Application Review Supplier Providers of resources BMC - CDB contact info Input Resources required by process Application from BMC - supporting documents Process High level description of activities 1. Application rec'd by Dir. of Projects - phone, email, letter... Output Deliverables of the process Accurate Appendix 8 - SAMPLE SIPOC-VSCapitalLoan.xls Customer Stakeholders who receives the output BMC - Aligned strategically - Managed risk The Bank - Correct firstime CDB - Board of Directors Dir knows program - sector, division, etc. 2. Assigned to approp. division (DC) - inst'l knowledge Timeliness (quick) Cost-effective (efficient) Director of Projects Regulatory compliancy - standards adherence CDB - Board of Directors CDB - document/process BMC - makes application CDB - Board of Directors DC knows program - inst'l knowledge Application & support documents officer or PM 4. PO completes intitial review CDB guidelines Funding availability Country strategy knowl. Divisional Chief (CDB) 3. DC assigns to proj. PO availability (time) 5. Feedback to Dir and BMC Bank technical resources Access to BMC (?) CDB - ITSD I/T (info) systems Access to Director Access to BMC 5. Feedback to Dir and BMC - memo gen. Non-standard memo CDB - Economists Bank technical resources 6. Additional info and - Finance Access to BMC (?) processing further - Sector specialist I/T (info) systems of the application Director makes decision PO recommend to Dir. 7. If a "go", then assign team (see next step on VSM). END VP Operations DAR Preparation Appendix 8 - SAMPLE SIPOC-VSCapitalLoan.xls Supplier Input Process Output Customer Providers of resources Resources required by process High level description of activities Deliverables of the process Stakeholders who receives the output Appraisal Mission Data and information 1. Analyze data and Project Team completes process from appraisal mission information gathered Draft Appraisal Report BMC Agreements and prepare draft - informed by comments appraisal report - from Project Team - Iterative process - Each team member Department Heads Projects Department Project Team OO (Project Coordinator) - technically sound prepares a section - consistent with CDB's policies Timeliness (submission ) of the report Cost-effective (efficient) 2. OO (Project Coodinator) assembles all of the inputs of team members into a single document checks for completeness of the report Projects Department S4 3. The Coordinating (Coordinating Secretary) Secretary combines the inputs of the other team members into a single document with a consistent technical style CDB IT Systems Draft Appraisal Report Project Team Team Review Supplier Providers of resources ASU Appraisal Team Department Heads Input Resources required by process Meeting Room; Availability of Team First draft of appraisal report Appraisal Team members Process Output High level description of Deliverables of the process activities 1. Schedule Team Meeting Second draft document: Appendix 8 - SAMPLE SIPOC-VSCapitalLoan.xls Customer Stakeholders who receives the output Appraisal Team Team for defining GB 2. Review and comment on Appraisal Report 3. Collection of Comments after meeting - informed by comments from all stakeholders - technically sound - consistent with CDB's policies Timeliness (submission) Cost-effective (efficient) CDB; BMC; Executing Agency Appraisal Team; BMC/Executing Agent 4. Consultation with relevant BMC/Executing Agency to resolve issues and concerns DC Coordinator/ Appraisal Team 5. Incorporation of comments DC Coordinating Secretary 6. Formatting of DAR CDB - ITSD I/T (info) systems 7. Distribute revised DAR According to accepted CDB formatting standards Division - Professional staff Division - Secretarial staff Facilitator Div. Review Supplier Providers of resources ASU Div. Review Process CDB Input Resources required by process Meeting Room; Director's availability DAR revised from Div. Review Dept. Review Team members Process Output High level description of Deliverables of the process activities 1. Schedule Dept. Meeting Comprehensive document: Appendix 8 - SAMPLE SIPOC-VSCapitalLoan.xls Customer Stakeholders who receives the output BMC Team for defining GB 2. Draft Appraisal Report received by Dept. Review Team 3. Dept. Review Team makes comments - informed by comments from all stakeholders - technically sound CDB's Management - consistent with CDB's policies Timeliness (submission ) Loans Committee Cost-effective (efficient) CDB Dept. Review Team members 4. Meet to discuss DAR CDB; BMC; Executing Agency Appraisal Team; BMC/Executing Agent 5. Collection of Comments after meeting Dept. Heads Appraisal Team members 6. Consultation with relevant BMC/Executing Agency Dir. Project Secretarial Team 7. Incorporation of comments Dir. Project; ASU Secretarial Team; Print Room Resources 8. Formatting of DAR CDB - ITSD I/T (info) systems 9. Distribute revised DAR Appraisal Team Facilitator Dept. Review Supplier Providers of resources ASU Div. Review Process CDB Input Resources required by process Meeting Room; Director's availability DAR revised from Div. Review Dept. Review Team members Process Output High level description of Deliverables of the process activities 1. Schedule Dept. Meeting Comprehensive document: Appendix 8 - SAMPLE SIPOC-VSCapitalLoan.xls Customer Stakeholders who receives the output BMC Team for defining GB 2. Draft Appraisal Report received by Dept. Review Team 3. Dept. Review Team makes comments - informed by comments from all stakeholders - technically sound CDB's Management - consistent with CDB's policies Timeliness (submission ) Loans Committee Cost-effective (efficient) CDB Dept. Review Team members 4. Meet to discuss DAR CDB; BMC; Executing Agency Appraisal Team; BMC/Executing Agent 5. Collection of Comments after meeting Dept. Heads Appraisal Team members 6. Consultation with relevant BMC/Executing Agency Dir. Project Secretarial Team 7. Incorporation of comments Dir. Project; ASU Secretarial Team; Print Room Resources 8. Formatting of DAR CDB - ITSD I/T (info) systems 9. Distribute revised DAR Appraisal Team Facilitator Loans Committee Supplier Providers of resources ASU Input Resources required by process Process High level description of activities Output Deliverables of the process Meeting Room; availability of 1. Schedule Loans Committee Meeting Comprehensive document: key loans Committee members. Appendix 8 - SAMPLE SIPOC-VSCapitalLoan.xls Customer Stakeholders who receives the output BMC Team for defining GB Dept. Review Process DAR revised from Dep. Review 2. Draft Appraisal Report received by Loans Committee members. CDB loans Committee members - informed by comments from all stakeholders - technically sound CDB's Management - consistent with CDB's policies 3. Loans Committee makes comments. Timeliness (submission ) Board of Directors Cost-effective (efficient) CDB 4. Meet to discuss DAR Appraisal Team Secretariat Dept. Heads Appraisal Team; 5. Collection of Comments after meeting BMC; Executing Agency Appraisal Team members 6. Consultation with relevant BMC/Executing Agency Secretarial Team 7. Incorporation of comments VPO Ececutive Secretary CDB - ITSD 8. Minutes by VPO Secretary Secretarial Team; Print Room Resources 9. Typing/formatting of DAR I/T (info) systems 10. Submit revised DAR to Secretariat. Facilitator Secretariat Review Supplier Providers of resources Input Resources required by process Process High level description of activities 1. Allocate Board Paper Number Secretariat Unit Appraisal report Loan Committee Review Secretariat Unit staff CDB Appraisal Team; Dept. Heads Secretarial Team ASU Print Room Resources CDB - ITSD I/T (info) systems Output Customer Deliverables of the process Stakeholders who receives the output Final AR document: 2. Review document towards meetig Bank standards - informed by comments from all stakeholders - technically sound 3. communicate with coordinating secretary - consistent with CDB's policies 4. Finalise AR document Team for defining GB CDB's Management Timeliness (submission ) Board of Directors Cost-effective (efficient) Appraisal Team Quality Control 5. Distribute to Board members Appendix 8 - SAMPLE SIPOC-VSCapitalLoan.xls Facilitator Loan Negotiation Supplier Providers of resources BMC Negotiating Team Input Resources required by process 1.Availability of Team including Executing Agencies & Govt reps. Process High level description of activities 1. Notifies applicant of intention to submit project for Board Approval Output Deliverables of the process Appendix 8 - SAMPLE SIPOC-VSCapitalLoan.xls Customer Stakeholders who receives the output BMC/Executing Agency Team for defining GB CDB Negotiating Team (Dir. Projects, Country Econ. Legal Officer, Finance Rep.) Notification letter 2. Coordinate meeting arrangements 3. Schedule on Meeting Date Aide Memorire reflecting agreed Legal and Projects Depts terms and conditions and other changes to the AR. Appraisal Team Director-Projects Departrment VP (Operations) 4.Negotiating Strategy 5. Appraisal Report. (AR) 4. Ensure agreed changes are Included in aid memoroir. ASU 6. Print Room staff. 5. Prepare and send copies of corrigendum to the secretariat and BMC. CDB - ITSD I/T (info) systems Facilitator Board Consideration Supplier Providers of resources Secretariat Sec. Review Process Board Members Input Resources required by process Process High level description of activities Appendix 8 - SAMPLE SIPOC-VSCapitalLoan.xls Output Deliverables of the process Meeting Room; confirmation of 1. Schedule Board Meeting and setting Approved Project: availability of Board Members. agenda AR (received) from Sec. Review Tech. Staff of Board Members 2. Appraisal Report received by Board members and other attendees. 3. Board Members review AR. - informed by comments from all stakeholders - technically sound Legal Dept. - consistent with CDB's policies Appraisal Team - easily understood Projects Dept. Cost-effective (efficient) Board members; CDB CDB's Management Dept. Heads Coordinator; 4. Board Meeting convened to discuss AR Customer Stakeholders who receives the output Borrower CDB's Management Secretariat Timeliness (submission ) Deferral Letter: with reasons Donors Other BMCs 5. Presentation by Appraisal team Coordinator to Board Meeting on AR Executing Agency Appraisal Team members 6. Comments/Questions by Board Members on AR Secretarial Team 7. Appraisal Team members respond to comments/questions on AR 8. Decision taken on AR 9. Press conference on decisions taken at Board Meeting CDB - ITSD I/T (info) systems Preparation of Loan Agreement Supplier Providers of resources CDB Secretariat Legal Department Input Resources required by process 1. Approved Appraisal Report Legal and Technical expertise Projects Department Legal Department Process High level description of activities Receipt of Approved Appraisal Report Selection of suitable Precedent Preparation of Loan Agreement Appendix 8 - SAMPLE SIPOC-VSCapitalLoan.xls Output Customer Deliverables of the process Stakeholders who receives the output Secretarial expertise Secondary Checking and Finalisation of Loan Agreement Approved Draft Loan agreement Projects Department BMC/Executing Agency Dissemination of Approved Loan Agreement Signing of Loan Agreement Supplier Input Process Providers of resources Resources required by process High level description of activities Legal Department Draft Loan Agreement & Security documentation Disseminate Loan Agreement and Security Documentation(where necessary) Output Deliverables of the process Appendix 8 - SAMPLE SIPOC-VSCapitalLoan.xls Customer Stakeholders who receives the output BMC/Executing Agency Signed Loan Agreement Legal and Projects Depts Signed Guarantee Agreement Corporate Planning VP(Finance) Follow-up with BMC on the signing of the Agreement Director F&CP Treasury UNIT Receipt of signed documentation and dispatch to Legal Dept Receipt and check for conformity to CDB's signatory guidelines Dispatch to Bank Secretary's Unit (BSU) for signing BSU sends signed documents to Legal Dept BSU disseminates to BMC CDB-ITSD I/T (info) systems
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