PVT analysis of bottom hole sample from Well 3411 0-1 7 STAT01L EXPLORATION 81PRODUCTlON LABORATORY by Otto Rogne Classification I stcrtoil Den norske stats oljeselskap as Requested by J,Hanstveit, LET Bergen Subtitle Co-workers Bodil Fjareide, LAB PVT analysis of bottom hole sample from Well 3411 0-1 7 EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION LABORATORY by Otto Rogne LAB 83.54 /- Prepared Approved /7 j ,/ CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 2 SAMPLING CONDITIONS 3 Bubble point check Fig. 1 Bubble point at ambient FLASH OF RESERVOIR FLUID TO STOCK TANK Molecular composition Extended molecular composition CONSTANT MASS EXPANSION Fig. 2 Relative volume DIFFERENTIAL DEPLETION Molecular Molecular Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 7 composition of liberated gases composition of residual oil Compressibility factor, Z Reservoir oil density Gas formation volume factor Solution gas, RS Formation volume factor VISCOSITY OF RESERVOIR FLUID Fig. 8 Viscosity LAB 8 3 . 5 4 INTRODUCTION The present report gives the experimental results of a PVTanalysis carried out on a bottom hole sample from test no. 2 on well 34110-17, obtained by Stavanger Oilfield Services AIS on June 8, 1983. Sampling details are given on page 3. The quality of the sample was checked by measuring the bubble point at ambient laboratory conditions and found to be 388 barg (page 4 ), as compared to a reported field value of 380 barg at this was considered sat isfactory. approx. ~ O C A portion of the sample was charged to a high pressure cell at reservoi r temperature (106 0C) where the bubble point, re1 at ive volumes and compressibility were determined. These results are on page 7. To determine the reservoir fluid composition a portion o f the fluid in the cell was flashed through a laboratory separator at 1 5 O ~and atmospheric pressure. The 1 i berated gas and oi 1 were collected, measured and analysed separately by gas chromatography through C with decanes plus fraction. These results are on page 9 5. An extended reservoir fluid composition based on the above and from C10 to C20+ on a TBP mentioned flash up to C 9' distillation of stock tank oil, is given on page 6. The TBP dist i 1 lat ion is reported separately. The remaining sample in the cell was finally differentially liberated through a series of pressure steps with the results shown on page 8. The composition of the liberated gases are on page 9, and the composition of the gas free liquid remaining in the cell at atmospheric pressure on page 10. The gas viscosity were calculated from the gas density according to Lee et.at. LAB 83.54 J.Pet.Techn., 997 (1966). A separate p o r t i o n of t h e sample was charged t o a h i g h pressure r o l l i n g b a l l v i s c o s i m e t e r f o r . r e s u l t s a r e o n page 11. v i s c o s i t y measurements a t 1 0 6 ~ ~ The SAMPLING CONDITIONS We1 1 34/10-17 Format i o n Brent Date 08.06.1983 Test 2 Interval 2880 Sample no. 9 Sample b o t t l e n o . 810698 sample t y p e Bottom h o l e Sample d e p t h '$3gl .6 m RKB Bottom h o l e pressure 409 b a r Bottom h o l e temperature 106 Well flowed f o r approx. min. 45 min., - 2890 m RKB OC t h e n c l o s e d i n f o r approx. b e f o r e sample b e i n g t a k e n . LAB 83.54 10 Well: 34110-17 BHS BUBBLE POINT AT ROOM TEMPERATURE (Bottle 810698) nr. Pump r e a d i n g Pressure cm Barg 3 521.8 155.459 498.4 153.825 485.9 152.825 466.4 151.910 434.6 149.109 408.0 146.949 388 384.0 362.5 334.6 307.0 237.0 226.6 Bubble p o i n t l a b ( Bubble p o i n t f i e l d ( l g O c ) = 388 barg 8'~) = 380 barg LAB 8 3 . 5 4 We1 1 : 3 4 / 1 0 - 1 7 BHS F L A S H OF RESERVOIR F L U I D TO STOCK TANK C O N D I T I O N S (Molecular Composition) Component Stock tank Evolved oi1 gas mol % mol % ~ e s e r v o i rl fu i % mol % weight % N it r o g e n C a r b o n d i o x id e ' Methane' Ethane Propane i- B u t a n e n- B u t a n e i- P e n t a n e n- P e n t a n e Hexanes Heptanes Octanes Nonanes Decanes p l u s Molecular weight 229. 66.3 23.9 2.00 3 3 Sm / m 3 3 m /m 0.599 g/cm3 D e n s i t y o f ST0 a t 1 5 O ~ : 0.853 g/cm3 G a s g r a v i t y ( a i r =1) 0.827 GOR F o r m a t i o n vol. 339 factor D e n s i t y a t b u b b l e point l+ M o l e c u l a r w e i g h t o f CO l+ D e n s i t y o f CO a t 15 C : : : LAB 83.54 316 0.881 g / cm3 We1 1 : 34/10-17 BHS EXTENDED RESERVOIR FLUID COMPOSITION Component mol % mol weight LAB 83.54 Density CONSTANT MASS EXPANSION AT 1 0 6 ~ ~ . Pressure Re1 v o l Barg Compressibility V/Vb Y-factor 1/Bar ....................................................... Pb 503.0 0.9724 2.41E-04 485.7 0.9771 2.51E-04 465.1 0.9828 2.64E-04 443.2 0.9882 2.77E-04 427.1 0.9926 2.86E-04 412.1 0.9969 2.95E-04 = 402.0 1.0000 3.01E-04 392.1 1.0054 4.70 382.0 1.0112 4.66 363.9 1. 0 2 3 4 4.47 343.6 1.0405 4.20 310.2 1.0719 4.12 269.7 1.1275 3.85 219.9 1.2391 3.46 168.6 1.4538 3.05 132.8 1.7335 2.76 121.6 1.8627 2.67 = F o r P < Pb Y F o r P > Pb V/Vb 1.803 + 7.36E-03 x P = 1.17434 -5.6650E-04 LAB 8 3 . 5 4 x P + 3.3039E-07xPxP DIFFERENTIAL DEPLETION AT 106' C Pressure O i 1 form vol f a c t barg :: Bod Solution gar Gas f o r m Res o i 1 Compr vol fact dens i t y factor Rs Bg a t 15 C Bod : Volume o f o i l a t P and T p e r volume o f r e s i d u a l o i l a t 15 C and atm P. Rs : S t a n d a r d m3 g a s p e r m3 r e s i d u a l o i l a t 1 5 C Bg : m3 gas a t T and P p e r s t a n d a r d m3 gas g/cm3 Z Gas viscosity cP D I F F E R E N T I A L DEPLETION A T 106O C (Molecular c o m p o s i t i o n o f differentially liberated gas, mol%) NITROGEN 1.24 CARBONDIOXIDE 0 . 8 4 METHANE 70.12 ETHANE 9.44 PROPANE 5.36 i -BUTANE 1.06 n-BUTANE 1.83 i -PENTANE 1.02 n-PENTANE HEXANES HEPTANES OCTANES NONANES MOLE WEIGHT GRAVITY (air = 1) 0.99 1.09 1.39 1.99 0.75 31.20 29.38 26.58 23.47 22.22 21.84 25.04 44.62 56.67 1.077 1.014 0.918 0.810 0.767 0.754 0.865 1.541 1.957 LAB 83.54 D I F F E R E N T I A L DEPLETION A T 1 0 6 ~ ~ (Molecular c o m p o s i t i o n o f residual oil) COMPONENT MOL% NITROGEN CARBONDIOXIDE METHANE ETHANE PROPANE i -BUTANE n-BUTANE i -PENTANE n-PENTANE HEXANES HEPTANES OCTANES NONANES DECANES DENSITY A T 15 C MOLE WEIGHT L A B 83.54 DIFFERENTIAL DEPLETION Gas formation volume factor DIFFERENTIAL 'DEPLET'ION AT 106 DEG.C SOLUTION GOR VISCOSITY OF RESERVOIR F L U I D AT 106'~ Pressure (barg) Vlscosi t y (centipoise) L A B 83.54
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