An Analysis of Slang Terms in The ³American Gangster´, A Movie Directed by Ridley Scott By ARI HANGGORO 107026001588 ENGLISH LETTERS DEPARTMENT ADAB AND HUMANITIES FACULTY STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY ³SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH´ JAKARTA 2011 ABSTRACT Ari Hanggoro, An Analysis of Slang Terms in the “American Gangster” Movie. Thesis: English Letters Department, Faculty of Adab and Humanities, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2011. This thesis discusses the meanings, kinds, and the reasons of using slang in American Gangster movie directed by Ridley Scott, produced by Universal Pictures, 2007. The main objective of the research is to know the kinds of slang terms and the reasons of using them in American Gangster movie. This research uses qualitative method, the writer uses Eric Partridge theories and other relevant references. He uses the movie’s scripts that initialized in the movie as the unit of analysis, then he also uses the background and setting of the movie to make the reasons of the characters why they are using the slang terms. Through this paper, the writer finds the research findings that there are two kinds of slang that initialized in the movie, they are society and soldiers’ slang. However, he only focuses on the slang terms that have high frequency, it is society slang. Finally, the writer hopes that this research will be useful for future improvement, especially for English Department’s students who want to know deeply regarding slang. i APPROVAL SHEET AN ANALYSIS OF SLANG TERMS IN THE “AMERICAN GANGSTER”, A MOVIE DIRECTED BY RIDLEY SCOTT A Thesis Submitted to Faculty of Letters and Humanities In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for The Degree of Letters Scholar Ari Hanggoro No. 107026001588 Approved By: Sholikatus Sa’diyah, M. Pd 197504172005012007 ENGLISH LETTERS DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF LETTERS AND HUMANITIES STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH JAKARTA 2011 ii LEGALIZATION Name : Ari Hanggoro NIM : 107026001588 Title : An Analysis of Slang Terms in The “American Gangster”, A Movie Directed by Ridley Scott The thesis entitled has been defended before the Letter and Humanities Faculty’s Examination Committee on October 05, 2011. It has already been accepted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of strata one. Jakarta, October 05, 2011 Examination Committee Signature 1. Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M.Pd 19640710 199303 1 006 2. Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum 19781003 200112 2 002 Date (Chair Person) (Secretary) (Advisor) 3. Sholikatus Sa’diyah, M.Pd 197504172 0050 1207 4. Drs. Abdul Hamid, M.Ed 150 181 922 (Examiner I) 5. Drs. Nasrun Mahmud, M.Pd 150 041 070 (Examiner II) _________ iii _________ _________ DECLARATION I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to my best knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgment has been made in the text. Jakarta, June 27, 2011 Ari Hanggoro iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the name of God, Most Generous, Most Merciful Foremost, praise belongs to Allah SWT, the Most Merciful of the world. Thank for all of grace to the writer, for the chance to have a breath in every second, for giving him a wonderful life, for guiding him to finish this thesis. Peace and blessing of Allah may be upon the messenger of Allah, Muhammad SAW, his family and his companions. In this circumstance, the writer would be saying thanks to his beloved mother Atiek Suharti , how an awesome mother she has, who has always given support and full-financial during his study, for giving him everlasting loves, immolation, supports, pray wherever he is and officially his father. Thank for all of sincerity in every single step his life. The writer also wants to thank Mrs. Sholikatus Sa’diyah, M. Pd, as the writer’s advisor, for her time, guidance, kindness, wisdom, critics, correcting, and helping the writer for completing this thesis. Thanks for all the valuable people that help the writer in doing this research. It would not be finished without their aids and supports. They are as follows: 1. Dr. Abd. Wahid Hasyim, M.Ag, the Dean of Faculty of Adab and Humanities. v 2. Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M.Pd, the Head of English Department and Mrs. Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum, the Secretary of English Department. 3. All of the lecturers in English Department for teaching him many things during his study. 4. His beloved brothers and sister especially for Anton Sulistio and Adi Sujarwo for all of any supports. 5. His close-mates, Lutfhy Sumirat, Riwal, Afwan, Anwar, Sangka, Toriq, Daus, Tadarus, Ilham, Hady, Wefri for their helps, supports, advices, motivations, jokes. 6. English class-mates who cannot be mentioned one by one and KKN 73 Cosivens, for love, affection, lesson, laugh, happiness, madness and whole lot of unforgettable moments. 7. All of members of KMM RIAK for the warm feeling, chance to exploration, JANGKRIK, Night Vision and The Volcanoes. 8. The librarians of Humanities Library and PKBB UNIKA Atma Jaya Library. 9. And all people who contributed to finish this thesis that cannot be mentioned one by one, thanks for your kindness. Jakarta, June 27, 2011 Ari Hanggoro vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................... i APPROVAL SHEET………………………………. ....................................... ii LEGALIZATION………………………………. ............................................ iii DECLARATION............................................................................................... iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT................................................................................ v TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................. vii CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION..................................................................... 1 A. Background of the Study.................................................................... 1 B. Focus of the Study.............................................................................. 4 C. The Research Questions ..................................................................... 4 D. Significance of the Research ............................................................. 4 E. Research Methodology ....................................................................... 5 1. Objective of the Research ............................................................. 5 2. Method of the Research ................................................................ 5 3. Technique of Data Analysis .......................................................... 5 4. Instrument of the Research............................................................ 6 5. Unit of Analysis ............................................................................ 6 6. Time and Place of the Research .................................................... 6 CHAPTER II. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ........................................ 7 A. The Definitions of Slang ................................................................... 7 B. The History of Slang ................................................................................... 8 vii C. The Kinds of Slang...................................................................................... 10 D. The Reasons of Using Slang .............................................................. 19 E. Understanding of the Standard English .............................................. 21 F. Introduction to Movie ......................................................................... .22 CHAPTER III. RESEARCH FINDINGS……………………………………27 A. Data Description................................................................................ 27 B. Data Analysis .................................................................................... 28 CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................. 48 A. Conclusion.......................................................................................... 48 B. Suggestion .......................................................................................... 49 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................. .50 APPENDICES ................................................................................................... .52 viii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study Essentially human has a predicate as communal people, thereby in this life always interact with another people and their neighbourhood in social context. It would be unavoidable the interaction with another people is a necessity for human themselves. Therefore, communication is an important thing to do. The existence of language would be needed in daily communication SUDFWLFHGE\SHRSOH³In linguistics language is a system of vocal symbol which is agreed; it is used by members of certain society group in collaboration, FRPPXQLFDWLRQDQGVHOILGHQWLI\LQJ´1 It is possible to say that the usefulness of language to convey ideas of someone. Not only represents ideas but also social identity, the language used by human. In other words, the linguistic habits of someone or a group will be recognized by others. A. Chaedar Awasilah said in his ERRN ³Kebiasaan bahasa (linguistics habits) seseorang atau kelompok akan diketahui pihak lain, dengan kata lain kebiasaan-kebiasaan itu dengan sendirinya akan diasosiasikan pihak lain dengan seseorang atau kelompok itu´2, or it can be said The linguistics habits of someone or group will be recognized by others. Automatically the others will be associated that habits with someone or the group itself. 1 Kushartanti, dkk, ed, Pesona Bahasa Langkah Awal Memahami Linguistik (Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Umum, 2005), p. 3 2 A. Chaedar Awasilah, Sosiologi Bahasa, (Bandung: Angkasa Bandung, 1985), p. 57 1 2 In social relationship, language is used by someone to represent who they are, it relates with strong identity of a certain social group and it is represented by slang. Hartmann and Stork said ³6ODQJ LV D YDULHW\ RI VSHHFK FKDUacterized by newly coined and rapidly changing vocabulary, used by the young or by social DQGSURIHVVLRQDOJURXSVIRUµLQ-JURXS¶FRPPXQLFDWLRQDQGWKXVWHQGLQJWRSUHYHQW XQGHUVWDQGLQJE\WKHUHVWRIWKHVSHHFKFRPPXQLW\´ 3. According to the quotation, slang not only used by the young but also professional, and also slang is a variety of language that is known by the certain social group. Slang indicates non-standard language, most of people often use slang on certain occasion. Word or phrases slang usually found because of habits or ideas that appear in society. The using of slang in society as if a mode, slang appears and mostly people choose to use it, and usually it can be found everywhere. :LVKQXEURWR :LGDUVR ILJXUHV RXW LQ KLV ERRN ³Slang juga seperti fashion; muncul, setiap orang menyukainya, lalu menggunakannya dan biasa ditemukan di manapun´4 RU WKH SRLQW LV ³6ODQJ DOVR OLNH DV D IDVKLRQ LW FRPHV ZKHQ HYHU\ERG\ OLNHV LW WKH\ ZLOO XVH LW DQG FDQ EH IRXQG DQ\ZKHUH´ The using of slang introduces some of new words and it is one of a way describe new word that can enrich language itself. Generally, most of countries have their own slang terms in their language. For instance, in Indonesia, slang can be found in daily conversation and most of teenagers use it, such as jayus (not funny), bonyok (parents), cupu (old-fashioned), lebay (exaggerate), etc. Besides, it used by teenagers, there are some social groups 3 Ibid Wishnubroto Widarso, Bahasa Inggris; dialek, ragam, jargon, slang, blends, clipped words, (Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 1989), p. 58 4 3 which usually use it, such as; street gang, football player, drug user, gambler. ³6ODQg is to be chosen rather than required, much of teenage talk, speech of street JDQJVJDPEOHUFULPLQDOGUXJXVHUIRRWEDOOSOD\HU´5 The use of slang also can be found in novels, movies and lyrics of song, usually movies and songs are made as media to represent the social condition and VRPHERG\¶V LGHQWLW\ 7KH ZULWHU OLPLWV WKH GLVFXVVLRQ RQO\ DERXW VODQJ ZKLFK recognized as vulgar and inelegant phrases and to analyze slang, the writer takes American Gangster movie for the research material, which is about the background of a detective (Richie Harlem) works to investigate the drug empire of Frank Lucas (black people), a heroin kingpin from Manhattan, who is smuggling the drug into the country from the Far East. After Frank Lucas is sent to the jail, Richie asks Frank to collaborate with him for breaking in the conspiracy of cops with drugs circulator. The writer is interested to analyze this movie because it based on a true VWRU\RIEODFNSHRSOH¶VOLIHDVDJDQJVWHULWVHL]HG Oscar Best Achievement in Art Direction in 2008 and also there are some slang words and phrases in conversation which is used by the characters that the writer can analyze it, for example: 72%$&.DQJU\³What the hell are you doing? Counting it out here in front of everybody. Are you nuts"´ What the hell in the text means a phrase which is used by someone in anger occasion to ask someone and nuts means insane. 5 Robert L. Chapmen and Ann Kipta, Barbara, Dictionary of American Slang 3rd Edition, (New York: Harper Collin Publisher), p.xi 4 By the examples above, we can see that some slang terms in the movie can be understood easily and directly, but some of them cannot, therefore, it is needed a slang dictionary or other references to look up the right meaning of the slang terms. B. Focus of the Study In this research, the writer limits discussion by focusing only on the selected slang words and phrases that used in American Gangsters movie, directed by Ridley Scott. Then he finds the meaning of slang term, the kinds of slang, and describes the reason of using slang by using the theories related to slang. C. The Research Question According to the background of the research, the writer formulates the questions as follow: 1. What are the kinds of slang and their meaning often used by the characters in American Gangster movie? 2. How does the writer describe the reasons of using slang terms in American Gangster movie? D. Significance of the Research The writer hopes that this research is able to enrich the writer in comprehending about slang. Besides that, to understand kinds of slang language that used by the characters in American Gangster movie. 5 This research hopefully has some benefits for all students, especially at English Letters Department students. Also in this research, the students are able to apply their knowledge and comprehend slang language in the appropriate daily conversation, especially in informal situation. E. Research Methodology 1. Objective of the Research Through this paper the writer analyzes the meaning of slang and the kinds of slang language used in American Gangster movie also to know the reason why the characters use the slang. 2. Method of the Research The writer uses the descriptive qualitative method, the data that relate to the research are collected from $PHULFDQ *DQJVWHU¶V script. Then the writer collects the data of slang terms by noting. The writer reads and notes the scripts from the movie. Next, he selects the slang that often used in dialogue of movie. The data will be described and tabulated at data description. 3. Technique of Data Analysis The first step, the writer watches the movie and reads the script. He classifies the words in the script by noting those words which including into slang language. To make it easier to analyze, the data will be tabulated. The next step, the writer starts to analyze, besides reading the script the writer also look up the 6 meaning from dictionary of slang to get the accuracy meaning. The last is the analysis slang terms in American Gangster movie. In this research, the writer uses descriptive analysis technique. Through this technique, the writer will analyze the meaning of slang; the kinds of the slang; and finally, giving reasons why are the slang words or phrases are used by the character in the movie. 4. Instrument of the Research As qualitative research, the writer himself is the main instrument by searching some materials that related to slang terms. Afterwards, to get precise data the writer identifies American Gangster movie by watching. He also reads the script of the movie, then marks words or phrases that included into slang. 5. Unit of Analysis The analysis unit of this research is American Gangster movie directed by Ridley Scott in 2007 in United States. 6. Time and Place of the Research The writer started his research in December 2010, when he was in seventh semester, at English Letters Department, Humanities Faculty State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah. It took place at Language and Culture Study Centre of UNIKA Atmajaya and Library Centre of State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah. CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK In this chapter, the writer would like to describe the definitions of slang; history of slang; kinds of slang; reasons of using slang, understanding Standard English; introduction to movie. A. The Definitions of Slang After reading some sources, the writer finds several definitions of slang in general and the writer will try to describe about theories of slang proposed by linguist, as follows. According to Pei and Gaynor ³6ODQJ LV D VW\OH RI ODQJXDJH LQ IDLQWO\ common use, produced by popular adaptation and extension of the meaning of existing words and by coining new words with disregard for scholastic standard and linguistic principles of the formation of words; JHQHUDOO\SHFXOLDUWRFHUWDLQFODVVHVDQGVRFLDORUDJHJURXSV´6 Slang is non-standard English that has experienced adaptation and extension of the meaning aspect, on the other hand slang words consist of existing vocabulary, but sometimes it consists of new words, such as matey and leccer. In history of slang, it can be seen that slang develop and change rapidly in every single decade. Early slang only used by criminals or vagabonds but today slang used by everyone wants to create something different and fresh, especially young people. As Willis Said that: ³)RUWKHPRVWSDUWVODQJLVUHVXOWRIOLQJXLVWLFLQYHQWLYHQHVVHspecially of young and lively persons who want fresh, original pungent or racy terms 6 A. Chaedar Awasilah, Sosiologi Bahasa, (Bandung: Angkasa Bandung, 1985), p. 57 7 8 with which they can rename ideas, action, and objects that they feel strongly about. In effect slang is the result of a combination of linguistic irreverence and a reaction against staid, stuffy, pompous, pretentious, or FRORXUOHVVGLFWLRQ´7 Moreover, slang used not only represent excitement, jokes but also be used by person in every grade of life. The uniqueness of slang, it changes like a fashion, when it is trend, everyone will use it. John Camden Hotten said: ³7KDW VODQJ UHSUHVHQWV WKH HYDQHVFHQW YXOJDU ODQJXDJH HYHU FKDQJLQJ with fashion and taste, spoken by person in every grade of life, rich and poor, honest and dishonest. Slang is indulged in form a desire to appear familiar with life, gaiety, town-humour, and with the transient nick names and street jokes of the day. Slang is the language of street humour, of fast, high and low life. Slang is as old as speech and congregating together of the people in cities. It is the result of crowding, excitement, and artificial OLIH´8 Based on those definitions above, the writer knows that every linguist has different perspective about the meaning of slang. However, the writer is able to conclude that slang represents vulgar language used by person in every grade of life, it is the result of inventiveness by the young and attractive people who want new something fresh and it is non-standard language that carries connotations and overtones of irreverence, cynicism, and humour. B. The History of Slang Slang has been introduced since sixteenth century, it is used to change the inelegant statement of being associated with foreigner or criminals, some people XVH LW WR PDNH MRNHV DQG WR NHHS WKH VHFUHW RI WKH ZRUG¶V PHDQLQJ DQd also 7 Ibid Jonathan Green, &DVVHO¶V'LFWLRQDU\RI6ODQJ (Cassel & Co Wellington House 123 Strand. London.2000), p. V 8 9 because some people want another language besides the Standard English to express ideas. To know about the history of slang the writer would like to propose it based on decade, characteristics, examples and meaning. From Random House Historical DicWLRQDU\ RI $PHULFDQ 6ODQJ DQG IURP WKH ERRN ³6ODQJ 7RGD\ DQG <HVWHUGD\´9 by Eric Partridge, there are five decades of slang history and each of them has different characteristic. It started from sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth century. Below are some further explanations about the history of slang: Table1. The History of Slang No Decades Characteristics Examples 1. Sixteenth Slang is only used Patricos Strolling Century particular group. Doxies %HJJDUV¶WUXOOV For Thieves instance, Priggers Meanings criminals; thieves, beggar. 2. Seventeenth Slang is rich of Clap Clatter Century figurative A game of card language Crimp and Buzzard A simpleton to A pun Circling boy related immoral action. 3. Eighteenth Slang mostly used Melt To spend Century in comedy Tip To give or lend Whiter-Go-Ye A wife Victualing The stomach office 9 p. 37 Eric Partridge, Slang Today and Yesterday (Utledge Kegan Paul LTD London. 1945), 10 4. Nineteenth Slang rapidly Bus Century grow, it is used Burra carriage for A great man conversation Burke in society. Burry a Moll A public To kill To run away From a Mistress 5. Twentieth Slang becomes a Tanked Drunk Century part Classy of spoken Cheero language not only Birdcage A prison used by criminals but also ordinary people C. The Kinds of Slang $IWHU UHDGLQJ ³6ODQJ 7RGD\ DQG <HVWHUGD\´ E\ Eric Partridge10 and searching the internet, the writer finds the kinds of slang. Some kinds of slang are: 1. Cockney Slang The term of cockney slang refers to working-class people in London, especially for east London. It often used in reference to the cockney accent.11 And cockney slang is the brightest spot in England because it has a very pronounced accent. In the society of England cockney slang is very easy to be understood directly. There are two kinds of Cockney slang, at first, Cockney slang that spoken by educated and middle class people. At Second, Cockney slang that used by the semi literate and illiterate people, it called as Cockney London of the street. 10 Ibid, p, 148 Wikipedia. Cockney, the free Encyclopedia. Accessed on March 13. 2011.http://en. 11 11 Here are several examples of Cockney slang that commonly used in daily conversation by the educated and middle class people: µ6HH WKH EUHH]H DQG WDVWH WKH VXQ¶ PHDQV DQ H[SUHVVLRQ RI VXPPHU HQMR\PHQW WR HVFDSH IURP /RQGRQ WR DQ RSHQ FRPPRQ µ(\H LQ D VOLQJ¶ PHDQVFUXVKHGRUGHIHDWHGµ&KLFNDOHU\FRYHPHDQVDYHU\VPDUWIHOORZ¶ ³SHUIHFW´LQGress, able in business, and of a dashing deportment. Here are examples of Cockney slang that is commonly used in daily conversation by the semi literate and quite illiterate: a. Up the pole, means drunk. b. Old gal means general term of affection describing a wife. c. Sky a chopper means to make a disturbance. 2. Public House Slang Pubic house group of words and phrases makes up for the smallness of the recorded vocabulary by the nature of the subject. It is genial, cheery, materialistic, but not gross nor cynical. Below are the examples: a. Round the corner means a drink. b. Three out brush means a glass shaped like an inverted cone. c. Raven means a two penny portion of bread and cheese. 12 3. :RUNPHQ¶V6ODQJ This type has a link with the public house slang. It is very closely allied to WUDGHVPHQ¶VVODQJDQGDOVRFRQVLGHUHGWRSHRSOH¶VDFWLYLW\LQZRUNLQJ0RVWRIWKH XVHUVRIZRUNPHQ¶VVODQJDUHODERXUHUVHLWKHUWRZQDQGIDUPODERXUHUV0RUHRYHU there is a significant difference both of them that the town labourer is more ready with their tongues and fluent with their slang than the farm labourer which is not too modern instance. +HUHDUHH[DPSOHVRI:RUNPHQ¶VVODQJIRUWKHWRZQODERXUHU a. Screw up means without money, therefore unable to move about at will. b. Matey means a companion in labour. c. Brass mean money, this very general term seems to have originated the chopper and iron industries. 7UDGHVPHQ¶V6ODQJ ,Q 7UDGHVPHQ¶V VODQJ DV LQ :RUNPHQ¶V VODQJ VRPH RI WKH ZRUGV DUH related to origin slang and the users are the worker too, but the difference is the 7UDGHVPHQ¶V VODQJ FRQVLGHUV IRXU DV W\SLFDO WDLORUV EXWFKHUV FKHPLVW DQG builders. The tailors have the largest number of slang terms. +HUHDUHH[DPSOHVRI7UDGHVPHQ¶VVODQJfor tailors: a. +RXVHRISDUOLDPHQWPHDQVDPHHWLQJRIWDLORU¶VDVVLVWDQWDQGDSSUHQWLFHV in the shop, especially for a serious purpose. b. 7UDGHVPHQ¶V VODQJ IRU EXWFKHUV µ7XUNH\ EX\HU¶ PHDQV D SHUVRQ RI considerable importance. 13 c. 7UDGHVPHQ¶VIRUFKHPLVWµ6\UXS¶PHDQVPRQH\ d. 7UDGHVPHQ¶V VODQJ IRU EXLOGHUV µ)ODQQHO MDFNHW¶ PHDQV WKH QDYY\ RQ heavy work has so long and so unexceptionally worn flannel. 5. Slang in Art Slang in art emerges in seventeenth century, it quickly adopted by society. Moreover, it is considerable difficult than other slang terms, the meaning is hard to be guessed even in the present day. Here are several examples: a. Walled means same as hung, which, to some extent, it displaced. b. %XQLRQ\ PHDQV VKRZLQJ LQ RQH¶V SDLQWing, a very marked tendency to lumpiness of outline. c. Crocks mean ornamental China. 6. Slang in Publicity This type of slang is often used for commerce, because much of modern commerce depends on publicity, a firms needs the catchy phrase or rhymes that can impress the public. Here are several examples: a. Sunlight means soap. b. :RUWKDJXLQHDDER[PHDQV%HHFKDP¶VSLOOV c. Glaxo baby means a plump and healthy child. 14 7. Society Slang The transition from University to society is as linguistically as it actually natural, for although a university education constitutes neither a passport to good society nor a guarantee of genuine culture it goes some distance in both directions. The centre of the universe is a society, now society is ever in search of novelty and it is a limited body of well-to-do women and men of leisure. For these persons, there arises a kind of special vocabulary, which is constantly changing with changing fashion. There is much slang in the colloquial speech of society, most of words soon disappear, but a considerable number of them make good their place in ordinary speech. Moreover, slang in society shows a joyously or jauntily over the REMHFWDQGWKHSUDFWLFHRIWKHVODQJVWHU¶VRZQFDOOLQJ6LQFHWKHZDUVRFLHW\KDV become less walled-in, less snobbish, less clannish, so the speech is being fertilized more and more with technical terms and more importantly, with colloquial and slangy terms from the world of commerce and manual work, such as journalism, art, etc. In short, from life it is lived, not life as it is permitted by a FRPIRUWDEOH LQFRPH QRW OLIH LQ ZKLFK DWWHQWLRQ QHHG WR EH SDLG RQO\ WR RQH¶V social equals. Here are examples of the society slang: a. Cyrano means a huge nose. b. Rothschild means a very rich man. c. Get the morbs means to become temporarily melancholic. d. 7KRX¶PHDQVDWKRXVDQGSRXQGVterling. 15 8. Slang of Commerce This slang is used in trade and the words are closely related to the trade or commerce. According to Professor Collison this slang is: ³2IEXVLQHVVWUDQVDFWLRQ on the various exchanges the man in the street will have heard of the formation of WUXVWV DQG ULQJV FRQFHUQLQJ D FRPPRGLW\´12 It is often use by businessman, mostly used in stock exchange. Here are examples of the slang of commerce: a. Take the rate means to borrow stock, likewise give the rate is to lend stock. b. Rig means a combined effort to rise the price of stock artificially and without regard to its merits. c. Shunt means to buy and sell securities between two home exchanges. 9. Slang in Public School and University The user of this slang is student, in public house, as in board and private schools. There have two kinds of slang; a slang proper and gibberish. The other kind of slang is almost impossible to generalize, for every school has special ZRUGVNQRZQE\RWKHUVFKRRO+HUHDUHH[DPSOHVRISXEOLFVFKRROVODQJµ:UX[¶ PHDQVDURWWHURUKXPEXJµ%XQJ¶PHDQVOLHµ:KDW¶VDPDW"¶PHDQVZKDWLVWKH matter. The slang that used in university is considerable different with public school slang, when boys leave school and go to university, they tend to drop the old slang and to mould themselves to the slang of the university. Growing boys 12 Eric Patridge (1954), op.cit. 167. 16 and high spirited young fellows detest restraint of all kinds, and prefer making a dash at life in slang phraseology of their own to all the set forms and syntactical rules of alma mater. Here are examples of the university slang: a. Wine means a wine party. b. Leccer means a lecture. c. Tea-pot means a tea party. d. Rugger means football, played to rugby rules, soccer being association football. 10. Slang in Theatre According to historical of slang language, slang using for the first time on stage in seventh century. Until the end of eighteenth century, actors were so despised that, in self-protection, they had certain words that properly should be describe as slang. But after regency they rapidly became more esteemed and by WKHHQGRI9LFWRULD¶VUHLJQWKH\DWWDLQHGDZHOO-establish position on the margin of society, which the prominent actors and actress now mingle if not, at least on an independent. In nineteenth century, the theatre began to exercise a powerful influence on ordinary and informal spoken English and theatrical slang gradually gained a status in the first part. Here are examples of the slang in theatre: 17 a. Paper house means a theatre that, at a given performance has an audience FRQVLVWLQJPDLQO\RIWKRVHZKRKDYHFRPHZLWK³SDSHU´FRPSOLPHQWDU\ ticket. b. Tabs means an ageing woman; from tabby. c. Toga Play means a play on classical theme. 11. Medicine Slang Medical slang is, from the very nature of the case, more interesting to laymen than is law slang, but we will confine ourselves to example current in the present century. Ware gives four terms used in 1999: bone-clother, port wine, for ZKLFK VWRXW LV QRZ XVXDOO\ VXEVWLWXWHG DV D ³IDWWHQHU´ ORFXP VKRUW IRU ORFXP tenens) still very commonly employed of doctors and clergymen ; pith, the spinal chord when severed ; to be slated, to die, or more precisely to be doomed to die. That Ware should list so few medical slangisms is not surprising, both because GRFWRUVYHU\UDUHO\WDON³VKRS´WRRWKHUVWKDQGRFWRUVDQGEHFDXVHLQWKHZRUGVRI the one notable authority on medical slang. Below are examples of medicine slang: a. Dope means an anesthetic; to dope, to give an anesthetic to. b. Drinks mean medicine, at the four-hourly occasions for medicine in the wards hospital. c. Dippy means delirious. 18 12. Slang in Church Slang has long since penetrated into forum, and now we meet in the Senate and even the pulpit itself is no longer free from its intrusion. On contrary, and justice to clergy, it must be said that principal disseminators of pure English throughout the contrary are the ministers of established Church. Yet it cannot br denied that a great deal of slang phraseology and expressive vulgarism have gradually crept into the very pulpits which should give forth as pure speech as doctrine. Below are the examples of Church slang: a. 7KH 7KUHH %¶V PHDQV EULJKW, brief, and brotherly. A protest against the soporific nature of so many Church services. b. Workus means a Church of England pleasantry at the expense of the Methodist chapels, usually very plain, often whitewashed. In short, one is forced to notice that slang of the cloth is neither very witty nor very tolerant. 6ROGLHUV¶6ODQJ 6ROGLHUV¶VODQJLVVODQJWHUPVWKDWFRPHIURPDURXQGWKHDUP\FRPPXQLW\ WKDW LV FRPPRQO\ XVHG E\ WKH VROGLHUV LQ VROGLHUV¶ VODQJ there are divided in several characteristics that we can see as follows: a. ³2OG VROGLHU ZRUGV VXFK DV pawny means water, rooty means bread, swing the lead means to malinger, come the old soldier means to attempt. b. 2IILFHUV¶DQGLQVWUXFWRUVZRUGVRIFRPPDQGVXFKDVcarry on 19 c. Nicknames, such as; aussies or canucks means Canadian, daughboys means Americans, a hun means a German. d. Words connected with: 1) Drinking, such as; chin-chin means a toasts 2) Companionship with women, such as; square-pushing means going out with a woman, ring-money meDQVDVROGLHU¶VZLIH¶VDOORZDQFH. 3) 7KHVROGLHUV¶QDPHIRUKLVSXQLVKPHQWVVXFKDVclink means prison. 4) Guns and shells, such as; dud means a bomb. 5) Borrowings from outside England, such as; dinkum means good (come from Australian). e. Words connected with civilian activities, such as; Cutthbert means a slacker, funk-hole means a government office, comb out means to send to the front. f. Naval words, such as; chew the fat means to grumble, hush-hush means ships. g. Words connected with aviation, such as; to pancake means drop flat, to zoom soar vertically. 6ROGLHUV¶ VODQJ VKRZV WKH ZRUGV FRQQHFW WR WKH ZDU DQG WKH DWWULEXWHV although they divide into several characteristics the words that use mostly connect to those things, and this slang terms generally use in soldiers community. Based on the kinds of slang, in this research, the writer will limit himself to discuss two kinds of slang they are society slang and public house slang. 20 D. The Reasons of Using Slang There are some reasons why people use slang, such as slang can represent WKHFHUWDLQVXEVRFLDO JURXS¶VLGHQWLW\EHFDXVHLWLVFRROLWVHHPVOLNHD fashion when everybody likes it, and it will be often used by people. The slang usually accepted by young people, by the young people in heart as well as by the young in years, just for fun of thing. According to Nicefero as quoted in Partridge, people use slang for any of at least fifteen reasons: 1. In sheer high spirits, by the young people in heart as well as by the \RXQJLQ\HDUVµMXVWIRUIXQRI WKHWKLQJ¶LQSOD\IXOQHVV 2. For delights in virtuosity. 3. To be different, to be novel. 4. To be picturesque, this could be found from songs or poems. 5. To be unmistakably arresting, even startling. 6. To escape from clichés, or to be brief and concise. 7. To enrich the language by inventing new words. 8. To lend an air of solidity, concreteness; to the abstract of earthiness to the idealistic: of immediacy and oppositeness to the remote. 9. To reduce seriousness of a conversation. 10.To amuse superior public: this can be seen by the slang that children use towards their parents. 11. For ease of social intercourse. 12. To induce either friendliness. 13. To shows that one belongs to a certain group. 14. To show or prove that someone does not belong to a certain group. 15. To be secret, not understand by those around one (children, students, lovers, member of political, are the chief exponents).13 13 Eric Partridge (1954) op. cit. p.7. 21 Besides the reasons above, slang can also considered as unacceptableword for other people. Even some linguists points out slang is the grunt of human hog and the special vocabulary used by any set of persons of a low or vulgar type, but it depends on the particular groups in society, if it is needed they will use it. E. Understanding of the Standard English Slang is one of unconventional English form or non-standard English that often used in informal occasion. To make the clear difference between standard and non-standard English the writer presents understanding of the standard English that proposed by some linguists. $FFRUGLQJ WR *HRUJH 3KLOOLS .UDSS ³6WDQGDUG (QJOLVK LV WKH FXVWRPDU\ use of a community when it is recognized and accepted as the customary use of the community. Beyond this is the larger field of good English, any English that justifies itself E\DFFRPSOLVKLQJWKHPDUN´14 6WDQGDUG (QJOLVK E\ 7RP 0F $UWKXU LV ³$ ZLGHO\ XVHG WHUP WKDW UHVLVWV easy definition but is used as if most educated people nonetheless know precisely what it refers to. Some consider its meaning self evident: it is both the usage and WKHLGHDORIµJRRG¶RUµHGXFDWHG¶XVHUVRI(QJOLVK´15 Based on the definition above, the writer concludes that Standard English is not absolutely clear-cut and discrete and it used by educated people; described in grammar and dictionaries. Victoria fromkin, et al., An Introduction to Language 7th Edition, (United States: Thomson Heinle, 2003) p. 454. 15 Tom Mc Arthur, The English Language, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), p. 130. 14 22 F. Introduction to Movie Movie is form of entertainment that gives visualization through a sequence of images giving some pictures of continuous movement and it is also called term that create story into motion pictures completed by audio and as a form dramatic performance that is recorded as a moving image, even it is added special effects to make a magnificent image. Moreover, movie is truly a motion picture- a flowing, ever changing stream of images and sounds sparkling with freshness and vitality all its own, a fluid blend of image, sound, and motion possessed by a restless compulsion to be vibrantly alive, to avoid the quite and the static.16 Movie itself has kinds of genre, below are the genres of movie17: 1. Action Action films usually include high energy, big-budget physical stunts and chases, possibly with rescues, battles, fights, escapes, destructive crises (floods, explosions, natural disasters, fires, etc.), non-stop motion, spectacular rhythm and pacing, and adventurous, often two-dimensional 'good-guy' heroes (or recently, heroines) battling 'bad guys' - all designed for pure audience escapism. 2. Adventure Adventure films are usually exciting stories, with new experiences or exotic locales, very similar to or often paired with the action film genre. They can include traditional swashbucklers, serialized films and historical spectacles 16 M. Boggs Joseph and W. Petrie Dennis, The Art Watching Films Fifth Edition (California: Mayfield Publishing Company, 2000), p. 112. 17 Accesed on June 8. 2011. 23 (similar to the epics film genre), searches or expeditions for lost continents, "jungle" and "desert" epics, treasure hunts, disaster films, or searches for the unknown. 3. Comedies Comedies are light-hearted plots consistently and deliberately designed to amuse and provoke laughter (with one-liners, jokes, etc.) by exaggerating the situation, the language, action, relationships and characters. This section describes various forms of comedy through cinematic history, including slapstick, screwball, spoofs and parodies, romantic comedies, black comedy (dark satirical comedy), and more. 4. Crime Crime (gangster) films are developed around the sinister actions of criminals or mobsters, particularly bankrobbers, underworld figures, or ruthless hoodlums who operate outside the law, stealing and murdering their way through life. Criminal and gangster films are often categorized as film noir or detective-mystery films - because of underlying similarities between these cinematic forms. This category includes a description of various 'serial killer' films. 5. Drama Dramas are serious, plot-driven presentations, portraying realistic characters, settings, life situations, and stories involving intense character development and interaction. Usually, they are not focused on special-effects, 24 comedy, or action, Dramatic films are probably the largest film genre, with many subsets. 6. Epics Epics include costume dramas, historical dramas, war films, medieval romps, or 'period pictures' that often cover a large expanse of time set against a vast, panoramic backdrop. Epics often share elements of the elaborate adventure films genre. Epics take an historical or imagined event, mythic, legendary, or heroic figure, and add an extravagant setting and lavish costumes, accompanied by grandeur and spectacle, dramatic scope, high production values, and a sweeping musical score. Epics are often a more spectacular, lavish version of a biopic film. Some 'sword and sandal' films (Biblical epics or films occuring during antiquity) qualify as a sub-genre. 7. Horor Horror films are designed to frighten and to invoke our hidden worst fears, often in a terrifying, shocking finale, while captivating and entertaining us at the same time in a cathartic experience. Horror films feature a wide range of styles, from the earliest silent Nosferatu classic, to today's CGI monsters and deranged humans. They are often combined with science fiction when the menace or monster is related to a corruption of technology, or when Earth is threatened by aliens. The fantasy and supernatural film genres are not usually synonymous with the horror genre. There are many sub-genres of horror: slasher, teen terror, serial killers, satanic, Dracula, Frankenstein, etc. 25 8. Musical Musical/dance films are cinematic forms that emphasize full-scale scores or song and dance routines in a significant way (usually with a musical or dance performance integrated as part of the film narrative), or they are films that are centered on combinations of music, dance, song or choreography. Major subgenres include the musical comedy or the concert film. 9. Science Fiction Sci-fi films are often quasi-scientific, visionary and imaginative complete with heroes, aliens, distant planets, impossible quests, improbable settings, fantastic places, great dark and shadowy villains, futuristic technology, unknown and unknowable forces, and extraordinary monsters ('things or creatures from space'), either created by mad scientists or by nuclear havoc. They are sometimes an offshoot of fantasy films, or they share some similarities with action/adventure films. Science fiction often expresses the potential of technology to destroy humankind and easily overlaps with horror films, particularly when technology or alien life forms become malevolent, as in the "Atomic Age" of sci-fi films in the 1950s. 10. War War (and anti-war) films acknowledge the horror and heartbreak of war, letting the actual combat fighting (against nations or humankind) on land, sea, or in the air provide the primary plot or background for the action of the film. War films are often paired with other genres, such as action, adventure, drama, romance, comedy (black), suspense, and even epics and westerns, and 26 they often take a denunciatory approach toward warfare. They may include POW tales, stories of military operations, and training. 11. Western Westerns are the major defining genre of the American film industry a eulogy to the early days of the expansive American frontier. They are one of the oldest, most enduring genres with very recognizable plots, elements, and characters (six-guns, horses, dusty towns and trails, cowboys, Indians, etc.). Over time, westerns have been re-defined, re-invented and expanded, dismissed, re-discovered, and spoofed. CHAPTER III RESEARCH FINDINGS In this chapter, the writer explains two main discussions they are data description and data analysis. A. Data Description In this description of data, the writer discusses the slang terms used in the American Gangster movie. The writer tries to tabulate the collected data through the following table: a. The utilized slang as a corpus. b. The meaning of slang terms. c. The kinds of slang terms. To focus on the discussion, the writer would like to limit the description about the kinds of slang terms that often utilized in American Gangster movie, it is society slang. The tabulated data described as follows: 27 28 Table2. The Tabulated Data No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 The Utilized Slang (Corpus) Shit Asshole Fuck God damn Nuts Cool Bullshit Junkie Dog and pony show What the hell Motherfucker Fellas Kid Bro Guys 16 17 18 My man Buck Grand The Meaning in the Movie Dung The anus To copulate (with) someone Damn Insane Relaxed Nonsense Drug healer A speech Interrogative Interjection A fellow Young fellow Brother Male in the plural My brother or buddy (originally black) A dollar One thousand dollars The Kinds of Slang Society Slang B. Data Analysis The writer tries to analyze and classify the selected slang terms by categorizing them into the kinds of slang, giving the meaning of slang and assumption about the reason why slang terms are used by the characters in American Gangster movie by using the theories related to slang and also focusing on Who, When, Where the slang terms are utilized. Besides, the writer finds the meaning of slang from some slang dictionaries, such as Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang Volume I A-G, Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang Volume II H-2 17&¶V 'LFWLRQDU\ RI $PHULFDQ Slang and Colloquial Expression 3rd Edition. 29 The writer gives assumption about the reason of characters in the movie by XVLQJ(ULF3DUWULGJH¶VWKHRULHV7KHZULWHUILQGVDERXWWZHQW\RQHVODQJZRUGVRU phrases in the American Gangster movie because these slang are often utilized by the characters of American Gangster movie. $FFRUGLQJWRWKHZULWHU¶Vassumption that there are two kinds of slang that utilized in American Gangster movie. They are society and soOGLHU¶V VODQJ. However, to make this research more focus the writer only analyzes eighteen slang words and phrases of society slang, because these slangs have high frequency in utilizing of American Gangster movie. To get further description, the writer analyzes society slang as follows: 1. Society Slang As the writer has proposed the definition of society slang in chapter two that society slang show a joyously or jauntily over the object and the practice of WKHVODQJVWHU¶VRZQFDOOLQJ7KHUHIRUHWKHZULWHUFRQFOXGHVVRFLHW\VODQJLVVXFK familiar or common words that come from society even sometimes it has a rude meaning but it very commonly used in the daily conversation with unique vocabulary that easily and rapidly change follows the era or trend in society. Then the writer categorizes the utilized slang terms such as Shit, Asshole, Fuck, Buck, God damn, What the hell, Nuts, My man, Cool, Grand, Bullshit, Junkie, Dog and Pony Show, Bro, Kid, Fellas, Guys, Motherfucker18 because of the suitability of the characteristic and meaning of the society slang and their nature of words or phrases are closely related with the society. Based on the 18 Accesed on April 13. 2011. 30 dictionaries of slang, the word Shit means dung19, Asshole means the anus20, Fuck means to copulate (with) someone21, Buck means a dollar22, God damn means damn (used as a symbol of worthlessness)23, What the hell means interrogative24, Nuts means insane25, My man means my brother or buddy (originally black)26, Cool means relaxed27, Grand means one thousand dollars28 Bullshit means nonsense29, Junkie means drug healer30, Dog and Pony Show means a speech31, Bro means brother32, Kid means young fellow33, Fellas means a fellow34, Guys means male in the plural35, Motherfucker means interjection36 Below are the further explanation and the quoted conversation used in the society slang terms: Richard A. Spears, 17&¶V'LFWLRQDU\RI$PHULFDQ6ODQJDQG&ROORTXLDOH[SUHVVLRQV 3 Edition, (USA: NTC Publishing Group 2000), p. 364. 20 Ibid, p. 9. 21 Ibid, p. 186. 22 Ibid,p.54. 23 J. E. Lighter, Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang Volume I A-G, (New York), p. 913. 24 Richard A. Spears (2000), op. cit. p. 462. 25 J. E. Lighter, Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang Volume II H-O, (New York), p. 697. 26 Richard A. Spears (2000), op. cit. p. 186. 27 Ibid, p. 87. 28 Ibid, p. 179. 29 J. E. Lighter, op .cit. p. 304. 30 Richard A. Spears (2000), op .cit. p. 233. 31 Ibid, p. 112. 32 J. E. Lighter, op .cit. p. 271. 33 Ibid, p. 353. 34 Richard A. Spears (2000), op. cit. p.136. 35 Ibid, p.186. 36 J. E. Lighter, op. cit. p. 597. 19 rd 31 1.1 Shit The setting on the street, this word said by Bumpy (he is the boss of JDQJVWHUKHWDONV ZLWK )UDQN KHLV %XPS\¶VERG\JXDUGZKLOHORRNLQJDURXQG the store on the side of street. ³%XPS\Where's the pride of ownership, huh? Where's the personal service? You see what I mean? Shit. I mean, what right do they have of cutting out the suppliers, pushing out all the middlemen,buying direct from the manufacturer? Sony this, Toshiba that.´37 From the quoted conversation above, the word shit means dung, this meaning is XWLOL]HG E\ 17&¶V Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial expressions 3rd Edition. Then the writer assumes this slang terms as society slang because this word is closely related with the society slang. Bumpy uses this slang terms to show that things belong to a certain group, it refers to several electronic things come from out of United States such as Japan and China. 1.2 Asshole 7KH VHWWLQJ WDNHV &DPSL]L¶V IODW Whis word used by Richie (he is a detective) when Richie tries to arrest Cmpizi for interrogating because Richie thinks that Campizi can give the important information about his target. Below are the quoted conversation: ³5LFKLHYou're supposed to be my friend, asshole! Campizi: I swear to God, Richie,I didn't know it was you. I would never slam a door on your hand, knowingly.´38 37, op. 38 Ibid, p. 8. cit, p. 2. 32 From the quoted conversation above, the slang terms asshole means the ³anus´, this meaning is utilized by 17&¶V 'LFWLRQDU\ RI $PHULFDQ 6ODQJ DQG Colloquial expressions 3rd Edition. From this description the writer assumes that Richie uses this word to expresses his anger, because Campizi tries to hide the information Richie needs. Then the writer categorizes this slang term into society slang because it has characteristics such as rude meaning, it is used often used in daily communication, especially for expressing anger. It is said by John Camden Hotten &DVVHO¶V 'LFWLRQDU\ RI 6ODQJ, he mentions that slang represents vulgar ODQJXDJH7KHZRUG³DVVKROH´LWVHOILVDW\SHRIYXOJDUZRUG 1.3 Fuck The setting is in a room, this word said by Richie when he and Jay (his partner) interrogate Campizi, below are the quoted conversation: ³-D\We're on loan to County. Campizi: How's that working out for you? Richie: Hey, fuck you.´39 From the quoted conversatuion above, the word fuck means to copulate (with) someone, this meaning is utilized by 17&¶V'LFWLRQDU\RI$PHULFDQ6ODQJ and Colloquial expressions 3rd Edition. After analyzing it, the writer categorizes the slang terms fuck into society slang because this word has characteristics such as rude meaning and it is often used in daily conversation. The writer thinks that Richie is unhappy with &DPSL]L¶V ZRUGs, so he expresses his anger by saying ³IXFN\RX´DQGWKHZRUG³IXFN´LWVHOILVDW\SHRIYXOJDUZRUG 39 Ibid, p. 8. 33 1.4 Buck The setting is in a car, Richie and Jay are arguing about another cop who getting a lot of money from drugs syndicate business, below are the quoted conversation: ³-D\,W¶VQRWMXVWa couple of bucks, all right? ,W¶VWKHVDPHWKLQJLQSULQFLSOH Richie: Oh, are we talking principles? Jay: Richie,a cop who turns in this kind of money, says one thing. He turns in FRSVZKRWDNHPRQH\:H¶OOEHIXFNLQJSDULDKV´40 From the quoted conversatuion above, the word buck means a dollar, this meaning is utilized by 17&¶V'LFWLRQDU\RI$PHULFDQ6ODQJDQG&ROORTXLDO expressions 3rd Edition. The writer categorizes this slang into society slang because it is used in society for informal occasion. In this situation Jay tries to assure Richie in order to he does not bring big money that found to office. Therefore, the writer thinks that Jay uses this word to express his disappointment WRZDUG5LFKLHEHFDXVH5LFKLHZLOOQRWDJUHHZLWK-D\¶VRSLQLRQ. 1.5 God damn The setting is in a car, Richie and Jay are peering over their target and Richie are sharing to Jay about his curiousity that there is a cop who involved with drug healer syndicate DIWHUWKH\IRXQGDORWRIPRQH\IURPWKHFRS¶VFDU. ³5LFKLHIt's not just a couple of bucks, all right? Jay : It's the same thing in principle Richie : Oh, are we talking principles? Jay : Richie, a cop who turns in this kind of money, says one thing. He turns in cops who take money.We'll be fucking pariahs. Richie : Yeah, well, then we're fucked both ways 40 Ibid, p. 11. 34 Jay : Not if we keep it. Only if we don't, then you're right, we're fucked.But not if we keep it. God damn it, man! Did we ask for this?´41 The conversation happens in a car when Richie and Jay are arguing working of a cop whose dishonest, because that cop involved with drugs syndicate$QG-D\¶VRSLQLRQRSRVLWHVZLWK5LFKLHDQGKHVDLGgod damn, it means damn. This meaning is utilized by Random House Historical Volume I A-G. This slang terms includes into society slang, it is rude meaning. The writer thinks that Jay uses this slang to express his blaming and accusing, because Jay thinks that every single cop is not an idealist and they want to get a lot of money. 1.6 What the hell The setting is in a police office, this word is said by Toback, when Jay and Richie brings lots of money as an evidence, and they are counting the money in the front of the other cops. Below are the conversation: ³7REDFN : How much is it? Richie : $987,000. Toback : Well, what happened to the rest of it? What the hell are you doing counting it out here in front of everybody? Are you nuts? Get it back in the bags, seal them up and down into the property room.´42 From the conversation above, the word what the hell means interrogative. This meaning is utilized by 17&¶V'LFWLRQDU\RI$PHULFDQ6ODQJ and Colloquial expressions 3rd Edition. The writer categorizes this slang into society slang because it is suitable with the characteristic of society slang, it is usually used to express anger. Therefore, the writer thinks that Toback uses this slang to express 41 42 Ibid, p. 11. Ibid, p.12. 35 his anger because he sees Richie and Jay counting money of a cop who involved in drugs syndicate in front of the other cops. 1.7 Nuts The setting takes police office, Richie and Jay are counting much money in fantastic amount that they found from their target who recognized as a cop. ³7REDFN : How much is it? Richie : $987,000. Toback : Well, what happened to the rest of it? What the hell are you doing counting it out here in front of everybody? Are you nuts? Get it back in the bags, seal them upand down into the property room.´43 From the conversation above, the word nuts means insane, this meaning is utilized by Random House Historical Volume II H-O. The writer categorizes this slang terms into society slang because it has the suitabilty with the definition of society slang. The writer thinks that Toback uses this slang to express that 5LFKLH¶VEHKDYLRULVEHLQg out of control counting a lot of money in front of the other cops in police office. 1.8 My man Setting is in a café at Harlem, Tanggo sees Frank when he has breakfast. He asks to Frank that he stops to sell blue magic (drugs). Below are the quoted conversations: ³7DQgo : Look, don't sell dope then, Frank. Get a real job. You need a fucking job, Frank? Hmm? Is that what you need? Well, you can come work for me. Okay? You can drive me around, huh?You can open my doors.Huh? "Yes, sir", "No, sir", "Right away, sir", "Anything you want, Massa Johnson". 43 Ibid, p. 12. 36 Frank : Twenty percent. Twenty percent is my profit, Tango.If I give you that, then what do I got left?Nothing, man. Twenty percent puts me out of business, and every somebody you know out of business. There's legitimate ways of doing things, Tango, and then there's this way. Not even Bumpy took 20%. : Bumpy's fucking dead : My man.´44 Tango Frank From the quoted conversation above, the word my man means my brother RU EXGG\ RULJLQDOO\ EODFN 7KLV PHDQLQJ LV XWLOL]HG LQ 17&¶V 'LFWLRQDU\ RI American Slang and Colloquial Expression. Then, the writer categorizes this slang into society slang because it is commonly used in society for daily communication, especially among the black people, and also it is an expression of solidity. The writer thinks that Frank uses this slang to expresses his friendliness WRZDUG7DQJREHFDXVHKHLVDFWXDOO\)UDQN¶V friend and also black. 1.9 Cool The setting is WKHVWUHHWRISDUN5LFKLHDQG/DXULVKHLV5LFKLH¶VZLIHDUH DUJXLQJDERXWWKHLUIDPLO\¶VWURXEOH7KLVZRUGVDLGE\5LFKLHZKHQ5LFKLHDQG his wife across over the street of park while thier continually arguing there are some of young people who kidding and screaming each other untill Richie is annoyed, below are the quoted conversation: ³5LFKLH : Look, I'm sorry. Laurie : Oh, please, Richie.It couldn't be avoided. I'll take him next weekend, all right? We're moving. Richie : What? Where? Laurie : The St Regis. What do you care? To my sister's. Richie : Your sister's? In Vegas? Yeah.You are not moving to Las Vegas. Not with Michael, anyway. 44 Ibid, p. 17. 37 Laurie : What am I supposed to do with him,leave him with you? There's picture : Hey, guys! Be cool.´45 Richie From the conversation above, the word cool means relaxed, this meaning is utilized by 17&¶V'LFWLRQDU\RI$PHULFDQ6ODQJDQG&ROORTXLDOH[SUHVVLRQVrd Edition. The writer categorizes this slang into society slang because it is appropriate with the characteristic of society slang and commonly used in society. The writer thinks that Richie uses this slang to reduce seriousness of a conversation, because Richie IHHOVWKDW\RXQJPHQ¶Vvoices are annoying, then he asks to make low their voices while he and his wife across the park in conversation. 1.10 Grand The setting takes in the jungle of Thailand where Frank earns his Blue Magic (drugs). Frank and Nate (his cousin) talks about drugs dispatch from Thailand to United States in fantastic number. Below are the quoted conversation: ³Nate: Fifty grand,W¶VJRQQDFRYHUWKHPDQGWKHSLORWDQGWKHER\VRQWKHRWKHU end. Frank: Give the a hundred Nate: Fifty is gonna cover it, Frank Frank: Give them a hundred, give WKHPWKHZKROHWKLQJ+HUH$QGORRNWKDW¶VDOO ,JRW6RLIWKDWGRSHGRQ¶WDUULYHIRUDQ\UHDVRQ´46 From the conversation above, the word grand means one thousand dollars, this meaning is utilized by 17&¶V 'LFWLRQDU\ RI $PHULFDQ 6ODQJ DQG Colloquial expressions 3rd Edition. The writer categorizes this slang into society 45 46 Ibid, p. 21. Ibid, p. 26. 38 slang because it is used in society for informal occasion.The writer thinks that Nate uses this slang to persuade Frank that within fifty thousand dollars will pay all delivery cost. 1.11 Bullshit The setting WDNHVLQ5LFKLH¶VFDUZKHQ5LFKLHJHWVWHOHSKRQHE\-D\WKDW he has killed a black people when he investigated a member of black people community, Richie imediatelly gets in car and tries to call police operator to send assistanFH KRZHYHU WKH SROLFH RSHUDWRU DQVZHU WKDW KH FDQQRW FRYHU 5LFKLH¶V position, therefore Richie says the word bullshit occasionally. Below are the quoted conversation: ³5LFKH : Kent and West in the projects. Police operator: Identify yourself please. Richie : Detective Richie Roberts. Police opeartor: That's a negative: I got no units in that area. Richie : Bullshit!´47 From the qouted conversation above, the word bullshit means nonsense. This meaning is utilized by Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang Volume I A-G. The writer categorizes this slang into society slang because it is very commonly used in society. The writer thinks that Richie uses this slang to express his anger and disappointment, because the police operator does not give a KHOSOLNHDV5LFKLH¶VH[SHFWDWLRQ 47 Ibid, p. 28. 39 1.12 Junkie The setting is in an ambulance car, this slang is said by Jaye. Jay and Richie is arguing after Richie succceed to escape Jay from black community after Jay killed one of them. Below the conversation: ³5LFKie : That guy didn't pull a gun on a cop, Jay. Jay : That guy pulled a gun on a junkie, a junkie who was trying to rob him.´48 From the conversation above, the word junkie means drug healer. This word is utilized by 17&¶V 'LFWLRQDU\ RI $PHULFDQ 6ODQJ DQG Colloquial expressions 3rd Edition. The writer categorizes this slang into society slang because it is suitable with the characteristic of society slang, it is usually used in the daily conversation, especially among criminal. The writer thinks that Jay uses WKLVVODQJWRH[SUHVVWKDW³MXQNLH´EHORQJVWRDFHUWDLQJURXSRIdrug healer. 1.13 Dog and pony show The setting takes in garage, when Richie do exercise Toback comes inside and he gives Richie a motivation. Below are the conversation: ³5LFKLH : You know why I don't have it. Toback : Doesn't matter. You did what you had to do. Greatest city in the world! And it's turning into an open sewer. Everybody's stealing, dealing. Look at you. You can't work because you did your job. Good news is, you're not the only honest cop in town.The special narcotics bureau in Washington is not a dog and pony show.´49 From the conversation above, the word dog and pony show means a speech. This meaning is utilized by 17&¶V 'LFWLRQDU\ RI $PHULFDQ 6ODQJ DQG 48 49 Ibid, p. 32. Ibid, p. 38. 40 Colloquial expressions 3rd Edition. The writer categorizes this slang into society slang because it is suitable with the characteristic of society slang, it is usually used in the daily conversation in society. The writer thinks that Toback uses this slang to express his disappointment toward Richie, because Richie does not continue his investigation after he knew that Jay (his partner) was killed. 1.14 Bro The setting is repair shop, Richie and his partners bugged conversation between Gabe (he is either a mechanic or drug healer) and Scot (he is drug healer too). This word said by Soct. Below are conversations: ³6FRW Gabe : That's a pretty big order. Yeah, I want the big whitewalls. : They better get at least 100,000 miles. All right, I'll tell you what. You come in here tomorrow morningI'm gonna set you up real nice with a whitewall special, all right? : Thanks, bro : No problem´50 Scot Gabe From the conversation above, the word bro means brother. This meaning is utilized in Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang Volume I A-* $FFRUGLQJ WR WKH ZULWHU¶V DVVXPSWLRQ WKLV VODQJ LQWR society slang because this word is closely related with the society slang. The writer thinks that Scot uses this slang to express that Gabe belongs to a certain group of drug healer. 50 Ibid, p. 60. 41 1.15 Kid The setting takes in the house, Richie and his partners take a rest before they do thier job as detective. This word is said by Richie, below are the quoted conversation: ³0DQ Bob Richie : You're not watching the fight, Bob? : I'm not into boxing. : This ain't boxing, kid. It's politics.´51 From the conversation above, the word kid means young fellow. This meaning is utilized in Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang Volume II H-2 $FFRUGLQJ WR WKH ZULWHU¶V DVVXPSWLRQ WKLV Vlang this slang into society slang because this word is closely related with the society slang. The ZULWHU WKLQNV WKDW 5LFKLH XVHV WKLV VODQJ WR H[SUHVV WKDW %RE LV D FRS 5LFKLH¶V partner), therefore, the reason is to show that one belongs to a certain group. 1.16 Fellas The setting is Trupo's car parking out front Frank's penthouse. This word is said by Trupo. Trupo and his partner are waiting Frank for a present that Frank promised. Bellow are the quoted conversation: ³7UXSR : The fuck is this guy doing? Doc : Hey! 7UXSR¶VSDUWQHUChampagne. Doc : Merry Christmas, Detectives. Trupo : For us? Doc : Yeah, enjoy that! Trupo : You fellas have a good time.´52 51 52 Ibid, p. 84. Ibid, p. 110. 42 From the quoted conversation above, the word fellas means a fellow. This meaning is utilized by N7&¶V 'LFWLRQDU\ RI $PHULFDQ 6ODQJ DQG &ROORTXLDO expressions 3rd Edition. The writer categorizes this slang into society slang because it is suitable with the characteristic of society slang, it is usually used in the daily conversation in society. The writer thinks that Trupo uses the word ³IHOODV´WRH[SUHVVKLVpleasure as Frank keeps his promise toward Trupo. 1.17 Guys The setting takes public telephone inside, this word is said by Richie,. Richie gives instruction by phone to his partners to encircle place where blue magic (drugs) that produced. Below are the conversations: ³5LFKLH : All right, they're cutting and bagging in the South Tower of the Stephen Crane Projects right now. Toback : Are you sure this is it? You're positive? Richie : I'm positive, Lou: I'm positive: Okay? Everything is ready to go: All the guys are ready to go:Just push the button, give me the warrant, RND\"2ND\<RXJRWLW´53 From the conversations above, the word guys means fellow. This meaning LV XWLOL]HG LQ 17&¶V 'LFWLRnary of American Slang and Colloquial Expression. The writer categorizes this slang into society slang because it is suitable with the characteristic of society slang, it is usually used in the daily conversation in society. Richie uses this slang to ask his partners to offense the barracks of dope. 7KHUHIRUHWKHZULWHUWKLQNVWKDW5LFKLHXVHVWKHZRUG³JX\V´EHORQJVWRDFHUWDLQ group of cop. 53 Ibid, p. 137. 43 1.18 Motherfucker The setting is at side of street, NYPD (New York Police Department) HQFLUFOH 7XUQHU )UDQN¶V EUother) because he is a drug healer. Below are the conversations: ³1<3' : NYPD! Everybody stand still! 7XUQHU¶VIULHQG : Turner! Go! NYPD : Down on the ground, motherfucker!´54 From the conversations above, the word motherfucker means interjection, this mHDQLQJ LV XWLOL]HG LQ 17&¶V 'LFWLRQDU\ RI $PHULFDQ 6ODQJ DQG &ROORTXLDO Expression. The writer categorizes this slang into society slang because it is used in every class of society, especially in informal situation. The writer thinks that NYPD uses this slang to express his anger, because Turner tries to turn against NYPD. C. The Reason of Using Slang From the analysis above, the reason of using slang can be described as follows: 1. The Reasons of Using Society Slang The writer assumes that the reasons of using Society Slang like the words Shit, Asshole, Fuck , Buck, God damn, What the hell, Nuts, My man, Cool, Grand, Bullshit, Junkie, Dog and Pony Show, Bro, Kid, Fellas, Guys, Motherfucker in American Gangster movie as follows: 54 Ibid, p. 142. 44 a. To show that something belongs to a certain group. This reason is for the use of slang terms shit. The speaker of the slang terms shit is Bumpy. He is a big boss of gangsters and powerful, he uses this slang to show that things belong to a certain group, it refers to several electronic things come from out of United State such as Japan and China. b. To express the anger and disappointment. This reason is for the use of the slang terms asshole, Fuck, what the hell, bullshit, dog and pony show, motherfucker, buck in the movie. The word asshole is said by Richie, the writer assumes that Richie uses this word to expresses his anger, because Campizi tries to hide the information which Richie needsWKHZRUG³DVVKROH´LWVHOILVDW\SHRIYXOJDUZRUG The word fuck is said by Richie, the writer thinks that Richie is unhappy with &DPSL]L¶VZRUGVRKHH[SUHVVHVKLVDQJHUE\VD\LQJ³IXFN\RX´DQGWKH ZRUG³IXFN´LWVHOILVDW\SHRIYXOJDUZRUG The word what the hell is said by Toback, the writer thinks that Toback uses this slang to express his anger because he sees Richie and Jay counting money of a cop who involved in drugs syndicate in front of the other cops. The word bullshit is said by Richie, The writer thinks that Richie uses this slang to express his anger and disappointment, because the police operator GRHV QRW JLYH D KHOS OLNH DV 5LFKLH¶V H[SHFWDWLRQ The word dog and pony show is said by Toback, The writer thinks that Toback uses this slang to express his disappointment toward Richie, because Richie does 45 not continue his investigation after he knew that Jay (his partner) was killed. The word motherfucker is said by NYPD, The writer thinks that NYPD uses this slang to express his anger, because Turner tries to turn against NYPD. The word buck is said by Jay, when he tries to assure Richie that they can send the money that found to their pocket, however Richie objected. Therefore, the writer thinks that Jay uses this word to express his disappointment toward Richie, because Richie will not DJUHHZLWK-D\¶VRSLQLRQ c. To express a blaming or accusing. This reason is the use for the slang terms god damn. The word god damn is said by Jay, when Richie and Jay are arguing working of a cop whose dishonest, because that cop involved with drugs syndicate. The writer thinks that Jay uses this word to express his blaming and accusing, because Jay thinks that every single cop is not an idealist and they want to get a lot of money, including himself. d. To express that someone is being out of control. This reason is the use for the slang terms nuts. The word nuts is said by Toback, when Richie and Jay is counting a lot of money in front of the other cops in police office. That is why the writer thinks that the reason of Toback uses this word to express that someone is being out of control. e. To show or express friendliness. This reason is the use for the slang terms my man. The word my man is said by Frank, when Frank sees with Tango in a café at Harlem. The writer thinks that Frank uses this 46 word to express his friendliness toward Tango, because Tango is actually black DQGDOVR )UDQN¶VIULHQG, although they are arguing each other. f. To reduce seriousness of a conversation. This reason is the use for the slang terms cool. The speaker of this word is Richie, when Richie and his wife across over the park in conversation. However, Richie feels that the loud voice of young men is annoying. The writer thinks that Richie uses this word to reduce seriousness of a conversation, when he asks the young men to be quiet. g. To persuade someone in conversation. This reason is the use for the slang terms grand. The word grand LV VDLG E\ 1DWH )UDQN¶V FRXVLQ when Frank and Nate are talking about the cost of drugs delivery. The writer thinks that Nate uses this word to persuade Frank in order to give fifty thousand dollars the deal is over. h. To show that one belongs to a certain group. This reason is the use slang terms junkie, bro, kid, guys. The word junkie is said by Jay, when Richie and Jay are arguing about a drug healer who was killed by Jay. The writer thinks that the reason of Jay uses this word to show that the ZRUG³MXQNLH´EHORQJVWRDFHUWDLQJURXSRIGUXJKHDOHU The word bro is said by Scot, the writer thinks that Scot uses this word to show that one belongs to a certain group, because Gabe is one of drug healers. The word kid is said by Richie, when Richie tells one of his partners that the boxing match on television is not real boxing, but politics. The 47 ZULWHUWKLQNVWKDW5LFKLHWULHVWRH[SUHVVWKDWWKHZRUG³NLG´belongs to certain group of cop. The word guys is said by Richie, when Richie asks his partners to offense the barracks of drug healer. The writer thinks WKDW5LFKLHXVHVWKHZRUG´JX\V´EHORQJVWRFHUWDLQJURXSRIFRS i. To express a pleasure or just for fun thing. This reason is the use slang terms fellas, the word fellas is said by Trupo ZKHQ 'RF )UDQN¶V driver) gives a present to Trupo. The writer thinks that Trupo uses the ZRUG³IHOODV´WRH[SUHVVKLVSOHDVXUHEHFDXVH)UDQNNHHSVKLVSURPLVH toward Trupo. BAB IV CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion After analyzing the research findings, the writer would like to make conclusions about them. In this paper, the writer discusses the slang terms used in WKH³American Gangster´ a movie directed by Ridley Scott. As the writer has proposed the kinds of slang terms in the theoretical framework and in the research findings, the writer concludes that slang terms often used in the movie above is society slang (such as: shit, asshole, fuck, bucks, god damn, what the hell, nuts, my man, cool, etc). Moreover, the reasons of using slang in the American Gangster movie based on word used and background of the characters and setting of the scene. From the analysis in chapter three the writer can conclude the reason of using society slang are to show that something belongs to a certain group; to express a blaming or accusing; to express the anger and disappointment; to express that someone is being out of control; to show or express friendliness; to reduce seriousness of a conversation; to persuade someone in conversation; to show that one belongs to a certain group; to express a pleasure or just for fun thing. 48 49 B. Suggestion Through this paper, the writer suggests that slang can be one of the topics for research study in the future, especially for student of English Letters Department from Adab and Humanities Faculty of State Islamic University. Furthermore, slang terms does not always produce new dictions, therefore the writer suggests that it is possible to explore semantics change of slang. Finally, the writer wants to say that there are some of slang terms should be avoided in daily communication, because they have vulgar and rude meaning (such as fuck, asshole, etc), and also the writer hopes that this paper will be useful for students who want to do research regarding slang. BIBLIOGRAPHY Awasilah, A. Chaedar. Sosiologi Bahasa. Bandung: Angkasa Bandung, 1985. A. Spears, Richard. 17&¶V 'LFWLRQDU\ RI $PHULFDQ 6ODQJ DQG &ROORTXLDO expressions 3rd Edition. USA: NTC Publishing Group 2000. Chapmen, L. Robert and Ann Kipta, Barbara. Dictionary of American Slang 3rd Edition. New York: Harper Collin Publisher. Fromkin, Victoria et al., An Introduction to Language 7th Edition. United States: Thomson Heinle, 2003. Green, Jonathan. &DVVHO¶V 'LFWLRQDU\ RI 6ODQJ. Cassel & Co Wellington House 123 Strand. London, 2000. Joseph, M. Boggs and W. Petrie Dennis. The Art Watching Films Fifth Edition California: Mayfield Publishing Company, 2000. Kushartanti, dkk, ed. Pesona Bahasa Langkah Awal Memahami Linguistik. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Umum, 2005. Lighter, J. E. Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang Volume I A-G. New York. Mc Arthur, Tom. The English Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. Partridge, Eric. Slang Today and Yesterday. Utledge Kegan Paul LTD London, 1945. Widarso, Wishnubroto, Bahasa Inggris; dialek, ragam, jargon, slang, blends, clipped words. Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 1989. 50 51 Websites : Anonymous, Accessed on June 8, 2011. Steven Zaillian. -script-transcript.html. Anonymous, Accessed on March 13, 2011. 52 APPENDICES The &RYHURIWKH³$PHULFDQ*DQJVWHU´PRYLH 53 Some sceQHVRIWKH³$PHULFDQ*DQJVWHU³movie 54 55 56 7KH6FULSWVRIWKH³$PHULFDQ*DQJVWHU´PRYLH American Gangster Script Written by Steven Zaillian Happy Thanksgiving! Come here! - Yeah! Right here! Toss me a bird, Bumpy! Bumpy! - Yeah! Bumpy! We love you! There you go, darling. Over here! Over here! Bumpy Frank! Come on! Come here. This is the problem. This is what's wrong with America. It's gotten so big, you just can't find your way. 57 The grocery store on the corner is now a supermarket. The candy store is a McDonald's. And this place, a super-fucking discount store. Where's the pride of ownership, huh? Where's the personal service? You see what I mean? Shit.(p.2) I mean, what right do they have, of cutting out the suppliers, pushing out all the middlemen, buying direct from the manufacturer? Sony this, Toshiba that. All them Chinks putting Americans out of work. That's the way it is now. You all right? You can't find the heart of anything to stick the knife. Frank 58 Hey! Anybody here? Can I help you? Call an ambulance. Forget it, Frank. There's no one in charge. Call an ambulance! Some say Bumpy Johnson was a great man, according to the eulogies, a giving man, a man of the people. No one chose to use in their remembrances the word most often associated with Ellsworth "Bumpy" Johnson, "Gangster," whose passing has brought a who's who of mourners on this chilly afternoon. Lucchese mob boss Dominic Cattano, Harlem crime figure Nicky Barnes. All right. Ready? Hey! That's his head! Richie You're supposed to be my friend, asshole! 59 Campizi I swear to God, Richie, I didn't know it was you. I would never slam a door on your hand, knowingly. You bit my fucking hand. What are you doing serving subpoenas, anyway? Jay We're on loan to County. - County? Campizi - How's that working out for you? Richie Hey, fuck you.(p.8) Hey, I'm sorry. Consider me served. Can we leave it there? Assault on a police officer? I don't think so. Hey, for old times' sake. What can we do? What do you want? What can I give you? What do you get for assault with a deadly weapon, Jay? - Five years minimum. Five years. Guys, come on. No, guys. What do you want? Who do you want? Who do you got? 60 You want Big Al's bookie? You want his accountant? I'll give him to you. CAMPIZl: Stop, stop, stop. There he is. That's him. That's the bookie. All right, Carlo, get lost. - Right here? - Yeah, right here. Get out of the car. CAMPIZl: This is... I'd rather not. Come on. Let's go. Take it ease. Want to stay with him or the car? Let's see who comes for the car. Think he made us? You called in the warrants, right? So, where are they? I just called, man. I called and walked back here and 10 seconds has gone by. I saw him with the slips, Jay. 61 You saw policy slips? You saw grocery bags. You don't know what's in 'em. Yes, I do and so do you. Don't give me that bull. What's the rush, Richie? Half an hour, the warrant will be here. - I got night school, all right? - Guess you're gonna miss it. Fuck this. Come on. - You sure? Yeah, I'm sure. Let's go. Fuck. - Jay. - Yeah? Fuck. WBZ, honey bunch, the show they all love! It's the groovy sound of the Jefferson Kaye Saturday Night Show: Dig, honey, it's coming up time for news: Jumping on the ceiling, wallpaper peeling on WBZ: Stick around, the Jace-man's got 10: Back in 10: 62 Jay It's not just a couple of bucks, all right?(p.11) It's the same thing in principle. Richie Oh, are we talking principles? Jay Richie, a cop who turns in this kind of money, says one thing. He turns in cops who take money. We'll be fucking pariahs. Richie Yeah, well, then we're fucked both ways. Jay Not if we keep it. Only if we don't, then you're right, we're fucked. But not if we keep it. God damn it, man! Did we ask for this?(p.11) Did we put a gun to someone's head and say, "Give us your money"? Cops kill cops they can't trust. We can't turn it in, man. Can you believe that? Toback How much is it? Richie $987,000. Toback 63 Well, what happened to the rest of it? What the hell are you doing counting it out here in front of everybody?(p.12) Are you nuts?(p.12) Get it back in the bags, seal them up and down into the property room. You fucking Boy Scout. What? What? Detective Trupo, sign here. You guys ready to make a lot of fucking money? Always. Hell, yeah. Fucking A. Oh, look at this. There you go. All right, look at this. Fucking beautiful. There's three more boats. Hey, don't lose any of that shit. I know. 64 All right, be careful. Hey! Just enough for the reagent test. A little less. ROSSl: This is the French Connection dope: Kilos of the same dope Eddie Egan and Sonny Grosso took from us: The cops seize it, arrest everyone, then they start taking it out of the evidence room, whacking it down to nothing and selling it back to us: They basically control the market with it: Mr Rossi, I have a surprise for you. ROSSl: They've been doing it for years now: They live off it, our dope: What do you think? What the fuck is happening to the world, Frank? Those fucking crooks. Yeah. Sad about Bumpy. Things are never gonna 65 be the same in Harlem. You walk down the street, nobody bothers you 'cause Bumpy was making sure of it. Half a key. How is your day now? It's chaos. Every gorilla for hisself. Motherfucker! Who can live like that? There has to be order. That would never happen with Italians. More important than any one man's life, is order. Frank. Hey. Come on in, Claude. Sit down. How y'all doing, huh? - Good. So, you see Nate over there? Yeah? Yeah, all the time. - Nate is everywhere. He's good. - Yeah. - He's still over there? 66 - Yeah. He's got himself a club now. - Okay. Whereabouts, Saigon? Bangkok. - Bangkok? - I don't think he's ever coming home. Come on. On the house, for our boys in uniform. Thank you, sugar. That's very kind. Thank Frank. Thanks, Frank. Just relax. You have to boot this shit a couple of times. The cops keep cutting it, selling the shit. I don't want to say anything, 'cause the price is right, but that shit in Nam is way, way heavy. Did you ain't seen the jar, Frank? I think you walked right past it. 67 The money jar, Frank. What do I gotta do, put a fucking sign on it? Hmm? Look at this nigger right here. You know, Frank, Bumpy don't own 116th no more. Bumpy don't own no real estate in Harlem right now. I'm the landlord and the lease is 20%. Tango Look, don't sell dope then, Frank. Get a real job. You need a fucking job, Frank? Hmm? Is that what you need? Well, you can come work for me. Okay? You can drive me around, huh? You can open my doors. Huh? "Yes, sir", "No, sir", "Right away, sir", "Anything you want, Massa Johnson". Frank Twenty percent. Twenty percent is my profit, Tango. If I give you that, then what do I got left? Nothing, man. Twenty percent puts me out of business, 68 and every somebody you know out of business. There's legitimate ways of doing things, Tango, and then there's this way. Not even Bumpy took 20%. Tango Bumpy's fucking dead. Frank My man.(p.17) Twenty percent? Twenty percent. Richie Look, I'm sorry. Laurie Oh, please, Richie. It couldn't be avoided. I'll take him next weekend, all right? We're moving. Richie What? Where? Laurie The St Regis. What do you care? To my sister's. Richie - Your sister's? In Vegas? - Yeah. 69 You are not moving to Las Vegas. Not with Michael, anyway. Laurie What am I supposed to do with him, leave him with you? There's a picture. Richie Hey, guys! Be cool.(p.21) Laurie, Las Vegas is not the kind of place that you raise a kid. Like this is a good environment? And around your friends? When am I supposed to see my boy? This weekend. Last weekend. God damn it. Hey! I asked you nice to shut up, right? Now I'm gonna have to kill you. I swear I will pull out my gun and put a bullet in your fucking heads! Now stop what you're doing and pick up the glass! Calm down, man. Okay, be cool. Fucking crazy, man. You don't have a gun. 70 You sure? You are crazy, Richie. You don't have room for us. I'll see you in court. Come on, Michael. Nate Fifty grand. It's gonna cover them and the pilot and the boys on the other end.(p.26) Frank Give them a hundred. Nate Fifty is gonna cover it, Frank. Frank Give them a hundred, give them the whole thing. Here. And look, that's all I got. So, if that dope don't arrive for any reason... Tower two. Apartment 1G. Richie Kent and West in the projects. Police Operator Identify yourself, please: Richie Detective Richie Roberts. 71 Police Operator That's a negative: I got no units in that area: Richie Bullshit.(p.28) Please put the call out again. I'm gonna need assistance. Detective Roberts, I got no units in that area: - Fuck you. - That's a negative: I didn't mention no cops. Know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? I'll get the motherfucker! Kick his ass! Yo, cracker, you gonna pay for this shit! Where the fuck you going? Where the fuck you going? What you gonna do, motherfucker? Hey, hey, be cool. Be cool, all right? I'll find out what's going on in here. Richie. Open the door! 72 Open the motherfucking door! Where's your backup? You motherfucking cracker! You got no backup? Why is that? You gotta come out sometime, motherfucker! Bandage his neck. Richie, he's dead. I know he's fucking dead, right. Bandage his neck, clean up his head, prop him up on the gurney so he's sitting and open his fucking eyes. Open this fucking door! All right? Let's go. Fuck. All right, clean him up. Okay. Where's the solution? Hey. - Huh? 73 God damn it, open this fucking door! - Give me your gun. - What? Give me your gun. Get your punk ass out here, man! - You have your badge? - Yeah. I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch! - You guys ready? - Uh-huh. Okay. Just keep moving forward. - You all right? - Yeah. It's okay! It's okay! We're taking him to the hospital. Everybody, step back! Step back! He's all right. He's okay. We're taking care of him. Step back. Step back. 74 Everything's fine. Just stand back. He's all right. He's alive. What happened inside? We're taking him to the hospital. Thanks, man. Fuck. That asshole pulled a piece on me, man. Can you fucking believe it? He pulls a piece on a cop? I had to do it, man. Kill or be killed. Fucking crazy world, right? What the fuck were you doing in the projects? Investigating stuff, man, you know, just like you taught me. Checking on guys, following things up, putting the pieces together. That guy was a dealer. A fucking dealer. Scum of the earth. 75 Richie That guy didn't pull a gun on a cop, Jay. Jay That guy pulled a gun on a junkie, a junkie who was trying to rob him.(p.32) Federal authorities have announced their intention to establish special narcotics bureaus in Washington, New York, Los Ángeles, Chicago::: A detective without the support of his fellow detectives really can't do much. Richie You know why I don't have it. Toback Doesn't matter. You did what you had to do. Greatest city in the world! And it's turning into an open sewer. Everybody's stealing, dealing. Look at you. You can't work because you did your job. Good news is, you're not the only honest cop in town. The special narcotics bureau in Washington is not a dog and pony show.(p.38) 76 They are sincere. I know this because they want us to orchestrate it. Hi, who's this? - Hello? Gabe? Yeah, it's Scott: - Yeah: Scotty! What's going down, brother? Those snow tyres you gave me last night: They come in yet? - Oh, the snow tyres? - Yeah: I want some more of them: - Give me one-and-a-half more: - One-and-a-half, Scot - that's a pretty big order. - Yeah, I want the big whitewalls, Gabe they better get at least 100,000 miles: All right, I'll tell you what. You come in here tomorrow morning I'm gonna set you up real nice with a whitewall special, all right? Scot - Thanks, bro.(p.60) - No problem: The official weight of Joe Frazier is 205:5 pounds: Oh. 77 ALl: Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee: Man You're not watching the fight, Bob? Bob I'm not into boxing. Richie This ain't boxing, kid.(p.84) It's politics. Trupo The fuck is this guy doing? 7UXSR¶VSDUWQHU Hey! - Champagne. Doc Merry Christmas, Detectives. Trupo - For us? Doc Yeah. Enjoy that. Trupo - You fellas have a good time.(p.110) - Mmm-hmm. It's Cristal. Lou, it's Richie. We got everybody in place. Everybody. Are you sure this is it? I'm positive, man. Okay? Richie All right, they're cutting and bagging 78 in the South Tower of the Stephen Crane Projects right now. Tobaack Are you sure this is it? You're positive? Richie I'm positive, Lou: I'm positive: Okay? Everything is ready to go: All the guys are ready to go.(p.137) NYPD NYPD! Everybody stand still! 7XUQHU¶VIULHQG Turner! Go! NYPD Down on the ground, motherfucker!(p.142)
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