METHOD DEVELOPMENT ON SAMPLE PREPARATION FOR TRACE METALS IN PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PRIOR TO THEIR DETERMINATION USING INDUCTIVELY COUPLED PLASMA- SPECTROMETRIC TECHNIQUES By PHILISWA NOSIZO NOMNGONGO Thesis in fulfilment of the requirement for the degree PHILOSOPHIAE DOCTOR in CHEMISTRY in the FACULTY OF SCIENCE of the UNIVERSITY OF JOHANNESBURG Supervisor Co-supervisors : : : PROF. J. C. NGILA PROF. T. A. M. MSAGATI DR. B. MOODLEY DECLARATION I hereby declare that this dissertation, which I herewith submit for the research qualification DOCTORIAL DEGREE IN CHEMISTRY to the University of Johannesburg, Department of Applied Chemistry, is, apart from the recognised assistance of my supervisors, my own work and has not previously been submitted by me to another institution to obtain a research diploma or degree. __Philiswa N Nomngongo________ on this __20th__ day of ___March__2014__ (Candidate) ___Prof J Catherine Ngila__ on this _20th__ day of ___March__2014____ (Supervisor) ______Prof Titus Msagati__ on this _20th__ day of ___March__2014_ (Co-supervisor) _______Dr Brenda Moodley_____ on this _20th__ day of ___March__2014_ (Co-supervisor) i DEDICATION This thesis is dedicated to my mother (Makhawula Buyiswa Nomngongo), my husband (Albert Molete Kaphe) and my sons (Sisipho and Kamohelo) for the understanding and encouragement they provided me during the years of this study. “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose”. Romans 8:28 ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Prof. J.C. Ngila for the continuous support of my PhD study and research, for her patience, motivation, enthusiasm, and immense knowledge. Her guidance helped me through the duration of research and writing of this thesis. I could not have imagined having a better supervisor and mentor for my PhD study. I sincerely thank Prof. T.A.M. Msagati and Dr. B. Moodley for their helpful advice and having them as my co-supervisors. Their extensive discussions around my work and interesting explorations in operations have been very helpful for this study. I would like to acknowledge the University of Johannesburg (UJ) for giving me an opportunity to pursue my PhD Degree at this institution. Special thanks to the Department of Applied Chemistry, Department of Chemistry and Spectrau at UJ for providing all facilities and particularly the instrumentation required for my research. I express my deep gratitude and appreciation to my mentor Dr. J.L. Fischer of Sasol for his input and help from the formulation to the completion of this study. I am also thankful to Mrs. Eve Kroukamp, of Spectrau (central analytical facility at UJ), for her help with ICP OES and ICP-MS instrumentation. I would also like to thank Mr M. Phali of Department Chemistry at UJ, for assisting me with GFAAS operation. I would like to thank my fellow colleagues in the Analytical Research Group: Joseph Kamau, Isaac Mwangi, Stephen Musyoka, Monisola Ikhile, Banele Vatsha, Nomvano Mketo, Geoffrey Bosire, Richard Nthumbi, Odwa Mapazi, Lwazi Ndlwana, Bonani Seteni, Mogolodi Dimpe and Bhekie Mabhena for the motivating discussions, working together before deadlines, and for all the fun we have had. Many thanks to my family members especially my mother, my husband, my son and siblings for their patience, love, support and encouragement during my period of study. I recognize that this research would not have been possible without the financial assistance of Sasol and NRF. iii PUBLICATIONS AND CONFERENCES This study resulted in TEN (10) manuscripts that form part of this thesis. These include published articles, accepted and submitted manuscripts, and manuscripts in preparation. Philiswa N. Nomngongo, J. Catherine Ngila, Titus A.M. Msagati & Brenda Moodley. 2014. Chemometric optimization of hollow fiber-liquid phase microextraction for extraction and preconcentration of trace elements in diesel and gasoline prior to their ICP OES determination. Microchemical Journal, 114, 141-147. Philiswa N. Nomngongo, J. Catherine Ngila, Joseph N. Kamau, Titus A.M. Msagati & Brenda Moodley. 2013. Preconcentration of molybdenum, antimony and vanadium in gasoline samples using Dowex 1-x8 resin and their determination with inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry. Talanta, 110, 153-159. Philiswa N. Nomngongo, J. Catherine Ngila, Stephen M. Musyoka, Titus A.M. Msagati & Brenda Moodley. 2013. A solid phase extraction procedure based on electrospun cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione nanofibers for trace determination of Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn in gasoline samples by ICP OES. Analytical Methods, 5, 3000-3008. Philiswa N. Nomngongo, J. Catherine Ngila, Joseph N. Kamau, Titus A.M. Msagati, Ljiljana Marjanovic & Brenda Moodley. 2013. Pre-concentration of trace elements in short chain alcohols using different commercial cation exchange resins prior to ICP OES detection. Analytica Chimica Acta, 787, 78-86 Philiswa N. Nomngongo, J. Catherine Ngila, Titus A.M. Msagati & Brenda Moodley. 2013. Simultaneous preconcentration of trace elements in water samples using Dowex 50W-x8 and Chelex-100 resins prior to their determination using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES). Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 66, 83–88 Philiswa N. Nomngongo, J. Catherine Ngila, Titus A.M. Msagati & Brenda Moodley. 2014. Kinetics and equilibrium studies for the removal of cobalt, manganese and silver in ethanol using Dowex 50W-x8 cation exchange resin: Separation Science and Technology (Accepted). Philiswa N. Nomngongo, J. Catherine Ngila, Titus A.M. Msagati & Brenda Moodley. Multivariate optimization of dual-bed solid phase extraction for preconcentration of Ag, Al, As and Cr in gasoline prior to inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometric determination: Submitted to Fuel. iv Publications and conferences Philiswa N. Nomngongo, J. Catherine Ngila, Titus A.M. Msagati & Brenda Moodley. Full factorial design for the optimization of simultaneous preconcentration of trace metal ions in gasoline samples prior to their inductively coupled mass spectrometric determination: Submitted to Microchimica Acta. Philiswa N. Nomngongo, J. Catherine Ngila, Titus A.M. Msagati & Brenda Moodley. Development and optimization of an offline hollow fiber solid phase microextraction system for preconcentration of trace metal ions in fuel samples prior to their ICP-MS determination: Submitted to Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy Philiswa N. Nomngongo, J. Catherine Ngila, Titus A.M. Msagati & Brenda Moodley. Preparation of titania-alumina hollow fiber membrane and its multivariate optimization for simultaneous preconcentration of trace elements in diesel and gasoline samples prior to ICP-MS determination: Submitted to Analytica Chimica Acta, v ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to develop sample preparation methods based on separation and preconcentration of trace metals in organic matrices (alcohols, diesel and gasoline). The presence of metals in organic matrices is undesirable, unless they are used as additives. Therefore, it is important to control and monitor their concentrations in fuel and petrochemical products as they tend to affect the quality of these products. Solid phase extraction (SPE), solid phase microextraction (SPME) and hollow fiber-liquid phase microextraction (HF-LPME were used for separation and preconcentration of Ag, Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Ti, V and Zn prior to their inductively coupled plasma optical emission/mass spectrometric (ICP OES/-MS) determination. For solid phase extraction, the exchange efficiencies of different commercial ion exchange resins, namely Dowex 50W-x8, Dowex 1-x8, Dowex MAC-3 and Chelex 100, for preconcentration of metal ions in alcohol and fuel samples, were investigated. The results obtained indicated that Dowex 50W-x8 was suitable for simultaneous preconcentration of cations such as Cd, Co, Ni, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn, among other metals while Dowex 1-x8 was suitable for metal ions that exists in more than one oxidation states, namely, As, Cr, Mo, Sb and V. Chelex-100 and Dowex MAC-3 were found to be selective to a limited number of target metal analytes. For further applications, Dowex 50W-x8 and Dowex 1-x8 were employed. Furthermore, the applicability of synthetic adsorbents such as nanometer-sized alumina and functionalized cellulose nanofibers for preconcentration of trace metals in gasoline samples, was investigated. Nanometer-sized alumina sorbent was found to be suitable for simultaneous separation and preconcentration of Co, Cr, Mn, Ni and Ti. Functionalized cellulose nanofibers on the hand, were suitable for simultaneous preconcentration of Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn. The optimization of the experimental parameters was achieved by both univariate and multivariate procedure. The second preconcentration technique was solid phase microextraction which was also used for extraction and enrichment of metal ions in diesel samples using two approaches of the SPME method. The first approach was hollow fiber-solid phase microextraction (HF–SPME) method using fiber-supported sol-gel combined with a cation exchange resin (Dowex 50W-x8). This method showed satisfactory results for the preconcentration of Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn in diesel and gasoline samples. The second approach was based on membrane solid phase microextraction (MSPME) using titaniaalumina hollow fiber. The MSPME method applied was used for extraction and vi Abtract preconcentration of trace amounts of Co, Cr, Mo, Ni, Sb and V in liquid fuel samples. Multivariate techniques were used for optimization of experimental parameters for both approaches. The last preconcentration technique that was developed was hollow fiber- liquid phase microextraction (HF-LPME). In this method fuel samples were first digested before being subjected to HF-LPME system. Ammonium pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (APDC) and [C6MIM][PF6] ionic liquid were both used as chelating agent and acceptor phase, respectively. Two level factorial and central composite designs were used for multivariate optimization of experimental parameters. Satisfactory results were obtained for extraction and preconcentration of Ag, Al, As, Mn and Ti. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................. viii LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................... xix LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................... xxiii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................... xxviii CHAPTER ONE: ................................................................................................................. 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 1 1.1 BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................ 1 1.1.1 Petroleum Products ............................................................................................... 1 Petrochemical products.................................................................................. 3 1.2 METAL IONS IN PETROLEUM AND PETROCHEMICAL PRODUCTS ...... 4 1.3 PROBLEM STATEMENT ....................................................................................... 5 1.4 HYPOTHESIS ........................................................................................................... 6 1.5 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY ............................................................................. 6 1.5.1 Main Objective ..................................................................................................... 6 1.5.2 Specific Objectives ............................................................................................... 7 1.6 THESIS OVERVIEW ............................................................................................... 8 1.7 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 9 CHAPTER TWO: ............................................................................................................. 12 LITERATURE REVIEW ON DETERMINATION AND SAMPLE PREPARATION METHODS FOR TRACE METALS ANALYSIS IN PETROLEUM BASED PRODUCTS ....................................................................................................................... 12 2.1 SAMPLE PRETREATMENT METHODS .......................................................... 12 2.1.1 Non-Sorption Sample Preparation Methods ....................................................... 13 Conventional ashing and acid dissolution methods ..................................... 13 Microwave assisted-digestion method......................................................... 13 Electrothermal vaporization method ........................................................... 14 Dilution with organic solvents method........................................................ 14 Emulsion or microemulsion method ........................................................... 15 2.1.2 Preconcentration-Based Sample Preparation Techniques .................................. 15 Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) .................................................................... 16 Co-precipitation ........................................................................................... 16 Cloud point extraction (CPE) ...................................................................... 16 viii Table of contents Stir-bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) ............................................................. 17 Solid phase extraction.................................................................................. 17 Solid phase microextraction (HF-SPME) .................................................... 21 Hollow fibre-liquid phase microextraction (HF-LPME) ............................. 21 2.2 ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES FOR THE DETERMINATION OF METAL IONS IN ORGANIC SAMPLES .................................................................................. 22 2.2.1 Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry............................................................ 23 2.2.2 Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectrometry .............................................. 23 2.2.3 Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) Techniques.................................................. 24 Inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry........................ 26 Spectrometer ......................................................................................... 27 Detector ................................................................................................ 28 Data processing system ........................................................................ 29 Interferences ......................................................................................... 29 Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry .......................................... 30 Sample introduction for ICP-MS.......................................................... 30 Interfaces .............................................................................................. 31 Ion Focusing Systems ........................................................................... 31 Mass spectrometer/ mass analyzers ...................................................... 31 Reaction/ collision cell ......................................................................... 32 Detector ................................................................................................ 33 Interferences ......................................................................................... 33 Application of ICP OES and ICP-MS for determination of metal ions in fuel samples .................................................................................................................... 34 2.3 CHEMOMETRIC TOOLS FOR OPTIMIZATION OF ANALYTICAL METHODOLOGIES .................................................................................................... 36 2.3.1 First Order Designs ............................................................................................. 37 2.3.2 Second Order Designs ........................................................................................ 37 2.4 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................ 38 CHAPTER THREE: ......................................................................................................... 49 GENERAL METHODOLOGIES .................................................................................... 49 3.1 OVERVIEW OF EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN .................................................... 49 3.2 INSTRUMENTATION ........................................................................................... 49 ix Table of contents 3.3 REAGENTS AND MATERIALS .......................................................................... 51 3.4 SEPARATION AND PRECONCENTRATION TECHNIQUES ....................... 51 3.4.1 Solid Phase Extraction ........................................................................................ 51 Electrospinning and functionalization of cellulose nanofibers with oxolane2,5-dione .................................................................................................................. 52 3.4.2 Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME)................................................................. 53 Preparation of nanometer-sized alumina and titania ................................... 53 3.4.3 Hollow Fiber-Liquid Phase Microextraction ...................................................... 54 3.4 ACID DIGESTION METHODS ............................................................................ 55 3.5 DETERMINATION OF METAL IONS ............................................................... 55 3.6 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................ 56 CHAPTER FOUR: ............................................................................................................ 58 PRECONCENTRATION OF TRACE MULTI-ELEMENTS IN WATER SAMPLES USING DOWEX 50W-X8 AND CHELEX-100 RESINS PRIOR TO THEIR DETERMINATION USING INDUCTIVELY COUPLED PLASMA ATOMIC EMISSION SPECTROMETRY (ICP OES) ................................................................... 58 ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................... 58 4.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 58 4.2 EXPERIMENTAL .................................................................................................. 60 4.2.1 Instrumentation ................................................................................................... 60 4.2.2 Reagents and Solutions....................................................................................... 60 4.2.3 Water Samples and Preparation .......................................................................... 60 4.2.4 Column Preparation ............................................................................................ 61 4.2.5 Preconcentration Procedure ................................................................................ 61 4.2.6 Optimization of Preconcentration Parameters .................................................... 61 4.3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ............................................................................. 62 4.3.1 Effect of pH ........................................................................................................ 62 4.3.2 Effect of Eluent Concentration ........................................................................... 63 4.3.3 Effect of Flow Rate............................................................................................. 64 4.3.4 Preconcentration of Multi-Element .................................................................... 65 4.3.5 Effect of Sample Volume ................................................................................... 65 4.3.6 Column Regeneration ......................................................................................... 66 4.3.7 Analytical Performances..................................................................................... 67 x Table of contents 4.3.8 Application ......................................................................................................... 68 4.4 CONCLUSIONS ...................................................................................................... 71 4.5 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................ 71 CHAPTER FIVE: .............................................................................................................. 74 KINETICS AND EQUILIBRIUM STUDIES FOR THE REMOVAL OF COBALT, MANGANESE AND SILVER IN ETHANOL USING DOWEX 50W-X8 CATION EXCHANGE RESIN ......................................................................................................... 74 ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................... 74 5.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 74 5.2 EXPERIMENTAL .................................................................................................. 76 5.2.1 Materials and Reagents....................................................................................... 76 5.2.2 Apparatus ............................................................................................................ 76 5.2.3 Adsorption Studies ............................................................................................. 77 5.2.4 Kinetic Studies.................................................................................................... 78 5.2.5 Adsorption Thermodynamics ............................................................................. 78 5.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .............................................................................. 78 5.3.1 Effect of Contact Time ....................................................................................... 78 5.3.2 Effect of pH ........................................................................................................ 79 5.3.3 Effect of Resin Amount ...................................................................................... 80 5.3.4 Adsorption Isotherms and Comparison to Other Adsorbents ............................. 81 5.3.5 Adsorption Kinetics ............................................................................................ 87 5.3.6 Adsorption Thermodynamics ............................................................................. 90 5.3.7 Desorption Studies.............................................................................................. 91 5.3.8 Analytical Performance and Application of the Proposed Method .................... 92 5.4. CONCLUSIONS ..................................................................................................... 94 5.5 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................ 94 CHAPTER SIX: ................................................................................................................. 99 PRE-CONCENTRATION OF TRACE ELEMENTS IN SHORT CHAIN ALCOHOLS USING DIFFERENT COMMERCIAL CATION EXCHANGE RESINS PRIOR TO INDUCTIVELY COUPLED PLASMA-OPTICAL EMISSION SPECTROMETRIC DETECTION ................................................................................. 99 ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................... 99 6.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 99 xi Table of contents 6.2 EXPERIMENTAL ................................................................................................ 101 6.2.1 Apparatus .......................................................................................................... 101 6.2.2 Reagents and Solutions..................................................................................... 102 6.2.3 Preparation of Column ..................................................................................... 103 6.2.4 Preconcentration and Recovery of the Metal Ions in Model Organic Solution 103 6.2.5 Effect of Matrix Ions Interferences .................................................................. 104 6.2.6 Procedure for the Dilution of Conostan Custom Made Multi-Element Oil Standard ..................................................................................................................... 104 6.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ............................................................................ 104 6.3.1 Effect of Sample Solution pH on Retention of Metal Ions............................... 105 6.3.2 Effect of Desorption Solution Concentration ................................................... 106 6.3.3 Effect of Sample Flow Rate.............................................................................. 107 6.3.4 Effect of Sample Volume ................................................................................. 108 6.3.5 Preconcentration of Multi-Element Using Different Sorbent Materials .......... 109 6.3.6 Effect of Matrix Ions Interferences .................................................................. 112 6.3.7 Analytical Parameters ....................................................................................... 114 6.3.8 The Effect of Column Regeneration ................................................................. 115 6.3.9 Accuracy and Validation of the Proposed Separation and Pre-Concentration Procedure ................................................................................................................... 116 6.3.10 Application of the Proposed Separation and Pre-Concentration Procedure ... 118 6.4 CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................... 120 6.5 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................... 121 CHAPTER SEVEN: ........................................................................................................ 125 PRECONCENTRATION OF MOLYBDENUM, ANTIMONY AND VANADIUM IN GASOLINE SAMPLES USING DOWEX 1-X8 RESIN AND THEIR DETERMINATION WITH ICP OES ........................................................................... 125 ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. 125 7.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 125 7.2. EXPERIMENTAL ............................................................................................... 127 7.2.1 Instrumentation ................................................................................................. 127 7.2.2 Reagents, Solutions and Samples ..................................................................... 128 7.2.3 Preparation of Column ..................................................................................... 129 xii Table of contents 7.2.4 Preconcentration and Recovery of Mo, Sb and V in Model Organic Solutions and Real Gasoline Samples ....................................................................................... 130 7.2.5 Procedure for the Dilution of Certified Reference Material ............................. 130 7.2.6 Procedure for Acid Digestion of Gasoline Samples ......................................... 131 7.3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ........................................................................... 131 7.3.1 Selection of Stationary Phase ........................................................................... 131 7.3.2 Effect of Sample Solution pH on Retention of Metal Ions............................... 132 7.3.3 Effect of Eluent Concentration ......................................................................... 133 7.3.4 Effect of Sample Volume ................................................................................. 133 7.3.5 Analytical Performances................................................................................... 134 7.3.6 Effect of Matrix Ions Interferences .................................................................. 137 7.3.7 Regeneration Studies ........................................................................................ 137 7.3.8 Accuracy and Validation of the Separation and Preconcentration Procedure .. 138 7.3.9 Application of the Dowex 1-x8 Separation and Preconcentration Procedure in Commercial Gasoline Samples.................................................................................. 139 7.4. CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................... 142 7.5 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................... 142 CHAPTER EIGHT: ........................................................................................................ 145 MULTIVARIATE OPTIMIZATION OF DUAL-BED SOLID PHASE EXTRACTION FOR PRECONCENTRATION OF Ag, Al, As AND Cr IN GASOLINE PRIOR TO INDUCTIVELY COUPLED PLASMA OPTICAL EMISSION SPECTROMETRIC DETERMINATION ............................................... 145 ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. 145 8.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 145 8.2 EXPERIMENTAL ................................................................................................ 148 8.2.1 Instrumentation ................................................................................................. 148 8.2.2 Reagents, Solutions and Samples ..................................................................... 148 8.2.3 Preparation of a Two Bed Column ................................................................... 149 8.2.4 Preconcentration and Recovery of Ag, Al, As and Cr in Synthetic Gasoline Solution...................................................................................................................... 149 8.2.5 Optimization Approach .................................................................................... 150 8.2.6 Comparative Method ........................................................................................ 151 8.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ............................................................................ 151 xiii Table of contents 8.3.1 Factorial Design ................................................................................................ 151 8.3.2 Effect of Sample Volume ................................................................................. 155 8.3.3 Column Regeneration ....................................................................................... 156 8.3.4 Analytical Performances of the Dual-Bed SPE Method .................................. 156 8.3.5 Validation of the Dual-Bed SPE Method ......................................................... 157 8.3.6 Analysis of Real Samples ................................................................................. 159 8.4 CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................... 162 8.5 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................... 162 CHAPTER NINE: ........................................................................................................... 166 A SOLID PHASE EXTRACTION PROCEDURE BASED ON ELECTROSPUN CELLULOSE-g-OXOLANE-2,5-DIONE NANOFIBERS FOR TRACE DETERMINATION OF Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb AND ZN IN GASOLINE SAMPLES BY ICP OES ................................................................................................................................... 166 ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. 166 9.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 166 9.2 EXPERIMENTAL ................................................................................................ 168 9.2.1 Material and methods ....................................................................................... 168 9.2.2 Electrospinning and functionalization of cellulose nanofibers with oxolane-2,5dione .......................................................................................................................... 170 9.2.3 Column preparation .......................................................................................... 170 9.2.4 Preconcentration procedure .............................................................................. 170 9.2.5 Procedure for the dilution of Certified Reference Material .............................. 171 9.2.6 Procedure for acid digestion of gasoline samples ............................................ 171 9.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ............................................................................ 172 9.3.1 Characterization of the adsorbent ..................................................................... 172 9.3.2 Effect of sample pH .......................................................................................... 174 9.3.3 Effect of eluent concentration........................................................................... 175 9.3.4 Effect of flow rate of sample solutions............................................................. 176 9.3.5 Effect of the sample volume ............................................................................. 177 9.3.6 Adsorption capacities ....................................................................................... 177 9.3.7 Column regeneration ........................................................................................ 178 9.3.8 Analytical Parameters ....................................................................................... 179 9.3.9 Accuracy and validation of the developed method .......................................... 181 xiv Table of contents 9.3.10 Application of the cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione SPE method ..................... 183 9.4 CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................... 185 9.5 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................... 186 CHAPTER TEN: ............................................................................................................. 189 FULL FACTORIAL DESIGN FOR THE OPTIMIZATION OF SIMULTANEOUS PRECONCENTRATION OF TRACE METAL IONS IN GASOLINE SAMPLES PRIOR TO THEIR INDUCTIVELY COUPLED MASS SPECTROMETRIC DETERMINATION ........................................................................................................ 189 ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. 189 10.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 189 10.2 MATERIALS AND METHODS ........................................................................ 191 10.2.1 Apparatus ........................................................................................................ 191 10.2.2 Reagents and Solutions................................................................................... 192 10.2.3 Preparation of Nanometer-Sized Alumina Using Sol-Gel Method ................ 193 10.2.4 Preparation of the Column.............................................................................. 193 10.2.5 Preconcentration and Recovery of Co, Cr, Mn, Ni, and Ti in a Synthetic Gasoline Solution ...................................................................................................... 193 10.2.6 Optimization Approach .................................................................................. 194 10.2.7 Procedure for Microwave Acid Digestion of Gasoline Samples .................... 194 10.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .......................................................................... 195 10.3.1 Characterization of the Nanometer-Sized Alumina........................................ 195 10.3.2 Factorial Design .............................................................................................. 196 10.3.3 Effect of Sample Volume ............................................................................... 200 10.3.4 Adsorption Capacities of Metal Ions .............................................................. 201 10.3.5 Regeneration of the Adsorbent ....................................................................... 202 10.3.6 Analytical Performance of the Nanometer-Sized Alumina SPE Method....... 202 10.3.7 Validation of the Nanometer-Sized Alumina SPE Method ............................ 203 10.3.8 Application of Nanometer-Sized Alumina SPE Method................................ 207 10.4 CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................. 210 10.5 REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 210 CHAPTER ELEVEN: ..................................................................................................... 215 DEVELOPMENT AND MULTIVARIATE OPTIMIZATION OF AN OFFLINE HOLLOW FIBER SOLID PHASE MICROEXTRACTION SYSTEM FOR xv Table of contents PRECONCENTRATION OF TRACE METAL IONS IN FUEL SAMPLES PRIOR TO THEIR ICP-MS DETERMINATION .................................................................... 215 ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. 215 11.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 215 11.2 EXPERIMENTAL .............................................................................................. 218 11.2.1 Instrumentation ............................................................................................... 218 11.2.2 Reagents, Solutions and Real Samples ........................................................... 219 11.2.3 Preparation of Sol-gel ..................................................................................... 219 11.2.4 Extraction and Pre-concentration Procedure .................................................. 220 11.2.5 Optimization Strategy ..................................................................................... 221 11.2.6 Comparative Procedure .................................................................................. 222 11.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .......................................................................... 222 11.3.1 Preliminary Optimization Using Two Level Full Factorial Design ............... 222 11.3.2 Final optimization using a Central Composite Design ................................... 225 Analysis of Variance ............................................................................... 226 Optimization of Experimental Conditions............................................... 228 11.3.3 Regeneration Studies ...................................................................................... 230 11.3.4 Analytical Features ......................................................................................... 230 11.3.5 Effect of other Metal Ions on the HF-SPME Procedure ................................. 231 11.3.6 Validation and Application of the HF-SPME Method ................................... 232 11.4 CONCLUSION .................................................................................................... 236 11.5 REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 236 CHAPTER TWELVE: .................................................................................................... 240 PREPARATION OF TITANIA-ALUMINA HOLLOW FIBER MEMBRANE AND MULTIVARIATE OPTIMIZATION FOR SIMULTANEOUS PRECONCENTRATION OF TRACE ELEMENTS IN DIESEL AND GASOLINE SAMPLES PRIOR TO ICP-MS DETERMINATION ................................................ 240 ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. 240 12.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 240 12.2 EXPERIMENTAL .............................................................................................. 242 12.2.1 Instrumentation ............................................................................................... 242 12.2.2 Reagents and Solutions................................................................................... 243 12.2.3 Synthesis Titania-Alumina Sol ....................................................................... 244 xvi Table of contents 12.2.4 Preparation of Titania-Alumina Hollow Fiber ............................................... 244 12.2.5 Preconcentration Method................................................................................ 245 12.2.6 Optimization Strategy ..................................................................................... 245 12.2.7 Comparative Method ...................................................................................... 246 12.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .......................................................................... 246 12.3.1 Characterization of Titania-Alumina Hollow Fiber ....................................... 246 X-ray diffraction analysis ........................................................................ 247 Pore structure parameters ........................................................................ 248 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis ....................................... 248 12.3.2 Screening Analysis of Membrane Solid Phase Microextraction (MSPME) Preconcentration System ........................................................................................... 249 12.3.3 Optimization of MSPME Preconcentration System ....................................... 253 12.3.4 Effect of Sample Volume ............................................................................... 255 12.3.5 Adsorption Capacities and Regeneration of the Hollow Fiber ....................... 256 12.3.6 Analytical Figure of Merit .............................................................................. 257 12.3.7 Validation, Application of MSPME Preconcentration System to Real Samples and Comparison with a Standard Method ................................................................. 258 12.4 CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................. 262 12.5 REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 262 CHAPTER THIRTEEN: ................................................................................................ 265 CHEMOMETRIC OPTIMIZATION OF HOLLOW FIBER-LIQUID PHASE MICROEXTRACTION FOR PRECONCENTRATION OF TRACE ELEMENTS IN DIESEL AND GASOLINE PRIOR TO THEIR ICP OES DETERMINATION ..... 265 ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. 265 13.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 265 13.2 EXPERIMENTAL .............................................................................................. 268 13.2.1 Reagent and Standard Solutions ..................................................................... 268 13.2.2 Instrumentation ............................................................................................... 268 13.2.3 Preparation of the HF-LPME ......................................................................... 269 13.2.4 Extraction Procedure ...................................................................................... 269 13.2.5 Optimization Strategy ..................................................................................... 270 13.3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ......................................................................... 271 13.3.1 Chemometric Optimization of HF-LPME ...................................................... 271 xvii Table of contents Factorial Design ....................................................................................... 271 Box–Behnken Design .............................................................................. 275 13.3.2 Interference Studies ........................................................................................ 279 13.3.3 Analytical Figure of Merit .............................................................................. 279 13.3.4 Validation and Application of the Proposed Method ..................................... 280 13.4 CONCLUSION .................................................................................................... 282 13.5 REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 282 CHAPTER FOURTEEN: ............................................................................................... 286 GENERAL CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................... 286 14.1 GENERAL CONCLUSION ............................................................................... 286 14.2 RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................................... 289 xviii LIST OF FIGURES CHAPTER 1 Fig. 1.1. Simplified refinery process (Adopted from Marathon Petroleum Company)5 ....... 2 Fig. 1.2. Simplified block flow diagram of a CTL process9.................................................. 3 Fig. 1.3. End-products in which petrochemical products are used in our daily lives ............ 4 CHAPTER 2 Fig. 2.1. A schematic diagram of an ICP assembly showing the three concentric quarts tubes composing the torch and the RF coil (adopted from Ref.83) ................................. 25 Fig. 2.2. Schematic diagram of ICP OES instrument showing its major components and layout (adapted from Ref.85) ........................................................................................... 27 Fig. 2.3. Schematic diagram of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer. Diagram reproduced from Linge and Jarvis96. .............................................................................. 30 CHAPTER 3 Fig. 3.1. Experimental design flow chart showing the summary of sample preparation methods used for separation and preconcentration of metal ions in organic matrices and detection techniques. ....................................................................................................... 50 Fig. 3.2. Reaction scheme for the functionalization of cellulose to cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5dione2 .............................................................................................................................. 53 CHAPTER 4 Fig. 4.1. The effect of pH on the recoveries of 20 µg L−1 metal ion solution: A) Dowex 50W-8, B) Chelex-100. sample volume 20 mL; amount of resin 1.5 g, flow rates of sample and eluent 3.0 mL min−1, respectively n = 3 ...................................................... 63 Fig. 4.2. Influences of the eluent concentration on the recoveries of the analytes on Dowex 50w-x8 resin column. sample volume 20 mL; amount of resin 1.5 g, flow rates of sample and eluent 3.0 mL min−1, respectively n = 3 ...................................................... 64 Fig. 4.3. Effect of sample volume on the recoveries of metal ions: pH 6.0; analyte concentration 10 µg L-1; amount of sorbent 1.5 g; flow rates of sample and eluent 3.0 mL min−1; eluent volume 5 mL; replicates n=3 .............................................................. 66 CHAPTER 5 Fig. 5.1. Effect of contact time on retention of Ag, Co and Mn using Dowex 50W-x8 resin: Initial concentration of metal ions 10 mg L-1; amount of resin 0.05 g; sample volume 20 mL; temperature 298 K; stirring rate 200 rpm; stirring time 0-60 min; initial pH 6 ...... 79 Fig. 5.2. Effect of pH on the adsorption of Ag, Co and Mn. Initial concentration of metal ions 10 mg L-1; amount of resin 0.05 g; sample volume 20 mL; temperature 298 K; stirring rate 200 rpm; stirring time 20 min; initial pH 4-10 ............................................ 80 xix List of figures Fig. 5.3. Effect of resin dosage on removal of Ag(I), Co(II) and Mn(II) by Dowex 50W-x8 cation exchange resin: Initial concentration of meat ions 10 mg L-1; amount of resin 0.02-1.0 g; sample volume 20 mL; temperature 298 K; stirring rate 200 rpm; stirring time 20 min; initial pH 6 ................................................................................................. 81 Fig. 5.4. Sorption isotherm of (a) Ag, (b) Co and (c) Mn on Dowex 50W-x8 resin: Initial concentration of meat ions 10 to 300 mg L-1; amount of resin 0.05 g; sample volume 20 mL; temperature, 293 to 313 K; shaking rate 200 rpm; shaking time 20 min; initial pH 6 ........................................................................................................................................ 83 Fig. 5.5. Intraparticle diffusion plots for adsorption of silver, copper and manganese ....... 90 CHAPTER 6 Fig. 6.1. Effect of sample pH on retention of the analytes in ethanol onto Dowex 50W-x8 resin column: pH 6; analyte concentration 12 µg L-1; amount of resin 1.5 g; flow rates of sample and eluent 3.0 mL min−1; eluent volume 5 mL; replicates n = 3 ................. 106 Fig. 6.2. Influences of the eluent concentration on the recoveries of the analytes on Dowex 50W-x8 resin column: pH 6; analyte concentration 12 µg L-1; amount of resin 1.5 g; flow rates of sample and eluent 3.0 mL min−1; eluent volume 5 mL; replicates n = 3 107 Fig. 6.3. Effect of sample volume on the recoveries of metal ions: pH 6; analyte concentration 12 µg L-1; amount of resin 1.5 g; flow rates of sample and eluent 3.0 mL min−1; eluent volume 5 mL; replicates n = 3 ................................................................ 108 Fig. 6.4. Pre-concentration of metal ions from methanol, ethanol, iso-propanol and 2butanol Experimental conditions: pH 6; analyte concentration 12 µg L-1; amount of resin 1.5 g; flow rates of sample and eluent 3.0 mL min−1; eluent volume 5 mL; replicates n = 3 .............................................................................................................. 111 CHAPTER 7 Fig. 7.1. Effect of sample pH on retention of the analytes in ethanol onto Dowex 1-x8 resin column. Sample volume: 20 mL; amount of resin 1.5 g; flow rates of sample and eluent 3.0 mL min−1; replicates n = 3) ..................................................................................... 132 Fig. 7.2. Effect of sample volume on the recoveries of metal ions: pH 6; analyte concentration 14 µg L-1; amount of resin 1.5 g; flow rates of sample and eluent 3.0 mL min−1; eluent volume 5 mL; replicates n = 3 ................................................................ 134 CHAPTER 8 Fig. 8.1. Pareto chart of standardized effects for variables in the separation and preconcentration of silver (A); aluminium (B), arsenic (C) and Cr (D). ...................... 154 Fig. 8.2. Effect of sample volume on the recoveries of metal ions ................................... 155 CHAPTER 9 Fig. 9.2. Characteristic absorption peaks of (A) cellulose acetate, (B) deacetylated cellulose and (C) cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione ......................................................................... 172 xx List of figures Fig. 9.3. SEM micrographs: (I) cellulose nanofibers and (II) cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione nanofibers ..................................................................................................................... 174 Fig. 9.4. Effect of sample pH on retention of the analytes in ethanol onto cellulose-goxolane-2,5-dione column: Experimental conditions: analyte concentration 20 µg L-1; amount of adsorbent 0.5 g; flow rates of sample and eluent 2.0 mL min−1; eluent concentration 2.0 mol L-1, eluent volume 5 mL; replicates n = 3 ................................. 175 Fig. 9.5. Effect of sample volume on the recoveries of metal ions. Experimental conditions: pH 6; analyte concentration 20 µg L-1; amount of cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione nanofibers 0.5 g; flow rates of sample and eluent 2.0 mL min−1; eluent concentration 2.0 mol L-1; eluent volume 5 mL; replicates n = 3 ............................................................. 177 CHAPTER 10 Fig. 10.1. Scanning electron microscopy images of alumina obtained by sol-gel methods starting from AlCl3 as precursor, calcined at 1000°C for three hours. .......................... 195 Fig. 10.2. X-ray diffraction pattern of alumina obtained by sol-gel methods starting from AlCl3 as precursor, calcined at 1000 °C for three hour ................................................ 196 Fig. 10.3. Pareto chart of standardized effects for variables in the separation and preconcentration of Co, Cr, Mn, Ni and Ti. A = pH; B = eluent concentration (mol L-1) and C = sample flow rate (mL min-1) ........................................................................... 199 Fig.10.4. Effect of sample volume on the recoveries of metal ions: pH 7.0; analyte concentration 30 µg L-1; amount of sorbent 1.5 g; flow rates of sample and eluent 2.0 mL min−1; eluent volume 5 mL; replicates n = 3 .......................................................... 201 CHAPTER 11 Fig. 11.1. Pareto chart of standardized effects for variables related to the preconcentration of (A) cadmium, (B) copper, (C) iron, (D) lead and (E) zinc ....................................... 225 Fig. 11.2. Response surface for percentage recovery of cadmium (A), copper (B), iron (C), lead (D) and zinc (E) as function of acceptor phase amount (APA), mg mL-1 and extraction time (ET), min at constant eluent concentration of 2.75 mol L-1 ................ 229 CHAPTER 12 Fig. 12.1. XRD spectra of nanometer-sized alumina powder (A), nanometer-sized titania powder (B) and titania-alumina hollow fiber (C) calcined at 1000°C for 3 hours. (Theta phases: α = alpha-phase Al2O3, γ = gamma-phase Al2O3, R = rutile TiO2) ................. 247 Fig. 12.2. SEM textural images of the titania-alumina (A) and polypropylene hollow fiber (B). ................................................................................................................................ 248 Fig. 12.3. Pareto charts of standardized effects for variables in the cobalt and chromium preconcentration. .......................................................................................................... 250 Fig. 12.4. Pareto charts of standardized effects for variables in the molybdenum and nickel preconcentration. .......................................................................................................... 251 xxi List of figures Fig. 12.5.Pareto charts of standardized effects for variables in the preconcentration of antimony and vanadium ................................................................................................ 252 Fig. 12.6. Response surface for percentage recovery of Cr (A), Co (B), (C), Mo (D), Ni (E) and V (F) as function of extraction time (ET), min. ..................................................... 255 Fig. 12.7. Effect of sample volume on the recoveries of metal ions ................................. 256 CHAPTER 13 Fig. 13.1. Pareto charts of standardized effects for variables in the Ag and Al preconcentration. .......................................................................................................... 273 Fig. 13.2. Pareto charts of standardized effects for variables in the As and Mn preconcentration. .......................................................................................................... 273 Fig. 13.3. Pareto charts of standardized effects for variables in the Ti preconcentration. 274 Fig. 13.4. Response surfaces obtained for (A) Ag, (B) Al, (C) As, (D) Mn and (E) Ti after extraction and preconcentration by HF-LPME ............................................................. 278 xxii LIST OF TABLES CHAPTER 2 Table 2.1. Selected applications of solid phase extraction for preconcentration of metal ions in fuel samples ........................................................................................................ 20 Table 2.2. Application of ICP OES and ICP-MS for determination of metal ions in petroleum products ......................................................................................................... 35 Table 2.3. Selected applications of chemometric tools for multivariate optimization of analytical methodologies ................................................................................................ 37 CHAPTER 3 Table 3.1. Electrothermal AAS temperature programs for determination of metal ions .... 56 CHAPTER 4 Table 4.1. Recovery (%) of multi-element in aqueous solution using Dowex 50W-x8 and Chelex-100 SPE methods ............................................................................................... 65 Table 4.2. Analysis of certified reference materials (mean of 3 replicates; concentration in µg L-1) ............................................................................................................................. 68 Table 4.3. Concentration (µg L-1) of Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, and Zn in water samples (replicates n=5, volume 100 mL, final volume 5 mL) .................................................... 70 Table 4.4. Guidelines for the presence of heavy metals in drinking water; concentration in µg L-1 .............................................................................................................................. 70 CHAPTER 5 Table 5.1. Graphite furnace temperature program for the determination of silver, cobalt and manganese in ethanol model solutions ........................................................................... 77 Table 5.2. Langmuir and Freundlich parameters for ion exchange adsorption of Ag, Co and Mn onto Dowex 50W-x8 resin in ethanol ...................................................................... 84 Table 5.3. Temkin and Dubinin-Radushkevich parameters for ion exchange adsorption of Ag, Co and Mn onto Dowex 50W-x8 resin in ethanol ................................................... 86 Table 5.4. Comparison of maximum adsorption capacities of Dowex 50W-x8 for Ag, Co and Mn with other adsorbents reported in literature ....................................................... 87 Table 5.5. Kinetic parameters for the adsorption of Ag, Co and Mn onto Dowex 50W-x8 in ethanol............................................................................................................................. 88 Table 5.6. Values of initial sorption rate (h) and half-adsorption time (t1/2) ....................... 89 Table 5.7. Thermodynamic parameters for the adsorption of Ag, Co and Mn on Dowex 50W-x8 ........................................................................................................................... 91 Table 5.8. Concentration of Ag, Co and Mn (µg L-1) in commercial ethanol samples ....... 93 xxiii List of tables CHAPTER 6 Table 6.1. Recovery (%) of multi-element in ethanol using Dowex 50W-x8 (Dow(a)), Chelex-100 (Che1) and Dowex MAC-3 (Dow(b)) for SPE methods. .......................... 110 Table 6.2. Analysis of the metallo-organic Conostan standard for the determination of analytes after application of the pre-concentration procedure; RSD= relative standard deviation. ...................................................................................................................... 112 Table 6.3. Effect of potential interfering ions on the percentage recoveries of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn; Pb, Ti and Zn ................................................................................................... 113 Table 6.4. Analytical performances for the proposed Dowex 50W-x8 SPE method ........ 114 Table 6.5. Accuracy test results for spiked recovery (R): pH 6, sample volume: 100 mL, n =3. ................................................................................................................................. 117 Table 6.6. Analysis of the certified reference material (CRM TMDW-500 drinking water) for the determination of analytes after application of the pre-concentration procedure ...................................................................................................................................... 118 Table 6.7. Determination of metal ions (µg L-1) in commercial methanol, ethanol, isopropanol and 2-butanol samples after pre-concentration by the proposed method (pH 6, sample volume: 100 mL, n = 3) and the comparative one (ETAAS) ........................... 119 CHAPTER 7 Table 7.1. Operation parameters and heating temperature program for ETAAS .............. 128 Table 7.2. Physical and chemical properties of the resins ................................................. 129 Table 7.3. Analytical performances for the proposed Dowex 1-x8 SPE method (sample volume 100 mL) ........................................................................................................... 135 Table 7.4. Comparison of some methods used for determination of Mo, Sb and V ......... 136 Table 7.5. Effect of potential interfering ions on the recovery of metal ions .................... 137 Table 7.6. Percentage (%) recovery results when 1 mL gasoline sample 1-MFUG was spiked with different metal concentrations (0-20 µg L-1) and made up in ethanol (100 mL) ............................................................................................................................... 138 Table 7.7. Concentrations (in µg L-1) of metal ions in gasoline samples determined by ICP OES in sample solutions resulting from Dowex 1-x8 preconcentration procedure ..... 139 Table 7.8. Concentrations (in µg L-1) of metal ions in gasoline samples determined by ICP OES in sample solutions resulting from Dowex 1-x8 preconcentration procedure and GFAAS in sample solutions resulting from acid digestion procedure ......................... 141 CHAPTER 8 Table 8.1. The operating parameters of determination of elements by ICP OES ............. 148 Table 8.2. Factors and levels used in 23 factorial design for separation and preconcentration of metal ions ................................................................................................................. 150 xxiv List of tables Table 8.3. Design matrix and the results of Ag, Al, As and Cr ......................................... 152 Table 8.4. Determination of Ag, Al, As and Cr (µg L-1) in gasoline sample spiked with inorganic and organic standard solutions (mean ± standard deviation, n= 3) .............. 158 Table 8.5. The determination of Ag, Al, As and Cr in different gasoline samples using dual-bed SPE/ICP OES and MAD/ ICP OES methods ................................................ 161 CHAPTER 9 Table 9.1. The operating parameters of determination of elements by ICP OES ............. 169 Table 9.2. 13C NMR chemical shifts for cellulose acetate, deacetylated cellulose and cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione and the corresponding assignments ............................. 173 Table 9.3. Influences of the eluent concentration on the recoveries of the analytes on cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione column. ........................................................................ 176 Table 9.4. Effect of flow rate of sample solutions: analytical results in terms of recovery ...................................................................................................................................... 176 Table 9.5. Column regeneration. ....................................................................................... 179 Table 9.6. Analytical performances for cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione SPE method. ...... 180 Table 9.7. Analytical performances for acid digestion method ......................................... 181 Table 9.8. Accuracy test results for spike recovery test. ................................................... 182 Table 9.9. Results for the oil based certified reference material. ...................................... 183 Table 9.10. Concentrations (in µg L-1) of metal ions in commercial gasoline samples after pre-concentration by the cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione SPE method. ........................ 184 Table 9.11. Concentrations (in µg L-1) of metal ions in gasoline samples determined by ICP OES in sample solutions resulting from acid digestion procedure ........................ 185 CHAPTER 10 Table 10.1. Operational ICP-MS parameters .................................................................... 192 Table 10.2. Factors and levels used in 23 factorial design for the separation and preconcentration of metal ions...................................................................................... 194 Table 10.3. Design matrix and the results of metal ions ................................................... 197 Table 10.4. Column regeneration ...................................................................................... 202 Table 10.5. Analytical performances for the proposed nanometer sized Al2O3 SPE method and microwave-assisted digestion method ................................................................... 205 Table 10. 6. Comparison of the proposed nanometer-sized SPE method with other methods used for determination of trace metals in gasoline ....................................................... 205 Table 10.7. Determination of Co, Cr, Mn, Ni and Ti (µg L-1) in gasoline sample spiked with inorganic and organic standard solutions (mean ± standard deviation, sample volume = 100 mL, n= 3) ............................................................................................... 206 xxv List of tables Table 10.8. Concentrations (in µg L-1) of metal ions in gasoline samples determined by ICP-MS in aqueous solutions resulting from nanometer-sized Al2O3 preconcentration procedure (sample volume = 100 mL) and ICP OES in aqueous solutions resulting from microwave-assisted digestion procedure ...................................................................... 209 CHAPTER 11 Table 11.1. Operational ICP-MS parameters .................................................................... 218 Table 11.2. Factors and levels used in 24 factorial design for separation and preconcentration of metal ions in fuel samples ............................................................ 221 Table 11.3. Matrix of 24 full factorial design and the analytical response (% recovery) for each experiment for extraction and preconcentration of metal ions ............................. 223 Table 11.4. List of experiments in the central composite design (actual values) for HFSPME optimization and the responses ......................................................................... 226 Table 11.5. Analytical performance of the HF-SPME system for preconcentration of metal ions obtained under optimum conditions ...................................................................... 231 Table 11.6. Effect of potential interfering ions on the percentage recoveries of Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn (mean % recovery ± standard deviation) ..................................................... 232 Table 11.7. Analytical results obtained in the analysis of spiked diesel sample. The concentration and recovery values are expressed as the mean ± standard deviation of the three replicates .............................................................................................................. 234 Table 11.8. Determination of Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn (µg L-1) in commercial diesel (D1 and D2) and gasoline (G1 and G2) samples by proposed HF-SPME and comparative method (n = 3, at 95% confidence level). .................................................................................. 235 CHAPTER 12 Table 12.1. Operational ICP-MS parameters .................................................................... 243 Table 12.2. Factors and levels used in 24 factorial design for separation and preconcentration of metal ions in fuel samples ............................................................ 246 Table 12.3. List of experiments in the factorial design (actual values) for MSPME optimization and the responses ..................................................................................... 249 Table 12.4. List of experiments in the central composite design (actual values) for MSPME optimization and the responses ..................................................................................... 254 Table 12.5. Analytical figure of merit of the MSPME system for preconcentration of metal ions obtained under optimum conditions ...................................................................... 257 Table 12.6. Analytical results obtained in the analysis of spiked diesel sample. The concentration and recovery values are expressed as the mean ± standard deviation of the three replicates .............................................................................................................. 258 xxvi List of tables Table 12.7. Determination of Co, Cr, Mo, Ni, Sb and V (µg L-1) in commercial diesel (D1 and D2) and gasoline (G1 and G2) samples by proposed MSPME and comparative method MAD/ICP OES (n = 3, at 95% confidence level). ........................................... 261 CHAPTER 13 Table 13.1. Factors and levels used in 24 factorial design for extraction and preconcentration of metal ions in fuel samples ............................................................ 271 Table 13.2. List of experiments in the factorial design (actual values) for HF-LPME optimization and the response values ........................................................................... 272 Table 13.3. Experimental design using Box–Behnken design (CCD) and analytical response values ............................................................................................................. 275 Table 13.4. Calculated critical point values ...................................................................... 278 Table 13.5. Analytical figure of merits for the proposed HF-LPME method ................... 280 Table 13.6. Analytical results obtained in the analysis of spiked diesel and gasoline samples. The concentration and recovery values are expressed as the mean ± standard deviation of the three replicates .................................................................................... 280 Table 13.7. The determination of Ag, Al, As, Mn and Ti in diesel and gasoline samples using HF-LPME/ICP OES ............................................................................................ 281 Table 13.8. The determination of Ag, Al, As, Mn and Ti in diesel and gasoline samples using MAD/ICP OES ................................................................................................... 282 xxvii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 13 C NMR ANOVA AST APDC BZA CCD CCD CID CPE CTL DC DDTC DOE EDXRF EIE ETAAS ETV FAAS FT FTIR GTL HF-LPME HF-SPME ICP ICP-MS ICP OES LLE LOD LOQ LPG m/z MAD MIC MSPME PAN PDMS PMBP PMT PTFE RF RSA Carbon-13 nuclear resonance spectroscopy Analysis of Variance Atomic spectrometric techniques Ammonium pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate Benzoylacetone Charge-coupled device Central composite design Charge injection device Cloud point extraction Coal to liquid Direct current Diethyldithiocarbamate Design of experiments Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence Easily ionized element Electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry Electrothermal vaporization Flame atomic absorption spectrometry Fischer–Tropsch Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy Gas to liquid LPG Hollow fiber liquid phase microextraction Hollow fiber solid phase microextraction Inductively coupled plasma Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry Inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry Liquid-liquid extraction Limits of detection Limits of quantification Liquefied petroleum gas Mass-to-charge ratio Microwave-assisted digestion Microwave-induced combustion Solid phase microextraction membrane 1-(2-pyridylazo)-2-naphthol Polydimethylsiloxane 1-phenyl-3-methyl-4-benzoyl-pyrazolone Photomultiplier tube Polytetrafluoroethylene Radiofrequency Republic of South Africa xxviii List of abbreviations RSD RTIL SBSE SEM SPE SPME UV WHO XRD XRF Relative standard deviation Room temperature ionic liquids Stir-bar sorptive extraction Scanning electron microscopy Solid phase extraction Solid phase microextraction membrane Ultra Violet World health organization X-ray powder diffraction X-ray fluorescence xxix CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND In our modern and industrialized world, every country and society is totally dependent on fossil fuels. For instance, crude oil and its derivatives are used for production of liquid fuels that power vehicles, the preparation of medicines, the manufacture of plastics, cosmetics, as well as other personal products that enhance human beings daily lives. The subsections that follow below give background on petroleum and petrochemical products as well the petrol additives. A statement on the problem that the PhD project sought to solve, the objectives of the study and the structure of the thesis write up are presented in this section. 1.1.1 Petroleum Products Petroleum products such as liquid fuels are chemical products derived from fossil fuels.1 There are three well known types of fossil fuels; these include crude oil, coal and natural gas. Crude oil is a complex mixture containing mostly hydrocarbons (compounds with carbon and hydrogen) and traces of inorganic chemical species such metals, sulfur, nitrogen and oxygen.1-3 Crude oil goes through a process called fractional distillation, whereby different components of crude oil are separated so that they can be further refined.4 The simplified refinery process is presented in Fig. 1.1. During factional distillation, crude oil is put into a high-pressure steam boiler and the oil turns to vapor. The latter then enters the bottom of the distillation tower (column) through a pipe. The vapors rise in the column and condense to liquid as they reach their boiling points. These liquid fractions flow through pipes and are collected in separate storage tanks.4 1 Chapter one: Introduction Fig. 1.1. Simplified refinery process (Adopted from Marathon Petroleum Company)5 Liquid fuel can be produced by the Fischer–Tropsch (FT) synthesis of a syngas (a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide), which can be obtained from natural gas reforming or coal gasification. The resulting processes are known as gas to liquid (GTL) and coal to liquid (CTL).6 The gas to liquid process consists of autothermal reforming, from which methane, steam and oxygen reacts to form syngas. The by-products of this process, which are mainly water and carbon dioxide are then removed from syngas before they are introduced to the FT reactor where syngas is converted into hydrocarbons. The products from the FT reactor are separated in the separation column called a hydrocracking reactor (first separation). The latter (hydro-cracking reactor) converts heavy hydrocarbons into gasoline and diesel. The products such as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), gasoline and diesel as are then further separated in a second separation section.6 Fig. 1.2 shows a simplified block flow diagram of a CTL process. The CTL process can be achieved either by direct or indirect liquefaction. The major conversion steps between energy forms when dealing with indirect liquefaction are gasification (that is, converting solid coal to syngas) and FT synthesis (that is converting the syngas to hydrocarbon products).7 The block flow diagram for indirect CTL process is similar to the GTL block flow diagram; however, the main differences are the starting materials.6 The direct liquefaction involves the use of catalysts to covert coal to liquid products.8 2 Chapter one: Introduction Fig. 1.2. Simplified block flow diagram of a CTL process9 The liquid fuels under investigation in this study, are gasoline and diesel. Gasoline is a volatile and flammable liquid that is widely used in internal combustion engines and is formed by a mixture of hydrocarbons (4-12 carbons). These hydrocarbons include paraffins, naphthenes, olefins, and aromatic hydrocarbons.10,11 In addition, small amounts of additives are added to improve its stability, control deposit formation in engines, improve performance and modify other characteristics.10 Diesel is a blend of petroleum-derived compounds called middle distillates and is heavier than gasoline but lighter than lubricating oil and unlike gasoline; diesel may or may not contain metal additives.10 It consists of hydrocarbons ranging from 10 to 24 carbons with the most notorious contaminant in diesel fuel which is sulfur. Petrochemical products Petrochemical products are chemicals that are derived from petroleum products such as naphtha.12,13 In petrochemical industries, the organic chemicals with the largest production volume are olefins (ethylene, butylene and propylene), aromatics (benzene, toluene and xylenes) and methanol.13 The latter can be produced by chemical cracking and catalytic reforming.13 Chemical cracking refers to the catalytic break down of large hydrocarbon molecules into simpler molecules at high temperatures. Catalytic reforming is used to convert low-octane naphthas into high-octane gasoline blending components and often to benzene, toluene and xylene aromatics for petrochemical use.12,13 Olefins, aromatic and methanol serve as precursors to a wide range of petrochemical products, such as polymers, 3 Chapter one: Introduction alcohols, resins, ketones, esters and carboxylic acids, among others. Petrochemicals can be used in the automotive and aviation industries, in explosives, plastics, soaps and detergents, cosmetics, dyes, food packaging, solvents in pharmaceutical preparations, home furnishings, carpet backing, refrigerators and chemical intermediates, among others.12 Other uses of these chemicals are listed in Fig.1.3. Fig. 1.3. End-products in which petrochemical products are used in our daily lives 1.2 METAL IONS IN PETROLEUM AND PETROCHEMICAL PRODUCTS Trace metal ions in petroleum and petrochemical products come from many sources, for example, some of the metals such as nickel and vanadium are natural constituents of petroleum and they can therefore be present in all its derivatives.11,14,15 Iron and zinc are the main construction materials for fuel tanks and as a result they might be transferred to the fuel during transport and storage. Copper on the other hand may be introduced during the distillation and refinement processes.11,16,17 In addition, some of the elements can be introduced into the petroleum derivatives from catalysts used to process crude oil and its fractions, during the distillation.18 Moreover, these elements can be added as additives to improve or promote specific characteristics of the products.11 Additives for gasoline, diesel, and other petroleum products may contain a wide range of elements including aluminium, calcium, cerium, chromium, cobalt, copper, lanthanum, lead, lithium, 4 Chapter one: Introduction magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, silicon, silver, sodium, thallium, tin, tungsten, vanadium, zinc and zirconium.11,19 Even though metallic species in petroleum and petrochemical products are present in trace levels, the overall emission relative to its burning contributes significantly to environmental pollution, particularly in urban areas. Therefore, their analysis is essential in the different sectors of economy from refining to environmental risk assessment. 1.3 PROBLEM STATEMENT The presence of metals in petroleum and petrochemical products is undesirable, unless they are used as additives. Therefore, it is important to control and monitor their concentrations in fuel and petrochemical products as they tend to affect the quality of these products. For instance, the presence of Cu can catalyze oxidation reactions and significantly increase the gum content of gasoline leading to fuel decomposition and poor engine performance.11,20,21 Additionally, the presence of Ni and Pb species in fuel reduces the efficiency of catalytic reactors used in vehicle exhaust systems, thus increasing the emission of carbon monoxide and oxides of sulfur and nitrogen.11,22 Therefore, the quality control of petroleum and petrochemical products is a subject of economic and environmental importance, in view of the fact that fuels outside of the quality specifications can bring direct problems to the consumer through the malfunctioning of the vehicle engine, increase in fuel consumption and maintenance costs.23 Other petrochemical products (organic solvents in particular) are used in pharmaceutical, food industries and paint formulations. The presence of trace elements in these solvents has health effects and most metal impurities are detrimental to catalytic processes used in industry. These metals include Ag, Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Ti, V and Zn, among others.17,24 Therefore, monitoring of these toxic elements is important, since they are released into the atmosphere by fuel combustion and concerning concern to human health.11,21 Since metal concentrations in fuels and petrochemical products are generally in trace levels, sensitive and fast techniques with low detection limits are required for monitoring. The problem with the commonly used techniques (flame atomic absorption spectrometry and energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry) is that they have poor/ high detection limits compared to inductively coupled plasma optical emission/mass spectrometry (ICP OES/-MS) or electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS) 5 Chapter one: Introduction and therefore cannot detect at low levels. In addition, direct determination of metals in diesel and gasoline, by most analytical techniques is difficult due to their volatility, low viscosity, corrosivity and immiscibility with water.25 Despite of this challenge, procedures based on direct determination using ETAAS have widely reported in literature because of its high sensitivity and tolerance to high organic matrix loads.26-27 However, the routine analysis using ETAAS is disadvantageous because of its low sample throughput compared to inductively coupled plasma-based methods.28 Inductively coupled plasma techniques are well-established multi-elemental and sensitive techniques of analysis.29 Besides the many advantages they offer, these techniques suffer from interferences problems which can be manifested in different ways. For example, if the sample is diluted with organic solvents, the sensitivity decreases due to the effect of cooling of the plasma. Moreover, the direct introduction of organic samples into the plasma requires special care because direct loading of organic samples to the plasma may destabilize or extinguish the latter.22,29 Therefore, analytical methods that can solve the problem of matrix effect in ICP-MS/OES techniques are required. These methods may include separation and pre-concentration methods that can extract, separate and concentrate the metals from complex matrices prior to their determination. 1.4 HYPOTHESIS Separation and preconcentration of trace metals in organic matrices can be achieved by solid phase extraction using different adsorbents, hollow fiber-solid phase microextraction and hollow fiber- liquid phase microextraction prior to their spectrometric determination. The application of the developed methods will allow accurate assessment of the levels of metal ions in organic solvent, diesel and gasoline samples. In addition, the elimination of the organic matrix contributed to the minimize matrix effects and ultimately to improve sensitivity and accuracy. 1.5 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY 1.5.1 Main Objective The main objective of this project was to develop sample preparation methods based on separation and pre-concentration of trace metals in organic matrices, using solid phase extraction (SPE), solid phase microextraction (SPME) and hollow fiber-liquid phase 6 Chapter one: Introduction microextraction (HF-LPME prior to their ICP OES/-MS determination. The use of the sample preparation methods was to eliminate organic matrix thus minimizing matrix effects and ultimately to improve sensitivity and accuracy. 1.5.2 Specific Objectives The specific objectives were to: 1. Develop solid phase extraction methodologies for separation and preconcentration of trace elements in organic solvents, diesel and gasoline samples. Studies on SPE method involved the following: Evaluate the SPE exchange and adsorption capabilities of different commercially available cation exchange resins and synthetic adsorbents for simultaneous preconcentration of metal ions in organic matrices. Use of univariate and multivariate techniques for optimization of analytical parameters (performance characteristics) such as effect of pH, effect of sample and eluent flow rate, among others factors that affect offline SPE of metal ions prior to their determination using either ICP OES or ICP-MS. Application of offline pre-concentration SPE system for preconcentration of metal ions in real organic solvent and fuel samples. 2. Develop solid phase microextraction methodologies for extraction and preconcentration of trace elements in diesel and gasoline samples. The SPME method was carried out as follows: Preparation of an HF-SPME system for extraction and preconcentration of metal ions in fuel samples. Preparation of membrane SPME (MSPME) for separation and preconcentration of metal ions in fuel samples. Use of multivariate methodologies for optimization of HF-SPME and MSPME parameters. These parameters include sample pH, acceptor phase concentration, eluent concentration, sample volume, and extraction time, among others. Application of HF-SPME and MSPME systems for separation and preconcentration of metal ions in real fuel samples prior to their determination using ICP-MS. 3. Develop hollow fiber-liquid phase microextraction methodologies for extraction and preconcentration of trace elements in diesel and gasoline samples. 7 Chapter one: Introduction Preparation of an HF-LPME system for extraction and preconcentration of metal ions in fuel samples. Use of multivariate methodologies for optimization of HF-SPME and MSPME parameters. These parameters include sample pH, extraction time; stirring rate; chelating agent concentration, among others. Application of HF-SPME preconcentration system in real fuel samples prior to their determination using ICP OES. 1.6 THESIS OVERVIEW This thesis is structured into five different parts arranged according to the themes as presented in form of 14 chapters. A brief description of each part and its constituent chapters is presented in Part 1 to 5 Part 1: General Introduction and Thesis Overview, is composed of three chapters, which include introduction, literature review and overview of materials and methods. The general introduction or background to the topic, problem statement as well as the objectives of the study is described in Chapter 1. Chapter 2 reviews the literature on the analytical techniques used for preconcentration and determination of metal ions. Chapter 2 also highlights the use of design of experiments (DOE) in the optimization of preconcentration technique. Chapter 3 describes an overview of research design, materials and methods. Part 2: Solid Phase Extraction, presents the results and discussion that were obtained when it was used a sample cleanup method. In this part, the component exchange efficiencies of different commercial ion exchange resins for preconcentration of metal ion in water, alcohol and fuel samples were investigated. In addition, the applicability of synthetic adsorbents such as nanometer-sized alumina and functionalized cellulose nanofibers for preconcentration of trace metals in gasoline samples was investigated. These results and discussion are covered in Chapter 4-10. Part 3: Hollow Fiber-Solid Phase Microextraction, describes the results and discussions on hollow fiber-solid phase microextraction as an extraction and preconcentration method. There two chapters that cover this section, these include (i) Hollow fiber solid phase microextraction as a preconcentration technique for simultaneous microextraction of metal ions in fuel samples prior to their ICP-MS determination (Chapter 8 Chapter one: Introduction 11) and (ii) Preparation of alumina-titania hollow fiber as a preconcentration system and its optimization by factorial design for the trace determination of heavy metal ions in gasoline and diesel samples using ICP-MS (Chapter 12). Part 4: Hollow Fiber- Liquid Phase Microextraction, describes the results and discussion obtained when hollow fiber- liquid phase microextraction was used as a preconcentration method. In this part, a novel method based on hollow-fiber liquid-phase microextraction and ICP OES for the measurement of metal ions in liquid fuel samples is described (Chapter 13). Part 5: General Conclusions, comprised of one chapter (Chapter 13) and it highlights the major findings and the conclusions drawn from the results obtained from Chapters 4-13 as well as suggested further studies. 1.7 REFERENCES 1. World Health Organization (WHO). 2008. Petroleum products in drinking-water. Background document for preparation of WHO Guidelines for drinking-water quality. Geneva, World Health Organization (WHO/SDE/WSH/03.04/74). Available at: Accessed 5 September 2011 2. de Souza, R. M., Meliande, A. L. S., Da Silveira, C. L. P. & Aucélio, R. Q. 2006. Determination of Mo, Zn, Cd, Ti, Ni, V, Fe, Mn, Cr and Co in crude oil using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry and sample introduction as detergentless microemulsions. Microchemical Journal, 82, 137-141. 3. Khuhawar, M.Y., Mirza A. M. & Jahangir, T.M. 2012. Determination of Metal Ions in Crude Oils, Crude Oil Emulsions- Composition Stability and Characterization, Prof. Manar El-Sayed Abdul-Raouf (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0220-5, InTech. 4. The refinery process. Available at Accessed 29 April 2013. 5. Sutton, D. 2012. Refining 101: Marathon Petroleum Company. Available at fining101forCustoms-March2012v6.ashx. Accessed 18 March 2013 6. Sudiro, M. & Bertucco, A. 2009. Production of synthetic gasoline and diesel fuel by alternative processes using natural gas and coal: Process simulation and optimization. Energy, 34, 2206-2214. 7. Hao, X., Dong, G., Yang, Y., Xu, Y. & Li, Y. 2007. Coal to Liquid (CTL): Commercialization Prospects in China. Chemical Engineering Technology, 30, 1157– 1165. 9 Chapter one: Introduction 8. Höök, M. & Aleklett, K. 2010. A review on coal-to-liquid fuels and its coal consumption. International Journal of Energy Research, 34, 848-864. 9. Miller, L., Ackiewicz, M. & Cicero D. C. 2008. 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Analytica Chimica Acta, 311, 85-91. 15. Vale, M. G. R., Damin, I. C. F., Klassen, A., Silva, M. M., Welz, B., Silva, A. F., Lepri, F. G., Borges, D. L. G. & Heitmann, U. 2004. Method development for the determination of nickel in petroleum using line-source and high-resolution continuumsource graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Microchemical Journal, 77, 131-140. 16. Saint'pierre, T. D., Dias, L. F., Maia, S. M. & Curtius, A. J. 2004. Determination of Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Tl in gasoline as emulsion by electrothermal vaporization inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with analyte addition and isotope dilution calibration techniques. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 59, 551-558. 17. Chaves, E. S., F. G. Lepri, J. S. A. Silva, D. P. C. De Quadros, T. D. Saint’pierre And A. J. Curtius 2008. Determination of Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and V in diesel and biodiesel samples by ETV-ICP-MS. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 10, 1211-1216. 18. Aucelio, R. Q. & Curtius, A. J. 2002. Evaluation of electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry for trace determination of Sb, As and Se in gasoline and kerosene using microemulsion sample introduction and two approaches for chemical modification. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 17, 242-247. 19. Du, B., Wei, Q., Wang, S. & Yu, W. 1997. Application of microemulsions in determination of chromium naphthenate in gasoline by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy. Talanta, 44, 1803-1806. 10 Chapter one: Introduction 20. Teixeira, L. S. G., Bezerra, M. D. A., Lemos, V. A., Santos, H. C. D., De Jesus, D. S. & Costa, A. C. S. 2005. Determination of Copper, Iron, Nickel, and Zinc in Ethanol Fuel by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Using On-Line Preconcentration System. Separation Science and Technology, 40, 2555 - 2565. 21. dos Santos, D. S. S., Teixeira, A. P., Korn, M. G. A. & Teixeira, L. S. G. 2006. Determination of Mo and V in multiphase gasoline emulsions by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 61, 592595. 22. Saint'pierre, T. D., Dias, L. F., Pozebon, D., Aucélio, R. Q., Curtius, A. J. & Welz, B. 2002. Determination of Cu, Mn, Ni and Sn in gasoline by electrothermal vaporization inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, and emulsion sample introduction. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 57, 1991-2001. 23. Dias, J. C., Kubota, L. T., Nesterenko, P. N., Dicinoski, G. W. & Haddad, P. R. 2010. A new high-performance chelation ion chromatographic system for the direct determination of trace transition metals in fuel ethanol. Analytical Methods, 2, 15651570. 24. Tormen, L., E. S. Chaves, T. D. Saint’pierre, V. L. A. Frescura And A. J. Curtius 2008. Determination of trace elements in fuel ethanol by ICP-MS using direct sample introduction by a microconcentric nebulizer. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 23, 1300-1304. 25. Teixeira, L. S. G., Rocha, R. B. S., Sobrinho, E. V., Guimarães, P. R. B., Pontes, L. A. M. & Teixeira, J. S. R. 2007. Simultaneous determination of copper and iron in automotive gasoline by X-ray fluorescence after pre-concentration on cellulose paper. Talanta, 72, 1073-1076. 26. Reboucas, M. V., Domingos, D., Santos, A. S. O. & Sampaio, L. 2010. Determination of trace metals in naphtha by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry: Comparison between direct injection and microemulsion pretreatment procedures. Fuel Processing Technology, 91, 1702-1709. 27. Reboucas, M. V., Ferreira, S. L. C. & Neto, B. D. B. 2003. Arsenic determination in naphtha by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry after preconcentration using multiple injections. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 18, 1267-1273. 28. Donati, G. L., Amais, R. S., Schiavo, D. & Nobrega, J. A. 2013. Determination of Cr, Ni, Pb and V in gasoline and ethanol fuel by microwave plasma optical emission spectrometry. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 28, 755-759. 29. Bettinelli, M., Spezia, S., Baroni U. & Bizzarri, G. 1995. Determination of trace elements in fuel oils by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry after acid mineralization of the sample in a microwave oven. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 10, 555-560. 11 Chapter two: Literature review CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW ON DETERMINATION AND SAMPLE PREPARATION METHODS FOR TRACE METALS ANALYSIS IN PETROLEUM BASED PRODUCTS This chapter presents a literature review on techniques for sample preparation and quantification of trace metals in fuel samples. An overview of inductively coupled plasma techniques (that is, inductively coupled plasma optical emission/ mass spectrometry) is given, along with their principles, analytical capabilities, sample introduction methods, ion separation, detection and applications. In addition, the use of multivariate (chemometric) techniques in the optimization of separation and preconcentration procedures is also covered. 2.1 SAMPLE PRETREATMENT METHODS The most important stage in fuel analysis is the sample pretreatment or the preparation step, because it prepares the sample and make it more appropriate for analysis using analytical techniques. Sample pretreatment is an analysis stage where most errors occur which may affect reproducibility, precision, limits of detection and quantification of various analytical techniques. In addition, this can be the most time consuming step which then leads to an increase in the cost of the analysis.1-4 Like any other analytical method, various sample preparation procedures used prior to the determination of metals in fuels have advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, before developing a sample pretreatment procedure, there are some important factors that have to be taken to consideration. These factors include (i) the analytical technique to be used, (ii) the nature of the sample, (iii) the analyte and its concentration, (iv) the degree of accuracy and precision required, (v) the availability of equipment, materials and reagents and (vi) cost of the analysis.2 There are different sample pretreatment methods that have been developed for metal and metalloid quantification in fuel samples which may be categorized into preconcentration and non-preconcentration based sample preparation techniques. The next section will briefly review the non-preconcentration or non-sorption based sample preparation techniques. 12 Chapter two: Literature review 2.1.1 Non-Sorption Sample Preparation Methods The non-preconcentration based sample preparation methods includes conventional ashing and acid dissolution, microwave digestion, electrothermal vaporization, dilution with organic solvents and emulsion/microemulsion Conventional ashing and acid dissolution methods In this approach, the fuel sample is usually placed in a quartz beaker or a platinum crucible and heated over a Bunsen gas burner or placed in a furnace to achieve total ashing of the material. The ash is then dissolved in the mineral acid resulting in an aqueous solution that can, in principle, be analyzed by any spectrometric technique.5 However, this methods is the loss of elements such as Hg, halides of As, Se, V and Pb, by volatilization. In addition, the method is associated with the risk of contamination due to the larger amount of reagents used, the open environment, as well as the precipitation of sparingly soluble salts (e.g., sulfates of Pb, Ba and Sr) during the final dissolution step.5 In addition, the conventional ashing and acid dissolution methods are time consuming and unsafe due to the evolution of toxic vapors.2,5,6 Microwave assisted-digestion method Microwave digestion methods are commonly used for analysis of total metal ion content in organic samples by destruction of carbon metal bonds.7 In these methods, fuel samples are mixed with mineral acids and oxidizing agents such as nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide in a closed high-pressure polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) vessel at temperatures above the boiling point of nitric acid.8 The aforementioned method is known as microwave assisted digestion (MAD), which uses HNO3 and H2O2 for element dissolution in fuel samples.9,10 The use of concentrated acids in MAD methods show good efficiency of sample digestion, however, it increases the blank values and cannot be supported by some analytical techniques such as inductively coupled plasma spectrometry (ICP-MS) and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES). Therefore, a subsequent step could be necessary to dilute or remove the excess acid.11,12 However, as much as MAD methods solve the problem of volatilization, they as well increase the risks of cross-contamination and incomplete mineralization of organic matrix.13 13 Chapter two: Literature review Microwave-induced combustion (MIC) technique has been proposed to overcome the problems related to MAD. The MIC procedure involves the use of ammonium nitrate and dilute nitric acid (as an absorbing solution). The MIC procedures were developed in order to combine the advantages of microwave assisted digestion and combustion techniques, allowing the digestion of samples that are difficult to bring into solution with a high sample throughput. 12,14-16 Furthermore, the application of a reflux after combustion improves the analyte recoveries. The MIC procedure avoids the use of concentrated acids and significantly reduces laboratory waste and analysis time, which is an important aspect for routine analysis.12 Electrothermal vaporization method Electrothermal vaporization (ETV) is an alternative sample introduction technique for inductively coupled plasma techniques that has been widely studied and applied.17,18 The main advantages of ETV are the ability of the technique to process semi-solid samples (e.g slurry), improvement of sensitivity and the ability to analyze microliter volumes of a wide variety of sample matrices such as fuel, highly acidic and saline solution and solids (Xia et al. 2007).17 Another attractive feature of this method is that in the case of organic samples, it minimizes carbon formation on components of the equipment, eliminate oxygen addition and reduces interfering polyatomic species.18,19 For the determination of trace elements in organic samples, ETV has been coupled with other sample pretreatment techniques (such as microemulsion and dilution with organic solvents).18,19 Nevertheless, its parameters have to be optimized for each element and therefore discrete sampling makes sample throughput significantly slow, even when automatic samplers are used, thus extending the experimental procedure.6,13 In addition, the multielement capability can also be limited by the differential volatilization of the element species.18 Dilution with organic solvents method Dilution with organic solvents is one of the simplest sample pretreatment procedures where a sample is diluted with an appropriate organic solvents such as xylene,20,21 alcohols,22,23 n-hexane, kerosene and methyl isobutyl ketone.24 The use of alcohols for sample dilution is much safer as compared to other organic solvents. This is because the procedure involved is simple and the calibration against inorganic standard solutions diluted with alcohol is possible.23 However, this sample pretreatment approach displays some 14 Chapter two: Literature review disadvantages, which increase of analyte concentration due to evaporation of the solvent and difficulty in handling of some organic solvents with conventional laboratory equipment due to their different physical properties.2,25 Moreover, this pretreatment method does not reduce the problem of organic loading and plasma destabilization or extinction in the case of ICP techniques.2,25 In addition, the stability of the sample solutions depends on the container material and the analyte concentration may change rapidly after dilution due to adsorption onto the walls of the recipients.2,25 Emulsion or microemulsion method Emulsion or microemulsion (three-component system) sample pretreatment method appears to be the most promising approach, because it involves short sample preparation time and low risk of analyte losses by volatilization or sorption.26 Microemulsion can be prepared using either detergent or detergentless route. In the case of detergent microemulsion, the fuel is dispersed in the aqueous phase as micro-drops stabilized by micelles generated by the addition of a surfactant (such as Triton-100).27,28 The disadvantage of detergent microemulsion is the low stability of the emulsions which depends on the chemical conditions, such as pH, characteristics and concentration of the emulsifier, thus affecting the sensitivity and reproducibility of the analytical instrumental signal.13 Detergentless microemulsion is used to overcome the stability challenge. In this method, a co-solvent (normally low molecular weight alcohol) allows for the formation of a homogeneous and long-term stable three component solution containing the aqueous and organic phase.2,29,30 2.1.2 Preconcentration-Based Sample Preparation Techniques Extraction of the analyte from organic matrices is an additional way of sample pretreatment that combines the advantages of separating the analyte from the complex matrix, by transferring it to an aqueous phase and preconcentrating it at the same time.2 Several techniques have been reported for the separation and preconcentration of traces of elements in various samples matrices. These include liquid-liquid extraction,31 co-precipitation,32 cloud point extraction,33 stir-bar sorptive extraction,34 solid phase extraction,35 hollow fibre-liquid phase microextraction31 and solid phase microextraction.36 The focus of this study is to search for suitable preconcentration techniques or procedures that are faster, easier, safer, and less expensive, to provide accurate and precise data with reasonable detection and quantification 15 Chapter two: Literature review limits. Therefore, the methods of choice in this study are solid phase extraction, solid phase microextraction and hollow fiber-liquid phase microextraction. The other four techniques will be briefly mentioned while the methods of choice will be discussed in detail. The following non-focus methods are discussed in brief. Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) The principle of LLE is based on the transfer of analyte from aqueous sample to waterimmiscible organic solvent.31 In the case of metals, analyte extraction from aqueous solution to organic phase takes place after a complexation reaction.37 Liquid–liquid extraction is the most widely used reliable and efficient technique. This is due to its simplicity, convenience and wide scope. However, it is a time, reagent and labour consuming procedure, which cannot be easily automated.38 In addition, the method is unattractive due to the emulsion formation and the use of toxic organic solvents which can generate large amounts of making it expensive and environmentally unfriendly.31 Co-precipitation There are three basic steps that are involved in this sample preparation technique. In the first step, an analyte of interest (metal ions) reacts with an organic or inorganic compound to forms solid phase. product. In the second step, the major product (precipitate) reacts with other metals to form chelates. In the third step, solid particles are separated from the aqueous media and re-dissolved in acid or in an appropriate organic solvent, such as isobutyl methyl ketone.38 The advantages of co-precipitation method include its simplicity and the fact that various analyte ions can be pre-concentrated and separated simultaneously from the matrix. Both inorganic and organic co-precipitants have been used as efficient collectors of trace elements.37 The main drawback of this technique is that, it is slow and sometimes samples have to be kept over-night for complete co-precipitation. Cloud point extraction (CPE) The mechanism of CPE method is as follows: if temperature or pressure is changed or an appropriate substance is added to the solution, an aqueous solution of some surfactant attains the cloud point. It then becomes turbid and separates into two isotropic phases. The latter is composed of a surfactant phase of small volume, which is rich in the surfactant and contains 16 Chapter two: Literature review the analyte or metal complex trapped by micellar structures, and a bulk diluted aqueous phase.37 It should noted that the surfactant-rich phase is hydrophobic and it does not contain the hydrophilic metal, therefore, chelating agents are normally used to form metal complexes that can be trapped by micellar structures. This because Separation and preconcentration based cloud point extraction is an analytical tool that has a great potential yet to be explored in improving detection limits and other analytical characteristics over those of diverse methods. Cloud point extraction has been proven to cause lower toxic threats to the environment.39 Furthermore, CPE has many advantages, such as low cost, safety and speed, and is a simple procedure with a high capacity to concentrate a wide variety of analytes of widely varying nature with high recoveries and high preconcentration factors.40 However, the major limitation of using CPE is that the viscous surfactant-rich phase prevents a smooth and instant injection to conventional analytical instruments.39 Stir-bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) In this extraction technique, the stir bar is coated with a layer of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and then used to stir aqueous samples. During the stirring process, the analyte is being extracted and enriched into the PDMS coating. After extraction, desorption of the analyte of interest can be achieved either by thermal desorption or liquid desorption.33 The advantages of using SBSE include high sample capacity, greater sensitivity, straightforward quantification, higher extraction recoveries of polar and nonpolar compounds, and lower detection limits. However, the main drawback is that, the technique is not fully automated.41 The following methods have been chosen for investigation in this study. Solid phase extraction Solid phase extraction (SPE) is an attractive separation and preconcentration procedure for determination of trace metals in fuel samples by spectrometric techniques.2,34 The principle of SPE is based on the partitioning of the analytes between liquid (sample matrix) and solid (sorbent) phase.35 Solid phase extraction enables the preconcentration and purification of analytes from complex sample matrix by sorption onto a solid sorbent prior to detection. The fundamental procedure of SPE involves passing the liquid sample through a column (cartridge) containing a solid sorbent. In the process, the analyte is retained. After the entire sample has been passed through, the analytes are eluted or stripped off the sorbent using an appropriate eluent e.g. nitric acid in the case of metals.35 Solid phase extraction 17 Chapter two: Literature review displays some important advantages compared to LLE. These include simplicity, flexibility, high selectivity, automation, rapidity, higher enrichment factors, absence of emulsion, use of different sorbent materials, low cost because of lower consumption of reagents and more importantly environmentally friendly. In addition, SPE provides matrix separation, reduces matrix effects and improves the detection limits of spectrometric techniques such as FAAS and ICP-MS/OES.42-45 The retention of analytes on the solid sorbent is the most important process for preconcentration. There are different retention mechanisms that can be used. These include adsorption, chelation, ion-pairing and ion exchange.35 The retention mechanisms depend on the nature of the sorbent. Adsorption occurs when the analytes are adsorbed onto the solid sorbent through van der Waals forces or hydrophobic interactions. The latter occurs when the highly non-polar solid (reversed phase) sorbent is used. The limitation of hydrophobic interaction is that analytes (such as trace elements) cannot be adsorbed on the solid sorbent. This is because trace element species are ionic, thus they cannot be retained by non-polar sorbents.35 In chelation, sorption with chelating resins is mostly due to the complexation of trace metals with functional groups. Chelating resins are organic polymers with chemically or noncovalently bonded functional groups containing nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur.4,35 In the ion-pairing process, an ion-pair reagent is added to a non-polar sorbent. Ion pair reagents contain a non-polar portion (such as long chain of aliphatic hydrocarbon) and polar portion (such as an acid or base). The non-polar portion of the reagent interacts with the non-polar sorbent whereas the polar portion forms an ion pair with the ionic species present in the sample. Examples of ion-pair reagents include quaternary ammonium salts and sodium dodecyl-sulfate, among others 35 In ion exchange, the primary retention mechanism of the analyte is based mostly on the electrostatic attraction of the charged analyte to the charged functional groups on the surface of the sorbent. Ion exchange SPE can be used for analytes that are charged when in solution (usually aqueous, but sometimes organic). Generally, ionic exchange sorbents contain cationic or anionic functional groups that can exchange the associated counter-ion.35 An ion exchange sorbent can have strong or weak sites. Strong sites are sites that are present as ionexchange sites at any pH, while weak sites are only present as ion-exchange sites at pH values greater or less than the pKa of the sorbent. Strong sites include sulfonic acid groups for cation-exchange and quaternary amines for anion-exchange. Weak sites on the other hand 18 Chapter two: Literature review consist of carboxylic acid groups for cation-exchange or primary, secondary and tertiary amines for anion-exchange.35 Solid phase extraction has applied for separation and preconcentration of metal ions in different sample matrices, such as environmental, fuel and biological samples, among others. Procedures based on SPE for metal pre-concentration from fuel samples have been developed for quantification by spectrometric techniques. In these procedures, different solid sorbents modified with organofunctional groups (e.g. chelating groups) to extract metal ions have been used.2,45 A number of selected applications of SPE to the separation and preconcentration of metal ions in fuels are summarized in Table 2.1. 19 Chapter two: Literature review Table 2.1. Selected applications of solid phase extraction for preconcentration of metal ions in fuel samples Sample Solid phase material Analytes Alcohol fuel Alcohol fuel Alcohol fuel Gasoline Moringa oleifera Moringa oleifera Vermicompost Silica gel modified with 2aminothiazole groups Silica gel modified with 2aminothiazole groups Silica gel modified with 2aminothiazole groups Amberlite XAD-4 functionalized with 3,4dihydroxybenzoic acid Cellulose paper Fuel kerosene Fuel ethanol Ethanol Fuel Automotive gasoline Ethanol fuel Gasoline Chromatography paper XAD- 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid Ethanol fuel 2,2′-dipyridylamine bonded silica Fossil fuels Chitosan microspheres and biofuels a N.I= not included Analytical technique References Zn Cd Cd Cu, Fe, Ni and Zn Concentration levels (µg L-1) N.I.a N.I. N.I. 2.8-8.4 FAAS FAAS FAAS FAAS Alves et al.46 Alves et al.47 Bianchin et al.42 Roldan et al.48 Cu, Fe, Ni and Zn 3.0-11.0 FAAS Roldan et al.49 Cu, Ni and Zn 4.9-8.1 FAAS Roldan et al.50 Cu, Fe, Ni and Zn 7.8-44 FAAS Teixeira et al.51 Cu and Fe 98-446 XRF Teixeira et al.52 Cu, Fe, Ni and Zn Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn 129-309 2.3-22.4 EDXRF FS-FAAS Teixeira et al.53 Santos et al.45 FAAS Vieira et al.54 FAAS Pradoa et al.55 Fe, Cr, Cu, Co, Pb, 11-66 Ni and Zn Cu, Ni and Zn 0.4-4.8 20 Chapter two: Literature review Solid phase microextraction (HF-SPME) Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) was introduced in 1990 by Arthur and Pawliszyn to tackle the need to ease rapid sample preparation both in the laboratory and on-site where the investigated system is located.36 In this technique, a sorbent is coated on a fused silica fibre. The latter is then fitted inside the needle of a syringe-like SPME holder. Solid phase microextraction is used to extract and preconcentrate analytes of interest by immersing the fibre into the sample. There are two basic steps involved in SPME process: (i) partitioning of analytes between the extraction phase and the sample matrix and (ii) desorption of concentrated extracts into an analytical instrument.39 The attractive features of using SPME technique include short sample preparation times; small sample volumes; analyte concentration from liquid, gaseous and solid samples; solventfree extraction technique and easily automated to allow high-throughput analysis.39 However, the main limitation of this technique is related to polymeric extractant phase and the desorption process (Pena-Pereira et al. 2009).31 This limitation can be avoided by the use of a hollow fibre membrane. Hollow fibre-SPME involving the use of a membrane as the adsorption material integrates sampling, extraction and concentration into a single step and inherits the advantages of SPME and membrane separation.56 In this study HF-SPME will be used for the separation and preconcentration of metal ions from organic matrices. Applications of HF-SPME for preconcentration of metal ions in aqueous samples are reported by Cui et al.,56 Mester et al.,57 Bravo-Sanchez et al.,58 Es’haghi et al.59 and Huang and Hu,60 among others. However, there is limited or no information about the application of SPME for preconcentration of trace elements in fuel samples. Therefore, the interest of this study is in the development of HF-SPME that would be used as a sample pretreatment method for preconcentration of metal ions in fuel samples. Hollow fibre-liquid phase microextraction (HF-LPME) Hollow fibre liquid-phase microextraction (HF-LPME) allows extraction and preconcentration of analytes from complex sample matrices in both a simple and inexpensive way (Pena-Pereira et al. 2009).36 The principle of this technique is based on the extraction of analytes from an aqueous sample, through the organic solvent immobilized as a supported liquid membrane and into the acceptor solvent placed inside the lumen of the hollow fiber.61,62 In HF-LPME, the hollow fibre is first soaked in an organic solvent to immobilize 21 Chapter two: Literature review the solvent into the pores, so that microextractant solvent is not in direct contact with the sample solution. According to Rasmussen and Pedersen-Bjergaard63 the organic solvent used within the pores of the hollow fibre has to satisfy the following criteria: (i) It should be immiscible with water; (ii) it should be strongly immobilized in the pores of the hollow fibre and (iii) it should provide appropriate extraction selectivity and high extraction recoveries. However, HF-LPME is more suitable for extraction of analytes from aqueous media. The analytes are extracted from the sample through the organic phase in the pores of the hollow fiber, and then into an acceptor solution inside its lumen.64,65 The use of small pore size serves for two reasons. Firstly, to prevent large molecules and particles present in the donor solution from entering the accepting phase. Secondly, to prevent most macromolecules that are not soluble in the organic phase present from entering the hollow fibre, thus yielding very clean extracts.17 The extraction of analytes by HF-LPME system is based on the diffusion process. The HF-LPME is facilitated by high partition coefficients for the target analytes which posses a challenge when hydrophilic analytes such as metal ions are to be extracted. The poor partition coefficient prevents hydrophilic analytes from being extracted in systems based on diffusion alone.64 This challenge can be eliminated by using an active transport HF-LPME process, whereby the carrier (chelating agent) is added to the sample solution66 and the complexed analyte is extracted into the acceptor solution.31 To the best of our knowledge there is a limited or no information about the application of HF-LPME for preconcentration of trace elements in fuel samples. Therefore, the interest of this study is in the development of HF-LPME method for preconcentration of metal ions in fuel samples. 2.2 ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES FOR THE DETERMINATION OF METAL IONS IN ORGANIC SAMPLES The majority of analytical techniques reported in the literature for determination of metal ions in organic sample are based on atomic spectrometric methods.67 These techniques include inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES) flame atomic absorption spectroscopy (FAAS) and electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS). In addition, electroanalytical 68 and XRF53 techniques have also been reported. This study focuses on reviewing atomic spectrometric techniques. (AST). In this study we selected a number of AST techniques that were investigated in detail while others were not. 22 Chapter two: Literature review For those techniques in which no investigation were done, we refer to them as non-focus techniques The first part of the review of atomic spectrometric techniques describes the non-focus analytical detection techniques namely FAAS and ETAAS as follows: 2.2.1 Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry The advantages of FAAS include high sample throughput, relatively easy to use and high precision.69 The main disadvantages of using FAAS include poor limits of detections, element limitations, several interference (of which some are severe, thus limiting the method application), 1-10 elements per determination and lack of screening ability.69 Despite the above mentioned limitations, FAAS combined with independent sample pretreatment procedures such as SPE,69 have been successfully and extensively applied for the determination of metal ions in fuel samples. Roldan et al.48 developed FAAS method for the determination of Cu, Fe, Ni and Zn in gasoline. Solid phase extraction based on silica gel modified with 2-aminothiazole groups was used for preconcentration of metal ions prior to their FAAS determination. In another report, Santos et al.45 developed an Amberlite XAD-4 functionalized with 3,4dihydroxybenzoic acid SPE method for separation and preconcentration of metal ions prior to sequential multi-element flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FS-FAAS). A number of procedures for analyte separation and preconcentration of trace elements from fuel samples prior to FAAS determination have also been reported by different authors (Table 2.1). Other methods for sample preparation method used for determination of metal ions using FAAS are reported by Pignalosa et al.70 and Reis et al.71 2.2.2 Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS) with a graphite furnace is one of the analytical techniques designed to perform the quantitative analysis of metals in a wide variety of samples. The major advantages of ETAAS over FAAS include: (i) capability of using relatively small volumes or masses of samples, (ii) direct determination of analytes in differences sample matrices with minimal sample preparation and (iii) high sensitivity and capability to deal with high organic loads. The high sensitivity is due to the longer residence time of the sample in the source and production or higher proportion of atoms. In addition, the high sensitivity of ETAAS (low detection limits) is related to the 100% introduction of 23 Chapter two: Literature review the sample into the analytical volume as compared to 5% in the case of FAAS.2,69 In addition, ETAAS technique allows complete elimination of the organic matrix and semi-solid (slurry) matrices if an appropriate heating program and a suitable chemical modifier are used. Therefore, direct analysis of fuel samples is possible.2 De Jesus72 described the determination of arsenic and cadmium in crude oil using a direct sample introduction ETAAS, where a mixture of Pd, Mg and Triton X-100 was employed as a chemical modifier, and the results obtained by direct sampling method were in agreement with the comparative method. Procedures using direct determination of metal ions in fuel samples using ETAAS have been reported in the literature.73,74 The direct introduction of fuel samples to ETAAS for the determination of trace metals is associated with some drawbacks,2 such as volatility, flammability, immiscibility with water, low viscosity and excessive spreading of fuel during thermal pretreatment. The spreading is due to the temperature gradient when longitudinally heated atomizers are used.2,74 To overcome this problem, the use of emulsions or microemulsions combined with ETAAS appears to be the most promising approach.74 Microemulsion methods combined with ETAAS have been reported in several papers for the determination of trace elements in fuel samples.28,75-77 Some metals such as Hg, As and Sb are present in fuel samples in trace concentrations that are lower than the limits of detection of ETAAS,2 thus, their determination can be achieved using hydride generation ETAAS techniques.2,26,78. Even though ETAAS have been extensively applied for fuel analysis, the main drawbacks of this technique includes slower analysis time, chemical interferences, elemental limitations (1-6 elements per determination), lack of screening ability, limited dynamic range and loss of analyte during ashing. In addition, because of low sample throughput when using ETAAS compared to inductively coupled plasma-based methods, this method is not common in routine analysis (Donati et al. 2013).79 The following analytical techniques have been chosen (focus techniques) for determination of the analytes in this study. 2.2.3 Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) Techniques There are two widely used ICP techniques, these included inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). These techniques have the same ion excitation source which is ICP. However, they have different optics and detectors. 24 Chapter two: Literature review An inductively coupled plasma is a well known, high-temperature source (6000 to 10 000 K) that is suitable for the atomization, ionization and excitation of elemental species.80 For both ICP OES and ICP-MS, the plasma is formed in precisely the same way.81 The plasma is formed within a quartz torch, which consists of three concentric quartz tubes, through which argon gas flows as shown in Fig. 1.1. The forms due to the interaction of an intense magnetic field (produced by radiofrequency (RF) passing through a copper coil) on a tangential flow of gas at about 15 L min-1 flowing through a torch.81 The outer (plasma) gas flow (10-15 L min1 ) is introduced into the torch tangentially to enable it to form a vortex flow. The plasma gas flow sustains and stabilizes the high temperature ICP and positions the plasma relative to the outer walls and the induction coil, preventing the walls from melting and facilitating the observation of emission signals. The central (auxiliary) gas flow (0.5-1.5 L min-1) determines the position of the plasma above the intermediate ring the torch and within the RF coil. The inner (nebulizer) gas flow (0.7-1.5 L min-1) transports the analyte (sample aerosols) to the plasma.80,82 Fig. 2.1. A schematic diagram of an ICP assembly showing the three concentric quarts tubes composing the torch and the RF coil (adopted from Ref.83) Although the formation of the plasma is similar for both techniques, its role in ICP OES is different compared to ICP-MS. In ICP OES, the plasma torch (normally positioned vertically) is used to generate photons of light, by the excitation of electrons from the groundstate atom to a higher energy level. The atomic and ionic excited state species are then relaxed to the ground state via the emission of photons. Therefore, the wavelength of the 25 Chapter two: Literature review photons can be used to identify the elements of interest.81,82 In ICP-MS on the other hand, the plasma torch (normally mounted horizontally) is used to generate positively charged ions, not photons. In ICP-MS, photons are stopped from reaching the detector because they have the potential to increase signal noise.81 Inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry Inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry is one of the most widely used analytical techniques for determination of trace elements in different sample matrices such as food, environmental, petroleum products and biological samples, among others.82 The ICP OES technique is used for both identification and quantification of elements in a sample. Fig. 2.2 shows the major components and layout of a typical ICP OES instrument. As mentioned in Section 2.2.4, the principle of ICP is based on the spontaneous emission of photons from atoms and ions that have been excited in RF discharge.82 In ICP OES, the liquid sample is converted to an aerosol spray and directed to the central channel of argon gas plasma contained by a strong magnetic field. Since the plasma is at high temperature, the aerosol droplets are quickly vaporized. The elements in the sample become excited and the electrons emit energy at a characteristic wavelength as they return to ground state. The emitted light is then measured by optical spectrometry.84 In comparison with FAAS and ETAAS, ICP OES has a higher atomization temperature, a more inert environment, and the natural ability to provide simultaneous determinations for up to 70 elements. These advantages (mainly high temperature) make the ICP OES less vulnerable to matrix interferences, and better able to correct for interferences when they occur. Typically, limits of detection can range from parts per million (ppm) to parts per billion (ppb). In cases where sample volume is not limited, ICP OES can provide LODs as low as, or lower than its best competitor, GFAAS.82 Fig. 2.2 shows the major components and layout of a typical ICP OES instrument. It consists of a sample introduction chamber, an ICP (plasma source) spectrometer, a detector and a data processing system. 26 Chapter two: Literature review Fig. 2.2. Schematic diagram of ICP OES instrument showing its major components and layout (adapted from Ref.85) Sample introduction for ICP OES An ideal sample introduction system should meet the following requirements; (i) amenity to samples in all phases (solid, liquid, or gas), (ii) tolerance to complex matrices, (iii) the ability to analyze very small amounts of samples, (iv) excellent stability and (v) reproducibility, high transport efficiency, simplicity, and low cost.82 As seen from Fig. 2.2, an ICP OES sample introduction system is composed of a peristaltic pump, spray chamber and nebulizer. The liquid samples are pumped by a peristaltic pump into the instrument and then the liquid is converted into an aerosol or mist through a nebulization process. After the sample aerosol is produced by the nebulizer, it is transported to the plasma where its desolvation, vaporization, atomization, ionization and excitation take place. It should be noted that only very small droplets in the aerosol are suitable for injection into the plasma. Larger droplets in the aerosol are removed by the spray chamber which is placed between the nebulizer and the torch. An additional purpose of the spray chamber is to minimize signal pulsation caused by the peristaltic pump.86,87 Spectrometer The spectrometer is used to separate the light emitted the excited species in the plasma into the individual wavelengths so that the emission from each excited species can be identified and its intensity can be measured without interference from emission at other 27 Chapter two: Literature review wavelengths. This is achieved by the use of either monochromator or polychromator spectrometers. For this reason, ICP OES system can be categorized according to the method it uses for analysis and it can be divided into three different systems. These include single channel (sequential), simultaneous (multi-element analysis) and simultaneous/sequential systems. Sequential ICP OES monochromator system allows for the analysis of only one analytical line at a time. In this system, to scan the whole region of the electromagnetic spectrum, the detector has to be held at a fixed position and the grating is turned sequentially. The advantage of using monochromator-based ICP OES systems is their spectral flexibility which allows for the determination of any element whose emission can be measured by the technique. However, the major drawback is that they require large amounts of sample, time consuming and have a lower sample throughput.82,86,87 In the Simultaneous ICP OES polychromator system, each emission line can be observed during the entire sample introduction period, and theoretically more samples can be analyzed in a shorter period of time. The advantage of this system is that it has a high sample throughput rate and can be programmed for 20 to 30 spectral lines. In addition, due to the fast speed of analysis, all elements can be analysed at the same time and minimal sample volume is required. The third system combines the advantages of both simultaneous and sequential ICP OES systems.82,86,87 Detector The detector converts light energy (photons) from analyte emissions generated in the plasma into an electrical signal that can be quantified. Conventional ICP OES instruments commonly used photomultiplier tube (PMT) detection systems. The latter converts the light intensity into an electrical signal that can be quantified. The electrical signal is therefore related to the concentration of the elements in the sample solution.88 The disadvantages of PMT detectors include less flexibility in adapting to a laboratory’s changing requirements and limited wavelength selection such that foreknowledge of analyte wavelengths was required before use. To overcome the problem of wavelength selection, additional PMT detectors were necessary to access additional analyte wavelengths.82,89 Recently, instruments using solid state detection systems in charge-coupled device (CCD) and charge injection device (CID) have become commercially available. These type of detectors overcame many of the deficiencies inherent in PMT-based ICP OES and they can observe all wavelengths at the same time.82,88,89 Charge-coupled devices in particular are well-known for their high 28 Chapter two: Literature review sensitivity and low noise characteristics. Thus, providing low detection limits and superior signal-to-noise ratio performance.89 Data processing system In ICP OES, computers are used to control the automatic sampler, the instrument and data collection. Data processing systems can be divided into (i) a method file (to run the instrument) and (ii) sequence file (to tell the instrument where a sample is in the autosampler tray, when to run it and where to store the collected data file). Interferences An ICP OES is one of the atomic spectrometry techniques with the least number of interferences.82 This is because the argon plasma is inert when compared to the chemical reactivity of a flame. In addition, the high temperature of the plasma helps to reduce chemical interferences.82 However, chemical interferences in ICP OES caused by easily ionized elements (EIEs) such as alkaline elements, do exist. The easy ionizability of these elements is due to their low ionization potential. Depending upon the analyte species, high concentrations of alkali metals can suppress or enhance emission signals.82 This kind of interference can be eliminated by diluting the sample solution to the point that the EIE effect is not measurable. Occasionally, higher RF power or mathematical correction may be used to compensate for EIE interference. In addition, instrumental conditions such as observation width, viewing height and viewing volume can be chosen to minimize such interference.90 Apart from chemical interferences, other interferences such as matrix effects (nebulizer interferences) and spectral (background) interferences are common in ICP OES system. Matrix effect interferences arise from physical and chemical differences between reference standards and samples, or between samples. The latter is due to the inconsistence presence of matrix salts and organic compounds or different viscosities and surface tension of the liquids. The use of internal standards can be used to eliminate matrix effects such as viscosity differences between samples and calibration standards.91 Spectral interferences are most common in ICP OES and they are due to the multielement nature of the ICP. These interferences can be divided into two types, namely spectral line coincidence or overlap and enhanced spectral background caused by recombination continuum radiation or stray light from intense emission lines, normally those of alkaline earth elements.92 The spectral overlap can be eliminated by using monochromators with 29 Chapter two: Literature review higher resolution. In addition, it can be solved by monitoring a secondary emission line for that particular analyte or use a background correction technique. The second type of spectra interferences can be avoided by adjusting the temperature of the plasma (in some instruments) or monitoring alternate lines. Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry is a combination of an atomization source and analytical technique, that is, inductively coupled plasma (ICP) and mass spectrometer (MS). It is a well-established, fast, precise and accurate multi-element analytical technique for the determination of trace elements in liquid and solid samples.93 The ICP-MS technique was first developed in the early 80's by Houk et al.94 Since then, it has become increasingly popular for the analysis of trace elements in geological, chemical, environmental, biological, industrial, metallurgical, petrochemical, medical and archaeological materials.93,95 Figure 3 shows a schematic diagram of an ICP-MS instrument reproduced from Linge and Jarvis96. Fig. 2.3. Schematic diagram of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer. Diagram reproduced from Linge and Jarvis96. Sample introduction for ICP-MS The sample introduction system of an ICP-MS is similar to that of ICP OES and consists of a peristaltic pump, autosampler, nebulizer and spray chamber.81 Depending on the sample introduction system, ICP-MS can accept both solid and liquid samples.81,97 The main function 30 Chapter two: Literature review of sample introduction system is to produce a fine aerosol of the sample using a nebulizer and spray chamber for liquid samples and laser ablation for solid samples.81 Since the majority of ICP-MS applications focuses on liquid samples, the mechanism for the formation of aerosols for liquid samples will be described briefly little bit in detail compared to laser ablation. For liquid samples analysis, the sample is pumped via peristaltic pumps into the nebulizer where it gets aspirated with high velocity argon to form a fine mist known as aerosols. The fine droplets pass through the spray chamber before they enter the plasma and the small droplets are separated from larger droplets. The spray chamber also removes solvent from the aerosol, thus improving the ionization efficiency.96 In general, only 2% of the original aerosol is required to produce droplets small enough to be vaporized in the plasma torch.81,97-99 Interfaces The ICP works at high temperature (6000 to 10 000 K) and atmospheric pressure (760 Torr) while MS requires vacuum (approximately 10-6 Torr). Thus, the interface between the ICP and MS components becomes very crucial. The role of the interface is to transport the positively charged ions efficiently, consistently and with electrical integrity from the ICP to the mass spectrometer region.81 The interface consists of two metallic cones, that is sampler and skimmer cones, which are maintained under vacuum with a mechanical roughing pump. These cones have a very small orifice diameter, 0.8-1.2 mm and 0.4-0.8 mm for sampler and skimmer cones, respectively.81 The plasma gas expands as a supersonic jet and the sample ions are passed into the MS system at high speeds, expanding in the vacuum system. 96,97 Ion Focusing Systems The ion focusing system is composed of ion optics (lenses) and the latter is situated between the skimmer cone and the mass analyzer. The ion focusing system has two important functions. Firstly, its role is to transport the analyte ion extracted from the interface cones and focus them into the mass analyzer. Secondly, it rejects the matrix component and non-analyte species such particulates, neutral species, and photons from getting through to the mass analyzer and the detector. This is because these species cause signal instability and contribute to background noise levels, which ultimately affect the performance of the system.81 Mass spectrometer/ mass analyzers The role of the mass analyzer is to separate the analyte ions according to their mass to charge (m/z) ratio. There are three different kinds of commercially available mass analyzers 31 Chapter two: Literature review which can be employed to separate isotopes. These include quadrupole mass filters, double focusing magnetic sector and time-of-flight.81 The Perkin-Elmer Sciex ELAN 6000 used for our study has a quadrupole mass analyser; therefore the latter will be further discussed. A quadrupole mass analyzer consists of four hyperbolic rods (each opposing rod pair connected electrically) that are parallel to and equidistant from the ion beam.81,96 A direct current (DC) component is applied to two rods and the radio frequency (RF) component is applied to the other pair of rods.81 Analyte ions produced in the ICP are focused and passed in between the rods. The ions travel down the central axis and the voltages applied to the rods cause the ions to oscillate.96 The extent of the oscillations of ions is influenced by the charge and the mass of the analyte ions. For instance, extreme oscillations cause the unstable ions to collide with the rods and be ejected from the stable transmission region. Only ions of a single m/z (resonant ions) that have stable oscillatory paths through the rods can emerge and exit the quadrupole.96 Reaction/ collision cell A number of elements are known as having poor detection limits by ICP-MS. The reason for poor detection limits is due to spectral interferences (polyatomic interferences) generated by ions derived from the plasma gas, matrix components, or the solvent–acid used to get the sample into solution.81 The traditional way of overcoming this problem is use of the cold/cool plasma approach; whereby low temperatures are applied to the plasmas to reduce the formation of the interferences. However, this approach can be difficult to optimize, time consuming to change back and forth between normal- and cool-plasma conditions. Furthermore, it is effective for a few of the interferences and susceptible to more severe matrix effects.81 The development of ICP-MS equipped with collision/reaction cell technology is another way to overcome problems linked with polyatomic interferences. The collision/ reaction cell is positioned between the ion focusing system and mass analyzer. In collision/reaction cell techniques, different gases (usually H2, NH3, CH4 or He) or a combination of them are used to eliminate polyatomic ions such argon-based, O2+, N2+ and CO+, among others, without affecting the analyte ion of interest via chemical reactions or interactions.100 32 Chapter two: Literature review Detector Ions signals are measured with the detector after they have passed the quadrupole. The most common type of ion detector used in an ICP-MS system is the channel electron multiplier. The latter is an open glass cone coated with a semi conductor type material that generates electrons when ions hit its surface.96 The front of the cone has a negative voltage applied to it to attract positively charged ions.96,97 When each ion strikes the front surface, additional secondary electrons are formed and are attracted towards the grounded end. As these electrons strike the surface of the tube, more electrons are formed and the process continues to form a discrete pulse of about 108 electrons.96 Interferences Inductively coupled plasma-MS displays a number of advantages such as fast quantitative and semi-quantitative trace element analysis, multi-element analysis, analysis of both solid and liquid samples and small sample quantities are required (approximately 3-5 mL for liquid samples). In addition, ICP-MS offers a wide analytical range (µg L-1-mg L-1) for liquid samples), high sensitivity, good precision and accuracy and the possibility of measuring isotopes.93 Besides the many advantages of this technique offers, the interferences are its biggest limitation. These interferences can be divided into two major groups, namely spectral and non-spectral interferences.98 Some of the spectral interferences can be avoided. For instance, elemental isobaric interferences can be avoided by choosing alternative, noninterfered analyte isotopes. However, this is not applicable for other elements such as arsenic. Furthermore, isobaric interferences can be corrected mathematically by monitoring the intensity of an isotope of the interfering element which is free from spectral interferences. Polyatomic interferences on the other hand can be avoided by using interference free analyte isotopes, removing matrix, using alternative sample introduction, mathematical correction equations, as well as, using cool plasma.98 However, mathematical corrections rarely work in real applications. For this reason, collision/reaction cell is the best strategy for the of elimination polyatomic interferences. In addition, high resolution mass analyzers are used to correct for these kinds of interefrences.98 The doubly charged interferences can be avoided by optimizing the instrument conditions. Non-spectral interferences can be divided into two categories; physical signal suppression as a result of the presence of organic or undissolved solid in the sample matrix and matrix interferences. They can be manifested in different ways, for example, if the sample is diluted 33 Chapter two: Literature review with organic solvents, the sensitivity decreases due to the effect of cooling of the plasma. Moreover, the direct introduction of organic samples into the plasma requires special care because it may destabilize or extinguish the plasma.10,18 This problem can be avoided by using alternative sample preparation methods such as separation and preconcentration techniques to remove organics to minimize matrix effect. Application of ICP OES and ICP-MS for determination of metal ions in fuel samples Inductively coupled plasma-MS and OES techniques have an advantage of multielement detection capabilities technique. In both techniques, the direct introduction of organic solvents requires special care, as the organic load may de-stabilize or extinguish the plasma.18 In addition, other problems that appear in ICP-MS are formation of carbon deposits on the sampler and skimmer cones and in the ion lens of the mass spectrometer.2,18 For these reasons, sample introduction techniques (such as electrothermal vaporization) and pretreatment methods (such as microwave-assisted digestion) have been developed and reported in the literature.10,101 Moreover, Several methods for the determination of metal ions in petroleum products have been developed using ICP OES and ICP-MS and selected applications are summarized in Table 2.2. 34 Chapter two: Literature review Table 2.2. Application of ICP OES and ICP-MS for determination of metal ions in petroleum products Sample Sample treatment Biodiesel and vegetable oil Alcohol dilution Detection technique ICP OES Gum deposits Microwave-assisted digestion ICP OES Petroleum products Direct introduction using ICP OES and ICP-MS pneumatic, ultrasonic and microflow pneumatic nebulizers Ultrasonic nebulization of ICP-MS toluene solutions Crude oil Crude oil distillation products Gasoline Diesel and biodiesel Ethanol fuel Fuels and light petroleum Asphaltene Crude fuel oil Crude oil Analytes Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Na, P, S and Zn Al, Ca, Co, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn Al, Ba, Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Mo, Ni, P, Pb, S, Si, Sn, V and Zn References Chaves et al.23 Dantas et al.102 Lienemann et al.103 Al, Ti, Fe, Zn, Sr, Ag, Sn, Duyck et al.104 Pb V, Ni, Co, Y, Mo, Cd, Ba and La, Cu Kowalewska et al.105 Microwave-assisted digestion ICP-MS Emulsion Emulsion Direct introduction Direct flow injection using microflow nebulizer and heated spray chamber Sonication or vortex agitation Detergentless microemulsions ETV-ICP-MS ETV-ICP-MS ETV-ICP-MS ICP-MS Cu, Mn, Ni and Sn Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and V Ag, Cd, Cu, Pb and Tl Ti, V, Fe, Ag, Cd, Cd, Hg, Pb, Cr, Ni and Mo ICP OES ICP OES Fe, Ni and V de Souza et al.108 Mo, Zn, Cd, Ti, Ni, V, Fe, de Souza et al.109 Mn, Cr and Co Pereira et al.12 Microwave-induced combustion 35 Saint’Pierre et al.18 Chaves et al.106 Saint’Pierre et al.19 Caumette et al.107 Chapter two: 2.3 CHEMOMETRIC TOOLS Literature review FOR OPTIMIZATION OF ANALYTICAL METHODOLOGIES Optimization of an analytical method refers to improvement of its performance in order to obtain the maximum benefit from it.110,111 The term “optimization” has been widely used in analytical chemistry to discover optimum conditions at which the developed method can produce the best possible analytical response.110,111 Conventionally, optimization in analytical chemistry has been performed using a univariate technique, which means, monitoring one factor at time. The disadvantages of this method are as follows; (i) it may lead to ambiguous results and interpretation because the interactive effects among the variables are not examined. (ii) Univariate optimization increases the number of experiments to be conducted. Therefore, this leads to an increase in analysis time as well as an increase in the consumption of reagents and materials.110,112 Chemometric tools (multivariate statistic techniques) have commonly been used to overcome the problems associated with univariate techniques. The advantages of multivariate statistical techniques include reduction in the number of required experiments, thus, resulting in lower reagent consumption and significantly less laboratory work. Consequently, multivariate techniques are faster to implement and more cost-effective than traditional univariate approaches. In addition, multivariate statistic techniques allow for the simultaneous study of several experimental variables and the development of mathematical models that permit the assessment of the relevance and statistical significance of factors being studied.110,113,114 Furthermore, these techniques facilitate the evaluation of interaction effects between factors.110 There are two different types of variables that exist in multivariate techniques (designs), namely analytical responses and factors. The analytical response can be qualitative or quantitative. Optimization of analytical methods using multivariate designs can be accomplished by the use of experimental designs of two types, namely first and second order. The use of chemometric tools for optimization of analytical methodologies has been widely reported.7,22,47,73,116 They have been used for optimization of sample preparation strategies and analyte determination using microwave-assisted digestion,7 instrumental variables22,73,115,116 and solid-phase extraction conditions.47 Table 2.3 summarizes relevant examples of first-order and second-order designs for the optimization of some analytical methodologies. 36 Chapter two: Literature review Table 2.3. Selected applications of chemometric tools for multivariate optimization of analytical methodologies Analytes Cu Zn Cu, Fe and Pb Cu, Pb, Ni and Cd As Al, Cu, Fe, Ni and Zn Al, Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Ni, Pb and Zn As Cd Techniques Spectrophotometry Emulsion breaking Detergent emulsion Experimental conditions in GFAAS Acid digestion Microwave-oven digestion Microwave-assisted digestion Samples Sugar cane spirit Diesel oil Naphtha Biodiesel References Caldas et al.117 Cassella et al.118 Brum et al.76 Lobo et al.112 Gasoline Diesel oil Becker et al.26 Sant’Ana et al.119 Gum deposits Dantas et al.102 Experimental conditions Gasoline in HGFAAS Online SPE Fuel alcohol Trindade et al.78 Bianchin et al.42 2.3.1 First Order Designs First order designs are commonly used in exploratory studies when a large number of factors need to be considered or screened. In actual fact, these designs are used in an attempt to identify factors that demonstrate large main effects and to discard any factors, from further study, that have no noticeable effects.113 In these designs, the crucial assumption is that all interactions are insignificant, including two-factor interactions.113 The equation for first order designs is as follows:113,114 (1) Y a1 b1 A c1 B d1 AB where Y is the experimental analytical response, A and B represent the variables to be optimized, a1 is an independent term, b1 and c1 coefficients of the linear terms and d1 is the coefficient of the interaction term. There are two commonly used first order designs, namely factorial and Plackett-Burman designs and this study focuses on factorial design. The latter was used because only 3-4 variables were monitored. 2.3.2 Second Order Designs In cases where the linear model (first order design) is not sufficient to represent the experimental data adequately, second order designs are performed in addition to those of 37 Chapter two: Literature review factorial design. The results obtained from the second order designs can be used to determine a quadratic response surface113,115 and the latter can be described by Eq. 2.114 Y a2 b2 A c2 B d 2 A2 e2 B 2 f 2 AB (2) where Y is the experimental analytical response, A and B represent the variables to be optimized, a2 is an independent term, b2 and c2 are coefficients of the linear terms, d2 and e2 coefficients of the quadratic terms and f2 is the coefficient of the interaction term. The advantage of using second order designs is that they determine influence of the variables to be optimized on the response. In addition, they enable the response function to be obtained and optimized.114 The three commonly used second order designs include Box-Behnken design, central composite design and Doehlert matrix. The software used in this study had Box-Behnken and central composite designs. Therefore, this study used central composite and Box-Behnken designs. 2.4 REFERENCES 1. Oliveira, E. D. 2003. Sample preparation for atomic spectroscopy: evolution and future trends. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, 14, 174-182. 2. Korn, M. D. G. A., De Andrade, J. B., De Jesus, D. S., Lemos, V. A., Bandeira, M. L. S. F., Dos Santos, W. N. L., Bezerra, M. A., Amorim, F. A. C., Souza, A. S. & Ferreira, S. L. C. 2006. Separation and preconcentration procedures for the determination of lead using spectrometric techniques: A review. Talanta, 69, 16-24. 3. Zhao, L., H. K. Lee & Majors, R. E. 2010. The Use of Hollow Fibers in Liquid-Phase Microextraction. LCGC North America, 29 (3). 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Sensitivity improvement in ICP MS analysis of fuels and light petroleum matrices using a microflow nebulizer and heated spray chamber sample introduction. Talanta, 80, 1039-1043. 108. de Souza, R. M., Saraceno, A. L., Duyck, C., Da Silveira, C. L. P. & Aucélio, R. Q. 2007. Determination of Fe, Ni and V in asphaltene by ICP OES after extraction into aqueous solutions using sonication or vortex agitation. Microchemical Journal, 87, 99-103. 109. de Souza, R. M., Meliande, A. L. S., Da Silveira, C. L. P. & Aucélio, R. Q. 2006. Determination of Mo, Zn, Cd, Ti, Ni, V, Fe, Mn, Cr and Co in crude oil using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry and sample introduction as detergentless microemulsions. Microchemical Journal, 82, 137-141. 110. Bezerra, M. A., Santelli, R. E., Oliveira, E. P., Villar, L. S. & Escaleira, L. A. 2008. Response surface methodology (RSM) as a tool for optimization in analytical chemistry. Talanta, 76, 965-977. 111. Araujo, P. W. & Brereton, R. G. 1996. Experimental design II. Optimization. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 15, 63-70. 112. Lobo, F. A., Goveia, D., Oliveira, A. P. D., Pereira-Filho, E. R., Fraceto, L. F., Filho, N. L. D. & Rosa, A. H. 2009. Comparison of the univariate and multivariate methods in the optimization of experimental conditions for determining Cu, Pb, Ni and Cd in biodiesel by GFAAS. Fuel, 88, 1907-1914. 113. Tarley, C. R. T., Silveira, G., Dos Santos, W. N. L., Matos, G. D., Da Silva, E. G. P., Bezerra, M. A., Miró, M. & Ferreira, S. L. C. 2009. Chemometric tools in electroanalytical chemistry: Methods for optimization based on factorial design and response surface methodology. Microchemical Journal, 92, 58-67. 114. Ferreira, S. L. C., Dos Santos, H. C., Fernandes, M. S. & De Carvalho, M. S. 2002. Application of Doehlert matrix and factorial designs in optimization of experimental variables associated with preconcentration and determination of molybdenum in sea-water 47 Chapter two: Literature review by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 17, 115-120. 115. Ferreira, S. L. C., Bruns, R. E., Da Silva, E. G. P., Dos Santos, W. N. L., Quintella, C. M., David, J. M., De Andrade, J. B., Breitkreitz, M. C., Jardim, I. C. S. F. & Neto, B. B. 2007. Statistical designs and response surface techniques for the optimization of chromatographic systems. Journal of Chromatography A, 1158, 2-14. 116. Caldas, L. F. S., De Paula, C. E. R., Brum, D. M. & Cassella, R. J. 2013. Application of a four-variables Doehlert design for the multivariate optimization of copper determination in petroleum-derived insulating oils by GFAAS employing the dilute-and-shot approach. Fuel, 105, 503-511. 117. Caldas, L. F. S., Francisco, B. B. A., Netto, A. D. P. & Cassella, R. J. 2011. Multivariate optimization of a spectrophotometric method for copper determination in Brazilian sugarcane spirits using the Doehlert design. Microchemical Journal, 99, 118-124. 118. Cassella, R. J., Brum, D. M., De Paula, C. E. R. & Lima, C. F. 2010. Extraction induced by emulsion breaking: a novel strategy for the trace metals determination in diesel oil samples by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 25, 1704-1711. 119. Sant’Ana, F. W., Santelli, R. E., Cassella, A. R. & Cassella, R. J. 2007. Optimization of an open-focused microwave oven digestion procedure for determination of metals in diesel oil by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 149, 67-74. 48 CHAPTER THREE: GENERAL METHODOLOGIES In this chapter, an overview of the general aspects of sample preparation methods used throughout this study is given. Instrumentations as well as some instrumental parameters, employed during quantification of trace elements are discussed. However, the detailed procedures of sample preparation techniques are presented in the respective chapters. It should be noted that, only the detailed description of procedures that are not fully discussed in respective chapters, are given in this chapter. Therefore, Chapter 3 discusses details of various aspects of experimental procedures not covered adequately in the results and discussion chapters 4-13. 3.1 OVERVIEW OF EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN Fig. 3.1 presents the flow chart that summarises the research design performed in this study. The experimental design shows the analytical methods used for the separation and preconcentration of metal ions in organic samples and their determination using ICP OES and ICP-MS. In addition, the design shows the different stages carried out. 3.2 INSTRUMENTATION A number of analytical techniques were used for characterization of the synthesized adsorbents, sample preparation and detection of metal ions. Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP OES, SPECTRO Analytical Instruments, GmbH, Germany), electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometer (ETAAS, Perkin-Elmer, USA) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS, Perkin-Elmer SCIEX Instruments, Concord, Canada) were used for quantification of metal ions in the samples. The morphological characteristics of adsorbents were determined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM, JSM-6360LVSEM, JEOL Co., Japan). Characterization of the attached functional groups on the adsorbent was performed using Fourier transform infra red spectroscopy (FTIR, PerkinElmer, USA) and solid state 13 C NMR (Bruker, GmbH, Germany). The specific surface area value was determined from adsorption isotherms by using the multipoint method using Surface Area and Porosity Analyzer (ASAP2020 V3.00H, Micromeritics Instrument Corporation, Norcross, USA). X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) measurements were carried out with a Philips X-ray generator model PW 3710/31 a 49 Chapter 3: General methodologies diffractometer with automatic sample changer model PW 1775 (scintillation counter, Cutarget tube and Ni-filter at 40 kV and 30 mA. Solid phase extraction was carried out in a VacMaster-24 sample SPE station (Supelco, PA, USA). Microwave assisted digestion was carried out in an Ethos D (Milestone, Sorisole, Italy) with maximum pressure 1450 psi and maximum temperature 300°C. Samples in organic phase Microwave- assited digession (MAD) Solid phase extraction using different adsorbents Solid phase microextraction (SPME) using two categories Hollow fiber-SPME Hollow fiber liquid phase microextraction (HF-LPME) Membrane -SPME Determination of metal ions in aqueous phase using ICP-OES or ICP-MS Fig. 3.1. Experimental design flow chart showing the summary of sample preparation methods used for separation and preconcentration of metal ions in organic matrices and detection techniques. 50 Chapter 3: General methodologies 3.3 REAGENTS AND MATERIALS All reagents were of analytical grade unless otherwise stated and double distilled deionized waster (Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA) was used throughout the experiments. Model solutions were prepared using ethanol and synthetic gasoline to maintain the organic matrix. The model solutions were prepared in plastic volumetric flasks and working solutions, as per the experimental requirements, were freshly prepared from the stock solution for each experimental run. Commercial alcohol samples were purchased from local chemical suppliers. Fuel samples were collected from different local filling stations and stored for short period (maximum of 8 hours) in polypropylene bottle. It should be noted that before sampling, the polypropylene bottles were cleaned properly and soaked in 1% nitric solution for 24 hour to reduce the possibility of contamination. All ion exchange resins (Dowex 50Wx8, Dowex MAC-3, Chelex-100 and Dowex 1-x8) were purchased from one chemical supplier. Adsorbents used were prepared by mixing appropriate amounts starting materials. The pH of the sample solutions were adjusted with glacial acetic acid and ammonia solutions. Solution of nitric acid was used for the elution of the analytes. The polypropylene hollow fiber membranes obtained from Membrana (Wuppertal, Germany) were used for preparation of hollow fiber solid phase microextraction and hollow fiber liquid phase microextraction. Concentrated nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide were used in the digestion of fuel samples. 3.4 SEPARATION AND PRECONCENTRATION TECHNIQUES 3.4.1 Solid Phase Extraction Solid phase extraction was carried out using different solid phase materials namely commercially available ion exchange resins, metal oxide adsorbent and functionalised cellulose nanofibers. Dowex 50W-x8, Chelex-100 and Dowex MAC-3 resins were used as solid phase materials for separation and preconcentration of metal ions in alcohol sample. Dowex 1-x8 resin was used for preconcentration of metal ions in gasoline samples. A SPE based on the dual resin column was also used for enrichment of metal and metalloids in gasoline samples. Nanometer-sized alumina and functionalised cellulose nanofibers, prepared according to Rogojan et al.1 and Musyoka et al.,2 respectively, were used as packing materials for preconcentration of metal ions in gasoline samples. The effect of some experimental parameters such as sample pH, eluent concentration and flow rates were 51 Chapter 3: General methodologies optimised used either univariate or multivariate procedures. Detergentless emulsion and alcohol dilution were used to prepare fuel samples before they are percolated to the SPE packed column. The detailed procedure describing the preparation of functionalized cellulose nanofibers is given in Section Electrospinning and functionalization of cellulose nanofibers with oxolane-2,5dione Electrospinning of cellulose acetate was performed according to the procedure described by Ma et al.3 and Musyoka et al.2 Briefly, the polymer solution was prepared by stirring cellulose acetate, 16% (w/v) in acetone/N,N-dimethylacetamide solvent mixture, (Me)2CO:DMAc, (2:1) for 14 h to ensure solution homogeneity. The electrospinning set-up consisted of a grounded aluminium foil electrode, high voltage direct current power supply glass syringe with a stainless steel needle and programmable syringe pump (NE-1000 single syringe pump, New Era pump systems). The glass syringe was filled with cellulose acetate solution. The grounded aluminium foil collector was placed 14 cm from the tip of a stainless steel needle. The programmable syringe pump was used to pump the solution through a 20 gauge (bore diameter = 0.45 mm) stainless steel needle at a flow rate of 0.60 mL h−1. The needle was connected to a high voltage direct current source with a maximum output of 25 kV. The electrospinning voltage for this work was fixed at 15 kV unless otherwise stated. The electrospun fiber mat was heated in an oven at 200 ◦C for 1 h and carefully peeled off from the aluminium foil. Cellulose acetate nanofibers were deacetylated by soaking the mat in 0.3 M NaOH solution for 8 h followed by washing with double distilled water to obtain neutral pH. Prior to functionalization of the cellulose nanofibers, electrospun fiber mat was sonicated twice with ethanol followed by toluene to remove water. Five grams of cellulose nanofibers were added to the mixture of 90 mL of toluene and 12.5 mL pyridine then heated at 60 °C for 1 h. Fifteen grams of oxolane-2,5-dione was then added to the mixture and heated overnight at 90 °C. The mixture was filtered while hot and soxhlet extracted using ethanol to remove unreacted oxolane-2,5-dione, then dried under vacuum at 40 °C, yielding a white fibrous mat. The reaction scheme as proposed by Musyoka et al.2 is shown in Fig. 3.2. 52 Chapter 3: General methodologies O HO O OH * OHO i) C7H8/ C5H5N; 60 0C; 1 h O O 0 ii) C4H4O3; 90 C; 16 h OH * O OHO n O O OH n Fig. 3.2. Reaction scheme for the functionalization of cellulose to cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5dione2 3.4.2 Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME) Solid phase microextraction was carried out using hollow fiber-SPME and membrane-SPME. The HF-SPME was prepared by hollow fiber-supported sol-gel combined with cation exchange resin. The procedure for the preparation of sol-gel was according to Es’haghi et al.4 For membrane based solid phase microextraction (MSPME), alumina-titania hollow fiber was used for extraction and preconcentration of metal ions in fuels. The synthesis of aluminatitania sol was prepared according to Jung et al.5 The structural characteristics of hollow fiber membrane were evaluated by XRD, SEM and BET. The XRD patterns of alumina and titania powder, prepared according to Rogojan et al.1 and Li et al.,6 were used for the assignment of their respective characteristics peak. The detailed procedures for the preparation of Al2O3 and TiO2 are described in Section The optimization of the HF-LPME and MSPME preconcentration system was carried out using two-level (24) full factorial design with a central point and central composite design (CCD). Four variables for both methods were regarded as important factors. For HF-SPME, sample solution pH, acceptor phase amount, extraction time and eluent concentration were regarded as factors. For MSPME on the other hand, the important factors were sample pH, eluent concentration, extraction time and eluent volume. Preparation of nanometer-sized alumina and titania The nanometer alumna and titania powders were prepared by sol-gel method. The latter is based on the phase transformation of a sol obtained from metallic alkoxides or 53 Chapter 3: General methodologies organometallic precursors. The sol contains particles in suspension and it is polymerized at low temperature, in order to form a wet gel. The resulting gel is dried in order to remove the solvent (e.g. alcohol).1 To obtain desired crystalline structure of the metallic oxide, the dried gel is treated by heating it at a specific temperature. A Sol-gel method was chosen because of it many advantages. These include versatility and the possibility to obtain high purity materials, allowance of the synthesis of special materials, energy savings by using low processing temperature, higher surface areas, well-defined pore size distribution and superior homogeneity.1,7 Nanometer-sized alumina was prepared as follows; a mass (2.66 g) of AlCl3 was dissolved in 25 ml absolute ethanol followed by drop wise addition of 28% ammonium solution. The addition of the latter was done in order to for a sol gel to form. The resulting sol gel was left to maturate for 30 hours at room temperature and then dried for 24 hours at 100°C. Finally, the gel was calcined by heating in a furnace at a rate of 20°C min -1 to 1000 °C and holding it for three hours. The synthesis of nanometer-sized titania was carried as follows; 10 mL tetrabutyl butoxide was dissolved in a mixture solvent containing ethanol (45 mL) and acetic acid (3 mL) under vigorous stirring at room temperature. double distilled deionized waster ((1.25) was added dropwise to the above solution under vigorous stirring for about 10 min. The resulting sol-gel was dried in the oven at 80°C overnight. Finally, the gel was calcined by heating in a furnace at a rate of 20°C min-1 to 1000 °C and holding it for three hours. 3.4.3 Hollow Fiber-Liquid Phase Microextraction Extraction and preconcentration of metal ions in organic matrices using HF-LPME is difficult. This is because the organic phase in the lumen of the hollow fiber membrane is miscible with donor phase (sample). Therefore, sample pretreatment that will first convert fuel sample to aqueous phase before it is subjected to HF-LPME system is required. For this reason, diesel and gasoline sample samples were first digested using microwave-assisted digestion method. The digested samples were the subject to HF-LPME preconcentration system. The latter, which is a room temperature ionic liquid combined with ammonium pyrrolidinecarbodithioate as a chelating agent, was used for extraction and preconcentration of metal ions in digested fuel samples. 54 Chapter 3: General methodologies The preparation of the HF-LPME procedure was adopted from Ghasemi et al.8 The extraction procedure was carried out according to Xia et al.9 and Ghasemi et al.8 Full factorial and central composite designs were used for screening and optimization of the effective factors that influence preconcentration and stripping of the metal ions. The factors included sample pH, concentration of the chelating agent, extraction time and stripping solution concentration. 3.4 ACID DIGESTION METHODS Acid digestions of fuel samples were carried out using two methods, namely acid digestion in a hot plate using Teflon beakers and microwave-assisted digestion. The modified procedure for acid digestion on a hot plate was adopted from Amorim et al.10 Microwaveassisted digestion on the other hand was carried out according to Kowalewska et al.11 The details of these methods are given in the respective chapters. 3.5 DETERMINATION OF METAL IONS Determination of metal ions in the samples after pretreatment was carried by using either ICP OES or ICP-MS or both techniques. The instrumental operational settings and parameters are presented in the respective chapters. Electrothermal AAS was used as comparative method for the determination of metal ion in alcohols. The analytical procedure for ETAAS analysis reported by Anselmi et al.,12 Reboucas et al.13 and de Oliveira et al.14 were modified in order to suit the sample matrix. Table 1 presents electrothermal AAS temperature programs for determination of metal ions. It should be noted that the ramp, hold time and gas flow rate conditions for pyrolysis and atomization steps were the same for all the metal ions. 55 Chapter 3: General methodologies Table 3.1. Electrothermal AAS temperature programs for determination of metal ions Step T (°C) Ramp (°C s-1) Hold time (s) Drying 1 Drying 2 Pyrolysis Cd Cr Cu Fe Mn Pb Zn Atomization Cd Cr Cu Fe Mn Pb Zn Cleaning 90 200 1 1 5 5 10 5 Gas flow rate (mL min-1) 300 300 300 0 6 0 1 3 300 300 1600 1300 800 1000 600 100 1100 2400 2300 2000 2300 1500 2300 2500 3.6 REFERENCES 1. Rogojan, R., Andronescu, E., Ghitulica, C. & Vasile, B.S. Synthesis and characterisation of Alumina nano-powder obtained by sol-gel method, U.P.B. Sci. Bull. Series B 73 (2011) 65-76. 2. Musyoka, S., Ngila, C., Moodley, B., Kindness, A., Petrik, L. & Greyling, C. 2011. Oxolane-2,5-dione modified electrospun cellulose nanofibers for heavy metals adsorption. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 192, 922-927. 3. Ma, Z., Kotaki, M. & Ramakrishna, S. 2005. Electrospun cellulose nanofiber as affinity membrane. Journal of Membrane Science, 265, 115-123. 4. Es’haghi, Z., Khalili, M., Khazaeifar, A. & Rounaghi, G. H. 2011. Simultaneous extraction and determination of lead, cadmium and copper in rice samples by a new preconcentration technique: Hollow fiber solid phase microextraction combined with differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry. Electrochimica Acta, 56, 3139-3146. 5. Jung, Y.-S., Kim, D.-W., Kim, Y.-S., Park, E.-K. & Baeck, S.-H. 2008. Synthesis of alumina–titania solid solution by sol–gel method. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 69, 1464-1467. 56 Chapter 3: General methodologies 6. Li, J., Qi, H.-Y. & Shi, Y.-P. 2009. Applications of titania and zirconia hollow fibers in sorptive microextraction of N,N-dimethylacetamide from water sample. Analytica Chimica Acta, 651, 182–187. 7. Akbarnezhad, S., Mousavi, S. M., & Sarhaddi, R. 2010. Sol-gel synthesis of alumina-titania ceramic membrane: Preparation and characterization. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 3, 1048-1051 8. Ghasemi, E., Najafi, N. M., Raofie, F. & Ghassempour, A. 2010. Simultaneous speciation and preconcentration of ultra traces of inorganic tellurium and selenium in environmental samples by hollow fiber liquid phase microextraction prior to electrothermal atomic absorption spectroscopy determination. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 181, 491-496. 9. Xia, L., Y. Wu And B. Hu 2007. Hollow-fiber liquid-phase microextraction prior to lowtemperature electrothermal vaporization ICP-MS for trace element analysis in environmental and biological samples. Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 42, 803-810. 10. Amorim, F. A. C., Lima, D. C., Amaro, J. A. A., Valea, M. G. R. & Ferreira, S. L. C. 2007. Methods for vanadium determination in fuel oil by GFAAS with microemulsification and acid digestion sampling. Journal of Brazzilian Chemical Society, 18, 1566-1570. 11. Kowalewska, Z., Ruszczyńska, A., Bulska E. 2005. Cu determination in crude oil distillation products by atomic absorption and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry after analyte transfer to aqueous solution, Spectrochimica Acta part B 60, 351-359. 12. Anselmi, A., Tittarelli, P.& Katskov, D. A. 2002. Determination of trace elements in automotive fuels by filter furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Spectrochimica Acta Part B 57, 403–411. 13. Reboucas, M. V., Domingos, D., Santos, A. S. O. & Sampaio, L. 2010. Determination of trace metals in naphtha by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry: Comparison between direct injection and microemulsion pretreatment procedures. Fuel Processing Technology, 91, 1702-1709. 14. de Oliveira, A. P., de Moraes, M., Neto, J. A. G. & Lima, E. C. 2002. Simultaneous determination of Al, As, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Ni in fuel ethanol by GFAAS. Atomic Spectroscopy, 23, 39-43. 57 CHAPTER FOUR: PRECONCENTRATION OF TRACE MULTI-ELEMENTS IN WATER SAMPLES USING DOWEX 50W-X8 AND CHELEX-100 RESINS PRIOR TO THEIR DETERMINATION USING INDUCTIVELY COUPLED PLASMA ATOMIC EMISSION SPECTROMETRY (ICP OES) ABSTRACT This work presents a solid phase extraction (SPE) method for simultaneous preconcentration of trace elements in water samples prior to their ICP OES determination. Dowex 50w-x8 and Chelex-100 resins were used as SPE sorbent materials for preconcentration of trace Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn. The optimum sample pH, eluent concentration and sample flow rates were found to 6, 3.0 mol L-1 and 3.0 mL min-1, respectively. In terms of multi-element preconcentration capabilities, Dowex 50W-x8 appeared to be a better sorbent. The recoveries for all the tested analytes were >95%. Under optimized conditions using Dowex 50W-x8, the relative standard deviations for different metals were < 3%. The limits of detection and limits of quantification ranged from 0.01-0.39 µg L-1 and 0.05-0.1.3 µg L-1, respectively. The accuracy of the preconcentration method was confirmed by spike recovery test and the analysis of certified reference materials. The SPE method was applied for preconcentration of the analyte ions in tap water, bottled water and wastewater samples. Keywords: Trace multi-element, simultaneous preconcentration, ion exchange resins, Chelex100, Dowex 50w-x8, Drinking water 4.1 INTRODUCTION Water plays an important in role various human activities; these include agriculture, sanitation, industrial production, energy, and transportation. Furthermore, it plays a vital role in sustaining ecosystems that provide important services to both the environment and the humans.1 Water scarcity is a global concern. However, the current water concern is the crisis of governance rather than a crisis of physical scarcity. This is because (i) scarce water resources are allocated inefficiently, (ii) water pollution is unregulated thus compromising water quality and (iii) uneffective water service providers fail to serve the public. In addition, social and environmental concerns are left unaddressed.1 Due to these inadequacies with conventional water resources management, Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), assists in addressing the issues such as environmental protection; promotion of economic growth, 58 Chapter 4: Preconcentration of trace multi-elements in water sustainable agricultural development and democratic participation in governance and improving human health.1 Therefore, in this study we propose and develop a method that can be used as a quantitative tool to monitor drinking water quality. Monitoring trace metals in environmental samples is crucial since most of these metals have negative or positive effects on human health depending on their concentration levels and chemical form (e.g. Cr (VI)).2,3 Even though some of the metals such as Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni and Zn have the range of biochemical functions in living organisms, they can be toxic when taken in excess.2 In contrast, the presence of non-essential metals such as lead and cadmium, even in trace levels, damages central nervous function, lowers energy levels, damages the blood composition, lung, kidneys, liver, and other vital organs.2,4 Therefore, monitoring of trace elements in the environment is extremely important because it helps to control exposure of humans and animals to these substances.5 Due to the high toxicity of heavy metals, it is crucial to detect ultra-low levels especially in drinking water. The determination of metal ions in water samples has been successfully carried out with different analytical techniques.6,7 These include flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS), graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS), inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).6,8,9 Among the above mentioned analytical techniques, ICP OES is extensively used for the determination of metal ions. This is because ICP OES displays attractive features such as multi-element detection capacity, wide linear range, low limits of detection and high sample throughput.10 However, ICP OES is not suitable for direct analysis of trace levels. Therefore, prior to detection with ICP OES an effective pre-concentration step such as solid phase extraction (SPE) is required. The latter is a widely applied and powerful pre-treatment approach prior to analysis.11 Among other advantages, SPE is commonly used because a variety of extraction materials (sorbents) are available, and the extraction can be tuned depending on how these sorbents interact with the analytes. As a result, various adsorbents such as Amberlite XAD resins, Chelex-100 and Dowex 50W-x4, among others, have been used for the separation/pre-concentration of trace elements in various complex samples.7,12,13 The present study seeks to determine the most suitable cation exchange resin that will have high metal retention efficiency over a wide operating pH range. Therefore, performance of Chelex-100 and Dowex 50w-x8 sorbents for simultaneous pre-concentration of cadmium, cobalt, chromium, copper, iron, nickel, lead and zinc in aqueous solutions was investigated. 59 Chapter 4: Preconcentration of trace multi-elements in water Various factors affecting the cation exchange process, such as sample volume, concentration of the eluent, sample and eluent flow rates as well as the accuracy of the method, were investigated. 4.2 EXPERIMENTAL 4.2.1 Instrumentation Analyte metal ions were determined using Spetro Arcos ICP OES equipped with Cetac ASX-520 autosampler. Solid phase extraction was carried out in a VacMaster-24 sample SPE station (Supelco, PA, USA). The latter was used to control the sample loading and elution flow rate to 3.0 ml min-1. 4.2.2 Reagents and Solutions All reagents were of analytical reagent grade unless otherwise stated and double distilled deionized waster (Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA) was used throughout the experiments. Spectrascan stock solutions (1000 mg L-1) of Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn (Teknolab A/S, Dröbak, Norway) were used to prepare the working solutions for SPE at concentrations of 6 µg L-1 (Cr, Co, Ni ), 10 µg L-1 (Cd), 12 µg L-1 (Pb), 30 µg L-1 (Cu, Fe and Zn). Working solutions, as per the experimental requirements, were freshly prepared from the stock solution for each experimental run. A Spectrascan multi-element standard solution at concentration of 100 mg L-1 was used to prepare working standard solutions at concentrations of 10-70 µg L-1 for Cd, Co, Cr, Fe, Ni and Pb; and 30-180 µg L-1 for Cu and Zn in measurements of concentrations of analytes in all model and sample solutions. Solutions of nitric acid at concentrations of 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 mol L-1 used for the elution of the analytes from the column were prepared from ultrapure concentrated acid (65%, Sigma-Aldrich, St. Loius, MO, USA). The pH adjustments were performed with 1.0 M HNO3 and NaOH solutions. The cation exchangers used in this study as packing materials were Chelex-100 and Dowex 50wx8 (sodium forms) purchased from Sigma Aldrich (St. Loius, MO, USA). 4.2.3 Water Samples and Preparation Tap water samples were obtained from University of Johannesburg (Doornfotein and Kingsway campuses). Effluent wastewater samples were collected from Johannesburg Water. The wastewater samples were filtered through a 0.45 µm pore-size double distilled deionised 60 Chapter 4: Preconcentration of trace multi-elements in water cellulose nitrate membrane to remove any fine particulate matter present. Bottled water samples were obtained from a local supermarket. 4.2.4 Column Preparation Supelco polyethylene columns (1.35 cm in diameter and 6.5 cm in length) with frits were employed for SPE. The columns were soaked in 5% HNO3 solution and then rinsed successively with double distilled deionized waster (Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA). Afterwards, slurries of 1.5 g of Chelex-100 or Dowex 50W-x8 resin in double distilled water were loaded into the columns. Porous frits were placed at the bottom and at the top of the column for allowing the adsorbent to settle properly. The resin columns were washed using triple distilled water followed by conditioning with 10 mL ammonium acetate buffer (1.0 mol L-1, pH 9.0). After each use, the resin in the column was washed with 20 mL of water followed by 10 mL of 1.0 mol L-1 NaOH. This was done in order to keep the resin in sodium form. 4.2.5 Preconcentration Procedure The pH values of the model solutions of Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn were adjusted to 6. The solutions were then each passed through a SPE column packed with either Chelex100 or Dowex 50w-x8 at a flow rate of 2.0 and 3.0 mL min-1, respectively. Metal ions retained on the resins were eluted with 5.0 mL of 0.5-4.0 mol L-1HNO3 at a flow rate of 3.0 mL min-1. The metal concentrations in the final solution were determined using ICP OES. The same procedure was applied to the blank solutions. After each run, the columns were conditioned as per Section 2.3. 4.2.6 Optimization of Preconcentration Parameters The SPE system was optimized in order to determine the best retention/ elution conditions for trace metal ion determination with good sensitivity and precision.6 Several experimental variables affecting the pre-concentration system such as eluent concentrations, sample and eluent flow rates, among other parameters, were evaluated and optimized. To obtain these conditions, preliminary tests were performed to investigate factors that exert significant influence on the retention of the analytes by cation exchange resin. The factors selected include eluent concentration, sample volume as well as sample flow rate. In previous 61 Chapter 4: Preconcentration of trace multi-elements in water study,6 the maximum retention of the analytes onto the cation exchange resin was observed at pH 6. We decided to use the same pH value at 6 in the present study, for all the experiments. The optimization of the sample flow rate was carried out to ensure the quantitative retention of the analytes of interest. The effect of flow rate of the sample solution on the retention of the studied metal ions on the Chelex-100 and Dowex 50w-x8 resins was carried out with a column packed with 1.5 g of resin. Sample solutions were passed through the column at various flow rates (1.0-5.0 mL min-1). The flow rates less than 1.0 mL min-1 were not studied to avoid long analysis time. The percentage recoveries were calculated by relating the final obtained concentration (Cf) of the analyte to the original concentration (Ci) of the metal ion in the model solution. %R Cf Ci 100 (1) 4.3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.3.1 Effect of pH The sample pH for quantitative preconcentration of Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn in the Dowex 50W-x8 and Chelex 100 columns is one of the most important factors.14 This is because, highly acidic solutions may lead to protonation of resin’s functional group while highly alkaline solution may result in the precipitation of metal ions as hydroxides. This may results in the underestimation of metal ion concentrations in drinking water samples. Therefore, the effect of sample pH on the retention of the analytes onto Dowex 50W-x8 and Chelex 100 resins was carried out between pH 4 and 10. The influence of the sample pH on the pre-concentration of Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn is presented in Fig. 1. It was observed that for both resins, lower recoveries (<95%) were obtained for all metal ions at pH 4 and this can be attributed to competition between the metal ions and the hydronium ions for the active sites on the adsorbent surface. However, quantitative recoveries were obtained for all analytes at pH range 6-7 and 5-7 for Dowex 50W-x8 and Chelex 100 resins, respectively. In this study, quantitative recoveries defined as the percentages that are more than or equal to 95%. Therefore, pH 6 was chosen for subsequent investigations. 62 Chapter 4: Preconcentration of trace multi-elements in water Fig. 4.1. The effect of pH on the recoveries of 20 µg L−1 metal ion solution: A) Dowex 50W8, B) Chelex-100. sample volume 20 mL; amount of resin 1.5 g, flow rates of sample and eluent 3.0 mL min−1, respectively n = 3 4.3.2 Effect of Eluent Concentration The desorption of the analytes bound onto the surface of the Dowex 50w-x8 and Chelex100 resins is expected to be achieved by proton exchange from the acid solution.12 The desorbing eluent should also be compatible with the pre-concentration (SPE) procedure. For this reason, HCl was not used in this work due to the risk of the formation of insoluble chloride complexes with some of the metal ions e.g. Pb. Nitric acid is preferred compared to other acids (such as HCl and H2SO4) because all nitrate salts are soluble compared to chloride and sulfate salts. The desorption/ elution of metal ions from Dowex 50w-x8 and Chelex-100 using various nitric acid concentrations (0.5-4.0 mol L-1) has been investigated. From the results in Fig. 4.2, it was observed that in order to desorb the metal ions from Dowex 50w-x8, a higher concentration of nitric acid as compared to Chelex-100 was used. This implied that Dowex 50w-x8 strongly binds the metal ions compared to Chelex-100. The results indicated that metal ions were quantitavely recovered from Chelex-100 when the concentration of HNO3 was between 1.0 and 2.0 mol L-1 while in the case of Dowex 50w-x8 a flow rate of 3.0 mol L-1 was used. This should be expected because Chelex-100 (iminodiacetic acid functional group) is a weakly acidic cation exchanger whereas Dowex 50w-x8 (sulfonic acid functional group) is a strongly acidic cation exchanger. 63 Chapter 4: Preconcentration of trace multi-elements in water Fig. 4.2. Influences of the eluent concentration on the recoveries of the analytes on Dowex 50w-x8 resin column. sample volume 20 mL; amount of resin 1.5 g, flow rates of sample and eluent 3.0 mL min−1, respectively n = 3 4.3.3 Effect of Flow Rate The optimization of the sample flow rate was carried out to ensure the quantitative retention of the analytes of interest. The effect of flow rate of the sample solution on the retention of the studied metal ions on the Dowex 50w-x8 resin was carried out with a column packed with 1.5 g of resin. Sample solutions (20 mL) were passed through the column at various flow rates (1.0-5.0 mL min-1). The flow rates less than 1.0 mL min-1 were not studied to avoid long analysis time. The optimum flow rate for this work was defined as the rate of flow of the sample solution through the column at which more than 95% retention of metal ions takes place. The results showed that the optimum flow rate for quantitative sorption of metal ions onto the resin was between 1.0 and 3.0 mL min-1. Such observation were expected because, ideally lower flow rate should give highest recovery. The increase of flow rate more than 3.0 mL min-1 caused a gradual decrease in sorption due to insufficient contact time between the resin and the metal ions, 2.0 and 3.0 mL min-1 flow rates were chosen as the optimum flow rate for sample loading onto Chelex-100 and Dowex 50W-x8 resins, respectively. 64 Chapter 4: Preconcentration of trace multi-elements in water 4.3.4 Preconcentration of Multi-Element The efficiency of studied cation exchange resins for pre-concentration of multi-elements (concentration of each analyte equal to 10 µg L-1) in aqueous solution was investigated under optimum conditions. The results indicated that the highest retention of the analytes from aqueous model solutions was observed on Dowex 50W-x8 resin (Table 4.1). This might be due to the larger exchange capacity (1.7 meq mL-1) and its functional groups (sulfonic acid). The recoveries of metal ions from Dowex 50W-x8 ranged from 95 to 101%. It can be concluded that the affinity of studied analytes towards Dowex 50W-x8 was very similar. Therefore, they could be pre-concentrated with the same efficiency.15 The results in Table 4.1 indicated that Chelex-100 was only suitable for the removal of Cu, Fe and Zn at an optimum flow rate of 2.0 mL min-1. The rest of the metals were not quantitatively recovered at this optimum flow rate. It was then concluded that Chelex-100 was not suitable for preconcentration of multi-element in aqueous matrices. Therefore, Dowex 50W-x8 at an optimum flow rate of 3.0 mL min-1 was used for further analysis. Table 4.1. Recovery (%) of multi-element in aqueous solution using Dowex 50W-x8 and Chelex-100 SPE methods Resins Recovery, (%) Dowex Chelex Cd Co Cr Cu Fe Ni Pb Zn 99.2±1.4 97.4±1.3 96.3±1.2 101±1.2 99.3±4.2 96.4±1.4 95.1±1.2 97.9±2.1 88.9±1.2 80.6±3.8 85.3.1±4.0 95.8±2.4 97.5±2.4 78.1±1.2 91.0±1.2 96.5±3.8 Experimental conditions: sample volume = 20 mL amount of resin = 1.5 g; flow rates = 2.0 and 3.0 mL min−1 for Chelex-100 and Dowex 50W-x8, respectively; eluent volume = 5 mL; replicates = 3 4.3.5 Effect of Sample Volume The influence of sample volume on the recoveries of analyte ions on the solid phase was studied in order to obtain high preconcentration factor.16,17 Therefore, the effect of sample volume on the retention of Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn onto Dowex 50W-x8 resin was investigated in the range of 50-1000 mL, while keeping the metal ion concentration fixed at 10 µg L-1. It is seen from the Fig. 4.3 that the retention of metal ions can be achieved quantitatively (≥95%) by sample volume up to 700 mL. As the volume the sample Therefore, 65 Chapter 4: Preconcentration of trace multi-elements in water the highest preconcentration factor was found to be 140 when the adsorbed metal ions were eluted with 5 mL of 3 mol L−1 HNO3. At volumes higher than 700 mL, a decrease in quantitative recoveries of metal ions was observed. This might be due to the saturation of the active sites of the adsorbent. Fig. 4.3. Effect of sample volume on the recoveries of metal ions: pH 6.0; analyte concentration 10 µg L-1; amount of sorbent 1.5 g; flow rates of sample and eluent 3.0 mL min−1; eluent volume 5 mL; replicates n=3 4.3.6 Column Regeneration In order to investigate the recyclability of Dowex 50W-x8 column, successive retention and elution cycles were performed by passing 20 mL of copper, iron and zinc solutions through the column. The regeneration of Dowex 50W-x8 column were evaluated by monitoring the changes in the recoveries of copper, iron and zinc through 200 retentionelution cycles. The Dowex 50W-x8 column was reused after regeneration with 20 mL double distilled water and 10 mL of 1.0 mol L-1 NaOH, respectively. It was found to be stable up to 150 retention/elution cycles without observable decrease in the recoveries of copper, iron and zinc (> 95%). It should be noted that this column regeneration can be affect by the matrix of 66 Chapter 4: Preconcentration of trace multi-elements in water the real samples. This implies that in the case of real samples, the retention/elution cycles might lower that when model solutions are used. 4.3.7 Analytical Performances The analytical performance of the SPE-Dowex 50W-x8 method under optimum conditions for pre-concentration of metal ions was evaluated. The dynamic linear range of the method was evaluated and obtained as 10-70 µg L-1 for Cd, Cr, Co, Ni and Pb; 30-160 µg L-1 for Cu, Fe and Zn. The correlation coefficients (R2) of the calibration curves were in the range 0.9991–0.9997. The limits of detection (LOD) and limits of quantification (LOQ) of the SPE method were investigated under optimum experimental conditions by applying the blank solution procedure. They were calculated according to Eqs. 1 and 2.18 LOD= 3 SD m (1) LOQ= 10 SD m (2) where SD is standard deviation of the blank signal (n = 20) and m is the gradient of the calibration curve. For a 100 mL, the LOD of Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, and Zn were found to be 0.06, 0.08, 0.05, 0.02, 0.01, 0.39 and 0.02 µg L-1, respectively; and LOQ were 0.19, 0.26, 0.11, 0.08, 0.05, 1.3 and 0.08 µg L-1 for Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, and Zn, respectively. The LOD and LOQ values obtained in this study can be improved by increasing the volume of the sample. The instrumental detection limits (IDL) were 0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.4, 0.1, 1.0 and 0.2 µg L-1 for Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, and Zn, respectively. It can be seen that SPE/ICP-OES method has improved LODs. The precision (reproducibility) of the SPE method was studied by performing 15 successive measurements at a concentration level of 10 µg L-1 of multi-element aqueous solution (containing Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, and Zn). The overall reproducibility of preconcentration procedure expressed in terms of relative standard deviation (%RSD) was reasonably good (<3%). The analytical procedure was validated by analysis of certified reference materials, BCR713 (Effluent wastewater) and CRM TMDW-500 drinking water. The results in Table 4.2 displayed a good agreement between the obtained values and certified values with satisfactory recoveries ranging 97-103%. These results confirmed the validity of the Dowex 50W-x8 SPE method for the preconcentration of the metal ions from aqueous matrices. In addition, they confirm that SPE-Dowex 50W-x8 is a suitable sample preparation method that 67 Chapter 4: Preconcentration of trace multi-elements in water can be applied an a last step in drinking water purification plants to check the quality of drinking water before it is distributed for human consumption. Table 4.2. Analysis of certified reference materials (mean of 3 replicates; concentration in µg L-1) Cations BCR-713 Effluent wastewater Certified 5.1±0.6 NCa 21.9±2.4 68.4±3.3 398.3±32.0 30.6±4.6 47.0±4 216.2±32.13 Cd Co Cr Cu Fe Ni Pb Zn a NC= not certified Obtained 5.0±0.8 15.3±1.3 22.1±0.7 66.8±1.3 383.5±3.5 29.7±2.1 48.3±1.3 213.5±1.8 CRM TMDW-500 drinking water Recovery 97.5±1.1 101±1 97.7±2.4 96.3±1.4 97.1±1.3 103±1 98.8±3.1 Certified 10.0±0.05 25.0±0.1 20.0±0.1 20.0±0.1 100.0±0.5 60.0±0.3 40.0±0.2 70.0±0.4 Obtained 9.7±0.7 24.3±0.6 19.6±0.3 20.1±0.2 97.8±0.6 57.9±0.9 38.7±0.4 70.3±0.1 Recovery (%) 97.0±2.1 97.2±1.4 98.0±1.1 101±1 97.8±1.7 96.5±1.3 96.8±2.4 100±1 4.3.8 Application Water quality is one of the important aspects in human and environmental health. This is because majority of diseases that cause morbidity and mortality in population are water related.19 For this reason, different organisations such as USEPA, WHO and South African National Standards (SANS) have set some guidelines for the concentration limits of heavy metals in drinking water.20-22 The Dowex 50W-x8 SPE method was applied for the determination of trace Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, and Zn in tap water, bottled water and wastewater (effluent) samples. For analysis, 100 mL of water samples were studied by the Dowex 50W-x8 SPE method. The results of analysis are given in Table 4.3. Copper, Fe, Ni and Zn were present in all water samples investigated. In the case of drinking water, the highest concentrations of Zn, Cu, Fe and Ni were found in TW 1, TW 3 and TW 5 samples, respectively. The level of the cadmium was found to be below the detection limit in TW 1, TW 2, TW 3 and BW 1 samples whereas Pb was not detected in TW 1, TW 2, BW 1 and BW 2. Chromium on the other hand was found to be below the detection limit in TW 2 and BW2 samples whereas TW 4 and TW 5 were found to contain highest Cr concentration compared to other water samples. Generally, bottled water samples were found to contain lower metal ion content compared to 68 Chapter 4: Preconcentration of trace multi-elements in water tap water samples. The differences in metal levels between tap and bottled water samples might be attributed to different types of filters or/and adsorbents used and to how often these filters or/and adsorbents are changed or cleaned. As expected, wastewater contained all the studied metal ions with highest Fe content, followed by Zn and Cd. Johannesburg is a mining area and cadmium occurs naturally on the earth’s crust and can be found in natural deposits such as ores containing other elements. Therefore, the high concentration of Cd in wastewater might be due to release of this element during mining activities. The metal ion concentrations obtained were compared against the allowed maximum contamination levels (MCLs) by WHO,20 USEPA21 and SANS 24122 in drinking water. The MCL values for the analytes of interest are given in Table 4.4. Based on the drinking water samples analysed, all samples investigated in this study showed no pollution Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, and Zn except for TW 4 and TW 5 samples which showed pollution of Cd. 69 Chapter 4: Preconcentration of trace multi-elements in water Table 4.3. Concentration (µg L-1) of Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, and Zn in water samples (replicates n=5, volume 100 mL, final volume 5 mL) Samples Cd Co Cr Cu Fe Ni Pb Zn TWa 1 ND ND 0.36±0.01 60.2±0.9 59.9±0.4 6.12±0.16 ND 4801±2 TW 2 ND ND ND 125±0.3 10.12±0.2 9.37±0.21 ND 54.6±0.8 TW 3 ND 0.80±0.02 2.78±0.05 277±1.9 16.2±1.0 4.70±0.27 0.62±0.11 166±0.1 TW 4 9.21±0.74 12.4±0.2 23.5±0.9 22.5±0.3 93.7±1.1 27.4±0.64 1.82±0.05 78.7±0.7 TW 5 9.83±0.21 11.3±0.1 26.3±0.9 20.8±0.7 103±1 26.44±0.6 2.12±0.44 76.5±0.8 BW 1 ND ND 1.16±0.01 34.4±0.5 8.25±0.2 8.95±0.14 ND 21.8±0.1 BW 2 1.22±0.32 2.10±0.03 ND 12.3±0.1 19.8±0.28 3.48±0.22 ND 23.4±0.5 WWEc 40.3±0.2 2.91±0.59 5.48±0.11 22.2±0.2 265±3 3.54±0.33 9.15±0.42 91.5±0.2 Pb ˂20 15.0 10 Zn ˂5000 5000 3000 b a TW= tap water; bBW= bottled water; cWWE= wastewater Effluent; ND = not detectable Table 4.4. Guidelines for the presence of heavy metals in drinking water; concentration in µg L-1 Organizations SANS USEPA WHO Cd ˂5.0 5.0 3.0 Co ˂500 50.0 Cr ˂100 100 5.0 Cu ˂1000 1000-1300 2000 70 Fe ˂200 300 300 Ni ˂150 70 Chapter 4: Preconcentration of trace multi-elements in water 4.4 CONCLUSIONS In this study, the efficiency of Chelex-100 and Dowex 50W-x8 cation exchange resins for the separation and pre-concentration of multi-element in aqueous solutions was investigated and the results demonstrated that Dowex 50W-x8 resin has good capability and efficiency for the simultaneous preconcentration of metal ions. In comparison, Chelex100 showed limited performance (preconcentration with percentage recovery ≥ 95%) to only few metals namely Cu, Fe and Zn whereas Dowex 50W-x8 had the best overall performance for a wider range of metals. The limits of detection (0.01-0.39 µg L-1) and quantification (0.05-1.3 µg L-1) were relatively low, suggesting that the method may be applied for trace analysis of these analytes in drinking water and wastewater samples. The accuracy (% recovery) and precision (% RSD) of the Dowex 50W-x8 SPE method ranged from 95-105% and 1.22.2%, respectively. The proposed procedure was applied to the determination of trace metals in CRMs drinking water and wastewater samples. The results revealed that the method can be used for routine monitoring or spot analysis of metal ion contaminants in the drinking water supplies. In addition, the results indicated that all except for TW 4 and TW 5 passed the drinking water standards (guidelines) for the studied trace metals set by WHO, USEPA and SANS. 4.5 REFERENCES 1. Xie, M. 2006. Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)-Introduction to Principles and Practices. World Bank Institute (WBI). 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Toxicology and Industrial Health, 22, 381-393. 5. dos Santos Silva, E., Correia, L., Dos Santos, L., Dos Santos Vieira, E., Lemos, V., 2012. Dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction for simultaneous determination of cadmium, cobalt, lead and nickel in water samples by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. Microchimica Acta, 178, 269-275. 6. Soylak, M., 2004. Solid phase extraction of Cu(II), Pb(II), Fe(III), Co(II) and Cr(III) on Chelex-100 column prior to their flame atomic spectrometric determinations. Analytical Letter, 37, 1203-1217. 7. Tuzen, M., Soylak M., Elci, L., 2005. Multi-element pre-concentration of heavy metal ions by solid phase extraction on Chromosorb 108. Analytica Chimica Acta, 548, 101108. 8. Komjarova, I., Blust, R., 2006. Comparison of liquid-liquid extraction, solid-phase extraction and co-precipitation pre-concentration methods for the determination of cadmium, copper, nickel, lead and zinc in seawater. 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Chemistry Central Journal,5, 1-10. 17. Aydin, F. A., Soylak, M., 2010. Separation, preconcentration and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometric (ICP-MS) determination of thorium(IV), titanium(IV), iron(III), lead(II) and chromium(III) on 2-nitroso-1-naphthol impregnated MCI GEL CHP20P resin. Journal of Hazardous Material, 173, 669-674. 18. Ingle Jr., J.D., Grouch, S.R. (1988) Spectrochemical Analysis, Prentice-Hall Inc. 173174. 19. El-Harouny, M. A., El-Dakroory, S. A., Attalla, S. M., Hasan, N. A., Hegazy, R., 2008. Chemical quality of tap water versus bottled water: evaluation of some heavy metals and elements content of drinking water in dakahlia governorate – Egypt. Mansoura Journal of Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology 16, 1-15. 20. World Health Organization (WHO). 2008. Guidelines for drinking-water quality. 3rd edition incorporating the 1st and 2nd Addenda, Vol. 1: Recommendations, Geneva, Switzerland. 21. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2011. Edition of the drinking water standards and health advisories. EPA 820-R-11-002, Office of water, US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. 22. South African National Standards (SANS) 241. 2005. Drinking water specification. Edition 6. 73 CHAPTER FIVE: KINETICS AND EQUILIBRIUM STUDIES FOR THE REMOVAL OF COBALT, MANGANESE AND SILVER IN ETHANOL USING DOWEX 50W-X8 CATION EXCHANGE RESIN ABSTRACT Removal of Ag, Co and Mn ions in ethanol by cation exchange resin, Dowex 50W-x8, was investigated. The adsorption characteristics of metal ions onto Dowex 50W-x8 resin were described by Langmuir isotherms. The maximum sorption exchange capacities at 298 K were found to be 47.4 mg g-1, 52.6 mg g-1 and 57.0 mg g-1 for Ag, Co and Mn, respectively. The data was also fitted to Temkin and Dubinin-Radushkevich adsorption isotherm models to evaluate other adsorption properties. The ion exchange of silver, cobalt and manganese on cation exchange resin followed pseudo-second-order kinetics and the intraparticle diffusion was rate-determining step. The thermodynamic parameters indicated that the sorption of metal ions onto Dowex 50W-x8 resin was spontaneous (negative ∆G0) and endothermic in nature (positive ∆H0) implying that the adsorption capacity increased with increasing temperature. Ion exchange capacities of Ag, Co and Mn on the Dowex 50W-x8 were studied in the model ethanol solutions, and the resin can be regenerated by eluting metal ions with 3.0 mol L-1 HNO3 followed by washing it with 10 ml of double distilled water and 10 ml of 2.0 M NaOH, respectively. The proposed method was applied for metal ion removal in real ethanol samples. Keywords: Kinetics; ion exchange; metal ions; ethanol; Dowex 50W-x8 resin 5.1 INTRODUCTION Ethanol finds a wide range of applications in pharmaceutical industries, food industries, petroleum industries and paint formulations, among others.1,2 It is used as an extractant in the production of medicine, antibiotics and as a component in food additives and food processing. In addition, it is used as a fuel additive, antifreeze agent, solvent for gums, chemical intermediate and solvent in chemical industries.2-4 The presence of trace metals in pharmaceutical products, fuel, food and paint is undesirable. In pharmaceutical products, metal ions have an ability to decompose the material of interest or catalyse the degradation of the active pharmaceutical ingredient. The decomposition may lead to potential toxic effects.5,6 In addition, ethanol is used as fuel 74 Chapter five: Kinetics and equilibrium studies additive, therefore, metal ions present in it may be responsible for the decomposition and poor performance of the fuel, leading to corrosion of vehicle parts and formation of precipitates.7 Furthermore, monitoring toxic metals in ethanol is also important, since they are released into the atmosphere by the fuel combustion, thus causing air pollution8. Therefore, it is crucial to investigate the levels of trace metals in ethanol because their presence in these products has negative health effects and most metal impurities are detrimental to catalytic processes used in industry. Conventional methods that have been used for removal of metal ions from different matrices include precipitation, ion exchange and liquid-liquid extraction, among other methods.9-11 Among these traditional methods, ion exchange receives considerable interest because it can effectively separate and preconcentrate some anions and cations and can easily be regenerated and reused by a regeneration process.10,12,13 In literature, there have been various investigations about removal of heavy metals from aqueous solution by ion exchange resins such as Dowex10, Chelex-10012 and Amberlite.13 However, the application of Dowex 50W-x8 for removal of metal ions from an organic matrix has not yet been explored. Moreover, ion exchange in organic matrices offers interesting possibilities for the separation and extraction of metal ions in petroleum processing.14 The literature search shows extensive focus on the methods for analysis Cu2+, Zn2+, Ni2+, Pb2+, Cd2+ and Fe2+, particularly in organic matrices (16-18). Due to very few studies reported on the analysis of Co(II), Mn(II) and Ag(I), in organic phase samples. There is an increasing interest in these metals because they occur naturally in coal and crude oil. In view of this, the aim of this work was to investigate the removal of Ag, Co and Mn in ethanol solution using Dowex 50W-x8 at different temperatures. This study was carried out in order to evaluate the performance of ion exchange process, predictions of the analyte partitioning between an organic solution and ion exchanger surface. The information obtained in this work will help in further application of ion exchange resins in solid phase extraction of metal ions in gasoline samples particularly where the concentrations are too low and may not be detectable with GFAAS or ICP. For this purpose, a batch technique was used in order to determine the equilibrium data. The influences of experimental parameters such as contact time, pH and the amount of resin, were studied. Adsorption isotherms, kinetics and thermodynamics were studied to understand the adsorption mechanism of metal ions on Dowex 50W-x8 resin. 75 Chapter five: Kinetics and equilibrium studies 5.2 EXPERIMENTAL 5.2.1 Materials and Reagents All reagents were of analytical grade unless otherwise stated and double distilled deionized waster (Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA) was used throughout the experiments. Dowex 50Wx8 (sodium form), and ammonia were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA). Absolute ethanol and glacial acetic acid were obtained from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany) whereas Spectrascan stock solutions (1000 mg L-1) of Ag(I), Co (II)and Mn(II) were purchased from Industrial Analytical (Pty) Ltd, (Johannesburg, South Africa). Absolute ethanol was used to prepare model solutions. Spectrascan stock solutions of Ag(I), Co(II) and Mn(II), were used to prepare the working solutions at different concentrations. Working solutions, as per the experimental requirements, were freshly prepared from the stock solution for each experimental run. The pH adjustments were performed with glacial acetic acid and ammonia solutions. The cation exchanger used in this study as the adsorbent was Dowex 50W-x8. 5.2.2 Apparatus Perkin-Elmer (Shelton, Ct, USA) AAnalyst 400 Atomic Absorption Spectrometer equipped with HGA-900 graphite furnace and AS-800 autosampler was used to analyse the concentration of metal ions in ethanol solution. Lumina hollow cathode lamps from PerkinElmer were used in these experiments. The heating program of the electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS) used for the determination of Ag, Co and Mn in ethanol model solutions is shown in Table 5.1. 76 Chapter five: Kinetics and equilibrium studies Table 5.1. Graphite furnace temperature program for the determination of silver, cobalt and manganese in ethanol model solutions Step Drying 1 Drying 2 Pyrolysis Ag Co Mn Atomisation Ag Co Mn Clean out Temperature (°C) 110 200 Remap (s) 1 1 Hold (s) 5 10 1200 800 1400 5 5 5 20 20 20 2300 2300 2000 2450 0 0 0 1 6 6 6 6 5.2.3 Adsorption Studies Before batch experiments, three successive elution-washing cycles using 3 mol L-1 HNO3, H2O and 2 mol L-1 NaOH were applied to the resin in order to remove impurities. The last step of the conditioning which consisted of percolating excess NaOH through the column was carried out in order to convert the resin to sodium form. The batch ion experiments were carried out to monitor the removal of Ag, Co and Mn by Dowex 50W-x8. Different pH values, contact time and resin amounts were optimized at controlled temperature. The effect of each factor was investigated by keeping other variables constant. For the effect of pH experiments, 20 ml of ethanol model solutions containing 10 mg L-1 of Ag, Co and Mn were added into 100 ml plastic bottles (previously soaked in 1% nitric acid) with constant amount of resin (0.05 g). Te pH of the ethanol model solutions was first adjusted to different pH values (4-10) using acetic acid or dilute ammonium solution. Solutions were agitated at 200 rpm for a predetermined period. Temperatures were controlled by a thermostat shaker bath. All batch experiments were performed in triplicate. At the end of agitation time, the resin was filtered and metal concentrations in the solutions were analysed by ETAAS. To study the effect of the resin amount, different masses (0.02 to 1.0 g) were added into ethanol solution containing 10 mg L-1 of each metal ion. Equilibrium adsorption experiments were performed with initial concentrations of the metal ions corresponding to 10 to 300 mg L-1 while maintaining the resin mass, pH and equilibration time constant. After reaching 77 Chapter five: Kinetics and equilibrium studies equilibrium, solutions were filtered and analyzed. The adsorption capacity at different concentrations was calculated using Eq. (1). qe (C 0 C e )V m (1) where qe (mg g-1) is the equilibrium adsorption capacity, C0 and Ce (mg L-1) are the initial and equilibrium concentration of metal ions in solution, V (L) is the volume, and m (g) is the amount of the resin. 5.2.4 Kinetic Studies Kinetic experiments were performed by using 20 mL of metal ion solutions at a concentration of 10 mg L-1. Samples were agitated at different time intervals (0–60 min) and remaining metal ion concentrations were analysed by ETAAS. The rate constants were calculated using conventional rate expressions. Eq. (2) was used to determine adsorption capacity (qt) at time t: qt (C 0 Ct )V m (2) where qt (mg g-1) is the adsorption capacity at time t, C0 (mg L-1) is the initial metal concentration, Ct (mg L-1) is the concentration of metal ions in solution at time t, V (L) is the volume, and m (g) is the amount of the resin. 5.2.5 Adsorption Thermodynamics The effect of temperature on the adsorption of metal ions onto Dowex 50W-x8 resin was studied under five different temperatures: 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 °C. Thermodynamic studies were conducted with initial concentrations of 10-300 mg L-1 of Ag, Co and Mn ethanol solutions at pH 6 and were agitated using a thermostat shaker bath for 20 min at a speed of 200 rpm. 5.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 5.3.1 Effect of Contact Time Contact time plays an important role in the adsorption of metal ion onto a solid material. Fig. 5.1 shows the effect of contact time on Dowex 50W-x8 resin of Ag, Co and Mn. The results indicated that the removal efficiency (%) of metal ions adsorbed increased with 78 Chapter five: Kinetics and equilibrium studies increasing time of equilibration and it reached a steady state value at 20 min for all the studied metal ions. Therefore, 20 min was selected for further investigations. Fig. 5.1. Effect of contact time on retention of Ag, Co and Mn using Dowex 50W-x8 resin: Initial concentration of metal ions 10 mg L-1; amount of resin 0.05 g; sample volume 20 mL; temperature 298 K; stirring rate 200 rpm; stirring time 0-60 min; initial pH 6 5.3.2 Effect of pH The pH of the sample solution is one of the most important parameter that affects the ionexchange process. This is probably because hydrogen ions compete with the analytes for the exchange sites of the adsorbent. In addition, the solution pH influences the ionization of the resin’s functional groups and the speciation of metal ions.10,15 The effect of pH on the removal of metal ions in ethanol using Dowex 50W-x8 resin were studied at room temperature by varying the initial pH of metal solution from 4.0 to 10. Constant resin amount (0.05 g) was added to all reaction bottles and solutions were agitated at 200 rpm for 20 min. Fig. 2 shows the uptake of Ag, Co and Mn by the resin (removal efficiency) as a function of pH value. It can be seen from Fig. 5.2 that the optimal uptake of metal ions occurred at pH 67 for Ag and Co and 4-7 for Mn. At high pH values, a decrease in removal efficiency was observed. This decrease could be explained by the formation of metal ion precipitates. For further investigations, pH 6 was selected. 79 Chapter five: Kinetics and equilibrium studies Fig. 5.2. Effect of pH on the adsorption of Ag, Co and Mn. Initial concentration of metal ions 10 mg L-1; amount of resin 0.05 g; sample volume 20 mL; temperature 298 K; stirring rate 200 rpm; stirring time 20 min; initial pH 4-10 5.3.3 Effect of Resin Amount The amount of resin is an important parameter to attain the quantitative removal of metal ions from sample solutions. 10 It was observed in Fig 5.3 that that the retention of the metal ions increased with increasing amount of resin. This is because the number of available adsorption sites increased with increasing the resin amount. Consequently, the removal efficiency for Ag, Co and Mn ions is also increased.10,15,17 A mass of 0.05 g was selected for further investigations. 80 Chapter five: Kinetics and equilibrium studies Fig. 5.3. Effect of resin dosage on removal of Ag(I), Co(II) and Mn(II) by Dowex 50W-x8 cation exchange resin: Initial concentration of meat ions 10 mg L-1; amount of resin 0.02-1.0 g; sample volume 20 mL; temperature 298 K; stirring rate 200 rpm; stirring time 20 min; initial pH 6 5.3.4 Adsorption Isotherms and Comparison to Other Adsorbents Adsorption isotherms were used to describe how analytes are distributed between sample solution (liquid phase) and the resin (solid phase) when the ion exchange process reaches equilibrium.17,18 The models were also used to describe the interaction of the analytes with the sorbent. The four well-known isotherms, i.e. Langmuir, Freundlich Temkin and DubininRadushkevich were used to carry out the adsorption isotherm study. The Langmuir isotherm model describes a homogeneous monolayer chemical adsorption process; while, Freundlich isotherm model describes a heterogeneous physical adsorption process.18-20 Unlike Langmuir and Freundlich models, Temkin isotherm model is based on the assumption that the free energy of adsorption is a function of surface coverage due to the adsorbent-metal ion interactions.21 Dubinin-Radushkevich isotherm on the other hand, is based on the heterogeneous surface of the metal ion in order to distinguish between physisorption and chemisorptions.22 The linearized equations of the isotherm models are represented by Eqs. (36).23-26 Langmuir equation: 81 Chapter five: Kinetics and equilibrium studies Ce 1 1 Ce qe q max K L q max (3) where qe is the equilibrium adsorption capacity of ions on the adsorbent (mg g−1); Ce, the equilibrium ions concentration in solution (mg L−1); qmax, the maximum capacity of the adsorbent (mg g−1); and KL, the Langmuir adsorption constant (L mg−1). Freundlich equation: ln qe ln K F 1 ln Ce n (4) where equilibrium capacity qe and Ce are defined as above, KF is the Freundlich constant (L mg−1), and n is the heterogeneity factor. Temkin equation: qe RT RT ln K T ln Ce bT bT (5) where KT is Temkin constant representing adsorbent–adsorbate interactions, R is the gas constant (8.314 J mol-1 K) , T is the temperature (K), bT is Temkin isotherm constant; B RT is another constant related to adsorption heat.10 bT Dubinin-Radushkevich equation: ln qe ln K DR B 2 (6) where KDR is the maximum adsorption capacity in mg g-1, B is a constant related to the adsorption energy in mol2 kJ-2 and RT ln 1 1 Ce is a Polanyi potential calculated from Eq.(7). (7) where R is the gas constant (8.314 J mol-1 K) and T is the temperature (K). The ion exchange of Ag, Co and Mn ions was carried out at different initial metal ion concentrations and temperature (Fig. 5.4). The adsorption data was fitted to Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin and Dubinin and Radushkevich models. These isotherms relate the metal ion uptake per unit weight of adsorbent qe to the equilibrium metal ion concentration in the bulk solution Ce.17,27 The correlation coefficients (R2) were used to judge the fitness of the isotherm equation. 82 Chapter five: Kinetics and equilibrium studies Fig. 5.4. Sorption isotherm of (a) Ag, (b) Co and (c) Mn on Dowex 50W-x8 resin: Initial concentration of meat ions 10 to 300 mg L-1; amount of resin 0.05 g; sample volume 20 mL; temperature, 293 to 313 K; shaking rate 200 rpm; shaking time 20 min; initial pH 6 The values of the parameters of the four isotherms and the correlation coefficients are presented in Tables 5.2 and 5.3. It can be seen in Table 5.2 that the ion exchange adsorption of Ag, Co and Mn onto Dowex 50W-x8 was better described by Langmuir model than Freundlich model. This implied that Ag, Co and Mn in were chemically adsorbed on the surface of Dowex 50W-x8 resin. It should be noted that there was no data available on adsorption of Ag, Co and Mn in ethanol solutions using different cationic exchange resins. Therefore, comparison of adsorption capacities of different resins for Ag, Co and Mn with other method reported in literature was not performed. 83 Chapter five: Kinetics and equilibrium studies Table 5.2. Langmuir and Freundlich parameters for ion exchange adsorption of Ag, Co and Mn onto Dowex 50W-x8 resin in ethanol Cations T(K) 293 298 303 308 313 293 298 303 308 313 293 298 303 308 313 Ag Co Mn Langmuir qmax(mg/g) KL 43.8 5.65 47.8 7.59 51.3 9.29 56.0 11.3 61.7 15.7 48.1 5.54 52.0 8.10 55.3 10.06 57.3 13.86 63.5 19.2 55.4 5.37 58.5 9.20 61.7 11.46 65.4 13.2 71.6 16.4 2 R 0.9999 0.9996 0.9998 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999 0.9999 0.9997 0.9997 0.9999 0.9996 0.9996 0.9998 0.9999 0.9999 Kf 39.9 38.3 44.2 45.5 51.8 36.6 39.2 38.8 46.6 46.4 39.8 41.7 42.8 47.1 45.2 Freundlich n R2 7.64 0.8165 7.64 0.8280 7.24 0.9572 6.82 0.9595 5.85 0.7557 6.11 0.7457 6.01 0.7629 5.24 0.8495 5.33 0.9618 4.85 0.7559 6.61 0.7485 6.24 0.7091 5.89 0.9049 5.77 0.8245 6.63 0.7585 Langmuir isotherm can be represented in terms of a dimensionless constant separation factor (RL). The latter is equal to the ratio of the unused adsorbent capacity to the maximum adsorbent capacity and thus it can be a measurement of the adsorbent capacity used and the affinity between the adsorbate and adsorbent.28 The dimensionless constant separation factor, RL, value can be calculated from Eq. (8) RL 1 1 K L C0 (8) where KL is the Langmuir constant and C0 is the highest initial concentration. The value of RL indicates the type of the isotherm to be either unfavorable (RL > 1), linear (RL = 1), favorable (0 < RL < 1), or irreversible (RL = 0).28,29 The RL values obtained were between 0 and 1 indicating that the adsorption of Ag, Co and Mn onto Dowex 50W-x8 resin is favorable. The Temkin adsorption isotherm model was used to evaluate the adsorption potentials of Dowex 50W-x8/metal ion interactions. It can be seen from Table 5.3 that values of KT followed this trend Mn > Co > Ag at all temperatures. This means in cation exchange processes using Dowex 50W-x8, adsorbent/metal ion interactions were more effective for Mn 84 Chapter five: Kinetics and equilibrium studies compared to Co and Ag. The lower adsorption potential for Ag+ could be due to their large ionic radius.30 It can be seen in Table 5.2, the adsorption data fits well according to the Langmuir isotherm model at all temperatures, however, it is insufficient to explain the chemical or physical properties of the adsorption process. Therefore, the adsorption data was subjected to the Dubinin-Radushkevich isotherm which is an analogue of Langmuir to determine the nature of the adsorption process.29,31 The mean adsorption energy (E, kJ mol-1) calculated from B value of Dubinin-Radushkevich isotherm using Eq. (9) provides information about the physical or chemical properties.29,31 E 1 (9) 2B If the numerical values of E < 8 kJ mol-1, this means that the adsorption mechanism is dominated by physisorption. If E values are in the range of 8–16 kJ mol-1, the adsorption process follows chemisorption mechanism.22,31 The E value is independent of temperature but it varies according to the nature of adsorbent and metal ion interactions.22 The DubininRadushkevich isotherm parameters are presented in Table 5.3. It can be seen from this table that the values of E were greater than 8, this indicated that the adsorption of Ag, Co and Mn onto Dowex 50W-x8 resin followed the chemisorption mechanism due to the formation of complexes of sulfonate oxygen atoms with the metal ions. In addition, the maximum adsorption capacity (KDR) increased with temperature. 85 Chapter five: Kinetics and equilibrium studies Table 5.3. Temkin and Dubinin-Radushkevich parameters for ion exchange adsorption of Ag, Co and Mn onto Dowex 50W-x8 resin in ethanol Cations Ag Co Mn T(K) 293 298 303 308 313 293 298 303 308 313 293 298 303 308 313 Temkin Dubinin-Radushkevich B KT R2 2.67 3.25 3.51 3.91 4.39 3.69 3.77 3.90 4.55 3.87 4.50 4.57 4.67 5.09 5.46 30.5 34.7 37.6 39.2 43.2 31.7 36.3 37.6 40.3 44.5 36.4 40.0 42.6 45.5 50.9 0.5530 0.6667 0.6982 0.7334 0.7359 0.6380 0.7198 0.7076 0.6864 0.7438 0.7332 0.7942 0.7661 0.7679 0.7459 kDR (mol g-1) 47.5 50.6 53.9 54.9 55.7 50.1 54.4 57.1 55.6 60.2 57.1 60.5 61.1 64.5 70.0 B×108 (mol2J2) -0.75 -0.71 -0.65 -0.58 -0.53 -0.68 -0.63 -0.60 -0. 57 -0.45 -0.76 -0.73 -0.64 -0.55 -0.49 E (kJ mol-1) 8.16 8.39 8.77 9.28 9.71 8.57 8.91 9.13 9.37 10.5 8.11 8.33 8.83 9.52 10.1 R2 0.7606 0.7525 0.7952 0.7188 0.7143 0.8207 0.8094 0.8151 0.7963 0.7801 0.9206 0.9357 0.9370 0.9493 0.8820 The comparison of adsorption capacity of Dowex 50W-x8 for some of the studied metal ions from organic and aqueous matrices with that of different adsorbents in literature 46-53 is presented in Table 5.4. It can be seen from this Table that the maximum sorption capacities of Dowex 50W-x8 are comparable, either slightly higher or lower than the adsorption capacities of other adsorbents reported in the literature. 46-53 The variations in maximum adsorption capacities might be due to the differences on the experimental conditions and the structure, functional groups and porosity of the sorbent materials. 50 86 Chapter five: Kinetics and equilibrium studies Table 5.4. Comparison of maximum adsorption capacities of Dowex 50W-x8 for Ag, Co and Mn with other adsorbents reported in literature Adsorbents MBT/SDSACMNPs CSIS SH–DETA– PDBMPA CSMO MCR ATZ-SSQ ATZ-SG AEPE-PS-MPs MFT T8-Pr-DPA Dowex 50W-x8 resin Ag 11.6 Adsorption capacities (mg g-1) Co Mn - References Karimi et al.42 - 60.0 4.5 - Monier et al.43 Yin et al.44 - 53.5 3.9 5.3 2.4 106.1 5.3 57.0 Monier et al.45 Guzel et al.46 Dias Filho et al.47 Dias Filho et al.47 Jainae et al.48) Yirikoglu et al.49 Soares et al.50 Present work 47.5 60.1 47.2 AEPE-PS-MPs = 2-(3-(2-aminoethylthio)propylthio)ethanamine polystyrene-coated CoFe2O4 magnetic particles; ATZ-SG = 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole-propyl modified silica gel; ATZ-SSQ = 3-(3-amino-1,2,4triazole)propyl]octasilsesquioxane; CSIS = Cross-linked magnetic chitosan-isatin Schiff’s base resin; CSMO = Cross-linked magnetic chitosan–diacetylmonoxime Schiff’s base resin; MCR = Modified carrot residues; MFT= Melamine-formaldehyde-thiourea chelating resin; SH–DETA–PDBMPA = poly(diethylenetriamine bis(methylene phosphonic acid)); T8-Pr-DPA= octakis[3-(2,2′-dipyridylamine)propyl] octasilsesquioxane 5.3.5 Adsorption Kinetics Adsorption kinetics provides important information about the adsorption mechanism.10 The ion exchange adsorption kinetics of each metal ion with Dowex 50W-x8 were investigated by two kinetic models: Lagergren pseudo-first-order (Eq. 10) and pseudosecond-order (Eq. 11).10,32,33 ln(qe qt ) ln qe k1t (10) t 1 1 t q1 qe k 2 qe2 (11) 87 Chapter five: Kinetics and equilibrium studies where qt (mg g−1) is the adsorption capacity at time t (min); qe (mg g−1) is the adsorption capacity at adsorption equilibrium; and k1 (min−1) and k2 (g mg−1 min−1) are the kinetic rate constants for the pseudo-first-order and the pseudo-second-order models, respectively. The applicability of each kinetic model was judged by correlation coefficient (R 2) as well as the agreement between experimental and calculated qe values. The results in Table 5.5 indicated that the correlation coefficient values for pseudo-first order model were low (< 0.5) and the experimental qe values do not agree with the ones calculated from the linear plots. The correlation coefficients for the pseudo-second-order kinetic model were greater than 0.9 and the calculated qe values were in agreement with the experimental values (Table 5.5). The results indicated the applicability of pseudo-second-order kinetic equation and the secondorder nature of the adsorption process of metal ion on Dowex 50W-x8 resin.18 Similar to Langmuir isotherm model, pseudo-second- order kinetics assumes that the rate limiting step may be chemisorptions involving valence forces through sharing and exchange of electrons.15,1 Table 5.5. Kinetic parameters for the adsorption of Ag, Co and Mn onto Dowex 50W-x8 in ethanol Metal ion Ag Co Mn qe, expt (mg g-1) qe, expt (mg g-1) 47.4 52.6 57.0 Pseudo-first- order k1 (min-1) 1.55×10-2 6.83×10-3 3.33×10-3 qe, cal (mg g-1) 15.1 17.2 19.8 Pseudo-second- order R2 0.3516 0.2222 0.2167 k2 (g mg−1 min−1) 1.95×10-2 5.63×10-2 3.26×10-2 qe, cal (mg g-1) 47.1 52.7 57.2 R2 0.9992 0.9998 0.9999 Pseudo-second-order kinetic rate constant (k2) and adsorption capacity (qe) were used to calculate the initial sorption rate (h), and the half-adsorption time (t1/2) given by Eqs. 12 and 13. It can be seen from Table 5.5 and 5.6 that pseudo-second-order rate constant and initial sorption rate followed the order as Co > Mn > Ag. Half-adsorption time is defined as the time required to remove half of the amount of the analyte at equilibrium29,34 and is considered as a measure of the adsorption rate.29 It can be seen from Table 5.6 that the half adsorption times for all metal ions were short (ranging 0.34-1.09 min). This indicated high affinity between the adsorbent and metal ions. 88 Chapter five: Kinetics and equilibrium studies h k 2 qe2 t1 2 (12 1 k 2 qe (13) Table 5.6. Values of initial sorption rate (h) and half-adsorption time (t1/2) Metal ions h(mg g-1 min-1) t 1 (min) 2 Ag Co Mn 43.2 156 118 1.09 0.34 0.54 The estimation of the rate limiting step is one of the most important factors to be considered in the adsorption process.35,36 In a solid–liquid sorption process, the transfer of analyte is normally characterized by external mass transfer, or intraparticle diffusion, or both [35]. The most commonly used technique for finding the mechanism involved in the adsorption process is intraparticle diffusion plot21,35-37 whereby adsorption capacity at time t (qt) is plotted against the square root of time (Eq. 14). qt K id t 1 (14) 2 The plots of qt versus t1/2 for Ag, Co and Mn presented in Fig.5.5 showed that two steps occurred in the ion exchange adsorption process. An initial steep-sloped portion at intraparticle diffusion followed by the plateau at equilibrium.35,38 According to Rengaraj et al.38, the first steep-sloped portion (0 to 1.5 min) was attributed to the external surface adsorption or the instantaneous adsorption. The second portion (gentle sloped, 1.5 to 8 min) was assigned to the gradual adsorption stage where intraparticle diffusion was rate-limiting. These observations revealed that the intraparticle diffusion is rate-controlled and leads to a plateau at equilibrium.35 The intraparticle diffusion rate constants were obtained from the slope of the steep-sloped portion. The kid values were found to be 12.5, 7.84 and 4.12 mg g-1 h-1/2 for Ag, Co and Mn, respectively. 89 Chapter five: Kinetics and equilibrium studies Fig. 5.5. Intraparticle diffusion plots for adsorption of silver, copper and manganese 5.3.6 Adsorption Thermodynamics The thermodynamic parameters such as change in standard free energy (ΔG0), enthalpy (ΔH0) and entropy (ΔS0) were determined by using Eqs. (15) and (16).29 (15) G RT ln K L ln K L S 0 H 0 R RT (16) where R (8.314 J mol-1 K) is the gas constant, T (K) the absolute temperature and KL (L g-1) is the Langmuir constant. The values ΔH0 and ΔS0 were estimated from the slopes and intercepts of a graph of lnKL against T-1. The results in Table 5.7 showed that ion exchange process of the metal ions was endothermic; this was confirmed from the positive values of enthalpy change (ΔH0). The possible explanation of endothermic nature of heats of adsorption (enthalpy) is that the metal ions are well solvated. Therefore, in order for the metal ions to be adsorbed, they have to lose part of their hydration sheath. The dehydration process of the metal ions requires energy. The energy of dehydration replaced the exothermic nature of the metal ions getting attach to the Dowex 50W-x8 surface.22,39,40 The positive ΔH0 can be interpreted based on the noticeably strong interaction between metal ions and Dowex 50W-x8 surface. Furthermore, the positive 90 Chapter five: Kinetics and equilibrium studies enthalpy values support the earlier observation that the adsorption capacity of Dowex 50Wx8 resin for Ag, Co and Mn increased with increasing temperature due to the enhanced mobility of analyte molecules.40 The positive value of ΔS0 revealed the affinity of metal ions towards the Dowex 50W-x8 resin.41 In addition, the positive value can originate from the redistribution of energy between the metal ion and the adsorbent. For instance, before adsorption process takes place, the heavy metal ions near the surface of Dowex 50W-x8 will be more ordered, and the ratio of free metal ions to interact with the adsorbent will be higher than in the successive adsorbed state. Thus, the distribution of rotational and translational energy among a small number of molecules increases with increasing adsorption.28 It can be seen from Table 5.7 that the ΔG0 values decreased with increased temperature. This indicated the spontaneity of the process at higher temperatures.22,41 Furthermore, the negative values of ΔG0 confirmed the feasibility of the adsorption process.41 Table 5.7. Thermodynamic parameters for the adsorption of Ag, Co and Mn on Dowex 50Wx8 Cations ΔH (kJ mol-1) Ag Co Mn 37.22 46.09 39.73 ΔS (J mol-1) 141.5 171.3 150.6 ΔG (kJ mol-1) 293 K -4.240 -4.170 -4.095 298 K -5.022 -5.183 -5.498 303 K -5.615 -5.816 -6.144 308 K -6.209 -6.732 -6.607 313 K -7.165 -7.690 -7.229 5.3.7 Desorption Studies Desorption and regeneration studies were carried out in different solutions. This was done in order to test the possibility reusability of resin for various cycles and check out the longterm performance Dowex 50W-x8 resin. The desorption of Ag, Co and Mn was carried out by eluting them from the metal ion-loaded resin with 3.0 mol L-1 HNO3 solution. It was observed that up to 99% of the adsorbed metal ions can be recovered in 3.0 mol L-1 solution of HNO3 and there was no recovery observed in double distilled deionised water indicating the absence of physical bonding. After desorption with acid, the resin was regenerated by washing it with 10 ml of double distilled deionised water followed by 10 ml of 2.0 M NaOH. Regenerated Dowex 50w-x8 resin was effective for uptake of metal ions comparable to the 91 Chapter five: Kinetics and equilibrium studies fresh one over 50 cycles of adsorption/desorption. It should be noted that the amount of resin used was 0.05 g. Therefore, it was concluded that the Dowex 50W-x8 can be reused for several times without significantly decreasing its exchange capacities. 5.3.8 Analytical Performance and Application of the Proposed Method The detection limits (LOD) of the proposed method for Ag, Co and Mn based on three times the standard deviations of the blank (n = 3, n = 20) were 0.23, 0.18 and 0.10 µg L-1, respectively. The precision expressed as relative standard deviations (RSD) values (n = 15), was 2.5, 1.2, 1.5, for Ag, Co and Mn, respectively. Commercial samples of ethanol were obtained from four different chemical suppliers. The real samples were analyzed before and after of the treatment with Dowex 50W-x8 to determine the amount of Ag, Co and Mn present, and the results found are presented in Table 5.8. To check accuracy of the method, the metal ions adsorbed onto the resin were eluted with 3.0 HNO3 and the resulting solution was analysed with ICP OES. The obtained results are also presented in Table 5.8. It can be seen from this table that the Dowex 50W-x8 was very efficient in the removal of metal ions in ethanol samples since it was able to remove more than 95% of the studied analytes. The results obtained in this study indicated that due to the high cation exchange capacities of Dowex 50W-x8 can be used to reduce the residual concentration of unwanted metal species in ethanol and other organic solvents below the discharge limits. In addition, the regeneration properties of Dowex 50W-x8 provide economical benefits. Moreover, the purpose of this study was to develop sample preparation and pre-concentration of trace level analyses, and not so much the toxic effects of the metals. In the introduction section it is indicated that metal elements are undesirable in fuels and solvents used in sensitive applications such as pharmaceuticals and high purity analytical reagents. 92 Chapter five: Kinetics and equilibrium studies Table 5.8. Concentration of Ag, Co and Mn (µg L-1) in commercial ethanol samples Ag (µg L-1) Samples BA AA Co (µg L-1) Mn (µg L-1) AEa BA AA EA BA AA EA 1 1.91±0.03 0.07±1×10-3 1.83±0.01 2.56±0.05 ND 2.57±0.06 3.61±0.11 ND 3.59±0.12 2 1.38±0.01 0.03±2×10-3 1.33±0.03 5.33±0.13 0.04±2×10-3 5.28±0.18 1.42±0.05 ND 1.43±0.01 3 2.87±0.03 0.04±1×10-3 2.84±0.04 7.15±0.23 0.05±1×10-3 7.08±0.15 2.22±0.10 ND 2.21±0.03 4 1.56±0.02 0.06±3×10-3 1.51±0.03 6.37±0.37 0.02±0.1×10-3 6.34±0.36 12.31±0.41 0.03±1×10-3 BA= before adsorption; AA= after adsorption, EA= Eluted with acid; aComparative method using ICP OES 93 12.26±0.75 Chapter five: Kinetics and equilibrium studies 5.4. CONCLUSIONS This study investigated the ion exchange adsorption of Ag, Co and Mn from ethanol using Dowex 50W-x8 cation exchange resin. The adsorption properties of Dowex 50W-x8 resin for removal metal ions in ethanol solution were investigated. The experimental data fitted well to Langmuir Isotherm model. The maximum sorption exchange capacities at 298 K were 47.4 mg g-1, 52.6 mg g-1 and 57.0 mg g-1 for Ag, Co and Mn, respectively. The data was also fitted to Temkin and Dubinin-Radushkevich adsorption isotherm models to evaluate other adsorption properties. Based on Temkin isotherm, it was concluded that adsorbent/metal ion interactions are stronger for Mn removal due to larger values of Temkin constant (KT). The mean free energy values estimated from the DubininRadushkevich isotherm showed that the ion exchange adsorption followed the chemisorption process. The studies showed that the ion exchange adsorption reaction followed the pseudo-second-order reaction kinetics. The thermodynamic parameters (∆S0, ∆H0 and ∆G0) showed that the ion exchange adsorption process was spontaneous with the endothermic nature. The overall experimental and theoretical results of the present study proved that Dowex 50W-x8 cation exchange resin was suitable for ion exchange adsorption of silver, cobalt and manganese from ethanol solution. The precision and accuracy of the method were satisfactory. Therefore, Dowex 50W-x8 resin can be an effective solid-phase material for preconcentration of trace metal ions in organic matrix. 5.5 REFERENCES 1. Grodowska, K. And Parczewski, A. 2010. Organic Solvents in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutical-Drug Research, 67, 3-12. 2. Pritchard, J.D. 2007. Methanol–general information. CHAPD HQ, HPA. Available at accessed 20 June 2011. 3. Gnansounou, E. & Dauriat, A. 2005. Ethanol fuel from biomass: a review. Journal of Scientific Industrial Reearch, 60, 809-921. 4. 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Microchemical Journal, 110, 120-126. 98 CHAPTER SIX: PRE-CONCENTRATION OF TRACE ELEMENTS IN SHORT CHAIN ALCOHOLS USING DIFFERENT COMMERCIAL CATION EXCHANGE RESINS PRIOR TO INDUCTIVELY COUPLED PLASMA-OPTICAL EMISSION SPECTROMETRIC DETECTION ABSTRACT Chelex-100, Dowex 50W-x8 and Dowex MAC-3 exchange resins were investigated for separation and pre-concentration of trace amounts of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Ti and Zn in alcohols with respect to retention and desorption characteristics. Dowex 50W-x8 was found to be the best sorbent with percentages recoveries >95%. In addition, Chelex-100 appeared to be suitable for the pre-concentration of Cu, Fe and Zn, whereas Dowex MAC-3 was selective for Cu and Fe. Therefore, Dowex 50W-x8 was used for further investigations. The relative standard deviations <4% (n =20), limits of detection and quantification were 0.1-1.2 µg L-1 and 0.3-1.5 µg L-1, respectively. The SPE method was validated against a certified reference material and the results were in agreement with certified values. The accuracy of the optimized method was verified by the recovery test in the spiked alcohol samples. The accuracy and spike recovery test for different metal ions were in the range 98-102% and 95105%, respectively. The optimised method was applied to the separation and preconcentration of metal ions in different commercial alcohol samples. Keywords: Cation exchange resins, trace metals, separation, pre-concentration, alcohols, Dowex 50W-x8 6.1 INTRODUCTION Organic solvents such as alcohols, find a wide range of applications in pharmaceutical industries, food industries and paint formulations, among others.1,2 For instance, methanol, ethanol, iso-propanol and 2-butanol are used as the extractants in the production of medicine, antibiotics and as components in food additives and food processing. In addition, these liquids are used as fuel additives, antifreeze agents, solvents for gums, chemical intermediates, solvents in chemical industries and denitrification agents in wastewater treatment.2-4 The presence of trace metals in pharmaceutical products, fuel, food and paint is undesirable. In pharmaceutical products, metal ions have an ability to decompose the material 99 Chapter six: Preconcentration of trace elements in alcohols of interest or catalyze the degradation of the active pharmaceutical ingredient. The decomposition may lead to potential toxic effects.5,6 In addition, since some alcohols are used as fuel additives, they may be responsible for the decomposition and poor performance of the fuel, leading to corrosion of vehicle parts and formation of precipitates.7 Furthermore, monitoring toxic elements is also important, since they are released into the atmosphere by the fuel combustion, thus causing air pollution.8 Therefore, it is crucial to investigate the levels of trace metals in alcohols because their presence in these products has negative health effects and most metal impurities are detrimental to catalytic processes used in the industry. Many metals occur naturally in fossil materials and, as a result, they can be present in petroleum based products. The presence of the metals in alcohols can also be due to their incorporation during the production process, by contact with refinement or distillation equipment, storage and transport.8,9 Metal concentrations in organic solvents are generally in trace levels, therefore sensitive and fast techniques with low detection limits are required. The direct determination of trace elements in organic solvents by inductively coupled plasmaoptical emission spectrometry (ICP OES) poses a challenge with respect to the operating parameters of the instrument.10,11 This is because direct loading of organic samples to the ICP can destabilize or extinguish the plasma.12,13 Therefore, sample pretreatment prior to metal ion determination is required. Techniques involving sample pretreatment for the quantification of trace elements in organic matrices have been reported in literature. These methods include microwave-assisted acid digestion,14 microwave-induced combustion,15 conventional ashing and acid dissolution16 and electrothermal vaporization.12 The limitation of conventional ashing and acid dissolution methods is that they are time-consuming and volatile elements may be lost.14 Microwave digestion methods solve the problem of volatilization, but they increase the risk of cross-contamination. Electrothermal vaporization is known to eliminate oxygen addition and reduce the organic matrix interference. Nevertheless, its parameters have to be optimized for each element thus lengthening the experimental procedure.14 Therefore, an accurate and reliable analytical procedure based on simultaneous separation and preconcentration of analytes prior to analysis in fuel samples, is required. Separation and preconcentration techniques such solid phase extraction (SPE) has been used for enrichment of heavy metal ions in both aqueous and organic matrices.8,17-24 The advantages of using SPE method include high sensitivity, possibility of performing simultaneous preconcentration step, reduced 100 matrix interferences, reasonable Chapter six: Preconcentration of trace elements in alcohols preconcentration factors with relatively rapid separation, reusability and low cost.23,24 In addition, the use different solid phase materials can provide a better separation of interferences, high efficiency and higher rate of process, and the possibility of combining with different detection techniques.22 Various solid phase materials including Amberlite XAD resins,8 modified silica gel17-19 biosorbent20 and ion exchange resins24 have been used for the solid-phase extraction of traces heavy metals in aqueous and organic samples prior to their instrumental analysis. Amberlite XAD resins and silica gel have been anchored by organo-functional groups for metal ion binding and extraction from complex matrices. Due to the leaching behaviour of organic samples such as ethanol, the main limitation of using a modified sorbent for metal ions in organic matrices is the difficulty in maintaining the organofunctional group attached to the solid phase.8 Therefore, in this work the possibility of using commercially available cation exchange resins for separation and pre-concentration of metal ions in methanol, ethanol, iso-propanol and 2-butanol, was investigated. The reason for choosing commercially available resins is that they are the most commonly utilized cation exchangers for the removal of metal ions from aqueous solutions and contain functional groups for metal ion binding and hence effective extraction from organic phase matrices. In addition, procedures involving preconcentration of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Ti and Zn in short chain alcohols (C1-C4) using commercial cation exchange have not been reported in the literature. The influence of experimental parameters on the retention of metal ions by the resins was studied and the optimised procedure was applied to the determination of metal ions in commercial alcohol samples. 6.2 EXPERIMENTAL 6.2.1 Apparatus Analyte metal ions (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Ti and Zn) were determined using a Spectro Arcos 165 ICP OES (SPECTRO Analytical Instruments, GmbH, Germany) equipped with Cetac ASX-520 autosampler. The operating conditions on the ICP OES spectrometer during the measurements were as follows: forward power: 1400 W, plasma argon flow rate: 13 L min-1, auxiliary argon flow rate: 2.00 L min-1, nebulizer argon flow rare: 0.95 L min-1. The most prominent atomic and ionic analytical lines of metal ions were selected for investigation, that is, Cd 228.802 nm, Cr 267.716 nm, Cu 324.754 nm, Fe 259.940 nm, Mn 101 Chapter six: Preconcentration of trace elements in alcohols 294.921, Pb 220.353 nm, Ti 334.940, and Zn 213.856 nm. Solid phase extraction was carried out in a VacMaster-24 sample SPE station (Supelco, PA, USA). The latter was used to control the sample loading and elution flow rates. Comparative experiments for the determination of metal ion were performed using AAnalyst 400 Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (Perkin-Elmer, USA). Appropriate hollow cathode lamps from Perkin-Elmer were used in these experiments. The analytical procedure for electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS) analysis reported by Anselmi et al. [25], Reboucas et al. [26] and de Oliveira et al. [27] were modified in order to suit the sample matrix. 6.2.2 Reagents and Solutions All reagents were of analytical grade unless otherwise stated and double distilled deionised water (Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA) was used throughout the experiments. Absolute ethanol, methanol, iso-propanol (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany), and 2-butanol (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Loius, MO, USA) were used to prepare model solutions. Spectrascan stock solutions (1000 mg L-1) of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Ti and Zn (Industrial Analytical Pty Ltd, Johannesburg, South Africa) were used to prepare the working solutions for solid phase extraction (SPE) at concentrations of 10 µg L-1 (Cd and Cr) and 12 µg L-1 for other metal ions. Working solutions, as per the experimental requirements, were freshly prepared from the stock solution for each experimental run. A Spectrascan multi-element standard solution at a concentration of 100 mg L-1 (Industrial Analytical Pty Ltd, Johannesburg, South Africa) was used to prepare working standard solutions at concentrations of 10-120 µg L-1 (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb. Ti and Zn) for measurements of concentrations of analytes in all model and sample solutions. The certified reference materials, drinking water standard (CRM-TMDW500) obtained from High-Purity Standard Inc (Charleston, South Carolina) was used to validate the SPE method. Conostan custom made multi-element oil standard used in the experiment studies was obtained from SCP Science (Quebec, Canada). Solutions of nitric acid at concentrations of 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 mol L-1 were prepared from ultrapure concentrated acid (65%, Sigma-Aldrich, St. Loius, MO, USA). These solutions were used for the elution of the analytes from the column. The pH adjustments were performed with glacial acetic acid (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) and ammonia (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Loius, MO, USA) solutions. 102 Chapter six: Preconcentration of trace elements in alcohols The cation exchanger sorbents used in this study as packing materials included Chelex100, Dowex 50w-x8 (sodium forms) and Dowex MAC-3 (hydrogen form) were purchased from Sigma Aldrich (St. Loius, MO, USA). 6.2.3 Preparation of Column Polyethylene columns of diameter 1.35 cm and 6.5 cm in height were used for preconcentration. Slurries of 1.5 g of Dowex 50W-x8, Dowex MAC-3 and Chelex 100 resin in double distilled deionised water were prepared and the columns were packed to a height of 3 cm. A porous frit was placed at the bottom of the column and at the top of the packing material to hold and confine the adsorbent within the designated capacity/volume. The entrapment of the packing material serves to eliminate dead volume. The columns were washed with double distilled deionised water followed by conditioning with 10 mL ammonium acetate buffer (1.0 M, pH 9.0) and then 10 mL of appropriate organic solvent. The latter was to ensure that the organic media was not mixed with aqueous solution, particularly at the metal retention step of the preconcentration process. This was also done to ensure that there is no mixing of organic and aqueous phases, in case this would affect the retention mechanism of the column. 6.2.4 Preconcentration and Recovery of the Metal Ions in Model Organic Solution Model metal ion solutions were prepared as follows: 1.0 mL of 1.0 mg L-1 Cd and Cr solutions was separately transferred into 100 mL volumetric flasks and made up to the mark with ethanol to obtain 10 µg L-1 concentration of each metal ion. The procedure was repeated for Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Ti, V and Zn to obtain 12 µg L-1. Ethanol solutions of each metal ion (20 mL) were percolated through the ion exchange resin column at a flow rate of 3.0 mL min-1. It should be noted that the sample volume of 20 mL was employed only in the initial optimization experiments. For the real samples, a volume of 100 mL was employed. The column was washed with 10 mL of double distilled deionised water to remove excess alcohol solution, followed by 5.0 mL of ammonium acetate buffer solution (1.0 mol L-1, pH 9) to remove major cations (Na, Ca, K, etc). It should be noted that the washings with double distilled deionised water and ammonium acetate buffer solution were discarded. Lastly the metal ions were eluted with 5 mL of 3.0 mol L-1 HNO3 solution. All fractions obtained during the elution stage were collected separately and analysed by ICP OES. The same procedure 103 Chapter six: Preconcentration of trace elements in alcohols was applied to the blank solutions. After each use, the resin in the column was washed with 20 mL of double distilled deionised water followed by 10 ml of 1.0 M NaOH (this was done in order to keep the resin in sodium form) and stored for the next experiment. The effect of sample pH, sample volume, eluent concentration, sample and eluent flow rates were investigated. It should be noted that the procedure for pH measurement in alcoholic medium was similar to that of aqueous medium and that there was no damage of the pH meter probe when using alcoholic samples. The pH meter was calibrated after each pH measurement to check if there were changes on the calibration. All analyses were performed in triplicate. 6.2.5 Effect of Matrix Ions Interferences The effect of potential interfering ions on the determination of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Ti and Zn was also investigated by known amounts of cations (K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Ni2+, Co2+, Al3+ and Ag+ ) were added to the ethanol solution. The concentration of the studied metal ions was fixed at 20 µg L-1 of and the general preconcentration procedure was applied. The concentration of interfering ions ranged from 2 to 1000 mg L-1. 6.2.6 Procedure for the Dilution of Conostan Custom Made Multi-Element Oil Standard The trace element forms in petroleum products such as gasoline is not fully known, such that various species may display different sorption behaviours.8 Therefore, an Conostan custom made multi-element oil standard obtained from SCP Science (Quebec, Canada) containing 1.0 mg L-1 of each metal ions, was used to study the resins sorption efficiency for different metal species. The dilution of the organic standard was performed as follows: a 1.0 mL aliquot of 1.0 mg L-1 Conostan custom made multi-element oil standard dissolved in 10 mL of hexane. The solution was quantitatively transferred in to 100 mL volumetric flask and made to the mark with acetone to obtain 10 µg L-1 of each metal ion. Suitable aliquots (20 mL) of the solution were taken and pre-concentrated by the proposed procedure and analysed with ICP OES. The same procedure was applied to the preparation of the blank solutions. 6.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The trace metal pre-concentration method described in this work was optimized in order to determine the best retention/elution conditions with good sensitivity (highest slope) and precision (%RSD <5%).28 To obtain these conditions, preliminary tests were performed to 104 Chapter six: Preconcentration of trace elements in alcohols investigate factors that exert significant influence on the retention of the analytes by cation exchange resin. The factors selected include pH, eluent concentration as well as sample flow rate. The type of eluent was HNO3 and the mass of 1.5 g the sorbent was used. The percentage recoveries (%R) were calculated by relating the obtained (final) concentration of the analytes after pre-concentration to the original (initial) concentration of the metal ion in the model solution. 6.3.1 Effect of Sample Solution pH on Retention of Metal Ions In solid-phase extraction, one of the most important parameters for obtaining quantitative retention of trace elements is sample solution pH.29 This is because the retention of metal ion by of the adsorbent is highly dependent on pH.20 In previous studies,28 pH of the sample solution equal to 6.0 was found to be suitable for the retention of metal ions onto Chelex-100. Therefore, the preliminary investigation on influence of sample solution on the retention efficiency of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Ti and Zn onto Dowex 50W-x 8 resins was examined in the pH range of 4.0-10. The model organic solutions of each metal ion were adjusted to the desired pH using glacial acetic acid or 1.0 mol L-1 ammonium hydroxide solution. The experiments were carried out by passing 20 mL of 10 µg L-1 for Cd and Cr; 12 µg L-1 for Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Ti and Zn through Dowex 50W-x8 resin column while keeping the flow rate at a constant value 3.0 mL min-1. The retained metal ions were stripped from the column with, 5.0 mL of 3.0 mol L-1 HNO3 at a flow rate of 3.0 mL min-1. The recoveries of the metal ions are presented in Fig. 6.1. The same method was repeated for Dowex MAC-3. However, an eluent concentration of 2.0 mol L-1 (instead of 3.0 mol L-1) was used. Even though the recoveries of some of the metal ions were below 70%, the results follow the same trend with maxima at pH 6. The optimum pH for quantitative recoveries of the analytes from the resin was 6. Therefore, all subsequent studies were carried out at pH 6. 105 Chapter six: Preconcentration of trace elements in alcohols Fig. 6.1. Effect of sample pH on retention of the analytes in ethanol onto Dowex 50W-x8 resin column: pH 6; analyte concentration 12 µg L-1; amount of resin 1.5 g; flow rates of sample and eluent 3.0 mL min−1; eluent volume 5 mL; replicates n = 3 6.3.2 Effect of Desorption Solution Concentration The desorption of the analytes bound onto the surface of the Dowex 50W-x8 cation exchange resin is achieved by proton exchange in the acid solution.30 Various concentrations of HNO3 were evaluated for stripping of the retained metal ions from Dowex 50w-x8 resin. In this work, the best eluent concentration was defined as the concentration of the eluent that eluted more than 95% of the retained metal ions. The results in Fig. 6.2 indicates that the recoveries of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Ti and Zn increased with increasing concentration of the eluent up to 3.0 mol L-1. It is noteworthy to point out that metal ions appeared to be bound by Dowex 50W-x8 strongly such that eluent concentration less than 3.0 mol L-1 were not suitable for quantitative elution except for copper. It was also observed that at concentrations higher than the optimum eluent concentration, the recoveries decreased. This may possibly be explained by the oxidizing property of nitric acidic at high concentrations. The latter may oxidize some of the metals to different oxidation states thus altering their speciation and hence column retention behavior. Similar phenomena were observed in literature.24,30-34 Therefore, for further applications 3.0 mol L-1 HNO3 was selected for elution of metal ion from Dowex 50w-x8 resin. 106 Chapter six: Preconcentration of trace elements in alcohols Fig. 6.2. Influences of the eluent concentration on the recoveries of the analytes on Dowex 50W-x8 resin column: pH 6; analyte concentration 12 µg L-1; amount of resin 1.5 g; flow rates of sample and eluent 3.0 mL min−1; eluent volume 5 mL; replicates n = 3 6.3.3 Effect of Sample Flow Rate The optimization of the sample flow rate was carried out to ensure the quantitative retention of the analytes of interest. The effect of sample flow rate of the sample (ethanol) solution on the retention of metal ions on the Dowex 50w-x8 resin was done in a column packed with 1.5 g of resin. Sample solutions were passed through the column at various flow rates (1.0-5.0 mL min-1). Flow rates less than 1.0 mL min-1 were not studied so as to avoid long analysis time periods. The optimum flow rate for this work was defined as the rate of flow of the sample solution through the column that gave at least 95% retention of metal ions. The studies showed that the optimum flow rate for quantitative sorption of metal ions onto the resin was between 1.0 and 3.0 mL min-1. Flow rates greater than 3.0 mL min-1 caused a gradual decrease in sorption due to insufficient contact time between the resin and the metal ions. Therefore, 3.0 mL min-1 flow rate was chosen as the optimum flow rate for sample loading. 107 Chapter six: Preconcentration of trace elements in alcohols 6.3.4 Effect of Sample Volume Using large sample volumes at a defined flow rate improves the pre-concentration factor of the SPE method.31 In order to investigate the possibility of enriching low concentrations of analytes from large volumes, the maximum applicable sample volume must be determined. For this purpose, the concentrations of each metal ion were kept constant while increasing the sample volume. The effect of sample volume was investigated by passing 5 to 700 mL of ethanol model solution containing fixed amount of analytes (12 µg L-1) through Dowex 50Wx8 resin column under optimum conditions. The recoveries of the analytes (Fig. 6.3) were quantitative (≥ 95%) for all analyte ions in the sample volume ranging 5–500 mL. Fig. 6.3. Effect of sample volume on the recoveries of metal ions: pH 6; analyte concentration 12 µg L-1; amount of resin 1.5 g; flow rates of sample and eluent 3.0 mL min−1; eluent volume 5 mL; replicates n = 3 At volumes higher than 500 mL, the recoveries for the metal ions decreased, possibly due to the excess metal ions loaded over the column capacity which results in the saturation of the active sites. The pre-concentration factor, which has been defined as the ratio of the sample volume loaded onto the column to that of the eluent volume used for stripping of the retained metal ions,35 was found to be a maximum of 100 when a volume of 500 mL was used. However, in the actual experiment a compromise sample volume of 100 mL was used for 108 Chapter six: Preconcentration of trace elements in alcohols optimization of analytical parameters as well as in the real sample analysis. This was done in order to speed up the analysis time. Even though the recoveries were quantitative, as the volume increases the stripped metal concentration increases such that analytical techniques with high limits of detection like FAAS can be used. 6.3.5 Preconcentration of Multi-Element Using Different Sorbent Materials The efficiency of cation exchange resins for pre-concentration of multi-elements (concentration of each analyte equal to 12 µg L-1) in ethanol was investigated under optimum conditions. The results indicated that the highest retention of the analytes from ethanol model solutions was observed on Dowex 50W-x8 resin (Table 6.1). This might be due to the larger exchange capacity (1.7 meq mL-1) and its functional groups (sulfonic acid). The recoveries of metal ions from Dowex 50W-x8 ranged from 95 to 101%. It can be concluded that the affinity of analytes towards Dowex 50W-x8 is very similar and therefore, they could be preconcentrated with the same efficiency.36 The experimental conditions for Dowex 50W-x8 were tried on Chelex 100. However, the quantitative retentions of metal ions under these conditions were found to be < 70% for Cd, Cr Fe, Mn, Pb and Ti; and < 90% for Cu and Zn. This was due to the fact that, the equilibration time was not sufficient enough to allow an effective retention of the metal ions. Therefore, the flow rate of the sample solution was reduced to 1.0 mL min-1. When the latter was applied, an increase in the metal ion recoveries was noticed. For instance, the recoveries for Cu, Fe and Zn were ≥95%. In addition, ≥ 40% increase was observed for Cd, Cr, Mn, Pb and Ti recoveries (Table 6.1, Chelex-100 at 1.0 mL min-1 designated as Che2). The results indicated that Chelex-100 was suitable for removal of Cu, Fe and Zn at a flow rate of 1.0 mL min-1 rather than 3.0 mL min-1. The rest of the metals were not quantitatively recovered at this flow rate. It was therefore predicted that the retention of metal ions onto Chelex-100 is governed by slow kinetics. It was then concluded that Chelex-100 was not suitable for preconcentration of multi-element in organic matrices, for the list of metals studied. Dowex MAC-3 resin, which contains carboxylic acid as a functional group, revealed great selectivity towards Cu and Fe (Table 6.1). The retention of Cd, Cr, Mn, Pb, Ti and Zn in the multi-element solution was poor. This was confirmed by the lower recoveries. The lower retention of the above metal ions onto Dowex MAC-3 might be due to relatively lower affinity for the sorbent compared to Cu and Fe. This suggests that, although this resin had 109 Chapter six: Preconcentration of trace elements in alcohols larger exchange capacity (3.8 meq mL-1) but because of its large particle size (12-50 mesh), the overall retention characteristics were somehow poor. This may possibly be explained by relatively smaller surface area as a result of large particle size. Table 6.1. Recovery (%) of multi-element in ethanol using Dowex 50W-x8 (Dow(a)), Chelex-100 (Che1) and Dowex MAC-3 (Dow(b)) for SPE methods. Resins Recovery (%) Cd Cr Cu Fe Mn Pb Ti Zn Dow(a) 99.2±1.4 97.4±1.3 101±1.2 99.3±1.2 97.9±4.2 96.4±1.4 95.1±1.2 97.9±2.1 Dow(b) 53.4±2.1 38.2±3.2 98.6±2.4 99.3±2.1 56.7±2.1 75.8±1.4 63.2±1.2 82.6±1.2 Che1 40.8±1.4 39.3±1.2 88.2.4±1.2 68.5±1.2 56.2±1.3 36.5±1.3 56.3±1.4 88.9±2.4 Che2 88.9±1.2 80.6±3.8 96.1±4.0 95.8±2.4 87.5±2.4 78.1±1.2 91.0±1.2 96.5±3.8 Experimental conditions: sample volume; 20 mL; amount of resin 1.5 g; flow rates of sample and eluent: 3.0 mL min−1; eluent volume 5 mL; replicates = 3; Chelex 100 (Chen2, 1.0 mL min−1) In comparison to Dowex MAC-3 and Chelex-100 resins, the Dowex 50W-x8 with a mesh particle size of 100-200, had the most uniform particle distribution that supported the best flow of solutions through SPE columns. In addition, the fine particle size of Dowex 50W-x8 resin reduced the equilibration time required for the adsorption of metal ions as compared to other resins. For these reasons, Dowex 50W-x8 resin was selected for pre-concentration of multi-elements in different alcohols. The capabilities of Dowex 50W-x8 resin to retain metal ions from methanol, ethanol, isopropanol and 2-butanol were investigated under optimum conditions. The results obtained are presented in Fig. 6.4. Dowex 50W-x8 was found to be suitable for sample cleanup for all the metal ions as percentage recoveries were all ≥95%. It can be seen from Fig.6.4 that metal ions had different recoveries in various alcohols. For instance, the recovery of Mn was the highest (≥100%) in methanol and iso-propanol matrices, whereas Cu showed the highest percentage recoveries (>99%) in ethanol and 2-butanol matrix and Zn had the highest % recoveries (>99) in ethanol, iso-propanol and 2-butanol matrix. In addition, Cd, Cr, Fe, Pb, and Ti had the highest recoveries in ethanol, iso-propanol, 2-butanol and methanol, respectively. The variation in the uptake of the analytes by the cation exchange resin in 110 Chapter six: Preconcentration of trace elements in alcohols organic solvents might be attributed to the differences in dielectric constants of the alcohol solutions as well as the size, charge and polarizability of the metal ions.37 Fig. 6.4. Pre-concentration of metal ions from methanol, ethanol, iso-propanol and 2-butanol Experimental conditions: pH 6; analyte concentration 12 µg L-1; amount of resin 1.5 g; flow rates of sample and eluent 3.0 mL min−1; eluent volume 5 mL; replicates n = 3 The sorption efficiency of Dowex 50W-x8 resin was also investigated by preconcentrating metallo-organic Conostan standard solutions. Table 6.2 shows the recovery results obtained from the preconcentration and determination of metal ions in diluted metalloorganic Conostan standard solutions. The results obtained were compared by evaluating the percentage recovery for each metal ion. It should be noted that the percentage recovery was evaluated with respect to the Conostan certified value. As it can be seen in Table 6.2, the determined concentration values were not significantly different from the certified values at 95% confidence level and the percentage recoveries ranged from 98.3-102%. These results imply that the Dowex 50W-x8 SPE system can be used for the preconcentration of trace elements in their inorganic or metal-organic forms. 111 Chapter six: Preconcentration of trace elements in alcohols Table 6.2. Analysis of the metallo-organic Conostan standard for the determination of analytes after application of the pre-concentration procedure; RSD= relative standard deviation. Concentration (µg L-1) Elements Cd Cr Cu Fe Mn Pb Ti Zn Certified RSD (%) Found (n=3) RSD (%) Recovery (%) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 983.3 991.7 1016 991.7 983.3 983.3 1008 991.7 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.5 98.3 99.2 102 99.2 98.3 98.3 101 99.2 6.3.6 Effect of Matrix Ions Interferences The effect of potential interfering ions was also investigated. The tolerance limit was set as the concentration of the ion required to cause ≤5% error. The results are presented in Table 6.3. It was found that ions normally present in ethanol samples did not interfere with the recoveries of the analytes. This suggests that the Dowex 50W-x8 preconcentration method can be applied for the removal of trace amounts of the studied metal ions in alcohol samples in the presence higher concentration of other cations and anions. 112 Chapter six: Preconcentration of trace elements in alcohols Table 6.3. Effect of potential interfering ions on the percentage recoveries of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn; Pb, Ti and Zn Ions K+ Na+ Ca2+ Mg2+ Ni2+ Co2+ Al3+ Ag+ [Interfering ion] (mg L-1) 1000 1000 1000 1000 5 5 50 2 Cd 98.1±1.3 99.5±1.5 99.0±0.9 98.5±2.5 96.0±2.2 98.2±1.1 98.3±1.7 99.4±1.7 Cr 99.3±1.2 98.7±1.4 100±1.1 97.0±1.8 99.8±0.3 95.9±3.1 97.6±2.1 96.3±0.5 Cu 99.5±0.6 98.9±1.2 97.9±0.9 98.3±1.1 95.9±3.1 95.3±2.7 98.5±1.2 99.4±0.5 113 Fe 97.3±1.6 98.3±1.9 97.9±1.3 98.4±1.7 95.9±2.6 97.8±2.2 98.4±1.8 97.4±2.5 Mn 99.3±0.8 98.9±2.1 99.6±0.5 98.9±0.7 96.1±2.4 96.1±1.4 97.8±1.9 98.9±2.4 Pb 98.3±1.2 98.9±2.1 97.8±2.5 99.0±2.7 95.3±2.8 96.0±2.6 97.7±1.2 96.9±1.0 Ti 100±2.1 99.2±1.1 98.9±2.3 99.3±0.9 100±0.2 98.1±1.1 98.6±2.1 97.1±3.8 Zn 99.4±0.5 98.1±1.1 98.3±1.6 98.9±1.9 96.8±2.3 97.8±1.5 99.4±0.4 98.8±1.1 Chapter six: Preconcentration of trace elements in alcohols 6.3.7 Analytical Parameters The analytical performance of the Dowex 50w-x8 SPE method under optimum conditions for pre-concentration of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Ti and Zn in ethanol was evaluated. The linearity of the methods was studied by pre-concentrating 100 mL of ethanol spiked with multi-element standard at a concentration range 0.005 to 150 µg L-1. A linear range 0.2 to 2400 µg L-1 after pre-concentration was achieved for all the investigated analytes. The sensitivity of the pre-concentration system was defined as the gradient (slope) of the calibration graph. The results in Table 6.4 indicated that the SPE method was more sensitive to Ti, Cu, Mn and Zn compared to the rest of metal ions. Thus the highest slope obtained was 103.7 L µg-1 for Ti while the lowest was 14.4 L µg-1 for Cr. The IUPAC limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) under optimized conditions were obtained from the signals of 16 successive measurements of the blank and the slope (m) of the calibration curve. The LOD was defined as the lowest concentration of an analyte giving signals equal to three times the standard deviation (3SD) of blank signal divided by the slope of the calibration curve that the analytical technique can detect (3SD/m). The LOQ, on the other, was defined as the to the smallest concentration of an analyte giving signals equal to ten times the standard deviation of blank signal divided by the slope of the calibration curve which can be accurately and precisely measured with an analytical procedure (10SD/m). For 100.0 mL of sample solution used, the calculated LOD and LOQ are presented in Table 6.4. Table 6.4. Analytical performances for the proposed Dowex 50W-x8 SPE method Cations Slope R2 LOD IDL LOQ 21.0 0.9978 0.4 0.1 1.3 Cd 14.4 0.9979 0.4 0.2 1.2 Cr 79.0 0.9990 0.1 0.4 0.4 Cu 23.8 0.9975 0.5 0.1 1.5 Fe 60.7 0.9990 0.1 0.1 0.5 Mn 30.8 0.9987 0.3 1.0 0.9 Pb 103.7 0.9976 0.1 0.4 0.3 Ti 57.8 0.9994 0.1 0.2 0.5 Zn -1 NB. The units for LOD, IDL and LOQ are in µg L while the slope is in cps L µg-1 114 %RSD 2.3 3.2 1.4 1.7 2.1 1.2 3.3 1.8 Chapter six: Preconcentration of trace elements in alcohols The precision (reproducibility) of the SPE method was studied by performing twenty successive measurements at a concentration level of 10 µg L-1 of multi-element organic solution (containing Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Ti and Zn). The overall reproducibility of preconcentration procedure expressed in terms of relative standard deviation (%RSD) was reasonably good (<5%) shown in Table 6.4. The analytical parameters (LOD and %RSD) obtained with the Dowex 50w-x8 SPE method were compared with ones reported in literature. The LOD and %RSD values were similar to or even better than those obtained by de Oliveira et al.27 applying direct determination using ETAAS. For Cu Fe and Ni, the LOD values were better than those obtained by Santos et al.,8 Roldan et al.,19 Teixeira et al.38 and Teixeira et al.40 For Pb, the LOD value obtained by the proposed method were lower than those obtained by Santos et al.8 and Santos et al.39 using ETAAS and SPE/FS-AAS, respectively. In addition, the %RSD obtained in this study were better than those reported by Santos et al.8, Teixeira et al.17 and Teixeira et al.38 For Cu and Fe, the LOD and RSD value obtained by the proposed method were similar those obtained by Rocha et al.41 applying ICP OES direct sample introduction by an ultrasonic nebulizer and membrane desolvator. These analytical parameters demonstrated that the Dowex 50w-x8 SPE for separation and preconcentration of metal ions in alcohols is better than in previously published methods. Moreover, comparing with the published methods, the proposed method is broader in terms of the number of investigated analytes; thus, allowing the simultaneous preconcentration and determination of all target metal ions in different alcohol samples. 6.3.8 The Effect of Column Regeneration The regeneration of the column is one of the important parameters in evaluating the cation exchange resin material. In order to investigate the stability and recyclability of Dowex 50W-x8 column, successive retention and elution cycles were performed by passing 20 mL of ethanol solutions (containing Cu, Mn and Ti) through the column. The stability and regeneration of Dowex 50W-x8 column were evaluated by monitoring the changes in the recoveries of Cu, Mn and Ti through 150 retention-elution cycles. The Dowex 50W-x8 column can be reused after regeneration with 20 mL double distilled deionised water and 10 mL of 1.0 mol L-1 NaOH, respectively. The column was found to be stable up to 100 115 Chapter six: Preconcentration of trace elements in alcohols retention/elution cycles without observable decrease in the recoveries of metal ions (>95%). Therefore, repeated use of the resin is possible. 6.3.9 Accuracy and Validation of the Proposed Separation and Pre-Concentration Procedure The accuracy of the present method was tested by performing the spike recovery tests in methanol, ethanol, iso-propanol and 2-butanol. Known amounts of each metal ion (5 and 10 µg L-1) were added to methanol, ethanol, iso-propanol and 2-butanol samples. The results obtained are shown in Table 6.5. It can be seen in Table 6.5 that there is good agreement between the added and recovered analyte concentration. The percentage recoveries of analytes ranged from 95 to 105% and the results showed that the different organic sample matrixes did not affect the recovery of the trace metals. In addition, other metal ions (such as Cd, Mn, Pb and Ti) were present in minor concentration in the analyzed samples and can be retained by the resin. Therefore, it can be concluded that Dowex 50W-x8 SPE is a suitable method for separation and pre-concentration of trace metal ions in organic solvents. 116 Chapter six: Preconcentration of trace elements in alcohols Table 6.5. Accuracy test results for spiked recovery (R): pH 6, sample volume: 100 mL, n =3. Element -1 Added (µg L ) 0 Cd 5 10 0 Cr 5 10 0 Cu 5 10 0 Fe 5 10 0 Mn 5 10 0 Pb 5 10 0 Ti 5 10 0 Zn 5 10 a ND= not detected Methanol Found R (%) a ND 4.9±0.3 97.8±1.2 9.8±0.1 98.4±2.1 5.3±0.1 10.1±0.3 97.0±1.5 15.1±0.2 98.7±1.4 12.3±0.5 17.2±0.6 99.2±1.1 22.1±0.6 98.9±0.9 41.4±0.3 46.3±0.7 98.6±2.4 51.2±0.4 99.1±1.3 1.4±0.4 6.4±0.2 99.2±1.6 11.3±0.5 98.7±2.1 3.3±0.7 8.1±0.2 97.8±1.9 13.1±0.4 98.6±1.2 1.5±0.1 6.4±0.4 98.4±1.7 11.4±0.5 98.7±2.4 21.4±0.6 26.4±0.6 99.7±1.1 31.3±0.2 99.3±1.4 Ethanol Found (µg L-1) R (%) 2.3±0.2 7.1±0.7 95.0±3.1 12.1±0.1 97.5±1.1 7.2±0.3 12.0±0.2 96.6±0.6 17.0±0.9 98.3±2.1 18.3±0.3 23.0±0.2 95.0±1.2 28.8±0.1 105±1.6 38.4±0.4 43.2±1.0 96.0±2.1 48.0±0.8 96.0±1.8 3.7±0.6 8.6±1.2 98.0±1.4 13.4±1.4 97.5±1.2 2.9±0.6 7.7±0.7 95.2±1.6 12.4±1.1 95.0±2.1 4.0±0.2 8.8±0.1 95.0±3.4 13.5±0.6 95.0±3.8 21.3±1.3 26.4±1.4 102±2.1 31.8±1.8 105±1.4 117 Iso-propanol Found (µg L-1) R (%) ND 4.9±0.3 98.4±1.2 9.9±0.9 99.2±2.1 7.1±0.1 12.1±1.0 99.6±1.8 16.8±0.4 96.8±1.4 34.3±0.3 39.4±0.4 102±2.1 44.2±0.3 99.0±1.2 29.7±0.2 34.5±0.6 96.0±1.4 39.8±1.4 101±1.4 8.6±1.0 13.4±0.8 96.4±2.1 18.2±0.9 96.2±1.2 ND 4.9±0.7 97.4±1.6 9.5±0.7 95.0±1.1 ND 4.9±0.3 97.4±2.1 9.5±0.4 95.0±1.1 26.8±0.6 32.0±0.7 104±1.1 36.7±0.6 99.0±2.1 2-butanol Found (µg L-1) R (%) ND 4.9±0.5 97.0±2.1 9.8±0.2 97.9±3.1 1.8±0.6 6.7±0.2 98.2±1.8 11.7±0.3 99.1±1.5 36.3±0.3 41.4±0.7 102.0±0.8 49.3±0.7 99.8±1.6 15.5±0.6 20.4±0.3 98.4±1.3 25.4±0.9 99.2±1.8 1.3±0.8 6.2±0.5 99.0±1.4 11.1±0.2 98.6±2.1 2.9±0.1 7.8±0.9 97.6±1.8 12.9±0.3 99.3±0.9 ND 4.9±0.6 97.0±2.4 10.0±0.4 99.6±1.3 21.1±0.6 26.0±0.4 98.8±1.2 31.0±0.6 99.6±0.8 Chapter six: Preconcentration of trace elements in alcohols Due to the absence of certified reference material (CRM) for the type of investigated samples, the validity of the proposed separation and preconcentration method was examined by analysing CRM TMDW-500 drinking water standard after diluting it with ethanol. The results of the CRM supplied values and those obtained with our procedure for the investigated metal ions, are summarised in Table 6.6. Satisfactory recoveries in the range of 95.5% to 102% were obtained. The precision of the measurements (n=6) expressed as % RSD ranged between 0.1 to 2.0 %. Applying the student t-test at the 95% confidence level, there was no significance differences between the certified and obtained concentration values. Therefore, the agreement between certified and found concentration values of the analytes of interest, demonstrated that the Dowex 50W-x8 SPE method was accurate for trace analysis of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb Ti and Zn in organic matrices. Table 6.6. Analysis of the certified reference material (CRM TMDW-500 drinking water) for the determination of analytes after application of the pre-concentration procedure Elements Cd Cr Cu Fe Mn Pb Zn Certified (µg L-1) 10.0±0.05 20.0±0.1 20.0±0.1 100.0±0.5 40.0±0.2 40.0±0.2 70.0±0.4 Obtained (µg L-1) 9.8±0.2 19.7±0.1 20.1±0.4 98.7±0.6 38.9±0.3 38.2±0.4 70.1±0.1 Recovery (%) 98.0±1.2 98.5±0.5 100.5±1.1 98.7±1.2 97.3±0.9 95.5±2.1 100.3±0.5 6.3.10 Application of the Proposed Separation and Pre-Concentration Procedure The proposed separation and pre-concentration procedure was applied to the determination of metal ions in commercial methanol, ethanol, iso-propanol and butan-2-ol samples from different solvent distributors. The concentrations of the metal ions in the samples are shown in Table 6.7. It can be seen from this table that Cd does not occur in methanol and 2-butanol or its concentration is lower than the LOD of the method and in other alcohols it is present in trace levels (1.0-2.3 µg L-1). The concentrations of Cu, Fe and Zn were the highest for all the analysed alcohol samples compared to other metal ions. 118 Chapter six: Preconcentration of trace elements in alcohols Table 6.7. Determination of metal ions (µg L-1) in commercial methanol, ethanol, iso-propanol and 2-butanol samples after pre-concentration by the proposed method (pH 6, sample volume: 100 mL, n = 3) and the comparative one (ETAAS) Elements Methanol SPE/ICP ETAAS OES NDa ND 5.3±0.1 5.1±0.5 13.3±0.5 12.9±0.5 41.4±0.3 41.8±0.6 1.4±0.4 1.4±0.3 3.3±0.7 3.4±0.6 1.5±0.1 1.5±0.2 21.4±0.6 22.1±0.3 Cd Cr Cu Fe Mn Pb Ti Zn a ND= not detected Ethanol SPE/ICP ETAAS OES 2.3±0.2 2.5±0.9 7.2±0.3 7.0±0.7 18.3±0.3 18.6±0.3 38.4±0.6 38.1±0.5 3.7±0.5 3.8±0.7 2.9±0.6 2.9±0.9 4.0±0.2 4.0±0.4 21.3±0.4 21.5±0.3 119 Iso-propanol SPE/ICP ETAAS OES 1.0±0.3 1.0±0.7 7.1±0.2 7.1±0.4 39.9±0.3 35.8±0.5 29.7±0.8 30.3±0.34 8.6±0.1 8.6±0.22 3.9±0.5 4.0±0.9 1.8±0.3 1.8±0.2 26.8±0.3 26.9±0.2 2-butanol SPE/ICP ETAAS OES ND ND 1.8±0.6 1.8±0.7 36.3±0.3 36.2±0.1 15.1±0.6 15.5±0.2 1.3±0.8 1.2±0.8 2.9±0.1 3.0±0.3 ND ND 21.7±0.6 22.2±0.5 Chapter six: Preconcentration of trace elements in alcohols The determination of analytes in the samples was performed by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS) for the comparison of the results found by the proposed separation and pre-concentration method. This was done in order further evaluate the accuracy of the proposed method. In addition, ETAAS was chosen because of its capability for the direct determination of metal ions in various matrices [25, 26]. It should be noted that ETAAS determination was taken as the standard method in this study. According to student t-test, the results obtained by the Dowex 50W-x8 pre-concentration method and ETAAS (Table 6.7) were in agreement with each other at the 95% confidence level. The agreement between the two set of results confirmed the reliability of Dowex 50W-x8 preconcentration method. Furthermore, the precision of both methods was comparable in that the standard deviations did not differ significantly at 95% confidence level. Although ETAAS has the ability to accomplish direct determination of metal ions in alcohol matrix, the entire process of optimizing the parameters for each metal ion is time consuming. Therefore, the main advantage of the proposed method over ETAAS is the capability of performing a simultaneous pre-concentration and determination of metals (the analytes of interest) within a short time. Thus SPE method in conjunction with ICP OES procedure developed in this study, offers the advantage of time saving and a less tedious procedure. 6.4 CONCLUSIONS In this study, the efficiency of Chelex-100, Dowex MAC-3 and Dowex 50W-x8 cation exchange resins for the separation and pre-concentration of multi-element from ethanol was investigated. The experimental conditions (such as sample pH, eluent concentration and sample flow rates, among others) for quantitative pre-concentration and recovery of metals prior to ICP OES detection were studied. The results demonstrated that Dowex 50W-x8 (strong cation-exchange) resin has good capability and efficiency for the simultaneous pre-concentration of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Ti and Zn in organic media. In comparison, Chelex-100 showed limited performance (pre-concentration with percentage recovery > 95%) for only few metals namely Cu, Fe and Zn whereas Dowex MAC-3 could only show performance for Cu and Fe. In view of these results, Dowex 50W-x8 which had the best overall performance for a wider range of metals was employed in further experiments. 120 Chapter six: Preconcentration of trace elements in alcohols The optimized Dowex 50W-x8 solid phase extraction method was fast and at least a pre-concentration factor of 100 for 500 mL sample was achieved for all metal ions. It was observed that 1.5 g of Dowex 50W-x8 can be used as high as 100 pre-concentration cycles without any loss in its adsorption efficiency. The metal ions appeared to be strongly bound onto the resins and as such the elution was not quantitative when the eluent concentrations were less than 3.0 mol L-1 except for Cu. Therefore, the elution of the metal ions adsorbed on Dowex 50W-x8 was obtained with 3.0 mol L-1. The analytical performances of the proposed Dowex 50W-x8 SPE method was comparable or even better than other pre-concentration methods reported in the literature. The accuracy and precision of the SPE method were reported in terms of recovery (%) ranging 95-104%, and %RSD ranging 1.2-3.3%. The proposed SPE method was applied for the determination of trace metal ions in reagent grade solvents; methanol, ethanol, isopropanol and 2-butanol. 6.5 REFERENCES 1. Grodowska, K. & Parczewski, A. 2010. Organic Solvents in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutical-Drug Research, 67, 3-12. 2. Pritchard, J.D. 2007. Methanol–general information. CHAPD HQ, HPA. Available at Accessed 20 June 2011. 3. Gnansounou, E. & Dauriat, A. 2005. Ethanol fuel from biomass: a review. Journal of Scientific Industrial Reearch, 60, 809-921 4. 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Analytica Chimica Acta, 722, 29-33. 39. Santos, L. N., Neto, J. A. G. & Caldas, N. M. 2012. Simultaneous determination of Cu and Pb in fuel ethanol by graphite furnace AAS using tungsten permanent modifier with co-injection of Ir. Fuel, 99, 9-12.. 40. Teixeira, L. S. G., Rocha, R. B. S., Sobrinho, E. V., Guimarães, P. R. B., Pontes, L. A. M. & Teixeira, J. S. R. 2007. Simultaneous determination of copper and iron in automotive gasoline by X-ray fluorescence after pre-concentration on cellulose paper. Talanta, 72, 1073-1076. 41. Rocha, M. S., Mesko, M. F., Silva, F. F., Sena, R. C., Quaresma, M. C. B., Araujo, T. O. & Reis, L. A. 2011. Determination of Cu and Fe in fuel ethanol by ICP OES using direct sample introduction by an ultrasonic nebulizer and membrane desolvator. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 26, 456-46. 124 CHAPTER SEVEN: PRECONCENTRATION OF MOLYBDENUM, ANTIMONY AND VANADIUM IN GASOLINE SAMPLES USING DOWEX 1-X8 RESIN AND THEIR DETERMINATION WITH ICP OES ABSTRACT Strong ion exchangers (Dowex 50W-x8 and Dowex 1-x8) were used for the separation and preconcentration of trace amounts of Mo, Sb and V in gasoline samples. Dowex 1-x8 resin was found to be suitable for the quantitative retention of these metal ions from organic matrices. The elution of the metal ions from Dowex 1-x8 resin was achieved by using 2.0 mol L-1 HNO3 solution. The Dowex 1-x8 preconcentration and separation method gave an enrichment factor of 120 with limits of detection equal to 0.14, 0.05 and 0.03 µg L-1 for Mo, Sb and V, respectively. The limits of quantification were found to be 0.48, 0.18 and 0.10 µg L-1 for Mo, Sb and V, respectively. Under optimized conditions, the relative standard deviations of the proposed method (n =20) were <4%. The accuracy of Dowex 1-x8 preconcentration procedure was verified by the recovery test in the spiked samples of gasoline sample. The Dowex 1-x8 preconcentration method was applied to Conostan custom made oil based certified reference material for the determination of Mo, Sb and V. The results of the paired t-test at a 95% confidence level showed no significant difference. The separation and preconcentration procedure was also applied to the gasoline samples collected from different filling stations. Keywords: Preconcentration; gasoline; Dowex 1-x8; metal ions; ICP OES 7.1 INTRODUCTION The knowledge of metal ion concentrations in fuel is of great interest with respect to economic and environmental issues.1,2 For instance, the presence of metal ions such as antimony (Sb) and vanadium (V) in gasoline causes catalyst poisoning during the catalytic cracking of naphtha and gasoline.3 Generally, metal ions in gasoline play a significant role in engine maintenance, since metallic species can catalyse the corrosion of engines or promote the formation of gums and sediments.4-6 In addition, some metal ion compounds, especially vanadium, in gasoline are of environmental concern due to their potential impact in human health since they may cause mutagenic and carcinogenic effects.7-9 Furthermore, their presence in gasoline causes fuel degradation, air pollution (especially in big cities) and 125 Chapter seven: Preconcentration of Mo, Sb and V in gasoline reduces the efficiency of catalytic reactors in vehicle exhaust systems, thus increasing the emission of exhaust gases.4,6 Many metals occur naturally in fossil materials and, as a result, they can be present in petroleum based products. The presence of metal ions in petrochemical compounds (e.g. fuel) can also be due to their incorporation during the production process, by contact with refinement or distillation equipment, storage and transport. Another source of these elements is that some can be added to the fuel improve its characteristics of the products.5,10 Vanadium and molybdenum (Mo) are widely used as catalysts in the desulfurisation of petroleum, petrochemicals and coal-derived liquids to minimise sulfur dioxide emission from fuel combustion.11 As such, residues of trace amounts of these metal ions can be found in the final product. The presence of metals in petrochemical organic products is undesirable, unless they are used as additives. Methods for the analysis of vanadium in fuel has been one of the most studied elements.1,8,12 However, there is an increasing interest towards a number of other elements, such as Mo and Sb, among others, because they occur naturally in fossil fuels. Direct determination of metals in fuel samples such as gasoline, by most analytical techniques is difficult. This is because of its volatility, low viscosity, corrosivity and immiscibility with water.13 Inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES) is a sensitive multi-element technique, but direct introduction of gasoline requires a special care.13,14 This is because direct loading of organic samples to the ICP can destabilize or extinguish the plasma.14,15 Therefore, a sample preparation step that will separate and preconcentrate trace metals in gasoline prior to ICP OES detection, is required. Techniques involving separation and preconcentration procedures for the determination of trace elements in gasoline and fuel kerosene are reported in the literature.6,13,16,17 In some of these preconcentration techniques, various sorbent materials have been functionalised with organofunctional groups in order to extract metal ions from complex matrices. Due to the leaching action of organic samples, the main limitation of these procedures in the analysis of metals in gasoline is to maintain the organofunctional group attached to the solid phase.6 In addition, these techniques focus only on the preconcentration of Cu, Ni, Fe and Zn. Therefore, to the best of our knowledge, there are no reports on Mo, Sb and V. The aim of the present study was to explore the applicability of commercially available ion exchange resins for the preconcentration and separation of Mo, Sb and V in gasoline prior to their determination using ICP OES. The reason for choosing commercial resins is that they are the most commonly utilized cation exchangers for the removal of many metal ions from 126 Chapter seven: Preconcentration of Mo, Sb and V in gasoline aqueous solutions and therefore well studied. The resins contain functional groups for metal ion binding and hence are effective in the extraction of heavy metals from organic phase matrices. In addition, procedures involving separation and preconcentration methods using commercially available ion exchange resins combined with ICP OES for the determination of Mo, Sb and V in gasoline have not been reported in the literature. The retention performance of Mo, Sb and V ions on strongly acidic cation exchanger resin (Dowex 50W-x8) and strongly basic anion exchanger resin (Dowex 1-x8), was studied at different solution pH values for different resin columns. For the selected resin, that is, Dowex 1-x8, experimental conditions for retention/desorption of Mo Sb and V ions prior to their ICP OES detection, were optimized. The validity of the separation and preconcentration procedure was verified by comparing the solid phase extraction (SPE)/ICP OES results with those obtained by GFAAS after acid digestion. The spike-recovery experiments were conducted to evaluate the accuracy of the method. The procedure was applied for the determination of traces of Mo, Sb and V in Conostan custom made oil based certified reference material (CRM) and commercial gasoline samples. 7.2. EXPERIMENTAL 7.2.1 Instrumentation Metal ions were determined using a Spetro Arcos ICP OES (SPECTRO Analytical Instruments, GmbH, Germany) equipped with a Cetac ASX-520 autosampler. The operating conditions were as follows: forward power 1400 W, plasma argon flow rate 13 L min-1, auxiliary argon flow rate 2.00 L min-1, and nebulizer argon flow rare 0.95 L min-1. The most prominent atomic and ionic analytical spectral lines of the metals studied, were selected for investigation, i.e. Mo 202.030 nm, Sb 206.833 nm and V 292.402 nm. Solid phase extraction was carried out in a VacMaster-24 sample SPE station (Supelco, PA, USA). The latter was used to control the sample loading and elution flow rate at 3.0 ml min-1. Comparative experiments for the determination of metal ions were performed using A Perkin-Elmer (Norwalk, CT, USA) A Analyst 100 atomic absorption spectrometer equipped with a HGA800 graphite furnace and an AS-72 autosampler. High purity nitrogen (99.996%, Afrox, South Africa) was used as purging gas. Appropriate hollow cathode lamps (HCL) from Perkin-Elmer were used in these experiments. The graphite furnace atomic absorption 127 Chapter seven: Preconcentration of Mo, Sb and V in gasoline spectrometry (GFAAS) operation parameters and heating temperature program is presented in Table 7.1. Table 7.1. Operation parameters and heating temperature program for ETAAS Spectrometer setup Wavelength (nm) Lamp type Lamp current (mA) Step Drying 1 Drying 2 Pyrolysis Atomization Cleaning Mo 313.3 HCL 10 Sb 217.6 HCL 15 Heating program for the atomizer Step T (°C) Ramp (°C s-1) 90 1 200 1 Mo Sb V 1800 , 1000 , 1000 5 Mo Sb V 2450 , 1500 , 2400 0 2500 1 V 318.40 HCL 15 Hold time (s) 5 10 20 6 5 7.2.2 Reagents, Solutions and Samples All reagents were of analytical grade unless otherwise stated and double distilled deionised water (Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA) was used throughout the experiments. Absolute ethanol (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany), was used to prepare model solutions. Spectrascan stock solutions (1000 mg L-1) of Mo Sb and V (Industrial Analytical Pty, Johannesburg, Ltd, South Africa) were used to prepare the working solutions for SPE at concentrations of 10 µg L-1 for Mo and Sb and 12 µg L-1 for V. Working solutions, as per the experimental requirements, were freshly prepared from the stock solution for each experimental run. A Spectrascan multi-element standard solution at concentration of 100 mg L-1 (Industrial Analytical Pty, Johannesburg, Ltd, South Africa) was used to prepare working standard solutions of 10-120 µg L-1 for measurements of concentrations of analytes in all model and sample solutions. Solutions of nitric acid at concentrations of 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 mol L-1 used for the elution of the analytes from the column, were prepared from ultrapure concentrated acid (65%, Sigma-Aldrich, St. Loius, MO, USA). The pH adjustments were performed with glacial acetic acid and diluted ammonia solutions (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Loius, MO, USA). Suprapur 30% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2, Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) was used for acid digestion procedure. 128 Chapter seven: Preconcentration of Mo, Sb and V in gasoline Ten gasoline samples from different local filling stations were used for method development and validation. Gasoline samples with and without additives are described as metal-containing unleaded gasoline (MCUG) and metal-free unleaded gasoline (MFUG), respectively. The cation exchangers used in this study as packing materials namely Dowex 1-x8 (Chloride form) and Dowex 50W-x8 (sodium form), were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich, (St. Loius, MO, USA). The properties of the resins are given in Table 7.2. Table 7.2. Physical and chemical properties of the resins Type Functional group Matrix Standard mesh size Total exchange capacity (meq mL-1) Water retention capacity% pH range Maximum operating temperature Dowex 50W-x8 Dowex 1-x8 Strong acidic cation exchanger Sulfonic acid Styrene-divinylbenzene 100-200 1.7 Strong basic anion exchanger Quaternary amine Styrene-divinylbenzene 200-400 1.2 50-58 39-45 0-14 120 °C 0-14 66 °C 7.2.3 Preparation of Column Polyethylene columns of diameter 1.35 cm and 6.5 cm in height were used for preconcentration. Slurries of 1.5 g of Dowex 50W-x8 or Dowex 1-x8 in double distilled deionised water were prepared and packed into columns to heights of about 3-4 cm. A porous frit was placed at the bottom of the column and at the top of the packing material to hold and confine the adsorbent within the designated capacity/volume. The entrapment of the packing material serves to eliminate the dead volume. The columns were washed with double distilled deionised water followed by conditioning with 10 mL ammonium acetate buffer (1.0 M, pH 9.0) and then 10 mL of ethanol. 129 Chapter seven: Preconcentration of Mo, Sb and V in gasoline 7.2.4 Preconcentration and Recovery of Mo, Sb and V in Model Organic Solutions and Real Gasoline Samples Model metal ion solutions were prepared as follows: 1.0 mL of 1.0 mg L-1 of Mo and Sb solutions were separately transferred into 100 mL volumetric flasks and made up to the mark with ethanol to obtain 10 µg L-1 of each metal ion. The procedure was repeated for V to obtain 12 µg L-1. Ethanol solutions of each metal ion (20 mL) were percolated through the ion exchange resin column with a flow rate of 3.0 mL min-1. The column was washed with 10 mL of double distilled deionised water to remove excess organic solution, followed by 5.0 mL of ammonium acetate buffer solution, to remove major cations (Na, Ca, K, etc). Lastly, the metal ions were eluted with 5 mL of 2.0 mol L-1 HNO3 solution. All fractions obtained during the elution stage were collected separately and analysed with ICP OES. It should be noted that the washings with double distilled deionised water and ammonium acetate buffer solution were discarded. The same procedure was applied to the blank solutions. In between the experiments, the resin was washed as described in Section 7.2.3. The effect of pH sample solution, sample volume, eluent concentration and sample and eluent flow rates were investigated. In order to measure metal ions in real samples, 1.0 mL aliquot of gasoline was placed in a 100 ml volumetric flask and diluted with ethanol. The resulting solution was then subjected to the above mentioned preconcentration procedure. All analyses were performed in triplicate. 7.2.5 Procedure for the Dilution of Certified Reference Material To validate the preconcentration method described in this study, a Conostan custom made oil based certified reference material (CRM) obtained from SCP Science (Quebec, Canada) containing 1.0 mg L-1 of each metal ions was used. The dilution of the CRM was performed as follows: a 1.0 mL aliquot of 1.0 mg L-1 CRM was dissolved in 10 ml of hexane. The solution was quantitatively transferred to a 100 mL volumetric flask and made to the mark with acetone to obtain 10 µg L-1 of each metal ion. Suitable aliquots (20 ml) of the solution were taken and pre-concentrated by the proposed procedure and analysed with ICPOES. The same procedure was applied to the preparation of blank solutions. 130 Chapter seven: Preconcentration of Mo, Sb and V in gasoline 7.2.6 Procedure for Acid Digestion of Gasoline Samples The acid digestion procedure was carried out according to Amorim et al.1 A brief Description of the procedure is as follows: 5.0 ml of gasoline sample was placed into a 100 mL Teflon beaker followed by the addition of 2.0 mL H2O2 (30%) and 6 mL concentrated HNO3 and heated at 170 ± 10 °C in hot plate for 10 min. The digested content was left to cool down to room temperature, quantitatively transferred to a volumetric flask and then diluted with double distilled deionised water to a final volume of 50 mL. double distilled deionised water, applied to the same procedure, was used as the blank. The digested samples were then analyzed by GFAAS. 7.3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In order to achieve quantitative adsorption of Mo, Sb and V onto the solid sorbent, the preconcentration method was optimized for various analytical parameters (such as the sorbent material selection, pH and eluent concentration). Flow rates, eluent volume and the amount of the sorbent fixed to 3.0 mL min, 5.0 mL and 1.5 g, respectively. The experimental conditions for the preconcentration of metal ions were investigated using absolute ethanol model solutions. The percentage recovery of analytes retained on the column was calculated from the concentration of the metal ions in the starting sample and the amounts of analytes eluted from Dowex 1-x8 and Dowex 50W-x8 columns. 7.3.1 Selection of Stationary Phase In order to choose a suitable SPE stationary phase for the preconcentration of Mo, Sb and V, anionic (Dowex 1-x8) and cationic (Dowex 50W-x8) exchange resins were tested. Since the pH of the sample solution plays a vital role in the retention of metal ions, a comparison of recoveries of Mo, Sb and V at different pH values (4, 7 and 9) were carried out. The %recovery values for Mo, Sb and V were less than 50% at the three pH values when Dowex 50W-x8 resin was used. The lowest %recovery was 9.8% for Mo at pH 9 while the highest was 44.6% for Sb at pH 7. This shows that these elements were partially retained on the surface of the Dowex 50W-x8 resin. The reason for the partial adsorption might be the fact that these elements exist in various oxidation states and different ionic species in aqueous solutions. Pyrzynska and Jonca19 studied the behavior of Mo in aqueous samples. They found that Mo was partially retained on cation exchange resin because in solution, the dominant 131 Chapter seven: Preconcentration of Mo, Sb and V in gasoline species is MoO42-. When using the stronger anionic resin namely Dowex-1x8, improved results were obtained with the lowest recovery value being 54.9% for V at pH 4 while the highest value was 97.4 % for Sb at pH 7. Therefore, Dowex-1x8 was used for further investigations. 7.3.2 Effect of Sample Solution pH on Retention of Metal Ions Owing to competition for the exchange sites of the resin, between metal ions and hydrogen ions in solution, the effect of pH of the sample solution was studied as a significant factor for quantitative retention of the analyte.20 The effect of the pH of the ethanol model solution on the retention of Mo, Sb and V onto Dowex 1-x8 was investigated in the pH range 4–10. The results are shown in Fig. 7.1. The recovery values for Mo, Sb and V were not quantitative at the pH values below 6. The recoveries increased with increasing pH and reached quantitative values at the pH range 6–8 for Mo and V ions and 6-7 for Sb. Therefore, pH 6 was selected for further investigations. Fig. 7.1. Effect of sample pH on retention of the analytes in ethanol onto Dowex 1-x8 resin column. Sample volume: 20 mL; amount of resin 1.5 g; flow rates of sample and eluent 3.0 mL min−1; replicates n = 3) 132 Chapter seven: Preconcentration of Mo, Sb and V in gasoline 7.3.3 Effect of Eluent Concentration The effect of eluent (HNO3) concentration on elution of metal ions from Dowex 1-x8 resin was investigated by carrying out the elution with 0.5-3.0 mol L-1 HNO3. In this work, the optimum eluent concentration was defined as the concentration of the eluent that can elute more than 95% of the retained metal ions. The results obtained indicated that elution of metal ions is dependent on the eluent concentration. Thus when [HNO3] was increased from 0.5 to 2.0 mol L-1 the elution efficiency of the acid improved from 92.4 to 100.7% for Mo; 83.2 to 98.3% for Sb; and 91.0 to 96.5% for V. However, there was a slight decrease in elution efficiency when the acid concentration was increased from 2.0 to 3.0 mol L-1 in all the cases except for V which showed an increase from 96.5 to 100.1%. Therefore, for further investigations 5.0 ml of 2.0 mol L-1 HNO3 was selected for elution of metal ions. 7.3.4 Effect of Sample Volume The preconcentration of larger sample volumes at a defined sample flow rate improves the preconcentration factor of the SPE method.21 In order to investigate the possibility of enriching low concentrations of analytes from large volumes, the maximum applicable sample volume must be determined. For this purpose, the concentrations of each metal ion were kept constant while increasing the sample volume. The recoveries of the Mo, Sb and V ions from different volumes of ethanol solutions containing 14 µg L-1 of each metal ion, are presented in Fig. 7.2. 133 Chapter seven: Preconcentration of Mo, Sb and V in gasoline Fig. 7.2. Effect of sample volume on the recoveries of metal ions: pH 6; analyte concentration 14 µg L-1; amount of resin 1.5 g; flow rates of sample and eluent 3.0 mL min−1; eluent volume 5 mL; replicates n = 3 As it can be seen from this figure, the recoveries were found to be stable upto 500 mL for Sb and 600 mL for Mo and V. At higher volumes, the recoveries for analytes decreased. This decrease may be due to the saturation of the exchange sites of Dowex 1-x8 resin. Therefore, the highest preconcentration factor of 120 was achieved when using 600 mL of the sample and 5.0 mL of final volume. 7.3.5 Analytical Performances The linearity of the method was checked by preconcentrating 20 mL aliquot sampled from 100 mL of 0.05 to 140 µg L-1 of Mo, Sb and V standards in ethanol solution, to obtain a final volume of 5 mL (preconcentration factor of 4). The analytes showed good linearity according to the results in Table 7.3. The sensitivity of the preconcentration method was defined as the slope of the calibration curve. The results in Table 7.3 indicated that the Dowex 1-x8 SPE method was more sensitive to V compared to the rest of metals studied. Thus the highest slope obtained was 113.1 cps L µg-1 for V while the lowest was 26.39 cps L µg-1 for Mo. Note that the ICP OES signal intensity readings are given as counts per second (cps). 134 Chapter seven: Preconcentration of Mo, Sb and V in gasoline The reproducibility (precision) of the SPE method, calculated as the relative standard deviation (n = 12), in model sample solutions containing 10 µg L-1 of Mo, Sb and V was in the range 1.1-1.9%. The IUPAC limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) under optimized conditions were obtained from the signals of 16 successive measurements of the blank and the slope (m) of the calibration curve. The LOD was defined as the lowest concentration of an analyte giving signals equal to three times the standard deviation (3SD) of blank signal divided by the slope of the calibration curve that the analytical technique can detect (3SD/m). The LOQ, on the other, was defined as the to the smallest concentration of an analyte giving signals equal to ten times the standard deviation of blank signal divided by the slope of the calibration curve which can be accurately and precisely measured with an analytical procedure (10SD/m). The calculated LOD and LOQ as well as instrumental detection limits (IDL) are presented in Table 7.3. It can be seen from this Table that SPE method has improved detection capabilities as compared to ICP-OES method. The Dowex 1-x8 SPE method was compared with the other previous works (Table 7.4). Comparison of analytical features of the present method with other sample preparation techniques indicated that the LOD and LOQ of the Dowex 1-x8 SPE are better than or comparable with other methods. Table 7.3. Analytical performances for the proposed Dowex 1-x8 SPE method (sample volume 100 mL) -1 Slope (cps L µg L ) Correlation efficient LOD (µg L-1) IDL (µg L-1) LOQ (µg L-1) %RSD Mo 26.39 0.9998 0.14 0.5 0.48 1.9 Sb 53.43 0.9987 0.05 2.0 0.18 1.2 135 V 113.1 0.9999 0.03 0.5 0.10 1.1 Chapter seven: Preconcentration of Mo, Sb and V in gasoline Table 7.4. Comparison of some methods used for determination of Mo, Sb and V Analytes LOD (µg L-1) 4.0 LOQ (µg L-1) N.Ia. Ref. [3] Tungsten coated-GFAAS ETAAS using ETAAS N.I. N.I. [22] 2.5 0.8 N.I. N.I. [23] [24] GFAAS 300 800 45 [1] GFAAS 100 250 14 ETAAS 0.05 0.18 [25] TXRF 65 and 75 N.I. [26] ETAAS ICP OES 0.9 and 4.7 4.1 and 2.4 N.I. 13.7 and 7.9 [27] [28] ICP OES 0.14, 0.05 and 0.03 0.48, 0.18 and 0.10 This work Sample Preparation method and Surfactant microemulsion V Matrix Gasoline kerosene Heavy oils Sb V Naphta Petroleum V Fuel oils V Microemulsion Direct determination solid sampling accessory Microemulsion Acid digestion Detergent emulsion Petroleum condensate, diesel and gasoline Diesel oil Extraction induced by emulsion breaking Petroleum Direct analysis products Gasoline Multiphase emulsion Crude oil Detergentless microemulsion Sb V Mo and V Mo and V Mo and V Mo, Sb and Gasoline V a N.I. = not included Direct determination SPE-Dowex 1-x8 Detection ETAAS 136 [8] Chapter seven: Preconcentration of Mo, Sb and V in gasoline 7.3.6 Effect of Matrix Ions Interferences The effect of potential interfering ions was investigated in order to examine the possibility of selective recovery of Mo, Sb and V on Dowex 1-x8 resin in the presence of some anions and cations in the gasoline samples. Known amounts of anions and cations were added to the ethanol solution containing 20 µg L-1 of Mo, Sb and V and the general preconcentration procedure was applied. The tolerance limit was set as the concentration of the ion required to cause ≤5% error. The results are presented in Table 7.5. It should be noted that the effect of Group I and II cations were not investigated because they were removed by washing the column with ammonium acetate buffer solution. It was found that ions normally present in gasoline samples did not interfere with the recoveries of the analytes. This suggests that the Dowex 1-x8 preconcentration method can be applied for selective removal of trace amounts of Mo, Sb and V in fuel samples that contains higher concentration of secondary cations and anions. Table 7.5. Effect of potential interfering ions on the recovery of metal ions Ions SO42PO43- Concentration of interfering ions (mg L-1) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 25 25 25 25 Recovery (%) Mo 99.3±1.2 98.7±1.4 100±1.1 97.0±1.8 99.8±0.3 95.9±3.1 97.6±2.1 99.3±0.5 96.8±1.4 Sb 97.6±0.8 97.9±2.1 99.6±0.5 96.9±0.7 99.1±2.4 99.1±1.4 97.8±1.9 98.9±2.4 97.4±2.8 Cl CO32NO3Fe3+ Cu2+ Mn2+ Al3+ Experimental conditions: sample volume = 50 mL, replicates n = 3 V 100±2.1 99.2±1.1 98.9±2.3 99.3±0.9 100±0.2 98.1±1.1 99.6±2.1 99.1±3.8 98.9±0.9 7.3.7 Regeneration Studies The regeneration of the column is one of the important parameters in evaluating the stability of the cation exchange resin material. In order to investigate the stability and recyclability of Dowex 1-x8 column, successive retention and elution cycles were performed by passing 20 mL of ethanol solutions (containing Mo, Sb and V) through the 137 Chapter seven: Preconcentration of Mo, Sb and V in gasoline column. The stability and regeneration of Dowex 1-x8 column were evaluated by monitoring the changes in the recoveries of Mo, Sb and V through retention-elution cycles. The results showed that Dowex 50W-x8 column can be reused after regeneration with 20 mL double distilled deionised water followed by 10 mL of 1.0 mol L-1 NaOH. The column was found to be stable up to 150 retention/elution cycles without any observable decrease in the recoveries of metal ions (> 95%). Therefore, recycling of the Dowex 1-x8 resin is possible. 7.3.8 Accuracy and Validation of the Separation and Preconcentration Procedure An addition/recovery test was performed on the gasoline sample (1-MFUG) to estimate the accuracy of the Dowex 1-x8 SPE procedure. The results given in Table 7.6 showed good agreement between the added and found metal ion content. The recovery values for Mo, Sb and V ions were quantitative (≥ 95%). Therefore, the Dowex 1-x8 SPE method can be applied for the separation and preconcentration of analyte ions in gasoline samples. Table 7.6. Percentage (%) recovery results when 1 mL gasoline sample 1-MFUG was spiked with different metal concentrations (0-20 µg L-1) and made up in ethanol (100 mL) Element Added (µg L-1) Found (µg L-1) Recovery (%) Mo 0 5 10 20 0 5 10 20 0 5 10 20 20.10±0.76 24.96±0.35 30.03±0.54 39.77±0.10 70.95±0.82 75.73±0.25 80.64±1.0 90.75±0.12 NDa 4.89±0.91 9.98±0.34 19.7±0.54 97.2±1.6 99.3±1.2 98.4±1.3 95.6±2.1 96.9±3.1 99.0±0.6 97.8±1.2 99.8±1.4 98.5±2.1 Sb V a ND = Not detectable; Experimental conditions: sample pH = 6, sample volume = 20 mL, replicates n =3 138 Chapter seven: Preconcentration of Mo, Sb and V in gasoline The validity of the Dowex 1-x8 SPE method was investigated by analyzing a Conostan custom made oil based CRM. The results of the CRM certified values and those determined with Dowex 1-x8 SPE method for Mo and V are presented in Table 9.7. Satisfactory recoveries in the range 99.8% to 101% were obtained. The precision of the measurements (n=3) expressed as % RSD ranged between 1.3% and 1.5 %. According to the student t-test at the 95% confidence level, there was no significance difference between the certified and determined concentration values. Table 7.7. Concentrations (in µg L-1) of metal ions in gasoline samples determined by ICP OES in sample solutions resulting from Dowex 1-x8 preconcentration procedure Concentration (µg L-1) Elements Mo V a Certified RSDa (%) Found RSD (%) 1000 1000 1.0 1.0 998.2 1005 1.3 1.5 Recovery (%) 99.8 101 RSD= relative standard deviation, replicates n = 6 7.3.9 Application of the Dowex 1-x8 Separation and Preconcentration Procedure in Commercial Gasoline Samples Dowex 1-x8 SPE method was used to separate and preconcentrate Mo, Sb and V ions in commercial gasoline samples collected from different petrol filling stations in Johannesburg (South Africa). The results obtained are presented in Table 7.8. In general, the concentrations of Sb were high (above 60 µg L-1) in almost all gasoline samples irrespective of the source (manufacturer) except for 3-MCUG and 3-MFUG samples. Molybdenum and vanadium concentrations were the highest in 5-MCUG and 2-MFUG samples, respectively. For comparison, the concentration of Mo, Sb and V in ten gasoline samples were also determined by GFAAS after acid digestion (Table 7.9). The analyte concentrations obtained by Dowex 1-x8 preconcentration method (Table 7.8) were in agreement with the results obtained by GFAAS after acid digestion according to the paired t-test at 95% confidence level: tcal= 0.14, 0.72 and 0.87 for Mo, Sb and V, respectively. In all the cases tcal was lower than tcrit= 2.26 for Mo and Sb (n=10); tcrit= 2.44 for V (n=7). The 139 Chapter seven: Preconcentration of Mo, Sb and V in gasoline determination of Mo, Sb and V by GFAAS after acid digestion was used as an additional procedure for quality check of the Dowex 1-x8 separation and preconcentration method. The main advantage of the Dowex 1-x8 column method described in this study is that it does not require rigorous acid digestion unlike the acid digestion method. In addition, the column method is advantageous because it minimizes the risks of cross-contamination during acid digestion. It should be noted that acid digestion followed by GFAAS determination was taken as the standard method in this study. 140 Chapter seven: Preconcentration of Mo, Sb and V in gasoline Table 7.8. Concentrations (in µg L-1) of metal ions in gasoline samples determined by ICP OES in sample solutions resulting from Dowex 1x8 preconcentration procedure and GFAAS in sample solutions resulting from acid digestion procedure Mo c 1-MFUG 2-MCUGd 2-MFUG 3-MCUG 3-MFUG 4-MFUG 5-MCUG 5-MFUG 6-MCUG 6-MFUG a X st Dowex 1-x8-SPE 20.1±0.8 17.1±0.4 36.9±0.4 22.0±0.4 22.0±0.4 32.6±0.1 70.7±0.01 50.1±0.1 47.7±0.3 19.6±0.2 GFAAS 19.8±0.7 16.8±0.4 37.1±0.7 22.3±1.0 22.0±0.5 32.8±0.1 70.4±0.1 49.6±0.1 48.5±0.2 19.8±0.9 Sb Dowex 1-x8-SPE 71.0±0.8 70.2±1.8 64.6±0.8 27.7±1.0 30.1±0.6 91.0±0.9 71.8±0.01 63.6±0.02 94.1±0.5 80.0±1.0 V GFAAS 71.2±0.7 66.6±0.02 85.4±0.2 28.4±0.03 29.3±0.5 90.8±0.9 71.7±0.4 63.4±0.8 93.7±0.1 79.4±1.0 Dowex 1-x8-SPE NDb 16.1±0.1 43.9±0.07 ND ND 2.78±0.08 14.7±0.1 3.96±0.09 9.89±0.04 4.30±0.09 GFAAS NDb 15.8±0.1 48.2±0.1 ND ND 2.69±0.79 14.5±0.5 4.10±0.41 9.89±0.51 4.30±0.43 n , X: Average value (n = 3); t: student‘s t (P < 0.05); s: Estimation of the standard deviation, n: number of determinations; bND = Not detectable; cMFUG = metal-containing unleaded gasoline; dMCUG = metal-free unleaded gasoline; 1-6 are the numbers allocated to the six gasoline filling stations 141 Chapter seven: Preconcentration of Mo, Sb and V in gasoline 7.4. CONCLUSION The separation and preconcentration of Mo, Sb and V presented in this study contributes to the growing field of fuel analysis and purification. The results obtained in the preliminary studies demonstrated that Dowex 1-x8 was suitable for preconcentration of Mo, Sb and V in organic matrices. Instead of using fresh resin for each analysis, the reusability of the Dowex 1-x8 was found to be about 150 cycles after desorption and regeneration treatment without any loss in its initial sorption performance. In addition, the Dowex 1-x8 SPE method was successful in pre-concentrating metal ions from large sample volume with a preconcentration factor of 120 achieved when using 600 mL of the sample and 5.0 mL of final volume. The elution of metal ions from the resin column was performed by 2.0 mol L-1 HNO3. The positive features of the present separation and preconcentration method include relatively high selectivity, good precision and accuracy. The Dowex 1-x8 SPE procedure was successfully applied for simultaneous determination of trace amounts (µg L-1 range) of molybdenum, antimony and vanadium at in gasoline samples. 7.5 REFERENCES 1. Amorim, F. A. C., Lima, D. C., Amaro, J. A. A., Valea, M. G. R. & Ferreira, S. L. C. 2007. Methods for vanadium determination in fuel oil by gf aas with microemulsification and acid digestion sampling. Journal of Brazzilian Chemical Society, 18, 1566-1570. 2. Brandão, G. P., De Campos, R. C., De Castro, E. V. R. & De Jesus, H. C. 2008. Determination of manganese in diesel, gasoline and naphtha by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry using microemulsion medium for sample stabilization. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 63, 880-884. 3. Aucelio, R. Q. & Curtius, A. J. 2002. 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Microchemical Journal, 82, 137-141. 144 CHAPTER EIGHT: MULTIVARIATE OPTIMIZATION OF DUAL-BED SOLID PHASE EXTRACTION FOR PRECONCENTRATION OF Ag, Al, As AND Cr IN GASOLINE PRIOR TO INDUCTIVELY COUPLED PLASMA OPTICAL EMISSION SPECTROMETRIC DETERMINATION ABSTRACT In this work, a dual-bed resin solid phase extraction (SPE) for preconcentration of Ag, Al, As and Cr prior to their inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy (ICP OES) determination has been developed. Dowex 50W-x8 and Dowex 1-x8 packed in a column were used as metal ion sorbents. The optimization of the dual-bed SPE procedure was carried out using a two level full factorial design with three central points. Under optimized conditions, the limits of detection and quantification (n = 21) ranged from 0.16-0.22 and 0.52-0.76 µg L-1, respectively. Enrichment factors of 100, 130, 130 and 150 and relative standard deviations (n = 15) of 1.2, 2.0, 1.8 and 1.3% were obtained in the determination of Ag, Al, As and Cr, respectively. The validity of the proposed method was checked by applying the standard addition method and the recoveries at the 20 μg L−1 level using both inorganic and organic metal standards ranged from 95 to 99%. The proposed method presented an analytical throughput of about 18 samples per hour and was applied for the determination of metal ions in ten gasoline samples. In addition, the accuracy of the method was evaluated using microwave-assisted digestion method and the results were not significantly different (at 95% confidence level). Keywords: Dual-bed resin, metal ions, factorial design, separation and preconcentration, ICP OES, gasoline 8.1 INTRODUCTION Controlling the levels of metals in petroleum products such as gasoline is a critical step in the petrochemical industry because they act as catalyst poisons thus cause deleterious effects on the refinery and processing operations unless they are added as additives.1,2 Therefore, it is crucial to accurately determine metal content in liquid fuels which are also the main sources of energy for vehicles. Other effects of metal ions (even in trace concentrations) in liquid fuels are reported in the literature.1,3-5 These include (i) poor fuel performance (ii) decrease in the engine durability and efficiency and (iii) environmental pollution caused by the release of 145 Chapter eight: Dual-bed resin SPE for preconcentration of Ag, Al, As and Cr toxic metals into the atmosphere during fuel combustion.1,3-5 Therefore, the development of sensitive and selective analytical techniques for the determination of metals in gasoline is one of the most important aspects of quality control in petroleum industries.1 These techniques must be fast, simple, precise, accurate and economical to be easily employed in routine procedures. In addition, since metal ions in liquid fuel samples are usually present in trace levels, the analytical methods must be capable of resulting in high enrichment/preconcentration factors enough to cope with the demands.1 Analytical methods based on electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS) are popular because they are associated with high sensitivity and tolerance to high organic matrix loads.2 However, ETAAS is not common in routine analysis because of its low sample throughput as compared to inductively coupled plasma-based techniques.2 Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES) is widely used in routine quantification of metal ions in different sample matrices. This technique is attractive due to its multielement capability, relative sensitivity, wide linear range and high sample throughput. However, the direct introduction of fuels into the plasma requires special care, as the organic load may de-stabilize or extinguish the plasma.6-9 Hitherto, different sample preparation approaches for determination of metal ions in fuels has been developed to overcome the problems associated with ICP OES and are reported in the literature. These methods include conventional ashing and acid dissolution,10 microwave digestion,11,12 dilution with organic solvents,13 emulsion/microemulsion14,15 and preconcentration using solid phase extraction.16,17 However some of these sample preparation methods have some limitations, for instance conventional ashing and acid dissolution methods are time-consuming and also volatile elements may easily escape (be lost).18 Microwave digestion methods may be a good alternative to these methods and solve the problem of volatilization, but they increase the risks of cross-contamination. In addition, the use of some concentrated acids (except ultra pure) could increase the blank values and cannot be supported by some analytical techniques such as ICP OES.19 To solve the problem of introducing concentrated acid the digested sample are normally diluted before introduction to ICP OES. However, this becomes a challenge because the analytes of interest in real samples are in trace levels. Since small amount of samples (normally 1 mL) are used, the concentration of analytes in the samples become too diluted to be determined by ICP OES. Emulsion/microemulsion technique is one of the most promising approaches due to its short preparation time and the low risk of analyte losses by volatilization or sorption. However, its 146 Chapter eight: Dual-bed resin SPE for preconcentration of Ag, Al, As and Cr disadvantage is the low stability which then affects the sensitivity and reproducibility of the analytical instrumental signal.19 Dilution with organic solvents is one of the simplest sample pretreatment procedures but does not reduce the problem of organic loading and plasma destabilization or extinction in case of the ICP techniques.9 To overcome these difficulties associated with sample pretreatment methods, an accurate and reliable analytical procedure based on separation and preconcentration of analytes prior to analysis in fuel samples, is required. Preconcentration of the analytes from the organic matrices combines the advantages of separating the analyte from the complex fuel matrix, transferring it to an aqueous phase and enriching it at the same time.9 Procedures based on solid phase extraction (SPE) for the separation and preconcentration of trace elements in gasoline and fuel kerosene are reported in the literature.16,17,20 Recently, chemometric techniques have been used for optimization of different analytical methods. This is because, these techniques allow more than one variable to be optimized simultaneously.21 The advantages of multivariate techniques include reduction in the number of required experiments, thus, lowering reagent consumption and significantly less laboratory work. They are faster to implement and more cost-effective than traditional univariate approaches.22,23 In addition, chemometric methods are able to generate mathematical models that permit assessment of the relevance and statistical significance of factors being studied, and evaluation of interaction effects between them (factors). 21,22 Full factorial design is one of the well-known statistical processes for multivariate optimization and is widely applied in analytical chemistry. This is due to its effectiveness in the identification of significant variables and the best conditions of an experimental procedure.21 The aim of this work was to investigate the analytical performance and the potential applicability of a dual-bed resin column for Ag, Al, As and Cr determination in gasoline via off-line SPE/ICP-MS system. Information about the specific forms of elements in the fuel samples is limited. In addition, some element can exist in more than one oxidation states and also the chemical form of an element might change due the change in sample pH. Therefore, the use a dual-bed column proposed in this study will be advantageous because different metal species can be retained by either the cationic or anionic exchange resin, thus, enabling the total metal analysis in fuel sample. A full two-level factorial design with a central point was used for optimization of experimental variables (pH, eluent concentration and sample flow rate) that affect the retention/desorption of metal ions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that dual-bed resin column and the optimized preconcentration method 147 Chapter eight: Dual-bed resin SPE for preconcentration of Ag, Al, As and Cr are proposed for Ag, Al, As and Cr determination in gasoline. In addition, this study offers a simple system with no need of acid digestion prior to metal ion determination. 8.2 EXPERIMENTAL 8.2.1 Instrumentation Metal ions (Ag, Al, As and Cr) were determined using a Spectro Arcos 165 ICP OES (SPECTRO Analytical Instruments, GmbH, Germany) equipped with Cetac ASX-520 autosampler. The ICP OES operating conditions are listed in Table 8.1. Sample introduction was achieved using a pneumatic cross-flow nebulizer mounted onto a Scott double-pass spray chamber. Sample solutions were pumped to the nebulizer using a built in four channel peristaltic pump. The most prominent atomic and ionic analytical spectral lines of the metal ions were selected for investigation, that is, Ag 329.068 nm, Al 167.078 nm, As 193.759 nm and Cr 283.563 nm. Solid phase extraction was carried out in a VacMaster-24 sample SPE station (Supelco, PA, USA). The latter was used to control the sample loading and elution flow rates. The microwave digestions were carried out in an Ethos D (Milestone, Sorisole, Italy) with maximum pressure 1450 psi and maximum temperature 300 ◦C. Table 8.1. The operating parameters of determination of elements by ICP OES RF power 1400 W Plasma argon flow rate Auxiliary argon flow rate Nebulizer argon flow rare Sample aspiration rate Replicate measurements (n) 13 L min-1 2.00 L min-1 0.95 L min-1. 2.0 mL min-1 3 8.2.2 Reagents, Solutions and Samples All reagents were of analytical grade unless otherwise stated and double distilled deionised water (Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA) was used throughout the experiments. Absolute ethanol (99.9%) used to prepare model solutions and suprapur 30% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) used for the acid digestion procedure were obtained from Merck, (Darmstadt, Germany). Spectrascan stock solutions (1000 mg L-1) of Ag, Al, As and Cr (Industrial Analytical Pty, Johannesburg, Ltd, South Africa) were used to prepare the 148 Chapter eight: Dual-bed resin SPE for preconcentration of Ag, Al, As and Cr working solutions (prepared in organic phase) for SPE at concentrations of 10 µg L-1 for each analyte. Working solutions, as per the experimental requirements, were freshly prepared from the stock solution for each experimental run. A Spectrascan multi-element 100 mg L-1 standard solution (Industrial Analytical Pty, Ltd, Johannesburg, South Africa) was used to prepare working standard solutions at concentrations of 0-120 µg L-1 for measurements of concentrations of analytes in all model and sample solutions. The cation exchangers used in this study as packing materials, that is, Dowex 1-x8 (Chloride form) and Dowex 50W-x8 (sodium form) as well as solutions of nitric acid at concentration range of 1.0-4.0 mol L-1 used for the elution of the analytes from the columns, were prepared from ultrapure concentrated acid (65%), were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Loius, MO, USA). The pH adjustments were performed with glacial acetic acid and ammonia solutions (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Loius, MO, USA). Ten gasoline samples from different local filling stations were used for method development and validation. 8.2.3 Preparation of a Two Bed Column The two bed resin was prepared in a 6.5 mL polyethylene column. The preparation procedure was carried out as follows: the first bed was prepared by placing the slurry (prepared in double distilled deionised water) of 750 mg Dowex 50W-x8 resin in the column that has a porous frit at the bottom. Another frit was then placed on the top of the packing material. The second bed was prepared by placing the slurry of 750 mg Dowex 1-x8 resin on the top of the first bed and a porous frit was placed on top of the packing material to hold and confine the adsorbents within the designated capacity/volume. The total height of the duo sorbent bed was approximately 4 cm in the column. The columns were sequentially washed with 10 mL of 3.0 mol L-1 HNO3 and double distilled deionised water followed by conditioning with 10 mL ammonium acetate buffer (1.0 M, pH 9.0) and then 10 mL of ethanol. 8.2.4 Preconcentration and Recovery of Ag, Al, As and Cr in Synthetic Gasoline Solution The model solutions were prepared as follows: 10 mL of synthetic gasoline was placed in a 100 mL polyethylene volumetric flask followed by addition of 1.0 mL of 1.0 mg L-1 of metal ions solution and made up to the mark with ethanol to obtain 10 µg L-1 of each metal 149 Chapter eight: Dual-bed resin SPE for preconcentration of Ag, Al, As and Cr ion. The mixture was homogenized by shaking. An aliquot of 50 mL of the model metal solutions were passed through an ion exchange column at an appropriate flow rate. The columns were washed with 10 mL of double distilled deionised water to remove excess organic solution, followed by 5.0 mL of ammonium acetate buffer solution to remove major cations (Na, Ca, K, etc) [17]. Lastly the metal ions were eluted with 5 mL of appropriate concentration of HNO3 solutions. All fractions obtained during the elution stage were collected separately and analyzed by ICP OES. The same procedure was applied to the blank solutions. In the case of real sample analysis, a gasoline–ethanol mixture was prepared according to Chaves et al.13 An aliquot of 1.0 mL of gasoline sample was placed in a 100 mL polypropylene volumetric flask and 500 μL of concentrated HNO3 was added to the sample which was then diluted with ethanol. In between experiments, the resins in the column were washed with 20 mL of double distilled deionised water followed by 10 ml of 1.0 M NaOH (this was done in order to keep the resin in sodium cation and hydroxide anion forms) and stored for the next experiment. 8.2.5 Optimization Approach The optimization of the separation and preconcentration method was carried out using a full factorial design (23) involving three variables i.e. pH, eluent concentration (EC) and sample flow rate (SFR). The latter were considered as factors. The latter had two levels namely minimum and maximum including a central point, as shown in Table 8.2. Each factor was chosen according to data from previous experiments. All the experiments were carried out in random. The experimental data was processed by using the Minitab version 15 software program. Table 8.2. Factors and levels used in 23 factorial design for separation and preconcentration of metal ions Variable pH EC (mol L-1) SFR (mL min-1) Low level (-1) 3.0 1.0 1.0 Central point (0) 6.0 2.5 2.0 150 High level (+1) 9.0 4.0 3.0 Chapter eight: Dual-bed resin SPE for preconcentration of Ag, Al, As and Cr 8.2.6 Comparative Method The Microwave acid digestion procedure was carried out according to Kowalewska et al.24 Briefly, 5.0 mL of the gasoline sample was placed into a Teflon vessel followed by 6 mL HNO3 (65%) and 2.0 mL H2O2 (30%). The vessels were inserted into a microwave unit and heated according to the conditions recommended by the manufacturer. The microwave program used was as follows: Step 1: 25-200C for 10 min at 1000 W; Step 2: 200C for 1000 W for 10 min giving a total time of 20 min and cool down time was approximately 10 min. The digested material was left to cool down to room temperature. After cooling, the vessels were opened and 2 mL of concentrated HNO3 and 2 mL of hydrogen peroxide were added. The heating program was then repeated. This step was done in order minimize incomplete mineralization of the organic matrix. Finally, the Teflon vessel contents were cooled down to room temperature and quantitatively transferred to a 50 ml calibration flask. The samples were spiked with 20 µg L-1 followed by the addition of 1 mL of concentrated nitric acid and the flask was filled up to the mark using double distilled deionised water. The samples were spiked in order to increase the concentration levels of metal ions (such as Cr) in the final solution so that they can be detected by ICP OES. This was done because small volumes of the gasoline samples were used. The distilled deionised was submitted to the same procedure and used as the blank. The samples were then analyzed with ICP OES. 8.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 8.3.1 Factorial Design The factors affecting the performance of dual-bed solid phase extraction for separation and preconcentration of Ag, Al, As and Cr ions in gasoline samples were investigated. The variables (factors) chosen for the optimization of the preconcentration system included sample pH, eluent concentration (EC) and sample flow rate (SFR). In order to determine the main factors of the preconcentration system, a two-level full factorial design (23) with three replicates of the central point (CP) was performed. The percentage recovery of each metal ion was used as the analytical response. Table 8.3 shows the experimental design matrix and the results derived from each run for Ag, Al, As and Cr, respectively. It can be seen from this table that the design matrix resulted to 11 sets of experiments and the preconcentration and determination of analytes is done on the same day. It should be noted that if univariate 151 Chapter eight: Dual-bed resin SPE for preconcentration of Ag, Al, As and Cr technique, which simply means monitoring one factor at time, was used, each variable will require about 8 sets of experiments which translate to a total of about 24 experiments. In addition, after each set of experiments, detection of the analytes is required in order to proceed to the next variable and this may take a week to complete the optimization process. Since with classical design, the optimization of each variable is done when other are kept constant, the results obtained by this process may lead to ambiguous results and interpretation because the interactive effects among the variables are not examined. Table 8.3. Design matrix and the results of Ag, Al, As and Cr Run pH EC (mol L-1) SFR (mL min-1) +1 +1 +1 1 +1 +1 -1 2 +1 -1 +1 3 +1 -1 -1 4 -1 +1 +1 5 -1 +1 -1 6 -1 -1 +1 7 -1 -1 -1 8 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 11 EC= eluent concentration; SFR= sample flow rate Recovery (%) Ag 30.34 32.45 38.59 40.25 71.29 77.02 78.87 79.82 97.48 97.48 97.31 Al 44.71 33.02 20.18 60.67 49.73 71.09 72.05 55.30 98.56 98.45 99.01 As 60.82 59.87 98.96 75.76 45.91 19.01 32.92 42.12 60.25 61.17 62.16 Cr 99.11 96.62 46.51 36.88 65.44 70.32 37.43 44.78 59.04 59.41 59.26 Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and p-values were used to investigate the significance of the effects on the dual-bed preconcentration system. The Pareto chart of main effects and their interactions produced from ANOVA results, is shown in Fig. 8.1. The bar lengths of the Pareto chart are proportional to the absolute value of the estimated effects and they help in comparing the relative importance of effects [25]. It can be seen from Fig. 8.1 that sample pH was highly significant for all the metal ions studied except for Al. This is because ion exchange is chiefly governed by the pH of the solution. This is partly because hydrogen ions also strongly compete for active sites and the solution pH influences the ionization of surface functional groups. Therefore, in can be concluded that sample pH played a significant role in the retention of the analytes. Other factors such as sample flow rate and eluent concentration had little or no statistical significant effect on the extraction of Ag, Al, As and Cr. In view of the information obtained from Table 8.3 and ANOVA results, silver and aluminium can be 152 Chapter eight: Dual-bed resin SPE for preconcentration of Ag, Al, As and Cr preconcentrated simultaneously. This is because they both had the highest percentage recoveries at the same experimental conditions (experiments 9-11). Therefore, the optimum sample pH, eluent concentration and sample flow rate chosen for simultaneous separation and preconcentration of Ag and Al in a gasoline matrix concur with the conditions established by experiment (run) 9-11. For As and Cr, the highest recoveries were observed at experiments 1 and 3, respectively. Therefore, the optimum sample pH, eluent concentration and sample flow rate for preconcentration of As were 9.0, 1.0 mol L-1 and 3.0 mL min-1, respectively. For separation and preconcentration of Cr on the other hand, the optimum sample pH, eluent concentration and sample flow rate were selected to be 9.0, 4.0 mol L-1 and 3.0 mL min-1, respectively. It can be seen from the optimum conditions that the eluent concentration was differed depending on the analyte. This might be due to the different behaviour of metal ions which results from the difference in charge density. For instance, metal ions that have a higher charge density are strongly bound by the resins functional groups; therefore, high acid concentrations are required to strip off the retained metal ions. 153 Chapter eight: Dual-bed resin SPE for preconcentration of Ag, Al, As and Cr Fig. 8.1. Pareto chart of standardized effects for variables in the separation and preconcentration of silver (A); aluminium (B), arsenic (C) and Cr (D). 154 Chapter eight: Dual-bed resin SPE for preconcentration of Ag, Al, As and Cr 8.3.2 Effect of Sample Volume The concentrations of metals in real gasoline samples are typically at trace levels. To solve the problem of detectability of trace levels, a preconcentration procedure can be employed where large sample volumes are used to obtain high enrichment factors. In addition, the optimization of sample volume helps in evaluating the saturation point of an absorbent. Therefore, the capacity of the column was examined by loading, 50-1000 mL volumes of synthetic gasoline solutions containing 15 µg L-1 of metal ions. The recoveries of the analytes from different volumes of synthetic gasoline solutions are presented in Fig. 8.2. The recoveries were found to be stable up to 500, 650, 650 and 750 mL for Ag, Al, As and Cr, respectively. Therefore, the experimental preconcentration factors, defined as the ratio of the analyte concentrations before and after preconcentration, were calculated to be 100, 130, 130 and 150 for Ag, Al, As and Cr, respectively. The observed decrease in recoveries for each metal ion was probably due to the excess analytes, loaded over the column capacity as the sample volume increased. As a compromise, 100 mL was chosen for further investigation. This was done in order to speed up sample analysis. Fig. 8.2. Effect of sample volume on the recoveries of metal ions 155 Chapter eight: Dual-bed resin SPE for preconcentration of Ag, Al, As and Cr 8.3.3 Column Regeneration The regeneration of the dual bed column was investigated by monitoring the changes in the recoveries of Ag, Al and As through several retention-elution cycles. In each cycle, 50 mL multi-element solution (20 µg L−1) was passed through the column and then eluted with 5 mL of 3.0 mol L-1 HNO3. The procedure was carried out 40 times per day for 5 subsequent days (a maximum of 200 runs) without any changes in the performance. 8.3.4 Analytical Performances of the Dual-Bed SPE Method Calibration solutions were prepared with multi-element standards containing 0, 5, 20, 40, 80, 100 and 120 µg L−1 in 100 mL volume. Each solution was passed through the column and collected in 5 mL of HNO3. The calibration curve was linear (r2 = 0.9981–0.9994) for Ag, Al, As and Cr. The IUPAC limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) under optimized conditions were calculated from the signals of 21 successive measurements of the blank (100 mL) and the slope (m) of the calibration curve. The LOD was defined as the lowest concentration of an analyte giving signals equal to three times standard deviation (SD) of blank signal divided by the slope of the calibration curve that the analytical technique can detect (3SD/m). The LOQ, on the other, was defined as the to the smallest concentration of an analyte giving signals equal to ten times the standard deviation of blank signal divided by the slope of the calibration curve which can be accurately and precisely measured with an analytical procedure (10SD/m). Under the optimum conditions, the LOD were found to be 0.17, 0.16, 0.18 and 0.22 µg L-1, for Ag, Al, As and Cr, respectively. On the other hand, the LOQ values we determined as 0.57, 0.52, 0.59 and 0.76 µg L−1 for Ag, Al, As and Cr, respectively. The instrumental detection limits (IDL) were 0.6, 1.0, 2.0 and 0.2 µg L−1 for Ag, Al, As and Cr, respectively. The precision of the preconcentration system, calculated as the relative standard deviation (% RSD; n= 15), was less than or equal to 2% with mean recoveries of 97.3±1.2%, 99±2.0%, 98.7 ±1.8 % and 97.6±1.3%, for Ag, Al, As and Cr respectively. The time required for preconcentration of 100 mL of sample was obtained to be 6 under the following conditions: percolation for 300 s at a flow rate 2-3 mL min−1; elution for 30 s at a flow rate 3.0 mL min−1; washing and conditioning for 30 s. However, the sample preconcentration was performed in triplicate and they were all carried out at the same time. Therefore, the overall time for preconcentration of triplicates was approximately 10 min. Hence, the throughput sample was approximately 18 samples h-1. 156 Chapter eight: Dual-bed resin SPE for preconcentration of Ag, Al, As and Cr 8.3.5 Validation of the Dual-Bed SPE Method Due to the absence of certified reference material (CRM) that is similar to the investigated samples, the validity of the proposed dual-bed SPE system was examined by using addition/recovery experiments. Gasoline sample (G1) was spiked with organic and inorganic standard solutions. Additionally, the purpose of spiking the gasoline sample with organic and inorganic standard solutions was to evaluate the ion exchange efficiency of resins to different metal species in fuel samples. This is because the speciation of trace elements in petroleum products is not fully known and different species may display different adsorption behaviors.16 The recoveries of analytes spiked into the gasoline sample are presented in Table 8.4. It can be seen from this table that the recovery values calculated for the standard additions (organic and inorganic forms) for the investigated metal ions were greater than or equal to 95%. These results confirmed the accuracy of the proposed method and insignificant matrix effects, taking into consideration that the recoveries were in the range from 95-99%. In addition, since similar percentage recoveries were obtained for organic and inorganic forms, this implies that a dual-bed SPE system may be used for preconcentration of trace elements in their inorganic or organic forms. 157 Chapter eight: Dual-bed resin SPE for preconcentration of Ag, Al, As and Cr Table 8.4. Determination of Ag, Al, As and Cr (µg L-1) in gasoline sample spiked with inorganic and organic standard solutions (mean ± standard deviation, n= 3) Ag ISa MOSb a Addedc 0 5 10 5 10 Foundc 27.0±0.1 31.8±1.0 36.7±1.0 31.8±1.1 36.6±0.9 Al Recovery 96.4±1.5 97.1±1.4 95.2±1.2 95.7±1.1 Found 57.0±0.1 61.9±0.6 66.8±1.3 61.9±0.8 66.9±1.6 As Recovery 97.8±1.3 98.3±1.3 98.2±1.2 98.7±1.8 Found 157±2 162±2. 167±2 162±2 167±2 IS: Inorganic standard; bMOS = metallo-organic standard; cConcentration in µg L-1 158 Cr Recovery 99.0±2.3 98.8±1.8 95.4±1.7 96.8±1.2 Found 60.6±0.4 65.5±1.2 70.5±1.3 65.4±0.8 70.5±0.8 Recovery 97.4±2.1 99.1±2.5 96.8±1.8 98.9±1.1 Chapter eight: Dual-bed resin SPE for preconcentration of Ag, Al, As and Cr 8.3.6 Analysis of Real Samples The proposed method was applied for determination of Ag, Al, As and Cr in ten gasoline samples. The obtained metal ion concentrations are presented in Table 8.5. In general, the concentrations of Al were higher in all the samples compared to other studied metal ions. The higher concentration might be due to the abundance of Al in the Earth’s crust. It was observed that Al and As were always present in all the samples, whereas Cr was not detectable in G7 and G8 samples. It can be seen from Table 8.5 that the concentrations of Ag in most of the samples are below the LOQ (calculated using 10SD/m) of the proposed method. The use of dual-bed SPE method prior to ICP OES determination showed an improvement for both sensitivity and LOD for metal ions those that were in ultra-trace levels. This can be an important feature in the analysis of the fuel samples. In view of the fact that there is no gasoline or similar reference material available with certified values for the studied metal ions, it was crucial to use an independent sample pretreatment technique for further validation (microwave-assisted digestion). It should be noted that ICP OES after microwave-assisted digestion was used as a reference method. The results obtained for gasoline samples by the proposed method did not differ significantly from the values obtained by the reference method according to the paired Student's t-test at the 95% confidence level (tcal = 0.98, 0.46, 0.16 and 1.40 for Ag, Al, As and Cr, respectively). In all the cases, tcal was lower than tcrit = 3.18, n = 4 for Ag; tcrit = 2.26 for Al and As, n=10; tcrit = 2.44 for Cr, n = 7. In addition, the statistical F-test showed that the precisions of the proposed analytical methods were not significant at 95% confidence level. The overall results are satisfactory and show that the dual-bed SPE method has provided accurate results. Although the results obtained by the proposed method were not significantly different to those obtained by the comparative method, dual-bed SPE method displays more advantages compared to microwave-assisted digestion method. For instance, the proposed method does not require the sample to be subjected to any drastic pretreatment such as concentrated acid heating.17 Furthermore, the use of concentrated acids in microwave-assisted digestion could increase the blank metal values. In addition, the use of concentrated acids is not suitable for use ICP OES. Therefore, a subsequent step could be necessary to dilute or remove the excess 159 Chapter eight: Dual-bed resin SPE for preconcentration of Ag, Al, As and Cr acid.12,26 However, this becomes a challenge because the analytes of interest in real samples are in trace levels and since small amount of samples (1 mL) are used, the concentration of analytes in the samples become too diluted to be determined by ICP OES. In contrast, the samples prepared by the proposed method are compatible with ICP OES without further dilutions. In view of the above limitations of microwave digestion method, the dual-bed preconcentration method is advantageous because it minimizes the risks of incomplete mineralization of the organic matrix and cross-contamination.19 Furthermore, in terms of sample through put, the dualbed SPE method had a higher throuput (18 samples h-1) compared to microwave-assisted digestion method (10 samples h-1). 160 Chapter eight: Dual-bed resin SPE for preconcentration of Ag, Al, As and Cr Table 8.5. The determination of Ag, Al, As and Cr in different gasoline samples using dual-bed SPE/ICP OES and MAD/ ICP OES methods Samples Ag (µg L-1) G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 DB-SPEa 27.0± 0.1 ND 4.67±0.16 4.14±0.22 22.8±0.4 NDc ND ND ND ND a Al (mg L1) MADb 26.6±0.1 ND 4.48±0.12 3.83±0.34 23.2±0.7 ND ND ND ND ND DB-SPE 1469±20 538±5 799±10 710±8 626±7 1021±7 1089±19 748±10 1018±14 854±12 As (µg L-1) MAD 1481±21 582±5 801±12 696±8 631±8 1018±10 1091 ±20 753±9 1015±14 848±11 DB-SPE 157±1.8 133±2 112±3 98.4±1.0 47.9±0.4 69.3±0.9 83.6±0.5 52.4±0.7 79.3±0.7 57.9±0.3 Cr (µg L-1) MAD 162±2 131±3 111±3 98.6±1.1 48.1±0.5 70.0±0.8 82.8±0.8 51.9±0.5 78.8±0.6 58.2±0.3 DB-SPE 60.6±0.4 75.1±0.2 12.1±0.2 64.1±0.5 ND 3.28±0.10 ND ND 31.1±0.2 20.5±0.3 DC-SPE = dual column solid phase extraction; bMAD = microwave- assisted digestion; cND = not detectable 161 MAD 59.9±0.5 75.5±0.4 11.9±0.2 63.9±0.6 ND 2.91±0.34 ND ND 31.3±0.2 19.7±0.3 Chapter eight: Dual-bed resin SPE for preconcentration of Ag, Al, As and Cr 8.4 CONCLUSION A full factorial design used for optimization of dual-bed SPE column system allowed the establishment of optimum conditions for separation and preconcentration of metal ions in gasoline samples. In addition, factorial design helped in evaluating the interaction between the investigated factors and their effect on the analytical response (recovery). The optimum conditions for retention and elution of metal ions with respect to sample pH, eluent concentration and sample flow rate were as follows:(i) for Ag and Al-6.0, 2.5 mol L1 and 2.0 mL min-1; (ii) for As-9.0, 1.0 mol L-1 and 3.0 mL min-1 and for Cr- 9.0, 4.0 mol L-1 and 3.0 mL min-1. The optimized dual-bed SPE procedure proved to be suitable for total preconcentration of metal ions in gasoline samples. In addition, the preconcentration step permitted the elimination of the organic matrix, thus, avoiding the need for digestion of the samples before ICP OES determination. The proposed method was applied in the determination of Ag, Al, As and Cr in ten real gasoline samples purchased from different filling stations in Johannesburg, South Africa. The dual-bed SPE method can be considered as a superior method compared to or to other sample pretreatment techniques such as acid digestion because it combines relatively low LOD and LOQ values obtained in the range 0.16-0.22 and 0.52-0.76 µg L-1, respectively for all metals, with higher sample throughput of 18 samples h-1. 8.5 REFERENCES 1. Cassella R. J., Brum D. M., Lima C.F., Caldas L. F. S. & de Paula C. E. R. 2011. Multivariate optimization of the determination of zinc in diesel oil employing a novel extraction strategy based on emulsion breaking. Analytica Chimica Acta, 690, 79-85. 2. Donati, G. L., Amais, R. S., Schiavo, D. & Nobrega, J. A. 2013. Determination of Cr, Ni, Pb and V in gasoline and ethanol fuel by microwave plasma optical emission spectrometry. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 28, 755-759. 3. Saint'pierre, T. D., Dias, L. F., Maia, S. M. & Curtius, A. J. 2004. 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T. C., Curtius, A. J. & Vanhaecke, F. 2011. Determination of trace elements in biodiesel and vegetable oil by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry following alcohol dilution. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 66, 733-739. 14. de Souza, R. M., Meliande, A. L. S., Da Silveira, C. L. P. & Aucélio, R. Q. 2006. Determination of Mo, Zn, Cd, Ti, Ni, V, Fe, Mn, Cr and Co in crude oil using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry and sample introduction as detergentless microemulsions. Microchemical Journal, 82, 137-141. 163 Chapter eight: Dual-bed resin SPE for preconcentration of Ag, Al, As and Cr 15. Sousa, J. K. C., Dantas, A. N. D. S., Marques, A. L. B. & Lopes, G. S. 2008. Experimental design applied to the development of a copper direct determination method in gasoline samples by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Fuel Processing Technology, 89, 1180-1185. 16. Santos, D. S. S., M.G. A. Korn, M. A. B. Guida, G. L. Dos Santos, V. A. Lemos And L. S. G. Teixeira 2011. Determination of Copper, Iron, Lead and Zinc in Gasoline by Sequential Multi-Element Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry after Solid Phase Extraction. Journal of Brazzilian Chemical Society, 22, 552-557. 17. Nomngongo, P. N., Ngila, J. C., Kamau, J. N., Msagati, T. A. M. & Moodley, B. 2013. Preconcentration of molybdenum, antimony and vanadium in gasolsine samples using Dowex 1-x8 resin and their determination with inductively coupled plasma–optical emission spectrometry. Talanta, 110, 153-159. 18. Wang, T., Jia, X. & Wu, J. 2003. Direct determination of metals in organics by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry in aqueous matrices. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 33, 639-646. 19. Aguirre, M. A., Kovachev, N., Hidalgo, M. & Canals, A. 2012. Analysis of biodiesel and oil samples by on-line calibration using a Flow Blurring[registered sign] multinebulizer in ICP OES without oxygen addition. 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Chemometric tools in electroanalytical chemistry: Methods for optimization based on factorial design and response surface methodology. Microchemical Journal, 92, 58-67. 24. Kowalewska, Z., Ruszczyńska, A. & Bulska, E. 2005. Cu determination in crude oil distillation products by atomic absorption and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry after analyte transfer to aqueous solution. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 60, 351-359. 25. Ferreira, S. L. C., Queiroz, A. S., Fernandes, M. S. & Dos Santos, H. C. 2002. Application of factorial designs and Doehlert matrix in optimization of experimental variables associated with the preconcentration and determination of vanadium and 164 Chapter eight: Dual-bed resin SPE for preconcentration of Ag, Al, As and Cr copper in seawater by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 57, 1939-1950. 26. Stewart, I. I. & W. Olesik, J. 1998. Steady state acid effects in ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 13, 1313-1320. 165 CHAPTER NINE: A SOLID PHASE EXTRACTION PROCEDURE BASED ON ELECTROSPUN CELLULOSE-g-OXOLANE-2,5-DIONE NANOFIBERS FOR TRACE DETERMINATION OF Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb AND ZN IN GASOLINE SAMPLES BY ICP OES ABSTRACT Cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione nanofibers were prepared as an adsorbent for simultaneous separation and preconcentration of trace amounts of Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn ions in gasoline samples prior to ICP OES detection. The nanofibers were chemically and morphologically characterized by FTIR, solid-state 13C NMR, BET, SEM techniques. The influences of experimental parameters such as sample pH, HNO3 concentration on metal ion elution from the nanofibers, flow rate and sample volume were investigated. The metal ions were retained on 0.5 g of the adsorbent at pH 6 and recovered with 5.0 mL of 2.0 mol L−1 HNO3. The adsorption capacities for the adsorbent were 273.1, 183.6, 195.5, 236.2 and 182.4 mg g-1 for Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn, respectively. The relative standard deviation was <3% (n =15), limits of detection and quantification were 0.13-0.68 µg L-1 and 0.42-2.2 µg L-1, respectively, and the maximum preconcentration factor was 60. It was observed that cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione nanofibers can be used for more than 30 adsorption-elution cycles without decreasing the extraction efficiency. The accuracy of the method was confirmed by analyzing certified reference material and by performing spike recovery test. The accuracy and recovery for different metal ions were in the range 97-102% and 9699%, respectively. The optimized method was applied for the separation and preconcentration of metal ions in gasoline samples. Keywords: Cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione nanofibers, preconcentration, gasoline, trace metal ions, ICP OES 9.1 INTRODUCTION One of the problems that petroleum industries are faced is the presence of metal ions in fuels. Metals occur naturally in fossil materials and, as a result, their presence can be transferred to petroleum based products. Their presence can also be due to their incorporation during the production process, by contact with refinement or distillation equipment, storage and transport.1,2 Metal ions found in fuel have an ability to catalyze 166 Chapter nine: Solid phase extraction using electrospun nanofibers oxidative reactions in hydrocarbon mixtures and degrading thermal stability of fuel.3 For instance, copper ions can catalyze the oxidation reactions of unsaturated hydrocarbons in gasoline with oxygen leading to formation of gums, which then results in the decomposition of fuel leading to poor engine performance.3-5 In addition, the presence of Pb in fuel can reduce the efficiency of catalytic reactors used in vehicle exhaust systems, thus increasing the emission of exhaust gases such as carbon monoxide and oxides of sulfur and nitrogen into the atmosphere.3,6 Therefore, it is important to control and monitor their concentrations in gasoline. Metal concentrations in fuel are generally in trace levels,2,6,7 therefore sensitive and fast techniques with low detection limits are required. Direct determination of fuel samples such as gasoline by most analytical techniques is difficult. This is because of its volatility, low viscosity, corrosivity and immiscibility with water.8 Inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES) is a sensitive multi-element technique. However, direct introduction of organic matrices poses a challenge with respect to the operating parameters of the instrument.7,8 This is because direct loading of organic samples on to the ICP can destabilize or extinguish the plasma. 6,7 Therefore, a sample preparation step that will separate and pre-concentrate trace metals in gasoline prior to ICP OES detection is required. Techniques involving separation and preconcentration procedures for the determination of trace elements in organic matrices, such as ethanol fuels and gasoline, are reported in literature.4,5,8-12 However, the development of methodologies to separate and preconcentrate metal ions in different fuel matrices prior to their spectrometric determination is still a gap in the scientific literature.13 Recently, the use of nanometer-sized materials in solid phase extraction (SPE) as metals ion adsorbents has become an active area of research in the field of separation science because of their special properties.14 The latter include small diameter, large specific surface area, high degree of macromolecular orientation and the resultant superior mechanical properties. These nanometer-sized materials can be obtained by electrospinning process which is a technique that uses electric force to make the spinning process producing polymer fibers with diameters in the nanometer range (10–1000 nm).15 Cellulose is one the most abundant biopolymers that has been intensely studied for possible application in removal of toxic metal ions in the environmental samples.16,17 However, cellulose is relatively inert because the hydroxyl groups, which act as active groups, are involved in inter- and intramolecular hydrogen bonding.18 Therefore, functionalization approaches have been employed to improve the surface, reactivity and 167 Chapter nine: Solid phase extraction using electrospun nanofibers stability of this biopolymer.18,19 The functionalization strategies have been attained through two main routes. These include (i) introduction of functional groups into the raw cellulose backbone; and (ii) electrospinning of celluloses to form nanofibers (this is done to increase its surface area and pore volume) followed by change of the functional groups on the cellulose surface.19,20 The second route, which involves electrospinning, has recently received much attention. However, difficulties to find suitable solvents to dissolve cellulose make it difficult to directly prepare cellulose nanofiber by electrospinning.21 To overcome these challenges, cellulose derivatives such as cellulose acetate has been used to prepare nanofibers. Cellulose acetate nanofiber is then treated with alkaline solution to remove the acetyl groups completely to obtain regenerated cellulose nanofiber.19,21-23 Functionalized cellulose and cellulose nanofibers have been applied for the adsorption of metal ions in the environmental samples including wastewater.19 The objective of this work was to develop a SPE procedure for simultaneous separation and preconcentration of trace amounts of Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb, and Zn in gasoline using cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione electrospun nanofibers prior to their ICP OES detection. It should be noted that manganese, which used as organic manganese fuel additive, was deliberately omitted in this study because it is already present in large quantities in some gasoline samples and therefore it does not qualified to be trace. It is important to highlight that there are no reported data about the application of cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione nanofibers for separation and preconcentration of metal ions in gasoline. The effects of pH, flow rates, eluent concentration and sample volume were studied and optimized. The validity of the SPE procedure was studied and was verified by analyzing a certified reference material (CRM). In addition, spike-recovery experiments were carried out and corresponding recoveries were evaluated. 9.2 EXPERIMENTAL 9.2.1 Material and methods All reagents were of analytical grade unless otherwise stated and double distilled deionised water (Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA) was used throughout the experiments. Cellulose acetate (Mw = 30,000, % acetyl content = 39.8), N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMAc), acetone, toluene and oxolane-2,5-dione obtained from Sigma–Aldrich (South Africa) were used in the preparation of the solid phase material. Absolute ethanol (Merck, 168 Chapter nine: Solid phase extraction using electrospun nanofibers Darmstadt, Germany) and was used to prepare model solutions. Spectrascan stock solutions (1000 mg L-1) of Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb, and Zn (Industrial Analytical Pty Ltd, Johannesburg, South Africa) were used to prepare the working solutions for solid phase extraction (SPE) at concentrations of 20 µg L-1 for all metal ions. Working solutions (prepared in organic phase), as per the experimental requirements, were freshly prepared from the stock solution for each experimental run. A Spectrascan multi-element standard solution at concentration of 100 mg L-1 (Industrial Analytical Pty Ltd, Johannesburg, South Africa) was used to prepare working standard solutions at concentrations of 10-120 µg L-1 (Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn) for measurements of concentrations of analytes in all model and sample solutions. Solutions of nitric acid at concentrations of 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 mol L-1 were prepared from ultrapure concentrated acid (65%, Sigma-Aldrich, St. Loius, MO, USA). These solutions were used for the elution of the analytes from the column. The pH adjustments were performed with glacial acetic acid (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) and ammonia (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Loius, MO, USA) solutions. Ten gasoline samples from different local filling stations were used for method development and validation. Gasoline samples with additives and without additives are described as metal-containing unleaded gasoline (MCUG) and metal-free unleaded gasoline (MFUG), respectively. Metal ions (Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn) were determined using a Spectro Arcos 165 ICP OES (SPECTRO Analytical Instruments, GmbH, Germany) equipped with Cetac ASX-520 autosampler. The ICP OES operating conditions listed in Table 9.1. Sample introduction was achieved using a pneumatic cross-flow nebulizer mounted onto a Scott double-pass spray chamber. Sample solutions were pumped to the nebulizer using a built in four channel peristaltic pump. The most prominent atomic and ionic analytical spectral lines of the metal ions were selected for investigation, that is, Cd 228.802 nm, Cu 324.754 nm, Fe 259.941 nm, Pb 220.353 nm and Zn 213.856 nm. Solid phase extraction was carried out in a VacMaster-24 sample SPE station (Supelco, PA, USA). The latter was used to control the sample loading and elution flow rates. Table 9.1. The operating parameters of determination of elements by ICP OES RF power 1400 W Plasma argon flow rate Auxiliary argon flow rate Nebulizer argon flow rare Sample aspiration rate Replicate measurements 13 L min-1 2.00 L min-1 0.95 L min-1. 2.0 mL min-1 3 169 Chapter nine: Solid phase extraction using electrospun nanofibers Infrared spectra were recorded using Spectrum 100 FT-IR (PerkinElmer, USA) spectrometer equipped with Universal Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR) attachment with a diamond crystal in the range 4000-500 cm-1. Solid-state cross polarization magic angle spin Carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (CP-MAS 13 C NMR) spectra of the nanofibers were obtained on a Bruker Avance III 600 MHz (GmbH, Germany) spectrometer installed with the software Bruker Topspin 2.1 software. Spectra were acquired at frequencies of 75.47 MHz with a magic angle spinning of 10 kHz. The morphological characteristics of nanofibers were measured by scanning electron microscopy (Leo 1450 using SmartSEM software version 5.03.06), operating at 10 kV. 9.2.2 Electrospinning and functionalization of cellulose nanofibers with oxolane-2,5dione Electrospinning of cellulose acetate was performed according to the procedure described by Ma et al.21 and Musyoka et al.19 Deacetylation of cellulose acetate nanofibers and functionalization of cellulose nanofibers with oxolane-2,5-dione was carried out as per Musyoka et al.19 9.2.3 Column preparation A mass (0.5 g) of cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione nanofibers was introduced into the polyethylene columns (diameter 1.35 cm and 6.5 cm in height) plugged with a small portion of porous frits at both ends. Porous frits were used to hold and confine the adsorbent within the designated capacity/volume. Before use, 1.0 mol L-1 HNO3 solution and doubly distilled water were passed through the column in order to clean it. The columns were conditioned to the desired pH with ammonium buffer solution. 9.2.4 Preconcentration procedure Model solutions were prepared as follows: 2.0 mL of 1.0 mg L-1 Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn solutions were separately transferred into 100 mL volumetric flasks and made up to the mark with ethanol to obtain 20 µg L-1 concentration of each metal ion. Ethanol model solutions of metal ions (20 mL) were percolated through the cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione columns at a flow rate of 3.0 mL min-1. The column was washed with 10 mL of double distilled deionised water to remove excess alcohol solution, followed by 5.0 mL of 170 Chapter nine: Solid phase extraction using electrospun nanofibers ammonium acetate buffer solution to remove major cations (Na+, Ca2+, K+, etc). Lastly, the metal ions were eluted with 5 mL of 2.0 mol L-1 HNO3 solution. All fractions obtained during the elution stage were collected separately and analyzed by ICP OES. It should be noted that the washings with double distilled deionised water and ammonium acetate buffer solution were discarded. The same procedure was applied to the blank solutions. After each use, the sorbent in the column was washed with 20 mL of double distilled deionised water and stored for the next experiment. The effect of sample pH, sample volume, eluent concentration and sample and eluent flow rates were investigated. All analyses were performed in triplicate. 9.2.5 Procedure for the dilution of Certified Reference Material To validate the preconcentration method described in this study, a Conostan custom made oil based certified reference material (CRM) obtained from SCP Science (Quebec, Canada) containing 1.0 mg L-1 of each metal ion was used. The dilution of the CRM was performed as follows: a 2.0 mL aliquot of 1.0 mg L-1 CRM dissolved in 10 ml of hexane. The solution was quantitatively transferred in to 100 mL volumetric flask and made to the mark with acetone to obtain 20 µg L-1 of each metal ion. Suitable aliquots (20 ml) of the solution were taken and pre-concentrated by the cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione SPE procedure and analyzed with ICP OES. The same procedure was applied to the preparation of the blank solution. 9.2.6 Procedure for acid digestion of gasoline samples The acid digestion procedure was carried out according to Amorim et al.24. Briefly description of the procedure involved is as follows: 5.0 ml of gasoline sample was transferred into 100 mL Teflon beaker followed by 2.0 mL H2O2 (30%) and 6 mL HNO3 (65%) and heated at 170 ± 10 °C in hot plate for 10 min. The digested content was left to cool down to room temperature and quantitatively transferred to a volumetric flask and diluted with double distilled deionised water to a final volume of 50 mL. double distilled deionised water applied to the same procedure was used as the blank. The samples were then analyzed with ICP OES. 171 Chapter nine: Solid phase extraction using electrospun nanofibers 9.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 9.3.1 Characterization of the adsorbent Chemical changes (deacetylation and functionalization) of the nanofibers materials were investigated by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy and the results are presented in Fig. 1. Cellulose acetate nanofibers showed a characteristic strong carbonyl absorption band at 1750 cm-1 which is due to the presence of acetyl groups.19,21 After the nanofibers were treated with alkaline solution, the disappearance of the strong carbonyl absorption was noticed. This showed that the deacetylation process was achieved. In addition, the hydroxyl absorption band at 3321 cm-1 was stronger for deacetylated cellulose nanofibers compared to cellulose acetate nanofibers. This might be due to the increase of the hydroxyl groups in the deacetylated cellulose.15 After surface functionalization of cellulose nanofibers, the FTIR spectrum in Fig. 9.1 shows absorption band at 1730 cm-1. The latter suggested that the deacetylated cellulose nanofibers was successfully functionalized with oxolane-2,5-dione.19 Fig. 9.1. Characteristic absorption peaks of (A) cellulose acetate, (B) deacetylated cellulose and (C) cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione 172 Chapter nine: Solid phase extraction using electrospun nanofibers The findings obtained by FTIR were confirmed by CP-MAS 13C-NMR and the results are summarized in Table 9.2. The assignment of the chemical shifts of cellulose, cellulose acetate and cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione was done according to Splendore et al.18 Musyoka et al.19 Biermann et al.25 Kono et al.26 and Kono et al.27. The spectrum of cellulose acetate nanofibers showed a downfield signal at δ 172 ppm which was attributed to the CO of the acetyl group. The up field signal at δ 22 ppm was assigned to the methyl carbons present in the acetate chain.19 The NMR spectrum of deacetylated cellulose nanofibers showed the characteristic signal pattern of cellulose. However, the functionalized cellulose nanofibers showed new signals at 174 and 30 ppm, which were attributed to the carbonyl and methylene groups, respectively.19 The deacetylation of cellulose acetate to cellulose and the functionalization of the latter were successfully confirmed by FTIR and CP-MAS 13C-NMR analyses. Table 9.2. 13 C NMR chemical shifts for cellulose acetate, deacetylated cellulose and cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione and the corresponding assignments Nanofibers Cellulose acetate Deacetylated cellulose Cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5dione δ (ppm) 172 105,67 75 22 105,67 91 71-82 174 106,66 90 70-81 30 Assignments CO C1,C6 C2-C5 CH3 C1, C6 C4 C2,C3 and C5 CO C1, C6 C4 C2,C3 and C5 CH2 Morphological structures of cellulose and cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione nanofibers by SEM image are shown in Fig. 9.2. The unmodified cellulose nanofiber had a mean diameter of 334 nm. After functionalization, the mean diameter of cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5dione nanofibers did not change. The specific surface area and the pore size of cellulose-goxolane-2,5-dione nanofibers were determined using the BET equation applied to the adsorption data on nitrogen adsorption/desorption experiments. The results showed that the average specific surface area and the pore size were 14.31 m2 g-1 and 113.56 Å, 173 Chapter nine: Solid phase extraction using electrospun nanofibers respectively. The relatively large specific surface area and small pore structures confirmed that cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione nanofibers can serve as an adsorbent with large adsorption capacity. Fig. 9.2. SEM micrographs: (I) cellulose nanofibers and (II) cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione nanofibers 9.3.2 Effect of sample pH Sample pH is a very important factor for efficient adsorption of analyte ions on the solid phase material.28 This is because, sample pH affects adsorbent surface charge, degree of ionization and speciation of the analyte. Consequently, the effects of pH of ethanol solution on the retentions of Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn ions onto cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5dione nanofibers were examined at the pH range of 4.0-10.0. The pH was adjusted using glacial acetic acid and/or 1.0 mol L-1 NH3. It can be seen from Fig. 9.3 that the percentage recovery increased with increased pH values and all the analytes were quantitatively recovered in the pH range 6.0–7.0. The increase in metal ion removal as pH increased was due to the decrease in competition between protons (H+) and positively charged metal ions at the surface sites. Therefore, a decrease in positive charge results in a lower repulsion of the adsorbing analyte. However, a decrease was observed at ph values greater than 7, this decrease might be due to the formation of insoluble metal ion hydroxides and this observation is in close agreement with Musyoka et al.19 Therefore, for all subsequent 174 Chapter nine: Solid phase extraction using electrospun nanofibers experiments pH 6.0 was adopted as optimum for the quantitative separation and preconcentration of metal ions. Fig. 9.3. Effect of sample pH on retention of the analytes in ethanol onto cellulose-goxolane-2,5-dione column: Experimental conditions: analyte concentration 20 µg L-1; amount of adsorbent 0.5 g; flow rates of sample and eluent 2.0 mL min−1; eluent concentration 2.0 mol L-1, eluent volume 5 mL; replicates n = 3 9.3.3 Effect of eluent concentration Effect of eluent concentration on metal ion elution from the adsorbent was investigated. Various concentrations of HNO3 were used for desorption of adsorbed analyte ions from the cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione column. It can be seen from Table 9.3 that lower recoveries were obtained with 0.5-1.0 mol L-1 HNO3. The lower recoveries of metal ions might be due to the strong interaction between metal and adsorbent.28 Therefore, it may be concluded that 0.5-1.0 mol L-1 HNO3 was not suitable for quantitative elution of retained metal ions. Quantitative recoveries were obtained with 2.0-3.0 mol L-1 HNO3. Under optimized conditions, 2.0 mol L-1 was used for further investigations. 175 Chapter nine: Solid phase extraction using electrospun nanofibers Table 9.3. Influences of the eluent concentration on the recoveries of the analytes on cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione column. Elements Nitric acid concentration (mol L-1) 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 Cd 65.3±2.5 94.3±1.9 97.2±1.0 97.5±1.6 Cu 66.2±2.2 90.1±1.5 98.0±1.1 97.6±1.1 Fe 67.6±1.5 88.7±1.5 98.9±0.9 98.1±1.3 Pb 70.1±2.1 93.7±1.7 97.4±1.4 97.8±1.4 Zn 61.3±1.8 89.6±1.4 97.2±1.5 96.8±1.2 Experiment conditions: sample volume 20 mL; amount of adsorbent 0.5 g, flow rates of sample and eluent 2.0 mL min−1, replicates n = 3) 9.3.4 Effect of flow rate of sample solutions The optimization of the sample and eluent flow rates was carried out to ensure the quantitative retention and desorption of the analytes. The effect of sample and eluent flow rates of the sample solution (20 mL) on the retention of the metal ions onto cellulose-goxolane-2,5-dione nanofibers was done on a column packed with 0.5 g of the adsorbent. The influence of flow rates was investigated in the range of 1–5 mL min-1. It can be seen from Table 9.4 that the quantitative recovery values were obtained in the flow rate range of 1–2 mL min-1 for sample and eluent solution. Flow rates greater than 2.0 mL min-1 caused a gradual decrease in sorption due to insufficient contact time between the cellulose-goxolane-2,5-dione nanofibers and the metal ions. Therefore, 2.0 mL min-1 flow rate was chosen as the optimum flow rate for sample loading and analyte elution. Table 9.4. Effect of flow rate of sample solutions: analytical results in terms of recovery Follow rates (min L-1) 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Recovery (%) Cd 98.3±1.1 97.8±2.1 94.5±0.5 88.7±1.4 77.4±3.1 Cu 99.8±0.9 99.4±1.1 95.4±1.8 90.1±1.9 76.5±2.5 Fe 98.3±1.5 98.5±0.9 95.1±0.4 91.2±0.8 79.4±2.4 176 Pb 97.8±1.0 98.4±0.9 94.8±1.2 87.8±1.8 80.1±2.0 Zn 99.6±0.1 99.4±0.7 96.5±0.5 93.1±0.8 86.7±1.8 Chapter nine: Solid phase extraction using electrospun nanofibers 9.3.5 Effect of the sample volume The effect of the sample volume on the recoveries of metal ions on cellulose-goxolane-2,5-dione column was investigated by varying the sample volume from 20 to 500 mL. The results are shown in Fig. 9.4. The sample volume did not affect quantitative recoveries in the range of 20–300 mL of the sample volume for the investigated metal ions. Above 300 mL, the recoveries decreased for all the metal ions. The decrease in the recoveries of the analytes is probably due to the excess analytes loaded over the column capacity with increasing sample volume. The preconcentration factor defined as the ratio of the analyte concentrations before and after preconcentration, was calculated as 60 when eluent volume is 5.0 mL. Fig. 9.4. Effect of sample volume on the recoveries of metal ions. Experimental conditions: pH 6; analyte concentration 20 µg L-1; amount of cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione nanofibers 0.5 g; flow rates of sample and eluent 2.0 mL min−1; eluent concentration 2.0 mol L-1; eluent volume 5 mL; replicates n = 3 9.3.6 Adsorption capacities The adsorption capacity is an important factor, because it determines how much sorbent is required to quantitatively concentrate the analytes from a given solution.14 177 Chapter nine: Solid phase extraction using electrospun nanofibers Preliminary adsorption studies with cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione nanofibers revealed that 60 minutes is sufficient time for the system to reach equilibrium. Therefore, 0.05 g cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione nanofibers was equilibrated in 20 mL of Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn ethanol solutions at concentrations 30 to 250 mg L-1 by shaking for 60 minutes at pH 6. The experimental data were fitted into the general equation of the modified Langmuir model presented in Eq. 1.19 The later was used to calculate the maximum adsorption capacity. Ce 1 1 Ce qe qmax K L qmax (1) where qe is the equilibrium adsorption capacity of ions on the adsorbent (mg g−1); Ce, the equilibrium ions concentration in solution (mg L−1); qmax, the maximum capacity of the adsorbent (mg g−1); and KL, the Langmuir adsorption constant (L mg−1). The results showed that adsorption capacity of the analytes probably differ due to their size, degree of hydration and the value of their binding constant with cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione.14 The maximum adsorption capacities were found to be 273.1, 183.6, 195.5, 236.2 and 182.4 mg g-1 for Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn, respectively. The sorption capacities were higher than those reported by Qu et al.,3 and Prado et al.13. Due to the different behaviour of metals in various matrices, the results were not compared to those studies carried out in aqueous phase. 9.3.7 Column regeneration In order to investigate the possibility of reusing the cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione column, adsorption/desorption experiments were conducted. The results in Table 9.5 showed that the column can be reused after elution of metal ions with 5.0 mL 2.0 mol L-1 HNO3 and rinsed with 20 mL distilled water, respectively. The column was stable over 30 adsorption/elution cycles without obvious decrease in the recoveries for the metal ions. The recoveries of the metal ions were remained greater than 95%. It should be noted that 5 cycles were done per day over 6 days to give a total of 30 cycles. 178 Chapter nine: Solid phase extraction using electrospun nanofibers Table 9.5. Column regeneration. Analytes No. of cycles Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn 1 97.2±2.2 98.0±1.2 98.9±1.4 97.4±2.4 97.2±2.1 10 96.8±2.4 98.3±1.1 99.1±0.87 97.9±1.8 97.1±2.4 30 97.2±2.4 98.1±2.1 98.3±1.2 97.1±1.8 96.9±2.4 Experimental conditions: pH 6; analyte concentration 20 µg L-1; amount of cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione nanofibers 0.5 g; flow rates of sample and eluent 2.0 mL min−1; eluent concentration 2.0 mol L-1 ; volume 5 mL; replicates n = 3 9.3.8 Analytical Parameters The analytical performance of the cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione SPE method under optimum conditions for pre-concentration of Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn was evaluated and the results are presented in Table 9.6. The linearity of the methods was investigated by preconcentrating seven portions of ethanol solution spiked with multi-element standard at concentration ranging from 0.5 to 150 µg L-1 and analyzed by ICP OES. It was observed that a linear range of 15 to130 µg L-1 after pre-concentration was achieved for all the investigated analytes. Correlation coefficients are presented in Table 9.6. The sensitivity of the pre-concentration system was defined as the gradient (slope) of the calibration graph. The results in Table 9.6 indicated that the SPE method was more sensitive to Cu and Fe compared to the rest of metals ions. Thus the highest slope obtained was 84.4 L µg-1 for Cu while the lowest was 14.9 L µg-1 for Pb. The limits of detection (LOD) and limits of quantification (LOQ) for Cd, Cu, Fe Pb and Zn ions were obtained from the signals of fifteen blank samples (n = 15) and the slope of the calibration curve. The LODs were defined as the lowest concentration of the analyte giving signals equal to three times the standard deviation of blank signal (Eq. 2). While, LOQs were defined as the lowest concentration of analyte equal to ten times the standard deviation of blank signal (Eq.3) that can be accurately and precisely analyzed.29 The LOD and LOQ were calculated according to Eq. 2 and 3.30 LOD 3 SD m (2) LOQ 10 SD m (3) 179 Chapter nine: Solid phase extraction using electrospun nanofibers where SD is standard deviation of the blank signal and m is the gradient of the calibration curve. For 50.0 mL of sample solution used in the preconcentration step, LOD and LOQ obtained for Cd, Cu, Fe Pb, and Zn are presented in Table 9.6. The instrument detection limits (IDL) for Cd, Cu, Fe Pb, and Zn can seen in Chapter 6 (Table 6.4) The precision (reproducibility) of the SPE method was studied by performing fifteen successive measurements at a concentration of 20 µg L-1 of multi-element organic solution (containing Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn). The overall reproducibility (precision) of preconcentration procedure expressed in terms of relative standard deviation (%RSD) was reasonably good (<3%) as shown in Table 9.6. The overall time required for preconcentration of 20 mL of sample (percolation was 180 s at flow rate of 3 mL min−1; elution was 30 s at flow rate of 3.0 mL min−1 and washing and conditioning was 30 s) was about 4 min. it should be noted that the sample preconcentration was performed in triplicates and they were all carried out at the same time. Therefore, the overall time for preconcentration of triplicates was approximately 7 min. Hence, the throughput sample was approximately 26 samples h-1. Table 9.6. Analytical performances for cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione SPE method. Analyte Sensitivity (cps L µg-1) Correlation efficient (R2) LOD (µg L-1) LOQ (µg L-1) Precision (%) Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn 20.4± 1.3 84.4±2.1 36.6±1.7 14.9±0.9 24.8±1.6 0.9995 0.9989 0.9974 0.9913 0.9986 0.48 0.13 0.31 0.68 0.32 1.61 0.42 1.01 2.18 1.06 1.5 1.1 1.8 2.1 1.3 Experimental conditions: pH 6; analyte concentration 20 µg L-1; amount of cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione nanofibers 0.5 g; flow rates of sample and eluent 2.0 mL min −1; eluent concentration 2.0 mol L-1 ;eluent volume 5 mL; replicates n = 3 The analytical performances of the proposed method were compared with the ones obtained using a comparative method (acid digestion method). Table 9.7 shows the analytical characteristics for acid digestion procedure. It should be noted that acid digestion method does not employ the SPE preconcentration step. The SPE method based on the electrospun cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione nanofibers was more sensitive compared to acid digestion method. In terms of correlation efficient, the acid digestion had better R2 compared to the preconcentration method. The LOD and LOQ of the proposed 180 Chapter nine: Solid phase extraction using electrospun nanofibers preconcentration method were better than those of the acid digestion method. TheThe precision of the two sample pretreatment methods were not significantly different at 95% confidence level using statistical F-test. The samples (triplicates) were digested for ten min and cooled for about 20 min to room temperature. This means that the overall time for acid digestion of triplicates was 30 min. Therefore, the throughput sample was about 6 sample h-1. When comparing the sample throughput using acid digestion with that obtained by the proposed pre-concentration method, the latter had relatively higher sample throughput. Table 9.7. Analytical performances for acid digestion method Analyte Sensitivity (cps L µg-1) Correlation efficient (R2) LOD (µg L-1) LOQ (µg L- Precision 1 ) (%) Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn 16.6±1.1 64.9±3.1 29.7±2.1 9.5±0.6 18.3±1.1 0.9996 0.9999 0.9994 0.9991 0.9993 0.75 0.41 0.56 0.96 0.48 2.50 1.37 1.87 3.21 1.60 1.4 1.2 1.6 2.1 1.4 A comparison of the proposed method with other separation and preconcentration methods in terms of selected analytical parameters such as LOD and %RSD was also carried out. Roldan et al.9 developed a method for Cu, Fe, Ni and Zn determination in gasoline after preconcentration in silica modified with 2-aminotizole group. The LODs obtained were 0.8, 3, 2 and 0.1 µg L-1 for Cu, Fe, Ni and Zn, respectively. Santos et al.5 developed a method for preconcentration of metal ions in gasoline samples using XAD modified with 3,4 dihydroxybenzoic acid and the LODs for Fe, Cu, Pb and Zn ranged from 2.2-3.1 µg L-1 and the %RSD ranged from 5.8 to % 9.7. Teixeira and coworkers8 used cellulose paper for the separation and preconcentration of Cu and Fe in automotive gasoline. The LOD and %RSD ranged from 10 to 15 µg L-1 and 7.8 to 8.1, respectively. In most cases, the proposed SPE method has low RSD and relatively low LOD values when compared the other methods reported in literature. 9.3.9 Accuracy and validation of the developed method The accuracy of the present method was tested by performing the spike recovery tests in gasoline samples (1-MFUG and 2-MCUG). Known amounts of each metal ion (20 and 40 µg L-1) were added into the gasoline samples. The results obtained are shown in Table 9.8. 181 Chapter nine: Solid phase extraction using electrospun nanofibers These results show a good agreement between the added and recovered analyte concentration. The percentage recoveries (%R) of analytes ranged from 96 to 99 % and the results showed that the different gasoline sample matrices did not affect the recovery of trace metals. In addition, the sorbent was found to retain metal ions at relatively low concentrations (Such as Cd). Therefore, it can be concluded that cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5dione SPE is a suitable method for separation and pre-concentration of trace metal ions in gasoline samples. Table 9.8. Accuracy test results for spike recovery test. 1-MFUGa Element Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Added (µg L-1) 0 20 40 0 20 40 0 20 40 0 20 40 0 20 40 Found (µg L-1) c ND 20.0±1.4 39.3±1.2 50.3±1.6 69.8±0.6 89.8±1.1 350±1 370±1 390±1 11.9±0.6 31.3±0.7 51.4±0.7 267±1 287 ±0.1 307±1 2-MCUGb R (%) 99.8±0.6 98.1±2.1 97.4±1.0 98.8±1.6 97.8±2.4 99.2±1.9 97.2±0.9 98.9±1.1 98.3±1.3 99.5±1.0 Found (µg L-1 1.08±0.11 20.7±1.0 40.3±0.6 5.33±1.56 25.19±1.14 44.6±0.2 187±1 207±2 226±1 8.92±0.90 28.3±0.7 47.9±1.1 102±0.1 122±0.2 142±0.1 R (%) 98.2±1.4 98.1±1.2 99.3±1.1 98.2±0.7 96.9±1.0 98.3±2.1 97.1±1.2 97.4±2.4 99.4±0.1 99.4±0.4 a MFUG = metal-free unleaded gasoline; bMCUG = metal-containing unleaded gasoline; cND = not detectable; 1&2 are the numbers allocated to the six gasoline filling stations. Experimental conditions: pH 6; analyte concentration 20 µg L-1; amount of cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione nanofibers 0.5 g; flow rates of sample and eluent 2.0 mL min−1; eluent concentration 2.0 mol L-1; eluent volume 5 mL; replicates n = 3 The validity of the method was checked by analyzing Conostan custom made oil based CRM for Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn. The certified and determined concentration values of the investigated metal ions are given in Table 9.9. The determined values agree well with the certified values reported for the CRM. A paired t-test was applied to evaluate these results, and at 95% confidence level, there was no significant difference between the means for both certified and determined results. In addition, satisfactory recoveries in the range of 182 Chapter nine: Solid phase extraction using electrospun nanofibers 97.5% to 102% were obtained. The precision of the measurements (n = 6) expressed as % RSD ranged between 0.54% and 1.4 %. Table 9.9. Results for the oil based certified reference material. Elements Concentration (µg L-1) Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Certified 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 RSD (%) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Found (n=3) 973.5 1016 998.1 963.4 1011 RSD (%) 1.2 0.5 1.0 1.4 0.6 R (%) 97.5 102 99.2 96.4 101 Experimental conditions: pH 6; analyte concentration 20 µg L-1; amount of cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione nanofibers 0.5 g; flow rates of sample and eluent 2.0 mL min−1; eluent concentration 2.0 mol L-1, eluent volume 5 mL; replicates n = 3 9.3.10 Application of the cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione SPE method The cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione SPE procedure was applied to 10 gasoline samples obtained from 6 different gasoline filling stations in Johannesburg (South Africa). The results are summarized in Table 9.10. Generally, the total metal ion content in gasoline samples followed this trend; 3-MCUG > 6-MCUG > 1-MFUG > 2-MFUG > 5-MCUG > 3-MFUG > 5-MFUG > 2-MCUG > 4-MFUG > 6-MFUG. It can be seen that the concentration of Fe in gasoline samples was higher (above 100 µg-1) than other metal ions regardless of the gasoline type. The highest Fe content was 649.50 µg L-1 for 3-MCUG while the lowest was 114.34 µg L-1 for 6-MFUG. The concentration of Pb in gasoline was ≤ 24 µg L-1 except for the 3-MCUG and 6-MFUG samples. Cadmium content was the lowest in almost all the samples except for 6-MCUG sample. Samples 1-MFUG, 4-MFUG and 6-MFUG had the highest concentrations of Cu compared to other samples. In addition, 1-MFUG and 6-MCUG has the highest Zn concentration and 6-MFUG has the lowest Zn content. 183 Chapter nine: Solid phase extraction using electrospun nanofibers Table 9.10. Concentrations (in µg L-1) of metal ions in commercial gasoline samples after pre-concentration by the cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione SPE method. Samples Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn 1-MFUGa 2-MCUGb 2-MFUG 3-MCUG 3-MFUG 4-MFUG 5-MCUG 5-MFUG 6-MCUG 6-MFUG NDc 1.08±0.11 1.04±0.21 2.03±0.32 1.97±1.11 11.87±1.05 5.02±016 3.39±0.17 318.89±1.61 2.72±0.09 50.25±1.56 5.33±0.93 16.08±1.01 8.08±0.41 5.92±0.62 42.94±1.74 12.12±0.38 3.90±0.16 15.19±1.66 38.79±0.31 350.08±1.09 187.08±1.14 475.67±1.41 649.50±1.69 309.88±0.48 154.30±1.21 308.85±1.88 225.97±0.91 149.75±0.45 114.34±1.17 11.83±0.61 8.92±0.09 23.96±1.02 105.42±0.89 3.08±0.65 5.38±1.12 20.73±1.01 ND 15.06±0.06 61.98±1.00 267.33±1.10 102.33±1.09 94.78±1.21 105.75±1.19 62.42±0.77 69.84±0.81 85.81±0.35 100.87±0.15 280.98±0.73 16.42±0.85 a MFUG = metal-free unleaded gasoline; bMCUG = metal-containing unleaded gasoline; cND = Not detectable; 1-6 are the numbers allocated to the six gasoline filling stations. Experimental conditions: pH 6; amount of cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione nanofibers 0.5 g; flow rates of sample and eluent 2.0 mL min −1; eluent concentration 2.0 mol L-1; eluent volume 5 mL; replicates n = 3 To verify the results of the cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione SPE procedure, gasoline was digested in a hot plate with a mixture of H2O2 and HNO3. The concentrations of analytes were determined by ICP OES. The results shown in Table 9.11 suggested that there is no significant difference between the results of the two methods at 95% confidence level. The determination of Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn by ICP OES after acid digestion was used as an additional procedure for quality check of the cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione separation and preconcentration method. It should be noted that acid digestion followed by ICP OES determination was adopted as the standard method (cross-check method) in this study. The main advantage of the cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione SPE procedure described in this study is that it does not require rigorous acid digestion unlike the acid digestion method. In addition, the SPE method had relatively low LOD and LOQ, high sample throughput and better sensitivity compared to the standard method. The column method is also advantageous because it minimizes the risks of cross-contamination during acid digestion. 184 Chapter nine: Solid phase extraction using electrospun nanofibers Table 9.11. Concentrations (in µg L-1) of metal ions in gasoline samples determined by ICP OES in sample solutions resulting from acid digestion procedure Sample Cd NDc 1.10±0.57 0.97±0.18 1.87±0.23 2.05±1.13 11.91±1.13 4.47±0.11 3.29±0.23 320.53±1.78 2.70±0.14 1-MFUGa 2-MCUGb 2-MFUG 3-MCUG 3-MFUG 4-MFUG 5-MCUG 5-MFUG 6-MCUG 6-MFUG Cu 49.87±1.78 5.29±1.38 16.27±0.89 7.82±0.29 5.50±0.44 42.76±1.87 11.59±0.45 4.16±0.18 14.56±1.83 39.08±0.23 Fe 354.67±0.95 186.55±1.18 470.23±1.30 652.99±1.77 308.12±0.55 152.28±1.30 310.86±2.00 224.73±0.89 149.04±0.92 114.85±1.22 Pb 12.09±0.58 9.15±0.17 24.27±1.68 106.74±1.01 2.94±0.56 5.58±1.20 21.52±0.97 ND 14.50±0.12 62.01±0.91 Zn 263.66±0.90 101.92±1.17 95.69±1.21 106.93±1.21 61.34±0.79 71.19±0.66 85.93±0.50 101.52±0.13 279.1±0.85 16.62±1.01 a MFUG = metal-free unleaded gasoline; bMCUG = metal-containing unleaded gasoline; cND = Not detectable; 1-6 are the numbers allocated to the six gasoline filling stations 9.4 CONCLUSIONS Cellulose nanofibers functionalized with oxolane-2,5-dione was prepared as an adsorbent for the removal of metal ions from gasoline samples. Fourier transform-IR and solid state 13 C NMR spectroscopy confirmed the success of deacetylation of cellulose acetate nanofibers to cellulose nanofibers and anchoring of oxolane-2,5-dione to the deacetylated cellulose nanofibers. The morphological structures of the cellulose and cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione nanofibers were determined by SEM and the fiber diameter was found to be 334 nm. The average specific surface area and the pore size of cellulose-goxolane-2,5-dione nanofibers (obtained from the BET analysis) were 14.31 m2 g-1 and 113.56 Å. The solid phase extraction of Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn in gasoline samples using cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione was investigated. Separation and preconcentration occurred efficiently, resulting in reasonably high preconcentration factor of 60 and the low LOD and LOQ ranging from 0.13-0.68 µg L-1 and 0.42-2.2 µg L-1, respectively. The SPE method provided relatively good precision with %RSD lower than 3%. The elution of metal ions from the solid material was performed with 2.0 mol L-1 HNO3. The cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione column could be reused over 30 adsorption/elution cycles without any loss of its adsorption properties for analyte ions. The sorption capacities were 273.1, 183.6, 195.5, 236.2 and 182.4 mg g-1 for Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn, respectively. The accuracy of the separation and preconcentration procedure was accessed by analysis of the 185 Chapter nine: Solid phase extraction using electrospun nanofibers CRM and spike recovery test. Satisfactory recoveries for spike recovery test and CRM were as follows: 96-99 % and 97.5%-102%, respectively. The results obtained in this study showed that cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione nanofibers have a good potential for separation and preconcentration of trace metal ions from organic matrices. 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A. & Bezerra, M. A. 2009. A preconcentration system for determination of copper and nickel in water and food samples employing flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 162, 1041-1045. 30. Ingle, J. D. & Crouch, S. R. 1988. Spectrochemical Analysis, Prentice-Hall. 188 CHAPTER TEN: FULL FACTORIAL DESIGN FOR THE OPTIMIZATION OF SIMULTANEOUS PRECONCENTRATION OF TRACE METAL IONS IN GASOLINE SAMPLES PRIOR TO THEIR INDUCTIVELY COUPLED MASS SPECTROMETRIC DETERMINATION ABSTRACT The presence of trace elements in gasoline, unless they are used as additives, is detrimental and they usually occur in very low concentrations in gasoline, requiring sensitive detection techniques or preconcentration step prior to their determination. The use of full two-level factorial design for optimization of simultaneous separation and preconcentration of trace metal ions in gasoline samples using nanometer-sized alumina prior to determination by ICP-MS is reported. The metal ions at a concentration of 20 µg L-1(20 mL) were retained on 1.5 g of nanometer-sized Al2O3 at pH 8.0 and recovered with 5.0 mL of 2.0 mol L−1 HNO3. The adsorption capacities for the adsorbent were found to be 12.51, 10.74, 14.63, 13.11 and 11.65 mg g-1 for Co, Cr, Mn, Ni and Ti, respectively. Under optimized experimental conditions, the precision was ≤ 2% (n =15), limits of detection and quantification ranged from 0.03-0.10 µg L-1 and 0.10-0.22 µg L-1, respectively, and the maximum preconcentration factor was 120. The accuracy of the SPE method was confirmed by performing spike recovery tests with organic and inorganic standards. The optimized nanometer-sized Al2O3 SPE procedure was then applied for the separation and preconcentration of metal ions in commercial gasoline samples. Keywords: Preconcentration, nanometer-sized alumina, factorial design, trace metals, gasoline 10.1 INTRODUCTION The presence of metal ions in petroleum products such as gasoline is undesirable, not only due to the possibility of damaging vehicle part, gum formation, catalytic poisoning and poor fuel performance, but also because of the pollution caused by the release of toxic metals into the environment during fuel combustion.1 Metallic elements are generally present in very low concentrations in fuel samples. Therefore, sensitive detection techniques or preconcentration step prior to their determination are required.1 Notwithstanding the sensitivity of spectrometric techniques such as inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry 189 Chapter ten: Optimization of simultaneous preconcentration of trace metal ions (ICP-MS) and electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS), preliminary sample preparation is required. Therefore, there is a crucial need for the separation and preconcentration of trace elements before their determination.1,2 In addition, the direct introduction of organics in ICP-MS is detrimental to the instrument; therefore, sample pretreatment prior to metal ion determination is required. Techniques involving sample pretreatment for the quantification of trace elements in fuels have been reported in literature. These methods include microwave-assisted acid digestion,3 microwave-induced combustion,4 conventional ashing and acid dissolution5 and electrothermal vaporization.2 The limitation of conventional ashing and acid dissolution methods is that they are time-consuming and volatile elements may be lost.3 Microwave digestion methods solve the problem of volatilization, but they increase the risk of crosscontamination. Electrothermal vaporization is known to eliminate oxygen addition and reduce the organic matrix interference. Nevertheless, its parameters have to be optimized for each element thus lengthening the experimental procedure.3 Therefore, an accurate and reliable analytical procedure based on simultaneous separation and preconcentration of analytes prior to analysis in fuel samples, is required. Few studies have reported on the separation and preconcentration of trace metals in organic phases using simple methods such as solid phase extraction (SPE).2,6-11 The advantages of using SPE method include high sensitivity, possibility of performing simultaneous preconcentration step, reduced matrix interferences, reasonable preconcentration factors with relatively rapid separation and low cost.12,13 In addition, SPE has become more attractive due to the use of different adsorbent materials with high sorption capacities such as nanometer-sized metal oxides. Metal oxide adsorbents such as alumina, titania and zirconia have been reported for the separation and preconcentration of metal ions.12,14,15 They are attractive as adsorbents due to their large surface area, intrinsic surface reactivity and ability to chemisorb many substances.16 The use of nanometer-sized Al2O3 as SPE sorbent material for preconcentration of trace metals has recently received more attention.12,17,18 Recently, multivariate techniques have been used for optimization of preconcentration methods.19-22 The advantages of using multivariate optimization include the reduction of the number of experiments needed to be carried out, thus, resulting in lower reagent consumption and significantly less laboratory work.19 Furthermore, multivariate methods make it possible to understand conditions that cannot be explained by the traditional univariate approach; for instance, the interactions between the factors that influence the analytical response.22-26 190 Chapter ten: Optimization of simultaneous preconcentration of trace metal ions Therefore, this study reports on the preparation and application of nanometer-sized alumina for separation and preconcentration of trace metals in gasoline samples prior to ICPMS detection. A full two-level factorial design with a central point was used for optimization of experimental variables (pH, eluent concentration and sample flow rate) that affect the retention/desorption of metal ions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that the optimized nanometer-sized Al2O3 SPE methodology is proposed for separation and preconcentration of Co, Cr, Mn, Ni and Ti in gasoline samples. 10.2 MATERIALS AND METHODS 10.2.1 Apparatus A Perkin-Elmer Sciex ELAN 6000 (Perkin-Elmer SCIEX Instruments, Concord, Canada) inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) was used for all measurements. The ICP-MS instrument was optimized daily and operated as recommended by the manufacturer. The operating conditions are presented in Table 10.1. Argon of 99.996% purity (Afrox, South Africa) was used. Comparative experiments for the determination of metal ions were performed using a Spectro Arcos 165 ICP OES (SPECTRO Analytical Instruments, GmbH, Germany) equipped with Cetac ASX-520 autosampler after acid digestion. The operating conditions were as follows: forward power: 1400 W, plasma argon flow rate: 13 L min-1, auxiliary argon flow rate: 2.00 L min-1, nebulizer argon flow rare: 0.95 L min-1. The most prominent atomic and ionic analytical spectral lines of the metal ions were selected for investigation, that is, Co 230.786, Cr 267.716 nm, Mn 257.611, Ni 231.604 and Ti 334.941 Morphological structure of the Al2O3 was observed using scanning electron microscope (SEM) (JSM-6360LVSEM, JEOL Co., Japan) after gold coating. In SEM analysis, most samples need to be coated to make them conductive. Therefore, the gold coating was used because the alumina material under study does not conduct electricity. The specific surface area value was determined from adsorption isotherms by using the Brunauer, Emmett and Teller (BET) multipoint method using Surface Area and Porosity Analyzer (ASAP2020 V3.00H, Micromeritics Instrument Corporation, Norcross, USA). All the gases used for analysis were instrument grade. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) measurements were carried out with a Philips X-ray generator model PW 3710/31 a diffractometer with automatic sample changer model PW 1775 (scintillation counter, Cu-target tube and Ni-filter at 40 kV and 30 mA). 191 Chapter ten: Optimization of simultaneous preconcentration of trace metal ions Table 10.1. Operational ICP-MS parameters RF power Gas flow rates Outer Intermediate Carrier Resolution Sweeps per reading Dwell time Readings per replicate Replicates Auto lens Isotopes a IS = Internal standard 1100 15 L min-1 1.2 L min-1 0.95 L min-1 0.7 a.m.u. (10% of the peak height) 1 25 ms 100 3 On 59 Co, 52Cr, 55Mn, 60Ni and 48Ti, 45Sc (ISa) 10.2.2 Reagents and Solutions All reagents were of analytical grade unless otherwise stated and double distilled deionised water (Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA) was used throughout the experiments. Anhydrous aluminium chloride (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Loius, MO, USA) was used as a precursor for the preparation of nanometer-sized alumina. Synthetic gasoline was prepared by mixing 91% isooctane and 9% n-heptane (Sigma Sigma-Aldrich, St. Loius, MO, USA). Spectrascan stock solutions (1000 mg L-1) of Co, Cr, Mn, Ni, and Ti (Industrial Analytical (Pty) Ltd, Johannesburg, South Africa) were used to prepare the working solutions for SPE at concentrations of 30 µg L-1 for other metal ions. Working solutions (prepared in an organic medium), as per the experimental requirements, were freshly prepared from the stock solution for each experimental run. A Spectrascan multi-element standard solution at a concentration of 100 mg L-1 (Industrial Analytical (Pty) Ltd, Johannesburg, South Africa) was used to prepare working standard solutions at concentrations of 10-150 µg L-1 (Co, Cr, Mn, Ni, and Ti) for measurements of concentrations of analytes in all model and sample solutions. Scandium was used for internal standardization. Conostan custom made multi-element oil standard used in the experiment studies was obtained from SCP Science (Quebec, Canada). Solutions of nitric acid at concentrations of 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 mol L-1 (used for the elution of the analytes from the column) were prepared from ultrapure concentrated acid (65%, Sigma- 192 Chapter ten: Optimization of simultaneous preconcentration of trace metal ions Aldrich, St. Loius, MO, USA). The pH adjustments were performed with glacial acetic acid (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) and ammonia (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Loius, MO, USA) solutions. 10.2.3 Preparation of Nanometer-Sized Alumina Using Sol-Gel Method Nanometer-sized alumina was prepared according to Rogojan et al.27A mass (2.66 g) of AlCl3 was dissolved in 25 ml absolute ethanol followed by drop wise addition of 28% ammonium solution. The addition of the latter was done in order to for a sol gel to form. The resulting sol gel was left to maturate for 30 hours at room temperature and then dried for 24 hours at 100°C. Finally, the gel was calcined by heating in a furnace at a rate of 20°C min-1 to 1000 °C and holding it for three hours. 10.2.4 Preparation of the Column Polyethylene columns (6.5 cm length and 1.35 cm i.d.) were used for separation and preconcentration of metal ions. A total of 1.5 g of alumina was slurried in water and then loaded onto the columns. A porous frit was placed at the bottom of the column and on top of the packing material to avoid disruption of the sorbent during sample percolation. The column bed height was approximately 3 cm. The columns were washed with double distilled deionised water followed by conditioning with 10 mL ammonium acetate buffer (1.0 M, pH 9.0) and then 10 mL of ethanol. 10.2.5 Preconcentration and Recovery of Co, Cr, Mn, Ni, and Ti in a Synthetic Gasoline Solution The procedure for the preparation of gasoline–ethanol–water mixture was carried out according to Ozcan and Akman.28 A 10 ml aliquot of synthetic gasoline sample was placed in a 100 ml polyethylene volumetric flask followed by the addition of 5 ml of concentrated HNO3 and10 ml of water. The mixture was spiked with 3.0 mL of a 1.0 mg L-1 multi-element oil standard solution and made up to the mark with ethanol to obtain 30 µg L-1 concentration of each metal ion. The mixture was homogenized by shaking and a single phase solution was obtained. It should be noted that the stability of the gasoline-ethanol- water mixture was not monitored. This is because the resulting mixture was passed through the column immediately after homogenization. A 20 ml aliquot of the model metal solution was passed through the Al2O3 column with a flow rate of 2.0 mL min-1. The column was washed with 10 mL of 193 Chapter ten: Optimization of simultaneous preconcentration of trace metal ions double distilled deionised water to remove excess organic solution, followed by 5.0 mL of ammonium acetate buffer solution to remove major cations (Na, Ca, K, etc); lastly the metal ions were eluted with 5 mL of 2.0 mol L-1 HNO3 solution. It should be noted that off-line SPE system was used. This means the fraction were collected and then brought to the ICPMS for analysis. The same procedure was applied to the blank solutions and real samples. For gasoline samples, 1.0 mL of the sample was used instead of 10 ml. In between the experiments, the column was washed as described in Section 10.2.4. 10.2.6 Optimization Approach The optimization of the separation and preconcentration method was carried out using a 23 full factorial design involving three variables i.e. pH, eluent concentration (EC) and sample flow rate (SFR) which were considered as factors. Maximum, central point and minimum levels in Table 10.2 for each factor were chosen according to data from previous experiments. All the experiments were carried out in random order. The experimental data was processed by using the Minitab version 15 statistic software programs. Table 10.2. Factors and levels used in 23 factorial design for the separation and preconcentration of metal ions Variable pH EC (mol L-1) SFR (mL min-1) Low level (-1) 5 1.0 1.0 Central point (0) 7.5 2.0 2.0 High level (+1) 10 3.0 3.0 10.2.7 Procedure for Microwave Acid Digestion of Gasoline Samples The Microwave acid digestion procedure was carried out according to Kowalewska et al.29 Briefly, 5.0 mL of the gasoline sample was placed into a Teflon vessel followed by 6 mL HNO3 (65%) and 2.0 mL H2O2 (30%). The vessels were inserted into a microwave unit and heated according to the conditions recommended by the manufacturer. The digested content was left to cool down to room temperature. After cooling, the vessels were opened and 2 ml of concentrated HNO3 and 2 mL of hydrogen peroxide were added, and the heating program was repeated. Finally, the Teflon vessel contents were cooled down to room temperature and quantitatively transferred to a 50 mL calibration flask, 1 mL of concentrated nitric acid was 194 Chapter ten: Optimization of simultaneous preconcentration of trace metal ions added and the flask was filled up to the mark using double distilled deionised water. The latter submitted to the same procedure was used as a blank. The samples were then analyzed with ICP OES. 10.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 10.3.1 Characterization of the Nanometer-Sized Alumina The surface and textural morphology (SEM image) of nanometer-sized Al2O3 obtained by the sol-gel method starting from aluminum chloride as a precursor is illustrated in Fig. 10.1. The SEM image showed fine particles and their diameter was estimated to range from 40-60 mn. Fig. 10.1. Scanning electron microscopy images of alumina obtained by sol-gel methods starting from AlCl3 as precursor, calcined at 1000°C for three hours. The BET results revealed that the nanometer-sized Al2O3 adsorbent has porous characteristics with a remarkable specific surface area of 312 m2 g−1. The relative high specific surface area revealed the availability of adsorbent sites for metal ions preconcentration (adsorption). This phenomenon is significant for the application of Al2O3 in the separation and preconcentration system for the determination of metals in an organic 195 Chapter ten: Optimization of simultaneous preconcentration of trace metal ions matrix. Furthermore, the relatively high specific surface area represents substantial developments over ion-exchange adsorbents such Chelex-100. X-ray diffraction pattern (for 2θ diffraction angles from 10° to 80°) of the nanometersized alumina calcined at 1000°C for 3 hours is presented in Fig. 10.2. The XRD pattern showed the crystalline structure of the nanometer-sized particles indicating various peaks indexed to alumina.30,31 The peaks were attributed to two crystallization phases of alumina, that is, α-Al2O3 and γ-Al2O3. Fig. 10.2. X-ray diffraction pattern of alumina obtained by sol-gel methods starting from AlCl3 as precursor, calcined at 1000 °C for three hour 10.3.2 Factorial Design The nanometer-sized alumina SPE method had several experimental variables to be optimized. However, the parameters (factors) that may possibly affect the separation and preconcentration process are sample pH, eluent concentration and sample flow rate. Eluent type, eluent flow rate and adsorbent mass were fixed as nitric acid aqueous solution, 2 mL min-1 and 1.5 g, respectively. In order to determine the effect of pH, eluent concentration, sample flow rate and their interactions on the preconcentration method, a two-level full factorial design (23) with three replicates of the central point (CP) was performed. Replicates of the central point were carried out in order to determine the experimental errors and 196 Chapter ten: Optimization of simultaneous preconcentration of trace metal ions curvature tests.19 Table 10.3 shows the experimental design matrix and the results obtained from each experiment. The percentage recovery was used as the analytical response and it was used for evaluation of the factorial design. The percentage recoveries were calculated by relating the obtained concentration (Cf) of the analyte to the original concentration (Ci) of the metal ion in the model solution (Eq. 1). %R Cf Ci 100 (1) It can be seen from Table 3 that quantitative recoveries for all five metal ions are obtained in experiments 9-11, which are the central points. In this study, the quantitative recovery were defined as the percentage recovery of a target analyte that is more than or equal to 95%. It can be seen from Table 10.3 that quantitative recoveries for all five metal ions are obtained in experiments 9-11, which are the central points. The significance (p-value = 0.05) of the experimental factors in the performance of the SPE system was checked by performing an analysis of variance (ANOVA). The estimated main effects and their interactions can be seen in the Pareto charts presented in Fig. 10.3. The bars that exceed a vertical reference line (95% confidence interval) are significant values with respect to the response. Table 10.3. Design matrix and the results of metal ions Experiment pH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (CP) 10(CP) 11(CP) +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 EC (mol SFR (mL L-1) min-1) +1 +1 -1 -1 +1 +1 -1 -1 0 0 0 +1 -1 +1 -1 +1 -1 +1 -1 0 0 0 Recovery (%) Co 63.6 60.2 65.3 56.9 33.9 27.3 34.1 26.8 98.5 98.7 99.2 197 Cr 70.0 67.9 69.2 64.7 34.9 41.3 42.4 26.5 96.9 97.6 97.3 Mn 90.2 89.7 88.3 65.1 30.1 25.8 23.6 35.4 97.3 98.6 97.3 Ni 88.7 85.9 48.8 47.0 38.3 40.0 35.2 26.0 101.5 100.4 101.7 Ti 94.9 80.4 64.6 75.9 50.8 75.1 63.3 50.8 101.1 100.7 102.2 Chapter ten: Optimization of simultaneous preconcentration of trace metal ions Sample pH was, in general, the most important parameter (p = 0.05) for all the metal ions. It can be seen from Fig. 10.3 that the significant factor for retention of Cr and Mn onto the Al2O3 column was the pH of the solution. When the pH of the model solution was 7.5, the Cr and Mn recoveries were greater than 95%. The effect of other factors, that is, eluent concentration and sample flow rate were not significant at 95% confidence level. According to the Pareto chart (Fig. 10.3) for Co, sample pH and sample flow rate are statistically significant at the 95% confidence level. However, the pH effect was significantly higher than the eluent concentration. This implies that, the later had lower influence in the preconcentration process of cobalt. The results (Fig. 10.3) for preconcentration of Ni demonstrated that sample pH and eluent concentration as well as their interaction were statistically significant at the 95% confidence level. In the case of Ti retention in investigated levels, all the variables and their interactions are not statistically significant at 95% confidence level. Although, all the main effects were not statistically significant, pH had a major effect on the retention of Ti and analytical response. This is supported by higher recoveries at higher pH values (Table 10.3) as compared to other analytes. In addition it can be seen from Table 10.3 that Ti can be retained at a wide pH range with recoveries> 50% as compared to other analyses. Since sample pH played a major role on the analytical response, it is possible that it influenced the overall effects of the studied factors. 198 Chapter ten: Optimization of simultaneous preconcentration of trace metal ions Fig. 10.3. Pareto chart of standardized effects for variables in the separation and preconcentration of Co, Cr, Mn, Ni and Ti. A = pH; B = eluent concentration (mol L-1) and C = sample flow rate (mL min-1) The ANOVA results (data not shown) showed that the curvature was significant at 95% confidence level. This means that there is an experimental region for maximum sorption of metal ions from its central point to the value that represents the pH variable at its high level.19 In addition, the surface of alumina is positively charged when the pH is lower than its isoelectric point (≈7.3),32 this results in an electrostatic repulsion for the target metal ions.33 It is reported that when pH is above the isoelectric point, the surface of the nanometer-sized alumina powder attracts the analytes of interest and lead to an enhancement of the adsorption 199 Chapter ten: Optimization of simultaneous preconcentration of trace metal ions efficiency.33 In view of the information, the optimum eluent concentration and sample flow rate chosen for simultaneous separation and preconcentration of Co, Cr, Mn, Ni and Ti in a gasoline matrix concur with the conditions established by experiment 9-11. However, due to the significance of the curvature, sample solution acidity was found to be the factor with highest effect; optimum sample pH was set at 8.0. Since the sample flow rate had a little or no significant effect at 95% confidence level, 3.0 mL min-1 was used. Therefore, the simultaneous SPE procedure was carried under the following conditions; sample pH, eluent concentration and sample flow rate were 8.0, 3.0 mol L-1 and 2.0 mL min-1, respectively. 10.3.3 Effect of Sample Volume Due to the low concentrations of trace metals in gasoline samples, it is crucial to transfer these analytes into smaller volumes for a high preconcentration factor by using sample solutions with large volumes.34,35 Therefore, the effect of sample volume on the adsorption of Co, Cr, Mn, Ni and Ti onto nanometer-sized Al2O3 was investigated in the range of 50-700 mL, while keeping the metal ion concentration fixed at 30 µg L-1. It can be seen from Fig.10.4 that the retention of metal ions can be achieved quantitatively (≥95%) by up to 600 mL of the sample. Therefore, the highest preconcentration factor was found to be 120 when the adsorbed metal ions were eluted with 5 mL of 2 mol L−1 HNO3. At volumes higher than 600 mL, a decrease in quantitative recoveries of metal ions was observed. This might be due to the saturation of the active sites of the adsorbent. Therefore, as a compromise, a sample volume of 100 mL was used for was used in real sample analysis. This volume was chosen to speed up the analysis time. 200 Chapter ten: Optimization of simultaneous preconcentration of trace metal ions Fig.10.4. Effect of sample volume on the recoveries of metal ions: pH 7.0; analyte concentration 30 µg L-1; amount of sorbent 1.5 g; flow rates of sample and eluent 2.0 mL min−1; eluent volume 5 mL; replicates n = 3 10.3.4 Adsorption Capacities of Metal Ions The adsorption capacity is an important factor, because it determines how much sorbent is required to quantitatively concentrate the analytes from a given solution.34 Preliminary adsorption studies with nanometer-sized alumina revealed that 35 minutes is adequate time for the system to reach equilibrium. Therefore, 0.1 g nanometer-sized Al2O3 was equilibrated in 50 mL of Co, Cr, Mn, Ni and Ti ethanol solutions at concentrations 30 to 250 mg L-1 by shaking for 35 minutes at pH 8.0. The amount of metal ions in solution was determined by GFAAS. The experimental data were fitted into the general equation of the modified Langmuir model presented in Eq. 1.36 The later was used to calculate the maximum adsorption capacity. Ce 1 1 Ce qe qmax K L qmax (1) The results showed that adsorption capacity of the analytes probably differ due to their size, degree of hydration and the value of their binding constant with nanometer-sized alumina. The maximum adsorption capacities were found to be 12.51, 10.74, 14.63, 13.11 201 Chapter ten: Optimization of simultaneous preconcentration of trace metal ions and 11.65 mg g-1 for Co, Cr, Mn, Ni and Ti, respectively. The adsorption capacities of nanometer-sized alumina for metal ions were similar or better than those reported in Ref.12 10.3.5 Regeneration of the Adsorbent The stability and regeneration possibility of the Al2O3 adsorbent were investigated and the results are summarised in Table 10.4. The adsorbent can be reused after regeneration with 5.0 ml of a 2.0 mol L−1 HNO3 solution and 20 ml distilled water, respectively, and is relatively stable up to 45 runs without obvious decrease in the recoveries for the studied ions. Table 10.4. Column regeneration Analytes No. of cycles 1 99.2±0.6 97.9±1.3 98.6±0.8 100.3±0.2 100.7±0.4 Co Cr Mn Ni Ti 22 98.7±1.1 97.6±1.3 97.9±0.8 99.4±1.0 98.3±1.4 45 96.2±1.4 97.1±1.1 95.3±1.2 97.1±0.5 97.9±0.4 10.3.6 Analytical Performance of the Nanometer-Sized Alumina SPE Method The analytical performance of the nanometer-sized alumina SPE method under optimum conditions for separation and preconcentration of metal ion was evaluated and the results are presented in Table 10.5. The sensitivity of the SPE was defined as the gradient (slope) of the calibration graph. The results indicated that the SPE method was more sensitive to Ti, Ni and Mn as compared to the Co and Cr. Thus the highest slope obtained was 127.94 cps L µg-1 for Ti while the lowest was 21.13 cps L µg-1 for Cr. The low sensitivity of Cr might be due to the spectral interferences from 36 Ar16O. This can be avoided by using ICP-MS that is equipped with collision cell. It should be noted that the ICP-MS used in this study uses mathematical equations to correct for spectral interferences. The limit of detection (LOD) and the limit of quantification (LOQ) were defined as LOD 3Sd m and LOQ 10Sd , respectively, where m and Sd are the slope of the m analytical curve and the standard deviation of 20 consecutive measurements of the blank signal, respectively.37 For 100.0 mL of sample solution used, LOD and LOQ for Co, Cr, Mn, 202 Chapter ten: Optimization of simultaneous preconcentration of trace metal ions Ni, and Ti are presented in Table 10.5. The overall precision (reproducibility) of the SPE method, expressed as relative standard deviation (n = 15, 20 µg L-1), was found to be ≤2%. In the preliminary trials, we had to establish how long it takes to load the sample and elute. We found that the time required for preconcentration of 50 mL sample was about 19 min (17 min percolation, 60 s elution and 60 s conditioning). However, the SPE manifold used in this study could handle up 24 cartridges (24 samples) and they were all processed within 23 min. Hence, the throughput sample was approximately 63 samples h-1. The analytical figure of merits of the nanometer-sized Al2O3 SPE method were compared with the ones obtained using a comparative method (microwave acid digestion method). According to the results in Table 10.5, the SPE method was more sensitive compared to acid digestion method. In addition, as expected, the LOD and LOQ of the proposed preconcentration method were better than those of the microwave-assisted digestion method. This is because the LOD and LOQ of MAD technique are the same as the instrumental limits of detection while the preconcentration enhances the LOD and LOQ of the method. At 95% confidence level, the statistical F-test results showed that the precision of the two sample pretreatment methods were not significantly different. In terms of correlation efficient, the acid digestion had better R2 compared to the SPE method. The SPE method had a higher throuput compared to microwave-assisted digestion method (10 samples h-1). A comparison of the proposed method with other sample preparation techniques in terms of selected analytical parameters such as LOD, LOQ and %RSD was also carried out (Table 10.6). Comparison of analytical figures of merit for the present method with other sample preparation techniques indicated that the LOD, LOQ and %RSD of the nanometer-sized alumina SPE were comparable or even better than the reported methods. 10.3.7 Validation of the Nanometer-Sized Alumina SPE Method Due to the absence of certified reference material (CRM) that is similar to the investigated samples, the accuracy of the proposed separation and preconcentration method was examined by standard addition method. Gasoline sample (1-MFUG) was spiked with organic and inorganic standard solutions. In addition, the aim of spiking the gasoline sample with organic and inorganic standard solutions was to evaluate the nanometer-sized alumina sorption efficiency to different metal species in gasoline. This because trace element forms in petroleum products is not fully known and different species may display different adsorption behaviors. 6 As it can be seen in Table 10.7, similar percentage recoveries were obtained for 203 Chapter ten: Optimization of simultaneous preconcentration of trace metal ions organic and inorganic forms. This implied that nanometer-sized Al2O3 preconcentration system may be used for the sorption of trace elements in their inorganic or metal-organic forms. In addition, the results obtained (Table 10.7), confirmed the accuracy of the preconcentration method, taking into consideration that the recoveries were in the range from 97-101%. 204 Chapter ten: Optimization of simultaneous preconcentration of trace metal ions Table 10.5. Analytical performances for the proposed nanometer sized Al2O3 SPE method and microwave-assisted digestion method Analytes Sensitivity (cps L µg-1) SPEa 21.1 34.21 70.7 109 128 MADb 19.3 25.3 52.0 88.4 90.5 Correlation coefficient SPE MAD 0.9987 0.999 0.9976 0.9995 0.9980 0.9999 0.9971 0.9996 0.9911 0.9994 LOD (µg L-1) LOQ (µg L-1) Precision (%RSD) SPE 0.10 0.04 0.03 0.07 0.05 SPE 0.22 0.18 0.10 0.22 0.15 SPE 1.5 1.3 1.0 1.2 1.1 Co Cr Mn Ni Ti a SPE: Solid phase extraction method; MAD: Microwave acid digestion method. MAD 0.82 0.55 0.36 0.29 0.30 MAD 2.74 1.84 1.20 0.97 1.02 MAD 1.8 1.1 1.7 1.5 1.1 Table 10. 6. Comparison of the proposed nanometer-sized SPE method with other methods used for determination of trace metals in gasoline Analytes Ni Mn Cr and Ni Cr Ni Mn and Ni Co, Cr, Mn, Ni and Ti Sample treatment method Microemulsions Microemulsion Microemulsion Automatic microemulsion Modified silica gel SPE Emulsion Nanometer-sized alumina SPE Detection ETAAS GFAAS MIP-OES GFAAS FAAS ETV-ICP-MS ICP-MS LOD (µg L-1) 0.8 0.5 0.9 and 20 0.024 2 0.02 and 0.38 0.10, 0.04, 0.03, 0.07 and 0.05 LOQ(µg L-1) 2.6 1.7 3.0 and 70 0.070 6.6 0.07 and 1.3 0.22, 0.18, 0.10, 0.22 and 0.15 Precision (%) NI 6 >10 NI NI NI 1.5, 1.3, 1.0, 1.2 and 1.1 Ref. [38] [39] [40] [41] [11] [1] This work GFAAS= graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry; ETAAS = electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry; MIP-OES = microwave plasma optical emission spectrometry; FAAS= flame atomic absorption spectrometry; ICP-MS = inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry 205 Chapter ten: Optimization of simultaneous preconcentration of trace metal ions Table 10.7. Determination of Co, Cr, Mn, Ni and Ti (µg L-1) in gasoline sample spiked with inorganic and organic standard solutions (mean ± standard deviation, sample volume = 100 mL, n= 3) Co c IS a MOSb a Added 0 5 20 0 5 20 c Found 6.20±1.31 11.2±1.1 25.9±0.5 6.20±1.31 11.1±1.2 26.1±1.4 d Recovery 99.4±1.3 98.3±2.4 97.8±1.3 99.4±2.3 Found 74.6±1.6 79.5±1.4 94.4±1.2 74.6±1.6 79.5±1.0 94.5±1.0 Cr Recovery 97.8±1.6 99.1±2.1 98.6±3.4 99.3±1.4 Found 85.9±0.9 90.8±1.1 105±2 85.9±0.9 90.6±1.2 106±1 Mn Recovery 99.2±1.5 97.3±1.7 97.8±2.1 98.8±2.0 Found 44.9±1.1 49.8±1.2 64.9±1.4 44.9±1.1 49.8±1.0 64.6±1.0 IS: Inorganic standard; bMOS = metallo-organic standard; cConcentration in µg L-1; Recovery in % 206 Ni Recovery 97.4±2.4 100±1 97.6±1.6 98.3±1.9 Ti Found 2.22±0.56 7.13±1.74 22.10±1.31 2.22±0.56 7.18±1.12 21.9±1.5 Recovery 98.2±1.5 101±0.7 99.2±0.8 98.3±1.2 Chapter ten: Optimization of simultaneous preconcentration of trace metal ions 10.3.8 Application of Nanometer-Sized Alumina SPE Method The preconcentration method was applied to the analysis of ten gasoline samples from six different filling stations in Johannesburg, as presented in Table 10.8. As shown in this table, the concentrations of Co are quite low (˂ 20 µg L-1) for almost all the samples except for 2MCUG sample (23.10 µg L-1). The concentration of Cr was found to be relatively high (˂ 50 µg L-1) in 1-MFUG, 2-MCUG and 3-MCUG samples. The Mn concentrations were generally high in all the samples. Thus, the highest concentration was 38.23 mg L-1 and the lowest was 85.83 µg L-1. The concentration of Ni ranged from 6.74 to 195.36 µg L-1 and Ti content was relatively low except for 2-MCUG and 6-MCUG samples. In addition, it can be seen from Table 10.8 that Co, Cr and Ti could not be quantified in some of the samples, as their concentrations were found to be below the LOD. It is worthwhile mentioning that Mn in samples 2-MCUG, 3-MCUG and 6-MCUG was used as a fuel additive, and it was therefore present in both free and organic compound forms (methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl, MMT). It should be noted that for determination of Mn in 2-MCUG, 3-MCUG and 6-MCUG samples, the latter were further diluted to obtain µg L-1 range. The results obtained by the developed preconcentration method were compared to the results obtained by a comparative method using ICP OES after microwave-assisted digestion (Table 10.8). It should be noted that acid digestion followed by ICP OES determination was taken as the standard method in this study. The paired t-test (95% confidence level) showed that the results obtained by the proposed procedure were not significantly different with those obtained by the comparative method. Although the results obtained by the two methods were not significant different at 95% confidence level, SPE/ICP-MS showed better analytical performances compared to ICP OES after microwave-assisted digestion. In addition, the other advantage of the proposed method described in this study is that it does not require rigorous acid digestion unlike the microwave-assisted digestion method. The column method is also advantageous because it minimizes the risks of cross-contamination during acid digestion. It should be noted that since samples are diluted, preconcentration prior to analyte determination, is required even if techniques with low detection limits like ICP-MS are used. In addition, the advantage of using SPE techniques prior ICP-MS detection is that it eliminated organic matrix completely. For instance, if the sample with high content of organics is injected into the ICP-MS, this will results in a deterioration of the precision of 207 Chapter ten: Optimization of simultaneous preconcentration of trace metal ions measurements, which in turn leads to the high of LOD for most elements because of the formation of carbon-containing ions (C2+, CO2+ and ArC+) 208 Chapter ten: Optimization of simultaneous preconcentration of trace metal ions Table 10.8. Concentrations (in µg L-1) of metal ions in gasoline samples determined by ICP-MS in aqueous solutions resulting from nanometersized Al2O3 preconcentration procedure (sample volume = 100 mL) and ICP OES in aqueous solutions resulting from microwave-assisted digestion procedure Samples Co Cr Mn Ni Ti ICP-MS ICP OES ICP-MS ICP OES ICP-MS ICP OES ICP-MS ICP OES ICP-MS ICP OES a 1-MFUG 6.28±0.51 6.22±0.43 74.73±0.89 75.01±0.83 85.83±1.10 85.77±1.13 44.87±0.32 44.50±0.25 2.15±0.06 2.21±0.03 2-MCUGb 23.10±0.11 22.82±0.22 59.27±0.31 59.10±0.29 15.68±1.15d 15.56±2.05d 74.33±0.56 73.96±0.61 24.77±0.21 24.98±0.18 ND 2-MFUG 4.43±0.23 4.21±0.21 11.85±0.11 11.80±0.16 94.09±0.98 94.10±1.00 21.89±0.07 21.78±0.05 ND d d 6.03±0.22 5.91±0.31 63.83±0.78 63.78±0.81 38.23±2.56 38.42±3.65 66.46±0.71 65.89±0.68 14.36±0.44 14.43±0.51 3-MCUG c ND ND ND 149.12±1.31 148.74±1.21 17.11±0.03 16.81±0.01 ND ND 3-MFUG ND ND 4-MFUG 4.42±0.15 4.33±0.10 3.17±0.05 2.95±0.07 91.20±0.56 90.81±0.66 22.65±0.08 22.36±0..10 ND ND 109.49±1.27 110.02±1.30 195.36±1.01 194.75±0.97 ND ND 5-MCUG 16.11±0.36 15.85±0.41 ND ND ND ND 103.57±1.13 103.45±1.10 6.47±0.01 6.50±0.04 ND ND 5-MFUG ND d d ND 30.96±0.25 31.05±0.31 22.01±1.95 21.50±3.12 54.97±0.33 55.17±0.30 35.96±0.69 36.12±0.75 6-MCUG ND ND 20.58±0.21 20.32±0.32 115.39±1.05 114.60±1.02 31.37±0.44 31.51±0.51 12.58±0.12 12.41±0.11 6-MFUG ND a MFUG: metal-free unleaded gasoline; bMCUG: metal-containing unleaded gasoline; cND: Not detectable; dConcentration in mg L-1; 1-6 are the numbers allocated to the six gasoline filling stations 209 Chapter ten Optimization of simultaneous preconcentration of trace metal ions 10.4 CONCLUSIONS A SPE method for simultaneous separation and preconcentration of trace metal ions in gasoline samples using nanometer-sized alumina prior to ICP-MS determination has been investigated. The application of a two-level full factorial design for the optimization of the variables affecting the separation and preconcentration method was found to be efficient, requiring a reduced number of experiments. Under optimized conditions, the quantitative retention and elution of metal ion was achieved when sample solution pH, eluent concentration and flow rates were 8.0, 2.0 mol L-1 and 2.0 mL min-1, respectively. The nanometer-sized alumina could be used for more than 45 adsorption/elution cycles without a significant change in the recoveries (≤5%). The simultaneous separation and preconcentration of metal ions occurred efficiently, resulting in a reasonably high preconcentration factor of 120 with low LOD and LOQ values ranging from 0.03-0.10 µg L-1 and 0.10-0.22 µg L-1, respectively. The preconcentration system provided relatively good precision with %RSD lower than 2%. The adsorption capacities of nanometer-sized Al2O3 for Co, Cr, Mn, Ni and Ti were found to be 12.31, 10.54, 14.13, 13.01 and 11.50 mg g-1, respectively. The developed nanometer-sized alumina SPE is simple, cheap, efficient, precise and accurate since results obtained with the analysis of spiked samples presented good agreement with the added values. In addition, SPE/ICP-MS showed better analytical performances compared to ICP OES after microwave-assisted digestion. The optimized nanometer-sized alumina SPE method was applied in the determination of Co, Cr, Mn, Ni and Ti in ten real gasoline samples obtained from six local filling stations. 10.5 REFERENCES 1. Saint'pierre, T. D., Dias, L. F., Pozebon, D., Aucélio, R. Q., Curtius, A. J. & Welz, B. 2002. Determination of Cu, Mn, Ni and Sn in gasoline by electrothermal vaporization inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, and emulsion sample introduction. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 57, 1991-2001. 2. Roldan, P. 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S., Schiavo, D. & Nobrega, J. A. 2013. Determination of Cr, Ni, Pb and V in gasoline and ethanol fuel by microwave plasma optical emission spectrometry. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 28, 755-759. 41. Cunha, F. A. S., Sousa, R. A., Harding, D. P., Cadore, S., Almeida, L. F. & Araújo, M. C. U. 2012. Automatic microemulsion preparation for metals determination in fuel samples using a flow-batch analyzer and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Analytica Chimica Acta, 727, 34-40. 214 CHAPTER ELEVEN: DEVELOPMENT AND MULTIVARIATE OPTIMIZATION OF AN OFFLINE HOLLOW FIBER SOLID PHASE MICROEXTRACTION SYSTEM FOR PRECONCENTRATION OF TRACE METAL IONS IN FUEL SAMPLES PRIOR TO THEIR ICP-MS DETERMINATION ABSTRACT A simple and efficient hollow fiber-solid phase microextraction (HF–SPME) method using hollow fiber-supported sol-gel combined with cation exchange resin was developed for the preconcentration of Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn in diesel and gasoline samples. The cationic exchanger used in this study was Dowex 50-x8 resin. The optimization of HF-SPME procedure was carried out using two-level full factorial and central composite designs. Four factors (variables), including sample solution pH, acceptor phase amount, extraction time and eluent concentration were considered as factors in the optimization. The four factor and two-level full factorial design (24 with 19 runs) results, based on the analysis of variance (ANOVA), demonstrated that acceptor phase amount, eluent concentration and extraction time led to a more significant improvement of the analytical response at 95% confidence level. Central composite design was then applied in order to determine the optimum conditions for metal ion preconcentration. Under optimized experimental conditions, the precision was ≤ 3% (C = 10 µg L-1, n =12), limits of detection and quantification ranged from 0.08-0.28 µg L-1 and 0.28-0.93 µg L-1, respectively, and the maximum preconcentration factor was 30. Keywords: HF-SPME, multivariate optimization, preconcentration, trace metals, ICP-MS, liquid fuels 11.1 INTRODUCTION The presence of metal ions in liquid fuels is undesirable, not only because of the possibility of damaging vehicle parts, catalytic poisoning and poor fuel performance, but also because of the pollution caused by the release of toxic metals into the atmosphere during fuel combustion.1,2 Depending on the concentration of metal ions in liquid fuels, poor engine performance and increased levels of pollution can be observed.3 In addition, considering the large number of 215 Chapter 11: Hollow fiber solid phase microextraction of trace metal ions in fuel vehicles circulating in metropolitan areas, toxic metal ions such as Pb, has a potential of presenting severe public health issues.3-5 Taking into consideration the aforementioned aspects, accurate determination and knowledge of metal ions in liquid fuels is necessary to guarantee the quality of the product, good performance of vehicle engines and reduced environmental pollution.6 The concentrations of metal ions in liquid fuel samples such as diesel and gasoline are usually at trace levels. For this reason, sensitive techniques or pre-concentration for their determination are required.7 Direct determination of metals in diesel and gasoline, by most analytical techniques is difficult.8 This is because of their volatility, low viscosity, corrosivity and immiscibility with water.8,9 Despite this challenge, procedures based on direct determination using electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS) are reported in literature.10,11 This is because of the high sensitivity and tolerance to high organic matrix loads.3 In addition, the use of emulsion or microemulsion procedures combined with ETAAS has recently become attractive alternative sample preparation methods. This is due to the fact that these procedures had short sample preparation time and low risk of analyte losses by volatilization or sorption.12 However, the disadvantage of these procedures is the stability of microemulsion between the fuel oils and surfactant.13 For instance, it has been reported that microemulsion can be stable for 20 to 60 minutes.14,15 In addition, the routine analysis using ETAAS is disadvantageous because of its low sample throughput compared to inductively coupled plasma-based methods.3 Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) is a well-known spectrometric technique that is used in routine analysis of metal ions in different sample matrices such as environmental, food, biological and fuel samples, among others. The main advantages of using ICP-MS include multielement capability, low detection limits, sensitivity, wide linear range and high sample throughput. However, the direct introduction of liquid fuels into the plasma requires special care, as the organic load may de-stabilize or extinguish the plasma.7,9,16 Therefore, a sample preparation step that will extract trace metals in diesel and gasoline samples prior to ICP– MS determination is required. One sample preparation method that is commonly coupled to ICPMS is electrothermal vaporization (ETV).6,7,17,18 The latter uses a temperature program for volatilization of matrix components before introducing the analyte into the plasma. An electrothermal vaporization technique minimizes carbon formation on components of the 216 Chapter 11: Hollow fiber solid phase microextraction of trace metal ions in fuel equipment and reduces interference due to polyatomic species.7 However, its parameters have to be optimized for each element thus lengthening the experimental procedure.19 Therefore, an accurate and reliable analytical procedure based on simultaneous separation and preconcentration of analytes prior to analysis in fuel samples, is required. Solid phase microextraction (SPME) is an ideal alternative preconcentration technique that can be used to eliminate organic matrices prior to ICP-MS determination. This technique was introduced in 1990 by Arthur and Pawliszyn to tackle the need to ease rapid sample preparation both in the laboratory and on-site.20 The benefits of using SPME technique include short sample preparation times, small sample volumes, analyte preconcentration from liquid, gaseous and solid samples and easy automation to allow high-throughput analysis.20 However, the main limitation of this technique is related to polymeric extractant phase and the desorption process.21 This limitation can be avoided by the use of a hollow fiber membrane. Hollow fiber-SPME involves the use of a membrane as the adsorbing material that integrates sampling, extraction and preconcentration into a single step. Additionally, it inherits the advantages of SPME and membrane separation.22,23 This study explored the use of hollow fiber solid phase microextraction (HF-SPME) technique using a hollow fiber-supported sol-gel combined with cation exchange resin (Dowex 50W-x8 for extraction and preconcentration of trace elements (Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn) in diesel oil and gasoline samples. The combination of sol-gel and cation exchange resin provides a versatile preconcentration method for the metal ion analysis. The advantage of incorporating a cation exchange inside the hollow fiber membrane includes the possibility of fiber regeneration and high preconcentration factor. The HF-SPME system was carried out in a batch mode. However, the latter involves time-consuming steps. To overcome this problem, multivariate techniques were used for optimization of factors influencing preconcentration conditions for metal ion determination. This is because multivariate techniques are faster, more economical and effective than the traditional univariate method. In addition, multivariate optimization makes it possible to understand interactions between experimental variables that are not explained by the traditional approach.24 In this work, two-level full factorial and central composite designs were used for optimization of the factors affecting the preconcentration system. To the best of our knowledge, the assessment of hollow fiber-supported sol-gel combined with cation exchange 217 Chapter 11: Hollow fiber solid phase microextraction of trace metal ions in fuel resin for preconcentration of metal ions in diesel and gasoline, has not been reported in the literature. 11.2 EXPERIMENTAL 11.2.1 Instrumentation A Perkin-Elmer Sciex ELAN 6000 (Perkin-Elmer SCIEX Instruments, Concord, Canada) inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) was used for all measurements. The ICP-MS instrument was optimized daily and operated as recommended by the manufacturer. The operating conditions are presented in Table 11.1. Argon of 99.996% purity (Afrox, South Africa) was used. The Accurel S6/2 polypropylene hollow fiber membrane used here was obtained from Membrana (Wuppertal, Germany). The wall thickness of the fiber was 450 μm, the inner diameter was 1800 µm, and the pore size was 0.2 µm. Table 11.1. Operational ICP-MS parameters RF power Gas flow rates Outer Intermediate Carrier Resolution Sweeps per reading Dwell time Readings per replicate Replicates Auto lens Isotopes a 1100 15 L min-1 1.2 L min-1 0.95 L min-1 0.7 a.m.u. (10% of the peak height) 1 25 ms 100 3 On 111 Cd, 63Cu, 56Fe, 208Pb, 66Zn 45Sc (ISa), 72Ge (IS), 115In (IS), 209Bi (IS) IS = Internal standard For comparative method, metal ions (Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn) were determined using a Spectro Arcos 165 ICP OES (SPECTRO Analytical Instruments, GmbH, Germany) equipped with Cetac ASX-520 autosampler. The operating conditions on the ICP OES spectrometer during 218 Chapter 11: Hollow fiber solid phase microextraction of trace metal ions in fuel the measurements were as follows: forward power: 1400 W, plasma argon flow rate: 13 L min-1, auxiliary argon flow rate: 2.00 L min-1, nebulizer argon flow rare: 0.95 L min-1. The most prominent atomic and ionic analytical lines of metal ions were selected for investigation, that is, Cd 214.438 nm, Cu 324.754 nm, Fe 238.204 nm, Pb 220.353 nm and Zn 213.856. The microwave digestions were carried out in an Ethos D (Milestone, Sorisole, Italy) with maximum pressure 1450 psi and maximum temperature 300◦C. 11.2.2 Reagents, Solutions and Real Samples All reagents were of analytical grade unless otherwise stated and double distilled deionised water (Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA) was used throughout the experiments. The sol–gel precursor tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS), absolute ethanol (EtOH), 2-amino-2-hydroxynmethylpropane-1,3-diol (TRIS) and ammonium hydroxide were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Loius, MO, USA). Dowex 50w-x8 cation exchange resins (sodium form) with a mesh size of 200-400, was obtained from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Loius, MO, USA). Synthetic gasoline was prepared by mixing 91% isooctane and 9% n-heptane (St. Loius, MO, USA). Spectrascan stock solutions (1000 mg L-1) of Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn (Industrial Analytical (Pty) Ltd, Johannesburg, South Africa) were used to prepare the working solutions for HF-LPME at concentrations of 15 µg L-1 for each metal ion. Working solutions (prepared in organic phase), as per the experimental requirements, were freshly prepared from the stock solution for each experimental run. A Spectrascan multi-element standard solution at a concentration of 100 mg L-1 (Industrial Analytical (Pty) Ltd, Johannesburg, South Africa) was used to prepare working standard solutions for measurements of concentrations of analytes in model and sample solutions. 11.2.3 Preparation of Sol-gel The sol–gel solution was prepared by a method proposed by Es’haghi et al.25 Describing the procedure briefly, 640 µL of TEOS, 130 µL of TRIS aqueous solution (5%) as base catalyst and 500 µL of EtOH were added into a Teflon beaker. The mixture stirred and heated at 50°C for 2–3 h until turbidity appeared. Thereafter, 20 µL of concentrated ammonium hydroxide was added into the mixture. The latter was then centrifuged at 1200 rpm for 5 min. The sol (top clear liquid solution) was removed and the gel (white precipitate at the bottom) was washed twice, in 219 Chapter 11: Hollow fiber solid phase microextraction of trace metal ions in fuel succession, with deionized water and once with ethanol to remove the un-reacted reactant and excess catalyst. The resulting gel was transferred to a clean vial and dispersed in 1 mL 1octanol/ethanol (1:1 v/v) mixture and then used for metal extraction study. 11.2.4 Extraction and Pre-concentration Procedure An appropriate amount of Dowex 50w-x8 resin was added to the gel which was previously dispersed 1 mL 1-octanol/ethanol (1:1 v/v) mixture. Before, the extraction and preconcentration procedure for metal ions in fuel samples, the hollow fiber (450 μm, the inner diameter was 1800 µm, and the pore size was 0.2 µm) was cut into segments with a length of 4 cm and one end of the fiber was sealed using a hot plate. The fiber segments were cleaned with acetone to remove impurities and directly dried in air. Then, the fiber was submerged in the 1-octanol for a few seconds to fill the membrane pores of the hollow fiber wall. After that, appropriate concentrations of the acceptor phase (sol–gel/Dowex 50W-x8) were injected into the lumen of the hollow fiber with a pasture pipette. The fiber surface was washed with water to remove excess organic solvent. Then the other end the hollow fiber was sealed to prevent the leaking of the acceptor phase. The procedure for the preparation of gasoline–ethanol–water mixture was carried out according to Ozcan and Akman.26 A 10 ml aliquot of synthetic gasoline sample was placed in a 100 ml polyethylene volumetric flask followed by the addition of 5 ml of concentrated HNO3 and 10 ml of water. The mixture was spiked with 1.5 mL of a 1.0 mg L-1 multi-element oil standard solution and made up to the mark with ethanol to obtain 15 µg L-1 concentration of each metal ion. The mixture was homogenized by shaking and a single phase solution was obtained. It should be noted that the stability of the gasoline-ethanol-water mixture was not monitored. This is because the resulting mixture was subjected the preconcentration system immediately after homogenization. The hollow fiber was placed into the sample solution present in plastic bottles containing 50 mL of the above mentioned model solutions. The bottles were covered and shaken at 500 rpm. During this procedure, the analytes from the sample solution diffuses through the porous polypropylene membrane into the acceptor phase.25 At the end of the extraction, the hollow fiber was taken out from the vial and rinsed with double distilled deionised water then transferred into a polypropylene centrifuge vial containing 5.0 mL of eluent solution. The 220 Chapter 11: Hollow fiber solid phase microextraction of trace metal ions in fuel analytes were eluted from the fiber with ultrasonic agitation for 5 min. The same procedure was applied to the blank solutions. In the case of analysis of real samples, an aliquot of 2.5 mL of gasoline sample was placed in a 250 mL polypropylene volumetric flask followed by the addition of 1.25 mL of concentrated HNO3 and 25 mL double distilled deionised water, respectively. The mixture was then diluted to the mark with ethanol. Between experiments, the hollow fibers were washed with double distilled deionised water and stored in 1.0 M NaOH solution (this was done in order to keep the resin in sodium form) for the next experiment. 11.2.5 Optimization Strategy The optimization of the HF-SPME was carried out considering four variables, namely, sample pH, eluent concentration (EC), acceptor phase amount (APA) and extraction time (ET). In all experiments, 50 mL of metal ion solutions with a final concentration of 15 μg L−1 were used. The optimization was carried out by using the multivariate strategy. Firstly, a screening of the influential variables on the analytical response was tested by employing a two-level (24) full factorial design with three central points. The factors and their levels are presented in Table 10.2. The second step of the optimization strategy involved the application of a RSM based on a central composite design. The latter was applied in the optimization of the level of the variables that were considered as significant according to the results obtained in 24 full factorial design. The design of experiments was performed using Minitab 15 and Design Expert Software programs. Table 11.2. Factors and levels used in 24 factorial design for separation and preconcentration of metal ions in fuel samples Variable pH EC (mol L-1) APA (mg mL-1) ET (min) Low level (-1) 4.0 1.0 50 10 221 Central point (0) 6 2.5 100 25 High level (+1) 8 4.0 150 40 Chapter 11: Hollow fiber solid phase microextraction of trace metal ions in fuel 11.2.6 Comparative Procedure The Microwave acid digestion procedure was carried out according to Kowalewska et al.27 Briefly, 5.0 ml of the gasoline sample was placed into a Teflon vessel followed by 6 mL HNO3 (65%) and 2.0 mL H2O2 (30%). The vessels were inserted into a microwave unit and heated according to the conditions recommended by the manufacturer. The digested content was left to cool down to room temperature. After cooling, the vessels were opened and 2 ml of concentrated HNO3 and 2 ml of hydrogen peroxide were added, and the heating program was repeated. Finally, the Teflon vessel contents were cooled down to room temperature and quantitatively transferred to a 50 mL calibration flask, 1 mL of concentrated nitric acid was added and the samples were spiked with 20 µg L-1 of the target analytes. The flask was then made up to the mark with double distilled deionised water. The latter water was submitted to the same procedure and used as a blank. The samples were then analyzed with ICP OES. 11.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION We note that the ICP-MS instrument used in this study did not have collision/reaction cell. Therefore, in all analyses, mathematical equations were incorporated to correct potential spectral interferences such as 40Ar16O on 56Fe, and 36Ar2 on 72Ge. In addition, the use of pre-concentration procedure prior to metal ion determination increased the concentration levels of the metal ions in the final solution. Furthermore, model solutions were also used to monitor the performance of the instruments. According to the results obtained there was no sign of interferences and the concentration levels for blank solutions were low, as expected. 11.3.1 Preliminary Optimization Using Two Level Full Factorial Design The optimization of the HF-SPME preconcentration system was performed using a 24 full factorial design with three replicates of the center point, totalizing to 19 experiments. Table 11.3 shows the factorial design matrix and the results derived from each run for cadmium, copper, iron, lead and zinc, respectively. The effect of factors in the HF-SPME system was investigated by using analysis of variance (ANOVA) considering the recovery as the analytical response. The information obtained from ANOVA, generally main effects and their interactions, is represented 222 Chapter 11: Hollow fiber solid phase microextraction of trace metal ions in fuel in a Pareto Chart (Fig. 11.1). The length of each bar in the chart is proportional to the absolute value of its estimated effect. When the bar length exceeds the vertical reference line (p = 0.05) it implies that the effect of the variable or interaction is significant.28 Table 11.3. Matrix of 24 full factorial design and the analytical response (% recovery) for each experiment for extraction and preconcentration of metal ions Experiments pH APA ET EC Cd Cu Fe Pb Recovery (%) 58.6 43.2 61.2 47.0 65.8 60.0 67.6 62.5 71.8 52.9 73.3 60.8 83.4 72.9 85.1 79.87 76.5 60.9 77.0 63.0 84.4 69.0 89.0 70.8 82.7 72.3 85.5 74.1 96.0 95.0 98.1 95.7 82.2 71.1 82.1 71.1 82.1 71.2 -1 -1 -1 -1 39.5 53.6 1 1 -1 -1 -1 40.2 64.8 2 -1 1 -1 -1 53.6 75.6 3 1 1 -1 -1 54.1 84.5 4 -1 -1 1 -1 59.6 67.8 5 1 -1 1 -1 60.6 75.3 6 -1 1 1 -1 70.0 84.0 7 1 1 1 -1 69.9 90.4 8 -1 -1 -1 1 65.3 64.2 9 1 -1 -1 1 66.3 68.6 10 -1 1 -1 1 73.7 82.4 11 1 1 -1 1 74.7 89.3 12 -1 -1 1 1 85.3 90.3 13 1 -1 1 1 86.0 93.1 14 -1 1 1 1 94.4 93.8 15 1 1 1 1 95.2 95.0 16 0 0 0 0 70.7 81.5 17 0 0 0 0 70.5 81.7 18 0 0 0 0 70.5 81.7 19 APA= Acceptor phase amount; ET= extraction time; EC = eluent concentration Zn 42.9 45.9 58.8 59.9 61.8 63.7 73.3 79.5 55.4 57.7 86.9 89.9 73.4 75.0 93.3 94.9 71.6 71.5 71.7 Fig. 11.1 A shows that eluent concentration (24.31), extraction time (19.06) and acceptor phase amount (10.20) are statistically significant at 95% confidence level. Sample pH and the main effect interaction were not significant at 95% confident level. For preconcentration of Cu (Fig. 11.1 B), acceptor phase amount (14.71), extraction time (13.24), eluent concentration (10.19) and sample pH (6.24) were statistically significant at the 95% confidence level. Moreover, interactions between acceptor phase amount and extraction time (-5.46), acceptor 223 Chapter 11: Hollow fiber solid phase microextraction of trace metal ions in fuel phase amount and eluent concentration (-3.68) as well as between extraction time and eluent concentration (3.62) are also significant. In the case of Fe extraction (Fig. 11.1 C), eluent concentration (24.31), extraction time (19.06) and acceptor phase amount 10.20) as well as interaction between extraction time and eluent concentration were statistically significant at the 95% confidence level. Fig. 11.1 D shows that ET (16.31), APA (16.01), EC (15.53), sample pH (3.85) and interaction between APA and ET (4.74) are significant at 95% confidence level. Lastly, for preconcentration of Zn (Fig 11.1 E), APA (19.59), EC (17.10) and ET (14.21) were statistically significant at the 95% confidence level. In addition, interactions between APA and EC (6.28) are also significant. The positive values signify that increasing the factors from minimum to maximum will lead to the increase in the analytical response (% recovery). In contrast, the negative values indicate an enhancement in the analytical response when the level changes from maximum to minimum .29 The ANOVA results demonstrated that for extraction of Cd, Fe and Zn, the sample pH was not significant (at 95% confidence level). Although sample pH was significant for the preconcentration of Cu and Pb, considering the effect value of the sample pH compared to other main effects, one can conclude that acceptor phase volume, eluent concentration and extraction time lead to a more pronounced improvement of the analytical response. Therefore, the sample pH was fixed at 7.0. The overall results obtained for the full factorial design showed that the variables such as APA, ET and EC required a final optimization. Therefore, these variables were optimized using a central composite design. The latter is associated with the response surface method and is appropriate for the location of an optimum set of experimental conditions from a very good fitting of a quadratic model.30 224 Chapter 11: Hollow fiber solid phase microextraction of trace metal ions in fuel Fig. 11.1. Pareto chart of standardized effects for variables related to the preconcentration of (A) cadmium, (B) copper, (C) iron, (D) lead and (E) zinc 11.3.2 Final optimization using a Central Composite Design In view of the fact that the significant factors were identified, central composite design was used for the final optimization of the HF-SPME method. A central composite design matrix containing a total of 20 experiments and response based on each of the experimental runs, are shown in Table 11.4. The observed percentage recoveries of each metal ion ranged from 45.01- 225 Chapter 11: Hollow fiber solid phase microextraction of trace metal ions in fuel 98.10%, 51.23-99.12%, 38.18-98.60%, 4.75-98.13% and 42.28-99.01% for Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn, respectively. Table 11.4. List of experiments in the central composite design (actual values) for HF-SPME optimization and the responses Experiment APA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 50 150 50 150 50 150 50 150 100 100 100 100 15.9 184.1 100 100 100 100 100 100 ET 15 15 40 40 15 15 40 40 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 6.5 48.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 EC Cd Cu 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 4 4 4 4 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 0.65 4.85 2.75 2.75 Recovery (%) 48.23 53.91 70.77 70.14 66.10 59.97 97.87 92.91 52.18 54.40 71.80 69.75 67.58 70.13 96.18 99.12 88.09 87.02 87.96 87.09 88.00 86.95 87.99 87.12 45.01 51.23 97.16 96.13 57.11 63.01 98.10 96.12 74.41 63.30 75.88 71.93 88.01 86.97 88.12 86.98 Fe Pb Zn 44.01 90.22 69.43 94.48 41.98 72.75 59.94 74.88 84.25 84.18 84.37 84.29 38.18 95.89 61.28 98.56 75.18 58.41 83.89 84.13 47.38 73.87 54.63 98.13 60.76 69.02 68.03 86.86 82.69 82.65 82.70 82.71 43.75 93.75 72.91 95.82 62.77 75.81 82.68 82.74 50.13 85.48 66.01 91.65 54.77 82.44 74.93 96.37 86.21 86.55 86.36 86.75 42.26 91.91 75.52 99.01 64.45 73.81 86.52 86.75 Analysis of Variance The analysis of variance (ANOVA) parameters of the predicted response surface quadratic model for the recoveries of Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn, were obtained. It should be noted that the ANOVA results are not included for simplicity purposes. However, they can be viewed in the Supplementary data. The p-values less than 0.05 indicated that the model terms are significant at 95% confidence level, whereas values greater than 0.05 indicate that the model terms are not 226 Chapter 11: Hollow fiber solid phase microextraction of trace metal ions in fuel significant.31,32 The model F-values and p-values were less than 0.05; this demonstrated that the model was significant for extraction and preconcentration of metal ions in gasoline model solutions. The ANOVA results (Supplementary data) showed the lack of fit for F-values was statistically significant at 95% confidence level. Bashir et al.31 reported that a significant lack of fit suggests that there may be some systematic variation unaccounted for in the hypothesized models. This might be due to the precise replicate values of the independent variable in the model that provide an estimate of pure error.31 According to Joglekar and May,33 the minimum correlation coefficient for a good fit model should be higher than 0.80. The correlation coefficients (0.9824-0.9993) obtained in the present study for preconcentration of Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn were higher than 0.80. High correlation coefficients values demonstrate a relatively good agreement between the predicted and observed results within the range of experimental runs.31 The data obtained (Table 11.4) were analysed using Design Expert software and resulted in Eq. (1)-(5) for the models to illustrate the dependence of the analytical response (% recovery) with respect to the evaluated variables, that is, acceptor phase amount, extraction time and eluent concentration. The final regression models were expressed in terms of actual factors. % Re cov ery(Cd ) 32.57 0.72 A 2.18 B 20.94 C 4.19 10 3 AB 1.76 10 2 AC 5.07 10 2 BC 2.60 10 3 A 2 (1) 2.85 10 2 B 2 3.19 C 2 % Re cov ery(Cu ) 8.85 0.51 A 0.85 B 24.58 C 6.07 10 3 AB 9.66 10 3 AC 0.13 BC 2.01 10 3 A 2 (2) 1.91 10 2 B 2 4.61C 2 % Re cov ery( Fe) 61.81 1.18 A 2.29 B 26.98 C 6.60 10 3 AB 5.91 10 2 AC 0.11 BC 2.56 10 3 A 2 2 1.18 10 B 4.15 C 2 (3) 2 % Re cov ery( Pb ) 27.52 0.81A 0.23 B 31.53 C 5.52 10 3 AB 8.58 10 2 AC 5.12 10 2 BC 2..31 10 3 A 2 3 1.59 10 B 3.57 C 2 2 227 (4) Chapter 11: Hollow fiber solid phase microextraction of trace metal ions in fuel % Re cov ery( Zn) 21.53 0.95 A 0.42 B 22.19 C 3.19 10 3 AB 2.38 10 2 AC 9.63 10 2 BC 2.56 10 3 A 2 (5) 3.49 10 3 B 2 3.75 C 2 In Eqs (1)-(5), A, B and C correspond to independent variables of aceptor phase amount, extraction time and eluent concentration, respectively, while the terms AB, BC and AC correspond to the interactions of the variables. Optimization of Experimental Conditions The 3D response surface plots in Fig. 11.2 were used to access the interactive relationship between independent variables and analytical response.31 It can be seen from Fig. 11.2 that, in each plot eluent concentration was kept constant while the other two variables were varied within the experimental ranges. The reason why eluent concentration was kept constant during the evaluation is that the perturbation plots (data not included) for all the metal ions showed a semiflat curvature for eluent concentration compared to other independent variables. The semi-flat curvature indicates that, the influence of eluent concentration on the analytical response was less significant compared to acceptor phase amount and extraction time, which had a relatively significant effect on % recovery. Fig. 11.2 shows the surface response plots of percentage recovery versus the acceptor phase amount (APA) and extraction time (ET) at constant eluent concentration of 2.75 mol L-1 for optimization of metal ion preconcentration using HF-SPME. It was observed that for all the metal ions, the maximum percentage recoveries of metal ions at APA 150 mg L-1 and ET 40 min, were 101.10%, 101.33%, 101.32%, 98.28% and 95.99% for Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn, respectively. On the other hand, the minimum recoveries (47.51%, 51.23%, 38.15%, 43.75% and 43.28% for Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn, respectively) were obtained at APA 50 mg mL-1 and ET 15 min. Based on results obtained from 24 full factorial and central composite designs the optimum conditions that led to quantitative retention and elution of metal ion were as follows: pH = 7.0, acceptor phase amount = 150 mg mL-1, extraction time = 40 min and eluent concentration = 2.75 mol L-1. 228 Chapter 11: Hollow fiber solid phase microextraction of trace metal ions in fuel Fig. 11.2. Response surface for percentage recovery of cadmium (A), copper (B), iron (C), lead (D) and zinc (E) as function of acceptor phase amount (APA), mg mL-1 and extraction time (ET), min at constant eluent concentration of 2.75 mol L-1 The total number of experiments performed in full factorial and central composite designs to attain optimum conditions for simultaneous preconcentration of Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn using HFSPME were 39. The latter corresponds to an average of 19 experiments for full factorial design exploring four factors and 20 experiments for CCD exploring three factors. In comparison with the traditional univariate optimization procedure, the total number of experiments carried out in 229 Chapter 11: Hollow fiber solid phase microextraction of trace metal ions in fuel this study was relatively low. In addition, the reduced number of experiments allows improved data interpretation at greater speed and efficiency of the proposed analytical method. Unlike the multivariate optimization procedure, the traditional univariate procedure requires at least 8–10 experimental points for optimization of each variable per metal ion. In terms of data interpretation, the univariate procedure may lead to misleading results and analysis because the effects of interactions among the variables cannot be examined.34 11.3.3 Regeneration Studies The regeneration of the column is one of the important parameters in evaluating the stability of the HF-SPME supported sol-gel combined with Dowex 50W-x8 resin. The recyclability of HF-SPME method was achieved by performing adsorption and desorption repeatedly. The stability and regeneration of HF-SPME was evaluated by monitoring changes in the recoveries of the target metal ions through retention-elution cycles. It was observed that the HF-SPME was stable up to 75 retention/elution cycles (15 replicates in 5 consecutive days) without obvious loss of its analytical performance. Therefore, the recycling of hollow fiber-supported sol-gel combined with cation exchange resin is possible. 11.3.4 Analytical Features Under the optimum conditions, calibration curves were constructed for the preconcentration of Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn ions according to the general procedure. Linearity was obtained between 0.4-140, 0.1-140, 0.5-120, 0.8-100 and 0.1-120 µg L-1 for Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn, respectively, in a 50 mL sample. The sensitivity of the HF-SPME method was defined as the gradient (slope) of the calibration graph. The results in Table 11.5 indicated that the sensitivity trend of the HF-SPME method was Zn >Cu > Cd > Fe > Pb. Thus the highest sensitivity obtained was 106.8 cps L µg-1 for Zn while the lowest was 34.0 cps L µg-1 for Pb. The possibility of enriching low concentrations of analytes from large volumes, the maximum applicable sample volume should be investigated.8 It was observed that quantitative recoveries for all target metal ions were stable (≥ 95%) when sample volume was 150 mL. Therefore, the highest preconcentration factor, defined as the ratio of the sample volume loaded onto the column to the 230 Chapter 11: Hollow fiber solid phase microextraction of trace metal ions in fuel eluent volume used for stripping of the retained metal ions, for this method was 30. Therefore, 150 ml was used for further investigations. The limits of detection (LOD) and limits of quantification (LOQ) were calculated according to IUPAC definition; that is, LOD 3Sd m and LOQ 10Sd m , respectively, where m and Sd are the slope of the respective analytical curve and the standard deviation of 20 consecutive measurements of the blank signal, respectively. It should be noted that model (synthetic) gasoline samples (prepared as described in Section 2.2) were used as blank solutions. The LOD and LOQ results as well as extraction efficiency are presented in Table 11.5. The precision of the HF-SPME method, calculated as the relative standard deviation (RSD, n = 15), in sample solutions containing 10 µg L-1 of each metal ion was in the range of 0.4-2.8%. The time required for preconcentration of 150 mL of sample (40 min extraction and 5 min elution) was about 45 min. It should be noted the thermostat shaker can handle up to 32 samples at the same time. Therefore, the throughput sample was approximately 32 samples h-1. Table 11.5. Analytical performance of the HF-SPME system for preconcentration of metal ions obtained under optimum conditions Analyte Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Sensitivity (cps L µg-1) 79.8 103.6 75.5 34.0 103.8 R2 LOD (µg L-1) LOQ (µg L-1) 0.9965 0.9997 0.9988 0.9967 0.9989 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.08 0.4 0.3 0.5 0.9 0.3 Precision (%RSD) 0.4 0.7 2.8 2.5 0.6 Recovery (%) 101±0.1 102±0.4 99.8±0.1 98.7±0.3 99.2±0.1 11.3.5 Effect of other Metal Ions on the HF-SPME Procedure Liquid fuel samples normally contain a number of metal ions that exist naturally in the Earth’s crust. The interference induced by commonly coexisting ions is listed in Table 11.6. Preconcentration of the investigated analytes (10 µg L-1) in the presence of potential interfering ions, were investigated under the optimum conditions. The effect of interfering ions was investigated in order to assess the applicability of the proposed HF-SPME procedure. The 231 Chapter 11: Hollow fiber solid phase microextraction of trace metal ions in fuel tolerance limit was set as the concentration of the ion required to cause ≤5% error. If the presence of an interfering ion caused a variation more than 5% in the recoveries of metal ions, it was then considered as an interferent. The results are presented in Table 11.6. All studied ions were found not to affect the retention and recoveries of the target analytes. In addition, higher concentrations of group I and II metals can be tolerated. These results suggest that HF-SPME method can be applied for the determination of trace levels of Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn in liquid fuel samples that contains higher concentrations of secondary cations. Table 11.6. Effect of potential interfering ions on the percentage recoveries of Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn (mean % recovery ± standard deviation) Ions K+ Na+ Ca2+ Mg2+ Mn2+ Ni2+ Co2+ Cr3+ Al3+ Ag+ [Interfering ion] (mg L-1) 1000 1000 1000 1000 5 5 5 2 50 2 Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn 97.1±1.3 96.5±1.5 96.0±0.9 98.5±2.5 95.1±2.4 96.0±2.2 98.2±1.1 96.0±1.6 98.3±1.7 99.4±1.7 99.5±0.6 98.9±1.2 97.9±0.9 98.3±1.1 95.7±2.5 95.9±3.1 95.3±2.7 97.6±1.7 98.5±1.2 99.4±0.5 97.3±1.6 98.3±1.9 97.9±1.3 98.4±1.7 96.6±2.1 95.9±2.6 97.7±2.2 96.6±1.4 98.4±1.8 97.4±2.2 98.3±1.2 96.9±2.1 96.8±2.5 97.0±2.7 95.6±3.1 95.3±2.8 96.0±2.6 95.5±2.3 97.7±1.2 98.9±1.0 99.4±0.5 98.1±1.1 97.3±1.6 96.9±1.9 96.6±2.1 96.8±2.3 97.8±1.5 97.2±1.8 99.4±0.4 98.8±1.1 11.3.6 Validation and Application of the HF-SPME Method Due to the lack of CRMs for liquid fuel, the accuracy of the proposed method was verified through addition/recovery experiments, by adding 20 µg L-1 of each metal ion to diesel and gasoline samples. In addition, one of the main problems associated with the preconcentration and determination of trace elements in liquid fuels is the lack of knowledge about the form of the analyte in the sample.35,36 Therefore, the standard addition method was carried out using both metal-organic standards and aqueous metal standards. The results obtained as the average of three replicates of each metal ion are presented in Table 11.7. As it can be seen for this table, the recoveries obtained using either inorganic or organic standards were greater than or equal to 232 Chapter 11: Hollow fiber solid phase microextraction of trace metal ions in fuel 95%. This means that the Cu, Fe Ni and Zn present in liquid fuel samples can be determined through the calibration technique using either inorganic or organic standards. Moreover, as it can be seen in Table 11.7, the method has relatively good accuracy and the recoveries were between 95% and 103%. The HF-SPME method was applied for extraction and preconcentration of metal ions in commercial diesel and gasoline samples collected from different filling stations in Johannesburg (South Africa). For the comparative method (reference method), the samples were digested using microwave-assisted digestion (MAD) method and the concentrations of the analytes were determined using ICP OES. It should be noted that, the digested samples were spiked with a known amount of each analyte before their ICP OES determination. The obtained results using the proposed method are presented in Table 11.8. Generally, the total metal content trend was 1160, 857, 734.8 and 332.7 µg L-1 for D1, G1, D2 and G2, respectively. As can be seen in Table 11.8, the concentration of Cd were quite low (˂ 10 µg L-1) for all the samples. Copper concentration in diesel (D1 and D2) and G1 samples were higher than G2 sample. Iron and Zn concentrations on the other hand were higher in D1 and G1 samples. The highest concentration of lead was observed in the D1 sample. The results obtained indicated that Cd, Cu, Fe Pb and Zn in liquid fuels could be quantitatively extracted and preconcentrated using HF-SPME method before their inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometric determination. The accuracy of the method was also evaluated by analysis of target analytes in diesel and gasoline samples using the reference method (MAD/ICP OES) and the results are presented in Table 11.8. Applying the paired student t-test, the results obtained were not significantly different at 95% confidence level. In addition to the results not being significantly different, another advantage of the proposed method is that it minimizes the risks of incomplete mineralization of the organic matrix and cross-contamination. Furthermore, it avoids the use of concentrated acids and significantly reduces the laboratory waste and analysis time (sample throughput ≈ 32 samples h-1), which is an important aspect for routine analysis work. 233 Chapter 11: Hollow fiber solid phase microextraction of trace metal ions in fuel Table 11.7. Analytical results obtained in the analysis of spiked diesel sample. The concentration and recovery values are expressed as the mean ± standard deviation of the three replicates Sample Analytes Added (µg L-1) D1 Cd 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 Cu Fe Pb Zn G1 Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn 234 Inorganic standard Found (µg L-1) Recovery (%) 3.1±0.5 22.9±0.8 99.0±1.7 361±4 381±4 99.4±2.3 468±5 488±3 98.4±2.1 153±4 173±2 98.7±3.4 175±4 195±3 101±3.4 5.2±0.6 24.9±0.5 98.7±1.3 272±4 291±4 98.3±2.3 424±4 444±4 99.1±3.0 ND 19.5±0.5 97.5±1.1 157±2 176±2 97.8±2.6 Metallo-organic standard Found (µg L-1) Recovery (%) 3.1±0.5 22.4±1.2 96.5±2.1 361±4 379±2 97.5±1.5 468±5 488±4 99.5±2.4 153±4 172±2 95.5±0.9 175±4 195±4 98.5±1.3 5.2±0.6 24.3±1 95.5±1.8 272±4 292±3 101±3.4 423±4 443±2 95.5±1.3 ND 19.3±1.0 96.5±0.8 157±2 177±2 103±2.8 Chapter 11: Hollow fiber solid phase microextraction of trace metal ions in fuel Table 11.8. Determination of Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn (µg L-1) in commercial diesel (D1 and D2) and gasoline (G1 and G2) samples by proposed HF-SPME and comparative method (n = 3, at 95% confidence level). Techniques Analytes D1 D2 G1 G2 -1 HF-SPME/ICP-MS MAD/ICP OES Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn Cd Cu Fe Pb Zn 3.1±0.5 361.0±3.7 468.2±5.1 152.8±3.9 174.9±1.1 2.9±0.9 358.6±4.0 470.3±6.3 151.9±4.2 175.1±1.3 235 Concentrations (µg L ) 6.95±0.4 5.2±0.6 486.1±4.3 271.6±4.0 131.2±2.3 423.7±4.1 60.0±2.5 ND 50.5±1.1 156.5±1.6 7.1±0.3 4.8±1.2 484.8±4.8 269.3±3.7 129.5±3.4 425.1±4.5 60.2±3.0 ND 51.2±1.4 155.7±1.8 8.1±0.3 89.4±2.7 113.4±1.3 61.9±1.7 59.9±1.8 7.9±0.5 90.2±2.6 112.5±1.6 62.1±2.0 59.3±1.5 Chapter eleven Hollow fiber solid phase microextraction of trace metal ions in fuel 11.4 CONCLUSION An offline hollow fiber solid phase microextraction system based on fiber-supported sol-gel combined with cation exchange resin for preconcentration of trace metal ions in liquid fuel samples prior to their ICP-MS determination has been developed. The experimental conditions were optimized using two-level factorial and central composite designs, resulting in the use of sample pH = 7.0, acceptor phase amount = 150 mg mL-1, extraction time = 40 min and eluent concentration = 2.75 mol L-1. The accuracy of the proposed method was confirmed by analysis of the spiked diesel and gasoline samples. The measured concentrations were in good agreement at 95% confidence level with the added values. The precision, expressed as relative standard deviation, was less than or equal to 3%. The optimized method was applied for simultaneous preconcentration of the target analytes in commercial diesel and gasoline samples. The advantage of the proposed method over MAD/ICP OES is that it minimizes the risks of incomplete mineralization of the organic matrix and cross-contamination. In addition, HF-SPME/ICP-MS uses dilute acids and significantly reduces the laboratory waste and analysis time (sample throughput ≈ 32 samples h-1), which is an important aspect for routine analysis work. 11.5 REFERENCES 1. Saint'pierre, T. D., Dias, L. F., Maia, S. M. & Curtius, A. J. 2004. Determination of Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Tl in gasoline as emulsion by electrothermal vaporization inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with analyte addition and isotope dilution calibration techniques. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 59, 551-558. 2. Sousa, J. K. C., Dantas, A. N. D. S., Marques, A. L. B. & Lopes, G. S. 2008. Experimental design applied to the development of a copper direct determination method in gasoline samples by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Fuel Processing Technology, 89, 1180-1185. 3. Donati, G. L., Amais, R. S., Schiavo, D. & Nobrega, J. A. 2013. 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Determination of Cu, Co and Pb in gasoline by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry using aqueous standard addition in 238 Chapter eleven: Hollow fiber solid phase microextraction of trace metal ions in fuel gasoline–ethanol–water three-component system. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 60, 399-402. 27.Kowalewska, Z., Ruszczyńska, A. & Bulska, E. 2005. Cu determination in crude oil distillation products by atomic absorption and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry after analyte transfer to aqueous solution. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 60, 351-359. 28. Somera, B., Corazza, M., Yabe, M., Segatelli, M., Galunin, E. & Tarley, C. 2012. 3mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane-Modified Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes as a New Functional Adsorbent for Flow Injection Extraction of Pb(II) from Water and Sediment Samples. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 223, 6069-6081. 29. Martendal, E., Maltez, H. F. & Carasek, E. 2009. 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Journal of Brazzilian Chemical Society, 22, 552-557. 239 CHAPTER TWELVE: PREPARATION OF TITANIA-ALUMINA HOLLOW FIBER MEMBRANE AND MULTIVARIATE OPTIMIZATION FOR SIMULTANEOUS PRECONCENTRATION OF TRACE ELEMENTS IN DIESEL AND GASOLINE SAMPLES PRIOR TO ICP-MS DETERMINATION ABSTRACT A titania-alumina hollow fiber membrane was synthesized using the template method coupled with a sol–gel process. The crystal forms of the mixed oxides hollow fiber was evaluated using X-ray diffraction (XRD). The morphological structure and surface characteristics of the titania-alumina hollow fiber was characterized by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and nitrogen adsorption/desorption BET technique. The synthesized titaniaalumina hollow fiber membrane was used for extraction and preconcentration of trace amounts of Co, Cr, Mo, Ni, Sb and V in diesel and gasoline samples. The optimization of the experimental parameters was performed using a full 24 factorial design involving the variables: sample pH, eluent concentration (EC), extraction time (ET) and eluent volume (EV). The full factorial design was used to screen for significant variables. The optimum conditions were determined by central composite design. These two independent multivariate designs led to the following optimum conditions: pH = 8.0; EC = 2.75 mol L-1; ET = 25 min and EV = 5 mL. Under optimized conditions, a preconcentration factor of 50 was obtained; LOD and LOQ ranged from 0.01-0.12 and 0.08-0.22 µg L-1, respectively. The preconcentration method was applied in the determination of trace elements in real diesel and gasoline samples. Keywords: Titania-alumina hollow fiber, trace elements, multivariate optimization, diesel, gasoline, ICP-MS 12.1 INTRODUCTION The occurrence of metal ions in petroleum fractions such as diesel and gasoline is of substantial importance because of its effects on the use and performance characteristics of the desired products.1 For instance, elements like copper, antimony, nickel and vanadium are known to catalyse oxidative reactions, degrading the thermal stability of the petroleum fractions and only low concentrations of such metals can be tolerated especially in diesel. 1,2 Therefore, 240 Chapter twelve: MSPME for preconcentration of trace metal ions in fuel accurate determination of trace metal ions in diesel and gasoline is a very important step in the industrial production processes to assure their subsequent use. In addition, their quantification helps in atmospheric pollution monitoring. For these reasons, different procedures have been developed for the elemental analysis of diesel and gasoline. These methods involve various sample pretreatments such as alcohol dilution,3 microemulsion4 and microwave-assisted digestion5, among others. Techniques employing preconcentration procedures to extract metal ions in fuel samples prior to their determination are also reported in the literature.6-8 The benefit of using preconcentration techniques is that they combine the advantages of separating the analyte from the complex matrix, by transferring it to an aqueous phase and preconcentrating it at the same time.9 Membrane solid phase microextraction (MSPME) has been reported for preconcentration of metal ions in various sample matrices such as human serum and environmental water samples.10,11 This technique integrates sampling, extraction and preconcentration into a single step.10,11 Furthermore, it inherits the advantages of both the solid phase microextraction (SPME) and membrane separation.10 Due to aforementioned advantages, MSPME can be used to separate trace elements from complex matrix samples without using special equipment.10 The principle of MSPME is based on the retention of the analytes in the membrane. Therefore, the performance of the membrane is one of the key aspects that determine the sensitivity and the selectivity of the analytical method.10 Conventionally, optimization of analytical methodologies has been performed using univariate technique, which means, monitoring one factor at time. The disadvantages of this method are as follows; (i) it may lead to ambiguous results and misinterpretation because the interactive effects among the variables are not examined. (ii) Univariate optimization increases the number of experiments to be conducted. Therefore, this leads to an increase in analysis time as well as an increase in the consumption of reagents and materials.12,13 Chemometric tools (multivariate statistic techniques) have been commonly used to overcome the problems connected to univariate techniques. In addition, multivariate statistic techniques allow the simultaneous study of several experimental variables and the development of mathematical models that permit the assessment of the relevance and statistical significance of factors being 241 Chapter twelve: MSPME for preconcentration of trace metal ions in fuel studied.12,14 Moreover, these techniques facilitate the evaluation of the interaction effects between factors.12 The aim of this work was to prepare a titania-alumina hollow fiber membrane for simultaneous extraction and preconcentration of trace amounts of Co, Cr, Mo, Ni, Sb and V in liquid fuel samples prior to their inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) determination. The optimization of the experimental parameters associated with extraction and preconcentration of trace metal ions was performed by factorial and central composite designs. 12.2 EXPERIMENTAL 12.2.1 Instrumentation A Perkin-Elmer Sciex ELAN 6000 (Perkin-Elmer SCIEX Instruments, Concord, Canada) inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer was used for all measurements. Argon of 99.996% purity (Afrox, South Africa) was used. The operating conditions are presented in Table 12.1. The Accurel S6/2 polypropylene hollow fiber membrane used here was obtained from Membrana (Wuppertal, Germany). The wall thickness of the fiber was 450 μm, the inner diameter was 1800 µm, and the pore size was 0.2 µm. For comparative method, analyte metal ions (Co, Cr, Mo, Ni, Sb and V) were determined using a Spectro Arcos 165 ICP OES (SPECTRO Analytical Instruments, GmbH, Germany) equipped with Cetac ASX-520 autosampler. The operating conditions on the ICP OES spectrometer during the measurements were as follows: forward power: 1400 W, plasma argon flow rate: 13 L min-1, auxiliary argon flow rate: 2.00 L min-1, nebulizer argon flow rare: 0.95 L min-1. The most prominent atomic and ionic analytical lines of metal ions were selected for investigation, that is, Co 228.616 nm, Cr 267.716 nm, Mo 203.909, Ni 231.604 nm, Sb 217.581 nm and V 292.402 nm. Microwave assisted digestion was carried out in an Ethos D (Milestone, Sorisole, Italy) with maximum pressure 1450 psi and maximum temperature 300°C. 242 Chapter twelve: MSPME for preconcentration of trace metal ions in fuel Table 12.1. Operational ICP-MS parameters RF power Gas flow rates Outer Intermediate Carrier Resolution Sweeps per reading Dwell time Readings per replicate Replicates Auto lens Isotopes a 1100 15 L min-1 1.2 L min-1 0.95 L min-1 0.7 a.m.u. (10% of the peak height) 1 25 ms 100 3 On 59 Co, 52Cr, 95Mo, 60Ni, 121Sb, 51V 45Sc (ISa), 103 Rh, 209Bi (IS) IS = Internal standard Morphological structure of the Al2O3, TiO2 and TiO2-Al2O3 were observed using scanning electron microscope (SEM) (JSM-6360LVSEM, JEOL Co., Japan) after gold coating and the diameter of the mixed metal oxide was measured by image processing software. The specific surface area value was determined from adsorption isotherms by the Brunauer, Emmett and Teller (BET) multipoint method using Surface Area and Porosity Analyzer (ASAP2020 V3. 00H, Micromeritics Instrument Corporation, Norcross, USA). All the gases used for analysis were instrument grade. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) measurements were carried out with a Philips X-ray generator model PW 3710/31 a diffractometer with automatic sample changer model PW 1775 (scintillation counter, Cu-target tube and Ni-filter at 40 kV and 30 mA). 12.2.2 Reagents and Solutions All reagents were of analytical grade unless otherwise stated and double distilled deionised water (Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA) was used throughout the experiments. Aluminum isopropoxide and tetrabutyl titanate (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Loius, MO, USA) were used as a precursor for the preparation on titania-alumina. Synthetic gasoline was prepared by mixing 91% isooctane and 9% n-heptane (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Loius, MO, USA). Spectrascan stock solutions (1000 mg L-1) of the target metal ions (Industrial Analytical (Pty) Ltd, Johannesburg, South 243 Chapter twelve: MSPME for preconcentration of trace metal ions in fuel Africa) were used to prepare the working solutions for MSPME at concentrations of 10 µg L-1 for other metal ions. Working solutions (prepared in organic phase), as per the experimental requirements, were freshly prepared from the stock solution for each experimental run. A Spectrascan multi-element standard solution at concentration of 100 mg L-1 (Industrial Analytical (Pty) Ltd, Johannesburg, South Africa) was used to prepare working standard solutions for measurements of concentrations of analytes in model and sample solutions. Solutions of nitric acid at different concentrations (used for the elution of the analytes from the hollow fiber membrane) were prepared from ultrapure concentrated acid (65%, Sigma-Aldrich, St. Loius, MO, USA). The pH adjustments were performed with glacial acetic acid (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) and ammonia (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Loius, MO, USA) solutions. 12.2.3 Synthesis Titania-Alumina Sol The synthesis of titania-alumina sol was prepared according to Jung et al..15 To describe the procedure briefly, proper amounts (1:1 ratio) of aluminum isopropoxide (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Loius, MO, USA) and titanium butoxide (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Loius, MO, USA) were dissolved in ethanol, and the solution was then diluted with double distilled deionised water. The pH of the resulting solution was adjusted to 2 using 1.0 mol L-1 nitric and then it was stirred at 75°C for 24 h. Synthesis of nanometer-sized titania and alumina powders was according to Li et al.16 and Rogojan et al.17. 12.2.4 Preparation of Titania-Alumina Hollow Fiber The preparation of titania-alumina hollow was carried out according the methods reported by Cui et al.10 and Huang and Hu11. Briefly, polypropylene hollow fibers were cut into equal segments, ultrasonicated in acetone for 15 min and then removed and dried in air. For coating, the dried polypropylene hollow fibers were immersed in the above prepared titania-alumina sol for 2 h, followed by a drying procedure with careful temperature control at 80°C for 2 h. The above immersion and drying processes were repeated several times, resulting in titania-alumina coated-polypropylene hollow fibers. Finally, the coated hollow fibers were heated from room temperature to 1000°C at 2°C min-1 and maintained for 3 h to remove the polypropylene template and crystallize the titania-alumina hollow fiber membrane. 244 Chapter twelve: MSPME for preconcentration of trace metal ions in fuel 12.2.5 Preconcentration Method The procedure for the preparation of gasoline–ethanol–water mixture was carried out according to Ozcan and Akman.18 A 10 ml aliquot of synthetic gasoline sample was placed in a 100 ml polyethylene volumetric flask followed by the addition of 5 ml of concentrated HNO3 and 10 ml of water. The mixture was spiked with 1.0 mL of a 1.0 mg L-1 multi-element oil standard solution and made up to the mark with ethanol to obtain 10 µg L-1 concentration of each metal ion. The mixture was homogenized by shaking and a single phase solution was obtained. It should be noted that the stability of the gasoline-ethanol- water mixture was not monitored. This is because the resulting mixture was subjected the preconcentration system immediately after homogenization. The extraction and preconcentration procedure for metal ions in synthetic gasoline samples was carried out as follows: the fibers were placed in the sample solutions containing 10 µg L-1 metal ions (50 mL) present in 100 ml plastic bottles. The bottles were covered and shaken at 500 rpm. As the analytes from the sample solution diffuses through the titania-alumina membrane, they get adsorbed onto the pores of the hollow fiber. At the end of the preconcentration, the hollow fiber was taken out from the vial, rinsed with double distilled deionised water and transferred into a polypropylene centrifuge vial containing 5.0 mL of appropriate HNO3 concentration. The metal ions were desorbed from the fiber with ultrasonic agitation for 5 min. The same procedure was applied to the blank solutions. In the case of real sample analysis, an aliquot of 2.5 mL of gasoline sample was placed in a 250 mL polypropylene volumetric flask followed by the addition of 1.25 mL of concentrated HNO3 and 25 mL double distilled deionised water, respectively. The mixture was then diluted to the mark with ethanol. 12.2.6 Optimization Strategy The optimization of the preconcentration system was carried out using a 2 4 full factorial and central composite design. Four variables i.e. sample pH, eluent concentration (EC), extraction time (ST) and eluent volume (EV) were regarded as important factors. Maximum, central point and minimum levels in Table 12.2 for each factor were chosen according to the data from previous experiments. All the experiments were carried out in random order. The experimental 245 Chapter twelve: MSPME for preconcentration of trace metal ions in fuel data was processed by using the Minitab version 16 and Design Expect version 8 statistic software programs. Table 12.2. Factors and levels used in 24 factorial design for separation and preconcentration of metal ions in fuel samples Variable pH EC (mol L-1) ET(min) EV (mL) Low level (-1) 5 1.5 10 5 Central point (0) 8 2.75 25 10 High level (+1) 11 4 40 15 12.2.7 Comparative Method The Microwave acid digestion procedure was carried out according to Kowalewska et al.19 Briefly, 5.0 ml of the gasoline sample was placed in a Teflon vessel followed by 6.0 mL HNO3 (65%) and 2.0 mL H2O2 (30%). The vessels were inserted into a microwave unit and heated according to the conditions recommended by the manufacturer. The digested content was left to cool down to room temperature. After cooling, the vessels were opened and 2.0 ml of concentrated HNO3 and 2.0 ml of hydrogen peroxide were added, and the heating program was repeated. Finally, the Teflon vessel contents were cooled down to room temperature and quantitatively transferred to a 50 ml calibration flask, 1.0 mL of concentrated nitric acid was added and the samples were spiked with 20 µg L-1 of the target analytes. The flask was then filled up to the mark using double distilled deionised water. The latter water was submitted to the same procedure and used as a blank. The samples were then analyzed with ICP OES. 12.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 12.3.1 Characterization of Titania-Alumina Hollow Fiber The prepared titania-alumina hollow fiber was characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy adsorption/desorption measurements. 246 (SEM), and low-temperature nitrogen Chapter twelve: MSPME for preconcentration of trace metal ions in fuel X-ray diffraction analysis X-ray diffraction patterns (for 2θ diffraction angles from 10° to 80°) of the nanometer-sized alumina, titania and titania-alumina hollow fiber calcined at 1000°C for 3 hours are presented in Fig. 12.1. The XRD patterns showed well-crystallized structures when the calcinations metal oxides and mixed metal oxide hollow fiber were at 1000°C. The XRD patterns for pure alumina and titania powders were used as reference materials. It can be seen from Fig. 12.1C that the peaks for titania and alumina were not overlapping. This shows that the mixed oxides were not simply mixed phases of pure titania and alumina, but solid solutions with a single phase. 15 Fig. 12.1. XRD spectra of nanometer-sized alumina powder (A), nanometer-sized titania powder (B) and titania-alumina hollow fiber (C) calcined at 1000°C for 3 hours. (Theta phases: α = alpha-phase Al2O3, γ = gamma-phase Al2O3, R = rutile TiO2) 247 Chapter twelve: MSPME for preconcentration of trace metal ions in fuel Pore structure parameters The pore structure of the titania-alumina hollow fiber and the polypropylene hollow fiber were investigated by nitrogen adsorption/ desorption experiments. The surface area for titania hollow fiber membrane and the polypropylene hollow fiber were 116 and 26.6 m2 g-1, respectively while the pore volume of titania hollow fiber and the polypropylene hollow fiber were 0.04 and 0.09 mL g-1, respectively, with the pore size of 10.0 and 21.3 nm, respectively. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis Fig. 12.2 shows the SEM textural images of the titania-alumina (A) and polypropylene hollow fiber (B). It can be seen from this figure that the textual image of titania-alumina hollow fiber had different nanopores sizes which was different from that observed for polypropylene hollow fiber. The latter showed fibrous like structures. It is worth mentioning that the nanopores in the titania-alumina hollow fiber leads to an enhanced surface area and fast mass transfer for the analyte during the preconcentration process.10,11 A B Fig. 12.2. SEM textural images of the titania-alumina (A) and polypropylene hollow fiber (B). 248 Chapter twelve: MSPME for preconcentration of trace metal ions in fuel 12.3.2 Screening Analysis of Membrane Solid Phase Microextraction (MSPME) Preconcentration System Two level (24) full factorial design was used as a screening method for optimization of preconcentration system based on membrane solid phase microextraction using titania-alumina hollow fiber. The significance and possibility of interactions between sample pH, eluent concentration (EC), extraction time (ET) and eluent volume (EV) were evaluated. The effect of factors on the MSPME preconcentration system was investigated by using analysis of variance (ANOVA) taking into consideration the percentage recovery as the analytical response. Table 12.3 shows the experimental design matrix and the analytical results obtained in each run expressed as average percentage recovery. Table 12.3. List of experiments in the factorial design (actual values) for MSPME optimization and the responses Run pH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 0 0 0 EC -1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 1 1 0 0 0 ET -1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 EV Co -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 70.73 63.81 71.01 60.11 83.14 75.22 84.12 74.81 71.11 62.91 71.35 61.40 82.55 74.38 81.38 73.82 93.83 93.67 93.74 Cr Mo 61.84 58.77 63.14 57.81 77.87 71.87 78.93 70.72 64.45 58.56 65.01 57.98 79.14 67.57 77.67 62.39 81.93 82.03 81.88 Recovery (%) 75.15 66.00 71.37 60.73 76.44 67.24 70.53 59.17 85.00 78.75 80.32 67.46 86.13 79.35 79.17 68.03 74.66 64.24 68.94 56.18 75.26 65.62 69.58 57.34 86.09 80.15 73.73 70.65 83.41 81.96 72.18 71.11 95.63 88.12 95.45 87.79 95.57 87.81 249 Ni Sb V 72.50 68.91 70.69 69.17 90.33 83.79 90.92 80.83 71.68 69.55 71.59 68.56 90.21 79.83 92.12 80.79 96.33 96.40 96.22 72.76 65.55 73.94 66.15 95.91 88.62 96.76 90.03 70.80 64.97 73.66 65.44 97.81 90.78 98.98 91.55 97.72 97.54 97.98 Chapter twelve: MSPME for preconcentration of trace metal ions in fuel The main effects and their interactions are presented in the Pareto charts shown in Figs. 3-5. Bar lengths are proportional to the absolute value of the estimated effects, which helps in comparing the significance of effects. Cobalt: Fig 12.3A shows the Pareto chart of main effects produced from the ANOVA results for cobalt. The interpretation of Pareto chart demonstrates that extraction time (12.19) and sample pH (-8.68) are highly significant at 95% confidence level. It was observed that an increase in extraction time increases the percentage recovery. Whereas increasing sample pH decreases the analytical response. The interaction between sample pH and eluent concentration (0.88) was also statistically significant. However its significance was much lower compared to the main effects (extraction time and sample pH). The eluent concentration and eluent volume were not significant factors. Chromium: According to Fig. 12.3B, sample pH (-7.46) and extraction time (11.99) were statistically significant at the 95% confidence level. Moreover, interactions between sample pH and extraction time (-2.19), extraction time and eluent volume (-2.35), as well as between sample pH and eluent concentration (-1.51) were statistically significant. The results indicated that these variables have a synergistic effect on percentage recovery. This means that, the use of extraction time at high level and sample pH at the lower level and their combination also at low and high levels may results to a better analytical response. Fig. 12.3. Pareto charts of standardized effects for variables in the cobalt and chromium preconcentration. 250 Chapter twelve: MSPME for preconcentration of trace metal ions in fuel Molybdenum: Fig. 12.4A shows that sample pH (-7.05), extraction time (8.01) and eluent volume (-2.52) as well as interactions between sample pH and extraction time (-1.78) were statistically significant at 95% confidence level. The eluent concentration and eluent volume were significant at 95% confidence level. However, the interaction between sample pH and eluent volume was statistically significant. According to the negative effect (-1.72) of pH×EV interaction, a higher analytical signal will be achieved by simultaneous decrease in sample pH and eluent volume levels. Nickel: Fig. 12.4B demonstrated that sample pH and extraction time as well as pH×ET and ET×EV interactions were significant at the levels studied. The algebraic signs for the significant main effects were similar those observed for other metal ions, that is, negative value (-9.08) for sample pH and positive value (12.62) for extraction time. The negative effect of sample pH implied that an increase of this factor decreases the nickel retention, thus decreasing its recovery. Whereas increasing the extraction time leads to increased the nickel retention. Fig. 12.4. Pareto charts of standardized effects for variables in the molybdenum and nickel preconcentration. Antimony: Fig. 12.5A shows the Pareto chart of standardized effects for variables in the extraction preconcentration of antimony. It can be seen from Fig. 5A that all studied variables and their interactions were not significant at 95% confidence level. However, considering the 251 Chapter twelve: MSPME for preconcentration of trace metal ions in fuel positive sign of the main effect of extraction time (15.77), it can be concluded that the extraction leads to a more pronounced enhancement of the analytical response. Vanadium: The Pareto chart in Fig. 12.5B demonstrates that extraction time (24.47) provided a more significant effect for extraction and preconcentration of vanadium. This means that an increase in extraction time leads to higher percentage recovery. Sample pH (-6.87) and eluent concentration (0.989) were also statistically significant. However, the effect of eluent concentration on the analytical response was very small. The eluent volume was not significant at 95% confidence level. However, the interaction between the extraction time and eluent volume (1.09) was statistically significant. Fig. 12.5.Pareto charts of standardized effects for variables in the preconcentration of antimony and vanadium By analysing the overall results in Figs. 12.3-12.5, it can be seen that extraction time and sample pH were the most important variable for retention of the studied analytes. Based on the effect estimate (negative values ranging from -6 to -9.1) for sample pH, the retention of all metal ions decreased significantly with increasing sample pH. The properties of alumina and titania surface strongly depend on pH and below points of zero charge 7.3 and 6.02 for alumina and titania, respectively, the surface is positively charged.10,11,20 Therefore, the sample pH should be above the points of zero charge. This is because above these points the surface of the titaniaalumina hollow fiber covered with OH groups is negatively charged. Therefore, it attracts the 252 Chapter twelve: MSPME for preconcentration of trace metal ions in fuel analytes of interest and leads to an enhancement of the adsorption efficiency. Therefore, an optimum sample pH value for the metal ion retention onto titania-alumina hollow fiber membrane should occur in a range of 7.5-8.5. The influence of extraction time factor in the proposed preconcentration method showed that higher levels must be employed to optimize the retention process. The ANOVA results for all the studied metal ions showed that the estimated value of pH×ET interaction had a negative value. This implied that sample pH levels must be decreased while increasing the ET levels. Eluent concentration and volume were not or less significant at 95% confidence level as compared to the aforementioned variables. Therefore, eluent concentration was fixed at 2.75 mol L-1 while eluent volume was fixed at 5 mL. The overall results obtained for the screening analysis using 24 full factorial experimental design indicated that sample pH and extraction time require a final optimization. Therefore, the significant variables were further optimized using a central composite design. 12.3.3 Optimization of MSPME Preconcentration System After screening out the variables that did not have significant effect on the response, the remaining two factors sample pH and extraction time (ET) were further optimized to provide the maximum recovery. A central composite design containing a total of 14 experiments were carried out to optimize these two variables. Table 12.4 shows the central composite design matrix and the analytical results obtained in each run expressed as average percentage recovery Fig. 12.6 shows the 3D surface responses of the quadratic models that were used to evaluate the interactive relationships between independent variables (pH and extraction time) and response. As mentioned before, the variables that were shown to be insignificant by full factorial design were taken at fixed values, eluent concentration (2.75 mol L-1) and eluent volume (5 mL). As it can be seen in Fig. 12.6, the maximum observed recoveries of all the studied metal ions ranged from 95-100% at pH 8 and extraction time 25 min. Based on results obtained from 24 full factorial and central composite designs, the optimum conditions that led to quantitative retention and elution of metal ion were as follows: pH = 8.0, extraction time = 25 min, eluent concentration = 2.75 mol L-1 and eluent volume = 5 mL. 253 Chapter twelve: MSPME for preconcentration of trace metal ions in fuel Table 12.4. List of experiments in the central composite design (actual values) for MSPME optimization and the responses Run 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 pH 5 11 5 11 8 8 8 3.76 12.24 12.24 8 8 8 8 ET 10 10 40 40 25 25 25 25 25 3.79 46.21 25 25 25 Co 42.1 41.3 82.4 76.8 99.1 99.4 99.3 50.8 41.9 40.8 100.3 99.2 99.1 99.3 Cr Mo 51.7 50.3 83.6 78.2 97.1 97.4 96.7 61.2 57.3 50.8 97.9 97.1 97.2 97.2 Recovery (%) 67.4 51.4 62.2 49.2 87.9 85.7 83.6 80.8 98.6 98.1 98.5 98.0 98.4 98.2 75.3 53.3 69.8 48.7 63.7 46.3 98.7 98.5 98.5 98.3 98.6 98.3 98.5 96.9 254 Ni Sb V 64.6 61.9 86.7 78.0 95.5 95.7 95.6 70.9 63.2 65.3 97.2 95.4 95.7 95.6 62.3 60.1 85.6 90.5 99.9 99.7 99.8 67.5 63.5 58.4 100.2 99.8 99.7 99.8 Chapter twelve: MSPME for preconcentration of trace metal ions in fuel Fig. 12.6. Response surface for percentage recovery of Cr (A), Co (B), (C), Mo (D), Ni (E) and V (F) as function of extraction time (ET), min. 12.3.4 Effect of Sample Volume The effect of sample volume on the retention of the target analytes onto titania-alumina hollow fiber membrane was investigated in the range of 50-300 mL, while keeping the metal ion concentration fixed at 10 µg L-1. Fig. 12.7 presents the effect of the sample volume on the 255 Chapter twelve: MSPME for preconcentration of trace metal ions in fuel recovery of the Co, Cr, Mo, Ni, Sb and V. It can be seen from this figure that the quantitative recoveries for all analytes were obtained when the sample volume was 200 mL. Therefore, this volume was used for further investigations. Fig. 12.7. Effect of sample volume on the recoveries of metal ions 12.3.5 Adsorption Capacities and Regeneration of the Hollow Fiber The investigation of adsorption capacities of an adsorbent is an important factor, because it determines how much of sorbent is required to quantitatively concentrate the analytes from a given solution.10 The adsorption capacity of the titania-alumina hollow fiber membrane was studied and the experimental data were fitted into the general equation of the modified Langmuir model presented in Eq. 1.21 The latter was used to calculate the maximum adsorption capacity. Ce 1 1 Ce qe qmax K L qmax (1) The results showed that adsorption capacity of the analytes probably differ due to their size, degree of hydration and the value of their binding constant with titania-alumina hollow fiber 256 Chapter twelve: MSPME for preconcentration of trace metal ions in fuel membrane. The maximum adsorption capacities were found to be 17.51, 18.74, 19.63, 15.39, 19.11 and 20.65 mg g-1 for Co, Cr, Mo, Ni, Sb and V, respectively. The stability and regeneration possibility of the titania-alumina hollow fiber membrane were investigated. The adsorbent can be reused after regeneration with 5.0 ml of a 2.75 mol L−1 HNO3 solution and 10 ml double distilled deionised water, respectively, and was relatively stable up to 60 runs without an obvious decrease in the recoveries for the studied ions. 12.3.6 Analytical Figure of Merit The MSPME preconcentration method provided a linear dynamic range of calibration from 0.2 up to 250 μg L−1 for all studied analytes with satisfactory correlation coefficient ranging from 0.9983-0.9992. The limits of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) of the proposed preconcentration procedure were estimated under optimal experimental conditions and they were 1 1 calculated according to IUPAC recommendation from C LOD 3 SDm and C LOQ 10 SDm , where SD is the standard deviation of the blank (n=21) and m is the slope of the calibration curve. For 200 mL sample volume, the sensitivity, LOD, LOQ and precision (in terms of relative standard deviation) values are presented in Table 12.5. Table 12.5. Analytical figure of merit of the MSPME system for preconcentration of metal ions obtained under optimum conditions Analyte Co Cr Mo Ni Sb V Sensitivity (cps L µg-1) 138.5 98.4 119.3 128.1 113.7 141.8 LOD (µg L-1) LOQ (µg L-1) 0.07 0.09 0.11 0.09 0.08 0.06 0.23 0.29 0.35 0.29 0.27 0.21 257 Precision (%RSD) 3.1 2.3 2.9 3.0 1.5 1.2 Chapter twelve: MSPME for preconcentration of trace metal ions in fuel 12.3.7 Validation, Application of MSPME Preconcentration System to Real Samples and Comparison with a Standard Method In order to assess the accuracy of the optimized MSPME methodology for preconcentration of Co, Cr, Mo, Ni, Sb and V and their ICP-MS determination liquid fuels, diesel sample spiked with inorganic and organic standard solutions of the target analytes (5 µg L-1) was analyzed using the developed procedure. It is worth mentioning that certified reference materials (CRM) in suitable matrixes such as diesel or gasoline sample at the working concentration ranges (trace levels) were not available. The main objective of spiking the diesel sample with organic and inorganic standard solutions was to evaluate the titania-alumina hollow fiber membrane sorption efficiency to different metal species in liquid fuel samples. This is because trace element forms in petroleum products are not fully known and different species may display different adsorption behaviours.6 All analyses were performed in triplicate and the analytical results obtained are given in Table 11.6. It can be seen from this table that the percentage recoveries range from 9599% for both aqueous and organic standards. The obtained results attest to the accuracy of the proposed preconcentration procedure. Table 12.6. Analytical results obtained in the analysis of spiked diesel sample. The concentration and recovery values are expressed as the mean ± standard deviation of the three replicates Analytes Co Cr Mo Ni Sb V Added (µg L-1) 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 Inorganic standard Found (µg L-1) R (%) ND 4.8±0.7 96.2±1.1 9.1±1.5 14.0±1.5 97.3±2.1 105±3 111±4 98.8±1.8 496±3 501±4. 97.5±1.5 ND 4.9±0.5 98.1±1.2 6.9±0.7 11.9±0.9 99.2±1.3 258 Metallo-organic standard Found (µg L-1) R (%) ND 4.8±0.4 95.6±0.8 9.1±1.5 14.0±1.2 98.1±0.9 105±3 110±3 97.6±1.7 496.0±3 501±4 96.1±1.0 ND 4.9±1.1 97.8±2.0 6.9±0.7 11.8±1.3 97.5±2.2 Chapter twelve: MSPME for preconcentration of trace metal ions in fuel The applicability of the proposed MSPME method was evaluated for extraction and preconcentration of metal ions in gasoline and diesel samples. As there is no diesel, gasoline or similar reference material available with certified values for Co, Cr, Mo, Ni, Sb and V, it was essential to use an independent technique for validation of the analytical results obtained by the proposed method. For this reason, the samples were digested using microwave-assisted digestion (MAD) method and then the concentrations of the analytes were determined using ICP OES. It should be noted that ICP OES determination after microwave-assisted digestion was taken as a reference method. Table 12.7 summarizes the results obtained for the preconcentration and determination of the target analytes in diesel samples by MSPME/ICP-MS and MAD/ICP OES. It can be seen from Table 12.7 that cobalt and antimony were not quantified in diesel samples as their concentrations were found to be below the LOD. Diesel (D1) and G1 samples had relatively high concentrations of metal ion compared to D2 and G2 samples. The Ni concentrations were relatively higher in D1, G1 and D2 samples than in G2. It is worth mentioning that this element is quite abundant in the Earth's crust and also sample contamination during the diesel and gasoline production process should not be disregarded. The concentration of Mo was higher in diesel samples compared to gasoline sample. Molybdenum is normally used as a catalyst in the desulfurisation of petroleum, petrochemicals and coal-derived liquids to minimise sulfur dioxide emission from fuel combustion. Therefore, the relative high concentration in diesel samples might be due to residues of Mo leached out during the desulfurisation process. The concentration of other metal ions such as V, Cr (except in gasoline samples) and Co were quite low (ranging from 2.2 to 11.6 µg L-1). The quantification of these metal ions required an analytical technique with high detection capability, such as the one reported in this study. As stated before, the samples were also analysed by ICP OES after microwave-assisted digestion. The results were compared with those obtained by the MSPME/ICP-MS method. In the case of diesel samples, the two methods gave essentially similar results for quantification of Mo and Ni. In the gasoline samples, the results were similar for determination of Cr, Mo, Ni and Sb, in G1 samples, whereas Cr, Mo and Ni were similar for G2 samples. Statistically, these results were not significantly different at 95% confidence level. This demonstrated the reliability of the proposed method. When using the comparative method (MAD/ICP OES), the 259 Chapter twelve: MSPME for preconcentration of trace metal ions in fuel concentration of Co, Co, Sb and V were not quantified in diesel samples as they were present in trace levels (< 10 µg L-1). Furthermore, Cr and V were not quantified in G1 sample as their concentrations were found to be below the LOD of the instrument. In the case of G2, Cr, Sb and V were also not quantified. It should be noted that the samples were diluted ten times after acid digestions. Therefore, the concentration of elements in diluted samples were less than or equal to 1.2 µg L-1 and the samples were spiked with 20 µg L-1 prior to ICP-OES determination. In addition, the differences between the two methods might be attributed to incomplete mineralization (especially in diesel samples). The advantage of the proposed MSPME method is that it does not require rigorous acid digestion unlike the microwave-assisted digestion method. In addition, MSPME preconcentration method is advantageous because it minimizes the risks of incomplete mineralization of the organic matrix and cross-contamination. Due to the relatively high preconcentration factor, metal ions that are present in low levels (sub-ppb) were easily quantified by the proposed method. The time required for preconcentration of 200 mL sample (25 min extraction and 5 min elution) was about 30 min. It should be noted the thermostat shaker can handle up to 64 samples at the same time. Therefore, the throughput sample was approximately 64 samples h-1. Although, the current method had relatively longer preconcentration time, The MSPME method had a higher throuput compared to microwave-assisted digestion method (10 samples h-1). 260 Chapter twelve: MSPME for preconcentration of trace metal ions in fuel Table 12.7. Determination of Co, Cr, Mo, Ni, Sb and V (µg L-1) in commercial diesel (D1 and D2) and gasoline (G1 and G2) samples by proposed MSPME and comparative method MAD/ICP OES (n = 3, at 95% confidence level). Techniques MSPME/ICP-MS MAD/ICP OES Analytes Co Cr Mo Ni Sb V Co Cr Mo Ni Sb V D1 D2 ND 9.1±1.5 105±3 496±3 ND 6.9±0.7 ND ND 105±3 495±4 ND ND Concentrations (µg L-1) ND 11.6±1.4 2.2±0.7 90.9±2.5 73.2±2.7 47.5±1.4 122±3 367±6 ND 70.9±0.9 5.2±0.2 5.93±0.7 ND ND ND 90.4±3.1 72.9±2.1 48.1±1.8 122±4 363±6 ND 71.3±1.1 ND ND 261 G1 G2 7.7±0.3 23.2±0.8 20.9±1.3 69.4±1.9 4.8±0.3 6.1±0.7 ND 22.8±0.7 21.2±1.2 69.1±2.3 ND ND Chapter twelve: MSPME for preconcentration of trace elements in liquid fuel 12.4 CONCLUSIONS This study presents the preparation of titania-alumina hollow fiber membrane using polypropylene hollow fiber as the template. The hollow fiber membrane was characterized with XRD, SEM and BET. The prepared hollow fiber membrane was applied as a solid phase material for the MSPME technique. The latter was applied to the separation and preconcentration of Co, Cr, Mo, Ni, Sb and V in diesel and gasoline samples prior to ICPMS determination. The experimental parameters of the proposed method were achieved by using chemometric methods namely 24 factorial and central composite designs. Under optimized conditions, the quantitative retention and elution of metal ion was achieved when sample pH, extraction time, eluent concentration and eluent volume were 8.0, 25 min, 2.75 mol L-1and 5 mL respectively. The optimized MSPME technique proved to be suitable for simultaneous preconcentration of metal ions in diesel and gasoline samples. The preconcentration step permitted the elimination of the organic matrix, thus, avoiding the need for digestion of the samples before metal ion determination. The developed method was applied for the determination of the target analytes in four liquid fuel (two diesel and two gasoline) samples purchased from different filling stations. The developed MSPME method can be considered as an alternative to other sample preparation techniques such as microwave acid digestion because it displays relatively low LOD and LOQ (0.07-0.11 and 0.21-0.35 µg L-1, respectively) 12.5 REFERENCES 1. Peiselt da Silva, K. M. & Pais da Silva, M. I. 2004. Copper sorption from diesel oil on chitin and chitosan polymers. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 237, 15-21. 2. Trindade, J. M., Marques, A. L., Lopes, G. S., Marques, E. P. & Zhang, J. 2006. Arsenic determination in gasoline by hydride generation atomic absorption spectroscopy combined with a factorial experimental design approach. Fuel, 85, 2155-2161. 3. Chaves, E. S., De Loos-Vollebregt, M. T. C., Curtius, A. J. & Vanhaecke, F. 2011. Determination of trace elements in biodiesel and vegetable oil by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry following alcohol dilution. 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Adsorption kinetics and equilibrium of copper from ethanol fuel on silica-gel functionalized with amino-terminated dendrimer-like polyamidoamine polymers. Fuel, 92, 204-210. 264 CHAPTER THIRTEEN: CHEMOMETRIC OPTIMIZATION OF HOLLOW FIBER-LIQUID PHASE MICROEXTRACTION FOR PRECONCENTRATION OF TRACE ELEMENTS IN DIESEL AND GASOLINE PRIOR TO THEIR ICP OES DETERMINATION ABSTRACT A hollow fiber-liquid phase microextraction (HF-LPME) method for the simultaneous extraction and preconcentration of Ag, Al, As, Mn and Ti as ammonium pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (APDC) complexes in [C6MIM][PF6] ionic liquid, is reported. Multivariate techniques such as 24 factorial and Box–Behnken designs were used for the optimization of experimental parameters. Under optimized conditions, the limits of detection and quantification ranged from 0.04-0.09 and 0.15-0.29 µg L-1, respectively. The preconcentration factors of 150, 291, 112, 405, 367 for Ag, Al, As, Mn and Ti, respectively, were achieved. The precision of the HF-LPME method estimated as the relative standard deviation (RSD) for five replicate determinations of metal ions at a concentration of 10 µg L-1 was less that 5%. The HF-LPME method was validated by analysis of the target analytes in commercial diesel and gasoline samples. The accuracy of the proposed method was confirmed by performing spike recovery experiments. The recovery values (96-101%) indicated a satisfactory accuracy. Keywords: Hollow fiber-liquid phase microextraction, ionic liquids, diesel, gasoline, trace elements, chemometric optimization 13.1 INTRODUCTION The determination of trace metal concentration in fuel samples is becoming increasingly important in contamination monitoring and quality control studies. This is because the presence of these elements in fuels can catalyze reactions responsible for corrosion of engine parts, gum formation, fuel decomposition and catalyst poisoning.1,2 Therefore, depending on their concentration elements, poor engine performance and increased levels of pollution can be observed.2 It is crucial, therefore, to accurately determine trace element concentrations in fuels. These metals are normally present in trace levels, therefore, their accurate quantification often requires sensitive and reliable techniques. The latter includes inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry 265 Chapter 13: HF-LPME for extraction and preconcentration of trace elements (ICP OES), ICP-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS). In spite of great improvements in the sensitivity of these techniques, difficulties still lie in the analysis of trace elements because of their low concentrations in the samples and the high complexity of the sample matrices.3,4 For instance, inductively coupled plasma-based techniques have an advantage of multielement detection capabilities. However, direct introduction of an organic matrix requires special care, as the organic load may de-stabilize or extinguish the plasma.1 For these reasons, sample introduction techniques (electrothermal vaporization) and pretreatment methods (microwave digestion) have been developed and are reported in the literature.5,6 In addition, separation and preconcentration of analytes prior to their ICP OES determination has been reported.7 The benefit of using preconcentration techniques is that they combine the advantages of separating the analyte from the complex matrix, by transferring it to an aqueous phase and preconcentrating it at the same time.8 Hollow-fibre liquid phase microextraction (HF-LPME) is an attractive sample preparation technique which allows extraction and preconcentration of analytes from complex sample matrices with a high concentration factor. In addition, HF-LME is qualified with rapid analysis time, simple setup and inexpensive.9,10 To achieve efficient extraction, the selection of an appropriate extraction solvent is one of the important aspects to be considered. According to Rasmussen and Pedersen-Bjergaard11 the solvent used within the pores of the hollow fibre has to satisfy the following criteria: (i) it should be immiscible with water to prevent leakage; (ii) it should be strongly immobilized in the pores of the hollow fibre to prevent leakage and (iii) it should provide appropriate extraction selectivity and high extraction recoveries. Several HF-LPME procedures involve the use of organic solvents such tetrachloromethane and toluene which are generally toxic and hazardous to organisms and the environment. Recently, researchers focus have been on the replacement of traditional organic solvents by alternative green ones such as room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs).12,13 The RTILs are salts that are liquid over a wide temperature range including room temperature and result from combination of organic cations with various anions.12,13 The unique physiochemical properties of RTILs such as insignificant vapor pressure, nonflammability as well as good extractability for various metal ions, make them very useful for HF-LPME.13 Abulhassani and co-workers proposed the use of ionic liquid (1-hexyl-3methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate, [C6MIM][PF6],) solvent for preconcentration of 266 Chapter 13: HF-LPME for extraction and preconcentration of trace elements lead and nickel from environmental and biological samples prior to determination by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry.13 The use of chelating agents in HF-LMPE procedures allows various metal species to be separated from other components in a sample. The extraction efficiency and selectivity of the chelating agent can be affected by size of the chelate ring and type of its donor atoms, oxidation state and size of the metal ion, and pH of the solvent system.12 Chelating agents such as ammonium pyrrolidinecarbodithioate (APDC),10 8-hydroxyquinoline [14], 1phenyl-3-methyl-4-benzoyl-pyrazolone (PMBP),15 benzoylacetone (BZA),16 1-(2- pyridylazo)-2-naphthol (PAN)17 and Kelex 100,18 among others, has been used for complexation of metal ions in different analytical procedures. Extraction and preconcentration of metal ions in organic matrices using HF-LPME is difficult. This is because the organic phase in the lumen of the hollow fiber membrane is miscible with donor phase (fuel sample). Therefore, sample pretreatment that will first convert fuel sample to aqueous phase before it is subjected to HF-LPME system is required. For this reason, diesel and gasoline samples were first digested using microwaveassisted digestion method. Thus, in this work, HF-LPME based room temperature ionic liquid combined with APDC as a chelating agent was used for the extraction and preconcentration of Ag, Al, As, Mn and Ti in diesel and gasoline samples. In order to achieve the highest extraction of metal ions by HF-LPME system, the optimization of several factors, such as sample solution pH, chelating agent concentration, extraction time, and stripping solution concentration, among others, is required. Optimizing these parameters using the conventional univariate procedure (one factor at a time) is tedious and time consuming. In addition, this procedure requires quite a number of experiments to be carried out in order to attain the best experimental condition.19,20 Therefore, multivariate procedures have been used to overcome the problems connected to univariate techniques. The advantages of multivariate statistic techniques include reduction in the number of required experiments, thus, resulting in lower reagent consumption and significantly less laboratory work. Consequently, multivariate techniques are faster to implement and more cost-effective than traditional univariate approaches. In addition, multivariate statistic techniques allow the simultaneous study of several experimental variables and the development of mathematical models that permit the assessment of the relevance and statistical significance of factors being studied.19,20 Furthermore, these techniques facilitate the evaluation of interaction effects between factors.19 Therefore, full 267 Chapter 13: HF-LPME for extraction and preconcentration of trace elements factorial and Box–Behnken designs were used for screening and optimization of factors that influence preconcentration and stripping of the metal ions. These factors included sample pH, concentration of the chelating agent, extraction time and stripping solution concentration. 13.2 EXPERIMENTAL 13.2.1 Reagent and Standard Solutions All reagents were of analytical grade unless otherwise stated and double distilled deionised water (Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA) was used throughout the experiments. Conostan custom made multi-element oil standard stock solutions (1.0 mg L-1) of Ag, Al, As, Mn and Ti (SCP Science, Quebec, Canada) was used to prepare working solutions for HF-LPME at concentrations of 10 µg L-1 for all target metal ions. Working solutions, as per the experimental requirements, were freshly prepared from the stock solution for each experimental run. The elemental standard solutions used for calibration were prepared by diluting a Spectrascan multi-element standard stock (100 mg L-1) solution (Industrial Analytical Pty Ltd, Johannesburg, South Africa). Ammonium pyrrolidinecarbodithioate (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Loius, MO, USA) solution was prepared by dissolving the appropriate amount of APDC in double distilled deionised water. Solutions of nitric acid were prepared from ultrapure concentrated acid (65%, Sigma-Aldrich, St. Loius, MO, USA). The pH adjustments were performed with nitric acid (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) and sodium hydroxide (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Loius, MO, USA) solutions. 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate ([C6MIM][PF6]) ionic liquid was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Loius, MO, USA). Synthetic gasoline was prepared by mixing 91% isooctane and 9% nheptane (Sigma Sigma-Aldrich, St. Loius, MO, USA). 13.2.2 Instrumentation Analyte metal ions (Ag, Al, As, Mn and Ti) were determined using a Spectro Arcos 165 ICP OES (SPECTRO Analytical Instruments, GmbH, Germany) equipped with Cetac ASX-520 autosampler. The operating conditions on the ICP OES spectrometer during the measurements were as follows: forward power: 1400 W, plasma argon flow rate: 13 L min1 , auxiliary argon flow rate: 2.00 L min-1, nebulizer argon flow rate: 0.95 L min-1. The most prominent atomic and ionic analytical lines of metal ions were selected for investigation, 268 Chapter 13: HF-LPME for extraction and preconcentration of trace elements that is, Ag 328.068 nm, Al 167.078 nm, As 193.759 nm, Cd 214.438, Mn 257.611 nm and Ti 334.940. The polypropylene hollow fiber membrane used for HF-LPME was obtained from Membrana (Wuppertal, Germany). The hollow fiber membrane had a wall thickness of 200 µm, an inner diameter of 600 µm, and a pore size of 0.2 µm. A 25 µL Hamiltone microsyringe (Bondaduz, Switzerland) was used to support the fiber and to introduce organic solvent into the hollow fiber. Microwave assisted digestion was carried out in an Ethos D (Milestone, Sorisole, Italy) with maximum pressure 1450 psi and maximum temperature 300°C. 13.2.3 Preparation of the HF-LPME The preparation of the HF-LPME procedure was adopted from Ghasemi et al.21 Describing the procedure briefly, the hollow fiber tube was cut into 8 cm portions and the internal volume was about 20 µL. Each portion of fiber was used once for each treatment, this was done in order to prevent the memory effect. The hollow fibers were sonicated for 5 min in acetone to remove any possible contamination and directly dried in air. One end of the hollow fiber was sealed using tweezers, a hot plate and a soldering gun. The hollow fiber membrane was submerged in the [C6MIM][PF6] ionic liquid for a few seconds to impregnate the extractant onto the membrane pores of the hollow fiber wall. Then the 20 µL of [C6MIM][PF6] ionic liquid (inside the syringe) was injected into the hollow fiber in order to fill up the inside of the tube completely. The fiber was then washed with water to remove the excess ionic liquid from the surface of the hollow fiber membrane. 13.2.4 Extraction Procedure The synthetic gasoline model samples were first mineralized using microwave assisted digestion (MAD). The MAD procedure was carried out according to Kowalewska et al.22. Briefly, 5.0 mL of the synthetic gasoline model sample containing 10 µg L-1 of the target analytes, was placed into a Teflon vessel followed by 6 mL HNO3 (65%) and 2.0 mL H2O2 (30%). The vessels were inserted into a microwave unit and heated according to the conditions recommended by the manufacturer. The digested content was left to cool down to room temperature. After cooling, the vessels were opened and 2 mL of concentrated HNO3 and 2 mL of hydrogen peroxide were added, and the heating program was repeated. This step was done in order minimize incomplete mineralization of the organic matrix. 269 Chapter 13: HF-LPME for extraction and preconcentration of trace elements Finally, the Teflon vessel contents were cooled down to room temperature and quantitatively transferred to a 100 ml calibration flask and made up to the mark using double distilled deionised water. The same procedure was applied for the blank solutions and real samples. It should be noted that for the real samples 1.0 mL was used instead of 5.0 mL. The extraction procedure was carried out according to Xia et al.23 and Ghasemi et al.21 Aliquots of 20 mL of the digested samples containing different concentrations of APDC (chelating agent) were placed into a 25 mL polypropylene sample bottles. It should be noted that complexation is essential for the HF-LPME of trace elements to facilitate the transfer of the target analytes to the acceptor phase.24 This implied that APDC was not only used to form complexes with the target analytes, but also in promoting and facilitating the HF-LPME process. The sample bottle was clamped in order to fix its position above a magnetic stirrer. The prepared hollow fiber (Section 2.3) was immersed into the stirred digested sample intended for analysis. Extraction of the target analytes from the sample solution to the acceptor phase within the hollow fiber membrane was carried out over a period of 10–60 min under a magnetic rotation speed of 900 rpm. After extracting for an appropriate time, the magnetic stirrer was switched off and the microsyringe containing the hollow fiber was then removed from the sample bottle. Finally, the acceptor phase was withdrawn into the microsyringe and the hollow fiber was discarded. The target analytes extracted in the ionic liquid-phase were then transferred to an aqueous phase by adding 5.0 mL of stripping solution (different nitric acid concentrations). The mixture was sonicated for 10 min and the two phases were separated by centrifuging the mixture for 2 min at 1200 rpm. The upper phase (nitric acid) was collected to determine the metal concentration using ICP OES. 13.2.5 Optimization Strategy Chemometric optimization of the HF-LPME preconcentration system was carried out considering four variables, namely sample pH, concentration of the chelating agent ([APDC]), extraction time (ET) and stripping solution concentration ([HNO3]). The optimization was carried out by using the multivariate approach. Firstly, a screening of the influential variables on the analytical response was tested by employing a two-level (24) full factorial design with a central point. Table 13.1 lists the upper and lower values given 270 Chapter 13: HF-LPME for extraction and preconcentration of trace elements to each factor. The second step of the optimization strategy involved the application of a RSM based on a Box–Behnken design. The latter was applied in the optimization of the level of the variables that were considered as significant according to the results obtained in 24 full factorial design. The design of experiments was performed using Minitab 16 and Design Expert Software programs. Table 13.1. Factors and levels used in 24 factorial design for extraction and preconcentration of metal ions in fuel samples Variable pH [APDC] (%) ET (min) [HNO3] (mol L-1) Low level (-1) 2.0 0.5 10 0.5 Central point (0) 5 3.25 35 1.75 High level (+1) 8 6.0 60 3.0 13.3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 13.3.1 Chemometric Optimization of HF-LPME In order to achieve the highest extraction of metal ions by HF-LPME system, the optimization of several factors, such as sample solution pH, chelating agent concentration, extraction time, and stripping solution concentration, was carried out using factorial and Box-Behnken designs. Factorial Design A two-level full factorial design, 24, involving 20 runs was used for evaluation of the significance of sample pH, chelating agent concentration, extraction time and stripping solution concentration on extraction of metal ions. Table 13.2 shows the experimental design matrix and the analytical results obtained in each run expressed as average percentage recovery. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and p-values were used to investigate the significance of the effects on the HF-LPME system. The Pareto chart of main effects and their interactions produced from ANOVA results are shown in Figs. 1-3. 271 Chapter 13: HF-LPME for extraction and preconcentration of trace elements Table 13.2. List of experiments in the factorial design (actual values) for HF-LPME optimization and the response values Runs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 pH 2 8 2 8 2 8 2 8 2 8 2 8 2 8 2 8 5 5 5 5 [APDC] ET 0.5 0.5 6 6 0.5 0.5 6 6 0.5 0.5 6 6 0.5 0.5 6 6 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 10 10 10 10 60 60 60 60 10 10 10 10 60 60 60 60 35 35 35 35 EC Ag 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 53.8 48.9 71.3 63.9 82.2 70.9 92.1 78.9 54.1 47.8 77.6 64.9 83.3 72.1 93.9 80.2 95.9 96.1 95.8 95.7 Al 63.1 56.7 78.3 70.8 85.2 75.3 93.4 83.4 62.9 54.8 77.6 71.3 86.4 74.8 94.1 82.7 97.1 96.6 97.4 96.6 As Mn Recovery (%) 71.3 68.7 48.1 56.3 83.4 77.8 51.2 63.2 93.1 85.4 68.7 71.5 95.4 86.1 71.6 70.6 72.3 67.5 48.4 55.6 82.9 80.7 50.9 54.3 94.3 87.6 67.6 69.6 95.1 88.0 72.5 67.9 98.3 97.5 98.1 97.3 97.6 97.6 97.5 97.8 Ti 75.8 51.3 91.4 64.1 95.6 81.2 97.2 79.4 74.5 50.5 89.2 65.6 94.8 77.3 96.5 81.7 95.8 96.3 96.1 95.7 Silver and aluminium: The results of factorial design for Ag and Al are presented in Fig 13.1A and B. The Pareto chart (Fig 13.1 A) for preconcentration of Ag shows that the factors pH (-10.09), [APDC] (13.71), ET (21.41) and [HNO3] (1.48) as well as pH×[APDC] (-1.66) and pH×ET (-2.26) interactions were significant at 95% confidence level. For extraction and preconcentration of Al, pH (-8.90), [APDC] (11.50), ET (17.48) as well as [APDC]×ET (-3.58) and pH×ET (-1.83) presented a probability (p) that was lower than 0.05 and they were significant at 95% confidence level. Stripping solution concentration and interactions (pH×[APDC], ET×[HNO3], [APDC] ×[HNO3] and pH×[HNO3]) were not significant. 272 Chapter 13: HF-LPME for extraction and preconcentration of trace elements Fig. 13.1. Pareto charts of standardized effects for variables in the Ag and Al preconcentration. Arsenic and manganese: The main effects and their interactions for As and Mn are shown in Fig. 13.2. It can be seen from this figure that sample pH, chelating agent concentration and extraction time were statistically significant at the 95% confidence level for both As and Mn preconcentration. In the case of As, the main effect values were 26.10, 4.90 and 18.72 for pH, [APDC] and ET, respectively. For Mn, the main effect values were -16.60, 3.30 and 12.83 for pH, [APDC] and ET, respectively. In addition, for preconcentration of Mn, the interaction between APDC concentration and extraction time (-2.55) was also significant. Fig. 13.2. Pareto charts of standardized effects for variables in the As and Mn preconcentration. 273 Chapter 13: HF-LPME for extraction and preconcentration of trace elements Titanium: The ANOVA results obtained using the factorial design (Fig. 13.3) for Ti demonstrated that pH (-20.49), [APDC] (8.01) and ET (17.66) as well as [APDC]×ET (6.54) and pH×ET (4.36) are significant at the 95% confidence level. Fig. 13.3. Pareto charts of standardized effects for variables in the Ti preconcentration. The overall results from Figs. 13.1-3 indicated that sample pH, chelating agent concentration and extraction time were more significant at 95% for the studied metal ions. It was observed that the algebraic sign for sample pH effect was negative while the effect values for other variable were positive. The negative effect demonstrated that sample pH lower than the maximum levels should be used. In addition, the positive effect indicated that APDC concentrations and extraction times higher than the minimum levels must be used for satisfactory extraction and preconcentration of metal ions. The stripping solution concentration showed poor influence on the analytical response and was fixed at 1.75 mol L−1. It should be noted that higher concentrations of nitric acid were not used due to the possibility of PF6- decomposition. Taking into consideration the importance of factors pH, [APDC] and ET within the experimental domain, response surface methodology based on Box–Behnken design was used for final optimization. 274 Chapter 13: HF-LPME for extraction and preconcentration of trace elements Box–Behnken Design The sample pH, APDC concentration and extraction time were simultaneously optimized using the data obtained from 18 sets of experiments carried out according to the Box–Behnken technique. The latter was chosen because of the reduced number of experiments that need to be carried out. In addition, the results of this reduced number of experiments provide a statistical model that is used to identify variables that lead to quantitative retention of metal ions. Percentage recoveries of each analyte were investigated as the response function of the Box–Behnken design model in order to optimize the aforementioned variables. The levels (actual values) of the abbreviated experimental variables and the respective response values for each analyte are presented in Table 13.3. The experimental runs were randomized in order to minimize the effect of uncontrolled factors. Table 13.3. Experimental design using Box–Behnken design (CCD) and analytical response values Run no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 pH 2 8 2 8 2 8 2 8 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 [APDC] ET 0.5 0.5 6 6 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 0.5 6 0.5 6 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 35 35 35 35 10 10 60 60 10 10 60 60 35 35 35 35 35 35 Ag Al 74.63 70.01 84.02 67.51 57.21 48.2 98.7 85.14 63.12 54.22 89.12 100.4 98.85 98.66 98.61 98.80 98.69 98.67 Recovery (%) 78.34 73.38 70.44 74.41 67.3 80.06 82.49 84.03 84.13 68.25 73.44 92.31 59.86 53.74 63.93 51.36 45.89 90.06 97.89 95.12 101.2 87.11 88.01 96.36 67.23 57.34 67.55 53.43 55.81 78.14 93.48 98.54 89.17 100.92 101.3 101.88 98.04 97.45 99.78 98.09 98.48 100.15 98.16 97.51 99.74 98.18 97.45 99.71 98.19 97.52 100.38 98.25 97.39 99.78 275 As Mn Ti 82.46 69.15 89.33 74.28 66.65 51.18 98.44 86.29 68.23 64.45 92.84 100.88 98.56 98.61 98.63 98.58 98.55 98.63 Chapter 13: HF-LPME for extraction and preconcentration of trace elements The analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to evaluate the significance of the model equation and related terms. The ANOVA results were not included for simplicity purposes. The model equation and related terms were considered to be significant if F-values were less than 0.05 (p-value at 95% confidence level). The overall ANOVA results for all the metal ions demonstrated that the models, sample pH, extraction as well as their squares were significant at 95% confidence level. Therefore, the experimental relationship between each metal ion recovery and the three factors (pH, [APDC] and ET) in actual units obtained by the application of response surface methodology was expressed in terms of Eqs.1-5. % Re cov ery( Ag ) 2.10 16.04 A 8.37 B 1.92 C 0.36 AB 1.52 10 2 AC 7.34 10 2 BC 1.62 A 2 (1) 1.34 B 2 1.90 10 2 C 2 % Re cov ery( Al ) 13.22 14.71 A 6.03 B 1.71C 0.31 AB 7.60 10 3 AC 7.72 10 2 BC 1.50 A 2 2 1.16 B 1.70 10 C 2 (2) 2 % Re cov ery( As ) 4.43 16.07 A 7.63 B 2.09 C 0.14 AB 2.47 10 3 AC 1.56 10 2 BC 1.70 A 2 (3) 1.03B 2 1.86 10 2 C 2 % Re cov ery( Mn) 6.22 13.44 A 11.60 B 1.47 C 4.36 10 2 AB 0.10 AC 7.71 10 3 BC 0.81A 2 (4) 1.45 B 2 7.67 10 3 C 2 % Re cov ery(Ti) 26.24 11.76 A 5.44 B 1.57 C 5.27 10 2 AB 1.11 10 2 AC 4.28 10 2 BC 1.43 A 2 2 0.91 B 1.61 10 C 2 (5) 2 In Eqs (1)-(5), A, B and C correspond to independent variables of sample pH, APDC concentration and extraction time respectively, while the terms AB, BC and AC corresponds to the interactions of the variables. The algebraic sign of a coefficient (+ or -) defines the direction of relationship between the related effect and the response. For instance, the positive sign indicates that as the value of one effect changes, the value of the response changes in the same direction too, whereas for the negative sign on the response value, operates in the opposite direction. In addition, the absolute value of the coefficients measures the strength of the relationship.25 276 Chapter 13: HF-LPME for extraction and preconcentration of trace elements Fig. 13.4 shows the three dimensional (3D) response surface plots for all the studied metal ions. The 3D plots were used to establish the individual and collective effect of the variables and the reciprocal interaction between them. It should be noted that the 3D response surface plots were constructed as a function of two factors (namely pH and extraction time). The APDC concentration was maintained at a fixed level (central point, 3.75%). This was done in order to understand the main effects and interaction effects of the two factors (sample pH and extraction time). The reason why APDC concentration was fixed at the central level is that it had a minor effect (-1.05 to 2.25) for almost all the analytes (except Mn) compared to sample pH (-3.95 to -7.00) and extraction time (15.9921.25). It can be seen from Fig.13.4 that the results for each metal ion had maximum points within the studied experimental domain. From these observations, it was possible to establish that the target analytes can be preconcentrated simultaneously in one common region. The derivatization of the general equations (Eqs. 1-5) as (pH), ([APDC]) and (ET) resulted in three new equations for each Eqs. 1-5 (the new equations are not shown). The critical points (optimum conditions) for HF-LPME system in the response surface model were estimated by solving the derivative equations; when ( R) ( R) 0, 0, ([ APDC ]) ( pH ) ( R) 0 . The critical points were calculated according to the methods reported by dos ( ET ) Santos et al.26 and Souza et al.27 The calculated values for the critical points for each metal ion are tabulated in Table 13.4. 277 Chapter 13: HF-LPME for extraction and preconcentration of trace elements Fig. 13.4. Response surfaces obtained for (A) Ag, (B) Al, (C) As, (D) Mn and (E) Ti after extraction and preconcentration by HF-LPME Table 13.4. Calculated critical point values Variables pH [APDC] (%) ET (min) Ag 4.26 4.09 55.81 Al 4.36 3.91 57.88 Analytes As 4.50 3.84 58.00 Mn 4.40 4.09 64.21 Ti 4.27 4.24 55.50 In view of the results in Table 13.4, the optimum conditions recommended for simultaneous extraction and preconcentration of target analytes were: sample pH 4.5, APDC concentration 4.0 %, extraction time 55 min and stripping solution concentration 1.75 mol L-1. In order to investigate whether quantitative extraction and recovery of the 278 Chapter 13: HF-LPME for extraction and preconcentration of trace elements target analytes could be achieved when using the recommended optimum conditions, five sets of experiments were carried out. The analytical results showed that quantitative extraction and recovery of the analytes of interest can be achieved at these conditions. 13.3.2 Interference Studies Metal ions such as alkali and alkaline earth elements as well as transition metals are common constituents of liquid fuel samples. This might be due to the fact that they exist naturally in the earth’s crust. It should be noted that the effect of alkali and alkaline earth elements was not examined due to the non-selectivity of the chelating agent (APDC) used towards the alkali and alkaline earth metals.19 This is because, trace elements present in the liquid fuel samples can compete for complexation with APDC. This can interfere with the target analytes thus leading to reduced extraction efficiency of the HF-LPME system. Therefore, the effects of various metal ions on extraction and preconcentration of the target analytes were evaluated under the optimized conditions. The tolerance limit was defined as the interfering ions concentration that causes a relative error smaller than or equal to 5% with respect to the preconcentration of analytes. Under the optimized conditions, the effect of other metal ions on the recovery of Ag, Al, As, Mn and Ti (at a concentration of 10 µg L-1 for each target metal ion), was investigated. The analytical results obtained showed that the recoveries for the target analytes could remain above 95% even in the presence of 100 µg L-1 Fe, Zn, Cd, Co, Cu, Pb and Ni respectively. This demonstrates that the developed HF-LPME method has a good tolerance to matrix interference. 13.3.3 Analytical Figure of Merit Under the optimized conditions, the analytical figures of merit of HF-LPME described in this study were investigated. The calibration curves were obtained after sequences of standard solutions were subjected to the HF-LPME procedure and the resulting concentration was determined by ICP OES. A relatively good linearity was obtained over a concentration range of 0.040–50 µg L−1 with the correlation coefficient (R2) ranging from 0.9955-0.9978 for all the studied analytes. The preconcentration factors (PF) defined as the ratio of ICP OES signals after and before extraction,21 sensitivity, limits of detection (LOD), limits of quantification (LOQ) as well as precision estimated in terms of relative 279 Chapter 13: HF-LPME for extraction and preconcentration of trace elements standard deviation, are listed in Table 13.5. The instrument detection limits (IDL) for Cd, Cu, Fe Pb, and Zn can seen in Chapters 6 and 8 (Table 6.4 and Section 8.3.4). Table 13.5. Analytical figure of merits for the proposed HF-LPME method Analytes Sensitivity (L µg-1) PF LOD (µg L-1) 218.3 228.9 201.6 257.6 237.8 150 291 112 405 367 0.08 0.06 0.09 0.04 0.05 Ag Al As Mn Ti LOQ (µg L-1) Precision (%RSD) 0.27 0.18 0.29 0.15 0.17 4.5 3.2 4.1 1.5 1.3 13.3.4 Validation and Application of the Proposed Method The accuracy of the HF-LPME method was assessed by performing a recovery tests. The latter was achieved by adding 20 µg L-1 of each analyte to the digested diesel and gasoline samples. The analytical results are presented in Table 13.6. As shown in this table, satisfactory recoveries were obtained for all analytes and they ranged between 96 and 101%. The analytical results of recovery test confirmed the validity of the proposed HFLPME method. Table 13.6. Analytical results obtained in the analysis of spiked diesel and gasoline samples. The concentration and recovery values are expressed as the mean ± standard deviation of the three replicates Analyte Added (µg L1) Ag Al As Mn Ti 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 Diesel Found (µg L-1) 25.4±0.6 44.7±1.6 141±1 160±2 ND 19.4±0.9 28.3±0.4 48.0±1.1 ND 19.8±0.2 Recovery (%) 96.7±1.2 98.3±0.9 97.1±2.1 98.6±1.4 99.2±0.6 280 Gasoline Found (µg L-1) 28.7±0.7 48.4±1.8 91.5±1.7 111±2 ND 19.3±1.2 25.6±0.8 45.5±1.4 ND 20.1±0.7 Recovery (%) 98.4±2.4 97.9±1.7 96.5±1.5 99.5±2.3 101±1 Chapter 13: HF-LPME for extraction and preconcentration of trace elements The optimized HF-LPME method was applied to the simultaneous extraction and preconcentration of Ag, Al, As, Mn and Ti in diesel and gasoline samples. Based on the analytical results obtained (Table 13.7), it was observed that elements such as As (all sample) and Ti (in D2 and G2 samples) were undetectable (below LOD) while Ag, Al and Mn, were present in all the samples. Aluminium was the most concentrated element in G1 followed by D1 and G2 had the lowest concentration. It is worth mentioning that Al is quite abundant in the Earth's crust and also sample contamination during the diesel and gasoline production process should not be ignored. The Ag and Mn concentrations ranged from 25.4-97.6 µg L-1 and 25.6-88.6 µL-1, respectively. Titanium was found to be more concentrated in D1 sample. Titanium is normally used as catalyst in the desulfurisation of diesel oils to minimise sulfur dioxide emission from fuel combustion. Therefore, the relative high concentration in D1 samples might be due to residues of Ti leached out during desulfurisation process. Table 13.7. The determination of Ag, Al, As, Mn and Ti in diesel and gasoline samples using HF-LPME/ICP OES D1 D2 G1 G2 -1 73.5±3.5 272±2 NDa 88.6±0.2 206±2 Ag Al As Mn Ti a Concentration (µg L ) 25.4±0.6 97.6±1.7 141±1 973 ±4 ND ND 28.3±0.4 85.0±0.9 ND 9.8±0.7 28.7±0.7 91.5±1.7 ND 25.6±0.8 ND Not detectable In order to test the accuracy of the proposed procedure, the results obtained were compared with those obtained by ICP OES technique without HF-LPME pretreatment (Table 13.8). According to the paired-t student test, the results obtained by the two methodologies (optimized HF-LPME/ICP OES method and MAD/ICP OES method) were not significantly different at 95% confidence level. These results confirmed the reliability of the proposed HF-LPME/ICP OES method. 281 Chapter 13: HF-LPME for extraction and preconcentration of trace elements Table 13.8. The determination of Ag, Al, As, Mn and Ti in diesel and gasoline samples using MAD/ICP OES D1 D2 G1 G2 -1 a Ag Al As Mn Ti a 74.3±4.1 272±4 NDb 89.4±1.3 205±2 Concentration (µg L ) 25.4±1.1 98.0 ±2.2 141.2±2.4 973±6 ND ND 27.9±0.4 85.4±1.5 ND 10.2±1.3 29.3±1.8 91.3±2.1 ND 26.3±1.4 ND Metal ion concentration obtained when applying standard addition method; b Not detectable 13.4 CONCLUSION Multivariate optimization of the proposed method, based on HF-LPME, for preconcentration of metal ions in diesel and gasoline samples, was achieved by factorial and Box–Behnken designs. The analytical results obtained demonstrated that the HFLPME/ICP OES system for the preconcentration and determination of Ag, Al, As, Mn and Ti exhibited a number of good features; these include relatively high enrichment factors, sensitivity, simple operation, cost-effectiveness and non-consumption of organic toxic solvents. 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The benefit of using preconcentration techniques prior to ICP OES/-MS is that they combine the advantages of separating the analyte from the complex organic matrix by transferring it to an aqueous phase, and preconcentrating it at the same time. Therefore, applicability of solid phase extraction, solid phase microextraction and hollow fiber-liquid phase microextraction for separation and preconcentration of trace elements in organic based samples was evaluated. A summary of conclusions that support the main objectives of each investigation is given below: In solid phase extraction, performance of commercially ion exchange resins (Dowex 50W-x8, Chelex-100, Dowex 1-x8 and Dowex MAC-3), electrospun cellulose-g-oxolane2,5-dione nanofibers, nanometer-sized alumina for simultaneous preconcentration of trace elements in short chain alcohols and liquid fuel, was evaluated. The kinetics and equilibrium studies for the removal of metal ions using Dowex 50W-x8 cation exchange resin was also performed. The results obtained for kinetics and equilibrium studies indicated that Dowex 50W-x8 resin is suitable for removal of trace elements in ethanol sample. In addition, it was concluded that ion exchange resins can be applied for solid phase extraction of trace elements in organic matrices. In view of the information obtained from the kinetics and equilibrium studies, Dowex 50W-x8, Chelex-100 and Dowex MAC3 were applied for the separation and preconcentration of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Ti and Zn in short chain alcohols. Under optimized experimental conditions, the analytical results obtained showed that Dowex 50W-x8 resin was suitable for simultaneous separation and preconcentration of eight metal ions in organic matrix. The optimized Dowex 50W-x8 solid phase extraction method displayed relatively good analytical performances. The applicability of the method in real sample was also examined and the results obtained were comparable with those obtained with an independent procedure. Dowex 1-x8 (anion exchange) resin was used for preconcentration of Mo, Sb and V anionic compound ions in gasoline. The Dowex 1-x8 SPE method was successful in pre286 Chapter 14: General conclusions and recommendations concentrating metal ions from large sample volume with a preconcentration factor of 120. The positive features of the SPE method included relatively high selectivity, good precision and accuracy as well as relatively low LOD and LOQ. The Dowex 1-x8 SPE method was applied for simultaneous determination of trace amounts (µg L-1 range) of Mo, Sb and V in gasoline samples. Taking into consideration the fact that trace elements in fuel samples may occur in different forms, a dual-bed SPE column system was evaluated for preconcentration of trace metals and metalloids in gasoline samples. A full factorial design was used for the establishment of optimum conditions for separation and pre-concentration of the analytes in gasoline sample. The dual-bed SPE method combined relatively low LOD and LOQ values with higher sample throughput. Synthetic adsorbents such as electrospun cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione nanofibers and nanometer-sized alumina were also evaluated for separation and preconcentration of metal ions in gasoline samples. The solid phase extraction of Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn in gasoline samples using cellulose-g-oxolane-2,5-dione performed efficiently, resulting in reasonably analytical figures of merits such as relatively high preconcentration factor, low LOD, LOQ, good precision and accuracy. A SPE method for simultaneous preconcentration of trace metal ions in gasoline samples using nanometer-sized alumina prior to ICP-MS determination was also investigated. Under optimized conditions, solid phase extraction of metal ions occurred efficiently, resulting in a reasonably high preconcentration factor, low LOD and LOQ. The developed nanometer-sized alumina SPE was found to be simple, cheap, efficient, precise and accurate. Solid phase microextraction was also used for extraction and enrichment of metal ions in diesel samples using two approaches, namely, hollow fiber solid phase microextraction and membrane solid phase microextraction. A hollow fiber solid phase microextraction system based on fiber-supported sol-gel combined with cation exchange resin for preconcentration of trace metal ions in liquid fuel samples prior to their ICP-MS determination was developed. The two-level full factorial and central composite designs were used for the optimization of experimental conditions. The accuracy of the proposed method was confirmed by analysis of the spiked diesel and gasoline samples. The measured concentrations were in good agreement at 95% confidence level with the added values. The precision, expressed as relative standard deviation, was less than or equal to 3%. The optimized method was applied for simultaneous preconcentration of the target analytes in commercial diesel and gasoline samples. 287 Chapter 14: General conclusions and recommendations Membrane solid phase microextraction (MSPME) based on titania-alumina hollow fiber membrane was used for the simultaneous separation and preconcentration of Co, Cr, Mo, Ni, Sb and V in diesel and gasoline samples prior to ICP-MS determination. The preconcentration step permitted the elimination of the organic matrix, thus, avoiding the need for digestion of the samples before metal ion determination. The developed method was applied for the determination of the target analytes in liquid fuel samples. The developed MSPME method displayed relatively low LOD and LOQ. Hollow fiber solid phase microextraction (HF-LPME) based on ionic liquids was used for extraction preconcentration of Ag, Al, As, Mn and Ti in diesel and gasoline samples. The optimization of the HF-LPME system was achieved by factorial and Box–Behnken designs. The advantages of the developed method included relatively high enrichment factors, sensitivity, simple operation, cost-effective and non-consumption of organic toxic solvents. The HF-LPME method showed improved precision as well as relatively low LOD values. The separation and preconcentration techniques developed in this work displayed some advantages and disadvantages. For instance, the advantages included sample matrix elimination, relatively low LOD and LOQ, high accuracy and precision and high sample throughput, among others. The disadvantages included the use high sample volumes, long analysis times (in the case of HF-LPME). For example, extraction and pre-concentration of metal ions in organic matrices using HF-LPME is difficult. Therefore samples were first digested before being subjected to the HF-LPME system. However, in view of the above conclusions drawn from each preconcentration technique and also taking into consideration some factors such as economy, sample throughput, easy implementation and operation, sensitivity, precision, accuracy, and broad applicability, solid phase extraction was found to be the best method for fuel analysis by either ICP-MS or ICP OES. This is because SPE had many advantages over solid phase microextraction and HF-LPME. These included, simplicity, flexibility, rapidity, higher enrichment factors, use of different solid materials and absence of emulsion. Like any other analytical techniques SPE had some disadvantages such as use of high volumes and contamination possibilities and these challenges can be overcome by on-line SPE mode. The latter allows sample manipulation between the pre-concentration and analysis steps so that analyte losses as well as the risk of contamination are minimized. 288 Chapter 14: General conclusions and recommendations 14.2 RECOMMENDATIONS The preconcentration techniques developed in this study were suitable for separation and enrichment of metal ions in organic matrices. In addition, the developed methods presented similar or even better precision, LOD and LOQ when compared with other methods reported in the literature. Furthermore, the current study provided information on concentrations of trace elements in diesel and gasoline obtained from different filling stations in Johannesburg (South Africa) which can be regarded as reference ranges. Therefore, this study recommends these preconcentration techniques for routine and rapid analysis of trace metals and metalloids in organic matrices. Apart from the aforementioned features, there is a possibility of coupling these techniques with inductively coupled plasma based techniques. On-line procedures allow sample manipulation between the preconcentration and analysis steps, so that analyte losses as well as the risk of contamination, are minimized. The possible future work could include the following: i) Designing an on-line separation, pre-concentration and determination of elements in fuel samples, using solid phase extraction, hollow fibre-liquid phase microextraction and hollow fibre-solid phase microextraction coupled to ICP-based techniques. ii) Speciation analysis: since most metal ions are present in trace levels in fuel metals, they are probably associated with ligands in different forms (organometallic and inorganic). Therefore, speciation studies are therefore necessary to identify the distribution of trace elements in fuel fractions. ii) Sampling and profiling of different liquid fuel samples: a study based on profiling of the levels of metal ions in liquid fuel samples obtained from different towns in Gauteng province (RSA), is necessary. This will provide important information on safety and quality of liquid fuels, thus helping in atmospheric pollution monitoring. 289
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