All of the information about your case that you need... by searching ‘criminal cases’

All of the information about your case that you need can be found at by searching ‘criminal cases’
in the public search box at the center of the page. If your case says ‘archived’ when you open it, you will have to
contact the misdemeanor or felony department to get it unarchived so you can see the information
Your Name
Your Address
Your Phone Number
Your Name
Your Case Number
Your inmate number (if you have never been to prison, don’t worry about this)
Date: Fill this section out
Your Drivers License Number
Time: based on the filing
Last 4 digits of your social security number
Dept: instructions
Your Birthday
Disposition Date
the code sections violated
code violated (pc, hs, etc)
Next to the charges it will have M or F, M is misdemeanor, F is felony
Check this box if your felony can be reduced
Check this box if you had probation
check this box if you did probation for as long as you were supposed to
Check this box if your felony can be reduced
Check both of the boxes if you did not have probation (it has to have been a year since conviction)
Check 1203.4 if you had probation or 1203.4a if you didn’t
Check this box if your felony can be reduced
Today’s Date
Your full address goes here