people attend the summer evening shiurim each night Roshei in with over Yidden, bringing them back to Yiddishkeit. Over 1,000 people attend theShul) summer evening(Pupa shiurim Flatbush (Bostoner Shul) , Boro Park (Stoliner and Williamsburg Shul) . each • Reviews the vital Halachos of Taharas HaMishpacha• Gives Chizuk to thousands of Baalei Batim, women who night in Flatbush (Bostoner Shul), Boro Park (Stoliner Shul) and ga •with Reviews vital Halachos of Taharas tens the of thousands of Jews. achos learned through the HaMishpacha shiurim Overtwelve 5,000 months men and Bochurim attend shiurim each Bain Hazmanim and girls a year, through inspiring Williamsburg (Pupa Shul) and thousands more daily through tens of thousands of Jews. IRGUN •with Strengthens Sholom Bayis in thousands of homes with seminars, session during the months of Nissan and Tishrei in Boro Park, Flatbush, rldwide. shiurim &nationwide. tapes/CDs. TCN broadcast Williamsburg, Monsey and Montreal. •worldwide Strengthens Sholom Bayis in thousands of homes Shiurim and tapes. • Assists hundreds ofmen Bateiand Midrashim worldwide inworldwide Over 5,000 Bochurim attend shiurim each Bein H worldwide shiurim and recordings. E A SPONSOR •with Helps parents raise their children על פי תורה, especially Over 15,000 shiurim organized worldwide. establishing Torah classes. Hazmanim session during the months of Nissan and Tishrei today’s challenging times. •inHelps parents raise their children על פי תורה, IS GREAT UNDERTAKING! Over 25,000 hours of Torahalearned annually through our dailyLakewood lunch ± senior citizens with constructive andMonsey, enjoyin Boro Park, Flatbush, Williamsburg, •especially Providesin Bochurim with a full and varied program • Provides today’s challenging times. break andprogram. Sunday morning shiurim. daily Eretz Yisroel. Bein Hazmanim. date, Irgun Shiurai Torah’s ableand s of •during Provides Bochurim withTo a full and varied program Over 50,000 people participate annually in theannually Worldwidethrough Taharas our BainYour Hazmanim is theWe largest Over 25,000 hours ofVaried Torah learned Support, Willsuch Be program Able To Continue & Expand Our Projects ve Yeshivos duringWith Bein Hazmanim. Hamishpacha/Sholom Bayis Shovavim Project. worldwide, with over 5,000 participants. To date, Irgun Shiurai Torah’s Yeshivos Bein daily lunch break and Sunday morning shiurim. •Hazmanim Gives Chizuk to thousands of Baalei Batim, women Over 100,000shiurim people enjoy our shiurimworldwide. live or on tape and continue to is the largest such program worldwide, Over 80,000 organized and girls twelve a year, through inspiring semireceive Chizuk from Irgun Shiurai Torah. with over 5,000months participants. Over 50,000 people participate annually in the Worldwide nars & shiurim and tapes. Over 1,000,000 hours of Torah learned through our shiurimProject. and tapes. • Gives Chizuk to thousands of Baalei Batim, women ha Taharas Hamishpacha/Sholom Bayis Shovavim • Assists hundreds of Batei Midrashim worldwide in and girls twelve Over 1,000,000people ,000 halachos through the shiurim of Irgun establishing Torahmonths classes.a year, through inspiring Over 100,000 enjoylearned our shiurim live or on tape and seminars, shiurim & tapes/CDs. Shiurai Torah worldwide. • Provides senior citizens with a constructive and enjoycontinue to receive Chizuk from Irgun Shiurai Torah. •able Assists hundreds of Batei Midrashim worldwide in program. Over 500,000 hours of Torah learned yearly through our בהשתתפות • גדולי • ראשי • ישיבות • ורבנים • שליט"א IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH’S THIRTEENTH ANNUAL SUMMER DINNER EVENT urai Torah... MONDA תשע“ד ב דינר establishing Torah classes. • Provides senior citizens with a constructive and enjoyable daily program. To shiurim and tapes. Over 1,000,000,000 halachos learned through the shiurim of Irgun Shiurai Torah worldwide. Continue & Expand Our Varied Projects Dedication Opportunities Dedication Opportunities be aa sponsor sponsor in honor of: be of: BECOME A SPONSOR Worldwide Shovavim Taharas Hamishpacha/Sholom project ........ $100,000 Worldwide Shovavim Taharas Bayis Bayis project ..................$100,000 Oneofofthe the700 1000 Rabbonim & Roshei One Rabbonim & Roshei Yeshiva AND BEHamishpacha/Sholom PART OF THIS GREAT (forUNDERTAKING! men or women) Summer program (3 available) ......................................................... $25,000 Summer program (3 available) ................................................................................ $25,000 Yeshiva who gave the shiurim Bein Hazmanim program (each neighborhood) ................................... $18,000 who gave the shiurim program • Brings the light of Torah to hundreds of thousands of • Provides Bochurim with a full and varied Bein Hazmanim program (each neighborhood) ......................................................... $18,000 Sponsor shiurim in 20 Shuls ............................................................ $20,000 One of the 700 Shuls where the shiurim during Bein Hazmanim. Jews worldwide through seminars and shiurim live One of given the 500 Shuls where the shiurim Sponsor shiurim 10 .................................................................................. Shuls .......................................................... $10,000 Sponsor shiurim Shuls $20,000 To date, Irgun Shiurai Torah’s Yeshivos Bein andinon20 were – פרנס החודשSponsor a month of Shiurim ........................................... $5,000 Hazmanim is the largest such program worldwide, Sponsor shiurim in 10Taharas ShulsHaMishpacha ................................................................................. $10,000 • Introduces to thousands of givenin the family or as a Zechus for Awere Simcha – עמוד השבועSponsor a week of Shiurim in 3 neighborhoods ............ $5,000 with over 5,000 participants. Yidden, abringing them to Yiddishkeit. החודש פרנס – Sponsor month ofback Shiurim.................................................................. $5,000 השבוע פרנס – Sponsor a week of Shiurim in one neighborhood .......... $1,800 AHatzlacha Simcha in the family or as a Zechus for • Gives Chizuk to thousands of Baalei Batim, women • Reviews the vital Halachos of Taharas HaMishpacha היום פרנס – EXCLUSIVE Shiur Sponsor complete dedication of shiur and tape (one per shiur) $1,000 – עמוד השבועSponsor a week of Shiurim in 3 neighborhoods ................................... $5,000 and girls twelve months a year, through inspiring לעילוי נשמתor לרפואה שלמהof a relative tensSponsor of thousands of Jews. a shiur and tape (maximum two per shiur) ................. $500 השיעור – פרנסwith Shiur - sponsor Hatzlacha seminars, shiurim & tapes/CDs. $1,800 השבוע – פרנסSponsor a week of Shiurim in one neighborhood ................................. Sholom Bayis in thousands of homes – תומךShiur• Strengthens Donor - minimum donation towards shiur dedication ............................. $180 A loved one who attends the shiurim hundreds worldwide in ___________________________________________________________במשפחה – פרנס יוםEXCLUSIVE Shiur Sponsor - complete shiur and tapeof(1Batei per Midrashim shiur)לרפואה/נשמת ..... $1,000 לעילוי נשמתor לרפואה שלמהof a relative with worldwide shiurim and recordings.dedication of• Assists שמחה לכבוד/להצלחה/שלמה לעילוי establishing Torah classes. Irgun’s askonim, staff or committee members – פרנס השיעורShiur sponsor shiur על פי, and tape (maximum 2 per shiur) ............. $500 • Helps Sponsor parents raise- their childrenaתורה A loved one who attends the shiurim • Provides senior citizens with a constructive and enjoyespecially in today’s challenging times. תומך – Shiur Donor - minimum donation towards shiur dedication .......................... $180 main centers for Irgun Shiurai Torah’s local shiurim able daily program. Irgun’s askonim, staff or committee members _____________________________________________________לכבוד שמחה במשפחה/להצלחה/לרפואה שלימה/לעילוי נשמת HAKOR Irgun Shiurai Torah... WithViznitz Your Support, We Will BeMishkoltz Able To Continue & Expand ProjectsSkver Flatbush: Boston • Boro Park: Stolin • Williamsburg: Pupa • Monsey: • Lakewood: (Coventry Shul)Our•Varied Montreal: main centers for Irgun Shiurai Torah’s local shiurim Partial listing of Shuls Where Irgun Shiurai Torah’s Shiurim WERE HELD WORLDWIDE Flatbush: Boston Boro• Agudath Park: Stolin • Williamsburg: Pupa • Monsey: • Lakewood: Mishkoltz (Coventry Shul) • Montreal: Skver• Boston Flatbush: Alesk • Achiezer Torah•Center Israel (R’ Ginsberg) • Agudath Israel (R’ Reisman) • AgudathViznitz Israel (R’ Lieff) • Ahavath Achim • Ahavas Dovid • Bais Yisroel of Kensington • Bais Yitzchok • Brezan • Chaim Berlin • Horodenka • Kollel Bnei Torah • Kollel Bnei • Shaarei Halacha • Soblov • Torah Torah’s Vodaath • Veretzky • Vielopoly Partial listing ofHaYeshivos Shuls Where Irgun Shiurai Shiurim WERE HELD WORLDWIDE Boro Park: Agudath Yisroel • Alexander • Belz • Bnei Asher • Bobov • Boyan • Brizdovitz • Chernobil • Divrei Chaim • Gorlitz • Klausenburg • Mateh Efraim Tiferes Yonason • Munkacz • Nitei Gavriel • Ohr Chaim • Flatbush: Alesk • Achiezer Torah Center • Agudath Israel (R’ Ginsberg) • Agudath Israel (R’ Reisman) • Agudath Israel (R’ Breuer) • Agudath Israel (R’ Zuckerman) • Ahavath Achim • Ahavas Dovid • Bais Yisroel of Kensington Ohr Yechezkel • Pupa • Satmar • Skulen • Skver • Spinka • Stolin • Tosh • Vien Bais Yitzchok • Boston • Brezan • Chaim Berlin • Horodenka • Kollel Bnei Torah • Kollel Bnei HaYeshivos • Shaarei Halacha • Soblov • Torah Vodaath • Veretzky • Vielopoly Williamsburg: Belz • Bobov • Brashov • Dushinsky • Bais Mordechai • Kashau • Pupa • Skulen • Skver • Tosh • Tzelim • Vien • Viznitz YisroelYonason V’Hazmanim Boro Park: Agudath Yisroel • Alexander • Belz • Bnei Asher • Bobov • BoyanD’Klassen • Brizdovitz • Chernobil • Divrei Chaim • Gorlitz • Klausenburg • Mateh Efraim• Tiferes • Munkacz • Nitei Gavriel • Ohr Chaim • Ohr Yechezkel • Pupa • Satmar Skulen • Skver Stolin HaTorah • Tosh • Vien Monsey: Adas •Yeshurun • Belz •• Spinka Bobov •• Keren • Kollel Shas • Mekor Chaim • Mishkenos L’Avir Yaakov • Neitra • Netzach Yisroel • Ohr Somayach • Shevet Halevi • Slonim • Tefilla L’Moshe • Vien • Vilednik • Viznitz • Satmar Williamsburg: Belz • Bobov • Brashov • Dushinsky • Bais Mordechai D’Klassen • Kashau • Pupa • Skulen • Skver • Tosh • Tzelim • Vien • Viznitz • Yisroel V’Hazmanim National: Birmingham AL • Calabasas CA • Irvine CA • Los Angeles CA: Beverley Hills Hancock Park CA Valley Village CA • Palo Alta CA • San Diego CA • Denver CO • Bridgeport & Fairfield CT Adas • Belz CT • Bobov • Keren HaTorah •CT Kollel Shas • Mekor Chaim L’Avir FL Yaakov • Neitra • Netzach Somayach • Slonim • Tefilla • Vien •GA Vilednik • Viznitz • Satmar Monsey: New Haven CTYeshurun • Norwalk • West Hartford • Washington DC ••Mishkenos Boca Raton • Hollywood FL • Yisroel Miami• Ohr Beach FL •• Shevet North Halevi Miami Beach FL •L’Moshe Dunwood • Savannah GA • Chicago IL • Skokie IL National: • Calabasas MA CA • •Irvine CA •MA Los •Angeles CA: Beverley Hills Hancock CASprings • Valley Village CA • PaloMIAlta CA • San Diego • Denver COMN • Bridgeport Fairfield New CT • Norwalk CT Des MoinesBirmingham IA • BostonAL(Brookline) Sharon Baltimore MD • Potomac MD • Park Silver MD • Detroit • Southfield MI •CA Minneapolis • Cherry&Hill NJ • CT• Deal NJ Haven • Freehold NJ • Highland West CT NJ • Washington Raton FL • NJ Hollywood FL • NJ Miami Beach FLNJ • North Miami BeachNJ FL • Dunwood GANV • Savannah • Chicago IL • Skokie IL Moines IA • NY: Boston (Brookline)Lawrence, MA • Sharon MA Park NJHartford • Linden • ParamusDCNJ• Boca • Parsippany • Teaneck • Passaic • West Orange Las Vegas • AlbanyGANY • Far Rockaway NY• Des • Five Towns Cedarhurst, Woodmere Baltimore • Potomac MD Gardens, • Silver Springs • Detroit Southfield • Minneapolis MN • NY Cherry Hill NJ • Deal NJNY• Freehold NJ • Highland Park NJ • Linden • Paramus NJ • Parsippany NJ •• Teaneck NJ •NY Passaic NJ NY Flushing NY:MDHillcrest, Kew Kew MD Garden HillsMI• • Great NeckMINY • Lido Beach • New Rochelle • NYC: Bronx, East Side, Lower EastNJSide, Washington Heights Commack, • Dewitt West Orange NJ • Las Vegas • Albany NY •NY Far• Rockaway Towns NY: Lawrence, Woodmere • Flushing NY: Hillcrest, Garden • Great Neck • Lido BeachOH: NY •Beachwood. New RochelleCleveland NY Hewlett NY • Long Beach NYNV• Patchogue PlainviewNY NY• Five • Riverdale NYCedarhurst, • Rochester NY • South Fallsburg NY • Staten IslandKew NY Gardens, • SuffolkKew County NYHills • Cincinnati OHNY• Cleveland NYC: Bronx, East Side, East Side, • Commack, NY NY • Hewlett • Long BeachNortheast NY • Patchogue NY • Plainview NY • Riverdale NY • Rochester NY • South Fallsburg NY • Staten NY TN Heights • Portland OR Lower • Bensalem PAWashington • LancasterHeights PA • McKeesport PA• Dewitt • Philadelphia PA: NY Bala Cynwyd, Wynnwood • Pittsburgh PA Scranton PA • White Oak PA • Providence RI •Island Memphis Suffolk NY •TX Cincinnati OH •TX Cleveland OH: Beachwood. Cleveland Heights •VA Portland ORWA • Bensalem PA • Lancaster PA • McKeesport PA • Philadelphia PA: Bala Cynwyd, Northeast Wynnwood • Pittsburgh PA Scranton Austin TXCounty • Houston • Ft. Worth • San Antonio TX • Norfolk VA • Richmond • Seattle • Milwaukee WI PA • White Oak PA • Providence RI • Memphis TN • Austin TX • Houston TX • Ft. Worth TX • San Antonio TX • Norfolk VA • Richmond VA • Seattle WA • Milwaukee WI Canada: Toronto: Anshei Kielce • Beis Meyer • Bobov • Eimek Tefillah • Emunah Sh’leima • Khal Toras Chesed • Kollel Avreichim • Nesiv Olam • Kollel Beis Avrohom Dovid • Sefardic Kehilla Center • Shomrei • Canada: Toronto: Anshei Kielce • Beis Meyer • Bobov • Eimek Tefillah • Emunah Sh’leima • Khal Toras Chesed • Kollel Avreichim • Nesiv Olam • Kollel Beis Avrohom Dovid • Sefardic Kehilla Center Shabbos Chevra Mishnayos • Yismach Moshe Montreal: Dzibo • Eitz Chaim • Satmar • Skver • Tosh Shomrei Shabbos Chevra Mishnayos • Yismach Moshe International: Eretz Yisroel • Australia • Italy • Argentina • Belgium • Chile • Columbia • England • France • Gibraltar • Holland • Hong Kong • Hungary • Mexico • SouthDzibo Africa• Eitz • Switzerland • Ukraine • Uruguay Montreal: Chaim • Satmar • Skver • Tosh International: Eretz Yisroel • Australia • Italy • Argentina • Belgium • Chile • Columbia • England • France • Gibraltar • Holland • Hong Kong • Hungary • Mexico • South Africa • Switzerland • Ukraine • Uruguay CALL NOW TO PLACE YOUR AD IN OUR JOURNAL DON’T MISS IT! Mail your tax deductible contribution to HELP SUPPORT TORAH - DONATE NOW! IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH 1438 40th Street • Brooklyn, NY 11218 718.851.8651 • 718. 853.3950 • [email protected] Ari S. Parnes בס"ד 882 East 23rd Street • Brooklyn, N.Y. 11210 Menachem Av, 5774 Dear Friend, It is my pleasure to invite you to the Thirteenth Annual Summer Dinner Event in support of a vital organization. This event will be held on Monday, August 18th at 7:00 P.M. at the Young Israel of Avenue K. There is a revolution under way. Close to twenty years ago, IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH was founded with the goal of revitalizing Torah study by the masses and providing the Tzibur with enlightening shiurim & seminars. This project has gradually expanded and grown to the point where IRGUN SHURAI TORAH has provided many thousands of shiurim & seminars nationally and internationally with people attending in record numbers. Currently, throughout the summer, well over a thousand men and women attend nightly shiurim at three locations, in Flatbush, at Mosdos Boston, in Boro Park, at the Stoliner Shul and in Williamsburg, at the Pupa Beis Medrash. Additionally, Sunday morning shiurim and daily lunch break shiurim are well attended year round and consistently attract hundreds of people. The Flatbush summer night shiurim are broadcast live to dozens of locations and viewed by thousands of people. The eight week Taharas Hamishpacha/Sholom Bayis Shovavim Project is sponsored in over 200 cities, in 25 countries and is attended by over 50,000 people annually. This project has succeeded in bringing thousands of people closer to Yiddishkeit and improving their Sholom Bayis. Semi-annual Yeshivos Bein Hazmanim and Chol Hamoed shiurim in the months of Tishrei and Nissan are held in Boro Park, Flatbush, Williamsburg, Monsey, Lakewood, Eretz Yisroel and many more communities throughout the country, and are attended by overflow crowds of over 5,000 men and bochurim. Over 700 Batei Midrashim have been assisted in organizing shiurim & seminars for hundreds of thousands of Jews and over 1000 Rabbanim have delivered shiurim in these and many more Torah Projects worldwide. However, the steady growth of Irgun’s activities has also meant the growth of its budget. Irgun cannot continue its large scale Harbotzas HaTorah without the klal doing its share. Join me and an esteemed group of Askonim at an evening of inspiration for this worthy cause, on Monday, August 18th, at 7:00 PM at the grand ballroom of The Young Israel of Avenue K, Corner Ave. K & East 29th Street, Brooklyn, New York, to help raise the desperately needed funds for Irgun Shiurai Torah. Many of our generation’s great rabbonim will grace the event. We will have the zechus of hearing Divrei Hisorerus from Hagaon Rav Yerucham Olshin, שליט”א, Rosh Yeshivah, Beth Medrash Govoha of Lakewood. Horav Shmuel Dishon, שליט”אwill deliver Divrei Chizuk as we approach the month of Elul. The keynote speaker will be world-famous Maggid Shiur and inspirational speaker, Horav Fishel Schachter, שליט”א, who will be speaking on the topic “Caring for every Jew”. As in years past, we will have the zechus of seeing and hearing Daas Torah of the Gedolei Eretz Yisroel Hagaon R’ Aharon Leib Shteinman שליט”אand Hagaon R’ Chaim Kanievski שליט”אas they answer an all-new series of questions for the year 5774. On behalf of my esteemed co-host R’ Reuven Wolf נ”יand myself, I urge you to maximize your support for Irgun Shiurai Torah. We are privileged to have the evening catered and sponsored by our good friends Mr. and Mrs. Yanky Feureisen of Classic Caterers. They are dedicating the evening in honor of the Flatbush community. In conjunction with this event a Journal will אי"הbe published. Kindly place an ad in honor of one of the Rabbanim. You will thereby be helping Irgun Shiurai Torah. A hot buffet dinner will be served. I look forward to greeting you personally, Ari S. Parnes HELP SUPPORT TORAH - DONATE NOW! Mail your tax deductible contribution to IRGUN SHIURAI TORAH 1438 40th Street • Brooklyn, NY 11218 718.851.8651 • 718. 853.3950 • [email protected]
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