BATTLti 0? BRITAIN FLY PAST On view at the Horse Guards' Parade were Hurricanes and Spitfires, front-line aefonce at the time of our greatest peril, as well as the Vampires and Meteors of today's Fighter Command. Lord Tedder una other jR.A.F. leaders on the spot witnessed the fly-past commemorating the tiatule of Britain. Appropriately from. Uxbridge where Filter-Command directed the Battle etf Britain, was now directed the fly-past, by the same system of SHBHK telephonic linK-up with radar and Fighter stations. Today this una er ground operationsroom was not defending, the country,uut co-ordimting t£e nunurea*and-thirty ait craft of the H.A.F., Wavy, American and Czechoslovak Air Forces, which on the Air kin is try roof Lord Tedder and Lord Dow ding saw Si pass over. Lord Dow ding commanded the fighting--wing in that great cattle against heavy odds,by the which the German invasion threat was beaten o f f .
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