Sample Cracking the SAT Practice Tests Print and try these sample questions and review the detailed answer explanations from our flagship Cracking series! 5HIHUHQFH,QIRUPDWLRQ 1RWHV QUESTIONS 7KHXVHRIDFDOFXODWRULVSHUPLWWHG $OOQXPEHUVXVHGDUHUHDOQXPEHUV )LJXUHVWKDWDFFRPSDQ\SUREOHPVLQWKLVWHVWDUHLQWHQGHGWRSURYLGHLQIRUPDWLRQXVHIXOLQVROYLQJWKHSUREOHPV7KH\ DUHGUDZQDVDFFXUDWHO\DVSRVVLEOH(;&(37ZKHQLWLVVWDWHGLQDVSHFLILFSUREOHPWKDWWKHILJXUHLVQRWGUDZQWR VFDOH$OOILJXUHVOLHLQDSODQHXQOHVVRWKHUZLVHLQGLFDWHG 8QOHVVRWKHUZLVHVSHFLILHGWKHGRPDLQRIDQ\IXQFWLRQfLVDVVXPHGWREHWKHVHWRIDOOUHDOQXPEHUVxIRUZKLFKfxLVD UHDOQXPEHU r l w A = πr 2 C = 2π r A = lw h h b A = 1 bh 2 l V = lwh r h b w c a c 2 = a 2 + b2 V = π r 2h 60° x s 45° s 2 30° 45° s x 3 Special Right Triangles 2x 7KHQXPEHURIGHJUHHVRIDUFLQDFLUFOHLV 7KHVXPRIWKHPHDVXUHVLQGHJUHHVRIWKHDQJOHVRIDWULDQJOHLV $QGUHDVXEVFULEHGWRIRXUSXEOLFDWLRQVWKDWFRVW DQGSHU\HDUUHVSHFWLYHO\,IVKH PDGHDQLQLWLDOSD\PHQWRIRQHKDOIRIWKHWRWDO\HDUO\ VXEVFULSWLRQFRVWDQGSDLGWKHUHVWLQIRXUHTXDOPRQWKO\ SD\PHQWVKRZPXFKZDVHDFKRIWKHIRXUPRQWKO\ SD\PHQWV" $ % & ' ( ,I 22 x = 2 ZKDWLVWKHYDOXHRIx" x +1 x + 2 $ 1 4 % 1 4 & 1 2 ' ( 1 | Sample Cracking the SAT Practice Tests Sample Cracking the SAT Practice Tests Print and try these sample questions and review the detailed answer explanations from our flagship Cracking series! QUESTIONS $VXUYH\RI7RZQXIRXQGDQDYHUDJHDULWKPHWLF PHDQRISHUVRQVSHUKRXVHKROGDQGDPHDQRI WHOHYLVLRQVSHUKRXVHKROG,ISHRSOHOLYHLQ7RZQ XKRZPDQ\WHOHYLVLRQVDUHLQ7RZQX" $ % & ' ( /HWWKHIXQFWLRQfEHGHILQHGVXFKWKDWfx xcZKHUH cLVDFRQVWDQW,If ZKDWLVWKHYDOXHRIc" $ % & ' ( ,Ib WKHQ b × b = ,I,GRQRWKDYHDQ\IORXU,DPQRWDEOHWRPDNHFRRNLHV ,IWKHVWDWHPHQWDERYHLVWUXHZKLFKRIWKHIROORZLQJ VWDWHPHQWVPXVWEHWUXH" ,I,GLGQRWPDNHFRRNLHV,PXVWQRWKDYHKDGIORXU ,I,PDGHFRRNLHV,PXVWKDYHKDGIORXU ,I,KDYHIORXU,PXVWEHDEOHWRPDNHFRRNLHV ,I,ZDVDEOHWRPDNHFRRNLHV,PXVWQRWKDYHKDG DQ\IORXU ( ,I,DPQRWDEOHWRPDNHFRRNLHV,PXVWQRWKDYHDQ\ IORXU $ % & ' 2 | Sample Cracking the SAT Practice Tests $ % & ' ( Sample Cracking the SAT Practice Tests Print and try these sample questions and review the detailed answer explanations from our flagship Cracking series! ANSWER EXPLANATIONS FOR PREVIOUS PAGE 1. A 2. C Answer this question in bite-sized pieces. The first step is to use your calculator to compute the sum of the subscriptions: $68.80. The down payment was half that amount, leaving $34.40 to be paid in 4 installments of $8.60 each. If you answered D or E, you may have misread the question. 1 Try Plugging In The Answers. Starting with C, put in for x: 2 1 ⎛ ⎞ 2⎜ ⎟ ⎝2⎠ = 2 ⎛1⎞ ⎜⎝ ⎟⎠ + 1 2 1 = 1 1 4 2 1 +2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 Cross-multiply: 2 = 2 ⎛⎜1 ⎞⎟ = 2 . So C is correct. Another way would be to cross-multiply first to get ⎝ 4⎠ 2 2 1 2 2 2 2x + 4x = 2x + 2. Subtract 2x from both sides to get 4x = 2. Divide by 4 to get x = . 2 This is an excellent time to turn on your calculator. If 48,000 people live in Town X and each household has 3.2 people, you can determine the number of households: 48,000 ÷ 3.2 = 15,000. And since each household has 1.2 televisions, you can now determine the number of televisions: 15,000 u 1.2 = 18,000. 3. C 4. B From the statement, you know that flour is necessary to make the cookies. You don’t know that flour is the only thing necessary to make the cookies. For example, you may also need sugar and eggs. You cannot conclude A or E, because there may be other reasons for not making the cookies (maybe you didn’t feel like it, or maybe you were out of sugar). Choice C is not necessarily true because there may be other things necessary besides flour. Answer choice D contradicts the original statement. Choice B must be true because you couldn’t have made the cookies without the flour. 5. B Start by plugging in what you know into the function given. If f(x) = x 2 – c, and f(–2) = 6, then plug in –2 for x in the function: f(–2) = (–2)2 – c. Solve and replace f(–2) with 6: 6 = 4 – c; 2 = –c; and c = –2. If you picked answer choice A, you forgot that (–2)2 is positive 4, and if you picked answer choice E then you forgot about the minus sign in the original function. 6. A First solve for b. If 9b = 81, then b must equal 9. Insert 9 for b into 9 3 3 9 = 3 3 27 = 3 3 = 9 3 | Sample Cracking the SAT Practice Tests b x 3 3b : Sample Cracking the SAT Practice Tests Print and try these sample questions and review the detailed answer explanations from our flagship Cracking series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p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| Sample Cracking the SAT Practice Tests Sample Cracking the SAT Practice Tests Print and try these sample questions and review the detailed answer explanations from our flagship Cracking series! ANSWER EXPLANATIONS FOR PREVIOUS PAGE 1. A The clues to prevent household fires and flammable liquids make flammable a good word to recycle for the blank. A comes closest to this meaning. B, C, and D are unrelated. E means the opposite of the word needed. 2. E The semicolon is a same-direction trigger. Because Mark hates mistakes, he will review his papers “carefully.” We can immediately eliminate B, C, and D. E means “very carefully.” If you weren’t sure what A meant, you had to guess. Give yourself a pat on the back if you guessed rather than leaving the question blank. Even if you got the question wrong, you did the right thing. And in the long run, that’s how your score goes up. 3. B The clue for the first blank is defends and the trigger word is nor. A good word to use for the first blank will be one that is the opposite of defends, such as “disagrees with.” This eliminates D and E. Now look at the second blank. According to the first part of the sentence, Jenkins doesn’t do anything positive or negative, so a good word for the blank is “neutrality.” This eliminates A and C. 4. A Great thinkers must have “great” insights, so the first blank is a positive word. The clues here are voiced so often and mere, which indicate something trivial or unimportant. Things that are voiced often can be called “repetitions,” or some related negative word. The word ironic also suggests that the first and second blanks contrast in meaning. The only choice that has a positive word followed by a negative word is A. Remember to use POE to avoid words you don’t know. Because beliefs is not negative, you can eliminate B, even if you do not know what banal means. 5. A The clue is been taught to communicate, and the trigger word but indicates that the skeptics doubt this. So the skeptics must be arguing that the apes have not really been taught; they may be “mimicking” (aping!) their trainers. A is the best choice. Even if you don’t know what A, B, or E means, you should be able to use POE on C and D, and then guess. 6. C The clue is technical difficulty and challenging counterpoint, so good words for the blanks are difficult and complex, which agree with each other. This eliminates B and D, as both contain answers that disagree with each other. You can eliminate A because diminutive means small. Although inscrutable in E means “difficult to understand,” the word classical does not mean “difficult” or “complex.” 7. D Both the first and second blanks are somewhat negative words. E is the only bad guess, since it doesn’t make much sense to view a situation as political and be perplexed by it. A, B, C, and D are all good guesses because at least one of the words is somewhat negative. Guessing one of these choices would have been better than leaving the question blank. If you look closely, you’ll notice that the trigger since tells you that the two blanks must be similar to each other. Eliminate A, as there is no evidence for how obscure or “little known” their situations are. B is close, but bellicose means “prone to fighting,” which is not supported by the sentence. Eliminate C, as sanguine means “confident and positive,” which does not agree with acute and is not negative. 8. D The clues in this sentence are ancient ruins of marvelous bygone civilizations and sad. What is sad about looking at the ruins of ancient civilizations? Seeing that, you can gather that human greatness doesn’t last. This idea is reinforced by the time trigger—if an ETS sentence completion compares past and present, it is usually to show a change. Therefore, you can put “doesn’t last” in the blank, and the best match is transience. 5 | Sample Cracking the SAT Practice Tests Sample Cracking the SAT Practice Tests Print and try these sample questions and review the detailed answer explanations from our flagship Cracking series! QUESTIONS X W A B Y C ,QWKHILJXUHDERYHWKHSHULPHWHURIVTXDUHALV Z 2 WKH 3 SHULPHWHURIVTXDUHBDQGWKHSHULPHWHURIVTXDUHBLV 2 3 WKHSHULPHWHURIVTXDUHC,IWKHDUHDRIVTXDUHALV ZKDWLVWKHDUHDRIVTXDUHC " $ % & ' ( 135º ,I WY DQG XZ DUHGLDPHWHUVZLWKOHQJWKVRIZKDWLV WKHDUHDRIWKHVKDGHGUHJLRQ" $ % & ' ( ,IWKHSURGXFWRIxDQGyLVDQGx LVWZLFHWKHVTXDUHRI yZKLFKRIWKHIROORZLQJSDLUVRIHTXDWLRQVFRXOGEHXVHG WRGHWHUPLQHWKHYDOXHVRIxDQGy" $ xy x y % xy x y & xy x y ' x y x y ( xy x y $EDNHU\XVHVDVSHFLDOIORXUPL[WXUHWKDWFRQWDLQV FRUQZKHDWDQGU\HLQWKHUDWLRRI,IDEDJRIWKH PL[WXUHFRQWDLQVSRXQGVRIU\HKRZPDQ\SRXQGVRI ZKHDWGRHVLWFRQWDLQ" $ % & ' ( 6 | Sample Cracking the SAT Practice Tests Sample Cracking the SAT Practice Tests Print and try these sample questions and review the detailed answer explanations from our flagship Cracking series! ANSWER EXPLANATIONS FOR PREVIOUS PAGE 3. E If the area of square A is 16, the length of each side is 4, and the perimeter is 16. You are told that this 2 is 3 of B’s perimeter, which you can calculate: 2 x = 16 3 x = 16 × 3 = 24 2 Now that you know the perimeter of B, you can calculate the perimeter of C: 2 x = 24 3 x = 24 × 3 = 36 2 If the perimeter of C is 36, each side is 9, and the area of C is 92, or 81. If you chose B, you need to read the question more carefully. 4. E According to the ratios given, you know that the mixture contains more wheat than rye; there must be more than 5 pounds of wheat. So let’s eliminate A and B. Use the Ratio Box. Corn Wheat Rye Total 3 5 2 10 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 7.5 12.5 5 25 Because there is a total of 5 pounds of rye, the multiplier is 2.5. This allows you to solve for 12.5 pounds for the wheat. 5. C Because 135q is one of the middle angles of the circle, the triangles must each have a 45q angle, and are therefore both identical 45°-45°-90° triangles. Remember (or check the front page of the test) that the ratio of the sides in such a triangle is x : x : 2 x . You know that the diameter of the circle is 12, so the hypotenuse (which is equal to the radius of the circle) of each triangle is 6. If 6 is the long side, the other 6 . Now you can find the area of one of the triangles and double it. The side of each triangle must be 2 6 1 6 6 36 1 × = = 9. You . So × area of a triangle is bh , and both the base and height are equal to 2 2 2 2 4 2 have found the area for one of the triangles, so double it to get 18, or C. Another way to solve this is to use the side of your answer sheet as a ruler and ballpark. If XZ = 12, the hypotenuse of each triangle is 6. Now mark off the length of 6 with your homemade ruler and compare that to a side of one of the triangles. You can guesstimate that the side is about 4. Using that approximation, calculate that since the base and height of both triangles is 4, the area of each triangle is 1 × 4 × 4 = 8 . The area of both 2 triangles together is 16, which is closest to 18, or C. ETS wants you to do complicated geometry, but all you care about is finding the answer. 6. A Translate each statement, piece by piece. The first part tells us that “ the product of x and y is 76.” Since product means multiplication, then the first equation must be xy = 76, so you can eliminate answers C and D. The second part says that “x is twice the square of y,” which translates to x = 2y2, so eliminate answers B and E, and A is the only answer left. Notice that only the y needs to be squared, which is why B is wrong. The second equation for B would be written as “the square of twice y,” which is not what the problem stated. 7 | Sample Cracking the SAT Practice Tests Sample Cracking the SAT Practice Tests Print and try these sample questions and review the detailed answer explanations from our flagship Cracking series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²FOHDU DQGSUHFLVHZLWKRXWDZNZDUGQHVVRUDPELJXLW\ (;$03/( %REE\)OD\EDNHGKLVILUVWFDNHDQGKHZDV WKLUWHHQ\HDUVROGWKHQ $DQGKHZDVWKLUWHHQ\HDUVROGWKHQ %ZKHQKHZDVWKLUWHHQ &DWDJHWKLUWHHQ\HDUVROG 'XSRQWKHUHDFKLQJRIWKLUWHHQ\HDUV (DWWKHWLPHZKHQKHZDVWKLUWHHQ A B C D E DQGVKHZDVRQO\VHYHQ\HDUVROGWKHQ DWDJHVHYHQ\HDUVROGRQO\ ZKHQVKHZDVRQO\VHYHQ\HDUVROG XSRQWKHUHDFKLQJRIRQO\VHYHQ\HDUV DWWKHWLPHZKHQVKHZDVRQO\VHYHQ 0DQ\EXLOGLQJWHFKQRORJLHVDUHFKDQJLQJVLJQLILFDQWO\LQ WKHODVWWZRWKRXVDQG\HDUVEXWWRGD\¶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¶VDXWKRUZKRLVEHJLQQLQJ WRDWWUDFWWKHQRWLFHRIFULWLFVDQGOLEUDULDQVDOLNHZURWH DQGLOOXVWUDWHGKHUILUVWVWRU\Tika DQGVKHZDVRQO\VHYHQ \HDUVROGWKHQ $ % & ' ( 7KHYLGHRFODVVWKDWPHHWVRQ7KXUVGD\VPDNHVXVHRI WKHLQQRYDWLYHVRIWZDUH0$<$ZKLFKHQDEOHVVWXGHQWVWR GHVLJQDQGEXLOGDYLUWXDOVWDJHVHWDKRPHRUHYHQDFLW\ LQWKUHHGLPHQVLRQV $ % & ' ( RIDOOPDWWHUEHLQJLQFRQWLQXRXVPRWLRQ LVWKDWDOOPDWWHULVLQFRQWLQXRXVPRWLRQ ZKLFKLVWKDWDOOPDWWHULVLQFRQWLQXRXVPRWLRQ WKDWDOOPDWWHULVLQFRQWLQXRXVPRWLRQ RIDOOPDWWHUWKDWLVLQFRQWLQXRXVPRWLRQ ,I0DUFHO3URXVW¶VPHPRU\KDGQRWEHHQIHOLFLWRXVO\ VWLUUHGE\WKHWDVWHRIDPDGHOHLQHKHPLJKWQHYHUKDYH EHHQPRYHGWRZULWHRemembrance of Things Past $ KDGQRWEHHQIHOLFLWRXVO\VWLUUHGE\WKHWDVWHRID PDGHOHLQH % KDGQRWEHHQVWLUUHGE\PHDQVRIWKHIHOLFLWRXVWDVWH RIDPDGHOHLQH & ZHUHQRWWREHIHOLFLWRXVO\VWLUUHGE\WKHWDVWHRID PDGHOHLQH ' ZHUHQRWWREHVWLUUHGE\WKHWDVWHRIDIHOLFLWRXV PDGHOHLQH ( VKRXOGQRWEHVWLUUHGE\WKHIHOLFLWRXVWDVWHRID PDGHOHLQH DUHFKDQJLQJ KDYHFKDQJHG KDGFKDQJHG DUHJRLQJWRFKDQJH FKDQJH GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 8 | Sample Cracking the SAT Practice Tests Sample Cracking the SAT Practice Tests Print and try these sample questions and review the detailed answer explanations from our flagship Cracking series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¶PRVWIDPRXVFKDUDFWHUV2OLYHU $ 7ZLVWDQG'DYLG&RSSHUILHOGZHUHDQRUSKDQZKR % NQRZQIRUIDQDWLFDOSDWULRWLVPDSSHDUVWREHWKHPRUH & ' GDQJHURXV1RHUURU ( IHOOXSRQKDUGOXFNDVFKLOGUHQEXWIRXQGKDSSLQHVVODWHU & ' LQOLIH1RHUURU ( 0DQ\VFKRODUVFRQVLGHUUlysses-DPHV-R\FH¶VJUHDWHVW $ % ZRUNKRZHYHUPDQ\UHDGHUVILQGDublinersPRUH & ' $QXPEHURIKRUWLFXOWXUDODUWVLQFOXGLQJERQVDLDQG $ % DFFHVVLEOH1RHUURU ( LNHEDQDEHJDQLQ-DSDQ1RHUURU & ' ( 'HQWLVWVDJUHHWKDWEUXVKLQJ\RXUWHHWKWKUHHWLPHVDGD\ $ % :KHQP\VLVWHUDQGPHYLVLWHGWKHHXORJL]HGFLW\RI7UR\ $ % ZHQRWLFHGLWZDVPXFKVPDOOHUWKDQWKHHSLFWDOHVKDG & ' VXJJHVWHG1RHUURU ( SURPRWHJRRGGHQWDOKHDOWKDQGDPRUHDWWUDFWLYHVPLOH & ' 1RHUURU ( &RPSOHWHH[KDXVWHGIURPDKDUGGD\DWZRUN(YHO\QIHOO % $ DVOHHSRQWKHEXVDQGZKHQVKHILQDOO\DZRNHIRXQGWKDW & VKHKDGPLVVHGKHUVWRS1RHUURU ( ' 9 | Sample Cracking the SAT Practice Tests GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Sample Cracking the SAT Practice Tests Print and try these sample questions and review the detailed answer explanations from our flagship Cracking series! ANSWER EXPLANATIONS FOR PREVIOUS PAGE 1. C All versions of the underlined phrase except C are wordy or awkward. 2. B If something has been happening for the last two thousand years, it shouldn’t be discussed in the present or future tense. Eliminate A, D, and E for that error. Building technologies continue to change, so it would be better to use have changed rather than had changed. Had changed implies that the technologies will no longer change. 3. A The sentence is correct as it is written. B and E rewrite the verbs in -ing form, not the first choice for a clear sentence. C eliminates the cause-and-effect relationship present in the original. D adds the word it, which makes the sentence a run-on. 4. D D uses the correct idiom, belief that. Both A and E use an incorrect idiom, belief of. In B, the first is is unnecessary and makes the sentence awkward. C adds another unnecessary word, which. 5. A There is no error in the sentence as it is written. 12. B Plural nouns must refer to plural nouns. There are two characters so they cannot be an orphan; they would be orphans. 13. E There is no error in the sentence as it is written. 14. A This sentence confuses subject with object. Because the speaker is the subject, me should be changed to I. 15. A An adverb, completely, is needed to modify the verb exhausted. 16. A To correct the error in subject-verb agreement, change is to are because benefits is plural. 17. D D creates an error in verb parallelism. The verbs in the list, listening and reading, do not agree with she practiced. It should be practicing. 18. D This sentence misuses an incorrect comparison modifier. Because more than two jingoists are mentioned (all), change more to the superlative most. 19. E There is no error in the sentence as it is written. 20. C The verbal phrase brushing your teeth acts as a singular noun (you could replace this phrase with it), which requires the singular verb promotes. 10 | Sample Cracking the SAT Practice Tests
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