micro Process Gas Chromatograph (PGC) analyses with Sample Conditioning by drs ing Tim Lenior Analytical Solutions and Products BV July, 17 2012 Analytical Solutions and Products BV Contents: 1 Introduction to process analyses .......................................................................... 5 1.1 Micro Process Gas Chromatography (µPGC) ............................................................5 1.2 Research and theoretical aspects (2) .........................................................................6 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 1.2.6 1.3 Applications (8) (9) .....................................................................................................19 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.3.5 1.3.6 2 The essential steps in process analyses .................................................................27 Sample handling and integration back ground information .............................. 28 3.1.1 3.1.2 4 Further developments in sample handling (NeSSI™) (22)....................................................30 Integration of equipment in process plants a slim analyser package (aSAP) (9) ..................31 Discussions and Conclusions ............................................................................. 32 4.1 5 Natural gas & Liquified Natural Gas LNG ..............................................................................19 RGA, Cokes gas Analyses ....................................................................................................20 Sulfur analyses (9) (14) .........................................................................................................20 Syngas analyses (18) ............................................................................................................23 Biogas & Biomass analyses ..................................................................................................23 Environmental analyses (20) .................................................................................................24 From process sample to process control ........................................................... 26 2.1 3 µGC and narrow – medium bore columns ...............................................................................6 Micro-Injection (2) ..................................................................................................................12 The µTCD and the detection limit (4) (6) (2) ..........................................................................12 The minimum detectable amount (2) .....................................................................................15 The µGCs discussed and used for the LNG Probe tests ......................................................16 Description/explanation of the Agilent 490-GC µGC: ............................................................16 Further discussion for process analysis ..................................................................32 References ............................................................................................................. 34 Analytical Solutions and Products BV Page 2 rev1a List of figures: Figure 1: plate heights vs carrier gas velocity (2) ..........................................................................................6 Figure 2: analysis time vs column ID (2) .......................................................................................................7 Figure 3: plate hight equation & the van Deemter H vs u curve (2) ..............................................................8 Figure 4: efficiency packed vs. capillary column (2)......................................................................................9 Figure 5: plot of time H/u vs required plate number (5) ................................................................................9 Figure 6: carrier gas velocity u vs column ID (2) .........................................................................................10 Figure 7: PLOT Columns application Areas (2) ..........................................................................................10 Figure 8: adsorption and absorption GC (2) ................................................................................................11 Figure 9: thermal conductivity of gases (2) .................................................................................................12 Figure 10: Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD), the Wheatstone Bridge configuration ...........................13 Figure 11: plot of minimum detectable concentration, Co, against column diameter dc , for n-C7 on a FID and µTCD (6) ...............................................................................................................................................14 Figure 12: column diameter speed and detection limit (2) at the same injection volume (2) ......................15 Figure 14: Agilent 490-GC micro-gaschromatographic system ..................................................................16 Figure 13: Agilent 490-GC µGC system ......................................................................................................16 Figure 15: sample & inject on the chip injector ...........................................................................................17 Figure 16: etch pattern of the micro machined injector (7) .........................................................................17 Figure 17: portable Zone 2 uGC courtesy of ASaP BV ...............................................................................18 Figure 18: stationary process uGC for ATEX Zone 1. courtesy of ASaP BV ..............................................18 Figure 19 New LNG probe design ...............................................................................................................19 Figure 20: Cokes Gas Analyses ..................................................................................................................20 Figure 21: Lemon yellow Sulphur crystals ..................................................................................................20 Figure 22: Emissions of SO2 in 25 European countries in 2004 . ...............................................................21 Figure 25: Stability and step test for 3 to 0.5ppm H2S on a µTCD..............................................................22 Figure 23: Sulphur melts to a blood-red liquid. When burned, it emits a blue flame and forms SO2 from: S + O2 -> SO2..................................................................................................................................................22 Figure 24: 5.8ppmv H2S LOQ 0.5 ppmv on a µTCD ...................................................................................22 Figure 26: ASaP standalone Biogas Analyser ............................................................................................23 Figure 27: Column 4m CPSil5 CB ...............................................................................................................24 Figure 28: Column 10m WAX 52.................................................................................................................24 Figure 29: the steps from process sample to process control ....................................................................26 Figure 30: from process sample to process control, the P&ID ....................................................................27 Figure 31 Genie Retractable Probe Regulator Model GPR with integrated membrane (courtesy of Genie inc.). .............................................................................................................................................................29 Figure 32: standardized building block for the NeSSI platform (courtesy of Circor Tech) ..........................30 Figure 33: a sample handling system on the NeSSI platform (courtesy Circor Tech) ...............................30 Figure 34: all steps from sample take-off to analysis integrated in one 3D probe (courtesy of EIF) ..........31 Figure 35: on pipeline installation including side platform ...........................................................................31 Figure 36: a Slim Analyser Package (aSAP), the back wall is transparent for illustration ..........................31 Figure 37 a µGC integrated into a Process (ATEX) certified µPGC and an aSAP analyser package .......32 Analytical Solutions and Products BV Page 3 rev1a List of tables Table 1: sample capacity and film thickness (2) .........................................................................................11 Table 2: thermal conductivities of some components and carrier gas He ..................................................18 Table 3: Repeatability for 1-3ppm H2S on a µTCD (17) ..............................................................................22 Table 4 Micro GC Column Modules ............................................................................................................25 Analytical Solutions and Products BV Page 4 rev1a 1 Introduction to process analyses In a history overview of Gas Chromatography (GC) in the petrochemical industry (1) it was stated that, after GC was introduced by James and Martin in 1952, GC was well established within the petrochemical industry already in 1956. Since that time part of the GC has evolved from the laboratory into the process environment. Analytical techniques and in particular GCs are used in process plants to determine product quality & yield and GC is used as a guarding technique to protect essential process operations. Such as the protection of catalyst in a reactor against contaminants. Industrial processes are operated by process control systems. The process control system operates based on the measurement of physical properties and composition of the product. The composition of the product is mainly determined in the laboratory. Laboratory analyses are done within hours. Such measurement timeframe can have a negative impact on the process plant’s throughput and product quality. An upset condition at the front may results in an offspec condition at the output when not quickly corrected. Therefore fast analyses are required. Some of these analyses are performed on-line in the plant at different critical points in the process. This will speed up the measurement and the operation of the plant, resulting in a better control of product specification. Installing on-line analytical instruments will also minimize the errors that are introduced when taking manual samples. Eventually on-line process analyses will result in the increase in the plant’s product yield and in the return on investment of the analytical system. It is not a matter of how much an on-line analytical system cost but how much money the implementation of an on-line process analyses can make, by the product quality and yield improvement! 1.1 Micro Process Gas Chromatography (µPGC) Micro Gas Chromatography (µGC) is a development that can be used for fast process analyses. µGCs are fast due to the use of narrow and medium-bore columns. Second size and separation power of µGCs allows it to be used for fast analysis and integration in a process plant. Moreover, for a number of practical reasons it is an advantage to miniaturize the equipment for process analysis. Those practical advantages are: close mounting to the sample take-off point lower amounts of sample gas needed lower transfer times of the samples shorter delay times for analyser results low energy and utility consumptions easier explosion proof (ATEX, CSA) integration increased reliability (24/7) operation increased precision and accuracy Apart from the practical aspects of µGC technology this chapter will focus on the theoretical aspects of µGC technology and in particular Micro Process Gas Chromatography (µPGC). Analytical Solutions and Products BV Page 5 rev1a 1.2 Research and theoretical aspects (2) In Chapter 1.1 the advantages of µGC technology was discussed, here the theoretical background about the µGC technology will be discussed. This paragraph describes the background of narrow and medium bore columns, micro-injector and micro thermal conductivity detector (µTCD). 1.2.1 µGC and narrow – medium bore columns GC is a commonly used technique for compositional gas analysis. These measurements generally take place in the laboratory. Analysis times of 10 minutes to one hour is normal. In a process environment much faster analyses are required for the purpose of control of the subsequent processes. Analysis times of 30 seconds to a few minutes are required for process analysis. The advantage of µGC are, besides the reduction in size of the instrument, speed and their detection limits. µGC technology uses narrow to medium bore capillary and micro packed columns. These columns in combination with an appropriate detector results in faster analysis and lower detection limits. This was described by Thijssen et al (3) in 1987 and Cramers et al in 1999 (4). It is an improvement compared to conventional GC techniques. Theory behind this describes (4) that the reduction of the characteristic diameter, being the inside of the column diameter for open tubular columns and the particle size for packed columns, is the best approach to increase the separation speed in gas chromatography (Figure 2). Hydrogen and Helium carrier are the best choice for higher carrier gas velocities. Lowest plate height (HETP) is achieved for N2 in the optimum for the carrier gas velocity but when increasing the carrier velocity through the column Helium and Hydrogen give lower plate heights as can be seen in below figure. Figure 1: plate heights vs carrier gas velocity (2) Analytical Solutions and Products BV Page 6 rev1a Reduction of the inside column diameter results in a reduction in analyses time as displayed in below figure. Figure 2: analysis time vs column ID (2) A few reasons of the reduction of the total analysis time as described by (4) are: 1) Reduction of the characteristic diameter being the inside column diameter for open tubular columns and the size of particles for packed columns is the best approach. The equilibrium between mobile and stationary phase is faster for narrow bore columns due to the relative distance for the molecules to get from the mobile to stationary phase. 2 Analysis time can be reduced proportional to characteristic particle diameter dp and 2 column diameter dc for respectively packed r capillary columns for p=1barg and linear proportional to dp or dc for p>>1barg. 2) Also the film thickness is of some influence. In thin-film the Cs-term in the simplified Golay equation (Figure 4) can be neglected.(e.g. df=0.4µm) 3) The influence of carrier gas type due to the diffusion coefficient and carrier gas viscosity is 60% worse for He compared to H2 (smaller molecule H2 compared to He). H2 is therefore the best choice. (for safety reasons He is often chosen in process analyses) 4) Temperature programming, higher temperature gives lower retention (10-15 C higher =2x lower retention). Temperature programming should be ultra fast for narrow bore columns. 5) Multiple capillary columns : 919 coated capillaries ID40 um 1m length, high sample capacity, fast due to the 919 parallel capillary columns. e.g. aromatics up to o-xylene in 0.8 minutes. Analytical Solutions and Products BV Page 7 rev1a The van Deemter equation expresses the relation between the plate height (H) and the gas velocity through the column (u). Figure 3: plate hight equation & the van Deemter H vs u curve (2) H = HETP (plate height) A = eddy diffusion term B = longitudinal diffusion term u = linear gas velocity C = resistance to mass transfer coefficient The terms A, B and C will influence the plate height and eventually the separation efficiency Nth. For narrow and medium bore columns in respect to wide bore or mega bore columns: A is smaller due to relative smaller particles in packed columns. B/u is smaller because the relative smaller travel distance of the molecules. C is relative smaller due to the smaller relative distance of the molecules from the mobile to the stationary phase. For thin films the Cs term can be neglected and consequently the plate height will decrease Analytical Solutions and Products BV Page 8 rev1a For capillary columns the A term in the van Deemter equation, representing the column packing flow pattern will disappear due to the absence of column particles. Figure 4: efficiency packed vs. capillary column (2) Ultra narrow bore columns with diameters < 100 µm are not advised, because they generate high pressure drops and have very limited loading capacity. An alternative way of presenting the van Deemter equation as proposed by (5) is the time equivalent to a theoretical plate (TETP) as displayed in below figure. The curves for different particle size, or column diameter are displayed in the figure and the required plate number in the shortest possible time can be obtained. Figure 5: plot of time H/u vs required plate number (5) Analytical Solutions and Products BV Page 9 rev1a Carrier gas flows through narrow- and medium bore columns are increased as the column diameter decreases. Figure 6: carrier gas velocity u vs column ID (2) This has a positive effect on the longitudinal diffusion term B/u and negative effect on the C*u term. The 3 sample capacity is reduced proportional to d c for narrow bore open tubular columns (4) (with dc the column diameter). Therefore the selection of columns with larger diameter (medium bore) will have a positive effect on sample capacity and the minimum detectable quantity. The columns used by Agilent as described in 1.2.6 consisted of a Pora PLOT Q (PPQ) column .Porous Layer Open Tubular (PLOT) columns are open tubular columns coated with a layer of solid porous material on the inside column wall. Figure 7: PLOT Columns application Areas (2) Porous polymers are prepared by the copolymerization of styrene and divinylbenzene or other related monomers. The silicon chip column consists of etched channels with a size of 0.3mmx550mm packed with carbon spheres of 1.3nm. Analytical Solutions and Products BV Page 10 rev1a Other columns used by Agilent as described in 1.2.6 consists of a non-polar CPSil5 liquid phase (df=5µm) Also the sample capacity will increase with the column’s liquid phase film thickness (ref. Table 1). Table 1: sample capacity and film thickness (2) Sample capacity of capillary columns (in ng per component) ID (mm) 0.15 0.25 0.32 0.53 0.12 μm 1 - 10 2 - 50 5 - 100 - 0.40 μm 3 – 30 6 - 150 15 - 400 - 1.2 μm 10 - 100 20- 500 50 - 1000 50 - 1200 2.0 μm 30 - 800 80 - 1500 100 - 2000 5.0 μm 200 - 5000 Chromatography is a physical method of separation in which the components to be separated are distributed between two phases, one of which is stationary (stationary phase) while the other (the mobile phase) moves in a definite direction. If the stationary phase is a liquid phase the analyte molecules must dissolve in that liquid stationary phase and their separation is based on absorption . For the PLOT and carbosphere column type, separation is based on the adsorption of analyte molecules on a solid stationary phase. Figure 8: adsorption and absorption GC (2) Analytical Solutions and Products BV Page 11 rev1a 1.2.2 Micro-Injection (2) To minimize the contribution of the input band-width (Agilentce) to total band-broadening, the injected sample plug has to be narrow in comparison to the total chromatographic band broadening. In case of faster analyses the residence time of the components in the column is reduced. This results in a reduced chromatographic zone widening (i.e. the peak widths σw are reduced). Injection hence becomes more critical. This is especially true for isothermal analyses. In temperature programmed separations zone focusing will occur in the column inlet. The theoretical value for the contribution of a plug injection to band-broadening (isothermal column operation) is given by (6): where w is the width of the injected plug. Extreme small injection band-widths (σi) are required for very fast analyses on short narrow bore columns are approximately 1-3 ms (6). For the narrow bore option for fast GC the injection band-width is critical. It is for this reason that the development of injection systems compatible for narrow bore GC has received considerable attention in literature. For narrow and medium bore columns, for the µGCs used in this paper, the injection time frame is between 10-100ms. In two of the µGCs described in this paper a chip injector was used (explained in more detail in paragraph 1.2.6). Decreasing the injector volume could result in discrimination in the injector due to differences in viscosity of the sample components in the injector . 1.2.3 The µTCD and the detection limit (4) (6) (2) The thermal conductivity detector (TCD) is a universal detector based on the measurement of the thermal conductivity of a gas. The TCD measures the difference in heat conductivity between pure carrier gas and carrier gas containing sample components. The core of the TCD is a filament, a thin wire often made of tungsten, platinum or nickel. Since the resistance of this filament is dependent on its temperature, a change in temperature will result in a change in resistance. This change can be detected electronically. The thermal conductivity of the carrier gas and the analyte influence the peak signal. If the conductivity of the carrier gas is higher than that of the analyte, this results in a positive peak. The bigger the difference in conductivity of analyte and carrier gas, the better the heat transfer and results. Figure 9: thermal conductivity of gases (2) Analytical Solutions and Products BV Page 12 rev1a Detection principle: A TCD usually has a double channel system. Pure carrier gas flows through one channel, the carrier gas eluting from the column containing the sample components flows through the other channel. Electrically heated filaments in each channel are cooled by the carrier gas. The amount of heat loss is a function of the thermal conductivity of the gas flowing through the cell. Both resistance filaments are part of a Wheatstone bridge. The bridge is in equilibrium if the composition of the gases is the same. The composition of the gas flowing through the reference cell does not change. A sample component passing the detector will change the composition of the gas. This results in a change in conductivity which, in turn will distort the balance. The resulting signal will be passed to the data recording system. The detector has the highest sensitivity when the difference in thermal conductivity between the carrier gas and the sample components is large. This is mostly the case with the lighter carrier gases, such as hydrogen and helium (the exception is when He and H2 need to be measured). Figure 10: Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD), the Wheatstone Bridge configuration The µTCD is a solid state detector (SSD) it consist of 4 silicon micro machined air bridges (two each suspended in discrete parallel gas flow channels) coated with a metal filament, which, is heated. These are arranged in a wheatstone bridge configuration. Its volume is only 200nl. Its dynamic linear response spans 6 decades covering a concentration area from 1 ppmv to 100%v. Analytical Solutions and Products BV Page 13 rev1a The µTCD’s concentration limit can exceed that of the Flame Ionisation Detector (FID). Figure 11: plot of minimum detectable concentration, Co, against column diameter dc , for n-C7 on a FID and µTCD (6) From this plot it follows that for column diameters below 135µm the application of the µTCD becomes increasingly advantageous in comparison with the FID (6). Reduction of column diameter requires a 2 2 2 2 reduction of the total band-width (Agilentce) σt (σt = σi + σc + σd with i for injector, c for column and d for detector). For the detector the band broadening depends on detector volume and flow. Reducing the column diameter results in a reduction of the allowed detection volume. Analytical Solutions and Products BV Page 14 rev1a 1.2.4 The minimum detectable amount (2) The minimum detectable amount (Q0), i.e. the lowest quantity of solute that can be distinguished from the noise, is given by: Where Rn is the detector noise, S the detector sensitivity, σt is the total band-width and Fd the total flow through the detector. The minimum detectable amount is favoured by a reduction of the inner diameter (The minimum detectable amount is proportional to the column diameter, Leclercq and Cramers, 1998) and basically by any other method that results in faster analysis. This is caused by the decrease of σ t when the analysis time is reduced. The minimum detectable concentration on the other hand however, is not always improved when methods for faster chromatography are implemented. The injection volume might have to be reduced to avoid an excessive contribution of the injection to the overall peak width resulting in higher detection limits. Whereas this effect is marginal for most of the options for faster analysis, the minimum detectable concentration decreases dramatically when working with columns with a reduced inner diameter. Narrow bore columns therefore are not suitable for trace analyses. Also detectors have to be very sensitive to detect the low quantities eluting from a narrow bore column. Figure 12: column diameter speed and detection limit (2) at the same injection volume (2) The time constant of a detector (e.g. effects of resistance and capacitance in the detector electronics) will contribute to peak broadening and noise. Increasing by digital filtering will reduce noise and will have a positive effect on the detection limit (6). The peak width and time constant of a detector must be matched. A relative too fast detector may introduce unwanted noise while a relative too slow detector could result in peak deformation. For narrow bore columns the time constant for a detector should be relative small (fast enough detector and electronics) in comparison to a detector for normal bore columns in order to follow the fast chromatography. Analytical Solutions and Products BV Page 15 rev1a 1.2.5 The µGCs discussed and used for the LNG Probe tests The µGC further discussed as used process µGCs the Agilent µGC 490-GC 1.2.6 Description/explanation of the Agilent 490-GC µGC: Agilent Inc. is a company supplying analytical laboratory equipment. One of their products is the 490-GC th µGC. It is the 4 generation of µGC products which was first developed in the 1970s. The µGCs consists of an injector, column and a detector installed in different small temperature controlled compartments. The unit uses precisely electronic pressure controlled carrier gas to run the injected sample gas of interest through the analytical column. The system can be configured of 1 – 4 channels. Each channel consist of a carrier pressure controller and a module which holds the injector, column and detector. Furthermore the instrument consists of a set of electronics and a computer in order to automatically control the different parts. Figure 13: Agilent 490-GC µGC system CHIP INJECTOR MICRO EGC GC COLUMN MICRO TCD Injector TCD-detector Sample in Heated to110C column in Pre- column Heated to110C Reference in Analytical System column flow µTCD Analyticalcolumn Carrier in injector - Heated to180C Reference flow heated Sample out Backflush vent Carrier Bottle or bombe in fieldcase Figure 14: Agilent 490-GC micro-gaschromatographic system Analytical Solutions and Products BV Page 16 rev1a In the column, which is isothermally controlled, the injected sample gas is separated into its individual components based on their order of boiling point (non-polar columns), polarity (polar-columns), or molecular size (mol-sieves columns). The columns used are narrow (0.15mm) and medium bore columns (0.32mm). As displayed in the above diagram the analytical system also features a pre-column. This precolumn provides the functionality to pre-separate the sample. This is done to allow only the components of interest to flow into the analytical column, thus speeding up the system. But also to prevent the analytical column to be contaminated with the components of non interest. e.g. the protection of a molsieves column from the components CO2 and H2O. Those components would drastically decrease the separation of the other permanent gasses as N2, O2 and Ar. CO2 and H2O will fill up the pores of the material and will consequently decrease the separation power of the total column since the molecules of Ar, O2 and N2 cannot penetrate the pores anymore and will flow un-retained through the column without separation. Other µGC manufactures use different approaches to overcome this problem (e.g. by temperature programming). Figure 15: sample & inject on the chip injector Figure 16: etch pattern of the micro machined injector (7) The carrier gas helium is often chosen. Helium is second best after H2 for high speed analysis (HETP lowest at high speeds) but has the advantage being nonflammable. It is a non-flammable inert gas which will transport the separated and measured components through the analytical column. At the outlet of the column the carrier gas, together with the separated components, will elute into a micro thermal conductivity detector (µTCD) detector . At this stage the components are measured, based on their difference in thermal conductivity with respect to the carrier gas (again He is second best after H2 in conductivity), and quantified measuring their area as it is digitized. The µTCD is a universal detector and will therefore measure all eluted components. The µTCD (ref. paragraph 1.2.3 for theoretical aspects) has a volume of 200nl and a limited quantity of detection of one to a few parts per million (ppm). The system can be equipped with a second detector in series with the µTCD to analyse the components to a relatively Analytical Solutions and Products BV Page 17 rev1a much lower limit of quantification (LOQ). However, this detector is a selective detector and is limited in determining all components. A combination of the two detectors may produce the required detection results. This detector will be used and further explained in paragraph Fout! Verwijzingsbron niet gevonden.. Table 2: thermal conductivities of some components and carrier gas He Thermal conductivities λ @ 1.013 bar, 0°C Component λ [mW/mK] Helium 142.64 CH4 32.81 CO2 14.65 H2S 12.98 delta λ vs He 0 109.83 127.99 129.66 Integration on a process instrumentation platform: Two examples of the integration of the Agilent µGC in a portable Zone 2 and Stationary Zone 1 cabinet for on-line installation is displayed below. Figure 17: portable Zone 2 uGC courtesy of ASaP BV Figure 18: stationary process uGC for ATEX Zone 1. courtesy of ASaP BV Analytical Solutions and Products BV Page 18 rev1a 1.3 Applications (8) (9) A number of applications can be addressed as interesting in the area of Process Gaschromatography. Where speed and complexibility is an advantage over conventional equipment. The process environment uses a broad range of analytical equipment and in particular the Gaschromatograph. Due to its general employability and compositional analyses it is a preferred technique in this area. As described in chapter 1.1 the uGC has advantages for use in a process environment. These are some examples how and where they are used. 1.3.1 Natural gas & Liquified Natural Gas LNG Natural gas is bought and sold as a bulk commodity with price based on its energy content. It is very important to accurately determine the heating value/calorific value of natural gas as well as quantify individual components of the streams. The Agilent Micro GC Natural Gas Analyzer (NGA) is a 2 channel, multi-dimensional system based on the 490 Micro GC. Each channel includes a micro-machinedcapillary column, and thermal conductivity detector enabling very fast analysis cycle times (typically less than 60 seconds). (ISO 6976 (10), ASTM D3588, GPA 2286 and GPA 2172) Natural gas is a major source of energy, but many towns and cities that need the energy are located far from the gas fields. Transporting gas by pipeline can be costly and impractical. Shell (11) creates LNG by cooling the gas to a liquid at around -160ºC, which they can then ship out, safely and efficiently. LNG is a clear, colourless, non-toxic liquid that can be transported and stored more easily than natural gas because it occupies up to 600 times less space. When LNG reaches its destination, it is returned to a gas at regasification facilities. It is then piped to homes, businesses and industries. Shell (11) helped pioneer the LNG sector, providing the technology for the world's first commercial liquefaction plant at Arzew, Algeria, in 1964. Since then, Shell (11) has continued to improve the technology behind LNG. (12) Next to metering of the flow, composition analysis of LNG contributes to the correct fiscal accounting of LNG movements. The basic function of the sampler is to take a representative sample from liquid natural gas and vaporize this integrally for analysis by (micro-)GC (or other analytical equipment) or to fill a sample cylinder for transport to the lab with subsequent lab analysis. The requirements are fixed in (13). Having followed this standard there still is a too large uncertainty in the analysis results, even when the sampling is restricted in this standard to periods where the LNG transfer is at a stable (maximum) rate. The analysis’ performance itself is not questioned; it is the sampling method that causes the deviation. The main problem in sampling is the sample transport in the liquid phase from take-off to vaporisation step and a total instant vaporisation of the LNG to the gas phase to prevent discrimination of the sample. In present new design the vaporizer is integrated in the sample probe and as such has no external liquid sample transport. Moreover, a maximum of sub cooling (as specified in the a.m. ISO) is provided. Tests on the new design sampler showed immediate, accurate analysis on start of the loading. The measured relative standard deviation of the results was better than 0.17%RSD based on a composition of CH4, C2H6 and C3H8. Figure 19 New LNG probe design Impurities in Natural gas are present in low concentrations (i.e. H2S, COS H2O, MeOH). Pipeline specifications dictate the maximum amounts allowed. The control and protect the levels present analysis is required. On the other hand since Natural gas is odourless small quantities of thiols (mercaptanes) derivatives are added to the gas. Analytical Solutions and Products BV Page 19 rev1a Precision, speed and low ppm quantification is required of the substance and composition of the Natural gas. In the referred applications this is achieved by uGC analyses. The analyses and the calculation of the heat values are fast to acquire as much information as possible and protect the process from impurities. The µPGC is able to deliver such speed and precision. Heat values are calculated according the above mentioned standards Reference: ref: Agilent Technology application notes 5991-0275EN, 5990-8250EN, 5990-8528EN, 5990-8750EN (14) & Analytical Solutions and Products BV: (9) 1.3.2 RGA, Cokes gas Analyses The source and composition of refinery gases varies considerably. Measuring gas composition precisely and accurately is a significant challenge in refinery operations. The Agilent Micro GC Refinery Gas Analyzer (RGA) is a 4 channel, multi-dimensional system based on the 490 Micro GC. Each channel includes a micro-machined injector, capillary column, and thermal conductivity detector optimized for specific RGA analytes, with total analysis cycle time of less than three minutes. The small system volume means the sample capacity is reduced in comparison to standard GC RGA systems and is more suitable for sample streams with low sample component concentration such as typical refinery gas streams and impurities in bulk ethylene. In Cokes gas the application is similar but more impurities may exist is the process gas. One example is given here. The analysis of Naphthalene and H2S: Reference: Figure 20: Cokes Gas Analyses Agilent Technologies application note(s): SI-02233, SI-02235 Analytical Solutions and Products BV: (9) 1.3.3 Sulfur analyses (9) (14) The analyses of sulphur containing components in the different industrial gasses is a widely used measurement in the industrial environment. Sulphur is present in raw energy products when extracted from its sources for processing. Crude oils, raw coal and natural gas sources all contain sulphur in different concentrations and structure. Before crude oils are distilled in refineries or when coal is converted for the use of fuels, the sulphur is first removed from the raw feed streams. H2S and in a lesser degree organic sulphur is formed during these conversion and treating steps. When natural gas is extracted from their sources the gas is treated Figure 21: Lemon yellow Sulphur crystals Analytical Solutions and Products BV Page 20 rev1a in gas treating plants before use as an energy source in industries or households. The H 2S, COS and other organic sulphur in the gas are removed from the raw material. The importance of the removal of sulphur from the mentioned (energy) sources can be found in a number of reasons as the toxicity, corrosion and environmental pollution that will be caused by sulphur containing components. The methods for the measurement of H2S, COS and other organic sulphur are very broad. The analytical methods used is first dependent on the range and composition of the gas. Second the analytical technology available at the time of choice plays a role in the selection. Over the last decades new analytical techniques are developed and have become available for the measurement of the sulphur containing components. The emission of sulphur will be in the form of sulphur oxides after burning as SO2 or SO3 indicated as SOx. The emission of the sulphur oxides among other pollutants is restricted in Europe. The European Union states: To maintain or improve the quality of ambient air, the European Union has established limit values for concentrations of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and nitrogen oxides, particulate matter and lead, as well as alert thresholds for concentrations of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide, in ambient air. The alert threshold laid down in Directive 1999/30/EC is 500 µg/m³ measured over three consecutive 2 hours at locations representative of air quality over at least 100 km or an entire zone or agglomeration, whichever is the smaller (15). The emitted SO2 by only the 25 European countries’ industries was approximately 5,114,779 ton in 2004 (2004 data (16)), the power and refinery industry are the largest producers of SO 2. Figure 22: Emissions of SO2 in 25 European countries in 2004 . Therefore industrial companies have to restrict the amount of H2S and other sulphur containing components exhausted to the incinerators and vented as SO2 to the atmosphere. To control the emissions of the components analytical measurements are necessary. When regulations from governments limit the amount of pollutants, there must a way to measure and control this. This literature thesis will focus on the literature about the analyses of sulphur containing components and in particular SO2, H2S and COS in Flue gas, Fuel gas and Natural gas in a industrial environment. Analytical Solutions and Products BV Page 21 rev1a Figure 23: Sulphur melts to a blood-red liquid. When burned, it emits a blue flame and forms SO2 from: S + O2 -> SO2 New developments over the last decade allow the detection of sulphur using new detectors. The detection of SO2, H2S, COS and CH3SH in a range from 500ppbv to 5ppmv in hydrocarbon gasses could be achieved using a µGC in combination with the micro-Thermal Conductivity Detector (µTCD) and a Pora PLOT U column quantification limits of 0.5 ppm H2S in Natural Gas could be achieved with a 2-8% repeatability in the 1-3ppm H2S range. Figure 24: 5.8ppmv H2S LOQ 0.5 ppmv on a µTCD Table 3: Repeatability for 1-3ppm H2S on a µTCD (17) H2S Conc 3ppm 2ppm 1ppm %RSD 2-3% 3-4% 8% Figure 25: Stability and step test for 3 to 0.5ppm H2S on a µTCD Reference Analytical Solutions and Products BV: (9) (14) Analytical Solutions and Products BV Page 22 rev1a 1.3.4 Syngas analyses (18) Gas To Liquids (GTL) conversion is an umbrella term for a group of technologies that can create liquid synthetic fuels from a variety of feed stocks like natural gas, biomass and coal. The basic technology was developed in Germany in the 1920s and is known as the Fischer-Tropsch process after its inventors. In essence it uses catalytic reactions to synthesize complex hydrocarbons from simpler organic chemicals. This process can create identical liquids from a variety of feed stocks, although the technical challenges are greater for biomass and coal. The Shell middle distillate synthesis process (SMDS) process (19): The Shell middle distillate synthesis process (SMDS) is a proven technology to convert hydrocarbon gas to liquid fuels. The SMDS process uses natural gas as a feedstock. Natural gas produced at remote locations where it is not directly used or necessary for direct energy consumption (in most cases the gas is simply burned off, or “flared.”) is ideal for the conversion into heavy paraffin’s by the SMDS process. It is transferred into ultra clean products. The main use is clean fuels and in particular gasoil (diesel). The produced fuels are free from sulfur and aromatics. But other products produced are FDA-approved, foodgrade waxes (the waxes are used in chewing gum, cosmetics and medicines). Impurity analyses (9) The described process uses large amounts of high value cobalt (Co) or iron (Fe) catalyst. Low concentration contaminant like the before mentioned HCN poison, will deactivate the catalyst. Therefore expensive absorbers are used to prevent any of the contaminants from reaching the process vessels in which the catalyst is stored. The absorbers, which are also installed in high-volume vessels, are expensive pieces of process equipment. The µPGC analytical technique described in this paper is an economic solution for this problem. It is a small and relatively inexpensive piece of equipment that can be installed at various points in the process to monitor the contaminants. Reference: Agilent Technologies application notes: 5990-7054EN Analytical Solutions and Products (9) 1.3.5 Biogas & Biomass analyses Biogas, a renewable and sustainable energy source, is produced through biological processes like anaerobic fermentation or digestion of organic material. The main components of biogas are methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2), with some other permanent gases, hydrogen (H2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S). The exact composition of the biogas is related to the origin of the organic material. To increase its caloric values, it can be necessary to remove some CO2 or blend it with other hydrocarbon streams. To tie into the existing natural gas network the gas must comply with the required specification and should not disturb the composition in the pipeline. Biomass has been recognized as a potential renewable and sustainable energy source. The Delft University of Technology researches the gasification of woody and agricultural biomass in a Circulating Fluidized Bed Reactor. The Agilent 490 Micro GC is used to characterize the product gas using a COX column for the permanent gases and a CP-Sil 5CB for the BTX compounds. Speed and precision is required in order to reach this goal. µPGC is able to do such required analysis. Analytical Solutions and Products BV Figure 26: ASaP standalone Biogas Analyser Page 23 rev1a Reference: Agilent Technologies application note(s): 5990-8069EN, 5990-7054EN, 5990-8529EN, SI-02215, 5990-9508EN Analysis of Biogas, 5990-9517EN. Analytical Solutions and Products (9) 1.3.6 Environmental analyses (20) For this analyses of the contaminants in a soil sample by means of a steam injection. Steam injection is used with the objective: soil decontamination. The sample contains contaminants in high concentrations of ambient air and moisture (gas phase). The sample is drawn from a ground location and handled by a processing plant. Figure 27: Column 4m CPSil5 CB Figure 28: Column 10m WAX 52 Low and precise analyses are required to control and report the soil cleaning process. µPGC is able to do such required analysis Reference: Agilent Technologies application note(s): 5990-8361EN, BTEX 5990-9527EN. Analytical Solutions and Products (9) Analytical Solutions and Products BV Page 24 rev1a Column/Phase Type Target Components Molsieve 5• Permanent gases, methane, CO, NO,etc. (H.R. for O2-Ar baseline separation). Optional Retention Time Stability (RTS) configuration. Hayesep A Hydrocarbons C1-C3, N2, CO2, air, volatile solvents CP-Sil 5 & 8 CB Hydrocarbons C3-C10, aromatics, organic solvents CP-Sil 19 CB Hydrocarbons C4-C10, high boiling solvents, BTX CP-WAX 52 CB Polar higher boiling solvents PLOT Al2O3/KCl Light hydrocarbons C1-C5 saturated and un-saturated. CP-PoraPLOT U Hydrocarbons C1-C6, Freons, Anesthetics, H2S, CO2, SO2, volatile solvents CP-PoraPLOT Q Hydrocarbons C1-C6, Freons, Anesthetics, H2S, CO2, SO2, volatile solvents CP-COx CO, CO2, H2, Air, CH4 THT column THT and C3-C6+ in Natural Gas Matrix TBM column TBM and C3-C6+ in Natural Gas Matrix CP-PoraPLOT Specially tested for H2S in natural gas (10 to 50 ppm) MES column Unique column specially tested for MES in natural gas (1 ppm) Table 4 Micro GC Column Modules Analytical Solutions and Products BV Page 25 rev1a 2 From process sample to process control Often the focus is on the analyses itself while 90% of failures with process analyses occurs in the sample handling and treatment. When fast analyses are introduced the speed of sample handling should be adjusted accordingly. On-line process analyses requires a number of essential steps to make it successful. It covers the steps from the process sample take off to the transfer of the results to the process control system, which, in its turn operates the plant to the correct sample quality and yield. The steps from process sample to process control are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The sample take-off from the process pipe/vessel The sample pre-conditioning The sample transport The sample conditioning and handling including calibration The sample analysis The sample data processing, and finally The feedback of the results to the process control system Process Plant Product Process Plant Control Sample Transport Sample Transport Sample Transport Pre-Conditioning SampleConditioning Results SampleAnalysis Process Computer Process Pipe Take Off Probe Figure 29: the steps from process sample to process control Generally in plant operations manual samples are taken from the process for laboratory analyses.These sample are taken by the operators of the plant. The operator fills a sample bottle with the product and brings it to the lab for further analysis. In some cases the samples are taken semi-automatic. Like a sample bombe with a piston assembly, to control the sample pressure in the bottle, is automatically filled using a process valve. These procedures introduce errors in the sample, e.g.: The sample may be exposed to air with the consequence of oxidation and humidification of the sample. In case of a sample in the liquid phase a gas phase may arise when the pressure drops. In case of a sample in the gas phase a liquid phase may arise when the temperature drops. Especially in the last two examples, impurities may drop out and the sample composition may end up different from the actual sample. Sample flush times may differ from person to person with the risk of differences in sample composition due to insufficient flushing. Analytical Solutions and Products BV Page 26 rev1a On-line analyses uses automatic sample handling. This excludes the human error and samples are taken under repeatable circumstances. Still errors may occur with the sample handling when strict rules are not followed. The design of the sample handling will be of influence to the sample transport time (lag time) and eventually the total analyses time, which, is the sum of the sample transport and analyses time. The automation of the process analyses will eventually result in cost reduction and yield improvement of production plants due to better control of sample handling and analyses. One of the examples is the extensive cost reduction in a catalyst protection by process analyses. Another example is the automated analyses of important gas transport lines where toxic components and energy transfer is monitored and reported. Below figure displays the process and instrumentation diagram (P&ID) of a process analyses system. It displays the essential components for process analysis in detail. Figure 30: from process sample to process control, the P&ID 2.1 The essential steps in process analyses The essential steps in process analyses start at the sample take-off point. For this purpose a sample take-off probe is used and mounted to the process pipe to draw a representative sample from the process on 20%-80% in the cross section of the pipe. Then the pressure and temperature are conditioned in the pre-conditioning system as close as possible to the take off point. This is done at the take-off point in order to get a representative sample, to avoid the use of high pressure sample lines and to make the system faster. Next the sample is transported to the sample handling and conditioning system by heated and/or insulated sample lines. This to avoid condensation and freezing of the sample in the lines. Also heating will minimize wall adsorption effects of low sample component quantities. In some cases the sample line wall is in addition treated and coated for this purpose. The functions of a sample handling and conditioning system are (21): to condition the sample so it is compatible with the analyser and its application. The sample conditioning includes operations as flushing, cleaning, condensing, pressure and temperature adjusting. Analytical Solutions and Products BV Page 27 rev1a for stream switching, so the analyser can be used on more than one stream. to provide for proper introduction of a calibration standard. to transport the sample from the analyser to the desired point of rejection. Included are venting arrangements, waste disposal systems, and methods for returning the sample to the process where necessary, without adversely affecting analyser operation. All materials used are chosen with minimum effects from corrosion, adsorption or reaction with the sample. The analytical equipment forms the heart of the system. More than the laboratory analyses, process analyses focuses on speed and reliability. The analyser must run unattended and continuous without intervention of the operator. When the results indicate an off-set condition of the particular process, the operator must be able to rely on the trueness of the results. In the impurity detection of a catalyst, a false zero indication is an even worse scenario and can result in a life threatening situation. A good example is the explosion that happened in an Air Separation Unit (ASU) at Shell’s Gas To Liquid (GTL) process in Bintulu on December 1997. Detailed investigations revealed that the explosion was not caused by any part of the plant itself, but by smoke particles from local forest fires building up in the liquefied oxygen in the ASU. Fast (process) analyses of the hydrocarbons in the oxygen could have detected the threatening situation and prevented the accident. Therefore tools must be available on the analytical equipment to confirm the correctness of the measurement. Statistical control carts are used to monitor the performance of the analytical equipment over time. Instead of calibrating the instrument on time base it is subjected to a control sample tested against warning and control limits for decision of corrective action. From the large number of analytical techniques available for process analyses some methods used for online compositional process analyses can be listed as follows: 1. Chromatography a. Micro Gas Chromatography b. Gas Chromatography 2. (Laser-) Spectroscopy a. Photo-(acoustic laser) spectroscopy b. Cavity ring down spectroscopy 3. Mass-spectrometry a. Ion mobility spectroscopy b. Field Asymmetric Ion Mobility Spectrometry Finally results are transferred to the process control system using a standard industrial communications TM TM protocol like Modbus or Fieldbus . Reason for such standard is the diversity in instrumentation used in a plant. In general the protocols must be able to accurately transfer the data and inform the operator about the condition of the instrument. Generally analytical instruments are equipped with redundant communications outputs to ensure data pass to the control system in case one of the outputs fail or one of the communication routes are blocked. The result transfer may also include the tools for a process operator to start for example a so called benchmark analysis to confirm the correctness of the measurement of the analytical equipment. 3 Sample handling and integration back ground information Sample handling is often forgotten to be one of the most important aspects for process analysis. While in laboratory environment the sample handling is a well addressed issue (2) in process analysis the focus is commonly on the analysis itself. A number of developments in the area of process analysis sampling will be addressed here. Analytical Solutions and Products BV Page 28 rev1a First a conventional process sample handling system consists of a sample take-off and preconditioning system, sample transport and sample conditioning and calibration system. These are basic blocks needed to built a sample handling system. The particular parameters that need to be controlled are pressure, flow and temperature, clean-up of the sample by filtration, liquid separation and calibration. For example when a system is build to analyse environmental samples the pressure is normally atmospheric and a pump is needed to pull the sample through the system, then liquids are taken out of the system using a cooler in combination with a peristaltic pump, after which temperature is slightly elevated above the dew point to prevent any gasses to condense during transport and further treatment. One important aspect here is not to drop-out any of the components of interest during the liquids drop-out step. Another example where the sample is taken from a process at a high pressure. Normally the pressures at the process pipe, particular in natural gas transport, are relative high (50-100 barg). To be able to analyse the sample with an analyser, which is generally done at a few bar gauge, the sample first needs to be reduced in pressure. Doing that a pressure drop will result in a temperature drop due to the Joule Thompson effect (also called a throttling process). This results in unwanted effects like freezing at the sample take-off point. The sample handling device to neutralize this effect is a vaporizing regulator. This device is often installed at the sample take-off point as close as possible to the sample probe. A new development is a probe which uses the process fluid energy in conjunction with an internal heat transfer device to heat the pressure regulator installed at the bottom in the probe to neutralize the temperature drop effect (see Figure 31) Figure 31 Genie Retractable Probe Regulator Model GPR with integrated membrane (courtesy of Genie inc.). Analytical Solutions and Products BV Page 29 rev1a 3.1.1 Further developments in sample handling (NeSSI™) (22) A new development in sample handling is the NeSSI platform which reduces conventional sample handling systems to a standardized miniaturized platform. The NeSSI initiative was begun to simplify the tasks, and reduce the overall costs, associated with engineering, installing and maintaining chemical process analytical systems. NeSSI is an acronym for New Sampling/Sensor Initiative. The specific objectives of NeSSI are: to increase process analytical system reliability, through the use of increased automation, shrink the physical size, sample and energy use by means of miniaturization, decrease sample flush times by analyser and sample handling integration, promote the creation and use of industry standards for process analytical systems, and help create the infrastructure needed to support the use of the emerging class of robust and selective micro-Analytical sensors. Figure 32: standardized building block for the NeSSI platform (courtesy of Circor Tech) The sample handling building blocks are standardized resulting in simplified engineering and construction of the sample handling system. The components are interchangeable which reduces the cost and maintainability. Figure 33: a sample handling system on the NeSSI platform (courtesy Circor Tech) The sample volume Vsample in is reduced to a minimum on this platform. Analytical Solutions and Products BV Page 30 rev1a A number of other analytical devices/sensors are available on this platform; e.g. a photometer, a moisture sensor, a viscosity meter and an oxygen sensor. An interesting development from EIF is the Astute 3D Probe. Here the integration reaches an ultimate level, the sample take-off probe, sample preconditioning, and sample analysis are all integrated in one device. Figure 34: all steps from sample take-off to analysis integrated in one 3D probe (courtesy of EIF) 3.1.2 Integration of equipment in process plants a slim analyser package (aSAP) (9) Another new development of further integration of equipment with its sample handling in a process plant and the increase of sampling speed has been developed by ASaP BV the Netherlands. It consists of a flexible cabinet called a Slim Analyser Package (aSAP) with integrated sample handling and . For the analyser(s) and maintenance personnel a weather protective enclosure is provided. The construction of the enclosure is such that by opening both enclosure doors are at an angle of 90, a weather protective area is created for maintenance personnel. Both doors will be fixed at 90 by special plastic breaking rods. In case of an emergency maintenance personnel can walk/fall through the doors which will open to 180. This concept called will enclose the requested analyser(s) and its sample handling system and utilities. Direct on top of the pipeline installation is possible with this setup. It will also reduce overall installation and engineering costs. Below example shows the integration Figure 36: a Slim Analyser Package (aSAP), the back wall is transparent for illustration Figure 35: on pipeline installation including side platform Analytical Solutions and Products BV Page 31 rev1a steps of a µGC into a Process (ATEX) certified µPGC and an aSAP analyser package. Analytical Channel µGC Casing Process micro GC Figure 37 a µGC integrated into a Process (ATEX) certified µPGC and an aSAP analyser package Analytical Shelter 4 Discussions and Conclusions Micro Gas Chromatography (µGC) is an interesting development for process analyses. For reasons of: The high speed of the analysis. The small size, high robustness and reliability of the instrument. The low consumption of utilities (power and carrier) and sample. The advantage towards EMC and ATEX certification and integration. The modular design for the ease of adaption of laboratory applications. The µGCs selected was Agilent 490-GC µGC. The selection was based on how well the µGC could be used in process analyses. The reason for the selection can be summarized as follows: The application frame is extensive and applications can be selected and extended by adding/combining modules with different columns. A feature to flush out components is available. The uGC has heated injectors, sample lines and inlets with a temperature up to 110°C to handle high boiling point samples in the gas phase. The sample inject volume is variable and can be reconfigured in seconds. The uGC has µTCDs which allows for a wide dynamic range (ppmv – vol%) and universal detection of components. ATEX/CSA certification (for explosion safe operation) and environmental protection is available. Long term hardware field tests are performed and confirm suitability for process installation. Unattended operation and tools to confirm the correctness of the µGC are available. The manufacturer Agilent Technologies made a choice to make the instrument suitable for process analyses. 4.1 Further discussion for process analysis Due to the fast process analyses the µGCs require special features like special software and hardware tools, fast sample handling and features to prevent the analytical column from unwanted impurities and high boiling point components. Analytical Solutions and Products BV Page 32 rev1a The Agilent 490-GC µGC uses a back-flush system. The integrated software for standalone operation with an industrial standard communications output like Modbus and a ATEX Zone1 and 2 certification (9) results in a µGC fit for process analysis. The optional Differential Mobility Detector (DMD) is an interesting development for selective impurity measurement. The µGC has a repeatability <0.5%RSD based on normalized data with day-night influences included. Finally it must be emphasized that an advantage for the µGC is the speed of analysis (0,5-1,5 minutes) the low utilities and power consumption and low sample waste. It size allows for integration and installation direct on the process pipe. Modular design allows maintenance on a plug and play basis. Future developments on the µGCs should include features for: liquid injection for liquid (petro)chemical & bio-chemical applications multi method and multi stream operation remote communications and expand the detector range for low concentration and selective detection of impurities column switching Analytical Solutions and Products BV Page 33 rev1a 5 References 1. Blomberg, Jan. Multidimentional GC-based separations for the oil and petrochemical industry. Amsterdam : s.n., 2002. ISBN 90-9016065-5. 2. Schoenmakers, Peter, et al. Chromedia. Chromedia. [Online] 02 01, 2008. [Cited: 02 01, 2009.] http://www.chromedia.org. 3. Theoretical Aspects and Practical Potentials of Rapid Gas Analysis in Capillary Gas Chromatography. Thijssen, Robert, Hoed, Nico van den and Kreveld, M. Emile van. 1007-1015, Amsterdam : Anal. Chem., 1987, Vol. 59. 4. Cramers, Carel A., et al. High-speed gas chromatography: an overview of various concepts. Journal of chromatography A. 856, 1999, Vol. 856(1999). 5. 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EP Technology. no.1, 2008, Vol. 2008, 1. 19. Meyers, Robert A. HANDBOOK OF PETROLEUM REFINING PROCESSES Third edition. s.l. : McGraw-Hill, 2004. 20. Tim Lenior and Hans-Peter Smid, Asap, the Netherlands. Remko van Loon , Agilent Technologies, Inc, the Netherlands. Analysis of Acetone, n-Hexane, MIBK,MNBK and MIBC Using the Agilent 490 micro GC. Amsterdam : Dura Vermeer, ASaP BV, Agilent Technologies Inc, 2011. 21. Wealleans, Fred. THE SIX FUNCTIONS OF ANY SAMPLING SYSTEM. Milton Keynes : PASS, 2002. 22. New Sampling/Sensor Initiative (NeSSI™). New Sampling/Sensor Initiative (NeSSI™). [Online] 05 01, 2009. [Cited: 05 01, 2009.] http://www.cpac.washington.edu/NeSSI/NeSSI.htm. Analytical Solutions and Products BV Page 34 rev1a Fast Analysis of Natural Gas Using the Agilent 490 Micro GC Natural Gas Analyzer Application Note Micro Gas Chromatography, Hydrocarbon Processing, Natural Gas Analysis Author Remko van Loon, Agilent Technologies, Middelburg, the Netherlands Abstract During production and distribution of natural gas it is of high importance to determine its composition and calorific value because natural gas is bought and sold on its energy content. This application note shows the use of the Agilent 490 Micro GC Natural Gas Analyzer for the analysis of natural gas and the calculation of its heating value. With the 490 Micro GC, Agilent provides ideal solutions for laboratory, on-line and field use. Introduction Natural Gas Analyzer setup Natural gas mainly consists of methane and variable levels of other hydrocarbons and permanent gases such as oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide. Different sources of natural gas usually have similar composition but vary in concentration. Based on the 490 Micro GC, four Natural Gas Analyzers are available, depending on the composition of the natural gas and the compounds of interest. The configurations and analysis characteristics for all analyzers are shown in Table 1. Additional information for the configurations can be found in Natural Gas Analyzer Data Sheet [1]. Natural gas is traded on its energy content and therefore the analysis of the chemical composition and calorific value is of high importance for all stakeholders. That is where the 490 Micro GC based Natural Gas Analyzer can play a significant role. The Natural Gas Analyzers are equipped with heated injectors and sample lines, both set to 110 °C in the analyzer method, to eliminate any cold spots and prevent possible condensation of moisture, and to ensure the integrity of the sample is maintained throughout the sample flow path. The 490 Micro GC Natural Gas Analyzers are shipped as a total solution; the analyzers are factory tuned, for optimal separation, and come with final test data, a complete method, a user manual, and a check-out sample. Easy-to-use software is available for the calculation of all required physical properties, such as heating value and Wobbe index, conform official methods from the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM), Gas Processors Association (GPA) and International Standards Organization (ISO). Table 1. Table 1 shows multiple column channels are equipped with a back flush to vent option. To protect the CP-Molsieve 5A stationary phase and maintain the separation efficiency of the molecular sieve column, it is necessary to back flush carbon dioxide, moisture, and higher hydrocarbons. Moisture and carbon dioxide tend to adsorb quickly to the molecular sieve stationary phase change its chromatographic properties. This can result in retention shifts and loss of separation. Higher hydrocarbons will eventually elute, but will cause higher detector noise levels and would lead to reduced sensitivity; the back flush to vent functionality on the Molsieve 5A column channel prevents this from happening. On the PoraPLOT U and HayeSep A channels, the higher hydrocarbons, C4 and higher, are back flushed to vent. This prevents these late eluting components from interfering in the next analysis. Agilent 490 Micro GC Natural Gas Analyzers Overview. Analyzer characteristics Natural Gas Analyzer A Natural Gas Analyzer A Extended Natural Gas Analyzer B Natural Gas Analyzer B Extended Micro GC cabinet Dual with 2 channels Quad with 3 channels Dual with 2 channels Quad with 3 channels Column channels installed HayeSep A HayeSep A PoraPLOT U CP-MolSieve 5A 40 cm, without backflush 40 cm, with backflush 10 m, with backflush 10 m, with backflush and retention time stability option CP-Sil 5 CB CP-Sil 5 CB CP-Sil 5 CB PoraPLOT U 6 m, without backflush 4 m, with backflush 6 m, without backflush 10 m, with backflush Analysis Hydrocarbons C1-C9 Carbon dioxide, Air CP-Sil 5 CB CP-Sil 5 CB 8 m, without backflush 6 m, without backflush Hydrocarbons C1-C12 Carbon dioxide, Air 2 Hydrocarbons C1-C9 Carbon dioxide, Air, Hydrogen sulfide Hydrocarbons C1-C9 Carbon dioxide, Air, Hydrogen sulfide Permanent gases (N2, O2, He and H2) The CP-Molsieve 5A is equipped with the retention time stability (RTS) option. This RTS option consists of additional in-line filters between the electronic gas control and the column module to ensure moisture and carbon dioxide free carrier gas. The use of the RTS option enables a more efficient back flush of carbon dioxide. This enhances column lifetime and, most importantly, leads to more stable retention times. Fast Natural gas analysis using the Natural Gas Analyzer A The first channel in the Natural Gas Analyzer A is equipped with a HaySep A column for separating methane from the composite air peak (nitrogen and oxygen). Carbon dioxide, ethane, and propane are analyzed on this column channel as well. Figure 1 shows an example chromatogram for these compounds. The natural gas sample can be introduced to the 490 Micro GC either pressurized (maximum limit 1 bar), through a Tedlar sampling bag using the internal sampling pump, or by using continuous flow sampling mode. When you need to analyze multiple streams on a single analyzer or you want to connect multiple calibration samples for automated calibration, the use of a stream selector valve is recommended. For the analysis of the hydrocarbons from propane to n-nonane, a second column channel, equipped with a 6-meter CP-Sil 5 CB column, is used. Figure 2a shows a chromatogram on the 6-meter CP-Sil 5 CB for the separation until n-octane; n-hexane elutes in less than 60 seconds and n-octane in just over 3 minutes. Propane is analyzed on both HayeSep A and CP-Sil 5 CB column enabling the use of propane as a bridge component. The extended part of the chromatogram obtained with a 6-meter CP-Sil 5 CB column, displayed in Figure 2b, shows the analysis of hydrocarbons until n-nonane. To expand the range of samples to Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), the Micro-Gasifier provides controlled evaporation before the sample is introduced into the gas chromatographic injector for analysis. In addition, high-pressure gas samples can be reduced without creating cold spots, which prevents discrimination in the sample. 2 Conditions Column temperature Carrier gas Injection time Peak identification 60 °C helium, 260 kPa 40 ms 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4 1 5 composite air peak methane carbon dioxide ethane propane 3 200 × Zoom 20 × Zoom 3 0 4 5 30 60 90 120 Seconds Figure 1. Chromatogram for nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and C1 – C3 hydrocarbons on a HayeSep A column. 3 Peak identification Conditions Column temperature 70 °C Carrier gas helium, 150 kPa Injection time 40 ms 1 56 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 7 8 9 propane i-butane n-butane neo-pentane i-pentane n-pentane n-hexane n-heptane n-octane 20 × Zoom 23 4 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 Seconds Figure 2a. Chromatogram for C3 – C8 hydrocarbon using a 6-meter CP-Sil 5 CB column. Peak identification 9. n-octane 10. n-nonane 10 9 100 × Zoom 160 220 280 340 400 Seconds Figure 2b. Chromatogram for C8 – C9 hydrocarbons using a 6-meter CP-Sil 5 CB column. Analysis up to n-dodecane with the Natural Gas Analyzer A Extended The extended version of the Natural Gas Analyzer A is used for the analysis of natural gas until n-dodecane. This extended analyzer is equipped with three column channels. First, a HayeSep A column channel is used for separation of composite air peak from methane, carbon dioxide ethane, and propane. This channel is equipped with back flush functionality ensuring that butanes and later eluting hydrocarbons are back flushed to vent. Figure 3 shows an example for the HayeSep A channel, propane is eluting in less than 2 minutes. 4 2 Conditions Column temperature Carrier gas Injection time Backflush time 4 Peak identification 90 °C helium, 340 kPa 20 ms 120 s 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3 composite air peak methane carbon dioxide ethane propane 5 1 20 × Zoom 3 0 100 × Zoom 4 5 30 60 90 120 Seconds Figure 3. Chromatogram for HayeSep A column with backflush. The second channel, equipped with a 4-meter CP-Sil 5 CB column with back flush functionality, is used to analyze C3 to C5 hydrocarbons; the chromatogram is shown in Figure 4. N-hexane and higher hydrocarbons are back flushed to vent. 2 Conditions Column temperature Carrier gas Injection time Backflush time 3 4 5 Peak identification 60 °C helium, 150 kPa 40 ms 12 s 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6 1 20 × Zoom 0 Figure 4. 10 Seconds 20 30 Chromatogram for C3 to C5 hydrocarbons on a 4-meter CP-Sil 5 CB. 5 propane i-butane n-butane neo-pentane i-pentane n-pentane and the sample inlet of the Micro GC have an UltiMetal deactivation layer, which results in an inert sample flow path and excellent peak shape ensuring correct analysis of hydrogen sulfide even at ppm level. A third column channel, equipped with a 8-meter CP-Sil 5 CB column, is used to analyze the higher hydrocarbons from n-hexane to dodecane; n-Dodecane elutes in approximately 240 seconds. A natural gas sample sample until n-decane, demonstrated in Figure 5a, is analyzed in less than 2 minutes. Figure 5b displays a hydrocarbon gas mixture from n-hexane until n-docecane, typical analysis time is 240 seconds. Hydrocarbon analysis from propane until n-nonane for the Natural Gas Analyzer B is done with a second channel equipped with a 6-meter CP-Sil 5 CB. This column is identical to the one used for the Natural Gas Analyzer A. The chromatograms for this channel are displayed in Figure 2a and 2b. Analysis of natural gas including hydrogen sulfide using the Natural Gas Analyzer B When your natural gas analysis needs to include hydrogen sulfide, the 490 Micro GC Natural Gas Analyzer B is the analyzer of choice. This analyzer uses a PoraPLOT U column channel for the separation of methane from the composite air peak (nitrogen and oxygen). This column is also used for the analysis of carbon dioxide, ethane, and propane. The chromatogram in Figure 6 shows an example of natural gas on the PoraPLOT U column; total analysis is done in approximately 60 seconds. For the analysis of hydrogen sulfide, the stainless steel tubing in the PoraPLOT U channel Conditions Column temperature 150 °C Carrier gas helium, 200 kPa Injection time 40 ms 4 5 1 5 × Zoom 2 3 0 30 4 5 60 90 120 Seconds Figure 5a. Analysis of natural gas on an 8-meter CP-Sil 5 CB. Peak identification 2 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 3 4 5 n-hexane n-heptane n-octane n-nonane n-decane n-undecane n-dodecane 7 6 0 60 120 Seconds 180 240 Figure 5b. Analysis C7 – C12 hydrocarbon mix on an 8-meter CP-Sil 5 CB. 6 Peak identification 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. n-hexane n-heptane n-octane n-nonane n-decane Conditions Column temperature Carrier gas Injection time Backflush time 2 4 Peak identification 60 °C helium, 175 kPa 40 ms 17 s 1 5 6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. composite air peak methane carbon dioxide ethane hydrogen sulfide propane 3 10 × Zoom 100 × Zoom 3 4 6 5 15 30 45 60 75 Seconds Figure 6. Chromatogram for natural gas on the PoraPLOT U column channel. When you need to analyze helium, neon, or hydrogen as well, the use of argon instead of helium as carrier gas is required. The bottom part of Figure 7 shows a chromatogram for the molecular sieve column running with argon as carrier gas. To have the flexibility to change the carrier gas for only the molecular sieve column to argon, this channel is connected to a separate carrier gas inlet at the rear of the micro GC. Permanent gas analysis using Natural Gas Analyzer B Extended The Extended version of the 490 Micro GC Natural Gas Analyzer B is equipped with an additional CP-MolSieve 5A column channel for the analysis of permanent gases in your natural gas sample. Helium carrier gas on this channel enables the separation and quantification of oxygen and nitrogen, an example is shown in Figure 7 (top part). Peak identification Sample 1 Helium carrier gas Conditions Column temperature Carrier gas Injection time Backflush time 5 Sample 2 Argon carrier gas Figure 7. 5 × Zoom 3 Conditions Column temperature 80 °C Carrier gas argon, 200 kPa Injection time 40 ms Backflush time 11 s 0 6 4 80 °C helium, 200 kPa 40 ms 11 s 15 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. helium neon hydrogen oxygen nitrogen methane 6 1 2 5 4 20 × Zoom 30 Seconds 45 60 75 Chromatograms for the analysis of permanent gases on the CP-MolSieve 5A column channel. 7 Conclusion Reporting tools for the physical properties of natural gas Micro GC Natural Gas Analyzer is a genuinely better solution for analyzing your natural gas stream. Whether in the lab, on-line/at-line, or in the field, the “Measure Anywhere” Micro GC provides natural gas analysis in a matter of seconds. The results for all individual components are sent from the chromatography data software of choice (EZChrom Elite, OpenLAB EZChrom, or OpenLAB Chemstation) to optional EZReporter software to calculate a wide range of physical properties like, calorific value, relative density, compressibility, and Wobbe index, see Figure 8 (left). These key parameters are important to determine the commercial value of the natural gas. EZReporter supports reports in accordance with official methods ASTM D3588, ISO 6976, and GPA 2172. The reports can be printed locally or exported to a file for further use in a laboratory information management system (LIMS). The Natural Gas Analyzer A analyzer combined with a HayeSep A and 6-meter CP-Sil 5 CB column channel is used for the analysis of natural gas. This analyzer will separate methane from air and can analyze up to n-nonane. Carbon dioxide is also analyzed. Total analysis time depends on the hydrocarbons in the sample; up to n-heptane is done in approximately 90 seconds, n-nonane elutes just under 400 seconds. The software includes functionality to select raw analysis amounts and calculated key parameters for monitoring and historical trend analysis. Upper and lower warning limits can be given to these monitor parameters to better visualize the results from your natural gas stream. Some examples are given in Figure 8 (middle and right). Figure 8. When you want to analyze until n-dodecane in natural gas, the Natural Gas Analyzer A Extended is required. The 6-meter CP-Sil 5 CB column channel is replaced by two different CPSil 5 CB channels. A short CP-Sil 5 CB (4-meter) will analyze from propane to the pentanes; hexane and higher will be back flushed to vent. The second CP-Sil 5 CB channel, with an 8-meter column, is used for analysis of hexane up to n-dodecane. EZReporter, sample results with calculated physical properties (left), parameter monitoring (middle), and trend analysis (right). 8 The Natural Gas Analyzer B, equipped with a PoraPLOT U and a 6-meter CP-Sil 5 CB CB column channel, provides fast analysis of natural gas, from the separation of air and methane, carbon dioxide, and hydrocarbons up to n-nonane. This analyzer setup is designed for the analysis of hydrogen sulfide. The stainless steel sample inlet of the systsm is deactivated using an UltiMetal treatment resulting in excellent peak shape for hydrogen sulfide. If more detailed analysis of the permanent gases in the natural gas sample is required, the extended version of the Natural Gas Analyzer B is the system of choice. This analyzer is equipped with an additional CP-MolSieve 5A column enabling the separation of oxygen and nitrogen, using helium as carrier gas. When this analyzer uses argon as carrier gas, helium and hydrogen can be detected as well. The 490 Micro GC Natural Gas Analyzers are factory tuned, including the appropriate settings for the back flush times. The Agilent Natural Gas Analyzers are shipped with final test data, optimized analytical method, Natural Gas Analyzer User Manual, and a check out sample kit to have all information available upon installation. The analyzer hardware together with your chromatography data system (CDS) of choice provides an easy-to-use and powerful system. The EZReporter software is linked to Agilent CDS, resulting in automatic calorific value/BTU calculations and reports according to American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM D3588), Gas Processors Association (GPA 2172), and International Standards Organization (ISO 6976). For more information about the 490 micro GC Natural Gas Analyzer or other Micro GC solutions, visit our website at www.agilent.com/chem/microgc. References 1. 5991-0301EN; Agilent 490 Micro GC Natural Gas Analyzers; Data Sheet; April 2012. For More Information These data represent typical results. For more information on our products and services, visit our Web site at www.agilent.com/chem. 9 www.agilent.com/chem/microgc Agilent shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. Information, descriptions, and specifications in this publication are subject to change without notice. © Agilent Technologies, Inc., 2012 Printed in the USA April 16 2012 5991-0275EN Analysis of Tetrahydrothiophene (THT) in Natural Gas using the Agilent 490 Micro GC Application Note Micro Gas Chromatography, Natural Gas Analysis, Sulfur Compound Analysis Author Remko van Loon Agilent Technologies Middelburg The Netherlands Introduction This application note shows the analysis of Tetrahydrothiophene (THT) in a Natural Gas matrix using the Agilent 490 Micro GC. THT consists of a five-membered ring containing a sulfur atom and four carbon atoms. THT is used as an odorant in Natural Gas, because of its smell. The chromatogram clearly shows the separation of THT from the other compounds in the Natural Gas sample. The dimensions for the column channel used, a CP-Sil 19 CB for THT, are optimized for this application. Moreover, this column channel is factory tested to ensure the separation between THT and Nonane. The advantage of the Agilent 490 Micro GC, in combination with the CP-Sil 19 CB column channel, is the ease-of-use and the speed of analysis. Tetrahydrothiophene eluetes around 40 sec and the total analysis time is less than 90 sec. The Agilent 490 Micro GC is a rugged, compact, and portable lab-quality gas analysis platform. When the composition of gas mixtures is critical, count on this fifth generation micro gas chromatography. Instrumentation Instrument Agilent 490 Micro GC (G3581A) Column channel CP-Sil 19 CB for THT Column temperature 90 °C Carrier gas Helium, 200 kPa Injection time 255 msec Injector temperature 110 °C Sampling time 30 sec S For More Information These data represent typical results. For more information on our products and services, visit our Web site at www.agilent.com/chem. www.agilent.com/chem Agilent shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. Information, descriptions, and specifications in this publication are subject to change without notice. © Agilent Technologies, Inc., 2011 Printed in the USA June 29, 2011 5990-8528EN Analysis of tert-Butyl Mercaptan in Natural Gas on a CP-Sil 13 CB Using the Agilent 490 Micro GC Application Note Micro Gas Chromatography, Hydrocarbon processing, Natural Gas Analysis Author Remko van Loon Agilent Technologies Inc. Middelburg, The Netherlands Introduction This application note shows the analysis of tertiary-butyl mercaptan (TBM) in a natural gas matrix using the Agilent 490 Micro GC. The dimensions and instrument conditions for the column channel used in this application note, a CP-Sil 13 CB, clearly shows the separation of TBM from the other compounds in the natural gas sample. The advantage of the Agilent 490 Micro GC, in combination with the CP-Sil 13 CB column channel, is the ease of use and the speed of analysis. Tertiary-butyl mercaptan elutes just before 60 seconds and the total analysis time is only 100 seconds. The Agilent 490 Micro GC is a rugged, compact and portable lab-quality gas analysis platform. When the composition of gas mixtures is critical, count on this fifth generation micro gas chromatography. SH H3C C CH3 CH3 tert-Butyl Mercaptan 15 x Zoom tert-Butyl Mercaptan 20 40 60 80 100 seconds Instrumentation Instrument Agilent 490 Micro GC (G3581A) Column channel CP-Sil 13 CB for TBM Column temperature 40°C Carrier gas Helium, 250 kPa Injection time 255 msec Agilent shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. Matrix Information, descriptions, and specifications in this publication are subject to change without notice. Sample information Natural gas www.agilent.com Tert-butyl mercaptan (TBM) 4 ppm For More Information These data represent typical results. For more information on our products and services, visit our Web site at www.agilent.com. © Agilent Technologies, Inc., 2011 Printed in the USA May 27, 2011 5990-8250EN Analysis of Methyl Ethyl Sulfide (MES) in Natural Gas using the Agilent 490 Micro GC Application Note Authors Mohamed Bajja and Remko van Loon, Micro Gas Chromatography, Natural Gas Analysis, Sulpher Compound Analysis Agilent Technologies, Inc. Middelburg, The Netherlands Introduction This application note shows the analysis of Methyl Ethyl Sulfide (MES) in natural gas using the Agilent 490 Micro GC. Methyl Ethyl Sulfide is an organosulfur compound with a characteristic odor, and therefore used in some countries as an odorant for natural gas. This Micro GC column channel is equipped with a special dedicated column, MES in natural gas, for the separation of MES from the other compounds in natural gas. Moreover, this column channel is factory tested to ensure the separation between n-Decane and MES. If you want to the ability to measure anywhere and get the results you need in seconds, the Agilent 490 Micro GC is the ideal solution. With its rugged, compact, laboratory quality gas analysis platform, the 490 Micro GC generates more data in less time for faster, and better, business decisions. Instrumentation Sample information Instrument Agilent 490 Micro GC (G3581A) n-Decane 11 ppm Column channel MES in natural gas Methyl Ethyl Sulfide (MES) 14 ppm Column temperature 90 °C Carrier gas Helium, 70 kPa Injection time 255 msec Injector temperature 110 °C Sampling time 30 sec Matrix S n-Decane H3C CH3 Methyl Ethyl Sulfide (MES) 60 90 120 Seconds For More Information These data represent typical results. For more information on our products and services, visit our Web site at www.agilent.com/chem. www.agilent.com/chem Agilent shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. Information, descriptions, and specifications in this publication are subject to change without notice. © Agilent Technologies, Inc., 2011 Printed in the USA August 26, 2011 5990-8750EN Analysis of Biogas Using the Agilent 490 Micro GC Biogas Analyzer Application Note Micro Gas Chromatography, Hydrocarbon Processing, Renewable Energy, Biogas Analysis Author Abstract Remko van Loon Biogas is considered a renewable and sustainable energy source and therefore is of Agilent Technologies, Inc. great interest worldwide. This application note shows the analysis of biogas, and Middelburg, the Netherlands related samples, using the Agilent 490 Micro GC Biogas Analyzer. Depending on the biogas composition two configurations are available; the Agilent 490 Micro GC Biogas Analyzer for pure biogas analysis and the Agilent 490 Micro GC Biogas Analyzer Extended when biogas is mixed with other hydrocarbon streams, such as natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Introduction Biogas is a gas mixture produced through biological processes; from anaerobic fermentation or digestion of organic material such as biomass, manure or sewage, municipal waste and energy crops. The composition of biogas is related to the origin of the organic material; the main components of biogas are methane and carbon dioxide, with some other permanent gases, hydrogen and hydrogen sulfide. Biogas has a role in modern waste management and can fuel any type of heat engine to generate either mechanical or electrical power. To increase its caloric values it is sometimes necessary to remove some of the carbon dioxide or blend it with other hydrocarbon streams. Biogas can be compressed, much like liquefied natural gas, and used to power motor vehicles. For this purpose, it is essential to remove hydrogen sulfide if present. Biogas is a renewable fuel, and so it qualifies for renewable energy subsidies in some parts of the world. The increased interest in biogas has resulted in a growing demand for fast and efficient analysis technology to determine its composition. The Agilent Micro GC Biogas Analyzers can play a significant role in achieving this goal. The Agilent 490 Micro GC Biogas Analyzers are shipped as a total solution; the analyzers are factory tuned, for optimal separation, and come with final test data, analytical method parameters, a user manual and a check-out sample. Biogas Analyzer setup and conditions Based on the Agilent 490 Micro GC, two Biogas Analyzers are available; the configuration required for biogas analysis depends on the sample composition. For pure biogas analysis, including permanent gases and hydrogen sulfide, the Agilent 490 Micro GC Biogas Analyzer (p/n G3582A#110) is recommended, even ethane and propane can be analyzed with this setup. This Biogas Analyzer consists of a dual channel cabinet including a 10-meter CP-Molsieve 5A with argon as a carrier gas, providing excellent sensitivity and linearity for hydrogen, and a 10-meter CP-PoraPLOT U column channel with helium as carrier gas. Figure 1. Agilent 490 Micro GC Biogas Analyzers. Both Biogas Analyzers are equipped with heated sample line and injectors to eliminate any cold spot and prevent possible condensation of moisture, to ensure the integrity of the sample is maintained throughout the sample flow path. Both CP-Molsieve 5A and CP-PoraPLOT U columns have a backflush to vent option, moreover the CP-Molsieve 5A is equipped with the retention time stability (RTS) option. This RTS option consists of additional in-line filters between the electronic gas control and the column module to ensure moisture and carbon dioxide free carrier gas. Moreover the use of the RTS option enables a more efficient backflush of carbon dioxide. This enhances column lifetime and, most importantly, leads to more stable retention times. When biogas is mixed with other hydrocarbon streams such as natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), the sample contains higher boiling hydrocarbons. To analyze these hydrocarbons the Agilent 490 Micro GC Biogas Analyzer Extended is the analyzer of choice. This Biogas Analyzer Extended (p/n G3582A#111) is a quad channel cabinet Micro GC including three column channels; a 10-meter CP-Molsieve column on argon as carrier gas, a 10-meter CP-PoraPLOT U column and an additional 6-meter CP-Sil 5 CB column on helium as carrier gas for the analysis of higher boiling hydrocarbons. Figure 1 shows the quad and dual cabinet housing for the Agilent 490 Micro GC Biogas Analyzers. Table 1 gives an overview of typical conditions used for the Biogas Analyzers. Table 1. 490 Micro GC Biogas Analyzer Instrument Conditions CP-Molsieve 5A, 10 m CP-PoraPLOT U, 10 m CP-Sil 5 CB, 6 m Column temperature 80 °C 80 °C 60 °C Carrier gas argon, 200 kPa helium, 150 kPa helium, 150 kPa Injector temperature 110 °C 110 °C 110 °C Injection time 40 ms 40 ms 40 ms 1 11 14 no backflush Detector sensitivity auto auto auto Invert signal yes no no Sample line temperature 110 °C Sampling time 30 seconds Backflush time 1 Note Backflush time is column channel dependent and should be fine tuned for each new column. 2 The sample can be introduced to the Agilent 490 Micro GC Biogas Analyzer either pressurized (maximum limit 1 bar), through a Tedlar sampling bag using the internal sampling pump, or by using a continuous flow sampling mode. When the sample pressure exceeds the 1 bar limit, for example with a liquefied natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas, the pressure should be reduced. The use of the Agilent MicroGasifier, a heated pressure reducer, is recommended here. As biogas and related samples may contain larger amounts of carbon dioxide, moisture, and higher hydrocarbons it is necessary to backflush these components to maintain the separation effiency of the Molsieve 5A column. Moisture and carbon dioxide tend to adsorb quickly to the Molsieve 5A stationary phase and change its chromatographic properties. This would result, over time, in retention shifts and loss of separation. Higher hydrocarbons will eventually elute, but will cause higher detector noise levels and lead to reduced sensitivity. The backflush to vent functionality on the Molsieve 5A column channel prevents this from happening. Results and Discussion The first column channel, a CP-Molsieve 5A, is used to analyze the permanent gases, including hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, methane, and carbon monoxide. Figure 2 shows a chromatogram for this column channel. Table 2 shows excellent repeatability figures for both retention time, below RSD 0.05 %, and peak area below RSD 0.1 %, for the compounds analyzed on the Molsieve column channel. Hydrogen Methane Carbon monoxide Nitrogen Oxygen Zoom 0 30 60 90 Seconds Figure 2. Chromatogram for permanent gases on the CP-Molsieve 5A column channel. 3 120 Table 2. Run no. Repeatability Figures for Retention Time and Peak Area on the CP-Molsieve Column Hydrogen Rt (sec) Oxygen Rt (sec) Nitrogen Rt (sec) Methane area Hydrogen area Oxygen area Nitrogen area Methane area 1 23.23 30.46 42.31 55.85 5852426 1594746 4855956 15750694 2 23.22 30.46 42.31 55.85 5852402 1594913 4856189 15752646 3 23.22 30.45 42.30 55.85 5849806 1594074 4853402 15749892 4 23.22 30.45 42.30 55.85 5857044 1596055 4859671 15769519 5 23.22 30.46 42.31 55.86 5853222 1595289 4856426 15762840 6 23.23 30.46 42.30 55.85 5847437 1593546 4853332 15742096 7 23.22 30.45 42.30 55.85 5855831 1596512 4860136 15768153 8 23.23 30.46 42.31 55.86 5846434 1594241 4854710 15745279 9 23.22 30.46 42.30 55.85 5860122 1597659 4864955 15785858 10 23.22 30.45 42.30 55.85 5852819 1595989 4860359 15768762 Average 23.22 30.46 42.30 55.85 5852754 1595302 4857514 15759574 Std. dev. 0.0048 0.005 0.005 0.004 4210 1258 3691 13699 RSD (%) 0.021 0.017 0.012 0.008 0.072 0.079 0.076 0.087 For pure biogas, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide are analyzed on a CP-PoraPLOT U column channel. When biogas is mixed with other hydrocarbon streams, ethane and propane can also be analyzed on this channel. Baseline separation of carbon dioxide, ethane, hydrogen sulfide, and propane is obtained, shown in Figure 2. Higher hydrocarbons present in the sample are backflushed to vent; which prevents late eluting components from interfering in the next analysis. Carbon dioxide Ethane Hydrogen sulfide Zoom Propane Hydrogen sulfide 10 20 30 40 50 Seconds Figure 3. Chromatogram for carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, ethane, and propane on the CP-PoraPLOT U channel. 4 60 The stainless steel tubing in the CP-PoraPLOT U channel and the sample inlet of the Micro GC have an UltiMetal deactivation layer, which results in an inert sample flow path and better performance for hydrogen sulfide analysis. Results presented in Table 3 shows very good repeatability figures for hydrogen sulfide and the other compounds (carbon dioxide, ethane, and n-propane) analyzed on the CP-PoraPLOT U channel. Relative standard deviation (RSD %) below 0.02 % for retention time and below 0.15 % based on area illustrates the system’s suitability for this type of analysis. Moreover the UltiMetal deactivated sample inlet tubing provides an excellent peak shape for hydrogen sulfide, see Figure 3. Table 3. The CP-Molsieve and CP-PoraPLOT U channel, chromatograms as shown in Figure 3, are part of both the Biogas and Extended Biogas Analyzer. Retention Time and Peak Area Repeatability Results for the CP-PoraPLOT U Column Run no. Carbon dioxide Rt (sec) Ethane Rt (sec) Hydrogen sulfide Rt (sec) n-Propane Rt (sec) Carbon dioxide area Ethane area Hydrogen sulfide area n-Propane area 1 24.56 26.87 34.11 44.80 3240882 2662227 320047 2175181 2 24.56 26.88 34.12 44.80 3239148 2660569 319969 2178315 3 24.56 26.87 34.12 44.80 3240617 2662025 320273 2181300 4 24.56 26.87 34.11 44.79 3239973 2661327 320031 2180366 5 24.56 26.87 34.11 44.79 3239006 2661163 319909 2178141 6 24.56 26.87 34.11 44.80 3240134 2661385 319833 2174648 7 24.55 26.87 34.11 44.79 3239972 2661379 320000 2173550 8 24.55 26.87 34.11 44.79 3238407 2660348 319721 2177678 9 24.56 26.87 34.11 44.79 3238332 2660512 320024 2179891 10 24.55 26.87 34.11 44.79 3237012 2659615 319789 2176390 Average 24.56 26.87 34.11 44.79 3239348 2661055 319960 2177546 Std. dev. 0.0048 0.0032 0.0042 0.0052 1197 797 157 2578 RSD (%) 0.020 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.037 0.030 0.049 0.12 5 Propane i-Butane n-Butane neo-Pentane n-Heptane i- Pentane n-Pentane Zoom n-Hexane 0 Figure 4. 30 60 Seconds Chromatogram on the CP-Sil 5 CB, separating the hydrocarbons from butanes to n-heptane. In Figure 4, the chromatogram illustrates the separation and quantification of the higher boiling hydrocarbons as part of the Extended Biogas Analyzer setup; the column used is a CP-Sil 5 CB. This additional channel expands the application range of biogas analysis to blends with natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). In this particular case, the biogas was mixed with natural gas. Table 4a. 120 90 Tables 4a and 4b show repeatability on the CP-Sil 5 CB channel for the hydrocarbons. The repeatability data of approximately 0.05% for retention times and below the 0.2% mark for peak area can be considered as excellent. Even the partially separated neo-pentane shows a good peak area repeatability performance. Retention Time Reproducibility Data for the CP-Sil 5 CB Channel Run no. i-Butane Rt (sec) n-Butane Rt (sec) neo-Pentane Rt (sec) n-Pentane Rt (sec) i-Pentane Rt (sec) n-Hexane t (sec) n-Heptane Rt (sec) 1 18.10 20.43 21.75 28.58 32.52 59.67 120.66 2 18.10 20.43 21.75 28.58 32.52 59.67 120.69 3 18.10 20.42 21.74 28.58 32.51 59.66 120.70 4 18.10 20.42 21.74 28.57 32.51 59.66 120.71 5 18.09 20.42 21.74 28.57 32.50 59.64 120.72 6 18.09 20.42 21.74 28.57 32.50 59.64 120.72 7 18.09 20.41 21.73 28.56 32.49 59.63 120.72 8 18.08 20.41 21.72 28.55 32.48 59.61 120.73 9 18.08 20.40 21.72 28.55 32.48 59.60 120.72 10 18.08 20.40 21.72 28.54 32.47 59.59 120.74 Average 18.09 20.42 21.74 28.57 32.50 59.64 120.71 Std. dev. 0.0088 0.0107 0.0118 0.014 0.018 0.029 0.023 RSD (%) 0.048 0.053 0.054 0.050 0.054 0.049 0.019 6 Table 4b. Reproducibility Data, Based on Peak Area, for the CP-Sil 5 CB Column Run no. i-Butane area n-Butane area neo-Pentane area n-Pentane area i-Pentane area n-Hexane area n-Heptane area 1 7014680 7186850 1265110 2702141 2781533 1552255 133755 2 7018181 7190966 1264813 2703703 2783345 1553847 133682 3 7018469 7187273 1269047 2704327 2783935 1554441 133642 4 7017302 7188209 1269045 2705176 2784640 1554809 133920 5 7017858 7190794 1264914 2705022 2784520 1554963 133951 6 7024447 7196790 1265962 2707439 2787091 1556518 133959 7 7025658 7196118 1269229 2708459 2787981 1557169 133959 8 7019982 7188645 1270146 2706467 2785715 1555951 133880 9 7018355 7189383 1267352 2706536 2785636 1556096 134091 10 7018173 7190297 1266144 2706696 2785947 1555806 134130 Average 7019311 7190533 1267176 2705597 2785034 1555186 133897 Std. dev. 3315 3418 2043 1888 1865 1439 162 RSD (%) 0.047 0.048 0.16 0.070 0.067 0.093 0.12 When butanes and higher hydrocarbons need to be analyzed, the Agilent 490 Micro GC Biogas Analyzer Extended is recommended. This analyzer, suited for analysis of biogas mixed with other hydrocarbon streams such as natural gas or LPG, is equipped with an additional CP-Sil 5 CB column channel. Conclusion The Agilent 490 Micro GC Biogas Analyzer type required depends on biogas sample type. Regular biogas contains methane, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and sometimes some hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, and carbon monoxide. For this type of sample, the 490 Micro GC Biogas Analyzer is perfectly suited. All results clearly illustrate that both analyzer configurations are perfectly capable of analyzing biogas and related sample streams. Typical repeatability figures show RSD’s around 0.05 % for retention time and RSD’s less than 0.2 % for peak area, while the factory specification for peak area repeatability is specified on 0.5% RSD (based on 1 % concentration level propane). The first column channel, configured with a CP-Molsieve 5A column with argon as carrier gas, will separate and analyze hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, methane, and carbon monoxide. Moisture and carbon dioxide, as well as higher hydrocarbons present in the sample, are backflushed to vent, ensuring trouble free operation, perfect repeatability, and a long column lifetime without the need for extensive conditioning procedures. Moreover, this column channel is equipped with a Retention Time Stability option (RTS) to ensure stable retention time on the CP-Molsieve 5A column over time. The Agilent 490 Micro GC Biogas Analyzers are factory tuned, including the appropriate settings for the backflush times for the CP-MolSieve 5A and CP-PoraPLOT U columns. The Agilent Biogas Analyzers are shipped with final test data, optimized analytical method, Biogas Analyzer User Manual, and a check out sample kit to have all information available at installation. The second channel, equipped with a CP-PoraPLOT U column, analyzes carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide as part of the biogas sample. This column can even be used when ethane and propane are present in the sample. The sample inlet of the Micro GC and the CP-PoraPLOT U channel are treated with an UltiMetal deactivation process to guaranty good performance for hydrogen sulfide analysis. For More Information These data represent typical results. For more information on our products and services, visit our Web site at www.agilent.com/chem/microgc. 7 www.agilent.com/chem/microgc Agilent shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. Information, descriptions, and specifications in this publication are subject to change without notice. © Agilent Technologies, Inc., 2011 Printed in the USA November 22, 2011 5990-9508EN Agilent 490 Micro GC Biogas Analyzers Data Sheet Key benefits • Complete Solution The Agilent 490 Micro GC Biogas Analyzers are shipped as a total solution. The analyzers are factory tuned and come with final test data, analytical method parameters, analyzer user manual and a check-out sample. • Optimized Configuration The Biogas Analyzers provide the results and ruggedness you demand in the laboratory or in the field for the analysis of biogas and related sample streams. Agilent provides a single part number Biogas and Extended Biogas Analyzer depending on the nature of the sample. • Ready-to-Go Start-up is easy; the analyzer ships fully loaded with a method and is ready-to-go upon installation. Introduction Biogas is produced through biological processes such as anaerobic fermentation or digestion of organic material. The main components of biogas are methane and carbon dioxide, with some other permanent gases, hydrogen and hydrogen sulfide. The exact composition of the biogas is related to the origin of the organic material. • Easy to Operate Agilent’s 490 Micro GC is designed to achieve the best possible results. In addition, this system does not require a high degree of operator skills to be used successfully. Biogas is considered a renewable and sustainable energy source; it can fuel any type of heat engine to generate either mechanical or electrical power. To increase its caloric values, it is sometimes necessary to remove some of the carbon dioxide or blend it with other hydrocarbon streams. • The Speed You Need Micro GC is all about fast chromatography. Precise gas analysis in seconds rather than minutes provides improved product quality and more exact product valuation. The increasing interest in biogas results in a growing demand for fast and efficient analysis technology to determine its composition. That is where the Agilent 490 Micro GC Biogas Analyzers can play a significant role. • Fast Delivery The Agilent Biogas Analyzers are shipped from stock ensuring short delivery times. Choose the right Biogas Analyzer for your needs Channel 1 – Permanent gases Hydrogen Depending on the composition of your biogas sample, Agilent has two 490 Micro GC based Biogas Analyzer configurations available. Methane Carbon monoxide For pure biogas analysis, including permanent gases and hydrogen sulfide, the Agilent 490 Micro GC Biogas Analyzer is recommended; even ethane and propane can be can be analyzed with this analyzer setup. This Biogas Analyzer consists of a dual channel cabinet including a 10-meter CP-Molsieve 5A with argon as carrier gas, providing excellent sensitivity and linearity for hydrogen, and a 10-meter CP-PoraPLOT U column channel with helium carrier gas. Nitrogen Oxygen Zoom 0 When biogas is mixed with other hydrocarbon streams such as natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), the sample contains higher boiling hydrocarbons. To analyze these hydrocarbons, the Agilent 490 Micro GC Biogas Analyzer Extended is the analyzer of choice. This Extended Biogas Analyzer is a quad channel cabinet Micro GC including three column channels; a 10-meter CP-Molsieve column on argon as carrier gas, a 10-meter CP-PoraPLOT U column, and an additional 6-meter CP-Sil 5 CB column on helium as carrier gas. 30 60 Seconds 90 120 Channel 2 – CO2, C2, H2S, and C3 Carbon dioxide Ethane Hydrogen sulfide Zoom Both Biogas Analyzers are equipped with heated sample lines and injectors to eliminate any cold spot and prevent possible condensation of moisture, to ensure the integrity of the sample is maintained throughout the sample flow path. 10 20 30 Propane 40 50 60 Seconds The CP-Molsieve 5A and CP-PoraPLOT U columns are equipped with backflush to vent functionality. For the Molsieve column, this backflush to vent is required to maintain the separation effiency as biogas and related samples may contain larger amounts of carbon dioxide, moisture, and higher boiling hydrocarbons. Moisture and carbon dioxide tend to adsorb quickly to the Molsieve 5A stationary phase and change its chromatographic properties. This would results, over time, in retention shifts and loss of separation. Higher hydrocarbons will eventually elute, but will cause higher detector noise levels and would lead to reduced sensitivity. The backflush to vent functionality on the Molsieve 5A and PoraPLOT U column channel prevents this from happening. Channel 3 – C4 – C7 hydrocarbons i-Butane n-Butane neo-Pentane i-Pentane n-Heptane n-Pentane Zoom n-Hexane 0 30 60 Seconds Moreover the CP-Molsieve 5A is equipped with the retention time stability (RTS) option. This RTS option consists of additional in-line filters between the electronic gas control and the column module to ensure moisture and carbon dioxide free carrier gas. Moreover the use of the RTS option enables a more efficient backflush of carbon dioxide. This enhances column lifetime and, most importantly, leads to more stable retention times. 2 90 120 Technical specification Analyzer characteristics Agilent 490 Micro GC Biogas Analyzer Agilent 490 Micro GC Biogas Analyzer Extended Micro GC cabinet Dual Quad Number of column channels 2 3 CP-MolSieve 5A column channel with backflush and retention time stability (RTS) with backflush and retention time stability (RTS) CP-PoraPLOT U column channel with backflush CP-Sil 5 CB column channel – All channels equipped with heated injectors (up to 110 °C) Dual Carrier gas; Argon on Molsieve 5A, Helium on other channels Sample inlet UltiMetal treated Heated sample line (up to 110 °C) O2/ N2 separation CO and CO2 analysis H2S analysis CH4, C2, and C3 hydrocarbon analysis C4, C5, C6, and C7 hydrocarbon analysis – Sample type biogas biogas and biogas mixed with other hydrocarbon streams (natural gas or LPG)1 Typical peak area repeatability (RSD%) < 0.5 % < 0.5 % Analysis time < 120 seconds < 150 seconds with backflush Note 1: To introduce of a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) or Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) sample on the Micro GC, the use of the Micro-Gasifier is required. Accessories The table below gives an overview of the most important Agilent 490 Micro GC Biogas Analyzer compatible accessories. Contact your local Agilent office for more details and accessories. Product description Compatible with Part number Portable field case for a dual channel cabinet and dual carrier gases Agilent 490 Micro GC Biogas Analyzer CP490242 Portable field case for a quad channel cabinet and dual carrier gases Agilent 490 Micro GC Biogas Analyzer Extended CP490252 Micro-Gasifier Both Biogas Analyzers G7623A#001 Genie filter Both Biogas Analyzers Multiple p/n’s 3 Dimensions and weight Height Width Depth Weight Product description inch cm inch cm inch cm lb kg Agilent 490 Micro GC Biogas Analyzer 11 28 6.5 16 12 30 14 6 Agilent 490 Micro GC Biogas Analyzer Extended 11 28 6.5 16 21.5 55 22 10 Micro GC Power Supply 1.8 4.5 3.4 8.5 6.7 17 3.3 1.5 Ordering information The Agilent Biogas Analyzers can be purchased by ordering the main part number G3582A and an option number per analyzer type; option numbers for the Biogas Analyzers are displayed below. Product description Part number Agilent 490 Micro GC Analyzer G3582A Agilent 490 Micro GC Biogas Analyzer G3582A#110 Agilent 490 Micro GC Biogas Analyzer Extended G3582A#111 www.agilent.com/chem/microgc Agilent shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. Information, descriptions, and specifications in this publication are subject to change without notice. © Agilent Technologies, Inc., 2011 Published in USA, November 29, 2011 5990-9517EN Analysis of Biogas with the 490 Micro GC Gas Chromatograph Application Note Authors Introduction Coen Duvekot Agilent Technologies, Inc. Biogas is a gas mixture produced by biological processes, from the anaerobic fermentation of organic material such as biomass, manure or sewage, municipal waste, green waste and energy crops. Swamp gas is a naturally produced biogas. The main components of biogas are methane and carbon dioxide, with some carbon monoxide and hydrogen. Biogas can be used as biofuel, as a low-cost fuel for any heating purpose. It also has a role in modern waste management to run any type of heat engine, to generate either mechanical or electrical power. To increase caloric values it might be necessary to remove some of the carbon dioxide. Biogas can be compressed, much like liquified natural gas, and used to power motor vehicles. For this purpose it is necessary to remove hydrogen sulfide. Biogas is a renewable fuel, and so it qualifies for renewable energy subsidies in some parts of the world. Due to the increasing interest in biogas, there is a growing demand for fast and efficient analysis technology. That is where the new generation micro GC from Agilent, the 490 Micro GC, can play a significant role. Instrumentation As biogas and related samples may contain large amounts of CO2, water and higher hydrocarbons it was necessary to back flush these components. Water and CO2, in particular, adsorb to the stationary phase and change chromatographic properties. Higher hydrocarbons eventually elute but cause higher noise and thus reduced sensitivity. Depending on the type of biogas to be analyzed, two configurations are available. If the sample contains only permanent gases and the hydrocarbons methane, ethane and propane, a dual channel GC is ideal. If higher hydrocarbons are also present in the sample, a third channel is needed and therefore the quad version of the microGC is recommended. An indication of changed chromatographic properties is a drift in retention time. Table 2 shows repeatability figures on the CP-Molsieve channel. Repeatability figures of retention time and quantity are presented. 490 Micro GC Gas Chromatograph Dual channel: • Channel 1, CP-Molsieve column • Channel 2, CP-PoraPLOT U column Quad equipped with three channels: • Channel 1, CP-Molsieve column • Channel 2, CP-PoraPLOT U column • Channel 3, CP-Sil 5 CB column GC control and data handling software: Galaxie Chromatography Data System Conditions Table 1. GC conditions Inj Time (ms) Inj Temp (° C) Column Temp (° C) Carrier Gas Pressure (kPa) Back Flush (sec) Ch1 40 80 80 Ar 150 9 Ch2 100 80 100 He 100 10 Ch3 100 80 60 He 150 - Results and Discussion The sample can be introduced to the 490 Micro GC either pressurized (reduced to max 1 bar) via a Tedlar sampling bag, or by using continuous flow. In this case the sample was pressurized, see Figure 1. 4 1 2 0.4 KEY 1. H2 2. O2 3. N2 4. CH4 3 min Figure 1. Permanent gases on the CP-Molsieve channel 2 2 Table 2. Repeatability figures for the CP-Molsieve channel Run # Tr (min) Hydrogen Tr (min) Oxygen Tr (min) Nitrogen Tr (min) Methane QTY (%) Hydrogen QTY (%) Oxygen QTY (%) Nitrogen QTY (%) Methane 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0.5095 0.5097 0.509 0.5095 0.5095 0.5095 0.5097 0.5092 0.5095 0.5098 0.5093 0.5092 0.5092 0.5097 0.5092 0.6858 0.6858 0.6852 0.6857 0.6858 0.6858 0.686 0.6853 0.6858 0.6862 0.6855 0.6855 0.6855 0.686 0.6853 0.9618 0.962 0.961 0.9617 0.9622 0.962 0.9622 0.9617 0.962 0.9623 0.9617 0.9615 0.9617 0.9622 0.9615 1.2745 1.2748 1.2727 1.2743 1.2748 1.2743 1.2748 1.2735 1.2745 1.2753 1.2736 1.2735 1.2737 1.2752 1.2735 1.0253 1.0222 1.0375 1.0239 1.0292 1.0329 1.0306 1.0365 1.0278 1.0252 1.0347 1.0398 1.0368 1.0264 1.0361 2.0183 2.012 2.0272 2.0155 2.0197 2.0258 2.0254 2.0303 2.0188 2.0165 2.0277 2.0358 2.032 2.0143 2.0294 8.0511 8.057 8.0874 8.0307 8.0516 8.0664 8.0589 8.0875 8.0446 8.0182 8.0754 8.099 8.0797 8.0082 8.0688 84.5107 82.945 88.3207 83.2869 85.4475 86.787 85.2073 88.3182 85.3981 83.0202 87.3976 88.1668 87.1916 82.8409 87.3486 Average Std Dev RSD % 0.5094 0.0002 0.05% 0.6857 0.0003 0.04% 0.9618 0.0003 0.04% 1.2742 0.0007 0.06% 1.0310 0.0057 0.55% 2.0232 0.0073 0.36% 8.0569 0.0274 0.34% 85.7458 2.0592 2.40% The very low relative standard deviation (RSD%) figures in Table 2 clearly show that the CP-Molsieve channel was working with very good repeatability. There was no drift in retention time and the analysis results for quantity were also very repeatable. 1 3 5 KEY 1. Composite air peak 2. CO2 3. Ethane 4. H2S 5. Propane 2 Figure 2 shows the chromatogram of the CP-PoraPLOT U channel. Separation of carbon dioxide, ethane, hydrogen sulfide and propane was achieved. Baseline separation of all components of interest was obtained. Higher hydrocarbons were back flushed to vent, which prevented later eluting components from disturbing the next analysis. The results presented in Table 3 show very good repeatability figures for the CP-PoraPLOT U channel. RSD% below 0.1% for retention times and quantification illustrate the system’s suitability for this type of analysis. 4 0.3 min Figure 2. CO2, H2S, ethane and propane on the CP-PoraPLOT U channel 3 1 Table 3. Repeatability figures of the CP-PoraPLOT U channel Run # Tr (min) Air Peak Tr (min) CO2 Tr (min) Ethane Tr (min) Propane QTY (%) CO2 QTY (%) Ethane QTY (%) Propane 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0.4115 0.4113 0.4117 0.4117 0.4115 0.4115 0.4115 0.4113 0.4115 0.4115 0.4115 0.4115 0.4113 0.4113 0.4118 0.4522 0.452 0.4525 0.4525 0.4522 0.4523 0.4522 0.4522 0.4522 0.4522 0.4522 0.4522 0.4522 0.452 0.4525 0.4833 0.4832 0.4837 0.4837 0.4833 0.4835 0.4835 0.4833 0.4833 0.4833 0.4833 0.4833 0.4833 0.4832 0.4837 0.6808 0.6807 0.6815 0.6813 0.6808 0.681 0.6808 0.6808 0.6808 0.6808 0.6808 0.6807 0.6807 0.6807 0.6815 1.9866 1.988 1.9921 1.99 1.9921 1.991 1.9896 1.9908 1.9927 1.9912 1.9933 1.9927 1.9908 1.9928 1.9919 4.0032 4.0048 4.0121 4.0073 4.011 4.0089 4.0059 4.0073 4.011 4.0069 4.0113 4.0103 4.0062 4.0096 4.0076 2.9955 2.9967 3.0015 2.9985 3.0014 2.9992 2.9973 2.9986 3.0027 2.9984 3.0018 3.0008 2.9978 2.9994 2.9992 Finally, Figure 3 is a chromatogram of the separation and determination of the (higher) hydrocarbons. The column used was a CP-Sil 5 CB. This extra channel expanded the application range of biogas analysis to blends with C3 and or C4 LPGs. 2 1 3 4 KEY 1. H2S 2. Propane 3. iso-Butane 4. n-Butane 5. iso-Pentane 6. n-Pentane 7. n-Hexane 5 6 0.2 7 min 1.6 Figure 3. Higher hydrocarbons on the CP-Sil 5 CB channel Table 4 shows the repeatability figures of the CP-Sil 5 CB channel. Again, very good repeatability figures were obtained. Relative standard deviation was well below 0.05% for retention times and below 0.15% for quantitative measurements. 4 Table 4. Repeatability figures of the CP-Sil 5 CB channel Run # Tr (min) Air Peak Tr (min) Ethane Tr (min) Propane Tr (min) iso-Butane Tr (min) n-Butane QTY (%) Ethane QTY (%) Propane QTY (%) iso-Butane QTY (%) n-Butane 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0.3025 0.3023 0.3023 0.3023 0.3022 0.3023 0.3023 0.3022 0.3023 0.3023 0.3023 0.3023 0.3022 0.3022 0.3022 0.3333 0.3333 0.3333 0.3332 0.3332 0.3332 0.3332 0.3332 0.3332 0.3332 0.3332 0.3332 0.333 0.333 0.333 0.3833 0.3833 0.3832 0.3832 0.383 0.3832 0.3832 0.383 0.3832 0.3832 0.3832 0.3832 0.383 0.383 0.383 0.455 0.455 0.455 0.4548 0.4547 0.4547 0.4548 0.4547 0.4548 0.4548 0.4548 0.4548 0.4547 0.4547 0.4547 0.5107 0.5105 0.5105 0.5103 0.5102 0.5102 0.5103 0.5102 0.5103 0.5103 0.5103 0.5103 0.5102 0.5102 0.5102 4.0108 4.0092 4.0139 4.0116 4.0129 4.0096 4.0102 4.0126 4.0119 4.0098 4.0112 4.0091 4.0128 4.0099 4.0098 3.0222 3.0179 3.0171 3.0136 3.0131 3.0111 3.0095 3.0104 3.009 3.009 3.0092 3.0078 3.0101 3.0083 3.0083 0.501 0.501 0.5007 0.5009 0.5007 0.5007 0.5006 0.5009 0.5007 0.5009 0.5011 0.5008 0.5014 0.501 0.5009 0.5005 0.5004 0.5002 0.5003 0.5004 0.5003 0.5002 0.5004 0.5003 0.5003 0.5005 0.5 0.5007 0.5003 0.5002 Average Std Dev RSD % 0.3023 0.0001 0.03% 0.3332 0.0001 0.03% 0.3831 0.0001 0.03% 0.4548 0.0001 0.02% 0.5103 0.0001 0.03% 4.0110 0.0015 0.04% 3.0118 0.0042 0.14% 0.5009 0.0002 0.04% 0.5003 0.0002 0.03% 490 Micro GC Configuration for Biogas depends on Sample Type Regular biogas contains methane, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and sometimes some hydrogen and carbon monoxide. For this type of sample a two channel 490 Micro GC is perfectly suited. Channel 1, configured with a CP-Molsieve column, will separate and analyze hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, methane and carbon monoxide. Channel 2, equipped with a CP-PoraPLOT U column, will analyze carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide. This configuration can even be used if ethane and propane are present in the sample. If, however, C4+ hydrocarbons also have to be analyzed, a third CP-Sil 5 CB channel is required, together with the 490 Micro GC QUAD. Conclusion All results clearly showed that the system configuration was perfectly capable of analyzing biogas. The CP-Molsieve channel separated and analyzed permanent gases such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and methane. With some changes in chromatographic parameters even carbon monoxide can be analyzed on this channel. Higher hydrocarbons, as well as moisture and carbon dioxide, were back flushed to vent ensuring trouble free operation, perfect repeatability and a long column lifetime. www.agilent.com/chem This information is subject to change without notice. © Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2010 Published in UK, August 19, 2010 SI-02215 Using the Agilent 490 Micro GC for the Monitoring of a Circulating Fluidized Bed Biomass Gasifier Application Note Micro Gas Chromatography, Reaction/Production Monitoring, Renewable Energy Author Abstract Marcin Siedlecki Biomass has been recognized as a potential renewable and sustainable energy Energy Technology Section source. The Delft University of Technology researches the gasification of woody and Process and Energy Department agricultural biomass in a Circulating Fluidized Bed Reactor. The Agilent 490 Micro GC Delft University of Technology is used to characterize the product gas using a COX column for the permanent gases Delft, The Netherlands and a CP-Sil 5CB for the BTX compounds. Remko van Loon Introduction Agilent Technologies, Inc. Middelburg, The Netherlands There is a growing interest in sustainable heat and power generation using biomass. A possible way to use the biomass is through thermal conversion processes; combustion and gasification are the most well-known examples. The Process and Energy Department of the Delft University of Technology researched the gasification of woody and agricultural biomass in a Circulating Fluidized Bed. The product gas consists roughly of 5–15% Carbon monoxide, 10–15% Hydrogen, 3–5% Methane, 10–20% Carbon dioxide, 5–10% Nitrogen, and 40–70% Water, also (poly)aromatic compounds, minor inorganic species, and particles are present in the gas. This product gas can be subsequently upgraded to Syngas (a mixture of Hydrogen, Carbon monoxide, Carbon dioxide and eventually water vapor). After applying the water-gas shift reaction (CO + H2O & CO2 + H2), Syngas could be used as a hydrogen-rich fuel gas for Fuel Cells. Other applications of Syngas are Fisher Tropsch processes (Gas to Liquid fuels), platform chemicals (like furfural), or the combustion in a gas turbine to generate heat and power. For the characterization of the product gas, the Agilent 490 Micro GC was used. Experimental Fluidization media and woody or agricultural biomass are fed into the Circulating Fluidized Bed Reactor, where the biomass is gasified at around 850 °C. The sample is taken from the product gas stream using a heated probe. Particles present in the sample are removed by the dust filter. Water vapor is stripped from the sample using two condensers. Figure 1 gives an overview of the sampling and sample conditioning setup. An external gas pump provides a continuous sample gas flow to the Agilent Micro GC. Every 3 min, the Micro GC starts an analytical run and analyses the gas sample on both column channels. The Agilent 490 Micro GC used for the analysis of the product gas is equipped with a 1 m COX column channel for permanent gas analysis and a 4 m CP-Sil 5 CB column channel for the analysis of Benzene, Toluene and the Xylenes. The Micro GC conditions for both channels are displayed in Table 1. Table 1. Reactor, sampling and sample conditioning setup. Agilent 490 Micro GC Instrument Conditions Column temperature Carrier gas Injector temperature Injection time Detector sensitivity Sample line temperature Sampling mode Sampling time Figure 2. Figure 1. 1 m COX 4 m CP-Sil 5 CB 100 °C Argon, 200 kPa 110 °C 20 ms Auto 110 °C Continuous flow 10 s 100 °C Argon, 150 kPa 110 °C 40 ms High Results and Discussion The COX column shows an excellent separation for the permanent gases, as shown in Figure 2. Permanent gases on the COX column. 2 Although the COX column does not separate oxygen and nitrogen, it is very suitable for the analysis of permanent gases including carbon dioxide. In the case of gasification, the product gas sample does not contain oxygen. When the sample contains both oxygen and nitrogen, and these gases need to be quantified separately, the use of a MolSieve5A column channel instead of the COX column channel is required. The COX column can be equipped with a back flush to vent. This option makes it possible to back flush later eluting compounds to reduce analysis time and to prolong column lifetime. formed. Figures 3 and 4 show an excellent calibration curve for Methane and Carbon monoxide. For a linear regression, the R-Squared for these compounds is nearly perfect. The BTX compounds are analyzed on a CP-Sil 5 CB column channel. The chromatogram in Figure 5 shows that all compounds are eluted in less than 90 sec. On the CP-Sil 5 CB column type it is not possible to separate meta- and para-Xylene. These compounds are reported in a single result. For all BTX compounds, a 4-level calibration is performed. Figure 6 shows an example of Benzene. R-squared (linear regression) for Benzene is 0.9969. For each component a multi-level calibration (4 levels) is perMethane 900 Carbon Monoxide 800 R2=0.9999 800 700 600 600 500 500 Area Area R2=0.9998 700 400 400 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 0 0 5 10 Concentration (vol %) Figure 3. Calibration curve for methane. Figure 5. BTX analysis on the CP-Sil 5 CB column. 0 15 Figure 4. 3 10 20 30 Concentration (vol %) Calibration curve for Carbon monoxide. 40 50 Benzene 500,000 R2=0.9969 450,000 400,000 350,000 Delft University of Technology. The main advantages of the 490 Micro GC analyzer are its reliability, short analysis times, ease of use (both hardware and software), and a certain degree of flexibility. The modular setup of the 490 Micro GC makes it possible to exchange the column modules if other gas components need to be analyzed. Area 300,000 The Agilent 490 Micro GC is a rugged, compact and portable lab-quality gas analysis platform. When the composition of gas mixtures is critical, count on this fifth generation micro gas chromatograph. 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 0 Figure 6. 2 4 6 Concentration (vol %) 8 10 Calibration curve for Benzene. Conclusion The data presented in this application note clearly shows that the Agilent 490 Micro GC equipped with two column channels was capable of monitoring the product gas from the Circulating Fluidized Bed biomass gasifier. Within 180 sec the permanent gases were analyzed using a COX column channel. The BTX analysis was performed on a CP-Sil 5CB column channel with an analysis time of less than 90 sec. The Agilent 490 Micro GC is considered a key apparatus for the quantification of the main product gas components in the gasification test rig at the Process & Energy Laboratory at References 1. M.Siedlecki, R. Nieuwstraten, E. Simone, W. de Jong and A.H.M. Verkooijen; Delft University of Technology; ‘Effect of Magnesite as Bed Material in a 100 kWth SteamOxygen Blown Circulating Fluidized-Bed Biomass Gasifier on Gas Composition and Tar Formation’; 2009. 2. Application note 5990-7054EN; Simone DarphornHooijschuur and Marijn van Harmelen, Avantium Technologies; Remko van Loon and Coen Duvekot, Agilent Technologies; ‘Permanent Gases on a COX Module Using an Agilent 490 Micro GC’; 2010. For More Information These data represent typical results. For more information on our products and services, visit our Web site at www.agilent.com/chem. www.agilent.com/chem Agilent shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. Information, descriptions, and specifications in this publication are subject to change without notice. © Agilent Technologies, Inc., 2011 Printed in the USA June 2, 2011 5990-8069EN BIOGAS Analyser BIOGAS analyser Specifications Model 490-GC Configuration: one plug- and-play GC channel Detection Limits WCOT columns: 1ppm Micro-packed columns: 10ppm Operating Range Concentration: 1ppm to 100% level 6 Linear dynamic range: 10 Power Requirements Injector Repeatability: Communication Control: SERVICE MERGES QUALITY Analytical Solutions and Products B.V. Distelweg 80m ● Amsterdam P.O. box 37146 ● 1030 AC ● Amsterdam Tel. +31 (0)20 49 24 748 ● E-mail [email protected] Fax. +31 (0)20 33 72 798 ● homepage www.asap4u.nl TCD Detector control for the BIO gas channel with its separate pneumatics, injector, column and detector. Control of max two stream. One process stream and one calibration stream Micro-machined injector with no moving parts Injection volume:1µl to 10µl, software selectable Optional heated injector: 30°C to 110°C, including heated transfer line Environmental Requirements Column Oven Temperature range: 30°C to 180°C, isothermal Optional backflush capability All capillary columns available Control/Data Handling Software <0.5% RSD for propane at 1 mol % level for WCOT columns at constant temperature and pressure Standard packag Pro Software Regulatory compliance and reports: meet requirements, particularly for the natural gas and petrochemical industries Special packages: ISOCAL and BTU for natural (BIO) gas properties, such as calorific value and relative density, meet ISO 6976, GPA 2171, and ASTM D 3588 standards Sample gas Flow Minimum 12 Carrier gas Argon Helium Hydrogen Nitrogen 16 16 16 16 Humidity (relative): 0% to 95% non-condensing Temperature 0°C to 30°C in a controlled atmosphere Main power: 12 VAC Opt: 100-240 VAC 50-60 Hz Power consumption: 130 Watt Ethernet TCP/IP with static IP address RS-232 Optional: Com port for external devices, selectable RS-232 or RS-485 Optional: fibre optic modem Optional: gsm/gprs modem Optional: wireless TCP/IP Optional: 4-20 mA outputs Optional: digital outputs Dimensions and Weight Hazardous Area Classification Enclosure material Aluminium 280 mm (W) x 150 mm (D) x 300 mm (H) Weight: 5.2 kg Pressure Connection ml/min 0-1 barG 1/8" OD 1/16" OD ml/min ml/min ml/min ml/min 5,5±0,1 5,5±0,1 5,5±0,1 5,5±0,1 barG barG barG barG 1/8" 1/8" 1/8" 1/8" OD OD OD OD ATEX Zone 2 II 3G Ex nA IIC T3 1 Grade / Purity - 4.8 / 99,998% 4.8 / 99,998% 4.8 / 99,998% 4.8 / 99,998% Dewpoint Non condensing 0 - 110°C < -30°C < -30°C < -30°C < -30°C BIOGAS Analyser Analytical Solutions and Products B.V. Distelweg 80m ● Amsterdam P.O. box 37146 ● 1030 AC ● Amsterdam Tel. +31 (0)20 49 24 748 ● E-mail [email protected] Fax. +31 (0)20 33 72 798 ● homepage www.asap4u.nl CO2 analyser Infrared Smart gas sensor Measuring principle: Measurement range: Gas supply: Gas line connectors: Flow rate: Dimensions: Warm-up time: Non Dispersive Infra-Red (NDIR), dual wavelength 0-100 % CO2 in CH4 flow through cell 3 mm internal, 5 mm outer diameter 0.2 to 0.8 l/min (constant) Length (model dependent) x 28 mm x 42 mm (L x W x H) < 2 minutes (start up time) < 30 minutes (full specification) SERVICE MERGES QUALITY (2) Measuring response Response time (t90): Digital resolution (@ zero): Detection Limit (3s): Repeatability: (4) Linearity error : (5) Long term stability (zero) : 5) Long term stability (span) ( : (1) Appr. 15 s (@ 0.5 l/min) (1) 1 ppm / 0.1 % LEL / 0.01 Vol.-% / 0.1 Vol.-% (3) ≤ 1 % FS (typically) ≤ +/- 1 % FS(3) (3) ≤ +/- 2 % FS (3) ≤ +/- 2 % FS over 12 month period (3) ≤ +/- 2 % FS over 12 month period (6) Influencing variable Temp. dependence (zero): Temp. dependence (span): Pressure dependence (zero): Pressure dependence (span): ≤ +/- 0.1 % FS per °C (3) ≤ +/- 0.2 % FS per °C (1) 0.1 % to 0.2 % value per hPa Electrical inputs and outputs Supply voltage: Supply current: Power consumption: 6 V DC +/- 5 % 70 mA average, max. 140 mA < 1 Watt Outputs Digital output signal: Calibration: Modbus ASCII via UART zero and span by SW Climatic conditions Operating temperature: Storage temperature: Air pressure: Humidity: -10 °C to 40 °C -20 °C to 60 °C 800 to 1200 hPa 0 % to 95 % rel. humidity (not condensing) 1) (3) Dependent on the gas and the measurement range 2) Relating to sample gas pressure 1013 hPa absolute, 0.5 l/min gas flow and 25°C ambient and gas temperature 3) FS = Full scale 4) Stated linearity error excludes calibration gas tolerance of ± 2 % 5) For dry and clean test gas at 25°C and 1013hPa absolute - depending on the operating and ambient conditions values may differ 6) Relating to calibration conditions (see final check) Fast Refinery Gas Analysis Using the 490 Micro GC QUAD Application Note Authors Introduction Coen Duvekot Agilent Technologies, Inc. There is a large variation in the composition and source of refinery gases. Therefore, the precise and accurate analysis of these gases is a significant challenge in today’s refineries. Typical sources include fluid coking overheads, ethylene, propylene, fuel gas, stack gas, off gas, etc. The physical stream ranges from gas to highly pressurized gas or liquid. Very fast refinery gas analysis (RGA) is possible with the portable 490 Micro GC QUAD. This note describes the use of the 490 Micro GC for RGA, with results obtained in about two minutes. Instrumentation Refinery Gas standard 490 Micro GC QUAD • Channel 1: Molsieve with back flush • Channel 2: CP-PoraPlot U with back flush • Channel 3: Aluminium oxide with back flush • Channel 4: CP-Sil 5 CB The Molsieve channel and the aluminium oxide channel are equipped with extra in-line filters between the manifold and the column module to ensure moisture and carbon-dioxidefree carrier gas. This enhances column lifetime and, most importantly, leads to stable retention times. GC control and data handling software: Galaxie Chromatography Software. Component Amt (%) Peak # Component Amt (%) 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Helium Nitrogen Methane Carbon monoxide Carbon dioxide Ethylene Ethane Acetylene Hydrogen sulfide Propane Propylene iso-Butane Bal 5.1 24.9 1.0 0.5 24.9 5.0 1.0 1.01 5.0 5.0 0.5 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Propadiene n-Butane tr-2-Butylene 1-Butylene iso-Butylene cis-2-Butylene iso-Pentane Methyl acetylene n-Pentane 1, 3-Butadiene n-Hexane 0.62 1.0 0.5 0.5 1.01 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.2 1.0 0.2 Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4 10 m Molsieve 10 m CP-PoraPLOT U 10 m Al2O3/KCL 8m CP-Sil 5 CB Injector Temp (°C) 110 110 110 110 Column Temp (°C) 80 100 100 80 Carrier Gas Argon Helium Helium Helium Column Head Pressure (kPa) 150 205 70 205 Injection Time (ms) 40 10 10 100 Back Flush Time (s) 11 7.1 33 N/A Conditions Table 2. Chromatographic conditions Materials and Reagents Channel 1, equipped with a Molsieve column, separates and analyzes the permanent gases except for carbon dioxide. Channel 2, with a CP-PoraPLOT U column, separates and analyzes the C2 gases and hydrogen sulfide. The C3 and C4 hydrocarbons are analyzed on the third channel with an Al2O3 column. Finally, the higher hydrocarbons are analyzed on the fourth channel, with a CP-Sil 5 CB column. Peak # 6 Results and Discussion 6 Figures 1 and 2 show chromatograms of the Molsieve channel 1. Table 1. Peak identification and composition of gas standards 2 2 4 4 80 80 5 Gas Standard Peak # Component 1 3 4 5 6 Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen Methane Carbon monoxide Sec Sec105 105 5 Amt (%) 44 11 25 Bal 25 22 25 25 66 Sec Sec 120120 Figure 2. Refinery gas on the Molsieve column, channel 1 33 Sec 120 120 Figure 1. Standard gas on the Molsieve column, channel 1 2 Hydrogen or helium, oxygen, nitrogen methane and carbon monoxide were separated and analyzed. Later eluting components were back flushed to vent. 88 77 99 10 10 11 11 10 10 20 20 Sec 30 30 Sec. 40 40 Figure 3. Refinery gas on the CP-PoraPLOT U column, channel 2 Stable retention times are key factors for good chromatographic results. Repeatability results derived from Table 3 and Figure 5 for retention times are superb with RSDs around 0.1% and no drift. On the CP-PoraPLOT U channel (channel 2), the C2 hydrocarbons, hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide were separated and analyzed. The channel was equipped with a back flush later eluting components to vent. 12 12 13 13 1616 19 19 15 10 10 14 15 14 40 40 171718 18 60 60 Figure 4. Refinery gas on the aluminium oxide column, channel 3 On channel 2 the C3 and C4 saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons were separated and analyzed. This channel was also equipped with back flush in order to prevent the later eluting hydrocarbons from entering the analytical column. This prevented the later eluting components from interfering with the next analysis causing “ghost” peaks and/or baseline drift and higher noise. Furthermore, this channel was equipped with extra filters in the carrier gas lines, effectively protecting the analytical column from traces of moisture and carbon dioxide that could influence the chromatographic properties of the stationary phase in the long term. 2121 20 20 80 80 Sec 2424 22 22 2323 100 100 3 Sec. 120 120 Tr (min) Tr (min) 22 tr-2-Butylene 1-Butylene iso-Butylene cis-2-Butylene iso-Pentane Methyl acetylene 2,3-Butadiene 1.5 1.5 1 0 0 5 5 10 10 20 15 Run # 15 25 20 25 30 Run #30 Figure 5. Repeatability figures for the aluminium oxide channel, channel 3 Table 3. Repeatability figures for the aluminium oxide channel Run # Tr (min) tr-2-Butylene Tr (min) 1-Butylene Tr (min) iso-Butylene Tr (min) cis-2-Butylene Tr (min) iso-Pentane Tr (min) Methyl acetylene Tr (min) 2, 3-Butadiene 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1.2672 1.266 1.2657 1.2647 1.2647 1.265 1.2648 1.2653 1.2653 1.2647 1.265 1.2667 1.2658 1.2655 1.2655 1.2658 1.2653 1.2657 1.2657 1.2655 1.2663 1.2667 1.2672 1.2667 1.2675 1.2678 1.2683 1.2685 1.2682 1.2685 1.2963 1.2952 1.2948 1.2938 1.2937 1.2942 1.2938 1.2943 1.2943 1.2938 1.294 1.2958 1.2948 1.2945 1.2947 1.295 1.2945 1.2948 1.2947 1.2947 1.2953 1.2958 1.2963 1.2958 1.2967 1.2968 1.2975 1.2975 1.2973 1.2977 1.366 1.3647 1.3643 1.3632 1.3633 1.3633 1.3632 1.364 1.3638 1.3633 1.3633 1.3653 1.3643 1.3638 1.364 1.3645 1.3638 1.3642 1.3642 1.364 1.3648 1.3653 1.366 1.3655 1.3662 1.3667 1.367 1.3673 1.3668 1.3673 1.4447 1.4437 1.443 1.442 1.442 1.4423 1.442 1.4427 1.4423 1.442 1.4422 1.444 1.4432 1.4427 1.4428 1.4432 1.4425 1.443 1.443 1.4428 1.4435 1.4443 1.4448 1.4443 1.445 1.4455 1.446 1.4462 1.446 1.4462 1.7797 1.7772 1.7768 1.7755 1.7758 1.7757 1.7753 1.7763 1.776 1.7753 1.7752 1.778 1.7768 1.7762 1.7763 1.7768 1.776 1.7765 1.7765 1.7762 1.7775 1.7782 1.7793 1.7782 1.7788 1.7798 1.7807 1.7803 1.7802 1.781 1.934 1.9322 1.9323 1.931 1.931 1.9315 1.9303 1.931 1.9308 1.9305 1.9303 1.9337 1.9322 1.9322 1.9322 1.9325 1.9315 1.9322 1.9312 1.932 1.9328 1.934 1.9353 1.9338 1.9343 1.9357 1.936 1.936 1.9367 1.9367 2.0155 2.0122 2.0115 2.0097 2.0102 2.0102 2.0092 2.0105 2.0108 2.0095 2.0098 2.0128 2.0117 2.0108 2.011 2.0115 2.0107 2.011 2.0108 2.0108 2.012 2.0133 2.0145 2.013 2.0138 2.015 2.0162 2.0158 2.016 2.0163 Average Std Dev Rsd % 1.2662 0.0012 0.10% 1.2953 0.0012 0.09% 1.3648 0.0013 0.10% 1.4436 0.0014 0.10% 1.7774 0.0018 0.10% 1.9329 0.0020 0.10% 2.0122 0.0022 0.11% 4 Table 4. Reproducibility figures Day tr-2-Butylene 1-Butylene iso-Butylene cis-2-Butylene iso-Pentane Methyl acetylene 2, 3-Butadiene 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 1.2695 1.2678 1.2668 1.2665 1.2697 1.2681 1.2667 1.2988 1.2970 1.2958 1.2956 1.2989 1.2973 1.2957 1.3687 1.3668 1.3654 1.3652 1.3689 1.3671 1.3655 1.4481 1.4458 1.4443 1.4439 1.4483 1.4462 1.4443 1.7849 1.7815 1.7787 1.7781 1.7854 1.7821 1.7785 1.9406 1.9370 1.9339 1.9333 1.9405 1.9367 1.9345 2.0216 2.0173 2.0137 2.0130 2.0222 2.0180 2.0139 Average St. dev. RSD 1.2679 0.0013 0.10% 1.2970 0.0014 0.11% 1.3668 0.0015 0.11% 1.4458 0.0018 0.13% 1.7813 0.0031 0.17% 1.9366 0.0030 0.15% 2.0171 0.0037 0.19% Table 4 and Figure 6 show the effects over several days. RSDs are only slightly higher when compared to the “results-per-day” which is to be expected. However, the results are very good, demonstrating the suitability of the Al2O3 channel for this type of analysis. Figure 6 shows no drift in retention time of components analyzed on the Al2O3 channel over ten days. Figure 7 shows a chromatogram of refinery gas on the CP-Sil 5 CB channel. In this case the higher hydrocarbons C5+ were analyzed. Tr (min) RSDs below 0.2% are shown in Table 4. During the ten day laboratory experiments no drift in retention times were observed, as can be seen in Figure 6. 2.0 2.0 Tr (min) tr-2-Butylene 1-Butylene iso-Butylene cis-2-Butylene iso-Pentane Methyl acetylene 2,3-Butadiene 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 00 55 10 10 Analysis Day Analysis Day Figure 6. Reproducibility of the aluminium oxide channel, channel 3 5 21 21 2323 2525 15 15 20 20 25 25 30 30 35 35 Sec 40 40 45 45 50 50 55 55 Sec.60 60 Figure 7. Refinery gas on the CP-Sil 5 CB column, channel 4 Conclusion The 490 Micro GC QUAD was successfully used for the analysis of refinery gas. The permanent gases helium, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, methane and carbon monoxide were analyzed on the Molsieve channel. The C2 hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide were analyzed on the second channel equipped with a CP-PoraPLOT U column. On the third channel, with an aluminium oxide column, the C3 and C4 hydrocarbons were analyzed. This channel was equipped with extra in-line filters to ensure moisture and carbon-dioxidefree carrier gas. This significantly enhanced column lifetime and ensured long-term stable retention times. Finally, the fourth channel, equipped with a CP-Sil 5 CB column, analyzed the C5+ hydrocarbons. www.agilent.com/chem This information is subject to change without notice. © Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2010 Published in UK, August 03, 2010 SI-02233 Mine Gas Analysis Using the 490 Micro GC Application Note Authors Introduction Darren Brady Safety in Mines Testing and Research Station (SIMTARS) Department for Natural Resources and Mines, Queensland Government, Australia This note describes the use of the 490 Micro GC for the analyses of mine gas, and especially carbon monoxide at low level, detection of which is essential for the safety of mine workers. Three independent GC channels analyze the sample in less than two minutes, including permanent gases and C1-C2 hydrocarbons. Instrumentation 490 Micro GC • Channel 1: Molsieve Conditions Table 1. Chromatographic conditions • Channel 2: Molsieve Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 • Channel 3: CP-PoraPlot Q 10 m Molsieve 10 m Molsieve 10 m CP-PoraPLOT Q Injector Temp (°C) 50 50 50 Column Temp (°C) 100 70 70 Carrier Gas Argon Helium Helium Column Head Pressure, Static (kPa) 150 150 150 Injection Time (ms) 100 100 100 Back Flush Time (s) Not present 5.65 Not present Detector Sensitivity Medium Extra high High Materials and Methods The 490 Micro GC analysis uses argon on Molsieve channel 1. This was done to measure hydrogen, helium and all other permanent gases in one channel. Using argon as carrier gas gives an excellent response for hydrogen and helium but a reduced sensitivity for the permanent gases compared to using hydrogen/ helium as carrier gas. The Limit of Quantification (LOQ) is approximately 50 to 100 ppm for oxygen, nitrogen and CO. Using nitrogen as carrier gas detects no nitrogen, and almost no oxygen or carbon monoxide. Very low concentrations of oxygen and nitrogen (ppm level) can be measured on the carbon monoxide Molsieve channel 2. Low carbon monoxide levels were detected on Molsieve channel 2, with no interference from bulk methane. The mixture to test low levels of CO was 2 ppm CO in methane. To detect low CO in bulk methane two settings are crucial. First, the use of back flush enables the elimination of peak tailing interference of the bulk methane during the elution of CO. Secondly, the detector was set in the extra high sensitivity mode. However, as a result of using this mode, auto ranging of the detector was set off and high concentrations of components could not be measured, since the signal was cut off. CO2, ethane and ethylene were measured on channel 3 using a CPPoraPLOT Q column. Results and Discussion 4 Separations are shown in the figures, with Figure 1 indicating the effect of using the detector in extra high sensitivity mode. Figure 3 demonstrates the ability of the 490 Micro GC to detect trace levels of carbon monoxide in the presence of bulk methane. 5, approx 200 ppm 70 120 120 70 Figure 2. Carbon monoxide on channel 2 Peak identification Rt (s) 1. Hydrogen 27 2. Oxygen 37 3. Nitrogen 48 4. Methane 66 5. Carbon monoxide 111 6. Carbon dioxide 24 7. Ethylene 30 8. Ethane 34 3 Methane bulk at >99% Carbon monoxide at ppm level 70 70 Figure 3. Low ppm carbon monoxide sample in methane, channel 2 4 Signal is cut off 2 1 20 100 20 100 Figure 1. Permanent gases on channel 1 2 120120 6 7 8 20 20 40 40 Figure 4. Carbon dioxide, ethane and ethylene on channel 3 Conclusion The 490 Micro GC successfully analyzed a sample of mine gas. The excellent performance of the instrument was shown by its capability to detect very low levels of potentially lethal carbon monoxide, even in the presence of bulk methane. www.agilent.com/chem This information is subject to change without notice. © Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2010 Published in UK, August 16, 2010 SI-02235 Fast On-Site Mine Safety Analysis by the Agilent 490 Micro GC Application Note Micro Gas Chromatography, Mine gas analysis, Mine safety Authors Darren Brady Safety in Mines Testing and Research Station (SIMTARS)/Queensland Government Goodna, Australia Remko van Loon Agilent Technologies, Inc. Middelburg, the Netherlands Abstract Numerous mine disasters with loss of many lives continue to occur today. This fact dramatically emphasizes the importance of fast and accurate determination of the mine atmosphere for an early warning of hazards in day-to-day mine operations or after an accident has happened. This application note describes a method for fast on-site analysis of mine gases in less than 100 seconds using the Agilent 490 Micro GC equipped with four independent column channels. Introduction Micro GC setup and conditions The 490 Micro GC (p/n G3581A) used for the analysis of mine gas consists of a quad cabinet (Figure 1), and is equipped with four column independent column channels. Each column channel is a complete, miniaturized GC with electronic carrier gas control, micro-machined injector, narrow-bore analytical column, and micro-thermal conductivity detector (µTCD). We all can recall the news bulletins reporting a mine accident and, in some cases, the many lives that are lost. Therefore, to have an early warning for multiple safety reasons, fast analysis of the mine atmosphere is extremely important for day-to-day mining activities. Moreover, a complete overview of the gases in the mine, after an accident, is essential to determine if the mine is safe for a rescue team to enter. First, it is necessary to check for explosive gases in a mine environment. During the formation of coal beds, some gases, mainly methane and some ethane and hydrogen were trapped in the coal. When these coal beds are mined, the gases are released. Methane and other explosive gases, when mixed in certain ratios with oxygen from the air, are highly explosive. To prevent explosion hazards, it is necessary to monitor flammable gases such as methane, hydrogen, and the C2 hydrocarbons. A second reason for mine gas analysis is that the absence of carbon monoxide and the right oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the mine atmosphere are critical for the safety of the mine workers and rescue teams. Third, analyzing the gases in the mine can predict spontaneous combustion or detect a fire in an early stage. Spontaneous combustion could happen when internal heat, produced by chemical reactions in the coal, is generated faster than it can be lost to the surrounding environment. Hydrogen and ethylene are formed when temperatures rise above 100 °C. The presence of low concentrations of these components gives an indication of fire or elevated temperatures in an early stage. This increases the chance of successfully dealing with the problem. Figure 1. The Safety in Mines Testing and Research Station (SIMTARS), based in Queensland Australia has been providing and supporting gas monitoring systems based on gas chromatographs to the mining industry for over 20 years and offer their services, support, and training to mining companies to reduce the risks of mine explosions and help them after a mine disaster. For the three reasons given, SIMTARS is using the Agilent 490 Micro GC to provide a complete, fast, and on-site analysis of the gases collected from the underground mine. 2 Agilent 490 Micro GC with quad channel cabinet housing. The first channel installed, is equipped with a 10 meter CP-MolSieve 5Å column, running on argon as carrier gas for the analysis of helium, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. Channels 2 and 3 are identical and, like the first channel, are equipped with a 10 meter CP-MolSieve 5Å column. However, these channels have the optional backflush functionality and run on helium carrier gas, for the analysis of methane and carbon monoxide. Ethane and ethylene are analyzed on a fourth channel using a 10 meter a PoraPLOT U column. Table 1 shows the analytical conditions for all channels. Table 1. Agilent EZChrom Chromatography Data Software is used for data acquisition, and SIMTARS EZGas Professional software, specifically written for the mining industry, is used for calibration and result generating. The analysis results are exported to Segas Professional, a software package developed by SIMTARS, for additional combustibility calculations, combustion ratios and trend analysis. Fast mine safety analysis in less than 100 seconds The first column channel, equipped with a CP-Molsieve 5Å column, is used to analyze permanent gases, including helium, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. Figure 2 shows a chromatogram where the compounds of interest are well separated. Analytical Conditions for Quad Channel Micro GC Channel 1 CP-Molsieve 5A 10 m Channel 2 CP-Molsieve 5A 10 m Channel 3 CP-Molsieve 5A 10 m Channel 4 PoraPLOT U 10 m Column temperature 80 °C 80 °C 80 °C 60 °C Carrier gas argon, 120 kPa helium, 150 kPa helium, 150 kPa helium, 100 kPa Injector temperature 50 °C 50 °C 50 °C 50 °C Injection time 100 ms 110 ms 110 ms 90 ms Back flush time no backflush 10 10 no backflush Detector sensitivity auto auto auto auto Invert signal yes no no no Sample line temperature 40 °C Sampling time 70 seconds Sample 1 Low ppm level helium and hydrogen Oxygen Helium 15 ppm Hydrogen 3.5 ppm Hydrogen 194 ppm Nitrogen Sample 2 Medium ppm level helium and hydrogen Helium 96 ppm 50 × zoom 0 20 40 60 80 100 Seconds Figure 2. Chromatogram for helium, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen separation on the first column channel. 3 The molecular sieve channel is running on argon as the carrier gas, which enables the determination of low concentrations of helium and hydrogen. All other compounds will have an increased detection limit by approximately a factor of 10, compared to helium, when argon is used as a carrier gas. However, oxygen and nitrogen are present at percentage levels in the mine atmosphere, which allows the use of argon carrier gas for detection of these gases. Concentration results for hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen are used by SIMTARS for combustibility calculations. The typical limit of detection for the µTCD, specified by Agilent, is 1 ppm for early eluting components on a Wall Coated Open Tubular (WCOT) column and 10 ppm on Porous Layer Open Tubular (PLOT) and micro-packed column types. The CP-MolSieve 5Å column is a PLOT type column, however when it comes to carbon monoxide at low levels, the exact concentration is of less importance for SIMTARS than the trend. Even a slight increasing trend of the chromatogram’s base line at the carbon monoxide retention time is monitored for early indications of spontaneous combustion in the mine. Helium, naturally available in our atmosphere at low ppm concentrations, is analyzed on this channel as well. On a molecular sieve column, helium and hydrogen elute close together. Analysis of helium prevents it from being incorrectly reported as hydrogen. This can result in the erroneous conclusion that spontaneous combustion is occurring. From time to time, helium is also used as a tracer gas to determine gas movements in the underground mine. This MolSieve 5Å channel is equipped with back flush functionality to ensure moisture, carbon dioxide, and the C2 hydrocarbons are backflushed to vent, to maintain the separation efficiency of the molecular sieve column. Moisture and carbon dioxide tend to adsorb quickly to the Molsieve 5Å stationary phase changing its chromatographic properties. This could result, over time, in retention shifts and loss of separation. Channel two also includes a 10 meter MolSieve 5Å, this time with helium as the carrier gas. This channel is used for the analysis of methane and carbon monoxide. Figure 3 shows a chromatogram for two different samples, one containing a medium level for carbon monoxide (~ 200 ppm) and the other with a very low level of carbon monoxide. In this chromatogram, excellent separation and analysis of methane and carbon monoxide in less than 100 seconds is obtained. For SIMTARS, the analysis of methane for explosion risk reasons and carbon monoxide for combustion identification are of high importance, especially when the Micro GC is taken into the field after a mine disaster. Therefore, this column channel is duplicated to the third position of the instrument to allow optimized operation for the analysis of each, and to have a back up available at all times. When one column is reconditioned, the other column can still be used for analysis. Carbon monoxide 3 ppm Methane 120 ppm Sample 1 Low ppm level carbon monoxide 10 x zoom Methane 0.79% Carbon monoxide 193 ppm 20 40 60 80 Sample 2 Medium ppm level carbon monoxide 100 Seconds Figure 3. Chromatogram for methane and carbon monoxide on the second column channel. 4 The fourth channel, equipped with a 10 meter PoraPLOT U column and helium as the carrier gas, is used to analyze carbon dioxide, ethane, and ethylene. Figure 4 shows an example for baseline separation of these three components. Excellent repeatability for quantity and retention time Repeatability, reported as relative standard deviation, shows excellent results for both concentration and retention time as shown in Table 2. Typical values, based on quantity, are determined around 0.05% RSD for components that are present in the sample at percentage levels and between 0.1 to 0.6% for ppm level components. Retention time repeatability, for all components of interest, is calculated at 0.015% or lower. The right carbon dioxide level is of importance for the safety of the mine workers and rescue personnel. Moreover, the results for carbon dioxide and ethane as well, are used in the combustibility calculations by SIMTARS. Ethylene, like hydrogen, is formed when coal temperatures rise above 100 °C and, therefore, is used as an early warning for spontaneous combustion or a fire. Ethane 1.4 ppm Ethylene 1.9 ppm Sample 1 Low ppm level ethane and ethylene Carbon dioxide Ethylene 113 ppm Ethane 98 ppm Sample 2 Medium ppm level ethane and ethylene 30 × zoom 30 40 50 60 Seconds Figure 4. Chromatogram for carbon dioxide, ethane and ethylene on the fourth column channel. Table 2. Typical Repeatability Figures (Population Size is 10) for the Agilent 490 Micro GC Component Column channel Concentration average Concentration unit Concentration RSD (%) Retention time average (seconds) Retention time RSD (%) Helium 1 102.8 ppm 0.10 35.22 0.015 Hydrogen 1 118.5 ppm 0.11 38.79 0.014 Oxygen 1 20.4 % 0.044 54.65 0.0088 Nitrogen 1 72.4 % 0.056 70.00 0.011 Methane 2 (and 3) 1.85 % 0.054 54.09 0.0087 Carbon monoxide 2 (and 3) 181.9 ppm 0.25 71.35 0.012 Carbon dioxide 4 1.91 % 0.040 43.92 0.014 Ethylene 4 110.8 ppm 0.61 48.01 0.013 Ethane 4 92.3 ppm 0.25 51.62 0.013 5 Conclusion This application note clearly show that the 490 Micro GC is a powerful tool for accurate mine safety analysis. The major reason for SIMTARS using the 490 Micro GC is that it provides a complete, fast and on-site analysis of the mine gases collected from underground. Moreover, the 490 Micro GC detects compounds that are not covered by the mine’s continuous monitoring system. The 490 Micro GC analyzes mine environment samples in less than 100 seconds resulting in multiple results per hour for accurate trend analysis and thus better informed decision making for the prevention of mine disasters. In addition, the 490 Micro GC gives SIMTARS rapid and reliable results to determine, after a mine disaster, the status of the underground environment before deciding to send in a rescue teams. For More Information These data represent typical results. For more information on our products and services, visit our Web site at www.agilent.com/chem. www.agilent.com/chem Agilent shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. Information, descriptions, and specifications in this publication are subject to change without notice. © Agilent Technologies, Inc., 2012 Printed in the USA June 6, 2012 5991-0438EN Permanent Gases on a COX Module Using a Agilent 490 Micro GC Application Note Micro Gas Chromatography Authors Abstract Simone Darphorn-Hooijschuur and This application note demonstrates the capabilities of the COX column with the Marijn van Harmelen Agilent 490 Micro GC, including separation of permanent gases and backflush Avantium possibilities to ensure extended column lifetimes. Amsterdam The Netherlands Remko van Loon and Coen Duvekot Agilent Technologies Middelburg The Netherlands Introduction Separation of permanent gases is usually performed on a Molsieve column. This column offers the best separation for all permanent gases but also has some severe drawbacks. Water and carbon dioxide do not elute from a Molsieve column under regular GC conditions. A bake out at high temperatures (250 – 300 °C) is needed to fully regenerate the column. Regeneration is very time consuming in a Micro GC usually taking overnight or longer because the maximum temperature is 180 °C. In addition, it is likely that regeneration from moisture does not occur at this temperature. If there is no need to separate oxygen and nitrogen, the COX column is a better alternative. It delivers good separation of permanent gases, and carbon dioxide elutes from the column. COX is an ideal alternative for a Molsieve column, offering prolonged lifetime and instrument uptime. Table 1. Experimental Instrumentation An Agilent 490 Micro GC system with a COX column module was used for these experiments. The COX column module was equipped with a heated injector and an optinal precolumn with backflush. Conditions Column temperature 100 °C Carrier gas Argon, 100 kPa Backflush to vent time 13 s Injection time 80 ms Injection temperature 110 °C Sample line temperature 100 °C Sampling time 30 s Stabilization time 5s Run time 200 s Repeatability Figures Per Component on Peak Area Run He H2 N2 CO CH4 CO2 1 943213 16024030 20593423 1439534 1535598 1064007 2 947355 16092042 20685887 1444814 1538714 1062243 3 949818 16142635 20749728 1446996 1544418 1070193 4 949808 16167426 20781405 1449939 1542239 1066091 5 952725 16194789 20815739 1453498 1539162 1066940 6 952107 16206479 20826967 1456289 1543749 1063772 7 954648 16228802 20856620 1455219 1548126 1074325 8 954635 16249294 20879589 1456795 1547760 1079645 9 955454 16251565 20883920 1456611 1552320 1064839 10 955872 16250493 20901246 1473831 1547242 1065483 Average 951563.5 16180756 20797452 1453353 1543933 1067754 St. Dev 4053 75870 97930 9249 5122 5456 RSD% 0.43 0.47 0.47 0.64 0.33 0.51 Sample Information Results and Discussion Standard gas samples were used. Concentrations were in % levels. The above settings produce the chromatogram shown in Figure 1, with repeatability data in Table 1. The chromatogram shows a baseline separation of helium and hydrogen. Oxygen and nitrogen eluted as a single peak but separate from carbon monoxide and methane. Carbon dioxide eluted perfectly. 2 3 Peak Identification 1 He 2 H2 3 N2 + O2 4 CO 5 CH 4 6 CO 2 1 4 5 6 0 40 60 80 100 120 140 Sec Figure 1. Excellent baseline separation of a gas sample on a COX column. 2 160 180 200 Nitrogen Ethane Methane No backflush Water CO2 Min 0 3 Water, ethane and higher hydrocarbons are backflushed to vent. Optimal tuned backflush Oven: 120 °C Carrier gas: helium, 200 kPa Figure 2. Backflush of water and ethane. Other components such as water and higher hydrocarbons were backflushed to vent. Although the COX column does not separate oxygen and nitrogen, it does separate hydrogen and helium. In addition, carbon dioxide is analyzed and water elutes from the COX column. Repeatability figures are good, ensuring reliable analysis results. If the backflush time is set at a high value then virtually all the sample components enter the analytical column and eventually elute. However, if higher hydrocarbons are present the COX column is polluted because these components elute late and can influence the succeeding analysis. The COX module can be equipped with a precolumn. This allows backflush of higher components and prolongs column lifetime. Figure 2 shows the elution of water and ethane if no backflush is applied. If the backflush time is optimally tuned, water, ethane and higher hydrocarbons are backflushed to vent and does not enter the analytical column. The Agilent 490 Micro GC is a rugged, compact and portable “lab-quality” gas analysis platform. When the composition of gas mixtures is critical, this fifth generation Micro Gas Chromatograph generates more data in less time for faster and better performance. Conclusion For the analysis of permanent gases the COX column is a good alternative to the commonly used Molsieve column. For More Information For more information on our products and services, visit our Web site at www.agilent.com/chem. 3 www.agilent.com/chem Agilent shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. Information, descriptions, and specifications in this publication are subject to change without notice. © Agilent Technologies, Inc., 2010 Printed in the USA December 28, 2010 5990-7054EN Analysis of Acetone, n-Hexane, MIBK, MNBK, and MIBC Using the Agilent 490 Micro GC Application Note Micro Gas Chromatography, Environmental Analysis Authors Introduction Tim Lenior and Hans-Peter Smid, ASaP This application note shows the analysis of Aceton, n-Hexane, Methyl iso-Butyl Ketone (MIBK), Methyl iso-Butyl Carbinol (MIBC), and Methyl n-Butyl Ketone (MNBK, 2-Hexanone) using the Agilent 490 Micro GC. Amsterdam, the Netherlands Remko van Loon Agilent Technologies, Inc. Middelburg, the Netherlands To decontaminate a polluted soil environment, steam is injected into the ground. The contaminants will evaporate from the soil and the steam is collected and cleaned. The 490 Micro GC is used to monitor this decontamination process. The initial soil sample, including the contaminants, is collected and handled by a processing plant. This system, designed and build by Analytical Solutions and Products (ASaP) in the Netherlands, separates the gas from the soil sample. The final gas sample, containing the contaminations in ppm range, high concentration of ambient air, and some moisture vapor, is analyzed by the 490 Micro GC. The compounds of interest can be separated on both a CP-Sil 5 CB column channel and a CP-Wax 52 CB column channel. The Agilent 490 Micro GC is a rugged, compact and portable lab-quality gas analysis platform. When the composition of gas mixtures is critical, count on this fifth-generation micro gas chromatography. Instrumentation Sample information For this analysis, an Agilent 490 Micro GC (p/n G3581A), equipped with a CP-Sil 5 CB and CP-Wax 52 CB, is used to analyze the compounds of interest. CP-Sil 5 CB, 4m CP-Wax 52 CB, 10m (special) Column temperature 60 °C 60 °C Carrier gas Helium, 200 kPa Helium, 200 kPa Injector temperature 60 °C 60 °C Injection time 200 ms 200 ms Sample line temperature 60 °C 60 °C Nitrogen/Oxygen (Air) Matrix Acetone 64 ppm n-Hexane 15 ppm Methyl iso-Butyl Ketone (MIBK) 250 ppm Methyl iso-Butyl Carbinol (MIBC) 73 ppm Methyl n-Butyl Ketone (MNBK) 20 ppm CP-Sil 5 CB CP-Wax 52 CB Methyl iso-Butyl Ketone (MIBK) Methyl iso-Butyl Ketone (MIBK) Water Acetone n-Hexane Acetone Water Methyl iso-Butyl Carbinol (MIBC) n-Hexane Methyl n-Butyl Ketone (MNBK) Methyl n-Butyl Ketone (MNBK) 0 20 40 60 80 100 10 30 50 Seconds 70 90 Seconds Methyl iso-Butyl Carbinol (MIBC) 110 130 150 For More Information www.agilent.com/chem These data represent typical results. For more information on our products and services, visit our Web site at www.agilent.com/chem. Agilent shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. Information, descriptions, and specifications in this publication are subject to change without notice. © Agilent Technologies, Inc., 2011 Printed in the USA June 8, 2011 5990-8361EN Analysis of BTEX in Air using the Agilent 490 Micro GC Application Note Micro Gas Chromatography, Environmental Analysis Authors Pascal Vattaire, Agilent Technologies, Inc. Les Ulis France Remko van Loon, Agilent Technologies, Inc. Middelburg The Netherlands Introduction Monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are a class of chemicals with a six membered ring structure and alternating double and single bonds between the carbon atoms. These compounds are considered to be toxic and therefore of interest for analysis. This application note shows the analysis of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and the xylenes in an air matrix using the Agilent 490 Micro GC. To separate all xylenes, including meta- and para-xylene, a special channel equipped with a 10-meter CP-Wax 52 CB column is used. The standard 4-meter CP-Wax 52 CB column channel can be used for the analysis of BTEX as well, however p- and m-xylene will co elute and reported as a single result. The advantage of the 490 Micro GC, in combination with the CP-WAX 52 CB column channel, is the ease-of-use and the speed of analysis. The analysis of the BTEX compounds is performed in less than 150 seconds. The Agilent 490 Micro GC delivers labquality separations in an ultra-compact, portable instrument. You get the results you need in seconds - for faster, better decision making and confident process control. Instrumentation Sample information Instrument Agilent 490 Micro GC (G3581A) Matrix Column channel CP-Wax 52 CB, 10 m (special channel) Benzene low ppm range Column temperature 50 °C Toluene low ppm range Carrier gas Helium, 150 kPa Ethylbenzene low ppm range Injection time 50 msec Xylenes low ppm range Air Benzene Toluene p-Xylene Ethylbenzene m-Xylene o-Xylene 5x Zoom 5x Zoom 0 30 60 90 120 150 Sec For More Information These data represent typical results. For more information on our products and services, visit our Web site at www.agilent.com/chem. www.agilent.com/chem/microgc Agilent shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. Information, descriptions, and specifications in this publication are subject to change without notice. © Agilent Technologies, Inc., 2011 Printed in the USA December 1, 2011 5990-9527EN Analysis of Volatile Solvents on CP-Sil 5 CB using the Agilent 490 Micro GC Application Note Micro Gas Chromatography, Environmental Analysis, Solvent Analysis Author Remko van Loon Agilent Technologies, Inc. Middelburg The Netherlands Introduction This application note shows the analysis of Ethyl acetate, n-Hexane, Cyclohexane, isoOctane, Aniline, and Toluene in an Air matrix using the Agilent 490 Micro GC. These volatile solvents, harmful to the environment, are analyzed on a CP-Sil 5 CB column channel in less than 2 minutes. When you need to analyze on a location where no carrier gas or power is available, the portable field case option provides you measurements in the field. The 490 Micro GC can easily be transported in this fully self-contained field case, built-in gas cylinders, and rechargeable battery provide up to eight hours productive measuring time. The Agilent 490 Micro GC delivers lab-quality separations in an ultra-compact, portable instrument. You get the results you need in seconds, for faster, better decision making, and confident process control. Instrumentation Instrument Column channel Injector Column temperature Carrier gas Injection time Agilent 490 Micro GC (G3581A) with portable field case 4 m CP-Sil 5 CB Unheated 70 °C Helium, 100 kPa 200 msec Air matrix Ethyl acetate n-Hexane Cyclohexane Toluene iso-Octane Aniline 0 30 60 Seconds 90 120 For More Information For more information on our products and services, visit our Web site at www.agilent.com/chem. www.agilent.com/chem Agilent shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. Information, descriptions, and specifications in this publication are subject to change without notice. © Agilent Technologies, Inc., 2011 Printed in the USA July 25, 2011 5990-8699EN Analysis of Acetone, Methanol, and Ethanol in Air using the Agilent 490 Micro GC Application Note Micro Gas Chromatography, Environmental Analysis Authors Mohamed Bajja and Remko van Loon, Agilent Technologies, Inc. Middelburg The Netherlands Introduction This application note shows the analysis of acetone, methanol, and ethanol in an air matrix using the Agilent 490 Micro GC equipped with a CP-Wax 52 CB column channel. The advantage of the Agilent 490 Micro GC, in combination with the CP-Wax 52 CB column channel, is the ease-of-use and the speed of analysis. The analysis is performed in less than 30 seconds. The Agilent 490 Micro GC can optionally be equipped with a portable field case. This self-contained field case can be used to measure at a location where no carrier gas or power is available. Build-in gas cylinders and rechargeable batteries provide up to eight hours productive field time. The Agilent 490 Micro GC delivers lab-quality separations in an ultra-compact, portable instrument. You get the results you need in seconds – for faster, better decision making, and confident process control. Instrumentation Sample information Instrument Agilent 490 Micro GC (G3581A) Air Matrix Column channel CP-Wax 52 CB, 4 m Acetone 0.07 % Column temperature 60 °C Methanol 0.31 % Carrier gas Helium, 150 kPa Ethanol 0.16 % Injector temperature 110 °C Injection time 40 msec Composite air peak Methanol Ethanol Acetone 0 10 Seconds 20 30 For More Information These data represent typical results. For more information on our products and services, visit our Web site at www.agilent.com/chem. www.agilent.com/chem Agilent shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. Information, descriptions, and specifications in this publication are subject to change without notice. © Agilent Technologies, Inc., 2011 Printed in the USA October 13, 2011 5990-9105EN Analysis of Dichloromethane from Waste Water Using the 490 Micro GC Application Note Authors Martin Pijl Agilent Technologies, Inc. Introduction Dichloromethane (DCM) is a colorless, oily, organic liquid with a sweet, chloroformlike odor. It is mainly used to produce vinyl chloride monomer, the major precursor for PVC production. It is also used as a solvent for resins and fats, and in photography, photocopying, cosmetics, drugs and as a soil fumigant. DCM can be harmful to wildlife and human health, and so it is regulated in Europe under EC Directive 76/464 ‘Pollution of the aquatic environment by dangerous substances’ (plus daughter directives). Fast, on-line analysis of DCM is accomplished using the Agilent 490 Micro GC. Instrumentation Instrument: 490 Micro GC Module: Fused silica, non- polar phase 1 Peak Identification 1. Air 2. Dichloromethane 1 25,000 Conditions Sample Conc: Carrier Gas: Injector Temp: Detector: 7400 mg/m3 and 4 mg/m3 Helium, ca. 45 kPa Unheated µ-TCD Materials and Reagents Dichloromethane was extracted from waste water via purge and trap. The water was stripped and the stream directly analyzed via the 490 Micro GC. 2 15,000 2 20,000 10,000 Results and Discussion Figures 1 and 2 show the effect of different dichloromethane concentrations on its separation. 5,000 0 Sec Figure 1. Dichloromethane in air at 7400 mg/m3 2 20 [sec] 20 Conclusion 11 -25 The 490 Micro GC successfully analyzed waste water samples containing dichloromethane, even at very low levels. The 490 Micro GC is a rugged, compact, “lab-quality” gas analysis platform that delivers high efficiency analyses. When the composition of gas mixtures is critical, this fifth generation microgas chromatograph generates more data in less time for faster and better performance. uV -50 -75 -100 2 2 -125 0 Figure 2. Dichloromethane in air at 4 mg/m3 Sec 20 20 [sec] www.agilent.com/chem This information is subject to change without notice. © Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2010 Published in UK, August 20, 2010 SI-02642 Permanent Gas Analysis – Separation of Helium, Neon and Hydrogen a MolSieve 5A column using the Agilent 490 Micro GC Application Note Micro Gas Chromatography, Permanent Gas Analysis Author Remko van Loon Agilent Technologies, Inc. Middelburg The Netherlands Introduction This application note shows an example of the permanent gas analysis in a sample with high % level of Oxygen and Nitrogen (Air) on an Agilent 490 Micro GC, including the separation of Helium, Neon, and Hydrogen (ppm level). The separation of these compounds is done on a 10 m MolSieve 5A column and requires the use of Argon as carrier gas to detect all potential other carrier gases like Helium, Hydrogen, and Nitrogen. The advantage of the Agilent 490 Micro GC, is the ease-of-use and the speed of analysis, resulting in a total analysis time of less than 40 seconds. The Agilent 490 Micro GC is a rugged, compact, and portable lab-quality gas analysis platform. When the composition of gas mixtures is critical, count on this fifth generation micro gas chromatography. Instrumentation Instrument Sample information Agilent 490 Micro GC (G3581A) Helium ppm level Column channel MolSieve 5A, 10 m Neon ppm level Column temperature 80 °C Hydrogen ppm level Carrier gas Argon, 240 kPa Oxygen high % level Injector temperature 60 °C Nitrogen high % level Injection time 60 msec For More Information These data represent typical results. For more information on our products and services, visit our Web site at www.agilent.com/chem. www.agilent.com/chem Agilent shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. Information, descriptions, and specifications in this publication are subject to change without notice. © Agilent Technologies, Inc., 2011 Printed in the USA July 5, 2011 5990-8527EN Permanent Gas Analysis – Separation of Argon and Oxygen on a MolSieve 5A Column using the Agilent 490 Micro GC Application Note Micro Gas Chromatography, Permanent Gas Analysis Authors Mohamed Bajja and Remko van Loon Agilent Technologies, Inc. Middelburg The Netherlands Introduction This application note shows an example of the analysis of permanent gases, including the separation of Argon and Oxygen, using the Agilent 490 Micro GC. For the separation of Argon and Oxygen, a High Resolution 20 m MolSieve 5A column is used. The advantage of the Agilent 490 Micro GC is speed of analysis. Even with the 20 m HR MolSieve 5A column, you get the results fast. Total analysis time for the permanent gases until Nitrogen is approximately 3 minutes. The Agilent 490 Micro GC delivers lab-quality separations in an ultra-compact, portable instrument. Instrumentation Sample information Instrument Column channel Column temperature Carrier gas Injection time Agilent 490 Micro GC (G3581A) 20 m MolSieve 5A 40 °C Helium, 200 kPa 40 msec Neon Hydrogen Argon Oxygen Nitrogen Helium 18 ppm 1.0 % 0.2 % 0.2 % 0.2 % matrix Argon Hydrogen Oxygen Neon Nitrogen 15 × Zoom Neon 30 Hydrogen 60 90 120 150 180 Seconds For More Information For more information on our products and services, visit our Web site at www.agilent.com/chem. www.agilent.com/chem Agilent shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. Information, descriptions, and specifications in this publication are subject to change without notice. © Agilent Technologies, Inc., 2011 Printed in the USA July 27, 2011 5990-8700EN Fast Separation of Oxygen and Nitrogen on a MolSieve 5A Channel Using the Agilent 490 Micro GC Application Note Micro Gas Chromatography, Permanent Gas Analysis Authors Mohamed Bajja and Remko van Loon Agilent Technologies, Inc. Middelburg The Netherlands Introduction When a really fast separation of Oxygen and Nitrogen is required, the Agilent 490 Micro GC, equipped with a short MolSieve 5A column channel, delivers the speed you need. This application note shows the fast separation of Oxygen and Nitrogen using a 4 m MolSieve 5A column channel instead of using the standard 10 m MolSieve 5A column channel. The advantage of the Agilent 490 Micro GC, in combination with this 4 m MolSieve 5A column channel, is the ease-of-use and the speed of analysis. Nitrogen will elute in less than 20 s. Argon and Oxygen will not be separated on the 4 m MolSieve 5A column. These compounds will coelute. The separation of Argon and Oxygen requires the use of a 20 m MolSieve 5A column channel on a low temperature. The Agilent 490 Micro GC is a rugged, compact and portable lab-quality gas analysis platform. When the composition of gas mixtures is critical, count on this fifth generation micro gas chromatography. Instrumentation Sample information Instrument Agilent 490 Micro GC (G3581A) Hydrogen 1.0% Column channel MolSieve 5A, 4 m Oxygen 0.4% Column temperature 100 °C Nitrogen 0.2% Carrier gas Helium, 100 kPa Injection time 40 msec For More Information These data represent typical results. For more information on our products and services, visit our Web site at www.agilent.com/chem. www.agilent.com/chem Agilent shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. Information, descriptions, and specifications in this publication are subject to change without notice. © Agilent Technologies, Inc., 2011 Printed in the USA June 28, 2011 5990-8529EN C1 – C3 Hydrocarbon Analysis Using the Agilent 490 Micro GC – Separation Characteristics for PoraPLOT U and PoraPLOT Q Column Channels Application Note Micro Gas Chromatography, Hydrocarbon analysis Author Remko van Loon Agilent Technologies, Inc. Middelburg The Netherlands Introduction This application note shows the possibilities and limitations in fast analysis of saturated and unsaturated C1 to C3 hydrocarbons using an Agilent 490 Micro GC. The chromatograms and results outline the similarities and differences when using a CP-PoraPLOT U and a CP-PoraPLOT Q columns channels. Both the PoraPLOT U and the PoraPLOT Q are capable of resolving methane from the composite air peak and separate CO2 from methane and the C2 hydrocarbons. The PoraPLOT U column channel will have the following separation characteristics: • Baseline separation for ethane, ethylene and acetylene • Coelution of propane and propylene The separation characteristics for the PoraPLOT Q column channel are: • Coelution of ethylene and acetylene • Baseline separation for propane and propylene If you want to the ability to measure anywhere and get the results you need in seconds, the Agilent 490 Micro GC is the ideal solution. With its rugged, compact, laboratory quality gas analysis platform, the 490 Micro GC generates more data in less time for faster, and better, business decisions. Instrumentation For this application an Agilent 490 Micro GC (G3581A) equipped with a PoraPLOT U and a PoraPLOT Q was used. The setup parameters for the column is found in the table below. PoraPLOT U, 10 m PoraPLOT Q, 10 m Column temperature 80 °C 80 °C Carrier gas Helium, 200 kpa Helium, 200 kpa Injector temperature 110 °C 110 °C Injection time 20 ms 20 ms Composite air peak Propane/propylene PoraPLOT U Methane Carbon dioxide Ethylene Sample information Nitrogen Methane Carbon dioxide Etylene Ethane Acetylene Propylene Propane 1,2-Propadiene Propyne Balance 5.0 % 3.0 % 2.0 % 4.0 % 1.0 % 1.0 % 2.0 % 0.97 % 0.99 % Propadiene Propyne Ethane 5 × zoom Acetylene 0 PoraPLOT Q 20 40 60 80 100 Seconds For More Information These data represent typical results. For more information on our products and services, visit our Web site at www.agilent.com/chem. Composite air peak Propane Methane Carbon dioxide Propylene Propadiene Ethylene/acetylene Propyne Ethane www.agilent.com/chem Agilent shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. 5 × zoom Information, descriptions, and specifications in this publication are subject to change without notice. 0 20 40 Seconds 60 80 © Agilent Technologies, Inc., 2011 Printed in the USA October 4, 2011 5990-9165EN MICRO GC APPLICATION TABLE The following is a list of gases that we have prently analyzed with the Varian Chrompack MicroGC. We will continue to add gases as we develop new application directly or via our customer. For all new compound not present in this list contact you nearest Varian office. MicroGC Column modules choice list for applications (Max. two per system). NOTICE: This document contains references to Varian. Please note that Varian, Inc. is now part of Agilent Technologies. For more information, go to www.agilent.com/chem. Molsieve 5A : Hayesep A : CP-sil 5,8 CB : CP-sil 19 CB : CP-WAX 52 CB : PLOT Al2O3/KCl : Poraplot Q,U : CP-COX : CP SIL 19 Special : CP SIL 13 Special : CP Poraplot Special : CP Sulphur Special : permanent gases, methane, CO, NO ,etc.(H.R. for O2-Ar baseline separation) hydrocarbons C1-C3, N2, CO2, air, volatile solvents ,etc. hydrocarbons C3-C10, aromatics, organic solvents, etc. hydrocarbons C4-C10, high boiling solvents, BTX, etc. polar higher boiling solvents, etc. light hydrocarbons C1-C5 saturated and un-saturated , etc. hydrocarbons C1-C6, freons, Anaestetics,H2S, CO2, SO2, volatile solvents,.. CO, CO2, H2, air, CH4, etc. THT and C3-C6 + in Natural Gas Matrix, etc. TBM and C3-C6+ in Natural Gas Matrix, etc. PPQ, specially tested for H2S in natural gas (10 to 50 ppm) Unique column specially tested for MES (Spotleak 2323) in natural gas (1 ppm) Varian Chrompack MicroGC Column module choice list for single compound. The limit of quantification L.O.Q. (two times the noise) is just as reference level, matrix, carrier gas and other parameters should influence the sensitivity. The (x) indicates witch column(s) will do the separation.. COMPOUND L.O.Q. ABLUTON T30 ACETENE ACETIC ACID BUTYL ESTER ACETIC ACID ETHYL ESTER ACETIC ETHER ACETIDIN ACETONE ACETONE, METHYL ACETOXYTHANE ACETYLEN ACETYLENE ACETYLENE DICHLORIDE ACETYLENE TRICHLORIDE ACRALDEHYDE ACROLEIN ACRYLALDHYDE ACRYLIC ALDEHYDE AEROTHENE AEROTHENE MM AEROTHENE TT AETHER AETHYLIS AETHYLIS CHLORIDUM Molsieve 10ppm Haysep 10 ppm CPCOX 10 ppm CPSil 5 8/13/1CPWax 1 ppm 1 ppm X X X X X X X X X X X CPAl2O3 1 ppm Poraplot 1 ppm X X X X X X X X X X X X AIR ALCOHOL ALCOHOL DENATURED ALCOHOL METHANOL ALCOHOL PROPYL ISO REGAL ALCOHOL DEHYDRATED ALCOHOL DENATURATED ALCOHOL ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL METHYL ALCOHOLS ALCOWIPE ALGOFRENE TYPE2 ALGOFRENE TYPE6 ALGRAIN ALLENE ALLYLENE ALTENE DG ANESTHESIA ETHER ANESTHESIC ETHER ANHYDROL ANKILOSTIN ANODYNON ANTISOL 1 ANYDROUS DIETHYL ETHER AQUALIN AQUALINE ARCTON 4 ARCTON 6 ARCTON O ARGON ARKLONE AVANTINE BALTANE CF BALTANE D BENZENE BENZENE METHYL BENZENE PROPYL BENZENE CHLORO BENZENE ETHYL BENZENE CHLORIDE BENZOLENE BFV BICARBURRETED HYDROGEN BICHLOETHANE 1,2BIETHYLENE BIMETHYL X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X BIOCIDE BIOGAS BIVINYL BLAZER BUTANE FUEL BLAZER BUTANE GAS BORER SOL BROCIDE BU-GAS BUTA-1,3-DIENE BUTADIENE BUTADIENE 1,3 BUTANE BUTANE NBUTANE FUEL BUTANE.2-METHYL BUTANOL BUTANOL 1BUTANOL NBUTANONE 2BUTANONE (MEK) 2 BUTANONE , 2BUTENE 1BUTENE CIS-2 BUTENE TRANS-2BUTENE (E)-2BUTENE (Z)-2BUTENE -(E)-2BUTENE , (E)-2BUTENE ,(Z)-2BUTENE-CIS -2 BUTYL ACETATE BUTYL ACETATE 1BUTYL ACETATE NBUTYL ALCOHOL 1BUTYL ALCOHOL NBUTYL ALCOHOL BUTYL ALCOHOL ACETATE BUTYL ALCOHOL, ACETATE BUTYHL ETHANOATE BUTYLENE ABUTYLENE RC10 NCARBINOL CARBON BICHLORIDE CARBON CHLORIDE CARBON DIOXID CARBON DIOXIDE CARBON DIOXIDE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X CALIBRATION SALT CARBON DIOXIDE FILLING SOLUTION CARBON FLUORIDE CARBON MONOXIDE GAS CARBON MONOXIDE IN AIR CARBON OXIDE (CO) CARBON TETRACHLORIDE CARBON TETRAFLUORIDE CARBONA CARBONIC ACID GAS CARBONIC ANHYDRIDE CARBON OXIDE CARBONICE CARDICE CATION HYDROGEN FORM CFC 10 CFC 11 CFC 113 CFC 123 CFC 134A CFC 14 CFC 20 CFC 22 CFC 30 CFC -11 CFC 12 CH4 CH4 IN N2 CHELEN CHEVRON ACETONE CHLORBENZEN CHLORDIFUORO-METHANE CHLORDIFUORO-METHANE AIR DUST REMOVER CHLORDIFUORO-METHANE DUST REMOVER CHLORDIFUORO-METHANE IN AIR DUST REMOVER CHLORETHYL CHLORFORM CHLORIDUM CHLORINATED FLUOROCARBON CHLOROBENZENE CHLOROBENZOL CHLORODIFLUO-ROMETHANCE CHLORODIFLUO-ROMETHANE CHLOROETHANE CHLOROETHENE CHLOROETHYLE-NE CHLOROFLUORO-CARBON CHLOROFORM METHYL X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X CHLOROFORM CHLOROTHANE NU CHLOROTHENE CHLOROTHENE VG CHLORTEN CHLORYL CHLORYL ANESTHETIC CIS-2-BUTYLENE CLEAN D MCO2 COLOGNE SPIRIT COLONIAL SPIRIT COLUMBIAN SPIRIT CYCLOHEXATRIENE DABCO CS90 DCM DECANE DECANE NDELF FABRIC PROTECTOR DENATURED ALCOHOL DENATURE ETHYL ALCOHOL DENATURED SPIRIT DESTRUXOL BORER-SOL DICARBURRETED HYDROGEN DICHLOREMUL-SION DICHLORETANE 1,2DICHLORETHYLENE 1,2DI-CHLOR-MULSION DICHLOROMETHANE DICHLORO-1,1,1TRIFLUOROETHANE 2,2DICHLORODIFLUORO METHANE DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE DICHLOROETHA-NE 1,2DICHLOROETHA -NE 1,3DICHLOROETHA-NE (ETHYLENE CHLORIDE) 1,2DICHLOROETHA-NE (PHOTREX) 1,2DICHLOROETHA-NE D4 1,2DICHLOROETHE-NE 1,2DICHLOROETHE-NE S (TOTAL), 1,2DICHLOROETHY-LENE 1,2DICHLOROETHY-LENES 1,2DICHLOROMETHANE DICHLOROMETHANE (METHYLENE CHLORIDE) DICHLOROTRI-FLUOROETHANE DIDAKENE DIETHYL X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X DIETHYL ETHER DIETHYL OXIDE DIFF-QUICK FIXATIVE DIFLON S-3 DIFLUOROCHLO-ROMETHANE DIFLUORODICHLOMONOMETHANE DIHYDROGEN OXIDE DIMETHYL DIMETHYL KETONE DIMETHYLBENZENE 1,2DIMETHYLBENZENE 1,3DIMETHYLBENZENE 1,4DIMETHYLCARBINOL DIMETHYLETHY-LENE 1,1 DINITROGEN OXIDE DIOFORM DIPROPAL METHANE DIPROPYL METHANE DISPARIT B DISTILLEX DS1 DISTILLEX DS2 DISTILLEX DS4 DISTILLEX DS5 DISTILLEX DS6 DIVINYL DRICOLD DRIKOLD DRIVERIT DRY ICE DRY ICE6 DUTCH LIQUID E 290 E 938 E 939 E 941 E 942 EB EDC ELAYL ELECTRO-CF 12 ELECTRO-CF 22 ERYTHRENE ESKIMON 12 ESKIMON 22 ETHANA ETHANE ETHANE 1,1,1,TRICHLORO- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ETHANE 1,1,2,TRICHLORO-1,2,2-TRIFLUOROETHANE 1,1’-OXYBIS ETHANE, 1,2-DICHLORIDE ETHANE ,1,1,2,TRICHLORO-1,2,2-TRIFLUOROETHANE ,1,1’-OXYBIS ETHANE ,1,2,DICHLOROETHANE ,2,2,DICHLORO-1,1,1-TRIFLUOROETHANE, CHLOROETHANE, PHENYLETHANOL ETHENE CHLOROETHENE TETRA-CHLOROETHENE TETRACHLOROETHENE ETHENE, TRICHLORO ETHER ETHER CHLORATUS ETHER HYDROCHLORIC ETHER MURIATIC ETHER, ETHYL ETHINE ETHOL ALCOHOL ETHOXYETHANE ETHY ETHER ETHYL ACETATE ETHYL ACETIC ESTER ETHYL ALCHOHOL ETHYL ALCOHOL ETHYL CHLORIDE ETHYL CHLORIDE BP ETHYL ETHANOATE ETHYL ETHER ETHYL ETHER A.C.S. ETHYL HYDRATE ETHYL HYDRITE ETHYL HYDROXIDE ETHYL METHYL KETONE ETHYL OXIDE ETHYLACETATE ETHYLALACOHOL ZOO PROOF ETHYLBENZENE ETHYLBENZOL ETHYLCHLORIDE ETHYLCYCLOEXAN X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ETHYLDIMETHYL-METHANE ETHYLENE ETHYLENE TETRACHLOROETHYLENE TRICHLOROETHYLENE CHLORIDE ETHYLENE DICHLORIDE 1,2ETHYLENE DICHLORIDE ETHYLENE MONOCHLORIDE ETHYLENE TRICHLORIDE ETHYLETHYLENE ETHYLIDENE DICHLORIDE 1,2ETHYLOL ETHYNE ETOH EVERCLEAR EXHAUST GAS EXXSOL HEPTANE EXXSOL HEXANE EXXSOL ISOPENTANE F12 F14 F22 FA FANNOFORM FASCIOLIN FC12 FC14 FEDAL-UN FERMANTATION ALCOHOL FIRE DAMP FLUE GAS FLUKOIDS FLUOROCARBON 11 FLUOROCARBON 12 FLUOROCARBON 22 FLUOROCARBON -12 FLUOROCARBON-22 FLUOROTRICHLOROMETHANE FORMALDEHYDE FORMALDEHYDE GERMACIDE FORMALIN FORMALIN 40 FORMALITH FORMIC ALDEHYDE FORMOL FORMYL TRICHLORIDE FREON X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X FREON 11 FREON 12 FREON 14 FREON 20 FREON 22 FREON 30 FREON F-12 FREON MF FREON R-11 FREON R-12 FREON R-22 FREON TF FRIGEN FRIGEN 12 FURAR TETRAHYDROFYDE GENESOLV A SOLVENT GENESOLV D SOLVENT GENETRON 11 GENETRON 12 GENETRON 22 GLYCOL DICHLORIDE GRAIN ALCOHOL H20 HALOCARBON 22 HALON 14 HCFC 22 HELIUM HELIUM, HP HEPTANE HEPTANE NHEPTANE, NHEPTYL HYDRIDE HERCULES 37M6-8 HEXAN HEXANE HEXANE NHEXONE HEXYL HYDRIDE HFC 22 HIGH PRURITY METHANOL HOCH HYDROCARBONS C6 HYDROCARBONS C7 HYDROCARBONS C8 HYDROCARBONS C9 HYDROCHLORIC ETHER HYDROGEN HYDROGEN (H2) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X HYDROGEN MIN. HYDROGEN OXIDE INHIBISOL IPA ISANOL ISCEON 22 ISOBUTANE ISO-BUTANE ISOBUTENE ISO-BUTENE ISOBUTYLENE ISO-BUTYLENE ISOCOUMENE ISOPENTANE ISOPROPANOL ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL ISOPROPYLACETONE ISOTRON 12 ISOTRON 22 IVALON JAYSOL S KARSAN KATHARIN KELENE KETONE PROPANE KETONE, DIMETHYL KETONE, METHYL ETHYL KETOPROPANE BLAUGHING GAS LEDON LUTOSOL LYSOFORM MARSH GAS MASTER APPLIANCE BUTANE FUEL MCB MEETCO MEK MEOH MES METHANAL METHANE METHANE TETRACHLOROMETHANE TRICHLOROMETHANE DICHLORIDE METHANE, CHLORODIFLUO ROMETHANE, DICHLOROMETHANE, X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XSPEC X X X X X X X X X X X DICHLORODI FLUORO METHANE TETRAFLUOROMETHANE, TRICHLOROFLUORO METHANOL METHOKLONE METHYALCOHOL METHYL ACETONE METHYL ALCOHOL METHYL ALCOHOL (ANHYDROUS) METHYL ALCOHOL (METHANOL) METHYL ALDEHYDE METHYL ETHYL KETONE METHYL HYDRATE METHYL HYDRIDE METHYL HYDROXIDE METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE METHYL KETONE METHYL PROPENE METHYL-1-PROPENE 2METHYL-2-PENTANONE 4METHYL-2-PENTANONE, 4METHYL-2-PROPANETHIOL 2METHYLACETYLENE METHYLALCO HOL METHYLBENZENE METHYLBUTANE 2METHYLCARBI NOL METHYLCHLORO FORM METHYLCYCLOEXANE METHYLENE BICHLORIDE METHYLENE CHLORIDE METHYLENE DICHLORIDE METHYLENE GLYCOL METHYLENE OXIDE METHYLETHENE METHYLETHYLE NE METHYLETHYL METHANE METHYLFORMATE METHYLMETHA NE METHYLOL METHYLPROPANE 2METHYLPROPANE (ISOBUTANE) 2METHYLPROPANE ,99% (ISOBUTANE) 2METHYLPROPENE 2- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X MIBK MOLASSES ALCOHOL MOLECULAR HYDROGEN MONOCHLORE THANE MONOCHLOR BENZENE MONOCHLORE THANE MONOCHLORO BENZENE MONOCHLORODI FLUOROMETHA NE MONOCHLORO ETHANE MONOCHLORO ETHENE MONOFLUORO TRICHLORO METHANE MONOHYDROXYMETHANE MORBICID MURIATIC ETHER M-XYLENE N2 N20 NARCOTILE NARCYLEN NARKOTIL NECATORINA NEMA NEON NEVOLIN NITRAL NITROGEN NITROUS OXIDE NONANE NONAE NNORFLURANE NORMAL HEPTANE NORMAL HEXANE O2 OXOMETHANE OXYBISETHANE OXYGEN O-XYLENE OXYMETHYLENE PENTANE PENTANONE, 4-METHYL- 2- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X PER PERAWIN PERCHLOR PERCHLOROETHY LENE PERCHLOMETHA NE PERCLENE PERCOSOLVE PERFLUOROME THANE PERK PERKLONE PERSEC PETRHOL PHENE PHENYL CHLORIDE PHENYL HYDRIDE PHENYLCHLORI DE PHENYLETHANE PHENYLMETHANE POLYOXYMETHY LENE GLYCOLS POLYRINYL ALCOHOL POTATO ALCOHOL PROP-2-EN-1-AL PROPADIENE PROPADIENE 1,2PROPANE PROPANE, 2-METHYL- 2PROPANOL 2PROPANONE 2PROPANONE PROPELLANT 12 PROPELLANT 22 PROPEN-1-ONE 2PROPENAL 2PROPENAL PROPENE PROPENE, 2-METHYL-1PROPENE,2, METHYLPROPYL CARBINOL PROPYLBENZENE PROPYL CARBINOL PROPYLENE PROPYNE PUNCTILIOUS ETHYL ALCOHOL X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X PURE ETHYL ALCOHOL P-XYLENE PYRO PYROACETIC ETHER PYROBENZOL PYROXYLIC SPIRIT PYRROLYENE PYRROLYLENE R 10 R14 R30 R-22 REAGENT ALCOHOL REFRIGERANT 11 REFRIGERANT 12 REFRIGERANT 12 DICHLORODIFLUO TOMETHANE REFRIGERANT 22 REFRIGERANT 30 REGEATTE RONSON BUTANE FUEL RONSON MULTI-FILL BUTANE FUEL SASETONE SHELL ACETONE SLIMICIDE SOLAESTHIN SOLMETHINE SOLVETHANE SPIRIT SPIRIT OF WINE STERETHOX STYRENE SULFURIC ETHER SUPERLYSOFORM SYM-DICHLOROETHY LENE SYNASOL SYN-DICHLORO ETHANE SYS -DICHLOROETHY LENE TCE TCM TEBOL 88 TEBOL 99 TECSOL TERT-BUTANETHIOL TERT-BUTYL MERCAPTAN X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X TESCOL TETLEN TETRACAP TETRACHLORE THYLENE TETRACHLORO ETHENE TETRACHLORO ETHYLENE TETRACHLOME THANE TETRAFINOL TETRAFLUORO ETHANE 1,1,1,2TETRAFLUORO ETHANE TETRAFORM TETRAHYDRO FURAN TETRAHYDRO THIOPHENE TETRALENO TETRALEX TETRAOXY METHYLENE TETRASOL TETRAVEC TETROGUER TETROPIL THAWPIT THF THIOPHENE TETRAHYDROTOGA TISSUE FIXATIVE TOLUENE TRIAZINEN,N’,N”-TRICHLORO-2,4,6,-TRIAMINO -1,3,5TRICHLORO-1,2,2TRIFLUOROETHANE TRICHLORO-1,2,2TRIFLUOROETHANE 1,1,2TRICHLORO ETHANE 1,1,1TRICHLORO ETHANE TRICHLORO ETHENE TRICHLORO ETHYLENE TRICHLORO ETHYLENE 1,1,2TRICHLORO ETHYLENE , 1,1,2TRICHLORO ETHYLENE -14C TRICHLORO ETHYLYENE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X TRICHLORO FLUORO METHANE TRICHLORO FLUOROMETHANE TRICHLOROFORM TRICHLORO METHANE TRICHLOROME THANE 1,1,1,TRICHLOROMONO FLUOROMETHANE TRICHLOROSTHONE 1,1,1TRICHLOROTRI FLUOROETHANE 1,1,2TRICHLOROTRI FLUOROETHANE 1,2,2TRICHLOROTRI FLUOROETHANE TRICLENE TRI-ETHANE TRIFLUORO-1,2,2, TRICHLOROETHA NE 1,1,2TRIFLUOROTRICHLOROETHA NE 1,1,2TRIKLONE TRILENE TRIMETHYLME THANE UCON 12 UCON 22 UHP HELIUM UHP METHANE ULTRATANE BUTANE FUEL UNIVERM UNS.DIMETHYL ETHYLENE USI IN OVAL VC VCM VERMOESTRICID VINEGAR NAPHTHA VINYL CHLORIDE VINYL CHLORIDE MONOMER VINYLETHYLENE WATER X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X WESTROSOL WOOD ALCOHOL WOOD NAPHTHA WOOD SPIRIT XENON XYLENE 1,2XYLENE 1,3XYLENE 1,4XYLENE MXYLENE OXYLENE PXYLENE-D10 OXYLENE -D10 PHv X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
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