Practical Residual Dipolar Couplings: Sample Preparation and NMR Summer School of Magnetic Resonance for Biological Macromolecules, 2011 School of Life Science University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, Anhui, P. R. China June 20th ~ June 25th, 2011 Stephan Grzesiek Biozentrum der Universität Basel Klingelbergstr. 50-70 CH-4056 Basel e-mail: [email protected], Tel. ++41 61 267 2100 or -2080 6/10/11 6:16 PM 1. OVERVIEW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.1. MOTIVATION ................................................................................................................. 2 1.2. SAMPLE PREPARATION ................................................................................................... 3 Lipid bicelles.......................................................................................................................... 3 Mechanically stressed polyacrylamide and polyelectrolyte gels.......................................................... 4 Ether/alcohol liquid crystalline phases (Otting media) ..................................................................... 6 Filamentous phage Pf1............................................................................................................. 8 Lyotrophic liquid crystalline “Helfrich phases”.............................................................................. 9 Purple membranes ................................................................................................................... 9 DNA nanotubes and crystalline phase G-tetrad DNA....................................................................... 9 Collagen gels ........................................................................................................................11 Paramagnetic ions and tags.......................................................................................................11 1.3. RESIDUAL DIPOLAR COUPLING MEASUREMENT .................................................................12 NMRPipe Script....................................................................................................................14 1.4. FITTING OF THE ALIGNMENT TENSOR ................................................................................16 Matlab Script ........................................................................................................................16 1.5. REFERENCES ................................................................................................................18 2 1. Overview • We will show the anisotropic solute alignment by a number of different media such as bicelles, filamentous phage Pf1, purple membrane and mechanically stressed polyacrylamide gels. • The HDO-quadrupolar splitting, which is a – though not directly scaleable – measure for the anisotropy of the solutes in a weakly aligning phase, is determined on a prepared sample of orienting medium via a simple 1D-experiment. • With a water-flipback 2D-experiment of HSQC IPAP-type the 1H-15N RDCs of proteinamides are determined. The IPAP (In-Phase Anti-Phase) filter is based on a semi-selective !-"-! element, with 2! ! 1/2J-1. The selection of one of the 15N spin components is achieved by the combination of two separately recorded experiments. Two experiments differ in the position of the two " pulses on the proton spin. RDCs are obtained as difference in the splitting observed in the IPAP experiments under anisotropic and isotropic conditions. From the dipolar coupling data and the known structure the molecular alignment tensor is determined by a simple matlab script. • Useful literature to study in advance: About residual dipolar couplings 1. de Alba, E.; Tjandra, N., Prog. in NMR Spectroscopy 40, (2), 175-197 (2002). 2. Bax, A., Protein Sci. 12, (1), 1-16 (2003). 3. Tolman, J. R., Curr Opin Struct Biol 11(5): 532-9 (2001). 4. Prestegard, J. H., Bougault, C.M., and Kishore, A.I., Chem. Rev. 104, 3519-40 (2004). 15 1 About the N- H dipolar splitting experiments: 1. Ottiger, M., Delaglio, F., and Bax, A., J. Magn. Reson. 131, 373–378 (1998). 2. Cordier, F., Dingley, A.J., and Grzesiek, S., J. Biomol. NMR, 13, 175-180 (1999). 3. Meissner, A., Duus, J. O., Sorensen, O. W., J. Biomol. NMR 10, (1), 89-94 (1997). 1.1. Motivation Residual dipolar couplings arise from the partial alignment of biomacromolecules (Tolman et al., 1995; Tjandra and Bax, 1997). The applications to biomacromolecules are based on earlier work on small organic molecules (Saupe and Englert, 1963; Bothnerby et al., 1981). For details on theory, applications and data acquisition consult the lecture scripts and the review by Prestegard (Prestegard et al., 2004). Practically useful alignment for biomolecules leaves residual (to a large extent averaged) dipolar couplings of up to ca. 30 Hz from the several-kHz-couplings observed in solids where 3 no averaging occurs. In an anisotropic medium steric clashing, electrostatic interactions and/or weak transient binding weakly orient solute and solvent molecules. The spin parts of heteronuclear J-coupling and dipolar coupling Hamiltonians are identical and simply add up to the observed splitting. Thus, the value of the RDC is determined by comparison of the splitting in an aligned state with a reference spectrum in isotropic phase where only the Jsplitting is detected. Dipolar couplings contain very direct information of geometry and dynamics of the internuclear distance vector relative to a common reference frame. Aligning media include - bicelles consisting of various charged or uncharged lipids lamellar phases consisting of ether/alcohol mixtures (“Otting media”), liquid crystalline “Helfrich phases” mechanically stressed polyacrylamide gels or charged copolymer gels, collagen gels filamentous phage Pf1 or other rodlike viruses (fd, TMV) DNA nanotubes, crystalline phase G-tetrad DNA purple membranes of Halobacterium salinarum with bacteriorhodopsin in twodimensional crystalline arrangement. In addition alignment can also be achieved without medium by intrinsic or artificially coupled paramagnetic groups. 1.2. Sample Preparation Lipid bicelles Bicelles were the first practical medium for the weak alignment of biomacromolecules (Tjandra and Bax, 1997). This medium achieves large alignment, but may be chemically instable (hydrolysis) and delicate to handle. Orientation by bicelles can be either steric (in case of uncharged bicelles) or electrostatic (in case of charged bicelles). Bicelles are two-dimensional, flat lipid bilayer assemblies produced by the mixing of a lipid with larger fatty acid chains (e.g. DMPC=dimyristoyl-phosphatidylcholine) and a lipid with smaller fatty acid chains occupying the edges of the discs (e.g. DHPC=dihexanoylphosphatidylcholine). Bicelles orient themselves in the magnetic field by their intrinsic magnetic susceptibility (Tjandra and Bax, 1997). The typical thickness of the lipid bilayers is between 40 and 50 Å. Bicelles are stable only for defined temperature and salt concentration ranges. 4 Bicelle stock solutions of 15% w/v lipid are prepared using either pure water or a predefined buffer solution such as 5-10 mM phosphate buffer, pH 6.6, 0.15 mM sodium azide, 93% H2O, 7% D2O. DHPC (being hygroscopic and instable in presence of water) is weighed in a dry atmosphere and dissolved in cold buffer or water (typically 4 °C, e.g. in a cold room). The cold DHPC-solution is added to the solid DMPC to give a predetermined molar ratio (DHPC:DMPC ! 1:3) and a total lipid concentration of 150 mg/ml. This mixture is incubated at maximally 18 °C for ca. 10 hours. Incubation in a refrigerator or in a cold room at 4 °C also yields good results. Occasional vortexing can be used to better dissolve the DMPC. The lipid-esters are prone to acid and base catalyzed hydrolysis, so that the pH during sample preparation should be kept in the pH 6-7 range. This can be overcome by using ether-based bicelles (Cavagnero et al., 1999; Ottiger and Bax, 1999). Bicelles can be stored frozen. The NMR-samples are prepared by diluting the 15% bicelle stock solutions with the buffered protein sample to the desired bicelle concentration (typically 5%; below 3 % alignment becomes unstable). This mixing should also be performed well below the phase transition temperature of the DMPC (ca. 23 °C) (Ottiger and Bax, 1998). Above the phase transition temperature, the fluid sample adopts a solid consistency. In this solid state, the bicelles can be magnetically aligned. To get the best alignments, the cold sample (~4 °C) is put into the preheated magnet at temperatures above 28 °C such that the phase transition temperature is passed very quickly within the magnetic field. Above a certain temperature (depending on salt, pH, lipid, and protein conditions) this magnetically aligned liquid crystalline state becomes unstable. Usable temperature ranges are typically between 30 and 40 °C. Bicelle systems for acidic and basic pH values (pH 2.3-10.4) have been devised (Ottiger and Bax, 1999). Doping bicelles with small amounts of charged amphiphiles (e.g. 1:15 CTAB:DMPC) has been shown to improve alignment properties and to modulate the alignment tensor (Losonczi and Prestegard, 1998; Ramirez and Bax, 1998). Mechanically stressed polyacrylamide and polyelectrolyte gels Mechanical stress introduces anisotropy into the pores of a gel. Thus solute molecules align by steric clashes with the anisotropic pores in uncharged gels (Sass et al., 2000; Tycko et al., 2000) or by additional electrostatic interactions, if charged monomers are used for gel preparation. Acrylamide gels are chemically inert and have been used under harsh solvent conditions like 8 M urea to study protein unfolding (Shortle and Ackerman, 2001). Protein is readily recovered from gels by mincing the gel and placing it in buffer followed by centrifugation and concentration of the supernatant. The pore size and diffusion properties of polyacrylamide gels can be tuned by adjusting the acrylamide and N,N’-methylenebiscacrylamide concentration from stocks of 29.2% w/v and 0.78% w/v respectively. A certain mechanical stability of the gels is required for the orientation experiments. Good results were obtained at concentrations of # 4% (w/v) 5 acrylamide. Polymerization is started in 3.5 mm to 8 mm inner diameter tubes sealed with parafilm on one side by the addition of 0.1% w/v ammonium persulfate and 0.5 % w/v TEMED. The gels are pushed out from these tubes and washed for 5 hours at 37 °C with water and dried in a drying oven at 37 °C for several hours (over night). After this process, the gels are dehydrated and completely solid. The gels are then reswollen in a NMR sample tube with the desired biomacromolecule solution in buffer. Mechanical stress can be applied vertically by pushing the plunger of a Shigemi tube onto the gel at the end of the reswelling process or radially if the gel is originally polymerized in a tube of larger diameter than the sample tube. For these two cases, the alignment tensors of embedded protein are exactly opposite. In contrast to common intuition this does not yield new information (Sass et al., 2000). Radial compression can be obtained via a commercially available device ( where a gel, originally polymerized with a 6 mm diameter, is pressed into the NMR tube of 4.2 mm inner diameter through a Teflon funnel via air pressure from a piston (Chou et al., 2001). Radially compressed gels yield larger alignment than vertically compressed gels. Fig.1 Apparatus for stretching the gel and inserting it into the open-ended NMR tube (Chou et al., 2001). (A) Schematic drawing. (B, C) Photograph of the disassembled and assembled gel-stretcher. (D) Open-ended NMR tube with the shigemi plunger above the gel. The various components are: (a) Piston driver, (b) gel cylinder, (c) funnel, (d) piston with o-ring, (e) openended NMR tube, (f) vespel buttom plug of assembled NMR cell with Teflon sleeve, (g) stretched gel, (h) Shigemi plunger. Detailed dimensions of the gel-stretcher can be downloaded from 6 The residual alignment in stressed polyacrylamide gels is steric. Alignment due to electrostatic orientation can be obtained if up to 50 % of the acrylamide monomers are replaced by acrylic acid in the polymerization reaction. The reaction mix should be neutralized by the addition of NaOH as the TEMED depends on its unprotonated lone electron pairs to stabilize the radical reaction. Multivalent cations form strong salt bridges between the charges of the copolymer so that absence of di- and trivalent cations is recommended when casting and using these acrylic acid copolymers. The charges in the chain lead to a strong electro-osmotic swelling (up to ca. 100fold in volume) of the gels. Anisotropy can be introduced simply by drying the swollen gels on a capillary which results in a net stretching of the gel. This is then followed by reswelling in the NMR-tube. Anisotropy can also be obtained by vertical compression with a Shigemi plunger for a conventionally dried gel. The gels have been used at NaCl concentrations of up to 240 mM to decrease the alignment. The electrostatic character of the alignment also is evident from the higher correlation of the obtained alignment tensors in charged gels with those in phages or purple membrane than with those due to steric alignment in bicelles or polyacrylamide gels (Meier et al., 2002). Introduction of positive charges is more difficult but can be achieved by replacing acrylamide by a 10 fold surmount of positively charged resin like diallyldimethylammoniumchloride (Ulmer et al., 2003). Charged and uncharged gels have been applied to the alignment of membrane proteins (Ulmer et al., 2003; Jones and Opella, 2004). Various other gel-based systems have been developed for the measurement of RDCs in non-aqueous solvents like DMSO and DMF (see literature by Luy, Kessler, Griesinger and coworkers). Ether/alcohol liquid crystalline phases (Otting media) Liquid crystalline phases called L phases are formed from n-Alkyl-poly(ethylene glycol)/ glucopone (Fluka) and n-alkyl alcohol (n-hexanol/n-octanol) mixtures (Ruckert and Otting, 2000). The medium is thus made from rather cheap chemicals. Alignment occurs spontaneously in the magnetic field by the intrinsic diamagnetic susceptibility. Aligned samples often have excellent narrow linewidths at high degrees of orientation. Protein is however hard to recover from L phases. The compounds are uncharged and mostly insensitive to pH and ionic strength. Alignment is steric. Lamellar phases are prepared by dissolving the ether to around 5% w/w in aqueous buffer with 10 % D2O, adjusting the pH and adding the alcohol in microliter steps under vigorous mixing (vortex). The biphasic solution becomes transparent and opalescent upon formation of the L phases. Higher alcohol amounts decrease the temperature stability of the liquid crystalline phase. It is advisable to store the samples at room temperature. Samples prepared in these phases are stable at least over several months. $ $ $ 7 Different alkyl-poly(ethylene glycol) molecules are denoted as CmEn, where m is the number of carbons in the n-alkyl group and n is the number of glycol units in the poly(ethylene glycol) moiety. The technical product “glucopone”, contains different n-alkylated carbohydrates. From: Rückert and Otting, 2000 From: Freyssingeas et al. 1996 (Freyssingeas et al., 1996). 8 Filamentous phage Pf1 is a 7,349-nucleotide DNA-phage where the circular DNA is packaged with coat protein at a 1:1 nucleotide: coat protein-ratio. The Pf1 phages forms rods of ca 20,000 Å length and 60 Å diameter and spontaneously align by their intrinsic diamagnetic susceptibility in the magnetic field (Hansen et al., 1998). Pf1-Phages can be grown in Pseudomonas aeruginosa (might be tricky) or are commercially available (ASLA biotech; might get up to 100 " or so per sample). Phages have a net negative surface charge and biomolecules are therefore mainly aligned via electrostatic interactions. Positively charged biomolecules at a pH above their pI thus might interact too strongly with the phages. Alignment can however be tuned to some extent by the addition of salt. The observed deuterium quadrupolar splitting in deuterated water increases with the phage concentration. Below a certain concentration threshold (~10-20 mg/ml), the dependence is non-linear (Zweckstetter and Bax, 2001). At NaCl concentrations of up to 600 mM and above 16 mg/ml phage concentration, pH 7.2 (Zweckstetter and Bax, 2001), the dependence is linear. pH-values recommended originally are 6.5-8.0 and NaCl-concentrations below 100 mM (Hansen et al., 1998). Phages have a tendency to aggregate at pH values below 6. Phages are rebuffered by washing with the desired buffer and centrifuging at 95,000 rpm (320,000 g) in a table ultracentrifuge for one hour. Supernatant is discarded and phage resuspended preferably with a teflon tube. Washing is repeated twice. The sample volume is adjusted to the desired phage concentration (30 mg/ml in this case). Alignment can be tuned by phage concentration and salt concentration. Other rod-shaped viruses like fd and tobacco mosaic virus have been reported to have the same orienting effect (Clore et al., 1998) but have a smaller aspect ratio. From (Zweckstetter and Bax, 2001) 9 Lyotrophic liquid crystalline “Helfrich phases” These phases (Prosser et al., 1998) have been introduced as liquid crystalline media, which are stable over a large temperature range. The media consist of a 2-5% (w/w) aqueous solution of an equal weight mixture of cetylpyridinium chloride and n-hexanol in 200 mM NaCl. The cetylpyridinium confers positive charges to the phase and alignment is electrostatic. Linewidths and –shapes can be slightly problematical in our hands. Purple membranes Purple membranes (PM) are bacterial membranes containing bacteriorhodopsin as a sole protein. Typical sizes of PM patches are a few microns in diameter and 45 Å in thickness. PM is isolated from Halobacterium salinarum. PMs are rather stable with respect to temperature, pH, and other conditions. PMs align themselves in the magnetic field by the intrinsic magnetic susceptibility of the seven trans-membrane alpha helices of bacteriorhodopsin (Koenig et al., 1999; Sass et al., 1999). The alignment is such that the direction of the membrane normal is parallel to the magnetic field. PMs are highly negatively charged. Sample preparation for alignment of biomacromolecules is performed by simply titrating suitable amounts of purple membranes to the biomolecular solution. Due to the negative charge of the PM, solute-membrane interactions are usually too strong for positively charged biomolecules (i.e. below the pI). Good results were obtained for the proteins ubiquitin and p53 at pH 7.6 and 1-3 mg/ml PM (Sass et al., 1999). The alignment of the PM suspension can be checked by measuring the deuterium splitting of the H2O/D2O solvent (typically several Hz). Alignment is temperature independent over a wide range and scaleable by the addition of more PM. Above certain salt (70 mM NaCl) and PM concentrations, PM suspensions undergo a transition from a fluid to a highly viscous state (Sass et al., 1999). In this state, the single PM patches form aggregates due to van der Waals interactions. When the transition to this “salt frozen” state is performed in the magnetic field, alignment of embedded proteins can also be observed. DNA nanotubes and crystalline phase G-tetrad DNA Nucleic acid based alignment media can be formed from DNA nanotubes (Douglas et al., 2007) or from the dinucleotide 2’-deoxyguanylyl-(3’,5’)-2’-deoxyguanosine (GpG), which forms large stacks of guanosine tetrads (Lorieau et al., 2008). Together with polyacrylamide gels, they are compatible with detergent for the use with membrane proteins. However, for larger systems PAGE may not be practical due to strong interactions with the acrylamide 10 mesh, which reduce the molecular tumbling rate. Note that this can be tuned by the gel concentration. However, acrylamide gels can’t be used at lower concentration than about 4 %, due to mechanical instability. For the nucleic acid based media, the reduction in molecular tumbling rates for large systems is much less problematic Compared to DNA nanotubes, the d(GpG)-based G-tetrad stacks are much easier to produce and cheaper. From the protocol by Lorieau et al. (Lorieau et al., 2008): “The sodium salt of 2’-deoxyguanylyl(3’->5’)-2’-deoxyguanosine – d(GpG) was purchased from Sigma and used without further purification. The powder was dissolved in a buffered solution (25 mM K2HPO4, pH 8) at room temperature overnight, followed by mild vortexing to ensure homogeneity. KCl is added to a final concentration of 35 mM to ensure that the complexing potassium concentration is saturating: a 25 mg/ml solution of d(GpG) has a concentration of 40 mM, and a minimum of 20 mM K+ cation is required to displace the sodium in the Gtetrad. The concentration of d(GpG) is monitored with a UV/Vis spectrophotometer at 260 nm, using the estimated absorbance of ~ 24.5 µg/ml for an A260 = 1.0. Dilutions of concentrated solutions of d(GpG) require 10-15 minutes to form monomeric d(GpG) and produce accurate absorbance measurements. The d(GpG) threshold concentration for liquid crystal formation increases with DPC concentration and decreases with the addition of K+. After addition of the protein, the solution is transferred to a Shigemi NMR tube. A uniform and bubble-free sample is obtained by slow centrifugation (80-100g) after transferring the sample to the tube, inserting the plunger to the bottom of the tube and pulling the plunger to the desired height. Sample alignment is confirmed by measuring the 2H2O residual quadrupolar splitting with the NMR spectrometer.” From (Lorieau et al., 2008) 11 The G-tetrad stacks align in the magnetic field with their normal perpendicular to the magnetic field. Below about 15 mg/ml, their orientation decreases rapidly in a non-linear way (see Figure 1 Lorieau et al. (Lorieau et al., 2008)). The orientation of the dissolved macromolecules is caused by electrostatic interaction with the negatively charged G-stacks. It is thus similar to orientation by phages. Indeed, the alignment tensors are antiparallel (Lorieau et al., 2008) (phages align parallel, G-stacks perpendicular to the field). Collagen gels Collagen, consisting of glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline, is a fibrous protein that can form a rope-like left-hand triple helix structure. Collagen gels prepared from polymerization in the magnetic field can provide weak alignment for protein. The alignment induced by collagen gels is quite small when compared to other alignment media, but the magnitude of the dipolar couplings can be easily scaled up by increasing the initial concentration of collagen. The collagen gels show good pH and detergent tolerance. These advantages of collagen gels make it a promising candidate for the alignment of large biomolecules or membrane proteindetergent complexes in the magnetic field (Ma et al., 2008). Samples are prepared from collagen monomers (isolated from rat tails!) mixed with protein at 4 ˚C. The collagen is polymerized in the magnet by changing the temperature slowly to 37 ˚C. After polymerization, the 2H splitting of the collagen gel becomes stable and totally temperature independent over the entire range tested (5-40 ˚C). The collagen gels show good pH and detergent tolerance. The collagen gels (1.4 mg mL-1) were still stable after being soaked in a low pH acetate buffer solution (pH 4) or in a 100 mM DPC solution for several days. Paramagnetic ions and tags Paramagnetic ions in suitable inherent or engineered sites may have a high magnetic susceptibility to allow media-free, field-induced orientation of biomolecules. The fieldinduced alignment goes up as field squared, suggesting an increasing future role for these systems, which still suffer from the small degree of alignment that can be achieved. Note that already the original work on weak protein alignment made use of field-induced alignment, measuring weak alignment of cyanmetmyoglobin due to an anisotropic Fe(III) center (Tolman et al., 1995). Certain lanthanides have been used in high affinity metal-binding tags to align biomolecules (see literature by Bertini, Otting, Griesinger, Schwalbe, Ubbink, Opella and coworkers). 12 1.3. Residual Dipolar Coupling Measurement • Exercise 1: Measure the HDO-splitting in an oriented sample. The splitting can be resolved in a deuterium detected 1-D spectrum of water with sufficiently long acquisition time. In case the spectrometer setup doesn’t easily allow this, you can lock to the different lock signals observed for oriented samples. When not locking on deuterium in the XWINNMR-lock display, you can see two resonances. They arise from the orientation of deuterated water at the interface to the orienting medium giving rise to a deuterium quadrupolar splitting. After locking first on the one maximum and then on the other one, record two simple 1-D experiments in proton dimension and determine the difference in Hz for the water signal when locking on the different signals. From that, immediately determine deuterium-splitting (the gyromagnetic ratios of proton and deuteron relate ca. like 6.5:1). The HDO-splitting is not necessarily proportional to the protein alignment (see (Ottiger and Bax, 1998)). • Exercise 2: Measure the 15N-1H dipolar coupling by recording the 15N-1HN-HSQC IPAP experiments on one of the samples provided (or simply a 15N HSQC, which is not proton-decoupled during the 15N evolution). As a backup, a 15N-1HN-HSQC IPAP experiment has been recorded previously on a sample of PA4608 - c-diGMP complex + 18 mg/ml of Pf1 phages. The time domain data (ser files) are located in the directory /w/data/embo2007/8waternh_C/2. 15 N-1HN-HSQC IPAP Pulse Program #include "" ;#define ONE_D #define CARBON_LABEL ;#define PULSE_CHECK #define INTERLEAVED ;p1 proton 90 at pl1, 9u ;p2 1ms proton 90 at pl2 ;sklenar ;set phcor14 and phcor18!!! ;p3 ~2ms proton 90 with sp1 ;"p5=39.8u" ;p7 ;p31 ;carbon pulse at pl5 on 800 MHz high power n15 90 pl7 on f2 low power n15 90 (160ms) on f2 at pl31 #ifndef PULSE_CHECK ;"d0=in0*0.5 - p7*0.637 -p1" "d0=2u" #else "d0=5u" #endif #ifdef CARBON_LABEL "d15=2.7m - d0*2 - p5*4 - 8u" #else "d15=2.7m - d0*2" #endif #ifndef PULSE_CHECK "p17=p7" #endif 13 "d11=50m" "d12=10m" "d13=25m" "d16=5u" ;set in16=2.7m-p1*2-10u "d22=p2" "d23=p3" "d26=p7-p1" "d27=p7-p23" ;gradient pulses "p10=3m" ;at gp0=+50% "p11=2m" ;at gp1=-50% "p12=400u" ;at gp0=+50% #define ON #undef OFF 1 2 #ifdef 21 #endif ze 1m unblank d13 do:N d13 INTERLEAVED d12 d12 d12 d12*3.0 10u do:C1 presaturation ***** 10u pl7:N #ifdef ON #ifdef CARBON_LABEL 10u fq4:C1 ;jump to 56ppm #endif d1 1m blank 100u pl1:H ;***** start 90-degree on h-n ***** (p1 ph0) d4 (p7*2 ph6):N (d26 p1*2 ph4) d4 ;***** hsqc to nitrogen ***** (p1 ph6) 2u 10u pl2:f1 p2 ph18:r 2u p10:gp0 ;GRAD( 40, POSITIV, 50) 5m pl1:f1 (p17 ph3):N d0 pl5:C1 #ifdef CARBON_LABEL 2u (p5*2 ph10):C1 4u 2u fq4:C1 pl5:C1 ;jump to 177ppm (p5*2 ph10):C1 #endif d0 d15 (p7*2 ph8):N (2.7m) (d16 p1*2 ph9):f1 (p7 ph11):N 2u p11:gp1 ;GRAD( 41, NEGATIV, 40) 4m 5u (p3:sp1 ph13):f1 2u 2u 50u pl1:f1 (p1 ph0) p12:gp0 ;GRAD( 50, POSITIV, 8.0) d5 150u pl2:f1 (p2 ph14:r) 2u 5u pl1:f1 (p1*2 ph15) 2u 5u pl2:f1 (p7*2 ph10):N (p2 ph14:r) 2u 3 4 ;***** 14 p12:gp0 (2u ph0) d5 d8 5u pl31:N ;GRAD( 60, POSITIV, 8.0) #endif #ifndef ONE_D go=2 ph31 cpds2:N 1m unblank d13 do:N d13 wr #0 if #0 zd #ifdef INTERLEAVED d12 id16 lo to 21 times 2 d12 rd16 #endif d12 ip3 ;nitrogens lo to 3 times 2 d12 id0 d12 ip31 d12 ip31 lo to 4 times l3 #else 1m unblank lo to 2 times 10 d1 10u pl1:f1 p1 ph31 (2u ph0) go=1 ph31 d11 wr #0 #endif d12 do:C1 d12 do:N exit ph0=0 ph1=0 ph3=0 2 ph4=1 ph6=1 ph8=PHASE_4(0) PHASE_4(1) PHASE_4(2) PHASE_4(3) ph9=0 0 2 2 ph10=0 ph11=0 ph13=(360)184; ph14=2 2 2 2 0 ph15=0 0 0 0 2 ph18=0;(360)4; ph31=0 2 0 2 2 adjusted -x 0 0 0;(360)185 185 5 5; adjusted -x hl2 2 2 2 adjusted x hl2 0 2 0 NMRPipe Script The NMRPipe scripts used to process the 15N-1HN-HSQC IPAP experiment allow the separation of the upfield and downfield components in the indirect dimension into different subspectra. The scripts are given below with a description in italic. Exercise 1. Try to understand the parameters for the conversion (use the command bruk2pipe -help for help). 2. Run the processing script ( on the reference data (not oriented) in order to create the in- phase ( 1 0) and then the anti-phase ( 0 1) components. This will produce two datasets that will be co added or subtracted. Look at the result in nmrDraw. 3. Co adding and subtracting the above-generated data sets will produce upfield and downfield components. 4. Repeat the whole procedure for the oriented data. 5. Visualize or quantify changes in the J-couplings. 15 Commands and Functions in and - “bruk2pipe” = conversion of bruker ser file to NMRPipe format - enter all needed parameters of the experiment for each dimension 1 ##### Acquisition dimension { H}: - COADD = Co-Addition of data to separate the upfield and downfield components - POLY = polynomial baseline correction (time domain) to subtract low-frequency solvent signal in the FID - SP = window function (sine-bell) - ZF = zero-filling - FT = Fourier transform - PS = phase correction 1 - EXT = extract a region from the H dimension nd 15 ##### 2 dimension { N}: nd - TP = exchange vectors from X- to Y-axis of the data stream to process the 2 dimension as X-vectors - SP = window function (sine-bell “SP”) - ZF = zero-filling - FT = Fourier transform - PS = phase correction 1 - TP, POLY, TP = add a polynomial baseline correction (frequency domain) in the H dimension -addNMR =combine two NMR data files -“-in1 or -in2” = input data for addNMR - “-out” = write data into a file # csh 1 1 0 csh 2 0 1 addNMR -in1 A1.DAT addNMR -in1 A1.DAT 90 0 -in2 A2.DAT -in2 A2.DAT -out C1.DAT -c1 -1 -c2 –1 -out C2.DAT -c1 1 -c2 –1 # upfield component # downfield component # bruk2pipe -in ../ser -DMX -decim 16 -dspfvs 12 \ -xN 2048 -yN 400 -zN 0 -xT 1024 -yT 100 -zT 0 -xMODE Complex -yMODE Complex -zMODE Complex -xSW 12019.2307692308 -ySW 2500 -zSW -xOBS 800.183753 -yOBS 81.09097999871 -zOBS -xCAR 4.773 -yCAR 116.50 -zCAR 0 -ndim 2 -aq2D States -verb -noswap -ov \ | nmrPipe -fn COADD -cList $argv[2-3] -axis Y \ | nmrPipe -fn POLY -time \ | nmrPipe -fn SP -off 0.33 -end 0.95 -pow 2 -c 0.5 -size 512 \ | nmrPipe -fn ZF -size 2048 \ | nmrPipe -fn FT -verb \ | nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 -57 -p1 130 -di \ | nmrPipe -fn EXT -x1 5.9ppm -xn 11.5ppm -sw \ | nmrPipe -fn TP \ | nmrPipe -fn SP -off 0.35 -end 0.99 -pow 1 -c 0.5 \ | nmrPipe -fn ZF -size 1024 \ | nmrPipe -fn FT -verb \ | nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 $4 -p1 0 -di \ | nmrPipe -fn TP \ | nmrPipe -fn POLY -auto -nw 3 -ord 2 \ | nmrPipe -fn TP \ -out A$1.DAT -ov exit 0 \ 0 \ 0 \ \ \ \ \ 16 1.4. Fitting of the alignment tensor Exercise The following Matlab script (linearfit.m) allows the determination of the alignment tensor (Az, rhombicity, ...) from measured dipolar coupling data and a known structure (Moltke and Grzesiek, 1999). The fitting routine is a linear algorithm exploiting the fact that the couplings depend in a linear way on the alignment tensor Try to understand the matlab script and run this script on suitable data. J- and RDC data have been measured and are provided. Matlab Script • linearfit.m clear all cosfile = 'NH_1.out'; jfile = 'rdc_fgmy_1.out'; valjerri=1; clear xdata x1data jnb jmesi clear xyz_coord % ____________ end file definitions ___________________________ % ____________ read files ___________________________ global j_res xyzi jmesi jnb nfree_ax nfree_asym ; file = fopen (cosfile, 'r'); dataxyz = fscanf (file, '%f %f %f %f %f', [5 inf])'; fclose (file); xyz_res = dataxyz(:,1); xyz_coord = dataxyz(:,3:5); xyznb = length(dataxyz); for ii = 1:xyznb xyz_index(xyz_res(ii)) = ii; y = xyz_coord(ii,:); n = sqrt(y*y'); xyz_coord(ii,1:3)= y/n; end file = fopen (jfile, 'r'); dataj = fscanf (file, '%f %f %f', [3 inf])'; fclose (file); j_res jmesi yerrs jnb = = dataj(:,1); = dataj(:,2); = dataj(:,3); length(dataj); for ii = 1:jnb; xyzi(ii,1:3) = xyz_coord( xyz_index(j_res(ii)),:); end for ii = 1:jnb pol = Cart2pol( xyzi(ii,:)); xdata(ii,1:5) = y2(pol(2), pol(3)); deni(ii,:) = [pol(2) pol(3)]; if (yerrs(ii) < valjerri ) yerrs(ii) = valjerri; end end nfree_ax=jnb-3; nfree_asym=jnb-5; % ____________ end read files ___________________________ 17 yvec = xdata'*jmesi; % linear fit xmatrix = xdata'*xdata; avec = xmatrix\yvec; ytheo = real(xdata*avec)'; diff=(ytheo'-jmesi)./yerrs; chisq = diff'*diff/nfree_asym; sa = irred2saupe( avec ); % 5*1 vector to 3*3 matrix [v,d] = eig(sa); % matrix diagonalisation to get Axx,Ayy,Azz v = real(v); d = diag(real(d)); [dd i] = sort(abs(d)); d = d(i); v = v(:,i); Ax = d(1); Ay = d(2); Az = d(3) Rhomb = (Ax-Ay)/Az % before Rhomb was defined as 2/3*(Ax-Ay)/Az but not in our case % only for plotting measured vs predicted inhnames = {'Imatinib(30mg/ml phage)'}; hold off errorbar( j_res, jmesi, yerrs, '-o'); orient landscape hold on plot( j_res, ytheo, '-rd') grid on title(sprintf('NH-%s ', char(inhnames))); xlabel('residue number') ylabel('D N-H [Hz]') xlim([225 505]) ylim([-40 40]) set(gca, 'XTickMode', 'manual'); set(gca, 'xtick',[220:40:500]); return • irred2saupe.m function sa = irred2saupe( avec ) sxx syy szz sxy syz sxz = sqrt(3/8)*(avec(5)+avec(1)) - 0.5*avec(3); = -sqrt(3/8)*(avec(5)+avec(1)) - 0.5*avec(3); = avec(3); = -i*sqrt(3/8)*(avec(5)-avec(1)); = i*sqrt(3/8)*(avec(4)+avec(2)); = -sqrt(3/8)*(avec(4)-avec(2)); sa = [ sxx sxy sxz ; sxy syy syz ; sxz syz szz ]*sqrt(5/(4*pi)); • y2.m function c = y2(theta,phi) c = [3*exp(-2*i*phi)*sqrt(5/(6*pi))*power(sin(theta),2)/4, 3*exp(-i*phi)*sqrt(5/(6*pi))*cos(theta)*sin(theta)/2, sqrt(5/pi)*(-1 + 3*power(cos(theta),2))/4, -3*exp(i*phi)*sqrt(5/(6*pi))*cos(theta)*sin(theta)/2, 3*exp(2*i*phi)*sqrt(5/(6*pi))*power(sin(theta),2)/4]'; • Cartpol.m function c = cart2pol( x ) r = sqrt(x*x'); x = x /r; theta = acos(x(3)); phi = atan2(x(2), x(1)); c = [r theta phi]; 18 1.5. 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