ˇ ajka, Masˇtovsk, Lehotay, Hajsˇlov C 1048 ˇ ajka1 Tomsˇ C Katerˇina Masˇtovsk2 Steven J. Lehotay2 Jana Hajsˇlov1 Use of automated direct sample introduction with analyte protectants in the GC–MS analysis of pesticide residues 1 Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Department of Food Chemistry and Analysis, Technick 3, 166 28 Prague 6, Czech Republic 2 USDA, Agriculture Research Service, Eastern Regional Research Center, 600 East Mermaid Lane, Wyndmoor, PA 19038, USA Automated large-volume direct sample introduction, or difficult matrix introduction (DMI), was investigated in the determination of 44 pesticide residues possessing a wide range of physico-chemical properties (volatility, polarity, pKa) in fruit-based baby food by means of gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC – MS) with a quadrupole mass analyzer. DMI has advantages over traditional injection because large volumes (up to 30 lL) of potentially dirty sample extracts can be injected into the GC – MS, but nonvolatile matrix components that would normally contaminate the inlet are removed after every injection. The extra matrix and glass surfaces involved in DMI, however, make the system more prone to the matrix-induced chromatographic enhancement effect, which adversely affects quantification of several pesticides. To overcome this problem, matrix-matched calibration standards and/or the use of analyte protectants were applied in the DMI approach, and the analysis of extracts was also compared before and after undergoing clean-up by dispersive solid-phase extraction. For best quantification, clean-up was still needed, and the combination of matrix-matching with analyte protectants gave the most reproducible results. Depending on the application, however, the addition of analyte protectants (a mixture of 3ethoxy-1,2-propanediol, L-gulonic acid 3-lactone, and D-sorbitol) to sample extracts and calibration standards in solvent (non-matrix matched), gave satisfactory quantification for most of the 44 pesticides tested. The lowest calibration levels for 34 of the 44 pesticides were d10 ng/g, which meets the standard required by the European Union Baby Food Directive (2003/13/EC). Key Words: Pesticide residue analysis; Direct sample introduction; Difficult matrix introduction; Large volume injection; Analyte protectants; Gas chromatography – mass spectrometry; Food analysis; Baby food; Received: January 28, 2005; revised: March 10, 2005; accepted: March 13, 2005 DOI 10.1002/jssc.200500050 1 Introduction Analysis of multiple pesticide residues in food is often a time-consuming, labor-intensive, and expensive process due to the complexity of the many analytes and matrices involved. The use of organic solvents, such as acetone, acetonitrile (MeCN), or ethyl acetate (EtAc), for extraction provides high pesticide recoveries over a wide polarity range, but further cleanup is nearly always required before gas chromatographic (GC) analysis. Common cleanup techniques, such as solid-phase extraction (SPE), liquid-liquid partitioning, and/or gel permeation chromatography (GPC), increase the overall cost of the method, extend the analysis time and require additional labor [1]. However, cleanup of the extracts is integral for Correspondence: Steven J. Lehotay, USDA, Agriculture Research Service, Eastern Regional Research Center, 600 East Mermaid Lane, Wyndmoor, PA 19038, USA. Phone: +1 215 233 6433. Fax: +1 215 233 6642. E-mail: [email protected] (S.J. Lehotay). J. Sep. Sci. 2005, 28, 1048 – 1060 www.jss-journal.de improving the ruggedness and reliability of the GC system [2]. Non-volatile matrix components build up in the injector liner and capillary column, reducing performance of the system until maintenance is performed [3]. Recently, Anastassiades et al. introduced the so-called “quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged, and safe” (QuEChERS) method for pesticide residue analysis. This method uses MeCN for extraction of the sample and simultaneous liquid-liquid partitioning resulting on adding anhydrous MgSO4 and NaCl. After centrifugation, a portion of the extract (typically 1 mL) is transferred to a tube containing primary secondary amine (PSA) sorbent and anhydrous MgSO4. After brief mixing and centrifugation steps, the extract is ready for GC analysis [4]. Unfortunately, degradation of base-sensitive pesticides (e. g. captan, folpet, dichlofluanid, chlorothalonil) occurred using this approach. Lehotay et al. modified the method slightly to improve results of those problematic pesticides through the use of buffering [5]. The buffered QuEChERS method i 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Use of automated direct sample introduction with analyte protectants The use of mass spectrometry (MS) in GC analysis permits the quantification and identification of a wide range of GC-amenable pesticides in complex extracts [6]. Modern GC – MS instruments can achieve detection limits that approach those possible with traditional selective detectors [7], and the use of large-volume injection (LVI) can further help to reduce detection limits if matrix interferences are not the limiting source of noise [2]. However, cleanup of complex extracts becomes even more important in LVI to avoid contamination of the injection liner, capillary column, and MS source with non-volatile matrix components. Any non-volatile materials, such as salts, carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids, will remain in or near the injector and/or slowly migrate through the GC column. These may not directly interfere in MS detection but they can impair the performance of GC analysis and lead to frequent system maintenance. An elegant way to overcome the problems caused by the analysis of dirty samples is direct sample introduction (DSI) [8 – 11], which has been commercially automated in a technique called difficult matrix introduction (DMI) [12 – 16]. The DSI approach involves adding up to 30 lL of the extract to a microvial that is placed in the GC liner. The solvent is evaporated and vented at a relatively low temperature. After that, the injector is ballistically heated to volatilize the GC-amenable compounds, which are then focused at the front of the relatively cold analytical column. The column then undergoes normal temperature programming to separate the analytes and cool to initial conditions, at which time the microvial is removed and discarded along with the non-volatile matrix components that it contains. In this way, only those compounds with the volatility range of the analytes enter the column, and the GC should remain a pristine system after every analysis. In the commercial DMI approach, the entire liner along with the microvial is replaced after each injection. The main advantages of DSI include: (i) reduced demands for the GC system maintenance (contrary to other injection techniques, contamination by non-volatile matrices does not occur), and (ii) reduced need for sample cleanup. However, without cleanup, the many (semi-)volatile matrix components introduced from the sample into the injector may still influence the quantitative aspects of the injection process and/or interfere in the detection. Thus, MS or MS/ MS detection is preferred for the accurate quantification of residues and reduction of chemical noise [10 – 14, 16]. Another important issue in the quantitative GC analysis of pesticides in food is the “matrix-induced chromatographic response enhancement effect” [17]. This effect is noted J. Sep. Sci. 2005, 28, 1048 – 1060 www.jss-journal.de by improved chromatographic peak intensity and shape of affected compounds when they are injected in the presence of a complex matrix. The matrix fills active sites in the liner and column, which reduces interaction of the analytes on these sites, and leads to enhanced analyte peaks. Susceptible analytes (typically those with strong hydrogen bonding potential) give poor peaks with low response in the absence of matrix during the injection step. In theory, extensive cleanup of the extracts could work to eliminate the matrix components that cause this effect, but it is untenable in practice due to the wide polarity range of the analytes in multiclass, multiresidue methods and complexity of the matrices [18]. Moreover, the matrix-induced enhancement effect gives larger and higher peaks, thus it would be better to take advantage of this phenomenon rather than eliminate it. Ways to compensate for matrix effects in GC include: (i) method of standard addition; (ii) use of isotopically labeled internal standards; (iii) use of matrix-matched standards; and (iv) use of analyte protectants. The latter approach offers the most practical and convenient solution to the problems associated with calibration in routine GC analysis of pesticide residues in diverse food samples. Essentially, analyte protectants are compounds that strongly interact with active sites in the GC system, thus decreasing degradation and/or adsorption of co-injected analytes [4, 19, 20]. Therefore, the application of those compounds can minimize losses of susceptible analytes, thereby significantly improving their peak shapes and lowering detection limits. The analyte protectants are added to sample extracts and matrix-free standards alike to induce response enhancement in both instances, resulting in maximization and equalization of the matrix-induced response enhancement effect. Various compounds have been evaluated as analyte protectants [19], and a mixture of 3-ethoxy-1,2-propanediol, L-gulonic acid c-lactone, and D-sorbitol (in MeCN extracts) was found to most effectively cover a wide volatility range of GC-amenable pesticides [20]. A main goal of this study was to explore LV-DMI – GC – MS applied to the analysis of 44 representative pesticides in non-cleaned and cleaned buffered QuEChERS extracts of foods. Additionally, quantification of the pesticides using calibration with matrix-matched and solvent standards, both containing analyte protectants, was evaluated and compared. 2 Experimental 2.1 Chemicals and materials Pesticide reference standards, all 95% or higher purity, were obtained from the National Pesticide Repository of the US Environmental Protection Agency (Fort Meade, MD, USA), Dr. Ehrenstorfer GmbH (Augsburg, Germany), i 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Original Paper involves the extraction of the sample with MeCN containing 1% acetic acid (HAc) and simultaneous liquid-liquid partitioning formed by adding sodium acetate (NaAc) instead of NaCl along with the MgSO4. 1049 1050 ˇ ajka, Masˇtovsk, Lehotay, Hajsˇlov C Ultra Scientific (North Kingstown, RI, USA), and Chemservice (West Chester, PA, USA). Composite stock standard solution (20 lg/mL) of 44 pesticides (acephate, atrazine, azinphos-methyl, azoxystrobin, bifenthrin, bromophos, captan, carbaryl, chlorothalonil, chlorpyrifos, coumaphos, k-cyhalothrin, cyprodinil, p,p9-DDD, p,p9-DDE, p,p9-DDT, deltamethrin, diazinon, dichlofluanid, dichlorvos, dimethoate, endosulfan sulfate, ethion, fenvalerate, folpet, hexachlorobenzene (HCB), heptachlor, imazalil, lindane, methamidophos, methiocarb, mevinphos, omethoate, permethrin, o-phenylphenol, phosalone, pirimicarb, pirimiphos-methyl, procymidone, tebuconazole, thiabendazole, tolylfluanid, trifluralin, and vinclozolin) was prepared in MeCN containing 0.1% HAc (addition of 0.1% HAc prevents degradation of base sensitive analytes in MeCN [21]). A composite stock internal standard solution (40 lg/mL) containing d6-a-HCH and triphenylphosphate (TPP) was also prepared in MeCN containing 0.1% HAc. Acetone, MeCN, methanol (MeOH), and toluene were high purity grade solvents for pesticide residue analysis from Burdick & Jackson (Muckegon, MI, USA), and the glacial HAc was HPLC grade from Fisher Scientific (Fair Lawn, NJ, USA). Anhydrous MgSO4 and NaAc N 3H2O were obtained from Aldrich (Milwaukee, WI, USA), and PSA (primary secondary amine) sorbent was from Varian (Harbor City, CA, USA). The MgSO4 was heated for 5 h at 5008C in a muffle furnace to remove any residual water and phthalates. For silanization, 5%-dimethyldichlorosilane (DMDCS) solution in toluene was obtained from Supelco (Bellefont, PA, USA). Compounds used as analyte protectants were 95% or better purity obtained from Sigma (St. Louis, MO, USA) and Fluka (Buchs, Germany). A composite stock solution of 3ethoxy-1,2-propanediol (CAS: 1874-62-0), D-sorbitol (CAS: 50-70-4), L-gulonic acid c-lactone (CAS: 1128-230) at concentration 40, 4, and 4 mg/mL, respectively, was prepared in 7/3 H2O/MeCN for our experiments. A sample of apple-based baby food was used for blanks, fortified samples for recovery assays, and matrix-matched standards for calibration in experiments. 2.2 Sample preparation Matrix extracts were prepared according to the buffered QuEChERS method [5] which entailed the following steps: (1) weigh 15 g of thoroughly homogenized sample into a 50 mL fluoroethylenepropylene (FEP) centrifugation tube; (2) add 15 mL 1% HAc in MeCN (v/v); (3) add 6 g anh. MgSO4 and 2.5 g NaAc N 3H2O; (4) shake vigorously for 1 min by hand; and (5) centrifuge the tube at 3450 rcf (relative centrifugal force) for 1 min. In experiments involving cleanup, dispersive-SPE entailed: (6) transfer 1 mL of extract to a mini-centrifuge tube containing 50 mg PSA + 150 mg anh. MgSO4; (7) mix the J. Sep. Sci. 2005, 28, 1048 – 1060 www.jss-journal.de extract with the sorbent/dessicant for 20 s; and (8) centrifuge the tube at 3450 rcf for 1 min. For the determination of recovery and repeatability of fortified pesticides in apple-based baby food (method validation), the procedure was similar, except the method was scaled to 10 g sample weight and fortification was done with appropriate volume to achieve 50 ng/g spikes and 100 ng/g internal standards before addition of the extraction solvent. The matrix-matched standards were prepared by addition of 20 lL of appropriate standards (125, 250, 500, 1250, 2500, 5000, and 10000 ng/mL pesticide mixtures each containing 5000 ng/mL internal standards) in MeCN containing 0.1% HAc to 980 lL of blank extract. The standards in solvent were prepared by addition of 20 lL of appropriate standards to 980 lL of MeCN containing 0.1% HAc. Concentrations of pesticides in both matrixmatched and solvent-based standards were as follows: 2.5, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, and 200 ng/mL (which also correspond to ng/g in the sample). In the case of analyte protectants, 25 lL of the analyte protectant mixture was added before the analysis to 1 mL of matrix-matched standards, 1 mL of standards in solvent, and 1 mL of final extracts for determination of recovery and repeatability. The matrixmatched standards as well as extracts of fortified samples were prepared from non-cleaned and cleaned buffered QuEChERS extract. For observation of the influence of water content during DMI injection, 50 ng/mL pesticide solutions were prepared in MeCN containing 0.1% HAc with different amount of water (0%, 1%, 3%, 5%, 10%, and 15%). Before the analysis, 25 lL of the analyte protectant mixture was added to 1 mL of these solutions. 2.3 Silanization Crimp-top direct thermal desorption (DTD) liners for microvial and taper (part no. D100013; ATAS GL International, Veldhoven, The Netherlands), microvials (1.9 mm ID, 2.5 mm OD, 15 mm long; part no. SPV1000; Scientific Instrument Services, Ringoes, NJ, USA) and glass needle guides (part no. D100008; ATAS GL International) were washed in MeCN to remove glass particles, which were present especially in the microvials. After drying at 2008C for 2 h, the parts were inserted in 5% DMDCS in toluene. After 45 min, the parts were washed in toluene and inserted for 10 min in MeOH followed by drying at 2008C for 30 min. To test silanization effects, a standard solution at pesticide concentrations of 25 ng/mL in MeCN containing 0.1% HAc with and without addition of analyte protectants was used. The experiments were carried out using (i) washed liner – needle guide – microvial; (ii) washed needle guide – microvial and washed and silanized liner; (iii) washed and silanized liner – needle guide – microvial. i 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Use of automated direct sample introduction with analyte protectants 1051 Table 1. Optimized conditions for the injection and GC analysis of the pesticides. LV-DMI – GC – MS GC – MS Injector temperature program 1008C (3.5 min) 7 K/s to 2808C (held to the end of GC – MS method) 2508C (constant temperature) Vent time and flow 3.5 min and 50 mL/min N/A Carrier gas flow (He) 1 mL/min 1 mL/min Injection volume 10 lL 1 lL Splitless period 3.5 min 1.5 min Oven temperature program 808C (3.5 min), 808C (1.5 min), 30 K/min to 1808C, 30 K/min to 1808C, 10 K/min to 2308C, 10 K/min to 2308C, 45 K/min to 3008C (9.61 min) 45 K/min to 3008C (8.61 min) 31.5 min 25 min – Pre-injection steps 1 min 1 min – Venting 3.5 min 0 min – GC – MS analysis 23 min 20 min – Cooling of GC oven 4 min 4 min Total cycle time 2.4 LV-DMI – GC – MS conditions 3 Results and discussion For the LV-DMI – GC – MS system, a Combi-PAL autosampler (CTC Analytics, Zwingen, Switzerland) with the DTD/DMI accessory (ATAS GL International) was used in combination with an Optic 3 programmable injector (ATAS GL International). A Hewlett-Packard (Agilent, Little Falls, DE, USA) Model 5890 Series II Plus GC coupled to a 5972 mass-selective detector was used for analysis. The system was also equipped with a split/splitless injector and electronic pressure control. In the case of splitless injection a double taper liner with internal volume of 800 lL (part no. 5181-3315, Agilent) was utilized. A Varian VF-5MS EZ-guard column (30 m60.25 mm6 0.25 lm) with integrated retention gap (5 m60.25 mm) at the front and a 1 m of uncoated capillary at the back was used in GC. The uncoated back section is very useful in GC – MS because the heated MS transfer line is not controlled (cooled) by the column oven, and if air is introduced into the column (as in DSI), then the stationary phase has no hot zones where a reaction would occur with the oxygen in air. Optimized conditions of the splitless and DMI methods are summarized in Table 1. The quadrupole was operated in selected ion monitoring (SIM) mode detecting 2 – 3 ions for each analyte as listed in Table 2. The temperatures of the MSD interface, ion source, and quadrupole were 2808C, 1508C, and 2308C, respectively. The electron multiplier voltage was set to +200 V above the optimum after the standard instrument tuning procedure. The responses (peak heights) of pesticides were normalized to the sum of peak heights for d6-a-HCH (m/z 224) and TPP (m/z 326). 3.1 Optimization of LV-DMI – GC – MS conditions J. Sep. Sci. 2005, 28, 1048 – 1060 www.jss-journal.de Generally, optimization of DMI, especially in the case of a multiresidue method, is a rather demanding task since many instrument parameters are involved (initial and final injector temperature, column flow, venting time and flow, and transfer time). If DMI is also used as a LVI technique, the process has to begin with solvent evaporation in the injection port. Ideally, the solvent evaporation would be conducted gently at a temperature below the boiling point of the particular solvent. Venting of the solvent at low temperature is important not only to reduce solvent expansion, but also to minimize losses of highly volatile analytes [22]. Initial inlet temperatures of 508C and 608C were reported when EtAc (boiling point 778C at 1 atm) was used in DMI [12 – 14]. The boiling point of MeCN is 81.88C at 1 atm, and under normal circumstances, 10 lL of MeCN would take little time to evaporate with flowing gas. However, the narrow opening of the DMI microvial and higher pressure in the injection port makes the evaporation process take longer. Evaporation of 10 lL MeCN took more than 5 min at 808C and 908C, which was not practical. Thus, the injector port temperature was set to 1008C with 3.5 min evaporation time in the final method. Although it is unlikely that transfer of the earliest eluting analyte (dichlorvos) onto the GC column was 100% efficient, we obtained acceptably reproducible results for dichlorvos and the other early-eluting pesticides. The final injector temperature was set to 2808C (higher temperatures did not lead to larger peaks of the last eluting components, deltamethrin and azoxystrobin). The optimal trans- i 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ˇ ajka, Masˇtovsk, Lehotay, Hajsˇlov C 1052 Table 2. Optimized conditions of the MS method used with LV-DMI – GC (ions used for quantification are given in bold characters). Pesticide Start time [min] Dichlorvos 6.50 tR [min] SIM ions [m/z] Dwell time [ms] 7.1 185 109 220 7.3 141 94 95 8.2 127 192 109 Acephate 8.4 136 142 94 o-Phenylphenol 8.9 170 169 141 Methamidophos Mevinphos 8.00 Omethoate 9.5 156 110 126 9.7 306 264 290 d6-a-HCH (IS) 10.2 224 222 187 HCB 10.3 284 286 249 Dimethoate 10.4 125 87 93 Trifluralin 9.60 Atrazine 10.5 200 215 173 10.7 179 199 304 Lindane 10.8 219 183 181 Chlorothalonil 11.1 266 264 268 Pirimicarb 11.2 166 238 72 Diazinon Vinclozolin 10.64 11.6 285 212 198 Carbaryl 11.50 11.9 144 115 116 Heptachlor 11.9 272 274 100 Pirimiphos-methyl Methiocarb 12.05 12.0 290 305 12.1 168 153 109 Dichlofluanid 12.2 123 167 224 Chlorpyrifos 12.3 314 197 258 12.6 331 329 125 Bromophos 12.52 Cyprodinil 12.8 224 225 210 Tolylfluanid 12.8 238 137 181 13.0 283 285 96 Captan Procymidone 12.89 13.0 79 149 264 Thiabendazole 13.1 201 174 Folpet Imazalil 13.27 13.1 260 262 297 13.4 215 217 173 p,p9-DDE 13.4 318 316 246 Ethion 13.7 231 153 384 p,p9-DDD 13.8 235 237 165 p,p9-DDT 14.00 Endosulfan sulfate 14.1 235 237 165 14.2 272 387 274 163 Tebuconazole 14.3 250 125 TPP (IS) 14.3 326 325 Bifenthrin 14.4 181 165 Cyhalothrin I 14.8 197 181 208 14.9 182 367 154 Cyhalothrin II 14.9 197 181 208 www.jss-journal.de i 20 15 20 20 25 30 25 20 20 166 Phosalone J. Sep. Sci. 2005, 28, 1048 – 1060 14.60 40 35 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Use of automated direct sample introduction with analyte protectants 1053 Table 2. Continued. Pesticide Start time [min] tR [min] 15.0 160 132 77 15.40 15.5 183 163 165 15.6 183 163 165 Azinphos-methyl Permethrin I Permethrin II Coumaphos Fenvalerate I 15.7 362 226 210 17.0 225 167 419 17.2 225 167 419 17.40 17.6 253 181 255 17.8 253 181 255 18.1 344 388 403 Deltamethrin II Azoxystrobin Dwell time [ms] 16.40 Fenvalerate II Deltamethrin I SIM ions [m/z] 17.98 50 100 100 100 compounds ( – OH); (iv) amino compounds (R – NH – ); (v) imidazoles, benzimidazoles ( – N2); and (vi) urea derivates ( – NH – CO – NH – ) [15, 19]. In addition to free silanol groups and metals potentially present on the glass surfaces (even those declared as “deactivated”), additional active sites can originate from non-volatile co-extractives deposited in the front part of the GC system from previous injections of real-world samples. Figure 1. Optimized conditions in the LV-DMI – GC – MS method. fer time (splitless period) was 3.5 min; a longer period caused only broadening of analyte peaks. With respect to GC conditions, the initial oven temperature was set to 808C to provide good analyte peak shapes and avoid oxidation of the stationary phase during DMI (when the liners are exchanged, a small amount of air is also introduced). Figure 1 illustrates the final conditions of the LV-DMI – GC – MS method. 3.2 DMI system deactivation Initial experiments involving DMI injections of solvent-only solutions gave poor peak shapes and sensitivities for many pesticides. This problem relates to degradation and/or irreversible adsorption of susceptible analytes on active sites in the injection liner, microvial, needle guide, and column. Compounds containing the following functional groups in their molecule structures are typically troublesome in this respect: (i) organophosphates (–P=O); (ii) carbamates ( – O – CO – NH – ); (iii) hydroxy J. Sep. Sci. 2005, 28, 1048 – 1060 www.jss-journal.de DMI has the great advantage of preventing non-volatile matrix components accumulating in the GC system because they remain in the microvial and are removed after each GC run. However, in comparison with other injection techniques, DMI incorporates greater glass surface area in the inlet, which needs to be deactivated. Also, the activity of the inlet may vary greatly throughout the GC sequence because a new (different) liner, microvial, and needle guide are introduced into the system each time, potentially decreasing accuracy (both precision and trueness) of the results. Thus, an effective and reproducible deactivation is essential in routine application of DMI for GC analysis of pesticide residues and other susceptible analytes. We tested two deactivation approaches: (i) silanization of glass surfaces with DMDCS to prevent the interaction with silanol groups and (ii) addition of analyte protectants to the injected samples. As mentioned in the Introduction, analyte protectants strongly interact with the active sites, thus their application can serve as a rather convenient way of GC system (both inlet and column) deactivation performed at each injection. As Figure 2 shows, silanization of particular glass parts (i. e. liner, needle guide, and microvial) or of all components did not lead to observable improvement in precision. On the other hand, the use of analyte protectants resulted in significant improvement in precision, regardless of whether in combination with silanization or not. Thus, we utilized a simple addition of analyte protectants instead of the time-consuming, laborintensive, and mainly ineffective silanization process. i 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1054 ˇ ajka, Masˇtovsk, Lehotay, Hajsˇlov C Figure 2. Influence of silanization and use of analyte protectants on signal reproducibility (expressed as RSD, n = 3): (A) and (D) washed liner – needle guide – microvial; (B) and (D) washed needle guide – microvial and washed and silanized liner; (C) and (F) washed and silanized liner – needle guide – microvial; (A) – (C) standard at concentration 25 ng/ mL in MeCN containing 0.1% HAc without analyte protectants, 10 lL injected using DMI; (D) – (F) standard at concentration 25 ng/mL in MeCN containing 0.1% HAc with analyte protectants, 10 lL injected using DMI. 3.3 Influence of water content on analyte transfer and peak focusing The QuEChERS method uses MeCN for extraction, which is miscible with water, and the salting out procedure using anhydrous MgSO4 does not remove all of the water from the MeCN extract. The water content in non-cleaned and cleaned QuEChERS extract was found to be L14% and L2%, respectively [4]. Thus, the injection of these rather different extract solutions could impact transfer and peak focusing of target analytes. To observe if this was the case, 50 ng/mL pesticide standard solutions with analyte protectants were injected, which contained different amount of water (0%, 1%, 3%, 5%, 10%, and 15%). Significant influence of water content on results was observed in the case of dichlorvos, where higher concentration of water resulted in about 40% decrease of its signal intensity (see Figure 3.A). On the other hand, peak heights of most of the pesticides involved in our study were not affected by the presence of up to 15% water in MeCN, albeit variability increased slightly in injections containing 10% and 15% water (see Figure 3.B). 3.4 Injection of baby food extracts with and without clean-up To evaluate the feasibility of the LV-DMI – GC – MS approach for routine analysis of pesticide residues in real J. Sep. Sci. 2005, 28, 1048 – 1060 www.jss-journal.de Figure 3. Influence of water content in MeCN on the analyte peak height for (A) Dichlorvos, and (B) p,p9-DDD, both at 50 ng/mL with analyte protectants added, 10 lL injected using DMI (n = 3). samples, a number of analyses were conducted for the pesticides in MeCN containing 0.1% HAc (solvent standard with analyte protectants) and in buffered QuEChERS extracts (extracts of fortified baby-food samples and matrix-matched standards with analyte protectants) as described in Experimental. Furthermore, the buffered QuEChERS extracts were injected as non-cleaned (crude) and cleaned extracts. Although one of the main advantages of the QuEChERS method is its high sample throughput, we wanted to see if it can be increased even further by avoiding the dispersive-SPE clean-up and analyzing the crude extracts satisfactorily using DMI. Of course, the non-cleaned extracts contain more matrix compounds that could interfere with MS detection. Figure 4 shows how the clean-up step reduced the amount of nonvolatile components retained in the used microvials (only a thin film of co-extractives were present after the analysis of cleaned extracts). In the case of the crude extracts, the non-volatile co-extractives on the wall of microvial are visible. We should also note that the syringe plunger often became stuck when the non-cleaned extracts were repeatedly injected (presumably due to the higher amounts of less volatile components). The injection of rather polar analyte protectants can also pose this problem, but the use of acetone-water mixture (1:1, v/v) for syringe washing serves as a good preventative measure [20]. i 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Use of automated direct sample introduction with analyte protectants 1055 Table 3. Results of the validation study (mean recoveries and relative standard deviations, RSDs) obtained in cleaned and noncleaned buffered QuEChERS extracts of apple-based baby food samples spiked at 50 ng/g (n = 6). Matrix-matched standards with analyte protectants were used for calibration, for which lowest calibration levels (LCLs) are given. Pesticide Cleaned extracts Non-cleaned extracts Recovery [%] RSD [%] LCL [ng/g] Recovery [%] RSD [%] LCL [ng/g] Acephate – – 100 – – >200 Atrazine 99 6 5 94 4 5 Azinphos-methyl – – 100 – – 200 Azoxystrobin 98 7 2.5 106 15 2.5 Bifenthrin 98 4 2.5 92 10 2.5 Bromophos 101 3 2.5 96 8 2.5 Captan – – 100 – – >200 Carbaryl 93 12 25 – – 200 Chlorothalonil 82 19 2.5 83 23 10 Chlorpyrifos 96 3 2.5 97 5 5 Coumaphos 100 11 2.5 100 15 10 k-Cyhalothrin I+II 95 5 2.5 103 5 2.5 Cyprodinil 97 1 2.5 99 4 2.5 p,p9-DDD 91 6 2.5 106 11 2.5 p,p9-DDE 97 3 2.5 93 4 2.5 p,p9-DDT 104 17 2.5 95 7 2.5 Deltamethrin I+II 93 6 10 101 2 10 Diazinon 101 4 2.5 96 6 10 Dichlofluanid 86 14 10 84 20 25 Dichlorvos 101 17 5 97 8 10 Dimethoate 99 14 25 – – 200 Endosulfan sulfate 97 15 2.5 97 18 10 Ethion 102 8 2.5 98 10 2.5 Fenvalerate I+II 96 6 5 104 5 5 Folpet 98 11 25 – – 100 HCB 98 7 2.5 94 8 2.5 Heptachlor 99 5 2.5 95 4 5 Imazalil 104 4 2.5 95 6 5 Lindane 94 5 5 96 5 5 Methamidophos 87 11 25 – – >200 Methiocarb – – Interference – – Interference Mevinphos 99 9 5 91 11 10 Omethoate – – 100 – – 200 Permethrin I+II 99 5 2.5 108 5 2.5 o-Phenylphenol 99 8 2.5 93 6 2.5 Phosalone 97 20 10 94 29 25 Pirimicarb 97 5 5 96 4 2.5 Pirimiphos-methyl 100 6 2.5 98 6 2.5 Procymidone 95 6 5 98 6 10 Tebuconazole 95 2 2.5 96 4 5 Interference Thiabendazole – – Interference – – Totylfluanid 86 15 10 92 15 50 Trifluralin 100 10 2.5 93 5 2.5 Vinclozolin 96 2 5 100 4 10 J. Sep. Sci. 2005, 28, 1048 – 1060 www.jss-journal.de i 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1056 ˇ ajka, Masˇtovsk, Lehotay, Hajsˇlov C Table 3 compares lowest calibration levels (LCLs) obtained for the tested pesticides in cleaned and noncleaned buffered QuEChERS extracts. The analysis of cleaned extracts yielded better detectability for many analytes (dichlorvos, mevinphos, omethoate, dimethoate, diazinon, chlorothalonil, vinclozolin, carbaryl, heptachlor, dichlofluanid, chlorpyrifos, tolylfluanid, procymidone, captan, folpet, imazalil, endosulfan sulfate, tebuconazole, phosalone, and coumaphos). Moreover, methamidophos, acephate, and azinphos-methyl could not be determined in the crude extracts even at the highest tested concentration level of 200 ng/g. A co-elution of methiocarb and thiabendazole with matrix compounds precluded quantification of these analytes in both the crude and cleaned extracts. Figure 4. DMI liner after 10 lL injection of: (1) cleaned babyfood extract; (2) non-cleaned baby-food extract; and (3) detail of microvials used for introduction of non-cleaned extracts. In the case of k-cyhalothrin and deltamethrin, formation of second peaks (isomers) with the same MS spectra was observed. The extent of conversion of both pesticides to their isomers was sample dependent, increasing in order: pure solvent (MeCN with 0.1% HAc) a cleaned QuEChERS extract a non-cleaned QuEChERS extract (see Figure 5). The isomerization process of k-cyhalothrin and Figure 5. Chromatograms of 10 lL DMI injections of 100 ng/mL (A) k-cyhalothrin (m/z 197) and (B) deltamethrin (m/z 253) and their isomers (denoted with asterisks) obtained in: (1) MeCN with 0.1% HAc; (2) cleaned buffered QuEChERS extract; (3) noncleaned buffered QuEChERS extract. Analyte protectants were added to all solutions. J. Sep. Sci. 2005, 28, 1048 – 1060 www.jss-journal.de i 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Use of automated direct sample introduction with analyte protectants deltamethrin in MeCN (and acetone) was described previously [21], demonstrating that formation of the second peak depends on the activity of the GC system and presence of different co-injected matrix components. To avoid quantification errors, peak heights of both isomers were summed for quantification purposes. 3.5 Method validation The combination of the buffered QuEChERS sample preparation method and optimized LV-DMI – GC – MS was evaluated in a validation study, involving analysis of 6 replicates of apple-based baby food spiked at 50 ng/g by the tested 44 pesticides. Table 3 provides mean recoveries, relative standard deviations (RSDs), and LCLs obtained by the analysis of cleaned and non-cleaned buffered QuEChERS extracts. The best overall results were obtained by analysis of the cleaned extracts, in which case, 38 pesticides were satisfactorily quantified (only acephate, omethoate, methiocarb, captan, thiabendazole, and azinphos-methyl could not be determined at the spiking level of 50 ng/g). Using matrix-matched standards (with analyte protectants) for calibration, average recoveries of the determined pesticides were between 82 and 104% with RSDs d 20%. In crude extracts, four additional pesticides (carbaryl, dimethoate, folpet, and methamidophos) could not be quantified and the recoveries of the 34 determined pesticides were between 83 and 108% with RSDs d 20%, except for chlorothalonil and phosalone which gave slightly less reproducible results (RSDs 23% and 29%, respectively). Thus, with the exception of chlorothalonil and phosalone in crude extracts, the validation results for the determined pesticides in both extracts fully met the EU criteria for quantitative methods set for the pesticide concentration range of 10 – 100 ng/g, requiring repeatability (RSDs) d 20% and mean recovery within the range of 70 – 120% [23]. For the majority of the analytes, the LCLs were d10 ng/g (mostly 2.5 ng/g, see Table 3). Thus for these pesticides, the presented method can be used for control of the 10 ng/g maximum residue limit recently established in the EU for pesticides in baby food [24]. In terms of the retention time reproducibility, the RSDs were a0.05% for cleaned buffered QuEChERS extracts (except for the early eluting analytes methamidophos and dichlorvos, which gave RSDs of 0.27% and 0.13%, respectively) and less than 0.06% for pesticide residues in non-cleaned extracts. In addition to the calibration using matrix-matched standards, we also evaluated the possibility to quantify the tested pesticides using matrix-free, solvent standards. For effective deactivation of the GC system (see Section 3.2), analyte protectants were added to both types of calibration standards as well as fortified samples extracts. Moreover, the use of a suitable combination of analyte J. Sep. Sci. 2005, 28, 1048 – 1060 www.jss-journal.de 1057 protectants in solvent standards is a more convenient approach to compensate for the matrix-induced response enhancement effect than the laborious and time-consuming matrix-matching approach. Masˇtovsk et al. [20] evaluated various combinations of promising analyte protectants to overcome matrix effects in analysis of GC-amenable pesticides in QuEChERS extracts using hot splitless injection (1 lL) at 2508C. A mixture of 3-ethoxy-1,2-propanediol, L-gulonic acid c-lactone, and D-sorbitol (added at 10, 1, and 1 mg/mL, respectively, to both solvent standards and matrix extracts) provided the best overall results in terms of effective compensation for matrix-induced enhancement and improved ruggedness in a long-term performance test. For the 10 lL DMI injections in this study, we used the same mixture of analyte protectants, but 10-fold lower concentrations were added to achieve the same amount of analyte protectants introduced into the GC system as in the case of the 1 lL splitless injection (10, 1, and 1 lg injected, respectively). Figure 6 compares pesticide recoveries in cleaned extracts obtained using matrix-matched and solvent standards, both with addition of analyte protectants. The latter approach provided comparable results meeting the 70 – 120% recovery criterion for most of the determined pesticides. Slightly higher results were observed for p,p9-DDD and cyprodinil (recoveries 125 and 126%, respectively), whereas the recoveries of imazalil and azoxystrobin were more overestimated, reaching values of 163 and 204%, respectively. In the case of endosulfan sulfate, the recovery calculated vs. solvent standard was unexpectedly lower than with the use of matrix-matching (64 vs. 97%). Lower recoveries (48% – 68%) were also obtained for a group of base-sensitive pesticides folpet, dichlofluanid, tolylfluanid, and chlorothalonil (not shown in Figure 6), in which case the presence of matrix components probably led to partial degradation in both samples and matrixmatched standards. Thus, higher responses were achieved in matrix-free, MeCN solutions, where the addition of 0.1% HAc effectively prevented degradation of these analytes [21]. For comparison purposes, we also injected the matrixmatched standards in cleaned extracts and solvent standards, both with analyte protectants (at 10, 1, and 1 mg/ mL in this case), using 1 lL hot splitless injection. Very similar responses were obtained for all determined pesticides in both calibration standard types, thus as observed previously [20], the optimized mixture of 3-ethoxy-1,2-propanediol, L-gulonic acid c-lactone, and D-sorbitol was highly effective for compensation of matrix-induced response enhancement in hot splitless injection. Figure 7 shows overlays of chromatograms for three susceptible pesticides o-phenylphenol, cyprodinil, and azoxystrobin i 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1058 ˇ ajka, Masˇtovsk, Lehotay, Hajsˇlov C Figure 6. Recoveries of pesticides spiked at 50 ng/g in apple-based baby food samples, extracted using the buffered QuEChERS method with dispersive-SPE clean-up and analyzed by LV-DMI – GC – MS. Calibration was performed using (A) matrixmatched standards and (B) standards in pure solvent (MeCN with 0.1% HAc). Analyte protectants were added to calibration solutions as well as extracts of fortified samples. The error bars represent standard deviations (n = 6); dashed lines denote acceptable mean recovery range of 70 – 120%. (all at 50 ng/mL) obtained by hot splitless and DMI injections in matrix-matched and solvent standards, both with analyte protectants. Also, injections in solvent standards without analyte protectants are shown for comparison, demonstrating dramatic improvement in peak shapes and intensities achieved with the use of analyte protectants. As discussed above, cyprodinil gave slightly higher signals in matrix-matched vs. solvent standards in DMI. In the case of azoxystrobin injected by DMI, the matrixinduced enhancement was more pronounced, whereas sufficient compensation for this effect was observed when using hot splitless injection. It should be noted, however, that the analytes problematic in this respect in DMI (azoxystrobin, imazalil, and cyprodinil) are rather LC- than GCamenable pesticides, for which LC – MS generally gives more reliable results than GC – MS in routine practice [5]. the best quantification for the most pesticides, but crude QuEChERS extracts with analyte protectants added can be analyzed directly in DMI to achieve acceptable quantitative results for most of the pesticides. No concerns were observed in this study with respect to the theoretical aspects of the DMI approach. The two major advantages entail the large-volume injection that DMI provides and the removal of non-volatile matrix components after every injection that would normally contaminate the GC system in traditional injection techniques. However, the commercial DMI device has practical concerns (e. g. potential for leaks, difficulty of decrimping the caps, software issues) that should be eliminated, and indeed, the manufacturer has introduced a revised model. A competing manufacturer has also entered the market with a similar approach, which should make the automated DSI possible in a number of routine applications. 4 Conclusions In this study, the feasibility of LV-DMI – GC – MS was evaluated for 44 diverse pesticides in apple-based baby food. The results indicated that the approach was very useful in this application for nearly all pesticides evaluated. A key aspect in the success of the approach was the use of analyte protectants to deactivate glass surfaces in the DMI system. Determination limits were d10 ng/g for 34 of the pesticides in the spiked baby food extracts, which is particularly important to meet the EU baby food directive. The use of dispersive-SPE clean-up was needed to achieve J. Sep. Sci. 2005, 28, 1048 – 1060 www.jss-journal.de Acknowledgments This work was supported in part by Research Grant Award No. US-3500-03 from BARD, the United States-Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund. Disclaimer Mention of brand or firm name does not constitute an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture above other of a similar nature not mentioned. i 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Use of automated direct sample introduction with analyte protectants 1059 Figure 7. Comparison of peak responses and shapes of 50 ng/mL o-phenylphenol (m/z 170), cyprodinil (m/z 224), and azoxystrobin (m/z 344) obtained in: (1) MeCN with 0.1% HAc; (2) MeCN with 0.1% HAc and addition of analyte protectants; (3) cleaned extract with addition of analyte protectants. Samples injected using (A) 1 lL splitless injection at 2508C and (B) 10 lL DMI injection. 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