xyvmh trbx t tbv ~wy Chavurat HaMashiach Fellowship Of The Messiah Phone: 509 . 714 . 2939 www.synagoguechm.com SHABBAT DAY Weekly Service Time: A CHAVURAT HAMASHIACH Sabbath Day (Sat.) @ 12pm SABBATH DAY SERVICE SIDDUR 4249 E. Pratt Spokane, Wa 99202 t Chavurat HaMashiach Fellowship Of E P r a t t TheMessiah Freya S t. four cups during the Pesach Seder. Z’roah – Lamb Shank Bone Kiddush – Sanctification (Wine Blessing) Urchahtz – And Washing (Hand Washing Ceremony) Yachatz – Division (Unity Of the Three Matzahs) Dayenu – Sufficient/Enough Afikomen – Dessert (Hidden Matzah During Seder) Hallel – Praise Neertzah – Acceptance (Conclusion Of Pesach Seder) Yeshua – The Name Of Messiah HaShem – Literally, “The Name” – a title for God Adonai – Lord Elohim - God Shemot – Literally “Names” also known as “Exodus” Yeshayahu – Isaiah Yochanan – John Mattityahu – Matthew Shalom – Peace Lashanah Haba’ah B’Yerushalayim! – Next Year In Jerusalem! NEERTZAH ACCEPTANCE ~ GLOSSARY OF TERMS ~ shiach – Fellowship Of The Messiover Haggadah – The Telling (Of Pesach/Passover) Maror – Bitter Herbs Karpas – The Parsley Charoset – Apple/Nut/Wine Mixture “Cup Of Covenant” – Traditional cup used for refilling the 39 (Seder Guide) The Pesach seder is done, Its customs and laws fulfilled; Grant grace that we, each one, may do as Thou hast willed. O pure One, enthroned above, Raise up the low, make free; Replant on Zion in love Thy vine-branch, nigh to Thee. Lord, we thank You and we all exclaim... Lashanah haba'ah b’ Yerushalayim! EAR IN JERUSALEM! THE PRIESTLY BLESSING BIRKAT COHENIM - t tbv ~wy . יָאֵר אֲד ֹנָי שׁמ ְֶר ְ ִ אֲד ֹנָי ְוי The Lord – shine Adonai ָפּנָיו ya-eir ~ynhk tkrb יְב ֶָר ְכ & keep you The Lord - Bless you v’yish-m’rechah Adonai Y’varech’cha יִשָּׂא אֲד ֹנָי ֶוִי ֻחנּ ָפּנָיו ֵאלֶי His face The Lord - lift up & be gracious to you to you His face panav Adonai yissa vichunnecha שָׁלוֹם SHABBAT DAY שָׁלוֹם eileycha panav ֵאלֶי ְויָשֵׂם ְל peace to you and give shalom l’cha v’yaseim eileycha שׂר ַ שׁי ַח ִ י ֵשׁוּ ַע ַה ַמ to you שׁם ֵ ְבּ Peace The Prince of The Messiah Yeshua In the name of A CHAVURAT HAMASHIACH Shalom Sar HaMashiach Yeshua B’sheim . The Lord bless you and keep you, The Lord make His face shine SABBATH DAY SERVICE SIDDUR upon you and be gracious to you, The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace. In The Name of Yeshua The Messiah, The Prince Of Peace. Compilation & Translation by Rabbi Reuel Dillon Chavurat HaMashiach Publications 2914 S Latawah Spokane, Wa 99203 (509) 714-2939 Mvlw [bw SHABBAT SHALOM ! SABBATH PEACE ! 38 BLESSING S BEFORE ONEG BLESSING OF THE VINE - B’RACHAH HAGAFEN - הָעוֹלָם אַתָּ ה אֲד ֹנָי ֱא הֵינוּ ֶמ ֶל The Universe King of Ha-olam our God Lord E !pgh hkrb בָּרוּ are You Blessed Melech Elohaynu Adonai Attah ַהגָּפֶן the vine the fruit of creating p’ri Kedushat HaShem………………………………………….................................11-13 Yismach Moshe.................................…………………………………….…...…....13-14 BLESSING OF HE WHO BRINGS FORTH BREAD הָעוֹלָם Ha-olam V'sham'ru……………….……………...........................................................................14 ~xl yacwmh hkrb אַתָּ ה אֲד ֹנָי ֱא הֵינוּ ֶמ ֶל our God Lord בָּרוּ are You Blessed Melech Elohaynu Adonai Attah hammotzi Amidah Conclusion……………………………………………….…………….......….20-22 All Of These Words……………………………………………….………..........……….22 . Chatzi Kaddish...................……………………………………….…………….…..…22-23 Tefilat HaTalmidim..…………………………………………….…….….…….…..…24-25 Blessed are You Lord our God, King of The Universe who Ayn Kamocha..…………………………............………………….……………..……....…...25 brings forth the bread from the Earth. Vaihi Binsoa Haaron……………………………………….….………………...…….…….26 Torah Blessing Before Reading…………………….…………………….........….27 BLESSING OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF FOOD B’RACHAH MINAY M’ZONOT - הָעוֹלָם Ha-olam twnwzm ynym hkrb אַתָּ ה אֲד ֹנָי ֱא הֵינוּ ֶמ ֶל The Universe King of our God Lord foods m’zonot ָבּרוּ are You Blessed Melech Elohaynu Adonai ְמזוֹנוֹת Attah ִמינֵי בּוֹרא ֵ Baruch various kinds of creating minay borei . Blessed are You Lord our God, King of The Universe who creates various kinds of foods. 37 Avodah……….………..…........................................................................................16 Shalom……………………………………………………………………...……..................19-20 The Earth from bread Who brings forth min lechem Elohaynu Veilohay Avotaynu…………………………………….…….…..…..........15 Modim…………………………………………………………………..……........................17-19 Baruch ָאָרץ ֶ הַמּוֹצִיא ֶלחֶם ִמן ה ha-aretz Ayn Keilohaynu........................……….........................………………….....…..….7-8 Gibor............................................................................................…....……..….9-10 creates the fruit of the vine. The Universe King of Barchu & Shema...........................................................................………...….5-6 Shabbat Day Amidah. - Avot..................…………………………..............…8-9 borei . Blessed are You Lord our God, King of The Universe who B’RACHAH HAMOTZI LECHEM - Hebrew Transliteration Guide............................ ……….................…......1-3 Mah Tovu...............................………………………………………………............…..…4-5 Baruch בּוֹרא פּ ְִרי ֵ haggafen ~ TABLE OF CONTENTS ~ Torah Blessing After Reading……………………….………………….........…….27 V'zot HaTorah..................………………………………….………………….......……….28 Blessing Before Haftarah Reading…………….……………………......……….28 Blessing After Haftarah Reading………….…………...…………….......…..….29 Eitz Chayim Hi……………………......................................................…......…..….30 Alaynu....................................................................……………………..….....….31-34 Adon Olam………………..........................................................……..….....….35-36 Oneg Blessings……………………..………........................................................….37 Birkat Cohenim (The Priestly Blessing)………………………......…….38-39 HEBREW TRANSLITERATION GUIDE What is transliteration? Transliteration is the practice of converting a text from one writing system into another in a systematic way. In this case, we are reading a transliterated text based of the Hebrew text of the prayers found in this siddur. The following chart will be helpful in not only learning how to read Hebrew, but also how to properly pronounce the words when reading the transliterated text of this siddur. Transliteration is more of an art than it is an exact science, so you will see differences in transliteration from siddur to siddur. Phonetic Sound English Letter silent “b” as in boy “v” as in vine “g” as in garden “d” as in dad “h” as in house “v” as in vine “z” as in Zion “ch” as in Bach “t” as in tall “y” as in yellow “k” as in kite “ch” as in Bach “l” as in light “m” as in mom “n” as in nice “s” as in song silent “p” as in pen “f” as in fun “tz” as in ritz “k” as in kite “r” as in rock “sh” as in sheep “s” as in salt “t” as in Torah no equivilent letter b v g d h v z ch t y k ch l m n s no equivilent letter p f tz k r sh s t 1 Hebrew Letter Alef - a Bet - B Vet - b Gimmel - g Dalet - d Heh - h Vav - w Zayin - z Chet – x Tet – j Yod – y Kaf – K Chaf – k/$ Lamed – l Mem – m/~ Nun – n/! Samech – s Ayin – [ Pey – P Fey – p Tzadi – c Kof – q Resh – r Shin – v Sin – f Tav – t Master of the universe who has reigned, before anything was created, at the time that everything was created at His will, then “King” was His name proclaimed, after all has ceased to exist, He, the Awesome One, will reign alone. And He was and He is, and He shall be in Glory. And He is One – and there is no second, to compare to Him, to declare as His equal, without beginning, without end, He has the might and dominion. And, He is my God and my living Redeemer, and the Rock of my struggle at time of trouble. And He is my standard and a refuge for me, the portion in my cup on the day I call. In His hand I shall deposit my spirit, when I am asleep – and I shall awaken, and with my body shall my spirit remain. The Lord is with me and I shall not fear. 36 MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE – ADON OLAM - ~lw[ !wda : ְבּט ֶֶרם כָּל יְצִיר נִב ְָרא. עוֹלָם ֲאשֶׁר ָמ ַל was created form any niv-ra y’tzir before reigned kol b’terem malach ֲאזַי ֶמ ֶל שְׁמוֹ .ֹכּל His name “King” then sh’mo Note: The alef - אֲדוֹן who the universe Master of asher olam Adon . שׂה ְב ֶחפְצוֹ ָ נַ ֲע ְלעֵת everything in His will was made at the time Melech azai kol v’chef-tzo na-asah l’eit : ְלבַדּוֹ יִמְלֹ נוֹ ָרא. וְאַח ֲֵרי ִכּכְלוֹת ה ַֹכּל:נִק ְָרא awesomely will reign He alone nora yim-loch l’vaddo all has ceased and after was called hakkol kich-lot v’acharay nik-ra . וְהוּא ֶאחָד:ְאָרה ָ וְהוּא ָהי ָה וְהוּא הֹוֶה וְהוּא י ִ ְהי ֶה בְּתִ פ one & He is echad in glory v’hu will be and He b’tif-arah yih-yeh is v’hu and He was and He hoveh v’hu hayah שׁית ִ ִיר ְבּלִי ֵרא ָ שׁנִי ְל ַה ְמשִׁיל לוֹ ְל ַה ְחבּ ֵ v’hu . ְואֵין beginning without to be equal to Him to compare second & there is no reishit b’li ֵאלִי l’hach-bira lo l’ham-shil וְהוּא:ָעז ְו ַה ִמּשׂ ָרה ֹ ה my God & He is eili sheini v’hammisrah וְהוּא:ְבּעֵת צ ָָרה ha-oz ֶח ְבלִי . וְלוֹ.ְבּלִי תַ ְכלִית & the dominion the might & He has v’hu v’ayn end v’lo without tach-lit וְצוּר.גוֹ ֲאלִי b’li .. ְוחַי & He is of trouble in times of my struggle & the rock redeemer & my living v’hu tzarah b’eit :בְּיוֹם ֶאק ְָרא I call on the day ek-ra chev-li כּוֹסִי v’tzur go-ali ְמנָת.וּמָנוֹס לִי v’chai . נִסִּי kosi :ִירה ָ וְאָע m’nat li רוּחִי ְבּעֵת אִישָׁן umanos nissi אַ ְפקִיד below is to show the position of the vowel point on any given Hebrew letter. Hebrew Vowel English Sound ;a 'a “a” as in “father” “a” as in “father” or infrequently “o” as in “home” “a” as in “father” ]a \a ia yia ea yea ,a /a y,a . a A ua W .a “a” as in “father” “i” as in “machine” (pronounced “ee”) “i” as in “machine” (pronounced “ee”) “ei” as in “weigh” “ay” as in “way” “e” as in “red” a shortened soud of “ey” as in “hey” “o” as in “home” “o” as in “home” “u” as in “tube” “u” as in “tube” When vocal, translitered witha’ – a brief “e” sound. . ְבּי ָדוֹ y 'a y;a “ai” as in “aisle” “ai” as in “aisle” & I shall awaken I shall sleep when my spirit I shall deposit in His hand v’a-irah :ִירא ָ א ishan ו ְֹלא לִי b’eit ruchi אֲד ֹנָי will I fear & shall not is for me My Lord irah v’lo li Adonai 35 af-kid b’yado . .ְועִם רוּחִי גְּ ִויּ ָתִ י is my body my spirit & with g’viyati ruchi “e” as in “red” Otherwise, translitered with the following symbol of my cup the portion for me & a refuge my standard b’yom a v’im. 2 - HEBREW INTERLINEAR GUIDE This siddur has been created to help the reader more fully comprehend the Hebrew that is being read. As seen below the first line of text is the vowel pointed Hebrew, the second line is the English translation, and the third is the Hebrew transliteration. Hebrew reads from right to left, therefore the English translation (2nd line) and Hebrew transliteration (3rd line) will be read in sequence with the 1st line of the Hebrew text. The English translation will either be a word or a group of words translated from the single Hebrew word centered above it. Although the English (both translation and transliteration) will follow the direction of the Hebrew in the first line (from right to left), each actual word or group of words centered under the Hebrew text will read from left to right. See the example below: It is upon us to give thanks to The Lord of everything, to ascribe greatness to the Creator of the beginning, who has not made us like the nations of the lands and didn't place us like the families of the Earth, who has not appointed our inheritence like theirs, and our destiny like all of their multitudes. For they bow down to vanity and to emptiness, but we bend the knee and bow down and give thanks before The King of Kings of Kings, the Holy One, blessed is He. He who stretches out the Heavens and establishes the Earth, and the dwelling of His glory is in the Heavens above and the presence of His might is in the loftiest of heights. He is our God, there is none else. Truly He is our King, there is nothing besides Him. As it is written in His Torah; "And You shall know this day and you take it to your heart, that Adonai He is The God in the Heavens above and upon the Earth below, there is none else. And therefore, we will hope in You Lord our God to soon behold in the glory of Your might, to expel idols from the Earth, and false gods will be utterly destroyed, to establish the At first this may seem confusing or difficult, but in time, and with a little bit of effort, it will become easier and the reader will gain a greater comprehension of what is being said in the Hebrew. My hope is that this work will be a blessing and a valuable tool to you. May Adonai open our lips so that together our mouths may declare His praise! world in the Kingdom of The Almighty. And all children of the flesh will call upon Your name, to turn to you all the wicked of the Earth. They will perceive and they will know, all the dwellers of the world, that to You will bow every knee, shall swear every tongue. Before You, Lord our God, they will kneel and they will bow down and to glorify Your name, they will give honor and they will accept, all of them, the yoke of Your Kingdom and You will reign over them soon, forever and ever. For The Kingdom, it is Yours, and forever without end You will reign in glory. As it is written in Your Torah; "The Lord will reign forever and ever. And it says, "And it will come to pass, the Lord is to be King over all the Earth, on that day it will be that The Lord is one and His name One. 3 34 .שּׁבַע כָּל לָשׁוֹן ָ ִ תּ, תִּ כ ְַרע כָּל בּ ֶֶר tongue every shall swear lashon kol tish-shava ְוי ִפּ ֹלוּ knee every berech kol will bow to You that tich-ra l'cha אֲד ֹנָי ֱא הֵינוּ יִכ ְְרעוּ & they will bow down they will kneel v'yippolu ֻכלָּם כִּי ְל yich-r'u וִי ַקבְּלוּ ki . Lord before You . Elohaynu Adonai l'faneycha. . י ְ ָקר י ִתֵּ נוּ שׁ ְמ ִ ְו ִלכְבוֹד all of them & they will accept will they give honor - your name & to glorify chullam vikab'lu yitteinu ֲעלֵיהֶם ְמה ֵָרה soon y'kar וְתִ ְמ shim'cha , ֶַמלְכוּת v'lich'vod . ֶאת עוֹל over them & you will reign Your Kingdom the yoke of - . m'heirah alayhem v'tim-loch mal'chutecha ol et . שׁ ְלּ הִיא וּלְעוֹ ְל ֵמי ֶ כִּי ַה ַמּלְכוּת.לְעוֹלָם ָועֶד & forever ul'ol'may ְתוֹרתֶ ׃ ָ בּ it is - Yours The Kingdom For hi shel'cha hammal'chut ַכּכָּתוּב,ְבּכָבוֹד in Your Torah As it is written b'toratecha ְו ָהי ָה Ki va-ed תִּ ְמלוֹ b'chavod tim-loch ְונֶ ֱא ַמר׃.לְעֹלָם ָועֶד ad . . . אֲד ֹנָי י ִ ְמ And it will come to pass & it says & ever forever will reign The Lord . v'hayah v'ne-emar va-ed l'olam yim-loch בַּיּוֹם הַהוּא י ִ ְהי ֶה,ָאָרץ ֶ עַל כָּל ה it will be that yih-yeh on that day ha-hu baiyom your dwellings Yis-ra-eil mish-k’noteycha ֶבֵית אָבא ֹ ְל ֶמ ֶל Adonai . אֲד ֹנָי Ya’akov are your tents goodly How Ya’akov ְַחסְדּ vaytecha avo : ְֶבּי ְִראָת of Your holiness b’yir-atecha kod’sh’cha שׁכַּן ְ ִמ kol al l'Melech וּמְקוֹם um’kom ֶבֵּית echad ush'mo echad Adonai . el esh-tachaveh אֲד ֹנָי אָ ַהבְתִּ י מְעוֹן the shelter baytecha m’on I will kneel & will bow I will be prostrate ev-r’chah v’ech-ra-ah esh-tachaveh I love Lord ahav-ti Adonai ֶכְּבוֹד and I of Your glory va-ani k’vodecha . ַו ֲאנִי תְ פִילָּתִ י ְל:שׂי ִ ִל ְפנֵי אֲד ֹנָי ֹע be at time Lord to You may my prayer And I my maker the Lord before eit Adonai ֶבּ ֱאמֶת l’cha ֲענֵנִי t’fillati ֶַחסְדּ va-ani osi בְּרֹב Adonai be-emet aneini chas-decha b’rov lif-nay ֱלהִים ֹ ָרצוֹן א in the truth of answer me of Your mercy in the abundance God Elohim of favor ratzon : שׁ ֶע ְ ִי Adonai . and His name is one The Lord ֶאשְׁתַּ ֲחוֶה ַו ֲאנִי ֶאשְׁתַּ ֲחוֶה ְו ֶאכ ְָרעָה ֶאב ְְרכָה אֲד ֹנָי עֵת Your salvation yish-echa How goodly are your tents, Oh Ya’akov, Your dwelling places, O Yisra’el. And I, through Your abundant kindness, I will enter Your house, in awe I will bow down toward Your Holy Sanctuary. O Lord, I love the shelter of Your house where You dwell, and the place where Your Glory resides. 33 . the sanctuary unto I will bow down the tabernacle & the place of Your house mish-kan And I . va-ani אֶל haychal .שׁמוֹ ֶאחָד ְ אֲד ֹנָי ֶאחָד וּ one in the abundance הֵיכַל Mah ַו ֲאנִי b’rov שׁ ְ ְקָד in awe of You tovu בְּרֹב chas-d’cha the Earth all over to be King The Lord is ha-aretz o-halecha Your house I will enter of Your kindness l'olam . עַד שׁ ְכֹּנתֶ י ְ יַעֲקֹב ִמ Yisra’el & ever forever. . in glory You will reign without end . kakkatuv :שׂ ָראֵל ְ ִי ְל ָפנֶי our God wbt hm מַה ֹטּבוּ ֹא ָהלֶי HOW GOODLY – MAH TOVU - 4 , ֱא ֶמת ַמ ְלכֵּנוּ.עוֹד I shall prostrate my self and bow, and I will bend the knee before The Lord my Maker. favorable time. O God, in Your abundant kindness, answer me with the truth of Your Salvation. Reader: : ְבר ָ ַהמ Ham-vorach Adonai -- Bless et Barchu ַהמְבֹ ָר & ever forever va-ed בָּרוּ Blessed is Baruch [mv ne-eman Melech Eil is one The Lord our God The Lord O Yisra’el Hear . echad Sh’ma. :כְּבוֹד ַמלְכוּתוֹ לְעוֹלָם ָועֶד Yis-ra-eil שֵׁם בָּרוּ and ever forever of His Kingdom glorious is the name Blessed va-ed וּ ְבכָל l’olam mal-chuto k’vod Sheim Baruch וְאָ ַהבְתָּ אֵת ֲאד ֹנָי אֱלֹהֶי ְבּכָל ְל ָב ְב & with all of your heart with all your God The Lord -- & you shall love uv’chol l’vav’cha b’chol Eloheycha Adonai ְוהָיוּ הַדְּ ב ִָרים ָה ֵאלֶּה eit v’ahav-ta : ֶוּ ְבכָל מְאֹד . שׁ ְ נַ ְפ of these the words & they will be your strength & with all your soul ha-eilleh had’varim v’hayu m’odecha 5 Hu Adonai else there is none od ayn ֶאפֶס besides Him there is nothing zulato efes . your heart to & you take it this day ki l'vavecha el vahasheivota haiyom below the Earth & upon above in the Heavens mittachat ha-Aretz v’al ְלּ אֲד ֹנָי ֱא הֵינוּ ל ְִראוֹת ְמה ֵָרה soon to behold m'heirah lir-ot our God mimmal bash-shamayim נְ ַקוֶּה ְועַל כֵּן Lord in you we will hope &Therefore Elohaynu Adonai l'cha ha-aretz God Elohaynu Adonai Hu. ,זוּלָתוֹ kakkatuv He is Adonai that the Earth from :שׂ ָראֵל אֲד ֹנָי אֱלֹהֵינוּ אֲד ֹנָי ֶאחָד ְ ִ שׁמַע י ְ Adonai Elohaynu n'kavveh ,ָאָרץ ֶ ְל ַה ֲעבִיר גִּלּוּלִים ִמן ה, ֶֻעזּ אֵל ֶמ ֶל of faithfulness is a King ayn He is . ֵאין עוֹד,ָאָרץ מִתָּ חַת ֶ שּׁ ַמי ִם ִמ ַמּעַל ְועַל ה ָ ַבּ Blessed is The Lord The Blessed One forever and ever . :נֶ ֱאמָן b'torato the God . Adonai HEAR – SHEMA – od ְתוֹרתוֹ׃ ָ ַכּכָּתוּב בּ ha-Elohim אֲד ֹנָי ham-vorach Emet our God כִּי אֲד ֹנָי הוּא ָה ֱא הִים, הַיּוֹם ַו ֲהשֵׁב ֹתָ אֶל ְל ָב ֶב . The Blessed One The Lord l’olam ְָוי ָדַ עְתּ v'yada-ta Bless The Lord The Blessed One :לְעוֹלָם ָועֶד Mal-keinu else there is none & you shall know in His Torah as it written wkrb בּ ְָרכוּ ֶאת אֲד ֹנָי BLESS – BARCHU - The Blessed One The Lord Congregation: He is our King Truly As for me, may my prayer to You, Lord, be at a ֵאין,הוּא ֱא הֵינוּ uv’chol naf-sh’cha min idols l'ha-avir לְתַ ֵקּן עוֹלָם olam yik-r'u yikkareitun ְוכָל flesh children of & all .אָרץ ֶ b'nay שׁעֵי ְ ִר ,תֵ בֵל rish-ay b'tif-eret . karot .שַׁדַּ י v'ha-elilim . ְבּ ַמלְכוּת the Almighty in the kingdom of v'chol Shaddai b'mal'chut . . ְל ַהפְנוֹת ֵאלֶי כָּל, שׁ ֶמ ְ ִב Earth the wicked of the all Aretz uzzecha will-be-utterly-destroyed & false gods . l'takkein vasar בְּתִ ְפא ֶֶרת ,ְו ָה ֱאלִילִים כָּרוֹת יִכּ ֵָרתוּן ְבּנֵי ָבשָׂר יִק ְְראוּ will call v'al . to expel Your might in the glory of gillulim the world to establish ken to you kol eileycha שׁבֵי ְ כָּל יוֹ to turn l'haf-not ְוי ֵדְ עוּ upon Your name vish-mecha. . יַכִּירוּ the world the dwellers of all & they will know they will perceive teiveil yosh'vay kol v'yeid'u 32 yakkiru . wnyl[ שׁ ֵבּ ַח ַ ְל ,הַכּ ֹל ַל ֲאדוֹן everything la-Adon ,שׁית ִ בּ ְֵרא the beginning l'shabei-ach לָתֵ ת גְּדֻ לָּה to the Creator of greatness to ascribe l'yotzeir שׂמָנוּ ָ ְו א,ָהא ֲָרצוֹת place us & didn't the lands samanu v'lo ha-aratzot כְּגוֹי ֵי bow down asanu sam ha-adamah For they of their multitudes hamonam [bow] like all & our destiny like theirs k'chol bend the knee but we umish-tachavim .בָּרוּ הוּא kor'im [bow] v'goraleinu baruch hakkadosh ,אָרץ ֶ l'hevel . ִל ְפנֵי ֶמ ֶל kings of The King of before ham'lachim mal-chay וְיֹסֵד שׁ ַמי ִם ָ Melech lif-nay שׁהוּא נוֹטֶה ֶ the Earth & establishes the Heavens stretches out He who . Aretz v'yoseid Shamayim ,שּׁ ַמי ִם ִמ ַמּעַל ָ ַבּ noteh י ְ ָקרוֹ shehu . שׁב ַ וּמוֹ above is in the Heavens His glory & the dwelling of mimma-al bash-shamayim .ְבּגָ ְבהֵי מְרוֹ ִמים b’shiv-t’cha y'karo עֻזּוֹ umoshav . שׁכִינַת ְ וּ b'gov-hay 31 uzzo m’tzav’cha anochi ָוְדִ בּ ְַרתּ : וּבְקוּ ֶמ bam ְל ָבנֶי v’dibbar-ta שׁ ְכ ְבּ ָ וּ ְב l’vaneycha בַדֶּ ֶר uv’kumecha uv’shoch’b’cha לְטטָפת בֵּין vadderech ְוהָיוּ asher שׁנַּנְתָּ ם ִ ְו v’shinnan-tam ְוּ ְב ֶלכְתּ ְֶבּבֵית uv’lech-t’cha b’vaytecha ֶוּ ְקשׁ ְַרתָּ ם לְאוֹת עַל י ָד between for frontlets & they shall be your hand upon for a sign & bind them bayn l’totafot : שׁע ֶָרי ְ וּ ִב v’hayu ֶבֵּית yadecha al l’ot & on your gates of your house the doorposts upon & write them uvish-areycha baytecha uk’shar-tam וּכְתַ בְתָּ ם עַל ְמזֻזוֹת: עֵינֶי m’zuzot ָכּמוֹ al uch’tav-tam ל ְֵר ֲע your eyes ayneycha ָ ְו ָא ַהבְתּ. as yourself your neighbor & you shall love kamocha l’rei-acha v’ahav-ta . Hear O Yisra’el: The Lord our God, The Lord is One. Blessed is the name of His glorious Kingdom, forever and ever. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. And these words that I command you today shall be in your heart. And you shall teach them diligently to your children, and you shall speak of them when you sit at home, and when you walk along the way, and when you lie down and when you rise up. And you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be for frontlets between your eyes. And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. And you shall love your neighbor as yourself. heights is in the loftiest of His might & the presence of m'romim haiyom which & in your rising & in your lying down in the way & in your walking in your home kahem . v'larik בָּם al I when you sit about them & speak you to your children & teach them & to emptiness to vanity vanach-nu kings ְשׁבְתּ ִ ְבּ ,ְל ֶהבֶל ְול ִָריק ַמ ְלכֵי ַה ְמּ ָלכִים ַה ָקּדוֹשׁ He blessed is the Holy One Hu k'mish-p'chot . ְגוֹרלֵנוּ ְכּכָל ָ ו,ָכּהֶם כּוֹרעִים וּ ִמשְׁתַּ ֲחוִים וּמוֹדִ ים ְ ַו ֲאנַחְנוּ umodim . the Earth like the families of shello .הֲמוֹנָם & bow down shello שׁ א ֶ ,שׁפְּחוֹת ָהאֲדָ מָה ְ ְכּ ִמ mish-tachavim she-heim & give thanks lateit . שׂנוּ ָ שׁ א ָע ֶ k'goyay our inheritance appointed who has not שׁהֵם ִמשְׁתַּ ֲחוִים ֶ g'dullah like the nations of made us who has not שׂם ָ chel-keinu l’vavecha Alaynu . לְיוֹצֵר b'reishit אָנכִי ְמ ַצ ְוּ ֹ ֲאשֶׁר your heart upon today command you ָעלֵינוּ to The Lord of to give praise It is upon us hakkol ֶח ְלקֵנוּ : ַהיּוֹם עַל ְל ָב ֶב – IT IS UPON US – ALAYNU ush'chinat . . 6 THERE IS NONE LIKE OUR GOD AYN KEILOHAYNU - IT IS A TREE OF LIFE - EITZ CHAYIM HI - wnyhlak !ya כֵּאלֹהֵינוּ אֵין כַּאדוֹנֵינוּ אֵין ְכּ ַמ ְלכֵּנוּ וְתוֹ ְמכֶי ָה אֵין ayn kadonaynu ayn ִמי כֵּאלֹהֵינוּ מִי כַּאדוֹנֵינוּ keilohaynu v’tom’cheyha ְוכָל נְתִ יבוֹתֶ י ָה Ayn כְּמוֹשִׁיעֵנוּ אֵין her paths n’tivoteyha like our Lord who is like our God Who is like our Deliverer None is kadonaynu mi keilohaynu נוֹדֶ ה We will give thanks k’moshi-einu ְכּ ַמ ְלכֵּנוּ מִי like our Deliverer who is like our King who is k’mal-keinu mi . k’moshi-einu נוֹדֶ ה mi לַאדוֹנֵינוּ נוֹדֶ ה bahh lammachazikim ֹנעַם nodeh ladonaynu v’chol no-am ֲאד ֹנָי ֵאלֶי & we shall return to You v’nashuvah אֱלֹהֵינוּ בָּרוּ בָּרוּ לְמוֹשִׁיעֵנוּ Blessed is our God Blessed is baruch Elohaynu Baruch אַתָּ ה הוּא He You are Hu Attah leilohaynu Lord Cause us to return eileycha Adonai Moshi-einu baruch Mal-keinu baruch He You are shall come, renew our days as of old. our Lord . Adonaynu Mal-keinu Hu Attah our Lord He You are our God . Adonaynu Hu Elohaynu Attah שׁ ִה ְקטִירוּ ֶ אַתָּ ה הוּא מוֹשִׁיעֵנוּ אַתָּ ה הוּא which offered they He You are shehik-tiru Hu our Deliverer He You are Attah Moshi-einu אֶת קְטֹ ֶרת ַה ַסּמִּים spices incense of -- hassammim k’toret et Hu Attah אֲבוֹתֵ ינוּ ְל ָפנֶי before you our fathers l’faneycha avotaynu . . 7 are peace. shalom . as of old our days Renew . k’kedem yamaynu chaddeish and all its paths are peace. Bring us back Adonai to You, and we n ֱלהֵינוּ אַתָּ ה הוּא אַדוֹנֵינוּ אַתָּ ה הוּא ַמ ְלכֵּנוּ ֹ א our King hashiveinu שָׁלוֹם support it are praiseworthy. Its ways are ways of pleasantness אַדוֹנֵינוּ בָּרוּ ַמ ְלכֵּנוּ בָּרוּ מוֹשִׁיעֵנוּ our Deliverer blessed is our King blessed is ֲהשִׁיבֵנוּ m’ushshar It is a tree of life to those who take hold of it, and those who . to our Deliver we will give thanks nodeh are blessed. חַדֵּ שׁ י ָ ֵמינוּ ְכּ ֶקדֶ ם נוֹדֶ ה l’moshi-einu ְמ ֻאשָּׁר dar-chay d’racheyha לֵאלֹהֵינוּ nodeh chaiyim Eitz . דְּ ָרכֶי ָה דַ ְרכֵי to our King we will give thanks to our Lord we will give thanks to our God l’mal-keinu hi & all pleasantness are ways of her ways ְונַשׁוּבָה ayn . מִי כְּמוֹשִׁיעֵנוּ Nodeh ְל ַמ ְלכֵּנוּ Mi ֵעץ ַחיּ ִים הִיא ַל ַמּ ֲחזִי ִקים & those supporting her on her to those taking hold she is of life A tree like our King none is like our Lord none is like our God None is k’mal-keinu ָבּהּ ayh ~yyx #[ 30 BLESSING AFTER THE READING OF THE HAFTARAH B’RACHA ACHAREY K’RIYAT HAHAFTARAH צוּר כָּל הָעוֹלָם - בָּרוּ אַתָּ ה אֲד ֹנָי אֱלֹהֵינוּ ֶמ ֶל all rock of The Universe King of our God kol tzur Ha-olam ָהאֵל There is none like our God, there is none like our Lord, there is none like hrjphh tayrq yrxa hkrb Lord are You Blessed Melech Elohaynu Adonai Attah ְבּכָל הַדּוֹרוֹת ַצדִּ יק Baruch הָעוֹ ָל ִמים The Mighty One the generations in all the righteous one the worlds . Ha-eil haddorot b’chol tzaddik ha-olamim . שׁכָּל ֶ שׂה ַהמְדַ בֵּר וּ ְמ ַקיּ ֵם ֵ הָאוֹמֶר ְוֹע who all & fulfills ַהנֶ ֱאמָן who speaks and does who says The Faithful One shekkol um’kaiyeim ham-dabbeir v’oseih ha-omer hane-eman . נֶ ֱאמָן אַתָּ ה הוּא אֲד ֹנָי אֱלֹהֵינוּ:דְּ ב ָָריו ֱאמֶת ָו ֶצדֶ ק Our God Lord He, You are, Faithful & righteous are true His words Elohaynu Adonai Hu Attah אָחוֹר ne-eman va-tzedek וְדָ בָר ֶאחָד מִידְּ ב ֱָרי emet d’varav . ְונֶ ֱא ָמנִים דְּ ב ֱָרי remain from your words even one & a word are Your words and faithful achor mid’vareycha ו ְַר ֲחמָן נֶ ֱאמָן echad ֶמ ֶל v’davar d’vareycha v’ne-emanim לוֹ י ָשׁוּב ֵריקָם כִּי אֵל & compassion faithfulness a King of a God, for unfulfilled returned not v’rachaman ne-eman Melech Eil ki raykam yashuv lo. בָּרוּ אַתָּ ה אֲד ֹנָי ָהאֵל ַהנֶ ֱאמָן ְבּכָל דְּ ב ָָריו:אַתָּ ה His words in all who is faithful the God Lord, are You Blessed d’varav b’chol Ha-ne-eman Ha-eil Adonai Attah Baruch thanks to our God, we will give thanks to our Lord, we will give thanks to our King, we will give thanks to our Deliver. Blessed be our God, blessed be our Lord, blessed be our King, blessed be our Deliver. You are our God, You are our Lord, You are our King, You are our Deliver. You are He to whom our fathers offered fragrant incense before You. THE STANDING PRAYER – HA’AMIDAH - ֶתְּ ִהלָּת יַגִּיד does, Who speaks and makes it come to pass, all of Whose words are true and righteous. Faithful are You Lord our God, and faithful are Your words, for not one word of Yours is turned back unfulfilled. For You are a faithful and compassionate God and King, Blessed are You Lord, the וּפִי hdym[h ~ Tehillim (Psalms) 51:17(15) שׂפָתַ י תִּ פְתָּ ח ְ אֲד ֹנָי your praise will declare & my mouth open you my lips My Lord t’hillatecha s’fatai Adonai yaggid ufi tif-tach Adonai, open my lips that my mouth may tell Your glory. twba [bow] ֱלהֵי ֹ א,ֱלהֵינוּ וֵאלֹהֵי אֲבוֹתֵ ינוּ ֹ בָּרוּ אַתָּ ה אֲד ֹנָי א FATHERS - AVOT - God of our fathers and God of our God Elohay avotaynu veilohay Lord are You Blessed Elohaynu Adonai Attah Baruch וֵאלֹהֵי יַעֲקֹב,ֱלהֵי י ִ ְצחָק ֹ א,אַב ְָרהָם Attah. eternities, Faithful in all generations, the trustworthy God, Who says and 29 our Lord? Who is like our King? Who is like our Deliver? We will give are you. Blessed are You Lord our God, King of the universe, Rock of all God Who is faithful in all His words. our King, there is none like our Deliver. Who is like our God? Who is like Ya’akov & God of Yitzchak, God of Avraham, Ya’akov Avraham veilohay Yitz-chak Elohay . ָה ֵאל ַהגָּדוֹל ַהגִּבּוֹר ְוהַנּוֹ ָרא ֵאל ֶעלְיוֹן גּוֹמֵל bestowing Most High God & awesome the powerful the great the mighty gomeil El-yon ַחסְדֵּ י Eil v’hannora Haggibor Haggadol וְזוֹכֵר,ֲחסָדִ ים טוֹבִים וְקוֹנֵה הַכּ ֹל the kindnesses of & remembers everything & creates plentiful chas-day Ha -Eil. v’zocheir , hakkol 8 v’koneih tovim kindness chasadim ְל ַמעַן ְבנֵיהֶם ִל ְבנֵי וּ ֵמבִיא גוֹ ֵאל,אָבוֹת for the sake their children to the children of a redeemer & brings the fathers l’ma-an v’nayhem liv-nay go-eil umeivi , avot . : ֶמ ֶל עוֹזֵר וּמוֹשִׁי ַע וּ ָמגֵן:בְּאַ ֲהבָה and shield and savior helper King in love umowgein ‘ozeir Melech b’ahavah umoshia שְׁמוֹ of his name sh’mo . ָמגֵן אַב ְָרהָם,אַתָּ ה אֲד ֹנָי Avraham Shield of Avraham mowgein [bow] בָּרוּ ,Lord are You Blessed Adonai Attah Baruch Blessed are You Lord our God and God of our fathers, God of Avraham, God of Yitz’chak (Isaac) and God of Ya’akov (Jacob), the great mighty and awesome God, the most high God, Who bestows grace and creates all, and remembers the kindnesses of the fathers, and brings a Redeemer to their children’s children, for His Name’s sake with love. O King, Helper, Savior, and Shield, AND THIS IS THE TORAH - V’ZOT HATORAH - ְבּנֵי before Moses set which The Torah & this is b’nay lif-nay Mosheh sam asher ֹמשֶׁה attah maytim M’chai’yeih :ַהטָּל - Lord forever mighty You are l’olam gibbor Adonai מוֹ ִריד Attah – בקיץ:ַרב לְהוֹשִׁי ַע the dew One Whom Brings - [in summer] able to save greatly hattal - [b’kayitz] morid ְבּי ַד אֲד ֹנָי l’hoshia rav Mosheh b’yad Adonai & descend the wind haggashshem umorid haruach return ְמ ַחיּ ֶה מֵתִ ים בּ ְַר ֲחמִים.ְמ ַכ ְלכֵּל ַחיּ ִים ְבּ ֶחסֶד in mercy b’rachamim the dead who revives in kindness the living Who sustains meitim m’chaiyeh 9 b’chesed chaiyim pi m’chal-keil . Yisra’el . al Yis-ra-eil. . And this is the Torah given by Moshe to the children of Yisra’el at the command of Adonai, by the hand of Moshe. BLESSING BEFORE THE READING OF THE HAFTARAH B’RACHA LIFNEY K’RIYAT HAHAFTARAH הָעוֹלָם ֲאשֶׁר who The Universe King of asher - hrjphh tayrq ynpl hkrb ֱלהֵינוּ ֶמ ֶל ֹ בָּרוּ אַתָּ ה אֲד ֹנָי א Ha-olam our God Lord בְּדִ ב ְֵריהֶם b’div-rayhem v’ratzah who chooses Lord are You Blessed habbocheir Adonai Attah Baruch ָבּחַר ִבּנְ ִבי ִאים טוֹבִים ו ְָרצָה בָּרוּ אַתָּ ה אֲד ֹנָי ַהבּוֹחֵר וּ ִבנְ ִביאֵי are You Blessed Melech Elohaynu Adonai Attah Baruch good - prophets tovim bin-vi-im ֶבּ ֱאמֶת chose bachar ַהנֶ ֱאמ ִָרים in truth which were spoken be-emet hane-emarim . שׂ ָראֵל עַמּוֹ ְ ִ שׁה ַעבְדּוֹ וּ ְבי ֶ בַּתּוֹ ָרה וּבְמ & prophets of His people and Yisra’el His servant & Moses the Torah uvin-vi-ay ammo uv’yis-ra-eil av-do uv’mosheh battorah. ָו ֶצדֶ ק ָה ֱאמֶת & the righteousness the truth -- [in winter] moshshiv -- [b’choref] v’zot . עַל:שׂ ָראֵל ְ ִי Moses by the hand of Adonai the command of upon :בחורף – ַמשִּׁיב הָרוּ ַח וּמוֹ ִריד ַהגָּשֶּׁם the rain hattorah פִּי with their words & was pleased rwbg ְמ ַחיּ ֵה מֵתִ ים אַתָּ ה.אַתָּ ה גִּבּוֹר לְעוֹלָם אֲדֹנָי are you of the dead Restorer שׂם ֹמשֶׁה ִל ְפנֵי ָ ו ְֹזאת הַתּוֹ ָרה ֲאשֶׁר the children of blessed are You O Lord, Shield of Abraham. MIGHTY - GIBOR hrwth tazw va-tzedek ha-emet. Blessed are You Lord our God, King of the universe, Who selected good prophets, and was pleased with their words which were spoken truthfully. Blessed are You Lord, Who chooses the Torah, Your servant Moses, Your people Yisra’el, and Prophets of truth and righteousness. 28 סוֹ ֵמ נוֹ ְפלִים וְרוֹפֵא חוֹלִים וּמַתִּ יר TORAH BLESSING BEFORE READING BIRKAT HATORAH - .הָעוֹלָם hrwth tkrb and releases the sick בָּרוּ אַתָּ ה אֲד ֹנָי אֱלֹהֵינוּ ֶמ ֶל The Universe King of Ha-olam our God Lord are You Blessed Melech Elohaynu Adonai Attah Baruch .ֲאשֶׁר ָבּחַר בָּנוּ ִמכָּל ָה ַעמִּים ְונָתַ ן לָנוּ אֶת תּוֹ ָרתוֹ His Torah -Torato et to us & gave the peoples from all within us chose lanu v’natan ha-ammim mikkol banu Who bachar asher : נוֹתֵ ן הַתּוֹ ָרה, בָּרוּ אַתָּ ה אֲד ֹנָי The Torah giver of hattorah notein Lord are You Blessed Adonai Attah Baruch Blessed are you, Lord, our God, King of the Universe, Who has chosen us from among all the peoples, and given us His Torah. Blessed are you, Lord, giver of the Torah. .הָעוֹלָם נָטַע nata Lord are You Blessed Melech Elohaynu Adonai Attah olam Baruch ֲאשֶׁר נָתַ ן לָנוּ and life truth the Torah of to us gave v’chaiyay emet natan Asher Torat lanu who . : נוֹתֵ ן הַתּוֹ ָרה, בָּרוּ אַתָּ ה אֲד ֹנָי.בְּתוֹכֵנוּ the Torah giver of hattorah notein Lord are You Blessed Adonai Attah Baruch in our midst b’tocheinu nof’lim someich rabbim [of/in the] dust to those asleep his faith & establishes ,the captives afar lisheinay . וּמִי דוֹמֶה ָלּ emunato um’kaiyeim גְּבוּרוֹת ַבּעַל asurim . מִי כָמוֹ to you compares and who of mighty deeds Master is like you Who lach domeh umi g’vurot ba-al :וּ ְמ ַחיּ ֶה וּ ַמ ְצ ִמי ַח י ְשׁוּעָה & life chamocha ֵמ ִמית salvation & brings forth y’shuah umatz-miach um’chaiyeh Mi ֶמ ֶל who causes death O King meimit Melech :אַתָּ ה ְל ַהחֲיוֹת מֵתִ ים ְונֶ ֱאמָן the dead to resurrect are You & faithful hammeitim l’hachayot Attah ְמ ַחיּ ֵה,ֲדנָי ֹ אַתָּ ה א v’ne-eman בָּרוּ who resurrects Lord are You Blessed m’chaiyeih Adonai Attah Baruch You are eternally mighty, my Master, the Resurrector of the dead are You; Great in salvation. Who sustains the living with grace, resurrects the dead with great mercy, supports the fallen, heals the sick, releases the confined, and keeps His faith to those asleep in the dust. Who is like You, O Master of mighty deeds, and Who is comparable to You, O King Who causes death and restores life and makes salvation sprout? And You are faithful to resurrect the dead. Blessed are You, O Lord, Who resurrects the dead. Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, Who has given us a Torah of Truth, and has planted eternal life in our midst, Blessed are You Lord, Giver of the Torah. Amein 27 the fallen supporting abundant שׁנֵי ֵ וּ ְמ ַקיּ ֵם ֱאמוּנָתוֹ לִי,ֲסוּרים ִ א the dead בָּרוּ אַתָּ ה אֲד ֹנָי אֱלֹהֵינוּ ֶמ ֶל תּוֹ ַרת ֱאמֶת ְו ַחיּ ֵי עוֹלָם He has planted eternal .ָעפָר v’rofei :ַהמֵּתִ ים hrwth tkrb The Universe King of our God Ha-olam cholim meitim TORAH BLESSING AFTER READING BIRKAT HATORAH - umattir and heals ַרבִּים 10 WHEN THE ARK WOULD TRAVEL HOLINESS OF THE NAME VAIHI BINSOA HAARON - ~vh tvdq ְכּשֵׁם.שׁ ְמ בָּעוֹלָם ִ נְקַדֵּ שׁ אֶת - KEDUSHAT HASHEM שׁ ַמּקְדִּ ישִׁים ֶ שׁה קוּמָה אֲד ֹנָי ֶ ַויְהִי ִבּנְס ַע הָאָרֹן וַיּאֹמֶר ֹמ which sanctified just as the name in the world Your name We will sanctify shemmak-dishim : נְבִי ֶא k’sheim י ַד shim-cha et N’kaddeish by as it is written yad al kakkatuv above in heaven it is marom bish’may oto :זֶה אֶל זֶה וְאָמַר .ְצבָאוֹת אֲדֹנָי zeh el is The Lord of Z’va-ot Adonai Holy Holy Holy said he Adonai kumah Mosheh vaiyomer ha-aron ְויָנֻסוּ וּדְ בַר ud’var v’kara ֹאיְבֶי תוֹ ָרה v’yanusu תֵּ צֵא k’vodo ha-aretz chol :יאמֵרוּ ֹ בָּרוּ ְל ֻעמָתָ ם l’ammo (Yechezk’el / Ezekiel 3:12) baruch :אֲדֹנָי ִממְּקוֹמוֹ l’umatam כְּבוֹד Torah teitzei mitztziyon Adonai M’lo :כָּתוּב לֵאמֹר saying leimor שׁ ְ ְקָד Torah shennatan Baruch it is written Your holiness katuv kowd’sh’cha אֱלֹ ַהי ִ צִיּוֹן.אֲדֹנָי לְעוֹלָם O Zion your God forever Tziyon eloha-yich L’olam the Torah to His people Yisra’el. 11 - חזן (chazzan) ֹ יִמְל- קו"ח yim-loch Adonai. in His holiness Yisra’el . bik-dushshato Yis-ra-eil. Adonai from Jerusalem. Blessed is He, Who in His holiness, gave The Lord Will reign (everyone) Adonai miyrushalayim You.” For from Zion will go forth the Torah, and the Word of (chazzan) & in the words of (cantor) Uv’div-ray mippaneycha . Your enemies be scattered, and let them that hate You flee from Baruch וּבְדִ ב ְֵרי ki When the Ark would travel, Moses would say, “Arise Adonai, and let - חזן בָּרוּ- קו"ח k’vod : ִמ ָפּנֶי בָּרוּ:שׁ ָלי ִם ָ אֲד ֹנָי מִירוּ full is from His place The Lord is the glory of Blessed (everyone) mim’komo . :שׂ ָראֵל ִבּקְדֻ שָּׁתוֹ ְ ִי they say “blessed” - of those facing them (cantor) yomeiru Vai-hi. to His people Torah who gave Blessed is He from Jerusalem The Lord (everyone) all bin-soa v’yafutzu כִּי ִמצִּיּוֹן :ָאָרץ כְּבוֹדוֹ ֶ ְלא כָל ה ֹ מ of His glory the Earth traveled & when ְויָפֻצוּ oy’veycha שׁנָּתַ ן תּוֹ ָרה ְלעַמּוֹ ֶ kadosh , kadosh , Kadosh (Yeshaiyahu / Isaiah 6:3) the ark & the word of Torah she will go forth from Tzion For from before You” קָדוֹשׁ. קָדוֹשׁ. קָדוֹשׁ- קו"ח Hosts Moses, m’san-eycha ְוק ָָרא zeh “arise those hating You & let they flee your enemies & let they be scattered and said: another to one And he called v’amar Adonai שׂנְ ֶאי ַ ְמ ַכּכָּתוּב עַל.שׁמֵי מָרוֹם ְ אוֹתוֹ ִבּ Your Prophet the handof n’vi-echa ba-olam !rah [snb yhyw . 26 Our Father, Who is in Heaven, Holy is Your Name. Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done, On Earth as it is in Heaven. And say Amein. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And say Amein. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the Kingdom, and the Power and the Glory forever. And say Amein. In the name of Yeshua The Messiah. $wmk !ya THERE IS NONE LIKE YOU - AYN KAMOCHA - . שׂי ֶ ְכּ ַמ ֲע אֵין ָכּמוֹ ָבאֱלֹהִים אֲד ֹנָי ְואֵין is like your works & nothing k’ma-aseycha ְבּכָל v’ayn Lord among the gods like You None is Adonai va-elohim kamocha ְשׁ ְלת ַ ַמלְכוּת ָכּל ֹע ָל ִמים וּ ֶמ ְמ Ayn . ְַמלְכוּת :ַהלְלוּי ָהּ (Tehillim / Psalms 146:10) ֹאֲד ֹנָי יִמְל o l am i m k ol m a l - c hu t גָּדְ ֶל will reign Adonai has reigned Adonai reigns Adonai yim-loch Adonai י ִתֵּ ן malach Adonai melech Adonai ְלעַמּוֹ ֹעז l’ammo oz vador dor. אֲד ֹנָי:לְעוֹלָם ָועֶד will He give to His people strength - Adonai yittein generations Adonai & ever. forever va-ed l’olam . :ַבשָּׁלוֹם אֲד ֹנָי י ְב ֵַר ֶאת עַמּוֹ with peace His people -- will bless Adonai vash-shalom ammo et y’vareich Adonai There is none like You among the gods, O Lord, and there is nothing like Your works. Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and Your dominion is throughout all generations. The Lord reigns, the Lord has reigned, the Lord will reign forever and ever. The Lord will give strength to His people; the Lord will bless His people with peace. 25 from generation to generation vador l’dor נַגִּיד לְדוֹר וָדוֹר - חזן Your greatness we will declare From generation to generation gad-lecha שׁ ְב ֲח ִ ְו naggid vador l’dor .נַקְדִּ ישׁ ְקְדֻ שָּׁת V’shiv-chacha nak-dish k’dushshat’cha .י ָמוּשׁ לְעוֹלָם ָועֶד and ever forever depart va-ed l’olam yamush (cantor) (chazzan) נְ ָצחִים & Your praise will we sanctify Your holiness וּ ְלנֵצַח of eternities & to eternity n’tzachim ֹלא ul’neitzach ֱלהֵינוּ ִמפִּינוּ ֹ א shall not from our mouth our God lo mippinu :גָּדוֹל ְוקָדוֹשׁ אָתָּ ה m a l - c hu t ’ c ha . אֲד ֹנָי ֶמ ֶל אֲד ֹנָי ָמ ַל:ֹדּר ו ָֹדר Halleluyah! Hal-luyahh i s i n a l l & y o u r d o m i n i o n e t e r n i t i e s [ f or ] a l l i s a k i n g d o m Y o u r K i n g d o m b ’ c ho l u m e m - s ha l - t ’ c ha .ל ְֹדר ו ָֹדר Elohaynu כִּי אֵל ֶמ ֶל are You and holy great the King God for Attah v’kadosh gadol Melech Eil ki :ֲדנָי ָהאֵל )בעשי"ת ַה ֶמּ ֶל ( ַהקָּדוֹשׁ ֹ בָּרוּ אַתָּ ה א who is holy (the King < days of awe) the God Lord are You Blessed Hakkadosh ( HaMelech ) Ha-eil Adonai Attah Baruch --שׁים ְבּכָל יוֹם ִ שׁ ְמ קָדוֹשׁ וּקְדוֹ ִ אַתָּ ה קָדוֹשׁ ְו day every and holy ones is holy & your name yom b’chol uk’doshim kadosh holy v’shim-cha kadosh You are Attah בָּרוּ אַתָּ ה אֲדֹנָי:י ְ ַהלְּלוּ ֶסּלָה Lord are you Blessed Adonai Attah Baruch forever praise you : selah y’hal’luchah :ָהאֵל )בעשי"ת ַה ֶמּ ֶל ( ַהקָּדוֹשׁ who is holy (the King < days of awe) the God hakkadosh ( HaMelech ) 12 Ha-Eil We shall sanctify Your Name in this world, just as they sanctify it in heaven above, as it is written by your prophet, And one (angel) will call another and say: Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh (Holy) is Adonai Master of Legions, the whole world is filled with His glory. Those facing them say “Blessed”: ‘Blessed is the glory of HaShem from His place.’ And in Your holy Writings the following is written: “HaShem shall reign forever – your God, O Tzion” from generation to generation, Halleluyah! From generation to generation we shall relate your greatness and for infinite eternities we shall proclaim Your holiness. Your praise, our God, THE DISCIPLES PRAYER TEFILAT HATALMIDIM [bow] Let come Your name tavo holy is as on the Earth your will may be done Your Kingdom na-a-sah ka-asher ba-aretz r’tzon’cha ne-eman eved ְבּ ַעמְדוֹ ki chel-ko : amein & say they amein natatta b’rosho xmfy Rejoiced Mosheh Yis-mach lanu us’lach chukeinu k’lil lo שׁנֵי לוּחוֹת ֲא ָבנִים הוֹ ִריד ְ עַל הָר סִינָי וּ he brought down stone horid avanim שׁבָּת ַ ush’nay Sinai Har ִירת ָ שׁמ ְ ְל ָפנֶי sh’mirat al l’faneycha. ְבּי ָדוֹ ְוכָתוּב ָבּהֶם The Sabbath the observance of on them Shabbat karata . tablets of & two Sinai mount upon before You luchot bahem : ֶבְּתוֹ ָרת & written in his hand v’chatuv ָכּתוּב b’yado . ְוכֵן In Your Torah it is written and thus b’toratecha 13 katuv vash-shamayim lechem haiyom lanu ten transgress they to whoever we are ash’mu forgiving la-asher anach-nu sol’chim just as our trespasses -ka-asher ash-mateinu et . : amein & say they splendor a crown of him, You called tif-eret v’im-ru in Heaven ָק ָָראתָ לּוֹ ְכּלִיל תִּ ְפא ֶֶרת בְּרֹאשׁוֹ נָתַ תּ as he stood You placed on his head b’am-do b’mat’nat mal-chutecha . us & forgive our portion the bread of today to us give שׂמַח ֹמשֶׁה ְבּמַתְּ נַת ֶחלְקוֹ כִּי ְ ִי faithfulness a servant of when his portion in the gift of Moses yei-aseh You. Selah. Blessed are You, O Lord, the holy God. ֶעבֶד Avinu . : it is done You are holy and Your Name is holy, and every day holy ones will praise נֶ ֱאמָן Our Father great and Holy King. Blessed are You Lord, the Holy God. - hvm who is in Heaven shim-cha yit-kaddeish shebbashshamayim shall not leave our mouth forever, and ever, for You O God, are a MOSES REJOICED - YISMACH MOSHEH ~ydymlth tlpt amein against us v’im-ru lanu . deliver us : but hatztzileinu im of temptation to the hands You lead us & not ki massah liday t’vi-einu v’al . : : & the glory & the power is the Kingdom yours for the evil from v’hattif-eret v’hag’vurah hamam-lachah l’cha ki harah min : amein & say they amein v’im-ru v’chein . 24 eternities for eternity of olamim l’ol’may . ַבּ ֲעגָלָא וּ ִבזְ ַמן ק ִָריב ְו ִאמְרוּ׃ אָמֵן Amein & say they that is near & in a time Amein v’im-ru kariv ְמב ַָר ְל ָעלַם וּ ְל ָע ְל ֵמי ָע ְל ַמיּ ָא swiftly . uviz-man ba-agala שׁ ֵמהּ ַרבָּא ְ יְהֵא of eternity & for eternities forever be blessed of greatness His name May al’maiya ul’al’may l’olam m’varach rabba sh’meihh Y’hei י ִתְ בּ ַָר ְויִשְׁתַּ בַּח ְוי ִתְ פָּאַר ְוי ִתְ רוֹ ַמם ְוי ִתְ נַשֵּׂא ְוי ִתְ הַדָּ ר & honored & extolled & exhalted v’yit-haddar v’yit-nassei v’yit-romam & glorified & praised Blessed. v’yit-pa-ar v’yish-tabbach yit -barach שׁ ֵמהּ דְּ קֻדְ שָׁא בּ ְִרי הוּא ְ ְוי ִתְ ַעלֶּה ְוי ִתְ ַהלָּל is He blessed the holy one is His name & lauded hu b’rich d’kud-sha sh’meihh v’yit-hallal & elevated v’yit-alleh. שׁ ְבּחָתָ א ְונֶ ֱחמָתָ א ְ ִֻירתָ א תּ ָ ְל ֵעלָּא מִן כָּל בּ ְִרכָתָ א ְושׁ & consolation praise and song blessing all from above . v’nechemata tush-b’chata v’shirata bir-chata kol min .ְבּ ָע ְלמָא ְו ִאמְרוּ׃ אָמֵן Amein & say they Amein v’im-ru ִירן ָ דַּ ֲאמ da-amiran Magnified and sanctified be His great name in the world which He has created according to His will. May He establish His kingdom during your life and during your days, and during the life of the whole house of Yisra’el, even swiftly and soon, and say Amein. Let His great name be blessed forever and to all eternity. And say Amein. Blessed, praised, and glorified, exalted, extolled and honored, magnified and lauded be the name of the Holy One, blessed is He, though He be high above all the blessings and songs, praise and consolations which are uttered in the world, and say Amein. 23 servant. You placed a crown of splendor on his head as he stood before You upon Mount Sinai. And, he brought down two tablets of stone in his hand and written on them was the observance of the Sabbath. And thus, it is written in Your Torah: . - wrmvw V’SHAM’RU - AND THEY SHALL KEEP שּׁבָּת ַלעֲשׂוֹת ַ יִשׂ ְָראֵל ֶאת ַה to observe the Sabbath -la-asot hashshabbat עוֹלָם בֵּינִי ְבנֵי שׁ ְמרוּ ָ ְו Yisra’el the children of & they shall keep et Yis-ra-eil בּ ְִרית v’nay V’sham’ru לְד ֹר ֹתָ ם bayni olam b’rit l’dorotam it is a sign l’olam hi ot Yisra’el -- hashshabbat et . :יִשׂ ְָר ֵאל אוֹת הי ִא לְע ֹלָם forever . שּׁבָּת ַ ֶאת ַה between me everlasting a covenant for their generations the Sabbath l’eilla . in the world which are uttered b’al’ma Moses rejoiced in the gift of his portion when You called him a faithful ְבּנֵי וּבֵין the children of & between Yis-ra-eil b’nay uvayn . ָאָרץ ֶ שּׁ ַמי ִם ְו ֶאת ה ָ ֲדנָי ֶאת ַה ֹ שׁת י ָ ִמים ָעשָׂה א ֵ שׁ ֵ כִּי the Earth and the Heavens -- Adonai - made ha-aretz v’et hashshama-yim et Adonai asah .ַויִּנָּפַשׁ שׁבַת ָ days six for yamim sheisheit Ki שּׁבִיעִי ְ ַה וּבַיּוֹם & was refreshed He rested of the seventh & on the day vaiyinnafash shavat hash’vi-i uvaiyom . And, the children of Yisra’el are to keep the Sabbath, observing it throughout their generations. It will be an everlasting covenant between Me and the Children of Yisra’el, it is an everlasting sign. For in six days Adonai made the heavens and the earth, And on the seventh day He rested and was refreshed. – Shemot (Exodus) 31:16-17 14 OUR GOD AND GOD OF OUR FATHERS and my soul will pursue Your commandments. And those who plan ELOHAYNU VEILOHAY AVOTAYNU wnytwba yhlaw wnyhla ֱלהֵינוּ וֵאלֹהֵי ֲאבוֹתֵ ינוּ ְרצֵה ִבמְנוּחָתֵ נוּ ֹ א in our rest find favor our fathers & God of Our God vim-nuchateinu r’tzeih avotaynu ְֶתוֹרת ָ וְתֵ ן ֶח ְלקֵנוּ בּ veilohay Elohaynu ְבּ ִמצְוֹתֶ י שׁנוּ ֵ ְקַדּ in Your Torah our portion & grant in Your commandments Sanctify us b’toratecha ְו ַט ֵהר chel-keinu v’tein b’mitz-voteycha ֶשׂ ְמּחֵנוּ בִּישׁוּעָת ַ ְו Kad’sheinu מִטּוּ ֶב bi-shuatecha אֲדֹנָי אֱלֹהֵינוּ our God ְו ַהנְחִילֵנוּ v’yanuchu Sab’einu ְִלבֵּנוּ ְל ָעבְדּ be-emet l’av-d’cha libbeinu שׁ ֶ ְשׁבַּת קָד ַ בְּאַ ֲהבָה וּב ְָרצוֹן all in it & may they rest Your holy – Shabbat & in favor kol vo fill us . in truth to serve You our heart v’chan-chileinu ְוי ָנוּחוּ mittuvecha .ֶבּ ֱאמֶת Lord & cause us to inherit Elohaynu Adonai בוֹ ָכּל v’sam’cheinu kod’shecha Shabbat uv’ratzon . שׁ ֶמ ְ ְמקַדְּ שֵׁי in love . b’ahavah. יִשׂ ְָראֵל Your name those who sanctify Yisra’el . sh’mecha Yis-ra-eil שּׁבָּת ַ ַה m’kad’shay בָּרוּ אַתָּ ה אֲדֹנָי ְמקַדֵּ שׁ the Sabbath who sanctifies Lord are You Blessed. Hash-shabbat m’kaddeish Adonai Attah Baruch. Our God and God of our fathers, find favor in our rest. Sanctify us in Your commandments and grant our portion in Your Torah. Fill us from Your goodness and gladden us in Your salvation and cleanse our heart to serve You in truth. And, cause us to inherit, Lord our God, in love and favor, Your holy Shabbat. And, may all Yisra’el rest in it, those who sanctifyYour name. sanctifies the Sabbath. 15 plan. Act for the sake of Your Name, act for the sake of Your right hand, act for the sake of Your holiness, act for the sake of Your Torah. For rescuing Your beloved ones, let Your right hand save and respond to me. May the expressions of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart find favor before You, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. He who makes peace in His heights, may He make peace upon us, and upon all Yisra’el. Now say: Amein. שׂ ְבּעֵנוּ ַ & cleanse in Your salvation & gladden us from your goodness v’taheir against me evil things, speedily nullify their counsel and disrupt their ALL OF THESE WORDS All of these words spoke Elohim, who brought us out of Mitzrayim. You shall have no other gods before Me, have no idols if you love Me. Shall not take My name in vain, and remember the Sabbath day. Shall honor father and mother that your days will be long upon the land which I gave. Shall not murder, commit adultery, shall not steal, lie, or be coveting. All of these words spoke Elohim, who brought us out of Mitzrayim. And, remember that in them is life. They’re our joy and our delight. vydq ycx שׁ ֵמהּ ְ י ִתְ גַּדַּ ל ְוי ִתְ קַדַּ שׁ HALF KADDISH – CHATZI KADDISH - ְבּ ָע ְלמָא דִּ י ב ְָרא:ַרבָּא He created which In the world v’ra di B’al’ma greatly be His name & sanctified rabbah sh’meihh v’yit-kaddash Yit-gaddal ַמלְכוּתֵ הּ ְבּ ַחיּ ֵיכוֹן in your lifetime His kingship ְוי ַ ְמלִי בֵּית Yisra’el House of Yis-ra-eil Bayt .כ ְִרעוּתֵ הּ & may He reign according to His will b’chaiyaychon mal-chuteihh יִשׂ ְָראֵל Magnified v’yam-lich דְ כָל וּ ְב ַחיּ ֵי chir-uteihh . וּבְיוֹ ֵמיכוֹן the whole & in the lives of & in your days d’chol Blessed are You Lord, who 22 uv’chaiyay uv’yomaychon . ֶי ְ ִמינ ֲעשֵׂה ְל ַמעַן. שׁ ֶמ ְ Your right (hand) for the sake of y’mineycha . ֶתּוֹ ָרת l’ma-an l’ma-an ְי ְ ִמינּ שׂה ְל ַמעַן ֵ ֲע Your name for the sake of aseih sh’mecha l’ma-an שׂה ְל ַמעַן ֵ ֲע. ֶקְדֻ שָּׁת Your Torah for the sake of toratecha act act הוֹשִׁיעָה k’dushshatecha י ְדִ ידֶ י l’ma-an י ֵ ָחלְצוּן Your right (hand) let save now your beloved ones rescuing y’min’cha hoshiah פִי ִאמ ְֵרי my mouth the sayings of fi im-ray :וְגוֹ ֲאלִי y’dideycha ל ְָרצוֹן צוּרי ִ אֲדֹנָי. ְל ָפנֶי for the sake of יִהְיוּ l’ma-an . :ַו ֲענֵנִי for favor May they be l’ratzon aseih . ְל ַמעַן yeichal-tzun & respond to me yih-yu va-aneini . ִלבִּי Yisra’el aseih . Your holiness for the sake of act aseih שׂ ָראֵל ְ ִי act שׂה ְל ַמעַן ֵ ֲע ְו ֶהגְיוֹן tzuri Adonai l’faneycha libbi baytecha .בּ ְָרצוֹן b’ratzon Yisra’el all Yis-ra-eil kol & upon upon us peace may he make He v’al alaynu shalom ya-aseh hu . :ְו ִאמְרוּ אָמֵן amein & say they amein v’im-ru . May the expressions of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart find r’tzeih . וּבִתְ ִפלָּתָ ם -- & restore & towards their prayer et v’hasheiv uvit-fillatam . בְּאַ ֲהבָה תְ ַקבֵּל.שׂ ָראֵל וּתְ ִפלָּתָ ם ְ ִ ְו ִאשֵּׁי י t’kabbeil in love & their prayer of Yisra’el & the fires b’ahavah ammecha Yis-ra-eil avodat ut’fillatam Yis-ra-eil v’ishshei וּתְ הִי tamid l’ratzon ut’hi . :וְתֶ ֱחזֶינָה עֵינֵינוּ בְּשׁוּ ְב ְלצִיּוֹן בּ ְַר ֲח ִמים in compassion to Tzion Your return our eyes & may behold b’rachamim l’tziyon b’shuv’cha aynaynu v’techezeynah :שׁכִינָתוֹ ְלצִיּוֹן ְ ַה ַמּ ֲחזִיר,ֲדנָי ֹ בָּרוּ אַתָּ ה א to Tzion His presence who restores l’tziyon sh’chinato Lord are You Blessed hammachazir Adonai Attah Baruch Be favorable, Lord our God, toward Your people Yisra’el and their prayer, and restore the service to the Holy of Holies of Your Temple. The fire-offerings of Yisra’el and their prayer, with love and favor may You accept, and may the service of Your people, Yisra’el, always be favorable to You. May our eyes behold Your return to Zion in compassion. Blessed are You, O Lord, Who restores His Presence to Zion. favor before You, O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer. My God, guard my tongue from evil, and my lips from speaking deceitfully. To those who curse me, make my soul silent, and make my soul like dust to everyone. Open my heart with Your Torah, 21 Elohaynu Adonai Your people Yisra’el the service of always pleased by & may you be . .שׂ ָראֵל ְ ִ שׂה שָׁלוֹם ָעלֵינוּ ְועַל כָּל י ֶ הוּא י ַ ֲע ha-avodah ְרצֵה Lord Be faborable : שׂ ָראֵל ַע ֶמּ ְ ִ ל ְָרצוֹן תָּ מִיד עֲבוֹדַ ת י שׂה ֶ ֹע oseh lid-vir In favor may You accept v’heg-yon . ( hashalom - Aseret Yimei Teshuvah ) shalom b’am’cha of Your house most holy the service in His heights (“the peace” -10 days repentance) peace He who makes bim-romav toward your people our God . ְֶו ָהשֵׁב ֶאת ָהעֲבוֹדָ ה לִדְ בִיר בֵּית ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . ַהשָּׁלוֹם( ִבּמְרוֹמָיו- שָׁלוֹם )בעשי"ת ְבּ ַע ְמּ Yis-ra-eil & my Redeemer my Rock my Lord before You of my heart & the thoughts v’go-ali hdwb[ ֲדנָי אֱלֹהֵינוּ ֹ א SERVICE - AVODAH - 16 ~ydwm [bow] שׁאַתָּ ה ָ . מוֹדִ ים ֲאנַחְנוּ ָל Establish peace, goodness and blessing, graciousness, grace and our God The Lord are He because you to You are we Thankful Father, all of us as one with the light of Your countenance, for with the THANKFUL - MODIM - הוּא אֲדֹנָי אֱלֹהֵינוּ Elohaynu Adonai .ַחיּ ֵינוּ hu צוּר sha-attah lach anachnu .וֵאלֹהֵי אֲבוֹתֵ ינוּ לְעוֹלָם ָועֶד of our lives The Rock and ever forever chaiyaynu modim tzur va-ed :לְדוֹר וָדוֹר our fathers & God of l’olam avotaynu veilohay שׁעֵנוּ אַתָּ ה הוּא ְ ִי ָמגֵן compassion upon us and upon all Yisra’el Your people. Bless us our light of Your countenance You gave us, Lord our God, the Torah of life and a love of grace, righteousness, blessing, compassion, life, and peace. And may it be good in Your eyes to bless Your people Yisra’el, in every season and in every hour with Your peace. Blessed are You O Lord, Who blesses His people Yisra’el with peace. from generation to generation He You are our salvation shield of vador l’dor hu תְּ ִהלָּתֶ עַל ַחיּ ֵינוּ our lives Attah yish-einu וּנְ ַספֵּר ְלּ mogein נוֹדֶ ה for your praise & we will declare to You we will give thanks chaiyaynu al t’hillatecha un’sappeir l’cha nodeh CONCLUSION OF THE AMIDAH ִלבִּי ְו ֶהגְיוֹן lach hap’kudot our souls libbi v’heg-yon v’al b’yadecha ְועַל נִ ְפלְאוֹתֶ י.שׁ ְבּכָל יוֹם ִעמָּנוּ ֶ ham’surim . ְועַל נִסֶּי Your wonders & for are with us day which in every Your miracles & for nif-l’oteycha v’al immanu yom sheb’chol nissecha : ע ֶֶרב ו ָֹבקֶר ְו ָצה ֳָרי ִם.שׁ ְבּכָל עֵת ֶ v’al וְטוֹבוֹתֶ י & afternoon & morning evening times which are at all & your goodness v’tzohorayim vavoker erev eit sheb’chol . ַר ֲח ֶמי v’tovoteycha כִּי ֹלא כָלוּ . ֲחסָדֶ י chalu כִּי לֹא תַ מּוּ lo ki ְו ַהמ ְַרחֵם is Your kindness ended not for & the compassionate one chasadeycha tammu lo ki v’ham-racheim .מ ְִרמָה יִהְיוּ l’ratzon yih-yu . צוּרי ִ ֲדנָי ֹ א. ְל ָפנֶי tzuri Adonai l’faneycha שפָתַ י מִדַּ בֵּר ְ ֱלהַי נְצר לְשׁוֹנִי מ ֵָרע וּ ֹ א deceitfully from speaking & my lips from evil my tongue guard My God mir-mah middabbeir ֶכּ ָעפָר us’fatai ְונַ ְפשִׁי meirah .תִ דּם l’shoni נַ ְפשִׁי n’tzor Elohai. ְו ִל ְמ ַק ְללַי be as dust & my soul may You silence my soul & to those who curse me ke-afar v’naf-shi tiddom naf-shi v’lim-kal-lai . ֶפְּתַ ח ִלבִּי בְּתוֹ ָרת by your torah my heart Open b’toratecha libbi שׁבִים ְ ְוכָל הַחוֹ.נַ ְפשִׁי who make plans hachosh’vim & all v’chol .תִּ ְהי ֶה . ל ַֹכּל may You make it be to all P’tach תִּ ְרֹדּף tih-yeh lakkol וּ ְב ִמ ְצוֹתֶ י my soul will be pursued by & Your commandments naf-shi tir-dof uv’mitz-voteycha . :שׁבְתָּ ם ַ ְמה ֵָרה ָהפֵר ֲעצָתָ ם ְו ַק ְלקֵל ַמ ֲח.ָעלַי ָרעָה their plan & disrupt their counsel nullify swiftly machashav-tam v’kal-keil 17 im-ray v’go-ali הַטּוֹב hattov ל ְָרצוֹן and my Redeemer my Rock my Lord before You are your compassions exhausted not for the good one rachameycha fi :וְגוֹ ֲאלִי & for in your hands are entrusted nish-motaynu ִאמ ְֵרי of my heart & the thoughts my mouth the sayings of for favor May they be . ְועַל נִשְׁמוֹתֵ ינוּ ַהפְּקוּדוֹת ָל. ְֶסוּרים ְבּי ָד ִ ַהמּ to you are entrusted פִי atzatam hafeir m’heirah 20 of evil against me ra-ah alai . י ִתְ בּ ַָר Name be blessed and exalted, our King, always, forever and ever; and all ְועַל ֻכּלָּם: ָל yit-barach our Salvation and help, – Selah! Blessed are You, O Lord, the Good kullam v’al lach and ever forever ~wlv חֵן ָו ֶחסֶד ו ְַר ֲחמִים.שׂים שָׁלוֹם טוֹבָה וּב ְָרכָה ִ PEACE - SHALOM - va-ed always our King l’olam tamid mal-keinu tovah shalom kullanu ָנָתַ תּ avinu Sim . ָפּנֶי כִּי בְאוֹר You gave of your face by the light For natatta paneycha v’or ki . ָפּנֶי v’al of Your face by the light upon us paneycha b’or k’echad ֱלהֵינוּ תּוֹ ַרת ַחיּ ִים וְאַ ֲהבַת ֶחסֶד ֹ לָּנוּ אֲדֹנָי א kindness & loving chesed v’ahavat life the Torah of our God chaiyim torat & life v’shalom v’chaiyim Lord to us Elohaynu Adonai lanu .וּב ְָרכָה ו ְַר ֲחמִים ְו ַחיּ ִים ְושָׁלוֹם & peace וּצְדָ קָה uv’rachah utz’dakah ְבּעֵינֶי ְלב ֵָר אֶת כָּל ַע ְמּ Your people all am’cha kol . וְטוֹב -- to bless in your eyes & may it be good et l’vareich b’ayneycha v’tov . שׁעָה ִבּשְׁלוֹ ֶמ ָ שׂ ָראֵל ְבּכָל עֵת וּ ְבכָל ְ ִי in Your peace hour bish-lomecha sha-ah & in every time uv’chol eit in all Yisra’el b’chol Yis-ra-eil. :שׂ ָראֵל ַבּשָּׁלוֹם ְ ִ ַה ְמב ֵָר ֶאת עַמּוֹ י,בָּרוּ אַתָּ ה אֲדֹנָי with peace Yisra’el His people -- whom blesses Lord are You Blessed bashshalom Yis-ra-eil ammo et ham’vareich Adonai Attah 19 ְבּנֵי Baruch & exalted shim-cha v’yit-romam וּכְתב ְל ַחיּ ִים טוֹבִים כָּל Your covenant the children of all of goodness for a life & enscribe v’ritecha .ֶבּ ֱאמֶת b’nay in truth Your name -be-emet kol tovim שׁ ְמ ִ וִי ַהלְלוּ ֶאת.ֶסּלָה shim-cha et Adonai are You Blessed Attah Baruch uch’tov ו ְֹכל ַה ַחיּ ִים יוֹדוּ vihal’lu selah yoducha בָּרוּ אַתָּ ה אֲדֹנָי.ְו ֶעז ְָרתֵ נוּ ֶסלָה Lord l’chaiyim and praise selah will thank you the living [bow] :לְהוֹדוֹת & compassion & blessing & righteousness v’rachamim : ֶב ְִרית alaynu . ְכּ ֶאחָד בְּאוֹר your name Aseret Yimei Teshuva all & upon upon us bar-cheinu ammecha Yis-ra-eil kol שׁ ְמ ִ ְוי ִתְ רוֹמַם <- during Ten Days of Repentance בּ ְָרכֵנוּ אָבִינוּ ֻכּלָּנוּ. שׂ ָראֵל ַע ֶמּ ְ ִ ָעלֵינוּ ְועַל כָּל י all of us our Father bless us Your people Yisra’el mei-olam בעשי"ת & compassion & kindness grace & blessing goodness peace Establish uv’rachah kivvinu :ַמ ְלכֵּנוּ תָּ מִיד לְעוֹלָם ָועֶד One is Your Name, and You it is proper to thank. vachesed chein מֵעוֹלָם may be blessed all these & for to you have we hoped Always the living will thank You – Selah – and praise Your Name truly, O God, v’rachamim ִקוִּינוּ selah & all hachaiyim v’chol ָהאֵל י ְשׁוּעָתֵ נוּ and our help of our salvation the God selah v’ez-rateinu נָאֶה וּ ְל y’shuateinu שׁ ְמ ִ Ha-Eil הַטּוֹב. to give thanks it is proper & to You is your name the good one l’hodot na-eh ul’cha shim-cha hattov . We thank Y ou, for Y ou are L ord , our G od and the G od of our f o r e f a t h e r s f o r e v e r a n d e v e r . Th e r o c k o f o u r l iv e s , t h e s h ie l d o f o u r s a lv a t io n , Y o u a r e in e v e r y g e n e r a t io n . W e s h a ll t h a n k Y o u a n d t e ll Y o u r g lo r y f o r o u r liv e s w h ic h a r e in Y o u r h a n d s , a n d f o r o u r s o u ls t h a t a r e e n t r u s t e d t o Y o u , a n d f o r Y o u r mi r a c l e s t h a t a r e w i t h u s e v e r y d a y , a n d for Your wonders and favors that happen all the time, evening and morning a n d n o o n . T h e G o o d O n e , f o r Y o u r c o mp a s s i o n s w e r e n o t e x h a u s t e d , a n d t h e C o mp a s s i o n a t e O n e , f o r Y o u r me r c i f u l d e e d s h a v e n o t ended, always have we put our hope in You. For all these, may Your 18
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