STAA R Read y! New! TEKS Update Student Practice Books for Reading Sample Pages, Grades 3–8 This document contains sample pages taken from the TEKS Update series published by ECS Learning Systems, Inc. The document contains eight sample passages (or paired passages)—one for each grade level from Grades 3–8. The sample passages and questions represent the content of the TEKS Update Student Practice Books. Lori Mammen Editorial Director Copyright infringement is a violation of Federal Law. ©2010 by ECS Learning Systems, Inc., Bulverde, Texas. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any way or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without prior written permission from ECS Learning Systems, Inc. Reproduction of any part of this publication for an entire school or for a school system, by for-profit institutions and tutoring centers, or for commercial sale is strictly prohibited. Printed in the United States of America. STAAR MASTER is a Trademark of ECS Learning Systems, Inc. STAAR is a Trademark of Texas Education Agency. STAAR MASTER and ECS Learning Systems, Inc. are not affiliated with or sponsored by the Texas Education Agency or the State of Texas. New! TEKS UPDATE Student Practice Books for Reading TEKS TEKS UPDATE PDATE TEKS U Book Practice Student Grade 4 Reading, ATE UPD ok e Bo actic ent Pr Grade 3 Stud ing, Read men Lori Mam Editorial Grades 3–8 Lori en Mamm tor l Direc ria Edito ystem rnings specials! ine ecslea Visit many onl for Director arningsyst Visit ecsle online specials! for many TEKS UPDATE Get a hea d on the 20 start 11–201 state test 2 ! Student Practice Book Reading, Grade 5 TEKS U Student Practice Book Reading, Grade 6 Lori Mammen Lori Mammen Editorial Director Editorial Director Visit for many online specials! Visit for many online specials! ISBN: 978-1-60539-289-9 Copyright infringement is a violation ISBN: 978-1-60539-288-2 of Federal Law. a violation of Federal Law. ©2010 by ECS Learning Systems, Inc., reproduced, may be Copyright infringement is Bulverde, Texas. All rights reserved. reserved. No part of this publication PDAT E Stude nt Pr actic Read ing, Gr e Book ade 7 TEK S Stu Lori Editor UP DA TE den Rea t Pract din ic g, G e Bo ok rad e8 Mamm en ial Dir ector Visit ecslear for ma ningsy stem ny onl ine spe cials! ISBN: 978 Copyrig -1-6053 9-29 ht 0-5 Lo ri Edito Mam m rial Dire en ctor Visit infringe translated,recording, No part of this publication may©201 0 by Inc., Bulverde, Texas. 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(electronic, publication of Amer schoo , Inc. rin 9-291 it instituti Systems ted in any l or for or othslated, ECS mech gem ica. -2 Copyright by for-prof g Systems anical may be repro or transmit ECS Learning a schoo erw stored Learnin Learnin ent , photo Rep duced system, school system, l system on from by ECS ise) copyi or for a is a g Sys permissi , wit in a in a retrieval ©2010 , by for-pr ng,uct or forrod d, d, stored entire school record hou retrieva tem vio prior written ducetranslate ofit institu without ion for an s, ding, lation com ion ofing, t prio l be repro recorotherwise) tionsPrin r wri system,Inc., Bul mer any of this publicated. part andted n may ocopying, or of Fe cial tten par prohibit of any tutori or verd catio phot ction in the rs, is strictly ng cente sale t of per tran l, publi Reprodu deral cial sale mis smi e, Tex . Un rs, is stri this pub ing cente sion tted as. Law. No part of this , mechanica America ited ctly tutoror for commer States of eral from in any All righ Law. ronic Stat pro lication s and ed. hib in the United es of ution of Fed EC s reserv means (elect 8 n ited for Printed instit S Lea way or ts rese right 86Am atio an rofit . s. All or by any Inc. eric rnin by anyrved. ent 0539-2 t is a viol ms, Texa ire a. , by for-p No g Sys sch erde, in any way ing Syste men l system tem means part ool Bulv d 978-1-6 s, Inc (ele of this or for mitte ECS Learn a schoo ISBN: ht infringe Systems, Inc., for trans ctro or . or l , from a sch nic, publica yrig ning ission e schoo ool mec Lear retrieval system tion Cop syst en perm an entir han ECS a em, n for ical may be 10 by stored in prior writt catio by , pho ©20 , ut forpubli . lated witho toco reprod this pro ibited of trans wise) fit inst pyin uced, part ly proh g, reco or other of any is strict itut rica. tion sale ion rdin oduc s and s of Ame Repr commercial g, tuto ed State or for ring the Unit cen ed in ters Print , 52–60 PAGES for ecsle man arning y on syste line m spec ials! New for STAAR readiness! All new passages! Up-to-date, new items written to the latest reading TEKS! e TEKS Update Student Practice Books focus on the new 2010-2011 TEKS for specific grade levels. Ideal for RT I Highlights: • New standards-based practice items aligned to new TEKS • All new passages written for a variety of genres • Fictional literary texts (stories, poems, dramas), nonfiction literary texts (biographies and autobiographies), and informational texts (persuasive, procedural, and expository passages) • Fresh topics of interest to students • Appropriate readability for each grade level • Labeled, objective-based questions with varying levels of depth/complexity • Repeated practice in different contexts • Authentic passage layout with engaging text elements • Overall difficulty increased through passage length and more rigorous items Use the new TEKS Update to get a head start on the 2011–2012 state test! Great for remediation and RTI! For new TEKS Grades 3–8 Curriculum Standards, see TAKS MASTER® Student Practice Books Reading • Mathematics • Writing • Science • Social Studies Prepare students for the 2010–2011 TAKS test! This updated series covers all of the tested objectives based on the current TEKS. 2 TEKS Update Student Practice Books for Reading—Sample Pages, Grades 3–8 ©ECS Learning Systems, Inc. New! TEKS UPDATE Student Practice Books for Reading Table of Contents TEKS UPDATE Reading Grade 3 Sample Pages ............................................................4–6 TEKS UPDATE Reading Grade 4 Sample Pages ..........................................................7–10 TEKS UPDATE Reading Grade 5 Sample Pages ........................................................11–13 TEKS UPDATE Reading Grade 6 Sample Pages ........................................................14–21 TEKS UPDATE Reading Grade 7 Sample Pages ........................................................22–25 TEKS UPDATE Reading Grade 8 Sample Pages ........................................................26–28 ©ECS Learning Systems, Inc. TEKS Update Student Practice Books for Reading—Sample Pages, Grades 3–8 3 TEKS UPDA UPDATE—Reading, TE—R Reading, e Gr G Grade raade 3 Reaching R each eaching for the S Sky ky As a little girl, M emison spent hours Mae ae JJemison staring up at the night sky he wanted to y.. SShe sky. trav el into outer space. SShe he believ ed that travel believed one day she would go ther e. H oweverr, there. However, JJemison emison couldn each her goals bbyy wishing couldn’t’t rreach star.. SShe worked hard believed on a star he wor ked har d and believ ed in herself. Her hard workk and faith took her herself f. H er har d wor to the stars. m S T This his page m may ay no nott be repro reproduced. duced. pl e Early Years Years ea Born in Alabama on O October ctober 17, 1956, JJemison emison lo loved from ved science fr om a vvery ery yyoung oung sed age. O n her first day of school,l, she surprised On her teacher bbyy saying she wanted ted to be a scientist. IIn n those days, not many any girl girls wanted to be scientists. B But ut Jemison Jemison miso son was different. SShe different. he wanted to learn al all she could about the world. The fir first rst African-American woman man n in i Dr. Mae space, D r. M ae C. JJemison emison B igg D reams Big Dreams orite things One favorite O n of JJemison’s ne emison n’s fav oung was to to do when shee was yyoung ead library. loved go to the libr brary. SShe he lo ved to rread he also about bookss abo bout outer space. SShe watch hed SStar tar T rek on television. watched Trek wed people fr om SStar tar ar T rek sho Trek showed from aaround ar ound the world all wor king working together to learn about the universe. univ erse. The characters on the show believee that sho w made JJemison emison believ astronaut, too.. she could be an astr onaut, too The seven crew of the space sevven cr ew members m spac pacce shuttle Endeavor STS-47 Endeavor before before the h ST S-47 S-47 47 mission mi © ECS Learning SSystems, ystems, IInc. nc. 4 TEKS Update Student Practice Books for Reading—Sample Pages, Grades 3–8 37 ©ECS Learning Systems, Inc. TEKS UPDA UPDATE—Reading, TE—R Rea eading, Gr G Grade rade a 3 T This his page m may ay not not be reproduced. reproduced. Sa m pl Mission specialists Dr. Dr. N. Jan Jan Davis Davis and D r. M ae Mission Dr. Mae Jemison pose for a picture picture in the space shuttle C. Jemison E ndeav d or Endeavor e Jemison didn Jemison didn’t’t spend all of her time rreading eading and watching TV V. SShe he TV. he w ull of energy y.. SShe ent to was full energy. went dance school and acted in school plays. SShe he was par partt of her school school’s’s government. SShe he won student government. In fact, JJemison many science fairs. In emison well in sch did so well school she went chool that sh he w ent to college when only lege wh hen she was on ly yea ears old. sixteen years P eace Corps Peace After college, JJemison went emison w entt tto medical school and doctor. nd became a doctor r. IIn n 1981, she trav eled to Asia to help sick sic people peeople living ther e. traveled there. SShe he also joined the P eace ea ace Corp ps and trav eled Peace Corps traveled h around ar ound the world helping sickk people. Space Voyage S pace V oyage JJemison emison liked helping people, son li peop ple, but she still dreamed travel. dr eamed d aabout space trav el. SShe he competed with moree tha than partt of the mor th an 2,000 people to become ecome par countr ry’s astr onaut training pr rogram. IIn n 1987, 7, The space shuttle Endeavor country’s astronaut program. Endeavor on a JJemison emiso i n joined j i d the h pr ogram and a d mo ved d to program moved NASA’s Kennedy launch aunch pad at NASA A’’s K ennedy T exas to t learn ho w to become an astr onau aut. Texas how astronaut. Space Florida S pace Center in F lorida On blasted O n SSeptember ep pttember 12, 1992, JJemison emison blast asted into history, African-American histor y, becoming b the first Afr rican-A -American woman in SShe traveled Endeavor. n space. s he trav eled into int nto space on the space spa shuttle E ndeavor. When girl, many people told JJemison emison to rreach each for the n she was a yyoung oungg girl ou gi he sky y.. sky. SShe he did something ev en better—she rreached eached for the sky and touched it. even 38 ©ECS Learning Systems, Inc. © ECS Learning SSystems, ystems, IInc. nc. TEKS Update Student Practice Books for Reading—Sample Pages, Grades 3–8 5 TEKS UPDA UPDATE—Reading, TE—R Reading, e Gr G Grade raade 3 Objective O bjective 4 (P (Prefixes/Suffixes) refiixes/Suf /S ffix i es) 1. Read Read the sentence fr from om the passage. On On her first day of school, she surprised her teacher bbyy saying she wanted to be a scientist. word IIn n which wor d do the letters ist word mean the same as in the wor d scientist? A B C D Bicycclist Bicyclist Fist Fist Mistake Mistake Sister Sister wM ae how Mae 3. Which section tells ho ed astr onaut training? entered astronaut enter 0 0 0 0 A B C D B ig D reams Big Dreams Early Y ears Years Peace P eace Corps SSpace pace Voyage Voyage y g Objective O bjective 10 (Se (Sensory nssory Lan Language) guagee)) 4. Which hich wor hi word d in the passage age unds like a rrocket ocket thatt went went sounds intoo space? Sa m pl e 0 0 0 0 Objective O bjective 13 (Usin (Using gT Text ext Fe eatures) FFeatures) 2. Read Read the sentence from hee from the passage. After college, Jemison Jemison on went wen nt to medical dical school and an nd d became becam me a doctor.. doctor The letters rs med come from from ma word word meaning m to— 0 0 0 0 A B C D heal learn pass succeed A B C D B lasted Blasted M oved Moved Reached R eached Trav T raveled Traveled Objective O bjjective 9 (B b (Biography/Autobiography) io ogr grraph aphy/Autobio ogrraph a y) 5. “Reaching “Reaching e for th the SSky” kyy” is par partt phyy.. IItt is par of a biograph biography. partt of a biography tells— bioographyy because b it tells ho w to become an 0A h how astr onaut astronaut 0 B why people become scientists ents fr om M ae JJemison’s emison’s 0 C ev events from Mae life ae JJemison emison liked 0 D why M Mae science © ECS Learning SSystems, ystems, IInc. nc. 6 T This his page m may ay no nott be repro reproduced. duced. Objective O bjective 4 (P (Prefixes/Suffixes) refixes/Sufffixes) 0 0 0 0 TEKS Update Student Practice Books for Reading—Sample Pages, Grades 3–8 39 ©ECS Learning Systems, Inc. TEKS UPDATE—Reading, UPDATE—R Reeading, Grade Gr Grade a 4 Sa m pl e By A. Dias Dias T This his page m may ay no nott be repro reproduced. duced. Do your bike? Do you you want to be cool cool and look look cool cool when you you ride your Then Then wear a bike helmet! helmet! Injuries Injuries are NOT cool. cool. You Yo You can p prevent injuries by wearing a helmet. helmett. In many many bike injuries In fact, research resear esearch shows shows that helmet can prevent 85% of a bike helmet injuriess to bikers. of allll head injuries Riding a bicycle bicycle may may not not seem Riding em dangerous. dangerous. Yet Yet more more than 700 every year. bike riders are killed in the United Uni nited States every yeaar. And And 75% of of from head ad d injuries. injuries. It It is true true that many many bike riders these deaths are from who have accidents do o not not die from from their injuries. injuries. Yet Yet they may may suffer suffer fer changes in their thei eir personality perso perssonality or or develop develop learning ning disabilities ass a resu lt o inj injury. Whyy risk death o serious brain b injury when whe en result off brain injury. orr serious injury don’t have ve to? to? Just Just wear wear a bike helmet! helmet! you you don’t helmets either. Bike he helmets don’t don’t need d to cost cost a lot lot to work work well, w either ther. In In a U.S.. lab many proved just ab test, m any affordable affordable helmets helmets pro ved to be b ju ust as effective h helm he ets that cost cost a lot lot more. more. The The main main requirement requirem ment e for for a good as helmets good biicyycle helmet helmet is that it fits well and will not not come come off off unless bicycle unless you you take ta ake e it off. off. Bike helmets helmets today today d even look look cool. cool. They They come come in many many bright brig ight ht colors, colo l rs, such such h as pink i k and d green, and d can include include awesome awesome grap phics. Many Many bike helmets helmets e have a smooth sm mooth shell that makes makes any graphics. rider rid de er look look like a serious serious athlete. athlete. Plus, Plus,, today’s to t day’s bike helmets helmets are lig gh htweight. They They are vented vente ed so they th keep your your head cool, cool, too. too. lightweight. Be e a cool cool cyclist. cyclist. Wear Wear a helmet h helm et when yyou ou ride yyour our bike! Systems, Inc. Inc. © ECS Learning Systems, ©ECS Learning Systems, Inc. TEKS Update Student Practice Books for Reading—Sample Pages, Grades 3–8 43 7 TEKS UPDA UPDATE—Reading, TE—R Reeaading, G Grade Grrade a 4 Search % $*' $$ $$! # , ! T This his page m may ay not not be reproduced. reproduced. $$! # ), !" )( '$" '$) ) . !" ) '$" %%, G GO O %%, ( ' ( ' - ),! ( - $' - )+ - ! )$ - &* %% ' '$" ) +) %%, $' ! ( # ! !") ( )( ) " $#!, ) ( %% # $# #, ' ' $$ ) $* %' ! () Sa $' ) 44 8 Systems, Inc. Inc. © ECS Learning Systems, TEKS Update Student Practice Books for Reading—Sample Pages, Grades 3–8 ©ECS Learning Systems, Inc. TEKS UPDATE—Reading, UPDATE—R Reeading, Grade Gr Grade a 4 Objective O bjective 12 (Author’s (Author’s Purpose) Purrpo p see) supports ts the 1. What information suppor aree beneficial claim that helmets ar cyclists? to cy clists? A B C D Costs of helmets Designs D esigns of helmets Reesults of brain injuries Results R Research on injury Re injury prevention prevention Research Objective O bjective 2 (Roots/Affixes) (Roots/Af /Afffiixes) d from from the passage has word 4. Which wor out”? a rroot oot meaning ““to to let air out ”? A B C D ffective Effective E eight Lightweight Lightw mooth SSmooth Vented ented V Objective O bjective 12 (Author’s (Author’s Purpose) Purrpo posee)) Objective O bjective 11 (M (Main ain Ide Idea/Supporting a/Supporting De Details) tails) hat iis the purpose of this is 5. What passage? ssage? Sa m pl e clists cyclists 2. When choosing a helmet, cy should be most concerned about— color fit price shape Objective O bjective 11 (Text (T Text Organization) Organization) 3. Compared Compared to expensive expe pensive helmets, helmets, affordable helm mets are— are— affordable helmets A B C D quallyy safe s equally ess safe s less ssaafer safer somewhat soomewhat safe Objective O bjjective 11 b 1 (Main (Main Idea/Supporting Idea/Supportin ng De Details) tails) 6. What Wh hat do all itemss in the W Web eb site site’s’s bulleted list pr romote o abou H bulleted promote about Happy appy Heaads helme mets? Heads helmets? A B C D Desig ign choices Design es Desirable features Desirable featur P rice Price SSafety afety © ECS Learning SSystems, ystems, Inc. Inc. ©ECS Learning Systems, Inc. T This his page m may ay no nott be repro reproduced. duced. A B C D Too sell helmets to cy cyclists A T clissts Too rrecommend ecommend certain certain helmets B T C To supportt lab testing of To suppor h helmets To encourage cy yclists clists too D To cyclists wear helmets wear TEKS Update Student Practice Books for Reading—Sample Pages, Grades 3–8 45 9 TEKS UPDA UPDATE—Reading, TE—R Reeaading, G Grade Grrade a 4 Objective O bjective 11 (T (Text Text O Organization) rgan g ization) 7. Both “B “Bee A Cool C Cyclist” yclist” and “H “Happy appy H Heads eads H Headgear” eadgear” include— T This his page m may ay not not be reproduced. reproduced. 46 10 facts about head injuries appeals to looking stylish special offers on shipping rresearch-based esearch-based rrecommendations ecommendations 8. Which wor word d from from the Web Web site means ““shielded shielded from from injury injury or harm”? harm ”? A B C D Affor Affordable dable E Equipped quipped Limited P Protected rotected Sa m pl e A B C D Objective O bjective 2 (C (Context ontext C Clues) lues) © ECS Learning SSystems, ystems, IInc. nc. TEKS Update Student Practice Books for Reading—Sample Pages, Grades 3–8 ©ECS Learning Systems, Inc. TEKS UPDATE—Reading, Grade UPDATE—R Rea eading, Gr Grade a 5 e Kidz Spor Sports S por po ts is pr promoting omoting classes es for yyouth outh based on the popularity of the spor sport in each countr ryy belo w. country below. Sa m p T This his page m may ay not not be reproduced. reproduced. Soccer—Soccer is a fun sport played all over the globe. Come make friends and learn the basic skills of the most popular sport ever! You can run and kick while working as a team. Soccer builds critical thinking skills, too. It’s a game you can play your whole life, so join today. You will feel like one of the greatest soccer players in the world. What are you waiting for? Step onto the field! Get to the peak of your potential. We have instruction for every level—no experience is required. Receive instruction. Begin. Fees are paid monthly, and early enrollment begins June 1st. Remember: sportsmanship, competition, teamwork! Baseball—You love to watch it, now get in the game! It’s the world’s hottest sport, and you could be batting and swinging like a pro in no time. Our coaches will teach you how to make that PING! with every hit. Do the drills; learn the skills. Our coaches will take your game to a new level. Teams are forming now, so call to register. Remember: power, speed, agility! 44 ©ECS Learning Systems, Inc. © ECS Learning SSystems, ystems, IInc. nc. TEKS Update Student Practice Books for Reading—Sample Pages, Grades 3–8 11 UPDATE—Reading, Grade TEKS UPDA TE—R Reading, e Gr G rade a 5 Objective O bjective 2 (S (Say (Sayings) yings) 1. Read Reeead d the sentences from from th the he Italy Italy ad d. ad. Whaat ar W you waiting for? Step Step What aree you on ntoo the field! Get Get to the peak p of onto yoourr potential. your u want to reach peeak of If you you reach the peak If pote tential, you — yourr potential, you must— your A B C D d make friends practice har d hard win every every game be the best on the team Objective O bjjective 11 (Connections b ( onnections Between/Among (C Between/Among Texts) Texts) 2. The Th purpose of each ad is to persuade kids to— A join a cer certain tain spor sportt B buy equipment for spor sports ts C learn to play sev several eral differ different ent spor sports ts D ex exercise ercise fairness when playing spor sports ts © ECS Learning SSystems, ystems, IInc. nc. 12 T This his page m may ay no nott be repro reproduced. duced. Sa m pl e Basketball—Basketball rules! Take a back seat, soccer and baseball; basketball got the most votes from kids as their favorite sport. Join thousands of kids dribbling and dunking. You can play indoors or out, just pull on your basketball shoes. A lot of running and jumping will help you reach your hoop dreams. It’s fast; it’s fun. And working as a team toward a goal is a life skill. How about a little game of basketball? The fall league happens soon, so register now. Remember: up with self-esteem and work ethic! TEKS Update Student Practice Books for Reading—Sample Pages, Grades 3–8 45 ©ECS Learning Systems, Inc. TEKS UPDA UPDATE—Reading, TE—R Rea eading, Gr G Grade rade a 5 Objective O bjective 12 (Exaggerated/Misleading (EExaggerat a ed/Misleading Statements) Statements) from om the ads is 3. Which statement fr an exaggeration? ead the sentences from from the 5. Read Reea Japan ad. Japan Tea eams are are forming now, now, so call to Teams Remember, power, register. Remember, register. Remember power, speed, agility! Which word word is an antonym of agility? A B C D Clumsiness Clumsin ness ace Grace Grac Strength Sttrength Willingness Willingness Sa m pl e run and kick while A You You can run king as a [soccer] team. working wor Remember: sportsmanship, Reemember: spor B R tsmanship, teamwork! competition, teamwor k! C The fall [basketball] league now. w. happens soon, so rregister egister no [Baseball world’s’s hottest D [B aseball is] the world sport, spor t, and yyou ou could be batting proo in no and swinging like a pr time. Objective O bjective 2 (Antonyms/Synonyms) (Antonyms/Synonyms) T This his page m may ay not not be reproduced. reproduced. Objective O bjective 12 (Author’s (Author’s Viewpoint/Position) Viewpoint/Position) 4. Soccer Soccer would be a good choice oice for an inexperienced athlete since nce the he soccer pr ogram offers— program A B C D monthly fees early enr ollment enrollment differ ent skill levels le levels different oppor opportunities tuniti ties to make friends frriends 46 ©ECS Learning Systems, Inc. Objective O bjective 11 1 (Organizational (Orrgan ganizational Pattern) Pattern) 6. Which Wh hich of the follo following wing concepts oncepts is emphasized em mphasized in the ad forr baseball? baseeball? A B C D Competition C Self-esteem Self-esteem Speed Speed d Teamwork Teamwor T eamwork © ECS Learning SSystems, ystems, Inc. Inc. TEKS Update Student Practice Books for Reading—Sample Pages, Grades 3–8 13 TEKS UPDA UPDATE—Reading, TE—R Reading, e Gr G Grade raade 6 R Read ead the stor story ryy and drama, and answ an answer nsw wer er the questions that follo follow. w. ednesday “Kristin, stop kicking my leg!” D avid gr owled. IItt was four oo’clock David growled. ’clock on W Wednesday ednesda afternoon, and D avid and his sister Kristin w ere doing home work at the kitchen table. David were homework Kristin ey eyed ed him and continued swinging her foot beneath the table. Their dad walked thr ough the door on his way to the rrefrigerator. through efrigeratorr. “H ey kids, “Hey kids,”” he said, looking thoughtfully oover David’s homework. ver D avid’s sshoulderr at his math hom meworrk. k “S o, D avid, ar “So, David, aree yyou project?” ou just about finished with yyour our science fair pr roj oject?” Sa m pl e D avid wav ure, D ad,” he said. “I David waved casually. “Sure, Dad,” “It’s fine.”” y. y. “S t’s coming along fine. ed his hand casually D avid’s dad looked doubtful. “O kayy, son. I’ ward to seeing what yyou’ve o ’ve ou David’s “Okay, I’m forward m looking for come up with, although I don don’t’t see why yyou won’t’t tell me what the pr project is.”” ou won oject is. T This his page m may ay no nott be repro reproduced. duced. “It’s surprise,”” D David proclaimed, dramatically, “I t’s the th element of surprise, avid pr oclaim med, wavingg his hands dramatically y,, “…that project awesome! Don’t worryy D Dad. You’ll Friday science fair.” ad. Y You ou’ll seee it this F riday at the scien nce fair .” makes my pr oject so aw esome! D on’t worr h rrenewed enewed enthusi asm. W ith one ey ebrow raised, r David homework enthusiasm. With eyebrow D avid bent back oover ver his home work with David’s D avid’s dad nodded and left the rroom. oom.. on as their dad was gone,, Kristin, K who had been stifling tifling giggles during the As soon exchange, llaughter. aughter. ex change,, let loose with a peal of laughter “I’ve figured smartt gu guy,” snickered. haven’t even started “I’ ve figur ed yyou ou out, smar sm uyy,,” she snicker ed. “And “And yyou ou hav en’t ev en star arted yyour our science fair pr oject!” project!” ugged d. “M aybe I hav ven’t star ted, per se ve got quitee a fe David shrugged. “Maybe haven’t started, se,, but I’ I’ve few David shr w ideas churning pped his for ehead ssolemnly. solemnlyy.. H m book ok, collected his up here.” Hee tapp tapped forehead Hee closed his math book, here.” H work, and headed up to his rroom. oom. homework, home “You can’t’t rrush genius,” he added as he left the kitchen. Kristin just shook her head. “You u ccan ush genius, Oncce in his rroom, oom, D avid let ou ut a pr olonged sigh. Once David out prolonged Hee actu actually project Hee had tried a thousand times to H ualllyy had no clue what his p pr oject j was going g g to t be. H the weren’t flowing. wing. As he drifted think ooff ssomething original, but th he ideas just w e en’t flo er sleep slightly panicked. Oh, well. sure everything off to sl leeep that night, he felt sligh htly panicked d. O h, w ell. II’m ’m sur ree ev errything will come com together, himself. together r, he h rreassured eassured himself f.. The ne David Mike were n day after school, D next avvid and his friend M ike w ere having a snack in the kitchen David when D avid vid d ssaw the note. IItt rread: ead: © ECS Learning SSystems, ystems, IInc. nc. 14 TEKS Update Student Practice Books for Reading—Sample Pages, Grades 3–8 51 ©ECS Learning Systems, Inc. TEKS UPDA UPDATE—Reading, TE—R Rea eading, Gr G Grade rade a 6 “Great,” David muttered. Hee looked at M Mike, shrugged good-naturedly. edlyy. “I’ “I’llll help help,” ike, who shr ugged good-natur “G reat,” D avid mutter ed. H ,” Mike offered. M ike offer ed. man.”” D David Mike help.. Who avid smiled. M ike was a good friend, and he could use the help ““Thanks, Thanks, man. knew promising Dad months,, he kne w what was in this fridge? II’ve ’ve been pr romising omising D ad II’d ’d clean cle it for at least six months guiltily. can’t’t rreally down. wn. thought guiltily uiltilyy.. I can eally blame him for putting his foot do “Hey, havee yyou already project David Mike. our pr “Heyy, hav avid asked M ike. ou alr eady finished yyour oject for the science fair?” D Hee was sor sortt of hoping M Mike predicament ike was in the same pr edicament he was. H Mike proud. Morse’s transmitter. oud. ““Yeah. Yeah. I m made a model of SSamuel amuel M orse’s telegraph transmi itter. M ike looked pr eal messages!” IItt can send rreal Sa m pl e “Sounds David thoughtfully. “How emarked thoughtfully y.. “H ow long did it take yyou ou too build?” eally cool,” cool,” D avid rremarked “S ounds rreally “Itt wasn wasn’t’t too bad,” Mike David assumed, how bad,” M t, in days, D avid assumed d, ho w ike said, using his fingers to count, “I project “Only off.” f..” nly about four months,, on and off long the pr oject had taken. “O T This his page m may ay not not be reproduced. reproduced. David, startled, Uh-oh, Big uh-oh.. D tled, nodded. U h-oh, hee thought. B igg uh-oh avid, looking star boys David opened warily. Hee began avid opene ed the fridge warily y.. H b The bo ys rreturned eturned to the task at hand,, and D sorting “keep” ng at eexpiration dates and d sor ting the items into “keep keep” and a rremoving emoving items one bbyy one, looking Mike items. ““toss” toss” piles. M ike grabbed the garbage bag age can for the ““toss” toss” item ms. Mike David ““Whoa, Whoa, What a, dude, watch out!” M ikke yyelled elled as D avid lifted oout the next item. ““What Wha hat is that?” David beforee them. An alie David D avid wass equally mystified.. A fuzzy zzy mountain sat on the plate befor alien? D avid forkk and poked Hee w was genuinely intrigued. d it. it i H intrigued grabbed a for Att the center of the fuzz h something nlyy, it dawne dawned ned on him. A he spied somet ething that looked SSuddenly, uddenly he’d beforee and forgotten sly like the th he half of a hot dog he ’’d d put in the fridge months befor suspiciously about. “So?” Mike pressed. “S o?” M ike pr essed. ““What What IS tthis thing?” growth, course,”” D David confidently. Hee grinned at ““A A st study tud dy on long-term mold gr rowth, of course, avid vid rreplied eplied confidently y.. H Mike, M ike, w whoo suddenly blinked in understanding. nderstanding. “Oh, man,”” M Mike crowed. “Genius!” “O h, man, h m ike cr owed. “G en nius!” Wait Dad this,, D David Everything W aitt ‘til ‘til t D ad gets a load of this avid avid thought thou ought with satisfaction. E verything was coming togetherr after a all. 52 ©ECS Learning Systems, Inc. © ECS Learning SSystems, ystems, IInc. nc. TEKS Update Student Practice Books for Reading—Sample Pages, Grades 3–8 15 TEKS UPDA UPDATE—Reading, TE—R Reading, e Gr G Grade raade 6 Characters D AVID DAVID KRISTIN: KRISTIN: David’s David’s older sister DAD: DAD: Kristin Kristin and David’s David’s father MIKE: MIKE: David’s David’s friend SCIENCE FAIR AIR JJUDGE UDGE #1 SCIENCE F SCIENCE FAIR AIR JJUDGE UDGE #2 SCIENCE F One: are homework ne: Kitchen. DAVID DA AVID and KRISTIN ar re doing hom homewor meworrk rk at the table. DAD enters. Scene O Sa m pl e How project David? our science fair pr oject coming along, D avid? DAD: H ow is yyour DA AVID: VID E DAVID: Excellent, Dad. Really eally good. xcellent, D ad. R oject did yyou ou decide on? DAD: What pr project T This his page m may ay no nott be repro reproduced. duced. DA AVID: VID IIt’s…it’s t’s…it’s kind of a surprise. DAVID: aises an ey ebrrow.) (DAD rraises eyebrow.) DAD: Well, I’m forward Friday. That’s’s F Friday, Well, I’ m looking for orward to seeing it at the fair on nF ridayy.. That riday, day, as in two days fr om now, now, rremember? emem mber? from (DAD exits. KRIST KRISTIN giggles.)) STIN giggles. KRISTIN: IN: SSoo it “surprise,” hu uh? it’s’s a “surprise,” huh? DA AVID: VID ID D: Well…it’ll Well…it’ll be a surprisee to me. DAVID: KRIST TIIN: Y You ou hav en’t ev en star t hav ted, ou? KRISTIN: haven’t even started, havee yyou? © ECS Learning SSystems, ystems, IInc. nc. 16 TEKS Update Student Practice Books for Reading—Sample Pages, Grades 3–8 53 ©ECS Learning Systems, Inc. TEKS UPDA UPDATE—Reading, TE—R Rea eading, Gr G Grade rade a 6 Shhh, Kristin. Dad’ll Dad’ll hear you! you! I just can’t DA DAVID: AVID: Shhh, can’t think of anything to do. do. KRISTIN: Why don’t don’t you you make one of those volcanoes volcanoes again? DAVID: Todd Parsick DA AVID: Todd Parsick beat me to it. He’s He’s building one that spews spews three three different different colors of lava. lava. How How can I compete with that? KRISTIN: Well, Well, you’d you’d better think fast—it’s fast—it’s a big part part of your you know. know w.. your grade, you (KRISTIN exits.) exits.) Sa m pl e DA AVID: Y eah, thanks for reminding reminding me. DAVID: Yeah, Scene Two: Two: woo: Kitchen, the next day. dayy.. DA AVID and MIKE enter. enterr. DAVID T This his page m may ay not not be reproduced. reproduced. MIKE: I’ m almost done with my science fair pr oject. I ended oj end ded up building a telegraph ph I’m project. transmitter like SSamuel you do? amuel Morse Morse made. What did you DA AVID: Nothing Nothing yet. yet. (He (He picks upp a note not ote from from the kitchen counter.) ccounterr..) “David, “David, please clean clean out ou ut DAVID: refrigerator this afternoon. Thanks, ank nks, Dad.” h, great. great. Dad.” O the refrigerator Oh, down at the kitchen n table. tabl t le. DAVID DA AVID VID opens the refriger refriigerrator ator and begins to empty mp it. (MIKE sits down refrigerator mples the various various foods food as DAVID DAVID DA VID unloads them onto to the table.) table.) MIKE samples MIKE: Why don you u build a robot? robbot? don’t’t you DA AVID: In In onee day? d Right. DAVID: Orr some kind of spaceship. MIKE: O spaceship p. That would be cool. Or…whoa, Or… …whoa, what IS that, dude? d r…whoa, (DAVID (DA AVID D pulls p a fuzzy green grreen een and purple puurple mound out of the he refrigerator. rrefriger efr frigerratorr. The mound is as big as the it’s’s sitting plate it siitting on. The boys booys ys stare starree att it in wonder.) wonderr..) 54 ©ECS Learning Systems, Inc. © ECS Learning SSystems, ystems, IInc. nc. TEKS Update Student Practice Books for Reading—Sample Pages, Grades 3–8 17 TEKS UPDA UPDATE—Reading, TE—R Reading, e Gr G Grade raade 6 r…wait, I kno w! I put half a hot dog in the DA DAVID: AVID: I hav havee no idea. IItt looks like an alien. O Or…wait, know! rrefrigerator efrigerator about six months ago and forgot about it. IItt must be underneath all this gr een green f.. and purplee stuff stuff. MIKE: I’ ve nev er seen anything like that befor e! H ey…are yyou ou thinking what I’ m thinking? I’ve never before! Hey…are I’m DA AVID: ((grins (g ggrinss) M ike, meet my science fair pr oject—a mold experiment! DAVID: (grins) Mike, project—a Scene Thr ree: e School auditorium, the next day y.. T ables ar ree full off science fair ir pr ojects. DAVID’s DA AVID’ V D’s VID Three: day. Tables are projects. color rful fuz fuzzball zzball sits in fr ront of a disp play rreading eading “Long-T Ter erm M old G Gr rowth.” DAVID, DA AVID, VID, colorful front display “Long-Term Mold Growth.” JUDGE #1, JUDGE #2, and DAD stand beside it. Sa m pl e JUDGE #1: F ascinating. Who would hav ed a student nt could cultur cular Fascinating. havee believ believed culturee a spectac spectacular fungus like this? JUDGE #2: When did yyou ou begin to gr ow it? grow T This his page m may ay no nott be repro reproduced. duced. ovember. DA AVID: Last L N DAVID: November. JUDGE #1: This yyear ear w e’re awar ding we’re awarding prizee to the student who planned thee far farthest ingg a special priz th thest ance for the fair m sur ojects her n’t take six months like yyours oou urs did! advance fair.. I’ I’m suree thee other pr projects heree didn didn’t in adv proud JUDGE #2: Congratulations Congratulations. ns. ((To Too DAD) T D You Y ou must be vvery ery pr oud of yyour our son. DAD: O h, I am. H ca be vvery ery in ngenious. D you hav nything to say yy,, D avid? Oh, Hee can ingenious. Doo you havee an anything say, David? DA AVID: JJust…hot ust…ho hot dog! DAVID: © ECS Learning SSystems, ystems, IInc. nc. 18 TEKS Update Student Practice Books for Reading—Sample Pages, Grades 3–8 55 ©ECS Learning Systems, Inc. TEKS UPDA UPDATE—Reading, TE—R Rea eading, Gr G Grade rade a 6 Objective O bjective 6 (P (Plot lot De Development) velo op pment) U se “D Use “David’s avid’s G Genius” enius” to answer answ wer er questions 1–4. Objective O bjective 2 (C (Context ontext C Clues) lues) 1. R ead the sentence fr om the stor Read from story. y. As soon as their dad was gone, Kristin, who had been stifling giggles during the ex change, let loose with a exchange, peal of laughter laughter.. The wor d stifling means— word bringing in building up holding back letting out David A D avid promised promised his dad months ago that he would. David B D avid is trying trying to take his mind project. off his unfinished pr oject. avid thinks the chor m C D David choree might give him an n idea i for his sscien ience give science project. project. David vid hopes to distract his h dad D David frroom asking about the science ience from project. project. T This his page m may ay not not be reproduced. reproduced. Sa m pl e A B C D 3. Why do D David avid and Mike Mike clean out the rrefrigerator? efrigerator? Objective O bjective 2 (F (Foreign Foreign W Words/Phrases) ords/Phrases) 2. D avid tells Kristin, “M aybe I hav David “Maybe haven’t ha en’t star ted, per se ve got qui ite a fe w started, se,, but I’ I’ve quite few ideas…. ideas….”” The phrase per se s means— meeans— A B C D Objective O bjective 6 (Point (Point o off View) Vie V iew) 4. Wh Who ho is the narrator in this stor sstory? y? A B C D David David K Kristin David and Kristin David Kristin’s’s dad Someone outside the stor Someone storyy as such; exactly too an extent; par p tly partly right no w; currently currently now; just approximately ust about; abo bout; appr oximately 56 ©ECS Learning Systems, Inc. © ECS Learning SSystems, ystems, Inc. Inc. TEKS Update Student Practice Books for Reading—Sample Pages, Grades 3–8 19 TEKS UPDA UPDATE—Reading, TE—R Reeaading, G Grade Grrade a 6 Use “David’s avid’s G Genius” U se both “D enius” and Fair Project” answer ““The The Science F air P roject” to answ nsw wer er questions 9 and 10. Objective O bjective 5 (Se (Setting/Characters/Plot) tting/Charracters/Plot) 9. How th story How do Kristin’s Kristin’s actions in the story differ from from her actions in the drama? T This his page m may ay not not be reproduced. reproduced. 58 20 difference in plot 10. What is one difference between the story story and the drama? between David attends the science fair in A David story. the drama but not in the story. David cleans out the refrigerator refrigerator B David story. in the drama but not in the story. Mike built a telegraph g p transmitter ansmitter C Mike story. in the drama ma but not in the the story. David’s dad d leaves leaves a notee for D David’s David id in the drama but not n in David he story. story. the Sa m pl e A Kristin attends the science fair in storyy but not in the drama. the stor storyy B Kristin is not helpful in the stor gives but giv es David David a suggestion in the drama. David C Kristin helps D avid clean out the storyy but not in rrefrigerator efrigerator in the stor the drama. D Kristin tells their dad about David’s storyy but David’s problem problem in the stor not in the drama. Objective O bjective 5 (Se (Setting/Characters/Plot) tting/Charra acters/P s lot) © ECS Learning SSystems, ystems, IInc. nc. TEKS Update Student Practice Books for Reading—Sample Pages, Grades 3–8 ©ECS Learning Systems, Inc. TEKS UPDA UPDATE—Reading, TE—R Rea eading, Gr G Grade rade a 6 Use se both “D “David’s avid’s G Genius” U enius” and Fair Project” answer ““The The Science F air P roject” to answ nsw wer er questions 9 and 10. Objective O bjective 5 (Setting/Characters/Plot) (Setting/Charracters/Plot) 9. How Kristin’s’s actions in th storyy How do Kristin the stor from differ fr om her actions in the drama? difference in plot 10. What is one difference between the story story and the drama? between David attends the science fair in A David story. the drama but not in the story. David cleans out the refrigerator refrigerator B David story. in the drama but not in the story. Mike built a telegraph g p transmitter ansmitter C Mike in the drama story. ma but not in tthe he stor y. avid’s dad d leaves leaves a notee for D D David’s David id in the drama but n not in David he stor y. the story. T This his page m may ay not not be reproduced. reproduced. Sa m pl e A Kristin attends the science fair in storyy but not in the drama. the stor storyy B Kristin is not helpful in the stor gives but giv es David David a suggestion in the drama. David C Kristin helps D avid clean out the storyy but not in rrefrigerator efrigerator in the stor the drama. D Kristin tells their dad about David’s storyy but David’s problem problem in the stor not in the drama. Objective O bjective 5 (Se (Setting/Characters/Plot) tting/Charrac a terss/Plot) 58 ©ECS Learning Systems, Inc. © ECS Learning SSystems, ystems, Inc. Inc. TEKS Update Student Practice Books for Reading—Sample Pages, Grades 3–8 21 TEKS UPDA UPDATE—Reading, TE—R Reeaading, G Grade Grrade a 7 Fizz Fact ry ry er thought a seemingly innocent combination of candy plus soda would equal a Whoever Whoev eaction witnessed after combining M entos® candies with Mentos® fantastic fountain of FIZZ! The rreaction even soda baffles ev en some scientists. ng the soda Most surrounding soda’s’s carbon dio dioxide M ost seem to think that the water molecules surr ounding xide gas face of each piece of aree disturbed when the candies ar aree dr dropped Tiny surface ar opped in. T iny pits on the sur xide bubbles to form. The he candies quickly qu q candy pr ovide per fect places for ne provide perfect new dioxide w carbon dio sink to the bottom of the bottle, adding to the rreaction above them eaction bbyy pushing the he liquid abo ve the hem up and out of the bottle. T This his page m may ay not not be reproduced. reproduced. Sa m pl e Why not tr ourself? G ather the materials belo tryy it yyourself? Gather below, follow directions, w, follo fol w the dir ections, and form yyour our oown wn opinion—that is, if yyour our brain isn ing soda-blasted! in isn’t’t too soggy after being Materials Materials roll roll of Mentos® Mentos® candy 2-liter bottle of diet soda index card card sheet of paper tape Directions D irrections ection 1. Find Remember, Fin nd a large, outdoor location n ion that is grassy and open. en. R en ememberr, things will wil probably get messy! probably p o Unwrap n p the entir roll of candy. caandyy. y. 2. Unwrap entiree roll 3. Using big enough for the candy to slide eate a longg tube Using s yyour our piece of paper, paper, cr ccreate t through. tthrrough. T Tape ape the side of the th he tube so it i rremains emains rrolled. olled. 4. Position bottlee so itt rremains Open pen the bottle. Position o the diet soda bottl emains upright. O 5. Holding cover Holdin olding card. ding the tube with one hand, ha cover the bottom opening with the index card. 6. Slip Slip are resting resting in a column. ip the candy andy into the tube tu so the pieces are Flip the tube into the opening of the soda bottle, and watch liquid fountain into 7. Flip the air! 36 22 © ECS Learning SSystems, ystems, IInc. nc. TEKS Update Student Practice Books for Reading—Sample Pages, Grades 3–8 ©ECS Learning Systems, Inc. TEKS UPDATE—Reading, UPDATE—R Reeading, Grade Gr Grade a 7 Lava Founta F nt n ! ' " ' " ! ! ( % ! # # % ! Sa m pl e ! # ! % T This his page m may ay no nott be repro reproduced. duced. $ ! " # ' # $ # ( #( ! ! ! # & ! Systems, Inc. Inc. © ECS Learning Systems, ©ECS Learning Systems, Inc. TEKS Update Student Practice Books for Reading—Sample Pages, Grades 3–8 37 23 UPDATE—Reading, Grade TEKS UPDA TE—R Reeaading, G Gr rade a 7 Use U se “F “Fizz izz F Factory” actory” to answ answer wer er questions 1–3. Objective O bjective 2 (Roots/Affixes) (Roots/Afffix i es) Read from om “Fizz “Fizz 1. R ead the sentence fr Factory.” F actory.” The candies quickly sink to the bottom of the bottle, adding to the above rreaction eaction bbyy pushing the liquid abo ve them up and out of the bottle. Objective O bjective 2 (Dic (Dictionary/Glossary) tionary/G / lossary) 4. Read from “Lavaa Read the sentences fr om “Lav Fountain.” F ountain.” Nah, N ah, I’m I’m making a chemical volcano. volcano. impressive ocket et an impr essiivve IIt’s t’s gonna rrocket eruption. er uption. A B C D A B C D T This his page m may ay not not be reproduced. reproduced. Sa m pl e word The suffix --ly ly in the wor d quickly means— Which word entryy hich w from a thesaurus thesaurus u entr word from uld ld best rreplace eplace eruption eruption as it is would d in the sentence? used quality or state certain in a cer tain way action or process process the result result of an act Objective O bjective 8 (Aut (Author’s hor’s Use o off Lan Language) guagee) fountain of fizz fizz” fi ” 2. The phrase ““fountain is an example of— A B C D alliteration nomatopo poeia onomatopoeia ersonifi nification personification mile mil simile Objective O bjective 12 2 (Multi-Dimensional (Multi-Dimensional In Instructions) structio i ns) 3. Why Wh hyy is an index card card needed for e thee experiment? A B C D 38 24 Use “Lava Fountain” Fo ountain n” to answer answ wer Use “Lava er questions 4–6. To soak up soda leaks To To count the candies on To To cover coover the tube openin ng To tube’s’s opening To help the tube remain remain rolled rolled To Discharge ischarge D Explosion xplosion l i E Flare Flare Rush Rush Objective O bjjective 12 b 1 (G (Graphical rraph aphical C Components) omponents) 5. Wh What hat does the bo boyy in thee ca cartoon car toon a the girl flips th the tube? do after A B C D H uns. Hee rruns. H Hee stands bback. H mes outside. Hee com comes H o the soda bottle. Hee opens Objective O bjectiv i e 12 (G (Graphical raphical C Components) omponents) 6. Which emotion best describes the boy’s expression in the cartoon’s cartoon’s last boy’s expression frame? A B C D Amused IIrritated rritated R Regretful egretful Thoughtful © ECS Learning SSystems, ystems, IInc. nc. TEKS Update Student Practice Books for Reading—Sample Pages, Grades 3–8 ©ECS Learning Systems, Inc. TEKS UPDATE—Reading, Grade UPDATE—R Reading, e Gr Grade a 7 Objective O bjective 12 (Multi-Dimensional (Multi-Dimensional Instructions) Instructions) Use U se both “F “Fizz izz F Factory” actorryy” and “Lav “Lavaa er questions 7–10. Fountain n” to answ wer 7 Fountain” answer Objective O bjective 10 (Connections (Connections Across Across Texts) Texts) 7. Both “F “Fizz Factory” “Lavaa izz F actory” and “Lav Fountain” Fountain” suggest that the rreader— eader— exercise caree and caution ex ercise car wear correct w ear the corr ect clothing observe invite friends to help and obser ve havee a science text av available hav ailable nearbyy nearb lipping the paper tube A F Flipping pening the soda bottle B O Opening dding the candy to the paper C A Adding tube D Placing card the Placing thee index i car d oover ver th bot ottle soda bottle Objective O bjective 10 (Connections (Connections Across Acrro oss Texts) Teeexxts) T Sa m pl e A B C D In both “F izz F actory” and “Lav 9. In “Fizz Factory” “Lavaa Fountain,” which step activ ates the Fountain,” activates eruption? eruption? Objective O bjective 10 (Evaluation (Evaluation of of Summary) Summary) A B C D playing a prank learning a ne w skill new tr ying an experiment trying aving fun with a frie iend having friend A B C D Cleaning up the soda C Eating pieces of candy E Opening Opening the soda bottle Constructing tube C Constr ucting a paper tub be © ECS Learning SSystems, ystems, Inc. Inc. ©ECS Learning Systems, Inc. TEKS Update Student Practice Books for Reading—Sample Pages, Grades 3–8 T This his page m may ay no nott be repro reproduced. duced. “Fizz F actory” and “Lav ountain” 8. “Fizz Factory” “Lavaa F Fountain” are mostly about— are 10. Which hich idea is suggested in “Lav “Lavaa Fountain” “Fizz Factory”? Fountain untain” but not in “F izz F actory”? 39 25 TEKS UPDATE—Reading, Grade 8 Standing in the grocery aisle, perusing pickles, Zesty dills and garlic dills, Sour pickles, sweet bread & butter pickles, So many pickles, I muse, scanning the shelves. Where are the sharp pickles, you know, the fiery Give-me-some-bread-my-mouth’s-on-fire hot ones? Most people think that you drink water to cool the burn: Not so. It’s bread that you eat To tame the heat. This page may not be reproduced. My grandmother made pickles like nobody’s business. “Split the peppers,” she’d say, confiding her secrets. Those pickle-making marathons, That’s what united women. We’d go to the farmer’s market and select just the tiny ones, Uniform size. “We’re not making cucumbers, here,” she’d inform me. I would nod and make a mental note, taking it all in. We’d buy fragrant fresh dill and hot yellow peppers and mysterious spices, A colorful late summer’s bounty. Then, in her sweltering kitchen we’d sterilize the jars And pack pickles and peppers, dill and spices and brine, Filling the jars, just so. When we were finished they were pretty, Like terrariums without fish. And then we’d wait till the first hot chili night of winter And we’d pop a jar, bread at-the-ready. Some years were disappointing with soggy pickles, Some years were disappointing with salty pickles, But some years we beamed with perfect pickles. In this place, my search will not yield what I seek. I choose a jar of plain dills to go with the first chili of the season. I want my grandmother’s pickles. © ECS Learning Systems, Inc. 26 TEKS Update Student Practice Books for Reading—Sample Pages, Grades 3–8 19 ©ECS Learning Systems, Inc. TEKS UPDATE—Reading, Grade 8 Objective 2 (Context Clues) 1. Read the stanza from the poem. 3. Read the lines from the poem. Standing in the grocery aisle, perusing pickles, We’d go to the farmer’s market and select just the tiny ones, Zesty dills and garlic dills, Uniform size. Sour pickles, sweet bread & butter pickles, What do the letters uni in the word uniform mean? So many pickles, I muse, scanning the shelves. A B C D In this stanza, the word perusing means— A B C D This page may not be reproduced. Objective 2 (Roots/Affixes) buying choosing studying tasting Objective 3 (Influence of Setting) 2. What was the importance of picklemaking marathons? A To bring women together B To help the family business C To yield food that lasts all summer D To encourage people to use local produce 20 ©ECS Learning Systems, Inc. Not One Small Under Objective 8 (Similes/Metaphors) 4. The poet compares the pickle jars to terrariums to tell— A B C D how to pack the pickle jars how to sterilize the pickle jars what the pickle jars looked like what other uses the jars could have © ECS Learning Systems, Inc. TEKS Update Student Practice Books for Reading—Sample Pages, Grades 3–8 27 TEKS UPDATE—Reading, Grade 8 Objective 4 (Poetic Forms) 5. How does the reader know this is a narrative poem? A B C D It has a plot. It rhymes in places. It focuses on a family relationship. It contains stanzas of different lengths. Objective 6 (Point of View) Objective 6 (Theme/Conflict Resolution) 7. Which line best shows that the poet is dissatisfied at the end of the poem? A I want my grandmother’s pickles. B But some years we beamed with perfect pickles. C Some years were disappointing with soggy pickles, D I choose a jar of plain dills to go with the first chili of the season. 6. The reader knows that the poem is told in first person point of view because the poet— © ECS Learning Systems, Inc. 28 TEKS Update Student Practice Books for Reading—Sample Pages, Grades 3–8 This page may not be reproduced. A takes part in the poem’s story B exists only outside the poem’s story C knows the feelings of each character D describes her grandmother’s thoughts 21 ©ECS Learning Systems, Inc.
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