. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING PUBLIC WORKS PAYROLL REPORTING (SAMPLEATTACHED) All payroll reports may be completed on ilie attached form or any oilier document as long as the format contains the following information: (1) Name. Address. and SS#: The addressand SS# needonlY to be shownon the}irst certijiedp~roll that the employee appear,althoughthe namesof eachemployeemust be shown on all of thep~rolls. This informationmust not be obliterated,as Keenan& Associatesis a Third Par(yAdministratorrepresentingtheSchoolDistrict. (2) No of withholding exemptions: Self-explanatory. (3) Wark Classification; CfrJjt of work beingpetjof7l1ed as shown on the Department oj Industrial Relations website. When the craft of the worker is not listed in the wage detef7l1inationthe most closelYrelated craft or trade will bepaid. The detef7l1inationof the craft will be the Department of Industrial Relations or the awarding body labor complianceprogram. (4) Weekending: Indicatethe work weekdateswith the cofTCsponding dCfYs. Hours Worked Each Da~: Number of straight time and overtimehoursworked on this Projectby dCfJ.Do not includethe hoursworkedon otherprojects. (5) Total Hours: The numberof total hoursworkedas notedfor theweek. (6) Hourly Rate of Pa~: The rate of pay by craft as indicatedon the website. Either the rate ofpay will be the basicrateofpay and will accompanyafringe benefitstatementto define the amount of benefitsor the loadedrate will be shownindicating that thefringe benefitsare beingincludedin theemployees rateofpay. (7) Gross Amount Earned: This Project- the total amountof moniesearnedonlYon this project. All Projects-Should matchyour payroll ledgerand will includethegross amount of monies paid to the employee for the entire week of work performed on all projects. (REMENBERANYTHING TO mE LEFT OF mE PAG.$ FROM 'THIS PROJECT" WILL REFLECT WORK PERFORMED ON mE SCHOOL PROJECT. mE RIGHT SIDE ':ALL PROJECTS"WILL MATCH YOUR WEEKLY PAYROLL LEDGER (8) DEDUCTIONS. CONTRIBUTIONS AND PAYMENTS: Any deductions takenfrom the employees pay which are standarddeductionsor otherdeductionstaken with a signedauthorizationfrom the employee.If any employeehas a courtordereddeductionplease explain on the Statementof Compliancewith must be attachedto eachof the weeklYpayrolls. (9) Net WagesPaid for Week & CheckNumber: Se!fexplanatory. Each contractor must complete a Payroll Report even when no work was performed on the project for that week. The payroll form must state there was no payroll for that period. A final payroll for all contractors must be submitted and marked as "Final" when their work is completed on the Project. ~ote: Each p.rime contrac~~r(s)is respon~ible for ensurin~ that all its subbontractor~ of any tier comply With the prevailing wage requtrements.The pnme contractor I~ust mOnitor the subcontractors' payment of the specified general prevailing wages to their employees by periodically reviewing the subcontractors' Certified Payrolls. Upon becoming aware that a subcontractor has failed to apply the specified prevailing rate of wages,th~ prime contractor must take corrective action to halt or rectify the failure, including, b'ft not limited to, reta.ining sufficient hmds due the suhcontractor for work performed on the p1-1hlic'.vorks proJect. 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ...g ~~ .~11 ~!.j C1 ~Ie 31~5 ~i~ 6' ~ ! ~ ~ ! ~ N OTI CE TO PUBL.I CENT.ITY For Privacy Considerations Fold back along dotted line prior to copying for release to general public (private persons). (PaperSize then 8-1/2 x 11 inches) , the undersigned,am the I, (Name -print) (Position in business) with the authority to act for and on behalf of (Name ofbusiness and/orconlr3ctor) , certify under penalty of perjury that the records or copies thereof submittedand consisting of (Description.numberof pages) are the originals or true, full, and correctcopies of the originals which depict the payroll record(s) of the actual disbursementsby way of cash, check or whatever fonn t(j)the individual or individuals named. Date: Signature: 11 A public entity may require a stricter and/ormore extensive form of certification. October2003 .I INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING FRINGE BENEFIT STATEMENT (SAMPLE ATTACHED) This paid in form the must cash each be to company and included employee. must with be the The the first fo1:tn original must certified payroll signed be report a by if responsible fring j representative benefits are not of signature. Contract Nwnber: SchoolDistrict Contract Location: Site of theProject Contractor/Business Address: Physicaladdressofbusiness,noIP.O. Box All of the following are from the Department of Industrial Relations Website b~ Craft: Classification: All craftsof employees thatyou haveworking on the Project. Effective Date: The dateof the wagedetermination for fiinge benefitsby craft. Subsistence or Travel Pay: The amount shownin the wagedecisionof the craft of 1,;orkersthat require subsistence or travel at theProjectlocation. Fringe Benefits: The amountoffringe benefitsthat arepaid by craft. -if any monies4repaid on behalfof the employees thry must be authorizedin writing.All methodsofpqymentmustbeshownlontheform 1 Paid To: Inset1 the nameand addressof the Plan where the moniesare beingP 11 (Do not list the employees' names,onlYwherethe moniesare going) ~ If your the their wage Remember you do total own web not make your amountbenefit site. shown program If the determination any benefit paid the Department on difference then that fringe on Pension in the payments behalf the to of your amount difference Fund of of must payments be must Industrial the local employees, your Relations union as program paid to be irrevocably trust long is the Wage fund as less the Decisio than employee to part a "Third may j the as paid you amO ts that a as do unt e arty still is not posted shown basic on in wage Trust" claim exceed the rate. Contract Today's KEENAN & ASSOCIATES CONTRACTOR Contract Number I Name: Contractor I Subcontractor FRINGE BENEFIT STATEMENT Location Date: Name: In order that the proper Fringe Benefit rates can be verified when checking payrolls on the above contract, the hourly rates for fringe benefits. subsistence and/or travel allowance payment made for employees on the various classes of work are tabulated below. , Classification: '. Eff~l.Ve Date. Travel Pay $ .i:i: Health & vVeifare $ Pension $ ,0: C/) PAlbto: w Name: Addre$s: Z !J.J m Vacation! w (!) Holiday ~ Training Z LJ.. Name: Address: $ PAID TO: N~me: Address; c Name: $ ..~ and/or Other AdQr~s$: Classification: Travel Pay: $ Health & $ pAIDi'd: Welfare U) Pension I- ~W P;Ai1bTO: Z W Vacationl co w PAID TO: Name Addres:s Name: d "s.' A " dr'e"" ~,;I""' Name C) Holiday Addr~$s u.. Training And/or Other Name Address" ~ ~ " " Classification rravel Pay $ Health & Welfare $ PAJ.Dro Name Address (/) l- Pension ll: $ PAlaTa: w z w m w Vacation! (!) Holiday Z ~ U- Name: Address::pAfoTO: Training And/or Other Supplemental Narl1~: Address: $ $ PAID TO: '"""'(""""",..".,.. Name Addre$$ statements must be submitted during the progress of work should a change in rate of any of the classifications be made. c';; 2. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING FORM CACF2 APPRENTICE TRAINING CONTRIBUTION I (SAMPLE ATTACHED) The Director of Industrial Relations using apprentice wage standard~ set forth in the collective bargaining agreement and/or approved by the California! Apprenticeship Council shall determine the apprenticeship rate of pay. An~ Contractor or subcontractor performing work on a public works contract must PfY training fund contributions or apprenticeship contributions in one of the following manners: Joint Apprenticeship Program Trost Fund for c~ch cr~ft in the site of the project site. If the Joint Apprenticeship Program is unable Ito accept the contributions an eq~ivalent amount shall be paid td the California Apprenticeship Council (CAC) administered by !the California Department of Apprenticeship Standards. I 3. If neither of the above will accept the funds, cash pay shall be in accordance with the following: California Code of Regulations Section 16200(a)(3)(1) Cash payments to the employee can only occur wh~n their craft or trade is designated as non-apprentice able by the IDepartment of Industrial Relations. This applies as well to contraqtors employing owner-operators, sole proprietors, and partners. In order to determine the applicable prevailing wage tate for each I apprentice you may refer to the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations prevailing wage determinations for apprentices on the DIR Website. I Training contributions to the Joint Apprenticeship Council are due land payable on the 15thday of each month for work performed during the preceding ~onth. Training contributions to the C~lifomia Apprenticeship check and shall accompany a completed CAC-2 Contributions." Council s\tall be paid by Form, "training Fund ! A copy of the completed CAC-2 form or a letter from the aripropriate Joint Apprenticeship Council shall be submitted to Keenan & Associates for each month, or portion, that employees were dispatched to the Project. NAME SIGNATURE TITLE State of California Department of Industrial Relations California Apprenticehip Council P. o. Box 420603 San Francisco, CA 94142 Please use a separate form for each jobsite, listing the occupations for the jobsite. One check payable to the California Apprenticeship Council, may be submitted for all jobsites and/or occupations. Training fund contributions are not accepted by the California Apprenticeship Council for federal public works projects, or for non-apprenticeable occupations such as utility technicians, teamsters, etc. -NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR/SUBCONTRACTOR MAKING CONTRIBUTION TRAINING FUND CONTRIBUTIONS California Apprenticeship Council CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE NMBER CONTRACT OR PROJECT NUMBER JOBSITE lOCATION (INCLUDE COUNTY) IF APPLICABLE. GIVE NAME OF SCHOOL, HOSPITAL, BUilDING. ETC.I AND ADDRESS OF PUBLIC AGENCY AWARDING CONTRACT !PERIOD COVERED BY CONTRIBUTION (FROM-TO) CLASSIFICATIONS) OF WORKERS(CARPENTER, PLUMBER. ELECTRICIAN. ETC.) COUNTVWORK PERFORMED IN HOURS CONTRIBUTION RATE PER HOUR AMOUNT 0.00 0.00 ...", 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total DAtE PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT YOUR NAME AREA CODE & TELEPHONE NUMBER CAC 2 (rev. 6/03\ HQtrs. TRAINING FUND CONTRIBUTIONS $0.00 (SAMPLE ATTACHEU) Contractors who are not already approved to train by an apprenticeship 1?rogramshall provide contract award information to all of the applicable apprenticeshiiPcommittees whose geographic area of operation includes the area of the public works project. Each Contractor must submit contract award information to the appropriate a{1prenticeship committee for each apprenticeable craft or trade in the project in the are~. (Section230,Title 8, CaliforniaCodeof Regulations) The contract award information must be in writing on Form DAS 140, "public Works Contract ",~\'(ardInformation". The information shall be provided to the applicable apprenticeship committee within ten (10) days of the date of the executi~n of tile prime contract or subcontract, but in no event later than the first day in which $e contractor has workers employed upon the Project. r;5'eclion 230,Title8, C,lliforniaCodea/Regulations} Completing the fonn "Public Works Contract Award Infoffilation" will ~rovide the infonnation required pursuant to California Labor Code Section 1777.5. I After completing the form please submit a copy to Keenan & AssociateslLabor Compliance Program. In accordance with Title 8, California Code of Regulations, Section 230.11(a) Each contractor must employ registered apprentices on the publib works project in a ratio of no less than one (1) hour of apprentice work for eve~yfive (5) hours performed by a journeyman. All contractors must request dispatch of required apprenticesfro~ an Apprenticeship Program (for each apprenticeable craft or trade)iby giving the Program actual notice of at least 48 hours (excluding Saturdays,!Sundays and Holidays) before the date on which apprentices are required. Cgntractors who are no, already p~rticipating in an approved program and who ~id not rec~ive sufficient number of apprenticesfrom their initial request dispatdh of apprentices from at least one other Apprenticeship Committee, if more than one exists in the area of the Project. PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT AWARD INFORMATION Contract award information must be sent to your Apprenticeship Committee if you are approved to train. If you are not approved to train, you must send the information (which may be this form) to ALL applicable Apprenticeship Committees in your craft or trade in the area of the site of the public work. Go to: http://www.dir.ca.gov/das/PublicWorksForms.htm for information about programs in your area and trade. You may also consult your local Division of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS) office whose telephone number may be found in your local directory under California, State of, Industrial Relations, Division of Apprenticeship Standards. Do not send this form to the Division of Apprenticeship - Standards. CONTRAqrOR'S STATE LICENSE NO NAME OF YOUR COMPANY AREACODE&TELEPHONE NO. MAILINGADDRESSNUMBER& STREET,CITY,ZIP CODE DATEYOURCONTRACT EXECUTED NAME& ADDRESS OF PUBLICWORKSPROJECT DATEOFEXPE~D OR ACTUAlSTARTOF PROJECT -rnIMATED NAME& ADDRESS OF PUBLICAGENCYAWARDING CONTRAGf N\JMBER OFJOURNEYMEN HOURE OCClJPA"IlON OFAPPRENTICE ESTIMATED NUMBER OF APPRENTICE HOURS (NAME & ADDRESS OF APPRENTICESHIP PRQ9~ APPROXlMA.TEDATES TO BE EMPLOYED This is not a request for dispatch of apprentices. Contractors must make a separate request for actual dispatch, in accordance with Section 230.1 (a) California Code of Regulations Check One Of The Boxes Below 1.0 2.0 We will comply with the standards of 3.0 We will employ and train apprentices in accordance with the California Apprenticeship Council regulations, including § 230.1 (c) which requires that apprentices employed on public projects can only be assigned to perform work of the craft or trade to which the apprentice is registered and that the apprentices must at all Apprenticeship Committee for the duration of this job only. Enter name of t~e Committee times work with or under the direct supervision of journeyman/men. Signature Typed Name Title DAS 140(REV. 1/04) ~RMISBEjNGSENtTO: State of California -Department of Industrial Relations DIVISION OF APPRENTICESHIPSTANDARDS D~te Address: Address: REQUEST FOR DISPATCH OF AN APPRENTICE Do not sendthis form to DAS You may use this form to request dispatch of an apprentice from the Apprenticeship Committee in the craft or trade in the area of the public work. Go to: htt: www.dir.ca. ov daB PublicWorksForms.htm for information about 11>rogramsin your area and trade. You may also consult your local Division of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS) office whose telephone number may be found in your local directory under California, State of, Industrial Relations, Division of Apprenticeship Standards. Date To Applicable Apprenticeship Committee Telephone: Fax: Contractor Requesting Dispatch: Telephone Fax Person making request Number of Apprentice(s) Needed Date Apprentice(s) to Report Craft or Trade(48 hours notice required) Name of Person to Report to Address to Report to: Time to Report You may use this fonn, or make a verbal or written request,to ask for the dispatch of an apprentice. Pleasetake note of California Code of Regulations, Title 8, § 230.1 (a) which says in part: if in response to a written reQuest an Apprenticeship Committee does not dispatch any apprentice to a contractor who has agreed to employ and train apprentices in accordance with either the Apprenticeship Committee's Standards or these regulations within 72 hours of such request (e.xcludingSaturdays, Sundays and holidays) the contractor shall not be considered in violation of this section as a result offailure to employ apprentices ... DAS142 (Rev. 9-03) [SIGNATURE STATE OFCAL/FORNIA' OWNER-OPERATOR LISTING STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE Date do hereby state: on the , that during the payroll period commencing (Bvilding orworl<) and ending the full weekly -"" sums earned, day of that no rebates ~~,~--",... : have been --"--".~ on the .all persons working or will be made either directly day of --- or from the full weekly sums earned on said project have been paid the indirectly to or on behalf of said by any person and that no deductions (Contractor or svbcontractor) have been made either directly or indirectly from the full sums earned described by any person, other than permissible deductions, as beiow: (2) That any payrolls or listings or otherwise under this contract required to be submitted for the above period are correct and complete; that the wage rates for laborers or mechanics contained therein are not less than the applicable wage rates contained in any wage determination incorporated into the contract; that the classifications set forth therein for each laborer or mechanic conform with the work: he performed. (3) That any apprentices employed in the above period are duly registered in a bona fide apprenticeship program registered with a State apprenticeship agency. (4) That (a) WHERE FRINGE BENEFITS ARE PAID TO APPROVED PLANS, FUNDS, OR PROGRAMS 0 In addition to the basic hourly wage rates paid to each laborer or mechanic listed in the above referenced payroll or listings payments of fringe benefits as listed in the conb"acthave been or will be made to appropriate programs for the benefit of such employees, except as noted in Section 4(c) below. (b) WHERE FRINGE BENEFITS ARE PAID IN CASH 0 ~ Each Laborer or mechanic listed in the above referenced payroll or listings has been paid as indicated on the payroll ~r listings an amount not less than the sum of the applicable basic hourly wage rate plus the amount of the required fringe benefits as listed in the contract. except as noted in Section 4{c) below: (c) EXCEPTIONS Remarks: NAMe AND TtTLE -~- I - .:.l J. "=:I 0 W :'5 () F z 0, ~ Z' W ~ q! a.. ~ W 0 ~ ~ ~ '" " '" 0 II' 0 '" (:) (n n tQ n iA 0 ~'""' i=:f,) ~fu ~ffi -.J IXIff LiJO ~~ ui: f,) fult! Q~ ~o ~ offi ~~ >0 ~ffi ~~ ~:t ~It f,)~ ~, 0 '""':t ~ffi ~..I f,)UJ Itu; ~ UJ -.J O s:;- ~ ~ It! 0 It ~ ~ ~ffi <cz -z~ w<o ~dlL ~ZO cow cnt-a. ~- ~~ 01- ..;:1 f,)~ i=:~ ~f,) u~ fljo n jr;1t! ," Ii:: ~ ~z9 cooc 0 ~ Ot-~ cnUOC lIi~w °00 $OCOC cn:;jlL -'cn'==- Owz OCcn-=>z>- ~~ 6 (.) ~ :S:1i5 oii: ~< 0:(.) n W 5 UJ Cl. -Cl. F rs ~ ~ ~w c.>Or.?; ::>%'-J ~< I- I- z .. O%W ~..,. c"S~rn :)0 1-02 """'UIUI g~ ~~.".~ ~ ~ ~ Q wu< 0 IL 0 Q Q ~ ~ 1-3;'"- ~ffi! owg ), :::~:~~-: ; ~'d), 0- ~ ~~ 0< (l)f-o (l)ZW [t: :J U) Z i= <.9 ~ a: iii xW z a % (.? !1. 0: a w t:; ~ Q 9 () '" 0 f;: z 0 Z 0 g 'U rZ il- D: ~ 0 . wO -:I: Z -0; . Keenan & Associates EMPLOYEE INTERVIEW: LABOR COMPLIANCE Cc.,.. B. TASK BEING PERFORMED AT TIME OF ItffERVIEW (INDICA TAREA QUE Ef5TAS HACIENDO DURANTE ENTREVISTA) C. DO YOU' WORK OVERTIME (fRABAJAS HORAS EXrRAS) FR~Q DYES .ARE YOU PAID TIME AND ONE.HALF , c DNO D' -(CONFRIi;QUEiNCIA) FOR OVERTIME PAGAN TIEMPO Y MEDIO POR LAS HORA5 EXTRAS) DYES 0 DNO SELDOM (DEi VEl ENCUAHDO) CJ JiMR'" (!'IIi4~CA1'f.c:: '.--"~~ IF NO. EXPLAIN (51 NO ES ASI. EXPLICATE) DO YOU KEEP A RECORD OF THE HOURS YOU WORK CGUARDAS UN EXPEDIENTE . DE LAS HORAS QUE TRABAJAS) DYES DNO Rev.06-26-03 MONTHLY UTILIZATION REPORT Month: A Monthly Utilization Report for the contractor and for each of its subcontractorsis required to be completed and submitted via fax to Keenan & Associates,Labor Compliance Officer each month by no later than the fifth day of the month. Reports are to be for the previous month's work and are to be project specific. If no work was performed during that month, the form shall clearly state:"No Work." Contractor: School District ProjectLocation: David Hill Labor Compliance Officer Keenan & Associates Tel: (310)212-0363Ext. 2608 Fax: (310)212-0300 Keenan & Associates License # 0451271 Contract or Project Number
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