Sample Exit Interview Survey Respondent Listing Respondent Name Login ID Response Date Yen, Rick York, Danielle York, Matthew Yotov, Brett Yotov, Kara Younan, Ben Young, Sylvia Zeldin, Christy Zeldin, Michelle Zettner, Maya Ziegler, Jessica Zitterkopf, Darren Zucker, Wendy JKYMY RHRNI KMKYH HYFRK ZDXCJ IBQES QVWST XREIU GMKWV HOVJE OKDXF WGJMG EBQBH 27/07/2007 16:53 27/07/2007 16:53 27/07/2007 16:53 27/07/2007 16:53 27/07/2007 16:53 27/07/2007 16:53 27/07/2007 16:53 27/07/2007 16:53 27/07/2007 16:53 27/07/2007 16:53 27/07/2007 16:53 27/07/2007 16:53 27/07/2007 16:53 Page 20 of 20 Package Contents This reporting package contains a just a few of the many reports that could be used to analyse your surveys. It provides a sample of some of the flexibility available within Professional Quest. A brief description of each of the reports is provided below. Questionnaire Structure Report The Questionnaire Structure Report provides full details of the structure and content of a questionnaire design. It can be used as a paper-based “backup” of the design that has been set up within the software. Questionnaire Form The paper-based questionnaire form is a simple representation of the questionnaire that can be used for manual data entry. Questionnaire Results Sheet The results sheet report is an easy way to get the raw responses for a questionnaire. The report can be printed by question (all answers to a single question shown together) or by respondent (answers to all questions for a single response shown together). If each response can be identified (eg. There is a name question) then the identification can be used within the report, making it easier to determine who each response relates to). Response Grid The responses grid report is a compact table of the raw answers entered by each respondent, together with optional “calculated columns” that show responses to ratings questions as a percentage. Each row in the report is a single response. Key features of this report include: Comments Listing • The ability to show raw responses, one response per row • All response data can be included in the report, including comments questions • Calculated columns allow you to consolidate the answers to multiple questions into a single, simple figure. You can then sort the report by one of the calculated columns The comments listing report is a simple listing of all responses to particular selected text questions in a survey. This report can easily be exported to a word-processor for inclusion in your own reports. Question Analysis Report This is a basic report for producing charts and tabular statistics for multiple questions quickly and simply. Key features of this report include: Graphical Rating Report • The ability to customise the chart format • Different report layouts, including chart-only layouts • Choice of which descriptive statistics to include The graphical rating report can be used for two main purposes - to print bar charts for one or more statistical questions in the questionnaire (effectively like a value range report, but with graphs), or to print "rating Gantt" graphs that clearly show positive and negative responses to questions. Advanced features of this report include the ability to have multiple sections within the report (each with a different formatting and contents), and the ability to show direct comparisons of different subsets of data on the one graph (eg. show a graph comparing each department). Response Groupings may be used to create comparative graphical rating charts. For example, if you have a "department" question in your questionnaire, you could create a response grouping that filters on each department as a separate item. By applying this grouping to a graphical rating chart, separate bars will be shown for each department - thus providing a comparison between departments. Key features of this report include: Saved Statistics Report • The ability to group the statistics for related questions (eg. questions about management) • Unlimited potential to compare different data strata (e.g. compare departments, time periods, regions etc.) on the same chart • Use of “rating Gantt charts” to show the amount of positive and negative response for questions – very compact, and very visual reporting. “Custom Statistics” can be created within Professional Quest. These statistics can include cross-tabulations and consolidation or comparison of similar questions. The Custom Statistics Report can be used to print these statistics. Key features of this report include: • The production of different charts, tables etc. on the one report • Matching of the formatting for each custom statistic – providing high levels of customisation Value Range Report Advanced Banner Report Pyramid Analysis Report This is a great initial report to print to provide an overall idea of the statistics for the survey. Key features of this report include: • Extremely simple to use – just click on the report and run • Numeric counts and percentages for answers to value range questions • Average scores for value range questions • Full support for flow control (indicates how many respondents “skipped” a question because of flow control) • Optional ability to show comments questions • Optional ability to filter responses to be included in the report (eg. only show one department) The Advanced Banner Report shows a “banner” across the top of the report. The data for a particular question can be “sliced” into each of the filtered columns shown in the banner. The content of each column in the report is based on a filter, and is therefore completely customisable. Features of this report include: • Comparison of data based upon filters • Optional reporting of significance between columns via column codes (an uppercase letter indicates 95%, and lowercase letter indicates 90%) • Optional reporting of mean, standard deviation and standard error • Support for large format reporting – show a detailed report on landscape A3 paper, for example The Pyramid report is a highly visual report - it shows the ratings entered into the questionnaire as a series of colored triangles within a "pyramid". Each of the colored triangles is affected by two things - a "color" rule that determines the color that will be used (based upon either the percentage of respondents who provided a certain rating level, or an average rating) and a list of questions that will be used to determine the rating. In both cases, the questions can be weighted to ensure that more important questions have a greater affect on the color that is shown. Uses of this report include: • To show ratings within a questionnaire in a colorcoded format • To highlight poor ratings or deficiencies clearly and simply Dual Range Analysis The dual range analysis is designed specifically to report on dual-range grid questions. A common use of these questions is to have a performance and an importance rating for each question in the grid. The dual range report is commonly used to answer the question “What areas are considered important, yet our performance is low?” Key features of this report include: Questionnaire Calculation Sheet • The ability to show both ranges in a dual range question on a single graph • Calculation of the “gap” between the ranges • Automatic determination of categories of questions (eg. “High priority issues”) based on rules. The calculation sheet reports in Professional Quest are designed to provide summarised information for any surveys that rate something. For example, let’s assume we have a question with a rating out of 5 - from very dissatisfied (1) to very satisfied (5). If a respondent entered satisfied (4), this is a score of 4/5 = 80%. These calculation sheets distil everything down into percentages, for broad analysis and comparison. The example calculation sheet is an individual calculation sheet providing ratings given by individual customers. This shows off some of the functionality of this type of report including: Summary Calculation Sheet • Breakdown of ratings by groups of questions (eg. “Product Quality”, “Customer Service”) • Historical ratings (in this example, a customer completes a satisfaction survey every quarter) • Detailed listing of responses, and associated scores The calculation sheet reports in Professional Quest are designed to provide summarised information for any surveys that rate something. For example, let’s assume we have a question with a rating out of 5 - from very dissatisfied (1) to very satisfied (5). If a respondent entered satisfied (4), this is a score of 4/5 = 80%. These calculation sheets distil everything down into percentages, for broad analysis and comparison. The example calculation sheet is a summary calculation sheet providing overall ratings for different company divisions, and different geographical regions. This shows off some of the functionality of this type of report including: • Breakdown of ratings by groups of questions (eg. “Management”, “Job Security”) • Breakdown of ratings using filters (eg. “Australasia”, “United States” etc.) • Filtering of an entire table of data (eg. only show one division in a table) • Tabular and graphical representation of data Question Ranking Report The question ranking report looks at the scoring for each rating question in a survey, and provides valuable information on which questions rated the highest or lowest in the survey. This allows you to work out the best and worst areas within the organisation, and helps in coming up with an action plan that targets the areas of most need. Individual Benchmark The benchmark reports make it possible to compare ratings against a “benchmark”. This benchmark can be any subset of the data (eg. last year, last quarter etc.). The individual benchmark looks at an individual response and compares it with a benchmark. Key features of this report include: Organisation Benchmark • Inclusion of indicators of the benchmark required, the actual response, and up to 2 “normal ranges” on a graph • Normal range calculations can be based of standard deviation from the mean, or quartiles The benchmark reports make it possible to compare ratings against a “benchmark”. This benchmark can be any subset of the data (eg. last year, last quarter etc.). The organisational benchmark looks at overall responses for all of the survey data (or optionally a filtered set of the survey data, such as a department) Key features of this report are similar to the individual benchmark report. Respondent Listing This report contains a list of all respondents that have been set up in a particular project. This report will show you who has and who hasn’t answered the survey. Through this report you will be able to see the respondents that were setup prior to the survey going live. Dipolar Pty Limited Questionnaire Structure Q Questionnaire: Dipolar Pty Limited Description: Questionnaire ID: Created by: Creation date: Modified date: Screen size: Pop-up help: T Sample Employee Satisfaction Survey ID29000070731164030 Dipolar 31/07/2007 27/07/2007 SuperVGA (800 x 600) No Introduction Question ID: Question Type: T Introduction text Question ID: Question Type: T ID17870050 Text Block Employment Details Question ID: Question Type: ? ID45600061 Text Block ID45800061 Text Block Employment Details Question ID: Question Type: ? ID21900020 Group Question Employment - Name Question ID: Question Type: Question Text: Field length: Display as: ? ID24700070 Text Your Name (Optional) 60 Single line text field Employment - Your Region Question ID: Question Type: Question Text: Value Range: No. of Values: No. of Columns: Multiple selections: Use lists: First Highest: ID28600030 Range of Values Which of our regional offices do you work in Multiple Choice (user defined) 8 1 No Yes Yes Page 1 of 12 Dipolar Pty Limited Questionnaire Structure Values: ? Employment - Your Department Question ID: Question Type: Question Text: Value Range: No. of Values: No. of Columns: Multiple selections: Use lists: First Highest: Values: ? ID49000001 Range of Values Which department do you work in? Multiple Choice (user defined) 5 1 No Yes Yes 5 Customer Service, 4 Finance, 3 Sales and Marketing, 2 Research and Development, 1 Human Resources Employment - Age Group Question ID: Question Type: Question Text: Value Range: No. of Values: No. of Columns: Multiple selections: Use lists: First Highest: Values: ? 8 Australian Capital Territory, 7 New South Wales, 6 Northern Territory, 5 Queensland, 4 South Australia, 3 Tasmania, 2 Victoria, 1 Western Australia ID29500030 Range of Values How old are you? Multiple Choice (user defined) 7 2 No No Yes 7 18 or under, 6 19-25, 5 26-35, 4 36-45, 3 46-55, 2 56-65, 1 66 or older Employment - Length Question ID: Question Type: Question Text: Value Range: No. of Values: No. of Columns: Multiple selections: Use lists: First Highest: Values: ID49300001 Range of Values How long have you worked at our company? Multiple Choice (user defined) 5 1 No No Yes 5 Less than a year, 4 Between 1 and less than 2 years, 3 Between 2 and less than 5 years, 2 Between 5 and less than 10 years, 1 10 Years or more Page 2 of 12 Dipolar Pty Limited Questionnaire Form Introduction Employment Details Your Name (Optional) Which of our regional offices do you work in Australian Capital Territory New South Wales Northern Territory Queensland South Australia Tasmania Victoria Western Australia Which department do you work in? Customer Service Finance Sales and Marketing Research and Development Human Resources How old are you? 18 or under 19-25 26-35 36-45 How long have you worked at our company? Less than a year Between 1 and less than 2 years Between 2 and less than 5 years Between 5 and less than 10 years 10 Years or more What is your Salary Range? Less than $30,000 $30,000 to $39,999 $40,000 to $49,999 $50,000 to $59,999 46-55 56-65 66 or older $60,000 to $74,999 $75,000 to $99,999 $100,000 or more General views about the Company Let's start by getting an overall feeling for how you feel about Dipolar overall. How would you rate your overall satisfaction with working at Dipolar? Extremely Satisfied Very Satisfied Satisfied Very motivated Somewhat motivated Not very motivated Somewhat Satisfied Not Satisfied I am proud to work in this company Agree Strongly Agree Indifferent Disagree Disagree Strongly Do you believe that the company communicates its goals and strategies to you? Always communicates Usually communicates Sometimes communicates Rarely communicates Never communicates How motivated are you to see the company succeed? Page 1 of 4 Not at all motivated Not sure Dipolar Pty Limited Questionnaire Form Let's start by getting an overall feeling for how you feel about Dipolar overall. Would your refer a friend to apply for a job at our company? Very likely Likely Indifferent Unlikely Very unlikely Please comment on your views about our company New Call Logging System If you are in the customer service area of Dipolar, you would be aware that a new call logging system was implemented by us in the last 6 months. We would like to know your opinion of this system, and how if has changed the way you work. Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Has made my job less stressful Has improved my ability to answer questions Training on the new system was adequate I am much happier in my job since the new system was implemented Please give us some feedback about the call logging system Renumeration & Conditions Below are a series of statements about your job and the company. Please indicate your level of agreement with the statements. Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly If I do a good job I will be rewarded I get what I need to do my job well The conditions I work in are good I am interested in my Job I am not overly stressed in my job Page 2 of 4 Dipolar Pty Limited Sample Results Sheet Alejandro Hocker Question Employment - Your Region Employment - Your Department Employment - Age Group Employment - Length Employment - Salary Range General - Overall Satisfaction General - Proud General - Communications General - Refer Friend Call Log - Less Stress Call Log - Improved Ability Call Log - Training Adequate Call Log - Happier Rem & Cond - Good Job Rewarded Rem & Cond - Do Job Well Rem & Cond - Good conditions Rem & Cond - Interested in Job Rem & Cond - Overly Stressed Management - Wise Decisions Management - Opinion Valued Management - Employees Recognised Management - Flexible Family Management - Enjoyable Work Environment Job Security - Good Work Job Security - Provides Job Security - Acquisition/Merger Job Security - Future of Organisation Job Security - Competition Answer Northern Territory Customer Service 46-55 Between 2 and less than 5 years $30,000 to $39,999 Not Satisfied Disagree Never communicates Likely Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Indifferent Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree Page 1 of 21 Dipolar Pty Limited Sample Results Sheet Aleksandra Watson Question Employment - Your Region Employment - Your Department Employment - Age Group Employment - Length Employment - Salary Range General - Overall Satisfaction General - Motivated General - Proud General - Communications General - Refer Friend Rem & Cond - Good Job Rewarded Rem & Cond - Do Job Well Rem & Cond - Good conditions Rem & Cond - Interested in Job Rem & Cond - Overly Stressed Management - Wise Decisions Management - Opinion Valued Management - Employees Recognised Management - Flexible Family Management - Enjoyable Work Environment Job Security - Good Work Job Security - Provides Job Security - Acquisition/Merger Job Security - Future of Organisation Job Security - Competition Answer Northern Territory Research and Development 46-55 Between 2 and less than 5 years $75,000 to $99,999 Not Satisfied Somewhat motivated Agree Never communicates Very likely Indifferent Disagree Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Agree Disagree Strongly Indifferent Agree Strongly Page 2 of 21 Dipolar Pty Limited Response Grid Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Indifferent 52% Agree Disagree Strongly 40% Agree Agree Disagree Strongly 64% Disagree Agree Agree Strongly Disagree Indifferent 48% Agree Agree 20% Agree Disagree Disagree Strongly 76% Indifferent Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Agree 56% Agree Strongly Agree 20% Agree Agree Indifferent 76% Agree Agree Agree Disagree Agree Strongly 48% Disagree Indifferent 40% Agree Indifferent Indifferent 76% Indifferent Agree Agree Strongly Indifferent Agree 36% Agree Disagree Strongly 80% Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly 52% Disagree Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree 48% Agree Agree 20% Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Page 1 of 10 I get rewards for doing a good job I am interested in my job Disagree Company provides job security Agree Strongly My opinion is valued by management 64% Management makes wise decisions Proud to work here Ashley Monk Overall Satisfaction Arthur McKinley Good work conditions Annie O'Brien Overall working conditions Anne Greenslade Management create a good working env. Allison Key Management is flexible Alan Hightower Overall Management Score Response for Employees are recognized as individuals Everyone in the Finance Department in NSW Dipolar Pty Limited I get rewards for doing a good job Agree Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly 64% Agree Strongly Agree Strongly 40% Agree Indifferent Disagree 68% Agree Disagree Agree Strongly Disagree Agree 56% Agree Indifferent 40% Agree Disagree Disagree 76% Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Indifferent 64% Agree Disagree Strongly 40% Agree Disagree Disagree Strongly 72% Indifferent Agree Agree Disagree Agree Strongly 44% Disagree Disagree Strongly 20% Agree Disagree Disagree Strongly 84% Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Agree 44% Agree Agree 40% Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly 52% Indifferent Disagree Agree Disagree Disagree 56% Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly 20% Agree Agree Disagree Strongly 76% Agree Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly 72% Agree Strongly Agree 40% Agree Indifferent Agree Page 2 of 10 Overall working conditions Agree Strongly My opinion is valued by management 80% Management makes wise decisions I am interested in my job Christen Adams Proud to work here Charlotte Butterfield Overall Satisfaction Cara Peters Company provides job security Brad Harms Good work conditions Betty Olson Management create a good working env. Beth York Management is flexible Ben Stepp Overall Management Score Response for Employees are recognized as individuals Response Grid Sample Exit Interview Survey Comments Listing Please provide any further details explaining your reason(s) for leaving I haven't been able to receive proper training here so I am going to go to university. My supervisor is very much incompetent. My new employer has already promised to give me the required training to perform my duties. I feel I am not able to move forward in my career here. I am undertaking study to make a career change. I know more than my supervisor and I am doing basically half his work for him without getting any reward for it. I am moving to a corporation that cares about its staff. The pay is not good enough compared to what I have been able to get elsewhere. The pay and benefits at Dipolar were just not good enough compared to what I can get elsewhere. Management is not interested in solving the problems of staff. The role advertised had several key tasks left out. There is too much of politics in our workplace and backroom favours being done so that only certain people can get ahead. It is impossible for me to advance here. I don't know why this is the case but I have achieved a lot here and seen others that I feel are less capable move further ahead while I stay in the same position. I was expecting a more research based role. This was not the case. Even the induction to this company was very underdone and the training is often of poor quality or not relevant. This company seems uninterested in spending any real money on training. It is costing production. I was expecting the role to be a lot more challenging. Some of my peers are incompetent and yet they receive a higher salary than me. The quality of training is pathetic. I have to do the work of my coworkers because they are either lazy or incompetent or both. Many staff members play politics within our department and I have had enough. Training was booked too late for me and so I couldn't work to the standards required by the company and hence lost any chance of getting my bonuses this past year. I asked for pay increases in line with industry standards but my demands were not met. I have worked at a few organisations but none that had such a poor attitude to training their staff. I am going to do full time study. I will be returning to school to complete my degree that I started part time. Page 1 of 15 Sample Exit Interview Survey Comments Listing Please provide any further information about {NEWEMPNAME} that you feel is relevant My new employer treats everyone based on performance and so I can have a real opportunity for advancement. The benefits and the more interesting work and of course much better salary are very good at the new company. The location of the new job is close to where I leave and perfect for me so that I can take care of my children. My new employer has work that appears to be much more interesting for me. The new company is offering me more flexibility and won't be so demanding on my time. I have a clear path for advancement with my new company. There are many reasons that my new job will be great including being able to study part-time. The new employer is providing child support facilities nearby which is a great benefit to me. My new employer happens to be in the city that I am relocating to. The salary and benefits at my new company are 2nd to none. My new job is closer to home which is a big plus. The salary is better at my new job but also I will have more opportunities for advancement. There are many reasons why I wanted to get this new job. The location of the new job being close to home is one. There is a real commitment in the new company to encourage people to improve themselves and in doing so be able to advance within the organisation. The medical benefits at my new employer are very impressive along with the salary. The work at my new employer will be very challenging and interesting. The salary at my new employer is much better than I can get elsewhere. It sppears that it will be a lot easier to get proper training and be able to advance within the new company. The salary and benefits at my new employer will be a lot better. I am able to get the sort of salary that I feel I am worth at my new employer. The new job is located near to the university where I want to do some more study. Please provide further details about your experiences in relation to training I had trainers that would turn up late and their level of knowledge was not good enough. Page 2 of 15 Sample Exit Interview Survey Statistical Analysis ? Statistics for Emp Details - Age Group Occurrence Counts Value 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Description 18 or under 19-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 66 or older Descriptive Statistics Number 19 151 184 254 101 160 110 % 1.94% 15.42% 18.79% 25.95% 10.32% 16.34% 11.24% ? Chart for Emp Details - Age Group Page 1 of 3 Total Responses Sum No. of Blank Responses Minimum Maximum Mean (Average) Mode Variance Standard Deviation Skewness Kurtosis 979 3708 0 1.00 7.00 3.79 4.00 2.71 1.64 -0.17274452 -0.9915319210 Sample Exit Interview Survey Graphical Rating Report Demographics The demographics for the company employees are shown below. Note that some of the demographics questions are optional and therefore have not been answered by all respondents. Select your region and department Asia Pacific, Customer Service 20% Asia Pacific, Human Resources Asia Pacific, Information 10% 16% Asia Pacific, Research and Development 11% United States, Finance United States, Human Resources. United States, Information 8% 13% 4% United States, Sales and Marketing 18% 0% Select your age group 18 or under 10% 20% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 70% 80% 90% 100% 2% 19-25 15% 26-35 19% 36-45 27% 46-55 10% 56-65 16% 11% 66 or older 0% Select your gender 30% 10% 20% 30% Male 56% Female 44% 0% 10% 20% Page 1 of 10 30% 40% 50% 60% Sample Exit Interview Survey Graphical Rating Report Rating Scores for the Company as a whole This section looks at the overall ratings scored in each area of the questionnaire, together with the ratings scored for each individual question. The entire data for the company as a whole is considered in this section of the report. Overall Ratings Negative Response Training Positive Response -58% 20% The Role -21% Salary and Benefits 53% -44% 28% Supervisor Performance -20% -100% -80% -60% -40% -20% 52% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 80% 100% Training Negative Response Overall Rating Positive Response -58% I am satisfied with the induction and orientation into our firm 20% -47% I am satisfied with the career development opportunities at Dipolar 27% -63% Training received during my employment at the firm was of a high quality 23% -74% Training was received well before the time I was required to perform the task and so I was well prepared 14% -48% The training received was relevant to the work I was required to do 24% -57% -100% -80% -60% Page 3 of 10 12% -40% -20% 0% 20% 40% 60% Sample Exit Interview Survey Graphical Rating Report Rating Scores for the Company Departments This section looks at the comparison of department ratings in each area of the questionnaire, together with the ratings scored for each individual question. The data is considered on a department by department basis in this section of the report. Overall Ratings Dipolar has a number of regions and departments. This section of the report considers the overall ratings by department for the different groups of questions. Negative Response Positive Response -83% 5% -22% 46% -64% 14% -50% Training 21% -65% 16% -25% 44% -48% 15% -66% 17% -24% 55% -22% 47% -29% 48% -24% The Role 51% -20% 54% -23% 48% -16% 55% -9% 62% -47% 21% -40% 25% -50% 20% -45% Salary and Benefits 27% -45% 24% -44% 24% -51% 25% -33% 50% -47% 15% -15% Supervisor Performance 55% -16% 55% -17% 54% -13% 62% -13% 60% -11% 62% -6% -100% -80% -60% -40% -20% 75% 0% Asia Pacific, Customer Service Asia Pacific, Human Resources Asia Pacific, Information Technology Asia Pacific, Research and Development United States, Finance United States, Human Resources United States, Information Technology United States, Sales and Marketing Page 6 of 10 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Dipolar Pty Limited Custom Statistics Report New Call Logging System The call logging system has been introduced to make it easier to provide a high level of support to our users. We asked employees how the new system has affected them. We found out that the responses have been rather negative. Agree Strongly Agree Indifferent Disagree Disagree Strongly Has made my job less stressful 26% 22% 19% 20% 13% Has improved my ability to answer questions 13% 23% 23% 23% 18% Training on the new system was adequate 14% 18% 36% 17% 15% I am much happier in my job since the new system was implemented 1% 2% 2% 74% 21% Page 1 of 1 Dipolar Pty Limited Value Range Report Employment Details ? Employment - Length Group Average: 3.27 How long have you worked at our company? ? Employment - Your Region Which of our regional offices do you work in Value Description 8 Australian Capital Territory 7 New South Wales 6 Northern Territory 5 Queensland 4 South Australia 3 Tasmania 2 Victoria 1 Western Australia 0 Please select Region Number 172 % 17.20% 379 21 105 47 81 148 47 0 37.90% 2.10% 10.50% 4.70% 8.10% 14.80% 4.70% 0.00% Average: 5.45 Which department do you work in? 1 0 Description Customer Service Finance Sales and Marketing Research and Development Human Resources Please select Department Number 51 211 % 5.10% 21.10% 477 47.70% 81 8.10% 180 18.00% Average: 2.87 ? Employment - Salary Range What is your Salary Range? ? Employment - Your Department Value 5 4 3 2 Value Description 5 Less than a year 4 Between 1 and less than 2 years 3 Between 2 and less than 5 years 2 Between 5 and less than 10 years 1 10 Years or more Number 401 167 166 93 % 40.10% 16.70% 16.60% 9.30% 173 0 17.30% 0.00% Value 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Description Less than $30,000 $30,000 to $39,999 $40,000 to $49,999 $50,000 to $59,999 $60,000 to $74,999 $75,000 to $99,999 $100,000 or more Number 239 189 29 209 85 150 99 % 23.90% 18.90% 2.90% 20.90% 8.50% 15.00% 9.90% Average: 4.44 General views about our Company Group Average: 2.59 Average: 3.53 ? General - Overall Satisfaction How would you rate your overall satisfaction with working at Dipolar? ? Employment - Age Group How old are you? Value 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Description 18 or under 19-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 66 or older Number 10 63 166 204 217 235 105 % 1.00% 6.30% 16.60% 20.40% 21.70% 23.50% 10.50% Value 5 4 3 2 1 Average: 3.32 Page 1 of 7 Description Extremely Satisfied Very Satisfied Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Not Satisfied Average: 1.74 Number 25 64 45 359 507 % 2.50% 6.40% 4.50% 35.90% 50.70% Dipolar Pty Limited Value Range Report I like this place in general, I have good friends here I like our office chairs, they are very comfortable, the air conditioning on the other hand is not that good, I don't know how it works, but I always have to wear a jacket when im inside Love the xbox in the meeting room I like the location, its right in the middle of the city and you can get to work by bus and train very easily in my office people always put music on and that isvery annoying, its hard for me to concentrate Annexure (Text Responses) Comments - General ? Comments - General Please comment on your views about our company I think the company is doing a very good effort to keep everyone happy, I can tell that they care and value my work Enjoy he music on the office, not used to that environment but its good so far so good its all good here, the donuts we got during the last monthly meeting were great!! It would be nice to have parking facilities ('('('(0_HUNTER_0)')')') I whish this place had a table tennis or a pool table I don't understang how that new general manager can do the job, I can tell he has never been in such position before Frank and Marian 4 ever! Well what can I say...... The general manager only cares abot the business, he doesn't care about the staff at all, I know that this is his job but I just wish he didn't make it so obvious I have just recently moved from another department and from anoter state, I don't hae much to say at this stage, but it all looks good to me, so far so good It wasn't me!!!! This SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKS!!!!!! I very much grateful to be given the opportunity to work here, I come from other side of the planet and had to work cleaning, construction, making coffees etc, I have a lot of talent and i thank the managers for letting me to work here I love the fact that I have my own office, its clean and big, everything is new I hate it when people put music on, I'm not used to it, ts annoying no comments, all good :) I'm not sure if I should write my opinion here, anyway, one day the general manager was very rude to me, but that's all I can say No point writing anything here Its ok here, I can't really complain I like the view from my office, you can even see Darling Harbour from here! Comments - Call Logging ? Comments - Call Logging Please give us some feedback about the call logging system its ok for me seriously, this a joke, I don't understand why we needed to change the system, what a waste of time, seriously I don't know how this works yet I wish I could change the colors look and feel of the program… but I guess management would not pay extra for that would they? there is a whole buch of stuff I don’t even still understand what they are there for, its says it si compatible with mobile devices but I been looking at the documentation and there is nothing about it!! I went to the presentation of this software and they did mention this was compatible with Windows mobile, are they lying????????? I wish I could upload pictures to show you how overcrowded the front window is I wasted so much learning this new thing is not funny I want the old one back! Please! I think this is a better system but we need to organize the data better, I don't know, its just too hard for me to find people quickly, maybe its our fault for creating a new user all the time someone makes a call This program is not safe, when I open it it says something like do you want the firewall to give access to call logging… bla bla bla? that’s dangerous! What if a virus or EVEN WORSE A TROJAN HORSE! comes in through the program? There is a whole buch of stuff I don’t even still understand what they are there for, its says it si compatible with mobile devices but I been looking at the documentation and there is nothing about it!! I went to the presentation of this software and the Page 6 of 7 Sample Exit Interview Survey Advanced Banner Report Salary Range Position Title Respondents Column % Row % 18 or under (A) 19 100.0% 1.9% 4 19-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 (G) 91 100.0% 9.1% 0 Clerical/Adm in (I) 336 100.0% 33.6% 83 (B) 151 100.0% 15.1% 27 (C) 184 100.0% 18.4% 31 (D) 254 100.0% 25.4% 46 (E) 101 100.0% 10.1% 22 (F) 160 100.0% 16.0% 26 66 or older (G) 110 100.0% 11.0% 22 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 24.7% 21.1% 17.9% 16.8% 18.1% 21.8% 16.3% 20.0% 0.0% I 0 0.0% I 0 0.0% I 0 45.9% 2.2% 14.9% 17.1% 25.4% 12.2% 14.4% 12.2% 91 4 48 32 58 15 23 18 48.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 27.1% 21.1% 31.8% 17.4% 22.8% 14.9% 14.4% 16.4% 0.0% Ei 0 43.6% FGHI 0 0.0% I 16 0.0% I 17 0.0% I 0 45.0% 2.0% 15.8% 11.4% 8.9% 2 31 28.7% eF 31 7.4% 80 23.8% CDEFG 19 14 28 16 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 16.8% 18.7% 0.0% 23.8% 10.5% 12.6% 16.8% 12.2% 13.9% 17.5% 14.5% 6.1% CEH 6 0.0% FGI 9 0.0% 10.9% H 17 11.6% H 16 0.0% I 0 54.4% 1.4% 12.9% 21.1% 21.1% 9.5% 19.0% 10.9% 0 0.0% FGI 0 82 3 21 26 49 17 25 16 37.8% 13.6% 13.2% 0.0% 0.0% 17.9% 17.6% 0.0% 24.4% 15.8% 13.9% 14.1% 19.3% 16.8% 15.6% 14.5% 17.5% BCDEFGHI 0 3.8% EH 21 5.6% EHI 26 0.0% 10.6% H 27 10.0% H 42 0.0% I 6 51.3% 1.9% 13.1% 16.3% 30.6% 10.6% 15.6% 10.0% 0 0.0% FGI 0 0 3 16 31 30 9 17 18 0.0% 47.7% 38.2% 0.0% 0.0% 28.4% 46.2% 20.0% 0.0% 15.8% 10.6% 16.8% 11.8% 8.9% 10.6% 16.4% 0.0% BCFGH 0 16.5% DEFHI 8 20.5% DEhI 33 0.0% fG 8 0.0% FGH 0 21.3% GI 35 33.1% HI 11 4.7% I 0 0.0% 2.4% 12.6% 23.6% 7.1% 13.4% 14.2% 0 1 11 24.4% ef 15 21 13 20 12 0.0% 18.2% 48.5% 100.0% 0.0% 36.8% 12.1% 0.0% 0.0% 5.3% 7.3% 8.2% 8.3% 12.9% 12.5% 10.9% 0.0% BCDFG 0 8.4% CDEFHI 0 34.7% DEGHI 0 8.4% EFGHI 0 0.0% FG 0 36.8% GHI 0 11.6% HI 5 0.0% 0.0% 1.1% 11.6% 15.8% 22.1% 13.7% 21.1% 12.6% 24 0 0 1 2 10 3 8 5 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 5.5% 80.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.7% 1.1% 3.9% 3.0% 5.0% 4.5% 0.0% GH 0.0% H 0.0% GH 0.0% H 0.0% GH 0.0% GH 17.2% HI 82.8% I 0.0% 0.0% 3.4% DFG 6.9% dFg 34.5% 10.3% 27.6% 17.2% Graduate Accountant Manager Director Secretarial Senior Supervisor 1001 100.0% 100.0% (A) 74 100.0% 7.4% 0 (B) 44 100.0% 4.4% 0 (C) 68 100.0% 6.8% 0 (D) 8 100.0% 0.8% 0 (E) 183 100.0% 18.3% 95 (F) 95 100.0% 9.5% 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 51.9% 0.0% EI 22 0.0% EI 0 0.0% EI 0 0.0% E 0 52.5% FGHI 88 29.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 10.9% BCdEFGH 24 0.0% EI 9 0.0% EI 0 32.4% 20.5% 16.3% CdEFGH 28 Less than $30,000 181 18.1% 100.0% $30,000 to $39,999 202 20.2% 100.0% $40,000 to $49,999 147 14.7% 100.0% $50,000 to $59,999 160 16.0% 100.0% $60,000 to $74,999 127 12.7% 100.0% $75,000 to $99,999 95 9.5% 100.0% $100,000 or more 29 2.9% 100.0% Mean/Average Std. Deviation Std. Error Age Senior Manager (H) 30 100.0% 3.0% 0 Total 3.1 4.6 5.4 6.0 1.5 4.9 4.7 6.6 2.5 3.0 2.9 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.5 3.4 0.82 1.00 0.70 0.00 0.50 1.10 1.08 0.80 1.11 1.61 1.58 1.65 1.74 1.84 1.82 1.84 0.10 0.15 0.09 0.00 0.04 0.11 0.11 0.15 0.06 0.37 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.18 0.14 0.18 Page 1 of 3 Sample Exit Interview Survey Advanced Banner Report Gender Position Title Respondents Column % Row % Age Clerical/Adm in (I) 336 100.0% 33.6% 163 18 or under (A) 19 100.0% 1.9% 4 19-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 (G) 91 100.0% 9.1% 43 Senior Manager (H) 30 100.0% 3.0% 17 (B) 151 100.0% 15.1% 61 (C) 184 100.0% 18.4% 124 (D) 254 100.0% 25.4% 107 (E) 101 100.0% 10.1% 57 (F) 160 100.0% 16.0% 76 66 or older (G) 110 100.0% 11.0% 59 47.4% 47.3% 56.7% 48.5% 21.1% 40.4% 67.4% 42.1% 56.4% 47.5% 53.6% 9.0% 8.6% 3.4% 32.7% 12.2% CEG 48 24.8% DeFG 60 21.4% EG 111 11.4% 15.2% 11.8% Total Graduate Accountant Manager Director Secretarial Senior Supervisor 1001 100.0% 100.0% (A) 74 100.0% 7.4% 37 (B) 44 100.0% 4.4% 21 (C) 68 100.0% 6.8% 29 (D) 8 100.0% 0.8% 5 (E) 183 100.0% 18.3% 97 (F) 95 100.0% 9.5% 45 50.0% 47.7% 42.6% 62.5% 53.0% 7.4% 4.2% 5.8% 1.0% 19.4% Male 499 49.9% 100.0% Female 394 39.4% 100.0% Mean/Average Std. Deviation Std. Error 28 16 32 3 70 38 41 11 130 0.8% CdEFG 5 43 67 51 37.8% 36.4% 47.1% 37.5% 38.3% 40.0% 45.1% 36.7% 38.7% 26.3% 31.8% 32.6% 43.7% 42.6% 41.9% 46.4% 7.1% 4.1% 8.1% 0.8% 17.8% 9.6% 10.4% 2.8% 33.0% 1.3% 12.2% DefG 15.2% DefG 28.2% 10.9% 17.0% 12.9% 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.5 1.4 1.5 1.5 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.48 0.49 0.50 0.50 0.49 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.47 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.17 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.03 0.11 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.05 Total Graduate Accountant Manager Director Secretarial Senior Supervisor 36-45 46-55 56-65 1001 100.0% 100.0% (C) 68 100.0% 6.8% 0 (D) 8 100.0% 0.8% 0 (E) 183 100.0% 18.3% 27 (F) 95 100.0% 9.5% 0 (G) 91 100.0% 9.1% 0 18 or under (A) 19 100.0% 1.9% 1 26-35 (B) 44 100.0% 4.4% 5 Clerical/Adm in (I) 336 100.0% 33.6% 45 19-25 (A) 74 100.0% 7.4% 28 Senior Manager (H) 30 100.0% 3.0% 0 (B) 151 100.0% 15.1% 17 (C) 184 100.0% 18.4% 20 (D) 254 100.0% 25.4% 21 (E) 101 100.0% 10.1% 15 (F) 160 100.0% 16.0% 12 66 or older (G) 110 100.0% 11.0% 16 37.8% 11.4% 0.0% 0.0% 14.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 13.4% 5.3% 11.3% 10.9% 8.3% 14.9% 7.5% 14.5% 26.7% BCDEFGHI 29 4.8% CFGh 9 0.0% EI 17 0.0% 0.0% I 0 0.0% I 21 0.0% I 0 42.9% 1.0% 16.2% 19.0% 59 3 26 31 20.0% eg 42 14.3% f 12 11.4% g 32 15.2% 0 25.7% FGH 25 39.2% 20.5% 25.0% 0.0% 13.7% 0.0% 23.1% 0.0% 17.6% 15.8% 17.2% 16.8% 16.5% 11.9% 20.0% 15.5% 17.4% BcDEFGHI 5.4% FH 10.2% EFH 0.0% 15.0% FGH 0.0% GI 12.6% H 0.0% I 35.3% 1.8% 15.6% 18.6% 25.1% 7.2% f 19.2% 10.2% Length of employment Position Title Respondents Column % Row % Less than a year 105 10.5% 100.0% Between 1 and less than 2 years 167 16.7% 100.0% Page 2 of 3 Age 17 Sample Exit Interview Survey Pyramid Analysis Report Overall Views on Company Asia Pacific Training Salary Benefits Interest in Work Working Hours Supervisor Work Conditions Management Discrimination Poor Performance Acceptable Performance High Performance Page 1 of 2 Sample Exit Interview Survey Pyramid Analysis Report Views by Region Asia Pacific Training Salary United States Benefits Training Salary Benefits Interest in Work Working Hours Interest in Work Working Hours Supervisor Work Conditions Supervisor Work Conditions Management Management Discrimination Discrimination Poor Performance Acceptable Performance High Performance Page 2 of 2 Sample Exit Interview Survey Dual Range Analysis Report Table of Contents Interpreting this Report ................................................................................................................................... 2 Performance Analysis ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Rating Analysis ............................................................................................................................................. 3 Improvement Areas ......................................................................................................................................... 4 Key Improvement Areas ............................................................................................................................... 4 Maintain Performance .................................................................................................................................. 4 Ranking Tables ................................................................................................................................................ 5 Performance Rankings ................................................................................................................................. 5 Importance Rankings .................................................................................................................................... 6 Page 1 of 7 Sample Exit Interview Survey Dual Range Analysis Report Rating Analysis The chart below shows the average performance and importance scores for each area surveyed. Rating Analysis 5 4 Rating High Performance 3 2 1 0 Q26(a) Q26(b) Q26(c) Frequency Q26(d) Q26(e) Importance Q26(a) Do you feel that your individual staff needs have been recognized? Q26(b) Do you feel that the goals and strategies of Dipolar were effectively communicated? Q26(c) Have workplace problems/disputes been resolved in a timely manner? Q26(d) Have workplace problems/disputes been resolved fairly? Q26(e) Do you feel that your efforts at Dipolar have been recognized? Page 3 of 7 Frequency Importance Gap 2.9 3.9 -25.6% 3.4 3.4 0.0% 3.7 3.8 -2.6% 3.3 3.9 -15.4% 2.8 3.9 -28.2% Sample Exit Interview Survey Dual Range Analysis Report Improvement Areas Key Improvement Areas The following areas have been identified as needing improvement. The identification involved looking at the relative performance and importance of each area in the survey. 1. Have workplace problems/disputes been resolved fairly? (Gap: -15.4%) 2. Do you feel that your individual staff needs have been recognized? (Gap: -25.6%) 3. Do you feel that your efforts at Dipolar have been recognized? (Gap: -28.2%) Maintain Performance Areas listed here are those where performance was high (above 3.5) and importance was also high (above 3.5). 1. Have workplace problems/disputes been resolved in a timely manner? (Gap: -2.6%) Page 4 of 7 Sample Exit Interview Survey Dual Range Analysis Report Performance Rankings Rank Question 1 Have workplace problems/disputes been resolved in a timely manner? Do you feel that the goals and strategies of Dipolar were effectively 2 communicated? 3 Have workplace problems/disputes been resolved fairly? 4 Do you feel that your individual staff needs have been recognized? 5 Do you feel that your efforts at Dipolar have been recognized? Average 3.74 Strengths 3.41 3.25 2.86 2.83 Weaknesses Page 5 of 7 Sample Exit Interview Survey Dual Range Analysis Report Importance Rankings Rank 1 2 3 4 5 Question Do you feel that your efforts at Dipolar have been recognized? Have workplace problems/disputes been resolved fairly? Do you feel that your individual staff needs have been recognized? Have workplace problems/disputes been resolved in a timely manner? Do you feel that the goals and strategies of Dipolar were effectively communicated? Average 3.95 3.91 3.86 3.78 Most Important 3.43 Least Important Page 6 of 7 Sample Exit Interview Survey Dual Range Analysis Report Response Frequency The frequency analysis shown below is simply used as a "double-check" to ensure that there is not a large discrepancy between the number of people who provided performance information, and the number of people who provided importance information. Question Do you feel that your individual staff needs have been recognized? Do you feel that the goals and strategies of Dipolar were effectively communicated? Have workplace problems/disputes been resolved in a timely manner? Have workplace problems/disputes been resolved fairly? Do you feel that your efforts at Dipolar have been recognized? Page 7 of 7 Performance Importance % Difference 997 989 0.8% 996 997 0.1% 996 980 1.6% 991 994 0.3% 999 997 0.2% Sample Exit Interview Survey Questionnaire Calculation Sheet Survey Details Interviewee Name Cassandra Barnwell Position Supervisor Category Summary Training Salary and Benefits Supervisor Total Score Out Of 14 25 22 40 17 30 53 95 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Training Salary Page 1 of 3 Supervisor % 56% 55% 57% 56% Sample Exit Interview Survey Questionnaire Calculation Sheet New Employer Benefits Better Salary Not Answered Better Benefits Not Answered Opportunity for advancement Not Answered Increased training opportunities Not Answered Better work/life balance Not Answered More interesting work Not Answered Location Not Answered Training I am satisfied with the induction and orientation into our firm Very Satisfied 4/5 Somewhat Satisfied 2/5 Training received during my employment at the firm was of a high quality Disagree 2/5 Training was received well before the time I was required to perform the task and so I was well prepared Indifferent 3/5 The training received was relevant to the work I was required to do Indifferent 3/5 I am satisfied with the career development opportunities at Dipolar Please provide further details about your experiences in relation to training Total Score: 14/25 Page 2 of 3 Sample Exit Interview Survey Questionnaire Calculation Sheet Salary and Benefits I am satisfied with the progress I made within the organisation Disagree 2/5 I am satisfied with the performance of my co-workers Uncertain 3/5 My skills and experience were utilized Uncertain 3/5 My salary is in line with demands of my position Disagree 2/5 My salary is competitive with the current rate in the job market Disagree 2/5 I am satisfied with the flexibility of my working hours Not Satisfied 1/5 I am satisfied with my medical benefits Very Satisfied 4/5 Extremely Satisfied 5/5 Please outline the skills that were underutilized and suggest what could have been done to make better use of these skills I am satisfied with my leave entitlements Total Score: 22/40 Supervisor My supervisor is competent My supervisor takes the time to listen to me My supervisor actively encourages teamwork My supervisor provides assistance when required My supervisor has the knowledge to assist me with my work when required My supervisor gives fair reviews Disagree 2/5 Indifferent 3/5 Indifferent 3/5 Indifferent 3/5 Indifferent 3/5 Indifferent 3/5 Total Score: 17/30 Page 3 of 3 Sample Exit Interview Survey Questionnaire Calculation Sheet Survey Details Interviewee Name Scott Barnwell Position Graduate Category Summary Training Salary and Benefits Supervisor Total Score Out Of 18 25 28 40 21 30 67 95 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Training Salary Page 1 of 3 Supervisor % 72% 70% 70% 71% Sample Exit Interview Survey Summary Calculation Sheet Company Departments Human Resources Information Technology Other Departments Asia Pacific 64% 59% 56% United States 65% 63% 65% 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Asia Pacific United States Asia Pacific United States Human Resources Training The Role Job Performance Supervisor Leadership and Support Salary and Benefits Asia Pacific 67% 67% 60% 71% 66% 55% United States 65% 67% 61% 73% 70% 53% 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Page 1 of 2 Sample Exit Interview Survey Summary Calculation Sheet Information Technology Training The Role Job Performance Supervisor Leadership and Support Salary and Benefits Asia Pacific 44% 65% 58% 72% 64% 51% United States 51% 72% 64% 75% 73% 51% 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Asia Pacific United States Asia Pacific United States Other Departments Training The Role Job Performance Supervisor Leadership and Support Salary and Benefits Asia Pacific 39% 70% 59% 58% 66% 53% United States 45% 74% 67% 78% 67% 61% 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Page 2 of 2 Sample Exit Interview Survey Ranking of Key Benefits Rank 1 2 3 4 5 Question Title Q3(a) Q5(b) Q26(e) Q26(d) Q10(c) Q26(a) Q19(e) 7 Q26(c) Q5(c) 10 12 Q26(c) Q24(a) Q10(a) Q5(a) Q10(e) 15 17 Q1(d) Q12(c) Q19(b) Q19(d) Q27(a) 20 25 Q5(d) Q10(b) Q27(b) Q17(b) Q19(a) Q26(b) Q1(e) Q5(g) 27 Q26(b) 37 Q5(e) Q1(f) Q12(a) Q19(c) Q5(f) Q15(a) Q26(d) Q22(a) Q17(a) 38 Q4(a) 39 Q19(f) Q12(d) Q15(c) Q17(c) 31 33 35 40 42 Score (%) Are you going to another Employer? Better Benefits Do you feel that your efforts at Dipolar have been recognized? Have workplace problems/disputes been resolved fairly? I had the opportunity to pass on my expertise prior to my departure from Dipolar Do you feel that your individual staff needs have been recognized? My supervisor has the knowledge to assist me with my work when required Have workplace problems/disputes been resolved in a timely manner? Opportunity for advancement Have workplace problems/disputes been resolved in a timely manner? Did you encounter any barriers to your success at the firm? My role involved interesting and challenging work Better Salary I feel that my role in the organisation is important and I take pride in my work Select your gender I am satisfied with the performance of my co-workers My supervisor takes the time to listen to me My supervisor provides assistance when required Did Dipolar show flexibility in relation to your family obligations and responsibilties? Increased training opportunities I had significant input into the decision making process Did you make use of the Dipolar's flexible work/life policies? I am satisfied that Dipolar maintained a safe office environment My supervisor is competent Do you feel that the goals and strategies of Dipolar were effectively communicated? Select your position title Location Do you feel that the goals and strategies of Dipolar were effectively communicated? Better work/life balance How long have you worked at Dipolar? I am satisfied with my overall job performance My supervisor actively encourages teamwork More interesting work I am satisfied with the flexibility of my working hours Have workplace problems/disputes been resolved fairly? My manager provided me with appropriate feedback I am satisfied with my physical working environment How did you find your new place of employment at {NEWEMPNAME}? My supervisor gives fair reviews My skills and experience were utilized I am satisfied with my leave entitlements The proper tools and equipment were provided Page 1 of 2 82% 80% 79% 78% 77% 77% 76% 76% 76% 75% 75% 74% 74% 74% 72% 72% 71% 71% 71% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 69% 69% 68% 68% 68% 68% 67% 67% 66% 66% 65% 65% 64% 63% 62% 60% 60% 59% Sample Exit Interview Survey Ranking of Key Benefits Rank Question Title Q15(b) 43 Q27(d) 47 48 Q26(a) Q26(e) Q1(c) Q7(a) 49 Q8(b) 45 50 Q10(d) 56 57 Q27(c) Q14(b) Q12(b) Q1(g) Q8(c) Q7(b) Q14(a) 58 Q8(a) 52 53 54 Score (%) I am satisfied with my medical benefits Have you ever experienced any of the following forms of discrimination or harassment at Dipolar? Do you feel that your individual staff needs have been recognized? Do you feel that your efforts at Dipolar have been recognized? Select your age group I am satisfied with the induction and orientation into our firm Training was received well before the time I was required to perform the task and so I was well prepared I had to perform tasks that were outside of my job description which hampered my overall performance Would your refer a friend to apply for a job at Dipolar? My salary is competitive with the current rate in the job market I am satisfied with the progress I made within the organisation Select your salary range The training received was relevant to the work I was required to do I am satisfied with the career development opportunities at Dipolar My salary is in line with demands of my position Training received during my employment at the firm was of a high quality Page 2 of 2 58% 58% 57% 57% 54% 53% 52% 51% 51% 49% 48% 47% 47% 46% 41% 40% Sample Exit Interview Survey Employee Benchmark Report Employee Details Employee Name McCrossin, Denny Interpreting this Report This report "benchmarks" each employees ratings against those of other employees that were surveyed. The "normal range" is the 1st and 3rd quartiles of the data entered. Benchmarks Your Response Benchmark Training Normal range of past survey participants 1 2 3 4 5 Score for this employee is 4.40. This compares with a normal range of 1.60 to 3.00 for other employees. Salary and Benefits 1 2 3 4 5 Score for this employee is 4.20. This compares with a normal range of 2.00 to 3.40 for other employees. Supervisor Performance 1 2 3 4 The supervisor was rated at 3.67 by this employee. This compares with a normal range of 2.83 to 4.33 by other employees. Page 1 of 5 5 Sample Exit Interview Survey Employee Benchmark Report Employee Details Employee Name Pounds, Anne Interpreting this Report This report "benchmarks" each employees ratings against those of other employees that were surveyed. The "normal range" is the 1st and 3rd quartiles of the data entered. Benchmarks Your Response Benchmark Training Normal range of past survey participants 1 2 3 4 5 Score for this employee is 1.40. This compares with a normal range of 1.60 to 3.00 for other employees. Salary and Benefits 1 2 3 4 5 Score for this employee is 2.00. This compares with a normal range of 2.00 to 3.40 for other employees. Supervisor Performance 1 2 3 4 The supervisor was rated at 4.33 by this employee. This compares with a normal range of 2.83 to 4.33 by other employees. Page 2 of 5 5 Sample Exit Interview Survey Organisation Benchmark Report Interpreting this Report This report "benchmarks" the Customer Service dapartment ratings against those of other departments that were surveyed. The "normal range" is 3 standard deviations from the mean of the data entered. Benchmarks Customer Service Required Benchmark Training 1 Asia Pacific 2 United States 3 4 5 Score for customer service is 1.66. This compares with a range of 2.15 to 2.39 for the Asia Pacific region, and 2.44 and 2.69 for the United States. Salary and Benefits 1 2 3 4 5 Score for customer service is 2.60. This compares with a range of 2.53 to 2.74 for the Asia Pacific region, and 2.77 and 3.02 for the United States. Supervisor Performance 1 2 3 4 5 Score for customer service is 2.57. This compares with a range of 3.08 to 3.32 for the Asia Pacific region, and 3.72 and 3.94 for the United States. The Role 1 2 3 4 5 Score for customer service is 3.39. This compares with a range of 3.30 to 3.48 for the Asia Pacific region, and 3.48 and 3.67 for the United States. Employment Conditions 1 2 3 4 Score for customer service is 2.42. This compares with a range of 2.80 to 3.05 for the Asia Pacific region, and 3.45 and 3.69 for the United States. Page 1 of 2 5 Sample Exit Interview Survey Organisation Benchmark Report Benchmarks Customer Service Job Performance Required Benchmark 1 Asia Pacific 2 United States 3 4 Score for customer service is 2.98. This compares with a range of 2.87 to 3.04 for the Asia Pacific region, and 3.13 and 3.35 for the United States. Page 2 of 2 5 Sample Exit Interview Survey Respondent Listing Respondent filter: Show all respondents Respondent Name Login ID Response Date Adams, Jane Adler, Rachel Akin, Laurie Aleman, Harry Aleman, Melanie Aleman, Sharon Alexander, Sharon Alexander, Stuart Allen, Giulietta Allen, Heather Allison, Allen Allison, Stephen Allwood, Troy Anderson, Janet Andreou, Jack Applegate, Kathleen Applegate, Nancy Arbore, Barbara Askew, Kevin Askew, Laurel Atkinson, Toby Austin, Bryan Baer, Helen Baggerly, Charles Baggerly, Laura Baggerly, Maria Baggerly, Stefanie Bailliet, Phillip Baird, Denise Baird, Marcia Baird, Veronica Baker, Philip Ball, Kim Ball, Michael Banks, Russell Baptist-Nguyen, Hunter Baptist-Nguyen, Kristen Baptist-Nguyen, Nancy Baptist-Nguyen, Victor Barcio, Bryan Bardsley, Ivan Bardsley, Mike Barnes, Christina Barnwell, Cassandra Barnwell, Scott Barrera, Theresa Barreto, Eileen Barreto, Jamie Barreto, Jason Barreto, Sam Barrow, Patrick EXTNR FZFAY OUOXU WRHZD FNNOE VPVNV MIUDF UEBRG DCTTP WFPNI RTFNX LWBIQ ZOLCY GLPIG NHTNN TEXTU CYFIV JULWW RSCOM QQPCE FIBWM GKMJU MHQOB UCXDD BYCJJ JTIXK QPPML SQDIN ZNHOU HIODV OFSID VAZWE JSIIS DWEDL QPMOZ EHWII XKSDB SYIDQ MCEWJ ZUMIX HQTWY PLALZ VIERH KZPLP DEIWO LCBXW UWKVR BSOCY OLWMN IPSHG WHEBO 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 Page 1 of 20 Sample Exit Interview Survey Respondent Listing Respondent Name Login ID Response Date Barton, Vicky Bass, George Bates, Rebecca Bates, Tracy Bazaldua, Duane Becker, Eric Beeghly, Betty Belforte, Aaron Bellamy, Beth Bellavance, Allen Bellavance, Greg Belusar, David Bennett, Jeff Bensley, Christen Berger, Allison Berger, Jenna Berger, Marisa Berggren, Alicia Berry, Carolyn Bertelson, Bill Beusse, Wayne Bickford, Courtney Bird, Kathleen Birdwell, Fred Birdwell, Justin Blackmon, Crystal Blackmon, Margaret Blackwell, Christina Blackwell, Dana Blankinship, Sara Blanton, Nicole Blomkalns, Tatiana Bloomfield, Theresa Bolding, Clay Bolding, Erin Book, Greg Boucher, Heather Boyd, Laura Boyd, Russell Boyles, Troy Braden, Giulietta Braden, Larry Braden, Tom Braden, Wade Bradley, Monica Brady, Adrian Brady, Larry Brandow, Jenna Bray, Kathryn Bray, Nathan Bredenberg, Deanne Breyer, Lauren DDIHV KYMMD YRWHL QVQRK GMEVM NIKLN UEOQU VGBDD ECHRE QUPDS KXLWL EKPKS FMBWA NHHLC DYUPE PJVHD JUYUL KWKHS SSRVT ANXLU IJFZV JLQME QHXBF YCEPG GXLFH TQTPV NTPKO CLAEW DNLRF QDLYF WZPEM XCBRT GWIGV VOVJX ORQEQ WQHVF ELNKG LIRQN REVVU FTVEU MQZJC UNRKL NSLVK DJYZM JFDFT XWOYC QCHKB FTSFJ MOYTK TKGIL VMRVT EHBSO 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 27/07/2007 16:49 Page 2 of 20
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