Products for Protein Sample Preparation protea Protein Sample Preparation Protein Sample Preparation ProteaPrep Albumin Depletion Sample Prep Kit One of the major problems faced in the analysis of the human serum proteome is the broad dynamic range of its protein constituents. High abundance proteins, such as human serum albumin (HSA) and immunoglobulin gamma (IgG), which together comprise ~75% of the total serum protein content, inhibit the analysis of lower abundance proteins of interest. Affinity-based depletion strategies are often employed to selectively remove high abundance proteins, such as HSA and IgG, to concentrate the lower abundance proteins and facilitate their analysis. Traditionally, antibody-based schemes are used to produce affinity-binding ligands for HSA and IgG, where monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies are produced in a source animal, purified, and then bound to a surface (e.g. bead or well) for preparation of serum samples. Variability in the production of these antibodies leads to a wide variety of specificities and selectivities, as the binding of the ligand to the HSA or IgG is dependent upon the availability of the epitope, the binding affinity of the antibody, and the homogeneity of the antibody population. Thus, the efficiencies for antibody-based depletion strategies for the selective removal of high abundance proteins in human serum can vary broadly, from 70 to 95%, and can dramatically affect the reproducibility of studies of the human serum proteome. The ProteaPrep Albumin Depletion Sample Prep Kit (SP-200) features a revolutionary new approach to affinity-based serum albumin removal that utilizes a non-antibody-based method. The ProteaPrep Albumin Depletion capture ligand is a recombinant protein that exhibits excellent batch-to-batch reproducibility and is highly purified for robust, efficient removal of albumin from human serum samples. This proprietary ligand design technology produces binding constants with human serum albumin (Kd ~1 x 10 -11 M) that are significantly stronger than antibodybased methods, which have binding constants that range from Kd’s of 1 x 10 -6 to 1 x 10 -8 M. The net result is that the functionalized beads irreversibly bind and remove the albumin from serum in a highly efficient and rapid manner. Depletion efficiencies are >99% for the selective removal of HSA from serum samples in less than 20 minutes. The ProteaPrep Albumin Depletion Sample Prep Kit is also effective for the removal of human, rat, mouse, bovine, pig, goat, horse, rabbit, monkey and dog serum albumin. FEATURES: • • • • • >99% efficiency for depletion of human serum albumin Simple and easy to use – process samples in less than 20 minutes New recombinant affinity ligand permits highly specific and reproducible albumin removal to facilitate analysis of lower abundance serum proteins Albumin binding affinity 2 to 3 orders of magnitude greater than traditional antibody-based albumin depletion methods Disposable, cost-effective SpinTube design eliminates the risk of carryover or sample contamination RESEARCH APPLICATIONS: • • • Human serum proteome analysis Depletion of albumin from serum, plasma, and cell culture media Preparation of serum samples for analysis by SDS-PAGE, 2D gel electrophoresis, and mass spectrometry • 2 Coomassie blue stained SDS-PAGE gel demonstrating the effectiveness of the SP-200 ProteaPrep Albumin Depletion Sample Prep kit for the removal of human serum albumin (HSA) from human serum samples. Key: Lane 1 = molecular weight markers; Lanes 2 and 4 = 1.0 µL of two unique human serum control samples with the prominent HSA bands marked with an arrow; Lanes 3 and 5 = albumin-depleted 1.0 µL samples showing the >99% removal of HSA from the respective human serum samples. ORDERING INFORMATION: ProteaPrep Albumin Depletion Sample Prep Kit Contains SpinTubes with functionalized beads and Bead Activation Buffer Catalog Number Size Price SP-200-12 12 SpinTubes $385 SP-200-24 24 SpinTubes $770 SP-200-4x24 4 x 24 SpinTubes $3080 Protein Sample Preparation ProteaPrep Albuminome Analysis Sample Prep Kit The ProteaPrep Albuminome Analysis Sample Prep Kit (SP-205) includes the ProteaPrep Albumin Depletion Sample Prep Kit (SP-200) for efficient capture of human serum albumin (HSA) on the recombinant protein ligand and a Trypsin Digestion Kit (PE-151) for on-bead digestion of the HSA and any proteins that are bound or associated with HSA (see table below). FEATURES: • • • • • >99% efficiency for capture of human serum albumin New recombinant affinity ligand permits highly specific and reproducible albumin removal to facilitate analysis of lower abundance serum proteins Albumin binding affinity 2 to 3 orders of magnitude greater than traditional antibody-based albumin depletion methods Disposable, cost-effective SpinTube design eliminates the risk of carryover or sample contamination Trypsin Digestion Kit included for on-bead digestion of human serum albumin and associated proteins ORDERING INFORMATION: RESEARCH APPLICATIONS: • • • Human albuminome analysis Human serum proteome analysis Preparation of serum samples for analysis by SDS-PAGE, 2D gel electrophoresis, and mass spectrometry ProteaPrep Albuminome Analysis Sample Prep Kit Contains SpinTubes with functionalized beads, Bead Activation Buffer, and a Trypsin Digestion Kit (PE-151) Catalog Number SP-205-12 SP-205-24 SP-205-4x24 Size 12 SpinTubes 24 SpinTubes 4 x 24 SpinTubes Price $495 $990 $3960 Summary of on-bead digestion of albuminome for protein identification with LC-MS/MS. 10 µL aliquots of human serum were preped with the SP-205 kit. The proteins associated or complexed with the bound albumin were digested on-bead and analyzed by LC-MS/MS with different injection volumes and gradient lengths. Parameters On-bead Digestions of Abuminome Analyzed by LC-MS/MS Gradient Time (min) 25 60 60 60 90 90 90 Volume Injected (μL) 15 15 30 45 15 30 45 % Total Albuminome Injected 4.2% 4.2% 8.4% 12.6% 4.2% 8.4% 12.6% Total Proteins ID >95% 36 53 61 58 63 76 85 3 • 877.776.8321 ProteaPrep Albumin Capture Sample Prep Kit Serum albumin comprises about one-half of the human serum protein and functions primarily as a carrier protein for steroids, fatty acids, thyroid hormones, and other plasma proteins. Carrier proteins serve an important role for sequestering and transporting a large variety of biomolecules and pharmaceuticals throughout the body. The analysis of these bound molecules can reveal information about the health of an organism and the bioavailability of pharmaceutical agents. Human serum albumin (HSA) is a monomeric protein with a molecular weight of ~65,000 Da. While HSA maintains an important albumin-bound peptide and protein complex (ABPPC), it is also an important diagnostic biomarker itself. HSA undergoes a number of normal enzymatic modifications, such as glycosylation and oxidation, but it can also be modified by other mechanisms that are indicative of the health of an organism. Direct analysis of the intact structure of the HSA protein can reveal information about the pathological changes in an injured or diseased patient, and the albumin profile can be diagnostic of that pathology. The ProteaPrep Albumin Capture Sample Prep Kit (SP-210) utilizes a proprietary technology that incorporates a reversible binding recombinant affinity ligand for highly efficient capture (>99%) and release (>80%) of human serum albumin from plasma and serum samples in less than 30 minutes. The ProteaPrep Albumin Capture Sample Prep Kit is effective for the capture and release of human, rat, mouse, bovine, pig, goat, horse, rabbit, monkey and dog albumin for downstream analysis of intact serum albumin and its binding partners. Coomassie blue stained SDS-PAGE gel showing the capture and recovery of 400 µg human serum albumin (HSA) using the SP-210 ProteaPrep Albumin Capture Sample Prep Kit. Lanes 1-5 show recovery controls based on 90%, 80%, 70%, 60%, 50% of 400 µg of HSA, respectively. Lane 6 is blank. Lane 7 shows the eluate from 400 µg of HSA captured and recovered with 80% efficiency using the SP-210 ProteaPrep Albumin Capture Sample Prep Kit. FEATURES: ORDERING INFORMATION: • Contains SpinTubes with functionalized beads, Bead Activation Buffer, and Albumin Release Reagent Catalog Number Size Price SP-210-12 12 SpinTubes $425 SP-210-24 24 SpinTubes $850 SP-210-4x24 4 x 24 SpinTubes $3400 • • • • >99% efficiency for capture of human serum albumin >80% efficiency for recovery of human serum albumin Simple and easy to use – process samples in less than 30 minutes New recombinant affinity ligand permits highly specific and reproducible albumin capture and recovery to facilitate analysis albumin and albumin-bound peptides and proteins Disposable, cost-effective SpinTube design eliminates the risk of carryover or sample contamination RESEARCH APPLICATIONS: • • • Intact albumin analysis Serum albuminomics Preparation of serum samples for analysis by SDS-PAGE, 2D gel electrophoresis, and mass spectrometry • 4 ProteaPrep Albumin Capture Sample Prep Kit Protein Sample Preparation ProteaPrep IgG Depletion Sample Prep Kit Immunoglobulins comprise approximately 15 – 20% of the blood serum protein, with immunoglobulin G (IgG) constituting up to 75% of the serum immunoglobulins in humans. IgG antibodies are tetramers with an average molecular weight of 150 kDa, and they are comprised of two identical heavy chains (~50 kDa each) and two identical light chains (~25 kDa each). The two heavy chains are linked to each other and to a light chain each by disulfide bonds, and the resulting tetramer has two identical halves which together form the Y-like characteristic shape of the antibody. Affinity-based depletion strategies are often employed to selectively remove high abundance proteins, such as HSA and IgG, to concentrate the lower abundance proteins and facilitate their analysis. Traditionally, antibody-based schemes are used to produce affinity-binding ligands for HSA and IgG, where monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies are produced in a source animal, purified, and then bound to a surface (e.g. bead or well) for preparation of serum samples. Variability in the production of these antibodies leads to a wide variety of specificities and selectivities, as the binding of the ligand to the HSA or IgG is dependent upon the availability of the epitope, the binding affinity of the antibody, and the homogeneity of the antibody population. Thus, the efficiencies for antibody-based depletion strategies for the selective removal of high abundance proteins in human serum can vary broadly, from 70 to 95%, and can dramatically affect the reproducibility of studies of the human serum proteome. The ProteaPrep IgG Depletion Sample Prep Kit (SP-220) features a revolutionary new approach to affinity-based serum immunoglobulin removal that utilizes a non-antibody-based method. The ProteaPrep IgG Depletion capture ligand is a recombinant protein that binds with high affinity to IgG, exhibits excellent batch-to-batch reproducibility, and is highly purified for robust, efficient removal of IgG from human serum samples. The net result is that the functionalized beads irreversibly bind and remove the IgG from serum in a highly efficient and rapid manner. Depletion efficiencies are >99% for the selective removal of IgG from serum samples in less than 20 minutes. FEATURES: • • • • • >99% efficiency for depletion of human IgG Simple and easy to use – process samples in less than 20 minutes New recombinant affinity ligand permits highly specific and reproducible IgG removal to facilitate analysis of lower abundance serum proteins Disposable, cost-effective SpinTube design eliminates the risk of carryover or sample contamination Preparation of serum samples for analysis by SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresisand mass spectrometry Coomassie blue stained SDS-PAGE gel demonstrating >99% depletion of IgG from 10 µL of human serum using the SP-220 ProteaPrep IgG Depletion Sample Prep Kit. The black arrow indicates the IgG protein band in the control sample that is not observed in the depleted sample. Key: Lane 1 = molecular weight marker; Lane 2 = 10 µL human serum control, 10% sample load; Lane 3 = 10 µL human serum, IgG depleted, 10% sample load. ORDERING INFORMATION: ProteaPrep IgG Depletion Sample Prep Kit Contains SpinTubes with functionalized beads and Bead Activation Buffer Catalog Number SP-220-12 SP-220-24 SP-220-4x24 Size 12 SpinTubes 24 SpinTubes 4 x 24 SpinTubes Price $385 $770 $3080 RESEARCH APPLICATIONS: • • • Human serum proteome analysis Depletion of IgG from serum and plasma samples Preparation of serum samples for analysis by SDS-PAGE, 2D gel electrophoresis, and mass spectrometry 5 • 877.776.8321 ProteaPrep IgG Capture Sample Prep Kit Immunoglobulins comprise approximately 15 – 20% of the blood serum protein, with immunoglobulin G (IgG) constituting up to 75% of the serum immunoglobulins in humans. IgG antibodies are tetramers with an average molecular weight of 150 kDa, and they are comprised of two identical heavy chains (~50 kDa each) and two identical light chains (~25 kDa each). The two heavy chains are linked to each other and to a light chain each by disulfide bonds, and the resulting tetramer has two identical halves which together form the Y-like characteristic shape of the antibody. Affinity-based depletion strategies are often employed to selectively remove high abundance proteins, such as HSA and IgG, to concentrate the lower abundance proteins and facilitate their analysis. Traditionally, antibody-based schemes are used to produce affinity-binding ligands for HSA and IgG, where monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies are produced in a source animal, purified, and then bound to a surface (e.g. bead or well) for preparation of serum samples. Variability in the production of these antibodies leads to a wide variety of specificities and selectivities, as the binding of the ligand to the HSA or IgG is dependent upon the availability of the epitope, the binding affinity of the antibody, and the homogeneity of the antibody population. Thus, the efficiencies for antibody-based depletion strategies for the selective removal of high abundance proteins in human serum can vary broadly, from 70 to 95%, and can dramatically affect the reproducibility of studies of the human serum proteome. The ProteaPrep IgG Capture Sample Prep Kit (SP-230) utilizes a proprietary technology that incorporates a reversible binding recombinant affinity ligand for highly efficient capture (>99%) and release (>80%) of IgG from plasma and serum samples in less than 30 minutes. The ProteaPrep IgG Capture Sample Prep Kit is effective for the capture and recovery from many species including human, bovine, pig, and horse. Coomassie blue stained SDS-PAGE gel showing the capture and recovery of 250 µg human immunoglobulin G (IgG) using the SP-230 ProteaPrep IgG Capture Sample Prep Kit. Lane 1 contains a molecular weight marker. Lanes 2 to 4 show recovery controls based on 70%, 80%, and 90% of 250 µg of IgG, respectively. Lanes 5 and 6 shows the eluate from 250 µg of IgG from two different vendors that was captured and recovered with >80% efficiency using the SP-230 ProteaPrep IgG Capture Sample Prep Kit. The gel is a 7.5% ProteaGel™ stained with Coomassie Blue G-250 for visualization of the proteins. FEATURES: ORDERING INFORMATION: • Contains SpinTubes with functionalized beads, Bead Activation Buffer, and IgG Release Reagent Catalog Number Size Price SP-230-12 12 SpinTubes $425 SP-230-24 24 SpinTubes $850 SP-230-4x24 4 x 24 SpinTubes $3400 • • • • >99% efficiency for depletion of human IgG >80% efficiency for recovery of human IgG Simple and easy to use process samples in less than 30 minutes New recombinant affinity ligand permits highly specific and reproducible IgG removal to facilitate analysis of lower abundance serum proteins Disposable, cost-effective SpinTube design eliminates the risk of carryover or sample contamination RESEARCH APPLICATIONS: • • • Intact IgG analysis and classification Characterization of antibody production in non-human animals Recovery of IgG for downstream functional assessment • 6 ProteaPrep IgG Capture Sample Prep Kit Protein Sample Preparation ProteaPrep Albumin and IgG Depletion Sample Prep Kit A major problem in the analysis of the human serum proteome is the inhibition of the detection of lower abundance proteins by higher abundance proteins, such as albumin (HSA) and immunoglobulin G (IgG). Together these proteins comprise ~75% of the total serum protein content. The selective removal of these two major serum proteins permits for a more effective analysis of the proteome. Affinity-based depletion strategies are often employed to selectively remove high abundance proteins, such as HSA and IgG, to concentrate the lower abundance proteins and facilitate their analysis. Traditionally, antibody-based schemes are used to produce affinity-binding ligands for HSA and IgG, where monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies are produced in a source animal, purified, and then bound to a surface (e.g. bead or well) for preparation of serum samples. Variability in the production of these antibodies leads to a wide variety of specificities and selectivities, as the binding of the ligand to the HSA or IgG is dependent upon the availability of the epitope, the binding affinity of the antibody, and the homogeneity of the antibody population. Thus, the efficiencies for antibody-based depletion strategies for the selective removal of high abundance proteins in human serum can vary broadly, from 70 to 95%, and can dramatically affect the reproducibility of studies of the human serum proteome. The ProteaPrep Albumin and IgG Depletion Sample Prep Kit (SP-240) features a revolutionary new approach to affinity-based serum albumin and IgG removal that utilizes a non-antibodybased method. The ProteaPrep Albumin and IgG Depletion capture ligands are recombinant proteins that exhibit excellent batch-to-batch reproducibility and are highly purified for robust, efficient removal of albumin and IgG from human serum samples. The net result is that the functionalized beads irreversibly bind and remove the albumin and IgG from serum in a highly efficient and rapid manner. Depletion efficiencies are >99% for the selective removal of both albumin and IgG in a single SpinTube from serum samples in less than 20 minutes. FEATURES: • • • • • • >99% efficiency for depletion of both human serum albumin and IgG Simple and easy to use – process samples in less than 20 minutes New recombinant affinity ligand permits highly specific and reproducible albumin and IgG removal to facilitate analysis of lower abundance serum proteins Disposable, cost-effective SpinTube design eliminates the risk of carryover or sample contamination Effectively remove albumin and IgG in one step Preparation of serum samples for analysis by SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry Coomassie blue stained SDS-PAGE gel demonstrating >99% Depletion of human serum albumin (HSA) and IgG from 10 µL of human serum using the SP-240 ProteaPrep Albumin and IgG Depletion Sample Prep Kit. The upper (A) and lower (B) black arrows indicate the IgG and HSA protein bands, respectively, in the control sample that are not observed in the depleted sample. Key: Lane 1 = molecular weight markers ; Lane 2 = 10 µL human serum control, 10 % sample load ; Lane 3 = 10 µL human serum, HSA and IgG depleted, 10 % sample load. ORDERING INFORMATION: ProteaPrep Albumin and IgG Depletion Sample Prep Kit Contains SpinTubes with functionalized beads and Bead Activation Buffer Catalog Number Size Price SP-240-12 12 SpinTubes $575 SP-240-24 24 SpinTubes $1150 SP-240-4x24 4 x 24 SpinTubes $4600 RESEARCH APPLICATIONS: • • • Human serum proteome analysis Depletion of albumin and IgG from serum and plasma samples Preparation of serum samples for analysis by SDS-PAGE, 2D gel electrophoresis, and mass spectrometry 7 • 877.776.8321 ProgentaTM Anionic Acid Labile Surfactants Progenta Acid Labile Surfactants (ALS) are novel, acid cleavable detergents that are fully compatible with mass spectrometry analysis. The Progenta Anionic Acid Labile Surfactants have been engineered to provide a safe, robust alternative to detergents (e.g. sodium dodecyl sulfate) that are commonly used in proteomics work, but negatively impact subsequent analysis by mass spectrometry. While SDS and other detergents can improve protein solubility, they can be very difficult to remove during sample prep and purification of the protein sample. These bound detergents can cause significant impairment of protein analysis by mass spectrometry, as the surfactants can suppress analyte ion signal, promote analyte adduct formation, and present as contaminants during the analysis. The Progenta Anionic Acid Labile Surfactants are fully mass spec compatible and alleviate the problems commonly associated with SDS and other detergents in proteomics studies. At neutral pH, the Progenta AALS functions as a powerful detergent for use in sample preparation, protein solubilization, and cell lysis protocols. After completing the experimental work, the solution is adjusted to a pH of 2 – 3 with trifluoracetic acid (TFA) and incubated for 10 minutes to fully cleave the AALS into small organic molecules that do not exhibit surfactant activity or interfere with analysis by mass spectrometry. Other commercially available acid labile surfactants require incubation in harsher acidic environments of pH 1.0 to 2.0 for up to several hours and may produce an oily pellet or film from the cleavage by-products. Progenta AALS’s have been specially engineered to provide powerful surfactant performance with the added benefit of quick, simple acid-based detergent cleavage and removal for reproducible results in mass spectrometry-based proteomics studies. Both Progenta Anionic Acid Labile Surfactants are effective at solubilizing peptides and proteins, functioning in cell lysis protocols, optimizing enzymatic digestions, reducing surface adsorption losses via non-specific interactions, and acting as an alternative to SDS. AALS I has a Critical Micelle Concentration (CMC) of 7.7 mM, and AALS II has a slightly longer hydrophobic tail, yielding a more powerful CMC of 1.9 mM. Both AALS I and II exhibit fast, efficient degradation kinetics at acidic pH’s of 2.0 to 3.0. FEATURES: • • • • • Rapidly cleaved in just 10 minutes at pH 2.0 - 3.0 (e.g. 1% TFA) AALS cleavage products are fully soluble and do not interfere with mass spectrometry analysis Compatible with both MALDI and ESI mass spectrometry AALS promotes protein solubility and improves enzymatic digestion Certified Mass Spec Grade RESEARCH APPLICATIONS: • • • • • • Solubilization of proteins and other biomolecules Sample preparation and solid phase extraction Improved enzymatic digestion of proteins Gel electrophoresis and electroelution buffers Cell lysis and protein extraction from cell lines, tissues, and biological samples Extraction of biomolecules from environmental samples • 8 SPECIFICATIONS: Progenta Anionic Acid Labile Surfactant I (AALS I) • Critical Micellular Concentration (CMC) = 7.7 mM • Recommended concentration: 0.01 – 2.0% Progenta Anionic Acid Labile Surfactant II (AALS II) • Critical Micellular Concentration (CMC) = 1.9 mM • Recommended concentration: 0.01 – 2.0% ORDERING INFORMATION: Progenta Anionic Acid Labile Surfactant I (AALS I) Catalog NumberSizePrice ALS-100-5mg ALS-100-5x5mg ALS-100-10x5mg 5 mg 5x5 mg 10x5 mg $158 $709 $1470 Progenta Anionic Acid Labile Surfactant II (AALS II) Catalog NumberSizePrice ALS-110-5mg ALS-110-5x5mg ALS-110-10x5mg 5 mg 5x5 mg 10x5 mg $184 $814 $1470 Protein Sample Preparation Improvement of MS Performance Using Progenta Acid Labile Surfactant After just 10 minutes in 1% TFA, the Anionic Acid Labile Surfactant is fully cleaved into inert chemical species that do not have surfactant properties and that do not interfere with analysis by mass spectrometry. The protein peaks (purple) are fully recovered from the detergent-suppressed sample (green). Publications: Li, M., Powell, M.J., Razunguzwa, T.T., O’Doherty, G.A. A general approach to anionic acid-labile surfactants with tunable properties. J. Org. Chem. 2010, 75, 6149–6153. 9 • 877.776.8321 ProgentaTM Zwitterionic and Cationic Acid Labile Surfactants Progenta Zwitterionic Acid Labile Surfactants (ZALS) and Cationic Acid Labile Surfactants (CALS) are novel, acid cleavable detergents that are fully compatible with mass spectrometry analysis. The Progenta ZALS and CALS have been engineered to provide a safe alternative to detergents (e.g. CHAPS, LDAO, respectively) that are commonly used in proteomics work, but that negatively impact subsequent analysis by mass spectrometry. While CHAPS and other detergents can improve protein solubility, they can be very difficult to remove during sample prep and purification of the protein sample. These bound detergents can cause significant impairment of protein analysis by mass spectrometry, as the surfactants can suppress analyte ion signal, promote analyte adduct formation, and present as contaminants during the analysis. The Progenta Zwitterionic and Cationic Acid Labile Surfactants are fully mass spec compatible and alleviate the problems commonly associated with CHAPS and other detergents in proteomics studies. At neutral pH, the Progenta ZALS and CALS function as powerful detergents for use in sample preparation, protein solubilization, and cell lysis protocols. After completing the experimental work, the solution is adjusted to a pH of 2.0 with trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) and incubated for 30 minutes to fully cleave the ZALS and CALS into small organic molecules that do not exhibit surfactant activity or interfere with analysis by mass spectrometry. Other commercially available acid labile surfactants require incubation in harsher acidic environments of pH 1.0 to 2.0 for up to several hours and may produce an oily pellet or film from the cleavage by-products. Progenta ZALS and CALS have been specifically engineered to provide powerful surfactant performance with the added benefit of quick, simple acid-based detergent cleavage and removal for reproducible results in mass spectrometry-based proteomics studies. Both Progenta Zwitterionic Acid Labile Surfactants are effective at solubilizing peptides and proteins, functioning in cell lysis protocols, optimizing enzymatic digestions, reducing surface adsorption losses via non-specific interactions. The Progenta ZALS is also effective at replacing CHAPS in the isoelectric focusing (IEF) step of 2D gel separations. Both ZALS I and CALS I have longer hydrophobic tails that provide a powerful CMC, while ZALS II and CALS II have shorter hydrophobic tails, yielding a less powerful CMC. All formulations of ZALS and CALS exhibit fast, efficient degradation kinetics at acidic pH’s of 2.0. FEATURES: • • • • Rapidly cleaved in 30 minutes at pH 2.0 – 2.5 (e.g., 1% TFA) Cleavage products are fully soluble and can be washed away to not interfere with mass spectrometry analysis Promotes protein solubility and improves enzymatic digestion Certified Mass Spec Grade RESEARCH APPLICATIONS: • • • • • • • Solubilization of proteins and other biomolecules Sample preparation and solid phase extraction Improved enzymatic digestion of proteins Cell lysis and protein extraction from cell lines, tissues, and biological samples 2D gel electrophoresis buffers Reversed polarity gel electrophoresis and electroelution buffers Extraction of biomolecules from environmental samples • 10 SPECIFICATIONS: Progenta Zwitterionic Acid Labile Surfactant I (ZALS I) • Critical Micellular Concentration (CMC) = 3.4 mM • Recommended concentrations: 0.01 - 0.1% Progenta Zwitterionic Acid Labile Surfactant II (ZALS II) • Critical Micelluar Concentration (CMC) = 31.3 mM • Recommended concentrations: 0.01-0.1% Progenta Cationic Acid Labile Surfactant I (CALS I) • Critical Micellular Concentration (CMC) = 3.5 mM • Recommended concentrations: 0.01-1.0% Progenta Cationic Acid Labile Surfactant II (CALS II) • Critical Micellular Concentration (CMC) = 12.8 mM • Recommended concentrations: 0.01-1.0% ORDERING INFORMATION: Progenta Zwitterionic Acid Labile Surfactant I (ZALS I) Catalog NumberSizePrice ALS-200-5mg ALS-200-5x5mg ALS-200-10x5mg 5 mg 5x5 mg 10x5 mg $184 $814 $1470 Progenta Zwitterionic Acid Labile Surfactant II (ZALS II) Catalog NumberSizePrice ALS-210-5mg ALS-210-5x5mg ALS-210-10x5mg 5 mg 5x5 mg 10x5 mg $152 $677 $1202 Progenta Cationic Acid Labile Surfactant I (CALS I) Catalog NumberSizePrice ALS-300-5mg ALS-300-5x5mg ALS-300-10x5mg 5 mg 5x5 mg 10x5 mg $184 $814 $1470 Progenta Cationic Acid Labile Surfactant II (CALS II) Catalog NumberSizePrice ALS-310-5mg ALS-310-5x5mg ALS-310-10x5mg 5 mg 5x5 mg 10x5 mg $152 $677 $1202 ORDERING INFORMATION: Progenta Acid Labile Surfactant Assortment I Progenta Acid Labile Surfactant Assortment III Contains 5 mg each of the Progenta Anionic Acid Labile Surfactants [AALS] I and II (ALS-100 and ALS-110), the Cationic Acid Labile Surfactants [CALS] I and II (ALS-300 annd ALS-310), and the Zwitterionic Acid Labile Surfactants [ZALS] I and II (ALS200 and ALS-210) Catalog NumberSizePrice Catalog NumberSizePrice ALS-500 1 pack $866 Progenta Acid Labile Surfactant Assortment II Contains 5 mg each of the Progenta Anionic Acid Labile Surfactants [AALS] I and II (ALS-100 and ALS-110) and the Zwitterionic Acid Labile Surfactants [ZALS] I and II (ALS-200 and ALS-210) Catalog NumberSizePrice ALS-501 1 pack $572 Contains 5 mg each of the Progenta Anionic Acid Labile Surfactants [AALS] I and II (ALS-100 and ALS-110) and the Cationic Acid Labile Surfactants [CALS] I and II (ALS-300 and ALS-310) ALS-502 1 pack $572 Progenta Acid Labile Surfactant Assortment IV Contains 5 mg each of the Progenta Cationic Acid Labile Surfactants [CALS] I and II (ALS-300 and ALS-310) and the Zwitterionic Acid Labile Surfactants [ZALS] I and II (ALS-200 and ALS-210) Catalog NumberSizePrice ALS-503 1 pack $572 Publications: Li, M., Powell, M.J., Razunguzwa, T.T., O’Doherty, G.A. A general approach to anionic acid-labile surfactants with tunable properties. J. Org. Chem. 2010, 75, 6149–6153. 11 • 877.776.8321 Protein Sample Preparation ProgentaTM Acid Labile Surfactant Kits ProgentaTM Acid Labile Surfactant Selection Guide Anionic Acid Labile Surfactant Product Information AALS I Common Detergents for Replacement by Progenta Acid Labile Surfactants CMC AALS II sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), ammonium lauryl sulfate, perfluorooctonoate, sodium cholate, sodium deoxycholate 7.7 mM 1.9 mM 0.01 - 2.0% 0.01 - 2.0% 2.0 - 3.0 2.0 - 3.0 1% TFA; 5-10% Formic Acid 1% TFA; 5-10% Formic Acid Negative Negative Protein solubilization X X Cell lysis X X Sample preparation and solid phase extraction X X Enzymatic digestions X X Electrophoresis buffers X X Electroelution buffers X X Immunoprecipitation X X Individual Part Numbers ALS-100-5mg ALS-100-5x5mg ALS-100-10x5mg ALS-110-5mg ALS-110-5x5mg ALS-110-10x5mg Assortment Part Numbers ALS-500 ALS-501 ALS-502 ALS-500 ALS-501 ALS-502 Recommended concentration pH for surfactant cleavage Degradation reagent Charge Application 2D gel electrophoresis buffers Reversed polarity electrophoresis and electroelution • 12 ZALS I Cationic Acid Labile Surfactant ZALS II CHAPS, CHAPSO, dodecyl betaine, cocamidopropyl betaine, coco ampnoglycinate CALS I CALS II lauryl pyridinium chloride, lauryldimethylamine-oxide (LDAO), cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) 3.4 mM 31.3 mM 3.5 mM 12.8 mM 0.01 - 0.1% 0.01 - 0.1% 0.01 - 1.0% 0.01 - 1.0% 2.0 - 2.5 2.0 - 2.5 2.0 - 2.5 2.0 - 2.5 1% TFA; 5-10% Formic Acid 1% TFA; 5-10% Formic Acid 1% TFA; 5-10% Formic Acid 1% TFA; 5-10% Formic Acid Net Zero Net Zero Positive Positive X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ALS-200-5mg ALS-200-5x5mg ALS-200-10x5mg ALS-210-5mg ALS-210-5x5mg ALS-210-10x5mg ALS-300-5mg ALS-300-5x5mg ALS-300-10x5mg ALS-310-5mg ALS-310-5x5mg ALS-310-10x5mg ALS-500 ALS-501 ALS-503 ALS-500 ALS-501 ALS-503 ALS-500 ALS-502 ALS-503 ALS-500 ALS-502 ALS-503 13 • 877.776.8321 Protein Sample Preparation Zwitterionic Acid Labile Surfactant ProteaPrepTM Cell Lysis Kit, Mass Spectrometry Grade The ProteaPrep Cell Lysis Kit, Mass Spectrometry Grade has been specially designed for the efficient recovery of purified protein lysates from biological samples. The ProteaPrep Cell Lysis Kit is a proprietary formulation containing a mixture of salts, glycerol, and an acid labile surfactant that has been optimized for efficient solubilization, extraction, and recovery of proteins during cell lysis. Because the ProteaPrep Cell Lysis Kit is free of lysozyme and harsh detergents (e.g. SDS), the product permits recovery of a cell lysate that is free from artifactual protein contaminants and promotes efficient sample protein solubilization. The ProteaPrep Cell Lysis Kit features the ProgentaTM Anionic Acid Labile Surfactant II (AALS II), a powerful acid cleavable detergent that alleviates the problems commonly associated with SDS and other detergents in proteomics studies. After completing the cell lysis, the cell extract solution can be adjusted to a pH of 2–3 (by TFA, formic acid, etc.) and incubated for 10-20 minutes to fully cleave the AALS into small organic molecules that do not exhibit surfactant activity or interfere with downstream sample preparation and analysis by techniques such as mass spectrometry, enzymatic digestions, 2D gel electrophoresis, and protein quantitation (e.g. Bradford and Lowry assays). FEATURES: • • • Cell lysate is free of lysozyme and harsh denaturing detergents (e.g. SDS) Proprietary anionic acid labile surfactant promotes solubilization of sample proteins with the benefit of rapid detergent degradation under acidic conditions Compatible with mass spectrometry, enzymatic digestions, 2D gel electrophoresis, and protein quantitation (e.g. Bradford and Lowry assays) RESEARCH APPLICATIONS: • • • • • Protein extraction and purification from cell lines, cultures, and tissues Purification of biologically active proteins and enzymes Shotgun proteomics analysis of complex protein samples Analysis of biological samples by 2D gel electrophoresis Extraction of proteins for immunoblot and ELISA analysis ORDERING INFORMATION: ProteaPrep Cell Lysis Kit, Mass Spectrometry Grade Catalog NumberSizePrice SP-810-10mL SP-810-25mL 10 mL 25 mL $152 $362 Bacterial cells from BL21 E. coli strain were lysed using the ProteaPrep Cell Lysis Kit (SP-810). Following degradation of the AALS II detergent, 40 µg of lysate was separated using isoelectric focusing on a pH 4-7 IPG strip. The sample was then separated by SDS-PAGE on a 10% ProteaGel (PG-402D) and stained using Protea’s Silver Stain Kit (SS-100). Over 200 protein spots are clearly resolved on the gel. • 14 Protein Sample Preparation ProteaPrep Protease Inhibitor Cocktail The ProteaPrep Protease Inhibitor Cocktail is an easy-to-use reagent for the inhibition or protease activity during biological sample preparation to prevent degradation of sample proteins. We recommend that the ProteaPrep Protease Inhibitor Cocktail be used with our ProteaPrep Cell Lysis Kit, Mass Spec Grade (SP-810) for the rapid and efficient recovery or proteins from cell cultures, lines, and tissue specimens. The Protease Inhibitor Cocktail is provided as a lyophilized powder for a long shelf life and simple, rapid reconstitution and usage. FEATURES: • • Ready-to-use lyophilized powder permits quick and easy preparation of protease inhibitor cocktail mix Contains reversible and irreversible inhibitors of aminopeptidases and serine-, cysteine-, metallo-, and aspartic acid- proteases RESEARCH APPLICATIONS: • • • Protein extraction and purification from cell lines, cultures, and tissues where further analysis will be conducted Purification of biologically active proteins and enzymes Extraction of proteins for 2-D gels, Immunoblot and ELISA analysis ORDERING INFORMATION: ProteaPrep Protease Inhibitor Cocktail Contains Lyophilized powder, pack of 5 vials (reconstitute to 1.0 mL of 10X concentrate per vial) Catalog NumberSizePrice SP-820 1 pack $32 Bacterial cell lysates from BL21 E.coli strain were prepared using ProteaPrep Bacterial and Mammalian Cell Lysis Kit. 100 µL of cell lystate containing approximately 5 mg/mL total protein was tested as shown below. Samples incubated overnight at 37°C for tryptic digestion. After denaturation, samples (10 µL each) were separated on a 10% SDS-PAGE gel and visualized by Coomassie R250 staining. Lane B demonstrates tryptic digestion of the sample (compare to Lane A). Lane C shows the inhibition of trypsin by the ProteaPrep Protease Inhibitor Cocktail. ProteaPrep Coomassie Protein Quantitation Kit The ProteaPrep Coomassie Protein Quantitation Kit is a colorimetric assay for simple and reproducible determination of protein concentration in 10 minutes. The kit utilizes a modified Bradford method that measures absorbance at 595 nm and results in significantly less protein-to-protein variation than is observed with other Bradford-based Coomassie assays. The ProteaPrep Coomassie Quantitation kit has a linear working range for BSA from 1 to 1500 µg/mL (0.001 to 1.5 µg/µL). Each kit contains 250 mL of Coomassie quanititation reagent and an albumin standard for generation of the standard curve, and the kit can be used in either a microplate or cuvette format. FEATURES: • • • Sample is ready for quantitation in 10 minutes after reagent is added Large range in working concentrations Low protein-to-protein variation RESEARCH APPLICATIONS: • • • Protein sample quantitation Cell lysis protocols Proteomics applications ORDERING INFORMATION: ProteaPrep Coomassie Protein Quantitation Kit Catalog NumberSizePrice SP-880-1 1 kit $142 15 • 877.776.8321 Endoproteinases for Protein Digestion - Proteases Proteomics applications require high-performance enzymes for efficient and reproducible digestion of proteins. Protea offers a selection of the most commonly used proteases in proteomics work. Each protease is a high-quality, purified enzyme that is batch-tested for quality assurance of specificity and performance. FEATURES: • • • Certified Mass Spec Grade enzyme for proteomics applications Convenient aliquots for quick digestion and sample prep Quality Assurance tested for specificity and performance RESEARCH APPLICATIONS: • • • Protein identification and characterization by LC-MS/MS De novo sequencing of unique proteins Peptide mass fingerprinting by MALDI-MS ORDERING INFORMATION: PROTEASES: Trypsin Chymotrypsin Certified MS Grade, 1 pack of 5 vials, 10 µg/vial (50 µg total) Catalog NumberSizePrice PE-101 1 pack $53 Certified MS Grade, 1 pack of 4 vials, 5 µg/vial (20 µg total) Catalog NumberSizePrice PE-104 1 pack $74 Endoproteinase Glu-C Endoproteinase Arg-C Certified MS Grade, 1 pack of 5 vials, 10 µg/vial (50 µg total) Certified MS Grade, 1 pack of 5 vials, 10 µg/vial (50 µg total) PE-102 PE-105 Catalog NumberSizePrice 1 pack $74 Catalog NumberSizePrice 1 pack $74 Pepsin Certified MS Grade, 1 pack of 5 vials, 10 µg/vial (50 µg total) Catalog NumberSizePrice PE-103 1 pack $74 Enzyme Source Specificity Digestion Conditions Trypsin Bovine pancreas Carboxy side of arginine (R) and lysine (L) bonds 50 mM ammonium bicarbonate, pH 8.0, 0 to 20% acetonitrile, 37°C Glu-C (V8 protease) Staphylococcus aureus V8 Carboxy side of glutamic acid 50 mM (E) and aspartic acid (D) bonds Ammonium bicarbonate, pH 7.8, 30-37°C Chymotrypsin Bovine pancreas Carboxy side of tyrosine (Y), tryptophan (W), and phenylalanine (F) bonds 50 mM ammonium bicarbonate, pH 8.0, 1 mM calcium chloride, 0 to 20% acetonitrile , 30-37°C Arg-C (Clostripain) Clostridium histolyticum Carboxy side of arginine (R) bonds 50 mM ammonium bicarbonate, pH 7.8, 5 mM dithiothreitol (DTT), 1 mM calcium chloride, 30-37°C Pepsin Porcine stomach Carboxy side of tyrosine (Y), Tryptophan (W), Penylalanine (F), and Leucine (L) bonds 10 mM hydrochloric acid, pH 1-3, 37°C • 16 Protein Sample Preparation Protein Digestion Kits ORDERING INFORMATION: Trypsin Digestion Kit Certified MS Grade 1 pack of 5 vials, 10 µg/vial trypsin (50 µg total), with 10X digestion buffer, reduction reagent (diothiothreitol), and alkylation reagent (iodoacetamide) Catalog NumberSizePrice PE-151 1 Kit $135 Glu-C Digestion Kit Certified MS Grade 1 pack of 5 vials, 10 µg/vial Glu-C (50 µg total), with 10X digestion buffer, reduction reagent (dithiothreitol), and alkylation reagent (iodoacetamide) Catalog NumberSizePrice PE-152 1 Kit $135 Chymotrypsin Digestion Kit Certified MS Grade 1 pack of 4 vials, 5 µg/vial chymotrypsin (20 µg total), with 10X digestion buffer, reduction reagent (dithiothreitol), and alkylation reagent (iodoacetamide) Catalog NumberSizePrice PE-154 1 Kit $135 Endoproteinase Arg-C Digestion Kit Certified MS Grade 1 pack of 5 vials, 10 µg/vial Arg-C (50 µg total), with 10X digestion buffer, and reduction reagent (dithiothreitol) Catalog NumberSizePrice PE-155 1 Kit $135 Chromatograms of trypsin-treated, and untreated ACTH (1-14) peptides, separated on C8 reversed phase column. Panel A shows undigested, 14 amino acid long ACTH peptide (SYSMEHFRGKPVG), represented by a peak at 10.23 minutes. Panel B shows peaks at 7.33 and 8.73 minutes that correspond to the 6 amino acid and 8 amino acid peptides from trypsin cleavage, respectively. Pepsin Digestion Kit Certified MS Grade 1 pack of 5 vials of MS Grade Pepsin (each vial contains 10 µg) and 1 vial of 10x Pepsin Digestion Buffer (2 mL) Catalog NumberSizePrice PE-153 1 Kit $135 C8 reversed phase chromatographic seperation of ACTH (114) peptide substrate treated with Glu-C Protease. Peak at 10.1 minutes corresponds to undigested ACTH peptide of 14 amino acids. Peaks at 4.9 and at 9.4 minutes correspond to the 5 amino acid and 9 amino acid peptides respectively. 17 • 877.776.8321 Ultrapure CHCA MALDI Matrix Ultrapure α-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (CHCA) is a recrystallized matrix for matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry. Ultrapure CHCA matrix produces homogeneous crystals that lead to MALDI mass spectra with excellent resolution, high sensitivity, and high S/N ratios. RESEARCH APPLICATIONS: FEATURES: Ultrapure CHCA MALDI Matrix • • • Improved MALDI–MS sensitivity (higher S/N) Forms homogeneous crystals resulting in excellent resolution Easy reconstitution directly in vial for ready-to-use stock • • MALDI mass spectrometry analysis of peptides and small proteins Post-source decay experiments ORDERING INFORMATION: Catalog NumberSizePrice CMS-100-50mg CMS-100-100mg 50 mg 100 mg $68 $126 Ultrapure Sinapic Acid MALDI Matrix Ultrapure Sinapic Acid is a recrystallized matrix for matrixassisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry. The improved purity enhances the MALDI–MS signal sensitivity and S/N ratio. RESEARCH APPLICATIONS: FEATURES: Ultrapure Sinapic Acid MALDI Matrix • • Improved MALDI–MS sensitivity (higher S/N) Easy reconstitution directly in vial for ready-to-use stock • Analysis of high molecular weight proteins ORDERING INFORMATION: Catalog Number CMS-101-50mg CMS-101-100mg Size 50 mg 100 mg Price $68 $126 Ultrapure DHB MALDI Matrix Ultrapure 2, 5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHB) is a recrystallized matrix for matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry. The improved purity enhances the MALDI– MS signal sensitivity and S/N ratio. FEATURES: • • • Improved MALDI–MS sensitivity (higher S/N) Easy reconstitution directly in vial for ready-to-use stock Higher tolerance to salts and detergents in the sample compared to other matrices • 18 RESEARCH APPLICATIONS: • • Analysis of carbohydrates and glycoproteins Peptide analysis in ISD (In-Source Decay) experiments ORDERING INFORMATION: Ultrapure DHB MALDI Matrix Catalog Number CMS-102-50mg CMS-102-100mg Size 50 mg 100 mg Price $68 $126 Ultrapure 2,6-dihydroxyacetophenone (DHAP) is a recrystallized matrix for matrix assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry. DHAP is the matrix of choice for protein profiling using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, and it has a reduced sensitivity to the presence of salts in protein samples. FEATURES: • • Easy reconstitution directly in vial for ready-to-use stock Higher tolerance to the presence of salts in the protein sample for protein profiling (compared to CHCA and Sinapic acid) RESEARCH APPLICATIONS: • • Protein profiling of complex protein samples (e.g. serum) Mass spectrometry analysis of protein samples with higher salt content ORDERING INFORMATION: Ultrapure DHAP MALDI Matrix Catalog NumberSizePrice CMS-103-50mg CMS-103-100mg 50 mg 100 mg $68 $126 Ultrapure DAN MALDI Matrix Ultrapure 1,5-diaminonapthalene (DAN) is an important matrix used in peptide and protein analysis by matrix assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry. The matrix is effective in promoting reduction of disulfide bonds in the gas phase, which greatly facilitates analysis of proteins and peptides containing disulfide linkages. FEATURES: • • • Improves CID fragmentation of proteins with disulfide linkages Enhances in-source fragmentation of peptides Easy reconstitution directly in vial for ready-to-use stock RESEARCH APPLICATIONS: • • • MS and MS/MS analysis of peptides and proteins with disulfide linkages Peptide analysis in ISD (In Source Decay) experiments Analysis of gangliosides by MALDI-MS ORDERING INFORMATION: Ultrapure DAN MALDI Matrix Catalog NumberSizePrice CMS-104-50mg CMS-104-100mg 50 mg 100 mg $68 $126 Ultrapure 3-HPA MALDI Matrix The Ultrapure 3-Hydroxypicolinic Acid (3-HPA) is a matrix for use in the analysis of oligonucleotides by matrix assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry. The matrix is recrystallized for maximizing S/N and minimizing salt adducts. RESEARCH APPLICATIONS: FEATURES: ORDERING INFORMATION: • • • Convenient pre-weighed 50 mg vials Reconstitution solution can be added directly to vial Good matrices for oligonucleotides with lengths between 2-50 bases • • Analysis of oligonucleotides from molecular biology assays Detection of length variations in DNA nucleotide sequence repeats Ultrapure 3-HPA MALDI Matrix Catalog NumberSizePrice CMS-105-100mg CMS-105-250mg 100 mg 250 mg $68 $126 19 • 877.776.8321 Protein Sample Preparation Ultrapure DHAP MALDI Matrix MALDI Matrix Selection Guide Common Abbreviation CHCA Sinapic Acid DHB DHAP Chemical Name α-cyano-4hydroxycinnamic acid sinapic acid 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid 2,6-dihydroxyacetophenone Molecular Weight 189.17 224.21 154.12 152.15 CAS Number* 28166-41-8 530-59-6 490-79-9 89-84-9 Sample Compatibility/ Application Peptides X Small Proteins X High Molecular Weight Proteins X Carbohydrates X Glycoproteins X Complex Protein Sample Profiling X Gangliosides Oligonucleotides Glycolipids Phospholipids Synthetic Polymers Peptides with Disulfide Linkages Chloroamine Detection MS with High Salt Content X In-Source Decay Experiments Part Numbers X CMS-100-50mg CMS-100-100mg CMS-101-50mg CMS-101-100mg CMS-102-50mg CMS-102-100mg *CAS Registry Number is a Registered Trademark of the American Chemical Society • 20 CMS-103-50mg CMS-103-100mg 3-HPA THAP HABA MBT 1,5-diamino napthalene 3-hydroxypicolinic acid 2,4,6-trihydroxyacetophenone 2-(4’-hydroxy benzeneazo) benzoic acid 2-mercapto benzothiazole 158.2 139.11 152.15 242.23 167.25 2243-62-1 874-24-8 480-66-0 1634-82-8 149-30-4 Protein Sample Preparation DAN X X X X X X X X X X CMS-107-50mg CMS-107-100mg CMS-108-50mg CMS-108-100mg X X CMS-104-50mg CMS-104-100mg CMS-105-100mg CMS-105-250mg CMS-106-180mg CMS-106-450mg 21 • 877.776.8321 Ultrapure THAP MALDI Matrix Ultrapure 2,4,6-Trihydroxyacetophenone (THAP), is a recrystallized matrix for matrix assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry. The matrix is useful for analysis of oligonucleotides and glycoproteins by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. RESEARCH APPLICATIONS: FEATURES: Ultrapure THAP MALDI Matrix • • • Reconstitution solution can be added directly to vial Forms MALDI spots with homogenously distributed crystals Effective for MALDI-TOF analysis of oligonucleotides composed of less than 50 bases • • MALDI-TOF-MS analysis of oligonucleotides Analysis of glycoproteins ORDERING INFORMATION: Catalog NumberSizePrice CMS-106-180mg CMS-106-450mg 180 mg 450 mg $68 $126 Ultrapure HABA MALDI Matrix Ultrapure 2-(4’-Hydroxybenzeneazo) benzoic acid (HABA), is a recrystallized matrix for matrix assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry. The matrix is useful for analysis of glycoproteins, glycolipids and synthetic polymers. FEATURES: • • Reconstitution solution can be added directly to vial Forms MALdi spots with homogenously distributed crystals RESEARCH APPLICATIONS: • • MALDI-MS analysis of glycoproteins and glycolipids MALDI-MS analysis of synthetic polymers ORDERING INFORMATION: Ultrapure HABA MALDI Matrix Catalog NumberSizePrice CMS-107-50mg CMS-107-100mg 50 mg 100 mg $68 $126 Ultrapure MBT MALDI Matrix Ultrapure 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole (MBT) is a recrystallized matrix for matrix assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry. The matrix is useful for analysis of peptides and proteins with performance comparable to CHCA and Sinapic acid but with a higher tolerance to surfactants such as SDS in the sample. RESEARCH APPLICATIONS: FEATURES: Catalog NumberSizePrice • • • Reconstitution solution can be added directly to vial Forms MALDI spots with homogenously distributed crystals Effective for MALDI-TOF analysis of proteins, peptides and synthetic polymers • 22 • • MALDI-TOF-MS analysis of proteins/peptides Analysis of synthetic polymers ORDERING INFORMATION: Ultrapure MBT MALDI Matrix CMS-108-50mg CMS-108-100mg 50 mg 100 mg $68 $126 Protein Sample Preparation Reversed Phase Sample Preparation Products - C18 ProteaTips The C18 ProteaTips Sample Prep Kit contains tips and reagents for desalting of peptide samples for MALDI- and ESI-MS. The kit is effective in removing salts from protein digests resulting in mass spectra with improved S/N and reduced adducts. The SP-129 kit contains C18 ProteaTips for 10-200 µL sample volumes, Sample Reconstitution and Rinse Solution, Equilibration Solution, and Elution Solution. The C18 beads are immobilized on the inner surface of a pipette tip providing a large surface area for sample capture. FEATURES: • • • Effective in removal of salts that reduce S/N of peptide mass spectra Low backpressure during sample processing Binding capacity: 2-4 µg RESEARCH APPLICATIONS: • • • Effective desalting and detergent removal from biomolecule samples Clean-up of peptides from in-gel digested proteins See selection chart on page 33 for assitance selecting the correct product for your application. ORDERING INFORMATION: C18 ProteaTip Sample Prep Kit 10-200µL Tips. Kit contains C18 ProteaTips, Sample Reconstitution and Rinse Solution, Equilibration Solution, and Elution Solution Catalog NumberSizePrice SP-129-24 24 Tips $68 SP-129-96 96 Tips $215 C18 SpinTips Sample Prep Kit The C18 SpinTips Sample Prep Kit contains tips and reagents for reversed phase solid phase extraction of peptide samples for electrospray or MALDI mass spectrometry, and are particularly useful where runs of large amounts of sample solution are involved. Sample solutions of up to 1 mL and 1000 µg total peptide can be processed in our SpinTips. The kit is effective in concentrating and desalting small and large proteins resulting in mass spectra with better S/N and reduced salt adducts. The SP-150-24 kit contains 24 C18 SpinTips for 50-1000 µL volumes, 25 mL Sample Reconstitution and Rinse Solution, 25 mL Equilibration Solution, and 25 mL Elution Solution. The SP-150-96 kit contains 96 C18 SpinTips for 50-1000 µL volumes, 50 mL Sample Reconstitution and Rinse Solution, 50 mL Equilibration Solution, and 50 mL Elution Solution. FEATURES: • • For high throughput sample preparation applications Greater Binding capacity: 1000 µg / tip (50 to 1000 µL sample solution) RESEARCH APPLICATIONS: • • • • Effective desalting of biomolecule samples Clean-up of peptides from in-gel protein digests Fractionation of complex peptide samples See selection chart on page 33 for assitance selecting the correct product for your application. ORDERING INFORMATION: C18 SpinTips Sample Prep Kit Kit contains C18 SpinTips, Sample Reconstitution and Rinse Solution, Equilibration Solution, and Elution Solution Catalog NumberSizePrice SP-150-24 SP-150-96 24 Tips 96 Tips $131 $394 23 • 877.776.8321 C4 and C8 SpinTips Sample Prep Kit Protea’s C 4 and C8 SpinTips Sample Prep Kits contain tips and reagents for reversed phase solid phase extraction of samples containing small to large proteins, respectively, for electrospray or MALDI mass spectrometry, and are particularly useful where runs of large amounts of solution are involved. Sample solutions of up to 1 mL and 1000 µg peptide/protein can be processed in our SpinTips. The kit is effective in concentrating and desalting small and large proteins resulting in mass spectra with better S/N and reduced salt adducts. FEATURES: • • For high throughput sample preparation applications Greater binding capacity: 1000 µg/tip (50 to 1000 µL sample solution) RESEARCH APPLICATIONS: • • • • • • Effective desalting of samples containing small to large proteins Desalting proteins from cell lysates Concentration of proteins extracted from dilute solutions Clean-up of proteins electroeluted from polyacrylamide gels Fractionation of protein mixtures See selection chart on page 33 for assitance selecting the correct product for your application. C4 SpinTips Sample Prep Kit C8 SpinTips Sample Prep Kit The SP-152-24 kit contains 24 C 4 SpinTips for 50-1000 µL volumes, 25 mL Sample Reconstitution and Rinse Solution, 25 mL Equilibration Solution, and 25 mL Elution Solution. The SP-151-24 kit contains 24 C8 SpinTips for 50-1000 µL volumes, 25 mL Sample Reconstitution and Rinse Solution, 25 mL Equilibration Solution, and 25 mL Elution Solution. The SP-152-96 kit contains 96 C 4 SpinTips for 50-1000 µL volumes, 50 mL Sample Reconstitution and Rinse Solution, 50 mL Equilibration Solution, and 50 mL Elution Solution. The SP-151-96 kit contains 96 C8 SpinTips for 50-1000 µL volumes, 50 mL Sample Reconstitution and Rinse Solution, 50 mL Equilibration Solution, and 50 mL Elution Solution. ORDERING INFORMATION: ORDERING INFORMATION: Kit contains C 4 SpinTips, Sample Reconstitution and Rinse Solution, Equilibration Solution, and Elution Solution Kit contains C8 SpinTips, Sample Reconstitution and Rinse Solution, Equilibration Solution, and Elution Solution SP-152-24 SP-152-96 SP-151-24 SP-151-96 C4 SpinTips Sample Prep Kit Catalog NumberSizePrice 24 Tips 96 Tips • 24 $131 $394 C8 SpinTips Sample Prep Kit Catalog NumberSizePrice 24 Tips 96 Tips $131 $394 Protein Sample Preparation ProteaTip ZIC® HILIC Sample Prep Kit The ZIC ® -HILIC ProteaTip Sample Prep Kit contains tips and reagents for clean-up of peptide samples for MALDI-MS. The kit is effective in removing salts and detergents from protein digests, resulting in MALDI-MS spectra with better S/N, and removes contaminant peaks that make protein identification ambiguous. The SP-120 kit contains ZIC ® -HILIC ProteaTips for 1-10 µL volumes, Sample Reconstitution Solution, Equilibration and Rinse Solution, and Elution Solution. The SP-121 kit contains ZIC ® HILIC ProteaTips for 10-200 µL volumes, Sample Reconstitution Solution, Equilibration and Rinse Solution, and Elution Solution. FEATURES: • • Effective in removal of detergents and salts Enriches peptides complementary to those trapped by C18 tips Low backpressure during sample processing • RESEARCH APPLICATIONS: • • • Clean-up of in-gel protein digests Desalting and detergent removal for peptide mixtures See selection chart on page 33 for assitance selecting the correct product for your application ORDERING INFORMATION: ProteaTip ZIC® -HILIC and Sample Prep Kit 1-10 µL Tips. Kit contains ZIC ® -HILIC ProteaTips, Sample Reconstitution Solution, Equilibration and Rinse Solution, and Elution Solution Catalog NumberSizePrice SP-120-24 24 Tips $89 SP-120-96 96 Tips $289 ProteaTip ZIC® -HILIC and Sample Prep Kit 10-200 µL Tips. Kit contains ZIC ® -HILIC ProteaTips, Sample Reconstitution Solution, Equilibration and Rinse Solution, and Elution Solution Catalog NumberSizePrice SP-121-24 SP-121-96 24 Tips 96 Tips $100 $310 Clean-up of an in-gel digested cytochrome C sample Comparison of cytochrome C digest peptides detected for ZIC ® -HILIC ProteaTips and Millipore C18 ZipTip ® processed digests. Peptides identified by both products are highlighted in green. With the ZIC ® -HILIC ProteaTips there were 8 peptides detected that were not observed when a C18 clean-up was used. ProteaTip ZIC® -HILIC cleaned digest KYIPGTK NKGITWK GDVEKGKK MIFAGIKK GKKIFVQK CAQCHTVEK TGPNLHGLFGR TGPNLHGLFGRK TEREDLIAYLK KTEREDLIAYLK TEREDLIAYLKK KTGQAPGFTYTDANK TGQAPGFTYT DANKNK KTGQAPGFTYTDANKNK Peptide Mass 805.9 846.0 859.9 907.1 947.1 1018.1 1168.3 1296.4 1350.5 1478.7 1478.7 1598.7 1712.8 1841.0 Millipore C18 cleaned digest TGPNLHGLFGR TGPNLHGLFGRK TEREDLIAYLK HKTGPNLHGL FGR KTEREDLIAYLK TEREDLIAYLKK KTGQAPGFTYTDANK GITWKEETLM EYLENPK GITWKEETLM EYLENPKK Peptide Mass 1168.3 1296.4 1350.5 1433.6 1478.7 1478.7 1598.7 2081.3 2209.5 25 • 877.776.8321 TiO2 ProteaTip Sample Prep Kit The Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) ProteaTip Sample Prep Kit contains tips and reagents for the selective enrichment of phosphopeptides from protein digest samples. The reagent solutions supplied with Protea’s TiO2 Sample Prep Kits are specially formulated to maximize the retention of phosphorylated peptides, while simultaneously minimizing the retention of nonphosphorylated species. The SP-124 kit contains TiO2 ProteaTips for 1-10 µL sample volumes, Sample Reconstitution and Wash #1 Solution, Wash #2 Solution, and Elution Solution. The SP-125 kit has a larger functionalized tip size for processing 10-200 µL sample volumes. FEATURES: • • Selective enrichment of phosphopeptides in protein digest samples Low backpressure during sample processing RESEARCH APPLICATIONS: • • • Selective enrichment of phosphopeptides from in-gel digested proteins for identification of protein phosphorylation sites by mass spectrometry Selective enrichment of phosphopeptides from complex protein/peptide samples See selection chart on page 33 for assitance selecting the correct product for your application SPECIFICATIONS: 1-10 µL ProteaTips: • Binding capacity: • Amount of TiO2 beads in a tip: • Sample volume: 10-200 µL ProteaTips: • Binding capacity: • Amount of TiO2 beads in a tip: • Sample volume: MALDI-TOF spectrum of a 0.2 µg β-casein digest unprocessed (A) and processed using a TiO2 Proteatip (B), showing phosphopeptide enrichment for the sample prepped with the titanium dioxide tips. The colored arrows in (B) indicate enriched phosphopeptides ORDERING INFORMATION: 1-2 µg 30 µg 1-10 µL 2-4 µg 75 µg 10-200 µL TiO2 ProteaTip Sample Prep Kit 1-10 µL Tips. Kit contains Titanium Dioxide ProteaTips, Sample Reconstitution and Wash #1 Solution, Wash #2 Solution, and Elution Solution. Catalog NumberSizePrice SP-124-24 24 Tips $89 SP-124-96 96 Tips $289 TiO2 ProteaTip Sample Prep Kit 10-200 µL Tips. Kit contains Titanium Dioxide ProteaTips, Sample Reconstitution and Wash #1 Solution, Wash #2 Solution, and Elution Solution. Catalog NumberSizePrice SP-125-24 24 Tips $100 SP-125-96 96 Tips $310 • 26 Protein Sample Preparation TiO2 SpinTips Sample Prep Kit The TiO2 SpinTips Sample Prep Kit contains higher capacity tips and reagents for enrichment of phosphopeptides from complex peptide samples. The newly formulated reagent solutions supplied with Protea’s TiO2 Sample Prep Kits are specially formulated to maximize the retention of phosphorylated peptides, while simultaneously minimizing the retention of nonphosphorylated peptides.. The SP-154-24 kit contains 24 TiO2 SpinTips for 50-1000 µL sample volumes, Sample Reconstitution and Wash #1 Solution, Wash #2 Solution, and Elution Solution. The SP-154-96 kit contains 96 TiO2 SpinTips for 50-1000 µL sample volumes, Sample Reconstitution and Wash #1 Solution, Wash #2 solution, and Elution Solution. FEATURES: • • High throughput sample preparation applications Greater binding capacity: 1000 µg/tip (50-1000 µL sample solution) RESEARCH APPLICATIONS: • • • Selective enrichment of phosphopeptides from in-gel digested proteins for identification of protein phosphorylation sites by mass spectrometry Selective enrichment of phosphopeptides from complex protein/peptide samples See selection chart on page 33 for assitance selecting the correct product for your application. ORDERING INFORMATION: TiO2 SpinTips Sample Prep Kit Kit contains Titanium Dioxide SpinTips, Sample Reconstitution and Wash #1 Solution, Wash #2 Solution, and Elution Solution. Catalog NumberSizePrice SP-154-24 SP-154-96 24 tips 96 tips $163 $499 MALDI-TOF MS spectra of 1 pmol protein digest mixture of bovine serum albumin (BSA), ovalbumin, and transferrin, spiked with 1 pmol of Protea’s Phosphopeptide Standard I (PS-180). The spectra compare the re-formulated TiO2 SpinTip Sample Prep Kit (A) with the old formulation TiO2 SpinTip Sample Prep Kit (B). Spectrum (C) is the same sample processed with C18 SpinTip Sample Prep Kit (SP-150) for selective phosphopeptide enrichment. The green arrow denotes the phosphopeptide standards with their respective m/z: angiotensin II (1126), cholecystokinin (1331), and calcitonin (1801). There is a significant improvement of the S/N ratio and selective enrichment for the phosphopeptides in (A). 27 • 877.776.8321 SCX SpinTips Sample Prep Kit The Strong Cation Exchange (SCX) SpinTips Sample Prep Kit contains tips and reagents for strong cationic exchange solid phase extraction of protein and peptide samples for electrospray or MALDI mass spectrometry. The kit is effective in concentrating, desalting, and removal of detergent from protein and peptide samples, resulting in mass spectra with improved S/N and reduced salt adducts. SCX SpinTips can also be used for sample fractionation in off-line MudPIT experiments. The SP-155-24 kit contains 24 SCX SpinTips for 50-1000 µL volumes, Sample Reconstitution Solution, Wash Solution, and Elution Solution. ORDERING INFORMATION: The SP-155-96 kit contains 96 SCX SpinTips for 50-1000 µL volumes, Sample Reconstitution Solution, Wash Solution, and Elution Solution. SCX SpinTips Sample Prep Kit Kit contains Strong Cation Exchange (SCX) SpinTips, Sample Reconstitution Solution, Wash Solution, and Elution Solution. FEATURES: • • Catalog NumberSizePrice High throughput sample preparation applications Greater binding capacity: 1000 µg/tip (50-1000 µL sample solution) SP-155-24 SP-155-96 24 tips 96 tips $142 $446 RESEARCH APPLICATIONS: 1320 1316.6 1858.9 1 28.6 1740 2160 Mass (m/z) 3000 2580 D 228 .1 0900 23 1.1 1892.8 1320 19 9.9 1627.7 1676.7 1 91.6 1333.6 1360.7 1225.6 3000 1740 2160 Mass (m/z) 22 8.9 100 2580 3000 F • 28 3000 0900 1320 1740 2160 Mass (m/z) 2585.0 2305.9 2161.0 1936.9 1993.9 2032.9 1633.5 1690.5 1755.8 1296.6 2580 1 39.7 1 91.6 15 8.6 % Intensity 2032.9 2160 Mass (m/z) 993.3 1050. 2580 2191.1 22 8.9 2306.9 1633.5 1740 1168.6 % Intensity 2736.2 2637.2 23 1.1 2529.2 2198.2 1858.9 1892.9 2160 Mass (m/z) E 15 8.6 1390.6 1168.5 1225.6 % Intensity C 228 .1 1 28.6 1360.7 1 79.7 1740 1333.6 100 109 . 1320 3000 2735.2 2580 B 2377.0 2 35.0 1859.9 2112.9 0 900 2160 Mass (m/z) 1 91.6 1320 % Intensity 10 5.5 1801.8 A 175 .8 1740 927. 0900 0900 100 100 1316.6 1102.5 % Intensity 100 1672.7 1320 10 5.5 900 993.3 0 1567.7 102 .3 1 39.6 % Intensity 100 1687.8 1753.8 Detergent removal from protein and peptide samples Effective desalting of proteins and peptides Sample fractionation in MuDPIT experiments See selection chart on page 33 for assitance selecting the correct product for your application. 1159.5 • • • • 2580 3000 MALDI-TOF mass spectra from fractionation of a 70 µg digest mixture of 7 proteins (cytochrome C, myoglobin, lysozyme, α-lactalbumin, carbonic anhydrase, ovalbumin and bovine serum albumin) using a SCX SpinTip. Panels A to F correspond to stepwise elution of the peptides from SCX SpinTip using 20, 60, 100, 150, 250 and 400 mM ammonium formate in 20% acetonitrile, pH 3 respectively. Protein Sample Preparation C8 GPR SpinTips Sample Prep Kit for MALDI ORDERING INFORMATION: C8 GPR SpinTips Sample Prep Kit for MALDI Kit contains C8 SpinTips, Sample Reconstitution and Rinse Solution, GPR Rinse Buffer for MALDI, Equilibration Solution, and Elution Solution. Catalog NumberSizePrice SP-171-24 SP-171-96 24 tips 96 tips $131 $394 C8 GPR SpinTips Sample Prep Kit for ESI ORDERING INFORMATION: C8 GPR SpinTips Sample Prep Kit for ESI Kit contains C8 SpinTips, Sample Reconstitution and Rinse Solution, GPR Rinse Buffer for ESI, Equilibration Solution, and Elution Solution. Catalog NumberSizePrice SP-161-24 24 tips $131 SP-161-96 96 tips $394 Sample Prep FAQ: Q: Does centrifugation of samples for longer times or higher centrifuge speeds add any benefit using your Protea SpinTip products? A: All of our SpinTip products (SP-150, SP-151, SP-152, SP-155, SP-154, SP-161 and SP-171) have fritted tips. The SpinTip protocols recommend centrifugation at 4,000 rpm for 3 minutes. However, laboratory centrifuges may differ and different samples may take longer for the entire sample to pass through the chromatographic material. 29 • 877.776.8321 C18 LithTips Sample Prep Kit The C18 LithTips Sample Prep Kits contain tips and reagents for reversed-phase solid phase extraction for protein sample clean-up and for spotting of peptides and small proteins from samples for MALDI mass spectrometry. These kits are effective in concentrating and desalting peptides and small proteins, resulting in mass spectra with better S/N and reduced salt adducts. The Sample Prep Kits contain C18 LithTips for 1-10 µL sample volumes, Sample Reconstitution and Rinse solution, Equilibration Solution, and Elution Solution. The C18 monoliths are immobilized on the inner surface of a pipette tip, providing a large surface area for sample capture. In addition, the central portion of the monolith is hollow, eliminating backpressure problems during pipetting. FEATURES: • • • Effective desalting of protein samples Low backpressure during sample processing Binding Capacity: 0.5 µg ORDERING INFORMATION: C18 LithTips Sample Prep Kit RESEARCH APPLICATIONS: • • • • Kit contains C18 LithTips, Reconstitution and Rinse Solution, Equilibration Solution, and Elution Solution. Catalog NumberSizePrice SP-400-24 24 tips $60 SP-400-96 96 tips $195 Desalting peptides from protein digests prior to analysis by mass spectrometry MALDI spotting of peptide and small protein samples Concentration of peptides extracted from dilute solutions See selection chart on page 33 for assitance selecting the correct product for your application. 1480.0 Mass (m/z) 3512.1 2524.4 1881.2 2.2 E+4 1890.1 1741.1 1640.1 1567.9 1119.6 0 900 1419.9 927.6 % Intensity 100 1440.0 4000 MALDI peptide mass fingerprint of 1 pmol of a BSA tryptic digest spotted with a C18 LithTip on a MALDI target pre-spotted with CHCA matrix and analyzed by an ABI 4800 TOF/TOF mass spectrometer. • 30 Protein Sample Preparation C8 LithTips Sample Prep Kit The C8 LithTips Sample Prep Kits contain tips and reagents for reversed-phase solid phase extraction for protein sample cleanup and for spotting of small and medium-size proteins for MALDI mass spectrometry. These kits are effective in concentrating and desalting small and large proteins, resulting in mass spectra with better S/N and reduced salt adducts. The Sample Prep Kits contains C8 LithTips for 1-10 µL sample volumes, Sample Reconstitution and Rinse solution, Equilibration Solution, and Elution Solution. The C8 monoliths are immobilized on the inner surface of a pipette tip, providing a large surface area for sample capture. In addition, the central portion of the monolith is hollow, eliminating backpressure problems during pipetting. FEATURES: • • • ORDERING INFORMATION: Effective desalting of small and medium-sized protein samples Low backpressure during sample processing Binding Capacity: 0.5 µg C8 LithTips Sample Prep Kit Kit contains C8 LithTips, Reconstitution and Rinse Solution, Equilibration Solution, and Elution Solution. Catalog NumberSizePrice SP-420-24 24 tips $60 SP-420-96 96 tips $195 RESEARCH APPLICATIONS: • • • • • MALDI spotting of small and medium-size proteins Desalting proteins from cell lysates Concentration of proteins extracted from dilute solutions Clean-up of proteins electroeluted from polyacrylamide gels See selection chart on page 33 for assitance selecting the correct product for your application. 14185.5 100 3.0 E+4 % Intensity 12363.3 6176.0 16969.1 7085.1 8477.5 0 4000 11000 18000 25000 32000 Mass (m/z) MALDI-TOF mass spectrum of a 3 protein mixture (20 pmol each protein) spotted with a C8 LithTip onto a MALDI target pre-spotted with CHCA matrix: cytochrome C [m/z = 12363.3 (+1), m/z = 6176.0 (+2)], α-lactalbumin [m/z = 14185.5 (+1), m/z = 7085.1 (+2)], and myoglobin [m/z = 16969.1 (+1), m/z = 8477.5 (+2)]. 31 • 877.776.8321 C4 LithTips Sample Prep Kit The C 4 LithTips Sample Prep Kits contain tips and reagents for reversed-phase solid phase extraction for protein sample cleanup and for spotting of medium and large-size proteins for MALDI mass spectrometry. These kits are effective in concentrating and desalting medium and large proteins, resulting in mass spectra with better S/N and reduced salt adducts. The Sample Prep Kits contain C 4 LithTips for 1-10 µL sample volumes, Sample Reconstitution and Rinse solution, Equilibration Solution, and Elution Solution. The C 4 monoliths are immobilized on the inner surface of a pipette tip, providing a large surface area for sample capture. In addition, the central portion of the monolith lining the tip is hollow, eliminating backpressure problems during pipetting. FEATURES: • • • Effective desalting of protein samples Low backpressure during sample processing Binding Capacity: 0.5 µg ORDERING INFORMATION: C4 LithTips Sample Prep Kit RESEARCH APPLICATIONS: • • • • • MALDI spotting of medium and large-size proteins Desalting proteins from cell lysates Concentration of proteins extracted from dilute solutions Clean-up of proteins electroeluted from polyacrylamide gels See selection chart on page 33 for assitance selecting the correct product for your application. Kit contains C 4 LithTips, Sample Reconstitution Solution, Equilibration Solution, and Elution Solution. Catalog NumberSizePrice SP-410-24 24 tips $60 SP-410-96 96 tips $195 33276.3 % Intensity 100 5265.6 66510.7 22198.5 0 20000 32000 44000 56000 68000 80000 Mass (m/z) MALDI-TOF mass spectrum of a 20 pmol bovine serum albumin (BSA) sample spotted with a C 4 LithTip onto a MALDI target pre-spotted with CHCA matrix: m/z = 66510.7 (+1), m/z = 33276.3 (+2) and m/z = 22198.5 (+3). • 32 Application ZIC® -HILIC ProteaTips Salt Removal X Detergent Removal X Sample Concentration X TiO2 ProteaTips, SpinTips X Cation Exchange Solid Phase Extration C18 ProteaTips, SpinTips C8 SpinTips C4 SpinTips C18 LithTips C8 LithTips C4 LithTips X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X SCX SpinTips X Reversed Phase Solid Phase Extraction Enriches Peptides Complementary to Reverse Phase Extraction X Phosphopeptide Enrichment X Good for Peptides and Small Proteins* X X X Good for Medium-sized Proteins* X X Good for Medium and Large Proteins* X X Monolith Technology Can Handle Large Samples X (SpinTip) X X (SpinTip) X X X X X X X X X MALDI spotting from tip X X (ProteaTips) MALDI-MS Compatible X X X X X X X X X ESI-MS Compatible X X X X X X X X X SP-120-24 SP-120-96 SP-121-24 SP-121-96 SP-124-24 SP-124-96 SP-125-24 SP-125-96 SP-154-24 SP-154-96 SP-155-24 SP-155-96 SP-129-24 SP-129-96 SP-150-24 SP-150-96 SP-151-24 SP-151-96 SP-152-24 SP-152-96 SP-400-24 SP-400-96 SP-420-24 SP-420-96 SP-410-24 SP-410-96 Catalog Numbers X (ProteaTip) *Peptides: 1-5kDa Small Proteins: 5-30kDa Medium Proteins: 30-100kDa Large Proteins: >100kDa 33 • 877.776.8321 Protein Sample Preparation Functionalized Tip Selection Chart C18 LithColumns C18 LithColumns are robust, reproducible monolithic chromatography columns for reversed phase HPLC and LC-MS separations of peptides and small proteins. These polyimide coated fused silica capillary columns contain porous organic polymer monoliths that are polymerized in situ using the highest quality reagents and materials available, following rigid formulation and production protocols. By optimizing the monolith formulation and production conditions, LithColumns balance high quality separation requirements with lower column flow resistance and higher flow rates. The polymeric monolith chemistry permits operation at a wider pH range (2–10) than traditional silica-based columns, both beadbased and monolithic. LithColumns are fabricated inside standard 360 µm O.D. (100 µm I.D.) and 655 O.D. (250 µm I.D.) fused silica capillary, and they can be quickly and easily inserted into any plumbing scheme with conventional fittings and adapters. SPECIFICATIONS: Flow Rate: • • 0.5 – 5.0 µL/min (100 µm ID) 1.0 – 10.0 µL/min (250 µm ID) Reversed phase LithColumns are available in C 4, C8 and C18 chemistries, in 100 µm and 250 µm inner diameters, and in 10 cm and 20 cm lengths. Each lot is batch tested for performance on LC-MS and for structural evaluation by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for quality assurance. • 500 – 5000 psi • • 0.1 µg (100 µm ID) 1.0 µg (250 µm ID) FEATURES: C18 LithColumns, 360/100 µm O.D./I.D., 10 cm • • • • Wide range of operational pH ranges (pH 2 to 10) Low column backpressures Reproducible and efficient separations Rapid separations with higher flow rates RESEARCH APPLICATIONS: • • • LC-MS and LC-MALDI analysis of peptides and protein digests Peptide mapping studies LC-MS analysis of small molecules Backpressure: Sample Capacity: ORDERING INFORMATION: Catalog NumberSizePrice LC-100-1 LC-100-3 1 column 3 columns $495 $1290 C18 LithColumns, 360/100 µm O.D./I.D., 20 cm Catalog NumberSizePrice LC-101-1 LC-101-3 1 column 3 columns $695 $1810 C18 LithColumns, 655/250 µm O.D./I.D., 10 cm Catalog NumberSizePrice LC-110-1 LC-110-3 1 column 3 columns $495 $1290 C18 LithColumns, 655/250 µm O.D./I.D., 20 cm Catalog NumberSizePrice LC-111-1 LC-111-3 1 column 3 columns $695 $1810 LC Chromatogram of angiotensin 1 and somatostatin peptides on a 10 cm, 100 µm I.D> monolithic capillary column. The separation was performed at 0.5 µL/min for 20 min, with 12.5 pmol of each peptide injected in a 10 µL volume. Mobile phase A was 0.1% TFA in 2% acetonitrile and mobile phase B was 0.1 % TFA in 98 % acetonitrile. The separation was performed using an ABI TempoTM LC system with UV detection at 214 nm. • 34 Protein Sample Preparation C4 and C8 LithColumns C 4 and C8 LithColumns are robust, reproducible monolithic chromatography columns for reversed phase HPLC and LCMS separations of small to intermediate-size proteins. These polyimide coated fused silica capillary columns contain porous organic polymer monoliths that are polymerized in situ using the highest quality reagents and materials available, following rigid formulation and production protocols. By optimizing the monolith formulation and production conditions, LithColumns balance high quality separation requirements with lower column flow resistance and higher flow rates. The polymeric monolith chemistry permits operation at a wider pH range (2 – 10) than traditional silica-based columns, both bead-based and monolithic. LithColumns are fabricated inside standard 360 µm O.D. (100 µm I.D.) and 655 O.D. (250 µm I.D.) fused silica capillary, and they can be quickly and easily inserted into any plumbing scheme with conventional fittings and adapters. ORDERING INFORMATION: C8 LithColumns, 360/100 µm O.D./I.D., 10 cm Reversed phase LithColumns are available in C 4, C8 and C18 chemistries, in 100 µm and 250 µm inner diameters, and in 10 cm and 20 cm lengths. Each lot is batch tested for performance on LC-MS and for structural evaluation by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for quality assurance. Catalog NumberSizePrice FEATURES: LC-121-1 LC-121-3 • • • • Organic polymer monolith available in 100 and 250 µm I.D. options Wide range of pH working conditions (pH 2 to 10) Low column flow resistance Available in 10 cm and 20 cm lengths RESEARCH APPLICATIONS: • • LC-MS and LC-MALDI analysis of small to intermediate-size proteins LC-MS analysis of peptides and protein digests SPECIFICATIONS: Flow Rate: • • 0.5 – 5.0 µL/min (100 µm ID) 1.0 – 10.0 µL/min (250 µm ID) • 500 – 5000 psi • • 0.25 µg (100 µm ID) 1.5 µg (250 µm ID) Backpressure: Sample Capacity: LC-120-1 LC-120-3 1 column 3 columns $495 $1290 C8 LithColumns, 360/100 µm O.D./I.D., 20 cm Catalog NumberSizePrice 1 column 3 columns $695 $1810 C8 LithColumns, 655/250 µm O.D./I.D., 10 cm Catalog NumberSizePrice LC-130-1 LC-130-3 1 column 3 columns $495 $1290 C8 LithColumns, 655/250 µm O.D./I.D., 20 cm Catalog NumberSizePrice LC-131-1 LC-131-3 1 column 3 columns $695 $1810 C4 LithColumns, 360/100 µm O.D./I.D., 10 cm Catalog NumberSizePrice LC-140-1 LC-140-3 1 column 3 columns $495 $1295 C4 LithColumns, 360/100 µm O.D./I.D., 10 cm Catalog NumberSizePrice LC-141-1 LC-141-3 1 column 3 columns $695 $1795 C4 LithColumns, 655/250 µm O.D./I.D., 10 cm, with Fittings Catalog NumberSizePrice LC-150-1 LC-150-3 1 column 3 columns $495 $1290 C4 LithColumns, 655/250 µm O.D./I.D., 20 cm, with Fittings Catalog NumberSizePrice LC-151-1 LC-151-3 1 column 3 columns $495 $1795 35 • 877.776.8321 © 2011 Protea Biosciences, Inc • 877.776.8321 • • LN0101111 protea
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