“STUDY OF DIFFERENT MARKET SAMPLES WITH GENUINE SAMPLE OF BALA (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T.PHARMACOGNOCY AND PHYTOCHEMISTRY” By Dr. UMAKANT N.RABB. B.A.M.S Dissertation submitted to the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka Bangalore, In partial fulfillment Of the requirements for the Degree of AYURVEDA VACHASPATI In DRAVYAGUNA Guide Dr. YOGINI KULKARNI ( M.D.Ph.D.;M.A(Sanskrit & sangeet);F.I.I.M.;D.A&Y) Professor Shri. B. M. Kankanawadi Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Belgaum. POST GRADUATE DEPARTMENT OF DRAVYAGUNA K. L. E.’S SHRI. B.M. KANKANAWADI AYURVED MAHAVIDYALAYA, SHAHAPUR, BELGAUM. 2010 - 11 DECLARATION BY THE CANDIDATE I hereby declare that this dissertation entitled “STUDY OF DIFFERENT MARKET SAMPLES WITH GENUINE SAMPLE OF BALA (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. PHARMACOGNOCY AND PHYTOCHEMISTRY” is a bonafide and genuine research work carried out by me under the guidance of Dr. Yogini kulkarni(M.D.Ph.D.;M.A(Sanskrit&sangeet);F.I.I.M.;D.A&Y)Professor,Departmentof Dravyaguna, K.L.E.’s Shri B. M. K. Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Shahapur, Belgaum. Date: Place: Belgaum Signature Dr. UMAKANT N RABB.P.G Scholar CERTIFICATE BY THE GUIDE This is to certify that this dissertation entitled “STUDY OF DIFFERENT MARKET SAMPLES WITH GENUINE SAMPLE OF BALA (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. PHARMACOGNOCY AND PHYTOCHEMISTRY” is a bonafide and genuine research work carried out by Dr. Umakant N. Rabb in partial fulfillment of the requirement Date: Place: Belgaum for the degree of AYURVEDA VACHASPATI. Signature of Guide Dr.Yogini R. Kulkarni Prof ,M..D..Ph..D.(Ayu Dravyaguna);M.A.(Sanskrit Parangata);M.A.(Sangeet Alaankar)D.A.& Y.;F.I.I.M Department of PG Studies in Dravyaguna KLE’S Shri B. M. Kankanwadi Ayurveda Shahapur, Belgaum CERTIFICATE BY THE CO- GUIDE This is to certify that this dissertation entitled “STUDY OF DIFFERENT MARKET SAMPLES WITH GENUINE SAMPLE OF BALA (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T.PHARMACOGNOCY AND PHYTOCHEMISTRY” is a bonafide research work done by Dr. UMAKANT N RABB in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of AYURVEDA VACHASPATI. Date: Place: Belgaum Signature CO-Guides DR. HARSHA HEGDE Scientist-B I.C.M.R.Belgaum MR.AJIT LINGAYAT (Msc.Medicinal plants) Incharge of K.L.E’s Ayurveda pharmacy. Belgaum. ENDORSEMENT CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the dissertation entitled “STUDY OF DIFFERENT MARKET SAMPLES WITH GENUINE SAMPLE OF BALA (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T.PHARMACOGNOCY AND PHYTOCHEMISTRY” is a bonafide research work done by Dr. Umakant N.Rabb under the guidance of Dr. Yogini kulkarni, M.D.Phd, Professor, Department of Dravyaguna, K. L. E’s Shri. B.M. K. Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Shahapur, Belgaum. H. O. D. Principal Dr. S. K. Hiremath M.D. DR. B.S. PRASAD Ph.d Professor & H.O.D. Principal PG Dept. of Dravyaguna K.L.E.’S Shri B.M.Kankanwadi K.L.E.’S Shri B.M.Kankanwadi Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya Shahapur Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya Shahapur Belgaum Belgaum COPYRIGHT DECLARATION BY THE CANDIDATE I hereby declare that the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka shall have the right to preserve, use and disseminate this dissertation in print or electronic format for academic / research purpose. Date: Place: Belgaum Signature of the candidate Dr. Umakant N.Rabb P.G.Scholar ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The dissertation work is a planned work carried out in a scheduled time. This is made possible with valuable guidance, inspiration, critics, advice and suggestions; all these empowered me to complete my work successfully. I express my thanks to my beloved Guide Dr. Yogini Kulkarni Professor, P. G. Department of Dravyaguna, for her maximum support and guidance all throughout the work. I express my thanks to my beloved Co-Guides Dr. Harsha Hegde scientist-B I.C.M.R. Belgaum and Mr. Ajit Lingayat in charge of K.L.E.’s B.m.k.Ayurveda pharmacy Belgaum for his maximum support and guidance all throughout the work. I sincerely thank our Principal Dr. B. S. Prasad and academic in charge Dr R. C. Mathad for their encouraging thoughts and provoking support. I thank Prof and H.O.D, Dr. S. K. Hiremath , Asst.prof Dr.(Mrs.) S.K.Kulkarni, Asst prof Dr Aroon M. Chougale , Dr.Gogesh Girgaon, Dr.D.G.Kolume, lecturer Dr.Nataraj H.R. Post Graduate Department of Dravyaguna, for their valuable Guidance. I would like to thank lecturer, Dr. M. B. Gundakalle lecturer and Central Research Lab faculty, who helped me for their valuable support in carrying out my analytical work, I am thankful to College Librarian Girija Madam, Vaishali Madam and other library members. I am thankful to Mr. T. B. Thitte manager and Mr. Vaibhav for his guidance for carrying out HPTLC work in Anchrom H.P.T.L.C lab Mumbai. I remain ever thankful to my friends and colleagues who have supported and guided me all throughout Dr. Poornima undi, Dr. Bhagyshree, Dr. Mahadev, Dr. Katakar, Dr. Deepti, Dr. Ashwini, Dr. Haresha Dr. Athira, Dr.Manjunath and Dr. Shilji. I thank my father Shri. Nandkumar N. Rabb and my mother Smt Shanta N. Rabb for their natural love and affection throughout my studies. I express my warm appreciation to my Sisters Smt. Varsha and Smt.Girija without their support it would not have been possible to accomplish sthis work. Date: Place: Belgaum Signature Dr. Umakant N.Rabb P.G. Scholar LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS A.P.I Ayurvedic pharmacopeia of India A.H Ashtanga Hrudaya A.N Adarsh Nighantu A.H Ashtanga Hrudaya Aq. Aqueous Al. Alcoholic B.P Bhavaprakash Nighantu C.S Charaka Samhita C.D Cakradatta C.R.L Central Research Laboratory D.N Dhanwantari Nighantu G.N Gadanigraha gms Grams H.P.T.L.C High performance thin layer chromatography K.S Kashyapa Samhita K.N Kaideva Nighantu M.N Madanapal Nighantu mm Millimeter m Meter ml Milliliter nm Nanometer dm Diameter P.N Priya Nighantu I.H.P Indian Herbal Pharmacopoeia R.N Raja Nighantu Rf value Refraction value S.S Sushruta Samhita S.N Shodhala Nighantu Sample G Genuine Sample A Belgaum sample Sample B Bangaluru sample Sample C Hubli sample T.S Transverse section Ut Uttaratantra W/w weight by weight Y.R Yogaratnakar % Percentage 0 degree Celsius C ABSTRACT Objectives: • To procure the different market samples of Bala moola and genuine sample from natural habitat • To compare the market samples with genuine sample by Pharmacognostic and Phyto-chemical parameters. Methodology:1. Collection of Bala moola from natural habitat in Grishma rutu and procurement of different market samples of Bala. 2. Pharmacognostic study of market and genuine samples 3. Aqueous and alcohol (Methanol) extraction of all the samples were carried out 4. Physicochemical and phyto-chemical study of Market and Genuine sample was done 5. Qualitative analysis by T.L.C and H.P.T.L.C of different alcohol and aqueous extracts were carried out for all Samples. 6. Estimation of Alkaloid percentage of all Samples was done. Results:1. Macroscopic and Microscopic study of the collected samples suggest that genuine sample contain roots where as all the market samples contains stems of Different varieties of Sida species. 2. The phyto-chemical study shows similar ingredients present in roots and stem parts of the Bala, both in Genuine and Market samples. 3. Alkaloid percentage is more in Genuine sample that is because of proper collection of the drug as mentioned in samhita. 4. In T.L.C and H.P.T.L.C analysis there is less phyto chemicals are separated in aqueous extract as compared to the methanol extract. 5. All H.P.T.L.C results of Market samples compared with Genuine, concludes that sample-C shows maximum same phyto-chemical constituents. So the Sample-C is nearer to Genuine sample. Conclusion:After thorough examination of all the samples with standard procedures, it concludes that samples available in the market belong to different varieties of sida species, and the phyto-chemical analysis is also showing same ingredients in both Genuine and Market samples Whereas the T.L.C and .H.P.T.L.C results concludes that there is more phyto-chemicals were separated in methanolic extract than the aqueous extract. And when compared with Genuine sample, the sample-C shows maximum same chemical constituents. So, the sample-C is nearer to Genuine sample. Keywords: - Bala moola, Adulterants, Substitutes, Physico-chemical, Phytochemical analysis etc. TABLE OF CONTENTS S.NO. CONTENTS PAGE. NO. 1 INTRODUCTION 1-2 2 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 3 3 REVIEW OF LITERATURE 4-17 4 MATERIALS AND METHODS 18-27 5 OBSERVATIONS & RESULTS 28-38 6 DISCUSSION 39-45 7 CONCLUSION 46-47 8 SUMMARY 48-49 9 LIST OF REFERENCES 50-56 10 PHOTOPLATES 57-72 11 ANNEXURE LIST OF TABLES S. No. List of Tables P. No. 1 Macroscopic characters of Roots 30 2 Microscopic characters of Roots 30 3 Powder Macroscopy 31 4 Powder Microscopy 31 5 Physico-chemical Analysis of Bala Moola 32 6 Phyto-chemical analysis Bala Moola 7 Determination of Elemental ash 34 8 Fluorescence analysis 35 9 Alkaloid Eatimation 35 10 Micro-chemical testing 36 11 TLC Results 37 12 HPTLC Results -Rf value in 254 nm 38 13 HPTLC Results- Rf value in 366 nm 39 14 HPTLC Results - Rf value in 540 nm after derivatization 40 33-34 LIST OF PHOTOGRAPHS Plate no List of Photo Plates 1 Agro-climatic zone of Karnataka 2 Morphology of Bala(Sida cordifolia Linn) 3 Macroscopic study of collected Bala Moola and market samples. 4 Microscopic study of collected Bala Moola and market samples 5 Macroscopy study of Coarse powder of Bala Moola and market samples. 6 Powder Microscopic of Bala Moola and market samples. 7 Ash value of Bala Moola, Alcoholic and water ext. of Bala Moola and market samples. 8 T.L.C. Analysis of Bala moola. 9 HPTLC Analysis of Bala Moola in 254 nm, 366 nm, 540 nm. Introduction INTRODUCTION Ayurveda is Indian system of medicine, aiming with promotion of health and prevention of diseases. Dravyaguna is part of Ayurveda mainly deals with Herbal Drugs and first explained by Charaka1 and latter Narhari author of Raj Nighantu identified as separate speciality2. Due to globalization and popularity of Ayurved worldwide that leads more consumption of herbal medicines which leads to scarcity of standard raw drug. To overcome this problem it should be focus harvesting time and place of raw drug for maintain the optimum therapeutic value and diversity of plants. As Aacharya Charaka explain specific collection time for particular raw materials with their different part, as roots should be collected in Greeshma and Shishira rutu3 .While commenting on Charaka samhita Chakrapanidatta mentioned Ushna veerya Dravya should be collected in Grishma Rutu and sheeta veerya Dravya should be collected in Shishira Rutu. The raw material collected in the above mentioned time the raw drugs are to be of the better quality. Day by day, because of concretization over exporting of raw materials and miss-proportion of harvesting of medicinal plants many of plants getting endangered. Insufficiency of raw materials the substitutes or sub standard materials and adulterants are used in the formulation which gives sub standard results. Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) is one of the drugs having various varieties mentioned in Nighantus and in the Botany also. “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 1 Introduction So it is necessary to compare the quality of genuine and market raw materials on the basis of Pharmacognostic and Physiochemical evaluation. In this study only one variety of Bala was analyzed. It is cheap and cost effective, and used in day today practice as single or component of various formulations like, ksheerabala taila, Bala ashvagandhai taila, Bala taila, Dhanavantari taila etc. To treat the various common diseases like Amavata, Vata vyadi, Grdhrasi, Bastisula, Katishoola, etc. So this topic has been selected for the study. Present study was mapped in four stages 1. Review of the literature was done regarding Bala and its identification characters 2. Collection of genuine and market samples of Bala was done 3. Pharmacognostic and Physiochemical analysis of all the samples were done on by standard procedures 4. Observations and results were compared and discussed. “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 2 Aims and objectives Aims and Objectives Aim of the study: - To assess the Pharmacognostic and Phyto-chemical analysis of different market samples of Bala(Sida cordifolia Linn) with Genuine sample of Bala moola ( Sida cordifolia Linn) Objectives:1. Pharmacognostic and Phytochemical study of different Bala moola samples 2. To compare the genuine sample of Bala moola(Sida cordifolia Linn.) with different market samples on the basis of Pharmacognostic and Phytochemical study “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 3 Review of Literature Review of the Literature 4 VEDIC PERIOD . • Bala is mentioned as rasayana, vishagna, balya and pramehagna. • In Atharva Veda KALPA SOOTRA the reference regarding Bala is available. • In Atharva parishishta it is used as Pushpaabhisheka. (Ref. Pai.19/39/1-13. A.P. 5/1/4.) SAMHITA PERIOD: Different pharmacological classification is mentioned in various ganas, Charaka samhita: • Bala is mentioned in Brunhaniya 5, Balya , Prajasthapana5 and Madhura skandha 5 • Bala is mentioned as strength promoting and vatashamak drug6. • The Bala churna is advised with water in sarvadhatugata visha chikitsa7. • Also it is one of the ingredients of Panchashirisho agada and Amruta ghrita8. • While explaining the different types of varieties Chakrapani told that, Vatyayani is Sweta Bala 9 and Bhadraudini is Peeta Bala9. • The roots should be collected in summer (grishma) or late winter (shishira)10 Sushruta samhita: • In Vamanopaga gana 11 Bala is mentioned. • In case of Sahadiva Acharya Sushruta explained that it is one of the varieties of the Bala and it is having peeta pushpa 12, 13 (yellow flowers) but the other varieties have neela pushpa12. (Blue color flowers). “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 4 Review of Literature • For all types of Vatarakta rogas, Bala taila14 is used. • For the preparation of Mahasugandhi agadaraj15 which is used in snake poison Bala is one of the ingredients. • While explaining the Baladwaya, it is mentioned that Bala is having white flower (shukla pushpa) and Atibala has yellow flower (peeta pushpa) 16. And its seed is Seeta paki 17. • While explaining about the collection of the root, it should be collected in the early winter 18. • In Sarvopaghatashamaniya rasayana adhyaya extensive use of Bala is mentioned19. Vagbhat: 1. The reference regarding Bala found in Balyadashemani20 and in Madhyama panchmoola21. 2. In Astanga hrudaya uttara tantra Vagbhat mentioned Bala dwaya22 Dwi Bala23 and Bala traya24. 3. According to Arunadatta the Balatitrayam25 are Bala, Atibala and Nagabala. NIGHANTU PERIOD: Bhava prakasha nighantu 26: • Bala is mentioned in Guduchyadi varga. • Bala chatusthaya (Four types of Bala) are Madhura in rasa, Snigdha in guna, Sheeta in veerya, bala, kantikaraka, grahi in karma, alleviates Samira, arsha, pittaasra and kshata. “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 5 Review of Literature • The root bark of this is taken along with curd or sugar cures Mutratisara. Dhanavantari nighantu 27: • Bala is mentioned in Guduchyadi varga, Shukravardhaka, Balya, Tridosha shamaka, also acts as oja vardhaka, and cures rakta pitta and kshaya. Shaligrama nighantu 28: • Bala is mentioned in Guduchyadi varga.Also explained various synonyms of Bala. Ruchikaraka, vrushya, grahi, and vata and pitta shamaka. Shodhala nighantu 29: • Bala is mentioned in Guduchyadi varga, Vrishya and strength promoting i.e. balakaraka. Kaiyadeva nighantu 30: • In Oshadi varga Bala is mentioned as Bala chatusthaya (all the four types of Bala), are Ayuvardhaka, and alleviates vatarakta, tridosha, kshata and kshaya. • Its fruits (seeds) are Kashaya and Madhura in rasa, Madhura vipaka, Sheeta in veerya, Guru, Sthambaka, Lekhana karaka, Vibandha, Adhmana, vata-pitta and Rakta-vikara nashaka. Raja nighantu 31: • The root should be collected in shishira rutu. • Apart from this he explained various synonyms of Bhadraudini like Nagabala, Kharagandha Chatushphala, Mahodaya, Mahashakha, Mahapatra, Mahaphala, Vishvadeva, Arishtha, Kharva, Hrisva, Gavedhuka, Deavadanda, Mahadanda and Ghata. Its qualities are, Mahura, Amla, and kashaya in rasa, “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 6 Review of Literature Ushna virya, and Guru. It alleviates Kandu, Kushtha, and vata dosha, vrina and pitta vikara nashaka. • Bala is mentioned in Shatahvadi varga. Bala is Ati-tikta, Madhura in rasa, cures Pittatisara, provides bala, veerya, pushti and relieves kapha roga Adarsha nighantu 32: • In Karpasadi varga Bala is mentioned,and having Brumhaniya, Balya, Prajasthapana, Grahi, Vrushya, Ojavardhaka, Vatahara, Pittaghna, and Kshaya nashaka properties. Priya nighantu 33: • In Shatapushpadi varga Bala panchaka is mentioned. The Bala panchaka are Bala, Atibala, Mahabala, Nagabala, and Raja bala. Gada nigraha 34: • While explaining the treating the all types of Vata vyadhi, Bala taila and Brihad Bala taila Tritiya Bala taila, and Mudhagarbhe Chaturtha Bala taila is mentioned. SYNOMYMS AND THEIR MEANING 35: • Bala- The plant is used as a strength promoting. • Odanahvaya- The seeds of which are like cereals. • Kharayasthika- Has rough stem. • Peeta pushpi- Flowers are yellow. • Baladhya- Strength promoting. • Bhadraudini- The seeds of which are like cereals. “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 7 Review of Literature • Vaatya- Stem possesses strong fibres. • Vaatyalakaa- Growing in fields. • Vinaya- Strength promoting. • Sheeta paaki- Fruits ripen in winter season. TAXANOMICAL CLASSIFICATION 36: Kingdom: - Plantae Unranked: - Angiosperms Unranked: - Eudicots Unranked: - Rosids Order: - Malvales Family: - Malvaceae Genus: - Sida Species: - Sida cordifolia VERNACULAR NAMES 37: • English—Country mallow. • Hindi—Kungyi, Bariyar, • Bengali—Swetberela, Brela, • Gujrati—Mahabala, Khapat, • Kannada—Hettuthi, Hettugigada, • Malayalam—Kurunhott, Vellurum, • Marathi—Chikana, Khiranti. “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 8 Review of Literature • Punjabi—Kowar, Simak, • Tamil—Nilatutti, Puniar tutti • Telagu—Tellantisa, Tellagorra, • Oriya—Badianaula, Bisvokopari, • Sind—Burrayra. • Mundari—Marang, Lupaaraba, • Gwaliar—Kharanti, • Konkani—Kobirsir bhaji, Muttava. • Sinhalese—Hiradona, Valbevila GANA AND VARGA Sr.no. Author 1 Charaka Gana/varga Brunhaniya , Balya , Prajasthapana Madhura skanda 2 Sushruta Vamanopaga gana , Vatasanshamana gana 3 Astanga Sangraha Balyadashemani , Madhyama panchmoola 4 B.P.N Guduchyadi varga 5 D.N. Guduchyadi varga 6 Shal.N. Guduchyadi varga 7 Shod.N. Guduchyadi varga 8 K.N. Oshadi varga 9 R.N. Shatahvadi varga 10 A.N. Karpasadi varga 11 P.N. Shatapushpadi varga “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 9 Review of Literature RASA, GUNA, VEERYA, VIPAKA AND DOSHAGHNATA Sr.no. Author Rasa Guna Virya Vipaka Doshaghnata 1 Charaka Madhura Snigdha Sheeta Madhura Vata shamaka 3 Sushruta Madhura Snigdha Sheeta Madhura Vata shamaka 3 A.S. Madhura Snigdha Sheeta Madhura Vata shamaka 4 B.P.N. Madhura Snigdha Sheeta Madhura Vata shamaka 5 D.N. Madhura Snigdha Sheeta Madhura Tridosha shamaka 6 Shali.N. Madhura Snigdha Sheeta Madhura Vata-pitta shamaka 7 Shod.N. Madhura Snigdha Sheeta Madhura Vata-pitta shamaka 8 K.N. Kashaya, Snigdha, Madhura Guru. Sheeta Madhura Tridosha shamaka 9 R.N. Madhura Snigdha Sheeta Madhura Vata shamaka 10 A.N. Madhura Snigdha Sheeta Madhura Vata-pitta shamaka 11 P.N. Madhura Snigdha Sheeta Madhura Vata-pitta shamaka KARMA Sr.no. Author Karma 1 Charak Balya, Grahi. 2 Sushruta Balya, Rasayana. 3 Vagbhatta Balya. 4 B.P.N. Balya, Kantikaraka, Grahi. “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 10 Review of Literature 5 D.N. Balya, Shukra & Ojavardhaka. 6 Shali.N. Balya. Vrushya, Grahi. 7 Shod.N. Vrushya, Balakaaraka 8 K.N. Stambaka, Lekana kaaraka. 9 R.N. Bala, Virya, pushtikaaraka. 10 A.N. Brumhaniya,Balya, Prajasthapana, Grahi, Vrushya, Ojavardhaka, 11 P.N. Balya,Vrushya, Brumhana kaaraka MORPHOLOGY 38: • Shrubby, branched, softly hairy and with much stellete, hair nearly all over and subpersistant. • Leaves: 1-2 inch long, cordate or subacute, not acuminate, petioles are ½- 1½ inch long. • Pedicels: Solitory or few together, hort. Some up to ½- ¾ inch long jointed much above the middle. • Calyx: ¼ -3/4 inch long, lobes ovate, acute. • Corrolla: Slightly exceeding the calyx, yellow. • Fruit; ¼-1/3 inch in diameter. • Carpels: 7-10 strongly reticulated ciliate on the upper margins. The two dorsal margins almost scabrid, awns 2 nearly as long as the carpels, linear, retrosely scabrid, hairy. “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 11 Review of Literature • Root: Occurs in variable sized pieces, 5-15 cms long with few lateral slender rootlets of smaller size, tap root branched at the tip; outer surface buff to grayish-yellow minutely striated or smooth, odorless, taste slightly bitter. CHEMIAL CONSTITUENTS 39, 40: Root: C 28 phyto-ecdysones viz, sidasterone B, carboxylated tryptamines, quinazoline alkaloids, symathomimetic amines, bête-phenethylamine, beta- sitosterol, acylsteryglycoside sitoindoside, ephedrine, S-(+)- Nb-methyltryptophan methylester, hypaphorine, vasicinone, vascicine, vasicinol, choline, betaine, phytosterol, resin acids. • Seed: Proteins, steroids, resin, resin acid, mucin, phenethylamine, ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, fatty oil, potassium nitrate, linoleic acid, malvalic acid, sterculic acid, and coronaric acid. • Aerial parts: Palmitic, stearic, hexacosanoic acids, beta- sitosterol. SUBSTITUTE AND ADULTERANTS 41, 42, 43: • The plants most commonly used as the source of Bala belong to the genus sida. Sida retusa Linn, syn. S.rhombifolia, var. retusa Linn, S. rhombifolia Linn, S.rhoboidea Roxb, S. spinosa Linn, S.acuta Burn, S.veronicaefolia Lamk and Abitulon indium G.Don, Urena lobata Linn, U. sinuate Linn, Pavonia odorata Wild, P. zeylanica Cav. are being used under the name of Bala in different part of the country. “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 12 Review of Literature • Abitulon indicum (L). Sweet, S.retusa Linn, Pavonia odorata Wild and Urena lobata Linn are used as adulterants. • Sida cordifolia Linn is the widely used source of Bala in northen parts of India while physicians of Kerala have adopted Sida rhombifolia Linn. Ssp.retusa (Linn) Borss. (Syn S.rhombifolia var. retusa (Linn) Mast; Family: Malvaceae) as Bala. In the T.L.C identity test, if the plate is viewed under UV light (at 366nm) prior to spraying, bright fluorescent spots in the polar region (Rf. 0.10.2), Absent in S.cordifolia, are conspicuous in S.rhombifolia ssp.retusa. • The drug may commonly adulterate with Sida rhombifolia, and Sida spinosa species. PROPAGATION AND CULTIVATION 44: • Cultivation of the plant is done through seeds. DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT 44: • Found throughout the tropical and subtropical regions of India up to an elevation of 1800mts in Himachala Pradesh, Bengal, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andrapradesh, Assam, Jammu and Kashmir, Tamilnadu, Uttarpradesh, Karnataka, Kerala are chief regions of its occurrence. • Also occurs in Shrilanka. SANGARAHA KALA Name of Sangrahana kala Comparative Hindu Comparative English Text. (Season) Months. Months. Charaka Grishma Rutu Samhita (summer season) Jastha- Ashadha Mid May- Mid July “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 13 Review of Literature Raja Shishira Rutu Nighantu (Cold & dewy season) Magha- Phalguna Mid Jan- Mid March CONTROVERSIAL ASPECT OF BALA (Sida cordifolia Linn) 45 • In Kerala, fresh bundles of green Bala plants are sold in the market. It is widely used in Kerala. Not a single pharmacy may be there, which may not be using Bala. Ghee, Taila and other preparations are made from Bala. But their Bala is Sida retusa Linn, somewhat different from ours. • Vatyalaka is a synonym of Bala and this word has been as derived as it is used for sweeping purposes. Some plants are tied together and made into a sweep. • Sida cordifolia Linn contains an alkaloid Ephedrine; other species do not contain ephedrine. So Sida cordifolia Linn sholuld be used for medication. • Looking to all this Bala is not at all controversial. • Still, however, in some parts of India Atibala is known as Bala and Bala as Atibala. This should be corrected. RESEARCHES IN AUYRVEDA ON BALA 46 1. Pharmacognostical study of Bala (1984, page no-152). 2. Ashvagandha evam Bala ka kuposhanajanya vyadhiyon par prabhavatmaka adhyayana (Bala shosha ke pariprekshya mein) 1992, page no-121. 3. Baala shosha par Balaadi yoga ke prabhava ka chikitsatmaka adhyayana (1997, page no-135). “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 14 Review of Literature 4. Clinical management of Vandhyatva by oral use of Baladi churna with and without Bala taila uttara basti (1997, page no-173). 5. Clinical management of Asrigdara by oral use of Bala churna (1998, page no173). 6. Astudy on the combined effect of Guduchi, Amalaki,and Bala in the management of Prameha (2003, page no- 154). 7. The study of effect of Shirodhara with Bala asvagandhadi taila in the management of anxiety neurosis(2004 page no- 260) 8. The clinical management of Greevagata- sandhivata with shallaki with and without Bala-asvagandha taila abhyanga. 9. Hazrw J; Ojha JK; Shrikant N; Chopra KK(2000), Effect of Bala(Sida cordifolia Linn) on diabetic neuropathy 47, proceeding of Internatinal congress on Ayurveda 2000. Chennai, TN, India, 79: 28-30. 10. Kanth VR; Diwan PV (1999), Analgesic, anti-inflammatory and hypoglycemic activities of Sida cordifolia Linn 47. Phytother Res. 13(1): 7577. 11. Khan MW; Rashid MA; Hug E and Mesbahu A (1989), The non polar constituents of Sida cordifolia Linn 47. J Bangladesh Acad Sci. 13(1); 55-60. C.A. 1989, 11: 130747r. 12. Medeiros IA; Santos MR; Nascimento NM; Duarte JC(2006), Cardiovascular effects of Sida cordifolia Linn leaves extract in rats 47. Fitoterapia, 77(1): 19-27. “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 15 Review of Literature 13. Karmakar R: Ghosh S: Maity LN; Roy R; Bandyopadhyaya SK; Datta H(1996), Treatment of female infertility by Indian medicinal plant 47 : Sida cordifolia Linn Phytomedicine. 3(Suppl. 1): 123. 14. Kotoky J; Das PN (2000), Hepatoprotective activities of Sida cordifolia Linn root against carbon tetrachloride intoxicated rats 47. JMAPS. 22/4A. JAMPS 24-no. 2: 577. 15. Rao KS; Mishra SH(1997), Isolation and assessment of hepatoprotective activity of fumaric acid obtained for the first time from Sida cordifolia Linn 47, Indian Drugs. 34(12): 702-706. 16. Sida cordifolia Linn reduces cotton pellet granuloma formation in albino rats48. (Alam M, Joy S. and Ali U.S., Indian Drugs 28, 397 (1991). 17. The drug Sida cordifolia Linn has antibacterial 48 (Alam M, Joy S. and Ali U.S., Indian Drugs 28, 570(1991), Antiplaque (Namba T, Tsunezuka M, Saito K, Kakiuchi N,, Hattori M, Dissinayake D.M.R.B. and Pilapitiya U, Shoyakugaku Zasshi 39, 146(1985), Med. And Aromat. Plant. Abstracts 8, 3348(1986). , 18. Antifungal activities 48 (Muauza D.N. Kim B.W. Euler K.I. and Williams L, Intern, J. Pharmacogn. 32, 337(1994)., Antirheumatic activity48 ( Savarajan V.V and Balachandran I., Ayurvedic Drugs and their plant sources, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 71(1994). 19. Franzotti E.M et al, Anti-inflammatory, analgesic activity and acute tixicity of Sida cordifolia Linn 48, J Ethnophamacolgy (Ireland), 72, 273-277(2000) “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 16 Review of Literature 20. The drug increases the production of antisalmonella typhi O antibodies 48. (Dixit S.P.Tewari PV and Gupta R.M, J.Res. Indian Med. Yoga and Homeopath 13:3, 50(1978). 21. Sitoindoside X has adaptogenic and immunostimilant properties48. (Ghosal S., Kaur R, and Bhattachyarya S.K., Planta Med. 54, 561(1988) 22. The Sida cordifolia Linn extract shows a low toxicity up to oral dose of 3g/kg. The experiment was conducted on groups of 10 mice with an oral dose of 0.5, 1, 2 and 3.0g. They were kept under observation for 38 hours, for recording mortality 49. (Dietrich L,. Anew approach to practical acute toxicity testing. Archieves of Toxicology 1983, 54, 275-287.) 23. Auddy B, Ferreira M, Blasina F, Lafon L, Arredondo F, Dajas F, Tripathi PC. Seal T, Mukharjee B. Screening of antioxidant activity50 of three Indian Medicinal plants, traditionally used for the management of neurodegenerative diseases. J. Ethnopharmacology, 2003 Feb; 84(2-3): 131-138. 24. K.Dhalwal; Y.S.Deshpande; A.P.Purohit; S.S.Kadam. Evaluation of the antioxidant activity of Sida cordifolia 51. Pharmaceutical Biology, December 2005, 43(9); 754-761. 25. Kubavat JB. Asdaq SM. Role of Sida cordifolia Linn. Leaves on biochemical and antioxidant profile during myocardial injury 51. J Ethnopharmacology. 2009 July 6; 124(1): 162-165. 26. Philip BK, Muralidharan A, Natarajan B, Varadamurthy S, Venkataramana S. Preliminary evaluation of anti-pyretic and ant-ulcerogenic activities of Sida cordifolia Linn methanolic extractb51. Fitoterapia. 2008 Apr, 79(3): 229-231. “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 17 Review of Literature 27. Santos MR, Nascimento NM, Antoniolli AR, Medeiros IA. Endotheliumderived factors and k+ channels are involved in the vasorelaxation induced by Sida cordifolia Linn. in the rat superior mesenteric artery 51. Pharmazie. 2006 May; 61(5): 466-469. 28. Silva RL, Melo GB Melo VA, Antoniolli AR, Michellone PR, Zucoloto S, Picinato MA, Franco CF, Mota Gde A, Silva Ode C. Effect of the aqueous extract of Sida cordifolia Linn on liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy51. Acta Cir Bras. 2006; 21 Suppl 1:37-39. “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 18 Materials and Methods METHODOLOGY PLANT IDENTIFICATION:The plant Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) is identified on the bases of its 1. Synonyms given in classics of Ayurveda. 2. Morphology and family characters of the plant. AUTHENTICATION:The plant was authenticated as Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) C.R.L. K.L.E.’s Shri B. M. K. Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Shahapur, Belgaum, I.C.M.R. Belgaum, K.L.E.Society’s Raja Lakhamagauda Science Institute, Belgaum, Q.C.L. A.L.N.Rao Memorial Ayurvedic Medical College and P.G. Center Koppa, Chickmagaluru. COLLECTION AND STPRAGE OF ROOT:The roots of Bala(Sida cordifolia Linn) were collected in grishma from Togunasi village Badami taluk ,Dist. Bagalkot. Root was collected by digging the ground from periphery of plant towards the plant. Thus obtained root cleaned cut with secateur into pieces measuring 3-10 cm and shade dried and stored in airtight container. ORGANOLAPTIC EVALUATION:Qualitative evaluation is based on the sensory profile refers to observation by colour, odor, taste, touch. Here all samples are subjected to organoleptic evaluation. 1) Root macroscopy is studied by taking its measurement. 2) Microscopic evaluation of drug. SECTION CUTTING TECHNIQUE OF ROOT 52:• A young fresh root of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) is selected for section cutting. • Part of fresh roots middle is taken. “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 18 Materials and Methods • The sections of surface are taken out by moving the razor blade back and forth. • The obtained sections are stained with safranin by standard technique of staining. • A fine T. S. is selected for observation and washed under tap water and mounted on a slide to observe the different features under microscope. MICROSCOPEIC EXAMINATION OF POWDERS 52:• Fine powder of crude drug is examined under microscope by using different reagents like phluroglucinal, HCl, 60% sulphuric acid, iodine to evaluate different type of cells present in it. It is essential for qualitative microscopic analysis to rule out any substitute or adulterant. PHYSICO-CHEMICAL ANALYSIS:Determination of Foreign organic matter 52. Procedure: - 100 gm of sample is weighed and spread on a white tile or glass plate uniformly, without overlapping, inspected the sample with naked eyes by means of lens of 5X magnification power or above. The foreign organic matter (other than the sample if any) is separated. After complete separation, the matter separated is weighed and foreign organic matter in terms of percentage w/w, present in the sample is determined. Determination of Moisture content / Loss on drying 52:Procedure: - 2 gm of powdered test sample is weighed. Placed in china / glass dish and dried in oven at 100 – 1050C. The sample is taken out, it is cooled in desiccators and loss in weight is recorded. This procedure is repeated till constant weight is obtained. Loss on drying (%) = Loss in weight x 100 /w. Where ‘W’ is = Weight of the drug powder in gram. “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 19 Materials and Methods Determination of Total ash value 52:Procedure: - 2 gm of weighed test sample is taken in a silica crucible, previously ignited and weighed. The powdered sample is scattered at the bottom of crucible. The muffle furnace is incinerated by gradually increasing the temperature till to 4500C, i.e. until the sample powder is free from carbon. Then cooled in desiccators. The ash is weighed, and percentage of ash is calculated with reference to the air-dried drug sample. Ash value (%) = 100 x Wt. of ash Wt. of sample Determination of Acid – insoluble ash value 52:Procedure: - Using 25 ml of dilute HCl (0.5N), the ash from the dish, used for the total ash value determination is washed into a beaker. Wire gauze is placed over a Bunsen flame and the washed HCl is boiled for 5 minutes. Filtered through ash less fitter paper, washed with hot water, then the filter paper with residue is folded and placed in a crucible. The muffle furnace is incinerated till 2500C. Then cool it and the residue is weighed. The acid insoluble ash of the crud drug with reference to the air dried sample of crude drug is calculated. Acid insoluble ash value (%) =100 x Wt. of residue Wt. of sample DETERMINATION OF EXTRACTIVE VALUES:Determination of Alcohol-Soluble Extractive 52:Ingredients :- a) b) Powdered drug – 5 gm Alcohol (90%) – 100 ml “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 20 Materials and Methods Procedure:(i) About 5 gm of the powdered drug is weighed in a beaker and transferred it to a dry 250 ml Iodine flask. (ii) 100 ml graduated cylinder is filled to the required mark with the solvent, 90% alcohol. (iii) The flask is stoppered and set aside for 24 hours shaking with frequently at the interval of 6 hours (maceration). (iv) Filter into a 50 ml cylinder after sufficient filtrate has collected; transfer 25 ml of the filtrate to a weighed 25 ml beaker. (v) Evaporated to dryness on water bath and complete the drying in an oven at 1000C for about 10 –15 minutes. (vi) Cooled in desiccators and weighed. (vii) The percentage w/w of extractive is calculated with reference to the air dried drug. Determination of Water soluble extractive 52:Procedure: - Same as determination of alcohol soluble extractive value. Instead of alcohol chloroform water is used. Determination of pH value:Procedure: - The pH value of a liquid is determined by glass electrode in pH meter. Method: - Standardize the pH meter by standard pH solution 4, 7 and 9 and then electrode is dipped in the aqueous solution and pH is noted. “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 21 Materials and Methods EXTRACTION:Methanol Extraction:Extraction of root of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) is carried out according to the A.P.I procedures. Ingredients: - a) b) Powdered drug – 5 gm Methanol– 100 ml Procedure:(i) About 5 gm of the powdered drug is weighed in a beaker and transferred it to a dry 250 ml Iodine flask. (ii) 100 ml graduated cylinder is filled to the required mark with the solvent, 90% alcohol. (iii) The flask is stoppered and set aside for 24 hours shaking with frequently at the interval of 6 hours (maceration). (iv) Filter into a 50 ml cylinder after sufficient filtrate has collected; transfer 25 ml of the filtrate to a weighed 25 ml beaker. (v) Evaporated to dryness on water bath and complete the drying in an oven at 1000C for about 10 –15 minutes. (vi) Cooled in desiccators and stored in glass bottle use for HPTLC Aqueous Extraction (Water extract):Ingredients - Powdered drug 5 gm - Water (95 ml) - Chloroform (5 ml) “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 22 Materials and Methods Procedure:(vii) About 5 gm of the powdered drug is weighed in a beaker and transferred it to a dry 250 ml Iodine flask. (viii) 100 ml graduated cylinder is filled to the required mark with the Methanol and add in iodine flask. (ix) The flask is stoppered and set aside for 24 hours shaking with frequently at the interval of 6 hours (maceration). (x) Filter into a 50 ml cylinder after sufficient filtrate has collected; transfer 25 ml of the filtrate to a weighed 25 ml beaker. (xi) Evaporated to dryness on water bath and complete the drying in an oven at 1000C for about 10 –15 minutes. (xii) Cooled in desiccators and stored in glass bottle use for HPTLC Determination of specific gravity 53:The specific gravity of a substance is the weight of a given volume of that substance at a stated temperature as compared with the weight of an equal volume of water at the same temperature, on weights being taken in air Procedure / method: - Fill clean dry Pycnometer with sample previously cooled to about 20°c, place in constant temperature bath for 30 mins. At 25°c, and adjust sample level to proper point on Pycnometer and stopper. Remove from the bath, wipe dry and weigh. Subtract the weight of empty Pycnometer from its weight when filled with sample and divide the difference by the weight of distilled water at 25°c. Quotient is specific gravity at 25°c (apparent) Specific gravity of sample = (sample/water) x1 “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 23 Materials and Methods Fluorescence Analysis:The dry powder of all samples, both extracts of samples were treated with Methanol, chloroform and these were observed under U.V. light to evaluate the fluorescence. PHYTO-CHEMICAL ANALYSIS 54:Chemical tests are performed on extracts obtained from using non-polar and polar solvent. It helps to find out organic compounds like carbohydrates, proteins, glycosides, alkaloids, steroids, tannins and phenolic compounds, oxygenic acids enzymes, fats and oils etc. 1. TEST OF CARBOHYDRATES:Molisch’s Test (General Test):- 2 – 3 ml aq. Extract + few drops of alpha naphthol solution in alcohol shake and add concentrated H2SO4 from sides of test tube - Violet ring is formed at the junction of 2 liquids. 2. TEST FOR REDUCING SUGARS :Benedict’s test: - Mix equal volume of Benedict’s reagent and test solution in the test tube. Heat in boiling water bath for 5 min. Solution appears green. Reducing sugars present. 3. TEST FOR MONOSACCHARIDES:Barfoed’s test: - Mix equal volume of Barfoed’s reagent and test solution. Heat for 12min. in boiling water bath and cool. No Red colour ppt appears. Monosaccharides absent. 4. TEST FOR PENTOSE SUGARS:Bial’s Orcinol test:-To a Bial’s reagent add few drops of test solution. Green colour appears. “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 24 Materials and Methods 5. TEST FOR HEXOSE SUGARS:Selwinoff’s test (For ketohexose like fructose):- Heat 3ml. Selwinoff’s reagent and 1ml.test solution in bearing water bath for 1-2min. Red colour is formed. Hexose sugars present. 6. TEST FOR NON REDUCING SUGARS:Test solution does not give response to Fehling’s & Benedict’s Tests. 7. TEST FOR NON-REDUCING POLYSACCHARIDES (STARCH) :Iodine test: - Mix 3ml. test solution and few drops of dilute Iodine solution. Blue colour appears; it disappears on boiling and reappears on cooling. 8. TEST FOR PROTIENS :Million’s test: - Mix 3ml test solution with 5ml of Million’s reagent. White ppt appears. Ppt dissolves after warming. Protiens present. 9. TEST FOR AMINO ACIDS :Test for tyrosine: - Heat 3ml. test solution and 3 drops Million’s reagent. Solution not showed dark red coloration. Amino acids absent. 10. TEST FOR STEROIDS :Salkowski reaction: - To 2ml. of extract, add 2ml, chloroform and 2ml. con.H2SO4. Shake well. Chloroform layer appears red and acid layer shows greenish yellow flurescence. Steroids present. 11. TEST FOR ANTHRAQUINONE GLYCOSIDES :Borntrager’s test: - To 3ml of extract add dil H2SO4, Boil and filter. To cold filtrate add equal volume benzene, shake well and separate the organic solvent.Now add ammonia. - Ammonia layer turns pink to red. “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 25 Materials and Methods 12. TEST FOR ALKALOIDS :Wagner’s test: - 2-3ml.filtrate with few drops Wagner’s reagent gives reddish brown ppt. Alkaloids present. 13. TEST FOR TANNINS :Dilute Iodine solution: - 2-3 ml of extracts add dilute iodine solution- transient red colour appears. 14. TEST FOR SAPONIN:Foam test: - Shake the dry powder vigorously with water. Persistent foam observed. ALKALOID ESTIMATION: (Harborne method) 55:5gm of the sample was weighed into a 250ml beaker and 200ml of 10% acetic acid in ethanol was added and covered and allowed to stand for 4hrs. This was filtered and the extract was concentrated on water bath to one quarter of the original volume. Conc. ammonium hydroxide was added drop wise to the ext. until ppt. was complete. ELEMENTAL ASH DETERMINATION 56:Prepare ash of drug material. Add 5ml of HCL and 5ml of distilled water. Shake well and then filtered. • TEST FOR SODIUM: - To Filtrate add potassium pyroantimonate. White ppt is seen. Sodium present • TEST FOR POTASSIUM: - To Filtrate add sodium cobalt nitrate. Yellow ppt seen, Potassium present. • TEST FOR IRON: - To Filtrate add ammonium thiocyanate, Red ppt seen. Iron present. • TEST FOR CALCIUM: - To Filtrate add, ammonia solution + potassium ferrocyanide, yellow ppt not seen. Calcium absent. “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 26 Materials and Methods • TEST FOR CHLORIDE:- To Filtrate add, Silver nitrate, white ppt not seen. Chloride absent. • TEST FOR SULFATE: - To Filtrate add, lead acetate, white ppt not seen. Sulfate absent. MICRO-CHEMICAL TESTING 57:TEST WITH WATER / FILTRATE:1. Powder + Water, shake the test tube, frothing is seen. Saponin present. 2. Powder + Water, boil in test tube, specific odor 3. Test for tannins: - Powder + Water, boil and filtered, add FeCl3 reagent. Dark coloration seen. Tannins present. 4. Test for anthraquinone: - Aqueous extract + Ether, Shake well, separate the ether layer, then strong ammonia solution is added and shake well. Red colour is seen. Anthraquinone present. 5. Test for mucilage:i. Powder + 1-2 drops of water on microscopic slide, slippery feeling can be seen. ii. Aqueous extract + Molisch’s reagent, heat, violet colour is seen. Carbohydrate present. TEST WITH SULPHURIC ACID:• Powder + few drops of sulphuric acid, yellow colour seen. HEAT THE POWDER WITH GLACIAL ACETIC ACID: - Red fumes seen. “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 27 Observations and Results ORGANOLEPTIC RESULTS Table-1 Sample G A B C Fracture (Shabdha) Fibrous Fibrous Fibrous & splintery Fibrous & splintery Surface (Sparsha) Rough Shape (Roopa) Long & Curved Color (Varna) Cream color Greenish brown Taste (Rasa) Sweet Astringent Odor (Gandha) Smooth & Moderately Moderately rough rough Cylindrical & Cylindrical & Cylindrical Straight Straight & Straight Smooth & Hairy Greenish brown Astringent Greenish brown Astringent Characteristic Characteristic Characteristic Characteristic MICROSCOPIC CHARACTERS OF ROOT Table-2 Characters G A B Thin walled, tangentially elongated cells Very narrow thin walled cells. Thin walled, rectangular large cells Modularly ray Many, uniseriate cells Uni-to biseriate cells Thin walled, Thin walled, rectangular rectangular large cells large cells Uni-to biseriate Uni-to biseriate cells cells Vessels Vary in size and shape Occluded with tyloses. Occluded with tyloses. Pith Absent Present Cork Cortex Thin walled, tangentially elongated cells Thin walled, tangentially elongated cells C Present Thin walled, tangentially elongated cells Occluded with tyloses. Present “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 28 Observations and Results POWDER MACROSCOPY:Table – 3 Sample G A B C Appearance (Roopa) Fibrous Fibrous Fibrous Fibrous Touch (Sparsha) Coarse Coarse Coarse Color (Varna) Light Brown Light Brown Light Brown Taste (Rasa) Sweet Odor (Gandha) Characteristic Astringent Characteristic Astringent Characteristic Coarse Light Brown Astringent Characteristic POWDER MICROSCOPY:Table-4 Sample G A B C Cork Portion Present Present Present Present Vessels Present Present Present Present Stone cells Present --- --- --- Starch grains Present --- --- --- “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 29 Observations and Results PHYSICO-CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF BALA MOOLA:Table -5 ROOT STEM STDS STDS Foreign matter NA Loss on drying NA Parameters Total ash Acid insoluble ash NMT G A B C NA Nil 100% 100% 100% NA 6.79% 10.2846% 10.0798% 8.7781% 9.73% 5.284% 12.9805% 5.6858% 10.72% 2.43% 0.7976% 3.8442% 1.0973% 1.5968% 6-6.69% NMT 1-2.74% Acid soluble ash NA NA 4.4852% 9.1363% 4.5885% 9.1232% Water soluble ash NA 6.52% 4.2458% 9.7403% 3.9461% 4.6454% Water insoluble ash NA NA 1.0382% 3.2402% 1.7397% 6.0746% Specific gravity NA NA 1.003944 1.00487 1.003703 1.003663 Dissolved solids NA NA 1.02544 1.2662 0.96278 0.95238 pH value NA NA 6.85 6.96 6.88 6.71 2.86% 2.9588% 4.638% 3.1168% 3.0368% 6.52% 6.3176% 8.2368% Alcohol soluble ext. Water soluble ext. NLT 2-2.78 % NLT 4.36-5 % 3.3568% 9.91% “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 30 Observations and Results PHYTO-CHEMICAL ANALYSIS BALA MOOLA:Table – 6 Aqueous Ext S.No. Methanol Ext Phytochemical name G A B C G A B C 1 Test for Carbohydrates: Molish Test +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve 2 Test for non-reducing sugar Benedict’s test -ve -ve -ve -ve -ve -ve -ve -ve 3 Test for Pentose sugarsBial’s test +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve 4 Test for monosaccharidesBarfoed’s test -ve -ve -ve -ve -ve -ve -ve -ve 5 Test for hexose sugarsSelvinoff’s test +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve 6 Test for non-reducing sugars -ve -ve -ve -ve -ve -ve -ve -ve 7 Test for StarchIodine test +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve 8 Test for ProtiensMillion’s test +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve 9 Test for Amino acidsTyrosine test -ve -ve -ve -ve -ve -ve -ve -ve 10 Test for SteroidsSalkowski reaction +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve 11 Test for Anthraquinone GlycosideBorntrager’s test +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve 12 Test for SaponineFoam test +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 31 Observations and Results 13 Test for AlkaloidsWagner’s test -ve -ve -ve -ve +ve +ve +ve +ve 14 Test for Tannins +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve ELEMENTAL ASH DETERMINATIONTable-7 Sl.No Name of the Test G A B C 1 Test for Sodium +ve +ve +ve +ve 2 Test for Potassium +ve +ve +ve +ve 3 Test for Iron +ve +ve +ve +ve 4 Test for Calcium -ve -ve -ve -ve 5 Test for Chloride -ve -ve -ve -ve 6 Test for Sulphate -ve -ve -ve -ve “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 32 Observations and Results FLUORESCENCE CHARACTERISTICS OF ROOT EXTRACTS UNDER U.V. LIGHTTable-8 Extracts Sample Sample G A Sample B Sample C Water Blue Blue Blue Blue Methanol Green Blue Green Blue Green Blue Green Blue ESTIMATION OF ALKALOIDTable – 9 Samples Alkaloid in % Sample G 6.42% Sample A 5.6% Sample B 3.2% Sample C 2.5% “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 33 Observations and Results MICRO CHEMICAL TESTINGTable-10 Aqueous Ext S.No. 1 Methanol Ext Tests Test for Anthraquinone G A B C G A B C +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve 2 Test for Tannins +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve 3 Test for Saponin +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve 4 Test with sulphuric acid +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve 5 Test for mucilage +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve 6 Test for AlkaloidsWagner’s test -ve -ve -ve -ve +ve +ve +ve +ve 7 Test for carbohydrate +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve +ve “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 34 Observations and Results Table-11 T.L.C. Rf Values: - All samples run in Chloroform: Methanol 7:3 Mobile phase shows following result. Aqueous Ext. Methanol Ext. G A B C G A B C 0.09 0.06 0.05 0.08 0.06 0.05 0.06 0.09 0.46 0.53 0.47 0.5 0.11 0.12 0.08 0.15 0.58 0.59 0.58 0.58 0.16 0.66 0.13 0.19 0.68 0.69 0.65 0.67 0.25 0.77 0.15 0.32 0.34 0.6 0.58 0.39 0.63 0.61 0.61 0.66 0.65 0.7 0.73 0.72 0.79 0.81 “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 35 Observations and Results Table-12 HPTLC PROFILE SHOWING MAXIMUM RF VALUES AT 254 nmAqueous Ext. Methanol Ext. G A B C G A B C 0.09 0.10 0.07 0.09 0.03 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.14 0.13 0.13 0.22 0.06 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.22 0.34 0.25 0.30 0.13 0.22 0.24 0.20 0.30 0.45 0.32 0.44 0.21 0.26 0.36 0.31 0.48 0.48 0.46 0.58 0.34 0.37 0.59 0.35 0.58 0.59 0.59 0.69 0.46 0.47 0.65 0.46 0.69 0.69 0.71 0.58 0.59 0.71 0.58 0.70 0.65 0.79 0.68 0.78 0.71 0.85 0.79 0.84 0.79 0.85 0.88 0.86 0.89 0.78 0.91 “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 36 Observations and Results HPTLC PROFILE SHOWING MAXIMUM RF VALUES AT 366 nmTable-13 Aqueous Ext. Methanol Ext. G A B C G A B C 0.91 0.09 0.14 0.10 0.05 0.03 0.06 0.03 0.12 0.91 0.12 0.13 0.19 0.14 0.05 0.31 0.20 0.33 0.19 0.13 0.31 0.44 0.31 0.20 0.41 0.51 0.40 0.32 0.55 0.60 0.51 0.52 0.66 0.64 0.56 0.64 0.73 0.71 0.64 0.78 0.85 0.79 0.70 0.85 0.91 0.87 0.79 0.90 0.95 0.86 0.91 0.90 “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 37 Observations and Results HPTLC PROFILE SHOWING MAXIMUM RF VALUES AT 540 nm Table-14 Aqueous Ext. Methanol Ext. G A B C G A B C 0.07 0.10 0.14 0.09 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.15 0.11 0.47 0.45 0.14 0.07 0.07 0.15 0.40 0.47 0.60 0.61 0.39 0.14 0.15 0.38 0.49 0.50 0.66 0.86 0.47 0.23 0.27 0.48 0.60 0.61 0.73 0.59 0.27 0.39 0.59 0.71 0.73 0.86 0.73 0.42 0.48 0.74 0.79 0.49 0.60 0.79 0.86 0.60 0.73 0.86 0.92 0.73 0.79 0.80 0.87 0.88 0.92 0.87 “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 38 Discussion DISCUSSION Drug ReviewAs per review of the literature shows, that the plant Bala is used from vedic period as a drug. The description mentioned in Samhita the collected whole genuine sample of Bala was observed same as the morphological description mentioned in Charaka Samhita as peeta pushpa, kharayasthika etc. The procurement of genuine and market samplesIn Ayurvedic text various types of Bala are mentioned. While collecting the genuine samples of Bala five varieties of Sida species was observed. In the field, in different localities many varieties of Bala are used in the medicine. So for authentication of the experts opinion was taken. In the village Togunasi, Taluka Badami, District- Bagalkot, State- Karnatak the Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) is abundantly available. As per samhita the potency of the root drug is maximum in Grishma rutu, that’s why genuine sample was collected in Grishma rutu. While collecting the market samples the availability of Bala root is very difficult because of its different varieties. After sincere efforts the three market samples were collected from, Belgaum at Kajarekar aushadhalaya, Bangaluru at Dhanavantari aushadhalaya and Hubli at Hebsur aushadhalaya. Botanical identificationGenuine sample was authenticated as Sida cordifolia Linn. And market sample are the mixture of different varieties of Sida species. Macroscopic examinationIn the Organoleptic characters only the difference was observed in the taste. The genuine sample shows Madura rasa as mentioned in Ayurvedic texts. All three “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 39 Discussion market samples show Kashaya rasa that is because of improper collection and storage methods. The gunakarma vijnyana of the drug is differs as per rasa and panchamahabhautik constitution. For conclusion clinical trials of genuine and market samples are essential. External morphology (Table-1)Genuine sample shows tap root system having primary and secondary roots, measuring 3-10cm long and 1.6-7.5mm in diameter, cylindrical and curved. The external morphological feature of genuine sample shows the root part. While the market samples shows the cylindrical greenish brown pieces with nodes and internodes. These observations suggest that these are the aerial parts as stem. Microscopic examination (Table-2)The comparison of genuine sample and market samples concludes that the sample-G is root because of absence of pith and the alternate vascular bundles with exarch xylem, while all market samples are stem parts, because presence of pith and conjoint vascular bundles with endarch xylem. In well developed root and stem parts shows abundant secondary growth which cannot differentiate the type of vascular bundle and xylem. The comparison of genuine stem of Sida cordifolia Linn with market samples concludes that the different microscopic characters were observed than genuine. The market samples when compared with other varieties stem part of Sida species; it concludes the market samples contain mixture of different varieties of Sida species. Powder microscopyThe observations of powder microscopy not showing significant difference. “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 40 Discussion Physico-chemical analysis (Table-5)Foreign matterForeign matter was observed nil in the genuine sample because the sample was collected from the field personally. While the labeled drug regarding market samples is Bala root but the observed all three market samples showing the stem parts of the other varieties of Sida species, so the foreign matter is observed 100% in market samples. While thinking the substitution of other parts of the plants in medicines the clinical trials are necessary for therapeutic efficacy. The phytochemical study shows similar ingredients present in roots and stem parts of the Bala which strengthen the above observations. Moisture contentThe percentage of moisture depends on collection and storage of the samples. As in present study the sample G shows less amount of moisture (6.79%) because following proper collection and storage methods. While the market samples show more moisture than genuine, only the sample C shows negligible decrease in weight. This is because of improper storage methods. Total ashThe sample-G complies with I.H.P.standards of root. Whereas sample-B complies with I.H.P. standards of stem. The sample A & C shows increased total ash. This is because of uncleaned material. Acid soluble, insoluble and water soluble, insoluble ash shows increased values in sample-A & sample-C. Specific GravitySpecific Gravity Values are negligible in all samples. Dissolved solids are more observed in sample G &A, as compared to sample- B &sample- C. “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 41 Discussion pH valuepH of all samples of aqueous extracts shows neutral pH . These observations strengthen the statement the rasa mentioned in texts as madhura. Alcohol soluble extractive value, of all the samples complies with standard values mentioned in I.H.P. Water Soluble extractive valuesWater Soluble extractive values of sample G &B complies I.H.P.standards, whereas sample-A and C shows increased water soluble extractives. All the physic-chemical analysis concludes genuine sample complies with all parameters with I.H.P. standards of root. In case of market samples, only the SampleB complies with I.H.P.standards of stem. Preliminary Phyto-chemical study (Table-6)Preliminary Phyto-chemical study shows same ingredients are present in all the samples. This suggests that the market samples show same phyto-chemicals as observed in genuine sample. It concludes that market samples are the mixture of same species. Elemental ash (Table-7)Elemental ash shows the presence of sodium, potassium, and iron in all the samples. Whereas calcium, sulphate and chloride were absent in all the samples. Alkaloid percentage (Table-9)Alkaloid percentage is more in genuine sample, because of proper collection and storage as mentioned in Samhita. “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 42 Discussion Qualitative analysis by T.L.C and H.P.T.L.C T.L.C and HPTLC study shows the numbers of phyto-chemical are present in respective samples. HPTLC is the superior as compared to TLC. Both procedures are carried out in common mobile phase and stationary phase, and qualitative HPTLC visualizes all phyto-chemical present in the drug. In T.L.C and H.P.T.LC analysis there is less phyto chemicals are separated in aqueous extract as compared to the methanolic extract. T.L.C. (Table-11)In all aqueous extracts, 4 chemical constituents are separated in that at Rf 0.58 and 0.68 constituents are observed same in all the samples. In case of Methanolic extracts the sample G and Sample-C shows 9 chemical constituents are separated in that at Rf 0.16 and 0.61, are observed same. In case of sample A and B 4 and 8 constituents are separated respectively, in that at Rf 0.05, 0.13 and 0.66 are observed same. It concludes that the sample-C is nearer to Genuine. H.P.T.L.C. (Tables-12, 13, 14)In aqueous extracts of sample-G and A at 254 nm 7 and 8 constituents are separated respectively, in that 5 same constituents are observed at Rf 0.09, 0.14, 0.48, 0.58, 0.69. While in methanolic extracts of these samples, at 254 nm 11 and 12 constituents are separated respectively, in that 7 constituents are observed at same Rf. In aqueous extracts of sample-G and B at 254 nm 7 constituents are separated respectively, in that 2 same constituents are observed. While in methanolic extracts of these samples, at 254 nm 11 and 9 constituents are separated respectively, in that 5 constituents are observed at same Rf. 0.06, 0.13, 0.70, 0.78, and 0.84. “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 43 Discussion In aqueous extracts of sample-G and C at 254 nm 7 and 6 constituents are separated respectively, in that 5 same constituents are observed at Rf 0.09, 0.02, 0.30, 0.58, 0.69. While in methanolic extracts of these samples, at 254 nm 11 constituents are separated, in that 10 constituents are observed at same Rf except 0.03 and 0.31 in sample-G and C respectively. In aqueous extracts of sample-G and A at 366 nm 1 and 3 constituents are separated respectively, in that 1 same constituent are observed at Rf 0.91. While in methanolic extracts of these samples, at 366 nm 10 and 11 constituents are separated respectively, in that only same 1 constituent is observed at Rf.0.20. In aqueous extracts of sample-G and B at 366 nm 1 and 2 constituents are separated respectively, in that 1 same constituent are observed at Rf 0.91. While in methanolic extracts of these samples, at 366 nm 10 and 12 constituents are separated respectively, in that 10 constituents are observed at same Rf except 0.66, 0.73. In aqueous extracts of sample-G and C at 366 nm 1 and 3constituents are separated respectively, in that all are different. While in methanolic extracts of these samples, at 366 nm 10 constituents are separated in both, in that 6 constituents are observed at same Rf except 0.41, 0.55, 0.66 and 0.73. In aqueous extracts of sample-G and A at 540nm 6 and 7 constituents are separated respectively, in that only 2 constituents are observed at same Rf 0.49 and 0.60. While in methanolic extracts of these samples, at 540nm 9 and 11 constituents are separated in both, in that 5constituents are observed at same Rf 0.03, 0.14, 0.59, 0.73, 0.79. “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 44 Discussion In aqueous extracts of sample-G and B at 540nm 6 constituents are separated, in that only 1 constituent is observed at same Rf 0.60. While in methanolic extracts of these samples, at 540nm 9 and 11 constituents are separated, in that 9 constituents are observed at same Rf. In aqueous extracts of sample-G and C at 540nm 6 and 4 constituents are separated respectively, in that only 1 constituent is observed at same Rf 0.60. While in methanolic extracts of these samples, at 540nm 10 and 9 constituents are separated, in that all constituents are observed at same Rf.except 0.92. All these findings of H.P.T.L.C. the sample-C is nearer to genuine sample. “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 45 Conclusion Conclusion 1. The description mentioned in Samhita the collected whole genuine sample of Bala was observed same as the morphological description mentioned in Charaka Samhita as peeta pushpa, kharayasthika etc. 2. Genuine sample was authenticated as Sida cordifolia Linn. And market samples are the mixture of different varieties of Sida species. 3. The genuine sample shows Madura rasa as mentioned in Ayurvedic texts. All three market samples show Kashaya rasa. 4. External morphological features conclude the genuine sample is root, because externally it shows primary and secondary rootlets. While market samples are stem because the presence of nodes and internodes with greenish brown color. 5. Microscopy of genuine and market sample concludes that sample G is root part because of absence of pith and vascular bundles with exarch xylem, while samples A,B and C are the stem parts of other variety of Sida species. 6. The comparison of genuine stem of Sida cordifolia Linn with market samples concludes that the different microscopic characters were observed than Sida cordifolia Linn, but when compared with other varieties of Sida species it resembles different varieties of Sida species. 7. The observations of powder microscopy not showing significant difference. 8. The foreign matter is observed 100% in market samples and nil in genuine sample. 9. The phyto-chemical study shows similar ingredients present in roots and stem parts of the Bala which strengthen the above observations. “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 46 Conclusion 10. Alkaloid percentage is more in genuine sample that is because of proper collection of the drug as mentioned in samhita. 11. In T.L.C and HPTLC analysis there is less phyto-chemical are separated in aqueous extract as compared to the methanol extract. 12. All H.P.T.L.C results of market samples compared with genuine, concludes that sample-C shows maximum same constituents. Sample-C is nearer to genuine sample. “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 47 Summary SUMMARY The whole study can be summarized as follows: • The plant Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) is popular drug in Ayurveda and used to treat the vatavyadhis. It is mentioned in Post vedic literature where it is used in Pushpabhisheka and also in various disease condition. • It is observed that many of the medicinal plants are adulterated and substituted since they are not available in sufficient quantity to meet the demand; Bala is also such plant, which is adulterated with many other botanical sources of Sida species. Hence the study is taken to get an idea regarding the availability of the Bala in the market. • Initially three market sample were collected from different markets and one genuine sample is collected from the natural habitat and dried under shade. • All samples were subjected for Pharmacognostic and phyto-chemical tests like 1. Root macroscopy and microscopy. 2. Powder macroscopy and microscopy. 3. Florescence analysis. 4. Physico-chemical analysis. 5. Alcohol and Aqueous Extraction of all the four samples. 6. Alkaloid estimation of all the four samples. 7. Qualitative analysis by T.L.C and H.P.T.LC. • External morphological features conclude the genuine sample is root, because externally it shows primary and secondary rootlets. While market samples are stem because the presence of nodes and internodes with greenish brown color. “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 48 Summary • Microscopy of genuine and market sample concludes that sample G is root part because of absence of pith and vascular bundles with exarch xylem, while samples A,B and C are the stem parts of other variety of Sida species. • The comparison of genuine stem of Sida cordifolia Linn with market samples concludes that the different microscopic characters were observed than Sida cordifolia Linn, but when compared with other varieties of Sida species it resembles different varieties of Sida species. • The observations of powder microscopy not showing significant difference. • The foreign matter is observed 100% in market samples and nil in genuine sample. • The phyto-chemical study shows similar ingredients present in roots and stem parts of the Bala which strengthen the above observations. • Alkaloid percentage is more in genuine sample that is because of proper collection of the drug as mentioned in samhita. • In T.L.C and HPTLC analysis there is less phyto chemicals are separated in aqueous extract as compared to the methanol extract. • All H.P.T.L.C results of market samples compared with genuine, concludes that sample-C shows maximum same constituents. Sample-C is nearer to genuine sample. Scope for further study• Detailed Pharmacognostic and physico-chemical study of market samples should be compared with different varieties of Bala. • All available varieties of Bala should be tested clinically. “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 49 List of References LIST OF REFERENCES: 1. Acharya Charaka, Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda-dipika Commentary of Chakrapanidatta, edited by Yadvaji Trikamji, Sutrasthana Adhyaya 30th, Shloka no.23 Varanasi, Choukamba vishwabharati, Reprint 1984, Page no-187 2. PT.Narahari, Raja nighantu, edited by Tripati, 3rd Edition, Varanasi, Chowkhamba krishnadas academy, print 2003, Page no-. 628. 3. 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Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 56 Photo plates “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 57 Photo plates Measurement of collected Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) Sample:- “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 58 Photo plates Collected samples pictures:Sample-G Sample-A Sample-B Sample-C “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 59 Photo plates Measurement of collected Bala Samples:Sample-G Sample-A Sample-B Sample-C MI CR OS CO PY OF BA LA M OO LA:- “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 60 Photo plates Sample-G (Sida cordifolia Linn) Cork Cortex with parenchymatus cells Metaxylum Protoxylum Medullary rays Cambium Cork Cortex with parenchymatus cells Cambium Metaxylem Protoxylem Vascular bundles MICROSCOPY OF BALA (Sida cordifolia Linn) STEM: “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 61 Photo plates Stellate hair Cork Cortex Cambium Pith Vascular bundles Sample-A:- Cork Cortex Vascular bundles Pith Cambium Sample-B: “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 62 Photo plates Cork Cambium Cortex Pith Vascular bundles Sample-C:- Cork Cortex Cambium Vascular bundles Pith Coarse powder: “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 63 Photo plates Sample-G Sample-A Sample-B Sample-C Powder microscopy of sample- G “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 64 Photo plates Powder microscopy of sample- A Powder microscopy of sample- B Powder microscopy of sample- C “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 65 Photo plates Ash value of the samples Methanolic extract samples “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 66 Photo plates After Drying the Extracts on Water Bath Aqueous extracts of the samples “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 67 Photo plates After Drying the Extract on Water Bath T.L.C. Analysis of Bala samples “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 68 Photo plates Image at day light Methanol extract Aqueous extract Image at S-Wave Aqueous extracts Methanol extract Image at L-Wave “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 69 Photo plates Aqueous extract Methanol extract H.P.T.L.C. Analysis of Bala samples Sida Cordifolia Linn Ga Aa Ba Ca Gm Am Bm Cm Image @ 254nm after development “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 70 Photo plates Ga Aa Ba Ca Gm Am Bm Cm Image @ 366 nm after development Ga Aa Ba Ca Gm Am Bm Cm Image @ 366nm after derivatization “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 71 Photo plates Ga Aa Ba Ca Gm Am Bm Cm Image @ white R after derivatization “Study of different market samples with genuine sample of Bala (Sida cordifolia Linn) W.R.T. Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry” 72
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