Document 257140

20/02 '95 12 :53
'x'071 352 3055
071 382 3055
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J. Henry Schroder Wepg & Co. Umltsd
120 Cheap .ideq London EC2V SOS
Facsimile Cover Shee t
To : Linda Coe
Company : BAT Industries plc
Phone: 233 3282
Fax: 233 3276
From: Jonathan Warburto n
Company : JHSW London
Phone: 00 44 71 382 6145
Fax: 00 44 71 382 350 4
Date : 20/02/95
Pages including this
cover page : 3
Comments : Belarus
Please see attached press cuttings .
071.312 0000 but Landon E44034 Fat :O to Da. 071.342 3010
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lad .
Mambet d SFA
Rapaana Number 532001 E Oand
R.pbtw.d O4fea at abo>~ addles .
Note of a telephone conversation with Gerd Oltermann attended b y
Anne Johnson, Holger Lompe and Linda Coe on Wednesday 1 5
February 1995 .
GO had been talking to Yaroshuk who advised him that the Cabine t
of Ministers was about to approve a new list of Enterprises which
cannot be privatised. It is understood that Grodno is not on the list
and that this list replaces the current list in its entirety . In view of th e
fact that we are also unsure what has been put to the Cabinet of
Ministers and Supreme Soviet regarding the BAT offer it was agree d
that John Hewko and Andrew Whitehouse may have to visit Minsk t o
find out more about these documents, particularly from Yaroshuk .
Initially AW will speak to JH to ask him to find out what he can b y
telephone .
It is understood that Sergei Ling, one of the Deputy Prime Minister s
is visiting London in March . LC to check for details from FCO .
GO agreed to try and find a project leader in BATCF together with a
distribution person, as appropriate if unsuccessful in BATCF he wil l
contact AJ .
It was agreed that the Business Plan required an urgent review ,
particularly with regard to the Market and Sales . GO said he woul d
speak to Mr Heinemann to review his recent report and the curren t
situation . HL would review the model in the light of the market review
and generally look at the sensitivities. The intent being to identif y
whether the current capex proposal causes BAT a problem .
AJ and GO agreed that they should visit Mrs Primshitz in March . AJ
would look at clearing the week beginning 27 March . If this week i s
not possible then GO to proceed with visit without her in the wee k
beginning 20 March .
It was felt that more information was required on the valuation .
However, in view of Yaroshuk's recent comments regarding th e
possible need for a further valuation it may be more appropriate t o
leave this matter alone for the time being .
15 fehna v 189 5
Copied to : GO, AJ, HL, LC, JH, AW