HIGUCHI BIOSCIENCES CENTER (HBC) Proposal Information Sheet Budget template sample PHS PI Assurance Signature Page Financial Conflict of Interest instructions MyNCBI – adding publications to MyNCBI Visit HBC website for more information www.hbc.ku.edu Email [email protected] for proposal help HBC Proposal Information Sheet Please complete all questions and email the completed form to hbcgrant(5)ku.edu or d456b456(a)ku.edu. Principal Investigator Department: Phone Number: Fax Number Email: Pl Effort on Project Title of Project: Please use the following web site to choose key words: Three keywords: http://research.ku.edu/node/381 Will this proposal include any Co-lnvestigator(s) at KU? Name Yes No Email Will this proposal include any Subcontracts? Effort Yes D No a Yes No a Name: Institution: Email: Name: Institution: Email: Is this proposal a resubmission of a previous proposal? 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Draft of research for internal review: 1 week prior to funding institution deadline Letters of support: 1 week prior to funding institution deadline Final research: 2 days prior to funding institution deadline External Review Request If requested the HBC Grant Services Staff will coordinate a blind review of proposals for professors. Due to the lead time necessary to coordinate this program, HBC Grant Services must be contacted two months prior to submission deadline. Proposal draft fscjentific text) must be completed at least one month prior to the submission deadline. Are you requesting an external review? Please list 3-5 potential reviewers Yes D No n YEAR ONEYEAR TWO YEAR THREE YEAR FOUR YEAR FIVE Category Personnel/Role K 4% adj Base Salary effort $ 2% adj. 2% adj. 2% adj. 2% adj. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Principal Investigator 0 Fringe $ Fringe 0 35.00% $ Fringe s 35.00% $ Fringe 0 35.00% $ Fringe 0 35.00% 35.00% $ Fringe 7.00% animal purchase chemicals & reagents kits & media consumables Modular Reserve Supplies 0 Travel Subaward Direct Costs Subaward F & A Total Subaward Other tuition animal care lab/user fees publications & information dissemination Total Direct Costs 0 0 0 0 0 Modified Total Direct Costs 0 0 0 0 0 F & A 50% 0 0 0 0 0 Total Project Costs 0 0 0 0 0 Total KU Direct Costs Total KU F&A 0 0 0 0 0 0 less tuition, equipment, subawards >$25,000, fellowships Total Subaward Direct Costs Total Subaward F&A Project Direct Costs Total Project Costs 3/24/2014 2:48 PM PHS PI ASSURANCE SIGNATURE PAGE As a result of the NIH change in policy effective for PHS 398 applications prepared for submission/receipt dates on or after May 10, 2006, the signature of the Principal Investigator is no longer required as part of the submitted application. However, organizations must retain a unique signature and date for each submitted application and have this on file and available as part of the compliance requirement. This assurance page will satisfy this requirement. Dr. PI Name is submitting a proposal to NIH entitled "proposal title". This assurance page includes the following certifications: (1) that the information submitted within the application is true, complete and accurate to the best of the Pl's knowledge; (2) that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or claims may subject the PI to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties; and (3) that the PI agrees to accept responsibility for the scientific conduct of the project and to provide the required progress reports if a grant is awarded as a result of the application. PI Signature Please sign and date this form. Thank you. Date You can click on the COI at the top of the page or in the middle. {^^^_J K'ANSA^S Home IRB CO! 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How To '3 ^ PMC Joumai Ust Limits US Nawrf Utwy c( U»*w ^NauoMl IftiiUtutes.^lEatt^ i?Rc v ft c PubMed Nawcal tnst'tuas ol Hsanf, * *.' <. * Get Started PMC Ovemew l^rtrf" /^mrfft Get Started ^ .SSust' limits A< US Naowial Uxary of t*e<uca» Look up your PMID number or PMC number. You can search by title or publication or by Pl name. once it comes up then go to the "Send to" drop down and select My Bibliography, then Add to My Bibliography. . a NCBI ResouKies lv; How To .^ Pub cd S0V ' PubMed ^jgg^y^^^^^^^^gj a> » j21301150Iuid] L'& Naunal Uawy pl WHm»» B a 0RSSSave search Atf/anced hintW iittn.nt af Hat* J Display Settings: (^) Abstfact a R hem. 2011 Sep;7(5):4*6.53. Anti-breast cancer agents, qufnolines, targetinfl gap junction. Betfizweia J. HeiniaBrB. Prasain K. t-uJ. Hiia^H, Nauven TA K .^ Author information .; NClti Riwiwcw " U(itvrolv Pub edsw Pu&Med tl45t)E)4'jfi'n>Ku edu M " 1216DH50[uid] + DRSSSnw nafdl Aihancad Q i ^MTB^ * y£ r»K<» Lfr^r ^NBi:"? b3twd" Iptfhto *t rtf^ 4 OSaolay Senlnaa: fv| Abetrsct Send to- l7l <; File Antf-braast cancer agents, quinollncs, targeting gap Junction. .i Cfcilmft^ Cancef cells exhibit many defects in call communication thai cnntribuletolhe Insg <rf tissue homeostasis [axcesE cell pinlifaratian, irogsHin. and metaatasis). The piBcess nfcancer fsmmalion causes a disfupticn in ceil homeostasis. affecting the ability to leapon d 1c ertfscelhllar signals, as well as triggering some intracetiularewnls which ader gap pinclional \CBI HR-KIUIE'BS lu IttlW ID lv Pllbt^ed,^ JPubMed WTfitySWffWit erftl My NLI 1 0 ^^^^Q ' ;2iaD115D[utd] !-<s hpmn unwfy »' h»w** ORSSSartBUfdi ^yw fTvumeft HW*!I \/ Advancftd CTi .ScDiUn; 'u Atrelrad l;]':IlilllN"l;M"iHlci Choow DeElJnndon llFdCkem Mil Scp.Tp) 448-53 AnU-breast cancer aganta, qulnollnes, tartfUng flap junction. File .i. Clipfcoan) BfimsrelnJ. HainlaarB. Prasaln K. LuJ. Hua CH. NBU--HT.I C<irtectiom3 Ordei .» Author infcnnation 1 iin Vt-H ^PMC -.y*- '-.E-mail ^/My Bibliography 1V . Citation manager AB strict Cancer cells enhibit manydefectg in cell ccmniunicati(»i thai coWFibute to the loss of tissue homeostasia (exceEseell [xolifefatinn. invasion, and rr PUBMed lormation causes a dEsrupticn ]n ceEt homeoslasiE> affacting the aUlil^ t& respond to HriTacBlbbfErgnsls, ssweM 35 Iriggering some intrflc^ju irrtBrcellularccwnmurncstion (GJIC), Pwious r@E?3rch has ehuwn that ths firet two genefatiDns ofaubstituigdquinolinfls haw anti^ancar effsct^^l' |- Add to My B fiography ] 7 T Related citations In Pu&Mnd Combi national tr?3tmfinl of gap junction lnfarra1lnlar<-nmmnnlj-ahnn /Allf^ Prawnnc re&aar^h bac chmwn thflt thb fif&t hAm ftanartttiftnc nfcnhctitirtp^ /imnfllinnc ha-yn ttflti/flrtrT nflm-tc fn human hrogcl ranrar ralte Thic rnfvrf .-:^ > 'E My Bifiography 0 < Abstract ^ W<TM Clipboard <>.CoBecti Bemzwe^o J. Hel^aerB. Praeain K. Lirl Hua 0^. [yauvenTA. Author Information } Fp|'(Htl!T"t*'i[;Iiwt; Choose Destination MHlCnemaiH Sift;7(S)*»a-E31. causes a 4.5A!d incfesse u( gap junction activity ifiT47DbraaEttancH'calls- Furthairanre, asigrtficant ilacraase cl call pio!ifaratiiinandwab<llly'«ia*'8Sia813inm^iBBR^^5wiii3t PQ15 ccmDaiedto conlrol. The Bxuasiion nf n-suMvin was reduced tn <W% in tha tTBatment of 200 nMPQIE comcgredto tnh»nt alone. Atoha-survMn exCTBEBion is uoraaulated m of gap junctional actmat J^ticy-cf Irtuted quinolines as ami efceffis pfasefflstha synthasis and bioactMticG nfthiid gensfation substiluted quinoltnes. Scrape 1c ad/dye tranEfar slddies shewed ihat 100 nM ufFQIG^ for bfeast cgnceT. f-£V^^1f This will bring you to another screen to confirm. Select "My Bibliography" and save. N'CRI Resources @ How To 0 My NCBI- My Bibliography * .a. Save to Bibliography 1 item from PubMed pis a Bibliography to save to: !.OJ My Bibliography ©Other citations Save ) / Or cancel and return to your seiections. After you save it will take you back to the PMID or PMC screen and you can continue on until you have all the publications added. Once your done adding the publications (or at any time) then click on MyNCBI located at the top right of the screen. NClti Rc'ifiun.B') r Htiwi lo .y Publ^ed.gor PubMed fii A « J ^^^^^ Adraneed ua >*NW i.twy fEf *#^B ^ UnomdlFthtea's'^^bNt 8 [l4ti6b4t)t<C(ahL ea u MyNCdl t'nn Uut -t y Http vl Abstract n HNew items were added to your bibliogophy. Edit your iiibliogiaph v ^ 1.18 li Chem 2011 S<ip;7(S):44B-53. Kit ^^^W»PMC, £aaLl ulHnl Save items Antt-breast cancer agents, quinolines, targrting gap Junction. ..> A^*t *** C*-h^r^ A F-f* You will see the My NCBI home screen. Go to the section My Bibliography and there will be a short list of the publications you added. "Click on Manage My Bibliography" Search NC81 databases - x I Saved Searches Search: PubMed * You dont have any sawed searches yet ^^^^^^^^ 6u and create some sa^ed. searches in PubMed or our ether itatsbases. Manaae Saved Seaighgs,* Hint ctof; ni] fr?'Search't'' n without anv terms iBled in ff.sFe,'?rchbu.(wil!'lar<,,';'ty;utntl>Tt d;fta!^'*ts hk;rir1?pflne Collections I My Bibliography A * f t- x oflecltoti Man; Hems Favorites Your biMtograftfny comains * Ifnn. edit 4 edtt 62 Van R37 edft 7 IRACDAZfllS edt e .!_ 1 of TOUT citation in'WBiblionraph'/'is rantcomptantmlhMHPA- 3S ! QajiigY ^ 1 of your citation in "Other^itations'js not compliant with NfHPA siAtigs'£rtMJtfia O&n^te 0 Public ^&**£ 0 Pubic 0 Pmate 0 Pnvate fi Pubrrc edit Bitifonranh Share your btohofiraphy with this URL: hllcr, i-www.ncbi n!m,nih,aovte(les/mm(.biSoBectiorta'fiubltc/1 HuObTnLJdXDr8vcP4LiOKaLvQb/?sc]rt =dste&d irectio npasc ending Mo*t nearn clttttww: -1- x edit Lamb edit 7 rr Motwala HF. Fehl C, U SW Hirt E Porubsky P. Aubfe J Overcomng pmdyel nhibltmn in ! catajvEis of the miramolecylarSchmidi reaction J toi Chem Sue. 2013 Jun 19.135(24); 9000-9 doi 10.1021fia402B48c Eput)20)3Jun7 PubMed RUIID. 23687993 fc. x Type Standard Standard Standard PubMed PubMed PMC PubMed V^lTkl'l'-.l Manage Cgltections * '. Filters Loh JK, Yoon SY, Samarakonn TB. RolfeA, Porubsfiy P, Weijenswander B, Lushfngtnn GH, Hanson PR. Explorinn chemical Eliwrsitwia a modular reaclionosirinoslrateav Beil in J Org Chem, 2013;B:12S3-302, Eput) 2012 Aug 15. PubMed PMIO: 2S018462; PubMed Central - x FBtersfor; PaWlsd T PMCID; PMC345G752. You do not have any active rideis for Bils databaseAdd fllters for me selected dafabase Bemzweig J, Hemlger B, Prasah K, Lu J, Hua DM; Kguyen TA Anti-bfeastcancer aflerts : ciumo)tneE,urtiet[npflajojunctron,MedChem 2011 Eep,7t5)-4^8-53 Put^^PMID. 21601150 PubMed Central RUIQO; PMC3296W L. Man e ^jltens > Mansge My eiblkigraRhv» 36S799S I The next screen will be thejist of publication and it will show if they are in compliance or not. Go to "Display setting" and select Award, Public Access Compliance, By citation type. Note that the second and third can be set to any one you choose but to print the view setting has to be set on Award. Then click on Edit Status or add award. This is where you assign the NIHMS number and/or award. Be aware that if the publication is over 3 months old it will show as not compliant. If the publication was not produced with any NIH funding it should not be on the report. ThtsJ^^tjgflraphy is public fmake rt private) Edit settings for My Bibliosraphy Save My BtoBography to a text fite (MEDUNE format) .^^v isplay SeWnga.::!-!i Select AIL None Awsrd view. Sort by public access compliance group by cftstfontype 0 rtems selected j^ UOVP ^ 'Jetetfc y Copy ( View ^ ^usgest ^ assign Awards ^ nDF report | Downtoad i Journal Articles 1: jTj Sadikot T, Swink M, Eskew JD, Brown D, Zhao H, Kusuma BR, Rajewski RA, Blagg BS, Matts RL, Hoizbeiertein JM, Vtelhauer GADevelopment of a high-throughput screening cancer cell-based lucfferase refoldino assay forjdentffying HspSO inhibitors- Assay Drug Dev Technol, 2013 Oct;11(8):478-88. doi: 10.1089/adt2012.49 NIH Public Access Compliance PMC journal-In Proc Fundmy No funding has been associated with this citation, ,3 Oct 15- PubMed PMID: 24127661 Edit Status Add award as
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