CAPITAL NEEDS ASSESSMENT for SAMPLE LOCATION MAIN STREET SAMPLE, VT 00000 Prepared for: SAMPLE LAND TRUST Sample Street Sample, VT 00000 802-000-0000 Property Managed by: SAMPLE MANAGEMENT Sample Street Sample, VT 00000 802-000-0000 Prepared by: RIGHT-TRAK DESIGN, INC. 58 Beaver Pond Road Weare, New Hampshire 03281- 5800 (603) 529-2022 Inspection Date: MM/DD/YYYY TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 SECTION I – EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 PROPERTY DETAILS 5 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 6 SITE AND LANDSCAPING Observations and Recommendations 10 ARCHITECTURAL EXTERIOR Observations and Recommendations 14 ARCHITECTURAL INTERIOR Observations and Recommendations 17 DWELLING UNITS Observations and Recommendations 21 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL Observations and Recommendations 24 APPROXIMATE SITE AND FLOOR PLANS 28 SECTION II – SUMMARY OF RESULTS DEFERRED MAINTENANCE SUMMARY YEAR ONE BUDGET SUMMARY 29 SECTION III – FINANCIAL NEEDS AND RESOURCES CURRENT FINANCIAL NEEDS AND RESOURCES ASSESSMENT METHOD SCHEDULE OF FORECASTED EXPENSES LIMITATION OF REPORT 31 EXHIBIT I SCHEDULE OF FORECASTED EXPENSES 43 EXHIBIT II YEARLY COST EXTENSIONS AND SUMMARY 61 EXHIBIT III SUPPLEMENTAL DATA SAMPLE LOCATION CAPITAL NEEDS ASSESSMENT LOCATION: Sample, VT 00000 INSPECTION DATE: DD/MM/YYYY DRAFT DATE: DD/MM/YYYY REPORT DATE: DD/MM/YYYY SECTION I – EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PREFACE: On DD/MM/YYYY a property inspection was conducted for the Sample Location Senior Housing and Seniors Center at Main Street in Sample, Vermont. The property contains a total of 18 apartments. The inspection was conducted to help evaluate the overall condition of the structure and site and to identify possible deficiencies involving life safety, replacement, and maintenance issues. The information obtained was used to help forecast the long-term capital needs of the property. Sample, a town in Washington County in the central part of Vermont was chartered on February 25, 1782. It covers an area of 16,588 acres (25.92 square miles). The chief grantee and later owner of over half the town was Benjamin Wait (sometimes Waite), one of seven brothers, all of whom were born in Sudbury, Massachusetts, and eventually became involved with the affairs of the New Hampshire Grants. Another brother, Joseph, is commemorated in the name of Waits River in Bradford. Ancestries include Irish (21.8%), English (19.0%), German (13.7%), French (7.9%), Scottish (6.4%), and Italian (6.2%). Industries providing employment are Educational, health and social services (15.0%), Arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodation and food services (14.9%), Retail trade (13.2%), Professional, scientific, management, administrative, and waste management services (11.4%). Population in the year 2000 was 1,659. Estimated population in July 2005 is 1,719 (+3.6% change). The nearest city with a population of 50,000+ is Schenectady, NY (122.2 miles, population 61,821). The nearest city with a population of 200,000+ is Boston, MA (175.9 miles, population 589,141). The nearest city with a population of 1,000,000+ is New York, NY (252.5 miles , population 8,008,278). The following review presents work items as they relate to the current status and condition of the property. Each of the building systems is discussed with recommendations and cost estimates for system upgrade or to maintain the housing units over the 15-year period of this report. The systems include Site, Architectural, Mechanical & Electrical, and Dwelling Units. Project: Sample Senior Housing Center PROVIDER Name: Addr1: Addr2: City: State: Phone: Email: PROJECT Right-Trak Design, Inc. 58 Beaver Pond Road NH Weare Zip Code: 603-529-2022 03281 [email protected] OWNER Name: Addr1: Addr2: City: State: Phone: Contact: Sample Land Trust Sample Street Sample VT Zip Code: 00000 802-000-0000 [email protected] Sample Management Sample Street VT Sample Senior Housing Center Main Street Route 000 Sample VT Zip Code: 00000 County none SITE DATA PROPERTY MANAGER Name: Addr1: Addr2: City: State: Phone: Email: Name: Addr1: Addr2: City: State: County: Phone: Sample Zip Code: 802-000-0000 00000 Lot Size: Parking: Handicap Parking: Amenities: 1.2 Acres 24 Vehicles 4 Vehicles Lawn areas BUILDING DATA # Residential Bldgs: # Accessory Bldgs: Building Height: Building Size: Heating: Cooling: 1 0 2 stories 7446 ft² footprint Hydronic baseboard Air conditioning not provided [email protected] UNIT MIX INSPECTION Date: Inspector: Escort: Add'l Data: Add'l Data: 5/8/2007 Inspector Escort Other Other Type: Year Built: Last Renovated Efficiency Apts: 1 Bedroom Apts: 2 Bedroom Apts: 3 Bedroom Apts: 4 Bedroom Apts: Handicap Acc. Apts Total Dwelling Units: Elderly +/- 1950 2005-2006 2005-2006 17 0 0 0 1 18 Appurtenant Porch Structures There is a new entry porch on the east elevation and a larger existing porch on the south elevation. Wood decks include a large PTL deck at between the north and south wings that has been expanded to meet the south wall of the new addition. There are PTL stairs at the northwest deck, south entry, east entry, and new addition west entry. All PTL steps and ramps have PTL balusters and supplemental metal pipe safety handrails. Observations and Recommendations: • • Annual application of waterproofing sealer is recommended to prolong useful life. Pipe handrails on the ramps and steps that need to be sanded and refinished are scheduled to be included with the remodel. Exterior Doors All exterior doors are solid core wood of various design. Most are fitted with heavy duty closer and panic hardware. All are refurbished existing except the south elevation door from the ramp to the dining room and the west elevation door to the kitchen. The east elevation entry and west elevation kitchen entry doors are new, as is the west exit from the new addition. Double glass CDFR6068 (Marvin?) clad wood patio doors lead from the central living area to the northwest deck. One side is fitted with a heavy-duty closer and panic hardware. An existing door at the west elevation provides access to the basement mechanical areas and also serves as a means of emergency egress. Observations and Recommendations: • • Budget for replacement of the mechanical area door in year 14. Budget for replacement of older doors in year 20. Windows, Frames and Glazing Windows, frames and glazing include a mixture of vintage and Marvin replacement windows in fixed or double hung style. Awning windows are typical at cellar level. Seven of the windows on the east elevation have painted shutters. The building is unique, therefore windows on the front elevation facing the street have not been replaced up to now. As a result, single pane windows remain with new tracks installed. There are approximately 78 windows total, fitted with a variety of full-length screens and integral storm/screen windows. Replacement of select (not all) windows has been included in the remodel. There is also a mixture of full length screens and integral storm/screen windows. Observations and Recommendations: • • Check the caulk around all windows and doors and caulk any voids. Replace glazing on windows where it is missing or cracked. Mechanical and Electrical: Hydronic Heating System Hydronic baseboard heating is provided in dwelling units and some common areas. Two new Buderus Loganol G215 boilers located in the west end basement mechanical room are each fitted with a Riello burner, Safegard #550 low water cutoff, Watts #1156F pressure regulator, Watts #90-MD backflow preventer, and Taco #Ac0-2F-4 air bleeder. The heating system includes a Taco #CBX84-3 expansion tank. Heating water circulating pumps are divided into 7 zones on the existing return header. Hydronic heating typically utilizes copper piping. Four pumps are existing and three are new. Pump #7 ties to a pump relay for service to two of the basement fan coil units, the dining room fan coil unit, and a new living and bedroom fan coil unit. The outdoor temperature sensor is a Tecmar #251 one stage boiler and DHW control with 3 SR501 relays. Observations and Recommendations: • The boiler room could use a good cleanup. Boiler Room Accessories All boiler room pipes are insulated with either fiberglass wrap or closed cell foam. All piping is typically copper. Combustion air is provided from a Belimo #LF-120 motorized combustion air duct. The boiler room exhaust fan operates in parallel with the oil burner outside air damper system. An isolation relay prevents backfeed to the fan when the burner is operating. Flue is exhaust via a standard Field Controls draft to the adjacent masonry chimney. Fuel oil storage consists of two 275-gallon fuel oil tanks located in a corner of the sprinkler room and are enclosed in a fire rated room with a spill containment barrier installed on the floor. Observations and Recommendations: • • • Some pipe insulation has been disturbed and needs to be restored. The unprotected fuel line from the oil tanks to the boiler room is pinched (near the hot water tank) and should be replaced. Budget for year 1. Boiler room valves are bronze. Repack gate valves in 10-year increments. Check/repack drain valves in 3-year increments. Replace drain valve stems in 8-year intervals. Domestic Hot Water Domestic hot water is generated by way of an exchanger in the boiler with storage of heated water in two adjacent tanks with two bronze booster pumps for hot water circulation. One older Carlin RCG-70 storage tank is connected in tandem with a newer Phase III. Storage tank. Both are approximately 70-80 gallons capacity. The Phase III tank was installed as part of the 1999 renovation project. Observations and Recommendations: • Replacement scheduled to take place as part of the remodel has not yet been implemented. Budget for replacement of the older hot water tank in year 1 and the newer tank in year 10 and the first one again in year 17. SECTION II – SUMMARY OF RESULTS YEAR 1 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY DESCRIPTION COST Exterior sign and planter repairs $250.00 Refresh parking lot striping $268.00 Re-point and recap chimneys $918.00 Replace sump pump $200.00 Replace hot water heater Repair pinched fuel line TOTAL $2,000.00 $100.00 $3,736.00 DEFERRED MAINTENANCE ITEMS DESCRIPTION Replacement of sign on rusty frame in front yard. Repairs to the 4-tier castlewall planter in the back yard. Renewal of the parking lot striping. COST $200.00 $50.00 $268.00 Extension of paving to fill erosion area at the curb cut. $1,800.00 Annual application of waterproofing sealer to pressure-treated surfaces. $1,165.00 Re-pointing and recapping of chimneys. $918.00 Repairs to flooring at the south entry. $100.00 Annual cleaning of exhaust fans and ductwork. $225.00 Replacement of water system expansion tanks. $2,942.00 Replacement of older Carlin RCG-70 water heater. $2,000.00 Replacement of pinched fuel line. TOTAL $100.00 $9,768.00 SECTION III – FINANCIAL NEEDS AND RESOURCES CURRENT FINANCIAL NEEDS AND RESOURCES For the Sample Location property located at Main Street in Sample, Vermont, based upon the recommended funding structure and the anticipated maintenance and replacement expenditures, RightTrak Design, Inc. projects that a Replacement Reserve Initial Balance of $9,000, with an annual Average Reserve Deposit of $9,000 escalated at the rate of 3% annually will: • • Not Be adequate to fully fund the project for the entire 15-year assessment period. Result in a negative End-of-Period Reserve Balance for years 12 thru 20 (2018-2026). During the fiscal years 2007 through 2026, the forecasted annual expenses (in year-2007 dollars) range between a low of $2,607 (in 2015) and a high of $40,071 (in 2018). The total annual expense (in year2007 dollars) for fiscal years 2007 through 2026 is $244,457, with an average of $12,223 per year ($905 per unit). The annual contribution (Average Reserve Deposit) is understood to be $9,000, commencing in year 2007 and escalating at the rate of 3% annually. The Reserve Deposit may or may not continue in the future at this level. The Replacement Reserve Initial Balance is projected to be $9,000 on 1/1/2007. At the above funding level the End-of-Period reserve balance only remains positive from 2007 through year 11 (2017). In year 20 (2026), at an annual Reserve Deposit starting at $9,000 and escalating at the rate of 3% annually, the end-of-period balance is projected to be minus (-)$106,125. SUMMARY STATEMENT OF RESOURCES AND NEEDS Right-Trak Design, Inc. concludes that under the present scenario, with the Reserve Deposit set at $9,000 and escalating at the rate of 3% annually, the project will not be able to complete the anticipated work items in the scheduled timeframe. It is recommended that at a future date the reserve deposit be adjusted with respect to current needs and actual market conditions. ASSESSMENT METHOD The assessment covers the 20-year period commencing January 1, 2007 and includes major maintenance expenses as well as capital expenses for replacement and improvements. The year-end amount of the Replacement Reserve is forecast for each year based upon the recommended funding structure and expenditures. The total anticipated expenditures for each year are calculated in constant-year 2007 dollars and the total is escalated at a rate of 3.00% per year. The anticipated annual contributions are shown in Exhibit II. The annual reserve balance is expected to earn interest at a rate of 1% annually. Expenditures are scheduled based upon current needs and anticipated remaining lives of facilities and equipment. In determining the priority for current needs and improvements, first priority was given to those expenditures that benefit the health and safety of tenants. Second priority was given to expenditures for previously deferred maintenance or replacement. Third priority was given to those expenditures that would reduce operating expenses. Right-Trak Design, Inc. developed the list of building components, systems, and equipment during its inspection of the property. Sample Land Trust provided information regarding development and construction. Right-Trak Design, Inc. based upon industry norms and historical data for similar properties developed estimates of cost for the various work items. The assessment assumes continuation of a thorough program of preventative and ordinary maintenance in addition to the forecast of major expenditures. EXHIBIT I LIST OF WORK ITEMS Site Architectural Dwelling Units Mechanical & Electrical Right-Trak Design, Inc. Exhibit 1 RTD#05-068 List of Work Items Main Street Site Sample Location Sample, VT 00000 Inspection Date: 5/8/2006 ITEM SCHEDULE AND COSTS 1 AGE Age of Item E.U.L. Expected Useful Life R.U.L. Remaining Useful Life CONDITION Built Improvements (e.g., site furniture) 7 20 var. Var. X Occasional pieces such as chairs and benches on the porches and decks not in use at the present time due to construction. Maintain as required when returned to service (operating budget). Picnic tables provided in the central deck area. Dumpster Enclosures <1 20 20 Good X New dumpster enclosure constructed. Wide enough for small dumpster with extension on one side, presumably for recycle containers. PTL lattice on 6x6 PTL posts. No bollards to protect the back wall at the present time. Provide annual application of waterproofing sealer to appropriate surfaces to prolong useful life (operating budget). SITE ITEMS UNIT QTY 2 UNIT UNIT COST TOTAL COST ($) ($) YEAR OPERATING BUDGET 3 FIELD NOTES Dumpster Pads, concrete <1 50 + 50 New 0.00 Concrete dumpster pad is wide enough for one container. Extension to pad added on the right side. Dumpsters E 10 N/A Good 0.00 Small container is provided and maintained by the contracted vendor. Earthwork E 50 + 50 Good 0.00 The 1.2 acres flat site faces easterly on Main Street and is located between Brothers Building Company to the south and Mad River Green Shopping Center to the north. Electrical Main and Distribution <1 40 40 New 0.00 Power comes underground from a utility pole near the northeast corner of the property to newly constructed enclosed meter room adjacent to the front entrance. Electrical Transformer E 30 N/A PG 0.00 The transformer is located on a nearby utility pole and is owned and maintained by the local power company. Fencing, post and rail <1 25+ N/A New 0.00 The post and rail fence along the northerly property line belongs to the abutting neighbor. 0.00 Two propane tanks are located at the northwest corner of the new addition. They provide fuel via underground pipe to the community kitchen and the residential area laundry room. Gas Main and Lines Landscaping <1 E 40 50 + 40 50 PG Good 1 LS 250.00 250.00 1 Parking and Roadway Pavement, asphalt 7 25 20 Good 1 LS 268.00 1,072.00 1,6,11, 16 Parking and Roadway Pavement, asphalt 7 25 18 Fair-Good 1 LS 1,800.00 1,800.00 2 1) >=More Than, <=Less Than, UC=Under Construction 2) LS=Lump Sum, EA=Each, LF=Linear Foot, SF=Square Foot, SQ=Square (100 SF), SY=Square Yard, DU=per Dwelling Unit 3) Proposed items to be completed with funds other than replacement resources, not figured in the overall costs. X The property is nicely landscaped and includes a raised PTL planter bed on the front lawn; mulched shrub beds adjacent to the foundation that contain rhododendrons, junipers, cedars and deciduous shrubs; an apple tree at the southwest corner of the building, white birch trees at the front porches, red oak trees on either side of the curb cut, mixed ash and maple along the south edge of the parking lot, and spruce trees along the north elevation. Trees and shrubs should be pruned to provide several inches of clearance from the sidewalls in order to prevent premature deterioration of the paint and siding. Damage to front lawns needs to be restored by contractor at completion of construction. Sign on rusty frame in front yard needs to be restored or replaced. 4-tier castlewall planter in the back yard is missing two sections at the top. X The paved parking lot at the south elevation contains 5 parking spaces (3 handicapped accessible) adjacent to the building and 13 parking spaces opposite the building along the south property line. 10 additional spaces are available in the extended area at the west end of the lot. The handicapped spaces share two discharge aisles and all of them have vertical signage installed on PTL posts. There are no pavement markings to denote handicapped parking and the van accessible space is not identified as such. Condition of the parking surface is very good but the striping is barely visible. Re-striping and pavement marking is reportedly included with the current remodel. Budget to refresh the striping in 5-year intervals beginning in year 1. Make annual spot repairs as needed. The area at the curb cut is being eroded due to vehicular traffic cutting the corner too sharply. Budget to extend paving to the affected area. EXHIBIT II YEARLY COST FORM - SUMMARY Right-Trak Design, Inc. Exhibit II RTD#05-068 Yearly Cost Extensions Forecast of Maintenance and Capital Replacement Expenditures Year 2007 - 2026 Sample Location Inspection Date: 5/8/2006 Sample, VT 00000 CALENDAR YEAR Main Street Dwelling Units Prior Replacement 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Year 14 Year 15 Year 16 Year 17 Year 18 Year 19 Year 20 1,620 1,620 1,620 1,620 1,620 Electrical Fixtures Varies Electrical Wiring Varies Kitchen Appliances, ranges 2006 0 0 Kitchen Appliances, range hoods 2006 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,080 1,080 1,080 1,080 1,080 Kitchen Appliances, refrigerators 2006 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,520 2,520 2,520 2,520 2,520 Kitchen Cabinets 2006 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kitchen Countertop 2006 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kitchen Sink 2006 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,607 2,607 2,607 2,607 2,607 2,607 Living Area Ceilings, acoustic tile 400 Living Area Ceilings, concrete/drywall/plaster Varies 0 0 0 Living Area Floors, carpet 2006 0 0 0 Living Area Floors, resilient (sheet/tile) Varies 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Living Area Walls Varies 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unit Radiation, hydronic, baseboard 2006 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,607 1,615 1,615 1,615 1,615 1,615 Right-Trak Design, Inc. Exhibit 1 RTD#05-068 Sample Location Sample, VT 00000 Inspection Date: 5/8/2006 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 -20,000 -40,000 -60,000 -80,000 -100,000 -120,000 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 TOTAL EXPENSES IN YEAR 2007 $ 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total Expense - Future Cost 2019 2020 2021 2022 Reserve Balance - End of Period 2023 2024 2025 2026
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