The UK Housebuilders Directory 2011 Edition – Sample Entry Company Name: C G Fry & Son Ltd Address: Town: County: Postcode: Litton Cheney Dorchester Dorset DT2 9AW Tel: Fax: 01308 482000 01308 482249 Email: Website: [email protected] Financial Year End: 31/12/09 31/12/08 31/12/07 Turnover (£m): 33.9 20.8 45.6 Pre-Tax Profit (£m): 1.13 0.77 9.60 Average Price (£): 247,978 279,056 295,095 Unit Completions: 101 51 124 Management: Philip Fry Managing Director Construction: Kevin Murch Construction Director Michael Dear Commercial Director Land: David Lohfink Land & Planning Manager Sales: Ruth Guilor Sales & Marketing Manager Buyer: Andy Smith Buyer Comment: The number of homes sold in the year to 31st December 2009 was 101 compared with 51 in 2008. The average selling price of £247,978 (2008 £279,056) decreased due to the number of flats sold during the year which increased from 11 in 2008 to 24 in 2009. Land plots purchased during the year were 50. The company has also secured a further 1,750 lots on strategic land via option agreements. 08/10 - C G Fry begun the redevelopment of the former maternity hospital in West Coker Road, Yeovil. The scheme will comprise 12 new apartments, plus two-lodge style houses at the start of the drive and ten individual houses to the rear. The first homes should be ready for occupation during 2011. The UK Housebuilders Directory 2011 Edition – Sample Entry Company Name: Mactaggart & Mickel Ltd Address 1: Address 2: Town: Postcode: 1 Atlantic Quay 1 Robertson Street Glasgow G2 8JB Tel: Fax: 0141 332 0001 0141 248 4921 Email: Website: [email protected] Financial Year End: 30/04/10 30/04/09 30/04/08 Turnover (£m): 40.3 41.7 79.7 Pre-tax Profit (£m): 3.6 -3.9 18.6 Average Price (£): 284,000 282,000 251,000 Unit Completions: 109 132 274 Management: Bruce Mickel Ed Monaghan Andrew Mickel Alan Hartley Chairman - Homes Chief Executive Director Finance Director Construction: Raymond Jardine Design Co-Ordinator Land: Craig Ormond Liz Farrell Neill Maclean Land Manager Land Manager Land Buyer Buyer: Neill Maclean Chief Buyer Comment: Turnover at Mactaggart & Mickel slipped to £40.3m for the year to 30 April 2010, compared with £41.7m as the number of homes sold during the year tumbled to 109 from 132 last time. However, the company unveiled pre-tax profits of £3.6m, compared with a £3.9m pre-tax loss the year before. During the year M&M entered into contracts for future land purchase of £7m. 08/10 - Mactaggart & Mickel lodged an application for planning permission in principle with Midlothian Council for a mixed use development on the former site of Forrest Furnishings in the Thornybank area of Dalkeith. Proposals for the site include 10.61 acres of residential development, including 25% affordable housing, alongside commercial development including a local food store, small business units and offices. The UK Housebuilders Directory 2011 Edition includes a FREE Spreadsheet When you buy the latest directory you will receive a free spreadsheet containing data on all 1,450 housebuilders in Microsoft Excel format. Use the CD-ROM to create mailer files to target specific job functions (eg. mail all material buyers) Screen shot from the Excel file housebuilders.xls Use the CD-ROM to rank the leading housebuilders by turnover / unit completions (eg. South East housebuilders by turnover) Screen shot taken from the Excel file housebuilders.xls The UK Housebuilders Directory 2011 Edition – Order Form To purchase the directory + spreadsheet please select one of the following: Please note that payment must be received before dispatch can be made. I enclose a cheque for £335 made payable to Property Data Ltd I authorise you to debit my VISA/MASTERCARD/MAESTRO/SOLO for the amount of £335 Security Number (last 3 digits on reverse of your card) Expiry Date _______ / _____________ Issue Number (if using maestro/solo) _______ Signature _____________________________ Your Details Name: _____________________________________ Job title: _____________________________________ Company name: _____________________________________ Company address: _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Postcode: _____________________________________ Daytime telephone number: _____________________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________ To process your subscription please: Fax this completed form to: or call: or post this completed form to: 01785 859301 01785 859300 Property Data Ltd Sugnall Business Centre Eccleshall Staffordshire ST21 6NF
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