T Fall 2011 HED ES A IS BL The Gateway Newsletter of The Neighborhood Club of Bala Cynwyd P.O. Box 717, Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania 19004 • www.balacynwyd.org The Oldest of the Main Line Civic Associations – 1906 John C. Grugan, President — 610.668.2536 President’s Message Neighbors, This fall, the rezoning of City Avenue will be among the most important issues the Lower Merion Board of Commissioners will consider. Whether rezoning should occur has been and continues to be a divisive issue. It also is an issue The Neighborhood Club has studied for four years, during which time we have worked with our neighbors, elected officials, and Township staff. Whether The NCBC will be supportive of the rezoning ordinance depends upon what the final draft of the ordinance provides. From our perspective, some additional work needs to be done to the draft ordinance distributed in September 2011. This draft, however, is significantly improved from the original draft and provides a number of very favorable and important elements. Even in its current form, the rezoning ordinance will require thoughtful development that, we believe, will rejuvenate City Avenue. In addition, and critically, the rezoning ordinance will prohibit development that is currently allowed but that we believe is inconsistent with preserving the residential character of our community. We will update you by e-mail once we believe the ordinance is appropriate for passage by the Board of Commissioners. In the meantime, we will continue to encourage you to get involved and, if you would like any information from us, please e-mail me at john.grugan@ comcast.net. Warmly, John Grugan Casey O’Bannon, Editor — 610.668.0734 The Neighborhood Club of Bala Cynwyd’s Annual Meeting Tuesday, November 15, 2011 7:00 p.m., refreshments • 7:30 p.m., start of business meeting Union Fire Station Montgomery Avenue and Tregaron Road (Please note change of location for this meeting) Please join us for refreshments prior to the meeting followed by Elections of Directors and Officers. After our elections we will conduct a full slate of business including presentations and discussion about current neighborhood issues. All neighbors are welcome. Candidate Slate for The Neighborhood Club Annual Elections Following are the candidate slates for The Neighborhood Club elections. Candidates were interviewed by The Neighborhood Club’s nominating committee. Per our bylaws all members (dues paid for 2011) are eligible to vote. For Officers to serve one year (terms expiring December 31, 2012) John Grugan, President Amara Briggs, Vice President Meredith Toole, Secretary Casey O’Bannon, Treasurer Bob Zimmerman, Solicitor Anne M. Greenhalgh, Past President For Director beginning new terms January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2013 Laurie Actman, Maxine Goldberg, David Haas, Frances McComb, Patricia Smith, Ellen Wertheimer Any Neighborhood Club member wishing to nominate a candidate for officer or director other than those selected by our Nominating Committee should consult The Neighborhood Club’s bylaws at www.BalaCynwyd.org for details. To be included on our email list and to receive our electronic newsletter, notify us of your interest by emailing [email protected]. 1 Commissioner’s Corner Greetings Neighbors, here’s the latest Township update — 6:30 p.m. in the Board Room of the Township Administration Building, 75 E. Lancaster Avenue, Ardmore. Extensive commentary has been provided about the proposed rezoning ordinance on these pages in prior editions of this newsletter copies of which can be found at www.balacynwyd.org. Detailed information about the ordinance is available on the Township’s Website at http://www.lowermerion.org/Index.aspx?page=860. Bala Cynwyd continues to be a beehive of activity. The longawaited Cynwyd Heritage Trail ribbon cutting is scheduled for Sunday, October 23, 2011 at 1:00 p.m. at the site of the former Barmouth train station, a/k/a the north end of Levering Mill Road. Both the Township and the Friends of the Cynwyd Heritage Trail have planned a lively series of events to celebrate the occasion, you won’t want to miss it. In case you have not seen or experienced the trail, the ribbon cutting would be an ideal opportunity to do both. Several Neighborhood Club members have been involved with the ordinance drafting process almost from its inception and would be happy to provide information on it as well. See http:// www.balacynwyd.org/Organization/Committees.html and scroll down to “City Avenue” for a list of City Avenue Committee members. Feel free to contact me as well at george@ gtmanos.com. I’d be happy to provide you with background information on the proposed ordinance and to discuss its various aspects with you. You are encouraged to attend and participate in the forthcoming workshops and public hearings on this subject. Watch for advisories about dates and times in the Main Line Times and on the township’s website. Also, you can subscribe to my listserv by browsing to http://gtmanos.com/mailman/ listinfo/bc_residents_gtmanos.com for this and other community-related information. Bids for renovation of the Bala Library should be in and under review by Township staff by the time you read this. The renovation of the Bala Library is much needed as it is the second most utilized branch in the Lower Merion Library system; its environmental systems are failing, the roof leaks, and this will be its first significant upgrade of the building since its construction in 1974. This library is unique in that it has the most extensive array of children’s programs among the libraries in the system, and the library is being expanded modestly to accommodate the demand for those programs, as well as to provide additional reading areas and areas for personal computer uses (laptops, e-books and similar devices). For those not familiar with the Lower Merion Library System, it recently joined the Montgomery County Library & Information Network Consortium (“McLINC), a county-wide collection-sharing initiative whereby residents can borrow books from libraries throughout Montgomery County that belong to the consortium and have them delivered to their local branch for pick-up. The Township’s libraries are a valuable amenity to residents and are among the most heavily used facilities in the County. They need your support and I urge you to provide it in any way that you can. Concurrently with discussions about City Avenue rezoning, this fall the Township will be discussing funding options for intersection improvements that are identified in the recently-approved City Avenue Transportation Service Area (“TSA”) during the Township’s forthcoming Capital Improvement Plan public sessions. The TSA study recommends improvement to intersections that will improve traffic flow and reduce jams at various intersections in and around City Avenue. Proposed improvements include a fairly sophisticated combination of traffic-control techniques, such as closed-loop signal timing, re-striping, some roadway widening where practical, additional turn lanes, and similar changes to roadway configuration and operation. This is a long term plan, spanning some 20 years and costing in the range of $20 million. Funding is expected to come from a number of sources: PennDOT ($6.2 million), the City of Philadelphia ($3.8 million), the Township ($5.3 million), and developer fees ($4.3 million). The Township portion can be reduced if the proposed zoning ordinance passes in its current form by virtue of an incentive clause in the ordinance that, if employed by developers, will provide revenue for roadway improvements to offset costs that otherwise would be provided by the Township. Plans for the Bala Avenue Streetscape Improvement program have been submitted to PennDOT for review and should be on the street for bidding soon if not already. This project is intended to stimulate the revitalization of the Bala Avenue corridor, and it commences with improvements in the stretch between Montgomery Avenue and Union Avenue. Included will be new, textured crosswalks at key intersections to improve pedestrian safety; new, pedestrian-scaled lighting (rather than the existing cobra-head roadway-type lighting); additional street trees; and changing traffic controls at Union Avenue from traffic signals to stop signs (another safety move). There is, of course, the Bala Cynwyd Farmer’s Market that holds forth every Thursday from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on the GSB Building parking lot at Belmont Avenue and St. Asaphs Road, through October and possibly into November, a great place to get food grown naturally on local farms. What could be better? Two new restaurants have opened on Bala Avenue: Pa & Pa Thai & Viet Cuisine, and Pescatore, this being good news for diners. We wish them the best success. Public workshops continue to be held to provide information about and to take public comment on the proposed rezoning of the City Avenue corridor, the next workshop being scheduled for October 24, 2011. All City Ave. workshops are held starting at And those are just some of the things that are going on in Bala Cynwyd! Have a happy and safe Halloween! — George T. Manos Ward 9 Commissioner 2 Bala Cynwyd: Then & Now Co-sponsored by The Neighborhood Club of Bala Cynwyd and the Lower Merion Historical Society Thursday, December 1 • 6 p.m. $20 members* / $25 non-members Bala Theatre • 157 Bala Avenue • Bala Cynwyd Illustrated lecture includes a wine-and-cheese reception For this special evening, another in the popular “Then & Now” series, you will see a wonderful variety of images illustrating the many-layered history of Bala Cynwyd. These historical images come from the voluminous archives of the Lower Merion Historical Society, which happens to be located in Bala Cynwyd. tos from City Avenue documenting the 150-acre Pencoyd tract and its mid-century “Golden Mile” heyday. A fascinating 1920s-era aerial photograph, revealing construction underway at the Bala Theatre, also shows the developing residential and commercial sections of the village. Photos of specific buildings along Bala and Montgomery Avenues reveal that many of these remain, for now, in the landscape. Jerry Francis, President of the Lower Merion Historical Society, will lead us through this visual tour of Bala Cynwyd. A lifelong resident of Bala Cynwyd, Francis is the co-author (with his daughter, Sarah) of a richly-illustrated new book, Lower Merion and Narberth, which will be available at the event — proceeds benefit the Historical Society. Mr. Francis will be joined by Bala Cynwyd resident and Conservancy Historic Preservation Director Lori Salganicoff. The Neighborhood Club of Bala Cynwyd, protector of this community’s civic interests since 1907, co-sponsors this event. Our host for the evening is the beautiful Bala Theatre and Clearview Cinema, which generously nudged their movie schedule for the evening! *Membership rate is available to all members of The Neighborhood Club of Bala Cynwyd, Lower Merion Historical Society, and/or the Lower Merion Conservancy. Members of all three groups get a free bag of popcorn! We’ll see early images from Bala Cynwyd’s industrial and railroad history, familiar historic buildings, and old pho- Register online at www.LMConservancy.org or by contacting the Lower Merion Conservancy at [email protected] or 610.645.9030 Beautification Committee Sidewalk Awards The Neighborhood Club of Bala Cynwyd Beautification Committee is delighted to award this year’s sidewalk garden award to Howard and Barbara Cohen of 34 Derwen Ave. This magnificent shade garden hosts many hostas, hakonechloa, heuchera, and carex, all under an oak tree and a katsura. The house is wrapped in swaying grasses and blooming hydrangeas. The judges were enticed to take a walk around back, where the gardens continue to astound. Please join us at our annual meeting on November 15th at 7:30 p.m. to honor the winners. Refreshments will be served beginning at 7 p.m. Interested in Becoming a Director of The Neighborhood Club? Please send a resumé or letter of interest to: The NCBC | Attn: Nominations | P.O. Box 717 | Bala Cynwyd PA 19004 3 Upcoming Meetings Lower Merion Township Commissioner Candidates Debate Please join us for one of our upcoming meetings at The Academy Building: November 15, 2011 Annual Meeting (at Union Fire Association) December 13, 2011 January 10, 2012 February 14, 2012 March 13, 2012 April 10, 2012 May 8, 2012 June 12, 2012 Wednesday, October 26, 2011 • 7:30 p.m. Academy Building Please join us for Lower Merion Township Commissioner Candidates Debate sponsored by The League of Women Voters, The Neighborhood Club of Bala Cynwyd, and the Federation of Civic Associations of Lower Merion. The following candidates who are running for Lower Merion Township Commissioner will participate in the debate: Ward 9 — Democratic Commissioner George T. Manos and Republican candidate Dr. Richard Kaufman Ward 13 — Democratic Commissioner Brian McGuire and Republican candidate Louis Barson Please note: in the event of inclement weather, The NCBC will adhere to Lower Merion School District closures. Neighbors interested in submitting a question for consideration to be asked should send it to the moderator, Mary Ellen Hagner ([email protected]). The Cynwyd Heritage Trail Fall Festival and Trail Ribbon Cutting Event Sunday October 23, 2011 • 1:00 p.m. Barmouth Station at Levering Mill Road and Belmont Avenue The Friends of the Cynwyd Heritage Trail will be hosting a Fall Festival and Ribbon Cutting ceremony to celebrate the opening of the Cynwyd Trail. Bring your family to enjoy many fun activities For more information, please check out the Cynwyd Heritage Trail web site at www.cynwydtrail.org. The Lower Merion Academy, where NCBC meetings are held. Bicycle Coalition Supports Development of the Cynwyd Heritage Trail The Cynwyd Trail’s opening on Sunday, October 23rd is the culmination of many years of hard work to repurpose an inactive rail line north of the Cynwyd Station into a 350-acre linear park and rail-to-trail comprised of public, private, and institutional lands that will offer recreational, economic, community-building and educational opportunities to Lower Merion Township and the region. This local success, led by Lower Merion Township and Friends of Cynwyd Trail, will be further enhanced by the forthcoming opening of a trail on top of the Manayunk Bridge that will connect directly with the Cynwyd Trail, thus reconnecting Lower Merion to Manayunk and the Schuylkill River Trail. the opening of the Manayunk Bridge a possibility and provide a direct connection between Lower Merion and Philadelphia. Bala Cynwyd resident and Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia Board Member Leslye Abrutyn will be holding an evening fundraiser for the Bicycle Coalition at her home, 209 Rhyle Lane, Bala Cynwyd, on Wednesday, November 9th, at 7:30 p.m.. Community members interested in trails advocacy, transportation issues, and the work of the Coalition are invited to attend. Drinks and light refreshments will be served. Coalition Executive Director Alex Doty and Campaign Director Sarah Clark Stuart will be in attendance to deliver a short presentation on regional trails. Attendees will be able to make a gift or pledge in support of the Bicycle Coalition that evening. RSVPs and questions may be directed to [email protected] or by phone 215.242.9253 x304. Ensuring that the Manayunk Bridge be reopened for bicyclists and pedestrians has been a high priority of the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia’s Complete the Schuylkill River Trail Campaign. Local residents will have an opportunity to come and learn more about the Bicycle Coalition’s advocacy to make 4 Another Successful July Fourth Celebration in Bala Cynwyd Thank you to the following neighbors and businesses who helped make the Independence Day Celebration a wonderful success: Benefactors Samuel Adenbaum The Bosin Family Amara, Jason, Gavin & Jenna Briggs Phyllis F. Kelley C. Brian McGuire Beth Samberg Gerald Skillings Al Vitiello Gold contributors Aldar & Murray’s BMW / Mini of the Main Line Bala Cynwyd School for Young Children Bala Eye Care Bala House Montessori School City Line Investors Clarke & Cohen The Fischer Family Hearing Technology Associates, LLC Hymies Merion Deli Law Offices of Jeffrey M. Lindy Main Line YMCA Manko, Gold, Katcher & Fox, LLP McGillin Architecture, Inc. The New Tavern Restaurant and Bar Sealord LLC St. Joseph’s University Town Hall Coffee Valley Press Inc. West Laurel Hill Cemetery Westminster Cemetery Silver contributors Al & Harry’s Shell Station on Montgomery Ave. The Bryn Mawr Trust Company City Avenue Special Services District EY Productions French International School The Friends of the Cynwyd Heritage Trail John H. Gilliam Agency JPM Catering and Events RE/MAX Walk The Dog Walls & Windows The Women’s Club Herbert Yentis & Company Realtors Fabulous Fourth of July in Bala Cynwyd Thank you to all our sponsors for your generous contribution to the annual Independence Day Celebration. You helped make the 4th of July a real success and community celebration! During his thirty-one years of outstanding service, Sam brought his reputation for honesty, integrity and faithfulness to every endeavor he undertook on behalf of the Association and the surrounding community. The Neighborhood Club 4th of July Committee honored West Laurel Hill Cemetery’s President and CEO Alexander L. (Pete) Hoskins as Merchant of the Year. Bruce D. Reed received a Lifetime Achievement Award. The full text for all awards can be found at www.balacynwyd. org under the 2011 4th of July Celebration section. West Laurel Hill Cemetery’s care and respect for its community extends beyond the traditional realm of its magnificent wrought iron gates. When so many businesses can do little more than focus on the bottom line the staff and management of West Laurel Hill still find time to focus on the community. Samuel W. Rennix, Jr., former President of Union Fire Association, was honored as Citizen of the Year. 5 T LIS HED ES AB Newsletter of The Neighborhood Club of Bala Cynwyd P.O. Box 717, Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania 19004 www.balacynwyd.org Presorted Std U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 50 Upper Darby, PA Thanks to the following neighbors and friends who contributed to this issue of The Gateway: Leslye Abrutyn Amara Briggs Ted Goldsborough Anne Greenhalgh Linda Labowitz Lori Salganicoff Please Visit Our Website! The NCBC website is a resource for: ✓ The monthly agenda ✓ Minutes of previous meetings ✓ Past copies of The Gateway! ✓Contact information for Board members ✓ Community Links ✓ PAYPAL — to pay dues electronically! Please visit www.balacynwyd.org. Thanks to our hard-working off-Board Committee Chairs Betsy Meyers Beautification Phillip Rodbell TreeVitalize Fred Fischer Website ✂ The Neighborhood Club of Bala Cynwyd Membership Form Your dues help to: • Alert you to neighborhood discussions of critical topics • Preserve the residential character of Bala Cynwyd • Support appropriate commercial development • Monitor zoning, traffic and safety on our streets • Provide community-building events like the 4th of July Celebration Please send your annual dues to: The NCBC P.O. Box 717, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 Household: ® Benefactor $100 ® Patron $50 ® Friend $35 Business: ® Gold $250 ® Silver $100 Name_____________________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Email Address______________________________________________
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