Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service Supervisory Management Development Programme Record

Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service
Supervisory Management
Development Programme Record
Sample Portfolio
Supervisory Manager Development Programme
Trainer - Sample Portfolio
This document has been designed to enable Supervisory Managers (Trainer) to
complete their Development Programme Record to the required standard.
The examples within this document have been taken from Development Programme
Records, which have been compiled by Watch Managers (Trainer) who have gone
on to successfully complete their Development Programmes.
The quantity of evidence within this sample portfolio does not reflect the expected
number of records to normally complete a Development Programme. As several
sources have been used it was an opportunity to present a range of experiences and
ways of documenting these events.
During each stage it is envisaged that candidates should be able to gather sufficient
work place evidence for the indicated elements for that period. At least 3 pieces of
evidence are required that cover the entire scope and context for each element.
Each record should be assessed by the candidates Assessor and sampled by the QA
Officer. Examples of these decisions are not included in the sample portfolio.
Supporting Literature
Development Programme Record - Trainer
Trainer Development Programme - Guidance Notes
Supervisory Manager Development Programmes - Guidance
Notes for Assessors
Personal Development Assessment Record
FM/9/4/1 (10/04)
Record No.
L3 Identify individual learning aims and programmes
L5 Agree learning programme with learners
L15 Support and advise individual learners
Details of the activity performed (candidates testimony)
Date and ref. to any
supporting evidence
I received an Assessment Retest Advice (ARA) from SHQ Training
Centre regarding a FF who had just completed an initial retained
trainees course and was now stationed at Stn18, Gosport.
The information contained within the ARA informed me that the FF
required further training to achieve the standard for pump operation.
9th November 2005
Lesson plan in
evidence folder
WM Kennedy
East Group
a) Initially I familiarised myself with the ARA process. I used the Training
information contained within the ARA to establish the areas to be retested. I then contacted the FF to establish his background knowledge
and understanding of the subject area prior to carrying out any training
with him.
Element L3.1
b) I informed the FF that before I came to see him he would benefit
from a period of self-study to reinforce the knowledge that he had
previously acquired. I ensured that he knew where to access the
relevant material on the HFRS intranet and Fire Service Manuals.
c) The FF was extremely nervous when I met him and I decided that
the training session should be carried out in an informal and relaxed
manner. I enquired about his background, experience and life away
from the Fire Service. This had the effect of calming him down and
becoming more responsive to learning. We agreed that the training
would be both theoretical and practical as this was his preferred
learning style.
d) To ascertain his knowledge of the main pump I asked the FF a
series of questions with regard to basic pump operation. This included
the flow of water through the pump, gauge readings, pressures and
tank supplies. From these answers I had a good understanding of the
areas of training required.
e) I informed the FF that as the training was to be given on a one to
one basis he should not feel intimidated by asking me questions on
any aspect of the training.
f) I made the session informal and this encouraged his participation. I
was keen to create an environment of openness and honesty, which
encouraged him to identify his own learning needs. I assured him that
pump operation is a highly skilled role, which takes time to acquire the
necessary skills.
Element L3.2
a) The training I gave the FF was aimed purely at the level he was
required to attain as a competent FF.
b) I reiterated to him the level he was required to attain as a competent
pump operator. I confirmed with him that he understood this and the
reasons why he must have a good basic knowledge of pump
c) I informed the FF that if at any time he was unhappy with my training
and input, he must inform me and I would attempt to resolve any
issues. If he still felt unhappy then I would arrange for another
colleague within the training department to oversee my input.
d) After initial discussion and a Q&A session I felt confident that I could
bring the FF up to the required standard within a short period using my
prepared training programme. The programme I chose was based
largely on practical work with the main pump.
e) I advised the FF to approach his Watch and Crew managers and
more experienced colleagues for further advice as necessary.
f) I advised the FF to make full use of the HFRS training department
for advice and information. Not just the GTI’s but Training centre staff
g) I ensured that the FF was happy and confident with pump operation
and advised him that further information was available to him via
manufacturer information published on the internet.
h) Before I carried out the training input I devised a suitable lesson
I) I completed the ARA form for the relevant training showing areas
Element L5.1
a) Whilst carrying out the training I was very aware of the FF’s learning
needs and capabilities as I had taken the time to get to know him.
b) I made him aware of all areas of learning available to him either
through hard copy or electronically via the HFRS intranet.
c) I again stressed the importance of him attaining a satisfactory level
of competence to achieve a competent FF status. If he failed to attain
this level I would be obliged to inform his line manager.
d) I assured him that by practising his pumping skills at every
opportunity he would feel more confident and improve rapidly.
e) The FF and I made an agreement that although I would give the
training input, I expected him to ask questions on a regular basis.
f) I ensured that the FF was aware of what level he was required to
achieve and how he was expected to attain that level through the
TAPS system.
g) Whilst carrying out the training I continuously encouraged and
praised the FF’s effort and enthusiasm. This ensured that he felt
confident enough to ask questions and put theory into practice.
h) I ensured that I only gave input on standard pump operation that
was available via HFRS lecture packs and Fire Service manuals. I
ensured that no station/watch anomalies entered the programme. This
maintained our effective learning relationship.
Element L5.2
a) At the end of the training session I summarised with the FF all that
had been discussed and achieved. I informed the FF that I would detail
all my findings and discuss these with his Watch Manager.
b) The FF and I agreed that I would keep in regular contact with his
Watch Manager to discuss his progress.
c) I encouraged the FF to be open and honest with regard to my
training input and to inform me if I had not explained any areas clearly.
I asked him to raise any learning issues in order that I could improve
my delivery for future teaching.
d) I assured the FF that as a Training Watch Manager I was privy to a
great deal of sensitive information that would remain confidential.
e) All information I gave to the FF was obtained via the HFRS website
and lecture packs.
f) On completion of the session I signed off the FF’s ARA, as I was
satisfied he had achieved the required standard. I then sent the
relevant paperwork to SHQ for processing.
g) Any changes I made were due to certain areas where the FF was
having difficulty or excelling.
h) I always maintained contact with the FF’s line manager in order that
he could cover any weak areas at a later date.
Element L15.1
a) I ensured the FF understood the development programme that he
had to follow. I explained that this would give him guidance on his
future development.
b) The FF was keen to continue studying in his own time and to
integrate with his colleagues and learn from them. I agreed with this
but stressed the importance of highlighting any areas of
misunderstanding with his line manager.
c) I reiterated that the FF should also contact the Training Department
for guidance if necessary.
d) As the FF was on a retained contract it was difficult for him to get
time off work. I informed him that I was available to him during office
hours either in person or on the telephone. He lacked a little self
confidence and preferred training on a one to one basis.
e) I made the FF aware that at some stage in his career he would be
eligible to become an EFAD driver which would enhance his pumping
skills. I advised him to operate the fireground pump at every
f) I stressed that his development would take time and he would not
know everything straight away. He should gain experience and
practice at every opportunity to increase his skills and confidence.
g) I informed the FF that at some stage he may be at an incident and
would be operating the pump under stressful conditions with
colleagues relying on him. I advised him that his future development
was in his hands but to be aware of his responsibilities to himself and
h) All information and guidance I gave was unbiased and informed as I
used HFRS training packages and information.
Element L15.2
a) I ensured the FF had all of my contact details including mobile
number and e-mail address.
b) I identified certain areas that the FF needed to investigate further.
He recognised this and agreed to develop time to private study.
c) I identified the competencies and resources available to the FF and
ensured he knew where to access these.
d) In order to support his future learning I demonstrated to the FF the
lecture packs that are available on the HFRS website. I made sure he
knew how to access these.
e) I advised the FF that only he was mainly responsible for managing
his own learning. I advised him to set himself realistic targets and his
skills would improve with experience.
f) All information and advice I gave was unbiased as I am fully aware
of my responsibilities as a Watch Manager within HFRS.
g) I ensured that the FF knew where to access support. I stressed the
importance of approaching his line manager and assured him of the
support of the Training Department.
h) I identified that the FF would have limited time to practise his
pumping skills as he worked a retained contract. I advised him to
manage his time effectively and to overcome difficulties by using all the
resources available to him through HFRS.
Personal Development Assessment Record
FM/9/4/1 (10/04)
Record No.
L6.1 Identify options for training sessions
L6.2 Deliver training sessions for learners
Details of the activity performed (candidates testimony)
Date and ref. to any
supporting evidence
As a member of the newly formed Leadership and Command School
at SHQ I was tasked with producing a training session on the
Management of Risk at Incidents. This was to be used as an integral
part of the new Incident Command Level 1 course.
Management of
Risk added to
Element L6.1
Lesson plan in
evidence folder.
a) I confirmed with my line manager, Station Manager Raven, the
purpose and necessary outcomes of the training session. This ensured Station Manager
that the material I produced would be of the right quality.
Leadership &
b) I decided on the aims and objectives of the session by researching Command School.
the generic risk assessments and the procedure for carrying out a
dynamic risk assessment at incidents.
c) After careful consideration I decided that using a PowerPoint
presentation would be the most effective form of training delivery. This
would be enhanced by open discussion amongst the students and
d) The use of technology based equipment was appropriate as the
training would be either at SHQ or at stations where the MPU could be
e) In order to meet the aims and objectives of the session I took into
account the experience of the students. The level of experience would
slightly alter my approach as the more experienced a student had, the
more likely they would identify risk.
f) In order to deliver the session I identified that I would need access to
an MPU, writing materials and a flipchart. This would ensure that my
delivery would be effective and the students would gain from taking an
active role.
Element L6.2
a) The training session was saved on the computer system within the
ICS Level 1 file. Every station is now equipped with an MPU. Prior to
undertaking a session I always ensure that the required resources and
materials are available.
b) The training session is open to all Level 1 commanders and the
format in which I present it is open and honest which encourage
questioning and discussion. The session has been screened by myself
using knowledge I acquired from an Equality Impact Course.
c) As stated earlier the session was delivered using a PowerPoint
presentation, which leads to open discussion.
d) In order that the sessions can be evaluated, at the end of the
session students are assessed using the Vector simulation scenarios.
This highlights areas where risk may or may not be recorded by the
Personal Development Assessment Record
FM/9/4/1 (10/04)
Record No.
L9.1 Develop a good relationship with learners
L9.2 Support learners
L9.3 Promote anti-discriminatory practice
L10.1 Give presentations to groups
L10.2 Produce follow up exercises
Details of the activity performed (candidates testimony)
Date and ref. to any
supporting evidence
I was the lead instructor on an Initial First Aid course held at Stn 17.
This course was run for uniformed and non-uniformed HFRS staff who October ’05
had never attended a course or whose first aid certificate had expired. First Aid Initial at
Stn 17. Records
held at Training
Element L9.1
Support SHQ.
a) At the beginning of the course I introduced myself to the students
and asked them if they had any concerns about the content of the WM Ian Cambridge
course over the 4 days. I relaxed them by assuring them that they North Training
were all capable of becoming competent first aiders.
b) I ensured that the students understood that their participation in the
course was important to me and I valued any experience they might
c) The course was run on an informal basis and I ensured that I
listened intently to their verbal communication and recognised any
positive or negative body language.
d) I always carried out confirmation of learning after each new topic
and encouraged the students to express any concerns.
e) I asked the students to express their views and share their
experiences at the appropriate time.
f) As the course evolved I took the time to assess each individual
which enabled me to communicate with them in an appropriate
g) I identified any barriers to communication with the students by
stressing that fire service ‘jargon’ should not be used by the uniformed
students or myself.
Element L9.2
a) I stressed to the students that the input I gave could be adapted to
suit their own workplace and they had a choice in carrying out their
b) In order to recognise the effects of my own competence, values and
beliefs I would ask them to discuss with me any queries they may have
with my instructions and opinions.
c) Any guidance I required could be sought from the First Aid Manual
or other training colleagues.
d) I advised the learners that although they would get all the necessary
input from myself it would be beneficial to them if they did some private
study at home to prepare for the assessment.
e) I explained to the students that they would have the support of the
training department and course materials.
f) As the course was assessable I explained to the students that any
individual failing to reach the required standard would receive the full
support of the training department.
Element L9.3
a) As the course had a mixture of male & female students I knew that I
had to be aware of comments and discriminatory practice. I ensured
that my own actions, words and demeanour were above reproach.
b) I never abused my position or exploited a student.
c) I am fully aware of my responsibilities as an employee of HFRS and
my responsibilities towards others. If I witness discrimination I would
follow clear guidelines set by HFRS.
d) & f) Any discriminatory practice I witness would be stopped and
appropriate steps taken.
e) If a colleague had discriminated against someone I would take
appropriate action and implement discipline proceedings if necessary.
Element L10.1
a) The course consisted of 12 students. Uniformed, non- uniformed,
wholetime, retained and male and female. I took all of this into account
when delivering the training.
b) I recognised that individuals learn at their own rate and all input was
assessed by confirmation of learning after each subject area.
c) Any individuals
d) Practical sessions were used as well as PowerPoint presentations.
e) The students asked questions and some points were debated where
relevant. I encouraged this as it made for effective learning.
f) All information I gave was factual and relevant in order that learning
points could be reinforced.
g) Although the course was held at an operational fire station I ensured
that we had minimal disruption. I booked equipment and the lecture
room well in advance.
Element L10.2
a) Where appropriate I demonstrated first aid techniques with live
casualties. I also set up realistic scenarios using trauma make up.
b) The aims and objectives were made clear to the students prior to
each session.
c) Each student was given the chance to practice his or her new skills
in realistic scenarios.
d) & e) I took an active role in the scenarios either by instructing or as
a casualty.
f) I ensured that the students received regular feedback on their
progress and encouraged those who lacked confidence.
Personal Development Assessment Record
FM/9/4/1 (10/04)
Record No.
L11.1 Demonstrate skills & methods to learners
Details of the activity performed (candidates testimony)
Date and ref. to any
supporting evidence
As a member of the Leadership & Command School part of my role is SM Mark Raven
to provide coaching and assessment to operational Crew/Watch WM Graham Pook
managers. I detail what is expected of them as the Incident L&C School
Commander at operational incidents and then formally assess them
using the Vector machine.
Element L11.1
a) With colleagues I have formulated a procedure that Incident
Commanders are required to follow whilst attending incidents. I
demonstrate to them an order or process they must follow e.g.
Information gathering, Dynamic Risk Assessment, Formulate a plan
and implement the plan.
b) The demonstration is as realistic as I can make it. With myself
acting as the IC I demonstrate to the students how the process works
using a simulated scenario on Vector.
c) There is a structured process that I demonstrate to the students. I
initially start the lesson with a Q&A session followed by didactic input
from myself.
d) I encourage learners to ask questions throughout the session as it
shows confirmation of learning.
e) The students are given ample opportunity to practice the process
before their assessment and I positively encourage their efforts.
f) On occasions I will ask a colleague to demonstrate the process on
Vector in order to provide a different outlook but ensuring the process
is adhered to.
g) The demonstrations are carried out in the assessment suite at SHQ
and at fire stations around the county. All these premises are suitable
for my needs.
h) In order to respond to the needs of the students I ensure that they
feel comfortable and are aware that I am there to assist them and
guide them through the process at all times.
I) Whilst in the assessment suite I am able to minimise disruptions. On
fire stations the students are available for calls which can be difficult
when coaching and assessing.
Personal Development Assessment Record
FM/9/4/1 (10/04)
Record No.
L13.1 Manage Group Dynamics
L13.2 Enable the group to learn together
Details of the activity performed (candidates testimony)
Date and ref. to any
supporting evidence
In my role as a Trainer within the Leadership & Command School I SM Mark Raven
have a responsibility to manage individuals and groups within a L&C School
classroom environment. A large part of my role involves providing input
on the Incident Command System.
Element L13.1
a) In order to enable and manage learning within the group I always try
and make the students feel relaxed. I ask them to provide a brief
background to their career and ask them what they hope to achieve
from the training provided.
b) The requirements of the training and input are laid out at the
beginning of the session through the aims and objectives. A standard
is required to be achieved which all students achieve after coaching.
c) I always encourage all students to participate and not to feel afraid.
d) I am aware that some groups find it more difficult to follow the given
process and I always adapt my speed of delivery accordingly.
e) In order that no problems arise within the group with regards to
discriminatory behaviour I always make it clear to students that such
behaviour is unacceptable.
f) In order to improve learning I make it known that I have a
responsibility as a trainer and watch manager to ensure that the
learning targets are met.
g) If there is a difference of opinion within the group it will be discussed
amongst us. I always stress that we are all individuals and sometimes
we approach a problem in a different way, as long as the end target is
achieved safely.
Element L13.2
a) All group activity is explained through the aims and objectives.
b) Where necessary I will split the group into smaller sizes to enable
better learning and to suit individual needs.
c) I will demonstrate to the students what is required of them.
d) As we are presenting a new course I ask students how they found
the scenarios we played and their role in it. If they suggest
improvements then this is discussed with my colleagues.
e) The progress of the students is monitored throughout the session by
role play and questioning.
f) The students are assessed at the end of each session and are
provided with feedback on their performance.
g) I am required to adhere to a lesson plan which provides guidance
on timings of lessons.
h) I identify individuals who appear to be having difficulty and ask them
to work in groups with more able students.
Personal Development Assessment Record
FM/9/4/1 (10/04)
Record No.
G.3 Evaluate and develop own practice (G3.1, 3.2)
Details of the activity performed (candidates testimony)
Date and ref. to any
supporting evidence
Whilst attending Eastleigh College to gain my 7407 stages 1 & 2 Observation form
Teaching Certificate qualification, it was necessary for my tutor to no. 3 by Jo Whiting
observe me giving a presentation at my place of work.
This I duly organised and arranged a session so Jo Whiting, my tutor,
could observe. I greeted Jo and showed her to the drillyard after
providing her with the correct level of PPE.
The purpose of this session was to observe and make evaluate my
performance whilst instructing and demonstrating to a class of
End of course
evaluation forms
After the session, I was interviewed and informed of my performance on T/C files
and I duly accepted any constructive criticisms that were given. From
this evidence I was able to identify any self-development needs and
formulate methods to overcome any shortfalls.
After receiving overall praise from Jo Whiting, I was able to
concentrate on formulating a plan and set realistic targets and goals
for my own development.
I continually study the end of course evaluation forms on completion of
a course to ensure that the Trainers Approach is marked high as this
indicates that my chosen teaching methods and techniques are correct
and have improved.
Personal Development Assessment Record
FM/9/4/1 (10/04)
Record No.
L.7 Prepare and develop resources to support learning
(L7.1, L7.2)
Details of the activity performed (candidates testimony)
Date and ref. to any
supporting evidence
Whilst at the Training Centre, I was approached by GM Dunn to assist
in the formulation of the proposed CMMI course.
I attended a meeting and I was asked to design and develop a session GM Dunn
on de-briefing of crews.
To this end, I considered the many resources that are available to be
and I decided on writing a scene that had to played by the students.
This would allow the students to be involved in group work and T/C Availability 06
experience the objectives of the session as a participant rather than an
observing student.
I created the lesson plan which highlighted the aims and objectives,
and it also listed the resources that was needed. A brief was created
so students were kept informed of their involvement and requirements,
and the scenario was supervised by the correct level and number of
I ensured that time was allowed in the lesson plan for the students to
study their role as this was crucial for its success.
There were many learning points to be gained from this scenario, so I
allowed half of the students to act as observers.
A lengthy session to debrief the candidate and the crews was allowed
in the lesson plan and this also promoted the use of peer assessment.
This informal type of debrief also allowed natural participation from all
students and was of great benefit to all students.
I ensured that the aims of the session were met, and the objectives
were gained by all students.
I ensured that all resources were successful in their choice of use, and
could any improvement be made as this was a ‘pilot’ course.
Provision of notebooks for the observers proved successful, and the
debrief was managed and guided by myself to ensure harmony was
Another example of evidence towards this unit can be found in Assignment 104 &
assignment 104 & 114
Personal Development Assessment Record
FM/9/4/1 (10/04)
Record No.
L16 Monitor and review progress with learners
Details of the activity performed (candidates testimony)
Date and ref. to any
supporting evidence
a) Whilst running a CMMI course in August 2006, I was responsible for T/C Availability 06
the setting up of the many scenarios for the students to attend as real
incidents in emergency conditions. The students were all informed of GM Crennell
the structure of the course, and its design was to improve peoples’
performance, whilst informing them of their abilities and progress
I carefully chose the Incident Commander and his crew, and then
appointed the remainder of the students to attend as observers. They
were informed of the scenario and asked to make notes as they would
be involved in the debrief.
b) I issued all students with a copy of the blank assessment form to
enable them to realise the information that we are looking for as
c) I actively encouraged an open learning environment where the
students were not afraid to ask questions. This allowed students to
express their views freely on the student and their own performance.
d) During the scenario, I made notes of the students performance and
compared these regularly with the observers notes. This ensured that
all parties understood the objectives of the training session, and quality
feedback was given.
e) I then arranged for the I/C to give a ‘hot’ debrief to his crews as they
may not be aware of the actions of the rest of the crew.
I then arranged for a formal debrief with the candidate on a one to one
basis and gave him invaluable feedback in a constructive manner.
This was then backed up by an informal debrief from the observers as
they were able to view it from a neutral position and stance.
f & g) From these debriefs I was able to check that the learning
objectives were met, and if not, I was able to give advice to the
changes necessary to ensure that they were successful in future
h) I then completed an assessment form and passed it onto the
candidate for future reference.
Another example of evidence towards this unit can be found in Assignment 105 &
my assignment which I wrote as part of my 7407 Teaching 115
Certificate at Eastleigh College
Personal Development Assessment Record
FM/9/4/1 (10/04)
Record No.
L9 Create a climate that promotes learning (9.1, 9.2, 9.3)
Details of the activity performed (candidates testimony)
Date and ref. to any
supporting evidence
Whilst attending Eastleigh College on my 7407 training in Further
Education, I have learnt the importance of this subject. To this end, I T/C Availability 06
always ensure that I develop a good relationship with the students,
support them throughout the learning process and promote antidiscriminatory behaviour at all times.
L9.1 (a) Whilst assisting in the running of a CMMI course in August
2006, I ensured the students were made to feel welcome by allowing SM Raven
time within the initial session to discuss the course contents and the
way the course will be run. This allowed them to the students the
opportunity to ask any questions they wanted and reassures them of
the proposed programme of learning.
L.9.1 (b) This open approach showed the students of my willingness to
listen and allow for the many ways that students can learn best.
L.9.1 (c,d,e,f,g) This approach encouraged the students to express any
concerns that they have and with the correct level of reassurance, this
encouraged full cooperation from all students whilst allowing an
opportunity for a student to comment on any learning difficulty that they
may have suffered from.
This method helped reduce the many barriers that can exist in the
classroom, and reassured the students of my attitude and willingness
to help.
L.9.2 (a,b,c,d,e,f) Within this initial introductory session, I was able to
hint on my own competencies, values and beliefs, and advise on the
many different methods we will be learning from to suit the students.
I used an ‘icebreaker’ which again lowers the barriers, and this allowed
another opportunity for the students to make comment about any
concerns that may have had. From this initial assessment of the
students, I was able to quickly ascertain if any additional support was
required, and if any student suffered from a difficulty in learning.
I am aware of the many problems that can exist, and the avenues that
are available to me should I need them. I am also aware of the need of
privacy and protection of the students dignity when dealing with such a
L.9.3 (a,b,c,d,e,f) Among the students was a lone female so I ensured
that I, and the rest of the students did not discriminate against her.
I assured that arrangements were made for showering and lockers etc
as we were in temporary accommodation at the time.
In my initial introductory session, I ensured that all students were
aware of my strong beliefs in anti discriminatory practices, and the
actions that would be taken if needed.
I also assured that any of them could approach me at anytime and
they would receive support and guidance should they make a