Document 117060

Page 12A
Grant provides new equipment
for breath alcohol test
The Fannin County Sheriff’s
award of a grant given in combinaWLRQZLWKWKH*RYHUQRU¶V2I¿FHRI
Highway Safety and the National
+LJKZD\ 7UDI¿F 6DIHW\ $GPLQistration. This grant has provided
the Fannin County Sheriff’s Of¿FHZLWKWKHQHZ,QWR[LO\]HU
as a “portable” instrument running
for testing at roadside. The instrument has a full 8.4” touch screen
operation and has many new feaWXUHV WKDW WKH ,QWR[LO\]HU ZDVQRWFDSDEOHRIVXSSRUWLQJ$OO reau of Forensic Sciences on this to better serve their community by
FXUUHQWO\ FHUWL¿HG RSHUDWRUV KDYH new equipment which will pro- detecting, enforcing and prosecutbeen trained by the Georgia Bu- vide the best available equipment LQJ'8,FDVHV
Blue Ridge Homemakers make pillowcases
for residents at Pruitt Healthcare
VENDORS: Don’t miss this opportunity to reach 2,500
to 3,000 people at one place! You’ll find serious shoppers looking for home furnishings, surveyors, land,
cabins, landscaping, mortgage financing, realtors,
energy consultants, insurance, building contractors,
log and traditional homes...and MORE!
Call Jean Marie at 828-544-3249
if you would like to participate in the SHOWCASE
or for more information.
Members of the Blue Ridge
Homemakers Club delivered a
handmade pillowcase to each resident at Pruitt Health Care of Blue
Ridge July 21, 2014, hoping to
bring a bit of cheer to the residents.
It began a few months ago when
Janet Locke, one of the newest
members of the Blue Ridge Homemakers, presented a workshop on
making a pillowcase with fully
enclosed seams and no raw edges.
Members then went to work gathering over 100 yards of fabric. The
fabric was cut and handed out to
members who sew. Fourteen members worked diligently to make 106
pillowcases. The cases were then
pressed, folded, labeled, and delivered to the residents.
Each resident was delighted with
the pillowcase which had been seOHFWHGIRUKLPRUKHUORWVRIÀRZers and fancy prints for the ladies
and outdoor scenes and colorful
plaids for the gentlemen. Members
enjoyed going from room to room
presenting the special gifts and
sharing in the smiles which showed
on the faces of the residents.
Resident Bo Deaton with his pillowcase; back: Julia Nutting and Imogene Stewart, Blue Ridge Homemakers Club members.
Left to Right: Sue Postelle, Janet Locke, Shirley Copeland, Julia Nutting, Imogene Stewart, Betty Payne,
Peggy Shaw are ready to deliver the 106 handmade pillowcases.
Fannin County
Tea Party Patriots
FREE ADMISSION! Difference United has toured India,
Romania and now the US…bringing the good news of the
Gospel. They are origionally from Ellijay, Ga. and God is
expanding their mission around the globe by teaming
up with YWAM this year.
Friday night, Aug. 1 at World Harvest Church North
Thank you for bringing our churches together for one
common promote Christ!!
Lydia Long, World Harvest Church North
will meet
August 7
at 7 p.m. at the
Senior Center
in Blue Ridge.
Come early for lite bites!