Lake Ballinger Watershed Modeling Prepared for: City of Edmonds Prepared by: Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Seattle, WA September 2013 Table of Contents 1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 1 2 Observed Data ...................................................................................................................................... 2 3 Model Development ............................................................................................................................ 3 4 3.1 Modeled Scenarios........................................................................................................................ 3 3.2 Hydraulic Model ............................................................................................................................ 4 3.3 Hydrologic Model .......................................................................................................................... 5 3.3.1 Hydrometeorological Data .................................................................................................... 5 3.3.2 Subbasin Delineation ............................................................................................................ 5 3.3.3 Basin Soils and Land Cover .................................................................................................... 6 3.3.4 Groundwater ......................................................................................................................... 6 3.3.5 FTABLEs ................................................................................................................................. 6 Model Calibration................................................................................................................................. 8 4.1 Hydraulic Model ............................................................................................................................ 8 4.2 Hydrologic Model .......................................................................................................................... 8 5 Results ................................................................................................................................................ 10 6 References .......................................................................................................................................... 11 Lake Ballinger Watershed Modeling i List of Figures Figure 1 Lake Level Gage Data Figure 2 Stage and Flow at Hall Creek Gage Figure 3 Stage and Flow at McAleer Creek Gage Figure 4 Scatter Plot of Hall Creek Gage Data Figure 5 Scatter Plot of McAleer Creek Gage Data Figure 6 Difference Between Observed and Gage Lake Level Data Figure 7 HEC-RAS Model Figure 8 Model Cross Section with and without Outlet Control Structure Figure 9 Comparison of Model Cross Sections from Lake Outlet to the First Bridge Figure 10 HSPF Subbasins Figure 11 HSPF Subbasin Soils Figure 12 HSPF Land Cover Figure 13 HSPF Land Use Figure 14 Comparison of Observed and Simulated Flow at McAleer Creek Outlet Weir Figure 15 Hall Creek Observed versus Simulated Flow Figure 16 Simulated and Observed Lake Levels 2001-2013 Figure 17 Simulated and Observed Lake Levels WY 2002 Figure 18 Simulated and Observed Lake Levels WY 2003 Figure 19 Simulated and Observed Lake Levels WY 2004 Figure 20 Simulated and Observed Lake Levels WY 2005 Figure 21 Simulated and Observed Lake Levels WY 2006 Figure 22 Simulated and Observed Lake Levels WY 2007 Figure 23 Simulated and Observed Lake Levels WY 2008 Figure 24 Simulated and Observed Lake Levels WY 2009 Figure 25 Simulated and Observed Lake Levels WY 2010 Figure 26 Simulated and Observed Lake Levels WY 2011 Figure 27 Simulated and Observed Lake Levels WY 2012 Figure 28 Simulated and Observed Lake Levels WY 2013 Figure 29 Simulated and Observed Peak Lake Levels Figure 30 Lake Ballinger Frequency Plots Lake Ballinger Watershed Modeling ii List of Tables Table 1 Manual WSE and Flow Measurements on McAleer Creek Table 2 Comparison of Lake Level Gage Data and Observed Measurements Table 3 Effective Impervious Area Factors Table 4 Subbasin Area, Impervious Area, and Effective Impervious Area Table 5 Hall Creek Long Term Volumes Table 6 Hall Creek Observed Versus Simulated Peaks and Volumes Table 7 Lake Level Frequency Analysis Table 8 Percentage of Total Runoff Volume and Total Area from Each Jurisdiction List of Photos Photo 1 Downward looking sonic meter located at head of McAleer Creek and operated by the City of Mountlake Terrace. Photo 2 First culvert downstream of the lake outlet control weir. This culvert was replaced with a bridge in July 2013. Photo 3 Discharge measurement at the control weir on March 10, 2011. Photo 4 Lake outlet control weir during the summer, with stop logs exposed. Photo 5 Setting high water marks on McAleer Creek on March 14, 2011. These HWMs were used for model calibration. Photo 6 The lake outlet weir influence shown being drowned out on March 14, 2011. The water surface elevation at the weir is 279.4 feet (NGVD29), which is just greater than a 2-year flood on Lake Ballinger. Lake Ballinger Watershed Modeling iii 1 Introduction Lake Ballinger is a 105-acre lake located between the cities of Edmonds and Mountlake Terrace. The lake has been the focus of numerous engineering and scientific studies in the last 30 years. These studies primarily addressed problems related to water quality or stormwater runoff contributing to flooding and property damage. Recently, the City of Edmonds has been especially concerned with lake flooding of some lakeside residences and is exploring possible solutions. The water level in Lake Ballinger is primarily a function of precipitation and resulting runoff from the five square mile tributary watershed. In 1942, Washington State Superior Court provided a Notice and Order that authorized installation of a control weir at the lake outlet in an attempt to alleviate damage from floodwaters and protect fish and game within the lake. The Notice and Order also established a maximum lake level to be controlled by the weir and authorized formation of a tax district to pay for operation and maintenance of the weir. In 1982, the Order was re-adjudicated to reset the weir level to reduce flooding and drainage impacts due to storm events and to allow operation of a new water quality piping system in the lake. The operation and maintenance manual for the water quality piping system required the weir be set between 277.4 feet1 in the summer and 276.5 feet in the winter. The influence of the control structure on water level has been the focus of some debate and more than one study by the adjacent municipalities. To assess the influence of the control structure on water levels, specifically flooding levels, an accurate numeric model of the Lake Ballinger watershed is necessary. Northwest Hydraulic Consultants (NHC) was contracted by the City of Edmonds in 2011 to peer review previous hydrologic modeling of the Lake Ballinger watershed. The peer review noted strengths and deficiencies of the prior modeling but ultimately concluded that to improve model accuracy, calibration data beyond observed lake levels was needed. Subsequent to the peer review, the City of Mountlake Terrace initiated three specific actions to begin to address flooding on Lake Ballinger. The first was to install discharge monitoring gages on Hall Creek and McAleer Creek to be used eventually for model calibration. The second was to assess the impact to flood levels of three culverts on McAleer Creek immediately downstream of Lake Ballinger. Their flowconstricting effect was documented by NHC (NHC 2011a), and one culvert has been replaced with a nonconstricting bridge with the other two culverts scheduled for demolition in 2014. The third action was to sponsor a project by the University of Washington Geographic Information System (GIS) Certificate Program to investigate and document the total impervious surfaces in the Lake Ballinger watershed. In early 2013, following the accumulation of more than a year of data collection at the Hall and McAleer Creek stream gages, the City of Edmonds contracted NHC to construct new modeling of the watershed. The models were to be focused specifically on simulating lake levels for the purpose of assessing its response to the lake outlet control structure. This report documents the development, calibration, and results from the new hydraulic and hydrologic models. 1 All elevations in this report are referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum from 1929 (NGVD29) to be consistent with the current Superior Court Order. Lake Ballinger Watershed Modeling 1 2 Observed Data Observed data were collected, compiled, and/or reviewed for the purpose of calibrating the hydrologic and hydraulic models. Data included Lake Ballinger water levels, continuous discharge and stage records for Hall and McAleer Creeks, and several direct discharge measurements taken at the outlet control structure. The water level in Lake Ballinger has been continuously monitored by Mountlake Terrace since 1981. Prior to 2001, these data are only available on archived strip charts. With the exception of annual peaks, these data were not used for model calibration because of the availability of more recent digital records. Beginning in July 2001, the gaging station was upgraded to a downward-looking sonic water level sensor (Photo 1). Hourly data from this sensor covering the period from 2001 to 2013 were compiled by NHC (see Figure 1). Note that the gage was tipped over by a large log during the December 2007 flood and therefore did not record the peak stage for this large event. Although the gage was reinstalled three months after the event, it did not function properly until it was recalibrated sometime in 2009 (Mountlake Terrace, personal communication). Discharge and stage records were collected by the City of Mountlake Terrace with assistance from NHC on Hall Creek and McAleer Creek. The Hall Creek records span December 2011 to the present and the McAleer Creek data span March 2012 to July 2013. Both meters are Isco brand velocity-area flow sensors. The Hall Creek gage is located at the box culvert under 228th Street SW and the McAleer Creek gage was located in the first culvert downstream of the lake outlet control weir, shown in Photo 2. Note that this gage was removed in July 2013 as part of the culvert replacement project constructed by Mountlake Terrace. The records at these gages that were available for calibration are displayed in Figure 2 and Figure 3. Scatter plots showing the depth and velocity readings for both gages are found in Figure 4 and Figure 5. The McAleer Creek scatter plot clearly illustrates that the gage velocity sensor was not operating properly. The malfunction was discussed with Isco and determined to be caused by one of two conditions: either it was due to very clean and/or slow-moving water that does not provide an adequate signal, or there was a bad electronic component. Regardless of the cause, the McAleer Creek discharge values are not credible and were not used for model calibration, though the depth measurements are still considered reliable. In addition to the continuous flow recorders, six water surface elevation and flow measurements were made by Mountlake Terrace or NHC using a pygmy meter at or near the lake outlet weir (Photo 3) as well as one low flow measurement on Hall Creek. The six measured elevations, shown in Table 1, were compared to the elevations reported by the sonic water level sensor in order to verify the accuracy of the sensor. A tabulation of this comparison is found in Table 2 and is illustrated graphically in Figure 6. As expected, the sonic sensor reading closely tracks the observed elevations at low lake stages. As the lake level increases, the water surface recorded by the sonic sensor is higher than the measured water surface at the weir because the sonic sensor is located 115 feet upstream of the control structure. Lake Ballinger Watershed Modeling 2 3 Model Development Two models were developed to simulate the water surface elevation on Lake Ballinger and to assess the influence of the control structure on the water levels. While both models were necessary for this investigation, their application evolved as the project progressed. As envisioned at the project onset, a hydrologic model of the watershed upstream of the lake would be constructed and used only to generate inflows to the hydraulic model. A hydraulic model would encompass Hall Creek, Lake Ballinger, and McAleer Creek as far as Interstate-5 and would be run for the full record of continuous inflows. This application of the models was considered the best method to replicate any hydrodynamics associated with raising and lowering of the outlet weir crest according to the operations manual and also to evaluate alternatives to mitigate lake flooding by modifying the weir operations. This modeling sequence had the added advantage of using the graphical interface in HEC-RAS when calibrating the model. However, stability issues associated with the long term simulation in the hydraulic model that could not be resolved within the constraints of the project necessitated changing the modeling approach. The revised approach involved modifying the hydrologic model to route the simulated runoff into and through Lake Ballinger, leveraging the hydraulic model to construct several pivotal flow routing tables. This modeling sequence had the advantage of being more numerically stable with considerably shorter computation time, which allowed a large number of scenarios to be evaluated during calibration. 3.1 Modeled Scenarios The primary purpose of this investigation was to evaluate lake level response to the outlet control structure. Once identified, alternatives to reduce the frequency of flooding on Lake Ballinger could be similarly investigated. To accomplish this, the following three conditions were simulated using the numeric models. Existing Conditions: This scenario represents the water conveyance system in the years prior to July 2013 when the first culvert downstream of the outlet control structure was replaced with a precast concrete bridge. The now-removed culvert acted as a downstream control at higher lake levels. Note that the nomenclature “existing conditions” is somewhat misleading since it does not represent hydraulic conditions in the system at the time of writing. With Bridges: This scenario represents the system as if all three culverts in the Nile Golf Course, sandwiched between Lake Ballinger and Interstate-5, were replaced with bridges with low chords above the 100-year lake elevation. This scenario is expected to be realized in 2014 when the remaining two culverts in the golf course are replaced. With Bridges, No Weir: This is a hypothetical condition whereby the three culverts have been replaced with the already designed bridges AND the lake outlet control structure has been completely removed from McAleer Creek. This condition assumes no changes to McAleer Creek beyond those specified in the culvert replacement drawings. This alternative represents a “best case” scenario to reduce flooding exacerbated by the control weir. Lake Ballinger Watershed Modeling 3 3.2 Hydraulic Model An unsteady hydraulic model was built that encompasses Hall Creek, Lake Ballinger, and McAleer Creek as far downstream as Interstate-5, as shown in Figure 7. The model was developed using HEC-RAS, which is a one-dimensional, step-backwater program created by the US Army Corps of Engineers. The HEC-RAS model was used to generate flow routing tables (FTABLEs) for Hall Creek and, most importantly, the outlet control structure, that were used in the hydrologic model. The basis for the hydraulic model was a HEC-RAS model developed for the McAleer Creek Culvert Replacement and Enhancement Project (NHC 2011b) for the City of Mountlake Terrace. This earlier HECRAS model was extended to include Hall Creek up to Hall Lake, and the McAleer Creek reach was revised to allow a more flexible representation of the control weir. The Hall Creek cross sections were cut from 2003 LiDAR as no in-channel survey data was available. Aside from a 2-foot wide pilot channel, no attempt was made to modify the in-channel profile. The only hydraulic structure included in this reach is the box culvert under 228th Street SW, which houses the Hall Creek flow monitor. The channel roughness coefficient for all of Hall Creek was assigned at 0.035, and the overbank value was set at 0.07. Hall Creek drains into Lake Ballinger, which is modeled as a storage area in HEC-RAS. The stage-volume relationship for the lake was borrowed from a prior HSPF model (Clear Creek Solutions 2008). The live storage portion of the stage-volume relationship was verified against the 2003 LiDAR and found to be similar. The McAleer Creek reach, located downstream of Lake Ballinger, is unchanged from the previous model with the exception of the outlet weir. The outlet weir was converted to an open-air overflow gate and two smaller gates added to represent the hypolimnetic system and seepage between the stop logs. The elevation of the overflow gate was seasonally adjusted to the height of the stop logs, shown in Photo 4, as specified in the Operation and Maintenance Guide (KCM 1984). In addition to the Existing Conditions hydraulic model, two additional geometries were created to represent the completed culvert replacement project (labeled With Bridges) and also to represent the completed culvert replacement project with the outlet weir removed (labeled With Bridges, No Weir). The With Bridges model was created by replacing the culverts with bridges according to the final project drawings. The With Bridges, No Weir geometry further modifies the With Bridges geometry by completely removing the outlet control structure from McAleer Creek. Figure 8 illustrates how the control structure appears in the hydraulic model for each of the three scenarios. Note that the outlet control structure, shown in gray, occupies roughly 50% of the channel below elevation 280 feet. With the control structure removed, there is no constriction through the outlet reach. Figure 9 plots the cross sections bounding the outlet structure. Therefore, the With Bridges, No Weir geometry represents the best possible configuration for reducing flood levels that does not involve modifying the channel or increasing the size of the culvert under Interstate-5. Lake Ballinger Watershed Modeling 4 3.3 Hydrologic Model An HSPF rainfall-runoff model was developed, calibrated, and applied to simulate a 65-year record of flows for the basin. Hydrologic Simulation Program FORTRAN (HSPF) is a sophisticated computer modeling program that simulates land surface and in-stream hydrologic processes on a continuous basis. Continuous hydrologic modeling is of particular value in this case because it enables investigation of the relationship between the water surface in Lake Ballinger and the operation of the outlet control weir throughout the year, from the dry season to the wet season. In general, the process of developing the HSPF model included the following steps: Collection of hydrometeorological (precipitation and evaporation) data for the watershed, Segmentation of the watershed into smaller modeling subbasins, Analysis of soils and land use to determine the runoff characteristics of each subbasin, Estimation of stage-area-volume-discharge relationships for flow routing, and Determination of appropriate hydrologic response parameters based on available data. The following sections describe how these steps were accomplished. 3.3.1 Hydrometeorological Data The hydrologic model used 15-minute precipitation data obtained from two sources: Paine Field in Everett and Brugger’s Bog in Shoreline. The Everett portion of the record, which was originally prepared for Snohomish County, extends from 10/1/1948 to 10/1/1991. The rainfall was extended from 10/1/1991 to 5/31/2013 using data from the King County Brugger’s Bog gage (KC 35u). The daily evaporation time series was obtained from the Puyallup evaporation station and extended through 5/31/2013 using monthly averages. A pan constant of 0.75 was used to convert pan evaporation to potential evapotranspiration. 3.3.2 Subbasin Delineation The modeled watershed boundary was provided by Mountlake Terrace and approved by Edmonds. The boundary was identical to that used by the University of Washington GIS Certificate Program to investigate and document the total impervious surfaces in the Lake Ballinger watershed. NHC conducted a cursory review of the boundary using the best available topographic and pipe layers and identified no issues that merited modifying the boundary. The watershed was divided into nine individual subbasins. The subbasins were delineated at the outlets of Hall, Echo, and Chase Lakes, at two large detention facilities (the Top Foods vault in Edmonds and the Ice Arena facility in Mountlake Terrace), where Hall Creek crossed municipal boundaries, and at the location of the flow recorder on Hall Creek. The nine subbasins are illustrated in Figure 8. To allow the runoff contribution from each municipality in the basin to be calculated, the subbasins were further split based on jurisdictional boundaries, resulting in a total of 23 subbasins. It should be noted that representation of the drainage downstream of Echo Lake is not entirely accurate. The western third of subbasin 800 should be routed into subbasin 700 then into Lake Ballinger, while the portion of subbasin 700 south of N 205th Street should be part of subbasin 800. This inaccuracy was discovered late in the project, at which point modifying the subbasins was not warranted. For the purpose of this project, this inaccuracy is not significant because all the water arrives in Lake Ballinger with minimal detention. However, if flow monitoring data are collected in this portion of the basin in the future, the subbasin delineation should be revisited. Lake Ballinger Watershed Modeling 5 3.3.3 Basin Soils and Land Cover Land surface runoff response is dictated by the extent of impervious surfaces in a watershed and the nature of the pervious surfaces, in terms of their ability to store and infiltrate precipitation. Soils and land cover mapping were used to classify different hydrologic response units in the basin. The soils/surface geology for the drainage basin were digitized from mapping performed by the Pacific Northwest Center for Geologic Mapping Studies (GeoMapNW) (Booth et al 2004). Figure 9 shows the soils in the basin are primarily till, with alluvial and outwash pockets in and near the stream corridor. Total impervious area (TIA) and initial land use GIS layers produced by UW GIS Certificate program students (King 2012) were provided by Mountlake Terrace. The TIA coverage was developed through an image analysis of 2009 and 2011 National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) orthophotos, calibrated against detailed TIA data previously mapped for parts of Mountlake Terrace. Land use categories were defined from parcel zoning information and aerial photo inspection. Land cover describes the physical land surface, i.e. the type of vegetation or other surface covering. NHC developed a basinwide land cover layer from the TIA coverage and aerial photos. Major lakes (Lake Ballinger, Hall Lake, and Echo Lake) and forested areas were delineated from the 2011 NAIP orthophoto. Areas not classified as impervious, lake, or forest were mapped as grass. Figure 10 illustrates the land cover in the basin. Land use describes the type of development or activities present on the land surface. For purposes of the HSPF modeling, land use was used to estimate characteristic effective impervious area ratios, i.e. the percentage of the total impervious surface that is directly connected to a drainage system. Non-effective impervious surfaces typically run off over pervious surfaces, such as lawns, and their runoff generation is assumed to be more characteristic of the pervious surface (grass in this case). NHC reviewed the land use coverage obtained from Mountlake Terrace and made minor modifications based on the 2011 NAIP orthophoto. The land uses were consolidated into the eight categories shown in Figure 13. Initially each of these land use categories was assigned an effective impervious area (EIA) factor (shown in Table 3) based on the Hydrologic Modeling Protocols developed for Snohomish County’s Drainage Needs Report studies (Snohomish County 2002). The total area, impervious area, and effective impervious area for each subbasin can be found in Table 4. 3.3.4 Groundwater Regional groundwater routing has the potential to significantly impact lake levels. A 2008 hydrogeologic study of the Lake Ballinger watershed was conducted by Golder and Associates. This study reviewed existing literature on the hydrogeologic conditions in the region and analyzed local precipitation data, Lake Ballinger water surface elevations, and groundwater elevation data from nearby wells. The study concluded that Lake Ballinger, Hall Creek, and the lower reaches of McAleer Creek are all discharge areas for shallow groundwater (Golder 2008). Based on this study, all groundwater generated within the watershed was assumed to reach the streams and lake. 3.3.5 FTABLEs HSPF uses user-defined stage-area-volume-discharge relationships, called FTABLEs, to route runoff and calculate downstream flows. For the Lake Ballinger model, the FTABLEs for all subbasins represent either storage within lakes, large detention facilities, the storm drainage system, or Hall Creek. Originally, subbasin runoff was not routed within HSPF but instead extracted for use in the HEC-RAS model. However, as the project progressed and the modeling sequence evolved, FTABLEs representing storage within Hall Creek and Lake Ballinger itself were added. Lake Ballinger Watershed Modeling 6 The Echo and Hall Lake FTABLEs were built using discharges calculated with HY8, which is a simple culvert analysis program sponsored by the FHWA. The analysis assumes each lake outlet culvert provides hydraulic control of the lake level. Live storage for each lake was determined using 2003 LiDAR. The Chase Lake FTABLE was extracted directly from the Snohomish County Chase Lake HSPF model (Snohomish County 2002). The two largest detention facilities in the basin, according to records provided by Edmonds and Mountlake Terrace, are the Top Foods vault in Edmonds and the Ice Arena facility in Mountlake Terrace. FTABLEs for both were developed from as-built drawings provided by the respective jurisdictions. FTABLEs representing four reaches of Hall Creek (200, 300, 400, and 500) were developed using the HECRAS model. The remaining upland subbasins were assigned FTABLEs representing the small storage within the stormwater pipes and swales in the subbasins. Ratings were calculated based on Manning’s flow equations using the size and average slope of the subbasin to estimate pipe sizes and lengths. The most pivotal routing table within HSPF is that representing Lake Ballinger. This FTABLE reflects downstream influence from multiple sources including the outlet structure, culverts including that underneath Interstate-5, and the hydraulic roughness in McAleer Creek. The stage-volume relationship for the Lake Ballinger FTABLE was extracted from a previous HSPF model (Clear Creek 2008). The stagedischarge relationship was computed from the HEC-RAS model. The stage-discharge relationship was modified for the three simulated scenarios: Existing Conditions, With Bridges, and With Bridges, No Weir. For the Existing Conditions and With Bridges scenarios, stage-discharge relationships were computed for the seasonal outlet weir settings specified in the Operation and Maintenance Guide (KCM 1984). Lake Ballinger Watershed Modeling 7 4 Model Calibration The Existing Conditions models were calibrated to observed data including Lake Ballinger water levels, continuous discharge and stage records for Hall and McAleer Creeks, and the direct discharges measured at the outlet control structure. The hydraulic model was calibrated first and then used to produce FTABLEs embedded into the HSPF model, which was subsequently calibrated. 4.1 Hydraulic Model The McAleer Creek reach of the Existing Conditions HEC-RAS model was originally calibrated for the McAleer Creek Culvert Replacement and Enhancement Project (NHC 2011b). Calibration data included high water marks set during a 2-year flood in March 2011 (Photo 5) as well as the peak lake stage for the New Year’s Day 1997 flood. The now-extended HEC-RAS model was run with a range of discharges to evaluate the stage-discharge relationship at the outlet structure. This relationship was compared to the six observed measurements listed in Table 1. Figure 14 graphically illustrates the agreement between the observed and modeled data. Many hydraulic parameters were tested in an attempt to more closely match the observed data, but no combination proved better than the original parameters established for the Culvert Replacement and Enhancement project. 4.2 Hydrologic Model The Existing Conditions HSPF model was calibrated to the recorded Hall Creek flows and Lake Ballinger stages. Calibration proved challenging as the simulated long term volumes were slightly low compared to observed flows in Hall Creek, but the simulated peak lake levels tended to be high. Significant effort was expended trying to increase discharge from the lake faster and/or reduce the lake inflow without significantly reducing the volume passing by the Hall Creek gage, which agreed well with observed data. Efforts to increase discharges from the lake necessitated modifications to the HEC-RAS model, which adversely affected the stage-discharge calibration illustrated in Figure 12. Modifications to the HSPF model to reduce lake inflow proved fruitless as the simulated lake levels were relatively insensitive to reasonable changes in Hall Creek routing, soil parameters, and/or reduction of inflow from the ungaged portion of the basin (south of 228th Street SW). Given the large impervious response in the basin, the primary calibration adjustment was to reduce the EIA factors shown in Table 3. Reductions were made after reviewing the pipe layers and assuming the connectivity in the basin is relatively low. The final EIA for each subbasin is listed in Table 4. Table 5 indicates that the calibrated HSPF model is slightly low, but very reasonable, with respect to reproducing long term volumes at the Hall Creek gage. Note that at low flows, the observed flow data is questionable as the velocity sensor becomes less accurate. If these low flows are ignored, agreement between the modeled and observed data improves (Table 5). In addition to long term volumes, the nine largest events during the data collection period were examined. Both the peak flows and total volumes for these events were computed and are shown in Table 6 and Figure 15. The HSPF model simulates event volumes well and peak flows reasonably. Additional refinement of the storage-discharge relationships upstream of the Hall Creek gage may improve the simulation of peak flows. The simulated and observed lake levels for water years 2002 to 2013 are shown in Figure 16. Figure 17 through Figure 28 display the same data but for each water year. A comparison of simulated and observed peak lake levels from 1981 through 2012 is plotted in Figure 29. The plots indicate that the model does well at reproducing observed lake levels, though it tends to over-predict peaks in certain events. The high bias averages 0.14 feet for all peaks shown in Figure 15. If only events with an observed Lake Ballinger Watershed Modeling 8 stage greater than 279.6 feet are considered, which is the lowest first floor elevation of any home surrounding the lake, the bias averages +0.09 feet. Lake Ballinger Watershed Modeling 9 5 Results Continuous simulation models representing three scenarios (Existing Conditions, With Bridges, and With Bridges, No Weir) were executed from October 1948 through May 2013 at 15-minute timesteps. A frequency analysis was conducted on the annual peak lake levels using the method of moments to fit a Log-Pearson Type III distribution. The frequency plots are displayed on Figure 30 and tabulated in Table 7. The statistics, based on a continuous simulation of 65 years, reaffirm the assertions made in the McAleer Creek Culvert Replacement and Enhancement Project technical memo (NHC 2011b). The modeling indicates that: A reduction in lake stage of approximately 0.5 feet at the 100-year flood level is associated with replacing the three culverts in the Nile Golf Course with high spanning bridges, and Completely removing the outlet control structure at the head of McAleer Creek has almost no influence on flood levels (reduction of 0.1 feet at the 100-year level). The minimal influence of the outlet weir at flood levels is intuitive considering the weir crest is lowered to 276.5 feet in the winter and flood levels begin at 279.6 feet (the lowest finished floor elevation of any home surrounding the lake). When the lake level is at or above this first floor elevation, the weir crest is overtopped by at least three feet of water and its influence is completely drowned out (Photo 6), shifting control downstream. In addition to assessing lake levels, the Existing Conditions model was used to determine the percentage of total runoff generated from each municipality within the Lake Ballinger watershed. The runoff volume distribution is shown in Table 8. Note that only the two largest detention facilities in the watershed were included in the HSPF model. There are numerous smaller flow control facilities in the drainage area that were not included. These facilities, if operated and maintained properly, will reduce peak flows but will have minimal impact on lake level, which is driven by runoff volume. Lake Ballinger Watershed Modeling 10 6 References Booth Derek, Cox Brett, Troost Kathy, Shimel Scott, January 2004, Composite geologic map of the SnoKing area: University of Washington, Seattle-Area Geologic Mapping Project, scale 1:24,000. Clear Creek Solutions Inc., 2008, Lake Ballinger Lake Level and Outlet Study, Prepared for the City of Edmonds. Golder Associates Inc, December 2008, Hydrogeologic Conditions, Greater Hall Lake, Hall Creek, Chase Lake, Echo Lake, Lake Ballinger and McAleer Creek Watershed, prepared for Otak Inc. KCM, March 1984, Lake Ballinger Restoration Project Operation and Maintenance Guide, Prepared for the City of Mountlake Terrace. King Quentin, Quinlan Becky, Kilcline Bills Beth, Lottsfedlt Erik, June 2012, Documentation for the GIS Analysis of the Lake Ballinger Basin Impervious Surface and Land Use, UW GIS Certificate Program through the Office of Professional and Continuing Education. NHC, January 2011a, Peer Review of Lake Ballinger Models, prepared for City of Edmonds. NHC, November 2011b, Hydraulic Modeling of McAleer Creek, prepared for Perteet. Snohomish County, December 2002, Swamp Creek Drainage Needs Report, Snohomish County. Lake Ballinger Watershed Modeling 11 Lake Ballinger Lake Level 281.0 Gage knocked down in the December 2007 event. Last wse elevation recorded was not the peak. 280.5 Gage reinstalled, but not calibrated. 280.0 Gage recalibrated during 2009 Elevation [ft NGVD29] 279.5 279.0 278.5 278.0 277.5 277.0 276.5 Hypolimnetic system shut down in December 2008. 276.0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Figure 1 Hall Creek Stage Data 7 6 Stage[ft] 5 4 3 2 Sensor Malfunction 1 0 Nov‐11 Feb‐12 May‐12 Aug‐12 Nov‐12 Feb‐13 May‐13 Aug‐13 Feb‐13 May‐13 Aug‐13 Figure 2 Hall Creek Flow Data 250 Flow [cfs] 200 150 100 50 0 Nov‐11 Sensor Malfunction Feb‐12 May‐12 Aug‐12 Nov‐12 McAleer Creek Stage Data 4 Stage [ft] 3 2 Power Supply Problems 1 0 Nov‐11 Feb‐12 May‐12 Aug‐12 Nov‐12 Feb‐13 May‐13 Aug‐13 Feb‐13 May‐13 Aug‐13 Figure 3 Flow [cfs] McAleer Creek Flow Data 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 ‐5 ‐10 Nov‐11 Power Supply Problems Feb‐12 May‐12 Aug‐12 Nov‐12 Hall Creek Scatter Plot 10 8 Depth [ft] 6 4 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Velocity [ft/s] 6 7 8 9 Figure 4 10 McAleer Creek Scatter Plot 4 Depth [ft] 3 2 1 0 ‐1 ‐0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 Velocity [ft/s] 2 2.5 3 3.5 Figure 5 Difference Between Observed Weir WSE and Gaged Lake WSE 0.4 0.3 Observed Weir wse ‐ Gaged Lake wse Elevation Difference [ft] 0.2 0.1 0 ‐0.1 ‐0.2 ‐0.3 276 276.5 277 277.5 278 Lake Gage WSE [ft] 278.5 279 279.5 280 Figure 6 Lynnwood 200 Edmonds 100 300 350 450 600 Esperance (Snohomish County) 500 450 400 Mountlake Terrace 700 800 Shoreline Legend 900 WA Reference Map Lake Ballinger Watershed Modeling HEC RAS Model Jurisdictional Boundaries HSPF Subbasins RAS XS RAS Streamline Scale - 1:36,000 1,800 900 0 1,800 3,600 Feet Storage Areas Northwest Hydraulic Consultants project no. 200101 Ü 21-Aug-2013 Figure 7 Model Cross Section with and without Outlet Control Structure Cross Section with Outlet Control Structure Existing Conditions and With Bridges Cross Section with Outlet Control Structure Removed With Bridges, No Weir Figure 8 Comparison of Model Cross Sections from the Lake Outlet to the First Bridge 290 288 Elevation [ft] 286 284 282 Lake Outlet 280 US Outlet Control Structure 278 DS Outlet Control Structure 276 US Bridge 274 0 20 40 60 Station [ft] 80 100 120 Figure 9 Lynnwood 200 Edmonds Sc r ib Cr er ee k ls 100 ek H al 300 C re 350 450 Mountlake Terrace kW ee es t 400 Cr 500 on Esperance (Snohomish County) 450 Ly 600 l ee r Cr e Cr Lyon C ek r eek M cA L y on W 700 Lyon Creek West reek nC t ee kE as t Lyo es 800 Shoreline Legend 900 Subbasin ID Subbasin DescriptionMountlake 100 Contributes to Hall Lake Delineated to where Hall Creek crosses boundary between Lynnwood and Mountlake Terrace 200 300 Intermediate subbasin 350 Contributes to Top Foods Detention Facility 400 Delineated to Hall Creek Gage 450 Contributes to Ice Arena Detention Facility 500 Delineated to the mouth of Hall Creek 600 Contributes to Chase Lake 700 Contributes Local runoff to Lake Ballinger Delineated to where main stormwater line crosses 800 boundary between Shoreline and Edmonds 900 Contributes to Echo Lake WA Reference Map Lake Ballinger Watershed Modeling HSPF Subbasins Streams Jurisdictional Boundaries HSPF Subbasins Scale - 1:36,000 1,750 875 0 1,750 Northwest Hydraulic Consultants 3,500 Feet project no. 200101 Ü 21-Aug-2013 Figure 10 Lynnwood 200 Edmonds Sc rib Cr er k ee l ls Ha 300 Cre 100 ek 350 450 500 400 Mountlake Terrace t es kW ee Cr Esperance (Snohomish County) 450 on Ly 600 Cr e ek 902 M cA lee r ek re Lyon Cre e k 700 t Ly on C reek W Lyon Creek West nC Ea st Lyo es 800 901 Shoreline 900 WA Reference Map Legend Streams HSPF Subbasins Jurisdictional Boundaries Soils Lake Ballinger Watershed Modeling HSPF Soils Custer-Norma Outwash Till Scale - 1:36,000 1,800 900 0 1,800 Northwest Hydraulic Consultants 3,600 Feet project no. 200101 Ü 21-Aug-2013 Figure 11 Lynnwood 200 Edmonds Sc rib Cr er k ee l ls Ha 300 Cre 100 ek 350 450 500 400 Mountlake Terrace t es kW ee Cr Esperance (Snohomish County) 450 on Ly 600 ek re Lyon Cre e k Cr e ek 902 M cA lee r Ly on C reek W 700 t Lyon Creek West nC Ea st Lyo es 800 901 Shoreline Legend Streams 900 WA Reference Map Lake Ballinger Watershed Modeling HSPF Land Cover HSPF Subbasins Jurisdictional Boundaries Land Cover Forest Grass Scale - 1:36,000 1,800 900 0 1,800 3,600 Feet Impervious Water Northwest Hydraulic Consultants project no. 200101 Ü 21-Aug-2013 Figure 12 Lynnwood 200 Edmonds Sc rib Cr er k ee l ls Ha 300 Cre 100 ek 350 450 500 400 Mountlake Terrace t es kW ee Cr Esperance (Snohomish County) 450 on Ly 600 ek re Lyon Cre e k Cr e ek 902 M cA lee r Ly on C reek W 700 t Lyon Creek West nC Ea st Lyo es 800 901 Shoreline Legend Streams 900 Land Use HSPF Subbasins Manufacturing and Commercial Jurisdictional Boundaries Residential, 1-4 units WA Reference Map Lake Ballinger Watershed Modeling HSPF Land Use Residential, 5 plus units Transportation Schools Parks, Rec, Churches & Cemeteries Scale - 1:36,000 Undeveloped Water 1,800 900 0 1,800 Northwest Hydraulic Consultants 3,600 Feet project no. 200101 Ü 21-Aug-2013 Figure 13 Comparison of Observed and Simulated Flows at McAleer Creek Outlet Weir 100 90 Measured Flow HEC RAS Flow Flow at Outlet Weir [cfs] 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 276.0 276.5 277.0 277.5 278.0 278.5 279.0 WSE at Outlet Weir [ft NGVD29] 279.5 280.0 280.5 281.0 Figure 14 Hall Creek Observed and Simulated Flow November 27 ‐ December 7 2012 Simulated 3/17/12 3/21/12 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 3/27/12 Observed Simulated 3/31/12 4/04/12 Observed Simulated 11/18/12 11/20/12 11/22/12 12/05/12 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 12/15/12 Observed Simulated 12/19/12 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 12/23/12 12/23/12 Simulated 12/31/12 Simulated 1/09/13 1/11/13 1/13/13 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1/23/13 Observed Simulated 1/26/13 1/29/13 2/01/13 2/04/13 April 4 ‐ April 9 2013 Observed 12/27/12 Observed January 23 ‐ February 3 2013 December 23 ‐ December 30 2012 Flow [cfs] Flow [cfs] November 16 ‐ November 22 2012 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 11/16/12 12/01/12 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1/07/13 December 15 ‐ December 23 2012 Flow [cfs] Flow [cfs] March 25 ‐ April 6 2012 Simulated Flow [cfs] 3/13/12 Observed Flow [cfs] Observed 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 11/27/12 January 7 ‐ January 12 2013 Flow [cfs] 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 3/09/12 Flow [cfs] Flow [cfs] March 9 ‐ March 23 2012 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 04/04/13 Observed Simulated 04/06/13 04/08/13 04/10/13 Figure 15 Simulated and Observed Lake Water Surface Elevation 282.0 281.5 281.0 Gage knocked down in the December 2007 event. Last wse elevation recorded was not the peak. Gage reinstalled, but not calibrated. Elevation [ft NGVD29] 280.5 Gage recalibrated during 2009 280.0 279.5 279.0 Observed Simulated 278.5 278.0 277.5 277.0 276.5 Hypolimnetic system shut down in December 2008. 276.0 Figure 16 Simulated and Observed Lake Water Surface Elevation WY 2002 282.0 281.5 281.0 280.5 WSE [ft NGVD29] 280.0 279.5 279.0 Observed 278.5 Simulated 278.0 277.5 277.0 276.5 276.0 Figure 17 Simulated and Observed Lake Water Surface Elevation WY 2003 282.0 281.5 281.0 280.5 WSE [ft NGVD29] 280.0 279.5 279.0 Observed 278.5 Simulated 278.0 277.5 277.0 276.5 276.0 Figure 18 Simulated and Observed Lake Water Surface Elevation WY 2004 282.0 281.5 281.0 280.5 WSE [ft NGVD29] 280.0 279.5 279.0 Observed 278.5 Simulated 278.0 277.5 277.0 276.5 276.0 Figure 19 Simulated and Observed Lake Water Surface Elevation WY 2005 282.0 281.5 281.0 280.5 WSE [ft NGVD29] 280.0 279.5 279.0 Observed 278.5 Simulated 278.0 277.5 277.0 276.5 276.0 Figure 20 Simulated and Observed Lake Water Surface Elevation WY 2006 282.0 281.5 281.0 280.5 WSE [ft NGVD29] 280.0 279.5 279.0 Observed 278.5 Simulated 278.0 277.5 277.0 276.5 276.0 Figure 21 Simulated and Observed Lake Water Surface Elevation WY 2007 282.0 281.5 281.0 280.5 WSE [ft NGVD29] 280.0 279.5 279.0 Observed 278.5 Simulated 278.0 277.5 277.0 276.5 276.0 Figure 22 Simulated and Observed Lake Water Surface Elevation WY 2008 282.0 281.5 281.0 280.5 WSE [ft NGVD29] 280.0 279.5 279.0 Observed 278.5 Simulated 278.0 277.5 277.0 276.5 276.0 Figure 23 Simulated and Observed Lake Water Surface Elevation WY 2009 282.0 281.5 281.0 280.5 WSE [ft NGVD29] 280.0 279.5 279.0 Observed 278.5 Simulated 278.0 277.5 277.0 276.5 276.0 Figure 24 Simulated and Observed Lake Water Surface Elevation WY 2010 282.0 281.5 281.0 280.5 WSE [ft NGVD29] 280.0 279.5 279.0 Observed 278.5 Simulated 278.0 277.5 277.0 276.5 276.0 Figure 25 Simulated and Observed Lake Water Surface Elevation WY 2011 282.0 281.5 281.0 280.5 WSE [ft NGVD29] 280.0 279.5 279.0 Observed 278.5 Simulated 278.0 277.5 277.0 276.5 276.0 Figure 26 Simulated and Observed Lake Water Surface Elevation WY 2012 282.0 281.5 281.0 280.5 WSE [ft NGVD29] 280.0 279.5 279.0 Observed 278.5 Simulated 278.0 277.5 277.0 276.5 276.0 Figure 27 Simulated and Observed Lake Water Surface Elevation WY 2013 282.0 281.5 281.0 280.5 WSE [ft NGVD29] 280.0 279.5 279.0 Observed 278.5 Simulated 278.0 277.5 277.0 276.5 276.0 Figure 28 281.0 20‐Dec‐12 21‐Nov‐12 31‐Oct‐12 13‐Dec‐10 15‐Jan‐10 22‐Nov‐09 3‐Apr‐09 8‐Jan‐09 4‐Dec‐07 27‐Dec‐06 15‐Dec‐06 22‐Nov‐06 13‐Nov‐06 30‐Jan‐06 6‐Jan‐06 6‐Nov‐05 11‐Dec‐04 30‐Jan‐04 19‐Nov‐03 21‐Oct‐03 16‐Dec‐02 28‐Jan‐02 8‐Jan‐02 17‐Dec‐01 1‐Dec‐01 23‐Nov‐01 15‐Nov‐01 2‐Jan‐97 15‐Sep‐96 24‐Apr‐96 9‐Feb‐96 11‐Dec‐95 20‐Dec‐94 10‐Dec‐93 31‐Jan‐92 5‐Mar‐91 5‐Feb‐91 4‐Dec‐90 25‐Nov‐90 5‐Oct‐90 6‐Dec‐87 4‐Mar‐87 19‐Jan‐86 20‐Nov‐83 277.0 Gage stopped functioning during Dec 2007 event. Observed value may not be peak. 281.5 Simulated 282.0 MLT Gage 282.5 These events were preceded by significant snowfall. How the snow melt is distributed can have a significant effect on the simulated peak. 280.5 280.0 279.5 279.0 278.5 Lake Level in ft [NGVD 29] Comparison of Selected Large Peak Stages on Lake Ballinger 283.0 278.0 277.5 Figure 29 Annual Peak Frequency Analysis. 1 hour fixed window average. Fit Type:Log Pearson III distribution using the method of Moments, Hosking Plotting Position 283. Ret Period(years)--> 2 5 10 Existing Conditions /LAKE BALLINGER/SB 710/STAGE//15MIN/HSPF-CUR/ /LAKE BALLINGER/SB 710/STAGE//15MIN/HSPF-CUR/ With Bridges /LAKE BALLINGER/SB With Bridges, No Weir710/STAGE//15MIN/HSPF-CUR/ 25 100 500 1 0.2 Jan 2 1997 282. Dec 4 2007 Jan 19 1986 281. 280. 279. 278. 277. 99 96 90 80 50 20 Percent Chance Exceedance 10 4 Figure 30 Table 1 Manual WSE and Flow Measurements on McAleer Creek Date and Time Observed WSE Observed Flow Location [ft] [cfs] 3/10/11 15:15 278.70 25.5 Outlet Weir 3/14/11 13:15 279.70 56.0 Outlet Weir 11/22/11 13:53 278.40 14.7 Outlet Weir 11/22/11 14:15 NA 17.0 ~30 ft Upstream of Weir 11/22/11 14:55 278.40 14.8 Outlet Weir 11/23/11 15:28 279.90 59.8 Outlet Weir 5/1/13 17:00 276.90 3.0 Outlet Weir Table 2 Comparison of Lake Level Gage Data and Observed Measurements Date and Time Observed WSE Gage WSE Elevation Difference [ft] [ft] [ft] 276.831) 276.77 0.06 277.09 1) 277.04 0.05 276.65 1) 276.60 0.05 276.75 1) 276.72 0.03 278.40 2) 278.45 -0.05 279.40 2) 279.65 -0.25 278.10 2) 278.09 -0.01 278.10 2) 278.13 -0.03 279.60 2) 279.76 -0.16 10/18/2011 11/4/2011 11/16/2011 12/13/2011 3/10/11 15:15 3/14/11 13:15 11/22/11 13:53 11/22/11 14:55 11/23/11 15:28 1) Observed WSE calculated using measure down from top of aluminum weir gate (279.8) to water surface. 2) Observed WSE calculated using measure down from water surface to sill at outlet weir (276.5). Lake Ballinger Watershed Modeling Table 3 Effective Impervious Area Factors Land use Initial EIA Factor Calibrated EIA Factor [%] [%] Manufacturing and Commercial 95 95 Residential 1-4 Units 40 20 Residential 5 plus Units 80 40 Transportation 95 60 Schools 80 40 Parks, Rec, Churches & Cemeteries 80 40 Undeveloped 80 30 Table 4 Subbasin Area, Impervious Area, and Effective Impervious Area Area Subbasin [ac] Total Impervious Area Effective Impervious Area [ac] [ac] Percentage of Effective Impervious Area 100 341.5 133.8 66.2 19.4% 200 385.9 214.7 143.8 37.3% 300 704.7 368.1 242.8 34.5% 350 10.2 8.3 7.9 77.0% 400 103.6 41.4 24.0 23.1% 450 11.7 6.5 2.4 20.9% 500 402.9 171.1 88.7 22.0% 600 127.4 43.6 15.2 11.9% 700 659.4 231.5 128.9 19.6% 800 265.1 92.9 40.6 15.3% 900 216.2 109.9 60.8 28.1% Table 5 Hall Creek Long Term Volumes Total Volume %Diff [ac-ft] OBS 4873 SIM 4309 Lake Ballinger Watershed Modeling Volume Above 5 cfs %Diff [ac-ft] -11.6% 3738 3403 -9.0% Table 6 Hall Creek Observed Versus Simulated Peaks and Volumes Date Peak Flow [cfs] March 9 - 23 2012 March 25 - April 6 2012 Nov 16 - Nov 22 2012 Nov 27 -Dec 7 2012 Dec 15 - Dec 23 2012 Dec 24 - Dec 30 2012 Jan 7 - Jan 12 2013 Jan 23 - Feb 3 2013 Apr 4 - Apr 9 2013 OBS SIM OBS SIM OBS SIM OBS SIM OBS SIM OBS SIM OBS SIM OBS SIM OBS 59.3 57.4 56.7 55.7 182.7 168.2 90.9 100.0 92.0 74.3 62.6 38.2 74.0 73.1 57.7 47.0 65.6 SIM 89.8 % Diff -3.1% -1.7% -7.9% 10.0% -19.2% -39.0% -1.1% -18.5% 36.9% Volume [ac-ft] 350.0 290.2 248.2 201.3 355.3 398.6 340.5 362.9 412.5 357.1 209.3 159.2 192.4 201.5 258.6 224.7 122.6 170.3 % Diff -17.1% -18.9% 12.2% 6.6% -13.4% -24.0% 4.7% -13.1% 38.9% Table 7 Lake Level Frequency Analysis Water Surface Elevation [ft] Return Period [yr] Existing Conditions Bridges and Weir Bridges no Weir 2 279.2 279.0 278.9 10 280.4 280.1 279.9 50 281.5 281.1 281.0 100 282.0 281.5 281.4 Lake Ballinger Watershed Modeling Table 8 Percentage of Total Runoff Volume and Total Area from Each Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Area % of Total Area Volume % of Total Volume [ac-ft] Lynnwood 699 22% 84044 23% Mountlake Terrace 821 25% 85641 23% Edmonds 793 25% 92241 25% Snohomish County 264 8% 29972 8% Shoreline 653 20% 73736 20% Lake Ballinger Watershed Modeling Photo 1 Downward looking sonic meter located at head of McAleer Creek and operated by the City of Mountlake Terrace. Photo 2 First culvert downstream of the lake outlet control weir. This culvert was replaced with a bridge in July 2013. Lake Ballinger Watershed Modeling Photo 3 Discharge measurement at the control weir on March 10, 2011. Photo 4 Lake outlet control weir during the summer, with stop logs exposed. Lake Ballinger Watershed Modeling Photo 5 Setting high water marks on McAleer Creek on March 14, 2011. These HWMs were used for model calibration. Photo 6 The lake outlet weir influence shown being drowned out on March 14, 2011. The water surface elevation at the weir is 279.4 feet (NGVD29), which is just greater than a 2-year flood on Lake Ballinger. Lake Ballinger Watershed Modeling
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