D 6 www.Chatham Official Ballot Chatham County, North Carolina November 2, 2010 A PARTISAN OFFICES BALLOT MARKING INSTRUCTIONS: a. With the marking device provided or a black ball point pen, completely fill in the oval Q to the left of each candidate or selection of your choice, like this: (You may vote for TWO) SAMPLE BALLOTS John Glosson *0002* Constitutional amendment providing that no person convicted of a felony may serve as Sheriff. _______________________________ Write-in _______________________________ Write-in For US Senate (You may vote for ONE) Supreme Court Associate Justice Elaine Marshall Robert C. (Bob) Hunter Richard Burr Barbara Jackson Michael Beitler b. Where authorized, you may write in a candidate by filling in the oval and writing the name on the Write-in line. c. If you tear, deface or wrongly mark this ballot, return it to request a replacement. Against (You may vote for ONE) Republican Court of Appeals Judge Libertarian (You may vote for ONE) _______________________________ Write-in You can still register to vote until October 8! Election day is Tueday, November 2. For a list of polling places, visit the Chatham County Board of Elections website: www.chathamnc.org/Index.aspx?page=407 D US House of Representatives District 4 STRAIGHT PARTY VOTING (You may vote for ONE) John Glosson David Price Ann Marie Calabria Richard Hayes William (B.J.) Lawson Jane Gray _______________________________ Write-in Republican NC State Senate District 18 (You may vote for ONE) Bob Atwater Rick Elmore Roger Gerber Steven Walker Democrat Republican NC House of Representatives District 54 Martha Geer Cathy Wright Dean R. Poirier Democrat Republican District Attorney District 15B (You may vote for ONE) Jim Woodall Board of Commissioners District 3 3rd G Mark your 3rd choice here J. Wesley Casteen (You may vote for ONE) Chris Dillon Chris Dillon Chris Dillon Tina Ford Jewel Ann Farlow Jewel Ann Farlow Jewel Ann Farlow Jeff Johnson Daniel E. Garner Daniel E. Garner Daniel E. Garner (You may vote for ONE) Martin Pinnock Stan Hammer Stan Hammer Stan Hammer SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS - INSTANT RUNOFF VOTING: Tom Vanderbeck Del Turner Board of Commissioners District 4 Democrat Pamela Stewart a. Choose up E. to Klass 3 candidates for the followingMark officeE.in Klass order of your preference: 1st,Mark 2nd, E. 3rd.Klass Mark b. Select a different candidate for each choice. c. Your 2nd and 3rd choices will not count against 1st choice; they will only be considered in a Doug McCullough Dougyour McCullough Doug McCullough runoff if your 1st choice is not in the runoff. Anne Middleton Anne Middleton Anne Middleton _______________________________ Write-in Republican Board of Commissioners District 5 Board of Education District 4 (You may vote for ONE) Carl E. Thompson, Sr. (You may vote for TWO) Democrat Walter Petty Harry E. Payne, Jr. G Elizabeth Haddix Clerk of Superior Court (You may vote for ONE) Gary Leonard Sam Cooper Deb McManus Democrat Sheriff _______________________________ Write-in (You may vote for ONE) _______________________________ Write-in Richard H. Webster Harry E. Payne, Jr. John Sullivan They They will will only only Sullivan be be considered considered in in a a runoff runoff if if your your 1st 1st choice choice is is not not in in the the runoff runoff John John Sullivan 2nd Cressie Thigpen Mark your G 1st choice here Pamela M. Vesper John F. Bloss Republican Cressie Thigpen Mark your 3rd G 2nd choice here Pamela M. Vesper John F. Bloss J. Wesley Casteen Chris Dillon End of Ballot Chris Dillon ____________________ Chris Dillon Jewel Ann Farlow North Carolina E Daniel E. Garner Daniel E. Garner Jewel Ann Farlow F -- VOTE BOTH SIDES -- North Carolina C Ballot Style 2 -- VOTE BOTH SIDES -- Stan Hammer Come to a new church… Mark E. Klass Mark E. Klass Doug McCullough Doug McCullough Doug McCullough Anne Middleton Anne Middleton Anne Middleton Harry E. Payne, Jr. Harry E. Payne, Jr. Harry E. Payne, Jr. John Sullivan John Sullivan John Sullivan Cressie Thigpen (Disciples Mon–Sat 7 am –9 pm , Sun. 8 am –8 pm Your One-stop Shop for Grilling Greatness! ✔ Mapleview Farm Milk Available ✔ Whole Pigs and Pig Quarters (7 days notice please) ✔ Fresh, local Produce WE ALSO OFFER 1% Payroll Check Cashing FAX Service Postal Stamps when available L O C A L LY OWNED & O P E R AT E D Ballot Style 2 Daniel E. Garner Stan Hammer Chapel Hill Christian Church E 3rd choice here Pamela M. Vesper John F. Bloss ____________________ J. Wesley Casteen Mark E. Klass Continue voting next side Cressie Thigpen Mark your J. Wesley Casteen Stan Hammer Larry Meadows Harry E. Payne, Jr. Your Your 2nd 2nd and and 3rd 3rd choices choices will will not not count count against against your your 1st 1st choice choice Jewel Ann Farlow D Democrat 919-545-0294 Court Court of of Appeals Appeals Judge Judge Fill in only only one one oval oval per per choice choice Fill in 1st Ilana Dubester Republican 317 East Street, Pittsboro Mark your 2nd choice here J. Wesley Casteen Republican B G J. Wesley Casteen Board of Education District 3 Brian Bock Libertarian 2nd Mark your 1st choice here John F. Bloss Democrat Republican G John F. Bloss George Lucier Democratic 1st They They will will only only be be considered considered in in a a runoff runoff if if your your 1st 1st choice choice is is not not in in the the runoff runoff John F. Bloss (You may vote for ONE) Straight Party Your Your 2nd 2nd and and 3rd 3rd choices choices will will not not count count against against your your 1st 1st choice choice Fill in only only one one oval oval per per choice choice Fill in Joseph (Joe) Moody Buckner Democrat (You may vote for ONE) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS - INSTANT RUNOFF VOTING: a. Choose up to 3 candidates for the following office in order of your preference: 1st, 2nd, 3rd. b. Select a different candidate for each choice. c. Your 2nd and 3rd choices will not count against your 1st choice; they will only be considered in a runoff if your 1st choice is not in the runoff. Court Court of of Appeals Appeals Judge Judge District Court Judge District 15B (You may vote for ONE) Constitutional amendment providing that no person convicted of a felony may serve as Sheriff. Against (You may vote for ONE) Joe Hackney Constitutional Amendment For Court of Appeals Judge (You may vote for ONE) REFERENDUM _______________________________ Write-in Court of Appeals Judge (You may vote for ONE) F (You may vote for TWO) Court of Appeals Judge Democrat a. A Straight Party vote is a vote for all candidates of that party in PARTISAN OFFICES. It is not necessary to mark individual candidates for PARTISAN OFFICES if you vote Straight Party. b. You may vote a Straight Party AND ALSO vote for a candidate of a different party in any individual office. c. In any multi-seat office, a Straight Party vote is a vote for ALL candidates of that party. If you individually vote for any candidate in a multi-seat office, you must also individually mark all other candidates in that office for whom you wish to vote in order for all votes for that office to be counted. d. If you do not vote a Straight Party below, you may vote by marking each office separately. e. A Straight Party vote does not include unaffiliated candidates, nonpartisan offices, issues or referenda. E Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor Sanford Steelman (You may vote for ONE) “The Meat People” Constitutional Amendment Richard Hayes NONPARTISAN OFFICES Democrat A OctOBer, 2010 REFERENDUM District Supervisor Ballot Style 2 C F County 0rg Soil andLine. Water Conservation 02 PCT/VTD ________________________________ B E of Christ) Tell them you saw their ad in this paper. Cressie Thigpen Cressie Thigpen Pamela M. Vesper Pamela M. Vesper Pamela M. Vesper Whether you’ve NEVER been, USED to go, or SEEK a church, Think Global: Keep it Local. ____________________ WE WANT YOU! End of Ballot Worship begins 10:30 a.m. ____________________ 108 Bim Street, Carrboro D E North Carolina www.ChapelHillChristianChurch.org -VOTE BOTH SIDES -929-2558 F Ballot Style 2 chathamcountyline.org Chapel Hill Bed & Breakfast We are the perfect getaway with your loved one. Come to celebrate your birthday, anniversary, retreats, and other events. Enjoy and celebrate your life with an artistic blend of historic pieces, lavish comfort, caring service and beautiful vistas. Visit our website to make a reservation. Thank you! www.chapelhillbandb.com • 919-967-3745 4421 Manns Chapel Rd. Chapel Hill
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