APPLICATION REPORT Sample Preparation Revised USP chapter for elemental impurities Revision of USP <231> Application of closed vessel digestion for pharmaceutical samples The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) has developed a new test for elemental impurities in drug products which will be official in mid of 2013. The new general chapter <232> (Limits) and <233> (Procedures) will replace the current USP <231> (metallic impurities). The revised chapters present new procedures, e.g. closed vessel digestion, for the evaluation of analytes. The following paper intents to explain how Berghof digestion systems comply with the requirements of the new method. Introduction Controlling and monitoring of metal impurities in pharmaceutical samples (e.g. final drug, raw material, API, excipients, catalyst) has outstanding importance. Metal contaminants do normally not have any therapeutic effect, but might lead to severe side-effects and affect the stability of drugs. Currently, inorganic impurities are tested by an almost 100year old qualitative method which is described in USP General Chapter <231>. The method bases on a colorimetric test which detects only metals precipitating by sulfide ions (Pb, Hg, Bi, As, Sb, Sn, Cd, Ag, Cu, Mo). To comply with the heavy metals limit, the colored precipitate has to be compared visually with a 100 ppm Pb standard. Further disadvantages of USP <231> are: No quantification of individual concentration of selected elements Several elements of interest are not considered (e.g. platinum group elements (PGE), Cr, Ni) Inaccurate results due to visual comparison Loss of volatile elements (e.g. Hg) due to ashing step (600°C) for solid samples Costly and time consuming Non-specific and insensitive APPLICATION REPORT | SAMPLE PREPARATION S. 2/6 Industry criticized that USP <231> is not in accordance with current requirements. Therefore, USP started to revise USP <231> to USP <232>/<233> (drug products), and USP <2232> (dietary supplements). The new methods are intended to be more accurate, reliable, specific and robust. Even if the new general chapter will be official of February 1st, 2013 the implementation is expected to be finished middle of the year. dissolved in an appropriate solvent to enable analysis. If the sample is not dissolvable, digestion techniques should be applied. Suitable digestion techniques should be chosen according to sample composition, analytes of interest and their concentration. Possible methods are as well closed-vessel digestion techniques and open-vessel procedures. But, it is stated that in case of digestion of volatile elements, open-vessel methods are not recommendable.3 To identify the right method a system suitability test should be performed which includes: Harmonization with Ph. Eur. The International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements and Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) is aiming to develop a global policy to uniformly regulate limits of metal impurities in drug products and ingredients for the three big economic areas Europe, USA and Japan. For this, bit by bit general methods are adapted with regards to harmonization. Analogues to USP <231>, Ph. Eur. describes methods for heavy metals testing by using thiocetamide reagent in chapter 2.4.8. In order to harmonize the methods according to ICH guidelines, Ph. Eur. published new chapters 5.20 (Metal catalyst or metal reagent residues) and 2.4.20 (Determination of metal catalyst or metal reagent residues). However, methods described in USP and Ph. Eur. are comparable but not yet fully harmonized. While USP requests analysis of 15 elements (Cd, Pb, As, Hg, Ir, Os, Pd, Pt, Rh, Ru, Cr, Mo, Ni, V, Cu)1, Eur.Ph. only requests 14 elements (Ir, Os, Pd, Pt, Rh, Ru, Cr, Mo, Ni, V, Cu, Mn, Fe, Zn)2. Furthermore, Ph. Eur. gives a 5 years’ timeline for the implementation of the method which will be finished 1st September 2013.1 In General Chaper 5.20 EMA Guideline “on specification limits for residues of metal catalysts or metal reagents” (EMEA/CHMP/SWP/4446/2000) is implemented. With regards to the ongoing harmonization process ICH Q3D guideline (Impurities: Guideline for metal impurities) is going to replace the EMA guideline introduced in this chapter. General text 5.20 is aimed to recommend exposure and concentration limits for metal catalyst and metal residues present in pharmaceutical substances (API, excipient) or drug product. However, limits are based on classification of metal residues in three categories depending on their risk to human health.2 Class 1: Metals of significant safety concern (Pt, Pd, Ir, Rh, Ru, Os, Mo, Ni, Cr, V) Class 2: Metals with low safety concern (Cu, Mn) Class 3: Metals with minimal safety concern (Fe, Zn) Spike recovery experiment Clear solution as acceptance criteria for sample digestion Limits specified in USP <232> USP requires that all elemental impurities (catalyst and environmental contaminants) occurring in drug substances, drug product or excipients have to comply with the specified limits. Especially As, Cd, Pb, and Hg have to be controlled due to their ubiquitous occurrence and toxic potential for humans. Thereby, As limits are based on the most toxic form – the inorganic As. Method of choice are techniques determining the total As content under the assumption that the As present in the sample is inorganic. Nevertheless, if the value exceeds the limit individual methods for speciation have to be applied to differentiate between inorganic and organic form. Limits for Hg are based on the inorganic Hg2+ which is more abundant in pharmaceuticals than the more toxic methyl mercury. However, limits for substances with potential of containing methyl mercury are defined in the corresponding monograph. Permissible daily exposure (PDE) limits defined in general chapter <232> are valid for a larger number of elements (incl. PGE). Furthermore, elemental impurity limits base on the toxicity which is directly related with the bioavailability of elements. The table below depicts the allowed values for elemental impurities for drug products. It is important to note that limits have to be adjusted according to the type of drug and the route of administration. For example, Cd limits for parental or inhalational administration must meet a PDE which is 10 times lower than the oral administration. Moreover, large volume parental (LVP) components have set limits 100 times lower than the oral administration. For determination of the elements the use of a validated quantitative method is recommended (semi-quantitative test of metal sulfides as described in Ph. Eur. 2.4.8 is not suitable). Ph. Eur. Chapter 2.4.20 is not providing a specific method for sample preparation since composition and specification limits of substances are differing. Solid samples are requested to be L_USP233_53-0215-97-00-01-001, Subject to changes and errors, Printed in Germany APPLICATION REPORT | SAMPLE PREPARATION S. 3/6 Elemental Impurities for Drug Products1 Elements Oral Parental Inhala- LVP Daily Daily tional Daily Compo- Dose Dose Dose nent Limit [µg/day) [µg/day] [µg/day] [µg/day] Cd 25 2.5 1.5 Pb 5 5 5 0.5 Inorg. As 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.15 Inorg. Hg 15 1.5 1.5 0.15 Ir 100 10 1.5 1.0 Os 100 10 1.5 1.0 Pd 100 10 1.5 1.0 Pt 100 10 1.5 1.0 Rh 100 10 1.5 1.0 Ru 100 10 1.5 1.0 Cr * * 25 * Mo 100 10 250 1.0 Ni 500 50 1.5 5.0 V 100 10 30 1.0 1000 100 70 25 Cu 0.25 Procedures specified in USP <233> General chapter <233> includes two analytical procedures (ICP-AES, ICP-MS) for determination of elemental impurities in pharmaceuticals. However, due to the broad range of drug substances and products a single approach suitable for all sample types is not applicable. Sample pretreatment techniques should be individually chosen according to the substance. It is distinguished between neat, direct aqueous solution, direct organic solution and indirect solution.4 If a pretreatment technique is not indicated in the monograph, analysts are asked to follow the depicted decision tree for choosing a suitable procedure. * not a safety concern Now, for drug substances and excipients individual concentration limits are available. The acceptable level of elemental impurities depends on the ultimate use and has to be determined by the manufacturer. The following table presents values of drug products dosed at a maximum daily dose of <10 g/day. The values serve as default concentration limits allowing quality control in the supply-chain for drug substances and excipients. Concentration Limits for Drug Substances and Excipients1 Element Concentration Concentration Concentration limit [µg/g] for limit [µg/g] for limit [µg/g] for oral drug parental drug inhalational products products drug products Cd Pb 2.5 0.25 0.15 0.5 0.5 0.5 Inorg. As 0.15 0.15 0.15 Inorg. Hg 1.5 0.15 0.15 Ir 10 1.0 0.15 Os 10 1.0 0.15 Pd 10 1.0 0.15 Pt 10 1.0 0.15 Rh 10 1.0 0.15 Ru 100 10 1.5 Cr * * 2.5 Mo 10 1.0 25 Ni 50 5.0 0.15 V 100 10 30 Cu 100 10 7 * not a safety concern Elemental impurities decision tree 5 Neat: suitable for liquids, or unsolvated samples Direct aqueous solution: sample soluble in aqueous solvent Direct organic solution: sample soluble in organic solvent Indirect solution: sample is not soluble neither in aqueous nor in organic solvent, closed-vessel procedure using concentrated acids is recommended Closed-vessel digestion A wide range of drug samples will be insoluble in aqueous or organic solvents. In this case, USP <233> specifies the use of closed-vessel digestion with concentrated acids but does not mandate a specific methodology. Since the digestion success depends on the sample composition and matrix it is up to every L_USP233_53-0215-97-00-01-001, Subject to changes and errors, Printed in Germany APPLICATION REPORT | SAMPLE PREPARATION individual laboratory to develop and validate a suitable closedvessel digestion method (incl. acid mixture and digestion protocols). Nevertheless, USP <233> proposes a method which turned out to be practical for a variety of samples. S. 4/6 particularly for laboratories that process only with a limited number of samples. “Dehydrate and predigest 0.5 g of primary sample in 5 mL of freshly prepared concentrated acid. Allow to sit loosely covered for 30 minutes in a fume hood. Add an additional 10 mL of concentrated acid and digest, using a closed vessel technique, until digestion or extraction is complete. Repeat if necessary by adding an additional 5mL of concentrated acid.4” The ubiquitous nature of Hg makes it to one of the most important analytes that have to be determined. But, Hg is also well known to be chemically unstable at low concentration. Therefore, USP <233> indicates to use an appropriate stabilizer when analyzing Hg. Digestion of most difficult samples with Berghof`s pressure digestion system Open vessel methods are widely-used in routine analysis. Nevertheless, to minimize contaminations and to enable the total digestion of the sample, closed-vessel methods are more advantageous. Closed-vessel methods not only minimize the risk of losing volatile elements, but also allow higher digestion temperatures. Customers benefit from highly reliable instruments providing reproducible results in every digestion step. Berghof digestion systems comply with requirements of pharmaceutical industry USP <233> requires closed-vessel digestion methods if the sample is not soluble in aqueous or organic solvents. Since many pharmaceutical products are a combination of different components (API, coating, filler) the solubility is limited. To destroy completely the matrix, digestion methods with strong acids are necessary. Here, closed-vessel digestion methods (especially microwave digestion) are the preferred technique. Berghof offers closed-vessel digestion systems that are superior for a broad range of samples in ultra-trace analysis. Classical closed-vessel pressure digestion systems Samples with high net-weigh or most difficult samples requesting high temperatures or long digestion times, respectively, can be digested with Berghof’s pressure digestion system. The system composes of stainless steel pressure digestion vessels with high quality TFMTM-inliner. The vessels are available in a variety of capacities ranging from 50-250 mL, a maximum operating temperature of 260 °C, and a maximum operating pressure of 200 bar. In any case, safety is ensured by appropriately dimensioned rupture discs. The isolating nature of the TFMTMinliner leads to slow and gentle heating of the samples. For safety reasons, heating takes place in a special heating block enabling the ability to extend the digestion period nearly indefinitely. The pressure digestion system offers a very high level of flexibility and represents an economical alternative, Closed-vessel microwave digestion Due to the complex matrix of pharmaceutical substances and products, microwave digestion will be the preferred method in most cases. In Principle, sample solutions are directly heated by absorbing microwave radiation. This results in extremely fast and simultaneous heating. All microwave digestion systems from Berghof are characterized by the extremely durable pressure vessels made of isostatically pressed TFMTM-PTFE. This enables a safe and easy handling. Isostatically pressed TFMTM-PTFE improved material properties in contrast to conventionally produced PTFE vessel. For example, surface structure of TFMTM-PTFE is verifiable smoother with reduced microporosity leading to negligible contamination effects. Therefore, Berghof pressure vessels enable reproducible and accurate results even for Hg determination. The mature vessel concept allows tool-free opening/closing of the vessels and enables easiest handling. Moreover, digestion vessels of Berghof are included in the guarantee and are not regarded as a consumable. Customers benefit by reduced operative costs. The vessel portfolio ranges from standard vessels with an operating pressure of 40 bar with max. 230 °C up to high pressure vessels up to 100 bar and 260 °C. L_USP233_53-0215-97-00-01-001, Subject to changes and errors, Printed in Germany APPLICATION REPORT | SAMPLE PREPARATION S. 5/6 Pressure vessels are made completely of TFMTM-PTFE and consist of only few parts that can be opened and closed without additional tools. High flexibility with Speedwave four Microwave digestion systems are required to be safe and to deliver reproducible and fast results. Due to the rapid heating, attended by an increase of the pressure, reaction parameters have to be monitored constantly during the digestion. For safety reasons it is recommendable not only to control temperature but also pressure. In Berghof systems both data are used for precise power control leading to reproducible heating curves and reproducible digestion results. The determination of volatile elements according to USP <231> was almost impossible since samples had to be treated at 600 °C in a muffle furnace. Modern closed vessel digestion techniques enable the determination of volatile elements without loss of analytes. Berghof digestion vessels are self-sealed by using lip seal rings. Time-consuming closing with extra-tools can be refrained. Furthermore, lip sealing lead to hermetically closed vessels, preventing blowing of volatile elements. The higher the pressure the tighter the seal. Customer benefit from safe digestions delivering reproducible results also for volatile elements. The unique contact-free temperature measurement speedwave DIRC® enables real-time temperature measurement in all vessels without using a reference vessel. This effectively increases the safety of the digestion system. Additionally, Berghof offers the contact-less optical pressure control speedwave four OPC® for controlling the internal pressure. The application of contact-less sensor techniques facilitates the handling and reduces operational costs. Additional sensors in reference vessels are not necessary anymore. The unique top-loading concept of speewave four simplifies crucially the handling. The rotor is fixed in the oven and only the vessels are individually introduced. Due to isolating behavior of TFMTM-PTFE no active cooling of the microwave is necessary. After the digestion, vessels can be removed from the oven and externally be cooled (e.g. water bath) which significantly reduces cooling down phase. With this time-saving procedure customer benefit by higher sample throughput. Berghof digestion systems are ideal for (ultra) trace analysis of pharmaceutical samples. Pharmaceutical laboratories request instrumentations complying with strict quality regulations to ensure security, reproducibility, simplicity and traceability of the datas. Berghof offers installation and operational qualification (IQ | OQ) documents upon installation Restricted user area with password protection Record control including storage and traceability of all individual datas Recovery determination in pharmaceutical drugs Berghof digestion systems were tested for their applicability for drug substances and drug products according to new USP chapter. Analysis has been performed of As, Hg, Pb and Cd since these elements are of special importance. For doing so, a plant drug (Alchemillae vulg) was spiked with Pb, Cd, and Hg standard solution. A spiked 500 mg sample of Alchemillae vulg was digested with HNO3:HCl:H2O2 (3.0 mL:0.5 mL:2.0 mL) in the microwave digestion system speedwave four by using the following temperature program. The elements have been analyzed by ICP-MS. L_USP233_53-0215-97-00-01-001, Subject to changes and errors, Printed in Germany APPLICATION REPORT | SAMPLE PREPARATION S. 6/6 Temperature program microwave digestion speedwave four Parameter Temperature Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 175 190 210 Hold Time 10 7 30 Rise Time 2 2 5 50 60 80 Power Recovery of Pb, Cd, Hg in plant drugs Element Recovery [%] Standard deviation [%] 84.5 1.74 Cd 94.9 1.94 Hg 104.7 1.44 Pb Furthermore, pharmaceutical raw materials and products have been tested. For this, different pharmaceuticals (e.g. saccharose) were spiked with Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni, and As standard solution. 300-500 mg of sample were digested in a microwave digestion system with H2O:HNO3:HCl (5:3:0.5) using following temperature program. The analysis was performed by ICP-MS. Temperature program microwave digestion speedwave four Parameter Temperature Step 1 Step 2 175 190 Hold Time 10 25 Rise Time 10 5 Power 50 80 USP chapter <233> defines acceptance criteria for spike recovery values of 70-150 % for the mean of three replicated preparations. All analyzed elements meet the given requirements with excellent accuracy. It was shown that Berghof digestion systems are suitable instruments for sample preparation of pharmaceuticals giving good results in accordance with USP general chapter <233>. Conclusion Even if the new methods are more stringent and complex, they will have a lasting effect on industry. With USP <232> and <233> a modern test procedure based on present technologies is available which will lead to higher quality pharmaceutical products. Pharmaceutical industry demand instruments being able to completely digest a broad range of different matrix. The modern instrumentation design enables Berghof digestion systems to ensure safe and reproducible digestion results complying with updated requirements stated in USP and Ph. Eur.. The new proposed methods will be more stringent and challenging for laboratories also demanding new analytical instruments. However, customer can benefit from Berghof`s almost 40 years experience in the field of closed-vessel digestion. Recovery of Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni, As in pharmaceuticals Element Recovery [%] Standard deviation [%] Pb 95.5 1.73 Cd 95.4 1.25 Cr 98.2 1.27 Ni 97.2 1.41 As 95.6 1.21 1 European Pharmacopeia 7.7.; 5.20. Metal catalyst or metal reagent residues, 04/2013:52000 2 European Pharmacopeia 7.7.; 2.4.20. Determination of metal catalyst or metal reagent residues, 04/2013:20420 3 Second Supplement to USP 35-NF 30; <232> Elemental Impurities – Limits, Update January 2013. 4 Second Supplement to USP 35-NF 30; <233> Elemental Impurities – Procedures, Update January 2013 5 Pharmacopeial Forum, Vol. 36(1), Jan-Feb. 2010 Berghof Products + Instruments GmbH | Harretstrasse 1 | 72800 Eningen | L_USP233_53-0215-97-00-01-001, Subject to changes and errors, Printed in Germany
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