Strategic Sensor Demo Case

Strategic Sensor Demo Case
Introduce Your Customers to Omron’s
Photoelectric, Proximity, Photomicrosensor, and
Fiber-Optic Sensors
Omron sensing components detect, measure,
analyze, and process various changes that
occur on production sites, such as changes in
position, length, height, displacement and
appearance. They also contribute to predicting
and preventing future events. Increase your
customer’s knowledge of Omron’s
sensor portfolio with one complete case
of the best selling Omron sensors.
This rollout demo features:
E3Z Series Photoelectric including, throughbeam, retroreflective, distance settable,
diffuse reflective and distance settable
E3T Ultra thin subminiature sensors with built-in amplifier
E3X Fiber-Optic sensor heads and separate amplifier
E2A Inductive proximity sensors
Mounting accessories
Connection Cables
Two Display stands and Clamps
Sensor Tester/Checker Easily provide power to
demonstrate all the sensors in the case
Part number: strategicsensordemocase
Discount: Flat (no discount)
Price: $1400 each
Includes an Omron duffle bag for easy transport
on every sales call!
Demonstration Set Up
Standard set up for ALL sensors:
Plug the blue lead into the 0V terminal of the checker.
Plug the brown lead into the +18V terminal of the checker.
Plug the black lead into the IN terminal of the handy checker.
Leave extra wires loose
Grab your target. (Full or empty plastic water bottle, coffee cup
or other object to be sensed)
Mount the required Sensor(s) or reflector in the clamps as
shown in this standard setup:
Through-Beam Demonstration
Set up the two E3Z-T66 through beam sensors in the standard clamp set up. Set the light-on/ darkon switch for dark-on. Turn the sensitivity adjuster till the green stability light goes out. Then adjust
it back until the green light just illuminates. Move the emitter and receiver off axis from each other
and see how great of an angle you can achieve and still have the sensor receive a signal. Pass your
target through the beam to show operation.
Retro-Reflective Demonstration
Set up the E3Z-R66 and the E39 reflector into the clamps in the standard clamp setup. Set the
light-on/dark-on switch for dark-on. Turn the sensitivity adjuster until the green stability light goes
out. Then adjust it back until the green light just illuminates. Pass your target through the beam to
see the output light change states.
Diffused Reflective
Set up the E3Z-D66 and Reflector for demonstration.
Transparent PET Bottle Detection
Set up the E3Z-B66 and Reflector in demonstration. Make sure you show the response at the center
of the plastic bottle (Target)
Unshielded versus Shielded Proximity sensors
Unshielded – E2A-M12KN08M1C1
Shielded – E3A-M12KS04M1C1
Set up the unshielded proximity sensor to the terminals of the sensor checker. Hold the proximity
sensor near the steel rod of the clamp stand. Note how the sensor operates both straight on at the
face of the sensor and from the side of the sensor.
Try the same with the Shielded Proximity sensor.
Single Point Teach
Set up the Fiber-Optic Amplifier by wiring the E3X-DA11A to the handy checker (see standard set
up). Install the E32DC 200 Head to the amplifier. Place in sensing head pointing straight down in the
clamp. Place a bottle (target) under the fiber. Move mode switch to Set. Press both the up and
down arrow for 5 seconds (resets controller). When the display says INIT NO? press the down arrow.
The display will now display INIT YES, press mode key. Now, switch the mode switch to run and
then back to set. TEACH will now be displayed on the sensor, press the down key. Switch mode to
run. This will now sense the bottle (target). Remove the cap and see what happens.
Two Point Teach
Using setup from single point teach demonstration. Now set the mode switch to set. TECH will be
displayed, press the down key. 2PNT will be displayed. Twist the bottle cap up a couple of threads.
Place the bottle back under the fiber. Press the down key. When the display returns switch the
mode switch to run. Test the bottle and cap screwed down, up a couple of threads and missing.
These are just 8 examples of demonstrations you can use as sales techniques. Please review the
items in the demo case for additional demonstrations. Also use the handy checker to help in
additional sales calls when you have a special sensor needed for your customer’s application.
Component Description and Part Numbers in Demo Case
E3C-LD11 2M
E3C-LDA11 2M
E39-VA (Custom)
E3X-HD11 2M
E3T-CD13 2M
Two-in-One Digital Fiber Optic Amplifier Multi-Unit
E3T Photoelectric Diffuse
E3T Photoelectric Convergent Reflective
E3C Laser Diffuse
E3C-LDA Amplifier
E2A Inductive Proximity Sensor 12mm Barrel Shielded
E2A Inductive Proximity 12mm Unshielded
Quick Disconnect Cable
Through-beam head Fiber Optic Cable
Diffuse head Fiber Optic Cable
E3T Photoelectric Retro-reflective
Sensor Checker (Custom with Power Supply)
E3Z Photoelectric Through Beam
E3Z Photoelectric Retro-reflective
E3Z Photoelectric Transparent Object Detector
E3Z Photoelectric Distance Settable
E3Z Photoelectric Diffuse
18mm diameter barrel Diffuse Photoelectric
Mounting Bracket
Quick Disconnect Cable
Fiber Optic Amplifier
E3T Cylindrical Photoelectric
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