BAIS TORAH BULLETIN 02:4 הדלקת נרות-פרשת חיי שרה Welcome Rabbi Reiss כ"א ‘ חשון תשע"ה November 14, 2014 ערב שבת פרשת חיי שרה Candlelighting 02:4 Mincha 52:4 Shkiah 52:4 שבת פרשת חיי שרה Hashkama 02:4 Daf Yomi 8:00 Shacharis 4:45 Sof Zman K”S 9:12 Mincha 52:4 Shkiah 52:4 Maariv 42:4 Weekday Schedule: Week of 11/16-11/21 Shacharis WHAT’S NEW סעודה שלישיתis sponsored by Dr. Leon Pachter for the yartzheit of his father Yaakov Yitzchak ben Simcha Bunim BNOS every Shabbos from 2:30-3:30 for girls grades Kindergarten through 7th grade. In conjunction with Community Synagogue we are pleased to announce our annual Scholar in Residence featuring Rabbi Yona Reiss THIS Shabbos Parshas Chaye Sara November 14-16. Rabbi Reiss will speak at Community Synagogue Friday night at 8:30 PM “Contemporary Conversion Controversies,” followed by an Oneg Shabbos.Please join us Shabbos at Bais Torah for Rabbi Reiss’ lecture at 1:15 pm ”Can the Agunah Problem be Fixed?” Motzaei Shabbos at 8:30 PM Community Synagogue will host Rabbi Reiss’ “Women’s Leadership Roles and Halacha,” lecture, and Sunday morning at Bais Torah 9:30 AM a small collation will be followed “Shidduchim-Have We All Gone Mad?” Rabbi Frand’s Thursday shiur via the TCN network is Thursday nights at 9pm, and Rabbi Reisman’s shiur is Motzaei Shabbos at 7:30PM. This week, Parshas Chaye Sarah, our shul is encouraging the ordering 7:45,8:30 of Memorial Plaques for dearly departed family members or friends .The grouping of the plaque orders helps facilitate production in a more effiMon, Thurs cient and timely manner. Please contact the shul office (preferably by 6:20,7:45,8:30 email [email protected]) with the details of your plaque request . Tues,Weds, Fri Sunday Avos U’Banim Motzaei Shabbos at 6:45PM- Learning, pizza and prizes!!! This 6:30, 7:45,8:30 week is sponsored by Abe and Phyllis Frankel. Sponsorships are available for $50 per week email Jonathan Rosenstock [email protected]. Mincha Maariv Sunday-Thurs Second Maariv Mon-Thurs 4:25 Daf Yomi the week of November 16 is sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Yossi Goldman for the yartzheit of his mother, Sarah bas Shlomo Getzel. The first Oneg Shabbos of the season will be next Friday night November 21 at 8:30 PM hosted by Dr. & Mrs. Gedalya Rapoport 8 Whisper Lane in honor of 8:00 the engagement of their son, Peretz. Special guest speaker: Dr. Irving Schild who will speak on the topic of: “From the Holocaust to Today” NEXT SHABBOS פרשת תולדות Candlelighting 02:4 Mincha 02:4 Shkiah 52:: VISIONS 2014: A PHOTO EXHIBITION Motzoei Shabbos, November 22 at 8:30pm with special Guest Lecturer: Dr. Irving Schild “Photography Today: How? What? Where?” Admission is free, and open to the public. Refreshments will be served. Raffle: One of Dr. Schild's famous photographs MAZAL TOV Gedalia and Leana Rapoport on the engagement of their son Peretz Moshe to Elisheva Lerner Congregation Bais Torah 89 West Carlton Rd Suffern, NY 10901 (845)352-1343 Refuah Shelaimah Refuah Shelaimah Parashas Chaye Sarah– Eliezer and Tevi – Two Faithful Servants KatieTannenbaum’s Tannenbaum’sgrandgrandKatie son- יהונתן משה בן דבורה טובהMuch of Parashas Chaye Sarah concerns itself with the mission of Eliezer, the servant of Avraham, son יהונתן משה בן דבורה טובהto bring back a suitable wife for Yitzchak from Avraham’s ancestral home. In Bereshis Rabbah Rosalie Kallner Teddy Kallner- (60:7), we find that although he was indeed Canaan himself, and had been cursed by his father טודרוס בן הינדא שיינה רחל בת שרה הודלNoach, his faithful service to Avraham enabled him to leave the status of “accursed” and enter the Henry Shapiroחיים מאיר יחיאל בן מלכה לאה Henry Shapiro- status of “blessed.” In Midrash Tanchuma on Parashas Lech-Lecha, we find that in the War against בן מלכה- פרידא יחיאל חיים מאירthe Four Kings, an announcement was made that any soldier who knew that he had sinned, should Manny לאה London מנחם מונש בן חנה Bob Schore - not go to war. All 318 soldiers withdrew from the ranks, leaving only Avraham and Eliezer. HaShem Bob Schore - חיים ראובן בן הענדל יהודית חיים ראובן בן הענדל יהודיתsaid to Eliezer, “By your life, I will give you the strength of the 318, which is the ‘Gematria’ of Eliezer.” Suzie Kirshenbaum’s Larry Seligson בן רבקהfatherאריה לייב יוסף בן שרה As he arrived in Aram Naharayim, Eliezer formulated the following prayer: “HaShem, G-d of my Larry Seligson’s son- Tova Eizik’s grandson - שלמהmaster Avraham, May You so arrange it for me this day that You do Kindness to my master פריעדל סימא רפאל אפרים רייזל בן חנה יעקבבןיונתן Avraham…” When Rivkah’s actions measured up to, even exceeded his expectations, the Chumash Manny Mayerfeld Leni Loebenstein - הילני בת רחלdescribes his expression of gratitude, “So the man bowed low and prostrated himself before מנחם בן קילה Ben and Fran Horwitz’s son in HaShem. He said, ‘Blessed is HaShem, G-d of my master Avraham, Who has not withheld His ליאן בן ריזל פנחס law – חיים יששכר בן חיה Kindness and Truth from my master. ’ ” משקט Ruth Malinowitz Tevi was the servant of the second Rabban Gamliel. Although the latter had taught that it was Ben Zauderer - בנימין בן בילה רבקה בת פריידא inappropriate for a master to accept condolences upon the death of his servant, Rabban Gamliel did Chana Mayerfeld-תמרה פרומה בת Helen Furman חנהחנה בתso upon Tevi’s death. When his students pointed out the inconsistency between his teaching and his יהודית גיטל Andy Yurowitz אליהו זבי בן חנהbehavior, he replied, “My servant Tevi was unlike other servants; he was an upright man.” (Berachos Joel mother - 16b) The Talmud records a discussion among the Sages as to whether someone who sleeps under FranRosenwasser’s and Ben Horwitz’s פשע לאה בת שפרינצאson inlaw a bed in the Sukkah has fulfilled his obligation (of living in a Sukkah). Rabbi Shimon said, “Once משה צבי בן פריידא שמחה Tevi, the servant of Rabban Gamliel slept under a bed in the Sukkah, and Rabban Gamliel said to Larry SeligsonAllen Nussbaum אשר בן קילא the Elders, ‘Do you see my servant Tevi who is a Torah scholar worthy of rabbinic ordination; he Laurence and Gloria Larry Seligson’s son-Gorknows that non-Jewish servants are exempt from the Mitzvah of Sukkah, and therefore he is sleeping don’s daughter in law Felise Katz’s father שלמית בת מירילunder a bed.’ And thus we learned indirectly that someone who sleeps under a bed in a Sukkah has Shira Steinberg שירה רות בת שרהnot fulfilled his obligation.” SHIURIM BIKUR CHOLIMThe Talmud asks, “Why is it that Man was created as a single individual?” And answers, “So that no one can say, ‘My ancestors were greater than yours.’ ” The fact that Judaism accepts converts from Please Call Before VisitWomen’s Tehilim, l’zecher nishmas Feigel bas Menall nations – Chinese, Germans, Eskimos proves that the Jewish People doesn’t consider itself ing achem Mendel, meets Shabethnically superior. Some of the greatest scholars of the Talmud, such as Rabbi Meir and Onkelos, bos afternoon Rosalie Kallner 45 minutes before Mincha were converts. Even King David and his scion, the Messianic King, trace their roots to the humble Fountainview 356-2506 convert, Ruth, who joined our nation from Moav. Sunday: Tova Eizik 356-7981 If so, what is the meaning of “My son, My first-born son, is Israel.” (Shemot 4:22) And why are we Bob Schore 356-2512 6:30 AM Daf Yomithe “Chosen People?” In short, as a twentieth century wag put it, “Why did G-d choose the Jews?” Rabbi Avromy Rebecca Tilson Fein 369-9789 But we responded that he had it backwards, for in fact, “the Jews chose G-d.” Our great forefathers Helen Furman 357-1365 8:30 AM Miseches Pesachim - Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov discovered the One God, and dedicated their lives to His Service, to Hilde 357 2556 RabbiZauderer Yisroel Gottlieb the point of self-sacrifice, as Avraham did when he allowed himself to be cast into Nimrod’s furnace SHIURIM Sun-Thurs: and sacrifice of their destiny, as he and Yitzchak did at the time of the Akeidah. “And because He Women’s Tehilim, l’zecher nishmas Feigel bas Menachem Men- loved your fathers, He chose their descendants after them.” (Devarim 4:37) 10:00 AM Shabbos Daf Yomiafternoon 30 del, meets Rabbi Fischer minutesYosef before the halacha shiur But being the first-born means that we have siblings, created from the same earth from which we Sunday: were created, and who have the same spiritual make-up, “Tzelem E-lohim,” “the image of God.” As Mon-Friday 6:25 AM Daf Yomi King Solomon prayed at the Inauguration of the Temple, “…Also a gentile who is not of Your People Rabbi Avromy Fein 5:25 AM Daf Yomi I – Israel, but will come from a distant land for Your Name’s sake – for they will hear of Your Great 8:30 AM GemaraFein Miseches PeRabbi Avromy sachim Name and Your Strong Hand... – and will come and pray towards the Temple – May You hear from Rabbi Yisroel 7:00 AM Daf Gottlieb Yomi II– Heaven, the foundation of Your Abode, and act according to all that the gentile calls out to You, so Rabbi Yisroel Gottlieb Sun-Thurs: that all the peoples of the World may know Your Name, to Fear You as does Your People 10:00 AM Daf Yomi Israel…” (I Kings 8:41-43) And as we say at the end of our Selichot Prayers, “And I will bring them to Rabbi Yosef Fischer 8:25 AM Navi ShiurRabbi Yosef Fischer Mon-Friday My holy mountain, and I will gladden them in My House of Prayer; their elevation-offerings and 5:25 AM Daf Yomi I their feast-offerings will find favor on My Altar, for My House will be called a House of Prayer, for all 9:45 Gemara RabbiAM Avromy FeinShiurRabbi Leibel Reznick the nations.” (Yeshayahu 56:7) 7:00 AM Daf Yomi II Rabbi Yisroel Gottlieb Wednesday L’Illuy Nishmas beni, Aharon Baruch Mordechai ben Pinchas Menachem אריה לייב בן רבקה פריעדל רפאל אפרים בן סימא חיים בן חנה 8:25 AM Navi Shiur Rabbi Yosef Fischer Beis8:15 PM Melochim 9:45 AM Gemara Shiur Rabbi Yisroel Gottlieb Rabbi Leibel Reznick Tuesday Thursday 8:15 PM Chumash Shiur 8:00PM Women’s Dr. Yehuda Eliezri Mishnayos class-Tumah and TaharaWednesday Dr. Debbie Raice Fox 8:15PM Shmuel Aleph Rabbi Yisroel Gottlieb Thursday 8:15 Women’s Mishnayos Dr. Debbie Raice Fox How to Reach Us Rabbi Yisroel Gottlieb 357-3913, Daytime emergency 362-8362 [email protected] President Abe Frankel 845 425 8284, [email protected] Treasurer Michael Kronenberg 845 368 1064 [email protected] Facilities Yis Helprin 746-8065 Shul Secretary Aviva Schmutter 352-1343 [email protected] M-TH 9:00-3:00, To receive e-mail updates, write to [email protected] Simcha Room Reservations/Kiddushim Jack Gross 659-6590 Aviva Schmutter, 352-1343 Shalosh Seudas Reservations Jack Gross 659-6590 Bikur Cholim Eveline Kranzler, 352-8410 Sandy Lieder, 352-0122 Eiruv 362-4302 Mikvah 425-6101 Chesed Committee Charlie Grandovsky, 425-4683 Youth Jonathan Rosenstock 369-6349 Sisterhood Liaison Betty Schloss, 369 –1833 Hinda Kimmel 357-9571 Lost and Found Michael Loebenstein, 425-8895 Chevra Kadisha Steve Fessel, 425-1713, Ephraim Pessin, 914-420-6714 Gloria Gordon, 425-1276 Misaskim – 917-217-1545 Sisterhood Tribute Cards, Mona Selzer 356-0219 Bais Torah Bulletin call (845) 371-5337 or Email: [email protected], All submissions are subject to review and must be submitted by 9pm Wednesday evening..Bulletin is downloadable from the web at In Case of Emergency The red Hatzoloh phone is in the hallway on the wall between the rear washing station and the Simcha Room. The defibrillator is in a cubby in the coat room opposite the Hatzoloh phone. Congregation Bais Torah 89 West Carlton Rd Suffern, NY 10901 (845)352-1343 congregation bais torah presents A PHOTO EXHIBITION featuring the photographs of Dr. Irving Schild Professor Emeritus at FIT and Official Photographer at MAD Magazine and other photographers Motzoei Shabbos, November 22, 2014 8:30 p.m. in the Simcha Room Dr. Schild will lecture on “Photography Today: How? What? Where?” There will be a raffle for one of Dr. Schild’s valuable photographs Free Admission Refreshments You are also invited to join us Friday night, November 21, 2014 at 8:15 p.m. for an Oneg Shabbat at the home of Dr. & Mrs. Gedalya Rapoport 8 Whisper Lane Suffern, NY Dr. Schild will lecture on “From the Holocaust to Today” There will a raffle forWest one of Dr. Schild’s photographs Congregation BaisbeTorah • 89 Carlton Road •famous Suffern, NY • 845.352.1343
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