Property Services Report Prepared by: Name: Joseph Donnelly Position: Head of Property Services & Procurement Date: 23rd June 2014 Telephone Number:38 339 795 Email: [email protected] BOARD PAPER Agenda Item: Agenda Item: Sponsor: 9 Property Services Report Kieran Matthews Draft Resolution The paper is to update the Board of Management on the Association’s Planned/Response Maintenance Programme and provide information on ongoing Procurement activity. DECISION SOUGHT x Approval Recommendation to Board x Review and Comment x Information Other Executive Summary: Information This paper provides analysis of Measured Term Contractor performance for May 2014. Board Members are asked to note the following for this period: 1) Overall Contractor Response times exceeded DSD targets 2) Overall Contractor Response times exceeded internal targets for Emergency and Routine works and narrowly failed to meet Urgent response time target (82.99% against a target of 85%) 3) E-mail received on Friday 20th June from CM Construction in relation to the Contractor’s response times (Appendix 1). The correspondence can be summarised as follows: Contractor did not receive works orders over the past 6 months due to an error within the Association’s IT systems Monitoring of completion dates should therefore not apply Contractor has asked that works orders should be re-issued, along with codes, as most of the works have been completed but not invoiced That the issue should be drawn to the attention of the Board of Management in order to reflect a true picture of their performance targets Response sent by the Association Tuesday 24th June (Appendix 2) can be summarised as follows: Letters issued 24th February and 25th March advising Contractor that performance for January and February 2014 was below applicable targets PS 2 Meeting held with the Contractor on 3rd April 2014. It was confirmed by Brian Clarke that the reasons for poor performance was the result of an increased workload due to storm damaged properties and significant COT works at 23 Granemore Park, Keady Contractor’s performance for April 14 had improved significantly exceeding all response time targets Confirmed to Contractor that response time figures generated are only for those works where the Contractor has provided completion dates. The contractor continues to provide completion dates of works on submitted invoices and therefore any works which are not yet invoiced have no impact on the contractor’s performance. The performance targets published are therefore accurate An update on both SUHA and Abacus Procurements is set out below and Board Members are asked to note the salient points: SUHA Procurements 1) 2014/15 Planned Maintenance- Approval Required Tender deadline was 12:00 midday 18th June 2014 Tender Report to be forwarded separately from Board Papers (Consultant currently finalising report) Recommendation to appoint Hetherington Painting & Building Contractors to carry out the Association’s 2014/15 Planned Maintenance programme as they provided the most economically advantageous tender 2) External Audit PWC have accepted offer of contract and contract signing will take place in July 2014 following formal approval at Board AGM Abacus Procurements 1) Surveying Service for Disabled Adaptations Tender Report for the appointment of AG Crawford to complete a full surveying service for Disabled Adaptations has been approved by all member Associations Contract award and debrief letters issued 4th June 2014 Oaklee have confirmed that no challenges or queries were received during ‘standstill’ period (10 calendar days from issue of contract award letter) Given the assurance provided SUHA CEO signed contract on 20th June 2014 Expected contract start date July 2014 2) All Trades MTC Oaklee have confirmed the following errors in previous tender reports issued for All Trades MTC Lot 1 – Scores adjusted in relation to Contract Services call out fee which affects the overall scores of all Tenderers; Lot 2 – Scores adjusted in relation to HJ Martin and Contract Services call out fees which affects the overall score of all Tenderers; PS 3 Lot 3 – Scores adjusted in relation to H&J Martins call out fee. No other Tenderer was affected. Oaklee have advised that the amendments do not in any way alter the rankings of any tenderers Amended tender reports for Lots 1-3 are included in Appendix 3 Summary Board Members are asked to note that the majority of SUHA owned stock currently falls within Lots 1 and 4 Lot 1 (Lurgan, Portadown, Newry, S&E Belfast) and Lot 2 (Lisburn, Antrim N&W Belfast) Contract Award and debrief letters issued 15th May During ‘standstill period’ (17th May) D Martin (unsuccessful bidder) raised a query regarding the quality scoring Debrief meeting was held with D Martin on 26th May (appendix 4) ‘Standstill’ period expired 27th May Contract was subsequently signed with the preferred bidder, Contract Services, by Oaklee SUHA, Ark and Ulidia have not yet signed contract Carson McDowell Solicitors have issued legal advice in relation to this matter (appendix 5) Contract mobilisation meeting due to take place 30th June 2014 Lot 3 (North West) Contract Award and debrief letters issued 15th May Contract has been signed with the preferred bidder, Omega, by Oaklee SUHA, Ark and Ulidia have not yet signed contract Lot 4 (Dungannon, Armagh, Omagh, Fermanagh) Contract Award and debrief letters issued 15th May As part of award all winning contractors were asked to resubmit their financial details and the preferred bidder AMS have still not submitted these details nd A meeting was held with the Contractor on 2 June to discuss the contract and the required financial details Carson McDowell solicitors have suggested the following plan: 20th June issue letter one to AMS 27th June if not in receipt of information issue a further letter as a final demand Week commencing 7th of July if still not in receipt issue letter three and withdraw the award Review 2nd place tenderer, issue report and seek internal approvals to award the contract to 2nd place and commence due diligence 3) Fire Alarm/Equipment Maintenance Contract Tender Report for the appointment of Building Protection Services (NI) Ltd has been approved by all Associations Contract award and debrief letters issued 17th June Expected contract award date is early July PS 4 4) Heating MTC Revised procurement plan has been issued to participating Associations for approval It is anticipated that the process to appoint tender consultant will begin W/C 30th June Insurance Claims Ennis Green, Lurgan Legal correspondence was received on 19th May in relation to an alleged tripping incident at Ennis Green, Lurgan on/about 18th November 2011(during construction phase) Documentation has been forwarded to our Insurers for review Craigowen Housing Association Board Members are asked to note the following progress in relation to CHA works: Response 1) Response maintenance service for Mourne Grange commenced 12th May and a review meeting took place 20th June which indicated high levels of satisfaction by Camphill staff 2) Response maintenance service for Clanabogan commenced 26th May and members of the Maintenance Team carried out pre-inspection visits on 17th June 3) Response Maintenance Service for Glencraig is due to commence 30th June Planned 1) Following CHA BOM approval (11th June) Moore MacDonald & Partners have been appointed as 2014/15 Planned Maintenance Consultant 2) Mobilisation meeting and contract signing took place 16th June 3) ECM and Kitchen surveys to commence 24th June 4) It is anticipated that surveys will be complete by July and a contractor procured by August 2014 5) Dell O Grace works to be treated as urgent and completed outside of CHA Planned works to ensure more prompt completion. Works have now commenced to the property with an estimated completion date end of July 14 Update on Action Plan (following tenant satisfaction survey) The Property Services Department are currently addressing the performance area of improving satisfaction levels on accommodation by implementing the 2014/15 Planned Maintenance Works programme. External Cyclical Maintenance Works will be carried out on approximately 300 properties, with window and heating upgrades also due to take place as part of the overall scheme of works. It is expected that works will commence in July/August 2014. PS 5 Signing of Board Paper _____________________________ Chief Executive _____________________________ Sponsor The following people have been involved in the preparation of this board paper: Joseph Donnelly PS 6 Property Services Report Up to 23rd June 2014 PS 7 Measured Term Contractor Performance Scorecard Jobs completed (%) on time 1st-31st May 2014 (Total) Repair Classification DSD Target(%) SUHA Target (%) Average Total Jobs completed on time (%) Emergency 85 85 92.59 Urgent 80 85 82.99 Routine 80 85 96.17 Jobs completed (%) on time 1st-31st May 2014 (by Contractor) Contractor Emergency Urgent Routine Total Jobs Completed (incl ICO) Total jobs completed within target Total jobs completed outside target CM Construction K Magee Plumbing Braham Electrical 100 68.75 91.30 49 42 7 100 98.08 100 115 114 1 77.78 82.14 97.22 78 69 9 Analysis We are very pleased to report that overall SUHA’s response maintenance contractors exceeded DSD response time targets for May 2014. The Association however narrowly failed to meet internal response time targets for Urgent works and this is broken down as follows: CM Construction completed 11 out of 16 urgent works orders on time Braham Electrical completed 23 out of 28 urgent works orders on time PS 8 Procurement Update Procurement Form of Contract Estimated Value (£) Tender Value (£) Paid to Date (£) SUHA Procurement Timeline PQQ issued ITT issued 26/3/14 28/5/14 n/a 12/2/14 Comments Contract signing Contract Period 15/4/14 2 years Contract start date was 1 May 2014 20/3/14 2 years (+1 year ext) Contract signing took place 20 March 2014 15/4/14 2 years Contract Signing took place 15 April 2014 14/15 Planned Maintenance Contractor NEC ECC Window Cleaning 14/15 SLA 11,600 per annum 5,130 per annum Grounds Maintenance Contract 14/15 NEC TSC 35,000 per annum 27,285 per annum 14/15-15/16 QA Consultant NEC PSC 5,000 per annum 3,160 per annum 6/2/14 14/15 External Audit Services NEC PSC 6,960 per annum 6,750 per annum 20/1/14 2 years (+2 years ext) PWC have accepted terms and conditions of contract. 14/15 Planned Maintenance Consultant NEC PSC 25,000 31,900 6/1/14 1 year Mobilisation and contract signing th took place 20 February 2014 14,450 n/a st th PS 9 th Procurement Update Procurement Form of Contract Estimated Value (£) ABACUS Tender Value Procurement Timeline PQQ issued ITT issued Contract signing Comments Contract Period All trades response measured term contract NEC3 TSC with NHF SOR 30,000,000 Aug 13 Dec 13 5 years It is anticipated that the Contract Start Date will be July/August 2014. SUHA will join contract in September 2014 Fire Alarm/ Equipment Servicing NEC3 PSC 570,000 27/6/13 14/1/14 5 years Expected Contract Start Date June/July 2014. Adaptations Consultancy Service NEC3 PSC 395,000 15/5/13 20/12/13 4 years Expected Contract Start Date July 2014. Lift Servicing NEC3 TSC with NHF SOR 1,668,000 5 years There has been no further progress on this procurement. PS 10 Property Services Report Appendices 1 Appendix 1 From: CM Construction [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 19 June 2014 18:30 To: Laura Subject: FOR THE ATTENTION OF JOE DONNELLY ONLY MANAGER Dear Joe Due to a fault in YOUR IT system e-mails sent by Brian Kerr, Maintenance officer , over the last 6 months have not been received. We have already drew this to Brian’s attention on numerous occasions when “late job” letters of completion dates were sent to us , even though we had not received the original e-mails for those jobs. Therefore monitoring on late completion jobs does not apply. Can you ask Brian Kerr to re- issue these original works orders complete with codes etc , as most of these jobs have been completed but we cannot send in the invoices without the codes. We also would like you to raise this issue with the SUHA committee in order to reflect the true picture of our performance targets. Thank you Yours Sincerely C.M.Construction Nigel Magill 2 Appendix 2 Dear Nigel th Thank you for your e-mail received on Friday 20 June in relation CM Construction’s performance over a 6 month period. We have been reporting to the Board of Management the significant improvement in your performance in recent months and I am therefore surprised at the timing of your e-mail. In response to your comments raised I have dissected your e-mail and addressed each point individually for ease of reference: 1) Due to a fault in YOUR IT system e-mails sent by Brian Kerr, Maintenance officer , over the last 6 months have not been received. This matter has been investigated several times by the Association’s IT specialists and no fault within our system has been found. The problem identified by your company does not seem to be affecting other Contractors. I will however arrange for a further investigation of our IT system to be carried out. 2) We have already drew this to Brian’s attention on numerous occasions when “late job” letters of completion dates were sent to us , even though we had not received the original e-mails for those jobs. . Can you ask Brian Kerr to re- issue these original works orders complete with codes etc , as most of these jobs have been completed but we cannot send in the invoices without the codes th th The Association issued letters to your company on 24 February and 25 March 2014 in respect of your company’s failure to meet response time rd deadlines. Following a meeting with Brian Clarke on 3 April 2014 the Association was advised that the failure to meet deadlines was largely as a result of short term increased workload i.e. works to storm damaged properties and Change of Tenancy works at 23 Granemore Park, Keady. If this necessitates you I will arrange for all works orders issued by Brian Kerr over the past 6 months to be re-issued for your attention. Can you please advise if this is what you require. Can you also please advise how you knew the scope and location of works if you had not received a works order. 3) Therefore monitoring on late completion jobs does not apply. Monitoring of performance times only applies to jobs where the contractor has provided a completion date for works. Due to the fact that job completion dates are provided on invoices by your company, (which in this case have not yet been submitted) these jobs have no bearing on performance times. Therefore the results generated on a monthly basis do apply. 4) We also would like you to raise this issue with the SUHA committee in order to reflect the true picture of our performance targets. Please note that your e-mail and this reply will be provided to the Association’s th Board of Management and discussed on 30 June 2014 If you require any further clarification please do not hesitate to contact me. 3 Kind Regards Joseph Donnelly Head of Property Services & Procurement South Ulster Housing Association 18-22 Carleton Street, Portadown, Co. Armagh, BT62 3EN Tel: 028 38 339 795 Fax: 028 38 350 944 Email: [email protected] Web: 4 Appendix 3 Tender Report ABACUS DAY TO DAY RESPONSE REPAIRS MAINTENANCE MEASURED TERM CONTRACT LOT1 OJEU REFENCE: 2013-OJS161-280347-EN THE DAY TO DAY RESPONSE REPAIRS MAINTENANCE MEASURED TERM CONTRACT LOT 1, REGION 1 1. Contract Administrator: 2. Quantity Surveyor: 3. CDM Supervisor: 4. Current Estimated start date: 5. Contract Estimated completion date: TENDERS Oaklee Homes Group N/A N/A 1st June 2014 1st June 2019 Following advertisement in the Official Journal of the European Union (2013-OJS161-280347-EN) and evaluation of 8 nr. submitted PQQP’s, 7 contractors were invited to submit a tender on a 70% Price/30% Quality basis. The ITT was issued on the 13th December 2013 to return (quality section only) on the 25th of February 2014. The evaluation panel completed the quality evaluation, including site visits on the 10th April 2014. The priced section was returned on the 25th April 2014. Tenders were received from 7 contractors on 25th April 2014 as follows: The first stage was to open, score and moderate the quality statements contained within the ITT document. The moderated quality scores were marked out of 300 as communicated in the competition document and reported by the Evaluation Panel as follows: Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Contractor PK Murphy (Pomeroy) H&J Martin (Belfast) Omega Mechanical Service Ltd (Londonderry) Contract Services (Belfast) D Martin (Newtownards) JMC Mechanical and Construction Ltd (Warringstown) ESE Ltd (Newtownards) Quality Score 261 260 232 217 213 193 193 Following the successful moderation of the quality statements, the forms of tender were opened on the 25th April 2014 at Oaklee Homes Group Head 5 Office. A representative from each Association was present except for Ark who authorised OHG to act on their behalf. The maximum marks available for the commercial section, as detailed within the competition documents, was 700 (see appendix A). The scores are reported as follows; Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Contractor Contract Services (Belfast) ESE Ltd (Newtownards) Omega Mechanical Service Ltd (Londonderry) JMC Mechanical and Construction Ltd (Warringstown) D Martin (Newtownards) H&J Martin (Belfast) PK Murphy (Pomeroy) Total Score 682.46 628.01 520.79 561.17 535.07 485.78 474.53 The quality scores and tender prices were then calculated as detailed in the competition document based on a 70/30 quality/price ratio. The most economically advantageous tender (see appendix A to this report) can be summarised as follows. Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Contractor Contract Services (Belfast) ESE Ltd (Newtownards) JMC Mechanical and Construction Ltd (Warringstown) Omega Mechanical Service Ltd (Londonderry) D Martin (Newtownards) H&J Martin (Belfast) PK Murphy (Pomeroy) Total Score 899.46 821.01 754.17 752.79 748.07 745.78 735.53 Please refer to Appendix A for detailed calculations. It is considered that the tenders received including that of Contract Services (NI) Ltd. demonstrates a genuinely competitive tendering situation. In general the rates are fair and reasonable and the pricing schedule consistency priced. As several prices were close and the prices submitted are approximately equal to the current rates being paid, the Abnormally Low Tender process is not necessary. TENDER OF Contract Services Ltd (THE MEAT) The form of tender was arithmetically checked and found to be correct. 6 In our opinion the Most Economically Advantageous Tender score of 899.46 marks represents value for money considering the nature and extent of the proposed works. PQQ1A (Financial Addendum) will be reassessed to confirm no change to financial standing during tender period and that Contract Services (NI) Ltd is financially capable of delivering a project of this size. The confirmation will take place during the Alcatel Period. The tender award is subject to approval being achieved during this period. SCOPE OF WORKS The contract allows for the provision of Day to Day Response Repairs across the Region 1 area, including Disabled Adaptations and Improvement Works. COMPLIANCE The procurement of the contractor is in accordance with the procurement requirements of The Housing Association Guide and The Public Contract Regulations 2006 as amended. RECOMMENDATION I can advise that Contract Services (NI) Ltd has the resources, management structure and capability to successfully delivery this contract. It is recommended that the tender of Contract Services (NI) Ltd of Unit 1, Roben Business Park, Blackstaff Way, Kennedy Way Industrial Estate, BT119DS. With a tender score 899.46 (Eight Hundred and Ninety Nine point Four, Six) is accepted. ……………………………………….. ………………………………………. Ross McDonnell Procurement Manager Oaklee Homes Group For Oaklee Homes Group & Date Abacus Housing Consortium 7 Tender Report ABACUS DAY TO DAY RESPONSE REPAIRS MAINTENANCE MEASURED TERM CONTRACT LOT2 OJEU REFENCE: 2013-OJS161-280347-EN THE DAY TO DAY RESPONSE REPAIRSMAINTENANCE MEASURED TERM CONTRACT LOT 2, REGION 2 1. Contract Administrator: 2. Quantity Surveyor: 3. CDM Supervisor: 4. Current Estimated start date: 5. Contract Estimated completion date: TENDERS Oaklee Homes Group N/A N/A 1st June 2014 1st June 2019 Following advertisement in the Official Journal of the European Union (2013-OJS161-280347-EN) and evaluation of 9 nr. submitted PQQP’s, 6 contractors were invited to submit a tender on a 70% Price/30% Quality basis. Maurice Flynn and Sons Ltd withdrew from the competition (please attached email) The ITT was issued on the 13th December 2013 to return (quality section only) on the 25th of February 2014. The evaluation panel completed the quality evaluation, including site visits on the 10th April 2014. The priced section was returned on the 25th April 2014. Tenders were received from 5 contractors on 25th April 2014. The first stage was to open, score and moderate the quality statements contained within the ITT document. The moderated quality scores were marked out of 300 as communicated in the competition document and reported by the Evaluation Panel as follows: Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 Contractor PK Murphy (Pomeroy) H&J Martin (Belfast) H&A Mechanical Service Ltd (Draperstown) Contract Services (Belfast) D Martin (Newtownards) Maurice Flynn Ltd (Belfast) Quality Score 261 260 228 217 213 Withdrew Following the successful moderation of the quality statements the forms of tender were opened on the 25th April 2014 at Oaklee Homes Group Head 8 Office. A representative from each Association was present except for Ark who authorised OHG to act on their behalf. The maximum marks available for the commercial section as detailed within the competition documents was 700 (see appendix A). The score are reported as follows; Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 Contractor Contract Services (Belfast) D Martin (Newtownards) PK Murphy (Pomeroy) H&A Mechanical Service Ltd (Draperstown) H&J Martin (Belfast) MFS Ltd (Belfast) Total Score 700.00 550.56 487.35 473.46 449.15 Withdrew The quality scores and tender prices were then calculated as detailed in the competition document based on a 70/30 quality/price ratio. The most economically advantageous tender (see appendix A to this report) can be summarised as follows. Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 Contractor Contract Services (Belfast) D Martin (Newtownards) PK Murphy (Pomeroy) H&J Martin (Belfast) H&A Mechanical Service Ltd (Draperstown) MFS Ltd (Belfast) Total Score 917.00 763.56 748.35 709.15 701.46 Withdrew Please refer to Appendix A for detailed calculations. It is considered that the tenders received including that of Contract Services (NI) Ltd demonstrates a genuinely competitive tendering situation. In general the rates are fair and reasonable and the pricing schedule consistency priced. As several prices were close and the prices submitted are approximately equal to the current rates being paid, the Abnormally Low Tender process is not necessary. TENDER OF CONTRACT SERVICES (NI) LTD (THE MEAT) The form of tender was arithmetically checked and found to be correct. In our opinion the Most Economically Advantageous Tender of 917.00 marks represents value for money considering the nature and extent of the proposed works. 9 PQQ1A (Financial Addendum) will be reassessed to confirm no change to financial standing during tender period and that Contract Services (NI) Ltd is financially capable of delivering a project of this size. The confirmation will take place during the Alcatel Period. The tender award is subject to approval being achieved during this period. SCOPE OF WORKS The contract allows for the provision of Day to Day Response Repairs across Lot 2, Region 2 area, including Disabled Adaptations and Improvement Works. COMPLIANCE The procurement of the contractor is in accordance with the procurement requirements of The Housing Association Guide and The Public Contract Regulations 2006 as amended. RECOMMENDATION I can advise that Contract Services (NI) Ltd has the resources, management structure and capability to successfully delivery this contract. It is recommended that the tender of Contract Services (NI) Ltd of Unit 1, Roben Business Park, Blackstaff Way, Kennedy Way Industrial Estate, BT119DS, with a tender score 917.00 (Nine Hundred and Seventeen) is accepted. ……………………………………….. ………………………………………. Ross McDonnell Procurement Manager Oaklee Homes Group For and on behalf of Oaklee Homes Group & Abacus Housing Consortium Date 10 Tender Report ABACUS DAY TO DAY RESPONSE REPAIRS MAINTENACE MEASURED TERM CONTRACT LOT3 OJEU REFENCE: 2013-OJS161-280347-EN THE DAY TO DAY RESPONSE REPAIRS MAINTENACE MEASURED TERM CONTRACT LOT 3, REGION 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Contract Administrator: Quantity Surveyor: CDM Supervisor: Current Estimated start date: Contract Estimated completion date: Oaklee Homes Group N/A N/A 1st June 2014 1st June 2019 TENDERS Following advertisement in the Official Journal of the European Union (2013-OJS161-280347-EN) and evaluation of 9 no. submitted PQQP’s, 6 contractors were invited to submit a tender on a 70% Price/30% Quality basis. Maurice Flynn and Sons Ltd withdrew from the competition at ITT stage (please attached email). The ITT was issued on the 13th December 2013 to return (quality section only) on the 25th of February 2014. The evaluation panel completed the quality evaluation, including site visits on the 10th April 2014. The priced section was returned on the 25th April 2014. Tenders were received from 5 contractors on 25th April 2014. The first stage was to open, score and moderate the quality statements contained within the ITT document. The moderated quality scores were marked out of 300 as communicated in the competition document and reported by the Evaluation Panel as follows: Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 Contractor PK Murphy (Pomeroy) H&J Martin (Belfast) Omega (Londonderry) H&A Mechanical Service Ltd (Draperstown) JMC (Warringstown) Maurice Flynn Ltd (Belfast) Quality Score 261 260 232 228 193 Withdrew 11 Following the successful moderation of the quality statements the forms of tender were opened on the 25th April 2014 at Oaklee Homes Group Head Office. A representative from each Association was present except for Ark who authorised OHG to act on their behalf. The maximum marks available for the commercial section as detailed within the competition documents was 700 (see appendix A). The scores are reported as follows; Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 Contractor Omega (Londonderry) JMC (Craigavon) PK Murphy (Pomeroy) H&J Martin (Belfast) H&A Mechanical Service Ltd (Draperstown) MFS Ltd (Belfast) Total Score 696.55 625.73 598.86 583.64 507.23 Withdrew The quality scores and commercial section were then calculated as detailed in the competition document based on a 70/30 quality/price ratio. The most economically advantageous tender (see appendix A to this report) can be summarised as follows. Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 Contractor Omega (Londonderry) PK Murphy (Pomeroy) H&J Martin (Belfast) JMC (Warringstown) H&A Mechanical Service Ltd (Draperstown) MFS Ltd (Belfast) Total Score 928.55 859.86 843.64 818.73 735.23 Withdrew Please refer to Appendix A for detailed calculations. It is considered that the tenders received including that of Omega Mechanical Ltd demonstrates a genuinely competitive tendering situation. In general the rates are fair and reasonable and the pricing schedule consistency priced. As several prices were close and the prices submitted are approximately equal to the current rates being paid, the Abnormally Low Tender process is not necessary. TENDER OF OMEGA MECHANICAL LTD (THE MEAT) The form of tender was arithmetically checked and found to be correct. In our opinion the Most Economically Advantageous Tender of 928.55 marks represents value for money considering the nature and extent of the proposed works. 12 PQQ1A (Financial Addendum) will be reassessed to confirm no change to financial standing during tender period and that Omega is financially capable of delivering a project of this size. The confirmation will take place during the Alcatel Period. The tender award is subject to approval being achieved during this period. SCOPE OF WORKS The contract allows for the provision of Day to Day Response Repairs across the Lot 3, Region 3 area, including Disabled Adaptations and Improvement Works. COMPLIANCE The procurement of the contractor is in accordance with the procurement requirements of The Housing Association Guide and The Public Contract Regulations 2006 as amended. RECOMMENDATION I can advise that Omega Mechanical Ltd has the resources, management structure and capability to successfully delivery this contract. It is recommended that the tender of Omega Mechanical Ltd of 14 Springtown Road, Springtown Industrial Estate, BT48 0LY with a tender score 928.55 (Nine Hundred and Twenty Eight point Five, Five) is accepted. ……………………………………….. ………………………………………. Ross McDonnell Procurement Manager Oaklee Homes Group For and on behalf of Oaklee Homes Group & Abacus Housing Consortium Date 13 Appendix 4 Verbal debrief meeting held in Leslie Morrell House @ 11am Monday 26 th May 2014. Present: Ross McDonnell (RMcD) – Procurement Manager OHG Diarmuid Gilmore (DG) – Property Services Surveyor OHG Gerard McFadden (GF) – Procurement Administrator OHG Mark Martin (MM) - D Martin Building Caroline (C) - D Martin Building RMcD – Meeting called in order to address issues raised within email from D Martin Building dated Saturday 17th May 2014 and to ensure all parties were satisfied with the outcome of these issues. RMcD – Advised D Martin that information contained within debrief letter was a snapshot of the evaluation process, the debrief provided contains the relative advantages and disadvantages of D Martins tender submission compared with that of the winning tenderer. Only key areas of the response are highlighted i.e how each tenderer gained or lost marks. RMcD highlighted the issues raised by D Martin in relation to their evaluated scores & comments, in their email dated Saturday 17th May 2014. RMcD explained the panel Chair was asked to review the scores and confirm they were satisfied with the score awarded. The Panel Chair confirmed to RMcD that they were content with the scores given and RMcD stated that as Procurement Manager of OHG he cannot question their professional opinion. MM explained that he understood that each comment provided by the evaluation panel was a brief synopsis of the whole response but felt that when D Martins tender comments were compared with that of Contract Services he felt that the winning bid was subject to harsher criticism than his but yet Contract Services still scored higher. DG advised that the weightings may have skewed the overall scores eg. in question 5.1 (weighting 20), where Contract Services scored 4 and D Martin scored 3. In general D Martin may have scored more 4s but the weightings for each score were not such that the overall score of D Martin was greater than Contract Services. Very few tenderers scored 5 in any questions. MM advised that he felt a 4 meant a very good response while a 3 meant a not so good response due to the lack of scores of 0, 1 & 2. MM felt that the comment given for Contract Services in question 2.5 did not reflect the score that was given which was 3, considering the space that was provided to give an answer. MM felt that Contract Services, in this instance, should have been given a 0 and therefore excluded/disqualified from the tender. DG explained that the comment from the evaluation panel that Contract Services ‘failed to adequately address the question’ was based on one particular part of the response for that question and not the whole question 14 overall. Panel starts to mark each question giving each contractor a score of 4 and work back from that, deducting marks for failings found in not addressing the question properly or adding a mark where the response was deemed to have exceeded the expectation of the evaluation panel member. The Panel then agree a combined score. This explains why so few responses scored 5’s. MM felt that since most tenderers were scoring 4 or 3 for each question then the tender was more price sensitive and at 30% on Quality a bigger range of scores should be given. RMcD advised that scores are all given and totalled up, weighted and added to the weighted price score. Advised that if Abacus Housing Consortium were more focussed on the price then the tender would have been Price Only. RMcD advised that there was a wide variation on scores awarded on Quality for each tenderer for each lot. Advised D Martin were mid-table on Quality. M Martin advised that he was disappointed in the score received, especially on Activation/Mobilisation for which they scored a 3 and the weighting was 20. Felt that the weighting was excessive for something that would take 3 months at the start of a 5 year contract. RMcD advised that this aspect of the contract was important to AHC and was weighted accordingly. RMcD advised that the tenderer would have seen this question and its weighting when they received the documentation but raised no issue on it until recently. MM reiterated that his issue with the Contract Services tender was that it was not scored correctly, he felt that going by comments by the evaluation panel, they clearly did not understand the question and they should have been marked 0 in at least one of the elements and disqualified from the competition. Acknowledged that he should have raised an issue re weightings, sooner but main issue is with Contract Services score and advised it seemed very generous. RMcD acknowledges the complaint, has noted it but AHC disagrees with the complaint and that he is not prepared to question the independence or the professional opinion of the evaluation panel. Ross stated again that comments are a snapshot of the overall evaluation for that question, a contractor may be deducted one mark for not adequately addressing the question but it will not lead to a contractor being awarded a 0 and therefore will not lead a contractor to be disqualified from the competition. DG advised that to score a tenderer 0 or 1 on a question and to disqualify them from the competition, a contractor would have to provide no response or provide a very poor response to the question as a whole. The evaluation panel evaluated each response as a whole. Scores were deducted where panel members felt an element or elements of a question where not fully addressed. No contractors provided such poor responses for any question that they would score 0 or 1 and would be disqualified. RMcD offered to come back in writing to D Martin explaining the outcome of the meeting but MM turned down the offer. MEETING END 15 Appendix 5 STRICTLY PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL LEGAL PROFESSIONAL PRIVILEGE Carson McDowell Dated: 12 June 2014 OAKLEE HOUSING ASSOCIATION ADVICE ON MTC RESPONSE REPAIRS AWARD LOT 1 & 2 1. Introduction and Background 1.1 We understand that you have awarded a Works contract for Response Repairs. 1.2 We understand that you wish to clarify if signing was legally compliant and if industry best practice was followed. 1.3 We understand that you wish to clarify if the courts may view entering into the contract quickly as a tactic to limit a challenge. 1.4 We understand the following process was followed: Debrief letters issued 15.05.14; Email received querying marks awarded within the Alcatel Period on 17.05.14; A further verbal Debrief meeting was held within the Alcatel period with the contractor in question to address issues raised on the 26.05.14; The Alcatel completed on the 27.05.14; OHG instructed members that we are now entitled to sign the contract and this should be done immediately. 1.5 We understand that the contract will be a contract above the current financial threshold and that no formal legal challenge has been received. We have based our advice on this assumption. 2. The Regulations 2.1 Regulation 30 and 32 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2006, as amended, (Regulations) sets out the circumstances in which a contracting authority can award a contract and how the “Standstill period” is dealt with. 2.2 Based on the information we have, the Regulations have been applied correctly to the current circumstances. 16 STRICTLY PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL LEGAL PROFESSIONAL PRIVILEGE 3. Conclusion 3.1 In accordance with the Regulations and with the principles derived from the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, which include transparency and equal treatment, (the Treaty Principles), the Contracting Authority has entered into the contract by following a Legally compliant process. 3.2 It is both sensible and common practice to enter into a contract as soon after the standstill period has expired as possible assuming there are no grounds for ineffectiveness which there does not appear to be. 3.3 As the contractor query was proactively addressed within the Standstill period, there is no requirement to extend the Standstill period by 3 days. 3.4 As the contract has been entered into having followed the appropriate due process, the only remedy available to unsuccessful tenderers is damages. 3.5 However, if a contractor wished to challenge they have 30 days from they should or ought to have known to issue such challenge and a further 60 days at the courts discretion, should they feel the Contracting Authority delayed or employed tactics to delay beyond the 30 day initial period. The 30 days would complete on 13.06.14 at midnight, the 30 day rule does not apply in this instance. 17
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