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U n i v e r s i t y o f W i s c o n s i n - M i l w a u k e e
P h y s i c a l P l a n t S e r v i c e s
v. November 2010 v2.2
™ Blood and Other Potentially Infectious Material (OPIM) must be cleaned properly.
“Blood/Biohazard Spill Kits are typically located in custodial supervisor’s offices.
™ Standard Precautions (a.k.a. Universal Precautions) means you must treat all blood
and OPIM as if it is contaminated by bloodborne pathogens (e.g., Hepatitis B virus &
Hep. C virus, HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus, etc.).
™ Dried blood may remain viable (infectious) for hours to days.
™ Non-infectious materials include saliva, sweat, tears, urine, feces, and vomitus.
These do not require special treatment unless visibly tinged with blood or OPIM. If in
doubt…please treat it as a biohazard spill.
Biohazard Spill Kit
™ For all emergencies on campus, please call 9-911 from any campus phone (or 229-
9911 from a mobile phone), or use a “blue-light” phone for assistance from the
University Police.
™ Secure the spill zone.
Simply lock the door or placard as “closed for
cleaning” or similar if in a room.
™ Otherwise, mark off the spill area with hazard tape or barricades so that
others do not inadvertently enter the spill zone.
™ Put on personal protective equipment (PPE) as needed. This may include a
Tyvek® safety suit, safety glasses or goggles, shoe protection, disposable
gloves, and a protective mask if the possibility exists that blood may splash
on your face during clean-up.
™ Contaminated clothing will require disposal or disinfection.
™ Remove as much visible material as possible with absorbent towels or
sorbent. For larger spills, use sorbent to sprinkle over spill and use
scoop/scraper to remove solidified liquid. Voban®, used for vomitus
incidents, may also be used.
™ After removing the visual spill, clean the area with disinfectant/detergent, or
disinfecting wipe. Apply disinfectant/detergent/wipe once again, allowing
agent to set for 10 minutes or to air dry.
™ A one to ten (1:10) solution of bleach and water is also acceptable. Bleach
solutions must be freshly made.
™ Do not splash or create aerosols.
™ Follow label instructions and do not mix incompatible chemicals.
rjg> y:\users\bobg\ehs programs\biosafety\blood_body_fluid_spill_practices.doc
Disinfectant spray bottle or wipes
™ Remove gloves and other PPE being careful not to touch your skin to the
contaminated gloves.
™ Please note the proper glove removal technique demonstrated in this photo;
if done properly, you never touch the outside of either glove. Simply loosen
gloves from both hands, palm the first glove in the other gloved hand, then
remove the second glove inside out as shown without ever touching outside
of either glove.
™ Wash hands and other exposed body parts thoroughly with soap and hot water.
™ Report all chemical / biohazard clean-up incidents to your supervisor and
departmental safety coordinator.
™ You and/or the accident victim, if known, may need to fill out accident/incident forms.
™ Drippable or squeezable waste, and “red bag waste”, cannot be discarded through
the regular trash service. This “biohazard waste” must be decontaminated, autoclaved
or specially disposed. This can be done at the Norris Student Health Center or thru
Univ. Safety and Assurances (x6339).
™ If not “drippable or squeezable”, simple first-aid waste can be placed in the regular
trash; however please make sure to tightly seal and label the bag.
™ Contaminated articles, furniture, etc., that cannot be sanitized will be disposed.
™ Outdoor spills, “trauma events” or “mass casualty events” may require special
response and modified decontamination procedures. Outdoor events for example, we
may need to disinfect the area with a freshly made 1:10 bleach-water solution rather
than using other methods described above. Please Note: Under certain conditions, a
micro-encapsulation absorbent material may be applied to pooled blood so that the
bulk of the contamination can be removed to a disposal bag prior to decontamination.
All other procedures should remain the same.
™ These are condensed procedures. Make sure that you have up-to-date Bloodborne
Pathogens Exposure Control awareness training.
™ You have the option of receiving the Hepatitis B vaccination series at no cost if your
job entails that you routinely or may potentially cleanup blood or OPIM. There is no
vaccination currently available for the HIV human immunodeficiency virus or the
Hepatitis C virus. Please contact your supervisor or departmental safety coordinator
for details or if you have questions.
Red bag for drippablesqueezable waste; or
regular sealed trash bag
for minor first aid waste.
Procedures for
Outdoor spills?
Spill Kit suggested contents:
this laminated guide or similar
barricade tape
Tyvek® safety suit or similar
safety glasses / goggles
shoe protection
scoop & scraper
Spill kits are usually found in the offices of our custodial
supervisors; all response kits must be checked routinely
and restocked after each use.
sani-cloth / wipe-alls
alcohol hand wipes
red hazard bag or similar
sharps container
Voban sorbent
UW-Milwaukee Physical Plant Services “Safety” Web Page http://www4.uwm.edu/pps/Safety
UW-Milwaukee Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan
UW-Madison EHS Blood Spill Procedures
UW-Stevens Point EHS Blood Spill Procedures
Purdue University REM-Blood Spill Procedures, http://www.purdue.edu/rem/eh/bsp.htm
© University of Wisconsin Board of Regents and UW-Milwaukee Physical Plant Services
Document created by Robert Grieshaber, RS, CIH
November 2010
rjg> y:\users\bobg\ehs programs\biosafety\blood_body_fluid_spill_practices.doc
Biohazard Spill Kit