Workshop on Data Assimilation Oxford-Man Institute, September 24–28, 2012 Large sample central limit theorem for the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) Fran¸cois Le Gland INRIA Rennes + IRMAR Val´erie Monbet Universit´e de Rennes 1 + IRMAR supported by ANR project PREVASSEMBLE coordinated by Olivier Talagrand outline • EnKF as particle system with mean–field interaction • identification of the limit • large sample asymptotics of EnKF • toy example • central limit theorem for EnKF 1 (EnKF as particle system with mean–field interactions : 1) non–linear state–space model of a special form Xk = fk (Xk−1 ) + Wk Y k = Hk X k + V k with with Wk ∼ N(0, Qk ) Vk ∼ N(0, Rk ) with non–necessarily Gaussian initial condition X0 ∼ η0 observation noise covariance matrix Rk assumed invertible in such a model, conditional probability distribution (aka Bayesian filter) of hidden state Xk given past observations Y0:k = (Y0 , · · · , Yk ) is not Gaussian ensemble Kalman filter provides a Bayes–free Monte Carlo approach to numerically evaluate the Bayesian filter, as an alternative to particle filters 2 (EnKF as particle system with mean–field interactions : 2) I initialization : initial ensemble (X01,f , · · · , X0N,f ) is simulated as i.i.d. random vectors with probability distribution η0 , i.e. with same statistics as initial condition X0 1,a N,a I prediction (forecast) step : given analysis ensemble (Xk−1 , · · · , Xk−1 ) each member is propagated independently according to (set of decoupled equations) i,a ) + Wki Xki,f = fk (Xk−1 with Wki ∼ N(0, Qk ) notice that i.i.d. random vectors (Wk1 , · · · , WkN ) are simulated here, with same statistics as additive Gaussian noise Wk in original state equation : in particular 1,a N,a (Wk1 , · · · , WkN ) are independent of forecast ensemble (Xk−1 , · · · , Xk−1 ) define empirical covariance matrix PkN,f N 1 ∑ i,f i,f N,f ∗ = (Xk − mN,f ) (X − m k k k ) N i=1 of forecast ensemble (Xk1,f , · · · , XkN,f ) with mN,f k N 1 ∑ i,f = Xk N i=1 3 (EnKF as particle system with mean–field interactions : 3) I correction (analysis) step : given forecast ensemble (Xk1,f , · · · , XkN,f ) each member is updated independently according to (set of equations with mean–field interactions) Xki,a = Xki,f + Kk (PkN,f ) (Yk − Hk Xki,f − Vki ) with Vki ∼ N(0, Rk ) in terms of Kalman gain mapping defined by P 7−→ Kk (P ) = P Hk∗ (Hk P Hk∗ + Rk )−1 for any m × m covariance matrix P , and in terms of empirical covariance matrix PkN,f of forecast ensemble notice that i.i.d. random vectors (Vk1 , · · · , VkN ) are simulated here, with same statistics as additive Gaussian noise Vk in original observation equation : in particular (Vk1 , · · · , VkN ) are independent of forecast ensemble (Xk1,f , · · · , XkN,f ) 4 (EnKF as particle system with mean–field interactions : 4) mean–field interaction : given that Xki,a = Xki,f + Kk (PkN,f ) (Yk − Hk Xki,f − Vki ) each analysis member depends on whole forecast ensemble (Xk1,f , · · · , XkN,f ) through empirical probability distribution µN,f k N 1 ∑ δ i,f = N i=1 Xk actually only through empirical covariance matrix PkN,f of forecast ensemble −→ results in dependent analysis ensemble (Xk1,a , · · · , XkN,a ) 5 (EnKF as particle system with mean–field interactions : 5) question : does ensemble empirical probability distribution converge to Bayesian filter, defined as µ− k (dx) = P[Xk ∈ dx | Y0:k−1 ] and µk (dx) = P[Xk ∈ dx | Y0:k ] i.e. does µN,f k N 1 ∑ δ i,f −→ µ− = k N i=1 Xk and µN,a k N 1 ∑ δ i,a −→ µk = N i=1 Xk hold in some sense, as N ↑ ∞ ? answer in general is negative however, in the linear Gaussian case (i.e. if fk (x) depends linearly on x), then answer is positive and in particular ensemble empirical mean vector converges to Kalman filter, i.e. b N,f X k as N ↑ ∞ N 1 ∑ i,f b− = Xk −→ X k N i=1 and b N,a X k N 1 ∑ i,a bk = Xk −→ X N i=1 6 (EnKF as particle system with mean–field interactions : 6) decoupling approach : to study asymptotic behaviour of empirical probability distributions µN,f k N 1 ∑ = δ i,f N i=1 Xk µN,a k and N 1 ∑ = δ i,a N i=1 Xk of forecast ensemble and analysis ensemble, respectively, approximating i.i.d. random vectors are introduced ¯ i,f = X i,f , i.e. initial set of i.i.d. random vectors coincides exactly with initially X 0 0 initial forecast ensemble these vectors are propagated independently according to (set of fully decoupled equations) ¯ i,f = fk (X ¯ i,a ) + Wki X k k−1 with Wki ∼ N(0, Qk ) and ¯ i,a = X ¯ i,f + Kk (P¯ f ) (Yk − Hk X ¯ i,f − Vki ) X k k k k with Vki ∼ N(0, Rk ) ¯ i,f where P¯kf denotes (true) covariance matrix of i.i.d. random vectors X k 7 (EnKF as particle system with mean–field interactions : 7) heuristics : these i.i.d. random vectors are close (contiguous) to members in ensemble Kalman filter, since they • start from same initial values exactly • use same i.i.d. random vectors (Wk1 , · · · , WkN ) and (Vk1 , · · · , VkN ) exactly, already simulated and used in ensemble Kalman filter esentially a theoretical (not practical) concept • large sample asymptotics is simple to analyze, because of independance • true covariance matrix P¯kf is unknown, hence these i.i.d. random vectors are not computable in practice in contrast, members in ensemble Kalman filter are computable but dependent, because they all contribute to / use empirical covariance matrix PkN,f which results in mean–field interaction outline • EnKF as particle system with mean–field interaction • identification of the limit • large sample asymptotics of EnKF • toy example • central limit theorem for EnKF 8 (identification of the limit : 1) intuition : limiting probability distributions µ ¯fk and µ ¯ak are probability distributions ¯ i,f and X ¯ i,a respectively, and are completely of i.i.d. random vectors X k k characterized by integrals of arbitrary test functions ¯ i,f = X i,f and X i,f ∼ η0 , hence µ I initialization : recall that X ¯f = η0 0 0 0 0 I forecast (expression of µ ¯fk in terms of µ ¯ak−1 ) : recall that ¯ i,f = fk (X ¯ i,a ) + W i X k k k−1 with Wki ∼ N(0, Qk ) a ¯ i,a has probability distribution µ and since X ¯ k−1 (by definition), then k−1 ∫ ¯ i,f )] = E[ϕ(fk (X ¯ i,a ) + Wki ))] ϕ(x′ ) µ ¯fk (dx′ ) = E[ϕ(X k k−1 Rm ∫ = ∫ ϕ(fk (x) + w) pW ¯ak−1 (dx) k (dw) µ Rm Rm | {z } Tk ϕ(x) where pW k (dw) is Gaussian probability distribution with zero mean vector and covariance matrix Qk , i.e. probability distribution of random vector Wki 9 (identification of the limit : 2) I analysis (expression of µ ¯ak in terms of µ ¯fk ) : recall that ¯ i,a = X ¯ i,f + Kk (P¯ f ) (Yk − Hk X ¯ i,f − Vki ) X k k k k with Vki ∼ N(0, Rk ) sufficient conditions on drift function fk can be given, under which µ ¯fk has finite second order moments, in which case covariance matrix P¯kf is finite f ¯ i,f has probability distribution µ ¯ and since X k (by definition), then k ∫ ¯ i,a )] = E[ϕ(X ¯ i,f + Kk (P¯ f ) (Yk − Hk X ¯ i,f − V i ))] ϕ(x′ ) µ ¯ak (dx′ ) = E[ϕ(X k k k k k Rm ∫ = ∫ ϕ(x + Kk (P¯kf ) (Yk − Hk x − v)) qkV (v) dv µ ¯fk (dx) Rm Rd | {z } TkKF (¯ µfk ) ϕ(x) where qkV (v) is Gaussian density with zero mean vector and invertible covariance matrix Rk , i.e. probability density of random vector Vki 10 (identification of the limit : 3) on the other hand, Bayesian filter, defined as µ− k (dx) = P[Xk ∈ dx | Y0:k−1 ] satisfies recurrent relation ∫ ∫ ′ ϕ(x′ ) µ− (dx )= k and µk (dx) = P[Xk ∈ dx | Y0:k ] ∫ ϕ(fk (x) + w) pW k (dw) µk−1 (dx) Rm Rm | {z } Tk ϕ(x) Rm and (Bayes rule) ∫ Rm ∫ ϕ(x′ ) µk (dx′ ) = Rm ∫ ′ ϕ(x′ ) qkV (Yk − Hk x′ ) µ− (dx ) k Rm ′ qkV (Yk − Hk x′ ) µ− k (dx ) with initial condition µ− 0 = η0 clearly, limiting probability distributions of forecast / analysis ensemble do not a ¯fk ̸= µ− and µ ¯ coincide with Bayesian predictor / filter, i.e. µ k ̸= µk , except in the k linear Gaussian case outline • EnKF as particle system with mean–field interaction • identification of the limit • large sample asymptotics of EnKF • toy example • central limit theorem for EnKF 11 (large sample asymptotics of EnKF : 1) indeed, intuition is correct : ensemble empirical probability distributions µN,• k N 1 ∑ = δ i,• N i=1 Xk do converge (in some sense) as N ↑ ∞ to the probability distribution µ ¯•k of i.i.d. ¯ i,• (hence, not to the Bayesian filter) random vectors X k reference F. Le Gland, V. Monbet and Vu–Duc Tran Large sample asymptotics for the ensemble Kalman filter , chapter 22 in The Oxford Handbook of Nonlinear Filtering, 2011 12 (large sample asymptotics of EnKF : 2) Theorem (law of large numbers) under mild assumptions on drift function fk and on test function ϕ ∫ N ∑ 1 ϕ(Xki,• ) −→ ϕ(x) µ ¯•k (dx) N i=1 Rm in probability as N ↑ ∞ Theorem (Lp –convergence and rate of convergence) under mild assumptions on drift function fk and on test function ϕ, and provided initial condition X0 has finite moments of any order p sup N ≥1 for any order p √ ∫ N ∑ 1 N ( E| ϕ(Xki,• ) − ϕ(x) µ ¯•k (dx) |p )1/p < ∞ N i=1 Rm 13 (large sample asymptotics of EnKF : 3) to summarize : ensemble Kalman filter • gain matrix depends on empirical covariance matrix • ensemble empirical probability distribution converges to the wrong limit (different from Bayesian filter), except for linear Gaussian model √ • rate of convergence 1/ N vs. (any brand of) particle filter • weighted empirical probability distribution of particle system converges to the correct limit (Bayesian filter) √ • rate of convergence 1/ N , central limit theorem question : is there any advantage to use ensemble Kalman filter ? idea : prove central limit theorem (and compare asymptotic error variances) outline • EnKF as particle system with mean–field interaction • identification of the limit • large sample asymptotics of EnKF • toy example • central limit theorem for EnKF 14 (toy example : 1) toy example linear Gaussian system the target distribution, i.e. the Bayesian filter, is known explicitly as a Gaussian distribution, with mean and covariance provided by the Kalman filter hidden state √ Xk = a Xk−1 + 1 − a2 Wk with Wk ∼ N(0, σ 2 ) initial condition X0 ∼ N(0, σ 2 ) so that stationarity holds observations Yk = X k + Vk Vk ∼ N(0, s2 ) with numerical values a σ s 0.5 1 1 15 (toy example : 2) true state and Kalman filter 2.5 true state Kalman filter 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 −0.5 −1 −1.5 −2 −2.5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 16 (toy example : 3) true state, Kalman filter and EnKF empirical mean : 10000 elements 2.5 true state Kalman filter EnKF 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 −0.5 −1 −1.5 −2 −2.5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 b N,a with N = 10000 members EnKF empirical mean vector X k 100 17 (toy example : 4) EnKF histogram + Kalman filter density : time 100 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 −3 −2 −1 0 EnKF histogram with N = 10000 members 1 2 3 4 18 (toy example : 5) conclusion : not only does the EnKF empirical mean vector b N,a X k N 1 ∑ i,a = X N i=1 k bk , but more generally the EnKF empirical converge to the Kalman filter X probability distribution N ∑ 1 µN,a = δ i,a k N i=1 Xk converges to the Gaussian distribution with moments given by the Kalman filter next different question : how fast does the empirical mean vector converge to the Kalman filter, e.g. is the normalized difference √ N ∑ 1 i,a b N,a − X bk ) = √ b N (X (X k k − Xk ) N i=1 asymptotically normally distributed and how to compute the asymptotic variance ? 19 (toy example : 6) toy example (continued) numerical simulations : for EnKF / bootstrap particle filter / particle filter with optimal importance distribution • M Monte Carlo runs • each Monte Carlo run evaluates one ensemble / particle average, based on N members / particles and compares this average with the (known) limit • histogram of the M normalized differences is shown same toy example : stationary linear Gaussian system 20 (toy example : 7) histogram of normalized error of EnKF empirical mean : 10000 Monte Carlo runs 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 −3 −2 −1 0 1 √ 2 3 b N,a − X bk ) for N = 1000 histogram of EnKF normalized differences N (X k members and M = 10000 Monte Carlo runs 21 (toy example : 8) histogram of normalized error of PF empirical mean : 10000 Monte Carlo runs 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 histogram of (bootstrap) particle filter normalized differences N = 1000 particles and M = 10000 Monte Carlo runs 3 √ ¯ N − mk ) for N (X k 22 (toy example : 9) histogram of normalized error of PF empirical mean : 10000 Monte Carlo runs 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 histogram of (optimal) particle filter normalized differences N = 1000 particles and M = 10000 Monte Carlo runs 3 √ ¯ N − mk ) for N (X k 23 (toy example : 10) conclusion (as drawn from these simulations) : in terms of speed of convergence (a smaller asymptotic variance means a faster convergence) PF with optimal importance distribution ≫ bootstrap PF ≫ EnKF outline • EnKF as particle system with mean–field interaction • identification of the limit • large sample asymptotics of EnKF • toy example • central limit theorem for EnKF 24 (central limit theorem for EnKF : 1) Theorem (central limit theorem) under mild assumptions on drift function fk and on test function ϕ 1 √ N N ∑ ∫ [ϕ(Xki,• ) − i=1 Rm ϕ(x) µ ¯•k (dx) ] =⇒ N(0, v¯k• (ϕ)) in distribution as N ↑ ∞, with (more or less explicit) expression for asymptotic variance v¯k• (ϕ) beyond the qualitative statement • recurrence relations for the asymptotic variance ? • practical computations ? 25 (central limit theorem for EnKF : 2) because of the recursive nature of the ensemble Kalman filter, it seems natural to prove the CLT by induction, hence to rely on the following strategy, already used in K¨ unsch (Annals of Statistics, 2005) Lemma if ′ • conditionally w.r.t. FN , the r.v. ZN converges in distribution to a Gaussian r.v. with zero mean and variance V ′ , in the sense that for any fixed u ′ E[exp{j u ZN } | FN ] −→ exp{− 12 u2 V ′ } in probability, and in L1 by the Lebesgue dominated convergence thorem, ′′ • the r.v. ZN is measurable w.r.t. FN , and converges in distribution to a Gaussian r.v. with zero mean and variance V ′′ , i.e. for any fixed u ′′ E[exp{j u ZN }] −→ exp{− 12 u2 V ′′ } ′ ′′ then the r.v. ZN = ZN + ZN converges in distribution to a Gaussian r.v. with zero mean and variance V = V ′ + V ′′ , as N ↑ ∞ 26 (central limit theorem for EnKF : 3) I initialization : recall that X0i,f ∼ η0 and µ ¯f0 = η0 , hence 1 √ N N ∑ i=1 ∫ [ϕ(X0i,f ) − Rm ϕ(x) µ ¯f0 (dx) ] =⇒ N(0, v¯0f (ϕ)) in distribution as N ↑ ∞, with asymptotic variance ∫ ∫ v¯0f (ϕ) = var(ϕ, η0 ) = |ϕ(x)|2 η0 (dx) − | Rm Rm ϕ(x) η0 (dx) |2 27 (central limit theorem for EnKF : 4) I forecast step : recall that µ ¯fk = µ ¯ak−1 Tk , where ∫ Tk ϕ(x) = ϕ(fk (x) + w) pW k (dw) Rm Proposition asymptotic variance of forecast approximation a v¯kf (ϕ) = v¯k−1 (Tk ϕ) + σk2,f (ϕ) in terms of • asymptotic variance of analysis approximation at previous step, evaluated for a transformed test function • asymptotic Monte Carlo variance ∫ ∫ Tk |ϕ|2 (x) µ ¯ak−1 (dx) − σk2,f (ϕ) = Rm Rm |Tk ϕ(x)|2 µ ¯ak−1 (dx) 28 (central limit theorem for EnKF : 5) hint : ZN ∫ N 1 ∑ [ϕ(Xki,f ) − ϕ(x′ ) µ ¯fk (dx′ ) ] = √ N i=1 Rm 1 = √ N N ∑ ∫ i,a [ϕ(fk (Xk−1 ) + Wki ) − i=1 Rm ϕ(x′ ) µ ¯fk (dx′ ) ] N 1 ∑ i,a i,a [ ϕ(fk (Xk−1 ) + Wki ) − Tk ϕ(Xk−1 )] = √ N i=1 1 +√ N ′ ′′ = ZN + ZN N ∑ i=1 ∫ i,a [ Tk ϕ(Xk−1 )− Rm Tk ϕ(x) µ ¯ak−1 (dx) ] 29 (central limit theorem for EnKF : 6) conditionnally w.r.t. the analysis ensemble at previous stage, the random variables i,a i,a eik = ϕ(fk (Xk−1 ) + Wki ) − Tk ϕ(Xk−1 ) are independent (not identically distributed), with mean zero and variance ∫ ∫ i,a i,a 2 sik = |ϕ(fk (Xk−1 ) + w)|2 pW ϕ(fk (Xk−1 ) + w) pW k (dw) − | k (dw)| Rm Rm i,a i,a = Tk |ϕ|2 (Xk−1 ) − |Tk ϕ(Xk−1 )|2 respectively, for i = 1 · · · N , and it follows from our law of large numbers that N N 1 ∑ i 1 ∑ i,a i,a sk = [ Tk |ϕ|2 (Xk−1 ) − |Tk ϕ(Xk−1 )|2 ] N i=1 N i=1 ∫ −→ σk2,f (ϕ) = Rm ∫ Tk |ϕ|2 (x) µ ¯ak−1 (dx) − in probability and in L1 as N ↑ ∞ Rm |Tk ϕ(x)|2 µ ¯ak−1 (dx) 30 (central limit theorem for EnKF : 7) therefore N ∑ u N,a N,a ′ } | Fk−1 ] = E[exp{j √ eik } | Fk−1 ] −→ exp{− 12 u2 σk2,f (ϕ)} E[exp{j u ZN N i=1 in L1 as N ↑ ∞ moreover, it follows from the induction assumption that 1 ′′ ZN =√ N N ∑ i=1 ∫ i,a [ Tk ϕ(Xk−1 )− Rm a Tk ϕ(x) µ ¯ak−1 (dx) ] =⇒ N(0, v¯k−1 (Tk ϕ)) hence ′′ a E[exp{j u ZN }] −→ exp{− 12 u2 v¯k−1 (Tk ϕ)} as N ↑ ∞ . . . this concludes the proof 2 31 (central limit theorem for EnKF : 8) I analysis step : recall that µ ¯ak = TkKF (¯ µfk ) µ ¯fk , where ∫ TkKF (¯ µfk ) ϕ(x) = ϕ(x + Kk (P¯kf ) (Yk − Hk x − v)) qkV (v) dv Rd introduce new transform f f ∗ f KF f KF f , ϕ) (x − m ¯ ) M (¯ µ ) ϕ(x) + (x − m ¯ ) ϕ(x) = T (¯ µ QKF (¯ µ k k k k) k k k k where the matrix MkKF (¯ µfk , ϕ) is defined as f f ¯ MkKF (¯ µfk , ϕ) = Hk∗ (Hk P¯kf Hk∗ + Rk )−1 LKF (¯ µ , ϕ) (I − K ( P k k k k ) Hk ) f and where the matrix LKF (¯ µ k k , ϕ) is defined as ∫ ∫ f f ′ ¯ (Y − H x − v) ϕ (x + K ( P LKF (¯ µ , ϕ) = k k k k k ) (Yk − Hk x − v)) k Rm Rd qkV (v) dv µ ¯fk (dx) . . . motivation will come later 32 (central limit theorem for EnKF : 9) Proposition asymptotic variance of analysis approximation f 2,a v¯ka (ϕ) = v¯kf (QKF (¯ µ ) ϕ) + σ k k k (ϕ) in terms of • asymptotic variance of analysis approximation at previous step, evaluated for a transformed test function • asymptotic Monte Carlo variance ∫ ∫ σk2,a (ϕ) = TkKF (¯ µfk ) |ϕ|2 (x) µ ¯fk (dx) − Rm Rm |TkKF (¯ µfk ) ϕ(x)|2 µ ¯fk (dx) 33 (central limit theorem for EnKF : 10) hint : ZN ∫ N 1 ∑ ϕ(x′ ) µ ¯ak (dx′ ) ] = √ [ϕ(Xki,a ) − N i=1 Rm ∫ N 1 ∑ = √ [ϕ(Xki,f + Kk (PkN,f ) (Yk − Hk Xki,f − Vki )) − ϕ(x′ ) µ ¯ak (dx′ ) ] N i=1 Rm N 1 ∑ i,f ) ϕ(X [ ϕ(Xki,f + Kk (PkN,f ) (Yk − Hk Xki,f − Vki )) − TkKF (µN,f = √ k )] k N i=1 N 1 ∑ KF N,f +√ [ Tk (µk ) ϕ(Xki,f ) − TkKF (¯ µfk ) ϕ(Xki,f ) ] N i=1 1 +√ N N ∑ i=1 ′ ′′ ′′′ = ZN + ZN + ZN ∫ µfk ) ϕ(Xki,f ) − [ TkKF (¯ Rm TkKF (¯ µfk ) ϕ(x) µ ¯fk (dx) ] 34 (central limit theorem for EnKF : 11) conditionnally w.r.t. the forecast ensemble at current stage, the random variables eik = ϕ(Xki,f + Kk (PkN ) (Yk − Hk Xki,f − Vki )) are independent (not identically distributed), with mean zero and variance ∫ sik = |ϕ(Xki,f + Kk (PkN ) (Yk − Hk Xki,f − v)) |2 qkV (v) dv Rm ∫ −| Rm ϕ(Xki,f + Kk (PkN ) (Yk − Hk Xki,f − v)) qkV (v) dv |2 i,f i,f 2 2 KF N,f = TkKF (µN,f ) |ϕ| (X ) − |T (µ ) ϕ(X k k k k k )| respectively, for i = 1 · · · N , and it follows from our law of large numbers that N N 1 ∑ i 1 ∑ KF N,f i,f 2 sk = [ Tk (µk ) |ϕ|2 (Xki,f ) − |TkKF (µN,f ) ϕ(X k k )| ] N i=1 N i=1 ∫ ∫ −→ σk2,a (ϕ) = TkKF (¯ µfk ) |ϕ|2 (x) µ ¯fk (dx) − |TkKF (¯ µfk ) ϕ(x)|2 µ ¯fk (dx) Rm in probability and in L1 as N ↑ ∞ Rm 35 (central limit theorem for EnKF : 12) therefore N ∑ u ′ } | FkN,f ] = E[exp{j √ eik } | FkN,f ] −→ exp{− 12 u2 σk2,a (ϕ)} E[exp{j u ZN N i=1 in L1 as N ↑ ∞ ′′′ refrain from jumping directly to the last term ZN ... ′′ . . . indeed, more is still to come from the second term ZN 36 (central limit theorem for EnKF : 13) contribution of nonlinear transformation : Taylor expansion ′′ ZN N 1 ∑ KF N,f = √ [ Tk (µk ) ϕ(Xki,f ) − TkKF (¯ µfk ) ϕ(Xki,f ) ] N i=1 N ∫ 1 ∑ [ ϕ(x + Kk (PkN,f ) (Yk − Hk Xki,f − v)) = √ N i=1 Rd − ϕ(x + Kk (P¯kf ) (Yk − Hk Xki,f − v)) ] qkV (v) dv N ∫ 1 ∑ = √ ϕ′ (Xki,f + Kk (P¯kf ) (Yk − Hk Xki,f − v)) N i=1 Rd (I − Kk (P¯kf ) Hk ) (PkN,f − P¯kf ) Hk∗ (Hk P¯kf Hk∗ + Rk )−1 (Yk − Hk Xki,f − v) qkV (v) dv + εN k in terms of the derivative of the Kalman gain mapping P 7−→ Kk (P ) 37 (central limit theorem for EnKF : 14) further approximation : law of large numbers N ∫ ∑ 1 ′′ ZN = ϕ′ (Xki,f + Kk (P¯kf ) (Yk − Hk Xki,f − v)) N i=1 Rd (I − Kk (P¯kf ) Hk ) √ N (PkN,f − P¯kf ) Hk∗ (Hk P¯kf Hk∗ + Rk )−1 (Yk − Hk Xki,f − v) qkV (v) dv + εN k N ∫ ∑ √ 1 i,f urow (Xk , v) N (PkN,f − P¯kf ) ucol (Xki,f , v) qkV (v) dv + εN = k N i=1 Rd N 1 ∑ = √ [ (Xki,f − m ¯ fk )∗ MkKF (¯ µfk , ϕ) (Xki,f − m ¯ fk ) N i=1 ∫ (x − m ¯ fk )∗ MkKF (¯ µfk , ϕ) (x − m ¯ fk ) µ ¯fk (dx) ] + εN − k Rm 38 (central limit theorem for EnKF : 15) hint for the last identity : relies on the following argument N ∫ √ 1 ∑ i,f urow (Xk , v) N (PkN,f − P¯kf ) ucol (Xki,f , v) qkV (v) dv N i=1 Rd = trace[ √ N ∫ ∑ 1 ucol (Xki,f , v) urow (Xki,f , v) qkV (v) dv ] − P¯kf ) N i=1 Rd N (PkN,f √ ≈ trace[ N (PkN,f − P¯kf ) Mk ] ∫ with Mk = ∫ Rm Rd ucol (x, v) urow (x, v) qkV (v) dv µ ¯fk (dx) and on trace[ √ N (PkN,f N ∑ 1 − P¯kf ) Mk ] ≈ √ [ (Xki,f − m ¯ fk )∗ Mk (Xki,f − m ¯ fk ) N i=1 ∫ − (x − m ¯ fk )∗ Mk (x − m ¯ fk ) µ ¯fk (dx) ] Rm 39 (central limit theorem for EnKF : 16) upon identifying urow (x, v) = ϕ′ (x + Kk (P¯kf ) (Yk − Hk x − v)) (I − Kk (P¯kf ) Hk ) and ucol (x, v) = Hk∗ (Hk P¯kf Hk∗ + Rk )−1 (Yk − Hk x − v) this yields ∫ MkKF (¯ µfk , ϕ) = ∫ Rm Rd ucol (x, v) urow (x, v) qkV (v) dv µ ¯fk (dx) f f ¯ = Hk∗ (Hk P¯kf Hk∗ + Rk )−1 LKF (¯ µ , ϕ) (I − K ( P k k k k ) Hk ) where LKF µfk , ϕ) = k (¯ ∫ ∫ Rm Rd (Yk − Hk x − v) ϕ′ (x + Kk (P¯kf ) (Yk − Hk x − v)) qkV (v) dv µ ¯fk (dx) 40 (central limit theorem for EnKF : 17) therefore ′′ ′′′ + ZN ZN ∫ N 1 ∑ KF f f f N = √ [ Qk (¯ µk ) ϕ(Xki,f ) − QKF (¯ µ ) ϕ(x) µ ¯ (dx) ] + ε k k k k N i=1 Rm where new transform (now better motivated) is defined by f f ∗ f KF f KF f QKF (¯ µ ) ϕ(x) = T (¯ µ ) ϕ(x) + (x − m ¯ ) M (¯ µ , ϕ) (x − m ¯ k k k k k k k k) and where εN k converges to zero in probability as N ↑ ∞ 41 (central limit theorem for EnKF : 18) it follows from the induction assumption that ′′ ′′′ ZN + ZN ∫ N 1 ∑ KF f f f N QKF =√ [ Qk (¯ µk ) ϕ(Xki,f ) − (¯ µ ) ϕ(x) µ ¯ (dx) ] + ε k k k k N i=1 Rm f a =⇒ N(0, v¯k−1 (QKF (¯ µ k k ) ϕ)) hence f ′′ ′′′ a E[exp{j u (ZN + ZN )}] −→ exp{− 12 u2 v¯k−1 (QKF (¯ µ k k ) ϕ)} as N ↑ ∞ recall that N ∑ u ′ E[exp{j u ZN } | FkN,f ] = E[exp{j √ eik } | FkN,f ] −→ exp{− 12 u2 σk2,a (ϕ)} N i=1 in L1 as N ↑ ∞ . . . this concludes the proof 2 42 (central limit theorem for EnKF : 19) I practical computations : iterating the recurrence relations f 2,a v¯ka (ϕ) = v¯kf (QKF (¯ µ ) ϕ) + σ k k k (ϕ) and a v¯kf (ϕ) = v¯k−1 (Tk ϕ) + σk2,f (ϕ) yields f 2,a v¯ka (ϕ) = v¯kf (QKF (¯ µ ) ϕ) + σ k k k (ϕ) 2,f f 2,a a KF f = v¯k−1 (Tk QKF ϕ) + σ (Q (¯ µ ) (¯ µ ) ϕ) + σ k k k k k k (ϕ) | {z } | {z } σk2 (ϕ) RkKF with initialization f 2,a 2,a KF (¯ µ ) ϕ) + σ (ϕ) = var(Q (η ) ϕ, η ) + σ v¯0a (ϕ) = v¯0f (QKF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (ϕ) 43 (central limit theorem for EnKF : 20) a v¯ka (ϕ) = v¯k−1 (RkKF ϕ) + σk2 (ϕ) a a KF 2 v¯k−1 (RkKF ϕ) = v¯k−2 (Rk−1 RkKF ϕ) + σk−1 (RkKF ϕ) .. . KF a KF v¯la (Rl+1 · · · RkKF ϕ) = v¯l−1 (RlKF · · · RkKF ϕ) + σl2 (Rl+1 · · · RkKF ϕ) .. . v¯1a (R2KF · · · RkKF ϕ) = v¯0a (R1KF · · · RkKF ϕ) + σ12 (R2KF · · · RkKF ϕ) hence v¯ka (ϕ) = v¯0a (R1KF · · · RkKF ϕ) + k ∑ KF · · · RkKF ϕ) σl2 (Rl+1 l=1 in terms of backward–propagated functions KF KF Rl+1:k ϕ = Rl+1 · · · RkKF ϕ 44 (central limit theorem for EnKF : 21) further simplifications occur in the special case of • linear (and quadratic) test functions ϕ • linear drift function fk indeed • forward–propagated distributions µ ¯fk and µ ¯ak are Gaussian distributions with moments given by the Kalman filter KF • backward–propagated functions Rl+1 · · · RkKF ϕ remain quadratic at all steps and explicit calculations can be obtained forthcoming event International Conference on Ensemble Methods in Geophysical Sciences Toulouse, November 11-16, 2012 organized within the ANR project PREVASSEMBLE
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