SBA RESEARCH SAMPLE ORDER FORM . . . . . . 1 . D.ft a2J22/9i Re.istod : . Mdterl: 9600686 Client : R.J. Revnolds Clieot Contact: Drew Huvett Project TiNe: 1996 VANTAGE Franchise DM FroBtabiiity Reseuch Caohef/Dietributlaa I1at 1) $BA Andy Bachofet 2) Sampling Dept . Katm Shue 3) DM Robin Rettew 4) BIAD Carol Mitchell Balanced to: Original mailfile 0 Ot6a Telanatch: 0 Idude the following : Matched phones 0 Unmatched phones 11 •PLEASE PROVIDE TOPLIIVE SCANS (SEX/AGE ARRAY AND FULL SET) OF MAn .>U.F AND IIVDIVIDUAL CELiS Core Ted Cd Core Coote+ol PYrinte Teat Frinte Cooh+ol (1) (2) (3) (4) Date files/topl'me scans due 3/13 3/13 3/13 3/13 File name Research 9uom N/A N/A 1,200 80U N/A 1,200 (5) N/A 800 Quantity sample needed 12,000 8,000 12,000 8,000 Boost sample needed 300 200 300 200 Commews : Boost sample consists of half males 21 24 and half females 21-24 per cell, balanced to m/f 21-24 portion of mai181e Pre/Post/Poet design SBA RESEARCH SAMPLE D.te: a2/1Z/96 ORDER FORM Re.ieimur: . . . l . 1 I . . Maua&. 9600687 Clieat : RJ. Revnolds Cimt Cartaet: Drew Hnvelt PeojeN TkIG 1996 VANTAGE Competitive DM PmSUbll&y Raearcy 1) s8A Andy Bachoftx 2) Sampling Dept . Sarea Shue 3) DM Robin Rettew 4) aIAD Carol Mitchell ad.oad to : TdmLhb : Origmal mailffie 0 Other 0 Include the fOllowing : Maoched phones 0 Unmatched phones 11 •P1ZA.Si: P'ROVIDB TOPLINE SCANS (S®L/AGE ARRAY AND PUiL S6Pj OF MAIId+TLE AND IIm1VIDUAL CE[dS Cen Test Coulrol Date ffias/Dopline acus due (1) 3/13 (2) 3/13 N/A 1,200 N/A 800 12,000 8,000 300 200 File name Research quota Quantity sample needed Boost sample needed (3) (4) (5) Commmfs: Boost aample cnnsials of half males 21-24 and half females 21-24 per cell, balmoed to m/f 21-24 portion of maiiffie 7Suapect* loyalty 8roup muat be aagged as such ~Prapovtdesign SBA RESEARCH SAMPLE D .ea zriz/% ORDER F1URM ltevidood: . . . [ I t I . . Malk& 9600673 Clud : R.J.Revnotds C}kat Cao/aet: Drew Huvett Ptqiect T1tle : 1996 NOW Franchise DM Pro5tab7iry Research CaohdlDis6ibutlan Iiet 1) SBA Kellie Wylie 2) Sampling Dept. ICarea Shne 3) DM Robin Renew 4) BIAD Carol M'rtchell Ddfnoed to : Original maillile (iiS!- SGAns r+f fe j Other Telemateh : Include the following : Matched phones Unmatched phones *P'LEASE PROVIDE TOFLIlVE SCANS (SEX/AG'E ARRAY AND FULL SH'1) OF MAIIFII .E AND 0IDIVIDUAL CE[dS Core Core Fringe FflW Test Control Test Cantrol (1) (2) 0) (4) (s) Date 6les/bopline scans due 3/13/96 3/13/96 3/13/96 3/13/96 File name Research quota NA 1200 NA NA NA 800 1200 800 Quantity sample needed 12,000 8,000 12,000 8,000 Boost eample needed 300 200 300 200 Comments: Boost sample consists of half males 21- 24 and half femalea 21 - 24 per cell bdaoced to the mJf 21 24 portion of the mailSle . SBA RESEARCH SAMPLS D,te: 2raft ORDER FORM Re.leiod: a . . . . , a 4 . Matter/: 9600674 CUent : R.J.Revnolda Cimt Contact: Drew Huveu Project TiHe: 1996 NOW C.onpetitive DM ProBhb~ity Research CoahdlDlstribufioo I3st 1) SEA Kellie Wylie 2) SAmplin8 Dept. Kam Shue 3) DM Robin Rettew 4) BIAD Carol Mitchell B.laooed to : Original mailfile Other Tefemateh: Include the following : Matched phones Unmatched phones qLEASE PROVIDE TOPLIlVE SCANS (SEX/AGE ARRAY AND FULL SET) OF MAILFILE AND 1NDIVIDUAti CEIJ.S Ce1 Test Caotrol (1) (2) Date 6leahopline scam due 3/13/96 3/13/96 F'ile Reaeaceh neme NA NA quota 1200 800 (3) (4) (5) Quantity sample needed 12,000 8,000 Hoost sample needed 300 200 Comments: Boost saaople ooasiels of half males 21- 24 and half females 21 - 24 per cell balanced to the m/f 21-24 Dortinn of the nosilflle. ' loyal~i O Py mmt be f4 ned - pleete pmvide locelio~e 392 b71e la'oot s '~r. ..a . ~~{il "" '6. . SBA RESEARCH SAMPLE Date: 212t/9i ORDER FORM Revision# : Manvi: 9G00685 Client: R .J.Revnolds Clied Con/act: Drew Huyet Projett Tide : 1996 MORE Franchise DM Profitability Research I3st 1) SBA Jimmy Rhodes 2) Sampling Dept . Karen Shue 3) DM Robin Rettew 4) BIAD Carol Mitchell Balanced to: Original mail6le Other Telematc6: Include the following : Matched phones Unmatched phones •PLFASE PROVIDE TOPLINE SCANS (SBX/AGE ARRAY AND FOLL S6M OF MAILFILE AND MIVIDUAL CELIS Test Coutd Sample smwk (1) (2) DaOe files/topline scans due 3/11/96 3/11/96 File name Research quota NA NA 1200 800 (3) (4) ~S) Quantity sample needed 12,000 8,000 Boost sample needed 300 200 Comments: Boost sample consists of half males 21- 24 and half females 21 - 24 per cell balanced to the m/f 21-24 portion of the msil8le . V fp0at reaearch ..w.g..
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