360° Feedback Report - Emotional Intelligence Samuel Sample June 2011 © Team Focus Ltd 2010 © Team Focus Ltd 2010 1. Purpose of this report 3. The competency model This report is based on the answers to the questionnaire you completed plus the answers of others who were asked to contribute their own perceptions about you. The report is designed to: • give you some feedback concerning the way your skills, abilities and style are seen by others • allow you to compare the perceptions of others with your own perceptions • provide a basis for discussion with others - your boss, your own team members, your peers or a member of the central HR department - so that you may gain a full intrpretation of the results, something which will then enable you to develop your skills and abilities to meet both your career needs and requirements of your employer. The report is based on a hierachical model of competency. At the lowest level of the hierarchy are the basic underlying competencies. These are fairly specific areas of skill, ability or style. Above this level are 'clusters' of competencies. Clusters are simply groupings of the lower level competencies. These clusters are then grouped into competency 'areas'. Areas are at the highest level of the competency model and represent very broadly defined areas of skill, ability or style. While this 3-level competency model is used in most reports, some reports use only a 2-level model consisting of just competencies and competency clusters. In some cases, just a single level consisting only of competencies is used. 4. Important points to keep in mind • help you prepare a positive and worthwhile Personal Development Plan 2. The data on which this report is based There were a number of people who answered the questionnaire in order to give you their view of your skills/abilities. Their responses were analysed to give information on a number of distinct areas which have been identified as relevant to your work. The people in the sample can be described as shown below: • Self 1 • Manager 1 • Direct Reports 3 • Peers 2 © Team Focus Ltd 2010 It must be remembered when reading this report that it is based on the results of questionnaires administered to a group of several people, each of whom have offered their perceptions and judgements about the skills, attributes and style of the person being appraised. The results are not intended to be an objective assessment of the person. Rather, they reflect the perceptions of the people involved and this should therefore be seen only as a starting point to examine the real strengths the person demonstrates and those areas which others consider to be in need of development. When reading this report, you should try to bear the following points in mind: 1. The accuracy of the report is limited by the accuracy of the judgements of the people asked to complete the questionnaire. 2. All judgements are prone to error and part of the reason for this is that not everyone will have had the opportunity to see the person in question demonstrating all their skills. 3. This report may well reflect issues of a fairly wide nature, possibly including personal issues to do with the person's relationships and more general issues to do with the current organisational climate. 1 5. Understanding the scores Grading system A. This is for scores above 5 which indicate very strong agreement to the statement and the characteristics being described. The text of the report will indicate that you are seen as demonstrating these characteristics to a very high standard. B. This for scores between 4.5 and 5 which indicate broad agreement to the statements and the characteristics being described. The text of the report will indicate you are seen by others as having a clear strength in the area in question. C. This is for scores between 3.9 and 4.5 which indicates broad agreement to the statements and the characteristics being described. The text of the report will indicate that you are seen as generally meeting peoples expectations in the area in quesion. D. This is for scores between 3.0 and 3.9 which indicates broad disagreement to the statements and the characteristics being described. The text of the report will indicate that people may expect more of you in this area. E. This is for scores lower than 3.0 which indicates strong disagreement to the statements and the characteristics being described. The text of the report will indicate that you are not seen as demonstrating the characteristic in question to any significant extent. The results presented in this report are based on the 1 to 6 rating scale which was used in the appraisal questionnaire. The scale is shown below: ← Disagree Agree → 1 2 3 4 5 6 You will recall that the questionnaire asked you and your appraisers to indicate your level of agreement with each of the statements in the appraisal questionnaire. The charts and tables in this report present the average ratings from each appraiser group (e.g. your self, your manager, your peers, you direct reports and so on) for each of the competency areas. Average ratings of 1, 2 and 3 represent different levels of disagreement with a statement and average ratings of 4, 5 and 6 represent different levels of agreement. Average ratings of 4 and above show that respondents, by and large, agree that you demonstrate the characteristic being measure. In the charts, wherever there was significant differences of opinion amongst respondents, this is indicated by showing a band around the average score. The wider this band, the greater was the disagreement between the respondents. When studying the charts, it can be useful to see where there disagreement amongst your raters and ask yourself what might be the reasons for this. The grading system used for the ratings as shown on the right-hand side of the page. This system is used to place the average ratings you received into categories form A to E where A indicates that your appraisers see you as demonstrating the competency in questiopn to a considerable degree and E indicates that your appraisers see you as having significant need to develop in that area. © Team Focus Ltd 2010 These grades are shown in the report for all of the underlying competencies at the bottom of each competency description page. You will find that some of the grades have an asterisk (*) next to them. This indicates that more than 10% of the statements were marked "Limited Exposure". Your appraisers were asked to mark a statement in this way if they felt they did not have sufficient exposue to you in the area in question to make a judgement. 2 6. Action It is recommended that in reading the whole report, you should take the opportunity to discuss its contents with an appropriate coach or mentor. Try to note the statements for all of the six areas. This will give you a complete picture of your strengths as well as your development needs. Following this, you can then try to identify the most appropriate learning solutions to suite your own style and complete the Personal Action Plan at the back of this report. This should be in preparation of the discussion with your manager or other appropriate person. This will enable you to receive support in your development such that the action plan to decide upon will become a reality. 7. Results The detailed results of your appraisal are presented in the following pages. In the first section of the results, each area is presented in two facing pages. The page on the left presents a group of charts which show the average scores you received from each appraiser group (e.g. self, manager, peers, etc) for each competency. This page organises the charts in terms of the hierarchial model described earlier. Thus, the blue chart for the 'area' averages the ratings across each cluster of competencies. And the green chart for each cluster averages the ratings for each of the competencies which contribute to that cluster. On the page facing the charts, you will see descriptions of each area, cluster and competency and an indication of how your scores in each competency element should be interpreted. Following the main results section, there are further tables and charts which you might wish to explore in order to find out more specific information about how each appraiser group rated you. © Team Focus Ltd 2010 3 Self Awareness Self Manager Direct Reports Peers All others 1 2 3 4 5 6 Shows Self Understanding Self Shows Self Regard and Belief Self Manager Direct Reports Peers 3 4 5 Self-Assessment Self Self Manager All others 1 © Team Focus Ltd 2010 2 3 4 5 1 6 Self Peers All others All others 3 4 4 5 6 5 6 Authenticity Self 1 2 3 4 5 Manager Direct Reports Peers 2 3 Manager 1 2 Self Confidence Direct Reports Peers 6 Self Literacy Manager Direct Reports All others 2 Peers All others Direct Reports 1 Manager 6 Direct Reports Peers All others 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 Self Awareness People who are seen as emotionally intelligent demonstrate high levels of self-confidence without being arrogant. They have an underlying self-belief, which gives them a sense of authority and integrity and demonstrates itself by their willingness to take principled positions. They are open and realistic about their limitations as well as their talents and create a sense of authority, authenticity and trust. Overall, this areas was ranked 2nd. Shows Self Regard and Belief Shows Self Understanding People with this characteristic show a great depth of self-understanding. They have developed an accurate assessment of their own skills and abilities, feel comfortable describing their strengths and limitations and are non-defensive about them. They understand the complexity of their own emotions and can describe their reactions and the impact this has on others. Your direct reports see you as demonstrating these characteristics to a very high standard. This is seen as a clear strength by your peers. However, you yourself and your manager are sometimes divided on this issue and expect more of this from you This is seen as a clear strength. You are someone who comes across as very aware of your own strengths and weaknesses. You openly acknowledge when you do not possess all the skills or knowledge that may sometimes be needed or expected in particular situations. This is seen as a natural, open and non-defensive style. People describe you as having a high level of maturity and a great understanding of your own moods, reactions and emotions. You clearly feel comfortable dealing with the emotional side of life, showing a high level of awareness of your effect on other people and a clear willingness to manage any issues arising in an open and constructive way. Self-Assessment Judge own strengths, limitations and inner resources realistically and discusses them openly and non-defensively. People with this characteristic show a high level of self-confidence and integrity without being arrogant. They are clearly “their own person.” They approach challenges with a good understanding of what they want, and how it relates to their values which means that they are not subject to the usual pressures to be popular or conform. They take firm and principled positions and will take personal risks rather than compromise on important topics. They are seen to live their values and come across as trustworthy, honest and authentic. Your manager, your direct reports and your peers see you as demonstrating these characteristics to a very high standard. This is seen as a clear strength by you yourself. This appears to be an outstanding strength. All those answering the questionnaire see you as being someone they can trust. You come across as an exceptionally sincere person who will take principled stands and follow through on promises. They admire your confidence and sense of purpose, which you can express without becoming arrogant and over-demanding. They express confidence in your ability not to be swayed by short-term pressure and to stand by what you believe in. Overall the perception is that you are a person of integrity whose words match your deeds and who speaks with authority and authenticity. Self Literacy Self Confidence Authenticity Recognises and can describe the complexity of own feelings, moods and reactions; shows awareness of how these can impact on others. Has a strong sense of self-worth and selfbelief; demonstrates confidence in own opinions without appearing arrogant; takes strong principled stands in the face of pressure. Comes across as honest and genuine; shows a strong sense of integrity and can be relied on to deliver on promises; creates a strong sense of being trustworthy and authentic. Self Man Rep Peer Self Man Rep Peer Self Man Rep Peer Self Man Rep Peer D D A B D E A B* B A A A C B A A © Team Focus Ltd 2010 5 Self Management Self Manager Direct Reports Peers All others 1 2 3 4 5 6 Shows Self Regulation Self Shows Openness Self Manager Direct Reports All others 3 4 5 Self Control Self Self Direct Reports © Team Focus Ltd 2010 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 4 5 5 Direct Reports 6 4 5 All others 3 Peers 2 Self Manager Direct Reports 1 6 Openness to Feedback All others 1 3 Peers All others 1 Self Manager Peers 2 Openness to Change Direct Reports All others 1 Manager Peers 6 Responsibility Manager All others 2 Peers 1 Direct Reports Peers Manager 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 Self Management People who are emotionally intelligent have an exceptional ability to manage themselves. They actively listen and learn, they admit mistakes and they encourage openness and honesty. This helps them to remain flexible such that they rarely become rigid or stuck in outdated ideas and perceptions. They do not let their emotions get out of control and this enables them to remain focussed under great pressure. Hence they are known to deliver on promises and commitments and the best act as role models who encourage others to be open, non-defensive and adaptable. Overall, this areas was ranked 3rd. Shows Openness Shows Self Regulation People with this characteristic are able to express their innermost thoughts and feelings under pressure with honesty but without losing control. Their ability to regulate their emotions appropriately enables them to make clearer judgements and they can be relied on to deliver on promises made. Your direct reports see you as demonstrating these characteristics to a very high standard. This is seen as a clear strength by your manager and your peers. You see yourself as generally meeting their expectations. This appears to be an outstanding strength. All those answering the questionnaire see you as being appropriately composed and non-defensive. They see you as reacting to difficult situations with an appropriate balance between action and restraint. Circumstances rarely seem to get on top of you and they see you as extremely capable at maintaining your focus on what needs to be done. People have great trust in your ability to overcome short-term obstacles and pressures, to exercise your responsibilities with diligence and to accept personal responsibility for seeing things through. You would be described as someone who is highly emotionally stable, capable of accepting high levels of responsibility and capable of remaining extremely effective under pressure. Self Control Responsibility Manages internal states, impulses and resources in a mature and effective way so that negative emotions are controlled without dishonesty or repression and positive emotions are expressed without exaggeration. Can be relied on to take decisions and, when a commitment has been made, shows great conscientiousness in terms of fulfilling responsibilities and following through on promises. People with this characteristic are continually listening and learning. They do not get stuck into habits and outdated processes but continually seek new, relevant information which they use to update their view of themselves and their approach to situations. They also encourage others to do likewise and, with careful, non-defensive listening they are extremely adaptable to situations and changing demands. Your direct reports see you as demonstrating these characteristics to a very high standard. This is seen as a clear strength by your peers. In contrast, you yourself and your manager are sometimes divided on this issue and expect more of this from you This is seen as a clear strength. Most see you as someone who actively encourages dialogue and who is very willing to listen, learn and understand. They see you as open to receiving feedback even if it does not always show you in a positive light. They also trust you to give them open and honest feedback which is genuine and without any hidden agendas. Such openness is a firm basis for what people would describe as a high level of adaptability. Your receptivity to new information allows you to change old perceptions and habits and to manage evolving situations with considerable flexibility. Openness to Change Openness to Feedback Shows great flexibility in the face of changing circumstances, being willing to change path, adapt processes and re-prioritise activities in the light of new information. Acts as a role model in encouraging open dialogue. Actively gives and seeks feedback, demonstrates a willingness to listen and learn and is comfortable disclosing personal information. Admits mistakes which are used as opportunities to learn. Self Man Rep Peer Self Man Rep Peer Self Man Rep Peer Self Man Rep Peer D B A C B B A A C D A A E E A C © Team Focus Ltd 2010 7 Self Motivation Self Manager Direct Reports Peers All others 1 2 3 4 5 6 Drives for Results Self Energy for Change Self Manager Direct Reports 3 4 Initiative Self Self Direct Reports All others © Team Focus Ltd 2010 All others 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 Optimism Self Peers 2 Creativity Self Manager Direct Reports Peers 2 1 Manager 1 6 Achievement Orientation Manager 5 All others 2 Peers 1 Direct Reports Peers All others Manager Direct Reports Direct Reports Peers Peers All others 2 3 4 5 All others 1 Manager 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 Self Motivation People with this characteristic show energy to get going, to keep going and to change and grow. They are creative and change oriented, continually exploring and stimulating new thinking and they remain positive and optimistic in the face of adversity. If there are obstacles in the way they find ways around them so that they do not get stuck or dejected and they continually find ways of developing and improving themselves. Overall, this areas was ranked 1st. Energy for Change Drives for Results People with this characteristic show energy and determination in the pursuit of their goals. They willingly take the initiative in order to achieve their targets but they also set themselves personal challenges such that they develop and grow in the process. People with this characteristic show energy and imagination as they continually stimulate new ideas and opportunities. They remain positive and optimistic even when things look bad and they encourage others to accept the need to adapt and change. Your manager, your direct reports and your peers see you as demonstrating these characteristics to a very high standard. This is seen as a clear strength by you yourself. Your direct reports and your peers see you as demonstrating these characteristics to a very high standard. This is seen as a clear strength by you yourself. Your manager sees you as generally meeting their expectations. This appears to be an outstanding strength. All those answering the questionnaire see you as being someone with a high level of energy, determination and the will to succeed. You set yourself high standards and strive to meet them. If something gets in the way you show ingenuity and determination in overcoming it. People see you as someone who will not sit on your laurels but who will drive for improvements and results. This is reflected in the way you not only strive to improve your environment and your achievements, but you also continue to develop and improve your own capabilities. Overall people would describe you as someone who sets high standards and who has an exceptional level of energy to see them realised. Initiative Shows ingenuity, determination and a willingness to take the initiative. Regularly challenges the status quo and gets round red tape such that results are achieved in spite of difficulties and obstacles. This appears to be an outstanding strength. All those answering the questionnaire see you as being someone with ideas, imagination and a drive for change. You are not someone who lets things get on top of you. You remain remarkably optimistic, encouraging and supportive in the face of difficulties and adversity. This resilience generates hope and optimism in those around you and your ability to look at things afresh, with new ideas and options, helps to create a mood and belief that things will change for the better. Achievement Orientation Optimism Creativity Demonstrates energy and determination to meet an internal standard of excellence. Sets stretching personal challenges which means that their capabilities are continually improving. Looks on the bright side of life and maintains a positive attitude in spite of adversity. Has a deep seated belief that things will work out and that some good will come from any situation no matter how bad it seems at the time. Stimulated by change and innovation; show creativity and courage in bringing new ideas to situations. They see beyond the present and are driven to create a better future. Self Man Rep Peer Self Man Rep Peer Self Man Rep Peer Self Man Rep Peer B A A A B A A A C B A A B D* A B © Team Focus Ltd 2010 9 Social Awareness Self Manager Direct Reports Peers All others 1 2 3 4 5 6 Understands Others Self Appreciates Others Self Manager Direct Reports 3 4 5 People Judgement Self 2 3 4 5 6 Self 3 4 6 Self 6 2 3 4 Peers All others 1 Direct Reports All others 5 5 Manager Peers 2 4 Trust Radius Direct Reports 1 3 Manager All others 1 2 Positive Regard Peers All others 1 Direct Reports Peers © Team Focus Ltd 2010 Self Manager Direct Reports 6 Emotional Literacy Manager All others 2 Peers All others Direct Reports Peers 1 Manager 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 Social Awareness People who are emotionally intelligent show great understanding of and genuine respect for others. They listen and understand their issues and needs, being slow to judge and quick to forgive. They are unimpressed by status or background and help people to feel valued. Their ability to recognise strengths and limitations enables them to support when needed and to challenge when appropriate. Overall, this areas was ranked 7th. Appreciates Others Understands Others People with this characteristic show an ability to read people with uncanny accuracy, recognising their strengths and limitations and understanding their issues and concerns. They can explain what is important to others and show an ability to see matters from other people’s point of view. People with this characteristic help others to feel valued by listening, understanding and being slow to judge and quick to forgive. They show genuine care and concern for others regardless of status or background. Your direct reports see you as demonstrating these characteristics to a very high standard. This is seen as a clear strength by you yourself. Your peers see you as generally meeting their expectations. On the other hand, your manager has mixed feelings on this issue and sometimes expects more of this from you Your direct reports see you as demonstrating these characteristics to a very high standard. You yourself and your peers see you as generally meeting their expectations. However, your manager has mixed feelings on this issue and sometimes expects more of this from you This is seen as a clear strength. You are described as someone who is perceptive and a good judge of people. Your ability to recognise people’s strengths and weaknesses – in spite of any personal relationship you may have with them – makes your opinion seem much more objective and worthwhile. You listen, observe and take the time to understand what is personally important to others which enables you to fully understand things from their point of view. You are not only seen as a person who is a good judge of character, but you are also seen as a person who understands peoples’ core motivations as well. People Judgement This is seen as a clear strength. People feel that you are someone who shows high levels of empathy and respect. You come across as interested in and concerned for others. You help them to feel valued and you create a climate of trust. Your natural tendency is to give people the benefit of the doubt, which is based on a genuine positive regard and respect for their views, ideas and emotions. You would be described as someone who builds trust through empathy and concern for others. Emotional Literacy Is perceptive and a good judge of character. Is interested in people and can describe their strengths, limitations and motivations after only a short period of acquaintance. Positive Regard Shows great awareness of the needs, feelings and concerns of others. Can describe what is important in the lives of people around them and has an intuitive understanding of the issues they face and how they will react. Trust Radius Takes an active interest in the lives of others and demonstrates respect for them and their point of view. Aware of their feelings and needs, they are seen as empathic and help people to feel valued. Widens the circle of openness and trust by being slow to judge and quick to forgive. Self Man Rep Peer Self Man Rep Peer Self Man Rep Peer Self Man Rep Peer B C A C C D A C C D A C B C A C © Team Focus Ltd 2010 11 Social Management Self Manager Direct Reports Peers All others 1 2 3 4 5 6 Exerts Influence Self Builds Relationships Self Manager Direct Reports Peers 3 4 Influence Self Direct Reports 3 4 Peers 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 Develops People Self Self Manager Direct Reports 4 5 All others 3 Peers 2 Direct Reports 1 6 Develops Collaboration Manager All others 1 2 Peers All others 2 1 Direct Reports All others © Team Focus Ltd 2010 Self Peers 6 Manager 1 5 Constructive Discontent Manager All others 2 Peers All others Direct Reports 1 Manager 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 Social Management People who are emotionally intelligent are socially skilled and able to build relationships which feel positive and collaborative. Unafraid to deal with conflict and difficulties, they work to turn these situations around and they encourage a positive and supportive environment. They generally have considerable ability to influence others and to gain positive commitment. Overall, this areas was ranked 5th. Exerts Influence Builds Relationships People with this characteristic are not afraid to get involved in situations which may be interpersonally demanding. They do not avoid conflict and use their considerable skill to get a reasonable resolution. They have the ability to influence others in a way which is both positive and gains commitment. People with this characteristic are socially skilled and interested in building relationships with a wide range of people. They maintain useful networks of contacts and bring people together in a spirit of collaboration. They are encouraging and supportive in a way which makes people want to learn, grow and collaborate. Your direct reports see you as demonstrating these characteristics to a very high standard. This is seen as a clear strength by your peers. In contrast, you have mixed feelings on this issue and sometimes expect more of this from yourself Your manager does not see you demonstrating this characteristic to any significant extent. Your direct reports see you as demonstrating these characteristics to a very high standard. This is seen as a clear strength by your manager and your peers. You see yourself as generally meeting their expectations. This is seen as a clear strength. Most see you as being resourceful, flexible and persuasive. They would describe you as influential, able to make a case and ignite enthusiasm. You win hearts and minds whereby people become genuinely involved and committed. Even in difficult situations where there are varying points of view you are seen to address issues directly. You are willing to challenge others if necessary and you are seen to manage conflict promptly, fairly and skilfully. Overall, people would describe you as influential, interpersonally skilled and persuasive. Influence This is seen as a clear strength. Most see you as being interested in people and skilled in building collaborative relationships. They see you as someone who is interested in their development and willing to provide them with opportunities to learn and grow. If appropriate you take the time to coach and support them. With others you spend the time maintaining and building your network of useful contacts and bringing people together for mutual collaboration and gain. You would be described as socially skilled, interested in people and good at creating a climate of collaboration and growth. Constructive Discontent Demonstrates skill and flexibility in persuading others, using a variety of methods and styles. Shows sensitivity and understanding of the individuals concerned which helps win hearts as well as minds. Develops People Is willing to confront issues and to manage conflict in a direct and timely manner. Is seen to be firm but fair and generally able to find a way to make the best of difficult situations. Develops Collaboration Encourages others to learn and grow. Makes appropriate use of delegation, coaching and encouragement to create an environment in which people want to learn and feel safe to make mistakes. Builds long term relationships and maintains useful networks of contacts. Makes good use of their social skill for making new contacts, bringing people from diverse areas together and spotting opportunities for collaboration. Self Man Rep Peer Self Man Rep Peer Self Man Rep Peer Self Man Rep Peer C E A C D C A B B B A C D B A B © Team Focus Ltd 2010 13 Social Motivation Self Manager Direct Reports Peers All others 1 2 3 4 5 6 Leads for Results Self Inspires Commitment Self Manager Direct Reports 3 4 5 Leads the Vision Self 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 4 5 6 Self Manager 2 3 4 Peers All others 1 Direct Reports All others 6 Communicates Self Peers 1 3 Manager Direct Reports All others 1 2 Fosters team spirit Peers All others 1 Direct Reports Peers © Team Focus Ltd 2010 Self Manager Direct Reports 6 Leads the Change Manager All others 2 Peers All others Direct Reports Peers 1 Manager 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 14 Social Motivation People who are emotionally intelligent show an ability to motivate people around a vision of the future. They are excited by change and create a sense of excitement in the people around them. They have a strong sense of participation and work to involve the people who are concerned or affected by the change and they do so in a highly engaging style which gains commitment and enthusiasm. Overall, this areas was ranked 8th. Leads for Results Inspires Commitment People with this characteristic are stimulated by change and the future. They work hard to create a shared vision and to communicate it with enthusiasm so that people become committed to the change process. They do not “sell their vision” but instead they work to create one which is shared through involvement of those concerned. People with this characteristic have a highly engaging style. Their interpersonal skills and their focus on people creates a climate of participation and enthusiasm. They demonstrate an ability to articulate messages and to communicate in a fluent, interesting and engaging way. Your direct reports see you as demonstrating these characteristics to a very high standard. This is seen as a clear strength by your peers. You see yourself as generally meeting their expectations. On the other hand, your manager has mixed feelings on this issue and sometimes expects more of this from you This is seen as a clear strength. People see you as being focussed on the future and wanting to make a difference. You are seen as a visionary – whether this is because you create and articulate your own vision or because you help them to develop a shared vision is unclear – but the fact remains that they see you as communicating that vision with energy and eloquence. Where there is a lack of purpose and direction you are seen to help sow the seeds of change, to encourage new ideas and to act as a catalyst for development. You would be described as someone who involves others in the change process, creating energy, enthusiasm and direction. Leads the Vision Leads the Change Is focussed on what the future will look like. Works with others to create and articulate a compelling vision in which others feel involved, committed and motivated. Stimulated by change. Sows the seeds, generates ideas and explains the benefits such that people become energised and willing to participate and contribute to the change process. Your direct reports see you as demonstrating these characteristics to a very high standard. You yourself and your peers see you as generally meeting their expectations. However, your manager has mixed feelings on this issue and sometimes expects more of this from you This indicates that you are generally seen as someone whose style is engaging and fun. You are seen to create a team spirit where there is generally a high level of commitment and participation. Your communication style is seen to be concise and coherent and yet it would also be rated as fluent and on occasions may be seen as inspiring. People would describe you as someone who can generate significant levels of enthusiasm and commitment. Fosters team spirit Communicates Creates a climate of participation through interaction, co-operation, enthusiasm and encouragement. Fluent, interesting and engaging. Convinces by being coherent and achieving clarity and impact. Self Man Rep Peer Self Man Rep Peer Self Man Rep Peer Self Man Rep Peer C C B B B D A B D D B C C E A C © Team Focus Ltd 2010 15 Situational Awareness Self Manager Direct Reports Peers All others 1 2 3 4 5 6 Understands context Self Appreciates diversity Self Manager Direct Reports 3 4 Sensitive to situations Self Direct Reports © Team Focus Ltd 2010 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 5 4 Peers All others 3 Direct Reports 2 Manager Direct Reports 1 6 Self All others 2 4 Demonstrates tolerance Peers 3 Values difference Manager 1 2 Self All others 2 Recognises the politics Peers All others 1 Direct Reports Peers 6 Manager 1 5 Self Manager All others 2 Peers All others Direct Reports Peers 1 Manager 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 16 Situational Awareness People who have Situational Intelligence see the world with great clarity. They are able to recognise what is going on without distortion through their own needs and perspectives. This gives them both understanding and objectivity which makes it easier to appreciate a much wider diversity of situations. They have also learnt to value the many differences between people and cultures which they see as making a positive contribution to the world around them. Overall, this areas was ranked 6th. Understands context Appreciates diversity People with this characteristic can show great sensitivity to their circumstances. They read diverse situations accurately and make good judgements. They can distinguish between what is acceptable and what is not – and have a good eye for what is possible. They recognise the unwritten rules and protocols that create an underlying culture that is not always obvious to others. People with this characteristic show great respect and appreciation of people who are different. They try to bring all shades of opinion and all manner of styles together in the firm belief that greater diversity will improve performance. They encourage the voicing of opposing opinions without being critical and they work hard to create better understanding between different factions. Your direct reports see you as demonstrating these characteristics to a very high standard. This is seen as a clear strength by your peers. You yourself and your manager see you as generally meeting their expectations. Your direct reports see you as demonstrating these characteristics to a very high standard. You yourself and your peers see you as generally meeting their expectations. In contrast, your manager does not see you demonstrating this characteristic to any significant extent This appears to be an outstanding strength. All those answering the questionnaire see you as being exceptionally good at reading diverse situations. They believe you have a very sensitive understanding of different people and cultures and can quickly identify what is important and what is appropriate. You appear to pick up on what is not obvious or explicit in a way that others do not. This is likely to be true in diverse circumstances both inside and outside of the work context. This indicates that you are seen as someone who generally enjoys and values people with diverse styles, opinions and backgrounds. They see you as curious and tolerant of differences with a tendency to encourage people with differences to understand each other and work together. Sensitive to situations Recognises the politics Reads situations accurately, makes good assessments and judgements, takes account of different sensitivities and different cultures and can describe what is important and what is not. Reads organisations accurately, identifies the unwritten rules, agendas and protocols, makes good judgements and manages the system and politics. Values difference Demonstrates tolerance Shows a genuine appreciation of in opinion, style and culture between individuals and groups and enjoys bringing such diversity together. Encourages differences of opinion, style and approach and reacts to opposing views with genuine curiosity without getting emotional or defensive. Self Man Rep Peer Self Man Rep Peer Self Man Rep Peer Self Man Rep Peer C D A C C C A A B E* A C D E B C © Team Focus Ltd 2010 17 Situational Management Self Manager Direct Reports Peers All others 1 2 3 4 5 6 Manages diplomatically Self Manager 2 3 4 Contributes with sensitivity Manager Direct Reports Peers © Team Focus Ltd 2010 2 3 4 5 6 1 Creates understanding Self Self Manager 4 5 6 5 6 4 5 All others 3 Peers 2 Direct Reports 1 Adapts across time Manager All others 3 4 Self Peers 2 3 Direct Reports 1 2 Adapts across situations Manager All others 1 6 Peers All others 5 Direct Reports All others 1 Peers All others Direct Reports Peers Manager Direct Reports Self Demonstrates flexibility Self 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 18 Situational Management People who have Situational Intelligence can move between different situations easily. They find it easy to fit and have developed ways of managing situations both diplomatically and with the appropriate level of flexibility – and without simply acquiescing to the dominant forces. In other words, they can be tough when needed but still show genuine understanding and respect. They have a picture of what the future holds and are good at anticipating change and next steps. Overall, this areas was ranked 4th. Demonstrates flexibility Manages diplomatically People with this characteristic manage the intricacies of different circumstances with care and sensitivity. They understand what is possible and what is acceptable but are not over-cautious and know how to take a stand when it is appropriate to do so. They work actively to transform opposition into harmony and create an open culture in which there is both trust and respect. Your direct reports see you as demonstrating these characteristics to a very high standard. This is seen as a clear strength by your manager. You yourself and your peers see you as generally meeting their expectations. This is seen as a clear strength. Most see you as being sensitive and tactful without being too cautious or 'soft'. This means that you show a lot of respect for individual and cultural differences even when decisions need to be made that not everyone will agree with. You have a good grasp of what is required and how to go about doing it even when there are many different factions and opinions involved and you are good at creating the communication channels that minimise misunderstanding. Contributes with sensitivity Creates understanding Recognises what is important, what is sensitive and what cannot be avoided and then uses this understanding to be fair and tactful yet firm. Appreciates the differences between individuals, groups and communities and uses this to help build better understanding between them in order to develop a better appreciation of common interests and facilitate better relationships. People with this characteristic enjoy the prospect of change and often have a picture of what can be different or better. They also demonstrate an ability to adapt what they are doing as situations and priorities change and often encourage and help others to adapt and re-prioritise. Your direct reports and your peers see you as demonstrating these characteristics to a very high standard. You yourself and your manager see you as generally meeting their expectations. This is seen as a clear strength. Most people answering the questionnaire see you as being highly adaptable both in responding to changes in the moment and in anticipating what is ahead. They see you as a force for change simply because of the energy and enthusiasm you bring and the way you like to paint the picture of the future in a positive light. Adapts across situations Recognises rapidly changing circumstances, avoids becoming rigid and defensive and reacts to events by adapting easily and appropriately. Adapts across time Is aware about what the future holds and shows good anticipation of what needs to be done to manage the change whilst remaining positive and enthusiastic. Self Man Rep Peer Self Man Rep Peer Self Man Rep Peer Self Man Rep Peer C B A C C C B C C D A B C B A A © Team Focus Ltd 2010 19 Situational Motivation Self Manager Direct Reports Peers All others 1 2 3 4 5 6 Energises change Inspires ownership Self Self Manager Manager Direct Reports Direct Reports Peers 2 3 4 5 Transforms perception 1 Stimulates action Self Self Manager Manager All others 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 Self 3 4 Peers All others 2 Direct Reports 1 Manager All others 1 4 Empowers others Peers All others 6 3 Direct Reports Peers 1 © Team Focus Ltd 2010 Direct Reports 2 Shares responsibility Self Peers 6 Manager Direct Reports All others 1 Peers All others 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 20 Situational Motivation People who have Situational Intelligence have the courage to change what needs to be changed and the serenity to accept what they cannot and the wisdom to know the difference. They understand people's hopes and fears and use this to transform perceptions into something more positive yet realistic. Together with their understanding of the delicate balance between people's need for autonomy and guidance, they create positive energy, shared responsibility and high levels of motivation. Overall, this areas was ranked 9th. Inspires ownership Energises change People with this characteristic are stimulated by change and the future. They transform people's perceptions by the way they communicate what is needed and reframing things in a new and positive light. They seem to have a knack of converting reluctance into action. Your direct reports see you as demonstrating these characteristics to a very high standard. This is seen as a clear strength by your peers. You yourself and your manager see you as generally meeting their expectations. This is seen as a clear strength. People see you as someone who can communicate in a way that encourages people to act even when they may have been reluctant to do so. Your positive attitude helps them to see things more clearly and positively themselves. This is combined with an ability to help them see things differently and to convert ideas into practical steps which is seen as particularly useful. Transforms perception People with this characteristic have an ability to be in the background and yet fully available when required. This allows people to share both the credit and the responsibility. They achieve the right balance between autonomy and guidance and create a blame-free environment in which initiatives can flourish. This is seen as a clear strength by your direct reports. You yourself and your peers see you as generally meeting their expectations. On the other hand, your manager has mixed feelings on this issue and sometimes expects more of this from you This indicates that most people see you as someone who knows when to let others take initiatives and act with autonomy. However, a minority may feel that you do not let go of the reins as much as you might – or they may see you stepping back and read it as an expression of disinterest. Whilst most people probably describe you as 'getting involved without meddling' others may like a little more direction, guidance and advice. You may like to reflect on who benefits from your style and what you could do to help the minority that would appreciate something a little different. Stimulates action Recognises the positive in situations and communicates this in a way that enables people to change potentially negative perceptions into positive opportunities. Converts abstract ideas into clear and pragmatic steps that enables people to take action and make things happen. Shares responsibility Empowers others Creates a sense of shared responsibility so that people feel they are choosing their destiny and that change is facilitated rather than directed. Allows people maximum autonomy without abdicating, encourages initiative, avoids blame and remains available to help and guide when needed and appropriate. Self Man Rep Peer Self Man Rep Peer Self Man Rep Peer Self Man Rep Peer C C A C B B A B C D B C D E C D © Team Focus Ltd 2010 21 8. Responses to specific questions 1. Think about Samuel. Write down the first words that come to mind to describe him. • The first that comes to my mind is a badger. A strong will and determination to get to the right solution. • Empathic, intelligent, "street smart", result oriented, people oriented, business oriented, experienced, analytical, passionate, leader • Fighter, leader, experience, excellent overall understanding of the business • senior • Performance and persistent • Strong will to achieve and strong belief in himself 2. Write down the key strengths that he brings to the current job - and any that you think are being under-utilised. • Strategic thinking, integrity, and ability to be vert close in some situations and maintaining a social distance in other situations. Samuel's skills with clients could be utilised more. • Broad understanding of business together with strong leadership capabilities • Leadership, taking decisions, • holistic thinking - could be used more in cross organisational tasks • Strategic ability • Anatytically strong, hard working, strategical view 3. What do you think he needs to develop to perform even better in his current roles? • Sometimes he does not invite other points of view and can actually be so convinced of his own arguments that others are discouraged. Also a true team spirit in the new management needs to be built. • Become even more open-minded and listening before making decisions. • Communication • better priotisation - more short term oriented • Get the full organisation behind him • Sometimes too "technical", can lose out business opportunities by only focusing on the "tangible" things, sometimes too focused on the deatils and too controlling © Team Focus Ltd 2010 22 4. What other roles do you think he could aspire to? • Head of Wealth Management or senior executive in Retail Banking. • GEM • senior positions in the group • Head of Wealth Management • Is an experienced and confident general manager. Hence, can handle many senior manager roles on his current level as well as on a higher level. 5. What would he need to develop in order to grow into such roles? • I do not see any obstacles or specific improvement areas for being able to take on these roles. • Communication • banking experience • Broad communication and involvement skills. Everyone needs to be on board. • See previous. © Team Focus Ltd 2010 23 9. Additional Comments written whilst answering this questionnaire H VKRZV V V 6DPXHO © Team Focus Ltd 2010 24 10. Suggestions for development Self Awareness Shows Self Understanding Shows Self Regard and Belief People with this characteristic show a great depth of self-understanding. They have developed an accurate assessment of their own skills and abilities, feel comfortable describing their strengths and limitations and are non-defensive about them. They understand the complexity of their own emotions and can describe their reactions and the impact this has on others. People with this characteristic show a high level of self-confidence and integrity without being arrogant. They are clearly “their own person.” They approach challenges with a good understanding of what they want, and how it relates to their values which means that they are not subject to the usual pressures to be popular or conform. They take firm and principled positions and will take personal risks rather than compromise on important topics. They are seen to live their values and come across as trustworthy, honest and authentic. There were some aspects of this competency area on which you tended to rate yourself less highly than your appraisers did. It could be that your appraisers are recognising something in you that you yourself take for granted and do not really see as a strength or consider to be particularly important. Try considering what follows, and see where it takes you: You tended to rate yourself less highly on 'Shows Self Regard and Belief' than your appraisers did. It is possible therefore that you might be underestimating yourself in this area. Alternatively, maybe your appraisers value something particular about how you function in this area and to which you would not normally attach much importance. It may help to consider the following points: CHECK YOUR FEELINGS. Rate yourself on an imaginary 10-point 'ready for anything - ready for nothing' scale every morning and reflect on the reasons for your rating. IDENTIFY YOUR VALUES. Think about and explore your spoken (espoused) and unspoken values. What standards do you really expect of yourself and others? KNOW YOUR STRENGTHS. Imagine that you are going to an interview and will be asked about your five key strengths. What are they? How will you 'sell' them to the interviewer? LEARN FROM CRITICISM. Think about a time when someone has rightly criticised your work. After the initial shock, what did you realise about yourself? TEST YOUR COMFORT LEVEL. Now and then vary your pace of work and activities and assess what feels good and what less uncomfortable. Ask yourself why. RECOGNISE YOUR DEFAULT MODE. Routinely ask yourself how you are feeling: anxious or relaxed, tired or energetic, bored or excited etc. Do you have a dominant emotion? Why? © Team Focus Ltd 2010 25 IS YOUR MOOD FIT FOR PURPOSE? Get into the habit of asking yourself how you appear to other people. Are your moods and reactions helping or hindering what you do? Self Management Shows Self Regulation Shows Openness People with this characteristic are able to express their innermost thoughts and feelings under pressure with honesty but without losing control. Their ability to regulate their emotions appropriately enables them to make clearer judgements and they can be relied on to deliver on promises made. People with this characteristic are continually listening and learning. They do not get stuck into habits and outdated processes but continually seek new, relevant information which they use to update their view of themselves and their approach to situations. They also encourage others to do likewise and, with careful, non-defensive listening they are extremely adaptable to situations and changing demands. There were some aspects of this competency area on which you tended to rate yourself less highly than your appraisers did. It could be that your appraisers are recognising something in you that you yourself take for granted and do not really see as a strength or consider to be particularly important. Try considering what follows, and see where it takes you: You tended to rate yourself less highly on 'Shows Openness' than your appraisers did. It is possible therefore that you might be underestimating yourself in this area. Alternatively, maybe your appraisers value something particular about how you function in this area and to which you would not normally attach much importance. It may help to consider the following points: TAKE FIVE. When you feel yourself about to give into an impulse, stop for a few seconds and take a deep breath. SEE CHANGE AS OPPORTUNITY. Think about some form of change that you resisted, but which actually turned out to be a good idea. LEARN FROM THE PAST. Take time to reflect on past situations where your emotional reactions have had negative consequences. GIVE SOMETHING OF YOURSELF. If you are uncomfortable talking about yourself, ask yourself why. Perhaps you find it difficult because you are not in the habit of sharing your thoughts with others. MONITOR YOUR EMOTIONS. Think of the other reactions you can choose from when you feel yourself becoming angry, irritable or overly emotional. EMBRACE YOUR MISTAKES. Everyone learns from their mistakes, and everyone makes mistakes. Acknowledge that the best learning often occurs when things do not go to plan. HELP OTHERS TO TALK OPENLY. Encourage more open communication by using language such as 'Sometimes I find it difficult to…' © Team Focus Ltd 2010 26 Self Motivation Energy for Change Drives for Results People with this characteristic show energy and determination in the pursuit of their goals. They willingly take the initiative in order to achieve their targets but they also set themselves personal challenges such that they develop and grow in the process. People with this characteristic show energy and imagination as they continually stimulate new ideas and opportunities. They remain positive and optimistic even when things look bad and they encourage others to accept the need to adapt and change. Your results, and those from your appraisers, for 'Drives for Results' are in the higher range. This implies that this is a strength. So in this case no particular development activities are suggested for this competency. You tended to rate yourself less highly on 'Energy for Change' than your appraisers did. It is possible therefore that you might be underestimating yourself in this area. Alternatively, maybe your appraisers value something particular about how you function in this area and to which you would not normally attach much importance. It may help to consider the following points: GET THINGS IN PROPORTION. Break tasks down into digestible chunks and deal with problems one at a time. You will become more optimistic about the outcome. Social Awareness Understands Others Appreciates Others People with this characteristic show an ability to read people with uncanny accuracy, recognising their strengths and limitations and understanding their issues and concerns. They can explain what is important to others and show an ability to see matters from other people’s point of view. People with this characteristic help others to feel valued by listening, understanding and being slow to judge and quick to forgive. They show genuine care and concern for others regardless of status or background. There were some aspects of this competency area on which you tended to rate yourself less highly than your appraisers did. It could be that your appraisers are recognising something in you that you yourself take for granted and do not really see as a strength or consider to be particularly important. Try considering what follows, and see where it takes you: You tended to rate yourself less highly on 'Appreciates Others' than your appraisers did. It is possible therefore that you might be underestimating yourself in this area. Alternatively, maybe your appraisers value something particular about how you function in this area and to which you would not normally attach much importance. It may help to consider the following points: MEET THE NEEDS OF OTHERS. Ask yourself what others would like from you and what would make them give their best. HAND OUT REWARDS. Find something genuinely positive to say to each person you see during the day. Notice how it affects their mood and willingness to cooperate. © Team Focus Ltd 2010 27 Social Management Exerts Influence Builds Relationships People with this characteristic are not afraid to get involved in situations which may be interpersonally demanding. They do not avoid conflict and use their considerable skill to get a reasonable resolution. They have the ability to influence others in a way which is both positive and gains commitment. People with this characteristic are socially skilled and interested in building relationships with a wide range of people. They maintain useful networks of contacts and bring people together in a spirit of collaboration. They are encouraging and supportive in a way which makes people want to learn, grow and collaborate. There were some aspects of this competency area on which you tended to rate yourself less highly than your appraisers did. It could be that your appraisers are recognising something in you that you yourself take for granted and do not really see as a strength or consider to be particularly important. Try considering what follows, and see where it takes you: You tended to rate yourself less highly on 'Builds Relationships' than your appraisers did. It is possible therefore that you might be underestimating yourself in this area. Alternatively, maybe your appraisers value something particular about how you function in this area and to which you would not normally attach much importance. It may help to consider the following points: DIFFERENT STROKES FOR DIFFERENT FOLKS. People respond to different styles of influence. Match your style (directive, supportive, coaching, delegative etc) to each individual separately. NETWORK, NETWORK, NETWORK. Even if it does not come naturally to you, treat networking as a work task and set goals for attendance at social events. FIND THE RIGHT CHANNEL. Are you talking numbers to numerical people, using words with verbal people etc, and all at an understandable level? STAY IN TOUCH. Productive relationships require regular maintenance and long term collaboration requires long term contact! KNOW WHAT YOU WANT. Be aware of what it is you wish to do and the benefits that will accrue from your actions. INVITE EVERYONE INTO YOUR TENT. Work to get different sorts of people to collaborate and consider that sometimes we learn the most from those that irritate us. BE FAIR AND CONSISTENT. Treat everyone in the same way and ensure that all recognise a particular course of action as being measured and fair. CONFRONT DIFFICULT SITUATIONS. People want different things and this leads to discontent. Being able to ‘grasp the nettle’ and handle conflict is a key part of relationship building. © Team Focus Ltd 2010 28 Social Motivation Leads for Results Inspires Commitment People with this characteristic are stimulated by change and the future. They work hard to create a shared vision and to communicate it with enthusiasm so that people become committed to the change process. They do not “sell their vision” but instead they work to create one which is shared through involvement of those concerned. People with this characteristic have a highly engaging style. Their interpersonal skills and their focus on people creates a climate of participation and enthusiasm. They demonstrate an ability to articulate messages and to communicate in a fluent, interesting and engaging way. There were some aspects of this competency area on which you tended to rate yourself less highly than your appraisers did. It could be that your appraisers are recognising something in you that you yourself take for granted and do not really see as a strength or consider to be particularly important. Try considering what follows, and see where it takes you: You tended to rate yourself less highly on 'Inspires Commitment' than your appraisers did. It is possible therefore that you might be underestimating yourself in this area. Alternatively, maybe your appraisers value something particular about how you function in this area and to which you would not normally attach much importance. It may help to consider the following points: PARACHUTE YOURSELF FORWARDS. What does the future look like and how are you going to get there? CREATE A PRODUCTIVE CLIMATE. Teams are more than just groups of individuals. Make sure that you give people time to get to know each other and a special place to meet. MAKE IT FUN. People often under-estimate the power that fun has to make tasks both more enjoyable and participants more productive. IT'S THE TAKING PART THAT'S IMPORTANT. If you are a naturally competitive character rein back on your desire to make the biggest impact and work at being more collaborative. BE PASSIONATE. Convey your enthusiasm and use it to energise other people. If you are not a demonstrative person think of ways of showing that something has emotional meaning. © Team Focus Ltd 2010 29 Situational Awareness Understands context Appreciates diversity People with this characteristic can show great sensitivity to their circumstances. They read diverse situations accurately and make good judgements. They can distinguish between what is acceptable and what is not – and have a good eye for what is possible. They recognise the unwritten rules and protocols that create an underlying culture that is not always obvious to others. People with this characteristic show great respect and appreciation of people who are different. They try to bring all shades of opinion and all manner of styles together in the firm belief that greater diversity will improve performance. They encourage the voicing of opposing opinions without being critical and they work hard to create better understanding between different factions. There were some aspects of this competency area on which you tended to rate yourself less highly than your appraisers did. It could be that your appraisers are recognising something in you that you yourself take for granted and do not really see as a strength or consider to be particularly important. Try considering what follows, and see where it takes you: You tended to rate yourself less highly on 'Appreciates diversity' than your appraisers did. It is possible therefore that you might be underestimating yourself in this area. Alternatively, maybe your appraisers value something particular about how you function in this area and to which you would not normally attach much importance. It may help to consider the following points: BECOME AN OWL. The OWLS principle is Observe, Wait, Listen and then Speak – and when you speak ask a question. Think carefully about what are the right questions in this situation – is it strategic or operational? Does it encourage or discourage open inquiry? If you think you understand what is going on, ask yourself 'what have I missed' and then look again. Take more time before you make assumptions or jump to conclusions. WRITE DOWN WHAT YOU DO WHEN YOU FEEL NEGATIVE, CRITICAL OR INTOLERANT TOWARDS A GROUP OF PEOPLE. Put yourself in their shoes. Imagine what you would feel like meeting yourself. In what ways could you do things differently to help in such situations? DEFINE WHAT YOU MEAN BY 'POLITICS'? Identify how much of this is about other people doing things you do not like. Describe what you do when such things happen. Write a list of things you could you do differently? Try putting some of these ideas into practice. © Team Focus Ltd 2010 IDENTIFY THINGS YOU DON'T LIKE ABOUT CERTAIN 'TYPES'. Now try and see what the positive side of that could be (e.g. stubborn becomes firm or independent, dictatorial becomes clear and directive in a crisis). IDENTIFY PAST OR RECENT SITUATIONS WHEN YOU HAVE BEEN HARD ON YOURSELF. Try to understand what you do not value in yourself to make you so critical and consider what happens to triggers this reaction. Now consider what a truly considerate and supportive friend would do or say to help you in such a situation. Practice being more supportive with yourself – and then try using this developing skill to be more supportive with others. 30 Situational Management Manages diplomatically Demonstrates flexibility People with this characteristic manage the intricacies of different circumstances with care and sensitivity. They understand what is possible and what is acceptable but are not over-cautious and know how to take a stand when it is appropriate to do so. They work actively to transform opposition into harmony and create an open culture in which there is both trust and respect. People with this characteristic enjoy the prospect of change and often have a picture of what can be different or better. They also demonstrate an ability to adapt what they are doing as situations and priorities change and often encourage and help others to adapt and re-prioritise. There were some aspects of this competency area on which you tended to rate yourself less highly than your appraisers did. It could be that your appraisers are recognising something in you that you yourself take for granted and do not really see as a strength or consider to be particularly important. Try considering what follows, and see where it takes you: You tended to rate yourself less highly on 'Demonstrates flexibility' than your appraisers did. It is possible therefore that you might be underestimating yourself in this area. Alternatively, maybe your appraisers value something particular about how you function in this area and to which you would not normally attach much importance. It may help to consider the following points: CONSIDER A DELICATE SITUATION THAT YOU MANAGED WELL. What did you do? Describe the sensitivities involved in terms of the people and/or the situation? How did you manage to read the situation accurately? What did you do that was particularly effective? THINK OF TIMES WHEN YOU HAVE BECOME INAPPROPRIATELY RIGID AND RELUCTANT TO CHANGE? Contrast this with times when you find it easy to be spontaneous and flexible. Consider the differences. What can you learn that will help you in both situations? IDENTIFY A SITUATION WHERE PEOPLE WERE IN CONFLICT? What were the immediate triggers (e.g. resources, pressure, communication, values and beliefs). Was there a more fundamental issue at the root? What did you do/normally do/might do? What do people who are effective in such situations do? What would be a more effective approach? If you cannot answer these questions make a note to explore this further. PICTURE ANY CHANGES AHEAD THAT CONCERN YOU. Now imagine that it all turns out well. What does it look like? Identify any negative thoughts and feelings you may still have. Write them down and ask whether they still make sense. See these as obstacles in the way and try to identify ways of dealing with them. © Team Focus Ltd 2010 31 Situational Motivation Energises change Inspires ownership People with this characteristic are stimulated by change and the future. They transform people's perceptions by the way they communicate what is needed and reframing things in a new and positive light. They seem to have a knack of converting reluctance into action. People with this characteristic have an ability to be in the background and yet fully available when required. This allows people to share both the credit and the responsibility. They achieve the right balance between autonomy and guidance and create a blame-free environment in which initiatives can flourish. There were some aspects of this competency area on which you tended to rate yourself less highly than your appraisers did. It could be that your appraisers are recognising something in you that you yourself take for granted and do not really see as a strength or consider to be particularly important. Try considering what follows, and see where it takes you: Both you and your appraisers see 'Inspires ownership' as an area in which there may be room for development. And so this may be an opportunity to explore a competency that you have not really thought about developing or which might not previously have seemed important to you. The following points may help you to begin exploring this area. TAKE A DIFFICULT SITUATION WHERE PEOPLE LACK ENTHUSIASM AND COMMITMENT. Consider how Henry V turned the perception of being outnumbered by 5 to 1 into a positive (he took the 'Oh that we now had here but one ten thousand of those men in England that do no work to-day' and made it 'If we are mark'd to die, we are enough to do our country loss; and if to live,The fewer men, the greater share of honour..... we few, we happy few, we band of brothers".) Think of ways to do a parallel for your situation? Be imaginative and then try it. USE THE STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES OF YOUR TEAM. Detail the strengths and weaknesses of individuals in your team and then in the team as a whole? Draw up a plan for individuals that could/should be developed. Look at what you feel responsible for in the team and what would be useful to share/delegate. Decide what you could share that would help you with your workload and them with their development? RELINQUISH SOME CONTROL. Consider times where you feel you are indispensible? Now imagine what would happen if you simply weren't there. How would other people handle things? Do you think you might actually be able to let them handle a little more even when you are around? THINK OF A SITUATION WHERE YOU HAVE BEEN CRITICAL OF SOMEONE'S EFFORTS. Imagine how you would react to your own criticism. Ask yourself whether the person actually meant to do the job badly or whether they were in fact doing the best they could. If so, was there an alternative way of handling the situation which could have helped the person? RE-EVALUATE SITUATIONS WHERE YOU TRY TO HELP. Write down all the ways in which you help people – physically, problem solving, giving advice etc. Now consider ways of helping in a less direct way – such as asking questions and encouraging them to find their own solutions. © Team Focus Ltd 2010 32 11. Additional Graphs and Tables Additional Graphs and Tables Overleaf • Star Plots • Rank Order Graphs • Gap Analysis • Tables • Item Analysis for 3 competencies © Team Focus Ltd 2010 33 Cluster Star Plots Mean Scores by Cluster for Self Shows Self Understanding Shows Self Regard and 6 Belief 5 Energises change Shows Self Regulation 4 Demonstrates flexibility Shows Openness 3 Inspires ownership M anages diplomatically 2 1 Drives for Results Mean Scores by Cluster for Manager Shows Self Understanding Shows Self Regard and 6 Belief 5 Energises change Shows Self Regulation 4 Demonstrates flexibility Shows Openness 3 Inspires ownership M anages diplomatically 0 Appreciates diversity Understands Others Inspires Commitment Appreciates Others Leads for Results Exerts Influence Builds Relationships Mean Scores by Cluster for Peers Shows Self Understanding Shows Self Regard and 6 Belief 5 Energises change Shows Self Regulation 4 Demonstrates flexibility Shows Openness 3 Inspires ownership Appreciates diversity 1 Understands context Inspires Commitment 2 1 Drives for Results Appreciates Others Leads for Results Exerts Influence Builds Relationships Appreciates diversity Understands context Inspires Commitment Energy for Change Understands Others Appreciates Others Leads for Results Exerts Influence Builds Relationships Mean Scores by Cluster for All others Shows Self Understanding Shows Self Regard and 6 Belief 5 Energises change Shows Self Regulation 4 Demonstrates flexibility Shows Openness 3 Inspires ownership 2 Drives for Results M anages diplomatically 1 Drives for Results 0 Energy for Change Understands Others Appreciates Others Leads for Results Exerts Influence Builds Relationships © Team Focus Ltd 2010 Understands Others Inspires Commitment 0 Appreciates diversity M anages diplomatically 0 Energy for Change Understands context 2 M anages diplomatically Drives for Results Shows Self Understanding Shows Self Regard and 6 Belief 5 Energises change Shows Self Regulation 4 Demonstrates flexibility Shows Openness 3 Inspires ownership 0 Energy for Change Understands context 2 1 Mean Scores by Cluster for Direct Reports Appreciates diversity Understands context Inspires Commitment Energy for Change Understands Others Appreciates Others Leads for Results Exerts Influence Builds Relationships 34 Major Area Star Plots Mean Scores by Major Area for Self Mean Scores by Major Area for Manager Self Awareness 6 Situational M otivation Situational M anagement 5 4 Self Awareness 6 Self M anagement Situational M otivation 3 2 2 Self M otivation Situational M anagement 0 Situational Awareness Social M anagement Mean Scores by Major Area for Peers Situational Awareness 5 Self M anagement Situational M otivation Social M otivation © Team Focus Ltd 2010 Self M anagement 3 2 Self M otivation Situational M anagement 1 Self M otivation 0 Social M anagement Situational Awareness Social M otivation Social Awareness Social M anagement 5 4 Self M anagement 3 2 Self M otivation Situational M anagement 0 Situational Awareness 5 4 Self Awareness 6 2 1 Situational M otivation Mean Scores by Major Area for All others 3 Situational M anagement Self M anagement Social Awareness Social M otivation Self Awareness 6 4 1 Self Awareness 6 0 Social Awareness Social M otivation Situational M otivation 5 4 3 1 Mean Scores by Major Area for Direct Reports 1 Self M otivation 0 Social Awareness Social M anagement Situational Awareness Social M otivation Social Awareness Social M anagement 35 Competency Rank Order Graphs Mean Competency Scores for Self Achievement Orientation People Judgement Creativity Self Confidence Initiative Leads the Change Values difference Develops People Responsibility Stimulates action Trust Radius Authenticity Communicates Optimism Emotional Literacy Openness to Change Creates understanding Shares responsibility Transforms perception Adapts across time Adapts across situations Leads the Vision Contributes with sensitivit Sensitive to situations Recognises the politics Influence Positive Regard Self Literacy Self-Assessment Self Control Fosters team spirit Develops Collaboration Constructive Discontent Empowers others Demonstrates tolerance Openness to Feedback © Team Focus Ltd 2010 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.33 4.33 4.33 4.33 4.33 4.33 4.33 4.33 4.33 4.33 4.33 4.33 4.33 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.67 3.67 3.67 3.67 3.67 3.67 3.67 3.33 2.67 Mean Competency Scores for Manager Achievement Orientation Initiative Self Confidence Adapts across time Authenticity Contributes with sensitivit Responsibility Self Control Stimulates action Optimism Develops Collaboration Develops People People Judgement Recognises the politics Creates understanding Transforms perception Leads the Vision Constructive Discontent Trust Radius Sensitive to situations Leads the Change Self-Assessment Positive Regard Shares responsibility Openness to Change Fosters team spirit Creativity Emotional Literacy Adapts across situations Self Literacy Values difference Demonstrates tolerance Openness to Feedback Empowers others Communicates Influence 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.33 4.33 4.33 4.33 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.67 3.67 3.67 3.67 3.67 3.67 3.67 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.67 2.67 2.67 2.00 Mean Competency Scores for Direct Reports Recognises the politics Responsibility Authenticity Self Confidence Achievement Orientation Self Literacy Initiative Constructive Discontent Self Control Sensitive to situations Develops Collaboration Openness to Change Contributes with sensitivit Adapts across time Creativity Transforms perception Optimism People Judgement Communicates Adapts across situations Self-Assessment Openness to Feedback Stimulates action Develops People Trust Radius Influence Leads the Change Values difference Positive Regard Emotional Literacy Leads the Vision Demonstrates tolerance Shares responsibility Creates understanding Fosters team spirit Empowers others 6.00 5.89 5.89 5.89 5.78 5.67 5.67 5.67 5.67 5.56 5.56 5.56 5.56 5.56 5.56 5.44 5.44 5.44 5.44 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.22 5.22 5.22 5.22 5.22 5.11 5.11 5.00 5.00 4.89 4.78 4.67 4.44 36 Mean Competency Scores for Peers Achievement Orientation Initiative Authenticity Responsibility Openness to Change Optimism Self Confidence Recognises the politics Adapts across time Adapts across situations Constructive Discontent Creativity Self Literacy Develops Collaboration Leads the Change Self-Assessment Stimulates action Leads the Vision Develops People Communicates People Judgement Sensitive to situations Values difference Contributes with sensitivit Creates understanding Transforms perception Openness to Feedback Fosters team spirit Shares responsibility Emotional Literacy Positive Regard Trust Radius Influence Self Control Demonstrates tolerance Empowers others © Team Focus Ltd 2010 6.00 5.83 5.50 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.17 5.17 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.83 4.83 4.83 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.33 4.33 4.33 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 3.67 Mean Competency Scores for All others Achievement Orientation Initiative Authenticity Self Confidence Responsibility Recognises the politics Adapts across time Optimism Constructive Discontent Develops Collaboration Openness to Change Contributes with sensitivit Stimulates action Self Control Creativity People Judgement Transforms perception Self Literacy Develops People Adapts across situations Sensitive to situations Self-Assessment Leads the Change Leads the Vision Communicates Trust Radius Openness to Feedback Values difference Creates understanding Positive Regard Emotional Literacy Shares responsibility Fosters team spirit Demonstrates tolerance Influence Empowers others 5.78 5.67 5.61 5.61 5.56 5.44 5.33 5.28 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.11 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.94 4.94 4.94 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.83 4.83 4.72 4.67 4.67 4.61 4.61 4.61 4.56 4.56 4.50 4.39 4.39 4.33 3.89 37 Cluster Rank Order Graphs Mean Cluster Scores for Self Mean Cluster Scores for Manager Mean Cluster Scores for Direct Reports Drives for Results 4.83 Drives for Results 5.33 Shows Self Regard and B 5.89 Shows Self Regard and B 4.67 Shows Self Regard and B 5.17 Understands context 5.78 Energy for Change 4.67 Shows Self Regulation 4.83 Shows Self Regulation 5.78 Understands Others 4.67 Manages diplomatically 4.67 Drives for Results 5.72 Energises change 4.50 Builds Relationships 4.67 Energy for Change 5.50 Leads for Results 4.50 Energises change 4.50 Shows Self Understandin 5.50 Demonstrates flexibility 4.33 Demonstrates flexibility 4.17 Exerts Influence 5.44 Manages diplomatically 4.33 Understands context 4.00 Demonstrates flexibility 5.44 Appreciates Others 4.33 Energy for Change 4.00 Shows Openness 5.44 Understands context 4.17 Understands Others 3.83 Builds Relationships 5.39 Shows Self Regulation 4.17 Appreciates Others 3.83 Energises change 5.39 Builds Relationships 4.17 Leads for Results 3.83 Understands Others 5.28 Inspires ownership 4.00 Shows Self Understandin 3.33 Manages diplomatically 5.17 Inspires Commitment 4.00 Inspires ownership 3.17 Appreciates Others 5.17 Appreciates diversity 4.00 Shows Openness 3.17 Leads for Results 5.11 Exerts Influence 3.83 Inspires Commitment 3.17 Appreciates diversity 5.11 Shows Self Understandin 3.67 Appreciates diversity 3.00 Inspires Commitment 5.06 Shows Openness 3.50 Exerts Influence 3.00 Inspires ownership 4.67 © Team Focus Ltd 2010 38 Mean Cluster Scores for Peers Mean Cluster Scores for All others Drives for Results 5.92 Drives for Results 5.72 Shows Self Regard and B 5.42 Shows Self Regard and B 5.61 Energy for Change 5.17 Shows Self Regulation 5.28 Demonstrates flexibility 5.08 Understands context 5.17 Shows Openness 4.92 Energy for Change 5.14 Understands context 4.83 Demonstrates flexibility 5.11 Shows Self Regulation 4.75 Builds Relationships 5.03 Leads for Results 4.75 Energises change 4.97 Shows Self Understandin 4.75 Shows Openness 4.89 Builds Relationships 4.67 Shows Self Understandin 4.89 Energises change 4.58 Manages diplomatically 4.86 Exerts Influence 4.58 Leads for Results 4.78 Manages diplomatically 4.50 Understands Others 4.75 Inspires Commitment 4.42 Exerts Influence 4.75 Understands Others 4.42 Appreciates Others 4.61 Appreciates diversity 4.33 Inspires Commitment 4.53 Appreciates Others 4.17 Appreciates diversity 4.50 Inspires ownership 4.00 Inspires ownership 4.19 © Team Focus Ltd 2010 39 Major Area Rank Order Graphs Mean Area Scores for Self Mean Area Scores for Manager Mean Area Scores for Direct Reports Self Motivation 4.75 Self Motivation 4.67 Self Awareness 5.69 Social Awareness 4.50 Situational Management 4.42 Self Management 5.61 Situational Management 4.33 Self Awareness 4.25 Self Motivation 5.61 Situational Motivation 4.25 Self Management 4.00 Situational Awareness 5.44 Social Motivation 4.25 Situational Motivation 3.83 Social Management 5.42 Self Awareness 4.17 Social Awareness 3.83 Situational Management 5.31 Situational Awareness 4.08 Social Management 3.83 Social Awareness 5.22 Social Management 4.00 Situational Awareness 3.50 Social Motivation 5.08 Self Management 3.83 Social Motivation 3.50 Situational Motivation 5.03 Mean Area Scores for Peers Mean Area Scores for All others Self Motivation 5.54 Self Motivation 5.43 Self Awareness 5.08 Self Awareness 5.25 Self Management 4.83 Self Management 5.08 Situational Management 4.79 Situational Management 4.99 Social Management 4.63 Social Management 4.89 Social Motivation 4.58 Situational Awareness 4.83 Situational Awareness 4.58 Social Awareness 4.68 Situational Motivation 4.29 Social Motivation 4.65 Social Awareness 4.29 Situational Motivation 4.58 © Team Focus Ltd 2010 40 Gap Analysis Self RELATIVE Influence Communicates Creativity Values difference Emotional Literacy Adapts across situations Empowers others Leads the Change Self Literacy Openness to Change Shares responsibility Sensitive to situations People Judgement Trust Radius Leads the Vision Positive Regard Demonstrates tolerance Develops People Self-Assessment Fosters team spirit Openness to Feedback Stimulates action Transforms perception Creates understanding -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -1.00 -1.00 -3 | © Team Focus Ltd 2010 -2 | -1 | 2.00 1.67 1.67 0 | 1 | 2 | ABSOLUTE Influence Communicates Creativity Values difference Emotional Literacy Adapts across situations Empowers others Leads the Change Self Literacy Openness to Change Shares responsibility Sensitive to situations People Judgement Trust Radius Leads the Vision Positive Regard Demonstrates tolerance Develops People Self-Assessment Fosters team spirit Openness to Feedback Stimulates action Transforms perception Creates understanding Optimism Constructive Discontent Achievement Orientation Responsibility Recognises the politics Self Confidence Authenticity Adapts across time Contributes with sensitivity Initiative Self Control Develops Collaboration 1.67 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Optimism Constructive Discontent Achievement Orientation Responsibility Recognises the politics Self Confidence Authenticity Adapts across time Contributes with sensitivit Initiative Self Control Develops Collaboration Gap between Mean Scores Manager 3 | 2.00 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.33 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -1.00 -1.00 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | Mean Scores 4 | 5 | 6 | 41 Gap Analysis Self RELATIVE -0.44 -0.44 -0.56 -0.56 -0.56 -0.56 -0.56 -0.56 -0.67 -0.67 -0.78 -0.78 -0.78 -0.89 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -1.11 -1.11 -1.11 -1.11 -1.22 -1.22 -1.22 -1.22 -1.22 -1.22 -1.56 -1.67 -1.67 -1.89 -2.00 -2.00 -2.00 -2.00 -2.67 -3 | © Team Focus Ltd 2010 -2 | -1 | Creates understanding People Judgement Shares responsibility Creativity Develops People Trust Radius Values difference Leads the Change Leads the Vision Stimulates action Achievement Orientation Emotional Literacy Empowers others Self Confidence Fosters team spirit Adapts across situations Initiative Communicates Transforms perception Positive Regard Optimism Adapts across time Openness to Change Contributes with sensitivit Sensitive to situations Influence Responsibility Authenticity Self-Assessment Demonstrates tolerance Develops Collaboration Self Control Constructive Discontent Self Literacy Recognises the politics Openness to Feedback 0 | 1 | Gap between Mean Scores 2 | 3 | Direct Reports ABSOLUTE Creates understanding -0.44 People Judgement Shares responsibility Creativity Develops People Trust Radius Values difference Leads the Change Leads the Vision Stimulates action Achievement Orientation Emotional Literacy Empowers others Self Confidence Fosters team spirit Adapts across situations Initiative Communicates Transforms perception Positive Regard Optimism Adapts across time Openness to Change Contributes with sensitivity Sensitive to situations Influence Responsibility Authenticity Self-Assessment Demonstrates tolerance Develops Collaboration Self Control Constructive Discontent Self Literacy Recognises the politics Openness to Feedback -0.44 -0.56 -0.56 -0.56 -0.56 -0.56 -0.56 -0.67 -0.67 -0.78 -0.78 -0.78 -0.89 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -1.11 -1.11 -1.11 -1.11 -1.22 -1.22 -1.22 -1.22 -1.22 -1.22 -1.56 -1.67 -1.67 -1.89 -2.00 -2.00 -2.00 -2.00 -2.67 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | Mean Scores 4 | 5 | 6 | 42 Gap Analysis Self RELATIVE People Judgement Trust Radius Develops People Values difference Emotional Literacy Creativity Shares responsibility Empowers others Stimulates action -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.33 -0.33 -0.50 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.83 -0.83 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -1.17 -1.17 -1.17 -1.17 -1.17 -1.33 -1.83 -3 | © Team Focus Ltd 2010 -2 | -1 | 0 | 0.50 0.50 0.17 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Creates understanding Contributes with sensitivit Communicates Sensitive to situations Transforms perception Leads the Change Influence Positive Regard Leads the Vision Self Confidence Self Control Responsibility Adapts across situations Fosters team spirit Adapts across time Demonstrates tolerance Openness to Change Optimism Achievement Orientation Self-Assessment Self Literacy Develops Collaboration Authenticity Initiative Recognises the politics Constructive Discontent Openness to Feedback 1 | Gap between Mean Scores 2 | 3 | Peers ABSOLUTE People Judgement 0.50 Trust Radius Develops People Values difference Emotional Literacy Creativity Shares responsibility Empowers others Stimulates action Creates understanding Contributes with sensitivity Communicates Sensitive to situations Transforms perception Leads the Change Influence Positive Regard Leads the Vision Self Confidence Self Control Responsibility Adapts across situations Fosters team spirit Adapts across time Demonstrates tolerance Openness to Change Optimism Achievement Orientation Self-Assessment Self Literacy Develops Collaboration Authenticity Initiative Recognises the politics Constructive Discontent Openness to Feedback 0.50 0.17 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 -0.33 -0.33 -0.50 -0.67 -0.67 -0.67 -0.83 -0.83 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -1.17 -1.17 -1.17 -1.17 -1.17 -1.33 -1.83 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | Mean Scores 4 | 5 | 6 | 43 All Competencies in Order Self Manager Direct Reports Peers All others Positive Regard 4.00 3.67 5.11 4.17 4.56 Trust Radius 4.67 4.00 5.22 4.17 4.67 Constructive Discontent 3.67 4.00 5.67 5.00 5.17 Develops Collaboration 3.67 4.67 5.56 4.83 5.17 Fosters team spirit 3.67 3.67 4.67 4.33 4.39 Communicates 4.33 2.67 5.44 4.50 4.67 Self Confidence 5.00 5.33 5.89 5.33 5.61 Self-Assessment 3.67 3.67 5.33 4.67 4.83 Authenticity 4.33 5.00 5.89 5.50 5.61 Responsibility 4.67 5.00 5.89 5.33 5.56 Openness to Feedback 2.67 2.67 5.33 4.50 4.61 Openness to Change 4.33 3.67 5.56 5.33 5.17 Achievement Orientation 5.00 5.33 5.78 6.00 5.78 Initiative 4.67 5.33 5.67 5.83 5.67 Creativity 5.00 3.33 5.56 5.00 5.00 Optimism 4.33 4.67 5.44 5.33 5.28 Emotional Literacy 4.33 3.33 5.11 4.33 4.56 Influence 4.00 2.00 5.22 4.17 4.33 Develops People 4.67 4.67 5.22 4.50 4.89 Leads the Vision 4.33 4.00 5.00 4.67 4.72 Leads the Change 4.67 3.67 5.22 4.83 4.83 Self Control 3.67 4.67 5.67 4.17 5.00 Self Literacy 3.67 3.00 5.67 4.83 4.94 People Judgement 5.00 4.33 5.44 4.50 4.94 Sensitive to situations 4.33 3.67 5.56 4.50 4.89 Recognises the politics 4.00 4.33 6.00 5.17 5.44 Values difference 4.67 3.00 5.22 4.50 4.61 Demonstrates tolerance 3.33 3.00 5.00 4.17 4.39 Contributes with sensitivity 4.33 5.00 5.56 4.50 5.11 Creates understanding 4.33 4.33 4.78 4.50 4.61 © Team Focus Ltd 2010 44 Adapts across situations 4.33 3.33 5.33 5.00 4.89 Adapts across time 4.33 5.00 5.56 5.17 5.33 Transforms perception 4.33 4.33 5.44 4.50 4.94 Stimulates action 4.67 4.67 5.33 4.67 5.00 Shares responsibility 4.33 3.67 4.89 4.33 4.50 Empowers others 3.67 2.67 4.44 3.67 3.89 © Team Focus Ltd 2010 45 All Clusters in Order Self Manager Direct Reports Peers All others Shows Self Understanding 3.67 3.33 5.50 4.75 4.89 Shows Self Regard and Belief 4.67 5.17 5.89 5.42 5.61 Shows Self Regulation 4.17 4.83 5.78 4.75 5.28 Shows Openness 3.50 3.17 5.44 4.92 4.89 Drives for Results 4.83 5.33 5.72 5.92 5.72 Energy for Change 4.67 4.00 5.50 5.17 5.14 Understands Others 4.67 3.83 5.28 4.42 4.75 Appreciates Others 4.33 3.83 5.17 4.17 4.61 Exerts Influence 3.83 3.00 5.44 4.58 4.75 Builds Relationships 4.17 4.67 5.39 4.67 5.03 Leads for Results 4.50 3.83 5.11 4.75 4.78 Inspires Commitment 4.00 3.17 5.06 4.42 4.53 Understands context 4.17 4.00 5.78 4.83 5.17 Appreciates diversity 4.00 3.00 5.11 4.33 4.50 Manages diplomatically 4.33 4.67 5.17 4.50 4.86 Demonstrates flexibility 4.33 4.17 5.44 5.08 5.11 Energises change 4.50 4.50 5.39 4.58 4.97 Inspires ownership 4.00 3.17 4.67 4.00 4.19 © Team Focus Ltd 2010 46 All Major Areas in Order Self Manager Direct Reports Peers All others Self Awareness 4.17 4.25 5.69 5.08 5.25 Self Management 3.83 4.00 5.61 4.83 5.08 Self Motivation 4.75 4.67 5.61 5.54 5.43 Social Awareness 4.50 3.83 5.22 4.29 4.68 Social Management 4.00 3.83 5.42 4.63 4.89 Social Motivation 4.25 3.50 5.08 4.58 4.65 Situational Awareness 4.08 3.50 5.44 4.58 4.83 Situational Management 4.33 4.42 5.31 4.79 4.99 Situational Motivation 4.25 3.83 5.03 4.29 4.58 © Team Focus Ltd 2010 47 Item scores for the 3 highest Competencies and 3 lowest rated competencies The tables below show the averaged ratings for each of the statements that contribute to your 3 highest and 3 lowest competencies. Please take special notice of the statements which are marked with two asterisks (**). These are negatively worded and sometimes cause confusion. In general, for statements which are not marked with asterisks, HIGH scores can considered to be positive. Where a statement is marked with asterisks, then LOW scores are considered to be positive. 3 Highest Competencies Achievement Orientation Self Manager Direct Reports Peers All others Continually seeks to improve what he/she is doing 5.00 6.00 5.67 6.00 5.83 Sets high standards and shows energy and determination to achieve 5.00 5.00 5.67 6.00 5.67 Is driven to achieve to a very high standard and sets challenging personal targets 5.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 5.83 © Team Focus Ltd 2010 48 Initiative Self Manager Direct Reports Peers All others Shows great ingenuity and initiative for getting round difficulties 5.00 5.00 5.67 5.50 5.50 Lives by the motto 'there must be a way' 5.00 6.00 5.67 6.00 5.83 Does not let problems and obstacles get in the way of achieving results 4.00 5.00 5.67 6.00 5.67 Self Confidence Self Manager Direct Reports Peers All others Conducts him/herself with deep level of self-assurance and inner authority 5.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 5.67 Shows great confidence in managing the stresses and strains of everyday life 5.00 5.00 5.67 5.50 5.50 His/her words and actions demonstrate deep seated beliefs, a clear purpose and inner confidence 5.00 5.00 6.00 5.50 5.67 © Team Focus Ltd 2010 49 3 Lowest Competencies Empowers others Self Manager Direct Reports Peers All others Is good at creating an environment in which people feel they can develop and grow 4.00 4.00 5.33 4.50 4.83 Lets people take initiatives and admit mistakes without fear of blame and recrimination 4.00 3.00 5.33 4.50 4.67 4.00 6.00 4.33 5.00 4.83 ** Can sometimes be accused of keeping too much control Influence Self Manager Direct Reports Peers All others Demonstrates the ability to influence direction by winning hearts and minds 4.00 2.00 5.00 4.50 4.33 Has a communication style which is fluent and persuasive but still shows a lot of listening and give and take 4.00 2.00 5.33 4.00 4.33 Shows resourcefulness, understanding and flexibility when persuading others 4.00 2.00 5.33 4.00 4.33 Demonstrates tolerance Self Manager Direct Reports Peers All others Is good at creating an open and trusting climate amongst people with diverse opinions and beliefs 4.00 3.00 5.33 4.50 4.67 Tries hard to understand and value what people are saying when they challenge his/her beliefs 4.00 2.00 5.33 4.50 4.50 5.00 3.00 2.67 3.50 3.00 ** May sometimes come across as overly critical of diverse views and styles © Team Focus Ltd 2010 50
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