12-18-Ut 14:24 Fram-$AHTU LWB 1-222 + P01/12 aa*.nz nap LaS SAIITU Land & Water Board P.O. Box I Fort Good Hope, NT XOE DM0 Telephone: 867 598-2413 I Wm.I IMnd DEC 192006 JYWOO LI-aol Fax: 861 598-2325 003 S Emall: sahtuhydatIstrea4M*tt0b1 #J Cced To File: MV20058-0038 MV2006LI-OO1 I Facsimile Cover Sheet To: Bob Wooley Executive Director, MVLWB Fax Number; 867 873-6610 From; Rick Walboume, Hydrologist Number of Pages mcI. cover 12 Date: December 19,2006 Comments: Kodiak Petroleum ULC Water Licence Application MVO6L.1-OO11 Land Use Permit Application MVO6*R0038 Draft Premitinarv Screenj 1. Attached is a Dsft Preliminary Screening for the above applications and should be made known to Valerie Meeres. 2. Refenirig bodies, etc, are specific to the Sahtu Settlement Area 3. If you have any questions, comments or wish to discuss, please do not hesitate to contact me. Regards Rick Walbourne F-T2I 12-19-06 14:24 Fram-SAHTU LilE 7-322 + .-J P02/12 F791 / PtEUMINARY SCREENING REPORT FORM PREliMINARY SCREENER: Rick Walboume REFERENCE 1 FILE NUMBEFt MV2006L1-OD1 1/MV2006B-0038 EIRS REFERENCE NUMBER: TITLE: Hydrologist APPLICANT: Kodiak Petroleum ULC ORGANIZATION: Sahtu Land & Water Board DATE: December 18,2006 Type of Development -j Type of Development CHECKALLYHAT APPLY / 0 o New Development Amend, EIRB Ref. # Renew, EIRB Ref. # O Requires permit, license or authorization Does not require permit, license or authorization I Principal Activities niatad to seeping CHECK ALL THAT APPLY Constmction -‘ o Installation C lndustiiai C ,*bandnmyfl 0 Maintenance C Recreation C Aerial o Expansion 0 Municipal C Harvesting iOperation C Quarry tcamp O Repair I Linear/ Corridor 0 Scientthc I Research I Water Intake -‘ Exploration 0 Decommissioning Sewage 0 SSId Waste DESCRIBE Principal Development Components related to CHECK ALL THAT APPLY scoplng I Actess Road Waste Management I construction o disposal of hazardous waste o abandonmentfremoval o modifIcation e.g., widening, straightening I waste generation I Sewage ‘disposal of sewage 0 Seoscienfific Sampling C trenching C> diamond dill C borehote core sampling 0 BulK soil sampling 0 Gravel OhydrologiceJ Testing ‘Automobile, Aira’aft or Vessel Movement ‘Blasting ‘Building I Burning O Burying O Channeling C Cut and FI 1Cutting of Trees or Removal at Vegetation 1 12-19-GE 14:24 From-SAHTU LIfE + 7-322 P03,12 F-T91 Vsite Restoration 0 fertillzatiop 0 grubbing I pantingfseeding 0 reforestaBon 0 scant 0 spraying QOams and impoundments o construction o abandonrnentJrernoval o o Ditch Corion o Drainage Alteration o Drilling other than Geoscienthic o Ecological Surveys o Excavation I IExplosive Storage ./ Fuel storage 1Stream Crossin9/BIidging 1 Slashing and removal ot vegetation 0 SoIl Testing o Topil, Overburden or Soil 0 removal o fill Ostorage o disposal 0 Tunneling/Underground tWater Intake C Other NTS Topogrnphic Map Sheet Numbers LI ST ALL THAT APPLY NIS 1:250,000 lee J/O hITS Map Sheet Us: Latitude I Longitude end UN System; Winter Access Road; Minimum Latitude 661$ 40" N Maximum Latitude 6790152w N Minimum Longitude 12837IZ’W Masimum Longitude 1 3O13 67W De4arj WeHsits 6T08OW N ‘13096’ 26’W a413 Minimum Lafltude sldOOtl N Maximum Latitude Sltl’04" N Minimum Longlrude 1309 4’wW Macimum Longitude 1304501"W Mm uECEE, MINUTES, SECONDS Nearest community and Water Body: The Chatter Community of Foi-t Good Nope is the nearest eommutfl The closest mor water bodies are the Mken4e River and the Hare Indian River. Land Status consultation information CHECK AU. THATAPPLY I Free Hold / Pnvale C Commissioner’s Land I Federal Crown Land 0 MunIcipal Land Tmnsboundary Imnplicalions CHECK ALL THAT APPLY IF KNOWN & APPLICABLE - o British Columbia o Nunavut 0 Sasktchewari 0 4Albena C Wood Buffalo National Rank 0 Yukon I3witchTh SeWemellt Region ON/A Type at Transboundary Implicatiorn ‘Impact / Effect o Public Concern DESCRiBE o N/A 2 ‘Development _______________ 12-19-06 14:24 Fropi-SAHTU LW + 1-322 P04/lE F-r9i PHYSICAL - CHEMICAL EFFECTS MITIGATION IMPACT 1. Ground Water o water table alteration No fuel will be stored within lOom of the high water mark at witer bodies lwater quality thanges * * Nofuelwillbestoredontheice A Spill Contingency Plan is In place. Should a spill occur, the NWT 24-hour spHl line will be called. o infiltration changes C other o N/A MIT/GAllON IMPACT 2. Surface Water 1tlow or level changes a * o * / water quality changes a * * * a * a Kodiak will utilize bottled drinking water for the duration of the program. As Water withdraM, for ice crossings of the Mackenzie River and Hare Indian River will be used at the source, the use is instream and the effects will be negligible. Water for the camp operations ‘Mll be drawn from the Mackenzie River at Tieda River, DevianWeltsite and the location of the ice bridge. As the raw water for the camp Will be soixced from the Mackenzie River, the amount of water withdrawal is expected to have a negligible impact oi the flow or level of the River, All ice bridges will be v-notched to prevent flow restrictions All crossings will be monitored to ensure ice bridges do not restrict winter flow of watercourses All srtow ramps tl be removed upon completion of the Program Caches will be set-back a minimum of loOm from the high water mark of any water body. No fuel or other hazardous materials Will be stored on ice. All snow fill Will be clean ground snow Regular removal of all dabils from the ice surface A Spill Contingency Plan in place. Fuel will be stored in double hull Envirotanks Should a spill occur, the NWT 24-hour spUl line will be called a _____________ ______________ 12"l9i6 14:25 From-SANTO Igs + / potential for contamination of surface water 1-322 P05/12 F-TQl Spill Oonflngency Pan iii p4ace. a a a 1water quantity changes o Should a spill occur, the NWT 244iour spill line will be called. All retuelbig will be conducted bytrained crewmembet’s Drip trays t4ll be used during all fuel transfers Spill kits compete with absorbent cloths and containment equipment Will be present duuing all fuel transfers. Oils and lubricants will be stored in a designated storage container As the water for the camp is sourced from the Mackenzie River. the amount of water withdrawal is expected to have a negligible impact. As water withdrawn for ice aossings of the Mackenvie River and Hare Indian River. will be used at source, the use is instrearn and the efcts wifl be negligible. C drainage pattern changes o temperature o etiand cfianges/losa o other o NI’A IMPACT 3. MITIGATION NoIse I noise increase a a o 1’ noise in/near water * * Crews will be restricted to movement along seismic lines. Noise from the helicopters end drilling rigs will be localized and temporary in nature. All aircraft wiJI maintain a minimum flight altitude of 30Gm during tranait flights. The ceiling will increase to 500 mm the presence of congregations of ntarnmals arid birds. No detonation of explosives will occur within 3Dm ale muslqat pushup Explosive detonation will not occur in lakes or rivers Oother ON!A MITIGATION IMPACT 4. Land I geologic stn.jchire changes * * Low4mpac.t seismic drills will be used for shot holes All shot holes will be bacldilled and leveled of cuttings 4 _______________ 12-19-05 14:25 I jj From-EAHIU LW? coftamjnjon 1-322 + * * * * o * * P.06/12 Fuel will be stored in double hull Envirotanks All refueling wiU be conducted by trained crewmembers ‘Drip trays will be used du,ing eli fuel transfers Spill kits compJete with absorbent cloths and containment equipment will be present during all fuel transfers. Oils and lubricants will be stored in a designated storage container There is a Spill Contingency Plan in place. Should a spill occur, the NWT 24-hour spill line will be called. All black and grey water will be filtered using a three phase water filter and tested to meet NWT Water Board discharge standards prior to land spreading. If water does not meet these standards a 2t71m5 waste water container will be used and waste water w4U be transported an-cl disposed of in Norman Wells on an as needed basis. C buffer zone loss I soil compaction & settling * * o o * * I destabilization/erosion * * * I permafrost regime alteration * * Tracked vehicles will be low ground pressure LOP Suildozer blades will be equipped with mushroom shoes to ensure they remain a minimum of 15cm above ground level. 10-15cm of snowpack Will be left to protect soils along all access routes Time spent on the ground by the crew and equipment will be minimal and thereby reducing compaction. No bank cutting or ground cutting will Dealt, Program and construction traffic on land will be restrIcted to existing and new access roas and staging areas. All shot holes will be baclcfilled and leveled of cuftings No bank cuttings will be required for crossings Operators will ensure that areas cleared ‘for new overland access or for seismic lines have root systems left intact to promote soil stability arid vegetation regeneration in the followin9 groWing season, Wherever possible eOsting lines will be utilized for access to I mit new clearing and disturbance to permafrost. No heavy equipment will be required for line clearing. flisturbance to ground cover will be minimal. in cases of spill deanup, the surface will be rcwinsuate:d wiTh uncontamInated cut organic material to prevent thsrmokarst ri prone areas and pitmote natural vegetation, o other o N/A MThIGA TIDAl IMPACT 5. Non Renewable Natural Resources 1resource depletion o other * The prtject will not deplete local non-renewable natural resources. 5 ______________ 12-19-08 14:25 FTO,N-SAHTU UVE + 1-322 POT/U F-Till MITIGATION IMPACT Air I Climate I Atmosphere 8, Seismic actMties are not Sieved to have any deleterious effects on airs climate, or atmosphere apart from the use of aviation fuel or diesel equipment, which produce greenhouse gases but are necessary to conduct the program. lGreenhouse gases BIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT MIT/GA 7/ON IMPACT 1. Vegetation C species composition All equipment will be washed prior to deployment to the Program area to prevent the transport of invasive species species introduction gloss of timber along the o Existing lines will be utilized for aess and recording wherever possibIe * All slash and unsalvageable timber will be de-Iirnbed, bucked and placed on the ground to promote decay. Slash will pushed to alternating sides of the right-of-way at an interval of 8Orn. Debris will not be piled. seismic lines V potential forest fire hazard ldamage to ground vegetation and petmatrost * * * * * * Existing overland access Will be used as much as possible. 10-15cm of snowpack will be left to protect vegetation. Program and construction traffic on land will be restricted to existing and new access roads and staging areas. Temporary sleigh camp areas should prefet-enflally be located on existing disturbances to reduce loss of vegetation through clearing Operators will ensure that areas cleared for new overland acss or for seismic lines have root systems left intact to promote soil stability and vegetation regeneration in the tllowing growing season Packed snow and ice ramps will protect vegetation on channel banks where the access road crosses rivers and cmeks. In cases of spill cleanup, the surface Will be re-insulated with uncontaminated cut organic material to prevent thennokarst in prtirt areas and promote natural vegetation. A native or approved seed mix may be applied in areas where the surface organic mat was disturbed to assist reclamation Any required seeding and/or follow-up inspections will be performed at the direction of the DIAND Land Use Permit Inspector. o toxin I heavy aumulation O other o N/A 6 12-19-06 14:25 From-$A}41U LIVB + P08/12 F-761 MITIGATION IMPACT 2. T-322 WIldIifIi & Fish o effects on rare, threatened or endangered species population changes , Water intake hoses will be equipped with a 2.54 mm wire mesh Explosive detonation wBI not occur in lakes or rivers Explosive detonation neal waterbodies Will follow tWO Guidefines for the Use of Explosives In or Near Canadian Fisheries Waters’ 1998 o waterfo’M population changes ‘breeding disturbances * * * a Program timing may be a concern with both griniy bear denning October to April and the birth of wolverine kits Febniary-March During line surveying, the wildlife monitor will be present to look for bear dens Denning bears may be di&upted by the thing of explosives, thus all denrnng sites will be avoided. No explosive detonation will occur within SO m of an identified bear den. No seismic lines or shot holes will occur within 50 m of bear denning sites o population reduction Ospecies diversity change O health changes identify Obehavioral changes Cidentify " habitat changes effects * a * game species effects * o Vehicie use on winter roads will be limited to Pmgrarn vehicles and speed will be kept low Slash and timber will follow a 60 m windrow method with breaks in the slash every 10 in allowing for wildlife passage and escape routes Cutlines widths will remain as small as possible. All activities will be tempamrily suspended in the event that bear, moose or caribou are found within 500 in of Program activities The wildlife monitor will survey all required lake crossings for muskrat pushups o to,dns 1 heavy metals ‘tforestry changes * - * Clearing for new overland access or seismic tines will avoid mature upland stands of tall trees >2Cm tall whenever possible The helicopter landing pads will be located in existing clearings wherever possible. Avoidance of small tree stands less than 400 in in diameter o agricultural changes 1other: wildlife may be attracted or hasTned by debris from operations a Garbage will be stored in bins with heavy lids to contain odours untft incineration. 7 ______________ IZ-19-Q6 14:25 Fram-SMffU LYlE 1-322 + P09/12 P78 o WA INTERACT1NG EI’MRONMENT MITIGATION iMPACT 1. Habitat and Communities No hunting will tie permitted during the Program Meandering cutiines wifl be employed when cutting through Umber to reduce line-of-sight lpreaator-prey o Wildlife habitat I ecosystem composition changes C reduction/ removal of keystone or endangered species o removal of wildlife cenidor or buffer zone o other o N/A MITIGA lioN IMPACT 2. Social and Economic I planning! zonIng changes or conflicts * The Sahtu Land Use Planning Board has released a Pteliminary Draft Land Use Plan. No approved Land Use Plan exists. However, the proposed project area does encounter two Special Management Areas; the Mackenzie River Special Management Area and the Marion Lake Area. In these IQCSdOnS terms and conditions may be placed on the appropriate land use permits, water licences or other autherizatioris to conduct work, though many of these Terms and Conditions are already applied within the Sahtu Settlement Area and are often industry identified best pracVceC Qincrease in urban facilities or seNices o rental house C airport operations / capacity changes B _________________ _____________ ______________ i2l908 l4:ZE FrDm-SAHTU LYlE + - / human health hazard a 1-322 P1D/12 F-791 Fuel caches will be set-back a minimum of WOrn from the high water mark of any waterbody. Garbage will be removed ttm the program area to an approved by the local municipality licensed disposal site. o Impair the recreational use of water or aesthetic quality o affect water use for other purposes o affect other land use uporalions o quality of life changes o public concern o other o N/A MITIGATION iMPACT 3. Cultural and Heritage o affects to historic property O increased economic pressure O changes to or loss of historic resources O change to orloss of archaeological resources ‘increased pressure on archaeologicel sites * Winter road construction and temporary camp use will remain Within previous disturbance. Access to proposed seismic lines will follow existing disturbance Kodiak will be provided with GPS coordStes for known archaeological * sites. No activity within 150 km of known archaeological site * a o change to orIcss of aesthetically important site - V affects to aboriginal lifestIe s a * a Wildlife and envii-onmental monitors will ensure no trap lines are disturbed traditional trail/trap line crossings will not be blocked No bartier will be erected Including snow banks, slash or timber Signage will erected at all crossings Kodiak will work with the trappers and the appropriate stakeholcler organization to establish trapper compensation o other. 9 12-Ia-ga 14:26 From-SAiffu LYB + 1-322 P.fl/Iz PRELIMINARY SCREENER I REFERRING BODY INFORMATION CHECK ALL THAT APPLY RAor ADVISE PERMIT REQUIRED DRA Federal ATOMIC ENERGY CONTROL BOARD CANADIAN HERITAGE CANADIAN TRANSPORTATION AGENCY 0 0 0 3 0 Q C 0 ENVIRONMENT CANADA FISHERiES & OCEANS iNDIAN AFFAIR$ & NORTHERN DEVEWPMENT 0 0 C 0 C ‘f 1 0 INDUSTRY CANADA NATIONAL DEFENSE NATIONAL ENgRGY BOARD 0 0 0 0 0 3 / / / NATURAL RESOURCES PUBLIC WORKS & GOVERNMENT SERVICES TRANSPORT CANADA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Territorial I 0 MUNICIPAL & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS PUBUC WORKS & GOVERNMENT SERVICES ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES TRANSPORTATION ‘1 / Stanton Tetritorial Health Authority Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre 0 1 0 / Boards GWCH’IN LAND & WATER BOARD SAHTULAND&WATERBOARD MACKENZIE VALLEY LAND & WATER BOARD MACKENZIE VALLEY EIRB SAHTU LAND USE PLANNING BOARD RENEWABLE RESOURCES BOARD LOCAL HEALTH BOARD V I I I 1 -‘ C I 1 C 0 Aboriginal! First Nation Sahtu Secretariat Inc V Casho Got’ine District Land Corporation Yamoga Land Corporation Fort Good Hope Meti5 Nation Local #54 Lend Corporation Ayoni Keh Land Corporation Behdzi Abda Renewable Resources Council 1’ Fort I-load Hope Renewable Resources Council I Adjoining Land aalm I I V Local Government Charter Commurutyot Fort Good Hope Behdzi Abda SaM Council V Communities 0 - IPEN’flFY Non Governmental Organizations MOO 0 - IDENTIFY 10 V I I F-791 ____________ ______________ 12-19-00 14:29 FTOffl-SAHTU 1R8 + 1-322 P12/li P-791 REASONS FOR DECISION LIST Au,. REASONS AND SUPPORTING RATIONALES FOR PRELIMINARY SCREEMNO DECISION * * * The program Is in an area of pre-existing seismic activity. xisHng cut lines will be used where possible. The immediate environmental impacts from this development are mitigatable with known technology or of temporary nature. The seismic pro$ram will be of economic benefit to the Sabtu Region. PRELIMINARY SCREENiNG DECISION Outside Local Government Boundaries The development proposal might have a sgrutlcant adverse impaU on the environment, fer it to the FIRE Proceed with reguIatorprocess and/or implementation. The development proposal might have public concern, refer it to the FIRS Proceed wfth ragdalo,yprocess an&c imp!ement&Jon. Wholly within Local Government Boundaries The development proposal is likely to have a significant adverse impact on air, water or renecbIe resources, retort to theE/RB. Proceed with regulator, process and/or frnplementetion. The development proposal might have public concern, refer it to the LIAR Proceed with regulatoryprocess and/or implementation. Preliminary Scroentn OrganiaatIon SIgnatures Sahtp Land & Wat, II
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