SAMPLE PAGES FROM UNIT K Heinemann Science Scheme Teacher Resource Pack 2 ISBN: 0 435 58245 3 d e t c e r r o Unc oofs pr This sample contains most of Unit K from Heinemann Science Scheme Teacher Resource Pack 2 in a PDF format. Because this advance material has not yet been through all checking stages, it may still contain minor errors. The following pages are not included in this sample material but will be in the Pack: test-yourself answers; keywords lists; glossary lists and teacher notes and answers. © S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme This material may be freely copied for institutional use prior to the publication of the pack from which it is taken. However, this material is copyright and under no circumstances may copies be offered for sale. HELP with navigation through the pages, or you can click on the ▲ Next Page ▲ Use the scroll bar (down the right side of the screen) to scroll down Previous page and buttons to flick through the document page by page. You can go to a specific section in this unit by keying in the relevant page number at the bottom of the screen (where it says page 2 of 53). See the grid below for a list of page numbers. HELP with printing From the File menu, select Print. The Print dialogue box is displayed on screen. To print the whole of the document select All 53 pages in the Print Range section. Then click on: OK. To print a specific section for this unit, select Pages from in the Print Range section and then key in the following in the from: or to: boxes: In the from: box In the to: box Scheme of work 3 5 Teacher and technician notes 6 15 Activities 16 29 Homework 30 34 Specials 35 40 Extension 41 43 Test Yourself 44 46 End of unit test 47 50 Mark scheme 51 52 Student record sheet 53 53 Book spread K1 How does light travel? Learning objectives (from QCA Scheme of Work) Pupils should learn: l l l l l K2 Materials and light l l l C K3 How do we see things? l S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme l Teaching activities that light travels from a source that light travels at a very high speed, much faster than sound to interpret evidence and draw conclusions from it that light travels in a straight line that the path of light can be represented by rays K1 How does light travel? (teacher led ± no student activity sheet) that materials may be transparent, translucent or opaque to use ICT to make measurements that light may be absorbed, transmitted or reflected when it hits an object K2a Core: The effect of light on materials (1) K2b Core: The effect of light on materials (2) K2b Extension: The effect of light on materials (2) that we see non-luminous objects because light is reflected from them and enters our eyes to represent the path of light by rays K3 Help: How we see things Learning outcomes Homework resources Specials recognise that light is all around state that light travels much faster than sound describe evidence to support the idea that light travels in a straight line represent simply the path of light as rays K1 How does light travel? K1 How does light travel? use words precisely when describing the effects of materials, eg transparent, translucent, opaque, reflect, absorb use a light sensor to make comparisons explain that some light may be absorbed when it hits an object K2 Materials and light K2 Materials and light explain how non-luminous objects are seen, using words, eg `because light is reflected from them and enters our eyes', and ray diagrams K3 How do we see things? K3 How do we see things? (from QCA Scheme of Work) Pupils: l l l l l l l l (learning support) Extension resources K2 Bar codes 1 2 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme Book spread K4 How does light reflect? Learning objectives (from QCA Scheme of Work) Pupils should learn: l l l l l l l that light is reflected from plane surfaces in a predictable way to make accurate measurements to represent data graphically and draw a line of best fit to draw a conclusion from data and to say whether it matches their prediction that when light is reflected from plane surfaces an image is formed to make and test predictions about reflections to make and test predictions about the number of images formed in paired mirrors Teaching activities K4a Core: Reflection of light from a plane mirror K4b Core: Images in a plane mirror K4c Core: Images in two mirrors K4c Extension: Images in two mirrors Learning outcomes (from QCA Scheme of Work) Pupils: l l l l l l l l make predictions about the way that light is reflected from plane surfaces make and record accurate measurements of angles of incidence and reflection with respect to the normal represent the data as a line graph and draw a line of best fit make a generalisation, eg the light is reflected from a plane surface at the same angle at which it hits it describe the nature of the image formed in a plane mirror eg inverted suggest how such an image is formed make and test predictions about the number of images formed in mirrors record findings, describing patterns in these Homework resources Specials K4 How does light reflect? K4 How does light reflect? (learning support) Extension resources Book spread K5 Can light be bent? Learning objectives (from QCA Scheme of Work) Pupils should learn: l l l l l l that light changes direction at a boundary between two different media to identify patterns in observations to apply understanding of refraction to everyday situations that white light can be dispersed to give a range of different colours why the spectrum has seven colours to use scientific knowledge to suggest reasons for physical phenomena Teaching activities K5a Core: Can light be bent? K5a Help: Can light be bent? K5b Making and dividing white light (teacher led ± no student activity sheet) Learning outcomes l l l l l l C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme K6 How can we change colour? l l l l l how coloured filters change white light to combine knowledge from different sources to explain how coloured filters work how coloured light can be combined to produce new colours how coloured objects appear in white light and in different colours of light to use scientific knowledge and understanding to explain observations K6a Core: How can we change colour? (1) K6b Core: How can we change colour? (2) K6c How can we change colour? (3) (teacher led ± no student activity sheet) Homework resources Specials Extension resources make generalisations from their observations of refraction, eg that a change of direction occurs only at an interface; light bends towards the normal (inwards) when travelling from a more dense to a less dense medium, and vice versa draw selected angles of incidence and refraction and use these to establish generalisations, eg when the ray travels from air to glass, the angle of refraction is smaller than the angle of incidence draw a ray diagram to explain a phenomenon of refraction identify the colours of the spectrum describe how white light is dispersed by a prism to give a range of different colours describe how a spectrum can be recombined to form white light K5 Can light be bent? K5 Can light be bent? K5 Fishing investigate how coloured filters change white light suggest how filters affect white light investigate how coloured light can be combined to produce new colours investigate how coloured objects appear in white light and in different colours of light identify and explain patterns of their observations using appropriate vocabulary, eg reflect, absorb, transmit K6 How can we change colour? K6 How can we change colour? K6 How do we get colours on a television screen? (from QCA Scheme of Work) Pupils: l l l l l (learning support) 3 How does light travel? K1 Resources available Running the activity No student sheet ± this activity is teacher led. Several pieces of rubber tubing can be used with one mounted 60 W lamp. Links with A piece of thread through the three holes is useful to confirm that the light can only be seen when the holes are aligned (that is, when the thread is taut). Book 2 SoW Sc1 K1 8K page 1 2fgk Safety l 230 V mains lamps must be maintained in suitable holders with careful supervsion to ensure bulbs are not removed. l Warn students that lamps get hot when in use. l The laser should be handled only by the teacher. Students must be seated in front of the laser and facing away from it. Students must be told not to look directly at the laser. Activity procedure Circus of activities 1 Students look at a lamp along a length of flexible rubber tubing, with the rubber tubing both straight and curved. 2 Students shine light through three parallel cards with central holes. They move the cards around until light can be seen through them. 3 Students use a ray box and slits to produce Shadows can be linked with eclipses. More able students could compare areas of umbra and penumbra for different sources and source± screen distances. These activities could all be done as demonstrations if time is short. When using the laser, use chalk dust from the board rubber to show up the light path, for example by tapping it with a wooden block or blowing the dust into the beam. Materials required For circus (per class or group) 1 lamp; one (or more) lengths of flexible rubber tubing 2 three pieces of card, approximately 20 cm square, with a small hole at the centre of each; lamp (as in 1); length of thread 3 ray box with single and triple slits, if available; power supply for ray box; sheet of white paper 4 large light sources, eg mounted 40 W and 60 W household lamps; small light sources, eg lamps as above enclosed in a box with a circular aperture of about 2 cm diameter and smaller holes for ventilation to prevent overheating; screen about 1 m away from the sources; objects to place between source and screen to cast shadows rays of light. 4 Students look at shadows with large/small and bright/dim light sources. Demonstration with laser 5 A laser is set up behind the class, projecting a spot of light onto a screen at the front. 6 Chalk dust can be used to make the path of the laser light visible. For laser (per class) l laser, eg 1 mW helium±neon laser l board rubber 1 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme The effect of light on materials (1) Resources available Materials required Core sheet The effect of light on materials (1) CD-ROM All resources customisable Links with Book 2 SoW Sc1 K2 8K page 2 2fgk Safety l Warn students that lamps get hot when in use. l If water is used, make sure there are no wet hands or water near the power supply and plug. l Care is needed in the choice of materials tested, for example that glass samples do not have sharp edges. Some materials will melt, burn and produce fumes if they come into contact with hot lamps. Activity procedure 1 An object is placed in front of a ray box, on a sheet of paper. (The paper makes it easier to see the rays clearly.) 2 By looking at the paper on the opposite side of the object to the ray box, students decide whether the material is transparent, translucent or opaque. 3 This is repeated for each object in turn. Results are recorded in a table. Running the activity Have a variety of objects available that includes transparent, translucent and opaque materials. 2 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme Per group l ray box with single slit and low voltage power supply l sheet of A4 plain paper l various objects made from different materials: some transparent (eg glass, Perspex, clear polythene/cling film); some translucent (eg frosted glass); some opaque (eg a book, a card ± most objects are opaque) Sample results With transparent objects, rays of light are unaffected. With translucent objects, rays emerge but their paths are distorted. With opaque objects, no light emerges. Answers 1 a Transparent materials allow light to pass through unaffected (an object can be seen clearly through them). b Translucent materials allow light to pass through but the light is scattered (an object cannot be seen clearly through them). c Opaque materials do not allow light to pass through (an object cannot be seen at all through them). 2 Some transparent objects absorb some of the light so the object may appear less bright. Coloured glass or filters will change the colour of the object, but this is discussed in Unit K6. K2a The effect of light on materials (2) Resources available K2b Running the activity Core sheet The effect of light on materials (2) Extension sheet The effect of light on materials (2) CD-ROM All resources customisable Links with Book 2 SoW Sc1 K2 8K page 2 2fg Teachers can decide how much processing is done by computer, but they should ensure that all students attempting the extension work know how to calculate the percentages. Materials required For core (per group) l ray box and low voltage power supply l light sensor connected to data logger and computer l materials including good reflectors, transmitters and absorbers of light, eg mirror, sheet of glass or Perspex, frosted glass, wood, carpet 30 cm ruler Safety l Warn students that lamps get hot when in use. l l Make sure there are no wet hands or water near the power supply and plug. Additional for extension (per group) l glass beaker l Care is needed in the choice of materials tested, for example that glass samples do not have sharp edges. l Activity procedure Core 1 A light sensor reading is taken at a fixed distance from the ray box with no material present. 2 An object is placed mid-way between the ray box and the light sensor and the amount of light transmitted by the material found. 3 The light sensor is then placed on the same side of the material as the ray box to obtain the amount of light reflected by the material. 4 This procedure is repeated for each of the materials provided. 5 The amount of light absorbed by each of the materials is calculated by subtraction. Extension This extends the original core activity to materials that are liquids. Students use the results from the core experiment to calculate the percentage of light transmitted, reflected and absorbed by each material. liquids (eg water, brine, oil) Answers Core 1 To act as a control, so that all other results can be compared with it 2 Polish it so that it is smoother 3 Discussion question. Possible points include: need to minimise the amount of light absorbed by the lampshade, unless a subdued effect is required; shape ± a wide shallow cone could be made of a reflective material to increase light intensity downwards. Extension 1 Results can be compared universally as they are not dependent on the light sensor used. 2 Air is a perfect transmitter of light/does not absorb or reflect any light. 3 For example: smooth, shiny surfaces are the best reflectors of light. Rough surfaces reflect light as well but in random directions (diffuse reflection) so a clear image is not seen. A pane of glass transmits and reflects light, particularly when clean! Opaque objects do not transmit light but can reflect and absorb it. 3 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme How we see things K3 Resources available Running the activity Help sheet How we see things CD-ROM All resources customisable Extra questions can be set for further practice using other objects in the room. The teacher or students could add extra objects to the diagram. Links with Book 2 SoW K3 8K page 2 Students could produce their own diagrams on a range of themes. Sc1 The sheet could be set as a homework task. Materials required Activity procedure 1 Remind students how we see luminous and Per student l copy of the help sheet non-luminous objects. Look at the first two diagrams on the activity sheet and discuss them. (Alternatively, the whole sheet can be set as a self-study exercise.) l sharp pencil l ruler Answers 2 Students add rays to the diagram of a room See diagram. to show how various objects are seen. 1 2 2 3 3 4 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme Reflection of light from a plane mirror Resources available Core sheet Reflection of light from a plane mirror CD-ROM All resources customisable Links with The laboratory will probably need to be partially blacked out for this activity. This activity can be used to reinforce investigative techniques, particularly analysis and evaluation skills. Materials required Book 2 SoW Sc1 K4 8K page 3 2cfgjl Safety l K4a Students should take care when handling mirrors; make sure the mirrors have no sharp edges. Per group l plane mirror in holder l ray box with single slit and low voltage power supply l sheet of A4 plain paper l protractor l sharp pencil ruler l Warn students that lamps get hot when in use. l l Clear walkways of bags or other obstacles before using any form of blackout. Sample results Activity procedure 1 Students shine a ray of light at a plane mirror at an angle of incidence of 408 and measure the corresponding angle of reflection. 2 This is repeated for angles of incidence of 208, 608 and 808. 3 Students plot a graph of their results and look for a pattern. Running the activity Sharp pencils and accurate use of a protractor are essential if good results are to be obtained. Students often measure angles of incidence and reflection to the mirror instead of to the normal to the mirror. If the activity is carried out carefully, students should obtain equality within 1 or 28 for angles of incidence and reflection. This should then lead to a graph of y 4 x with very little scatter. Answers 1 Straight line graph through the origin with angle of incidence (i ) equal to angle of reflection (r ) 2 Reference to prediction 3 Accuracy can be judged by the amount of scatter on the graph 4 Any anomalous points should be checked 5 Angle of incidence 4 angle of reflection 5 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme Images in a plane mirror Resources available Materials required Core sheet Images in a plane mirror CD-ROM All resources customisable Links with Book 2 SoW K4 8K page 3 Sc1 Safety l K4b Students should take care when handling mirrors; make sure the mirrors have no sharp edges. Activity procedure 1 Students look at the reflections of letters of the alphabet in a plane mirror as an aid to understanding lateral inversion. Cards with various letters and words on are viewed in a plane mirror. 2 They also consider which letters are unchanged, leading to ideas about the symmetry of some letters. Per group or student l plane mirror in holder (or vertical mirror at home) l pieces of paper or card, about 10 cm24 cm for words and 4 cm square for single letters l bold pen (eg marker pen) Notes on materials preparation Teachers of lower ability students may prefer to prepare the cards with words and letters in advance to ensure uniformity. Results TOT reflects as TOT HAT reflects as TAH But SUN reflects so that the N and S are reversed though the U is unchanged: NUS This happens because T O A H U are all symmetrical about a vertical axis, but N and S are not. Answers Running the activity 1 AHIMOTUVWXY This activity can be carried out individually if sufficient plane mirrors are available. As a plane mirror is the only apparatus required, it is suitable as a homework task. 3 Individual answers It is a good idea to consider only capital letters so that consistent answers are obtained throughout the group. 6 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme 2 These letters are all symmetrical about a vertical axis. Images in two mirrors Resources available l sheet of A4 plain paper cork or polystyrene mat (to stick pin in if used) l protractor l Core sheet Images in two mirrors Extension sheet Images in two mirrors CD-ROM All resources customisable Links with Book 2 SoW Sc1 K4 8K page 3 2fgk Safety l K4c Students should take care when handling mirrors; make sure the mirrors have no sharp edges. Activity procedure Core 1 Students place two plane mirrors at 908 to each other and place an object, such as an optical pin, between them. 2 They count the number of images they can see. 3 This is repeated with the mirrors inclined at 1208. 4 They predict the number of images at 608 and then test their prediction. Sample results Core Angle between mirrors Number of images 90 3 120 2 60 5 Extension As core plus: 45 7 30 11 Answers Core 1 The mirrors and their images make a circular pattern with a pin in each sector. One of these is the object pin! 2, 3 Answers depend on prediction made. There will be 5 images. Extension 1 For example: Extension As an alternative to the core activity, this is extended to other angles and students are helped to arrive at an equation for calculating the number of images seen for a given angle. object Running the activity Give students either the core or the extension sheet. The mirrors must be vertical and the angle between them measured precisely if good results are to be obtained. Students often include the object when counting the number of images and so get a value that is one more than it should be. Materials required Core and extension (per group) l two plane mirrors with holders l object (eg optical pin) 120° object 2 See core answer for question 1. 360 11 3 N4 A 4 23 5 An infinite number (angle between mirrors 4 08; 360/0 4 infinity) 7 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme Can light be bent? K5a Resources available Core sheet Can light be bent? Help sheet Can light be bent? CD-ROM All resources customisable Links with Book 2 SoW Sc1 K5 8K page 4 2fgj Students should take care in handling glass blocks. Make sure the blocks have no sharp edges. Glass blocks must not be knocked together as splinters may fly off. l Warn students that lamps get hot when in use. l Clear walkways of bags or other obstacles before using any form of blackout. Activity procedure Demonstration/Help Place a metre ruler in a large glass trough of water to show that it appears bent due to refraction. (The help sheet gives support for this demonstration by guiding students through drawing a diagram of what is happening.) Core 1 Students use a ray box to trace the path of a ray of light through a rectangular glass or Perspex block for angles of incidence of 208 and 358. 2 The procedure is then repeated for semicircular and triangular blocks if available. Running the activity Students often measure angles of incidence to the block instead of to the normal to the block. Note that students do not need to measure the angles of refraction, as Snell's law and refractive index (sin i/sin r 4 n) are not required at Key Stage 3. 8 C The angles of incidence have been chosen to avoid total internal reflection. If other shapes of block are used, teachers should choose suitable angles of incidence to avoid this. Materials required Safety l The laboratory will probably need to be partially blacked out for this activity. S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme Demonstration l large glass trough, or similar (must be transparent) l metre ruler Core (per group) rectangular, semicircular and equilateral triangular glass or Perspex blocks l l ray box with single slit and low voltage power supply l three sheets of A4 plain paper l protractor l sharp pencil l ruler Answers Core 1 A straight line from the point at which it enters to the point at which it leaves the block. The ray of light is pulled back towards the normal by the block. 2 The incident and energent rays are parallel. 3 As for question 1. 4 The ray of light would have changed direction (refracted) as it entered the semicircular block as well as when it left it. This does not happen if the incident ray is along a radius so strikes the block at 908 and hence is not deviated. (A tangent and radius to a circle are perpendicular.) 5 It would follow the same path through the block as the original ray, but in the opposite direction. Making and dividing white light K5b 3 Add a second similar prism, inverted with Resources available respect to the first, as shown below. No student sheet ± this activity is teacher led. white Links with Book 2 SoW K5 8K page 4 light white Sc1 light 4 Show that the spectrum disappears from the screen and white light is seen. Safety l l Take care in handling prisms. Make sure the prisms have no sharp edges. Prisms must not be knocked together as splinters may fly off. Lamps get hot when in use. Activity procedure 1 Use a ray box with a single slit to shine a ray of white light at one side of an equilateral triangular glass prism. screen red white violet light I V R O Y G B equilateral triangular prism Running the activity Use the largest equilateral triangular prisms available. Emphasise that dispersion occurs as light enters the prism. The spectrum is spread out further by refraction as it leaves the prism. The teacher can mention a mnemonic for remembering the order of the colours, eg. Richard of York gave battle in vain ± red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. Indigo is difficult to distinguish. It is thought that Newton included it because of the mysticism associated with the number seven at that time. Materials required l ray box with single slit and low voltage power supply l two equilateral triangular glass prisms (the largest available) l white screen 2 Place a white screen as shown to display the spectrum of white light. 9 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme How can we change colour? Resources available Core sheets CD-ROM Materials required K6a How can we change colour? (1) K6b How can we change colour? (2) All resources customisable Links with Book 2 SoW Sc1 K6 8K page 5 2fgijk Safety l K6a, b, c See notes for Activity K5b (page 000). Activity procedure K6a How can we change colour? (1) 1 Students see the effect of placing red, blue and green filters, in turn, in front of a ray box. 2 They then use an equilateral prism to produce a white light spectrum and see the effect of each of the filters on the appearance of this spectrum. K6b How can we change colour? (2) Students combine the coloured filters used in Activity K6a, first in pairs and then all three together, to find out about primary and secondary colours. K6c How can we change colour? (3) This is a teacher demonstration. Place coloured mains lamps or ray boxes with coloured filters as before on the bench. Put various coloured objects in the path of the light and observe their apparent colour. (The objects will need to be small, particularly if a ray box is used as the light source.) Activities K6a and K6b (per group) l ray box with single slit and low voltage power supply (one for K6a, three for K6b) l red, blue and green filters for the ray box l sheet of A3 plain paper l equilateral triangular glass prisms (K6a only) Activity K6c (per class) l coloured mains lamps or ray boxes with coloured filters (red, blue and green) l objects of different colours All activities (optional) l three slide projectors and slide coloured filters (red, blue and green) l projector screen Sample results Activity K6a red filter red light (R); blue filter blue light (B); green filter green light (G) Activity K6b Colours of lights Colour in overlap red ` blue magenta (M) blue ` green cyan (C) red ` green yellow (Y) red ` blue ` green white (W) Answers Activity K6a 1, 2, 4, 5 Individual answers. Students can then be asked to explain why, for instance, a red object looks black in blue light. 3 Filters absorb all the colours in white light except their own, eg a red filter transmits only red light. Running the activities 6 It is absorbed by the filters. One or all of the activities can be done as a demonstration. Three projectors and slide coloured filters can be used to project the primary colours onto a screen. The projectors can be angled to overlap the areas of colour. 7 See Activity K5b. It may be necessary to partially black out the laboratory for these activities. 10 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme Activity K6b 1 They cannot be made from other colours. 2 They are made by combining two primary colours (see results table). 3 White: M ` C ` Y42(R ` B ` G) The effect of light on materials (1) K2a Core Aim To find out whether various materials are transparent, translucent or opaque. Equipment l ray box with single slit and power supply l plain paper l objects made of different materials Ray box lamps get very hot. What to do 1 Draw a table with five columns like the one below to record your results. 2 Place the object in front of the ray box, on a sheet of paper. paper look at the paper here ray box with single slit object 3 Look at the paper behind the object. 4 Decide whether the material is transparent, translucent or opaque. 5 Fill in your results table by ticking the correct box. 6 Repeat for all the other objects. Results Name of object Material Transparent Questions 1 What do you notice about materials that are: a transparent? b translucent? c opaque? Translucent Opaque 2 Think again about the transparent objects you tested. Did the ray of light always look exactly the same as when the object was not there? Can you suggest a reason for any differences? 1 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme The effect of light on materials (2) K2b Core Aim To see how much light is transmitted and reflected by various materials. Equipment l ray box with single slit and power supply l light sensor connected to data logger and computer Ray box lamps get very hot. l l various materials ruler What to do 1 Draw a table with four columns like the one below to record your results. 2 3 Place the light sensor a fixed distance (say 10 cm) from the ray box. Take a reading. Put a sample of a material midway between the ray box and the light sensor. Take a reading of the amount of light transmitted by the material. to data logger and computer ray box with single slit 4 Put the light sensor on the same side of the material as the ray box. Take a reading of the amount of light reflected by the material. 5 Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each of the other materials provided. 6 Record the results in your table. 7 Calculate the amount of light absorbed by each of the materials. light sensor object ray box with single slit to data logger and computer light sensor Results Light meter readings (lux) Material Transmitted none (control) Reflected Absorbed 0 0 Questions 1 Why did you take a reading with no material present? 2 How could you increase the amount of light reflected by a particular material? 3 How could your results be used in the design of a lampshade? 2 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme object The effect of light on materials (2) K2b Extension Aim To calculate the percentage of light transmitted, reflected and absorbed by various materials, including liquids. Equipment l ray box with single slit and power supply l light sensor connected to data logger and computer l l l beaker water and other liquids if available ruler What to do 1 Draw a table with four columns like the one in the core activity to record your results. You may be able to add more rows to your previous table. 2 Carry out the same procedure as in the core activity, using a glass beaker as the material. 3 Repeat the procedure with water in the beaker. 4 Use your results to find the amount of light transmitted, reflected and absorbed by the water. 5 Repeat for other liquids, if available. 6 Draw up a new table like the one below. Ray box lamps get very hot. Results Material Transmitted (%) Reflected (%) Absorbed (%) none (control) 100 0 0 7 Taking your reading for the amount of light transmitted with no material present as 100%, calculate the percentage of light transmitted, reflected and absorbed by each material, using your results from both the core and extension activities. Questions 1 What is the advantage of calculating percentages for the amount of light transmitted, reflected and absorbed in each case? 2 What have you assumed about the transmission properties of air? 3 Use your results to make conclusions about the transmission, reflection and absorption properties of different materials. 3 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme How we see things Aim To draw ray diagrams to show how we see luminous and non-luminous objects. Introduction We see luminous objects because light travels from them to our eyes. We see non-luminous objects because light is reflected from them and enters our eyes. Because light travels in a straight line, we always draw rays with a ruler. We show the direction in which the light travels by an arrow. What to do Look at the picture of a room. 1 Draw a ray or rays to show how the girl sees the light. 2 Draw a ray or rays to show how the girl sees the clock. 3 Add another light to the diagram so that the girl can read her book more easily. Show how this helps by drawing more rays on the diagram. 4 The vase on the window ledge casts a shadow. Draw rays to show how the shadow is formed. Draw the shadow of the vase. 4 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme K3 Help Reflection of light from a plane mirror K4a Core Aim To investigate reflection of light from a plane mirror. Ray box lamps get very hot. paper cid en t ra y plane mirror in Equipment l plane mirror in holder l ray box with single slit and power supply l plain paper l protractor l ruler l sharp pencil normal ray box with single slit Prepare 1 Predict the result you expect to get. 2 Draw a table with two columns to record your results. Angle of incidence (degrees) What to do 3 Place the plane mirror on the sheet of paper, towards the top, and mark its position. Angle of reflection (degrees) 40 20 4 Remove the mirror and draw a line at 908 to its centre point. This is called a normal. 5 Use a protractor to draw a line at 408 to the normal. This is called the angle of incidence. 6 Replace the mirror and shine a ray of light along the line you have drawn, as shown in the diagram. 7 Mark the path of the reflected ray with a pencil. 8 Remove the mirror and use a ruler to draw the reflected ray precisely. 9 Use a protractor to measure the angle between the reflected ray and the normal. This is called the angle of reflection. 10 Repeat steps 3 to 7 for the other angles of incidence shown in the table. 11 Plot a graph of angle of reflection (y-axis) against angle of incidence (x-axis). 60 80 Analyse 1 What pattern have you found in your results from the graph? Evaluate 3 How accurate are your results? How do you know? 2 Was your prediction correct? If not, why do you think your results were different? 4 If the equipment is still set up, check any results that do not fit the pattern. 5 Write a general rule for reflection of light from a plane surface. 5 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme Images in a plane mirror Aim To look at images in a plane mirror. Equipment l plane mirror in holder l pieces of card or stiff paper l pen (a marker pen is useful) What to do 1 Place the mirror in its holder vertically on the bench in front of you. 2 Write TOT on a piece of card. 3 Hold the card in front of the mirror. What do you see? 4 Write HAT on a piece of card and hold it in front of the mirror. What do you see now? 5 Write SUN on a piece of card and hold it in front of the mirror. What do you see now? Questions 1 List all the letters of the alphabet that you think will look exactly the same in the mirror as on the piece of card. Use the mirror to see if you are correct. 2 What do you notice about these letters? 3 Write your name on a piece of card as you think it will look in the mirror. Hold the card in front of the mirror. What do you see? If you were right, you should see your name written correctly. Try again if it was not quite right. 6 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme K4b Core Images in two mirrors K4c Core Aim To look at images in two mirrors at an angle to each other. Equipment l two plane mirrors in holders l small object (eg pin) l plain paper l polystyrene tile or cork mat (to stick pin in) l protractor paper object pin What to do 1 Draw a table with two columns like the one below to record your results. 2 Arrange the mirrors on the paper so that they are at exactly 908 to each other. 3 Place the pin, or other object, between the mirrors as shown. 4 Look into the mirrors and count how many images you can see. 5 Repeat with the mirrors at 1208 to each other. Results Angle between mirrors Number of images 908 1208 1 Do you notice a pattern? If so, explain it in words. 2 Now predict how many images you would expect to see if the mirrors were at 608 to each other. 6 Use your equipment to set up this arrangement and count how many images you can see. 7 Add the result to your table. 3 Was your prediction correct? If not, why do you think your result was different? 7 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme Images in two mirrors K4c Extension Aim To look at images in two mirrors at an angle to each other. Equipment l two plane mirrors in holders l small object (eg pin) l plain paper l polystyrene tile or cork mat (to stick pin in) l protractor What to do 1 Draw a table with two columns to record your results. Head the columns `Angle between mirrors' and `Number of images'. 2 Arrange the mirrors so that they are at exactly 908 to each other. 3 Place the pin, or other object, between the mirrors as shown. 4 Look into the mirrors and count how many images you can see. 5 Repeat with the mirrors at 1208, 608, 458 and 308 to each other. 6 Record your results in the table. paper Questions 1 Draw diagrams, one for each arrangement, to show what you see. 2 Do you notice a pattern? If so, explain it in words. 3 Write a mathematical equation to link the number of images (N) and the angle between the mirrors (A). Start the equation N 4 (Hint: Remember there are 3608 in a complete circle.) 4 How many images would you expect to see if the mirrors were at 158 to each other? (This is hard to do experimentally but you can try if you have time.) 5 Now place the two mirrors parallel to each other. How many images can you see? How does this fit the equation you wrote in question 3? (Hint: What is the angle between the mirrors now?) 8 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme object pin Can light be bent? K5a Core Aim To trace the path of a ray of light through a glass or Perspex block. Equipment l glass or Perspex blocks l ray box with single slit and power supply l plain paper l protractor l sharp pencil l ruler Ray box lamps get very hot. Do not knock glass blocks together as splinters may fly off. What to do 1 Place a rectangular block of glass or Perspex in the middle of a sheet of plain paper and draw around it. 2 Remove the block. 3 Draw a normal line at the middle of one of the long sides of the block. 4 Draw a line at 208 to this normal to mark the path of your incident ray. paper normal incident ray ray box with single slit rectangular glass block 5 Replace the block. 6 Use a ray box and single slit to shine a ray of light along the path you have marked for the incident ray. 7 Look at the path followed by the ray of light within the block and after leaving it. Continued 9 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme Can light be bent? continued 8 Mark two dots on the path of the refracted ray with a pencil. Join the dots with a ruler to show the path of the refracted ray. Ray box lamps get very hot. Do not knock glass blocks together as splinters may fly off. paper normal incident ray ray box with single slit rectangular glass block 9 Remove the block and draw the path taken by the ray of light inside the block. 10 Repeat steps 4 to 9 for an angle of incidence of 358. 1 Describe the path of the ray of light inside the block. 2 What do you notice about the incident and emergent rays in each case? 11 Repeat steps 1 to 10 for a semicircular and a triangular block if available. (With the semicircular block, the normal must be drawn at the middle of the diameter.) 3 What do you notice about the path of the ray of light in each case? 4 With the semicircular block, how would the path of the ray of light have changed if the incident ray had not been drawn to the middle of the diameter? Explain why. 5 What would happen if the ray box was moved and the ray of light was shone along the path of the refracted ray? 10 C K5a Core S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme Can light be bent? K5a Help Aim To draw a ray diagram to show how we see a stick in a trough of water. What to do 1 Draw a trough of water and a stick, AB, placed in it at an angle as shown. (Your diagram should take up about half a sheet of A4 paper.) A eye stick trough of water B 2 Draw a normal (perpendicular line), BN, from the bottom of the stick. 3 Draw an eye at one side of the tank of water as shown. 4 The end B of the stick appears to be at a point P, about one-third of the way along BN from B. Mark P on your diagram. 5 The brain thinks the light from B has come from P in a straight line to the eye. Draw a dotted straight line from P to the eye. 6 The light has actually changed direction ± been refracted ± at the surface of the water at X. The light has travelled from B to X to the eye. Show this path as a solid line. Mark on it the direction in which light has travelled from B to the eye. 7 Draw in the apparent position of the stick. A normal N eye X P B 11 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme How can we change colour? (1) K6a Core Aim To investigate the effect of coloured filters first on white light, and then on the spectrum of white light produced by a prism. Equipment l ray box with single slit and power supply l red, blue and green filters to place in front of the ray lamp l plain paper l equilateral triangular glass prisms Ray box lamps get very hot. Predict (1) 1 Predict what you expect to see when: a b c d a red filter is placed in front of the ray lamp a blue filter is placed in front of the ray lamp a green filter is placed in front of the ray lamp a blue and a green filter are placed together in front of the ray lamp. What to do paper eye ray box coloured filter 1 Switch on the ray box (without the slit) to give a beam of white light. 2 Place a red filter in front of the ray lamp. What do you see? 3 Repeat step 2 using blue and green filters in turn. 4 Repeat step 2 using the blue and green filters together. 2 Were your predictions correct? 3 What do the filters do to the white light? 12 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme Continued How can we change colour? (1) continued K6a Core Predict (2) 4 Predict what you expect to see when: a a red filter is placed in the white light spectrum produced by a prism b a blue filter is placed in the white light spectrum produced by a prism c a green filter is placed in the white light spectrum produced by a prism. What to do now red Ray box lamps get very hot. Do not knock glass blocks together as splinters may fly off. white violet light ray box with slit equilateral triangular prism coloured filter 5 Use a triangular prism and a ray box with a single slit to produce a spectrum of white light. 6 Place a red filter in the path of the spectrum. What do you see? 7 Repeat step 6 using blue and green filters in turn. 5 Were your predictions correct? 6 What happens to the light that does not pass through the filters? 7 How could you use a second prism to recombine the colours to make white light again? Try it out. 13 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme How can we change colour? (2) K6b Core Aim To study the effect of combining coloured filters. Equipment l three ray boxes with power supply l red, blue and green filters to place in front of the ray lamps l plain paper What to do 1 Draw up a table for your results like this one. 2 3 Colours of lights Place one filter in front of each ray box so that you produce beams of red, blue and green light. Arrange the red and blue lamps on a sheet of plain paper so that the beams of light overlap. What colour do you see in the overlap region? red filter red ` blue blue ` green red ` green red ` blue ` green paper red light ray boxes blue light blue filter 4 Repeat step 2 for blue and green filters. 5 Repeat step 2 for red and green filters. 6 Repeat step 2 for red, blue and green filters together. Questions 1 Why are red, blue and green called primary colours? 2 The colours you made in steps 3, 4 and 5 are called secondary colours. Why? 3 What colour would you expect to see if you combined all three secondary colours? Explain your answer. 14 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme Ray box lamps get very hot. Colour in overlap How does light travel? K1 1 Light travels 3 2 106 (300 000) kilometres in 1 second. a How far in kilometres does it travel in 1 hour? b How far in kilometres does it travel in 1 day? c How far in kilometres does it travel in 1 year? Your answer to c is called a light year. The nearest star (other than the Sun) is 4 light years away from us. d How far away is it in kilometres? 2 What evidence do we have that light can travel through a vacuum? 3 Name one thing you have seen that would help you to convince a friend that light travels in straight lines. Write down what you would say and draw a diagram to help your explanation. " ........................................................................................ Homework Materials and light K2 1 From the list below, select the object or objects that best fit the following descriptions. mirror unpainted wooden door frosted glass window a opaque d the best reflector of light TV screen painted wall b transparent e the best absorber of light c translucent 2 What is the difference in the way in which light travels through normal glass and through frosted glass? Draw diagrams to help explain your answer. 3 a What happens to light when it strikes the unpainted wooden door? b The door is rubbed down with sandpaper (to make it smoother) and then painted. Explain what happens to light when it strikes the door now. 1 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme How do we see things? K3 1 a Give one example of a luminous object. b Give one example of a non-luminous object. c Draw diagrams to show how the eye sees luminous and non-luminous objects. 2 Copy the diagram of a pinhole camera and a tree. pinhole a Draw two rays, one from the top and one from the bottom of the tree, to show how an image of the tree is formed on the screen. b How would the image change if: i the hole is made bigger? ii three more pinholes are added? iii the pinhole camera is made longer? " ........................................................................................ Homework How do we see things? K3 1 a Give one example of a luminous object. b Give one example of a non-luminous object. c Draw diagrams to show how the eye sees luminous and non-luminous objects. 2 Copy the diagram of a pinhole camera and a tree. pinhole a Draw two rays, one from the top and one from the bottom of the tree, to show how an image of the tree is formed on the screen. b How would the image change if: i the hole is made bigger? ii three more pinholes are added? iii the pinhole camera is made longer? 2 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme How does light reflect? K4 1 Copy the diagram of a plane (flat) mirror. 30° a Label: i the normal ii the incident ray. b Add the reflected ray and mark the size of the angle of reflection. 2 a Ambulances have the word AMBULANCE written in `mirror writing' on the front. Why is this? b Some letters appear the same as usual even when reflected. Why is this? c Which letters are unchanged? 3 Two plane mirrors are placed at 908 to each other. A candle is put in front of them. 90° candle eye a How many images of the candle are seen? b Draw a diagram to show what is seen. c Copy the diagram and draw a ray of light from the candle to the eye reflecting off both mirrors. 3 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme Can light be bent? K5 1 Copy and complete the following diagrams to show the path of the ray of light as it passes through the glass shapes. 2 A triangular prism can be used to produce the spectrum of white light. Copy and complete the diagram to show the formation of the spectrum. 3 A practical investigation l Place a coin in the bottom of a cup. l Move your head to one side so that you just cannot see the coin. l Without moving your head, pour water into the cup until you can see the coin. (You may need to get someone to help you do this.) eye Copy the diagram second. Add rays to the second cup to show how the coin becomes visible. 4 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme eye How can we change colour? K6 1 Copy and complete this table. Colour of lights Result red ` blue ` green red ` green blue ` green magenta ` green blue ` yellow magenta ` cyan ` yellow 2 Kim has a yellow card with red writing on it. When she looks at it in red light the writing disappears. Explain why this happens. 3 At an evening football match, one team wears red strip and the other wears green. When the floodlights are switched on they give out blue light. Why does this cause problems for the players as well as the spectators? green shirt red shirt 4 The triangle shows how the three primary colours can be combined. Copy it and fill in the missing colours. R M R ⫽ red M ⫽ magenta B ⫽ blue B 5 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme How does light travel? K1 Complete these sentences using the words in the box to fill in the gaps. distance lamp medium 1 A desk shadow source straight vacuum gives out light. Something that gives out light is called a Light travels in of light. lines. 2 Light does not need a to travel through. Light from the Sun travels through the of space to reach us. A light year is the light travels in one year. 3 When an object blocks light there is a . " ........................................................................................ Specials How does light travel? K1 Complete these sentences using the words in the box to fill in the gaps. distance lamp medium 1 A desk shadow source straight vacuum gives out light. Something that gives out light is called a Light travels in 2 Light does not need a Sun travels through the year is the of light. lines. to travel through. Light from the of space to reach us. A light light travels in one year. 3 When an object blocks light there is a . 1 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme Materials and light K2 The word search contains 18 words used when describing the effect of light on materials. Look for the words listed below. s e r d s m o o t h t d r y m f j o d a o r s t g r l u n o t n u n u r g c r m a e j e s m h g e v s k a a a n f s f h n w h r u b t t n t s q u a i d s e n s o r t s e p i r n n a q q l d q f e m r a r f c y b r q a i b x r i i r j a j g s e r o s g g t s a e d c x l o f m p i u h m s l n s e f a r l y a n b v t i r t g t j s b e n q t t i e o r u i x l s w c o u a t a g n t r v b v o e t v e e i r h k c a o b l s e t r a n s l u c e n t r s h Here are the words: absorb light mirror rough shiny transmission 2 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme dark material opaque scatter smooth translucent glass matt reflect sensor surface transparent How do we see things? K3 1 a Draw a ray to show how light travels from the torch bulb to the girl's eye. b Draw a ray to show how the girl sees the book. 2 The phrases A to E describe the words numbered 1 to 5, but they have been put in the wrong places. Draw a line to match each word with the letter that describes it. 1 retina A it focuses light 2 luminous B it changes size depending on the brightness 3 lens C it gives out light 4 fuzzy D the back of the eye 5 pupil E blurred 3 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme How does light reflect? K4 1 A ray of light is shone at a flat mirror, as shown in the diagram. It hits the mirror at X. a Draw a normal (angle at 908) to the mirror at X. b Use a protractor to measure the angle of incidence, i, between the ray of light and the normal. c Draw the position of the reflected ray as accurately as you can. Mark the size of any angles that you measure. Add an arrow to show the direction of the reflected ray. 2 Fill in the missing angles: z x y 40° 20° x⫽ z⫽ y⫽ 3 Write the word POLICE so that it will look correct when seen in a mirror. POLICE 4 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme Can light be bent? K5 Solve the clues and write the answers in the answer grid below. If you get all the answers correct the first vertical column will show you another word connected with this topic. Clues 1 A natural light source. 2 A transparent material, similar to glass. 3 Something you do in the science lab to find out how things behave. 4 `Richard of York gave battle in vain.' This rhyme helps you to remember the in a rainbow. 5 The shape of a glass prism used to show dispersion of light. 6 This happens to light as it passes from air into water. 7 The direction in which light travels to your eye when you look at the bottom of a glass. 8 Light refracts when it passes from one to another. Answer grid 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme How can we change colour? K6 Complete these sentences using the colours in the box to fill in the gaps. You may use each colour once, more than once or not at all. black blue cyan green magenta red white yellow 1 If we shine white light through a red filter, only light comes through. The red filter transmits only light and absorbs all the other colours. 2 The primary colours are , and . 3 When the three primary colours are mixed together we get light. 4 Red and green filters are used together to get and 5 light. filters must be used together to get cyan. 6 A blue ball looks blue because it is reflecting mostly light. 7 If we look at the blue ball in blue light, it looks . 8 If we look at the blue ball in green light, it looks . 9 If we look at a yellow ball in green light, it looks . 6 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme Bar codes K2 Read about bar codes and then answer the questions that follow. Most items purchased, from your text book to a packet of cornflakes, have a bar code on the outside. The bar code, or UPC (universal product code), represents a numbered code for the article. The UPC symbol printed on a package has two parts: l the machine-readable bar code l the human readable 12-digit UPC number. The first six digits of the number identify the manufacturer. 6 39 38 20 00 39 3 3 Bar codes were originally created to help supermarkets speed up the check-out process and keep better control of their stock. The system quickly spread to all other retail products because it was so successful. The bar code is a series of dark lines of various widths. Each bar code is unique to a particular item. It is read by a bar-code reader which shines a beam of laser light on the dark lines. This is explained in more detail opposite. The next five digits identify the item. The last digit is called a check digit. This lets the scanner determine whether it scanned the number correctly or not. Each digit in the bar code is represented in binary code, using only the numbers 0 and 1. These digits are represented by a `dark line' and `no line' to produce a bar code that is unique to a particular item. At the checkout the bar code is read optically using a laser. Laser light is intense and does not spread out. It passes through the gaps but is stopped by the dark lines on the bar code, giving a unique signal that identifies the item. The unique signal from the laser is passed on in binary code as the numbers 0 and 1 so that computers can understand it. 1 Give two advantages of the bar-code system. 2 Why must the number code be changed to binary for the laser reader to work? 3 Why is laser light used to `read' the bar code? 4 Manufacturers register with a central body that oversees the bar-code system. Why is registration necessary? (Think of as many reasons as you can.) 5 Explain the purpose of the check digit. 1 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme Fishing Primitive hunters probably did not know much about Physics but they knew how to apply ideas of refraction to spear fish. If the fisherman aims his spear directly at the point where he sees the fish, he will miss it. 1 Explain why he will miss the fish. 2 Make a sketch of the drawing and add a normal to the surface of the water through the fish's eye. Add the path of a ray of light from the fish's eye to the fisherman's eye to show how he sees the fish. Mark the apparent position of the fish. 3 On your sketch, add a spear in the fisherman's hand pointing in the direction he must aim to catch the fish. 4 Do you think the fish can see the fisherman? Explain your answer. 2 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme K5 How do we get colours on a television screen? K6 Read about colour television and then answer the questions that follow. When you watch television, you are watching pictures built up by beams of very small negatively charged particles (electrons). A beam of particles is produced by a gun at the narrow end of the tube, so called because it sends particles down the tube at very high speed. groups of 3 dots (to make red, blue and green light) cover the screen 3 guns producing tiny particles (electrons) When a particle strikes a special coating on the back of the screen, a spot of light is given out. In a colour television set there are three different coatings. When struck by a particle, one gives out red light, one gives out blue light and one gives out green light. These coatings are arranged in groups of three dots, one for each colour, all over the screen. (You can see these dots if you look closely at a television screen when the set is switched off.) There are three guns, each firing particles at dots of one particular coating on the screen. In this way one gun produces a red picture, one a green picture and one a blue picture. The pictures overlap so you see the correct colours on the screen. 1 Why are screen coatings chosen that give out red, blue and green light? 2 If only the `red' and `green' guns are giving out particles, what colour is seen on the screen? 3 Jim thinks that red, blue and green particles are given out by the gun. What would you say to convince him that he is wrong? 4 Which guns must be firing particles at the screen to produce the following colours: a blue? b white? c magenta? d black? 5 It is often said that black is not a colour. Use your answers to question 4 to suggest why. 3 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme Light Unit K 1 Draw lines to match up the terms about light with the correct meaning. term source shadow light year transparent translucent opaque ray diagram meaning the distance light travels in a year letting no light through transmitting light in an organised way represents the path of light where an object blocks light scattering light as it is transmitted something that gives off light 2 Complete the sentences by crossing out the wrong words: a The Sun/Moon gives out light. b Light can/cannot travel through a vacuum. c Light travels 300 m/300 million m in one second. d Light travels in straight lines/curves. e A shiny metal surface reflects/absorbs most of the light shining on it. f A carpet reflects/absorbs most of the light shining on it. 3 Choose from the words in the box to fill in the gaps in the sentences. You may use each word once, more than once or not at all. bigger camera dark film Moon more non-luminous retina scatter smaller a Sources of light are lens pupil Sun less luminous reflect refract upside down because they give out light. b We see objects by the light they c We see the planets because they the light from . d The human eye is rather like a . Light passes into the eye through a hole called the when it is . This gets to let in light. The image in the eye is formed on the is . . The image . Continued 1 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme Light continued Unit K 4 a Label the diagram below using these words. mirror normal incident ray reflected ray b Mark the angle of incidence with a letter i. c Mark the angle of reflection with a letter r. d What can you say about the sizes of these angles? 5 Two flat mirrors are placed at 458 to each other. A candle is placed between them. How many images of the candle 45° can be seen? 6 Complete the diagrams to show the path taken by the ray of light. 7 Cross out the incorrect words so that these sentences make sense. If we shine white light through a blue filter, only red/blue/green light comes through. The other colours are absorbed/reflected/scattered. Red, blue and green are the three primary/secondary colours. If red and blue lights are shone onto a white screen so that the beams of light overlap, red/magenta/yellow light is seen. A yellow scarf looks yellow because it reflects red and blue/green light and absorbs blue/green light. Continued 2 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme Light continued Unit K 8 Use the clues below to fill in the words to reveal the name of a famous scientist in the shaded squares. 1 2 3 4 5 6 The line to which angles of incidence and refraction are measured. The colour that bends most when light is refracted in a prism. The colour made by mixing the three primary coloured lights. The colour of light transmitted by red and blue filters together. The bending of a ray of light when going from one material to another. The splitting of light into a range of colours. 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme Light Unit K Tier 3±6 1 How do we see objects that are non-luminous? (1 mark) 2 Mary holds a doll between a bright light and a screen. screen a A clear shadow of the doll is seen on the screen. What does this tell you about the way that light travels? (1 mark) b Copy the diagram and continue the three rays of light to show how a shadow of the doll is formed on the screen. (3 marks) c When the light is turned on, Mary can see the shadow and the brightly lit part of the screen straight away. What does this tell you about the speed of light? (1 mark) 3 Sam sees an EXIT sign reflected in a flat mirror. Which diagram below shows what Sam sees. (1 mark) EXIT b TIXE c EXIT a d EXIT 4 The diagram shows a ray of light reflected from a flat mirror. 50° incident ray normal reflected ray a Calculate the size of the angle of incidence. (1 mark) b i What is missing from the ray diagram? ii What is the size of the angle of reflection? (2 marks) Continued 1 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme Light continued Unit K Tier 3±6 5 The diagrams A, B and C show a ray of light passing through a rectangular glass block. A B C a What is the process of bending light like this called? A Reflection B Dispersion C Refraction D Scattering (1 mark) b Which diagram, A, B or C, shows the correct path of the light? (1 mark) 6 Sunlight is split up into a spectrum of colours by a triangular prism, as shown below. white X light a What name is given to the splitting up of sunlight in this way? A Diffraction B Dispersion C Differentiation D Division (1 mark) b What colour is the light at X? (1 mark) c How does the prism split white light up into a spectrum? (1 mark) 7 a White light is shone at a green filter. What colour is the light transmitted by the green filter? (1 mark) b Grass looks green in white light because it reflects green light and absorbs all the other colours. i Explain why a blue flower looks blue in white light. (1 mark) ii If you have a bunch of red and blue flowers, which flowers will look black in blue light? (1 mark) 8 A school is presenting `Alice in Wonderland'. In one scene some of the cast dress up as playing cards. Their costumes are white with the playing card patterns painted on. The stage is lit by red light. The red nine of hearts and the red nine of diamonds look red all over. Explain why the white background looks red. (1 mark) 2 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme Light Unit K Tier 4±7 1 The diagram shows a ray of light reflected from a flat mirror. 50° incident ray normal reflected ray a Calculate the size of the angle of incidence. (1 mark) b i What is missing from the ray diagram? (1 mark) ii What is the size of the angle of reflection? (1 mark) 2 The diagrams A, B and C show a ray of light passing through a rectangular glass block. A B C a What is the process of bending light like this called? (1 mark) b Which diagram, A, B or C, shows the correct path of the light? (1 mark) 3 Sunlight is split up into a spectrum of colours by a triangular prism, as shown below. white X light a What colour is the light at X? (1 mark) b How does the prism split white light up into a spectrum? (1 mark) c A green filter is placed in the path of the spectrum. i What is seen now? (1 mark) ii Explain your answer to i. (1 mark) d What would you expect to see if a second prism were arranged next to the first, as shown in the diagram below? (There is no need to draw the diagram.) (1 mark) white light Continued 3 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme Light continued Unit K Tier 4±7 4 Kim dives into the swimming pool to fetch a brick from the bottom. She finds that the water is deeper than it appeared to be from the side of the pool before she dived in. brick a Copy the diagram and draw a ray of light from the brick to Kim's eye. (2 marks) b Explain why the pool appeared shallower before she dived in. (You may add line(s) to your diagram to help your explanation.) (2 marks) 5 A school is presenting `Alice in Wonderland'. In one scene some of the cast dress up as playing cards. Their costumes are white with the playing card patterns painted on. The stage is lit by red light. The red nine of hearts and the red nine of diamonds look exactly the same. a How will they both look? (1 mark) b Explain why. (1 mark) 6 a Explain why a blue flower looks blue in white light. (1 mark) b What colour will the blue flower look in green light? (1 mark) 7 The Sun is about 150 000 000 km from Earth. Light travels 300 000 km in one second. How long does it take light to reach us from the Sun? (2 marks) 4 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme Light Question Unit K Tier 3±6 Part Answer Mark Level By reflection or light is scattered off them 1 5 Light travels in straight lines 1 3 3 4 Very, very fast or almost instantaneous 1 3 TIXE (E reversed but XIT look the same) 1 5 a 408 1 4 bi ii Arrows showing the direction of light 408 1 1 5 5 a C Refraction 1 4 b B 1 6 a B Dispersion 1 4 b Red 1 5 c The different colours in white light are refracted by different amounts by the prism 1 6 a Green 1 5 bi The blue flower reflects blue light and absorbs all the other colours Black 1 5 1 5 a All red 1 5 b The white background material looks red as only red light is present 1 6 1 2 a b screen c 3 4 5 6 7 ii 8 Scores in the range of: Level 3±5 3 6±10 4 11±13 5 14±20 6 1 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme Light Unit K Tier 4±7 Question Part Answer Mark Level 1 a 408 1 4 bi ii Arrows showing the direction of light 408 1 1 5 5 a Refraction 1 4 b B 1 5 a Red 1 5 b The different colours in white light are refracted by different amounts by the prism so come out in different places 1 6 ci ii Green part of the spectrum only Only green light can pass through the filter, all the other colours are absorbed 1 1 5 5 d One from: White light Parallel to the incident ray 1 6 a Diagram shows a straight line from brick to water surface refracted away from the normal to Kim's eye 1 1 5 5 b Kim's brain thinks that light travels in a straight line so thinks the brick is nearer the surface or ignores refraction at the surface (refracted ray continued back to show position of image) 1 1 6 6 a All red 1 5 b Red hearts and diamonds will reflect red light and so will the white background material as only red light is present 1 6 a The blue flower reflects blue light and absorbs all the other colours 1 5 b Black 1 6 Time 4 distance/speed 4 150 000 000/300 000 4 500 s or 8.3 minutes (one mark for correct equation and correct substitution but incorrect calculation; one mark for correct equation and incorrect substitution but correct calculation; two marks for correct answer with no working shown) 2 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 Scores in the range of: Level 4±7 4 8±11 5 12±14 6 15±20 7 2 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme Light Unit K I can do this very well I can do this quite well I need to do more work on this I know what a source of light is I know how light travels I can represent the path of light in various circumstances I can use words precisely to describe what happens to light when it hits various types of material I know how to use a light sensor to make comparisons I know how we see luminous and non-luminous objects I know how light is reflected from a flat surface I can measure angles of incidence and reflection accurately I can represent data as a line graph and draw a line of best fit I can make and test predictions about the number of images formed in two inclined mirrors I can describe the image formed in a plane (flat) mirror I know how light changes direction at the boundary between two different media I can draw ray diagrams to show reflection and refraction I know the colours of the spectrum formed from white light I can use a prism to show dispersion I know how coloured filters change white light I know how coloured lights can be combined to produce new colours I know how coloured objects appear in white light and in different colours of light What I enjoyed most in this unit was The most useful thing I have learned in this unit was I need to do more work on 1 C S Mitchell, 2002, The Heinemann Science Scheme
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